The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 26, 1859, Image 4
i i <|XA AAA REWARD!—THE fM .y ♦jf' U V/ above sum was actually given tp , n QMInfMA, will he opened on:|lw let ' JL PafammAurinK the year 18H. " ’ i MC»DATOMAT. U*Otea*»<)<» !“v __ . --\ \ ancroiUeennMt withttaMaleAVenal".department S| In O A I OE, tfao MUftyrttefnt, yoanr men will b« Instruct'd with r eua!W RT7UBON, Proprieto* of (|*M Oft Book j * y^wyodrf»a»a» o fqur t , «t * ik.™ No .33SouthThhdßtnwtPhJjSelpSa, eaMiimo lnOe | ARiftworth CramS* aste t» r « sum : WMi jvntaiMM Into two Smaionsof o*neißtlimafflMdond«leo-'W««te telfvWm SaMMV Baste W cctnmeao*cn Oifl IrtMon- "»»wa«riiay , WUI * 8 with TS^S?»f tto WlnßßßMionte mwnM <» The attention of lbs public torespectfully sotete*to tho .** **! cf entenetm assortment of vahtaMo Standard and Hloodlme- offered for-taMthotow-tpri—. GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS I . f, TTriHnr - For awry Book purchased at One Dollar or more, fhe »«ffiSStfSsSr3«S2^i*,oo Advanced (Inclosing tho Natural Sciences, Uatbe- “S”!*? ' L„h •atte Mental and Moral Philoeophy, Logic, tho Lam “* oSd goagea and Composition Ac.) $6,00 EXTRA, OE ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. mao Breast Pina, Ladies’ Florentine Seta,bdies’ Florcn- Marie (Including mo of inatrnoMßt) $1(M» tine Pina, Lsdies* Oamoo Aar Drops, Dadte'gold Ihreast SiMte ■ ; sjno Pina, Odd Bosom Studs, Ladies’ nod dents’ Sold Dleav* Paintug (In water Coins) . 3AO Bnltona, Odd Commercial Pena to fiflwr Oaaea, lAdte nm«(iasi»upj MO Gold Pena with HoWera, Extra Gold Pern, with Oaaea and Instrncttee In vocalmute gratis. One half tbe above Holders, dents’ ClniUerßqaom Pine, Odd Tooth Koka, La ohargtstlo be paid invariably in advanea. £asf “d Sf^£ oM 25" •■>. W. OLtVg&J-jßtojartnlamlawl Hale Dq/t. Piecas, Sewing odort A.B. CLARBu “ namlf " Knlte SOW Ware, including Spoons. Butter Kntvs* Alt. -* TifaffiMT'af Miih' “ Forks, Cake Baskets, Ac. Also, Miscellaneous Gifts ofdold arils o, M, nr.saw r m»si« « Jewelry, 01ftBooks, Ac, worth fWm26cmfts tos36. MartA 10kl860.>tf Our new Cat*lognoforlBfiBiseßntfreetoaU,npona|>- ■-' '| ■ : - 1 1 ' plication. The iodooemeuts offered Agents are more Mb- CAVING FOND.-NATIONAL S3- -RAW*#TKOBT eOHPANTw—Oubxbio n n> last eight years, my experieuce enaliieanm to conduct the •uipdr PzßxmtoU. aift Enterprise with sotia&etkm to all. RULES. Agents are wanted in every town and ominty, to wfiam 1. Money is teealTadevaty day, and in any aaaonnt, large oommlsakms will be given in Bcoko. or a per centage ip artmaQ. money. For a Glob of lO Books, 1 extra Book and a ; Gift cam-iateraat la paidte money from the day will begiw, on larger ordte rommianona are lib- It li twt far sml for fan wftHilirt t.n# rntmey la alwayapaidbackUi ecu), whenever it , DOANB ROLTBON, ■ Si called fcr, and wittiontnaMoa. Quaker tsty PubiitMng Hawk, A. Money U received from Zaaiton, Jdminbtraton, 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia. ftaswttm»»» and others who desire to have it in a place of P. S>—Jiwt imned, “Xhe ldfe, Speecbra, and Memorials parflKttalSty. aqd where interest can;be obUlned lor it ot Daniel Webster,” by Samuel W.Bmncker, A tte journey received from depoaltora ia inveetedin didly lilnatmted volume of 660 pages. Price $2. AgenU Rgat BatAit, Mokmams, Qaoonn aanra, and such other wanted, flrtt elsseascnritiea as the Charter directs. April Zl,’btHSm. d.Ooee Honrs—Every day from 9 Oil 6 o’clock, and on Mondgysand Tbiundaya tfll Bo*eloekln the evening. HON. H. L. BKMNBR, Prerldent. SOBBRT UtUTBIDOE, Tice Prsaklsnt W.J..&EXD, Sscrctary. DIRECTORS, - Bvbi-'L. Bonnot, JtexcnLn, XnoHoLOnm, P. Cannou. Buwam, KeSznr Bnmnoi, Joexenß, Biunr, Sunn. K. Ashton, • JoconTcuu, o;Laxmutb Monos, Htmar Dirrmncarnt. OAce: Walnut Street, B. W. Corner of Third St Phila delphia. April Uth^W-ly ES-T YECTIGAL I VI PABAIMONI A. n —Did every one, whoread*the Stuff"! of this article but understand its meaning, they womldinunedietely repair to theshopsi JOHN O’DONNELL, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Main Altoona, a few door* below the Red Lion Hotel, aad select a autt of clothe* from the large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which ho hasjust received from the East, feeling rare that la doing so tifay would be carrying out the motto. Itl* notneceeaary hereto mention the differontstyie* and quantities of the goods on hand, suffice it to say that he ha* everything in tho line of gentlemen’s wear, and be know* how to moke it up iu a fashionable and durable style, on term* as reasonable a* those of any other mer chant Tailor in the place. Give him a call and yon will soon discover that yon can carry out the motto adopted by dealing with him. April 28, Wlf. N CHEAP GOODS AT Me COR MI CE’ S STORE. JUST ARRIVED, AND NOW BE INO opened, & very extensive assortment of S'PRINO AND SUMMER GOODS, of all the different varieties tonally kept in country stores, carefully selected in quality anjl style’to suit the season, consisting, in the Dry Goods department, of Prints, Lawns, Ehallys, Delaines. Ac- Ac., id all tnelr variety. Also—Ladles, Misses an 'Gent’s Gaiters, Boots A. Shoos, lists. Caps, Bonnets, Ac., Ac. , Hardware, Queensicare, Cedarware, Leghorn. Film Leaf and Panama Hats, Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Mutants, Mice. Dried teaches, de.. Dried Beef, Sugar-Cured