<* h.' jKi- - '•«*. w>«s n.ryy* atir CatwhhTi!?* *1 mom, looc^ag^Wii £S«IS C4 *« t/rte eJutrJ^S^ ? ccnmwija ■ furnish the ; - ~ l,l ‘- Aan-Ui »—.- *?**• «pre*» tu fiffiS ■ '-%« attended thesis ore cf 3oa orrhuMu g22J^*l*» b *' ensuing y«a r . r 4 * i, -1 *" f eel imqm av Lvoifnt effort h*y e vzj 4 otc*. with rtijWZr.* 44 le«pls*d ctiug. oaiorrhoaa, oj R—. tual organ*, by tiu ST “r* 11 (in a Mgjgj *** ; eipt of 7wo ariSlM i mcla on the i:o coastanUy bri«!.JS* : a “ J Y lll u •WHUrSI .»kt i-’.cnt cure.' v tiie above nca* 1 ■ are Unrivaled, :o fail when ad' •dance with *.tcd popuji irltf prictcirs. ■i OTHERS u, Pa. _, Drug been W x i«t Tmq row QveJho* i attention; & And being®*- nd Livcr W ccupy thcng old among®* the day, re neither tin® uring the £«* i ■:], and com most thorough ill orders to v 7 -V' riltsljcrgl** !*• r- -ring ■j: t» thotr orttuTt u ■ zssts&Sk “'^“ssssB® fua* S>r tonrt««ggrS i^da-EASfit ~. • -'• '• ■ ■.-■•-J - i • —--.•••-■••. -.V.', - v - "-K ; | _ . ■ i . ; - McCJIOI & PERN, \ OL. 4 the ALTOONA TRIBUNE. xicCliEM A DKItN, Publisher* and Proprietors. , „ ~„aui, (tajaulo JnvarUMy in advance,) $1 : 50 ' ; ir»liou of tlio time TEIUIi OF *I»TtBtISTSO. 1 iiiM’i-tiua 2 do. 3 do. $24 $ % 60 SO 76 1 00 1 00 1 SO. 2 00' . .. «r «r«. ..^Jduaif.' * lines.) 7*' " 0« " > ,>4 » , 1 60 200 250 r u.rM s.--V, a. 1.1 lew lUan three months, 25cent* per tor each.use. Uou. 6 months. , vrar . «1 W $3OO I $5 00 2 50. '4 00 700 4 00 6 OS' - 10 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 ' '■* „ 6 00 10 00 14 00 f 10 00 14 00 20 00 ,Ulf a column, 14 00 23 00 40 00 column, *«S v*,,", , ~ A 'mw:ftn(on *ud EifCiiten Notices, 1 ,5 i -chants advertising b.V the three squares, ’ u ;fl: liberty to change, , 10 00 l .-stwns! or Business Cards, not exceeding $ with jinju’r. per year. : 6 00 unications of a political character or individual in- V i)| be cliargnd according to the above rates. \dr,Ttisemem., not marked with the number of insertions dwrel, sill be continued till forbid aud charged according tithe shove term,. i Badness not ires Ore cents per linn for every insertion. , iiMtimri notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents n square. \ I»acs or i*tt, ni *;uaie» tribune directory. CHURCHES, MINISTERS, &C. ; ~-r,t ; si uii. Itev. A B. CbvuK. Pastor.—Preaching ev -.,1 ■; ewniiugat I')i. »>l'>ck. and in the evening at ■ii ik. habiialh School at 9o'clock. A. 11., in the Lcc u-.ai. Prayer Meeting every WeduoeUay evening in V - R< v ?. dunc.HTON. Pastor.—Preach „., , ■ -.,i,i,stli morniiiff at II o'clock and in thecven jaaeai*. Svliool iu the Lecture Room at 2 o’clock. P. dri. *iaf Prayrr Meeting in same room every Wednee ,.-i.ii.r. Yuiiug 'Men's Prayer Meeting every Friday .1 1; .(I Lutheran. Hev. JacobSteck. Pastor.—Preach* . s .tl’foiihm«>niimcal 10J£pVU*k, . vvi.iij;. Sabbath ScbfV'l in tin* Lecture Kooiu at l» k. H. M. Prayer Meeting in same ruoiu every ovniug. * i U -v. W. B.PlfK,Pastor.—prcaifUlngf cv .. ;fi; at lo* ••’clock an-1 in tlic evening at . - k iMbbath S luiol in the bet-tun* Hoom at 9 4 *c-x, A. M. l*ia>er Mating every Wednesday evening ■ jifUM Ep> * lUv. R. VT. Oliver ,Pastor. —Divine -i! jp:i ■*»:> £un>lays ,f each montiji at 10)4 uVluck ".-a *: 3 i JI. fbni.Uy School at 9 p'clock A. >l. V; Her. July Twines, Paster.—Pfraching at in t!i<- morning. ami at the afternoon. ll. Visit. Piutoi—Preaching every c-abK-ith ~! l i;. .iVl'ick. ami also in the evening. Snbliatli .v ial j o'clock, A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wedues- >t-, I -u. Rev. S.VYDET! C in. Pastor.