The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 14, 1859, Image 2

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    Cjje |Hteona Crtbmte.
THDRSMY, JULY 14. 1859.
. NSuWheropartioe are unknown to us,onrndefor adrer
. tieing b to require payment in advance, ora xnarsnteefrom
feaown persons. It la therefore useless for all nieh to lend
••advertisement* offering" to pay at the and of three or six
■baths.' Where advertisement* are accompanied.with thd
aeaaey, whether one, five or ten dollars,we will gbo the
admtber the foil benefit of cash rates.
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street, New York, and
JO State street, Boston, are the Agents for ths AUooma
3Wfaq*> and the most influential and largest <drenlatißg
Newspapers in the nnitad x Btates and the Canadas. They
«rs authorised to contract for na at our lowest rotes.
The daily papers, for some days past,
have been filled with accounts of soother ,
great battle fought somewhere in the
.neighborhood of the river Mincino, but
for the. life of ns we can not find head or
tail of the account The dumber of Aus
trians killed is put down at 85,000. In
the Emperor’s proclamation to his soldiers,
after the battle, he states that they have
taken 80 cannon and 6,000 prisoners. It
is estimated that near four hundred thou
sand men were engaged in the battle, con
sequently the slaughter must have been
tremendous. Another great battle is an
ticipated.! The Austrians have thus far
been driven from every position they have
tekcihup,and their losses have been heavy.
How much longer they will hold out can
not be told. Prussia will ere long be
into the fight.
Heath of Judge Burnside. —lt is
ohr painful duty tp chronicle the sadden
and awful death of Hon. jjames Burnside,
Of Bellefonte, which occurred on Friday,
. Ist inst. The circumstances of his death
’• ore ,reported as follows: —He had been
sitting at~his door, in the evening, when
his nephew, Harvey Mann, drove up in a
buggy, with his mother, (a sister of Judge
Huniside), who had come to pay them a
.visit. The horse was a new one, and af
ter Mrs! - Mann had got out, the Judge
said to his nephew that ;he believed that
he would get in and take a short drive
with him. He got ip, and young Mann
was about following him, when he slipped,
timohing the horse, started! him. The
teihs, .which had been lying loose, fell,
and -the horse dashed rapidly down- asteep
ston/str-eet. He made a short turn at a
opener at jthe foot of the hill-, and threw
the Judge nut. He fell violently on his
head. . The blood gashed from every fear
tore,, and when he was picked up'he was
dying. la two or three-minutes from the
time be laft his door, full of life, health
and-spirits, ho was parried back a bleeding
corpse. .The event is said to* have caused
groat grief and consternation' in* the town.
It was particularly felt now, as he had
been instrumental in getting up a picnic
fpr the fourth, and was announced to read
the -Declaration of Indepcodeucc. Instead
of attending a festal gathering, his towns
motepiobablj attended his funeral on that
UQ ARDNEE HOUSE-— White 00 , a
vfeit to Harrisburg, a few dalys since, we
c put up at the above House, near the rail
road U>epot, and received the hospitality
of its gentlemanly and accommodating
proprietors, Messrs. Stone & McCrum.—
The house has but recently passed into
jheir hands, nevertheless, it has already
received that renovation and renewing
which, it so much needed and now wears
an air of comfortable and homelike ap-
which at once makes its guests
feel as if tiiey The meals
nerved up are equal to, yes, we wiU-say
better than those to-be had at most houses
of a larger class. Should any of our cit
izens visit Harrisburg, and some of them
are doing so every day, wo say to them,
give the Bumgardner House acall,and
we know you will not regret it
Democratic Delegate Election, &c.
—'At a meeting of the Democratic County
Committee of this county, held in HoHi
daysburg on the 24th ult,, it was resolved
that the Democratic citizens of the sever
al Ward*, Boroughs and Townships, be
notified to meet at their usua! places of
holding primary meetings, on Saturday,
August 13th) 1859, and e!ect two dele
gate* from each to meet in County Con
vention on the Wednesday following.—
Meetings in the townships to open at 8
o’clock P. M., and continue until 6; in
the boroughs to open at 7 o’clock P H.,
and continue until 9 o’clock P M.
V - * V «- ; ' •'- i ‘ . •• J
iSr Oar townsman, €oi L. W. Hall,
receives the following flattering notices of
his Selection by the Peoples’ Convention
of this county as the candidate for Senator;
in this District:— !
Col. L. W. Hail, ottr candidate for Senator, i
ia a man' in whom the people of Blair county
takes pride. His rote in tbe Convention, over!
one of oar most worthy end respectable citizens,;
is a mark of approbation that no man for a high;
public office Can boast of. Should' he receive;
the nomination, which the people of Blair conn* ;
fy ardently hope for, a majority of from twelve
to fifteen hundred will be the result, became hei
Is a man fit for the post, and will make a Sena-j
tor worthy of the confidence and esteem of the|
people. If we e’eot in this district. Col. Hall
is the only man that tan cany a nugority. Blair
county wiU do the work.—Blair County Whig.