Hams, Shoulders, Sides, rfc., , ail of .which will ha sold or exchanged for a!! kinds of pro duce, such as Butter, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Hags, Soap, and Grain of any kind, os Tow if not ISwor than any other Louse in town. Being very thankful for past patronage, we will consider it a very great favor to receive a visit from our friends, and be ranch gratified in having the pleasure of showing them our Goods. Altoona. Mat 5 1859. A. McCORMICK. XT ATS ! HATS ! ’—SPRING AND j SUMMER STYLES. The subscriber has Just returned from tho city with a largo and well’ selected stock of Men and Boys’ ilat!s AfcD > GAPS. FOR SPRING & SUMMER WEAR. vl every Cabr and shape. Also, a good assortment of LADIES AND MISSES FLAT 8, v. 1 (if different varleli**?, fill of Which will h*i sold f! CHEAP FOR CASH. Parsons in want of anything In ths above line, will please givu me a call before purchasing elsewhere, os I am determined to sell at the very lowest possible prices. Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. Altoona, April 28, 1859-tf. JESSE SMITH. 4 STONE & CO’S GLASS PRE • ftKKVIJfO JARS, for preserving all kinds of Fresh S Vegetables, Mince Meat, Oysters, and all such per ishable articles. . ' V®,Tho main secret ofpreierring fruit In a freslf condi tion, consists in having It thoroughly boated when seated np, and In expelling all the air there may be in the vessel, so that when the fruit cools it will form a vacuum. We ere now manufacturing the above Patent Jar, (hav ing bought the right from Messrs. A. Stone A Co., and are prepared to fill all orders at short notice. ' We fhrnieh Cover*, Wires arid Cement, with printed di rations with each Jar. Uann&ctnred and Bold Wholesale A Retail bjr CUNNINGHAMS A CO., Glass Manufacturers, April 28, IKMm No. ICS Water St„ Vittslmrß, Pa. A CARD. —Hear what Mrs. Vaughn of Duhcansville says:—l.have used the Galvanic Oil prepared by J.’ D. Stoneroad, Lewistown, Pa, for a very painful disease myself and recommend it to others, and in overycase found it to be one of the very best medicines for sore and painful diseases. Relieves all pain in aCm min ute*. Every family shonld have itfn the bouse. Sept. 16,1865.—1 y. Medicated fur chest PRO TECTOR, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOSE disease* Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other affec tion* of the toga, which arise frnpi the exposed state of the Chest,' according to/athim and the continual changes ofom climate, for sale at the Drug Store of O. W. KESSLER. Lycoming county mutual FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned, agent of. the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at ail times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire. Su&dingt, Merdtandin, FurnUure and Ibvperty of every description, In town or country,' at as reasonable rates as »J compony in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple. Jatt.aT'M-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER. Jgtnt. T IQUORS. A LARGE AMOUNT I J ,ot Wdl selected LUiDORS has been received Sthe “ LOGAN HOTJBE,” Uollidaysbnrg, which will be •old at the lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The asan who wants has only to call. - [Dee. 17, tt WESTERN INSURANCE \JINI) TRUST COMPANY.—lnsnrance on .Real or personal .property will be effected on the must r&uonnble twms by their agents in Altoona at hia office in Anna St. March XT, 1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent T EVI’S PREPARATION FOR EX JLj 'terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and danger In Its nse tinder any circnmston osM«SatoWtoD% towof . • Jto.*»,.'WMf} O. W. KESSLER. pREAM TARTER, SUPERsCARBO xIa > Salaratna, Washing Soda, .Dorkee's DilngPowaer.ln store and for saleat ; Bept S > , 6B-tt] A. HOPSH’S Drag Store. TTETT ED STATES LIFE INSU- Agemy. Anna Street Altoona, torch 17.18 W. \ JOHN SHOEMAK ER/ Agent TjL THE STANDARD PATENT L MgDICTNRS AT fl-tf. KESSLER’S. SPECTACLES AND EYE PEESER. kj w» fcr sale Ht 'l-tf.l RESULT vs. KS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS and agpediclomly executed at this office. JBjdo 1O 30«24, AND OUT e. w. KXMuat mOF ALL STYLES, A YER’S CHEERY PECTORAL. J\_ It. E.BKLLERS’lmperial CousbSjrnp, Boojiand’s German Bitters , Beer have's Holland Bitters, Sand/ord's Liver Invigorator, Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Clarke's Female Pills, Duponeo’sQ olden Pills, Wrights, Ayer's, Wilson's and Me Lane's Pills, Merchants Gargling Oil, P«rry Davis' Pain Killer, , Matchftl's Four/otd Liniment, Mexican, Arabian, Neroe and Bone Leniment, in store and for sale at 'Sept. 2,1858-tt] A. ROUSH’S Drag Store. JAMES JM. WHEELER & CO., (Successors to John Hi Brant,) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Near the Penn’a Central Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. DEALERS IN * HARD AND SOFT COAL - , Fig Metal, Railroad Iron, Bar and Merchantable Iron, Mails, Flour, Gro ceries, Provisions, Fish, Salt. etc. COAL rent in care, iu la*ge or small quantities, along the different Railroads in Pennsylvania. [J niy 2S*ly. OECURE THE SHADOW ERE THE O SUBSTANCE FADES. The place to get AMBROTYPES, MELAINOTYPES, & PHOTOGRAPHS, done up in short order, is on Julia street, opposite It. Kel benack’e where nil persons can be accommodated with true and perfect Likenesses. Time frum 1 to'B seconds. Pictures copied on reasonable terms. , Pictures set in jewelry at very low rates,.the price de pending upon the size of the article. i Pictures always warranted before they are taken away. Lmlies,and gentlemen arc invited to call and examine specimens. Pictures token as well In elondy as fair weather. December 16, ’] J. W. CLABAUOH. BY ATLANTIC) TELEGRAPH.