t CO.’S [E STATE lIES ! E $4O 000 s &10. ; .. MANAGEBB. your a mavht. IUO owners of TUE AHAve. UVAKE offer to Irawn each Wedheedi.T? Delaware, in J«|blic, uT' ra ccaiuuisiouer* iy, June f., 185 - • iy, Juno 13, , »y. June 20, 1859* iy, June 27, I HIKE HUNCHED Avn rmzEs! i svery two Ticket Iravrn Ballou. 1' SCHEME. ,- iwi AY IN JULY 0. u 0,000 •' . 5.000 “ 0,000 “ 1. " , 5,089"- - 1.000 art 500 •• 350 " -100 « 70 “ 50 « 40 “ 30 " 10 “ 4*0^09 30,0(10 JWOo *MOo ■WOO ; jOflOg |«0 JWttO WHO 270,400 ■' \ «M»^B9 ti ,ss —QuartereS&M 11 Uo *V»M «,7* m , , 18&. ante ticket! , Ilf « lartcr “ Y—CVASS NO. .IULY 80t 'mien ItalluU. ■izo of 870.0001 2 Pilzes of .a :-v. - “ ■ i ss ‘V* . m AC- Jtc. ■ . lag to $i,i98,i97( ■' $lO ! Quarter* $6. OR CERTIFICATES, > our.address, for what to* ■tt'-rv lii which you wish it -h Wholes, lUlri-9 or Qosr. ud what is ordered, by •K. the drawn number* will i.m. ;| ihesr signature* plain, uni v. County and Stpte. IiSPONDENTS. i J ' e money by midi, can use KSSCOMI’AKYJ • i turns of Ten Dollars, and h EXPENSE, i ■ they have an office. Th« t -d hi n ■'GOVERNMENT • vkloi’E,” or.thegapm* Jei (ideates. br Sltdl net,, ’up. EDDY i C6*' VV Umington, Delaware, i.iwnre State liettcHwor* ..Id. ■■[ • PEN INC* SUMMER ££> S 3 a has arusfc re (■M stand, oaVirgl|jU#t n ■: of a.,'ii6cnal»lc goods,’com- Giyt/HAMS, FMHK OWKSIE\ •jEiir a gloves,- texture* ( of at of goods fiir ginUemcn> MII 11 take plcnrore In at from C A. SI. until 9 P.- M- THOMAS ELWAX. TEL.—THE SUIS - fully In- . ii life .nadJHaSfiKISE - r.and IieVSSV?:, it an agreeable bome fot *IJ vi avk.be luxuriously nt rv and eitlea, and hi* !»• > i .nfe. Ula charge* are *> vr Hotel in th* place, and n* . i nnplained . i;.vp«cting to recw* * ,ly intending to de»erV« K» “ public and Invite* a trial cf No. 1 French ' nt Whirs, for medlcinal pnr ■J - best old Kye WbUk«J l< ] JOHN BOWMAS VKG ETABL3BS.— i-ive daily during tb*;*®** o ,'}! Delphi* acd Pittttakgh. *** >. Raduhet; Cueumlt”' ko, Freth L* J??S»nJ ' :.t o> reasonable with Bell, JohMl9P< *y v 7. CAT-DWEEB. vhnty mutuaJ* AOB.VCV.—The £> fire k uUifcl lose e»«f rdurt and Property av, at as reasonable Terl ,|l« i!icn in the notid iiiN suokmake^* OEMAKEB-'JJS® informs the c^lz^f a !1 continue* to n c .::criptloc, on Ut, next ;:i It a beet nTlrtyt*! pour Crtet j_oCAl- ITEMS. . CoPr UjConUl-Qurl jiamsjwg P*** * ttl of idw s so exactly «o»d pictures so r* s*’ 5 *’ ° ur situation at this moment; we ritiiV ° ar . ttie temptation to diphia article tH DOt - d of our “imp" offlarknesfl" for a iti 1110881 He says, “Of all the hideous ft* "‘““‘Startle the hnoan ear, this (copy) * , irh erates theharahest thandcr on tympana No matter in *h.t ,C e "' he may bo l«ut®**atißg,. * et b ®t the P !e4sareS - rop whisper the word inhis aartcjxle», P rißier8 ‘ ds »n iostant spasm through his anat ‘oJ“tsFrom the stern, inexorable necessity cry imposes, there is no escape;’tis * iicb Wo as death- 1 * fixed as the adamantine lißillU3 f HpaTen.’’ Whether he goes tolastaak "fl. hopefol •»« •»’ ui ” i ”B kim "tolU ’ .J clear g. Oe.r- Ui« or barren— reacting or .tatrmg-b,. :„i„li.o tnncl OT P»k.p. i ourlr for novelties tp meet the, mercUess de l adsof tho “copy” thundering devil,at bis piDoff• There is no chance for day-dteaming. , r cDj'iying the sweets of a resting slumber, fhile the young imp is bellowing in his ears. I;i . c -a remorseless creditor, or Pinkston’s ■•kiiadows" —the doggihg fiend is ever present ■„ ,be moment of fancied security, and has most mfernal lungs. What a pity ’tis that thinking and writing f 1 5e done by sloam! What a glorious thing , oa ; d be if some “calculating” Yankee could up Dun Marble’s celebrated machine, grab, taking in a whole sheep, wool and “short l|i(n , s ' at one end, sent it out in a few moments s; dm L'tut'i', metamorphosed into chops, all hot , U J tracking, roast mutton, and a full 1 suit of F ( ]fn clothes. A machine to grind out lead er Want a “ chief-done-over,” as Mrs. Par ißgtr.n would says, of ingenuity ! .How pleasant ! a„K issy ! and how economical! With such an unstant, an editor would be the happiest, freest, ia J uost independent dog in the community.— The ui.-m who will invent such a machine will be ■puilui" liy tea thousand presses, while he jvt!, uud when he dies will outshine Faust and i;ui!t!ibu*gin glory, and be worshipped through .iJ css ages as the patron-saint of the editorial j.rofcjsioti. ii.ihurk! The cry of “ copy” deafens our sii7 fpw yotU|g Jadie?’ want mending jdnring that Store f^4o likely, ■' j '• No Summer Vacation attbe Iron City College, Pittsbi^rgb r Pa.' ( owing .to the jjmproved Prospects for actiiw business throughout the en |j re country tins coming toll. ’ . Upwards of 200 Students are in daily attendance; lienee the ootire faculty is retained, and,then will be np tuomer vacation, giving every faoiliity for young W6n to ; enter durlng thd summer, nnd be thor*. ’ D sHy prepttted/ at g cost ofpply &ljMp£ vl fc or the business season. " _ , Miutabt Celsbratiok. —The military com* panics of-this place intend celebnxting.the com ing Fourth of J nly, in an appropriate manner, in on the Plank Road, between thfsplnce'and Allegheny .Famaoe, and cordially ■ invite'the citisene of the town onß’snrrouttding ponntiy to Bnitewlth them, bringing whatever, ini the line of eatables, ‘they may think.pinper. Persons Uving on ibe-East side of the Railroad whp, desire to'Join inthis celebration vt ill leave their provisionsat the Unnited Brethren Cbnrch, and those on the West side will deposit their at Shultz’S Hall, from which places it will be conveyed to the woods. The celebra- tion -is to be a general ope, the provision all placed on a longtahle which will be erected on the ground and all present be invited to par take. A platform will be laid down, off! which all those who take delight in “ tipping the light fantastic toe,’' can enjoy themselves. Wiibbs .abb Yon Goiko oh ,thb .Fourth?— This-is the salutatory of almost every person you meet qu the street or elsewhere, and so various are the replies that we can not prfetend to say whether the “ stay-at-homes" or the “ go-aways” are the most numerous ;_neyorthclesB, both par ties admit that >hey can hot properly enjoy the day and - the sports of the evening without cal ling at Fettingers,Literary Emporium and pur chasing a few of the many articles he has re ceived specially, for this occasion, consisting of an endless variety; of noisy and beautiful fire works, banners, flags, wreaths and everything necessary to get up decorations, together with toys suitable for presents to children. i< Be sure to call and examine ibis stock soon, as the ar ticles named are disappearing rapidly. This Way, Ye Pic Nicers. —Jake. Wise, the excellent', baker, two doors above Hileman’s store, request us to state that he will have on band a large stock of cakes, pies, confectionaries, fruits, nuts, &c., to supply picnic parties on the glorious Fourth at any other time. AU kinds of cakes; baked to otder on .abort notice. We know tbat-Jako cab get .up as fine a cuke os any baker in the place, and therefore recom mend him to those who wish anything in his line. He will also have on hand a complete assort ment of firevorks, such as squibs, torpedoes, chasers, rockets, fiia-wheels, Bengola lights, &c., which he will sell cheap. Hurra? for the Fourth I —Our young friend. Geo. !VI. Smith, is now receiving a large supply of fire works of all descriptions, at his store a few doors above'the P. 0. where young America and all others who take delight in exploding villainous saltpeter! or indulging in pyrotecnic displays in commemoration of the day that made us a nation, can be accommodated with the arti cles made for that puposc. He has also bn ban d assortment of choice confectionaries, nuts, cakes, &c., which he will sell at reasona ble prices. He invites a call. Presentation.— The members and Accepted Lady Visitors of Division, No. 811 S. of T., are requested to meet in the Division room this (Thursday) evening, on which occasion a handsome Bible will be presented to the Divi sion by Rev. Samuel' Creighton,-on behalf of the donors, and be received P. W. P., Wm. C. M’- Cormick, on behalf of the Division. J. S. of A- Celebration.— Quite extensive preperations are being made by the Camps of Juuion Sons in this place, to attend the celebra tion at on Monday next. If we are not mistaken, Camp 54 will take down any thing an the ground, if not in numbers, at least in general appearance. We hope that all who participate may enjoy themselves hugely. Notice. —Notice is hereby given to the stock holders in the Altoona Gas and Water Company, that the second instalment on the Capital Stock is made payable at the Banking House of Wnt M. Lloyd & Co., on or before the 16th day of July 1859. • B. F. ROSE, Stc'y. Altoona, June 30-2 t No Paper Next Week. —In accordance with our usual custom, no paper will be issued from ibis office next week, all hands desiring a little recreation. BgL. The thermometer at Roush’s Drug Store on Tuesday at noon stood >at 89 deg., and at the same time on yesterday (W