Tbk Bight Ma*.—We observe by tbe Blair;
County papm, that nor .friend Lewi* W.Hall,.
Esq.,' of' Altoona, has been nominated by the
People's Convention of that County as a candi
date for State, Senator. We know not whom 1
the other.counties, of the district may present,
but we opine no better man than Mr. Hall can
be “aohrad np.” Bold, energetic,indefatigable,
a fine speaker, a good debater, and withal a
trne gentleman, he is in our opinion the very;
man to redeem the Blair and Clearfield district;
Amp the reproach of Biglerism. —Somertet Her
ald d" Whig.
L. W. Hall, Esq., of Altoona, it will be seen,
carried the county triumphantly, as an aspirant
for the Senatorship. He is a gentleman of
ability and industry, and If nominated by the
Conference of the District will spare no pains to
carry \i.—-HoUiday*bwg Register.
It will be seeti from the above that thei
hope of his party to carry the district is
ceptered in Col. H. We hope he may,
as he. certainly should, be the choice of
the Conference.
Re-Nominated.— We are pleased to
know that the late “ handsome member*!
from this county, in the lower House of
of the Legislature of this State, was nomi
nated by acclamation at the late county
Convention of the Peoples’ Party. So
far as we know anything about his course
during last winter, and we watched it pretr
ty closely, we believe he attended to the
wants of his constituents, and the, best
Interest of the State, in a manner satisfac
tory to those who reposed their confidence
in him, and much better, we dare
than one-half the members who sat with
him. Mr. Burley is p gentleman in all
his actions, and his unanimous re-nomina
tion is conclusive evidence of the high re
gard entertained for him by hia party.—r
With a majority of 1,000 in his favor last
fall, we presume his re-election is a fore
gone conclusion, unless some terrible re
vulsion should shake the Alleghenies and
frighten the voters of his party from the
polls, or materially change their senti
ments on political question.
The Sun. —A new daily paper bearing
the above head, has been started by Messrs
Crapp & Morgan, at Harrisburg. It is
well printed and its articles are gotten up
in that Attractive style peculiar to Crapp
himself. The new paper promises to be a
worthy rival of the two dailies already
printedat our State Capitol. If it be true
that “ opposition is the life of trade,!’
,tiu papers of that place must be improved-
We ore inclined to think, however,
the daily paper badness, like aU others,
can be “ run into the ground.” We hope
.this may not he the fate of the Sun or
any of its cotemporaries.
P. S. Since the above was placed ip
type, wo learn that the Sun has set to
rise no more j cause —want of rays in the
shop&of silver dollars. .
EQu Monsieur Blondon has just suc
cessly accomplished the feat of walking
across the Niagara River on a tightrope
in the presence of a crowd variously esti
mated at from five thousand to ten thou
sand persons. He ’first crossed from the
American side, stopping midway to re
fresh himself with wine raised, in a bottle
with a rope from the deck of the steamer
Maid of the Mist. , The time occupied in
thjo first crossing wais seventeen i minutes
aBsd a half. The return from the British
fo the American side was accomplished in
twelve minutes. :
He. ' Coggswell’s New Medical
S alt.— We call the attention of our read*
era to the advertisement of this valuable
remedy for inflammatory diseases in which
will be found an account of a most woh
derfnl cure oflnflammatory Rheumatism.
“ if »the multitude of counsellors there
is safely,” it is . certainly safe for the af
fiictedto give the Medical Salt a trial,
when it is recommended so heartily hy the
multitudes who have been benefitted by
its we. We repeat, give the Medical Salt
ri trial. ■ ' " v : f -i :
i VSf* A number of editorial articles and local
items, intended for this week’s paper, have been
unavoidably crowded; oat.
1®“ Lewis C. Levin, who at one time figured
as an intense native American, is now in the
Philadelphia Lunatic Asylum.
|®“See advertisement of A. F. McKinny,
in another column, and if you have any surplus
change which yon wish to invest in western lands,
Aleck can attend to it in the. right manner.
SQL A man was recently found dead in the
oupolo of the “ Mansion House,” at Beading—
On a board on the inside of the cupalo, ho had
written, evidently when in the agonies of death;
“ C S. Matthews, Lewistown Pa. Buy me
With the honors of war, I wm a soldier in Mexico.*
JofcOßa.—The following list of' J«wi;lW
been -draws for the July term of Court:— s
j. I ' Geahd Joaoas:
AiidlMh jWni. Y., Fanner. Logon.
Bridratbai Dn+id. Former. N. Woodberty.
Boring Elijah, Laborer, Frankstown. .
CndWell David T,, Clerk, Altoona. ■
Crqmbecker Jesse. Farmer, Frankstowa.
Domcr Geo. W , Teacher, Anti*.
Elway James, Farmer, Logan.
Fleck Henry, Farmer, Logan.
Gardner Philip, Farmer, Huston.
Good David, Iron-Master, Woodberty. ..
Gardner Robert, Farmer, Woodberty. \
Hooper Isaac, Merchant, Allegheny.^
Hammond Stephen, Fanner, Catharine.
