The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 28, 1859, Image 2

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ti&SDAY, JULY 58, 1859.
W*i>' % *’ "-4
tliiwiifelftpartlefl are unknown to ua, otir rnlofbr adver
tUingto to require payment in advance, ora guarantee from
JlMffpuMfmtiiH. It is therefore uselcsaforall inch to sand
‘*slRKSfiiemcntß offering to pay at the end of three or six
feiMnilHk' rWbore advertisements ore accompanied with-the
jSSS7’ whether ono, live or ten dollars, wo will give.the
fe£pW»tP*rthe fall benefit of cash rates.
£dwt<»lng Agents, 119 Nassau street. Now York, and
‘P.WjNMa street, Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona
‘ tlMiffrww.KKt tbu most influential and largest circulating
..iXspppaper* In the United States and the Canadas. They
authorized to contract for us at our lowest rale*.
Peace Peclared.
We presume our readers have keen
looking for other tidings thjß'otter
waters ttan those wbioh. they
-amswie ithisweek. . They al» oerteiuly
lall '«nd pre<Ec
-1 ‘What hte
ii-jwfr «t pre«jnt otfcqr thorn ihc
i! ' attained by thbd?*ench. ;
' Trtbunjs m OoihteohtJng
' ■ y(®Ej9^says ,
; iosfc,pn ai»&tice
«#asi’4» rtbe surprise of.every one, opmslu
♦ and Austria. Three
” i>hs two "Emperors had an
■respited ip a pcade, of
Y opoditions pould seem to be
> ;-4& allpresent hopes of Ital-
.rpi®ry^^id^pcy,' the King
I'.of t Sardinia; x who. succeeds to Austria’s
- 1
e hfcr, Md pon-^
, earns wla# ( »hc .will retain, an-,
. i swfodd»atio» u ’are to» enjoy,
what position thePopevnH,ds
ditiou of the {Papal-States is to be improved
- /|Stt m any
better off than shd .jras beJbre the war/
* vrhethef the pre to he. rein- ‘
. stated,jha? jang .of .Naples is ,to stand :
word, isihefullimport of
this (< aßd yhat
pari or Jpjfetfdh bayonets are
, are
Oui pfiirfomationtoaching
the t]»aty; : b> abrief fejegriuu fteiid Kapo
mudh %|&p freedom
axe justlyialaxmedforthofiunke.
\1 v-
. HeaVitStqrms.—A tremendous storm
' jOf Imiv rain passed oyer
lP^llkdelpTjiacounty on the after
noon of theSOthiust* Jp the vicinity of
ifterttsatowhy nearly all the Circes, fences
and outhouses wore blown dowhand thou
and two men who Jmd taken refuge
therein, were severely injdwd. ; -Earlier
in the a' fhrldtis'stonri: rpged on
tawissa K. jR. A train of pai? gassing
- > all theiwindowglass
broken, andhhii
stones ihto three br
iCOgers inside of the cars. The corugated
the engine ‘house of the rail*
company, at Was actual
bj the hail. It is that no
«quijd have lived if he had been
Closed to the violence of the storm;
, the Cars. —-Some time since,
bf the numerous rowdies with
is cursed, took it into
; heads to stone the Fast Line train,
that station at 10 J o’efbek,
3inl posted themselves on the towing-path
below the station. Several
stones struck the engine, bat
r' considerably. The train was im -
immediately stopped and the watchmen in
of the proceedings. The rowdies
get out of the way, but fail
the watchman succeeded in learn
ing. their names. They should receive
three years each in the Penitentiary
”f>| ffonso of Kefuge. !
finding .tlie branch Eailroad
'Wm. Wesson station, on the Pa. E. E., to
<#facnaburg, lxB3 been let to a Mr. Collins,■
< ; v ljf€ambpia county, who commenced work
time since, with a force of
rite completion, is con
iooked for, if the stockholders
obljr-ptoiNsriy asoftt their eugagetoimte.- f
ftndWfmKiA Stats Teacheeb’
AsgociAtfoii.—The nest Annul C«n
vetffion of*this : in
W&t Cheaper, Chester county, «m
day, Wednesday and Thurfeday,jthe 2d,
3d, and 4th of August. Arrangements
■have been made with the railroad compa
nies in Pennsylvania to
tickets for half’ price, good froth the 30th
of July till the 15th of August, inclusive;
4hns eßabhgg whe dagjje .*•
attend the meeting at West Chester, and
that of the National Association to be
held in Washington City oh the fbttdwlhjj
week, ample time to be present at the
Penn’a Stax* Faie.— The Pcnnsyb.,
vania AgrionlturaiBtate*s?air will be held'
at PbiladelpbiaTThn the27tl^2Bth f 29tlri
and' SOtb..
