The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 26, 1859, Image 2
% ®fe Jttiiraa Cribmu. ALTOONA, PA. THUKSDAY, MAY 26,1859. S9»Wherepartk« to at, onr rule for adrer •Wag I* to require payment la advance, or »gn«r*nt*e from Iwn penooa. It is. there fore ineleaa for Ml neb to Mod fcMiwttle entente offering to pay at the end of three or six f MfinUte. f ,Where adrcrtUcmente-are acconipaiitari wlth tbe ‘ HMy r Whether one,'fire or teb dollar*, We will give the ■WertJmr the foil benefit ofcathratae. «*>«/•«., PCITESCiaL Jfc C*K, :;hd»*rt4*teg A*enU,lie Naaaanatroat, Raw Votk, and yjMjjte -abort, Beaton, are the Agent* for the JBlkm XrAeme,andthe meet laflnentiat and hurt Mfeoletlag fimpfapeye in the United State* and the Canada*. They an feitiurlaed to contract for na atonrioweet raiM. ' • \janxsf Homs Magazine. —This neat monthly for June is on our table, ftored, like the grenery of a good farmer, frith the choicest productions—not of the Mfi|> howeyer«*-hnt of literary genius,— l*ahl!ahed by T. S. Arthur- & Co., Phila (jafyhia. Price 82,00. ; AST Peterson's Magazine, for June, esaue to band with its usual promptness, its .Appearance is always hailed with de light by those who are accustomed to re ceive it. The Jow price at which it is published bangs it within; the .reach of almost every - lady in the land. Brice 92 j>er annum. C. J. Peterson, Phila. 'Candidates fob President. —The . Chatnbsrsburg Repository and Transcript runs up the name of W. F. Johnston, of r :. \r-2r r*.. a . - Putiburghy as the next candidate for the Presidency, subject to the Peoples’ Na tioual noniunatiog Convention. The Dele ware County Republican advocates the domination of John M. Heed, of Philadel phia, as the Republican candidate for President in 1860. Atlantic Monthly. —The June num ber of this deservedly popular publication, whioh h rapidly superceding all others of its. style, Is before us. No one can loose his or .her interest in this Magazine, who has commenced the story of *the Minis ters Wooing,” written by Mrs: Harriet Beecher Stowe. It is one of that famed # authoresses best stories,.and she has writ ten good) ones. Everybody should aobseribe for the' Atlantic Monthly. — Price 98 per annum. We will furnish it for 92,00. Th* Mormons.— lt appears by state ments looming from Washington that the movements being made with regard to the Mormons leaving the continent is not a jjarty one, and; did not originate with poli ticians. It originated with certain ship ping and commercial men in combination pith the Mormon chiefs. The plan is not jet matured, but it is highly probable that it w|H be nithin a short time. The prin ciple bf it is that the Mormons shall be for their improvements at a fair val uation, and that with these means they will be able to pay for their transportation to an Island on the Pacific selected for that purpose. * Bike’s Peak Humbug— rßy. refer ence to an article in another column, it will be seen that the accounts from this “famous fabled country” are anything but Cheering at the present time. In our dpinipu it is one of the most magnificent humbugs of .the present age. Starvation, grarder and suicides are. the order of the day at Pike> Peak. It is next to death V• 9 '^<l;' I ' ' * V to stay there and almost certain death to attempt to return. A telegraphic.dispatch from St. Louis, dated May 28d says a pri vate letter dated Pacific City, lowa, states that a report had just reached that place a, party of starving Pike’s Peak, emi gpaafeattooked and captured an outward- Ifraouid train near Offidlohs, Bluffs. Pa ring the melee P. C. Oaks, the conductor, was killed ; and Mr. Griffith .the newly ap pointed Postmaster for Austria, who was eh route to take charge of his post, was • hung by the desperadoes. This, in con nection' with the account published else where shows the condition of the deluded jepple who have gohe thither. Book.— White oth imitate, to a certain extent, the per fto&ums ofGode/s lasty each succeeding numberof Godey’s Lady's Book excels ffaaer. There is no standing still He has never learned the of the word “ halt,” but under stands and practices the motto of “ up- WUxI and onward.” Lady reader, are you £jtQ>|fi>ribcr to Godey’s, if not become one at - .eaoi.The June number now on purl tshlris a model Price $3, per annum. #^^M»hiitfor *2,00: . .. j. Ah jfeOHvmc Entdlpkis*.