4S ■s*tnr***'- CAPITAL PRIZE $4O 000 £i TIOKJETS &10. WOOD, EDDY & CO . MANAGERS. moamom to oskoort jhuury. AidihirfiHli kntacteocwoininiirfjCßKtSSV ft lienaSSEStßlt. IN DELAWARE ofer to tbspablie TT - nw to be drawn Meh Wedawday in 79ml m 2 tt WUaungtoo. DaUware, la jwSUc, tm adpiii of sworn catnmfatonm appoint •at^Staßotiraor. ClaaSlADrows Wednesday, June 1. 1869. QMeS26 Draws Wednesday. June 8. 1869. o^fl|ABB ; Drswa Wednesday, June 16; 1869. CUmwO Draws Wednesday, June 22, 1869. QhMS $O2 Draws Wednesday, June 29.1869. TOTRTY-TffO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND HINETY-SIX tfkXZESI He*riy OXI6 ri z® 10 every two Tickets! If Snmben»l3 Drawn Ballots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME.. TOM DRAW* : J. ' EACH WEDNESDAY tHfiltV 10,000 M 90,000 ouooo M i&ooo ¥.y&V-r « U»" ' JJOO SM «• MJfiO 300 «• *6OO ,10 • 4690 ’m.” .1 s.BOO ' 5W300 oo« ' S7o«u> :» ' • mm AJBft ". wtnSJhrfMe anwmrtiagto - ;■ |SB9,SSS> WicU&ekeit slo—/Writ* ss~(j«ffrtit«'s2.so CaMteW of SMkSfM wtU bosoW at tk« Allowing gS Whale 4148.&U * SeUalf « 74,75 " ' *.-j■:■ •..-■* SSQaaMsr “ j. •• 87,87 BSLAWJJtE ZOTTESE-CLASS 2TO. 356, ■RAWS ON hATURDASv JUNE 26th, 1869. 78 ir«mi«r*--14'Dmni Balbts. % Grand Capital Priatf«f f 70.0001 IPrlaeof jaTuWu APrtuauf $2,600 I U H - *S>JOOO » “ “ , 1,000 1 <• ** IUW 3P “ “ «0 1 m « 8.000 Ac_ 4c_ Ac. StftW Prhes amounting to$LDO'y&M Wlclr Ticirtr 430; ifelw *10; Charters |fi. IN OBDERINGTICKETB 0R CERTIFICATES. Koflow thawoonnt of money to onr address. tor what you With to purchasetjiamo the. Lottery in which yon wish it targeted, and whether yon wish WhoUa, HalVea m Quar tan, on receipt «»f which. w* sand what e peyster memo RIAL SCHOOL.—Thisi mtitation/which is located jona. Blair County. Penn'a. will be opened on the Ist MONDAY in MAT. It i« intended os a perman-ht School: and will connect with It a Male A Femfle Department. In the Male depai tin. nl. y..ung m-.ii will instructed with S view to Uieir ent'-rhi!: the advanced clasres of our best College* ; or. if desire.! their cducstiqn completifd. {.ln the femaledeputtmeut. instruction will be given in any., ornli «l tbo dinVrent branches, 'either relict aronuyneiJul, tunght n enrbest Female Seminaries. The; rear will lift divided into two Sessions of live months tSfh tlr Summer Session to commence pu the Ift Mon day of May. ending on the but Wedn-sdny of September— tbs Winter&wsien to cominsnee on the lit Monday in No vember. ending on the Inst Wednesday of March. The Sessions will bs divided into two quarters of eleven Weeks tagb.. Terms, par qnarlor, as follows—vir.: ' SOLID BRANCHES. Primary (including Reading. Writing. Orthog. raohy, Arithmetic. Grammar, and Geography, Ac.) s4,o° Advanced (Including the Natural Sciences. Mathe matic*, Mental and Moral Philosophy, Logic, the Lan guages and Composition Ac.) _ $5,00 EXTRA. OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. Mode (Including dm of Instrument) $lO,OO Driving. $3,00 Pouting (In water Colors) 3,00 Needle wojk, . 2.00 Instructions in vocal music gratis. One half the above charges, to (w paid Invariably lit adNkuce. R, W. OLIVER, Superintendent Mate Dtp'l. A. B. CLARK. " limale “ Mi.——— Principal of Male “ , Mis* C. 11. CLARK, “ Situate “ \ March 10, 1*50.-tf OUKAP GOODS AT McVORMItK'S STORE. JUST ARRIVED, AND NOW BE INQ opened, a very extensive assortment of SPRING AN I) SUMMER* GOODS. ef all the different varieties usually kept in country stores, carefully selected iu quality .and style to suit the season, consisting, in the Dry Wood* deportment, of I'riuts, Lawn*. Shallys. Doteiues. Ac- Ac., iu all their variety. Also—Ladle*. Misies an Gent's Gaiter:, Boots & Shoes. EiU, Caps,* Bonnets, Ac .. Ac. Hardware, Queenswarp. Cedar ware, leghorn. Palm Leaf and PtnumiHats. Pffee.. Suuar, Tea. jfol asses. liice.. Dried P-ah'iet LION HOTEL, JL ALTOOXA, BLAJR COUNTT, PA. This «W established and popular lIJ fEt, located nearly opposltothe place of.stopping the passenger cars in Alton, ha, tUfc passed into the bands of the present proprietor.— IsthSeXpcriunce iu thehosiness warrants me in assuring the travelling public that ml pains will be-stared to render gnetts os comfortable as possible while eqjonrtiing under ■yroot ' The TABLE will constantly be supplied with the'very bestthe market afford*. ' - The BAH will to fbnml to contain an excellent aeeort n«nt uf UQUUKS of all kind*, iiiclaJiug that choice bcvo (age XAOSJt BEER: , f • The BTABLB' is in charge; of an excellent and expert* •iced Odtler. !Tho proprietor hope*, by hi» long experience in tlie msinee and the faditla a tide command. Pi wake the Red' Lion- In all reepucta, a find elate Hotel. - JUo bu-dneej of the Hotel will .be under my own nerwmal uniwnrUion. A liberal share of poblkpotrmmge Kkiudiy eolic ted. r~ JOH.f w. Kr, iWiefor. ilay», 18».