l a « ®>er. Bc to-; ffe * —Wwftas*. co law Boata « O* GOODS PROPo^ox. 0 }F LARCti' < VLL *U *ta„ J AGGAiac), EASOSS KKlTE mould GO TO •'S STOUfi UIGE ANj) WEU >ry Good*, whld, lock of CROckutp, - . P r “Jo Mble m «yr |U , -;j cmd SAo« ft* ft,.,. , Xrrocicg all I an axortmwit ttf p^ tk of C7&tti,Oi tll - IMr^ p; . lo order oh .hart holU r.c«i which mutt (it. “iv 1 b “y—only to ew> omflcleat that IfthivW ■ Hiking. y** I-U2NXNO D SUMMER ££> SB / HAS JUST HE, nM »taod, on Viretoie# of j*>i«oaaMa gooit, M ', J-IVXS, omosAMM, XMaROZDMRIM lxa'jt dt glovjuT u-xtnrtkof ' t of goodi for gutluiw'i » aUil Tcctlug*. .ire, Queenawar# aaS HIES. JAITORfI, AC., oal to any in Um market, »v •icre-rooß. At can an to better adrxaUp verybody to call.' K MOCK AMO 1 NCE COMPANY, vkn, pa. H, AGENT, : COUNTY, T*. rernium Note*, flUfiOO *rtor Perpetual. :kaea. Alao, oa Ar*t cliu eouable rate*. \HT3tBNT. ampoayijo (hoM tpeepwt >« or accident, *qn»ii th» >y p»ying at the rate of ■ •. ao nn ' §» •;• woo r*. T Abram, Vice Pre*'t» m F«wr*on, Tree** ctvr Dickloion, * hue-A HaW/ -■ I n B U<&. ' i the following terttoonlil r! • win* U»e reputation «f i.Kr, Pi., Augrut 6, IMT. i.. ) i ih* Director* and Off l ■- (Aimpanr at tick K»- stiiiiooy to thetr high *bw; it-.-ny under thetr cosftcJ d prudently ii'Utw, *w adjwtft IMMEDIATE^’. i.'.<TprUlng young mon*** i,;cU they caunudt.at 0 ® i f-nt for yereral B#w. *wj ■ t lueiToly fcrAgm*,»m « have u grcut pwnDjr« r. .u e nj«kicg that lMt* fuguge in particular*, etc^Mßtt** . 1.. DIiXUUT'AJOO* ‘ if Isesale BooW*o***> Bondqftir.iUk i ■■■■'• ebore and. tS*-*®’’!' t nutation tolt, and*** 1 •vt iE j three ,y. ■ '*« ... ll I.''.'-*!*’ >•* »boT» .bona on rwaljrt'lff tt» j*®** • , 1 - C. L. DERBY A C®' BOOK £ t LOSDItEB.-Hpr. ' I S great worker . or for thoM COOUM^ i.wiiage—2ooj^*“ t.ATES. Prie«2S to all parte todetjjSkij i!. f'OST PAED. ••ff? ' wld ‘^ ta ££&w£ married,*wl£lfrS iiappy. A l<^** r V r L , ,r how to complete .. ItcontriiwWwS I—warranted lofcMjS >r it. 25 cent efure a copy t>7 r * wr * ssaaS*# 1,01, with fait, MSPSa. April TRARV KMPOWO* E." ALTQOHA’Jti mlur I’uWlcwWLji oks. School Boott > J 2 e, Cap ij >or, BUnk linfc. Toy*, jfWgjS aid Plctura .. •v. Ac, 4c •'•■ -■ ud Retail S tu SALVK. it'WJ I upplied. Tf j"• », if>i Letteg^^^ dun ow v £^SsaS VVQBtV, ha»6«®JQ3 icbtod ‘fl. u *l!2rjSS5 prana Wittf. ~“i.OCAL il^SC'3;; p Afja ; Acoidext.—On Saturday Ust-Lowls jpAnsiti Train fan'iti, • was* •<> eeviwely iq)ure<Lby>belng |p«eked off tbo cars, while they were in motion, that be died the'same evening. It appears that was on the deck of oae of the oars walking (o'mrd th£ rear end of the train, while.itwas under a bridge, immediatelybelow pell’i Mills station. :The bridge struck him on back of the head and ; he. fell on the track oatween the cars- He was taken Up immediate iy and brought back to this place, and Dr. Flu ky aammonCd to dress bis wounds, the extent of which the Dr. has kindly furbished us. Be jud recelred a eerere concussiop of the brain and four cuts on different ports of head—one laying open bis nose, extending throng the door of the nostril, the roof of the month and, the front of the upper jaw, forcing oat two. teeth. Bii light band and wrist were crushed by a wheel passing over them. A hole about three inches deep was bored into the upper and opter third of the right thigh, dreadfully mangling the muscle* and tearing up tbs Ibe ikin and flesh wore entirely, stripped from the front half of the limb from above the knee to the inetep, exposing the hare knee joint (into which a hole was punched,) and,the entire 'length of tbs *hin bone. Blood oozed from the corners, of his eyes and'discharged, freely from his ears. Under the circumstances it was im possible for the J)r. to do anything for him far ther than to relieve his pmu. The accident oc curred about 11 o’clock in the morning'and the unfortunate man lingered until about 8 o’clock id the evening. His remains were taken charge of by the I. 0. of R. M., of this place, and con rayed on an extra train, on Sunday morning, to Tyrone, where his friends reside, for interment. Qe ass unmsrrafe. Epiwuul Visitors.—We neglected, last sttk, to notice a number of our bretben of the quill, who hate lately been paying us pop visits. First came J. M. Laird, Esq., of the Greensburg Aug*t, with whom we met for the first time.— fie prored to be all our “ fancy painted him” ; to affable gentleman, and, like mfmy other good Democratic editors, 11 down on" Buchanan and his followers. Next came our good natured cotemporary of Huatingdon Globe, and proprietor of the “ An cient Borough’’ “ one-horse” Book Store, Billy Lewis. He was attending; the meeting of the Forney Democratic StatejCentral Committee, with which wing of the party he sympathises, sad in cur opinion he has good reasons for so doing, both personally and politically. Last, but not least, so far as good looks are concerned, came the jnniornf our namesake over the mountain, J, M. Swank. It was in the, noroing he visited as, and he looked os well as csald bs expected, after a long evening absent in the society of a “sunny eyed rosy cheeked lass.” There now, excuse os, Jim, we didn’t intend to " let the cat oat of the bag,” but we could not mist the temptation to quote that sentence from “Kitty Elideit was so appropriate. We’ll promise