ednesday) it was up to 91. | SPECIAL NOTICES; Dailey’s. Magical Pain Extractor. In nil disease? Inflammation more or less now to allayjijlauimation strikes at the root of diseaso hence an immediate cure. ballets magical pain extractor, and nothing dte, will allay Inflammation at once,and pate a certain cure. J PALLET’S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure the folio wihgamong a great catalogue ofdlaoasss: Bums, Scalds. Cuts, ChafeSj.Sore! Nipple®,. Corn®, Bunions, Brpiscs. Spralns, Bites* Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Sctjofnla, Ulcers, Never Sores, JFelops, Ear Ache, Piles, Sore Gout, Swellings, Bbcumatism, Scald Head, Salt Bjumm, y.MnM, Erysipelas, Itph, Sma^Pox, l&sles,; To soma it may appear incredulous that bo many diseases should be yeached by one article; such an idea will yanUh when reflection points to the fact, that the - salvo is a com bination of ingredients, each and every one applying ft per fce{ antidote to its apposite disorder. . ; v ballets Magical pain extractor In its effects is magical, becatsso the time Is so short be tweon dlsease arid mire; and tor, as itdraws aU dißeage.-ut! 0 f the affected paijt,Reaving tiiO Infury, pt b ««« - oply ne cessary to' say that no house, workshop, or mannfectoiy should be one moment without it. ■ / No fain Extractor is genuine unless the boxhasppon it astpdpiate. engraving, with jthe name of Henry Dailey, Manotacthrcr. ’ , ' i' Soldtiy O. TIP. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, .Uph lldayslmrg ; and by all : the Druggists abd patent medicine dealers' throughout the United States andCanadas. principal Depot, 166 Chambera street. Now York. ; Rot. U,1868-ly ' ' C ‘ CHACE. TOOTHACHE- Hits diseaMcah bo enred by Bn, Kbyseb’b Toothacbs . Bnttj>T,prepared by him In Pittsburgh, pa, vrlpch *• PP* 'up Jn bottles and sold at 25 cenlaeach. It 1*: «jiiM»eUeivt| medicine, when diluted, for spongy and trader apd to Worth ten timoa its pnce to aU who need It. gold hero 1 -, 1 ,v : : Cfoy-fr^S s8 * 1 ?- ■ : WIGS- wigs—wigs. , BATCHELOR’S WIGS ANB TOUPEES eurpaea «U- Xbey sru elegant llghti’eeey and durable. • ’ pitting to a .turning up behind—no shrinking off 'the hesd; indeed, this is thi 'tmly EeUblUhuiMit whew these things are'prbperly understood sod made. WtlßHlfl DB. HOOFLANB’S GERMAN BITTERS, DB. HOOFLiKD’S BiLSAMIt CORDIAL, The great etandard medicinea of the present age, have, acquired their greatpopularity only through peart of trial, ; Unbounded satisfge tion it rendered by them in aU eases; and the people have pronounced them worthy. \ Liver Compliant, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the Herrons System, Diseases of the Kidneys, end all diseases arising from a disordered Over Or weakness of the stomach and digestive ■organs, are tpetdily and permanently cured by the GERMAN The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a reputation surpassing that of any similar pre paration'extant. It will cure, without fail, the most sever longstanding Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronehitia, In fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient : Consumption, and has performed the most astonishing cures ever known of- Confirmed Ckumimptlon. A few doses, will also at once cheek and cure the most-severe Diarrhoea proceeding from Com is the Dowels. These medicfciu are prepared by Dr. C. M. Jaoksor & Cp., No, 418 Arch Street, Phila delphia,, Pa., p.nd are ■told by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents per bottle. The signature of C. M. Jackson uriU be on Use.outside wrapper of each bottle. L In the Almanac published annually by the ' proprietors, called Everybody's Almanac, .you will find testimony and commendatory notices from dll parts of the country. These Almanacs are given away by all our agents. Xtju Fvr tjale,-in Altoona, by A. Koush and Q. W, Keealcr, fnd by ‘4ll Druggists. ■ [may 19. ’59-ly 08. Me HIVE’S CELEBRATED:VERMIFUGE AND LIVER PILLS. OB' A singular combination, but very effectual, ns the lollowing will show: Knowing! from experience, the valuable qualities of Dr. McLane's Vermifuge and Liver Pitts, prepared by Flem ming Bros., Pittsburgh, 1 have lor sonto time back consid ered it my duty, ajitl made it my business, to make those articles known wherever I iwont among my friends. A short time *go 1 'became acquainted with the case of a young girl,,who sjscmcd to be troubled .with worms and liver .complaint, at,the same time, and had been suffering for some two months. Through my persuasion she pur