ULTURAL tT Am*. «... *M>y etomauu %£%***» wulen and j »« °f •e»«r«l thcuiind. 1 li»i* crept .. The their - I I umng thf> place it.w?* 1 “*»n¥ HAMMONTOX .. iifiTiciltural Hotiimont an™ turally ariwn, which praatlt in- Oimuexs. particularly data an,l e. Inuunui could bo curriwl on in i;'k h 1 ad vantn K '-. also coltoa l. u ,i. o f asrr.cuUural imjdrruad, or Tlio inipioveinori, iMir-.* a constant aiu! nonnanent ’’m 11 n- ,ta ° f , a f OOll ,iizo - W« do not nld effect tbe improvemout ofdw ,-iIOU ami upwanju. . a monthly literary and ufi. full infurmatiuDiuf Uuwmoirtun i»t annum. • ’ Ruitec deed* given, clear of a!! ,V 1- paid. Routo to the l:tu. • I’luladeljihia f or Hammonfor. !,v /P. M. FarotoeenU. jvhrL n s. Rvirdin- convenience, m, .stop with Mr,. Byrnes, a prim-i. de«l as to purchasing, u» he will iu his carriage, free of exiHiui.', enn be aililressed to LamlU k ’ Atlantic Co, Now Jersey, or m Fifth Street. Philadelphia.— erfully fnraUhcd. ojxosi iim I & DIXON’S LINK! 77/rr/, iwsncir ) FAMILY PAPER,. usiir® bt!-- ■ >WN & CO., Jtimorc Street,. Balfinioro, JU. ! ’S LUCE” it me qf IKe latent ry Papers qf Vic day I ■ hUUSCRIPTIQX: $2,00 and-1 Gift, 6,obaml 3 01ft-, :lub3. BjoOiM>d£Gtßi. r up of Club, l*V«0 audio Gil 1 .;. “ SO.COiud SI Oil:-. le entitled to a Oifk, Worth lent a to $2OOl 1 II or Immediately on ri ub.scrfption money. OP OIFTSI lannwli. 123 •* ; 3TOO “ MO . “ ' « •* 00 “ « “ 13 “ Id “ 9) " • ■ 15 ■ “ Cameo, Morale, Lax*, Jet and ket*, Gold Pen* ajW 0»«*; Ouli!. Mosaic Bracelet*; ISI Btods, Sflrer Furfcs, Bnttrr .c.. Ac,— worth Crow 23 Cents to it immediately on receipt jjf ft l "- ddrors . ?'j-' a u. toivx a co,-1 L I JU'tin A Dixon's Un*,"’, ■ • 1 wore Slrcet, BuUimurc, JIiL | IVotchef, 4 Chains, •4 i'ORSALK 26 Allies Ilailroiul in tho Stab of Xc* lfor Agricultural: purnpf I '’ i a day bot,toni. TJir liiwl m nail farnif. ouJ hundred* &" wl t now. octtlinK ornl builaj""- - •f! and can be «oen C roT 'i I ' i? '"‘ i!>vi secure fpii'i frost*. Tci*)H • -val.lc within f Office in the MasjolcTgT GUN SHOEMAKER ***** lOEMAkSt®^ y informs the Citifcn* o' ;il I continues to mjjS&uO’ Inscription, on 4118 jSfrSSss* treat, next dw toAs^Sr p in the bt*t of SHgJJ ffTV Only s,i I'HE GOOD^fe if a well e«taWJahi4 loable terms. TW living only ■* fin at fee; ■ nyT - K% iSswm^fy. pwm« Crilnmt. local items. Tgt FotrwK w Aitoohai— Although hut lit tle preparation, comparatively speaking, had made for tho proper observance of this day in Altoona, the demonstrations were equal to if not more imposing than those of last year.— The two military, companies of the ptaee anitei l and agreed upon celebrating {he day in Beale’s woods,, and invited the citizens ofthe (o , n gnd vicinity to join with them, and we are pleased to say that the invitation was vqry gen erally sceepted. At sn early hour on the morning of onr natal da;, wc were Awakened by music discoursed by our excellent Brass Band, on its Way to th& top of tbe hill above Wcjii Altoona,-followed by the military Companies.; •On arriving at tbe smmlt ' ' the gaud played a numberof national airs and the companies '6rtd several salutes. This brought out .Young America and any qualify of fire-crackers, pistols and miniature,cannon with which the noise was kept np and the atmos phere deeply impregnated with the Oder of burnt powdef. At abodt £en o’clock tbe military companies drew up inline on Annie street, in front ofthe Masonic temple, where they were joined by a company of 34 little girls dressed in white, and wearing blue sashes, to which were attached tbe names of the rotates they represented.