James, indeed we will, tt> “ not do so anymore,” on occasion of future visits, if you will but “forgive and forget” this “slip ot of the pen.” Derr’s Ntw Mehcantile College Hall Iron Bcildisgs, Firm Street, Pittsburgh. —Since th« occupation of its splendid new Hall, we iftrn that thir institution has attained a decree of popularity and prosperity unexampled in its pnrious history. The Book-keeping Dcftirt- BeDt, Laving the daily lectures and supervision of the author of Duff’s Book-keeping, (the only practical merchant directing a Commercial Col •ejs in the United. States,) with the able assis. twee of Professors Wcstervelt and Riley, offers the commercial students practical advantages which ‘Bey can obtain from no other similar itjiitßtion. In the Writing Department, ail the erne men Cal brunches of the art, as well as busi mt penmanship, are taught by Mr. J.' S. Dun cm, author of “ (Jems of Penmanship,” assisted I; Mr. W. H. Duff. The last Pennsylvania, Mitfcuri, and the U. States Fairs, awarded to Mr. D. the first premiums (now exhibited inf <-e College office) for both business end orna atnta! Penmanship. S.j B. Hatch, Esq., mem ptr of the Pittsburgh Bar, delivers this weekly lictcres on all|branches jof .Commercial Law.— Thii it also, the only school in the West which '•instructed by a professional teacher ofdetec ting counterfeit Bank notes, and Mr. Murphy, tttthor of the ‘‘lnfallible Counterfeit Bank Note Sector,” teaches by a method recognised by Bunkers tfs of a highly practical value. In con clusion, it jnay he stated that po names are Itld out as professors or lecturers, who are tot regularly .on duty in the class-room, whose Mfrieta tlqwi student can rely upon obtaining. Elsctiok.—lhe election for,officers of the Altoona Qas andWoter Company; held on Mon efternoon lapt, resulted as follows: frtridetU-~V(dt H. Wflson. ■ Treasurer —Wm. M. Lloyd. Secretary j-Beqj. F, Rose. . ; ’ Afoioytrt-nJ qhn Shoemaker,. Enos ML Jones, CBm. j. Mknn, A, Bi Clark, < iJeo 1 ;B. Cramer. ! W« can not permit .this ppportunity to pass without again urging upoh per citizens, who . the means, 'to sttbaenbe .at once to the Block of the Company. Ife have been f ” M Bcd of iate.wbyit isthat th£property •m of the town do not take stock more out pot answer the interrogatory otk#r *»7 than to attribute it to a wank rtnterprise. Jiow tW» bee not been the ohar of eur people heretofore, and we hope we „ n6t r «Up«ing into ** oid fogydom.” Hotel Poieosuto .—We-learn from last • Standard that theborse poisoners have Aeir devilish work. Two horses . |w»l to Samuel Sxaith, of Scotch Valley, •Jmsta** ** ow ® ° n Sunday night week, the u^ 8 * $• nahif(»sted by the ftjUt. . Bteirart, an account of which we fe'iv . We i(re, t ,. compelled to enfftr the se •*l* penalty.of law. Cr::::-:^'T- Tustna nr Stoom—Alfliough the pathway throng life of the disciples of Faust Is usually dark sad gloomy j nevertheless there an bright spots here and there which loom up in the dis tiaaeei like the welcome Oasis before the weary traveller in the Great Sahara. Oar approxlma- Übn-to one of these bright spots was revealed, * few days since, by the quick tread and light, buoyant step of onr Jvemee, as he entered the Office da returning from a tour %f observation upstreet. That -there was “something up” could easily he discerned in the happy .expres tBion wbicn flitted o’er his classic brow, lurked in the corners of his lustrous eyes and played mischievously around, his half eompreased lips. Inquiring into the cause of his eestacy, he in formed « that Jake, the baker, (Jacob Wise, we mean)" whose place of business is on the corner .of Virginia and Caroline streets, imme diately above fiileman’s store, was preparing for 'us a delicious-cake, about the size of the new moon, which would be sent in in a couple of hour*. True to promise, the eake appeared, but not alone; a basket containing several bot tles of mead accompanied it. Coming from. Jake’* establishment, werknev the presents were first-rate and forthwith “ wont in.” The cake was pronounced delieioUs by all who bad the pleasure of testing its aferita and the mead was ditto to the eake. ; If yep want a tip top cake or good gloss of mead call at Jake s. Ttbok* akdVicinitt—Ws copytho following items from the Tyrone Star of Saturday lost:— A BxjO Mas.—A certain Bill Sisler. of Irons ▼ills, who had gained some notoriety by his fighting propensities, and general bad conduct, bos again been guilty of a gross' outrage. It seems that a man by the name of Williams, and who, wfe learn. is addicted to drinking too much liquor at times, was In Iroosville the other eve ning, where be exhibited some money which hud been given him by a brother in-law. for the purpose of moving bis family from Indiana county to this neigborhood; that’ Sisler. with .