chased one bottle Of Dr. McLane's Vermifuge, and one box of Liver Pills, which she took according to directions The result was, she passed a; largo quantity of worms, and thinks that one box more of the Pills will restore her to perfect health. Her name and residence can be learned bj calling on E. Li k’heaL, Druggist, corner of Rutger and Monroe streets. ;; #3* Purchasers Will be careful to ask for DR. M’LANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufactured by FLEM ING BROS, of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges In comparison are Worthless. Dr. M’Lane’s genuine Vcrml fugc, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be hod at all respectable drug stores. rVone genuine without the signa ture y all Druggists in the United States. Call ,' fta ili* 23d fcsUat, et the residence of hto hiker, iatbto -■3 And New Yore, November 20.1852. PIED. ■ S 4,0.00 Ptty« for x ; lhft course in the Iron CStyiCoUnge, the.laigTst, most extensively patronised cial School to the United Sthteav- : ••• .'"v SSrstudents attending daily. If arehlB69. Dnul ttaa to complete a full conts*, frota O io 10 weeks. Every Student, upon graduattag.ia eom peteht to manage the Boosts of any Business andquaßfied to ssm a salary of from DSOTto^OOO; Students enter at spy time—No Vacation—Beview at pleasure.' ' i • 51 Premiums for Best Penmanship awarded in 1858. Ministers Son* i received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of Writing, enclose two letter •tamps, and address F. W. JENKINS. Pittsburgh, Pa. EcptSO, ' ' . , ! ' * T BILLY MARRIOTT’S A * RAID ROAD VIEW May be had PUitburgh ALE at 12U Outs per Quart PHfE APPLES oi from 16.f020 ttodseach. Oranges, Lemons, Pigs, Nuts of all kinds. Sarsa parilla, Mineral Water, Confectioneries, Cakes, Ties, Crackers and Cheese from East and West. Call and examine. Jons 30,1869. _ riiHE HAMMONTON FARMER.—A I newspaper devoted to Literature and A griculture, also fourth full accounts of the new settlement of Ham moa tun, in N c» Jersey, can bo subscribed for at only 2j cents p c rannum. . .. . Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Edi tor of the Farmer, Hammonton, P. 0. Atlantic Co- New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality, tn ouo of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, and where crops are never cut down by frosts, the terrible scourge of the" north, see advertisement of Ham moutou Lands. MASON & WON’S LINE. I THE MASON & DIXON’S LINE I IS A BEAUTIFUL WEEKLY ■ ILLUSTRATED FAMILY PAPER, published EV C. B. TOWN & CO., No. 83 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md The « MASON dt DIXON'S LINE” it one of the Largest and Best literary Papers of the day I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION; 1 Copy, one year, $2,00 and 1 Gift. 1 Copy, three years, 6,00 ** Gifts * CLUBS. 3 copies, one year, anl ? ? ?}?*■ 5 .. do 8,00 and 6 Gift*. 10 “ and 1 copy to getter up of Club, 15,"0_and 10 Gifts. it *i. <• . u 30,00 and 21 Gift®. Every Subtcriber will be entitled to AKM LANDS FOR SALE 25 MILES P from PhUadelphia by Railroad in the State of Now Jersey. Soil among the best fur Agricultural purposes, being good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a large tract, divided into small forms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settling and building.— Tiie crops produced are large and can be seen grow ing. The climate is delightfuTand secure from frosts. Terms from $l6 to $2O per acre, payable within four years by eu stalments. To visit the place—Leave l ine street Wharf at Philadelphia at A. M. by Railroad for Haiumouton, or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter. Hammonton Post Office, Atlantic County, New Jersey. See full advertisement in another column. Mount yernon.—a letter from the Hon. Edward Everett, to the publishers. Boston, June Bth, 1859. Oentlshen; —The box containing the view of MOUNT VEKNON, arrived yesterday. Xam greatly obliged to you for this pleasing specimen of printing in colors, which, besides its interest as a representation of the spot which, more than any other, endears itself to the heart of the country, is worthy of attention as a successlul attempt to place works of art of this kind within the reach of the great mass of the community. I remain Gentlemen, with many thanks. Ac., Very respectfully yours, - EDWARD EYEKETT. The subscribers have just issued a picture of MOUNT YERNON, printed in FIFTEEN Oil-COLORS, by a new and improved process, hy which pictures that have here tofore cost from $3 to $5 can bo furnished for fifty cents.