— They were under the keharge-of George B. Cra mer, Esq., who we have no doubt felt proud of bis company, and wellbe might, for the reason tbit they formed on this occasion, as on a pre vious one, by far the . most pleasing and impo sing part of the procession, and were the' ob served.of all observers. All things being now ready, the line of march was taken up and tbe whole town, it appeared, followed the processiou to the grove. On arri ving at tbe grove, the assemblage was joiqed by the officers of Tyrone companies, who were brought put from Hdlfelftyaburg, whither they had gone- to attend.,the military election; After n short tithe epentin arranging tbe pre liminaries, the assemblage was called to order br appointing Capt Jos. Bell, of Tyrone, Pres ident of the meeting, Jesse Smith, James Mann, Daniel McCoy and E. D. McCrum, Vice Presi dents, and Dr. J. T. Christy and J» 6. Dsq , Secretaries. The meeting being,thus or ganized, the exercises were continued iu the fol lowing order I st. Prayer by Rev. J. Steck. 2nd. Music 'by the Band. 3rd. Reading of the Declaration of Indepen dence, by Geo. B. Cromer, Esq. 4th. Song, “Red White and Blue,” byCapt. •trues Bell. ; stb. Address, by Col. L. W. Hall, on the chancier of Washington, the times and trials •. r ihc men who formed the instrument, the a luption of which the pebple of the Union were celebrating for the 84th time, together with a ■liyrt sketch of the history of oar country down t i the present time. His effort was worthy the man and the occasion, and was listened to with attention. At the . close of the address, three cheers were given for Washington, three for the Jiy we celebrate, three for the orator of the day and three for the President of the meeting, alter which the assemblage waft dismissed fpr a few minutes to give the Committee of Arrange ments time to spread the festal board with the n any delicacies provided for the occasion. The table-having been arranged, the crowd was cal led up to partake of the repast A committee in receife Ands prepate toasts having been pointed, presented the following which were read:— B} l.i ut. F. M. Bill. The day wo celebrate. By Lieut. J. Burley. , The littUea oaiLcitizens of Altoona. By Capt. J. Crowtber. The military of Altoona. By Capt. 11. W. inyder. The memory of.Wuhington— may it ever inspire every eon of Colombia to preserve our la-a ty unsullied. liT.lohp Allison. The Declaration of Independence— May it ever awaken patriotic emotions in the hearts of all tra- Americans. By a member of Tyrone Artillery. Thus. A. Scott, tho t tui-uiatily Superintendent of the Penu’a B. R. Lung may 1,,; wave. By ilia same. Oeo. B. Cramer, Esq.—The in ode) dis i-t li -r' of the Pcon’a B, R. We tender bint oar sincere •lianks*. ’ ‘ ‘’’ By K. M. n. Gen. B. F. Bell—May his shadow never JW li*>«. -*■ , By the same. Tho American Eagle—May she never :i feather from her wing. ' By a member oftheQuanls. Pennsylvania—May she ’ T ' r remain the Keystone of onr gloHont Unlon and bind 'vCur North, South, East and West. By Lieut, j. Burley.' ote & nomber of lads and lasses spent the af larnoon i® “ tipping the light fantastic toe” to * e tott *'c of an excellent string band which bad engaged, for the occasion, three o’eioek the military formed into line HJj m%r °l i ed to town to receive the Tyrone Ar «7.who had been brought up on the Local Train, free of charge, in a car sent ®*Pecially for their accommodation. Af- living them, the three companies march* °“t to the grove again, where they were soon i^* r jll®6d by the Allegheny Cavalry with Gen. *t their head. Everything passed off in in lIlO *V^ eattn * manner, each one endeavor ** to the happiness and pleasure At* if*** 0 * 8 Rn< * w * t^l w D° m they mingied. retum!?, 0 clo '*he' procession reformed and After marching though sev- * nnei P al 8t * 88 * 8 , themilltary wore a a, l m her of the military and others hsiviag ebUeeledf n tho vicinity of the depot to bid good bye to tiie visiting company from Ty. Master George Plummer was called ©nt to make a speech, and responded in a manner which astonished as well as pleased all who heard him. Cnpt. Bell entertained the crowd by