■mother man whose name we cannot leant, beat and abused Williams in a moat dreadful manner, so that Williams was not able to speak for two or three days; and that, had it not been for one of the watchmen of the Pennsylvania railroad who. was on duty, and who came along just as Sisley remarked to his accomplice to hold on un til he could yet hie kni/e, when he would toon put a etoplo hie tCruggling. Williams was robbed of everything about bis person, except his clothes. An effort is now being made to arrest Sisler, and we sincerely hope \it may prp.vp successful, as he is the same man who- was up before our Court, on charge of assault apd battery. Shootikg Affray. — On Monday last, a party of men met at Jplian Furnace, at a shooting match, when a difficulty arose between Jack Yeager and Reuben Richards, who had been “ bad friends” since last winter. Teager drew a knife on Richards (who is a much larger man than Yeager,) and. then nan away to a bonso about a mile on this side of the Furnace, where he secreted himself, with his loaded rifle, on the garret. In the evening, as Richards was return ing home, in company with a man by the name of 'Henderson, and when opposite the house in «vhich Yeager was secreted. Yeager aimed his rifle at Richards, and fired—the ball entering the breast, in a downward direction. Two skillful physicians were sent for, who probed for the ball but foiled to find it. Horse Stocks.— On Modliay night last, about 12 o’clock, a man by the name ofCaraher, broke open the hackney-stable belonging to Bald Ea gle Furuanoe, in this county, and Stele there from one of the hackney horses. The animal, however, has since been recovered, and the thief arrested and furnished with a “free pass” to Hollidaysburg,. as a guest of the county. WST The following item* which wo clip from the Tyrone Star and Harrisburg Patriot and Union, explain themselves and each other:— : SrnANQK Conduct.— -On .Wednesday night last, a young lady of this place, (whose name we suppress On account of. her former respectabili ty, and that of her parents,) packed up her “ duds and trinkets,” disguised herself with a veil, green spectacles, 4c., and took a passage on the train for Huntingdon, without tbeiknowl edge of her parents I The next day, herfather followed her and brought her back. Her con duct bas afflicted her parents very nmob, and it is to be hoped that she. has learned alesson which she will not soon forget. It has been in timated that a certain individual: who was for merly a.resident of this plaoe Tor a short time, but who now lives in Huntingdon, had better **make himself scarce” lest bis earthly career might suddenly be cat short! Ui.opement.— Our police officers received a telegraphic dispatch yesterday, from Mr. Cruth er, a hotel keeper in Tyrone City, requesting them to arrest bis daughter, who had eloped with a married mail by the name of D. S. Afri ca. The. officers were promptly at the depot, and awaited the arrival of the ttoin, but one of the birds bad been caged, and the other had flown. The conductor, Mr. Weitzel informed them that the would be happy bride, bad been taken At Huntingdon, and escorted back to Ty rone, by her anxions parent. The African gen tleman thinking that discretion was the better part of valor,' sloped for parts unknown, and thus evaded the eagle eyes of our police. Such is the history of the elopement. Kxep out or Haum’s Way.—This is good ad vice ip all persons, at any time, but especially at a season of the year when coughs and colds harass the: system and which frequently lay the foundation of permanent disease of the lungs or some of the organs connected with respiration. To nil afflicted in that way an early resort to the proper medicine will.at once arrest the mal ady and hinder the developement of an incura ble disease, Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Cough Syr up made by him at his medicine store, 140 Wood pa., is snob a.medicine, and if it were resorted to at the commencement of a coughpr influenza, there would be fewer djeaths from pulmonary consumption. You can buy it atQ.W.Kessler's.Altoona. ' Pixishbd.— The ptjr building put up by Mr. Lewis Plaok, immediately opposite our office, intended for a wholesale liquor and grocery store, received the finishing touch from the brash of the painter on Monday last, and he has already moved bis goods into it.As will be seen by reference to bis'advertisement in ano ther column, be has on hand a choice assort ment of liquors which ho will sell at city prices. Those who buy liquor for themselves or to sell to others, should be careful to get a good arti cle.. Let Ml such call jat Plack’s and sample his brands. ■. Oct AoAiir.T-Miohael Tracy, the freight con ductor who had ’his foot crushed [at Mapleton atation a conple of months since, and his leg afterwards amputated above the knee, made bis appearance up town on Saturday last for first time since the accident. Hp looks some what bleached by long'confinement ■■■ ; . -i, ;: I ; Y AMoona TribmiL A Nohasc*-— We hkte frequently noticed-that Bnnyyoang nujin, aadofteo men of mature yenre, ne given to the nhgentlemanly practice of standing about the doors of our churches, at the openlQg and closing of services, and block ing up the passages to such an extent that it is almost impossih e for ladies to pass cither in or out. Ladies do not like to be stared at by a ;*‘body of gaping fools.” and are much annoyed iby such reprehensible conduct. This nuisance appears tq.be increasing, as we were oorry to notice on Sabbath evening last On that eve ning the entrance to one of our ohorehea «u Almost blockaded ny a body of pereons who were making « melancholly display of their lack of brains. It is hoped that those who are guilty of such conduct will' take notice-and be more careful fit future. They are certainly either unaware of the injury they are doing themselves thereby, or are finished balokgaanis who wish ,to display their education in that science. f‘A word to the wise” &c., \ ” Critic’ is entirely, too mild ip his dennncia tion of “ Church dooi loafing.