Railroad leading to PUdadelphbkub#e 4
agreed to issue eiehraipn itickets-to
sons wishing
the 25th of fst r df Qctp-’
her, inclusive. Article? iniendhdibr «x
-hibition— liy e stock >in<dnded-r-edlLhe car
ried to. and fiom ihe. Pair, over the differ
ent B: ft. free prodded the xr-
V-- -j
I•- •; ul -r-i- - * 1 • r-. ;■{ ...
T.K|! IN li.iAKWB.-~rA letter
from iHhiiQis says:-—“ The wheat harvest
has aheady commenced ißSontbern Illi
nois,' add is better thnp eter before in
prospect jfor
of ooruvip 0 Egypt” is fayior
wble. ’ Ernst iu-that region* will be abund
ant. Peaches were injured here by the
Ijitc' frosts, and the inscote will probably
destroy ;>II that remain. After tpkmg
.into.the accounts.albthe drawbacks upon
the: pest crops, Illinois -will be able to
feed all the Eastern States from her sur
plus. , |
A Religious Revival In Ireland.
The papers are fall of the details Of a
jrOligious; revival now in progress through
put the Eorth of Ireland, sipiilar in its;
..epidemic features .to the awakening so
-general-rin this country a year ago, and
yet H !i seems to be brOadly distinguished
from, it ‘ by .greater marks of mental an
.gidsh,. eouvietions ofsin, and, sometimes
ja£ fanatiedsm. In .theserespccts it.resem
blos - file greut awakening under WMtei
field, , .Wesley and Jonathan Edwards, of
The exdtcment has reach
ed .dll Sftssc? and sects, including . the
High Onprohmen, and to tome extent the
dathofietl-. Some of the Irish- newspapers
belonging to the two sects jiist referred to,
.nation fimatieism of the converts.!
• ' show what the ev&ngeHcal-element'
in 'lrcfland-thinks of tt, : wb subjoin au:ex
tract frpm the Presby(enan fllhgapine as
communicated by s»e corespondent of
“It has taken hold ofjdl denominations of
professing Cjbrlaligns.; .membei-s oftbe Roman-
Catholic community have (received the graoiqußi
viaft- ofjpercy. %veipl .caseshave Moobred;'
and ft Is dwply interesting to note,’that they :
love -t&e : Ribw* and cHng toJesuS. Members,
too, of othw «ninmninons liaTs4Mn
anj obwfiyihe member* if the;
gTCtfter numbers. The reviyaliaa turn extended i
- tbhcon^tlihis'hme MHke
and after ;a -while (hey cease, amihiiak'^th
aniapotlwr*:; Afftp the
numbers that may.^Tafgnoi^jj«^^jiirnfln- :
, enoe r
cult to speak acccjaoyt,. It maybesafely
affirmed thattheywmonSl*to woreral hundreds;
While., the S) gpod ;sone sgt tobecoafined to
those jsnp ipp decided eftses of i
its aeeompanim'ents. ’ hundreds more have been
greatly revived in the gracca.and powerfully
quiokenedin dnty. There has been- a gracious
revival of .languishing spiritual affections. : The
jWffoljß .tone of society has been solemnized and :
ln those favored districts where the
shpYer has fallen most copiously, the improve
ment in the morals and tastes of the communi
ty .'is '.most remarked, and exceedingly delight
ful. The common sports of the young men aro
.given up; there is no such tiling as cabajs for
'mischief and revelry. The punch-danceB : have
given Uray to the prayer meetings. On former
occasions, such multitudes could not b’c assem
bled in Ahoghill, for any purpose whatever,
without lamentable scenes following. There is
little or no mocking now among those who are
conversant with tho facts—who have had oppor
tunities of witnessing the deep-toned sincerity,
the marvellous change, and the holy fruits in
those, who were known before as loose, careless,
and ungodly. Tho work is proving itself ito be
from God. It is filling our churches, it is glad
ening our hearts, it is brightning the fiamo of
our zeal, it is giving a solemn intensity to our
prayer, it is strengthening our faith, it is ihulti
plying our helpers, and lifting ns above the
“ The visible and legitimate results are aa
follows: hotels are doing little or no business
m soiling spirits,—low groggerries are not pat
ronized as formerly, profanity and rioting have
almost ceased, the Sabbath is better respected;
industry has taken the place of idleness, and
cleanliness is pftoner seen band in hand with
godliness. Family worship has been instituted
where prayer was a stranger, and ’neaih scores
of thatched roofs the “ Psalms of David” are
sung with genuine fervor and devotion.”
Closed.— -Thcßank of Lawrence county, in
this place, on; Friday morning last, closed its
doors and suspended business. This last mis
fortune was caused by the failure of certain
par ties in Cleveland, who were heavily indebted
to the Bank. On Tuesday a meeting of the
stockholders was held, at which a committee
was appointed to investigate the matter and re
port what was best to be adopted under the
circumstances. This committee is to report at
an adjourned meeting of the stockholders, to be
held on Friday, the 291 h of this month. Until
this committee report, we do not know that wo
woiud be justified ip speculaUngypoa the fatnro
°* hut may say that its position
j|vFA*TH*tt Point below Quebec, July 24.
jae'eteemship North Briton, from Liverpool on
*the'}Bth Inst, bound for Quebec, baa been inter
fMpted ioff this point, and a most important
fejtot of newß obtained.
wlSpildiices by the North Briton are four
diya^lertbanthose furnished by the steamer
Africa, and are of a highly important character,
wyftttteatAnd financial point ofriew.