-tf ' a STONf JSrma GLASS PUJS-' jfjL • BJSRVINGJ ARS, for preserving all kinds. ifFr-idl Kbiih, Vegetable, Mince Meat, Jvnble articles. - TS. The, main secret of preserving fruit in a freslicondl liob, cuiiaiste ih having If thoroughly heated when sealed Op, and la expelling ell the air there mujr lie in the Vessel, SO that when the fruit, cools it will'forth a vacuum. We are now tiie.above Patent .far, (bar jßgbesuhttjia right f.um A. st-me i Co , aikd are prepared to liTlflllorders at short notice WsJfUruiah Covets, Wires and Cement, with printed’ dt rsctfcw* With each Jar. Hanafacturcd and sold Wholesale AJMftj&fijr COXNINOK/UIS i CO, GUui Muntifucturert* April 29, 14fi0-4ni : No, ICO Wuter Wilbur- p* jrV Xpntqrtys *T / 11-tf* .. KKSVIKH’ft. Q?£(&Alte to the (Stmsiro assortment of valuable Standard andMitoelliuie* on» Book*, which art offered far Mle at the lowest pricrt GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS!: GIFTS! • Poe every Book purchased at One Mbt «r aura, the Purchaser will be entitled to receive one of the fallowing articles: ■ v 'A'.'. . . . Gold dud SUrrr Watches, Goto Lockets, ledln’ and Gents’ flats Ooord Chaim. Gold Bing. Cameo lets wttk Cameo and Florentine Settings. Ladies’ Ca meo Breast Phis, Ladies’ Florentine Beta.Ltdies’ Horen tine Pina Ladm’ Cameo Bar Dropi. Indies’ Gold Brea-t . Pins, Gold Bosom Binds. Ladles’ and Gents’ Gold Sleeve Buttons. Gold Commercial Pens in Silver Cases, LudieW Gold Fens with Hold. rV. Extra Quid Fenowith Oases and Holders. Gents' duster Bosom Pine. Guld TbotL [Pick*. La dies’ and Gents’ Gold Pencils, Ladies* Gold Ear Eight-Lav Parlor Time Pieces, Sewing Macljloe . ockil Knives. Silver Ware, including Spoons. Batter Knives! Porks. Cake Baskets, Ac. Also, Miscellaneous Qiftsof Gold Jewelry. Gift Books, 4c- worth from Scents to £2. jj ’ Our new Catalogue for 1860 is free to all, upon ap plication. The inducements offered Agents are more lile i end than, those ofanv other liooae in tidblmsines.. listing -bean in the Publishing and Book Selliug.busiuees far the last eight years, my ex|ierience enables me to conduct the Gilt Enterprise with satisfaction to all. Agents are wanted ip eveiy town .and county, ta whom OOmmitsioni-witlbe given In B- oks. or s per centage in tnottsy. ; For a.Clnb of TO Books, 1 extra Book and a Gift will tie given: on larger orders, commissions are more lib eral- For fall particulars address ■ DDAJTE RULTSON, \ Quaker City PuWuhinp Houtt, 83 South Third Street, Philadelphia. D. 3.—Jtut latned. "Thr Life. Speeches, and -Memorials ol Daniel Webster.” by Samuel W. 3iuacker A.M-,asplen (iidly tllurUated volume of 650 pages. Price si. Agents wanted.; ■. April 21. ’SO-3ra. A YEii’S CHERRY PECTORAL, i xjL B. E. SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Syrup. HaoJiaruT* German Biller a. iiccrhave '* Holland Sitter*' Sand/orde Liver JnvigoratOT. Lindtey* Blood Searcher. Clarke’s Female Pill*, Duponco't Golden Pills, Wright’s, Ayer'*, Wilson'* and Me Land* Fills. , . Merchant's Gargling Oil,' Perry David Fain Killer, ' Mateiutds Fwrfatd Liniment. Mexican, Arabian. Nerve and Done LenimetU, in store and for sale »t ■ Sept. 2.1858-tC] A. UOliSH’frDrag Store. ’ JAMES M. WiJ EEEEh&AJO., (Successor* to John H. BriaUJ FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j Near the Eenn’a Central Railroad Depot, JJARRISJtUHG, PA. OEALKKBIN HARD AND SOFT COAL- Fig Metal, Railroad Iron, Bar; and IJirchantahlt Iron, Nail*. Flour, Gro ceries, Piyvitiims, Fish, SUI, ftc. COAL rent in cars, in la*ge or small quantities, along the different Railroads in Pennsylvania. [July 4J-ly. wEOUIiK THK SH ADOW hRE TLE O 80B8TANCK FADK?. The place to get AM H HOT YPES, MEEAINOTYPES, & PHOTOGRAPHS, done np in short order, is on Julia atrret. opj smite It. Kei- : beuack’s where all persons can !«■ aa.MniimHl-.tnl with true and perfect .Likenesses Time from Ito a seconds, i'ictures copied on reasonable terms. Pictures set in jew-lry at very low rates, the price de-; ponding upon the size of the article. Pictures always warranted before they are taken away., Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and examine specimens, Pictnios taken as well in dandy as fair weather. Decemtier IC. ’o'Mim.) J. W. t'LAIIAUDII. By AJTAN'iIO 'J KJsEU UAl'li.