—: Did yon hear the news from Europe? If you have' not, wo will tell, you what it is. Uis that HENRY TUCK ■ has just returned from the Eastern cities with a large sup-. ply of READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of all styles and qualities of Overcoats, Dress Coats, Vests. Pants, Boots and Shoes, and everything kept in an establishment of the kind, dll of which he otters at unprecedentedly • low prices for cash. Having purchased liis stock at cash prices, he is thereby enabled to sell very low. . He invites all those In want of anything in his line to give him a call, feeling sure that be will be able to give satisfaction. HENRY TUCK. ' AUoqna. Sept. 30, 1558.-tf. T7XCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB- J BCRTBER would respectfully in form; the public that be has recently re- 4 Sited the above Hotel, ami is now pre pared to accommodate bis friends and MH patrinSlna comfortable raar.iicr, and wiU spare no pains in making it an agreeable home fur all : sqjouituers. His Table wilt always bo luxuriously supplied; from tKemarkets of the country and cities, and hi* Bar tilled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of an v other Hotel in the place, and he feels fhtisfled they can not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a shared of pujbUc patronage, and fully Intending to dfcserve it, he throws open his bouse to the public and invites a trial. Altoona, May 27,1858.-lyj JOHN BOWMAN. Blank books and statione RT. WM. '. HAVEN, Job Peiktsr, Stationer and Blank Book JIiNUTACtUREa, Corner Market Second St*-, Pittsburg , Fa. ssMaaHMw respectfully invites attention tohls large and well selected; Blank Book, Paper and Stationery, Rail Road, Mercantile and Book Printing , of evqry description, pr mptly executed. Agent for L. Johnson & Co., Typo Founders. Phila delphia. [July 17.1S5R—ly Home testimony. [From the Lewistown Aurora.] 1 have been afflicted for ten years witiiCbronic Diarrhoea, and have received more benefit from Du Vall’aGalvanic Oil than any ether medicine I ever used. ALEX. MrK.EE, Oliver township, Mifflin county, Pa. ; This is to certify that I used Du Tail’s Galvanic Oil iii my family in some of the diseases for which it is recom mended and found to act almost spontaneously, I recom mend it to oil who suffer from pain. A. M. INGRAM. Sept. 2, ’6B—ly. Decattir township, Mifflin co„ Pa. .- BLAIR COUNTY DAGUERRE AN ROOMS.—Mr. 01 W. FISHER, the Hollidaysbant Artist, begs leave to inform our readers that be is prepared to take - ■\C Photographs of deceased persons, 'i from Daguerreotypes, at the short eat notice and on the ifrtt reasonable terms. He has Just received A large stock of durable and neat COses, of all sizes and styles, including a new pattern of Family Cose for four persons, and is pre, pared to fill them with perfect likenesses, < AMBROTYPE, DAGUERREOTYPE OR PHOTOGRAPH: I Give him a call. Rooms on the comer of Montgomery and Allegheny streets. Hollfdaysburg, Pa, [June 17-tf. Blair county marble ya kd; • —Mcesrs. Freeman k Hoover respectfully Inform the" Public that they have established a NETT MARBLE YARD, on, the corner if Allegheny and Front Stmts, In Hollidays bprg, where they will keep constantly on hand* taU as sortment of ' V ' n ■ CHOICE MARBIJE, _ . tod be prepared to execute orders for ; 2omo. Stoneit, JUonvmt'iifs, Table Tops, _ j_Ac- In a prOmpt and worknmnUkemanneri ; 'si . Hoindayeburg, April ’W-dm* i PAPRRT WALL PAPER!! T T : —we ai« how readying at the “ MODEL STORE,*’- alargeass^rtmeurof ; ' - ,■ v .■ • WALi PAPER AND BORDER; pnrebased direct from the manufacturers io New and we cantherefore offer great Inducements to those with Wish to purchase. Callaod examine our stock. ! March 17th. ,18M>-tt . J. A J. LOWTnv.R. |1 gEL LING OFF—A LARGE as sortment of Bools and Shoes, .Buffalo and Cali Overshoes, at H.TOCH’SH Doc. 0,1853. „ j pAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID; Linseed 00. Spirits of .Turpentine, White Lend ami Alcohol, for sale cheap at A. ROUSH'S. Henry lehr’s stoke is in John Lehr’s old stand, nearly opposite McCor mlck’e Store, in North Ward. fJune 18. '57-ty. J L'VEEYBODY IS INVITED T& Jttns Is, 'B7-lyJ BBKRT tiwtiw ; -. ..I. . stock of }kj NA OA BI NET; ,; si f - WAKK ROOM,—The B^ r -«gsSS9B|£r< 1 i sighed M* lately : 1 do-Unsimise ou a more i-xtenelve scaK- ' ; than heretofore, and U how prepared to •mate all - ■ •, , ORDERS FOR fURNITORE, ■ 99 ART KUO* AT iSHOBTEST NOTICE.’ n%e 'ygty htti voork in me tine of Ovn~ i\ ! net Making, and all (hose who sottast him tifl».flßlr«te*M|rtl apoo receiving ftnisbei vor*. . . „ : He keeps a constant supply of Tnrnttare on nano,» which he invites to attention of those intending to M “GO TO HOUSE KEEPING.