—Preaching nil .ik ..mg at 11 o'clock, ami.in Ihecveuing. in ; .. .School House. ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE MAILS CLOSE. " at mg. ■ Ti rough. . i 1 -ugh Mail MAILS OPEN 1 ,r .nil] Mail, i through, Wav, b' nr? t n f.-r (he transaction Ebusiness from CJJu A M. / i’.M.. during the vveeki and fipui 7g30 to o’- . u S .li..ley. JOHN SHOEMAKER, p. M -tr] .3: 4 RAILROAD SCHEDULE, Ll’T-.i T.. arrives Igtt A. ML, leaves Igki A. M. W.-st “ 7g*j •' “ S,li • > K-i«l “ t*,(J6 P. M. « 9,-dD p. JJ. • V,-i -t “ B,hr l*. “ 5.2.7 p, M. 1 ; ‘-; “ 785 A. 51. 7.50 A. 51. 'Vest “ B,2Ti P. 31., “ 0,10 P.M. ».’ 'i.I.IIiA VMUCRG llKAXCMcotinects with Express I. . - i i.i M --t, and with Mail Train East ami West. ' \IK v \ 1 l.i.K UK A NCII connects with Johnstown • \i vi, Express Titiin West andslail -> ’."oS MEETINGS OF ASSOCIATIONS- . ' '" lodge, A. T. 5I„ Nix 281, tnctlson second Tues ' '■ month, in thothird storv ol the MoshhicTeni ■ • , '■ W|;. P. JJ. '■ •" KiKninimeut, A. Y. 51., No 10, meets on the ' ■ • ! iy uf phcli month. in Hie third story of the 31a ut; o'clock, I*. M. . 1 ’ y-l.i-: 1. 1 1, uf 0. Xn.473,' meets Friday j ■‘•-■'■'•'O' l story of tho Masonic Temple, at 71-j * y L-xlgf, I. 0. of O. F., Xo. 532, mrcts every Friday ! i;’.n. tlie third etory of Patton's Building, on Virginia at 7’' o'clock. P. If. Trihr, No. .15, i. Q. B. 51., hold stated Conn " r y Tm-shy evening lit the I. O. O. F. Mall, in the ’ T -aiple, r omril Fire killdled at 7th' ran. 3tlth , W. A. ADAJIA, C. of n. ■ [Jane 25, '57-ty s’ of America. Camp Vo.3l,'mhetsevery Mon ■ - siii in I ho third story of Patton’s Mall, at 7}so"clock ■ (Xuitp. ,Vo. 54, J. S. of A., meets every 1 • " r 'i|ing. in the 2d story of .Patton's Itdl. : MrUiun, .Vo. 311, & of 3% meets every Satur : ■ 'i- unij:. in the Odd Fellpwt** Hall, Masonic Temple. 0 0. \V. : WmL CL McCormick, P. W. P.; B. ¥. , r ; *• **-: Ci K; McCrca.W. A.; E. B-tjlcCrnm, K. S.; r ••tmh.VA. K. S.: M. Clahaugh, T*; Jacob Renner, B. Galbraith, C-; J. W. Ctabangh, A. C.; Wm. Mar - I F. Rdsc.O.S. '- K "r J Hhauict', /.ibrary and jAading JJoom. Attachi sta*?!‘Py on the Ist Saturday evening in Jnnua t., ‘t n 'i October. Hoard of Directors meet on , , 1 '’day evening in each month. Boom open from ' ** u slock every evening, (Sunday excepted.) COUNTY OFFICERS. of the Quirts. —president, lion. George Tavlor.— j. Penh Jones,’David Caldwell. * v® • ■ittimryory—Joseph Baldridge. fitter ana Jleeomer—Hugh A. Caldwell. A-rif-jurnes Funk. - 1 Vfrid Attorney— ByiJ.L. Hewit. ■■"ds .C'lnmitsioiurs—Jacob’ Barnhart, J. It. slcFar '•M'.eo, M. Jones. ‘ ■ i'- L k Com odtsiemert —Hugh A. Caldwell. : Apprqattr-~3 WCph 0. Adlmn.i r ’ r 'y • ? ir«v'’/r—Jamta L. Owlnn. ■ -' l , r c r _.r, , hu LlngafcU., " • f ii'-rs-s. Morrow. A. C, McCartney, Joe. R. Hewitt. • S Buy** Shiver, v’’f \ : of tuomon .SAorfs-JOlinDean. \ ALTOONA BOROUGH .OPF-ICERS - ' r -' t 51 ■ Jones. ? =|U Robert B. P vDsaW Price, lleury g. ggedlur.. i;krH?ft CoKnca ~3 ,>tin AllUon; ' ’*' ■ a;Z*hH‘’ tta ~ Jt **'P , ‘ O. Adltia, / - : : B. Slnk, C- C. Maim, . George W. I ' ■ ■ ld f-of Mifchoel Clabangh, A. iAHoWfty. “ } ■ Ward-S. ULAtatander. ' a y«» “ IL flreeowood. \ JacObßottenbcrg. lVard-Menry BeU, J.fcob S*in^ “ vS. „ R'McCrnm, Jacob Messer, t horth o, TY. IQutittn, John.COndo.. &^S£ ries — a and ““More of - • a.*. mtBMAN. C'JSTpaos, trunks, cm- y~^2ffiS^R MIGK,S Store Cy, tn4M **ortaient qf Eeady.Maae clothing 1 Abdominal suppprters.Ti *" 1 Bracts lor >al« at j 7 £5 A.M ‘ , 725 A.M 7 25 A. it. aW 6 00 I>. 31 000 •• 730 “ , T .15 A.-M 7 35 - 7 00'A. M. C 2.1 I>. M. 7SOA. M. ami 615 “ TIIOS. A. SCOTT, SitpL EESSLF.E’S. T 1 L 1 vER INVIGOEATOK! •fr™rn/v»?^£ ABBD By DR - SANFORD, COMPOUNDED JiNTIRL'LY FROM GUMS, fo™“th«Lm®i Rnr *? Uirc “ na Direr U.-dicioesnow be- P“k/ C > act * ** « OiOariie, easier, miltier and ®7v f ny r < i t, ' cr taediglnc known. It is not but r ' mHj y> acting first on the *9 e J* ct ih) morbid matter, then on the stomach and hotrcu to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two any of the painful feelings J‘l fDo operations of most fvlharliu. It Strengthens the system at the same time that it purge* it • ■**“* f** en dai, y in moderate dotes, will sUcnglbuu and baud it up with unusual rapidity. “ Tito Ijtee is one of the) , principal regulators of the human body; mid when if. performs lUfunctionswell l! , °j!i‘. wcrg f **“ *J?teni jure fully developed. The entirely* dependent on the,healthy action of the Liwr fur performance of id functions; when the atfo«U«Rhuw‘u n^pn^nf 1 ’ thewh °‘ e iQ'‘.Vstcni ‘ pjfrers >n cunse quenee of one organ—the l ' w \LiVEK-haviug ceased tudu its duty, For the diseases: of that or-mn. one of 11... proprietors has made it his j “ study, in aprarl™eufLore than twenty years, to find'll some remedy wherewith to counteract the many de- ;n.ngemeut*-to XT it L To prove that this reme- H j dy is at last fonnd. anv per son troubled with-,Liter CompiW. in anv of Its forms, has but to try a hot- Oj tic, and convictiou S , These Gums remove all 55'morbid or bad mat ter from the system, supplying in place a I.euithy flow of bile, invigorating the stomach, causing food to well. etmtrnso TOE i>]*toop. giving tone and h.-aKh to the whole removing tho cause of the disease—effecting a *7l radical cure. AT T iCK «»«?Ur- ASD, WHAT IS BETTER, vfooßAitm!' tlle occa ' W ehmal use of the Liter Is- One dose ailer eating is ' sufficient to relievi the sto mach and prevent Hie food, rising and souring NiSumre b ** U bv 'i7j rore /curing, prevent. Only one dote taken at |K i night, loosens the the bow e»s gently, and cure* Cos-!, : nvexes*. One dose taken after each | ’ meal will cure Dyspepsia ; "f two tea-1 sjKKinsful will always r. MVP MCK IIKAbACHE. i_2i nla,c obstruction remove the cause of the disease. r”S ,«nd makes a perfect cure Only onodose immediate-) ly relieved Cholic, while ~‘A a / dosi ‘ /‘cn rejwated i lis a sure cure for Cuoler Morbis, and a preventive UL'ofCnoluu. Only one buttle is/ [needed to threw ont of the Systran the effecu of mcdl-[ a (cine after a long sickness. . *3r One bottle taken forrft, Jaukdicb removes all sal lowness nr unnatural color). | from the skin. One dose taken a short! QC; tinic before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and! • makes the food digest well One dose often repeated |Q ■ cures Chronic Diarrhoea in its worst forms, while Sura- mer and Bowel complaints Ji-id almost to the fust Qj dose. V One or two doses cures!" attacks caused by ITobjis in children: there is no I>y surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it Jn/rer/oi7s. A few I Kittles cures Dropsy l.y exciting the absorbents lie take pleasure in re- ' /commending the medicine as a preventive for Fever T'and Ague. Chill Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious type.j fit operates with certainty and thousands are willing) to testify to its wonderful Virtues, All who use it arc giving their unanimous testimony in Its favor. Ua- ilix Water in the mouth with the Invigorate.-, ami swallow both together. ' ' THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and is daily woiiuuie cures, almost too gre-at to helidvc. It cures as if by magic, ecru t.Wfirst dost giving benrfU. ami seldom mure than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Liver Com piaint, from the worst Junndivx or Dgspqtsia to a. common tlicaducJie, nil of which are the result of a Diseased Live*. PiUCK OXE DOLLAR: PEE BOTTLE. DR. SANFORD. I’ro|irictor, 345 Broadway, New York, bold by G. W. Kxssleb, Altoona; and retailed by all Druggists. [May 27, ISSS.-lv Moke ,th-ajj .000,000 bottles SOLD IN lU£ XE Jr ENGLAND STA TES IX oxp YEAR. Tlie Restorative of Prof. 0. J. Wood for Restoring hair pi’rtectiy and p. rmammth, has never vet had g. rival. v~~ The Emperor Leopold, who died in 1704, used to suffer his beard to grow in diunrdtV during the whole period of mourning. In this he imitated the dews. The dow ager-empresses never left off weeds, and their apartments were hung -with black until their death. The Chancellor of Prance is the only person who ever wean mourning. The brothers, nephews and cousins of popes, never wear it; the hap* - piness of having a pope in the family is too great to allow them to be affected even by his death. « Bat the most remarkable of al)‘these usages is, perhaps, that of the peoploldf those ancient nations who dressed them- selves as women when they lost their re latives, in. order, it is said, that the ridi cule attached to their vestments might make them ashamed of their grief. How THE HOONBMAN MONKEYSKItL Snakes.- —The banyan tree is a invoiced habitation of these monkeys, and among its many branches they play strange ‘ an tics, undisturbed by any foes excepting snakes. These repUles are greatly dreaded by the monkeys, and with good' reason. However, it is said that the monkeys kill more snakfes in proportion to then own loss, and do so with a peculiarly refined cruelty. A snake may be polled among the branches of the banyan fast asleep; when it is spied by an Hoonnnuuu After satisfying himself that thereptilo really is sleeping, the monkey steals npbn it noiSelessly, grasps it by the neck, iean it from the branch, and hurries tather ground. He then runs to a flat stone, and begins to grind down the reptiles hdad upon it, grinning and chattering with do* s light at the writings and useless strug gles of the tortured snake, and ocoarion ally inspecting His wprk to see how it is' progressing. When he has nibbed away the poor animal's jaws, so as to deprive it of its poison fangs, he holds great re joicings oyer Ms helpless ibe, and toainsg it to the yonng monkeys, looks complsF cently at its destruction. New Discovert in Photography.— Galignani's Messenger (a Paris paper) announces a discovery in photography. Rr consists in *the discovery of an artificial light, so wpnderfhHy luminous and sq steady as to completely supply the effect of the most brilliant nopntide sun inthn photographic operations. The light b»* ing contained in a portable portraits canhe taken in private residences, even In the darkest room, wholly ind*> pendent of the state of the atmosphere and those parts of cathedrals or other pic* turesqne architectural monuments whew the light of the sun never penetrates, and which, in consequence, have been until now wholly shut out from the photograph er, will be as accessible to the artist aw any part of the exterior. ; : )’ *, I • *1 tST Jfower is always the more ? rate and jealous when it rises oul w. usurpation; hot those who WI liberty of any kind, should la so be its abettors. ' NO. 18. ' fm ««*