—i- Did you hear the news fiom Europe? If you have 1 not. we will tell you what it is. 1 1 is that II UN I! Y TUCK i has just returned from tlie Eastern cities witti a Urge sup ply of T READY-.M ADE CLOTHING, consisting of all styles and qualities of Orerenats, Dress i Coats, Vests. Pants, fiosti.unil Sties, end everything k*-pi ■ in an establishment of. tlie kind, all of which lie offers at ‘ unprecedentedly low prices for cash. Ihi v in- pm diased Ids stock at casli prices, he is thereby enabled to sell ven low. * : lie invites ail those in want of anything in his . line t. give him a call, feeling sure that he will he aide to giv, satisfaction. ; 11KNUY TUCK. Altoona Sept. 30.185?.-tf Exchange hotel.—the sub- I SCRTHKK would respectfully in form the public that he line recently-ns- k fitted the aboVe Hotel. nnd Is now pro wtr'i^n' l oared to accommodate bis friends nnd^B T SHjj-—N patrons in a comfortable manner, and <— ,7 r”yffl wi'l spare no |iains in making it* an agreeable home lor all sojourners. His Table will always he luxuriously supplied in.ni the markets of the Country and eith-s. ami his Bai filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are ns reasonable as those.of anr otlier Hofei in the place, and lie feels satisfied they can not Ixyoinplained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a sliare •>f public patronage, ami fully ini.-mling to deserve it, he throws open his lmn«e to the public and Invite* a trial. Altoona May 27. 1R58.-lyl JIHIN BOWMAN. Blank rooks_and stationk BY. IVJI. . HAVEN. Jon Busier, .Station kr and Clank Boos fiJjSfjSs JlAvrrtcrma:ii. , aJ22SK' Carver Muriel cC-Second St*.. Pittfharg, J\t. iBLoMbadP respectfully invites attentidn to h s large and well selected stock of Blank Book, Paper and Stationery ,. Rail Road,,Mercantile and Book Printing, of-very description. p r mptly execup-d. . A B*' ut r ° r L - Johnson A Co.. Type Founde s. I’liilii delphia. - [July 17,185«-ly Blair county daguerrean ROOMS.—Mr. 0. w, FISHER, the Hollidaysburir Artist begs leave to inform our readers that ho is prepared to lake r Photograph* of defeated persons, from at the shortest notice and on tlie i -I.st reasonable terms. He lias jhst received* large stoek of dnralde has**, of all sixes ami style*, inclnding a new pattern of Vaniily Case for four persons, anil is ore pared td fill them witli perfect likem uses, * AMUItOXYI'E, DAG D hit It EOT YRE OR I‘HGTOORAI‘II Olvehiniacoll. Rooms on the rot per of Montgomery and Allegheny streets H dlidi.ysl.urg Pa. Jim-17-tf ' ELAIIi OOlLsi V AiAfili E Y \R; . -“Messrs. Freeman A Hoover respectfully teforVt the funilc that they have established a N MV MAjcJiLE VA l!D on the corner* AtteySenuund frontStraAli, Holliday* sotScnt of 1 ' ,eJr Wi !‘. P on hand a fuU m CHOICE MARBLE, and be prepared to execute orders for homo Slone*, Monuments, 'ftdtle. Tops, „ „,f c “, in a prompt and wmkmnnlike manner. I i Hollidn.vsl.nrg April 14. ’KM>bi.» " M i’UK CMJvST PKO- A SAFB BIIIKLD - AGAINST TUTSK tw nl rlr <^ 8 Coughm, Coiib. and other alfer *ris‘‘ fr"«" the expowd otate ofllir ■Chuit, a&t>nitng tofiulHtiH Rndth>- c.intimvnl ehrinwmf -m climate. for ode at the JJnift Star,- ~f m at tug loweat cmh jiririt. wholesale or retail Tim man who wnnu tuui imly to cull. , [Dec; 17 t£ * T KYI’S WiiiPAHA'ilOX Mil ex. Jt 4 t S mi I ?S* SI ‘ p . RATSI sucjs ’ nOACHKS. ANTS- wkl danger In iU use under any clrcumsUn >». for sale at the Drug store of Jan.a.'s6-tf] 0. W, KKSSI.KII. ( ‘ ,'S?Mst-TBii-CAitno. -Ws®iasassgEßg»'^*'^> Sept. g-Wt-tf.] A. KOUSITg Drugstore. N ll uw—a eaikie as- Dec. fl. 1888.' . , U.XUUrS 1 1. BUHNiNu 1-f K.Wi': WHii-s sxojui-jii i\ £»A ViN (i Ft J N D. NATIONAL 10 SAFETY TRUST COMPANY.— CHAKTMUtD by »ns jStAfz or fxx2isTf.yAmx. 1. Money'ls received every day,.and in any amoitat, large or smalt . 2-; >'2Tz PIE CUT. interest U paid for money bom the day it If pot (u. S.The money Is nlwayspaid back in Gold, wl:onever ’it i« oIM bti aud without notice. 4.: Money is received from Executors, AduiniftrulTs, Owtniian*,. mid others who desire In have it in n place of I«ertect safety and where interest can be übtaitn-d for it. i.'Ttw money received from d.-poaltors is iunstel in llcaJ. BoJUk, Murruaocs. Osocxu utvis, and such other first ela«» securities us the Cluirter diiects. fi, i'ifice Hours—bverv day from 9 till S o'clock and on Mondays and i'hursd-iys til) A o'clock in tbs eveulug. IDA. 11. L. UKXNhK, President. Vice .'resident. IV. J. UtU.ll, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Up»r LBjcssir. Tritcis Lr*. Kvwaed L Carter, F. Carrou Brewster, RCEcr.T Siefiudck, Joseph H. Par it, Samcq. K. ituTun, Joseph Y i.u.r. C. Lamhutb MU.VS3, Hurt Lut,M,.