singing: a number of patriotic songs, until the arrival ofthe Fast Bine, on which the visiting company and other military gentlemen took passage for their homes. Prom the hour of twilight until near midnight, the town was. ill ntnina ted with Rockets, Roman Candles' and Bengola Lights, giving it the np pearanoe of a bombarded fortress The sight wan beautiful/ '1 Thus passed the 4th of July 1869, in Altoona. Not a single incident occurred to man the pleas ure of way one. We observed a few persons who bad taken on a little heavier load of bricks Gum they were able to carry, but they managed to keep down their angry passions, consequent, ly there was no quarrelling. May each return of our natal day pass over as pleasantly as did the last Sheriff's Sales.— -Sheriff Funk advertises the following property to beLsoid on Monday the 2&th of July, at the Court House, Holiidays burg:— ' ,• j Fourteen tracts of land situate in Allegheny township, on one of which , tbe Portage Iron Works are property of Joseph Higgins. ' j A bouse and .lot of ground in Duucansville, the property of Wm. H. Baker. A lot of ground belonging to Jacob Helsel, location not given. A house end lot of ground in Altoona, the property of John McConnell. A tract of loud in Catharine township with a log bouse and bank barn thereon—the property of Johnston A. Green. A two-story plonk house, shop and tenement in Altoona—>tbe property of Johb Nice. A. house and lot in the Borough of Hollidays burg—the property of James Sweeny and his wife. A house and" lot of ground in Hollidayshurg —the property of John R. Martin, Mary Martin his wife, and Margaret McClellan.'" Four lots of ground in the town of Newry— the property of Albert Shultz. The interest of Stephenson W. Dobyne in and to two houses and lots in Holiidaysburg. A house and lot of grouiid in Altoona, “Man sion House”—tho property of Aaron Dougherty. A bouse and lot of ground in East Freedom— the property of John Miller. A boose and lot of ground in: Holiidaysburg —the j>roperty of James R. Johnston and Mary Ann Johnston. All the right title and interest of F. M. Bell in and to a house and lot in the Borough of Ty rone. f A house and lot in Altoona—the property of Charles A.' Pierson. Fere Masonky.— The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, which met at this place on the 22d ult, elected the following officers for the ensuing year:—Sir W. H. Allen, of Philadel phia, R, E. Grand. Commander; SirC. F. Knapp, V. E. Dep. G. C. - Sir J. A. Wright, D. G. G. Re. Sir B. B. Waugh, E. G. P.; Sir J. L. Hutchison, B. G. C. G. ;Sir A. Creigh, E, G R. The anual meeling of the Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters, which met on the same day, elected the following officers for the ensu ing yearM. P. G. M., Alfred Creigh, No. 1, Washington; R. P. G. M. E. K. Tfcmer, No. 9, Altoona; R. P. G. I. M-,-C. F. Knapp; No. 10, Bloomsbarg; R. P. r T. D. Watson, No 11. Philadelphia; B. P.G. R./Jas. Lindsey, No. 8. Wayneaburg; R. P. G. L., B. A. Lamber tan. No. 7.. Harrisburg; B. P. G.|Chaplains, Rev. A. B. Clarke, J. Dougherty, B. R. Waugh. A A. Reese ; R. P. G. M., John Qntshall, No. 5. Carlisle. The next annual meeting of the above soci eties will be boliLnt Reading, in June, 1860. Citizens Pic Nic.—A number of oiir citizens desiring to enjoy tbemseiver apart; from the military celebration on the Fohrth. joined to gether and betook themselves to theigrovo im mediately back of West Ward School House, where' they passed the day very pleasantly. A table wnsspceod and ladcned with a bountiful supply of luxuries, of which nil who visited the grove were invited to partake. After dinner, as io such oases made and provided, every one was free to seek that which would afford the most pleasure. A platform was laid down, on which quite a number passed the afternoon in keeping time jo the music of an excellent