*’ ■ Call on him at at his room in hondonsvfll*, nsarths Flankßoad. ; coffins made to order. November 11,1858. ISAAC CBOHBE. TJUSK’S METALIC BURIAL CA- Jn BKBv—This isa new article In this section of the country* although extensively used in the Bast. They art nature protection against ! WATER AND VERMIN, •Sd pome** many other advantage* over the eommoq cof arm The remain* of the lamented CLAY and WEBSTER were encaaed in theae ci»e* bv November 11, ISSB. New grocery feed and fro- VISION BTOKB, f i Tbeeubecriber would respectfully inform the culiena of Altoona and vicinity that be bo* opened a store of the above kind, near the corner of Adeline and Julia itreeb, i#wt Altoona, where he will keep constantly on band a full sup ply of everything In bis line. -Hia GROCERIES «r« all fresh and will be told* a* prices aa.low as those of any other establishment in town. His stock of provisions, consisting of Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Sides, dec. will be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought any where else. His Floor is obtained from the best mills in the Western part of the State, and is warranted to be what it is represented. All kinds of Feed for hones, cows and hugs, always on I intend to keep snch an assortment that I shall at oil times be able to supply my customers with whatever they may need, and 1 intend also to sell at prices which will make it a saving to those who patronize my store. TJuly 22.1838-3 m. HKNBY BELL. Another breakout.—the subscriber would inform his old customers that he haa opened out again at his old stand, where he hopes to receive their calls. He has now on band the cheapest end beat assortment of GROCERIES that can be found in the town, consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE , TEA. MOLASSES, Salt by the bushel or sack. Dried Fruit of all kinds. Fish of the very best quality, together with everything in the Grocery line, all of which is fresh front the Eastern market. He also keeps constantly on hand a sappy of FLOUR , FEED AND GRAIN, which he sells at the lowest market prices. POKE always on hand and retailed in quantities to suit pm chasers. JOHN LEHR. December IS. 185S-ly VI AF OF BLAIR COUNTY.— I THE IT I subscribers propose to publish a New Map of Blair County, Pennsylvania, from actual survey', containing to. Public Komis. Rail Roads, Canals, the actual localities •!' Villages, Post Offices, Houses of Worship, School Houses, -Manufactories, Tanneries. Stills, Hotels, Stores, Farm Hous es, unmes of Property Owners, Ac. , , Enlarged Plans oi the Principal Villages, a Table ot Distances, and a Business Directory, giving the name and business of each subscriber, will be engraved, on the innr gin. The plotting will bo to a suitable scale so as to make a large and ornamental Map, which will be col red and mounted in the best style, and delivered to subscribers at S 3 per cony. SAMIJEL OKI L, April U. ISAAC G. FREED. WM. S. BITTNER. SURGEON DENTIST. Office opposite the Lutheran church. Teeth extracted without pain by the Electro Mag netic Mnehiue. full setts of teeth for $13,00 • Odd fillings warranted for 10 years. I A student wanted. fD-c. 23-lf. DENTISiIIY.— DK. S. KIM M ELL, OPERATIVE tf- MECHANIC A L VEXTIST. Teeth inserted, from one to a full sot, on Gold or Silver I’latc.' Teeth filled with Gold, and warranted for tea years. Teeth Kxlracted by the Klectro Magnetic Machine with out Pain. All operations and work done cheaper than anywhere else ir the county, and-a deduction made, of the railroad expenses from Altoona to Hollidayelmrg. from all opera tion! amounting to live dollars and over. C8..-Office on Montgomery street, opposite ihe hange Hotel, Ilollidaysltv.rp, Pa. [Dec. 16, IS: t-ly BOOiS AxND SHOES.—TiI E UN deraigncd has now on hand and will -.•11 cheap at bis store in the Masonic IVm- HK ,)ir. a targe and complete assortment ofBOOTS AND SHOES, ready made, or mode to order. Bjt Overshoes. Ladies’ Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork Bkx Soles, and everything in his line ofbusinese, of the best quality and on the most reasonable terms. Ail custom work warranted, Jani 2. ’.Sr-tf.l PRICK REDUCED ONE-HALF! iY£IT MEDICAL SALT INFLAMMAT OR Y PI SEAS E S! TRY JTt , QNLY ONE DOLLAR! J f CHRONIC PACKAGE, $2.50. 1 i O' See Advertisement.*^ Jan. 20,1859. Elair county insurance AGENCY. —The undersigned, Agent of the Blair Count-.- Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all times i ts dv to insure against loss en damage hy fire, Build ings. Mrr-Auvidise, Furniture and Property, of every des veriptibn in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any Company in the State. Office with Bell. Johnston. Jack A Co. D. T. CALDWELL, Agent. Jan. 27,’69-tf Boot and shoemaker.—the ' subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Altoo na and vicinity that he still continues to mannfactnre Boots and Shoes of every description, on the shortest no tice. at his shop pn Main Street, next door to the Tribune offituv His work is done up in the best of style, and can not fail to give satisfaction. Only „ive him a call. ■ Nbv. 4. l?58.-ly. I*. RICKARDS. /'iONCENTHATED;LYE, for ma -KINO Soil Soap, and. Soap Powder for Washing, one pound equal to six of common Soap; Castile Soap. Palm Soap.' Chemical Soap, etc., on hand and ibr sale at June 10,186<t.-tf) A. HOUSE'S. J. Gr. ADLUM, ALT->O.VA,'BLAIR COUNTY, PA. Can at oil times be found at the store of J. B. Uileman. Altoona, Ocr-dn-r t. 1857>-ly J?LOUR.— THE BEST QUALITY OF I 1 FAMILY FLOUR for sale. Wholesale andiletail.— Apply to J. SHOEMAKER, Dec. 11. 