-.rri;R Office : Walnut Street. S. TV. Corner ofThird St. Phila delphia. April 14th. ’69-1 y. NEW GUOOEKV I’JUEL» A.NL> i'UU VJSIOX STOBB. Tl(e subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Altlsma and vicinity tirat h- bus opened a store oftbe above klnjt near tjhe corner of Ad-tline and Julia streets Bast Altisma. where lie w ilt keep constantly on baud a full sup ply of everythin); in iris line: HU GROCERIES are all fresh and will be sold at prices as low as those of any other establishment in town. Ills stock of provision-, consisting of Flour, limns. Shout dors, Stilus, tlt. Will lie aohla little cheaper than they can be bought any where else. His Hour is obtained from the best mills in the ’fVestern part of the State, and is warranted to he what >t unrepresented. All kinds ol feed fir horses, cows and hogs, always on hand. 1 intend to beep such an assortment that I -hall at nil times he able to supply my customers with what-ver ther mal need, and I intend also to sell at prices which will make iHR saving to those who patronize tnv -P t 2- tsr.Js ::n,. HrlMiV lill.r. AT/! 11 Eli liuih.AE-tK I. uihi Xjt subscrilier would inform his old cn-tmners that lie has opened our again a his ni l stand wh-re h- Imp sp, n reive theii calls. He has How oil hand the cheapest and beat assortment of GIiOCEUIES that can-be found lu the town, consisting of SCVA ft. COFFEE. IEA. MOLASSES. Salt by the bushel nr suck'. Dried Fi in! of all kinds. Fish of the very best quality. together with everything In the fJrpcery line, all of which is fresh from the eastern market. lie also keeps constantly on hand a suppy of RUH R. FEED a\\D GRAIN, which !*• *#!!<* :»t the h-Tivut mnrfcnt prior*. POJ:K ulivaya on luuid and refculcd in iju Mitii>-* to *nir pn.chasers. JOHN LI.UK. l6. l£.> c -3y DKN'liSi KV.—I.»K. S. KIM.MKLL OPERATIVE if ,1/ KCIIASSCAL DKXTIST. inserted. frail ..n.- to a full set, nn Gold or Silver Plate. Teeth filled with Omlil. an.l warrant'll fur h*n years. T**vth r.xtracti five df.ilars anil over. "ffCSu 'lffici* i>n Montgomery -treat, opposite the Exchange Hotel. Ili.lli tay-'-nri: I’a. lld, 1 Sof_l v liMOjis A-si) eSliOhiS —1 HE I iN- M di-rsigui'il has laav i(ii Imml anil will ■wll fcliiup at Ilia atari* in the Masonic Tam pic. it large iitiil complete assortment ofll KITS VV AXUSIMKS, ntuly made. nr nnali* to order. Wl Iv.uMhocs lan lira* Sandals. (inm Shoes. Cork Sole*, mid everything in Inn Una of business, of Ilia .best ijn.ility and on tin- ni-wt reasonable terms. All insthjn work warm n ted. Jail. -’ -.V-tf. J. Mfi'KMAK ! 11. 1} li i 0 E IiKM CKD ONE-HAEF ! aV£ir MEDICAL SALT la\FL A M M \To I t Y DI S E ASKS' J' TFY IT! O;KfiY ONE no la la All! ■ CHHOXir I'ATK AfiK. S 2 r.o So«* AdwrUf'ctiini t. Jan. 20. IJiUMiE TESTIMONY. ». 1 [from tin; I.ewlstown .Vurora.l I have been afflicted for t**ii years witlrClirmic Diarrhoea and have received niorf beliefit from l)u Tail's Galvanic Uii thauAny Mther medicine liv.r UjOil. A 1. 1.\. McKEE. _ ■ ■ ' Oliver township, Mifflin c..mitv. Pa Due IH to certify that i used Du Vail's Gal ran ic Oil in my.lalnily in some of the diseases f. jr w hich it is ivemn mended ninlit'aimd to act almost spontaneously. I recom mend it to all who suffer from (min. A. M. 1 AllU Ail 't'l'L ’sS—iy. Decatur township, Mitllin cm pa. A CARD.—Hear what Mis. Vautrlui of Diitieanaville says:—l have used the Galvanic i)il liy J. H. Lt'wfotown. Pit., for n vory isilnfitl diswoe iuvseir and reconmiend it toothers, and in • wfjf Mae fimnd it to lie one of thextery b* at mcdiciu**s tm sore and Jiailifui does-es. I! el (eves all iiaiii in a faw min dte*. Every fiun'ly should h ve It in the house. V. 4/ A «sD IAI ivjl! U Alois i .it i.i; j! fT; —w are nuujweceivmß ut the '• MODi.X STOUE." a lafge aiwortmeur >Wr Walk pai’eii axd border, purchased direct from the mnunfartprera in New York. wiS.'tf a‘ n t i: , l Kf ‘ ,r X VP 1- ? rw,t to those who *9 U i’a! i|1 o i ** p ' Call and i xamin * nnr stock. ‘ Aiarfch lTtlt. 1859-tf. .1. A J. 1. I ! : «f- G. A 1) V LUM, ; j .U.t.i-.XA. BI.AIR 'CI'NTV. V.\. Cin pt all tjiin-n 1* found H t the atoru of J. H. HUetnair AltoOn*. ijtftolier :i. 1*57 :-ly ™ r 1 ■■ ' ' ' - ‘ / i IIETiESi yi'AU'i Y OF Ba,c ’ nn.lKptnil^- J.Sn.MJMAKEU. i Py-pl- l»Wt-tt Masniitr T.iiiplc. i I ItfWßKil FOil SALE: t B -4 SHINGLES. 60.00 ft LATHES C^tv^-r Ul * I,J V IIXG MAT «KJAI. I»w™ rt’a., thf i lowqit|t..rCMßli. Apply to ,MU¥ sn.IKMAKKH. 