string band from Harrisburg, engaged for the occasion. We were not present at any time during thfrday, but we have been informed by those; who .were in attendance, that they, could not have enjoyed themselves bettep. Everything passed off so harmoniously and pleasantly that all were loath to leave the {prove in the evening. ' Escarpment. — A meeting of theofficersof the several military companies in the northern part of county, was held at ike Exchange Hotel in this place, on the evening of the 4th inst, at which it was resolved that a Camp of Military Instruction be hold at Tyrone City, to commence on the 12th of September next. The following officers wore appointed a committee to invite all the companies of Blair and adjoining counties to Join in the Encampment, vix:—Capt Jacob Stink, Capt H. W. Snyder, Capt. David Stiller, Capt. A. 8. Morrow, Capt. J. 801 l Capt. W. L. Neff, and Capt A. M. Lloyd. The following persons were appointed a committee of arrange ments: —Lieut B. Galbraith, Lieut J. Burley, Lieut J. W. Gardner. Capt. J. Crowthcr, Lieut Hostetler, Maj. H. Wayne, Lieut J. G. Ebling, Lieut W. H. Henderson, Capt Jos. : Roll, and Lieut Shillinger. N Fisk.—About 1 o’clock on Sunday morning last, our citizens were aroused from their slumbers by the cry of “ fire!” and the ringing of the alarm belt On repairing to the depot, to which all appeared to be hastening, the canse of the alarm was found to be the burning of the house on one of the locomotives standing in the Half-Round-House. A plentiful supply of water was soon thrown upon the flames and the fire extinguished. No damage, other that the dee* truction of the boose, was done. We did not learn bow the fire originated. Reunions.—On Sabbath last, lie congrega tion in at the Methodist Chore*, had the pleasure of listening to a moat excellent and impressive sermon, delivered by Rev. Dr. Roe, from the word*, “Hope maketh not ashamed.” The age and reverential appearance of the speaker,; and the animation which the repetition of the words ofthe text appeared to excite within him, visibly affected the entire aadience. In the evening the pnlpit waa filled by Prof. Gaddis, of Cincinnati, now on a tour addressing Safibath {Schools and lecturing on Temperance. In the:morning, the pnlpit of the Presbyte riap Chnrph was jfilled by Rev. MoGlaren, of Westmoreland ooonty, who has been appointed to this charge to | fill the place of Rev. A. B. Clark, the pastor in charge, who is now laboring under anaffection-of the throat, which prevents him .from performing pulpit duties. In the evening the pnlpit was filled by Rev. Barrett, of Mount:Pleasant, Armstrong county. The second quarterly meeting for the present Conference year, trill be held in the M. E. Church on Saturday evening next. The first services will commence atia quarter before 8 o’clock; It is expected that Rev. Geo. Guyer, P. E., will be present add conduct the exercises. A Session of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance will be held on Wednesday, July 27th, in tjie Masonic Temple in this place, and on the evening of the same day, a temperance mais meeting will be held in the Methodist Church, on which occasion addresses will be delivered |by H.i R. Smith, O. W. P., Wm. Nicholson* Q. S. and others. We trust the im portance Of the cause is of sufficient magnitude to elicit a| gcneneral attendance of its friends, apart from the popularity of the speakers whom we expect to address us. A. D; CHERRY, R. S., Altoona Division No. 311, S. of T. Altoona; July 18, 1859. Good Wheat —Mr. D. R. Miller, of the “ Logan House,” -in this place, brought into our office,, one day last week, a bunch of wheat containing 69 stalks —every stalk having a per fect; head—all produced from one grain. It war of the Tennessee White Wheat seed and raised on his farm at Sewickley, west of the Alleghe nies- Hh informed us that a