The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 21, 1859, Image 3

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fUrmt, a -mm; ii
ky cUmait 25 mtkt IISSSIS**, \
en ami '
Bf several
ii.Hl into Farms pf VvlJSf*. 9 ' 1
.pulatiun of •omo^/ e Jr-S u *
of lb. Mid*.
cropi. The price of
Lu df-Htructive en^w^lt£lv r ‘
u:jd fruii ;tro umv
I! .‘r i tU * , ylace
pioducti tvness of Um uS*
H- the :rapid
lor art
i the post y«r, some WrecJW '
*"d, two mills, oaa*^^";
;UKI ‘‘‘•'Ml* orchardTpUnu*
tb.r improvements,
if im«in.-&h .Thalia
»iv from its location. U«,„
t!*o price tban in
than double the price
the earliest and best fr uit? “S
•owe from New Jersey mi‘ M
tent of millions,
ttkr hx-j many advantacea; »
00l the (treat cities of jjl w p,™
w c *‘ r his old frli-nd* indS?
rmtf. y where rresj, ’
1u ut ham!. 11. can W
•*!?■« price, and sell hU
'V«‘ this la revcrgri;TbL
<i:ytef jm-icr, and win enloT M
f.d c nimt-. where ftrterlirj*?
it of the change upon thosefrSL
• wn t 0 n s " r '- Hjt-m to an e **®
and improving, lumber can be i
f / a, ° i'-'-.PT, thousand ;
.d opened in the place, every or" ■
1 ’ P !,, f e - P'fxl earpentcraare gt f
re in the Union where buildnc*
made cheaper. ;*•
e be id hick with the advonUeea
iiruilf why the pro|terly hainit
e reason is. it was never thrown j
M* th. s,. , t tem-uts were Corrcci
to e’U'.ninie the land before pm.
■ :!c “ t!l <io - Jh'-y will nee land
; ' e a-stent of the ... ttlemcht that
. persons. from their own nclrh
toe improvement* andean
p, .Illation. If they come .with
prepared to Stay a'd„
purchagc, as locutions cannot be
a.m to I’!iil.vil;lphla. and to *ll
!' ailrimil Comjinny gives alV el
id a half-price Ticket far three
’ ‘vricnltunil setdemeht,' a new
lly arisen, -which pn. entt in
imtu-tfs. partiqjlutiy tiara and
iihiness c. uld be carried on in
, advantage, also cottdn bn»i
of ugncuUaral impUmenlt or
;*1 articles. Tho Impiuvvmeet
; ; ra a constant and permantut
- 11 lots of a good size, ore do net
•i • ITict tin.- improvement <if diii
,tOO an«l upward*.
r. a mutitlily literary and (irri
■'ll iaCinaatloa of Itiuumduton,
.► r annum. . ' .
-ntw tiawln givsubcleor of all
‘ if paid. Route to the land!
ailud.-lphia fir Hnuutifiotb'i by
’ P M. Fura 90 c-ntc, Whia
I S. Boarding convenience* on
■t.pVUh Mr. |J) rn«s.aprJnci
>l as to (lUrchaainK. /is he will
■n his cart Inga, fret 1 of ixurbsi-.
an ho hiUresscd to Landis i
’• Allan tic Co, New Jerisv. or
• Fifth •Stn-ct. PhlhideMla.—
t. fully fornisbed.
™ars mi
.. I'IXOs :, S LIXIJ
nrvr. mastar’ . I
WN & GO.,
It.mere Street, BaUimyre, Md.
' i’X£" it one rf tht targui
v 7’ji jars <>f. Vie dap} ,
*24Jt\fSdi Gift
6,uj and ti o>'.;s.
s%r: twntioms..
r up of Ciul>, 16,' OjUsdWtiiU*
k 1 “ ■ 3U.W) -
i c’rntiilfd to a ,Ooi-Wirth
V lo •Ti'JllO !
I; nr rxpresir iqiTnidiatrfy on rc
>- ViS “
100 "•
’.V atchee,
~ -
.. & -
- *:*:-*
. . *6 . “
so “
•• , ~. 15 -
‘Cawe» l ifrfile,fw, ’itet-wri
fc-u Ooid Ov'A
M <M*ic Sr*cul«»:'-Hh»S*> 81<* vt ’
•«i Stutft, TW<<"
1 , ic^w6rthf«Mf^;C«itsw
it immediate!/ on rtceijit of the
d<!roM ' : " V s ‘ I
r..: T3WV * CO-,,: . 1
■ v. ivm i IHx»n*« t}ne,r |
In.-ire StrCL-t, Baltf«llotd, 3ld. I
• folly. In
;» roc'.utly re
) •- now’jir#-"
■ Iririu!- mid,
. mr.ur. and lu**.
an al calde home > ur *‘
. ii-.vayr !>:■ luxnrioudy "dl'l 1 ",
-..uatrv and citi-a Jin-Hil" IW
; brands.. Ui‘> charge* W<f «
I’ut.d in
ironij.l lirnst of by tW
;r.. Kilß-Cliiiß to ri'.cfv" « *•.
r in'-, inline to dwt’nc It,
. labile and invite* * tn»b
cic .f Nu. 1 French Brand}.
’.Vinca, for
;!ie best: old By«* W bH' l }
t i; a ;i.v.J in the <£*;*
f.,r Att-eiiltuna
i a c'-tv -•
m .15 f«W «nd liOlrfW**^
. m» WitlltUK mid
f,.e and caa bo been
».vi M-Uf-' ft-om frostr. V
, la.u- y^ralO^rf
*; t'v —L* aw Tint* fctlW* . n
-My Ibttrunl fo t r^®^ce.
■: . liar, llammonton I™*. ia
,-y. bee full ttdrertfcemen 1 > a .
i-c-i-rr dully duriwt^JJ^Sl
l.liiidolphla and
,rC R’xUtht*' Cut**!*”'
Also. Freth lakfJm*.
t *.i« on Main
’•; r " huu,? ' MATHIA*^ 0 '
T A PR^iP 1
r to the PabUe *f tb *
in ru-y. ‘ ,
5..11; AOEXTS. „ t '
i v .'IAUUVK'SWjjJ;
I r.,ui Fr-nt Slntt*. if.