0 :—ifiFNTij^iiLN ■S' Jnfc** W* andlK«r. JOSEPH KTBOCT uinoim. S? iSi t^ P I*’ , -[* lC ' Ulat he in ready io diaclunW lII* Oiitr wfactH-Ver cnlk-U Upon ■ [jw.i ’56.- T*™ JiAHQKST ASSORTMENT OF t0.«4’52 : v!r r - "S! 1 f Jilc,cete - Ewck and Owrcmt. pj^Tiessf 1 ' Rt *'■ u ‘ PHt p?*®* “* ’ u. tccu’s. OF CITRATE OF MAO-i operation I ttSP'PW' A'StfOjMi KN'J :oK : n R.TBCa*B. RULES l'•■le _l r . [ T)| |/cic pp aIC »s creating coo-! TAR. COGGSWKLL'S NBW 3FEDI JC ««H eh bjr «* W«- 1,1-/ CAI»SAIiX. fhr Jjjfivmator* «"»• , ■»theUrgr, oplctui HMidchop «tuek of . ■ . . ~ . ,Vwi ff nri Z«l.vin « D*. OlM oiiiu and aocomplUbw bnt now bebuc oDroed * t the M>D h STORE aul<-tor* ul the circulatiut). tbefe>)>jr rcDfuTing tj»e sols tdiuMOMowlkteM in Mjrins that guM os« lis esTeil hy i * '•■>■; ; ...U ;. - gmaU oftlx-m. , wi. , I B mcC*«TCnuX«W*b»l4h iMniaebov fits, OoWs. feteis, , preornt wilt h* ftnied m*h largW ■»» rjmgM amt tivcr. Female Wnwe* fcry more Tarled tluiu Inriiiidi. >wt wc hipo 10 be ** nprloa imbue. Drt*P« i m Vceateel pfceae the tastes of the moot fcstidiou*. : all other ferzuiof Foreign anl Domesilc Dry (Inals, . tt*****^*^*^"*^?-- Sikh:*. En.jl,.h and fWl,ch />-?■&.'...Kffi black ami fnn>y Silk *, French Jfttl- j ruction, byrrmuring from tWeystemeU arterial Mil Haul*, figured anti trhitr Mar- («»•*«*««. seilleit, /mucus, Gi»ghams , Prints, Muslin*, H very chimp. A Urge assortment of beautiful anil Sommer SHAH LS. HO< >TS & SHOES, Wo.den & Willow Ware, Gueeusware, &C., &a, &rC. Feelii-(r tlmnkful to our friewla fur thor patronage here* tofore, »« are li-lorm uod M g-ll Goods cheaper than ever fur cadi u, fur pruu*|,i monthly payments uuiy. VVe cor dially Inrif- our old anl n -w fi lewis an! •■aitnm -ra to cill anil sue our o. watuck, which we will lie plewtsl tu »h..w -Unni. . J. A J. LOVVTIf;;U. A pH 7th. n IT V ALL'S GALVAXTC OfL.j Prejeireil origiuallylhy Prof. 11. DO V ALL fur 1 nu-rly of the tNitiege of Surgeons. at Pari-, L, now of-! lelxil to the public. for the rare of sure anil [mill-1 ful Jiicaaes | ! For Instance 1 - Pain or soreness in any. part of the I isy-tem. It luoru.it Is ni, pain in the Inrk. hreaat orald.-,! | healed brew-ta n undgia- burn* sprains. headache. I Icramp in the atoiw.ch. or any. other din-ase that is ISOIIH alul PAINFUL, awl It l« only , »er thU ehuM»l; disease* that we claim a -erfi-ct VICT >!IY. W- any! [awitively to our patrons we ran relieve the -oIT nr] 9U times out of lon Ue n ul ,| („ t ,„ v to |l,n pnl- ! lie. Prof. Du Veil was i". y-»ra in bringing to this' meiliciue supcrioiity ov-r all othera. j Pr o- fct U nts per h tllo—<>, p-r cent, cut oif t> the trade. All orders must t.u addressed in J. D. STOXBROAD Propr. tor Sept. 2, IRS«-ly.l Lewist,.,.,, Ap-nls for l>u Vail's llulvnnic nil —ll,-nrv Is hr (1 \V Kt»swl»*r. and A. Kourb. Altoona. aud ail dealers in m«Ji* cja*n rv* "vviipro. | ? AT ENT KEUO.SENE OU C.VidSOa JL OIL LAMPS! Lnnvaledtn liraaty, S.vtphc-ity Safety nr Economy. Kvery person desiring to obtain tin- very best and cheap ust {rortalde light within their teach, sh nhl cell »t th store of the undersigned and examine these Lamps lief.. r . purchasing elsewhere, aud we pledge ourselves to demon stlate IM. That SO ACCIDKNT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive ~,'or while burning. ■’■H' IE 1 ' :u ‘“ v, r y easily trimmed. 4th. That-they are easily regulated to give more or les light. 'til. That they hum entirely free from smoke. hth. That tile li-ht IS at lea-t 5« |s r cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamps are noniinihly adapteil for the use of Slip denis. Mechanics Seaman esses. KacpTies. Hails. Cl-ui dies Stores, Hotels, ami are for familv n-e Tin- burner of tin- Carbon ‘hi Lamp Cl ,„ he .iita.-lied t oh] Side, hanging and table Maid and oil lamp-, ; ,t a „ lla ;i exp- n-e. ami will un-wer every purjais- of a n-w.liinp. M - guarantee |--i feet satisfai tU-n in nil c.-is-i. ' Aug. 19. IMS-tf.j 0. \V. KKSSI.KTi "\| A(J N r3l ENT VECTIi. A ; . PAhsiMOA IA. —Did every otje who reails th. leading of this article hnt tm-lc.st it,.lit- meaning, th- v Would .mined,.:.', ly repair to tliet-'i-.p of John o ix)N\F,rj, FA S 111 OXA H L E TAI L OR Main St.. Altoona a few doors below the f!ed Lion Hotel and select a suit of clothes from the largo stock of Si’KING AND sUMMiiK Goo US. which lie has just receive,) from th„ K, ; . t finding -„re that in d .n.g so they would I— c , n ym g out th." e : .,|, , It is not necessary li ret, in jition tiled,if rent style!, and • inantitic of tli - g.