bunch containing 76 stalks had been found in the same field, but was; cut down before it was discovered. He cut ISOjdosen of this wheat from 4 acres of ground. It had not been Injured in the least by the frost, the jhoads;wcrc large and the grains well filled. We consider this wheat hard to beat T£MPGi|axce Lecture. —lt is again our plea sure to announce that we are to be favored" with another temperance lecture, by Prof. Qaddis, of Cincinnati, to bo delivered in the Methodist Church, on Thursday evening next We need not -urge those who had the pleasure of hearing the Prof. G’s lecture before the Methodist Sab bath School, on Sunday afternoon last, or his sermon in' the same church in the evening, to attend bis lecture, as they will turn out en masse. To those who did not hear him we would; say, do not miss this treat. the church be filled. Pic Nics—This day two weeks ago, the Se lect School under the charge of Mr?, and Miss King, anff the. United Brethren Sunday School, cat the day in a manner delightful to. the scholars,; the former in a grove near the resi dence of j?eter Miller and the latter in Beale’s Woods, South of town. The weather was all that 1 could be desired, neither too hot nor too cool; Everything passed off pleasantly as it should on such occasions, and the pleasant coun tenance of the children, on their return in the evening, betokened the pleasure they bad en joyed. " Fecit Trees. —We would direct the attention of those of our readers who wish to set out fruit trees this! fall, to the advertisement of Mr. R.B. Taylor, iff another column. Mr. Taylor has a fine norseir, in the west ond of town, contain ing several thousand trees of all kinds which willjbe ready (ibr i transplanting this season.— He understands the business perfectly and has given much attention to his stock, and we con confidently recommend it to those who wish froth trec|| of almost any kind. Fjee uf MAETtNfiBCRp.—On Saturday week a fire in the stable of Rev. Mr. Graham in the above named place, in this county, which consumed Jibe building and also a carriage worth $l5O. Several buildings-in the immediate vicini ty canght fire, but; through the extra exertions of tfie cititeus of the place, but little damage was jdonei;them. The fire originated through the carelessness of some boys who bad crept in to the stable to enjoy 4 smoke. > i \ ■ ' ' ■, Severely Beaten.— -Off of the 4th inat.. a band of ruffians, assaulted and se verely beat Charted Fleck, engineer on the Mail Train, while passing along one of the streets of Harrisburg, injuring him so much that he was unable to take ohaige of bis engine for several days. Harrisburg is becoming notoriops for the number and attrodty of assanlts made on indi viduals passing through Its streets. Tatmr|s Sawxih.— -If you wish- a jglass bf soda water—cod and refreshing—orglass of mead, or lemonbde, in fact anything in the line of cooling summer beverages, call at Taylor’s Saloon,*next door to the Bank. If yoa wish a saucer of ice cream, pickled oysters, cakes, pies, nuts; fruits, confectionaries, &c., call at the same place, and yon will be accommodated in Isaiah or Lige’s best style. Tbs Capps.— Notwithstanding the fears enter tained by the farmers in this vicinity respecting the wheat crop, we are pleased to learn that it promises to yield much bettter than for several years past The grain is better filled will make better flour, and the yield per dozen will be much larger than heretofore. This is certainly cheering news. Coot W|pATHEE.r-The first few days of last week were about: cool enough for comfortr—in fact the mornings were a little too much so.