Hull Darid, laborer, Altoona. , .
Mateer John M., Plasterer, N. Woodberty.
Morrow A. 8., Iron-Founder, N. Woodberty.
Mnibollen James Jr, Fanner, Antes.
McFarlane Thomas, Machinist, Hollidayeborg.
McFarland John, Farmer, Snyder,
Smith Allien, Fanner, Antes,
Showberger John, Fanner, Blair.
Taylor £ 8., Nurseryman, Altoona.
Widensal John, Clerk, Hollidaysburg.
Wcyandt Jos. (of Jacob) Farmer, Greenfield. .
j \ Tbavessk Jcbobs.—First Week.
Alloway Abraham, machinist, Altoona.
Bart Joseph, gentleman, Gaysport.
Belli F. M., gentleman, Tyrone Borough.
Ciingerman John, school teacher, Allegheny.
Clugh George, fanner, Taylor.
Clark John Jr., do Catharine.
Ciaubaugh Ab’m. do Woodberty.
Crawford Jaa. do Tyrone tp.
Douglass Wm. laborer, Gaysport.
D.ell! Jacob# farmer, Catharine.'
Elliott George, merchant, Frankstown.
Elliott Benjamin, do do.
Einigh Peter, gentleman, Blair.
Everson George, pattern-maker, Altoona.
Estep William, shoemaker, Huston.
Gr&bill Michael, farmer, Taylor.
Barpster Philip carpenter, Frankstown.
Bileman Joseph, farmer, do
Irvin Wm; H., do Allegheny.
Eoon Christian, v do Frankstown.
Boon Ab’m, tailor, Allegheny.
Lovett John, grocer, Hollidaysbnrg,
Linginfelter Michael, laborer, Greenfield.
Leigbty Jacob, justice of the ptacO, Jifniato.
Lowry Garber C.„clerk, Hollidaysburg.
London James, gentleman, Logan.
Miller Peter, farmer, do
Masiien David, teamster, Altoona.
McQuade James, manager, Snyder.
Neff John :K., iron-master, Woodberry.
Bjecd Peter, ehairmaker, Altoona.
Roberts Ji U. shoemaker, do
Heap Jacob, laborer, Allegheny.
Smith George, Jr, farmer, Antes.
Slouffer Jonathan, tailor, Hollidaysburg.
Wiiliamsob James carpenter, Altoona,
Wike George 8., farmer, Huston.
Ybung John, do Allegheny.
Second Week.
Alexander James, farmer, Allegheny
Baird Martin, do Blair
Beveriine Samuel,,miller, Frankstown
Barbour John M, engineer, Gay sport
Barefoot Job, Clerk, Blair
Biur John, Carperter, Hollidaysburg
Brumbaugh John miller, North Wodberry
Benton John, carpenter, Taylor
Brennamdn John, fanbef, do
Cooper Jaa M, coal merchant, Hollidaysburg
Dysart Joseph, farmer, Allegheny
Boorman E S, confectioner, Hollidaysburg
Funk Nicholas 0, lime burner, Allegheny
Gwin George, former; Logan
Ghljiraith: David, clerk, Altoona
Garner Jacob, former, Woodberry
Htury Samuel E r merchant Hollidaysburg
Holland Thomas, engineer, Allegheny
Hbftzel George, Carpenter, Altoona
Johns ton Janies M, farmer, Woodbe'frjr
Kcmberllne Samuel do Frankstown
Nipple Andrew, car-builder, Altoona
Learner Henry, gentleman, Hollidaysburg
Linginfeltor John G, farmer, Freedom
Long James, laborer, Allegheny
Lpwer Win H, funner, Woodberry
Majan Charles J, merchant, Altoona
Morrow Samuel, farmer, Tyrone tp
Metz Peter, plasterer, Woodberry
MeLanoban J C,’ iron-founder, Hollidaysburg
Mcpamant Samuel, manager, Snyder
Mropadden Archibald, merchant, Hollidaysburg
Joseph, chair.maker do
Robinson Joseph, fanner, Frankstown
Striker John T, do Tyrone tp
Smith Samuel, do Juniata
Stanley John, forgemon, do
TOmpleton David, farmer, Logon.
:Tbial List tot July Term, 1859.
SB £ Duncan va_Samnel Kyle’s admrs
Bartlett & Anthony ts Morrison’s Cove T R Go
Langhara and wife ts Stilfier’s heir’s et al
P McCloskey ts T McCloskey’s admrs
Tbotnakßees ts R McNamara's adz and kl
A Roon ts P McNally
J M’Cartney ts A M & P Glass
Thomas Smith vs Joseph Smith & al
. Same its Same
J Brcnneman ts M Grahill
H McNcal ts A D & J P Moore
Jacob Reed ts P S Reed & al
John Miller ts Sboenberger's Ezra
: Same .ts Same
Hehry Learner ts A M & B White
C Hughs vs G L Lloyd \
Jacob Bibert vs John Dibert
ffm McCauley vs Mowry & Pike
G yt Shermer’s admr ts Cotter & Fitzpatrick
GeO Jackson to Blair Co Coal & Iron Co.