--,ls on hand. -eiTj,-e (t t , has rv -i vtliing in the line u f gmtlem ids wear, an 1 ’ knows how to in.ik.- it up in ,1 hi-luoimlde - a .. i ,i 11; a,- styi" on term- a- mw-imbUt as those o| (l nv other bp- Imil.t in tint jilru e. liiv- him a cidl y. n will s.-e, ,|i-, ,t.-m ~t y.-u can ra: , v out til- niott adopted l,y dealing will, him ’ A|«ui I (MiAN IIOJK;.. 'i UK L Nl.Li;- I J SlGXtl) res;» i tfuifj- im, mr- the eitirens of Blair caintv and others, '"N II.'CSK. c.noeriy I: j t l.y Me riff I If tin* «.■<( end *,f Holliday-. lm* .I■, fl” f fAfa*' l.veiythiiii: c->llll. it. d w.th th ■t, has !«.*« i, fat* di, the in w with the cledc -j furnirn:e. ir.. He Tli-bfUs, j- large an I e.>mm.„li.ais.'and w, 11 calculate D-r «i<»i*an»l c«»mf«*i i. Ills lAUhr, wall he lii:„i-l,.*d with th- i -i v 1-st th-m.i. ket can nurd, and n.. j.ain. ~r tr,,u!r;e «• |'| , ,) , render th lay ch.-.se t.. fay .r Inin with tl.-i- na tri.iiage c ■nifortalde ami happy dui'nifthcii stay with him i '‘.r ‘ 1 . N< ’ ""‘l l ' *““i an obliging amlcai.-f,, hewth r wall always |„. ; n alt*an!..m e The M illhiiiishnrc stage. , V 1 jeh makes daily tri*.- hntw.s*" this place ami WiUmushurg. stops at the Logan n*.e> ~* .p: KviFFi rr MtM eii. 1 in & Mii'CHmi) \V ;ue, >]uiii;rni;. T AS 0 : irD f f KIJ.I.V ‘ufor,,, ,1... „ f Al£ „ mi: , v:ci „ itv u* r v ,.^p.. mi-tiM rly ..i, 11-■ 11.1 a huge as«.rtnieiit- I ’•/••<• O (V.-.m/ -Sf res all .his and (*.■"■ to *ii!t.tile wan:-,.f ai, 1„. will sell at l„w < rft I ||.J< lie also k*vp hinl., |.,,. p ~„.k (f r _„ a;l;! . S! ,„t. f'*' I P ' 1 •'* f 1 ‘-■lduari ,* nr I,*-,.. 'tsd Scutes, stmt r. rc . iff. a; a hug.. p.tV.f ran 1,..., rorre Pump-. ° ®B> I’lirtnnlar nttentii-n j ii.i t . j irtin- no SPOtri'l v 0 either in Ma n ~r e. m.-,y. S j. 1!>; ’ "" Ho* "lost r-:.--‘ nnl.lc t-rn,s. ,|H|.ril II ISf.iMy w. \I. i.LoVn &-Gi >., ALVOOXA. rj JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., HOLLIDAYIBCh'G PA., ' £0 S3 1 m a (Lde V Hell, Johnston. Jnr k C'o “) Drafts ox tub. principal Cities, mid Silver »„ 1 Gold for’sale. C,II-e(i,„„ wTm, 1 :; n 7 K . rer, ‘ ,V(! ' 1 ’> !’•’«"« payable on demand f ' If-g 7 ' U| ’“" t,,1,e - *“*' at fair ran*. \l AP OF R; AIR (JOUX’I V.— l UK if J aubsenh-rs P r..|K«e tn pnMiali a Xew Mui. of Rlair p'yy. froiu actual survey*, eontainiir-all T IW * tf'* actual l.wnllties ..I Villa},. »l,»it Offices, Il.m.es of Worship. Sclav.! |1., n .-. M-im.actnri.-. Tanneries Mills Hotels. Stores. Faro. H,,,,.; vs. names of I’r .nerty iiwn;*r«. Ac; Enlarged Plans ... tl.u P.incipal Villages, n Table oi Disfauce.. i,u.l« Rnsin. s- Directory giving the nam‘ an, Imstn. Ms o. e,e|, snhscril.er. will Is- ongravi j on the mar gm. the plotting will lie to a -uitable scab, so a- to make a lar.-e and omanietib.l M«|>, wlrch will he e,.1 r .1 »,.d nu.o,,t : . in the hert style, ai.d delivered'" .ti^rlfier^ 5 i..yi! - ic« SA'lll i.I, >!K!I., A[.Yii ■■■ ISSO. T«.»Aft». Knp.Kfi V' u u - WM. J. TAYLOU & i'O., ( nct) of the hard times. I have coiirl n .l»l 2SS®.^rn T }i C ‘ SNTS ’""-*■* TIVKfVvS TW »m e i R V c ‘ J '"l“* nil l , '- ,1, «- T\V K.NTY or wav at '' r " a ' s, “ furnished, it, every oth er way, at prices to correspond with the times. 1 Dec 17 tfl r KKIFFKR, tree. 17. tf.J Logan th.nse. ir.,lli,la.vsl,ur K . will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best an i Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough m inner. Address all orders to ■ pisiim blO i nttsitirg h, r»- P- S. Dealers and Physicians ordering from other* the* FlemmingDrue-, writ do well to write tbetri rd«r*dW*»’ 1/ end toAt “one Out Or. MOanu, pnpardi bn ifroe, ntubvrfh, jftt. To those wuhhiß to gi" tb*»* trim, we win forward by msit-poet paid. toaiiypstlff™* • jr i~ v jtW » i»-« T . United Smt*. one box of Pills for twelre f~T i f-l 4«U»VAiit, OJb AMi llflMfTlfll* : ~' V: ; * - .... ... .... or one ri lof Tmatlftuw ' ft# i £J*"\ fTsKSo®sWciiir ' J B.aiLaMAN. X p OK MA poim! «|IWJ *•“?/•***■•■ i* W«.J,I.. tf ; one • - '" j v. imufiirs. aMiai.iVis\V t KjiOhiVjii). ; A targe a-d fiwiuoiml.k wwurtm.-iit at thcitmeof —-- ■ - - ■. - - J. n naeMANv I INL AND LAUD OILS, OAM- - ■ k.«t■ l AAii : Olj«\ CULOUNLS i*,. \t i - —-- J :• f: . kkmi.er’b, - . - fi. WVKCTSt.KK AlcLTmuni a,\r* nan the . virtue* of the Sew Medical Salt, though hat lately dlscirered and introduced. Wit ness the testimonials ami Certiflcatsa of cur*. r Au. *ao iciru vmv n Wiiwwlcdge s benefit ftiwa it.— An acquaintance of ount was cored Ufa sotwitc case of Jieo raljpa ia leas than a week. ;: i. /. ■ Vmnt istalcabii Mswctvb *i» nobly fiaMHltetc. hnny nur. all the promises which! yon made Hit it. A ftw doses also rdieted iuv uuUier uCfttoib of blood to tlie bead. J. IVULUNQUAM, rhiln. IxrtAvyAToJkT JlarmiTthM was my complaint Tho flret'pnck»«e did the work effectually, aanota vestißiof ahrßniatisin.ia left. ' j iO. H. DUNCAN,Saw York. T Kstow it ts aooDJhrHhWamnttstn. removing it In a ftw hoars. I aju now trying It toe Scrofula sod have already recotcd benefit. ; I. LbSSIQ, Beading. I Twed it bob AittcwsM oftho Abdominal Aorta. In ten aiystne pain was gone. T. W. FITZIMON3. M. D„ Phlla. Wk-sb?.\e et tnit T5->.*. Wa have tried it. It has ccn:- lußam-xton. Rrcncoiiis. Coxku, RbeumaUstn, and Neuralgia havo been Cured by It. M 'tt more wncto rritlFT- If necessary. Descriptive Cirrutnrs. with te-limi'iiials may be obtained from any Drugguts wlio bus this rajlfiable medicine *br sale. Or. foooswm.’* Antiphlogistic salt. Price; One Dollar. Chrome Package, fL’.Su. The New Maim for sals in Altoona, by A. Polish; Oi-o. A.' Jacob*. flolllilaysbnrjt and by all euter. prising druggists winrttyor the "Tribune" ia road. A* it is nut a |sititit nieiHrlne'l'iit lh- prescription of an emi nent physician, no one •ho old fsil to try the Medical Salt. Kor t'-stimouials tuid’idirectious, see circular. H*t. IR.'S«-Iy. w & TRON T CITY COMMERCIAL COL- I LF.OK. PitlMmrg. Pa. Chartered 1855. »h) Student* attending January, IssB, Now the the largest and most thorough Comm'Tcial School nf tin* t’nifpd States. Young ui-i, pp*p*m*d f*»r actual duti.-s of the C-nunting Room. .1. r. MiiTii. A. M. Prof, of Book-keeping and Science a Account*. T. Rocthett, Teacher of Arithmetic ami Commercial ralcul.ttioa 1 •I A. II; TTtUK'K nnd T. C. Jt^tKlvs.T* nchor* of Uook-koc]iin£T A. Cowlsit and IV . A. Mixt-.ju rrof*. ««f Penmanship, SINGLE AND DJI'ULH-LNTKY BOOK-KEEPING, A* iwd in Every department of htudnes*. Commercial **l ri(hnuii**~— Rapid Hu*in*s& ht titling VbU'nicrfwt Monty — MrrranUl* C f > r rrsporul^iict—Coairirrciol T.ow — A r-■ taught, and all other oth**r subject* nec***?ary for tne ■‘Utccas and tlioiungh .i practical business man. 13 PREMIUMS. Draw;: all tl.e pictiiiuins in Pittsburg fur tlio pasttlirte years. ul.o in Eastern and Western Cities. tor bust Writing, NOT ENGIiAVEIi WoUK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter at any lira l —-No Vacation—Tint" unlimited K.-vi. mt at I IftMiri—(iraiiur.[r« assisted in obtaining '.tuati.’iis—Tnitit-n n.r inti Commercial Course. \ vcnigi* tiinv S to 12 works—Hoard, jiad per track—Sta ti.’ifry SfiiM' —KntiiP cost. JWX'O t-> t’n.ro. • W* Ministers' Son* r-c.iiv.d at U.uf price. I >r card—Tirnilrt-—Sj-r n.s of business and Orna mental Writing—inclose ttro stamns and address F. W, JEXKI.'.S, Pittsburg. Pa. TV IRS'S.—ly mJFFFRiXO IPCiMANITY; RFAD ’ i ins —The nnd rsigned takes this raeth.slof infornt r>e public gi-nenJly that there Is no nnslicrne now of. !, r lo th- imbhc that is eijunl to PU v vu/S GALVAX- D *M L in relieving suffering jiimm'.v it. T was an observer of its effects on ft friend of mine.* who -n.l-.red almost from e. neuralgicnffecthm which i-rfed the lent medical treatment in Centre cmintv. Wo appluai freely the Unlvftiiic Oil to the painful part, and gave some inwardly, and in 20 wirjntes. th- patl nt was asleep, ‘•ei* * It l 1 awak-Tled was fr.teifiaim pain an.l coDtimii dso 1 Ins is a |h.sitive fact wbicbtF am willing to make gmsl at any time. A case of Felonfwas cared la nearly »h« sane hmgtliof time . ; ; . J. 11. HAUX, sept. .. ISSf—]y.] N ..Centre Hill. 'IMI E CHEAT qUKiSTION WHICH JL tldw agitates the niituli of every person IS, where can I get' the best article fur money, Tn regan! to other (natters, the stiG senher would not.attcmpt to (Jirect, but if yun ' wsnt anything in the line of | moots oit^HOES he invites an esnuiitatjoa of his stock and work. -Ie keeps constantly on hand *ar. assortment of Uonui Shoes, (.alters, supp,. I*, 1 *, 4c.. whlclr HHcni.tinnn «uvfuiiy j their manufacture. And being de ( *Uaj,. l . COAio!; CUALI CUAL!—! tetmihed that. Dr. M’Lane’s Cele ry y and Liver Pitts’ wiffiTSi continue to occupy the high position fhey among tnc Jnnc I'-'ini] hi CTotl,fnK - V** IVc. U 'lHSfi; U- tUtUH. *: | I *^ li WUWii LKAi) AiVU ZilVO ymnnu oh irt Ifot] KKSSLKH’B. f l &A*hiui4 Ttfrtjjfeh'■ '• - ‘ - * ■■ v: ‘- ; -- i .-'.; : fr',' . u ' :!:^'^K^LK!lF9;'' D. C. TAYLOR. 4 CO.. An. Agents, 202 Dock St. Philo. co V / 1} O VJ !-H = ■ co ( ci = ..