— We were Informed that there wap roof on the top PhfiwdajSfOphßg^h^v but it etrikesns th|U that was a little tod etopt a jckeito penetrate upon ns in the month of July. r' f - • ' 1 • ' , W.Resaler, Altoona'; Geo. A, Jacobs, HbUi* dajffibtttjj; and by aB Druggists la the Hutted ‘'; Call on the Agest and get apesphiat frts. * ' ‘ ’ Nov. 18,185 My. ' ■ SPECIAL NOTICES. DR. HOOFLAND’B GERMAN BITTERS, AND DR. BOOFLAHD’S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicines of the present age, have acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac tion is rendered by them in all eases; and the people hone pronounced them worthy. Llrer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, i Debility of tbe Herrons System, Diseases of the Kidneys, The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a reputation surpassing that of any similar pre paration extant. It will cure, without fail, the most severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In* floenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and has performed the most astonishing cures ever known of Confirmed Consumption. A few dosee will also at once check and cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding from Colo ik the Bowels. MODERN INVENTIONS. HAIR dye-Hair dye—hair dye. M. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DTE * The Original and Best in the . World! WM. A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, NewTork. la all dlseaaw IhSawmatfen tosto WlmTKedomtirtfto- ■’ now to eßay InlhhtmatfenstHkca at the root of disease— hence an iauaediate core. VALLKTS MAQKAZ TAlfr X±TRACTOIt, and nothing dtt, wmaftayto«am!i*ttonat once, and make • certain care.: ; BALLOTS MAGICAL TAUT EXTRACTOR wm car* the following awm* a greatcataloguo of disease*: Bnra% Sealds* Cat*. Chafes, Sore Nipple*, Corea, BrnlM9, Spraln*, Sites, Poison, Chilblains, Bilea, Scrofula, Ulcers, Ferer Soraa, Petoas, Bar Ashe, Pita, Son Kyoa, Gout, Swelling*, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Wmi- Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbere’ Iteh, Small For, H«adM,laA)it,te. To aome It may appear Incredulous that so many diseases Should be reached hy one atttelejsnch an Men will vanish when refectfei point* to the Act, that the calve is a com bination of ingredient*, each ondevfry one applying a per fect amidols to its aypoatto disorder^ VALLEY'S MAGICAL PAltf EJTTRACTOS In its effects Umagical, bocanw Qm time la ao short be tweea disease and a permanent ento ; and It U an extras-, tor, a* it draws all disease calling on i). L. Theab, corner of Bulger and Monroe streets. <9* Purchasers will be careful tottak for Dft. M’LANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufactured by FLEM ING BROS, of Pittsburgh, Pa. AUother Vermifuges in comparison are 'worthless. Dr. M’Lane’s genuine Venal fugo, also his celebrated Liter Pills, can no«| be had at all respectable drug stores. JV ’one genuine without the signa ture of | FLEMING BROS. TOOTHACHE- This disease can be cured by Dh. Kktseb's Tootuacrs Behest, prepared by him in'Pittsburgh, Pa , which is put up in bottles and sold at 25 cents each. It is an excellent medicine, when diluted, for spongy; and tender gums, and is worth ten times its price to all Who need it. Sold hero by G. : W. Kessler. ' [Dec. 0,1858-ly. WIGS—WIGSr* WIGS. BATCHELOR'S WIGS AND TOPPLES surpass all.— They are elegant, light, easy and durable. Fitting to a charm—no turning op behind —no shrinking off the head; indeed, this is the oply Establishment where these things are proparly understood and mode. Nov. 18, 1858-ly 233 Broadway. New York. MARRIED. On the Tth instant, nt the Lutheran Parsonage,- by Rev. J. Stock, Mr. HENRY A. OSTEK, of Lancaster, Pa., to Miss ANN A. RODKEY, of Altoona. [Lancaster papers please copy-} Notice is hereby given, that the Book Accounts and Notes of Dr. C. J. Hirst, end also of the lute firm of Hirst i Good, are left in my hands for collection, where all persons knowing themselves indebted will make payment. Altoona, July 14.-tf JACOB GOOD, JU>. Altoona nursery.—The s»b scriber would respectfully Inform the public that he has now on band at-his Nnr sery, various kinds of FJRUIT TUFFS, ready for transplanting this FaU, conslatitlg of Ap- bMMbV pies, Rack, Plum , Prune, Gage and Apricot B V Trees, grafted in the root All trees: warranted. Altoona. July 14, ’BO-3m B. B. TAYLOR. Notice to teachers.— Notice is hereby given that aq Examination of Teachers to take charge of the Piibltc Schools of the Borough of Al toona, wifi be held in West Ward School House, on SAT URDAY, AUGUST 13,1869, commencing at 9 o’clock A.M. The Directors desire to secure tbeiservices of 8 Teachers —1 male end 4 female—for a term jbf:B months. Schools to open on the first Monday in September. v July 14, 1«69.-td JR F. BOSE, Sec’y. LAN DS ! LANDS !! i tANDS!!! The undersigned is prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS iq the Omaha and Nebraska; City Land Offices.— Good selections can now be made ntor ■ the large streams and settlements. The Lands of this Territory, now in Market, are of the best quality. Selections carefully made. ■ Le tters of Inquiry re quested. albx. f. McKinney, OaxAPOujjCaas County, N. Ter. July 14,1889.-tf , SirfiExkoEfi: Bev. A. R Ci.ins, Altooiu, Pa. • Wm. M. lojorn 4 Bankere,Altobna, Pa. , MtCaqsi 4 Dess, Editors. »P •• Thos. A. Scott. Supt. P. R. t K D. UcMcatau, Esq, Huntingdon, Fa.' First semi-annual sale ' At THE 'IV;; Peoples’Cheap Root-& Shoe Store* of the balance of the stock of Sprtpd and Summer Bools, Shoes and Gaiters, now on band. We wi|l mark down 'bur jentiro stuck at a very small per cent; over cost.' Our Stock is large, and we ore team'd to clear H cq| .by the first of October, therefore J- J , INOW IS TBB tIHS |r6 BUY. Give us a call and ' I S' : f SECURE GHBffI l Bemember the placb, the PEOPLES’ CHEAP SHOE STORE, two doors Mow the' Superintendent's Office. July!«; 1860. s jlfa W. KIMBALL. QBAND VOOALCO&CEBT, WELSH MINERS CLUB, ' The “ Welsh Minors Chib? will give one of. their highly {ntercstlhg'Voeal tfoncerts, lb East Ward'School House, Altoona, on SATURDAY'EVENING JULY 16,1859.- ' We hope allwlll find it convenient to attend. No pains will be spared to make it one of the happiest We offbr the following : PROGRAMMBr-PART FIRST. Chorus —The Temperance Trumpet, Welsh Club. “. Encomia, •• •* Anthem—Awake I Awake! •< “ Quartette —Tartary, a u Anthem—The Kail of Drunkenness, {Welsh) “- “ Duct—The Barren Fig Tree, -Messrs. Jones t Walker ,Chorn*—Worthy is the Lamb, (Welsh) Welsh Club PART SECOND- , i s Glee—Hark I The Rain is Falling, N , Welsh CIsM -•*' Hark 1 ’Us the Bells, « “ Song—Johnny Sands, Mr. J. M. Jones. Glee—Up! Clansmen,Up! Welsh Club. • Dame Dnrden, « « “ The Owl, u u “ We are All a Nodding, ; V “ “ Song—Good Night ■ • “ “ Doors open at 7 o’clock. Performances commence a* 8. Admittance 25 cents. Tickets to he had at tho door, at the Post Office, and at the Exchange Hotel... Altoona, July 14,1859.-11 . , M’ALISTERS VILLE ACADEMY, ilcAluUrttilU, Juniata Cbunty, GEO B. McFABLAND, Principal and JVopriStmv This institution is located in Dost Creek Valley, about 8 miles from Mifflin Station on tho Petin’a Bail Rood; arid is easy of access by stags coach from that point. The next SeodSß commences on the last Tuesday of JTTLT, and close* on the last Friday of DECEMBER. The Course of Study the' saine as in oil othef institutions of like character, and terms for Board and Tuition fully as reasonable.' For fur ther particulars send for a Catalogue or Circular. Jtme9.lBsC.