*’ In the opinion of every lady in the land the epithed of “church door loafer” is Pot second in meanness to any thing outside ojf the Penitentiary. There may be n few who. axe ignorant of the fact that it is mtanj to stand at a church door and gape at ladies as tjiey pass in and out, but they seldom have brass cnojdgh to do so ; it is (generally the lattei| class mentioned by “Critic" who may be found there. It don’t take the ladies long to get acquainted with these fellows,. and they gener ally remeiaberthem. ’ : • ; • . / Military Election. —Agreeably to the pro visions, of the new military law passed lost win* ter, the several military companies in this ooun - ty are required to meet at their armories on Monday the 6th of Jane, to elect a Brigadier General, Brigade Inspector, Colonel, Lieuten ant Colonel, and Major. The companies also elect their commissioned officers on that day. On the first Monday in July next, the commis sioned officers elected on the 6th of June, will .meet those of Cambria and Somerset counties, to elect a Majbr General for this Division. Cojjntt Faie.—A meeting of the Board of Managers of the Blair County Agricultural Soci ety will be held at Hollidaysburg to-morrow (Friday) afternoon, tq decide when and where the Fair shall be held thi- year. Now is the time for our citizens to put in for the holding if it at this place. We think it should be held at this place this year and we believe it will be, if our citizens unite in asking it Let those who are ' interested see to the matter. Religious. —We arc pleased to announce that Bishop Simpaon will be in this place on Sunday week and officiate in the Methodist Church.— Rev. Alfred Cqokman is confidently expected to be present.on the same day and assist in the exercises, Rev. Geo Guyer, P. E., and other distinguished ministers will also be in atten dance We shall give a more extended notice of the services, next week. American House —This fine house, situated on the corner of Caroline and Emma streets, has passed into the. hands of Mahlon Hamilton, for merly of .Qaysport, who promises to keep it in the best style and make it a desirable stopping place for strangers and travellers'. He has a good stable on the premises for the accommoda tion of horses,: thus making it a desirable stop ping place for country people. VSL. See advertisement of Dr. Sandford’s LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR in another column. ■/ ' I i' i iS PEC IA L NOTICES. DR. HOOPLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, DR. I!OOFL4ND’B BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard mediants of the present age, have Acquired (heir great popularity only through years-a/ trial. Unbounded satisfac tion is Tendered by them in all cases; and the people have pronounced them worthy. Llrcr Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility (if the Herrons System, Diseases yf the moneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are spisedily and permanently cured by the GERMAN 1 ! The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a reputation surpassing that of any similar pre paration extant, ft will cure, without tail, the Most severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, df Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In fiaeass, Cronp, fneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and has performed the most astonishing cures ever known of s Oonfinned Consumption. A few- dosesl will also at once check and cure the most Diarrhoea proceeding from Cold is' the Bowels. These medicines arte prepared by Dr. C. M. Jacksom & Co^iVb.‘ 418 Arch Street, Phila delphia, P«., ahrf are sold by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents per bottle. The sighature-of C. M. Jackson ' Witt be on the outside wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietors, caitoT Everybody's Almanac, ; you will, find festim/ony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country. These Alnumaes are given Away by all our agents. *a.For-sale, fa Altoona, by A.Ronsh and O. W. Kcasler, and by ail Druggists. [mayl9,’s9-ly j. ---j- :—_—: % . . F.ITD I FITS ! FITS I ■ , Persona laboring under tbia distressing malady will find Sr. Hance’a Epileptic .Pills to bo the only remedyevor dis covered for raring Bpllepey or Falling Pita. These Pflts possess a specific action on tho uenrona system; and al though prepared especially, for the purpose of raring fit*; they ’ will bo found oif especial benefit to all persona aflUo ted with weak nerves* or whose nervous system hos prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever. The dyspeptic patient, whose stomach has not lost the power of duly, converting food into a life sustaining element, is relieved by a single coarse of the extraordinary Pills. The gastric fluid rc-acqulres its solvent power, and the crude nutriment which was a load and a burden to the sufferer, while his digestive ra-gannation was paralysed’and un strung, becomes under the wholesome revolution created in the system,tho basis of strength, activity, and health. . jiflt t» any partof'the country by mail, fteoof postage. Address Seth 8. Hance, 108 Baltimore Baltimore, Vi. Priee—qe« bra,,’*3: two, £1; twelve. is*.,::- CRITIC. AND WORMS ! WORMS t Agree! many leaned trußia hw bom wrtttva, explaining the origin of and clasnifring tkewrrme fir ated In the human system.' Scarcely any topic of mcdtcal science has elicited more acute observation end profound research; end yot physicians arsvery much divided in opinion on 1 thesubject. 