;nji constantly °?,
d to execute <> foph
r..i wnrkmantilt* , .
tug to
4 thrW)«
i cfthe
Aitooha Gab ;A»d Water CqMpant—That
B re to bare gkßßiid'Wafer In Altoona l« now
fact. Tho earn of $25 000 has been
6 bjcribed. and a Supcrintoßaenf, Mr. Frances.
‘J flreenibarg. appointed to construct the
° v which will bo commehced in a few days.
- W0 f lots in blbck.AAA, *t tire head of An-
in Nor* W«rd, has bken- purchased
company, on whlok to souktUct the basin
Tbe vacant lot of ground btVSj McCotroick'o
, ore between Virginia street and the Sail
bos been secured asthecUe for<tt»e gas’
works. Although tho amount Of JsapUal stock
Jlready secured is very ttiioaot
safficientlto. complete the works io Ibe mwmcr
desire a, It now rcmfihw with oiir dtlieite, a
nomber of whom are abundantly «We, btitwhowe
!et hare failed
Jo gay whether the wholbor io
be benefitted by these improvoinentß, It is iee.
timAted, aid from what we <»» l«U»..tbe Mli
mate is a liberal ono. that wilL build
lUe works and lay down pipes-throngh all the
Blreeta of the town, and aft who
wish to obtain pure water light—
Certainly there are fifteen
are able to take the remainder of tbe atooit ne
cessary to accompliAb oo desirable an odd The
Mock will be taken. but, we‘Woiald'‘rather that
it sheald be held by citiienjt
are directly in tereoted in the^Snk-of
tiie works, as well for their owa benefit domes
tically as pecuuiUvly.
It is expected that
tji within four mouths from this date.
persons a culpably careless practice, |n hitching
Larses to young shade trees, or the Boxes around
them, which some of our
citizens bare placed nlbdgtlre sidewalks. . These,
acts of carelessness, or ere may say outrages,
are generally committed by perfloos frmn tUe
country who come to town with marketing.or
to m ike purchases, iWho, to sare a little trouble
in looking for a hitching post, faatenitlieir hitch-''
mg strop to a tree and allow thdh| boasts to
timid for hours.; At'this season, horses soon
become restless and hungry, and consequently
chew the trees, destroy the boxes,.or iujurc the
i ivement In some cases It miiy be qtuibjltcd
to ihmgiitlessnpss on the part of the persons so
hit 'im j their horses, and if so, it argues that
i!o v have little cnyo os to the appearances of
their residences, no attention to im
provements, else they would übietbua despoil
t--s«ia<* made .by others. Farmers would com
j iiiiu bitterly if any of our citizens should visit
.heir firms and tramp, dojm their ,growing
r: i«. or injure their treqs ; but think noth
of iio.-poiling trees planted along the streets
:: w, U-. Our attention has been called to this
Lv >,b-*«rviug a number of trees around the
" I. pin House” equate peeled by hor
<'s Hint thiy must die, and also seeing a horse,
»l-sr days since, breaking dpwn
thereby ityuriag the treo ( iVery jpuctf. |l(e Ihink
there should he a Borough Ordinance to prevent
si h il. s’ruction, if there be. not one .already
... ' •**' 'i*
up .a thi Ordinance Boot.' ‘ . ~ ’ 1 '
VaIcABLE 4, 4 R. ij»iiiov^s*EKT.^*^e in
a number of papers, the following notice of
1/ Graduating
t';o I’i-iin'ii R R. C 0. ,: has equippetlibiFaatl.iiie
inn’;!*. which places in the hands ofiheengi
r;cvr die entice contrpl pf hia
ir.iin. With ;
t oml security of
over the old system of ee
cur. J. and trains
uetr Tor stopping at ftll stotion«, up,at
bridge 3, switches,'&c.,'wiUi perieet^MCttrncy. —
A train can N be* brought to a fodPsto|>, nt any
time, within four hundred .feet, wlfenrnbmbg
«: thirty miles per. hoar, obtiating'serianß lißic
of collision with olwtruodttps,_ The
practical working ;of this great.inxontioaniay
he witnessed eycjry da; on J^rom-
I’liiladelphuy to
it will be surprised to sed wU4JifKnt'|ie#fect ac
curacy the trains are
and other points, Jfnsn£j§r,
nnd haw little labor
invention Las been itdo|>ted by several western
roads, and is recommended ifjrlßf, :o.*Lord, W
H. Clement, D. McLaren,,
ofieers yf roads .tunning ipw Clpyippati, jrjto
have adopted it:' . ‘ ‘ " :
Res vway.--On . Monday 1 mprtpnjt last two]
bones, belonging \n
daysburg. ftttifcled to a - ■
enme frightened; wlsilo gtanding indWnt. of the
American Jfotel, and ntade tradtadnwn: Kraoia
street. By a hair'd breadth, the yafdieqne rln
of Ur. Bint'a a
small piece bping knocked liff eorijerof it
Arriving at Julia street th2y fiflriied 'the csfner
&nd came towariliyirgiiiia street
M 2 - 4 l) speed, .gigp.ppst in front of
IWibeaack’s flaiopn and sign board
considerably. ’ topic the side
*alk and paswed safe!/; although it can hardly
told «md the
iron front of Jaggard’a new, building Turning
llie corner agaih,thoy-came dopn Virginia street
•hb uiislnckedl’pace, tearing down tree boxes
"ami bitebing ppdtSj Sraasb’uig ope of tbo wheels
, _«fthe w igon ahd making things rip miscellane
-oUBi- Ail efforts ' to atop their mad career
Ptotfcd ormvaiftng, jind they continued to run
Uu 'il / tiicy arrived at) thg offset in Virginia street,
at the Grconsburg line, where one of the. horses
f. Sa'e out and the other became entangled in its
hteist chain, ’f’ortttnatdiy no person was in
/ although'quite a number were in imineat
Bow TO bo »r.— lf you want to keep year
or "ugb from ibriying, tiȣn o.cold shoulder to ,
tT «y ,mechanic 4r begl 4*t it, busmeEs. look | |*** -Br.g. B. J, 8011, of
«xeiy nW comer Hitt 4 Jealous bcowl this cpuuty, ba 9 Men elected gujor XJenenU of
descr* X>ivi«lda. Bedford and Fulton Oonntlos to
u .ted for Gea..Compiler, and£omer Se tand Cam
*r; - V-. - T.-.;
Agreeably to «>e expressed wishes of a sam
ber of the friends of temperanceand the Bpeak=*
era named, as well as a vote of the JHviaion, we
publish below the presentation and reception
speeches on the occasion of the presentation of
a beautiful copy of the Holy Bible to Altoona
Division. 8. of T., by the “Lady VisitorsV’
Rkmakks of Rev. S. Creiobtom.