— The size of our engraving is 18 by 20 inches; on super cal endered heavy plate paper. ‘ Price FIFTY CENTS, postage paid to any part of the United States. J. ff. BYRAM A CO., 112 Sorth Third St., Philadelphia. Agents wanted in every county throughout the Union. PERS.ONS wishing to change, their business to a ■ rapidly increaseing Country, a New Settlement where hundreds are going. Where the climate is mild and delightful. See advertisement Of the llammon t-m Settlement, in another column. ■ J. D. Lest. LEET & GrEARY, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, ALTOO NA, BIiATB Go. Pal, . _ . . Will practice law in the several Courts of Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centro and adjoining counties.— Also in the District Count of the United States. Collections of claims promptly attended to Agents for the sale of Real Estate, Bounty Warrants, and all business pertaining to conveyancing and the law. ’ References : ' ■ Hon. Wilson McCandleS and Andrew Burke, Pitts burgh; Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore, pres. Judge of Payette Judicial District; Hon. Hon. Janies Burnside, Beßefonto; Bon. John W. KiHlUger; Lebanon, and Wm. K> Fprter, Philadcljdno, ■ June 10; 1850-ly. PERSONS wishing to establish Manu factories lh a new and thriving place where business is good. See advertisement of the Hammonton Settlement. XT'OR SALE.—THE GOOD-WILL, fj fixtures siid lease of a well established Boarding House ora offered on teaeonahle terms. The furniture Is almost as good- as new;' haying only bye” m use a little over a year. For particulars, call at the house, on Branch Street, East Altoona, or at my place °/. b 5" e S^^“* r ™ « Brant House.” JACOB ShYDEB. . June 23, ’59-St. , ~ ■ A RAPE growers can carry on their husi- Vx nessmost, successfully at Hammionton, free from frosts. Some forty Vlnyards set out the part»«lMn- Bea advertisement of Hammonton Land* in another colnmn. TT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE hr The subscriber offer* at Prirfde Mba Houw and tot Hif Ground, aitnateon Pine Streep East Altoona, for merly occupied by Isaac W. Ara*trong. Tbo bourofaa good Two-Story Fratne boUdlnß. There I? a troll of good vtttuf itttr tho houn . ■ • terms—s2so in b*md and the balance to ineotai*' June 23, ’69-3fc. ' ■ "V . A LL WANTING FARMS IN A DE XAOHTEUIi CUBIA.TE, rich «oU. and«*nre frem toi*u. See advertisement of Uammcnton Land*toanother column. ' House and lot, in west f'O advertase atipt of wniwitwi I*nd<- ...... •VTEW AGRICULTURAL SETTLE -1 V MENT.—lbofl wanting fbrtaj, a rare Opportunity in- d delidhtfitl and healthy climate 25 miles &ndheastnf I Philadelphia, on the Camden and AtianSO Eadroad Se to Jersey. . '■ , ■■■ ■ ~ . . An old estate oonetsting of several thousands of acres of .1 luMfucffw walhas beAa duvidedlnto Farms of vartoas rices !l tottui (Ae purcbA**'.’’ .V popular too «r some Fiflsen ttrin- <1 deed,' flrontiWattaWipartrfsflf the. Middle Stales and New n England havesettled there thtfpastyear, Unproved their j{ places, eardrops# eawlkal crops. The price of Hie land Isil at the low sum of from $l5 to f2O per acre, the soil is of" the beat quality for the production of H'Aeol.'Ctorvr, Cbm, Potcl>ts,Orup*s«nd Vegetables. IT 18 CONSIDERED TUB BEST FRUIT SOIL IS TUB UNION. Theplace is per fectly secure from frosts—the destructive enemy of the far mer. Crops of grain, grass and fruit are how growing and can be seen. By examining the place Itself, a correct judgment can be formed' ol the productiveness of the land. The terms areHiade easy to secure the rapid improvement of the land,-which is only sold for actual Onprort •<•*£, Tha result has been, that within the past year, sonic three hun dred houses have been erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, some forty - vlnyards and Peach orchards, planted, and a large number ufuther improvements, making It a dsairable and active place of business. - THE MARKET, ;! as tha reader may perceive from Relocation, Is the BEET IN THE UNION. ; Produce bringing double the price than jn locations away from the city, and mors than double the price than the West. It is known that the earliest and best fruits and vegetables in this from Nevy Jersey, and are annually exported to the extent of millions.; s In locating hire, the settler has many advantages. Be is within a fewhoura rido of the great cjtles pf New Eng land and Middle States, ho is nearhis old Mends and asso ciations, he is In a settled country where ebery improvement Of comfort and ciaxUsatim is at hand. He pan buy every "article be wants at the cheapest price,an4 Bis produce for the bluest, (in the West this is reversed,) he has schools for his children,' divine service, anil pill enjoy an open winter, and delightful climate, where fevera are ut ter y unknown. The result of the change cipop thoeo fiom the north, has generally been to restore (hem to an excel lent state of health. 