—Wise, the aeronaut, has Just completed his raogements preparatory to vJridmduntN Denial voyage from St Louis to Atlantic ecadoard, in his monster balloon the “Nine teenth Century, M which is sixty-eight feet in diameter, and will contain from sixty to eighty thousand feet of gas. Mr. Wise expects to make the start from St Louis about the middle or latter part of June, or at the farthest, early in Mr. jWisuj is prosecuting this undertaking at his own expense, regarding It clfiefly as an expo-1 riment with which to satisfy himself of; the practicability of hmlong cherished!: jehomeof mronaaring aaross the Atlantic ocean. Dorau Emcctios .—The execution of; Christian Jacobi and Darid S. Evans,: con victed of murdering their wives, took place in thejail yard,' at Pittsburgh, on Friday last. Both the unfortunates appeared to! he deeply penitent, an 4 expressed them-, selves willing to die, having made their peace with their God. On being lied to the soaffold Jacohi refused to say anything to the people present, but Evans made a! short speech, whigh will he found in another column, in which he declared his; * > j innocence of the crime of which he had been convicted. P£¥ AHD SCIBBOEB. USP" Rising—the thermometer. , —W- Oo—the price of flour Thanks—to a young frlendfor a box of Colorada Maduros. s6f* Infanticides appear to be the order of the day in Johnstown. gkWAccording to the articles' ,of war» it is death to stop a cannon bolL ■ - A wag wrote over die door of a school bouse—“The Whaling institution.” WV'A Yankee, with the yellow fever, may, ▼ery properly, be called a .Northern man with Southern principles. JH9* A little girl named Rosa O’RnurU was drowned in the Canal at Gonemaugh on Monday of last week. tfcf* In a graveyard in N*w Jersey there Isa; tombstone on which is the following simple, yet touching, epitaph: “ lit was a good egg" tfSf “ Mother, I heard sissy swear. “ What did she say ?” “ She said she was going to wear her darned stockings to church to-morrow.” He that is good, will infallibly become petter, and be that is bad, will as certainly home wor?e; for vice, virtue and time are three things which never stand still. IS- Cambria county has instructed in favor of Ron. 8. Calvin as Senatorial Delegate to the Peoples' State Convention which meets in Hari riaburg on the Bth of Jane. tST Lucy Stone says “ there is cotton in the ears of men and hope in the bosoms of women.*’ Got the: cotton and hope in the wrong placed, Lacy. tSP A man is a brute to be jealous of n good woman—a tool to be jealons of a worthless one —bat a double fool to cot Ms own throat for either them. t)gg~ A young carpenter haring beeen told that “ the course of true love never did run amotb,” took bis plane nnder his arm when hie went conning. WWI- A burglar was caught with twenty-tbree watches in his possession. He was the greatest “ thief of.time” we ever heard of—except ** pro crastination.” j Two boys in Cambria county came veiy near ..losing their lives, a short time ago, from the effects of eating hard-boiled eggs. Header, take warning. Wgi- A Good Motto.— “ Here's freedom to him who would read. Here’s freedom to him who would write, None shrink-from the Truth being heard; But those whom the Truth would indite.” : WST Rev. Dr. S. R. Cox is writing a series Of letters in the American Pretbyterian designed toj show the Apocalyptic battle of “ Armageddon” ’ is* fit all probability at hand, in the grand run tore of the peace of Europe now taking: effect Years ago the significant letters, G. ;T. —Gone to Texas—were used ,as a means of] marking upon the ledger had debts. New the] initials GP. P.—Gone to Pike’s Peak—are| used for the same purpose. I The Aey. Wm. Butt, a Methodist minister,; who preached freedom in Kansas through all the troubles and was persecuted by the Border Ruffians for bis free-State sentiments, has been transferred to the Arkansda.Couference, poinied Presiding Elder of the Texas district 1 IguQabriel Ravel,, while playing Jocko, in the Braailian Ape, in New Orleans, recently lehped into the dress circle of the theatre, ids usual, end badly frightened alady.who jump ed up and rah; whereupon her escort kicked his South American highness baok to the sta^e. . I®*. The rust is said to be seriously injuring the wheat in Suffolk county. Va.; and ope ftf mer in Isle of Wight comity, same State, alle ges that bis whole crop has been riuned by ft. From some sections of North Carolina statements are received. Pn2xle.-—To learn to read the following, so as to make good senee/ia tfaa mystery: .