A treaty of peace between Austria, France
and Pftwdini* hod already been concluded. The
of this treaty ore briefly as follows—
An Italian Confederation is to he formed,
under the honorary Piesidwrty of rthej-Pope.df
-dtate AoAiwie4sflniliev r%hi'«f ndedver
eipl»inf tte - clrpum-
great neutral belligerent Powers oflbnng ptans
: toAmediation, but -were unanoeeaefurin their
F«neh fleet to
c*mnjencehosttllitieB against yenipe, wd affioh*
ilct w'as imminent, *h|n VltoA
leoß,anxiouBto wibtoodsheff, 1 ascertafced
ibftidlapQsitlon of theEteperor of Austria; And
*m** Imm*#* :.«» «*»»«-
ded. ;The tw01..-^ns»a«D«»ps-r|e^!on
'the'ius aif:^lV ( ?rh*^i
A dispatch from Turin says Napoleon bea ifi
sped a bulletin front; Vollegio, announpipg the
arihiatioe, iebbgritnlftthg ttte 1 trOops oh their
glorious achievements, and umomeing hislm
jfcediute departure for Parie, leaving the provi
siopfl coiatnattd of (he, army to Marshal VaU
jant. \, ‘
The , [London Times. claims that England
Other authorities give the credit to Prussia.
, A yerona tolegram ways the armistice was
concluded onlj after repeated requests from the
ErencH, and after Austria had obtained all she
had asked for.' - ■ ■- ■
I It wasreperted; that Kossuth was to propose
a monarchic! government for Hungary.
1 The fallowing is the explanation, given by
the Paris Monitepr, of .the. circumstances at
tending the armistice between France and Aus
.V- T
i. .
■ The great neutral Powers exchanged com
munications, with the object of offering their
meditation to the belligerents, whose first act
iTtM9;(odbe an. axuristicec; but-the endeavor to
bring about this result yros not successful until
some days ago, when the French fleet was about
to begin hostilities against Venice, and a new
Conflict before Verona was imminent- The
Emperor of France, faithful to Ms sentiments
of moderation, and anxious to prevent the use
less effusion of blood, did not hesitate to assure
himself whether the disposition of . the Emperor
of Austria was conformable t« his, own. It was
a sacred dot; for the two Emperors immediate
ly to suspend hostilities, which mediation could
Tender objectless. The Emperor ■of Austria
having shown similar intentions, the armistice
; At tbe interview between kbe two Emperors
at Villa Franca,, the JSinperor of Austria-was ac
companied by Gens. Hess; Gramme, Kellner,
Kollonstein, Roming, Schlitter, and others of
his staff. . ‘
, -The Emperpr Napoleon has issued the follow
ing order ,pf the day: . >
Vai,i.kgio, July 10, 1869.
’ “ Soldiers:. An armistice jrap concluded, on
ihc Bth insr.; between the parties to
extend to the Isth of August. This truce will
(permit you to rest after your-glorious labors,
.and-to recover, # necessary,' new strength. to
.conclude/he worjk yv u have so-glorious
ly ‘iriauguratod by your cCurage and resolution.
I am.‘about to return to Paris, and shall -leave
the proristonal command of the army h) Mar
shall Volliant But os soon os the hour of com
b»»Will hftve beten struck ynu -will see me again
in your midst, to partake of your dangers.
r:;:; ; ,r.napolegn.”
Tjje yienßa .Gazette says armistice that
•An autograph letter eddressed by the Emperor
’•Napbleon to the Eiuperorr of Austria led to the
negotiations, the result of which was a five
. . .CountCarimr hM icft Turin for the
.he the aJlied ttf iaies.
v, TndffQAhoatS designed s for ine bombardment
jotP&aierahiwe'beah liuHrthed ontheLake
•de Horde. -v'-: ‘
.. Tfes .fined Psori* po*mpojldent says the ty-
Mk'WPmn m m*,
' ■ It ireTdhitiqtii
izio£ Hungary
byi Eussjaa*. 5 /-j A- ■■/.,-h;
1 . . . PEACE. .;
■•f to followingjs n copy otthatelegnuntonn
Jhaptgss Eugenie, VanpAitlncipg
that peace hid been excluded upon. ~ f , {( >
“ Vallboio, duty 11.—A treaty of peacehas
boon Binned between {he Emperor or Austria,
and thyself, on the following basis: jlmltaMan
Confederacy id to be under the hoborrory Presi
dency of the Pope. The Emperor of Austria
concedes his right in Lombardy to theEraperor
of tho French, who transfers them to the King
of Sardinia. The Emperor of Austria preserves
Venice, but she will form an integral part of
the Italian Confederation. NAPOLEON 1 .”