186ft-tf. Masonic Temple. r UMBER FOR SALE. ' J 00.000 SHINGLES, 60.000 LATHES, and All kinds of BUI LOINS MATERIAL, lower than the lowest, inr Cash. * Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER. 0; YES! 0 YES! —GENTLEMEN draw nl<-h and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT tnnonn ces to tlio pa„,if, that he is ready to discharge his duty as ah Attcttuneer whenever called upon.' '‘ f Jan. 1 ’56.' THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF Boy’s wear, anch as JadtetS. Frock and Overcoats Pants and Vests, at the lowest prices, at I H. TXJCU’S. ‘Det. 9, 1868. .j y i' SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG NESIA—a cooling Cathartic, mild in lib operation and agreeable to the taste, prepared and for sale by Jnne 2A 1868,-tf : A; ROUSH, BnifigM. A; SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF XL Undershirts" and Drawer*, Cotun, Woollen and BUk,very ,-y; -m H.TUCH’S. Dec. 9 1858. . HICII TOBACCO AND HIGHLY flavored ogan, in abrmdsnee, can b« had at June 18; ’67-lyl EKNRY LEHR’S. Toiie 18, W-lyJ LEHR’S. ?j'»: ... .:i!:. | ji ll — 1 111 '"T vR^ohGSWHLi/S &JStV MiSI>I ptKE’S PEAK ' 3 ■•■'Sji'W ££ »«-*>**”■* X ' atdetabba excllM»:«t;SuM not«' «u ch by •ay™**” ; -ij . ~ -e**,«»» » aethetarge.epiiH.cil.landchocp stock of Oeodsweiita N«w tfriloAi ®« esip^aniffip now being opened at tbu MODcL STOKE, ?? {b’lbnn pr locality. This it doee ffi |r e.-».tiAn. *tDl A mooted question whether or no* # ’rotation. Itaettbyremorlng lllo • oia oO* l, * of,nnf anted by wdngta the fanner titiine, the priHHdatora ot tna r ’• “ MtwlUcßt b sgfttf that gold «W ba K™ " ponoaapncbaaing canto of them. . . "4wBMk at present will be fcw*d ■•A ■mwMambMotintuii m boy* to *• "*• ” ptaaaatiMtaatafof thamaetttatidioua. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Such at English and French Ducals, ' Mack and fancy SHht, French Erik Hants, figured and white Mar seilles, Latent, Ginghams , Prints , Muslins, &r.. • Also, a splendid aeeortmcnt of White Goods. Hosiery, oloves. Mitts, ic. Wo hare also on hand • targe lot of CARPETS, bought at auction far cadi. Whidh will be sold very cheap. A targe assortment of beautiful Spring and gammer SHAWLS. ISAAC CROMER, Altoona, Pa. J. SHOEMAKER. BOOTS & SHOES. Wooden & Willow & C., & C», &C. Feeling thankful to our friends tor their patronage here tofore, we are determined to sell Goods cheaper than eter for cash or tor prompt monthly payments only. We cor dially ihvUe our old and new friends and customers to call and see our new stock, which we will be pleated to show them. J. A J. LOWTHEK. April 7th. '5O, YUirm AND MAN iIUOD —JUST Published, the 25th Thousand, end -JjiSSj. mailed in a sealed en velope, to ray address, /TIMUA poet paid, on receipt of three stamps. A medical essay on the physical exhaustion aMVSrawaW and decay of the frame, caused by ••seli-abusa.” inioction, and tlio injurious consequences of raerenry. By H. J. Culverwell, id. D-, Member of the royal college of sur geons, Ac. ASp-Bpermatorrhceesor Seminal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Imputency, toes of Energy, Depression of Spirits. , Timidity, Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and Impediments to Marriage, are promptly and effectually re moved by the authors’ novel and most successful mode of treatment, by means of which the invalid can regain pris tine health without having recourse to dangerous and ex pensive medicines. (From the London Lancet) The best treatise ever written on a subject of vital Im portance to oil, well worthy the author's exalted reputa tion. Ad I'ress. the Publishers J. C. R LINE'. A GO„ Ist Avenue, Cor. 19th street: Post Box 45Stj. New York pity- DUVALL’S GALVANIC OIL. Prepared originally by Prof. 11. DU V ALL. for merly of the College of Surgeons, at Paris, is now of fered to the public, for the cure of sore and pain ful diseases For instance—Pain or soreness in any part of the syitcm. Rheumatism, pain in the back, breast or side, healed breasts, neuralgia, burns, sprains, headache, cramp in the stomach, or any other disease that is SORE and PAINFUL, and it is only > v;-r this ejossot diseases that we claim a perfect VICTORY. We say positively to our patrons we can relieve the snffi rer 99 times out of 100. We would just say tp the pub lic. Prof. Du Vail Was 23 years in bringing to tills medicine superiority over all others. Price 30 cents per —p,. r cent, cut off b> the trade. All order." must be addressed to J. D. STONEROAD. Proprietor. Sept. 2. l£5S-ly.] 1.-wisP -v, Pm Agents for Du Vali’e Galvanic Oil—Henry Lehr. G. 1 Kessler, and A. Roush, Altoona, and ail dealers in me< cinea everywhere. PAi LM KEROSENE UR CAIvBUiN OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty. Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain the very beet and cheap est portable light within their reach, should call at the etorc of the undersigned and examine these Lumps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. 3th. That they burn entirely free from smoke. Gth. That the li'Kt is at least 60 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamps arc admirably adapted for the nse nf Stu dents. Mechanics. Seamstresses. Factories. Halls. Church-s Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fiuid and oi] tamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpos" ot a new lanp. We guarantee perfect-satisfaction in all cases. Aug. 19. l-S?