> ■. ' T J ij, I thee read see that me. j J \ love ia down will Til bare j H 5 Bat that and you have you’ll J M One and up and you if j ■ j IQu A singular Snd swift retribution occur red in Huron county, Ohio, a few days since *4- An ugly fellow, in a fit of passion, intentionally destroyed an eye of one of bis horses The next day, while driving a naU, a piece of it lodged in his eye, completely destroying the ; eight. , \ ' ' ■ jM IQ*A Clincher—The term, “tfincheri* is to hare originated in the flowing manner! Ttif ? SI to wWeh:ceuftftiil «if * biggest lie. One said that on? aten-penny naQ quite body of the moon. “ That's true,” ropliedlbe other, “ far 1 ni n the other side at the verymoteeotlrSth a claw hammer, and elinchod the naill” - Bear since,' every outrage one falsehood haa been termed a clincher. iST The Emperor of France, the Emperor of Austria and the King of Sardinia, all intend to head their recpnetlve armies in the coating eem paign. This was the character of ths campaign in Anstrelitx in 1808, at which battle the Em peror of France, the Emperor of Russia end the Emperor of Austria were present , ■wfi- The European Immigration to this conn try, daring the present year. It is predicted, will fiur exceed that of any previous one. It ie stated by the liyerpool Tima ofApril2oth, that about 10,000 persons had left that port alone daring April, for oar shone, and chiefly for New York. , teafi. Another ease of mystery and horror has been opened in New York, by the finding of the remains of a yonn g woman,, cut up and packed away in the water closet of a tenement in that city, on Saturday rooming. The doctors ex pressed the belief that die young unfortunate bad probably been the victim of seduction, mur dered in procuring, abortion, end the remains thus butchered and hid away to conceal the for mer crimes. Lancaster City, in this State is supposed to be built over a subterranean lake. A leak in the new city basin has been probed to the dept of twenty feet, and is found to lead to a subterranean cavern sufficient to hold or conduct away all the water of the Conestoga. There is an arched vault in Lechler’s hotel, where the rising and falling of the waters in the snbterra nean lake are as peceptable as theorising and falling of Conestoga creek. Death Speech of Evans. Obntlkmxn; —I stand before you for the last time. A few more minutes, and 1 shall be in the presence of my Maker and Judge. Since the 11th of May, 1858, 1 have been deeply in the waters of affliction; but while thus encom passed. I have had the Lord Jesus Christ (o sus tain me. A dear companion was then taken from ime, for whom I would willingly have laid down my life. Of her death I have been con victed ; but before God, my Maker. 1 declare my innocence. Who did the awful deed 1 know not. I die innocent, but hope my death may be a means of good to some here. I once prom ised to make a statement to the public before my execution; but as it has refused belief to what has already been offered, I have decided to refrain. [He here referred to some state ments which were given in evidence on bis trial ] 1 was going to declare these statements false : bat I leave the witnesses to their God. I did not see Riddle that morning; and did not dis cover the loss of the money until some time af ter: I entertain no enmity to the witnesses against mo; and leave.them to a higher Being. 1 could get down on my knees and pray for all of them; and I sincerely hope to meet them all where sin and sorrow shall be no more. But 1 am not a left-banded man, and the witnesses . knew it was false. In yonder cell, I have bowed before my God: I have prayed for them and me. 1 have made a written statement, which is in the bands of a friend, with liberty to publish if he and others think best If contains more than I can tell.— Before I leave the world, I want to declare my trust rn my Saviour and Redeemer, my belief that he has forgiven my sins, and that be will clothe me with the robes of purity and bliss.— Let your hearts intercede in my behalf, that when my body drops, my soul may fly aloft to nn everlasting habitation. [After conferring ; with his spiritual advisers he proceeded.] Gen tlemen, if I know anything of my own heart. I love the Lord Jeans. I know that for his sake my sins have been forgiven. I have a home beyond this vale of tears—a home in the heav ens, I know that my Redeemer liveth, and I believe that when the drop shall fall, the Lord Jeans will receive me t,o a home above. 