A Siraohton vs Holliday & Bingham
George Wehn ts Jane Beals <
0 Bunakter ts Levis Plack
George golden ts J Robertson & Co.
O’Friel'siadmz ts A M White &Co ' j}
Coin- for|ase ts Thos Jackson’s admrs
A Robleirind ts John Nagle r
R.'M Lemon ts Daniel HOntz
John Fox ts Union Insurance Co.
L. iLowry Jr ts B Elliott :
J & McFarland & C 0 ts Thomas Porter
J Kemp tb'B Lytle I '
R McNamara's ndmx ts W Lyon j
Bell, Johnston Jack &Co ts Bingham & Holliday
J Moore’s use ts G L Lloyd .
I) Good’s use ts D Watson et al :
T Q Pomeroy & nl ts Allegheny E B & Coal Co
J E Gould tsDK Beamey
H E Wilkins ts George Port
John Riling ts B S Whittaker
6 J Phillips ts W W Jackson
W'McFarland ts John Barr
Alter & Williston ts J Wingate
G Clapper’s Exrs ts Nancy Clapper
Beltzhoover & Rosier ts John Biokson
D R Taylor ts J Wingate & al
Levis Plack vs W W Jackson
J Cbonan vs Tingling & Brubaker
S Henderson vs J W Cramer
McFarland & Watson as M. Kelly
Chaffee, Stout & Co ts A Patterson
John Lows ts . Same
: Same • ts> Same
John Moonhead ts J L lokes
H Z Levis ts Thomas E Harris
to the temperance lepton this cra
ning. . V V
: i®»Th* cast iron iron! for C. Joggard’s sew
building has arrired and wiU be put up m afeir
days. : V'- , ■
, *®- Highly delighted—the 3. g. of A., of
thts with the celebration at iWilUamsbarg,
? t n °* them go*, a chance lo
“spout” a little. '
*'• j
manying, had Uttar
destiny all old love letters. :
EBP* A strap is sometimes a very good thins
to sharpen razors and dull boys.
, Sor The wife ef the Hon. Edward Everett,
died in Boston on the evening of the 2d Inst.
f9* School teachers will find ah item of im
portanceto them incur advertising columns.
, ggg m Handsome—the new sign in front of the
Peoples’ Cheap Shoe Store.
fff" Considerablychanged—the temperature
of the atmosphere within the last two weeks.
- Hop* The citizens of Tyrone presented a bean
tifnlflag to the Cavalry company of that place,
on the 2d Inst
A fearful epidemic is raging amongthe
hogs; at Auburn, N. T. One thousand have
died within the last two weeks.
|OU work of macadamising Virginia st.
will have reached the crossing in front of the
Superintendent’s Office, by Saturday evening.
Going up—four, more rooms on Brant’s
Corner, extening the building to the alley divi
ding it from the Masonio Temple.
The bricklayers are about putting their
finishing touch on the new Company building
going-up on Virginia street.
Why are our “ d—ls” like bombshells T
Because the moment they are out of reach they
are “ on a bust’*
There is a Begroe ifr Philadelphia who
is distinguished for the sise of bis feet; they
measure 21 inches in length.
IQU The Tyrone Star appeared on Saturday
week printed with red ink on the outside and
blue inside, emblematical of our national colors.
An English missionary, now in Sumatra,
lately wrote that he “ bad the melancholy sat
isfaction of examining the oven in which his
predecessor was cooked."
|gy* The failure of the Secretary of the 8.
8. Association to famish us with a copy of the
proceedings of last meeting, will accoant for
their non-appearance this week.
A gentleman in the West, with whom
we are unacquainted, writes as, “please pot
me down ns a subscriber to your paper.” Cer
tainly, sir, as soon as you put us down $1,50.
pg* Hon. D. F. Robison, ex-member of
Congress from the Franklin District, died at
Chambersburg, on the 24th inst., from disease
which he contracted at the National Hotel, in
Washington, in the spring of 1857.
The presentation of a handsome Bible to
the Division of Sons of Temperance came off ac
cording to announcement in our last. We shall
publish the presentation and reception speeches
in oor next.
B&> We heard a good story told lately of an
Irish lady of this town who discovered a spotted
land tortoise while gathering berries, and in
great tribulation called on her company to come
and see a rattle snake with the box with tbe
rattles in on its back.
tSS“ 1° one of the counties of Wiscotfsia,- it is
said that there are three candidates for tbe
Legislature; J. M. Root, Democrat; Robert
Hogg, Free Soil, and T. H. Dye, Whig.—
So on the election day, it will be “ Root, Hog,
or Die” with the voters.
The committee appointed by the Fite
Company of this place, to wait upon our citi
zens and receive their contributions and sub
scriptions towards purchasing a fire engine, will
attend to that duty during tbe present week.—
The following gentlemen compose tbe committee:
—North Ward—A. Kipple, Wm. Bartley, W. HJ
Nichols. W. Ward—W. W. Smith. J. K. Rus
sel, F. Shillinger. £. Ward—A. A. Smytbe, C.
R. McCrea, A. Maxwell.
. SST" The latest and most wonderful cure ef
fected by a patent medicine, recorded, is the
following : A boy bad Swallowed a silver dol
lar. None of the faculty could devise an alle
viation ; whereupon the inventor of patent medi
cine was sent for. 11 It is evident,” said he,
“ that so considerable a coin can never be forced
up by ouy emetic known to science. ' However,
let bim take this pill and flattering consequences
will bo likely to ensue.” An hour afterwards
the boy throw up the dollar, all in small change,
principally five cent pieces.
Exchange hotel..—the sub-
SCBIBKR would respectfully in
form the public that ho has recently re
fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre- m/SSKmU.
pared to accommodate his friends
patrons in a comfortable manner, and
will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all
ecjonrncrs. ILis Table will always be luxuriously supplied
from the markets of the conntiysnd cities, and bur Bar
filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges ore as
reasonable as those of aiiy other Hotel in the place, and he
fools satisfied they can not becomplained of by those who
Savor him With their custom. Expecting to receive a share
of public patronage, and fUUy intending to deserve It, he
throws open his boose to the public and invites a trial.
I have Just reccived a stock of No. 1 Trench Brandy,
for medicinal purposes.
Also alaree stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pnr-
P oWs, together with alotofthe best old Bye Whiskey to
bo fonadlntoe country.
Altoona, May 27,188f1.-ly]
XjL. llflHTrUl CIIMATK, rich toll, and secure from
frost*. See advertisement of Oohimimton Lands in another
eolnmn. ’
JtX The' subscriber offer* at Private Sale* Ronse and
Lot of Oroand, situate on Pine Street, Ea« Altoona, for
merlyoccupled by Isaac W. Armstrong. The house U a
good Two-Story name building. There is a well of good
water near the boose
Tenn*—s2so Inhand and the balance In. yearly pay
ment*. _ C.B.BINKT
June 23, ’KMJt. . - . ••
TOQ id! wanting Farms. See advertise*
■' Alarge assortment of Nursink Bottles; ' ;
Cutter 5 * Improved SHODLDtR BBACBS for Ladles
Gentlemen and Children, for sale by A. ROUSH.
SHOE Business and Factories ean be
carried on profitably at Hammonton. Bee advertise*
meat of Hammonton Lands.
JL# —Messrs, freeman A Hoover respectfolly Inform the
Public that they have established a NKWMABBLEYAED.
on the corner v Allegheny and PrmtSbrmU. In Hollidays
burg, where they wUI KCepconstanUyonnandafallaa
- and bo prepared to execute order* for
Tomb Stones, Monuments, Table Tops,
in a prompt and workmanlike manner.
BoUldayaimrg, April U, ’6O-6m *
J PERSONS wanting change of climate
»i^Wnm^ adTC^^9atof^amm^0,, ***>
mrtf to thaffpring, and lasting until cold woatUc r»eti n,
thni “woSStodSfevod ttr a while, be attacked
—m tha Baring. All bit Joints would swell and be
wTsoia, stoended with the most scute pain. My feet,
jjhoalden, anms and hands troubled me most, so much so
that I could scarcely walk, and almost always required a»-
dstance to dressing. Duringtoi* time I would try
iMm I could hear of, in tbs hope of finding a cure. I afeo
tried several physicians, but nothing seemed to help mo i
the least to the world. About two and a half years ago I
«as si usual, and as usual tried everything to get
rid of it, but to no purpose, I kept growing worse, and
a nails had to give up and stayln the bouse, where I was
confined about four weeks.* This time my feet swelled,
and were so corn that I could not ataud on them or get on
mv hoots, and ay hands swellsd to twice their usual size,
f/ S* I waTto sU appsaxances wnl beUefi totally used
on. About this time my parents, who reside in Maine,
■int for me to come home.: jWent and alter my arrival!
Mnuneneed trying another remedy, hoping to he cored,
others? Tor badaot
beenabls to dieestoyeelf or to ralseay hand tony head,
and cubing the most excruciating pain all the time.—
Dm daw mV titsw cams to-W<th a paper to which was ad-
SSiS to. owwilrt MBDICAITsALT, for InflamnMr
tory-toseases only, and wanted me to read and see what I
thought of it. 1 read and laughed at It, pronounced it a
hnmbug, aad told him that I had been humbugged cnough-
Hs kept urging me, and at last said 1 could bnt try it, and
“ l wo\2d writetoDrC„giving^*££*o*"f.