Membm of Alloona Division , Sort* of Temper?
owes, —1 have the distinguished honor of pre
seuting you, in behalf of the “ Accepted Lady
Visitors”—na an evedence of their respect for
you and the 'cause which you labor so nobly And
persevoringly- to promote—one of the most
bettudfal and valuable- articles Ibat could have
been selected. Whilst it reflets undying honor
upon them. T pray that it ■ may 'prove •ah eVer
laslnig blessing to yon. Upon its do.ptr.ines I
■trust you have founded your. organixation. If
its precepts your continue to be.governed,
success irilMneyitjibly .attend you as individuals
and ae a society. In it ypu- will Sud wisdom to
direct, promiBes to epcounfge and power to sus
tain. BCvereit, love it, study iw obey it, ’Tis
Heaven’s beat gift to man—Qod’s Holy Bible!
Rimakss or W: C; McCormick.
„ f'AWas—la’thename, and on behalf of Altoona Plvision,
?* 0 : Temperance, 1 receive this dletin
gujrbfft tokenqfyonr. munificence and kind regard for our
? l “ er * *n il It inc (treat plcaenre pvnwnaUy, in
benigtlie'humble gyciplent of ao marked a. uvor.
• Tbe ocoftaiun, and summndihg circumßt mcea - connected
iuUuiately wsi {hbi pi«£entatiou—tbi* evident.display of
woman** .waroi-keartod and affoctioaate .egtoem fir the
orderwithe Soua df Temperance, and the preciona, price
tea» gift iUelf—allevrVMtuenhaiicetheTatue of theartkle
beatowed, and to,bring this pivialon under a more tasting
gratitndir. in the appreciation pf tbo prompting juntives of
our evcrlUmi.and fair donora.
When-wo tike Into «i(>neidef«tion<that our mlsgtoh now
■jmre.benevolencOjanci .Un*t tho great object we
aJralm at, and t»Ve evattaun iiy before oar .minds,-being
. tho melioratidh cd th" conditiem or that unfortunate por
tum of om foUovrcitiienß who have acquired an appetite
for strong drink, and who arc now-in tho grasp of that fell
dettroyer, that bane of aU soeinl apcKty—the dembn of in-
gay, t)iatltaking all these into consideration,
I ntferly inadeqnate and unable 1 am ,to do Jus
tice to tS«;sdli)ect. Itdemqnds an abler pen, and a more
powerfni inteßect than | pbase*e,;to portray and Set forth
in alt its deaotved.beanQrand tominees, the plrasingacene
presented before tit at this moment
I dm tberefprejmly tlirow myscif npon yoor klod indul
gence, while I shpU briefly, attempt to advert, for a .very
few moments, to the occasion and motives which hare
served, tocailfor. this display of yonrerteem and respect,
lor. ns, and then allude, bifeflyv •,to the source from
whence it loTety woman;—and conclude by .ask
mg you, and.aH the members oi-tbia-llfTision, to follow, me
in ths'cuotemplattbD of tbe gift bestowed—the Bible.
_ But a fiv month Bago f and there, Division of the
mops of Temperance in thia otherwue favored town of
Altxma, where the friends of order and temperance cbnld
: meet .socially, and discuss ami deUberate .npun .the best
meami and measures to be n.,ed far reclaiming tfae ioebri
atw, who wo |Ce daily pressing their way du wn to dsrkhms
aod eternd ru]u, aod ,wUcre ire the puce air
of a World of temperaace in mi»iatnre,.anmolesfad. Ko,
the demon of iutnnperanoo thenTjwas suffered to stalk
abroad in all his native deformity and ugliness, unmolested,
i Ohr whole community were.then exposed U> the IdighUng
*. u ?. witheringuflhcU.qf the .six ursed. trade audnso of alco
holic drinks beverage.
But now, thanks to a kind over-ruling Prov'd -nee. the
dawn id better days are being ushered in. a change for the
better is evidently tduiig place. We,, who arc here assem
bled this evening, nt least arc enabled to say;’ In language
prepared for bur use. "One secure from .his rav
age—one'drCltf he can hover enter—that glorious refage is
here—it is here.”
As a farther evidence of this, I would ask you to past
your ey.s around this room, ami Wlmt a noble and eoul
efaecrlng spectacle presents Itself to your view and admi
ration. means that lovely picture hung in that
heauliftti frame on the wall? What menus that imtrhle
top with its pitcher fail of Ood’e own pure beverage
—water? Whitt means those two stands, one gracefully
placed,on each side of tl}U spacious hath with their pleas
ant, cb ei-mlsrailing occupants? Whfit moans these other
individuals,somoat desks,othersoccupying Important jk>-
jutiou*,, and.aU wearing appropriate insignia of office?
What iadv teto talers,
cost ing fmTOtSun bright eyes and «m ‘ling. countt nances,
a halo oriight-uaAhla fide of the room? And what mean
those noble, uiffiylbrins of tho iged andyouthfuloccu
pants of. Unit.tide of the root?,,and jtil jctoihod in,appropri
ate regalia?, Why just thii.a Division of the Sous of
Temperance has been organized: and is in active operation,
ynd-thus £1: bayeexceededour most sanguine expectation*.
A nuefeus isliere, around whiph HOW cluster , our warmest;
desires and anxious hopes Xuto this wori'dot, teippcrapcp
lu mhrlstufe, we do hope to gather many, very ninny, from
the fapgs of the. desUj»yjsr-fead.from Iwhich shall go out
such ah iuflneuio £v may eventually sneerin' bringing
about such k'rcf.irid/as slrnll iliiri'Tcr •
from our midat. thb mahufacture. a'Ue, trafle and .use, as,*
beverage, of all Intoxicating drinks. It is theiw.hOpea;an.l
these aatiilpitionsi aiißthe other.tire
ing as, whieS’have been the actuating motives that'prompt
ed the bring about this evening's (frond era. !
1,,n0w turn with.thomost plnudak .to the
• Serimdtpplc Ipr'CmiSed to noticol^th^lhirdonors.” And
hhiie permit-mo to obtNJrvc.tbatamdiig'thomany altdcu-
to oar beahtiful-ritual, none meets
ruy. de'dded eppfobatioQ more fully tbtih.that of admitting
ladyvisitor* .to g ace.our sessions With their presence.
AniLthusadmi tied, how. soon you see their native bohovo
.leace demoptniting itself; in some kind acti reminding
of the ministrations of holier beings, and'at
the samotjiuc tig(_ciuic!c perception of propriety and Piste,
«o ch»raeteriatic Jnil(#lr »ei. Yet with a fixed determin
ation to contend for and maintain that, poiitiou in s-yffat
itKiely which the God of nature and of grace has destined -
.{hey should occupy—and tit is noble offering, Indies, made
jbiuthi* evining, serves to remind me ofthe fact, that
you Ate nut blind to your own dearest interests. You-are ,
no doubt aivare, that wherever tills Holy Biblo i* not, or
temuliu a .-sealed hook, you. woman, who are destined to
ffil (he luftiVat position in the social circle, oro crushed to
the • erysJhstiyour rights ore trampled upon, jronr prlvi
-1 leges circumscribed. and all ynor acts of synipßthy and
benevoieneo unappreciated, and woman made to perform
the lowest duties of a menial servant. .But where thl*
blea»ad Word of God is free and open to ail, pud where
' its puts and holy precepts predominate over the minds and
hearts of men.‘your rights are folly guaranteed, yonr'priv
ileges mpeetpd, your acts of mercy mnl Jiinduca are
appreciated, mid you arc found (if under thffluflnenco
nr dltlijewaco) the soother of our sorrows, bur enlace in
affficrion,'always ready to cheer, to comfort and tu be .the
dciiglitfnlcompaiilon of man. hooking at thiSaipoctof
affairs,lt does not require prophetic vriiontototyrto pito
hdfehti hovr you happened to select this hookas yottr Offer
ing to us. ' ’’ -
* 'Hdt finally—the Gift itself. Look, brethren, at this i-ook
I bold In iliy hand—thn Bible—the precibuai priceless Bible,
presented to you,' and to' me, this evening, a* A token of
esteem and respect for us atad our Order. Its ►ymmotrlcal,
proportions' are perfect, the design and .finish is admirable;
and see; hero are emblems stamped upbh its lids, full of
fii&thblg—a frlendtiilp increaaihg.'apd that .'((hows nil end
toi l 'B,for aII in sickness or hcaitb, iirpnisperity or adverat
.^y—purity of life and motives, and fuithftiiucss to the
.Cause wo havo espoused, ami a desire that all should eliare
.With us in them >ow allow mo to open the lids of this
bodk,and study its pages—dwell upon its sacred truths—
jwnitar them in our minds—ask ,<lod to open up and en
ligUten pur, minds to an understanding of them epiritoal
■fy—receive them as heavenly truth—accept them as God’s
message to man, as his revealed will to us os sinners, and
holding forth his own plain and the only way of escape
'Bom deifth eternal —read and ponder well tho’etupendous
_plau of man's redemption—read the simple but effective
story of the cross, and then tell me if you cap, the value
of this book, just now presented and received for you and
1. You cannot' limit its value—no, no. This book—this !
Bible carries with it its own intrinsic value. Angels stood |
amazed, desiring to fathom its. mysteries, .and were not
hblo to understand and comprehend the doctrine of God
manliest in the flesh, and how can either yon or I? Yet
oil the blessings made known to us in this Bible, may be
come ours, if we will but accept of them as offered to us.
Yes, all may be may-bo Christ's—for Christ is
V JUay we all then, as we receive this gift kt the hands of
our lady visitors, endeavor to receive the gifts and graces
of God’s lloly Spirit, offered to ns in it, and learn to prac
ticeits holy precepts and examples In this Division, and in.
all our intercourse with the world. Then you and I,
Brothers, will have reason to bless the day wo entered the
Division, and you, ladies, the day you presented this pre
cious volume to ua
Ladies. I congratulate yon. and ask yon to receive the
united'thanks Of this Division.
Lots PyJßLß.— Tiie-Petersburg (Va.,) Daily
Barest says love is a puzzle enough in itself,
hutwhen lovers get to puzzling one another, it
is certainly indicative of a dull courtship—coon*
ing and kissing must ; be growing stale. A gen
tleman who recently waited uppn a lady for
some time, su,u>med up resolution enough, final
ly, to ask her if bis attentions were agreeable.
She answered him with the ominousword stripes
ho thought of broom sticks—but she added,
that if he would transpose the letters in that
word and form another out of them, thewordeo
formed would beher answer. He did eo. Now,
fair readers, what was her answei ?
WTcwed the deeiahm of Am CtwWofthat county
in the .Case of Foust, oT’this county, who wia
tHcd; and convicted for murder in thefirst de
gree. and has ordered anew trial, says, “Let
justice be done though the Heavens should fall,’?
and from; hfs known principles favoring the ab
olition of Capital punishment, we advise judge
Galbraith to procure the services of a. judge
can be fttmchedto the
cape hi 3 ||i|Bt deserts,: A fearful responsibility
is now resting upon the officers of the law, and
the community enpiasu look for.ita faithfu 1 exe
oatlop.'* After, 'commenting farther on the
1» enforcement of the laws for protecting
society, the editor concludes by saying, *• We
have, had enough of mock justice and the time
care of
thempelTe».:if the judiciary Mis to do so."—
Fronf this mould appear that the efforts of
Fousts friends to get a new triiil is not very
well received, .that, the justice of the decision of
the : ponrt below was considered correct, and
there is little hbpeof his ultimate acquittal.
PMoreason Gaddis' Lectures.— On Thursday
evening last. Prof. Gaddis lectured on tempe
rance in the M. E. Church, according to an
nouncement and Jagaiu on Friday evening, by
request, iiu the Lutheran Church. Wo will not
attempt a synopsis of his lectures, as wo feel
f o could not do them justice in the space al
lotted to aj notice 'thereof. All who bad the
pleasure pff ltun, agree that he is just
the man toisend out on such a mission,' ills
manner of dividing his discourses, and the anec
dotes and, illustrations with which ho applies his
arguments,; are once .captivating and con
vincing. Undoubtedly he will' do a great work
for the -temperance cause wherever he goes.
Through hjuj efforts Divisions of the Sons of
Temperance are about to be opened at Tyrone
and Birmingham, r \V« bcaJPksk for him aconliul
welcome from temperance men, npd a full house
at every, point in our State where he may visit.
Envelope PoEijay.—The number of scraps of
doggeral rliymc lately published, purporting to
be tije endorsement on letters sent through the
P oBtOffice,has iuiluced some genius in or about
this place, jto imortalize his name after the same
fashion, Jbyj inditing the following direction on
the envelope of a letter dropped into the Post
Office, in : this place, a fpyt evenings since:—
“ Sond'tbis, Pojt Master, If ynn
I'o Jye Miller, a darneil <4dvillain;
Lctif go with Postage bounty,
To Philadelphia, In the tame county."
We think this po-ick should try his band
Another such attempt to court the muse,
woulid Cemialy bring Bonner of the N. Y. Ledger
to our town,-to setwre the individual to ‘‘con
tribute only ” for thht p/iper.
Exactly So.—We find the following in an
and consider itxfoo true to be passed
uanoticeUt -and wo copy it fur the benefit of those
intereated :;—“ If business plages where ladies
make purebaaes want to kill custom tljey can
not 'ldovlra a better method than to allow smo
kers; and loafers to spend their time in their
stores. -Asa general rule,, we advise druggists,
confectioners, shop and store keepers, one and
all, to discountenance, and if necessary, address
a boot-top appeal to all and every class of loaf
*rs. j they smoke borizontally, perpen
or do not smoke at
■; *WP* custom pconer than
thjsjwtfijjjg systeni."
: ■’ ' V-y ' ' ' ' ftr the Tribune.
\ A of jijeJlrand .Dmsion of the Sons
| boJuly
j 27th| a>j)Jlie An this Jjice, and
j’Ott tjic «Ve|lbg ,» itmpenmce
yidpb occasion addresses*)*! b?»ic-
X. Smith. jQ.,y. Nichol-
n * I^®
- r ‘ eit
ihepopalnxityof ibe we expect
v, :-‘‘J , £. of f.
JlitiponibSaai; 1639.
. | ' i J?.th, 1559.
M£seKB.,J^jyo^B thjat wojild
bo.(jf to your readers, have
been Tecyjscjwee, prr»ofiit jconsPr
queiilly Ibave iefrained from writing I will
MpjtyW* you’
concerning our town and people.' ' w \v
On Monday eveningwdek, a social gathering
of yjoung folks took place at the residence lif i
Tbos. Burcbincll, : Esq., of Gayaport. Among
the refreshments served up was that most de
lightful ofsummer luxuries, ice. cream. Mrs.
Burcbincll having tend that hartshorn would
improve.its flavor, sent one of the boys to the*,
store to purchase that article, but, by mistake,
be got arsenic. This he took home, andaspqoa
ful and a half vras mixed with the cream. All
of the company parcook of it, more or less, aud >
the consequence was that most of them were !
somewhat unwell. Mrs. Wm. Jackson and a !
son of Mr. Burchinell were very siok for some
days, and the former is still unwell, hot- will
recover. The escape of the company from death
is attributable to the foot that milk is an anti
dote to poison.
On Wednesda
.evening last. Prof. Gaddis, of
- - - - Vl. ,
Cincinnati, delivered an address on temperance,
ip tile Gojurt House. .He was listened critii
great aiteptiob by > large and respectable, audi
ence. and fully convinced bis bearers that he
was; an able and eloquent lecturer. His lec
ture abounded with numerous anecdotes which
touched the hearts of those sympathize
vritb the victims of intemperance. He also de
livered a lecture in the Presbyterian Church,
on Saturday evening, to a larger and attentive WM-A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DTE produces a color
: ., ' l- r ‘ ■ • notto be di9tinguUh''d from nature, and is wabkaiwxd not
audience. , to injure In the least, however long it maybe continued,
The Sabbath School Teachers’ Association tud ?m remedied; the Hair Invigo
piet acocrdipg to adjonpam.cnt, on Friday,fven- rated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
ing last. : Remarks were made by Kets. Dosh * sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Wig
and; Junkin. and Messrs. Smith.-McKinney;;; by Druggist, in all
Martin, ahd others. The members-of the Asia- rib and towns of tio Omted states.- ;
elation appear to he' united in their efforts'to. ha. the name and addw* upon a*t*l
•JWWT'WagittW' : ■ bn fete *Uea of each Box, of ■ - * •
fountain or cooled with ice, ia veiy Unpalatable, j *
' % little - I hew* ah ; ; *•„. . j
Um asoaV- «e gite the flow
ing, which is and is eon*
aidered excelled t.‘ Tak# 8. ot.* of carbonate of
808%;*" 6 ‘ oz. tartaficacid ; two poonda of loaf.
sugar, finely 3 drachma-essence of
lemons Letthe powders be rety iiys ; Mix
them intimately, and :keep diem for pse in ,a
wide mouthed bottle, closely corked. Put in j
two -good - sited ieaspooufala into a tumbler; j
pour in half a pint.of cold .water, stir briskly ‘
and drink off. 1 \
Welch Miner’s Club Concert —Tbis con
cert, advertised to come off in East Ward School
House on Saturday evening last, was post
poned until this (Thursday) evening, when it
will positively come off lit Shultz's Military Hall,
Those. w,bo have attended the concerts given by
this Cluo speak of them in the highest terms of
praise. Their object in giving these concerts is
praiseworthy, and they deserve to be liberally"
patronized. Tickets for the conceit Can be had
at the Banking House of Wm. M. Lloyd & Co.,
at the Post Office and at the Exchange Hotel.
The great standard medicines of the present
age, have acquired" their great popularity only
through years of triah Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all eases; and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaaadlce,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of (be Kidneys,
and all diseases anting from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial hat acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
paration extant, ft will cure, without fail,
the most severe and long-standing
» ' V
Cough, Cold, or Heanenew, Bronchitis, la
„ fluenzn, Croup, Paramenia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing cures
ever known of '
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses will also at once cheek and
cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding
from Colo in the Bowels.
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
' dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. Jackson
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called Everybody’ 3 Almanac,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
cor ajiij. it) AiftN»u.i. by A. K'Mish uii-l (t. W.
K-nwler, ami by all Drujrgiatn. (may Itf, ’59-ly
O* The following, from a customer, shows the demand
which this great medicine has created wherever it has been
Blossboro, Tioga Co. Pa., March 30,1850.
Messes. Flekinq Bkos.o-Gentlemen:—-la consequence of
Vie great conmmgfion ofyour “ .Worm Specific’.’in this place
and vioinitjv we have entirely exhausted our stock. IVe
should'feel obliged byj’ourfor wording, via Corning, X. V..
20 dozen, with jojar hill, on tlte reception of which we will
rvjßiit ypn Jlie'jjWpey.
From tho. wonderfnl effects of said *■ Specific” in this
fisJshbotJiiwd. thcre cuald bp sold annually alargo.qnan
thy. "if to • bo- liad, (wholesale and retail) from some jockl
vending,! .think I could make it to your advan
tage toil* so. :
Bcspccfftilly, \YM. MM AL LORY,
... , - . . ( Per W. £. Ported.
will ha careful toaisk fiirpa.M’LANß’S
CkLBfiEATtiC) TJJRMIFUU a, manufcctured by FLEM
ING BROS, of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges iu
comparisonaro worthless. Dr. MXnno’s genuine Vpnni
fugo, also ais celebrated Liver Pills, esn now' bb had at all
respectable ditig stores. Wane genuine uniats Me signature
</ . , ■ , .. FLEMING Mos.'
’We Mieve we-can not'do dur readers a more important
service, than by again ogling their attention to thatmost
remarkable preppratiOw,discovered by Dr. Seth §. Hanco,
of Haitimore.Md, which possesses the power of alleviating ■
and- curing that' horrid ’ visitation’ of man—kpUepsy, dr
polling file.' Ju c.ommeiiiiiug' this preparation .to our
readers, we do so with a conviction that we arc nut degrading
our- columns to puff a common patent medicine, hut ore
placing before them ,a discovery, which, if fully knowd
would probably do more tuallevfate human suffering, .than
any invention of modtrn ’times; Dr. Uanoe, ioaeklagtis
to 'iiotlce hls proporation Ikvorably in our. editorial depart
ment, has soot ns fotp'rnsal a nambor ofietterp (pjn
sons' wliohive used Ills foils,niid hhyc been curedthereby.
All of jdiein spook ii the wort grateful tud eulogistic
terms. Oubgreatadvanteso this WSdicinopOssosee*lathe
fon|v(&£frefttrl>e transported throng
alibi ding every one pi ‘opportunity of dealing directly with
i the Inventor, and aW precluding all popibfoty'uf being
j imposed' da : liy couotetiuit dr spwions Dr.
j Hence pays ibe’ postage oh hia Pills -to any part of the
i country, imf will forward them by return’ o’f wait-on tho
receipt of a remittance. His prices are as follows';. One
•; box.’s3: two <loa:fs ; twelve do, All orderstbr the
. medicine shouldbo addrcssod to Seth S. Xfance, 10S Baltl
moro street,'Baltimore Md. ' *
- ’ \ ■ ■ The Original and Bat in the VoHdl '■
tff othersaro mere imitations, and should be avoided, if
-jrpn wish to escape ridicule. \ ■
GRAY; BED, or RUSTY UAIR. Dyed instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the
injury to the flair or Skin.
■TUleen Medals andDiplomns have been awarded to Wm.
Batchelor siuce 1839, and over 8i),OQO appUcaUoria have
been made to the hair of Ills patrons of liis fomods Dye.
• certain core. , . ■ ■ ■ ! J : V ? «
wmcurs.tlie Moving ofdt»(»r>« ::
Bonu, &fald»,Cutii,Chafcs,Sore Nipples, Corn* Bunions,’
Bruises,' Sprains, Bites, ftdaoatCfaUhtains,
Dicers, Never Scu«*,Felbns,liar Ache, piles, dote Byes,"
Gout, Swelling Rheumatism, Skald Heed, Salt Rhenm,
Baldness, Erysipelas, RingwormHßatber*’ Itch, Small Pox,
Measles, Rash,:4^.J^-’ may appear incredulous that so manydtoouts
should he reached by one article; snch aaid*« wUI vanish
when reflection points to tbo&ct, that, the salve Is a com.
binattpn of lngrodients,aach aodevetyi on* aoplying-apor
fect an: Mote to its apposite disorder.
In its effects is magical, because the! time to so short be
tween disease and a permanent ctfrei ( aud it is an extrac
tor, as It drawsaU.dlseaae
nature as perfect as before: the Injury.; Tt is scarcely ne
cessary to jay that no housed work-shop, or manufactory
should be one moment without it. :
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless; thebox kuapokit
a steel plate the haow of Henry Dailey,
Manufacturer. 1 ; . .
Sold by Q. trf. Kessler,- Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Hot-'
lidaysborg; and'by all tiro Druggistsand patent medfchfe';
dealers throughout the United Stated, and Canadas. ' .
Principal Dcpot, ICS Cbamberwstßet, Sew York.
Nov. U, 186R-ly v - 4 a*. CHAOS.
IftfrOBTANTTO Femaleßt-Db Cetkksk
win’s Pitxs.—The combination of; ingredients Ik these
POlsare the result of along and eats o*iv* practice. They
arc mild in their operation, and ceitAlnln eorresting aU
irregularities, painfal menalroations. removing all; ob
structions, whether from cdtdor otherwise, headnehaypain
in the aide, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which
always arise from interruption of nature, inducing with
certain! yperiodical regularity. Warranted purely vegeta
ble, and ft ee from anything Injurious to llfcorhealth. Ex
plicit directions, which should bp lead, accompany each
box. Price $l. Sent by mail hyi Enclosing $1 to any
authorized Agent. ■ -
R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent fur tho United States, ’
ICS Chamber* street, New York. :
To wham all WholttaU orders should bf addressed.
Sold by G. W. Resale*, Altoonat itijso. A, Jacob*, HoUi
dnyshurg; and by all Druggist* In! States.
Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free.
Kov. 18, XBoB-ly. I;
This disease can be cured by Dg. Kmot’s TootHACBX
Remedy, prepared by him in PltUbUrgh, Pa , which la put
up Inhottlrt andsoldat 26 cents'cach. It If an excellent
medicJno,wh«a ißlutcd, for spongy! and tender gums, and
is worth ten dales its price tq all who seed it. ‘Sold here
by G. W. Kessler. [Dec. 9, 1858-ly.
They are elegant, light, easy.and durable.
Fitting to a ciuvrm—no turning up behind—no shrinking
off the bead; indeed, this is the oply Establishment where
these tilings are properly understood pud .nude.
Nov 18,1888-ly 233liroadway. Now York.
On the 7th last., by J. M. Cherry Esq, DAVID SNYDER
to MU,, ANNA MARIA WILLIAMS, both of Bald EngUh
On the. 14tb inst, at the M. E. ‘ Parsonage, by Rev. S.
Creighton. Mr. CLEMENT McMAOM, of Pbilk. to Miss
NANCY MAUARA, of Fosturia.
Hollidaysbnrg papers j lease copy.
(ses of tile subscriber, neat; Al-
Irg'ieny Furmu-e, Blair county, about fifeßßEf
tw> > months since, a BRIN DLED STEER
about two years old. The owner ii ft
unested to come forward, nrov ■ Tiiri'ir tJL I>inilllmi
ty. pay charges and take :t away. atbp^ , rT‘^ ,, ** at
wise it will Uo disposed of according to law.
July 21. 1 C. B. SINK.
Nun utj 18 iini,tfßY\GivnN.
that the Book Accounts andNptes of Dr. C, J. Hirst,
and also of the late firm of If irct 4 Good- ore left in my
hands for colleoti oi.-.whcrc all persons knowing themselves
indebted will make payment. ' V"
Altoona. July Ut-tf , iJACIfB GOOD, J. P.
Altoona nulisiskY.—The Sub
scriber -would respectfully hi (brio the
public that lie hoehow on luma sit- his !s’nr- SKBaSk
eery, various kinds uIBIIUIT TJc£Es, ready s|BngSK
for transplanting this Fall, consisting nf Ap
ilex, Ftufilt, I’lnni. Brunt. Gagt <ni|l' Apcioat ■■«■ ..Jr .■•
Tries, gr .ft-.-d in the root All trees WaiTiiuteJ.
Altoona. July 14, 'Sil-dui. R. B. TAYLOR.
Is hereby given that an Examination iif Teacher* to
take qharge of the public Schools'if Jbe Borough of Al
toona. will be held In West Wai-JSchool Uoitsc, on SAT
URDAY, AUGUST'I3.IBS3. conimtUeihßiit 9o , cloek A.At.
The Directors desire t» secure thiehervlcos of Bjlench«ni
-—I male aud A f inmlo—for tt t rip: inf 8 months!' Schools*
to open on the first Monday in September. *
July 14 D-fta-td * 1 «! F. BOSE. S'!•>.
I. IliciT iShAli-ANNlikii 6ALK
X/ ■ '*i tub [ i fu- : - - : ;
Peoples’ Cheap spqli | Shoe Sjorei
of the balance of the stock'of Spring and Summer
Boots, Shoes and Waiters,
now on hand.. .We 'will mark dminlonr entire-stock at a
very small per cent I .'over cost.
Our Stock i* : large, and we are bound to clear it out by
Uie first of October, therefor# - ■it : P *' .
* - ad if as ms Jim? ro buy. ;
Give us a call and i:1 ? -
' Remember the place,' thatpßbPliEß’CltEAP -SHOE
STOKE,two doors '-clow tha SapeHßtcndent’s OtHce. l
July 14..1869. - " ' Ci W- RIMBAJUU,
VJ ,»T TB* ;i ■; ' " i.
WE£S.H M'ltfE&S CLUB..
The ‘•Welsh Minora Club” wißgiye ouo of their highly
intcrosting VddalConcertii, dor SIHIEiTZ’S UA bid Altoona,
THIS (TUOIlSBAl) tYEA'JJId, J6uT 2t < 1b59. . .
Wo lidpe'elFwilffldd it csttv«tla{iitto Attends TfapAfns
will'bc spared doe of tho happiest. Wo offer'
the following ’ "'7-V * ' 1 ‘ : ?T ' ' ’ :
Chorus—The Temperance Trtftupet,> Welsh.CJuli.
“ Lneonii, ■ •' -a
Awatol; ’ ■ f ’ .«
» ■■■
of Drunkenness,j(Wel*l»), .; : )-k'. ■'
Dnet--TKe Barren Fig Tree, : '• ■ Messrs. Jones A Walked-
Chant?— Worthy is the Lamb, ffWllhjr ! .'Welsh. Ctob.
~-v - : i V-'-d-,. -i KARTrSKCOfiIfc - 'Vi;
Gieo-Hark I Xhe Rain is Fallings! r- Welsh (SuE
-'• Hark! ’Us the Bells, .'. v •“ • “
Sons—Jolinny Sands, - r Ht.J. H. liiBM.
Glee—Op 1; Clansmen, Up I . ■ 1 Welsh Quh.
“ Items Durden,' -*v j- --v
**: IBS Owl, ■■ ■ “ «
“ We are Alt a Nodding, “
8ong?-Godd Night, : . s a
" Doore open at 7 o’clock. PerfomaneM commence at'B.
Admittance 25 cent-). Tickets to be had at the door, at
the Post Office,'and at the Exchange Hotel.
. Altuuna. July 2', IPstf.-1t i; v
The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month!
I would respectfully sot forth my-,<lnim to public atten
tion, da a FaahK.nnbl« Tailor as follows:
Because I keep an excellent assortment Of Cloths. Csasi
meres. Testings and Trimmings, which, when examined,
always please. f
- Because my work is made up in a manner-that tokos
down the country and gives all my customers a city ap
Becanso.l am not inferior as a Cutter to the best to ba
found anywhere.
; long experience In my btWnesa gives me entire
control over it and 1 aw not dependant upon any ono io
lift mo bnt of tho snds.
Because I am still »n the sunny aide of forty, and there
fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired.
Call on me. in the corner room of the “Brant House.”
Give me a trial and you will go away plesoed. '
Altoona. M“.v 2fi-sip : JAQtB BNYPKR..