1 feel happy in anticipating that I shall soon join them on high—my beloved companion and offspring. I hope to dwell with them and my Lord Jesus, 1 have nothing more to say except that I am going, home, and expect to enjoy a blessed im mortality. V Duties of United States Marshals— The opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Wisconsin fugitive slave case has at length beeif published. Though we have hitherto given the substance of that part of it regarding the powers of the Federal Courts and the duties of the Federal officers, in cases arri- ving uhder tbe Federal laws, we subjoin, for the better information of the public, a paragraph from the official copy of the opinion “ Although it is the duty of the Marshal or other persons bolding him to make known by a proper return the authority under which he de tains him. it is at the came time imperatively hjs duty to obey the process of the United -Stales: to hold the prisoner in custody under it, find to refute obedience to the mandate or pro cess of any other Government. And consequent-, ly it is his duty not to take the prisoner, nor suffer him to be taken, before a titate judge or court upon a habeas corpus issued under S'nte authority. No State judge or court, after they are judicially informed that the party is impris oned under the authority of the United States, has’ any right to interfere with him, or to re quire him to be brought before them'. And if the authority of a State, in the form of judicial prodess 6r otherwise, should attempt to control the ' Marshall or other authorized agent of the United States, in any respect, in the custody of his prisoner, it would be his duty to resist it, and to'call to his aid any force that may be ne cessary to maintain the'authority of the law against illegal interference. No judicial pro cess; whatever form it may assu ne, can have any lawful authority outside of the limits of the jurisdiction of the court or judge by whom it is issued : and au attempt to force it. beyond these boundaries is nothing less than lawless vio-. lence.” In rbpi it.—He **. Would sot Lite Always.” —Hcrnden, the clerical wife poisoner at New *rk, N. J., the day before his arrest, preached a sermon from the sublime passage “I would notliye always." He needn’t he apprehensive of anything of the kindifhegets Into thecldtch *» ct a New Jersey jury. Jerseyjuries are death on verdicts In capital cases. He isaman of considerable talent, and hearse reputation of ntost ; extraordinary hypocrisy. He was ultra in everything, and was especially dfrtfngnished for his bHter antogonism to capital puhiahihent The Railroad Wab. —The recent negotiations in New York for the discontinuance of the exis ting injuries competition between the principal railroad companies has fallen through. The New York Central refuses to allow the Southern roads the advantages of tbur geographical posi> Hon, ,nnd declares an intention to fairy freight T°rk to ahy eommon-pjoint West as eheaji as i they do from Philadelphia or Baltb ;mow: Tbs war, tb : As a matter of Interest, at present, we give the folloWingresnlts df desperate battles f>«ght in Europe since 1812: > a . On the heights, four milee from SajaJeiwca, * n Spun, the English and Spaniards undtr Wsl lington, totally defeated thaFteneh under HSr mbnt, on the 22d July, 1812. Tbealllen-loet 6,- 200 men, and the French 16,000. a At the battle of Smolensk!,, in Russia, in 1812, the French loss’ was 17,000. At Borodina, on the 7th September, was fought a desperate battle between fivMWui and French. The French lost in killed, wound-, cd and prisoners, 60.000, and the tinmans about the same number. The survivors of the French army, ftomi the Bnssian campaign, were not more than 55,000 out of an army of 600,000 men. At Lntzen. in Russian Saxony, on the 2d of Kay. 1818," the allied Russia and Prussian forces were defeated by the French under Napoleon, - the French losing 18,000 and the allies 15,000 men. At Bantxen, in Saxony, on the 21st and 22d May, 1818, a battle took place between the al lies and the French, in which the French loss was put down at 25,000 men,, and that of the allies 16,000. At Dresden, in Saxony, on the 16th and 17th Angnat, 1815. the allies wen defeated by foe French. The leas of the allies was about 25.000 killed, wounded and prisoners, and that of the French about 12,000. ■> At Leipsie, in Saxony, in October 1818. a desperate battle was fought, which lasted three days, apd the French were totally defeated by the allies. Napoleon lost two marshal, twenty generals and 60.000 men. The allies tost 1.700 officers amt about 40.1*00 men At Victoria, in Spain, on the 31st June, 1813, the English and French fongbt a battle, in which the French lost 7,000 and the English 6,- 180. At Toulouse, in France, Wellington defeated the French under Sonlt, on the 10th April. 