o ODS, N Mtt. 8 ct*. offee 18* Ws —Worth i2j. co Lace Boots at o § GOODS rROPOftTJoiv. ' Z-LIiGJiJ VLL at AU l imes •TAGGABX). EASONS lOULD GO XO “S STORE k and, well Wliich are Wu „ u F&KSSya 'Hvo't, Stonncvre, 0 j l: ! s a ” tl S hr ** for Gent. r.. K-rac.UK air*^.®,^ . I TS for Summer wear—in.. ■■y cheap. J 1 ■ 'K™ a * iljrtwel >t of K m i,j. of ClUl't. Om,Ar mv ,„i !• ' Tiler on .horl 1 ,ei! » w l“vh nut*t give ""i 1 'l' t“ COM* .-.'iiluWnt tkut if,Ut Peking. , J ■pe^jno D SUMMER n p> sgq HAS JUST KE <•l.l stanil, on Vlrgltiin »i n t of seasonable gootla, cum-, m»-vx ■ GIiXGITAMS. EMBBOWEIUKk 'isear-d-aiotes,- ixtures of lit of fwwWfargemU-iik l n i • s unit Testing*. : v,,ire, Qmenawmro and :uies» AITORB, &C M ! isl to any in (lie nmrktt, ■ ■■y store-room, I can now to better advantage ( . vlnKly tonUI. ' K STOCK AX» 1 NCE COMPANY, VEX, pa, • *R. AOENT, n COUNTY,.PA. J’r- iiitiirn Notes, $112,000 biii-tpr IVrjietuiil. k 1; r,u~«. Abo, on first clou tsj-uaWe rates./ C •MITMEXT. knitpany to those inespuri •sa or nccUlcrit, etjßab U« I>y {.nyiug fi the rate cf ■' *11)00 9)00 , 3» 00 ■ . 33 (W : ■ ; « ou > i SO 00 t T Abram, Vice Pres’t, Wm Fearsmt, Treas, V-ut U(cUln»o?j • ‘ iua A Mayer,-,' »l.n It Halt. it the fuUowtrig teetlmonliL , allowing the reputation of pout, Pa., AngostA, ,iSS7. n ith the DirectiwVaoJOfK a..-" ColDjmtir at Xoek _lh •j timony to tftelr high chxr ir.iaanv andcp their. ronta'! ri-i jiriwlentlynianagv'b wu i t i iiomhly aJjtMtcd. i ttAIEMATjaLV. | i v, i.icti tlipy rv i ■•‘■ti'iiKon I < i'e. any ** j ! |t a» M ii above on receipt rlcc¢ 5 ' ; f io all parts nixlertwijir “ : ;i. postpaid y - sow the Inst year, 1“'; i •.! married, and the inw ii laiopy. A toctoW >-.w’liow to clitxwe »l"5 ■ r. complete work on ». r: y. Jt contains ■ .I—warranted to b« w? I .r it, 25 cente in ff*®* 0 f Memo u copy hy return a lifetime to the *£* M*o!! Address J .W®’ 1 "’ a lux, with ftiU dltort^V sss* KMAKBE-J®® lorms tlio citizen* c ntiuues to tnwn*~ i;,tio;i, on tha , next door to the J** 4 ' the beet ofatyle. tv^ohtaa^U.^ TTNEBj jENTIST. masonic^ iU ‘ uut r ' ai [ D^3§^ FINSU^SS V.— lnsurance Udon ailcwa f-ttait. ' local I—’ Ttaoumos *t.a Pnowme* M«mwo « tbs Cobb* Hobbs nr Hojujdatsbtoo, ob lH g 3i> bat or Mat, 1859. s .. Baolotd, That in order to secure: conewt a «Son in the approaching election campaign, u t*o existing Committees of the American Republican parties of this county, be re t-d to meet together as aeon as may be q nSent. and issue a call for a County Con- Son to nominate a County Ticket onl>ehalf the Peoples Party, and that power is hereby “ ‘ them to fix the basis of representation in Contention and the time for its meeting.” In pursuance of the abore resolution, the (eteral members of said Committees are hereby rtquested to meet at the Court House, in Holli- Zgborg, at 1 o’clock P. M , on Friday the 10th day of June, 1869, to attend'to the duties assigned them. GEORGE PORT, - Chatman American County Com. A. Li HOLLIDAY, Chairman Republican County Com. Republican Committee. A. L. Holliday, CL 8. 8. Blair. Dan’l Ci Qibboney. Wm. N. ; Hoys. Joseph Stiller. Sam’l P. MoComant Robert Stewart, Isaac Barget. Dr. F. G. Bloom. B. F- Custer. L. W. Hall. R. Pitcaims. John A. Patterson. Jacob Berry. John M. Cooper. Geo. C. Ferree. B. F. Royer. Jas. H. Johnston. John Stanley. John Bennett. American Committee. Geo. Poet, Chm. ' Col. Arthur HilL John WarfeL Michael Clatough. Qeoige JlcCibc. Jobn~H. Stiffler. E. B. Tipton. George Koon. Archibald Rankin. George Hoop, frailer Harlin. Daniel Shock. John M. Barbor. Henry Clapper. Geo. P. Kelly. Abraham Loudon. Jacob Mclntyre. Jacob S. Nicodemua. Wm. R. Plummer. ,Samuel Morrow. Caleb Guycr. (icurge L.' Cowcn. famucl Dean. A Ducks County Fatueb's Advice to His Son.—The following, we find in the Har risburg Patriot and Union, is suitable for young men of all localities, therefore we give it a place among our locals: “ Bob, you are about leaving home for strange parts. You’re going to throw me out of the game nod go it alone. The odds is agin you; Bob, but that industry and pcrseverence are the winning cards; they are the‘-bowers.”, Book laming and all that sort of thing will do to fill up with, like small trumps, but you must Imre the bowers to back ’em, else they ain’t worth shucks. If luck runs ngin you pretty strong, don’t care in and look like a sick chicken on a rainy day. but hold your head up and make believe you’re flush of trumps; they won’t play so hard agin you. I’ve lived and traveled around some, Bob. and I’ve found out that as scon ns folks thought you held a weak hand, they’d all buck agin you strong. So, when you’re sorter weak, keep on a bold front, bat play cautions ; he satisfied with ap’int. Many’s the .hand I’ve seen euchred ’cause they played for too much. Keep your eyes well skinned, Bob; don’t let ’em "nig” on you! Rccpllect the game lays as much with the head os wjth hands. Be temperate; never get drunk, for then no matter how good your hind, you won’t know how to play it; both bowers and the ace won’t save you, for there’s sartin to bea - misdeal” or something wrong. And another thing, Dob, (this was spoken in a low tone,) (lea t go too much after women; queens is kinder poor cards ; the more you have of ’em the worse for yon ; yon might have three, and mry trump. I don’t say discard ’em allif you get hold of one that’s a trump, it’s all good, and there’s sartin to be. one out of four. And, above all, Bob, be honest; never take a man’s wot don’t belong to you, nor “ slip” cards or “nig,” for then you can’t look your man inthe face, and when that’s the case there’s no fun in the game,- its regular "cut throat” So now, Dob, farewell, remember wot I tell yon, and you’ll be sure to win, and if you don’t, sarves you right if you get " skunked.” I®-The Lcwktown Democrat copies the of the R. S. B. in relation to the cases of tsquirc Good and Dr. Roush, together with our Editorial remarks and adds:— We say “ amen’-’ to the eommisseratioh kindly tendered by our cotcmporaries of the Trbuiie to the two excommunicated individuals, and espe cially as the perfidioiunut of the one was the re sult of an acquaintance with a young lady of this place,, against whose accomplished manners and amiable qualities his susceptible heart was not “fire proof He, however, has one proud and that -is, that although ho has been anmerpifully excommunicated from Club 159, E. 8. 8., he now presides with honor »nd dignity over a Good Club, which, although it now numbers bat two members, will no doubt “in the coarse of human events” be multiplied exceedingly. So mote it be. Religious. —Last wephj|,we announced that Bishop Simpson, pfPittohmrgh, would preach in the Methodist Church la this place, on Sah- next, and we are pleased to state this week ihat the announcement will certainly be' met at that time by the Bishop, unless.something im portant and unforeseen shoald occar to prevent. \ possible also that other Bishops,may be present, as they ore now in semen at fcitts- Dr gh, and those who live in the East may stop this point, ovcrSunday, on their way home. , tTB, Alfred Cppkman.and Br. Bartine, who t*^ eea have.answcted.toat they can .. be present on this occasion, bpt wiU.yiait • 8 place during toe summer. ' t is the intention of the Trustees of the to take up a subscription, on tHe beoa ** visit Biahpp (Simpson, to pay off tobah n V n^J iaDging oypr;the church, and it is oped that they may be sapcessful. *n-JUiss.— 7 Qn Sunday evening and Men* h’ea v wero visited by a succession of B “°*ew of rain, interspersed with small «ilv ,^ did no damage, serving tv.. ?. twplness, trulyrefreshing, to n .«wsed. vegetation, start. tp loek up andtake airbab T*iM»o Dows not. something be done to put a stop to the prseliee of tearing down handbills? m believe we have a Bor- Ordinance imposing a fine ofslo upon any penon found guilty of tearing down, defacing, or in any way injuring a handbill or poster within ten days after the time it is put up; but so &r as we hard been pble to learn, it is a dead letter, not a* single-instance being -found on : te-i cord wherein a person has beeh lndicted under it, notwithstanding hundreds, indeed we might «ay thousands, of handbills hare been torn down or defaced, within the rime prescribed by the Ordinance, sinoe the enactment thereof, in open day light at that ; and yet no notice has been taken of it. Can it be that our vigilant Con stable'has never been able to lay his eyes upon a scoundrel while thus injuring his neighbor’s property ? And must this .state of things con tinue ? A man might almost as well throw his money in the' fire as expend it for handbills to post'iUp in this place at the present rime. We bbpe that, an example may soon ho made of some one of the villains who make it their busi hess to .toar down all the bills that come in their ! nud we feel assured that our hopes, are not in vain. The practice has become so much of a nuisance that it must be abated and some men who are not expecting it will be compelled to shell out an X spot very suddenly, or serve out a term in the “ Look Up," some of these days. * Parents should warn their children not to indulge in the habit, and thereby save them selves cost and trouble. The law must be-en forced, if not by those who should do it, it will 6e by those who suffer from the neglect of the officer*. We copy the following from the Tyrone Star of Saturday last:— Ought To be Punished. —Affidavits were ta ken in this place the other day, proving that a certain woman in Warriorsmark'Valley had cut up and fried'out.the fat of an old sheep, which hud died from disease, and mixed part of it with stuff which she sold as lard to one of our mer chants, and part of which she made candles of, and sold to another merchant. We forbear giv ing names at present, as it is most likely that her conduct will undergo a- legal investigation. Wo may be allowed to state, however, that the husband of this same creature says she cooked for his dinner two or three chickens which had fallen info a water-vessel at the barn, and lain thereso long that the feathers dropped off when he lifted the fowls out with'the dung-book! From the same paper we learn that the tailor shop of Win, Port, in that place, was entered on Tuesday night of lost week, by means of a false key, and a suit of clothes, two pair of pants and a vest stolen therefrom. On the same night the shoemaker shop of Mr. Hagg was en tered and robbed of several pairs of boots. A lot of tinware was stolen from the foundry and machine shop of John Forbes. A man by the name of Bennett was arrested and sent to jail for whipping bis wife and child—now about two months old—and threatennig to kill wife, child, mother-in-law, and other kindred. Blaib Cocsty Insubance Company.—Unmis takeably it is the duty of every man who owns a house, or any amount of merchandise or household property, to have it insured. .It is a duty ho owes ;to his creditors, if he has any, but more especially does he owe it to bis fami ly. After being fully convinced that it is a duty, and ascertaining : that every provident man in the community is fully insured, the next con sideration is a safe company in which to secure a return of your looses m case of fire. In look ing for such a company, tirifi£ Voder this distrossingmalody willfind > Dr.fianco’s KpQeptic Pills to be the only remedy ever dl»- covered for Coring Bpilepey orFalUng Fils. Three PiiU pcsewi a specific action on the nervous system; sod al though prepared especially for the purpose of coring Fits, they will be found of especialbenefit to OH persons afflio ted with weak nerves, orwhoae nervous typtem has been prostrated or phettelted from any cause whatever. The dipptytlc patient, whooastonVtth has not lost thepower of doly converting food iitoa life sustaining dement, it relieved by a single course of the extraordinary Pills. The gastricfluW reacquires its solvent power, and the erode nutriment' which was a load and a harden to the sufferer, while his digestive organisation was paralyzed and un strung, becomes under the wholesome revolution created in the system, the basis of strength, activity, and health. Sent to anypart of the country by mail, free of postage. Address Seth 8. Hance, 10S Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Price—one box, $3; two, $5; twelve, $2l. WORMS I WORMS I WsT A greet many learned treatises have bees written, explaining the origin ot, and classifying the worms gener ated in the hitman .system. Scarcely any topic of medical science has elicited more acute observation and profound research; and yet physicians are very much divided in opinion on the subject. It most be admitted, however, that, after all, a mode of expelling these worms, and pari* fying the body from their presence, is of more value than the wisest, disquisitions as to the origin. The expelling agent has St length been found — Dr. it Lane' * Vermifuge, prepared by Fleming Bros, is the much sought after spe cific, and has already superseded nil oilier worm medicines Its efficacy being universally acknowledged by medical practitioners. Purchasers will be C'reful toask fur DU. M’LANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufactured by FLEM ING BUOS.*of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges in comparison are worthless. Dr. M’Lane’s genuine Vermi fuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be hod at all respectable drug stores. None genuine without the signa ture cc,>. lssB-ly.‘ ' : #■ BATCHELOR'S WIGS AMD TOUPJSSS surpass alh~c They are elegant. light, eosy and durable. , WtUng toa charm—imtnnUngup behind—np^irlnkii^ off htddj thfo is tltiM^^ IhiawtUnga are properly umkrtrtood'ond model Not.-19,1858-1y 253 Broadway, New York. ATM. A, BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, New York. ■ ' nVj -rr . ,il Sgffs • « Dry Applre, ; M Prunes,;. . ** Jiff jS Dry Currants, , « • Shngder and Bacon, - % , V* ft Hams. \ ,« ,- i _ J} gSW HI Refined “ « . i uTuS S Syrup Molasses, gallon, ■ «§ ft «nd Tobacco otpriceato suit purchaser*. Altoona, March 10,1860. FLOUR MD FEED fjtiiKET, AT ALTOONA BIBAM MILL. Poor, Superfine, « bhL, , ayyg “ Extra Family “ gja Own Heal qi 100 lbs. £oO Bran A Short* qi 100 lbs. \ , m Bye Chop, “ « . am Corn and Oats, “ " lda Middlings. U . u \ i IjOO Cssh nid for all kinds of Grain. Door and Peed eon always be badkt the Mill at the prices quoted above. JOHN ALLISON. MARRIED. On Tuesday, 31st nit, ter Rev. J. Stock; Mr. SAMUEL 8. NOUN to Mias LUCINDA WOOLUEATEH, both of this county. ? , ; ■ In tbU place, on Tuesday evenlnalast, at the honse of b > Rev - h. B. Clark, Me. WM. J. E. BISHOP, of Harrisburg, formerly ofGettysburg, to Miss HALLIK B. JONES, of Harrisburg.; 10 “Ohi married love I— each heart shall own. Where two congenial tools unite, ; Thy golden chains inlaid with down, Thy lamp witbrheaven’s own splendor bright” Iu this place, on Friday, the 27th ult, Mrs. ELIZABETH KEFF. She had for many years before her death been a consistent and esteemed member of the Presbyterian Church. For months before her death she htpl bedn'a great sufferer. She patiently bore her afflictions, yet was anxious to go and be with Christ, whenever it might he the Father’s will to call her. On the 35th uit., CLARISSA, daughter Of Mr. John Baker of this place, aged right years. A bud nipped in blooming. WANTED— BOARDING FOR A Gentleman and his Lady, withintwo squares of tlie Superintendent’s Office. Terms not to exceed $6 per week. Address ;. “ BOARD,” June 2,1859.