-tf.] 0. W. KESSLER. T O(4AN HOTEL. THE UNDER J| J SION ED respectfully inf -rras the citizens of Blair ccuiuy and others, that he has opened up the' LOO AN O HOUSE, formerly kept by Slieriff Re-v JBB,JLifr!7Ta \t tlit- west end of llollidaysburg. for reception of strangers and travellers.— 1 1 "" Everything connected with the house has been refitted it the new with the choicest furuitnre, Ac.. Ac. The house is large ami commodious, and well calculate for convenience and comfort. , liis TABLE will lie furnished with the very best the mat ket cun afford, and no pains or trouble will be spared t render thoee who inny choose t-- fe v>r lorn with their pa trouage oomfoi table and happy during their stay with him Ilis STABLING is ample, and an obliging and careful hostler will always be In attendance ®IJ. The'Villlar.isl.nrg str-ge. which makes daily trips between this place and Williamsburg, stops at the Logan Hotel. ' Dec. 17. I*s7,—tf.’ Stoves, Tin & Sheet-Iron Wais, Spouting. Tas. w. rigg would respect- F/ FULLY inform'the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he kecpst-censlantiy on hand a large assortment of Coolring, liirior, Office and Shop Slaves, of all styles and sizes, to suit the wants of all, which hs will sell at low prices, on reasonable terms. Ho also keeps on hand a large stock of Trn and Sheet- Iron Wart. consisting of all articles for culinary pnrj-oses— <oal Scuttles. Stove Pipe, dc. Also, a large lot of Cast lrOn Force Pumps. Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, either in towu or country. Spouting painted and put up on the most reasonable terms. [april 14,185!* ly W. NI. LLOYD & CO., , ALTOONA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., HOLLIDAYSBUIIO, PA., (Late ' Bell, Johnston, Jack £Co ”) Drafts on v the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received rfn deposite, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at lair rates. Feb. 3d. 1859. Wm. J. Taylor, Wm R. SBxaaoaxE. WM. J. TAYLOR & CO.. /COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND V.J wholesale Dealers in FISH, CHEESE AND PROVI SIONS, No. 138 South Wharves, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. 99" Sole agents for Henry’s Celebrated Vinegar. Philadelphia. March 17th, 1569-3 m. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! In consequence of the hard times, I hare concluded to put down the price of my OYSTERS to the lowest possi ble standard. They will hereafter be served np on the Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and roasted in the shell and served up with alt other accompaniments, TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They will also be furnished, in every oth er way, at prices to correspond with thd time*. \ JOHN KF.IFPEII, Logan House, Uotlniayelinrg. Dec. 17. tfj QC EENSWARi*., JUST RECEIVED. A largo fashionable assortment at tho store of ' ' J. P HILEMAN. RIO COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA AND all kind of Groceries for saleby Jnue 18, 1857-ly] HENRY LEHR. Eggs, butter and all kinds of oonntnr produce can be had at Jnne 18 W-lr HENRY LEHR'S- Lovering and new Orleans SmipAfolasses, at laic prices, at June 18.' *S7-ly], HENRY LEHR’S. ♦tair oils, colognes, pom- JLI-mlm, Shaving Cream, Toßet Soaps, Ac. for sale bv • G. tv.KESSLER. Hardware of all descrip tlons Just received and for sale by '«.*». IVtf} fB. HTLEMAS Hair, hat, tooth, shaving,, Paint, Saih and Varnlsh Brtnhe* at TTA,US, SIDE,SHOULDER,DRIED JfcJL oohiod at ' ; v HENRY liEHR’S. gJ£sSfc«a»<y«Uy by the New Medical .alt. aas twsasr*? 1 s?*«“ •■* wßoMObttrteOon*. .( ■ m w*tb TtttoidWTlrtWß of tha Kaw Medical W neH the testimonial# mil oerttfteatee of cur*. nJfflin lew tiaa * w« : : SanUenAv aotbor Of IKTLUOWTOBT Rg«w*TOT irM my M T^ I Know nr o oood for l® hour*. I am bow trying tt lor aewfttl* received benefit. £. UCBSIQ, af*"®* X Tmd it fox Awgovan of tbo Abdominal tot**- la W* irui bt ta» Bo«x. _Wa have tried ft. It b* com plete control over inhumation. BuO!*earns, Camra; Rheumatism, and Neuralgia ban been cored by it. Mijvt noma woctld rssTlrr, If neceseaiy. Descriptive Circulars, with testimonials may be obtained from any Druggist* who has this vnloablo medicine fur sale. Da, OoooswmL’e Antiphlogistic salt. Price, One Dollar. Chronic Package, 13.50. R taTIOR , * CO, ,■ dtn. AgaOt, 302 Dock St. Plata. Tas Nif Uxnicai. Sait u ron cam Jin Altoona, by A- Roush; Geo. A. JncoMTllollldaysburg. and by all enter prising druggists wbereever the is read. As It is not a patent medicine, but the prescription of an emi nent physician, no oUtf should fail to try the Medical Salt. For testimonials and directions, see circular. Dec. 16,’58-ly. TRON CITY COMMERCIAL COL- I LEGE, Pittsburg. Pa- Chartered 1855. 300 Students attending January. 1858. Now the the largest and moot thorough CommrrcialiSehoQl of tho United States. Young men prepared for actual duties of the Counting Room. J. C. Suits, A. M. Prof.’ of Book-keeping end Science o Acconnte. ' . . A. T. Doctbett, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation v J. A. lUrpTicsand T.C.Jssrnis.Tencheraof Book-keeping A. Cowiii and W. A, Miuu. rrofc. of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, As used in Every department of bnsineis. Commercial Arithmetic—Rapid Business Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money — Mercantile Correspondence—Commercial Law— Are taught, and nil other other’subjects necessary for the success and thorough education of a practical business man. Drawn nil the premiums in Pittsburg for the past three yean, also in Eastern and Western Citin', for best Writing, NOT ENGRAVED WORK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. s Students enter at any time—No Vocation—Time unlimited —Review at pleosure-rGraduates' assisjed in obtaining ■otuatione—Tuition for 'Bill Commercial Course, $36.00 Average time 8 to 12 Board. $2.50 per week—Sta tionery. $6.00 —Entire; cost. $60.00 to $70.00. ' A - Ministers’ Sons received at half price. For card—CircularHSriecimens of Business and Orna mental Writing—inclose two stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. gept-30,1858.—1y - JOHN KEIFFER. SUFFERING: HUMANITY, READ THIS.—The undersigned takes this method of Inform ing the public generally that there Is no medicine now o£ tered to the public that is equal to DO VILL’S GALVAN IC OIL In relieving suffering humanity. I. was an observer of its effects on a friend of mine, who suffered almost everything from a nenralgictiffection which resorted the best medical treatment in Centra county. We applied freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful port, and gave some inwardly, and in 20 minutes the patl nt was asleep, and when awakened was free from pain and continued so. This is a positive fac t which I am willing to make good at anytime. A case of .Helen was cured in nearly the tame length of time. J. H. HAHN, Sept. 2. ISSB-ly.) - : Centre HUi. r pHE GREAT QUESTION WHICH J. now agitates the mind of every person. is, where can I, getthe best article lor mymHBI inaney? In regard to, other matters, the =’ scriber would not attempt to direct, but if you CM. want anything in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES : he Invitee an examination of bl* stock and work. He keeps constantly on hand an assortment ofßoola, Shoes, Gaiters. Blrpners, 4c,; which be offers at fklr prices. He will give special attention to custom work, all ol which will be warranted to give satisfaction. None hut the beet workmen are employed Remember my shoteia on. Main street, next door to B Kerr’s old stand, now 'W. O’Neil’s. •' September 3, W-tfJ JOHN H. ROBERTS. GW. KESSLER —PRACTICAL • DBHGQIBT, ; respectfully announces v • & to tho citizens of Altoona and the public endly, that ho still coUthraes the Drag on Virginia street,; where he keeps oonstantly on hand, for tale, VVtbiesale and Retail, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, ES and 3/ ; By strict attention io Snsinees, and a desire to render sat* Is faction to all as regards price and quality, be hopes to merit and receive k shore of pnbltc patronage. ’ ’ Physicians and tncsichants supplied on reasonable terms,' and all orders from promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions eareftaily compounded. {l-t£ KESSLER'S, 13 PREMIUMS. /10AL! COAL I COAL! COAL!— V > The enbecriber jrould reepect-^** 1 jn_ _J| frilly inform the eonsjunen of in Altoona, that he fa constantly re-fcisa 1 “Smaßasa ceiving all kinds of COAL, which ho'***’ , WrW ready to delivtc aiiall times and to any part of the town, pmee at North Ward. June lt-2m] JOHN ALLISON. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW. B«ady Made Qothlng, oftha latestTashioos, cheaper Monk rut the best confec- Xi. ttenariem and Frnlta kept at Jane 18; ’ST-’.yj s - P HENRY LEHR’S. pUiiß WHjTE LEAD AND ZINC In Tellow, Pari* Green, dry In gmnnd oil at ;; : p-tt] SkSSLER’S. pINE AND LARD OILS, CAM t l£ e Fluid, ; Qatbon oa.A<>nat , Jan.ff. , a»4f}~ .;.r ■ KESSLER’S.' ’ '| HE HIf|EBT .PRICE Iff GASH X V j: l. idtes. A Bennottnt frtttiMicm, atdUii.ieJ V &?h3“&2£5£SS oSJSjj- The How*kt> AaaocunoM, *n viqw of tha aw*hi Of human life, caused by Stxnr.l DISesW Hd thiu—? practised npoa tha unfortunate Tirtim.l of rjrvjr**Wh»| Quacks, several years ago directed their Coa^ysT?** 4 os * cSantabU ad worthy of their name, to nrZ. - V**a, ■ary for tha treatment cf this clou of die*i*eal * forma, and to give medical advice gratu, toiuj by letter, with a description of their ccndiWcn. pation, habit« of life, ic.,) and In canes of tjtreiMi *'**' and suffering, to furnish medicine frtt cf i needless to arid that the Association common JatiJri.m,h 1 Medical skil l of tha age, and will furnish th» qZ? I *WW| ; ed modern treatment. The directors of the Association, In their Anneal upon the treatment cf Sexual Diseases, express irTrT}*! ■atisfaction with the success which has ottendadth tv* cf the Consulting Surgeon la The cure cf SupormulSr?*' Seminal Weakness, Xmpctr-nco, Clou orrhma, Sr l pbilUrthe vice of Onanism or Self-abuso, 4c_ ’aad??i *b continuance of the same plan for the ensuing star ° £ '* Br * The Directors, on a review of the part, fcel awa*.„ their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort hav/vT* of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to theyoM-"*'* they have resojved to devote themselves, with rcansJ*** to tula very important and much despised cause ~ *** i > An admirable Report on Spermatorrhea*, or r». Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, ~*JS abase, and other aboaes of the sexual organa bv uL Sr suiting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a ope), PR EE OF CHARGE, on receipt of IWOin'lwS ' tor postage. Other Rcporu and Tracts on ths note. , treatment ofaexual diseases, Ac., are constantly bSH/S* , Ushed for gratuitous diatributlon, and will U*arfSr afflicted. Some of the new remedies and Mrthoda of meat •iisaovetsd during tha last year, are of grtatvafi** Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. OKORQI Am. HODN. Consulting Surgeon, Howard Assoelatioa. K» .. Ninth atrast. Philadelphia, Pa. By order ofthtMWrw.**' EZRA D. HE ART W fituftS? 1, OXO. FAIRCHILD, Scc-y. Great im p .movementin cook* ISO STOVES. CONSUMPTION OF SMOKE AND GASANDSajim OP FUEL. ■ The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to the sihlh t NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which tedotlasdiem perceds all others, as it requires • ONE-TUIKD LESS FURL than other Stoves and is more easily, quickly sod renhi. ly heated. No unpleasant smell oi gas arises boa ilk stove from the fact that it is all commat-d ere it cute capo. There is no trouble from smoke - as that unpusiasi' and often-annoying exhalation is also consumed lends ci the stove Neither is there any danger of flues urtlio. nays becoming clogged with soot or the msrUrlMteud w the gas arising from cool fires. Persons wishing to purchase stoves are Invltsd tocaQit the store of the subscriber, in tho Masonic Temple, tow amine the above stoves. s JOHN SHOJiMAKES, &k Agent for BhUr Chanty. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parliuj Cooking ssdlL Stoves on band., [Aug. 13,1 MT TWfATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.- J.Y This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is fc ita Twelfth Year, and la widely circulated Uirasgtat the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Crinlai] CaM«. and appropriate Editorials on the some, tugetbsr vSB Information on Criminal Mattery not to be found la uj other newspaper. 1 . Ufk- Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for rlx noalhats be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their dim and the town, county and State where they reside pUisljJ To O. W. MATSELL4U\ Editor A Prop'r. of New York Police Ossetia. 15-tf] .Veto Tori C\%. VERMIFUGE M w i . ws : j 03 a .3-8 pa »i 5 ** *1 1 J PC Jg jj |l‘|| S i g S Oo 55 ® 05 = oS a-a tr S .sz 8,- CQ OScss o o ciq < 503 - j *?5 | § < « l< 5.2 Q S 2SSS * ■»—l S 3 £ a ►3S|3|* i-3 3 e -g QO* |:S ns beg leave to call the.-stten* tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to - 4 Dr. Cha*. E’lbkc’s Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We dp, not recommend them a! universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: . THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. . It has also been administered with the mest satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worfos. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Liver Complaints, all Bilious Derangements, Sick Head-Ache, &o; Tn cases of Fever and Ague, preparatory to or after taking Quh nine, they almost invariably nub a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men* tioned diseases, they are UnrivaW and never known to fail when ad' ministered in accordance with the directions. V Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED AND LIVER PIULS Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, Fleming Brothers, -Pittsburgh, Pa. to dispose of their Drug business in which they hayc been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give that undivided thne and attention to their manufacture. And being o* termined that Dr. M’Lane’s brated Vermifuge and Liver shall continue to occupy the position theyhow hold among 0 great remedies, of the day» will continue to spare neither tun nor expense in procuring the p and Purest material, and ceff pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FlBra BROS. Fitlsbnrgl'i 1* P. B.* Dealers and Physicians ordering Flemming Brea, will da well w write ly and iSe VOKe M Z>r. if JUnt**, pnp*™ ***. » 2ro» ft- To those by twenty cents extra. 4fl.lV ■ 48“ Tor sale, in Altoona, by A. B°« k f £!; by ell Druggists. [asyiw 'f ” ‘I f 4, ■ kv VO Per a Alt I paid 6 Vour li One an Two Three Over square Sis lint Three Four Haifa Oho col v A’'rttu giv-cha with Pn '»«s lift Coir" lereet s Advet desired, to the a Busin Obitui TR IVcrij erv Sabb 1 >j o’cio. lure 800 lim Kami V't-i-n ing every ing. !jal M. Gen diy even l-etculng. Km it 0' tug »(ir; [ invhe or [2! j oVlot | UeJnesd VuUrl »rv Safih. T) j o'chl • clock, A I« fame r fiaUett | k.'vice 2< A. -M„ | CulAodi L'v.ock in ItijiUfl, Ul'Tllitlg 1.-Vliool at djy cvcni ,l'rl «' i »ery Sm ;lie oi l U T-i-b rn T M’llrVOrU itlnlHdnj> [Western ’ Lid'-ni 1 Bi*t>'rn I tTeslmn ’1 Wmtfrrn V Eustcfn’ U'.-Uidays! Uttin 1 oi 1-kT.M P. d- i k, on ! Juno liprc.s T •ft 1 11*11 v 1 The IB’ Iralii H;i -! ITIO HI. ffay Trni, rnln bl- I S'JTf 111 I I UiHrlui Uf of me 1", lIC7M f* rurth Tin pic IVnij h'ning,in muck, i*. 1 r :r.iittlu pidiig, in fi.-vt, at 7 I 'l’io.uiw l!j every - i tenmic'Ti r-uii. n ■ .V •y night i . H, i-i »y eveiiin, K., inter. \V. F'O. MeL'ii •V; D.u ten, 1. .s.. Mff.nnr( . P‘l meets [ April, ,T I l ' 1-t Tll l'i lU o’cl r,J t-'Klliile-i. 1 f *>'*iVioni t \H*SMer i ’i-lierijf—, \ l>iitrir{ . ten". Knos I r hrk U> 1 -'Arifai.-ff \ ''tHnhj yi Treiisurc; 1 -tie/ifnrj. ftwr Il, n ■ H. UiiM I X’lprriit! q I Margate I Tbjon On p'Jlor, Da 1 ( n? rb te f "°rn unh SJioot D (parks, \v Treat urr " ; 3>t On Tax 041/ ■AMlitnri ■'•rjntior- u . •O' Gr Ro rom tl ps ONE0 NE A*