1814 The French less was 4,700, allied a tiny's loss 4,- 680 men. At Ligny, in France, a battle oecured between the Prussians and French of the 16th June, 1815, two days before the battle of Waterloo, in which the Prussians lost 15,000 men, and the French 6,800. In the indecisive battle at Qnatre Bras, in Belgium, on the 16th of June, the day before that of Waterloo, the allies lost 6,200 men, and the French 114. At Waterloo the total loss of the allies, was 15.636 men. Napoleon’s was about 40,000. Neither the Austrians nor Prussians can de rive much encoragement from history to engage in a war with France. The French troops have only been matched-in these wars by the English, the Spaniards and the Russians—scarcely by the last named. Another Tbaqkut—A Husband Kills his Wife’s Pabhocr. — A shocking tragedy occurred in Cincinnati, on Wednesday night. A man named Richard Mahone, the father of three children, was deliberately shot and killed at n public house, by John W. Clawson, who was immediately arrested. The Commercial thus details the circumstances which led to the deed:— Clawson is a young man, not probably over twenty-four years of age. His troubles seem all to have occurred from ub unfortunate marriage. Six years ago, be led to the alter a young and beautiful girl of' Philadelphia. The marriage was opposed by both his and her friends. The objections urged were their ages—she not yet fifteen; while he wanted three years before attain ing his majority. Despite the warnings and counsel if friends, they eloped and were married clandestinely. They came to this city, and for two years their lives were happy, but at last the tempter invaded the sanctity of their home, uud the girl—though n mother, still a girl—again eloped- not as a wife, but ns a mistress. She was soon forsaken by her seducer, and writing to h»r,.husbnml —who sill cherished for bis er ring wife an unaltered affection—a penitent let ter. he received beg agai n. with all her imperfec tion. Two more years rolled away, she per formed in the interim the duties of a with and mother in their fullest sense, the dark spot on their marriage existence was almost forgotten, wheiya fiend more arch than the first, ingratiated himself into their houshold. and succeeded in alluring her from the path of honor. This was the man whom the husband killed.. For a time stolen interviews were had. but of, late the twain have lived together publicly, as man and mis tress. Attempt to Mimosa the Through Majl Aoekt and Kob the Mails anr Express Curst. —On Wednesday evening, tii#hc express train that leaves New York at 5 o’clock, P. M.. on the New York and Erie Railroad, lefl Port Jer vis, 88 miles from New York, a few minutes past 9 o’clock, a fellow attempted to administer chloroform to Mr. Adam Keck, the mail agent. A sponge well saturated was applied, but hi the 'act, a drop fell 1 on, Mr keek’s face, which aroused him. Springing up. the person clinched the agent by the cravat and drew a six-barrel led pistol. The mail agent seized the pistol just by the cook, and the two had a severe tussuj for ten minutes or more, during which time the pistol dropped. The robber then attempted to use a slung shot, which he also lost during the tussel, and was altogether roughly handled. During the senffle three or four express boxes were broken by the parlies falling on them, and the iron rods in front of the window were bent out four inches and the glass broken. Unfor tunately the bell rope was polled by "One of them, which brought the triiln to a stand The robber broke away and jumped off the car be fore the conductor could seize him The ear was so full of the chloroform that it was actual ly suffocating. The robber left behind him an overcoat valued at $96. the six barrelled pistol, a basket containing provisions, a bottle of bran dy, a bag. supposed to put the money in, (if he got any.) and the slung shot. No doubt be exr peered .to kill the express messenger, and the mail agent also, if they made any resistance, take the key of the safe and extract the money, of which there was $lOO,OOO. Floating Brick.— Bricks that will float used to be made years ago, but the afffbas been lost till recently. A Monsieur Folpini has, it is said, discovered their compositicm, which is said to be fifty-five parts of siliceous finrth, fifteen of magnesia, fourteen of water, twelve of alumina,* three of lime, and one of iron. They are Infu sible, and will float in water though one twen tieth part of common clay be added to them.— They resist water, unite perfectly with' lime, and are subject to no change from heat or cold. They are nearly as strong as common brick, though only about one-sixth as heavy, or con siderably lighter than water. They are such poor, conductors of heat that one end may be heated red hot while the other end is held in the hand. A Bu>>pt BsTUßdrioM.—R, B. Jordan, pom* timepiece, seduced the daughter of a widow at San Andreas, Texas, aod. although frequent- V by ineihbeW of the cbminunityin which he lived, refused positively, to many the girl, with whom, however he oootinued to live. About a month ego a. prosecution wjw com menced against him, and he was again earnest It to :***? e? pressed hi. determination to live a 8 ho chose.-. 17te uJt * *• l«ft 'home, And , A dispatch ftwtt St. Lottie, dated M*J *M» "*%• (Mo.) Dimoemt, \6t thi* city, notices the a^ s !** » 4 that place if a hundred returned Pikes s P«*k «n, who bring most deplorable accounts of the 'taining prospects, and of the sufferings of the disappointed grid: banters, on the plain*. It Is estimated that 20,000 men art now on their wey back, all or most of whom are desti tute of money add the necessaries of life, nod are consequently perfectly reckless and deeper* ate. Vj’l ' ■ . Threats hare been made by acme of the moat desperate, to burn Omaha, St. Joeeph, Leaven worth. and other in eoneeqnenee of the deception need inthose places to Indace the em igration. Two thousand men are reported to be firry miles west ofOmahOjinaetarving'^ondition. Some of - the; residents .of Plattsmoth hare closed their bnaiiiesa .pishes and fled, fenring violence atthe h&ands of the enraged emigrants. A letter dried i Cotton Wood Springe, April 28tb, says': “Wh arc in a tight place here. — On the road from the crossing down we bate fire stations, Which are crammed full of beggars from! moriiing till might, and at the rate we ore doing bnSSnesa« tire will soon have to close.— Pike’s Peak has turned out to bea humbug, and tbe road ia lined with starring men; and God knows, we hare got to give them something to eat as long as we bare it, I can’t see a man Re tno'priirie and starve^ “If yon could |do something'to keep the poor deluded devils from starting, you would be doing a kindness to humanity. We will try and gat through ad well as possible, bat lota of tbe poor fellows; are bound to die. There are no provisions in the country, only what belongs to the Mail Company. The traders along the road have nothing in the way of provisions.— They (the emigrants) have not attempted to fojxe anything y«*t, hut they are bound to do it, if you do not give them something to eat.” WOOD, EDDY & CO.’S DELAWARE STATE LOTTERIES ! CAPITAL PRIZE $4O 000 I! TICKETS J&iO. WOOD, EDDY & CO . MANAGERS. SUCCESSORS TO GREGORY <£ MJCTRT. The undersigned, Living become on-aers of THE ABOVE LOTTERY QUARTER IS DELAWARE offer to tbs public the following scheme, to be drawn each Wednesday in APRIL, 1850, at Wilmington, Delaware, in public, un der the superintendence of sworn commissioners appoint-, ed by the Governor.' ;• * Clans 314 DrawaWednesday, Jane I, 1850. - Class 326 Draws; Wednesday, June 8, 1859. Class 838 Drawsj Wednesday, Jane 15, 1859. Class 350 Draws Wednesday, June 22, 1859. Class 302 Draws Wednesday, June 29. 1859. TIURTY-TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX PRIZES! Nearly one Prize to every two Tickets! ?8 Numbers--18 Drown Ballots. magnificent scheme. TO SK DUTS, EACH WEDNESDAY; IN MAY*. 1 Prize of : |40,000 Is $40,000 I “ 21,789 “ 81,789 3 “ 10,000 •* 20,000 3 “ 6,000 “ 18,000 8 “ 4,000“ 12,000 4 “ 2,000 “ . 8,000 15 Prizes of 1,000 are 15,000 15 “ 600 “ 9,000 15 “ 600 « 7,500 227 “ , 250 “ 66.760 66 “ 100 “ 6,60 u 66 “ 70 “ 4.550 66 “ 1 40 “ 2.600 4,875 “ 20 « %7AOO 27,040 “ 10 “ 270.400 32,390 Frizes amounting to Whole Tickets SID —Halves ss —Quarters $2,50 Certificate* of Packages vrjfkbe sold at thefcilowing n\te». which is the risk. Certificates of Package of 28 Whole tickets $149,50 “ Pi 26 Half “ 74,75 “ »■: 26 Quarter “ 27,37 DEL A WARE LOTTER Y—CLASS yO. 356, DRAWS ON SATURUAV, JUNE 251 b, 1869. 76 Drawn Ballot*. 1 Grand Capital Prize of $70,000! 1 Prise of $30,000 5 Prizes of {2,500 1 if ; 20,000 65 “ “ 1,000 1 « “ ■ 11,627 2SB “ '« 450 1 “ 8.000 Ac., Ac„ Ac. 312,35 Prises aiuOuntlug to {1,006535!' IFAoIe Tickets {2O ; Halva {lO ; Quarters {6. IN' ORDERING TICKETS t)R CERTIFICATES. Enclose (he amount of money to oar address. for what yon wish to purchase | name the Lottery id which yon wish it invested, and whether yon wish Whole*, llalwi or Quar ter*. on receipt of which, we send what I* ordered, by first mail. together with, lire scheme. Immediately aftef the' drawing, the drawn numbers will be sent with a written explanation. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give the name of their Post Office, County and State. NOnefc TO COBBESPOXDENTS. Those who prefer'hot sending’money by mail, can use THE ADAMS KXPRESB COMPANY, wVreby money for Tichcti, In sums cf Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be seat us AT OIJH BISK AND EXPENSE, from any City or . town where they have an office. The money and order must be enclosed in a “ GOVERNMENT POST OFFICE STAMPED ENVELOPE " or the Express Company Cannot receive them. \ Orders fori Tickets or Certificates, by Moll or Ex press;,to be directed to WOOD; EDDY A Co., ;,j; Wilmington, Delaware. ABOUT SHOES I Gentlemen ari) Requested not to Bead this We boast of Auction Shoes At shill InVsslx a pair. For sure no lady would them choose That wants a shoe to wear. Now very much wo feel inclin'd ' Such Qolterf to'expose, , They are not kftod, and yon will find Them burst!tig round the toes.. Such ill-made Shoes you could not irear We often with them meet; Just mod* to sell.' they Hp.and tear When Walking in the street. A lady passing by one day Was caused aldeal of tronble,’ And hoA worth a bubbled New pair ofShOe*, .and. good one* toe, As the dear lady thought. Until her feet protruding though . Proclaimed them good for naught. We pay the prices for our work To mve it honest made, - To worthy menwho aiv in truth The masters!of their trade. s' ■ ■■_ And we emu bdast of extra nloe Of beauttfiil :.ihd neat, • / 1 _ Of fairy Shoes iMUreet price . To deeoride thf feet. The Peoples’ Cheap Shoe Store, ’’ Virginia Street; , Two Doors BmowAnnle St. May 12,’W. (h W. KIMBALL. Red lion hotel, - AtTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. This old estabtiahediand popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the place of stopping the passenger cars in Altoo na, has passed inco‘the hands of the present proprietor.— Long experience hn’the business warrants me in assuring the tra»eUlngpubiic that no pains will be snared to render guests as comfortable as possible while sojourning under my roof. ■ ■ The TABLE will constantly be supplied with the Tory best the market aflbrds. " The BAB will be found to contain an excellent assort ment of LIQUORS- of all kinds,- including that choice here rage LAOBB BEER. The STABLE is in charge of an excellent and expert .6ooodO>ttera proprietor hopes, by his long experience In the bounce and the facLitiee at his command, to make the Red Lidn- ln all respects, a first class Hotel. The business of me Hotel will be under toy own personal supervision. A liberal sbarejMpublic patronage is kindly sollc ted. . , W. SCHWEIQERT, Proprittor. T May 18, ISM.-tf r WM. S. BITTNER, BUBO EON DENTIST. £|FFICfi IN THE MASONIC TBM- WkiA- MJt . Teeth extracted wtthont pain.»Eleetro NEW GOODs^ Brown Sugar 8 eta Rio Coffee Ui Ctlkcw for IG ets.—Worth is* Heel’d French Morocco Ltw Booti ; m Arn&Ot AMD ALL KINDS OF GOOOs AS M»W IS PmoPOAT, 0l XT STOCK IS i(OW LARCH And wOl be Kept FULL it iu C.| jaggard Altoona, Iby 5. U». EieHTREASOI ■ WW SEBCTC EVERYBODY SHOULD GO To C. B. SINK’S STOgfi 1 HE HAS A LARGE AND Welt x e select** assortment oC Pry Goods, why, going to ssc. M a. Ha has an vneqnaUed stock of 9SOCSBIH mth«'K hkh b * wU * " u “ ri * o “ We 8. BthanOndwtrt, «wwuioa«, *««««*., most fashionable style*. 4. He hu a targe case of itot* out ff Am* a* a„,., dies, Mlaaee mad Children, embracing all and prices. ' 4r. r ■’ ~ 5. Ho has a floe stock of BATS for Summer , ofthafaehiOtt-all* very cheap. « 1 & He keeps always on hand as aasortmsat st w •Made Clothing, to suit the season. “ in a fiuhionable stylo, and at prices which must th, (hetion. . ’ v 8. He don’t ask people to come and boy— only k> —. and examine his stock, feeling confident that if link! exaiuiue they will bay without asking. 1 w Altoona, tiay 6,184».-»f !, GREAT OPENING .OR SPRING AND SUMMER £23* <3L> C£> Z£> 5B , J B. HILEMAN. HAS JUST Rl * wired and opened at his old stand, on Tirriilis, a large and attractive asaortmant of seasonable rHi ■ prisipg all the novelties in BSREGES, i DCCALS. CBISTZMS, : LAWys. i anvoßjua EMBRolturn LACES, HOSIERY idiom. and all rartetiee and trztarss of LADIES DRESS GOODS. - together with a fall assortment of goods far .volleasl went, inch as and vsstiugs. • Alsu a full stock of Hardware, Qaeeoswut sit 1 GROCERIES. and an assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITORB. 4C.. of all sizes and styles, which equal to any la Utt nuta and will be sold at fisir prices. Having recently'enlarged my store-rocm, 1 cum display my largely increased stefck to better dfak and would respectfully invite everybody to coQ. May 12:1869. W r EST BKANCU IXRB, LITE STOCK AND $689,689 BE AI Tff INS UR ANCE COMMSI, Of LOCH HAVEN, pa. R. A. O. KERB. AGENT, ' ALTOONA. BLAIR COUNTY , PA Capital, 8300,0001 Premium Notes, URM Chartered, 1866-l-Chartor Perpetual Will insure against Hw and Sickness. Also, on fail tin Horses, Males sad CstUa at reoaocobis rs(«s. HEALTH DEDA H TMEIfT. The weekly payment dt tWa Company to (bos* loapo tated far active life by sicjtnes* or accident, tqok Ik annual deposit. For instance, by paying at the nts of $ 6 00 per year, draw weekly JSJI 10 00 do do I 10 i SOiOO <d« do »« 80 00 do V do KN 35 00 do do i Mil 40 00 dor do •« 60 0® do da i . (Ott - ■ MJL»CXOM: ' G C Harvey, PreeV , f X rAbtnte, Vice Frtih Thoc Kitchen, SeoSr, T Wm Tcareon, Tresa, D K'Jackman, | Peter Dkklnson, Wm White, ; Choc A Haver, Samuel Christ, i John B Bill. The Boardof Directors submit the followlog tsstiwsE from Governor Wm. F. Paeker.slKiwing lire repuhto * the Company at home: -■ 2 ' ’ WitmueaoM, Ps., Augnu 6, I (uu personally act/uairjUHl nSUi tlic DU fdoh k 0406 c»rs of the West Branch’ luimiaacc Company at’ Lori f* ten. Pa., and cfaeerfcliy bear teisthnony to tbslr high tfcsc octet os business men. A company'under their cstM will undoubtedly be safely and prudently vacuum all losses which it may sustain honorably adju’.tel, May 5, IWMm • ; • MEN' WANTED IMMEDIATELY A few more active And enterprising young aw a* find immediate employmucl, In which theyesu isilabo |fioo io'{l,ooo a year; to act as agent for jewel neeu popular works. Just published, exclusively fcrspflttw not for'snle at book store*. 1 We have a greet -jucbc agents employed, many of whom are from ID* {2O per week. Those wishliig to engage in this pbaul and profitable business wOL Tor particulars, etc., sdAai J , a I. DERBY A CO, Publishers and Wholsasale L'cokseiiem • Bandotkr.OU Xditcr* of newspapers giving the above *ud th« '&* ing throe Insertions, and callldg attention to it, »tl |n : log a copy containing It will receive any throe of th*S» lowing works: Ufo of Napoleon, by Headley, |1 9 Life of Lalayetto do' 19 Life of Josephine do 19 Wild Scents In a Hunter 1 * Life, 19 Lire* of Mary and Martha Waihlnatoo, - 19 Odd Fellows* Amulet, 19 Any person wishing any of the above books aab" them sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of it* retail price. Address MayJ9,’s9-3t.] A BOOK*OH£V ; ERY BODY.— DISCLOSE UES.-Dr. I*' LEE’S great work fcrlb»*£ riod, or for those cc3K=(' ting marriage—2o0 i'«g*t w ..f PLATES. to all parts umitrs***’ mall, POST I*AlD copies sold the last ye<ar. _* single, married, and I- 1 ried happy. A Lfvc, or how to cLcom • FT, ner; a complete work 05 ,,j wifery. It contains °> . Uhed—warranted to *»-- -ut naked for It. 'ih cents insp*"*^ postage stamps enclosed, will secure a copy I’T ritsr» mail. DH. TELLER Las devoted a lifetime tothscan“• ease on which his books treat. Address J. TEhLWt* - No. 5 Bearer street. Albany, N. Y. Dr. Vichols’ Female Pills, $1 a box, with fdl ® r Jjril Married Indies should not use them. Fsnt by dress Dr. Teller, as above. April I'Ob H PETTING EK’S r . • GREAT CENTRAL LITEBARY EMPOBIt-*- NO. 1. "ALTOONA HOUSE," ALTOONA.,£ Where may bo had all the popular Publlcatioat„ -j, day, such as Dally and Weekly Papers, and Romances, Miscellaneous Books, School ®°|m* Books, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Inks, Can and Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Boos* fact everything in flie Stationary line. Toys, So®*- y Games of every variety, Pictures and Picture Fr*3"> bacco and Scgari of the best quality. Ac- 4c , tl* N. B.—We are sole Wholesale and Retail 4g*c county, for BOHN’S CELEBRATED S ALVt 'J,, [fi iiivtly cure all sores to which It is applied. Try i • . NOTICE.— Whereas, Letters T«jJ mentary to the Estate of JO UN GROVItC * Of the Borough of Altoona, Blab - county, has to the subscriber, all persons indebted to tie w are requested to make immediate payment; tn«* ,i, claim* or deesands agtlflitthl estate wf j' seam without fIW*T- v, v„', . ’ AC p!~rre»-. 0. L. DERBY * «• th< be to* fro the hie yoi tka ia of h an Tjr B# *3 w* ! ob< ft* sad dob iha i ■or (he T»We until ornr.l neii can, by M Miiec Mr. I tho C nenti ter o Uctu: ThU i i»Sas ting o *UtllO I>stec Buaki elutio fctid not r« Wtlc El AUtio liny a frt Tn Sec Ma Chaa. Ho hot , fctlbtt *tro •Jttpi fconoi Phbij; teiy ] T «H(