3U,nm*t Jbf admitted, however, , that, after all, a, medeef expelling thw^worm^anfiHiEi prepared by ia lhS mpch soiaght after epe* ; rifle, mid his already ahperedted *ll other Worn fna&elhe* its efficacy being universally - acknowledged by medical practitioners. 43-Purchasers will be cental to ask far DR. M’LANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufactured by FLEM ING BROS, of Pittsburgh, Pa. AU other Tormitagee in comparison are worthless. Dr. U’Lane’a genuine Vermi fuge, aleo hie celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable drug store*. None genuine without the signa ture gf ' ; FLEMING BROS. Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor. -In all disease* inflammation more or less predominates— now to allay inflammation strifes* at the root of disease— hence an immediate core. BALLETS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR, and nothing the, wilt a:lay inflammation at once, and make a certain cure. BALLETS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR will core the following among a great catalogue of diseae's: Bams, Scalds, Cuts. Chafes. Sore Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Braises, Sprains, Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Felons, Ear Ache, Piles, Sore Eyes, Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm; Barbers’ Itch, Small Poz, Measles, Rash, Ac., Ac. To tome it may appear increduloiu that so many diseases should be reached by one article; such an idea will vanish when reflection paints to the (act, that the salve Is a com bination of ingredients, each and every one applying a per fect antidote to its apposite disorder. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR In its is magical, because the time is so short bo tween disease and a permanent cure; and it is an extrac tor, os it draws all disease <-ut of the affected part, leaving nature os perfect os before the injury-' It; is scarcely ne cessary to say that no house, work-shop, or manufactory should be one moment without it. No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufacturer. Sold by O. W. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Hol liday sb or g ; and by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Canadas, Principal Depot, 166 Chambers street, New York. Not. 11,1668-ly C. F. CHACE, THE GREA T ENGLISH REMED Y. SIB JAMES CLARKE’S Celebrated Female Pills Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, SI. D., Phy sician Extraordinary to the Queen. This Invaluable medicine Is unfoiliug in the cure of all those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con stitution is subject. It moderates all cXcefes and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LABUtft it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price one dollar, bean the G overnment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. These POls should not be taken by females during the first thru months of Pregnancy, as-they arc tare to briny on Mis carriage, but at any other time they art safe. In all coses of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, fatigue on alight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, do nut contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,' which should be carefully preserved. Sole Agent for the United Staten and Canada. JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldwin t C 0..) Rochester, N. Y. N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any nn thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills, by return mail. B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for sale by all Druggists. [June 3 18S8.-ly. HAIR DYE—HAIR DYE—HAIR DYE. WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HATH DTE! the Original and Best in the World t AH others are mere imitations, ami lhaald be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule. OKAY, BHD, or BUSTY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to the Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas hare been awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor since .1839, and over 80,000 applications have boon made to the hair of bis patrons of his famous Dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR’S BAIR DYE produces a color not to bo distinguish“d from nature, and is waastLSTEn not to injure in the least, however loug it may be continued, and the ill effect of Bud Dyes remedied; the Hair invigo rated for Life by this Splendid Dye. Mode, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at tin Wig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. Sold by Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in all cities and towns of the United Status. # 49* The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR, Nov, 18, 1858-ly 233 Broadway, New York. Important to Females—DrCueese man’s Pills. —The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting oil irregularities, painful menstruations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain In the side, palpitation Of the heart, disturbed sleep, which always arise from interruption of nature, inducing with certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely vegeta ble, and free from anything injurious to lifeorhealth. Ex plicit directions, which should be read, accompany each box. Price $l. Sent by moil by enclosing (1 to any authorized Agent. B. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States, 165 Chambers street, New York. Ib whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed. Sold by Q. W. Keeslcr, Altoona; Geo. A, Jacobs, Holli days burg; and by all Druggists in the United States. Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free. Nor. M, 1858-ly. TOOTHACHE- This disease can be cored by Da. Knsxa’s Toothache Behiht, prepared by him in,Pittsburgh, pa, which is put up in bottles And sold at 25 cents each, it is an excellent medicine, when diluted, for spongy and tender gams, and is worth ten times its price to all who need It. Sold here by 0. W. Kessler, [Dee. 9, 1858-ly. WIGS-WIGS-WIGS. BATCHELOR’S WIGS AND TOUPEES surpass all.— They ore elegant, light, easy and durable. . Fitting ib a charm—no turning np behind—no shrinking off the head ; indeed, this .is the only Establishmen t where these things ore properly understood and made. ' •Not. 18,1858-ly • 233*Broadway. New York. v FLOUR AISD FEED HiftKET, s AT ALTOONA STEAM MILL. flour, Superfine, $ bhL, £7.78 “ Cxtra family " 8.26 Cora Meals XOOIbs. £OO Brsa A SbcgtofklOß lbs. JJS Bye Chop, - ■ « « £OO Corn and Oats, •* *• ijg) Middlings, “ “ . LW Cashpaid for all kinds of drain, flour and feed can always M bad at thh Mill at the prices quoted'atrip. •< , , JOHNALLIBON. HARRIED. Op the 18th by Rsv. Lloyd Knight, Mr. RQBXRT RAMPLING to Miss JANJB B. WWQhT b<rti offrank* town township. " \ -44.’ tV ... tbemmw, Mr. WILLIAM Pi LANG, of Pittsburgh, to Mire KUZA 0. BPKJHQBB, of Helll daysfcurg. v- •• ' CAUTION. TOstf LEH»S_^AB^PJB«GEBi ■ T 01 T Is graqg*.. : ■ * e.. . ySSL ;lt ssafsi&A-s : ‘-vu m g spt s ! - - ~*■ jj, -*av iaasm** W WHERE ? OH ! WHERE CAN A SUN UMBRELLA be bought for io CENTS t Echo answers at the MOpBIh. (it Mantillas, lace points and SILK DUSTERS. A large stock at tka MODEL. May 2C, - ENTITEL Y NEW AND VERY DE SIBABLE styles of Msnimac, Cochceo and Sprague Prints, at the MODEL. (Mfy S-U Fine oh allies an d delaines from 12J$ to 18 cent* par yard, at (tw MODEL. May It Bonnet ribbons, from auc TION, very cheap, at the MODEL. ; [lt OUR LADY FRIENDS ARE Re spectfully in«itM to caQ and eae our new Stock of Quods, and be convinced that the MODEL STORE is worthy the name. 3. A J. LOWTIIER. - May 2d. 1859.-U Notice.— the subscribers to the Capital Stock of die Altoona Qua and Water Company, are hereby notified that the first instalment to said Stock will be.payable at the Bankitigf House of Wm. M. Lloyd A Co., on or before the 161 A of Juke, 1869. May 26. WM. M.' LLOYD, Treasurer. Notice 'is hereby gtven to all persons Intereeb-d, that an application was made at the last term of the Court in Blair County for a Charter of Incorporation for " St. faike’s Episcopal Church in Altoona—and that the Court directed a notice of such ap plication to be given, and declared that It no sufficient rea son bo shown to the contrary,- at the July term of said Court, the Charter of Incorporation wilt h* granted. LOOTS W. HALL, May 28,1859-tt Attorney jar Applicants. ( IAUTLON —SAW-MILL TO LET.— All persons are hereby notified not to purchase. #r in auy way meddle with any Lumber mode by Anthony Swires, John R. Smith or James Swires.; They ore now cutting my trees and making tbs lumber on my Mill with out my consent. The law will bo enforced' against them and all who assist' them by purchase or otherwise. n>e C. 8. Marshall gave me possenipn of the Mill by virtue of his sale, and they have tinea forcibly taken posaanion of it. I with to let for a money rent or on the? shares, a first rat-: Steam Circular BAW-511LL- seven miles from Altoona, with a large quantity ofTimber surrounding it. It is not the mill alluded to above. JOHN BROTHERLINE. Hollidaysburg, May 26,1859.-31 PIKE’S PEAK NO MORE! BUT the great rush Uow is to the Altoona. Restaurant and later Beer Saloon, i Under Keystone Pall, corner of Annie and Virginia Streets. Tills bouse is new, and the basement fitted up specially for the purpose of s first-class Restaurant and 'Saloon, and the proprietor having bad many yean experience in the business, will keep constantly on hand thS best LAGER BEER that can. be found this side of the Atlantic, and eatsblci to supply the wonts of the hungry, He will also keep choice BEQARS and the best of TOBACCO. He In vites all bis old friends and the public generally to giva him a call at his new Restaurant and Saloon. L. BINEHARTi Proprietor. May 2fi, 1569.