disesso, he would pay the sexpenss. Of course I could no*
petose such an offer and sent for one box. It came to due
bat my (kith was not ine*eaaed,and 1 toagtod at
the Idea of so small a dow doing me any good, and told my
wife that 1 believed Dr. (5. and his Salt, both hnmhnga.—
However, 1 commenced nstog It and the revolt wnapeiv
fectly astonishing. I could hardly realise It myself. 1
slept soundly sll night, which I had notdone for »long
time, and when I awoke ii Hie morning, strangs as it may
I was entirely free from pain. I had then taken
but one d. we, and bathed freely before goto* to tod. That
morning 1 felt so well that I 1 hardly kuew how to contain
mysdfrand went down stairs and told the folks how weil
I felt, and from that day to this 1 have not suffered one
moment’s psln or had an attack of my once dreaded enemy,
Bbeumatlsm. lam perfectly well and hearty, and wherev
er I have a chance I recommend it. A friend of mins, re
siding to Brooklyn, is now frying It for a bad case of neu
ralgic rheumatism, and so fcr It U working admirably.—
This u a long ttory, but I have told all the feet*, which 1
can bring witnesses to substantiate if necessary; and will
agate my that to the MEDICAL S ALT, a sure cure may to
found for all inflammatory diseases, and woOld urge all
who are afflicted to give It a trial. GKO. U. DBSCAN,
No. 117 Wall Street, New York.
When it Is remembered that,the MEDICAL SALT is S»
efflcaoioos to all other Inflammatory diseases as in Rheu
matism, (see descriptive circulars) it will at once to seen
'that it is a most valuable remedy. Sorely those thus af
flicted will find to their own condition and to toe atove
•totetaentSs enough to HnHwe them to gieo the MavICAL
SALT a trlaL ■ ,
W “ ,, » "““St™, k <»,
General Agettts, N(J.208 Dock Street, Philadelphia.
For sale In Altobna by A; ftODSO; at Bella Mills by B.
P. Bell; in Holliday ah org by Qeo. A. Jacobs, and by all
enterprising Druggists, and wherever the Tribune goes.—
(fell rr send and get a circular, and do not fail to try the
New Medical Salt.
Doc. 16, ’SMf.
Pay* for a full course In the Iron City College, the largest,
most extensively patronised and best organised Commer
rial School in the United State*.
357 Students attending daily, MarchlBs9-
Usual time to complete a full course, from 6 to 10 Weeks.
Every Student, upon graduating, is guaranteed to bo com*
potent to manage the Books of any Business and qualified
to earn a salary of from
8500 to $l,OOO.
Students enter at any time—No Vacation—Review at
pleasure. -
61 Premiums for Best Penmanship
awarded in 1858.
WJJ, Ministers Sons received ft half price.
For Circular and Specimens of Writing, enclose two letter
stamps, and address K. W. JENKINS.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sept. 30,1858.—1 y
The hammonton farmer.—a
newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also
setting fourth full accounts of the new settlement of Ham
pton ton, in New Jersey, can bo subscribe.for at only 25 cents
annum. . }
Inclose postage for the amount. Adless to Edi
tor of the Farmer, Hammonton, P. O. Atlantic Co- New
Jersey. Those wishing cheap ■ land, of the beat quality, in
one of the healthiest and moat delightful climates iu the
Union, and where crops are never cntdowiVby frost*, the
terrible scourge of the north, see advertisement of Ham
monton hands.
• ceived and opened at ins old stand, on Virginia xt_
a large and attractive assortment of seasonable goods, com
prising all the novelties lit . '
and all varieties and textures of
together with a full assortment of goods fi>r gentlemen's
wear, such as Cloths, Cnsslmercs and Vestings.
Also a full s tock of I|aslwnrc, Queens ware and
and an assortment of : ; ji
of all sizes and styles, which equal to any in, the market,
and will bo sold at lair prices.
Haring recently enlarged my store-room, I can now
display my largely Increased stock to better advantage
and would respectfully ihrlte' everybody to call.
May 12,1859. H
/'I RAPE growers can carry on their bust
yjT ness most successfully at Hamnitmton, free from
frosts. Some forty Vlnyardu set out tho past season. See
advertisement of Ham montun Lands, In another column.
respectfully inform litaoldcnv
tomeij and the public "generally
that b* ny just received i ukoe
and BA2fpMMt **: of
CLOTHS, Qassimeres,
, AND vestings,
which, he Is now offering for sale,
and is prepared to make them up in
the latest style £ moat durable man
ner,* w none but the best workmen
arc employed- and all work made will
be warranted to give satisfaction.
He has also a goad Stock of Gksts’
such as Shirts, Collars, Usdrs-
SHIRTB, Drawers, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Neck Tl is, Stocks,
Bnspendcrs, Hosiery, tr„ & also a large assortment ol
READY-MADE CLOTHING, all of which he Is determined
to sell as cheap as they can be bought this side of Phila
delphia. The public are respectfully invited to call apd
examine my stock, as I shall take pleasure In showing
them. Doors open at all times from OA. M. until BP. J 1
Admittance free.
May 5‘ 1859-tf THOMAS EL WAY.
T)iERSON§ wishing to change their
Jl bush** to a rapidly incrcascing Country, a New
Settlement Where hundreds ore going. Where the climate
is mild and deiightfol.; '.She advertisement of the llammon-
Settlement, in another column. •
J. D. Lur.
Will practice law in the several Courts of Blair, Cambria,
Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centro and adjoining counties.—
Aleo in the Distrlct Count of the United States. '
Collections of claims promptly attended to. Agents for
the sale of Real Estate, Bounty Land Warrants, and all
business pertaining to conveyancing end the law.
Hon. Wilson McCendles and Andrew Bnrke, Esq., Pitts
burgh; Hon. Samuel Ai Gilmore, Pres. Judge of Payette
Judicial District; Hon. Chenard Clemens, of Wheeling, Va-;
Hew. James Burnside, IWlefonto; Hon. John W. Klliingcr,
Lebanon, and Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia.
Jane 16,1860-ly.
"PERSONS wishing to establish Manu-
JL Actoriea in a new and thriving place where business
i*good. See advertisement oftho Hammonton Settlement.
n jtpmrß
Bekrescis :
in a delightful and healthy
Philadelphia, on M* (ksnden and AttaiSS^^j^f
An oli estate consisting of several thousamfc **
productive toil has been divided into Jams o/wh. if
to wit the purchaser. A population of some «>«*
drtd, from various parts of the Middle
England have settled there the pan year, iauZ.***
places, and raistd (salient crept. . The prica nri?’*? 'Vtt
at the low sum of from $l5 to {2O per acre {j *»*<lu
the best quality for the production of IFAeal. clI? 11 *• of
I'cac’ies, Grapes and Vegetables. ITISCOSRIDRb^;
f>ctly secure from frosts—the destructive ensav Hr*.? *">
mer. Crops of (train, gnus and fruit are now ?*• hr
can bo seen. By examining the place iu^it T Ul *
judgment can be formed ot the productiveness of
The terms are made easy to secure the rapid imVLr* **H
of the land, which is only sold for ocfuoihnpnn»»Zl tlß<xl
result has been, that within the past year. amTtuL
dred houses have been erected, two mills, one nw*
stores, some forty rinyards and PeachorchsrdaiS*•»
and a large number of other Improvement!.
desirable and active place of business. “**“l its
as the reader may perceive from its location u
. BEST IN TIIS UNION. n,l,th «
Produce bringing double the price than In location,
from the city, and more than double the
West. It is known that the earliest and best fJz 0 *•
vegetables in this latitude come from New Jen»vu!i > * t
annually exported to the extent of millions, «*
In locating hare, the settler baa many advantasM
ia within a few hours ride of the great cities of V™ s?'
land and Middle States, he is near his bid friends*
dations, ha is in a settled country token retry iwnrZZ* 1 '
of oamiorl and ciaiUtaUon it at hand. lleam taY*' 1
article be wants at the cheapest price, and sell
for the highest, (in the Weet this is wersed.vtt !
schools for his children, divine terries, and sai ’**
open winter, and delightful climate, where fcrtA L? 14
toriy unknown. The result of the change noon tw“'
the north, has generaUy been to restore them tonT.r?
lent state of health. au fs *
In the way of building and improving, lumv, ,
obtained at the mills at the rata of |lO to JJS p»r thoSSJ?
Bricks from the brick yard opened in theplace.
ticle can he procured hi the place, good carpenters^. I ''
hand, and there is no place ia the Union where bi!lu!‘ !
and improvements can bo made cheaper. H l '
The reader wlil at once be struck with the sd» W w
there presented, and ask himself .why the proper!* v.rf!
been taken upbefore. The reason is, it was u'utu tw!
Us tho market; and unless these statements wen. Nn^
no ono would be Invited to examine the kind before,,
chasing. This all are expected to do. They will **l®;
under cultivation, each is the extent of the settiemem S ‘
they will no doubt, meet persons, from their o« u
borhood; they will witness the improvement! au .
judge the character of Urn population. If they cum '
a view to settle, they should come prepared to vav
or two and be ready to purchase, as locations csniJt.
held on refusal. .
There see >wo daily train* foPhiladtlphi*. wij
settlor* who improve, the KaQrosd Company i ir„, t"
Ticket for six month*, and a half price ticket b r u,„
In connection with the agricultural rettlemrut > n -»
and thriving town has naturally arisen, which pn*nu »
dneanenUfor any lind of btuutm, particularly nora mi
manufactories. Tht <SAee busfacn Could be rorrini uu
this place and market to good advantage, also cottuu lu> .
ness, and raannfoctorfc* of agricultural impU3*»i,„
Founderia for catting tmaU a Hide t. Tlio impnm. m ,, t ,
has been so rapid a* to insure a constant ant pemaiKoi
increase of hnainu*. Town lot* of a good si**, « c 4, w
sell small ones, as U would effect the ltuprov«u«ut of it
place, can bq had at from $lOO and upward*.
The Hammonton Firmer, a monthly Utrrarj nad litv
cultural sheet, containing full information of liuiuiuunbc,
can bo obtained at 25 cent* per annum.