—1 t TBtmnrt Omen. ! FISH !! JL A largo lot of MACKEREL and; Dry Salted and Pickled HERRING, Just received at the ; MODEL. June 2, 1859.-lt NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS !! A Large and Splendid Stock Just arrived, and clfearojr than ever, at the MODEL. June 2,1859.-It i ' ROCERIES AT WHOLESALE ! V T We will sell COFFEE by the Bag* SUGARS, SYR UP, Ac.,..by the Barrel, at Philadelphia prices, with freight only added. J, A J. LOWTUER, Altoona, June 2,1859.-31 . . et.--• —v FISH & VEGETABLES— _ The subscriber wijl receive dully during the season, by Exptess. direct from Philadelphia anil Pittsburgh, all kinds of VEGETABLES, such as Sallad, Onions, Rhubarb, Radishes, Cucumbers, Strawberries, otli, in exhibit; and the first person becom ing a Purchaser nt uuy place will receive the Agency fur that uciglilioihood. - .VO AIONST RISKED I Wc propose to let a person know what Premium he will receive before sendinghis money. Any. Ladyor Gentle man desiring one of the above articles, can first send us their name nud address, slating Whether they want tlie Pencil and Fen, or Locket, and wo will make their selec tion, uml inform them by return Mall what Premium they are entitled to. (hey can then have the privilege of send ing for it .if they choose. We cannot, however, give this privilege but once to any person; and we make this oiler la establish the quality of our goods in a neighborhood. Af ter a person bejdmes a purchaser, and accepts the Agency, wc require nil persons in tipit locality to send their $5 In advance through him. Aud if any one is dissatisfied with their purchase, and an unbiassed person Judge says the articles are not worth more than the money paid foc thetn. and fu some cases Till, or even Forty times the nrootrat,let such person return tbo goods, and we will fteely refund the money. : _ Among nnr Premiums arc articles sui'taUoibr Ladles and Gentlemen, such as V- GtnUemfn'* G1:1 and Silver Wuicltu, Omri Chain*, Grid fatter. Buttons, Gold Watch JfeWoad atoll. Gold Shirt St mis—plain ami with Rutting*; Gold Scarf Pins—now style; Gold Breast Pius,Calllorni* • Idamoud Pins, Gold Rings,Ae.4c* „ BOR jLADIES, Wc have Gold Watches, Flormrtltre, Uranic, Quid Stone. Came* Gurnet and Coral Brcnst Pins and Bar- Rings,'Gold Bracelets. flolil Sleeve Buttons, Gold Belt Slides, Quid It ion, 4c, &c. Also, Pianos, Mclodeons, Musical Boxes, Accorde oua.de. Ac. : .«• 43, Unexceptionable References given wKenoverywiuired. *<'• £•— Id "ending your names, Write Uii- BUte.COttnty and Town plainly, so ns to avoid letters being miscarried. Address, ANOUK ft CO, 102 Canal Street, (Old Sit.) * New York., May Stli, 1859. Levi iuling, IMPORTER o|' WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &c. Allegheny Street, MnthWard, '■. A A largo stock of allktod* of bi« Brand* will bo kept cpnfetautly on bind,' ikT wHI nld In feta to suit iranfeftw** atMoa as muomihtear the* caa be had auy where In thfrcttntry. [\^yt% T W-4f IAA BOXES WINDOW GLASS, A*/” from Bxlo to 24x3o. ■ , ! Putty Knlve«, * '•’ 1 ° citT *’ Spanish Brown, in stow awl May IS, 1868. • - PAINTS I PAINTS 1 2,000 Dm. WIHTK LKiD, different Brandt: 1,000 RfS. White Zinc Mint!? ~ 4 Cases Chrome Green. 3 Cam Chrome Yellow. ' Burned Umber. W Terra dlSlnnut Bed lead. ■ i^ooiMPattr. Vnrnislic* of all kinds In store and for sale. Wholesale and Retail, by ’• 1 A. JftWSHT Fancy toilet ' _ 4 mjtffsvsojps. ■■ Cleaver’s Honey Soap, Uazln’s Pondne. Peach and Almoodt , Bi^.VhdHri- Pure White TOndaor, ■- TrantpareaV A. JBSOTDSPA May 12,18J9. EBRFUMEEY ; r ■ ■■ Extracts for the Handkerchief Kits me'B*ooUj%' BatttMly Boqnct, ■ Frangipani* \ For wle cheap by ■ OILS! OILS! Pnro Beamed lln*e«a Oil, ; v V,, BxtnuUrtOU, . .. r '