Pure Befioed Linseed Oil, . v
Extra Lard Oil. - ' ■ ;
Pur o'Carbon Oil, ii
Kerosene Oil,
Camphon*' «t 4 Burning Bluid>
' Carbon QUwiJlOuM Lump*. '
For »»1«K
;j; : /
And the various affection* consequent hpcn - a
Such as Indigestion. Acidity of the Storhach, Colicky Paiad,
Heartburn, loss of Appetite, Despondency, Casllvsaess,
Blind and Bleeding Piles, In all Nervous, KhentuAtlc add
Nanralglc Affections, it lyw In numerous inMancas proved
highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided pure. '•
This Is a purely vegetable compound, prepaudoastrioU*
ackmtlfic principles, after the manner of the celebrated
Holland Professor, Boerhgve; Because of its greatfficcaag.
in tha most of the Kuropean States, Us iutroductiohtlUta
the United Statis was intended more eepeciullyto'liMM
of our fatherland scattered hero and there ov>r’th*fadsat
this mighty country. Meeting with great luocess afatifcg
■them; I ncur-offer it to the American public, knowing tifat
its truly.wonderlhl modical virtues must bo acknowledge.
It In particularly recommended to those ponrn* Wspa*
constitutions may have,, been impaired by the rnutfihMiUa
aue pf ardent spirits, or Other forum ef diiiipatlon.' uttn.
rally instantaneous In effect, it finds it v way dlrecUjehalba
seal of life, thrilling and'quickening every nerve; fißlhg
up tho drooping spirit, and,. In fact, induing new hsasth
and rigor in the system.
C A UTIpN.—Tho grisat popularity ot this dellchtfat !%•
ma Induccdmany imitations, which tha.mityle fhouM
guard against purchasing.' Bo not persuaded Klti any
thing else until you have given Boeruave’s Holland AttMS
a 'fair trial. One bottle will convince you howlnflnltsly
superior it (s to all UttsedmUalieM. -
Mir Sohl at $l.OO per bottle, nr sis bottles far $4, by tha
JfanwWttrhiff P/tarniaetnUdt mtd V\etUtb t
T. IF. Dyott A; ops, Phitadslphia; Barns* A Park, Nssr
York; John 0. Park, Cincinnati; Batnanl. AdaawA. Oo»
St. Loufa; A. BpUdU, Altoona, Pa., and by Draeglata
and Merchants generally throughout the Uniual aUU*
and Canadas. | October It, lSsfy-Iy
LIOIITFOL CLIMATE, rich *4l «n 4 secure trim
frusta. See tdrertbment of Ustamenton Lstkla In Mother
column. " '
ed fir It. 25 cent* to specie or
postage stamps enclosed,' will ace ore a copy by return of
mall. ■ ■■ -j -r
DR. TEIXER has devoted a UfcUonftfttbe turn of dl»
ease on which his hooks treat. Addrcfij. TEI.IJgTt, u.n.
Sa 6 fe*vcr street Albany, J», Y. ;*y ,* S , T
Di*. Vlchala* Female Fills, jl a fill direction*.
MarrWladlcs ahoWld not usi th«<h;‘Fsit hr tail). Ad
tires* Dr. Teller, ns above, *; -.AjrHMlh,
r pO all wimting iiWm*. >Se« advertae-
B merit of ■ ' '
Lands i lan dstt l Asf>shi
Xhe unOcrslzned Is prepared to locate LAND WAR
RANTS in tho Umalia and $i obrnskeOitjr Lend nflnft,—
(hiod «i 1 ret Urns can now be made near the largo • true me
and suUkmenU. Tbe Lamb of Uds XoxritoA, bow la
Market, mo of the best quality. • -
B3L. S<d«ctlouj carefulljrmido. -Letter* of Inquiry re-
isk-tt .
Eov. A. & Clark, Altoona, Pa. -
IVM. M tWTo 4W, Bankers, Altoona, P»
McCKDiii eras, Editor*. - . •»
Tims. A. Scott, Snpt. P. ft. ft., « .
D- MoSlcrtrjb. Esq. Uimtlogdon,|?a.
(HimeE m the mAbosio teii
' " I'LE. TwUi extracted Wltljout pafn by theftleotro
HagnOtic Machine. • ’ (fin. ftittjf
A Student panted, . : “
T)EUS(!)i®- wanting change of climate
X for health. ‘ geo advertisement oflfammoatdu Lands,'
inan'dliercolurnn. 1 • . ’
LivVl ItiLUNG, ' : -
7 iSiPOKmtor
WINES, JtR &e;
AlUghwy &nei, A r <>Ttk W*rd, -
A large stock of all felting of LIQHWi| "
Brands, will be kept constantly on'band, and WUrWaSS
in tots tusaicpotehasers. atpricca aj? reasonable. aatEeir
can be bad anywhere in the tonnff jV '■; JSJ'^y
QjfOE and, gan be
O carried on profitably at Uammouton. &d*dv*li)o
ment of Uammouton Lands. .
f®»« Bxlo : r * ; |
: Bnabei, v '
. ExtractXngwood, ; .
■ y ' -■ ’ ■ 2'-' ■
1 Barrel Prime Yellow Ochre,
. -v , h#4
,llffcrent -
' * Orison.- ■ ,-,
s ■■ i.vMM.’Qjybaio Ycllonr.
. ; Boruod Umber.
. ' ' - X»oa«86n»«^
Tarnlsbca of all kind* in itore anidfo*
T ” 2S ES!VS|
f>EftFUM'EIIY m?
• fjyCTABTICtsk ■■’"•
- Extract* tor the Handkerchief '
Kbrme Sweetly,
For «le <*w*p by ’
I Bunjet’s Cocoaine, -i ;
Lyon’* Kathairon,
Superior B»y Kutn,
Uay 13,1369.
A largo assortment of Kuniing Bottles. - :»
Cuttor’s Impmved SIIOOLDtR BRACES fer. Lwfife.
Gentlemen ami Children. Korea!" l>y -A. EOVBSP
ARNOLD'S writing fluid,
In Quart. Pint. JWEpfnt anil i as. B«tjae
fin* Black and Redlnk». Stationary,
M*y ia. iM9. • - - sevzars
LIIK-’S great work for the mar
ried, or for those. oontempbfe
tiiiß marriage— 2oo pages. fuR
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