The dispatch of the Emperor announcing the
conclusion of peace, was bulletined in Paris on
tho 12th, when the French funds' immediately
rose two and a half per cent,'
Aw Austrian Detachment Takes Petsoneeb
bt a Eailwat Engineer. —Among the many
lighter passages of the war with which the
Parisians amuse themselves, we find In the
sport tho story of the capture of a detach
ment of Austrians who were taken prisoners by
the engineer of the railway. It appears that
the Austrians were en route for Peschlerra to
reinforce Gen/ Urban, when tho engineer, whose
sympathies were naturally on the Itnllinu side,
“ switched off,” and conveyed the Tutonio he
roes into the middle of tho allied camp. Here
they were politely escorted from tho railway
carriages by the French soldiers, who, with that
amiable politeness for which the nation is dis
tinguished, saluted their enemies with " All
those who are going to Franco willplease change
cars!” The feelings of the Austrians, at find
ing themselves taken prisoners in so ignoble a
manner, may be imagined but not described.
Tue Quickest Foot Race on Record. —Two
remarkable foot' races, remarks the Troy Times
of the 24th, came off oh the Empire Trotting
Course yesterday v Two Indians, named Smith
had Bennett, matched themselves to run one
hundred miles within thirteen hours! During
the morning the atmosphere was very sultry,
and the Mercury, at 10 o’clock, stood 90 degrees
in the shade. . Nevertheless, both men started
in the race, and ran to the twenty-eighth mile,
when Bennett gave out, leaving his rival to ac
, complish the feat alone. The first fifty miles
were run by Smith in seven hours and twenty
four seconds. He continued the race to the
sixty-first mile, when his feet became so swol
len that ho was almost unable to walk, and he
gave up the race. The time occupied by Smith
H AiUp pm nfW:het4rs, t»<*tlif
fc the in# Jill: tfie Chicago (I» )
in rdatioQ to apecdlation in wheat, written
previous to the arrival of the news of the a
mistice between Franco and Austria At n
period in the history of the grain trade of our
city has the wheat market undergone such sud
den fluctuations ns have occurred during the
past eight or -ten weeks; and in no previous
year has there, been as much money lost on the
same amonnt of wheat. On the 12th of April
last standard spring wheat sold at 90 cents in
store- Shortly after this date . the European
war broke out, and breadstuff's all over the
world advanced, so that on the lit oTMay tha
above grade sold at slal.o5 —daily advancing
till the 16th* when it reached $1.30. Since
that date its coarse has been steadily and alann
ingly downward. On the Ist of June it was
i «1.I5; on the l«t of ***?:
day it closed ddll at 56 cents—a decline of 74
; its downward ootrsein the folio table:
May I&m—Sl&flia ftJianj *2ft5ff~...94a960.
|Jjtw(ie J27^.~..92a98c.
May Sd_ f jaly 2—.....89a910.
June 6mhnm 1.00a1.1l July ■ 9..„..M«66ii89c. r
At Milwaukee thwdecline has been equally
great; tW%ei®flifof May last, Np- l f §pt‘hg
$l4B, while on Safmdajjr last it_
sold at 70 cents. This altogether outstrips the' -
decline of 1857, which has hitherto beenquoted
as “ the sadden decline," in that year standard,
spring wheat-rose 1 on theJsd df Jniy tcrtJl.SOf.'
1 o, b., and fell loSOo.inatore’ on the '24 of No
vember following—a heavier but a more-gradual
; fall. ■
A correspondent pf. ibe JforftH fftrald baa
token the pains to hpmpilp the fpMowwg table,
showing the compayaHTptoswisof life sustained
in the battles of the revolution. He says he
may have made a few trifling errors, bht that
the statistics are mainly correct. The table
should be preserved for future reference; ,
Brit. Amor.
Lexington, April IQ, 1775, 278 85
Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, 1860 408
Flrrtoush, Aug. 12, 1776, 400 200
White Plains, Aug. 25, 1776, 600 400
Trenton, Deo. 25, 1776, 1000 50
Princeton, Jan. 5/1777, 400 , 990
Hubbardstown, Ang. 17 & 18, 800 800
Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777, 800 100,
Brandywine, Sept. 17, 1777, f>oo 1100-
Stillwater,: Sept. 17, 1777, 600 350
Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777, 600 1200
Saratoga, Oct. 17, 1777, (sur) 5272
Red Hook, Oct. 22, 1777, 500 82
Monmouth, June 26, 1778, 480 180
Rhode Island, Aug, 1778, 270 211
Drier Creek, March 10, 1,779, 18 400
Stony Point, July 16, 1779, COO 100
Camden, Aug. 16, 1779, 385 010
King’s Mountain, pet. 1, 1779, 910 96
CoWpcns, Jan. 19, 17.80, 800 72
Guildford Court House. 1780, 532 400
Ilubkirk Hills, April 25, 1780, 400 400
Eutaw Springs, Sept. 8, 1780, 1000 550
Yorktown, Got; 17, 1780, (sur) 7072 1200
Editorial Duels in .\ew Orleans*
Gentlemen who wield the editorial pen in New
Orleans must also accustom themselves to the
use of the pistol. At least, many' of them have
been called upon to exhibit their expertness
with the latter weapon as well as the'former.—
The editors of- the (Jracent hare frequently been;
called to the field of honor. In ISSI pr's2 Air.