*= s *77 • M to (O £4 ca 'fe • c * s e: Z | « -5 * 5= ■-* - ~ s gjj s J S 2 i ll| <* =: t v= = 2 J .i = *2 30 S “ » *5 « rj = o t* ** *• O - S c £3 * =S STc s 2 -va a-i t—l W Jt ;> 4-I8«>N. A SentrrJent JnUitutian. •ttoMithed h* - . far the relief of Vit *ieh and demr^JL* «Amt and epidemic ditratts. , i~ . Tlie HowAtu. AsBo«Atin», (n vft^i(rf£Lil., of human lift-, caused by 'fctt*,. mmttuwd upon the unfortunate "* Qmcks. several years i*ro rttreetwtthelr as » charitaUt act worthy at, timir aam2nl ttl ‘ hl * s “rtfc? sary for tb» treatment of tlri* chaAofd!il^^ »h£J forms, and to give medical adrtea «iW6tY2i "> «aiCl by letter, with a description of their combo, m 2 patkm. habit* of lift. Ac..) amTln and ruffering, to ftnmUh medicine frm petm. needle** to odd that tlie A«uresolved to devidetheniaslTw. with V4 Weakness. the vice of Omtabm. Slsrtnrbsiiß, abuse, and other abases of the S«xp4 orema i„ £ Mt suiting Snnteon. wiil be emr by mall (in * M S t ~ , Cia ope,). ffHKJS OF.CILAKIi K, on. receipt of ljrn2.*»*s for. postage'. Other Reports and Tracti on th.'ij?* 5 **! treatment of«caual,lle«a*e*.Ac_ *s4 . tidied foh pratuihma.distrlhntion. nu.t will afflicted. Some of the new remedies sapt inprti.X l u K* m«ut •ilss.-vered during the last year, are Address. for Report or Treatment, T)r (JKiumi? lIOUN. Cotwniamt gnnrron. Uowani A**«j l: C *V Ninth street. IhiJndi-lpbla. l*a. Bvonler ofthTn^ 4 * E7.RA D. HKAuWet r am PAiRPim.D. jw v . : —■ : - ' Mr. uui IeUYEMEMLXfOOr \ T IXO ST'tVKS. ' ■ COXSUMI’TtOS OFSMOKE AXO GAS AXD SATIM OJf*. f*uT£X, 4 The subscriber take* pleawt.e in offering to t'm nuNs. , N±iW OAS ANDiJAIOKB CO.VSUmino rU ' Cooking; Stove, recently patented, which it lUaiicul tort percode all others, as. it require*. w O.VE-TUIKO LESS FUEL ’ than other Move* and Is more easily, quickie mil n-, ly heated. Xo unpleasant smeil olgas f ro ,. stove from the fact that It l» all consumed ora i* an -l cape. There i*» no trouble from smoke as th«t uunw’,. and often annoying exhalation is also consumed fnsilfcrf the stove Neither is there any danger of flan orch!»I noys becoming clogged with soot pr t!it» m.i.-ur l>.*ur.lki the gas arising from Coal fires. ' ” Persons wishing to purchase Kb vce are invit-r, tom;:,, the store of tho subicriber, in the ttao.,nic Teimilr ( ; “ ammo tho above stove*. JOHN SHUKM AK.V,Ii. J * ' Stic ilyciii.ff £.iCi' (ejegu X. B. All kinds of Air-tight. Parlor Caking sailt- Stoyca on hand. (Au*. lilgi-V RATIONAL I'OLICE GAZIvriK- I * Tills Great Journal of Crime ami Crijmm.fc b h its Twelfth Vt-or, ami is widely circular; tUiuerf.-rt tho count ry. U contains all the Great Trieb. Tumlul Cosos. and appropriate tditoriiUe on UiOM.ua- mi Criminal Mutters, Lot to be found ia w. other u.-wspnper. • 1 ' ' ftJh.Suls.-' iptioaa $2 per sntmm; $1 for «lx nr-r.tl> b- reniitp-w by subscribers, (who should write ik-IrnatM aai the town, county aud State where they rciMe slsiiwi To 0. W. M \TSKLL k CU, Editor & Prop'r. of New York Police fiajiette, rVcu) Ibr! CVlj-. i5-t n Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar, remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas. S’Lane’a Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as, universal .Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purpoits, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms fiom the human system. It has. also been administered with the most satis tactoxy results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Li ver Com plai kt f, all Bilious Derangements, Sick. II £ a p-Ach e. See. In cases of Fever and Ague, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail,-when ad ministered lin accordance with the directions. great remedies pf the day, they a. n “i *' ♦ '■ 1 "■ ,a \St * -I* TO Ter A» Pear It Onawr two . Thw* oear HWW fill Ud< Ons e^i Two * Three Vbnr * Ualf a Oneeol Almlul bt.’xba with Pi.hwel ;*ro ' 000-' IWMt w Ailted itoiraJ. UU>«* BuaiQ Obiliu TRI • rut* exy Babb* TU o’elbt taraßoo: Ilia eauo 4*tW lactvtrv Isf. Sal M. 0«n« Bay etool rraoing. Bstngt tag eTcry ta lie ere Jtj o’cloc WedueaJ- CniUd try Sabba Th o’cluc o'clock. A iaeaoe L PreUi la ffervlra 2J 1. M.. -I -' <; c Mnmtd'u barth Tuvki •ante T»uipl ■dltooiia L •railing, jn •Wotk, I*. J Ttranda 1 TT«qlng,ln I •tratt, at 7,1 Iftnmbasi 'tU *rery f» Masonic Tci br»«lli. W. foliar Sit ‘U-J oigUt In f. U. TiM€day evo Ax-vim [. *TCIIItl K . B. f. tto*o, I Oo*t*r. W. t Ww. McCon r-S ; ; D. 0. »S*U, 1. s. ; Mtomti j/ Wn» We*ta ct] 7 April, Jill «« i»t Tuu»< “tolOo’tlw PretJum'itu 9*ptrter an Pittrvt M Ckun/y Cc “•*» Knoa y Clrrfc to Ci «XO itWc i**iVSar JrmsMrer 4*ditori — J -a awdio. "y^n'ntcn. . ALT ’fete M'nto Oji o«rc Wfc.Wm. gWOnuti u . *. ■ ; ’ fttoci Msrr fe (SBa age