-6t . r ; ' TTNITED STATES LIFE INSU- H-‘ v:*: -/nwv fiOERHAVE’S HOIiLAND BITTERS IH* CELEBRATED HOLLAND P.KVEDT FOB STEBBtSIft, WBEASE OP THE KIDNEYS,' LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANT KINd FEVER AND AGUE, Attdthe various iftctitHis consequent upon A disordered ■ - ' STOMACH OR LITER. Suchas Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pain*. HMnbara, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, CostivsiMH. Btlad and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, ilhrdmatic and KnnUric Affections, it has in numerous instances proved nwUy beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. LrrJ* * P««!ly'vegetable compound, prep&edteitticMr JClenUflo principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Bocrhave; Because of its greet tncosa', Kur °P«n Staffs, itslutroducl/oflnt, tn« Unite? States na intended mote espccfoUr Ibr * L - - oioQ»ftibeHaxidacattered there oWrthetaeel this mighty country. Meeting with groat success, amotu pnllWc > knowtn « that 1U tnily wonder Ail medical Tirtueii must bo mcksbwMM. ItU particularly recommended to thoao ncrs-jii Jbintn coastitQttons may hatOx been impaired by tbo conUnohui nso of ardent spirits, or other forma of dUulpatloiu rally Instantaneons In effect, it And* its wav directly to the Wat of lift, thrilling and quickening every nerve, ralalsc np tbo drooping spirit, and, In fact, Infusing new health and vigor in the system. • “ CADTIO-V.—The grest popularity of this dellrhtfid ra mabM induced msny imitations, which the public should gnard against purchasing. Bo not persuaded to buy. any - thing else antll you have given Bocrhave'a Holland BUtsM A fclr trUL One bottle convince you how Infinitely superior i| is to all these iipitatfons,' Sold at fl.oo pc t hb.'tfe, of m bbtilcs for IS, by ths sot* rttofSUatOßs, BENJ, PAGE, Jffc,. & CO., Hanufactwrina PkarmactntixU and CStmUb, m w „ PITTSBURGH. PA. vlv ous,Philad«l[ii»: Barnes A Park, New York, John D. Park, Cmcinnati; Barnard, Adams ACu,. ®*~. I A>RO UdH.AltOQna, Pa-, and by Druggists and Merchants generally throughout the United States sad Canadas. fOctoW U, IShL-ly List op letters remaining In the Poet Offlce at Altoona, on the SUvofJuly, Wi9. Abern, John ■ Lundnn, Johau' Barnard. KateS Merrlwn, PH* Batman, Thomas Manly, David , Jtontgamory, \Sfm A i toie, Mayn’t ; Mftrton, James r Carles, Matthew’s, James Vfc !L McWilliams. John 4 RB T. ... Okctou* Dauicl Chambers, M«iy t Orrin^onTßJ Crawfort, MargV Bochntor, George Cox, Harrison Else in. .Win G ?° b V\ Q „ TO , Byre; Joshua P R«Uy. Isaac il ®“»nr.MM • f£.luS? Flack, P Be? Barno&^K*' Freed, George C joheoaitt Flanagan, Celia M IUATUn Sm Oertlor; Valentino SolaniomAß ! -Spade.TW ... 'Qurdcd, Elisabeth Smiley. Harr F ’ arcady, Bridget SmttftSffi Hallman, A Scdgdsrfcli, 0 W Hayes, Bichard SlUccrPhilip Herman, George Stewart, Mugg Hlao, Frank ' EohneideiVFred : ■' Keyser, * Warner ’ StUlemelr, William ' < Kyle, W B 3 Tung, Mary • Katleln, Frank Wilson, Susannah Long, Joseph B Zimmerman, JUrhaVi* Persons inquiring for letters on'this list wilrmeasoesT —“Advertisc'l." , JOHN BUS£MAKKB, P. M. Altoona, July 7,1859. BOOK.FOfc KV • YDOD Y.—STABTLINII iSCT.OStI KER —l> r. T KL 'K’S greet work for lUvinsr- I. or lor those Cgntetnplt ig maiT : n"o—£K) pages, full PLATES. l'rty-e& cents— \t to aU parts uuilcreeal.bT iff, 000.009 !•« sold tljy, liulysor, Th«' tt'e, mnrrlrd, oud tho mof. icil happy. A IrfCtUrt on ■Lore, or, how to choose a part ner ; a complete work on MW '■■ifery. U contains hundreds V* Sft?f f “ U k i ul *.?rllft«o#^*®ho«ry biaf Brand*, wlllbe kept cofitanUy qu hand, and will to «dd In lots to salt purchasers, of prices as reasonable as tb«T can be had anywhere in the cotmtfy. [May IVW-lf IA A BOXES WINDOW GLASS, BnVrftMi - . ; logwood, . “ssssr 4 , , Ia! -. ; . sj*snlsli in stofc May 1* 18&i. •j m SOP.Iff. PAINTS I PAINTS! iISAP, different Brand*. 1,000 ft*. White Zinc Valnt, ' r*"’ 4 Ouce.Cfanono .Qrccn. ■ . 8 Cwe* Chrome Yellow. . BnrnedUqiber.^ Ston«>‘ *** te ami PUNCY TOILET JL _ . „:. AifD sua nya so4ps. . • Clcwr’s Honey 8os». ' - -■ ■ * . - Buie's Poodne, V, ; '- fwwh «nBRFUMBRY XL,,--.- > &Jrcr jxncLtiis. Extracts for the Handkerchief, . Kiss mej YKtly, . Battetjy Boqnet, \ ’:■■■ OILS! OILS! E.-..«•■ • Pure Eefine