Frost, editor of that paper, was shot .through
the body and foil dead in a duel yf jth f)r Hunt,
a distinguished physician of New Orleans. —
Mr. Maddox* the proprietor of the Orescent at
the time of Frost’s death, bad killed Ids man in
a duel. The successor of Mr.iVostin the edi
torship of the Crescent was a young man named;
Carroll, who in a short riroh was eaUetl-upon to
fight two duels, soon after which he aled peace
fully in bis bed. Mr. Nixon, it subsequent ed
itor, fought a gentleman and wounddd him ifa
the leg, laming him for Afler this, Mr.
Gibbons, local editor of the <?re»c«jit,lbaght two.
duels, in one of which bewas severely wounded
Lumsdon, of the I'icayunt, at one tirotshot off
a brother editor’s thumb; Judge Alexander
Walker, of tho Delta, and Hugh Kennedy, of the
True Delta, fought and i both escaped Alive.—'
Maginnis, of the 7V»e Delfo, ifought with Car
roll, of the Crescent; and Breckeqridge, of the
Courier , was,; a year Or two agOi very. Severely
wounded in the in n dud. .The effect of all
this has been to exclndafroiathe press of New
Orleans much of the vulgar personality and
s blackguardism ■ which uhfortohateiybliflKicterito
journalism in some other parts qf.the country.
A malignant Scribbler Wat morp
circumspect when be is awsrd'&hHtt mi proh
ahiHfy, - the future soundness of bis body dei*
language., *■£*-■■■ iV , T
* Hifir '■oflieir day k
young lady, near Zanesville, fellsix inches froth
a man dWj^irtlfeV«af#lfo>y t and light
ing upon an >wnipg; "eljjtaped with a id
yurytoWahOalder. In Buffalo; * hay made
,«p in>piu«t«fry decent Cron) a secondstcaywla
bullyrtf saved frppi thj? |e*st hurt, by
crinoline, on the parachute principle. Thus for
the Pittsburgh Gakettt, to which >e may add
that Baldwin, the N«r York forger, jumpcdffom
the cars while thetrairi was going forty milas
an hour, and escaped, while a plaincountryman,
“ U P Pennsylvania,” not long since choked
to death on a bit of meat he waS catiug at din
ner, The lightning vfill strike one man dead
and leave another unhurt. In a rajlroad acci
dent, one man will bo killed lying down on one
seat, while his wife, in the next, .won’t even
spoil her bonnet. Ip the river pr at sea-bathing
place, a pian who can Swiss will hpmelimt*
drown, while a woman whocahnbtsjnm escapes
With life ! Vety queer, indeed—but there’s u
main spring, after all. '
Father with Tuber Dozen CHthpRER.—At
Markheideufelt, a village situated on the riter
Mail), in Bavaria, there lives a jnaa sixty-eight
years of age, named Johannes Schlottcpbcck.
He is a master chimney-sweep,'a vocation more
honorable in Germany than in this country, and
for half a century has given personal attention
to bis business. He is now living witbhisthird
wife, and'on the 16th of June last his thirty
sixth child was christened in the parish church.
By his first consort he had eighteen
of whom half ore girls, and one half boys. A
few families so prolific would supply a nation
with all the soldiery required for its defento,
and. laborers to perform its necessary agricul
ture and manufacturing. There is a vitality
left in thp old Teutonic stock yet, enabling it to
sprout so abundantly. The French, and even
the Irish, cannot come up with it.
Dbab Sport. —The Western Reserve Chronicle,
at Warren, Ohio, states that, on the Fourth of
• people of that town purchased an old
mill, which had-long been an eyesore, pn the
opposite side of the river, and set fire tb it in
order to celebrate the day by giving the fire
companies an opportunity to try their efficiency
10 extinguishing it ; hut. just as fairly
at it, the wind blew the burning shingles over oh
the town, setting fire to the Methodist Church,
as well as six or. seven other buildings, at the
tto utmost of ikhp
y :-M'- w ' : v ' '•■■■
by eliding and carvery, on a pi®®®®* Buna y,
when not too hot or cold, to wet or dry* a goyi ly*
dressed multitude listen sleepily, first to sou
music behind them, snd then to the musical
■voice before them; and when the hour and a
half is spent, the rustling silks move out to tho
sound of the organ, had the pulpit remains a
cold, unmeaning piece of mummery. Outside,
tho multitude rush by, unheeding and unheed
ed. There is no pulpit for them. \_ico and
misery, in ten thousand forms, are noting, anti
Stiffing, and destroying: cruelty and oppression
are rampant amidst our churches, and the
groans of the victims ; mingle with the church
bells. Docs tho pulpit reach the masses ? That
is something for us to answer as Christians.—
f%r if it does not, the masses will reach, and
overturn the pulpit.” ■
Fikal Decision <xt t k 6a*AT Bcur.
Seven years ago Mrs. Shaw, of Bostoa, com
tDCßced asuit against; the Boston and Worces
ter Railroad Company for killing her husband.
Three trials have been bad and throe verdicts
‘ slB,ooo and $22,000
caoh progreiwing in amount to correspond with
thh acorued interest and expenses. Few cases,
anywhere, have ever been contested more ob*.
iitfoately, and the finest legal talent in the
State was employed on both sides. Last week
dtbe Supreme Court denied the motion for a new
-trial, applied for by the defendants, and the
Railroad Company will now have to pay about
costs included. They were tho losers
'by setting aside the first verdict! Obstinacy
does not always pay, and the price of husbands
in Massachusetts is tolerably-high.
A. Family Saved bi a Cat. —One flight Inst
week, a fire-broke out in the basement of that
boose of Mr. Allen, at Hamilton, 0. W. The
family had retired to rest and were soohd asleep.
Aboot midnight, a Cat whiohbel,qngO<l to the
Loose, ran into the rbom, and waaso frightened
at the flames below stairs that it jumped about
tkemom, and in the course of its, cros
sed Mr. 'Allen’s face, thus awakening him- As
soon as be awoke hejobserved the room fdW of
smoke, and aroused i his wife and children, —
Finding it Impossible to go down stairs, or even
leave the. bedroom Without danger of suffoca
tion, ,w?ie obliged to jump pntf ojMhe win- -
dowj, ‘ MTh/ArWas 'ko setetely -injured by the
fall that her recovery js doubtful.. , M r j-.AD en
,niid ? &tft|>WXwithinU;hh«oh ’ftijurj.
The house,wafenHrely(|estrojed,
OQ&' \
Killed by tuk Wednesday., night,
week, about eleven o’clock, the fast lino coming
west on the Pennsylvania* Railroad, when pas
sing one of the mountain stations, ran over and
killed a drover, who wit? on the train going
cast. The name of the deceased was Hender
son ; be wh§, on his way cost from his home in
Indiana with a droyc. ; It is supposed that he
was caught in the darkness <bet«feeii the two
trains, and not being able to make - his escape,
was knocked down hy .the advancing train. ■
A Lake'or Btnpn.^Bri-Wok' estimatesthe
number of those who have perished directly or
indirectly by warfat 14,OUO,OOO;0Otf Elib.u
Burritt, the learncji blacksmith, Ima taken the
estimates of Dr. Dick, and estimating the aver
age quantity of blppd .in a:cuiniuoniiut^dperson,
sjtates that the blood in the. veins of those four
teen thousand millions, would ffl a circular
lake of more tharf feveuteen miles iii circumjer
eneb, anti ten feet deep; iiWwhiclr allthe ujavics
of tbe world mightfioat. ' • ■' \
A Great-'Fall:: or Rooks.— At Rqnddnt, N.
op the I8!th hist., a ferritic crash was heard
th| IpwjßEgart IheSlHagb, tSDni-
a uorth-ejist. direction, and resembling
ibffndbr. It appears that seveimWhquaaud tuna
of huge rqcSs.
who was playing In this gmdenVrpn tfi her res
cue. A huge rocJ| r&shettbbl wccnUicm, rolling
the child biter by the cbncusaidn of the passing
atone but.dqing nq other harm.
“ r4ss».”n->\ iTOuplft of females at Cny uga,
Canada Jterf,|t info foft format to cat a tile
rial for hoops, ifeing resolved io hiep up thd
prevailing fofchfori| They selected Hie stem pf
the “ poison ivy.f'jand afterwcaririßthe hoops
Avfow _dayp, as to
require medical treatment. Wo have supposed
hoops;mighthe a ; “pizen" to the men, but. this
|s the first Hme Ore have heard of jiheir produ
cing an pffeci on females.
l • */, • „• • *■*. --■. W. - • 1 J i
is iamef iwlhal
fortune J - Nicholas • Longworth, the “ Cwcsas”
™9 De t $5,000,060 to
~^ , Wr , 4 W'n^ie?'^ ltl g the other day on the
steps of a house; with his hat between his
knees, wadring for a fricnil, was the recipient
of twenty-five cents from a passing gcntlciueu,
who mlstook. Juni for a beggear. ■
. Hottest Ykt-H-A cotemporary says: “ This
is really hot weather. A lady started to town
the other day With a basket of eggs and a pan
of batter. When she arrived in town, her bas
ket was full Of hHlfgrbwn, chickens, ajid there
was nothing ip heir ponbut a little sour milk, a
of red hair, and a quantity of rock salt.”