Title indisputable—warrantee deeds given, char nf t v
incumbrance when money is paid.' Kouto to ilwiw'
leave Tina street wharL Philadelphia for llamm/ut.i,, u
Hail rood, at 7 A. M., or 4J$ P. M. Fare 90 cent,. ttV 3
tiicrc inquire for Mr.'Byrne*. Boarding oinvcnieiun ~
hand. Parties bfid better stop with 11 r. Byrne, a priv,
pal, until they, have decided a* to. purchasing, as hr »a
show them over the land in his earrings, free of rspiw.
Letters and applications can be addressed to Unii, 1
Byrnes, Hammonton P. O- Atlantic Co- New
S. B. Coughlin, 292 South Fifth-Street. Philuikiiilht.-
Maps and information cheerfully furnished.
[Juno 30 ’59-fim.]
mtusasn nr 1
Os B. TOWN & CO.,
No. 93 Baltimore Street, Baltiuwrr, 1U
The “ MASOJT «fi DIKOy'S LUTE” it ant of the U?J
and But library Popart <f Vie day 1
1 Copy,- 00* year, $2,00 and 1 Gift.
1 Copy, three yean, 5,00 and 3 (lift*.
3 copies, one Ji at, f-'/W and T fiiltf.
5 •* do ' ’ H,OO and 5 (lifl.
10 “ and 1 copy to getter on of Club, 1S,«0 and W
21 “ “ ** ■ “ jfe,oo and il d;-.*.
Every Subscriber mil be entitled to a Gift,
from 25 Cent*, to *2QO I '
Which Till be Mat by mail or expramlmmedlUiiv u ✓
ceipt of the Subscription money.
10 Piano Ported,
aOjQuld Hunting Cosed Watches,
SO Gold Watches, ' '
SO Melodeons.
100 Gold Watches,
300 - “
500 “
1006 “ “
2000 Silver Watches,
2000 Gold Ouardond Test Chains, . '■» “
3000 *• “ « . 15 t .
Coral. Garnet, Emerald. Cameo, Morale, Law, M ni
Gold Stone Seta; GoW Lockets, Gold Pens ami -
Coral, Garnet, Cameo and Mosaic Bracelets; Hin?>. H rl;
Huttons, Fob-Slide*, Bosom Shide, Silver Fort*, B«:m
Knives, Ear Drops, pins, do, kei,—worth from 25 O ct-')
$l5 each. ' V ,
fFH. The GIG will he sent immediately on receipt of ,k
Subscription money. Address
* C.B. TOWS d CO..
Publisher* of the “Maimnrd Dixon’* lint-,”
N 0.93 Daltimore.Streot, Bull muio,'l l >
June 30,185&—Cm I
1/ from Philadelphia by Railroad (n the>»
Jersey. Soil among the beat for Agricultunit perjr.v
being good bnm soil, with a clay hot turn. Tie Un* s 1
large tract, divided Into small Cirnis. and hundrou fr
ail parts of the country are now settling and buiMnt.-
The crops produced arc large and can be seen ?r<>vap? -"
Tlie climate is delightful and secure from fronts. T«
from 1 $l5 to {3O per acre, payable within t'urjwM w
sfalments. To visit the place—Leave Vine Strctt"i" n
at Philadelphia at “V-J A. M. by Railroad C>r Usiuar-iAA
or address B. J. Byrnes, by letter, Uanunonti'ii Pat
Atlantic County, New Jersey. Seo full advcril-iiK- 1 * 1 “
another column.
. The subscriber will receive daily during tl- e'-* 5 *
by Express, direct from Philadelphia ard, Pittalcrjb- at
kinds of VEGETABLES, such as
Sallad, Onions, Rhubarb, Radishes, CveuaiM
Strawberries, se. Also, Fresh Lake Fish'
all of which may be had at bis stand on Main street, If*
door above Pa. R. R, Co. Warehouse. -
Altoona June 2, ISSS.-3m
They mre the Be«i Ofclicoee yet offered to the Public fc r
Wbousau A oxters,
April 21.1859-tra ygv YO^.
Blair county insurance
AGENCY.—The undersigned, Agent of U> r j
County Mutual Tire Insurance Company, h
times ready to insure against loss or damage hr «re
ingt, Merchandise, Furniture and Property-, of
cription, in town or country, at aa reasonable r® l ”., H
Company in the State. Office with Beil, Johniton. J
Co. D. 1, CALDWELL, W*
Jan. 27, '59-tf
B. H. Outr.
Lycoming county mutwJ
agent of the Lycoming Mntual Fur* Insurance to®l. fa
at all times ready to insure against loss or
Buddings, Merchandise, Furniture and
description. In town or country, at as rcafonso o
any company in the State. Office in the Ma»?P ic } t
Boot and shobmakeb.-^®
subscriber respectfully Informs lb*
na and vicinity that ho still continue* <° so
Boots and Shoes of every description, on tne r rl iitt
tlco, at his shop on Main Street, next door to
office. His work is done np hi the best of«7-j
not fail to give satisfaction. Only fcir* tS**
K0r.471868.-ly. UW*-
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