«3m. , JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfully set forth my claim ti> public atten tion, os a Fashionable Tailor as follows: Because I keep an excellent assortment of Cloths, Cassl mores. Vestings and Trimmings, which, ijrhen examined, always please. Because my work is made up iu a manner that take* down the country and gives all my customers a city ap pearance. Because I am not inferior as a Cutter to the best to be found anywhere. ' Because long experience in my business gives me entire control over it snd I am not dependant upon any one to lift me out of the suds. Because I un still on the tunny side of forty, and tbere foie my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. . Coll on me, in the corner room of the "Brant House.” Give me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May 26-6 m JACOB SNYDER. i KPIIA- S’ COURT SALEI—By vir « t tue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Blair com - ty, there will bo offered at public vendue of outcry, on the premises, in Logan township, said county, at 10 o’clock A. M., on SATURDAY. July 2d, 1859, A TRACT OF LANID, containing about SIXTY ACRES, (the exact quantity not kn-wn,) about half of it cleared and under fence—the balance WOOD LAND —having thereon, erected a two-.tory LOG ROUSE, a one- 9A¥n|'; Hiid-o-half story LOG HOUSE, and other Mil 11 [A buildings, with a flue ORCHARD of good HMS w IjK Fruit ou the place. Two large Springs most excellent water ou the form. Land being situated in Logon township, about > two miles from the borough of Altoona. TERMS OF SALE .—The whole of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the tale by the Court— on ths first day of July Term, 1889. MICHAEL KANTNER, Adm’r of Henry Kantner, late of Logan tp, dec’d. ' Slay 26, 2859.—tt “j IVTEW GROCERY AND LIQUOR Jl. HI STORE.—The undersigned would beg: leave to an nounce to the citizens of Blair county and vicinity that he has opened his new Store on Virginia street, threh doors below the Superintenden ts Office, where lie has Just received from the East and West a large assortment of .■•. Foreign and Domestic Liquors, ■■■ consisting as follows; French Otard Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy Wine, Old Port H ine, Jamaica ftum Holland Oins Old Bye Whiskey, Monongahela Whiskey, 'anil tthine Wine, -j • which he has himself imported. Retailers of Liquors and Farmers will find it to their, advantage to ;bur of him. os ho will sell at CITY PRICES. I* ■ • ' He will also keep constantly on hind an assortment Of GUOCERI ED, Such as Flour. Bacon, Salt, Se gars. Syrup . Sugdr, Coffee, fclffe.. All of which will be sold cheap for cash orCbtmtry Produce. Our friends and the public generally are respbetfillly In rited to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. *■ .. . . LOUIS PLACE. . Altoona, May 26,1859.-tf • i A HAKE CHANCE. J a rmr iiatz tUcsTEAirn WZKH.T rAJDi/r jmw tobk '' PAPEX, - ' ’ ’ " FOB ONLY Si A YEAR. thb nkw-yorkeb. J i; TUB NBW-YORKKS. ’ A first-class New York family Paperweight large illustrated, beautifully printed on the best paper, with Con tributions, Articles, Poems, Anecdotes, by Wash ington Irving, Longfellow, Bnlwsr, Tennoyson, Dickens, w. GUmore Simms, Mr». Sigourney, Thaekety, Pater Par ley, Hawthorne, Alice Carey, and .others.' I f P* (pronounced u superior publi cation to the New York Ledger,) is offered at only £1 avesx to subscriber* who eend the immediately tothepub- U»l»er, ‘ C. MATHEWS, . ' ■ . 107 Patton sheet, N. Y. Specimen copies sent for a three cent stamp. Country editore'pHnting the; above, with this notice, and sending usa marked paper, Udn have mafled to them,ftee, a copy of the popular story %y Cornelius Mathews, a handsome illuminated bound volume, elegantly illustrated by DaHey, ■ J i MaylJ * BU Y IHJ WAMSUTTA PRINTS. They are the BestCalleoee yrt oflored to the public for the 1 tfioney. . Wboumu Aacm, ! DEFOREST;ARMSTRONGA C 6„ April at 1860-4 m * NRW YORK.. TAOR KENT.—THE STOREHOUSE JP forteerly occupied by A. Roush, Druggist, cn Vfr. glata street, next door to the Lutheran Parsonage. Also, the building next door to Jesse Smith's Hat Stars, for fUrther particulars inquire of Jesse Smith or O. J. Mann. TTNITBD STATES USE lESD- HOLLAND BITTEM STiBSgSCA. B19E&8E OP THE KIDNETS^ ' MVEr complaint*, WEAKNESS OF AKY KTfrp FEVER AND ACUE t And the Various affections consequent npoa adHscdsfuff STOXACH OK Lirgß, &>fib u IndigstUon, Acidity of the Stomach, CoUdtyjNtal* Heartburn. Lom of Appetite, Despondeaey, ChaSiniZ BUnd and Bleeding Piles. In >ll Nervous, KhsumalioaM Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instancea provst highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. - This Is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly sc (entitle principles. after the manner. of the oelehraSeel Holland Profeasor. Boerhare: Because of its groat sucosm in the suat of the European States, its introduction into the United State* was intended more especially for thras of our fatherland scattered here and then or< Aha tkae of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, I now offer it to the American public, knowing that Its truly wonderful medical virtues must be acknowledged. It 1* particularly recommended to those pers>ou wnesa constitution* ; may have been impaired by the rrmtlmiftm use of ardentspirits, or other bras of dissipation. Oeao> rally instantaneous in offset. It finds iu way directly to tha seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in feet, Infusing new health and vigor in the system. C AUTION.