Pay* for a foil coarwi In the Iron City College, tho largest,
m “t extensively W*onizcd and best organized Commcr
ffoi Catted States. r '
BWfitfctfanfc attending daily, Hatch 1859.
! fo?» complete a lull course; 'from oto 10 weeks.
Sfotot, npop'graduating, is guaranteed to be com
petent to manage the Books of any Business and qualified
to earn a salary of from
ssoo to $l,OOO.
Stndcute enter at'any time—Ko Vocation—Eovicw at
51 Premiums for Best Peniuaxwhip
awarded in 1858.
Ministers Sons Received at half price.
For Ciivplar apd Specimens of Writing, oacloM two letter
stamps, and address ' y. W. ; J|£Nl£ll(S.
: Sept. 80,185S—ly ' V Pittsburgh, Fa.
J. D. Uzr. B. H. Osiax.
£JL NA, BLAIR Co; Ra., ' 7 ■ •
Will practice law dD tl.o several Courts of Blair, Cambria,
Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centro and adjofninfe conn tied
Also in th o District Count of'the United States
ftosale-of Real Estiue, Bo not}’ Laud Warrants, and all
business pertaining to conveyancing ami the law.
lion. Wilson McCandles ami Andrew Burke. Esq.. Pitts
burgir; lion. Samuel A. Gilmore, Brea. Judge of Pavcttc
Judicial District; Hon. Chenard Clemens, ofWhoeliuit'Ta ■
Hob. .Tames Burnside, Bellelbuto; Hon. John W Kiflintror
jXJL. e'-'TJber would Respectfully inform the aMK.
New Tork Mger, : ’ J ' w, ' ) 'n:
j\>!o TVrA Afrmtrtfc
i\w r«r» »«S«y,
iVmgw* (V'atxib.
Tkt Aew Pork Clipper, ,}
, JA(«oMtAUR Auette,
Cnited SWen JWice Garertc,
jFVfcX, Irish Jhutrvaa
JHQWtfVVnnnt AlllKff
Sl>iritmi Telegri’ph, jgT»
/terfgd o/
.dUaona Tribunt, "*
DAILIES: **&». '
PkOml’lphia Preu, New York HeraU
PuHic Ledger. New jSL,
Pittsburgh True Press, Sea lorfc
JVarfA .Imcrintn, PStttbunk <•i
Evening Bulletin, Evening Argue, PennnlZZ'’*' c, '<
To which willbcadded the ucw publlcatWttAT'
Magazines, Novels ami Romances, Mijcelbwl l !.*?>**'
School Books, Copy Books, Slates, Bens,
- Cap and Utter Paper, Envelopes,
Thane Vajier, Blank Books and la #Jl2L!**
thing in the Stationary line. Tots, w '
tiout and Games of every variety Pt
tores and Picture KratneanV
Ot. A choice tot
etv. Al*o,TOB ACCG and SUGARS of thsW*,!T3!
N. 8.-—We are sole Wholesale uud Retail
county, for BOHN’B CELEBRATED BALVK, hai. 11 ' -1
Hivety cure kll sores to which It is applied. TW a
' 7 ' tf -- 1 11 i'mixQji
MABOX & DlieX’S lift.
, O. B. TQ\VN & CO..
So. 93 Baltimore Strwt,
§•»£' LlJfS* lime*".
amt Bat library Papert of Ikt&j/ ■ "’
f S
1 Copy, owt kw. \ ,
1 Ooj>y, tUtowyoww, ;
3 copies, one year,
6 !*> i )■ ■■. - tMMnilCjt.
10 “ ftml »jiopj U» g«ttj!j| tt|) of
Evtnj. wUl bt e»liiitd to *
frdm 26 Genii to $200!
Wliir’,l wUUHi sent te tn»n orvxprn* UpwdiaW» w>
of oiiiiieT. ’
Liaif QF GIFT*:
10 Vrawi Furies,
20 Oultllluatiug limwl Mutclu>»,
SO.Ould M'oiclivi,
00 Mclodeons.
100. Gold VFi»tcli' •«,
200 " “
300 u ■ •
iooo »t;. * .
2000: Silver Watch,*, ■
a«o ■ * '
2000 Gold Gnardcad Vest Chaim*.
3000 * - V. , : jj .
Omil. llocnvt, Emo(ahMfe»e«- JJoaase, tm, hui
GoldStoll* OWilljOCfclffcvGyJl VrDS I»tQpl;0(il.
Coral. Garnet, Cameo iiudMtwaießracrlpU; JWs*fc»
Buttons., lf»b-?lMcs, liiwun* Stmb, Blltet Fixb, Jirb
KoiTcs. luir Dri>{n, Pius, Ac, AeVr-avrtb from 3 Uu •*
v-;v '- :
*3t. The Gift will be. sent ini media tel; on receipt (fit,
! Jublislicrs of a Dixun's Use,"
1 No. Oil Baltimore Street, Ualttaiitr, )H
[’ Juuu W, ISjO.-T<Sra ;
ri Vh E U N I) EE SION E D WOtli'
rosiicc tfally ittbnn Ui «Hrw,
tmuOM mid pnWfc p*n.”.f
ttmt lic lum.: Ji
Atto '
iriileb k&M m* frffiriK W ■>.
and is prepared » K«le Urn ij *
the latent style nestilunUms
ner. na none l> flie b«t satM
aria employed, ai sUworknaksS
I»e Warranted irfve Mima*
lie basalmi ogi til'ek uI S»'
- : rußiasHiNu ooow.
sissli ns Shirts, (Mum, Vuo
SIURTS, Uraavrs. Pocket HnndkiTvhleb.h'i'ekTlaSa'U
Suspendorvlloaiiry. *c- lc4 «1» « Isrgs
PBAHY-kUDK CLOT HI NU. ail of arlticli k»N«f&
lo eell as cheap as they can bo boujtht tfcb odsoJJt*
delpbbv The pablk tiro respectfully
examine my stock, as T shaft take pb**uro iswmj
them.'l)oors,-optu at all times- Cram 6 A. IhubHM
Admittance free.
May o? mg-tr . •
Exchange hotel.-thk sm
SORT REU would neipretOHlyln- '
form the public that lie has recently re
fitted the above. Uotel, and is now ptr- St-fiAslfi
pared to accommodate hi* friend- :mde|||6p|suE
patron* in a comfortable manner, and he
will spare no pnins In making it an aßtwMi' hoae
sojourners. JUs Table will always ’.if l bixurluauy *rrr*
worn the markets of the eomilry and mel hi-
filled with liquors or choice It uid*. Ill' rhorrr "J
reasonable ns those ofauv other Hotel in the I'lacr,^im
feelff wilistieil they can not hecompLiinedot l>y tbi*»‘
ftiTnr hlth with their custom. H.vp-fllnit u> roi'it'• t
hf public 'patronage, and fully intending ladwio'■
throws open his house to the public end invite* site-
I have Just received a stick if he. 1 i'reLi'“ B ■
for medicinal purposes. ...
Also a large stick of excellent Wines. .
JtOSeaV together with a lot of the best old'Rjc '
be found In tbo country
Altoona, 'May 27. 1839.-1 v] '
1 from rhiladeiphln by B_ailroml in tin Stjfc •*
Joracy. Soil among the best lew Apicultonl
being Rood loam Boil, with V clay bottom. W
large tract, divided Into email C«rnn. end ",
all parts of the conntrr ave how settling s" 1 ! ‘ ,cll ji'
The crops prodneod-aire largo and on !»• 61-n prJ ?
The climate U delightful and sccniv from
from $l5 to $2O per acre; payable within Run I**-
stalments. To visit the place—leave Vine Strat •;
at Philadelphia at A. At. by Railroad fer
or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter, Ilnannontna "•** .
Atlantic County, New Jersey. See full ad veil-* 51
another column. ■. ' -
' XT TUt
Peggies’ Cheap Boot & Shoe Store,'
of the bahiacc of the Mock of Spring and Soanatr
Hoots, Shoes and
now on hand. Wo will mark down onr entire tf** *“
.. „ . vcjry stuaTi per cen{. over cert.
Oar Stockw large, an cl wo arc Wad to clMf a &
the first of October/therefore
Give us a call and.
Remember the place, tho PSOPLES 1
STORE, two doors below the SupcrinteWw »“*■,!,
July U, 1559.
PERSONS wishing to change Ug
business to a rapidly incrcaseing
Settlement where hundreds are going. ”“‘*s, «,*» .t
is mild and delightful. See advertisement oi‘“
ton Settlement, in another column. • •*
Fresh fish & tegetablbsj
The subscriber will receire daily danng £
by Express, direct from Philadelphia at a Jri -
kind* of VEGETABLES, such as
Sal!ad, Onions, Rhubarb, Radishes, C vc .
Strawberries, <j c. Alto, Fresh La* {
all of which may bo had at bis stand on Usta 11
door above Po. It. It. Co. Warehouse, 01*^
Altoona June 2, }?#P.-3in
They are the Beet Calicoes yi't offersJ : te the ?® bW
" money. .
Whpusals Aumjj- . c 0„
- lB«Mm . ** -
rvwlrcd 'i uei
(ortiant of
71I0MJJ KL»il
JOHN DoffJfri:
«£ 1
•a#* 1.
;/*,»;'. " v ' ,
■»wni ß
* lustt**
T. C*l'
ii ihou
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for tbo
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all kin
out in
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road rc
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