1 ; I- ■; In the way of building and improving; lumber can he obtained at the mills at the rate of f 10 to |&S per thousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened in the place, every ar-.' tide can bo procured'in tha place, good carpenters arc at. band, and there Is no place in the .Union where huUdlugs and Improvements can be made cheaper.: ■.. The reader will, at once be struck withitbje advantages there presented, and ask himself why thetpjroperty bas not been taken up before, The reason is, it wa£ never thrown in the market; and unless these statement*swere correct, no one would be invited to examine the land before pur ch i-ing. This all are expected to do. They will see land under cultivation, such is the qktent of tbe settiement that they will no doubt, meet persons, from their own neigh horbood; they will wit tess the improvements and can jndge the character of the population. If thry come with a view to settle, they should corns prepared;to stay a day or two and bo ready to purchase, as liications cannot be held on refusal. • ' *| There are two dally trains to Philadelphia, and to all settlers who improve, the Railroad Company gives a Free Ticket for six months, and a halpprice Tisket for three years. , ' M THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON. , lu connection with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, whtik pretent) in du&ments Jur any Lind of business, particularly (fores and manufactories. The Shoe business could be carried on in ttiis place and market to good advantage, (lisp cotton busi ness, and manufactories of agricultural impkmenls or / &r casting small articles. Ttte irapiovoraent lias been so raiT. 1,1 as to insure a coastantahd permanent increase of business. T‘>wj» lota of a good, size, we do not sell small ones, fts it would effect *Ue Improvement of (ho place, can be had at from tod upwards, i ■ The Hammonton Farmer, a literary and 4gn* cultural sheet, containing foil information’Of Hammonton, can ho obtained at 26 cents per annum. ’ j Title indisputable—warrantee deeds givftn, clear of al! Incumbrance when money is paid. Route' to the leave’ Vine street wharf, Philadelphia ffir-HammontOTi by Railroad, at A. M, or 4% P- if. Far? W cents.: When tin re Inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding convenience. on .baud. Parties had better stop with Mf. Byrnes, a princi pal, until they have decided as to purchasing, as be will show them over the land inhls carriage-free of expense. Letters and applications can bo addressed to Landis ih Byrnes, Hammonton, P. O, Atlantic 004 New Jersey, or S. B. Coughlin, 202 South Fifth Philadelphia.— Maps and information cheerfully famished. [June 30’69-6m.] ; i, : • Dll. COGGSWEIiL’S NEW MEDI CAIi SALT. • '• • • , . Read the foUowing Certificate* to the EJJicacy of Has Med - idne in Inflammatory Disfata., “For tho list twelve years I have been more or less troubled with Inflammatory Rheumatism,; commencing early in the Spring, and lasting until cold weather set in, when I would bo relieved for a while, only to be attacked agarn in the Spring. All my Joints would; swell and bo verv sore, attended with the most aenth pain. My feet, shoulders, arms, and hands troubled mb poit, so much so that X could scarcely walk, and almost always required as sistance in dressing. During this time I Would try every thing 1 could hear of, in the hope of finding ft cure. I also tried several physicians, hut nothing B?enjed to help t»e the least in the world. About two and a; half years ago I was attacked as usual, and as usual tried everything to get rid of it, hut to no purpose. I kept growing worse, and Anally had to give op and stay in the hopse, whore I was confined about four weeks. This time mj feet swelled, and were so sore that I could not stand op 'them or get on my boots, and my hands swelled to twice their usual size. In fact, I Was. to all appearances and belief,'totally used up. About this time my parents, who' reside iu Maine, emit for me to come home. I went and after my arrival I commenced trying another remedy, hoping to bo cured, but resulting the same as alTothere. For Weeks I hod not been able to drees myself or to raise my hand to my head, and suffer!:.g ths most excruciating pain all tho time.— One day my father came in with a paper fn whiph was ad vertised Dr. Coggswoll’s MEDICAL SAIi-T, for Inflamma tory Diseases only, and wanted me to read ftnd see what I thought of it. I rend and laughed at iti pronounced it a. humbug, and told him that 1 had been humbugged enough. He keut urging me, and ntlast said I could but try it, and, if X would write to Dr. C., giving him a description of my disease, he would pay the expense. Of course I could not refuse such an offer and sent for one bOx. it came In due season, but my faith was not increased, and, 1 laughed at the idea of so small ft dose doing me any good, and told my wife that I believed Dr. C. and his Saftubdth humbugs.— However, I commenced using it and: tpe tcsult was per fectly astonishing. I could hardly tteallas it myself. I slept soundly all night, which I had,not done for along time, and when I awoke in tho morning, l strange as it may seem, I was entirely free from pain. ; I had then taken but one d .se. and bathed freely before going tp bed. That morning I felt so well that I hardly kfalw hour to contain mvsolf.aud went down stairs and told the folks how well I felt, and from that day to this I have not suffered one moment’s pain or had an attack ofmy once dreaded enemy, Rheumatism. lam perfectly well andh jarfy. and wherev er I have a chance I recommend it. A friend of mine, re siding in Brooklyn, is now trying It fori bad caso of neu ralgic rheumatism, and so fur it is working admirably.— This is along story, but I have told all;the fecta, which I can bring witnesses to.substantiate if necessary ;and will again eay that in tho MEDICAL SALTp a lurcf cure may bo found for all inflammatory diseases, abdwonld urge all' who are afflicted to give it a trial. GEO. H. DXINCAN, No. 11J Wall-Sltreet, New York. "When it Is remembered that tho MEDICAL SALT Is as efficacious in all other Inflammatory diseases as in Rheu matism. (see descriptive circulars) ibWill at once bo seen that it is a most valuable remedy. 'Surely those, thuo.af flictcd will find in their own condition and In the above statements, enough to Induce them toglve' theMEDICAL SALTb trial. Price £.00; Chronic packages, $2,60, D.O. TAYLOR *OO, General Agentm No. 202 Dock Street. Thiludolphia. ' For eale in Altoona by A. ROUSH; at B.Ols Millsby B. F. Bell; In Ilolltdavsburg by Geo. A.'Jftcobs. and by all enterprising Druggists, and whereve*Um3V»fain« goes.— Call cr send and get a circular, and dO npt fall to try the New Medical Salt.- ? r ' Dec. 10, ‘5B-ly. ' - B. 11. Gear*. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE-—By vir tne of an orcter of the Orphans 1 G&OTt Blsir com * ty, there will be offered atpul)Ucven<|us or Pfftcrykpn tlie premises, in Logan township, said oL4JR CQUNTY MARBLE YARD. y —Messrs. Freeman t Hoorer respectfully Inform the blic that they have ostabllsheda NEW MABIILUYAED, on the corner of Allegheny and Front Streets. in Uollidaye bnrg, where ■ they will keep constantly pn hand a full as sortment Of ! CHOICE MARBLE, . and be prepared to execute'orders for Tomb Stones, Monuments, Table Tops , ic_ in a prompt anti workmanlike manner. Hollidayeburg, April 14, ’69-din> • ( '. TjBRSdNS wanting change-of climate Jj for health. See adrertisement ofuammonton handa, toanother column. . ; ■ - TATES. BHEBE BAILEY’S iVI IMPROVED DREASX PUMPS. cJuef’s toS for Wto, Gentlemen and Children. for sale .by A. RVfSB. A RNOLD’S WRITING FLUID, In Qhart, Pint, Half-Pint and 4 os. Bottled -,r5, ] r ; ‘ ■ .*' HOIIAIV D lI{ITERS TUB CEDI',BRATKD HOLLAND BKIUSDT Mi i. DISEASE OP THE KIBNETB,' LIVER COMPLAINT, . ■WEAKNESS OP ANT ElNir FEVER AND AGUE, _ And"the various affection* consequent upon a lUsgtderad t ; STOMACH OR LIVES, - ,‘t-. , Snch a* Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costivene**, Blind and Bleeding. Piles. In all Nervous. Khenmatlo api Neuralgic Affections, it has itr numerous iintnnccapteved highly beneficial, and in other* effected a decided carer ' This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on stristly. scientific principles, after the in miner rtf the celebrated Holland Professor, Bocrhnve: BociutaArjf its great slices** inthe most of the European States., its introduction inta the United Stah s waa intended more especially for thaw of our fistherland scattered hero and there ovi r the Mod «l this mighty country. Meeting with great success snteng them. Tnow offer it to the American public, knowing that its truly wondorfW medical virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to tboao persons whose, constitutions tony have been impaired by the eontlngofa, use of ardent spirits, or other forms of.dissipation. Q«sV rally instantaneous jn effect, it finds its way directly to the seat Of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raisin* up tbo drooping spirit, and, in (act, inflating new heart* and vigor in tho system. CAUTION. —The great popnlarity of this deUahthl ma has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buyany thing else until yon have given Boernave’e Holland Bitten a fair trial. One bottle will convince yonhow,lnfinitely superior it is to all these imitations. 4ap Sold at $l.OO per bottle, or six bottle* for $&, by the sou rsoranroiu, BENJ. PAGE, JR., & COv, Manufacturing PharmactntisU and ChvaitU, , , IUXTBBUKOU, PA. . , T. W. Dyott A on»,iPhlladelphia; Borneo A Park. Now York; I John D. Park,. Cincinnati; Barnard, Adam* A Oa. St. Ixmtat-A'. ROUSH, Altoona, Pm, and by Drug* tata and Merchants generally throughout the United StatM and Canadas. [October 14, 1858,-fy ifiK A BOOK FOR EV: ; J®wK e ft t b o d y.- starteiko r —s. ■ DISCtOSUHES.—Dr. TBit ( j 11 LEU'S great Work for the tat r ried, or for those coutempta’. /„! ,•7 tins marriage— £oo pages, full of secrets never before published—warranted to bo worth three times the amount asked fur it, 25 cents in epedo or postage stamps enclosed, will aecuic a copy by return of mail. . DH. TELLER baa devoted a lifetime to the euro Of dlt ease on which his books treat. Address J. TELLER, M.D, No. 6 Beaver street, Albany, N;Y. Dr. Vichols’ Female Pills, $1 a box, withfilldlreclioas. Married ladies should not use them. Sent by mall. Ad dresa Dr. Teller, as above. April 17th, ’69-ly. WM; S. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE IN THE MASONIC TEM^ PLE. Teeth extracted without paiu by thoKloctro Magnetic Machine. [Deo. 33,’35.-t[ 49rA Student wanted. : ■ - - UN I TED STATES LIFE INSIT* BANCE Company. Agency, Adna Street, AftpoM. March 17,1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agcat. M’ALISTERSYILLE academit, ; ' AfcAlitterndU, Juniata Gmnty,Pa. UEO B. McFARLAN’D, Principal awl Proprietor. This institution ie located in Cost Creek Valley, about 9 . miles from Mifflin Station on the Penn’a Ball Baa'dfanttu easy of access by stage coach from that point. The nekt Session fcommences on the laatTnoaday of JDLY,anilblo4e« on the last Friday, of DECEMBER. The Course of Study the.saiue as in’all other institutions of like character, and terms for Board and Tuition fully as reasonable. For fur ther particulars send fur a Catalogue or Circular; June 9, TBSO-—Ct S* '■ •■■■■ r EVI KILING, I i IMPORTER OK WINES, BRAN DIES, GINS, &c. Allegheny Street, North Ward,. ALTOONA, >A, A large stock of all kinds of LIQUORS of . tho very Rest Brands, will be kept constantly on Band, and bo Mid in lots to suit purchasers, at prices aa reasOnablo aa'thej' can be bad anywhere in the country. [MaylS, ’B#-tf IAA BOXES window glass, ’XUU from Bxlo to 21x36, Putty Knivos, . Patat, Wall and Varnish Blushes, ’ Plaster Paris, - "■ . ’ Logwood, ; u Extract logwood, • ’ Catowoodt ~, v ■ », k{ , T Barrel "Prime YellowOchts, : VenUJou Red, /. - Spanish Brown, in stora and fur sale by . May 12,1858. ,' £• ■ ; . -d. SOPBIL PAINTS! PAINTS! v X 2,oofttta. WHITR LEAD, different ,. - ■ 1,000 tt». WblurZtatf Date! . •• ' ■ ’ * 4 Gases Chrome Green. ; .. •; 3 CascsCtfromV Tollqwt'. iTarnedUmber. ' Terra di Slrnna. . . J Red Lead. \ 1,000 tbrPuttj. Varnishes of all kinds iu store and for. saW,WboUsai« mid Retail, by ' • A, BOOSR ' FASCY toilet I axd siunxo SOAPS. pleavorV Honey Sospi- ' r Bazin’* Pontine, ■. , /■. IVacljani AlnwiVO, - ; , Brown Winder, > :■, ,; : Pure Whtte WiniUor, Inurnment, . Military timing. . t AVrig, X XOPStttS < Eereumert . > AST* TAKCT AnnehSS, £xtrMt« &r tiie ' '■ Kiss ine Sweetly,, - Butterfly Boqttet,' ftuuripuil. M •: .-ftSnfldttt*, • .. \U • •«: Oils ! oils j .. • ■ n Pure Refined linseed- Oil, ■■■• ;‘; ; j *&*■>:??’ j.-r- 1 Extra lard M,... ... V , Pure Carbon Oil, ... Kerosene Oil, * ’ «-•> C 1 CamiteneamfßnnjfngyTnW, For sale nt M ■ v BOERHAVfi’S * M*y 12,1850. For seta cheap by FOR THE HAIR— , ■ Burnet’s Cocoalne, . i >\-t , Lyoa’sKathairon, . ’ Superior Bay Jttna, •- - ColOßnaeof nll Mndfcat •> May 12,1869. , J - . ■ TTAIB, TOOTH A NAIL BROSHES,- ■’ |~i Combe, Fancy Cutlery, Port Monnaics, Galas, 4c ■"Forsaleby Jt. £