—The great popularity of this dellghtlU iw ma has induced many imitations, which tbs public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to hay any thing dee until yon have given Boerbave'a iHhn a fair triah One bottluvUl convince rou how laflatielv superior it is to all those imitations. ' . 49" Sold at $l.OO p*T Udtle, cr.st* bottfot Lr M, \T the N «ai raonutoM, BENj; PAGE. JR.. & CO., Manv/acturi.ig J’AanuunHtU and C'AtesMa I’ITTSBPROH, PA. ' - T..W. Dyott i one, Philadelphia: Rotne* A Path. X** Tork;<Jofan 0. Park, Cincinnati; Bsunard, Adam*. A Go, St LfiuU: A. ROCan, Altoona, ft, and by TVs Misti and Merchants generally throughout the butted BtaMa tad Canada*, [October 1* lldl-ly AKY SALE OF JEW £UIT,, or Kb a Premium to each purchaser worth from Two Dollarf to Two Handrail This la •no Lottery.. but a fair and legitimate sole, ha which each purchaser gets the mine ofhti er bar bom in a Gold Pencil with Gold Pan attached, or a Gold Locket worth $4; and in addition to the eurebsqe, task person re ceives a Premium of jewelry, not lees in veins than 13, aai it m»jbe worth $3,6.8,10, IS. 20,30,40, or even s&3l Our Premiums are distributed In a fair and hoaorabla manner, undiae eooa ae the uorae of the purchaser is rw> celved with the $4, hit Pencil and Pan and ProuJum, or' Gold Xiockot and Premium, arc put bp In a aatall 1c » eafc manner. and.eant to the owner by Mail. Pree of Po«V age. Our plan,-from long experience in the above bu* nru,hoe given general satisfaction, ae each purchaser SeU or Trade . the above articiee for all they coit him, ui retain the Premium Gratis. ‘ ' fISU Wc'want a good Agent In every port of (he country to solicit purchasers; and Agent*. to be euccestfaL oLottll first have a Pencil end Pen and Premium, or UdM Premium, or both, to exhibit; and the first person becom ing a Purchaser at any place will receive the Agency for that neighborhood. ■ ■ • rVO MOXEr SISKMDt Wc propose to let a person know what Premium he triM receive before sending his money. Any Lady or Gentle man desiring one of the above articles,' can first send as their name and address, stating whether they want the Pencil end Pen, or Locket, and wo will mein their eebe tion, and Inform them by return Mail what Premium they ara entitled to. Thrycun then have the privilege of send ipg for it if they choose. We cannot, however, give this privilege bat onceXo any person; and we make this offer la establish the quality of our good* in anetghborfaood. At ter a person becomes a purchaser, and accepts the Agency, we require all persotM in that locality to tend their ii la advance through him. And if any one it dissatisfied with their purchase, and an unbiassed person competent to judge lays the articles *ro not worth more than the money pda fa theta* **4 in eomc canc Top, orcrcn Forty time*the imouncwtcuch person return the goods, tad wc wUi £rw*|y felted it* money. Among onr Premlnma art articled cuUabla tir LaJlt* and Gentlemen. such m > . • - - /i ” Omtlmm’s did and SHvtr Wittduu Gold Yatand rim d Chains, 0"ld Sleeve Buttons, did HSitt* endmel*. Gold Shirt S(ude—pUin .and whit arttinfrjf Gold S«ai( Pin»*-new etyle; Gold Brent Pine, toUfcmia [ Diamond Pina,OoM Bing*, **!*«. PPX LAtUSSL Wc hare Gold Watchea, Florentine, Mcetvla, Gold Stems. Cameo, Onrnet and Coral Breastpins add Ear Hints, Qtj3 OQS, SC. «C. . Unexceptionable Reference* gUonwhetwret repaired. *}■ r ln Tow names, write tbn State.Ommtr aaa Town plainly, so as toavgld letters being taleearrM. Address, ' ANGLE t CO, 102'Cana] Street, (Old No.) - Seer Tock. May 6th, 1860. I JflVI lIJLINGK / '• -Li IMPORTER Of. WINES, BEAN DIES, GINS, he. 1 Allegheny 9lrefit, XorthWari, _ h large etockof all Unis ot UQTIOIUt of the wrl best Brand*, will be kept constantly on band,' and will be sold in lota to suit purchasers, at price* a* reasonable a* ikaar can beiind any where in the country. (M*y IAA tOXES WINDOW GLASS. Xl/l/ from Bxlo to 24x90.' . - • Fatty Entree, - Paint, Wall and Tiumisbßrusb**, Plaster Pattis ' logwood, ' ■ atmt Logwood* Own yrdbd* ' ' * %«} Prime TeUowQefora, _ .. „ TTenWon Red^ Spanish Brown, in store and for eal# by . May 12,1868. : -f' JL MOPSB. PAINTS r PAINTS 1 WHITE LEAP, different Brands 1,000 fits. White Zinc Paint. 4 Case# Chrome Green. ■ ■ • . ' • Oases Chroma Sallow, • . ' Burned Umber. TerrtdiSlrnna. ~ ■ K*d lesbdT 1,000 ft* Patt*. Varniaheaof all hind* In store and for *al*, WbMSMii andßet.ll. by , ■ \ ' TifOCM? Fancy toilet • „ and sEuram soai% . dMTer'a Honer Soap, Bnln*« Poaclne, Fetching Almost' Brown Wlndtor, ■}'*' Pnro WWte iTUidw, TroamreAt. OwtUtf.' K»y 13,18&*. TJERFD-MBRY JL_ Aim rAXcr jsxtczm Bxtmtefcrtbe Handkerchief KiMne Sweetly, Butterfly Boqoet, IrufhiMil, RondeliUa, Balmoral) Tor iale chop by OILS I OILS I PUira Beflotid lit&Med OiL ' Extra Urd Oil, PwreOwbon da. • n KWMMOQi Otaopbeft* MfejUb Ckrboooa *&is&rssj£ 7o)r«a]e«t FOR THE HAIR— BsxMfi CocoaJc*) Lyon’t Kttbalron, Ssperfor B*j Boa, loidgnwof *U Wp4M»_l "T, A.SOVWtM ■•V- = PHEBE BAILEY’S ATI IMPROVED BRJUST JPUMFB A large assortment of Norsing Bottlea. - \<> Cutter’s Imprnred SHOULDBR BRanm in ImU ML Gentlemen and Children. For sale by A. SOVSK ARNOLD’S WRITING FLUID, la Quart, Pint, HalWMnt and * eg. BoNfc* Pipe Black and Bad Inks, at _______ - MayIRISM. ; BOVS^SI JWtßbib faster fatter* BOERHAVE’ft. THB CKUtBHXTEB IXOiLAXD rvvn-nr ye*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers