The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 26, 1859, Image 1

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    ;‘ 3^WSjisfs !
bet cam», to «S2SfJßwff
class of disaataLsJ*s®i2
finne /r« (jf
latjon coemi»a4asK>sTi'
lon, in that #ik ?
hioh baa attended •
ho euro of Whan
*.’ Oca
for the CMuing t
3f*he past, fcelaasa' ,
benevolent. cffort^l”. l^
, espocuiUy to tiieinZ! ***
leowaj vea, with
ich despised catar ••H
Sjarmatorrliosa, » a-^.
ism, MoaturbatuJ
i i sexual organa,
f>y mail (i^Va^J^Cea.
i receipt of TWO %St&
jid Tracts on the
to., arc constantly hUZ?* 8 *
ion. and wilt he' JlrMjb.
cedica and mothodsofSL?*
»t year. ore of great *ah2**’
r ,.t Dr oaAoiJfe,-
Toward Association, ffn •if
L - H.v order ofth*
O. U£AHXWKtL."te*-
[Pec- t-I T .
* ill ..IT-ring to the public a
<i, which iadeitinedtam.
kss rcur.
Mly quickly awing*!,,.
-1 km arUae tMa thl,
-il -.hMimod era it an
. smoko os that TOplcaaui.t
Is nl-o consumed Inside ,r
r dr.n«r of tinea orelilm
■t or Uio mortar loosened I;
-!• ' on an? Invited toc»H ,t
Masonic Temple. awlex
A a cui for JVair Ktomty.
Parlor Cooking and Rr.
[Aog. 12, IM* ‘
i> E L E R ,& CO,
n IT. Drant.)
n\l Railroad Depot,
no, va. .
[/ M- tal. Railroad Iron, tur
..XaiU, Plour^Grch
- ,SiH, <fr.
!• small quantities, slotij
il-.ftuiii. [July k3-lr.
i.a' ImiK-rialCoughSyrup,
:uve't Holland Bitten,
dsey's BloodStarthr,
"hipanco't Gotda Fdlt,
and McLaruf i Bill*,
erchanfs Oarglwff OH,
■:tt'e Fourfold Jtinipietil,
w. J Bone Lenimeni,. '
A BoOSlTSDnigßlor*.
Sia\s. Book
(‘iMrt7, A.dSSBr
li!b large and well stlvcM
,>f - - :
i rf Stationery,Rail
d Book Printing ,
ac-cnt* J,
’o.. Tvpe Fonnde'S, Phlli
’ [July 17,1858-1?
t !i'> I.owirtoWn Apron-]
;i: s with Chronic OfatrrlKM.
E -ia Dw VelYaGaJvohl* OH
c.-hlp, Mifflin county, Po
int Vail's OalvankfOil i"
a-'-s for which It U rcoora
t epoataneously. -1 rseois
min. A. M. INGRAM,
t'.-wohlp, Mifflin co,Ts-
.< >: GAEETTE--
i rinc and Criminal* h 1°
lily rlrcnlated ‘thronghe®]
Great Trials* CWpinJ
- on the some, togetherxli'
•it., hot tobifchhdihw)
mm; f i for otxmonifa. <«
o should \writotb«fro»»''
vb-rc they resMojiHWv
' matsellaw,
V. York Police OmWiL
.V«o ffcfcWy.
-'Writ, the HblWtfitaw’
i’ adore that heMfrefi*”*
rased .perspin,
ri rlest notfooabd’i* Hi*
Just received aJ*)W*{£ 1c
r ize* and itjUftfSimst
i few
il l nesses, „„
i<- comer oTMontgoajO
i wjt, Pa. fraagar-ff-
iv M ( streets, In HoHlmj*;
nstantlyon hand **"
uule order* for
cuts, Table Top*
a manlike tMBIW** -
a* • ■
hat Mrs.
i.t„ used tbtOMvanfe**;
uistown. Pa, R*‘.*
imend lt to
ir very best
ali pain In a ft* *®
i; in the boose.^.
r, ; Inrureace OoWPjR.
-t !oMor<tomO»J!i£2
A SIS3«£
524, ANI^P
ft ff. ««?»**•
jiioCBUH & DE?Jf»
vou t-
* iWhhen end Proprietor!.
. Mtn M| bnriiUT 1b eduaoe,) $1«60
p tf tfaw°.(^ ntlnaad k the expiration of the time
m*mi or ismtiKKo*'
1 insertion 2 do. 3 do.
$ 85 * 37« $ 60
W 75 , 1 00
1 00 1 80 2 00
£0 " 6S u \ 1 60 - 200 360
fu* Jd uu than three months, 25 cent* p?r
**ch hi»*rtloß. o month*. 1 ye*r.
. *1 50 $2 00 2 5 00
Jjllsssor I«**i 2 50 4 00 7 00
uess4»r*> 4 00 .->?« 00 10 00
6 00 ' 8 00 12 00
flrs* AM 10 00 14 00
* io w M oo ao oo
gstfsootaUD, 14 00 26 00 40 00
Cw * ta ’ 001 • XOeeding 8 8 oo
JLT character or individual in*
JffSStX*"*** forbUl and charged according
noUM* Br* cent* per line for every insertion.
notice.ioxc«din« ten line*, fifty cents a square.
TRIBUNE directory.
churches. MINISTERS, fcC.
ftobiUrian, Rev. A B. Cum, Paatar.-Preachln* ev
-.slSuili Burning ot 10U e’clock.aad in Uje waning at
fir rft'ecli b*bb»th School at 3 o'clock,,*. M„ in theilec
j£fcom. Prayv-' HoeUng every Wednesday evening in
R‘v &Canoaros.paitor.—Preach
, fi.rr Sabbkth morning at 11 o'clock and in the evon
toibtlh School in the Lecture Room at 2 o’clock, P.
s Osesral Prayer Mooting in same room every Wednee-
J, (Sciung. Yeung Men’* Prayer Meeting every Friday
hmLliail Laiherim, Rct.Jicob Stick, Paator.—Preach
.■JlvrTv Sabbath morning at 10W o'clock, and at 6U o’clock
S Sabbath Schoof in the Lecture Room at
P. M. Prayer Meeting in tame room every
W. B. Dick, Pa*tor.—Preaching ev
‘ morning at and In the evening at
o’clock. Sabbath School In the Lecture Room at»
A- M. Prayer Moating every Wednesday evening
ie rovm. _ _
jwaiml rp.tropal, Rev. R. W. Ouvui, Paator.—Divine
(~»*« 2d snu <’h Sundays of each month at lU>< o’clock
1 2 JO*>*, tM. Sunday School at 9 o clock A. M.
Wwie, He?. Joun Twiaaa, Pastor.—Preaching atTo}s
.cl In the morning, and at 3>£ in the afternoon,
lhalul Rev. B. H . fits, Paator—Preaching every Sabbath
aennus at lob., o’clock and alao in the evening. Sabbath
(duel at 9 oclock, A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wednee
A „ ... tuii-MUi, Rev. S.vvdkr Can, Paator.—Preaching
,«try tauusih .no ning at 11 o'clock and in the evening, in
lit t+l b'uion School Uouae.
biWd Way a;
4'*tin 11
EoUifcjiburg, \
Westtni Through,
Sown Through Mall
M«3 Through MaU, 7 55 Al M.
WuUrn Through, 7 35 “
lEattrn Way, 7 00 A. M.
luttn “ 0 36 P. M.
BtUldayahorg 7 SO A. M. and 6 15 "
OBt* open fur the transaction of buslnoaa from 6 M A 51.
oTJOP. M., during the weak, and. (ram 7.30 to 8.80 o'-
clock, on Sunday.
Jauo i. ’57-tf] JOHN BHOESIAKER, P. 51.
terns Train Eut arrive* L 25 A. M, leave* 1,30 A. M.
7 “ Weet “ 7,55 “ « «,15 “
feet “ East “ 9,05 P.M. “ 9,20 P. M.
« WeH •• 8,10 P. M, « 8,25 P. 11.
Util “ East “ 7,85 A. M. “ 7,50 A. M.
• « West “ 6,25 P. M., “ -6,40 P. M.
IKfiIOLUPAYSGriIO BRANCH connects with Express
fain Eart and West, and with Mail Train East and West.
ThtBLUKsVII.hK BRANCH connect* with Johnstown
Jij train tael and Welt, Express Train Weet and Mail
fain East.
Sswmbcr 29, 1558. TDOB. A. SCOTT, Sup't.
hn-slrfin lodge, A. Y. M, No. 281, meets on second Tues
~l »f 'noh muiith. in the third.story of the Masonic Tem
fi*.»::;su'clock,.P. M.
ifcLn'fi.n Encampment, A. Y. M, No 10, meets on the
Wfiii Tuesday of each month, in the third story of the Ma
*«lc Temple, at 7ft o’clock. P.M.~ \
Afxmj r «l iV , of 0. No. 173. meets every Friday
* r *nog, in the second story of the Masonic Temple, at 7ft
rtkric, P. M.
ImiiKfa Lodge, I. O. of 0. F., No. 632, meets every Friday
i uclDg, in the third story of Patton's Building, on Virginia
find,st7fto’clock, P.M.
mnstlogo Tribe, No. 35, I. O. R. M., hold, stated Coun
«h ttfry Tu-sdnj evening ha the I. O. 0. V. IlalL in the
, ■• ue Temple. Connell Fire kindled at 7th rnn 30lh
‘•'•sih. W. a. ADAMS. C. of It. [June.2s, '67-Jy
Aanor America, Camp No. 81, meets every Mon
*l night la the third story of Patton’s Hah,,at 7ft o’clock
f. a.
Du/urupon qjmp, Ho. 64 , J. & of A., meets every
evening, In the 2d etory of Patton’s Hall
iJuma fhvtijVm, Ho. ail, S. of T., meets every Satur
•J tvsnlng, in the Odd Fellows’ Hall, Masonic Temple.
*•7. Rosa, D.O. W.; Wm. C. McOorfnlck, P. W. P.; B. F.
«««. W. p. ; c. R. McCrea, W. A.; K. B. McCrara, It. S.;
"»■ McCormick, A. R. 8.; M.Clabahgh, T.; Jacob Renner,
r H ; D. Galbraith, C.; J. V. Clabangb, A. C-; Ifa. Mar
“■M- 3.; B. r. Rose. 0. 8.
diteena UtoSanict' Library and Reading Room.Associa
mwtf statedly on the Ist Saturday evening in Janna
-7 and October.' Board of Directors -meet on
Tuesday evening in each month. Room open from
« o’clock every evening, (Snudsy excepted.^
, AShe* of the Hon. George Taylor.—
'•'cites, J. Penn Jones, David Caldwell.
rptliOHotaru —Joseph Baldridge.' '
Aviitcr mM'/teconfcr—Ungb A. Caldwell.
James Funk. •
oulnct Attomey—Benj. t. Hewlt.
, fomty CoMmiuionen • Jacob Barnhart, J. R. McFtr
■*»«. tnos Jon««. i
jkrb to Comninimcn— Hugh A. Caldweß. w
“wnfife Appraiter—3dmtpb O. Adlan., j ,
“wl^y^Sa^«y<Jr—James ’li ft’
Arfdcri_B.stom>w. 'A. C. MeCwfa»sy, Jos. R. Hewitt.
gpiy-ffiltlam Fog. -4-
if j
*s?* V *** Aneo-Jsedb Ooo* yT."Jili!<3»ehy.’; tf: ‘
tef-B- M. done*, b. . 'U'
Allisoß. Rohert Qrsso, RobSrt .B.
Price. Henry ». Bpwlng. ft -
CbunCtZ—Jidm Allison.
to wenea—Joseph O; Adlan. . ■'
JVtiearer—Daniel Price. - . ! '
>M,v irv %’ r ‘~ c - B - Bi, ik. C. 0. Mnsop,' Ooorge W.
V McOormUat, B. F. B<ws Oeo.B. Cramer.
Saiool Board—Wm. 0. McCormick. •
jß^J a4k r>loßeph K. Bly.
. McMlnri, David Galbraith. j
Bicrbower. Jfy ■
iSauf Michael Clabangb. A. AUosray,
»/ «ee«oa*-Rsst Ward-8. X Alexander. ' ■
« ■ Weet “ B, Greenwood. v t ?
- __ North “ Jacob Bottenherg.
Ward-bßenry 8011, Jacob Szlnk.
u w*st “ B. B. McGrow, Jacob Uesser.
North “ 0. W. Harman. John Condo.
**N ttof Orooerie* have just been re
ttor» of J. B. UILEMAN.
O'toH .BAGS, trunks, um-
“ ndM “•“rtmwrt ef Eeody-Mad# elotlilng.
A TruB
- Bn«i fcf Mit
10 00
7 25 A.M,
7 25 A.M.
T 25 A. M.andfl 00 P.M.
«00 «
7 SO «
*»■ M- &UTOBD.
U onocftbebaat Purgative tnd Liver be
ton toe public, that acts a* a Olttertic, e*.ier, milder and
non jflectnalthan any other mefliclae known. Xtienot
only AOaijuatie, but a Livtr remMy, acting, lint on the
Xmwt to eject tta morbid matter, then on the stomach and
: boweu to carry off that inattar, time accomplishing two
purpMea eflectttaUy, without any of the painful feeling*
experienced in the operations of .moat CaXluxrtia. lt
strengthens the ayatem at the same time that it purge* it:
and when taCen daily in moderate do#**, will atrenathen
. and boiid it up with unusual rapidity. ■ "
The LnrxxU one of the principal regulator* of the
human body: and when it perform* itafunction*well,
the power* of the ijitem are fully developed. The
rfemacA Ualmo*! entirely dependent on the healthy
action of the Liver for the CC proper , performance of it*
fhnctjw*; wljen theitom- . achto at feult, the boweU
are at fault, and the whole Q ayatiem anflera in con*e-;
qoenoe of one organ—the w Litxr—>ha»lngeo«*ed todo
ita duty, Por the diseases t Lj ofthatorgon, one of the
proprietor* has made it hi* V" 1 atndy.b apiactlceof morel
than twenty yean, to find some remedy wherewith to ;
counteract the many do- to-which it i*
liable. /y»;
To prove that this rente
eon troubled with lavas
form*, haa but to try a hot
These Gums remove ell
the system, supplying 4n
of bile, invigorating the
digest well. rinuriißO ut
health to the wholemachi
of the disease— •fleeting a
Batocs Attacks ore cur*
p&evemtss. by the occa
One dose , after eating is
-macb and prevent the food
Only one dose taken be-
Only one dose taken at
els gently, and cores Coe-
One dote taken after each
49* One dose of two tea
leve Sick Headache.
One buttle, taken for fe
the cause of the disease.
Only one dose immediate-.
One dose often repeated
Mouses, and a preventive
49* Only one buttle is
system the effects of modi-
Jt&r One bottle taken for
lowness or unnatural color
One dose taken a short
vigor to the appetite, and!
One dose often repeated
its worst forms, while Sum
yield almost to the first
One or two doses cured
In children: there ft no
remedy in tire world, as it
A few bottles cores Propay
We take pleasure in te
as a preventive for Fever
all Fevers of a Bilious typo,
and thousands are willing
virtues. j
All who use It are giving their unanimous testimony in
its favor.
•5- Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and
swallow both together.
working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if
by magic, teen, the fir tt dote giving benefit, and seldom more'
than one bottle Is required to cure any kind of Liver Com
plaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dgtpeptia to a common
Headache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liter.
DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, 315 Broadway, New York.-'
4®. Sold by Q. W. Kessler, Altoona; and retailed by
all Druggists. [May 27.1858.-ly
More than 500,000 bottles
' The Restorative of Prot.O. J. Wood for Restoring hair
perfectly and permanent!], has never yet had a rival, vol
ume after volume might ho given from oil parts of the
world and from the most intelligent to prove that it it a
perfect Restorative; bnt read the circular and you cannot
doubt; read aim the following.
49* The Hair.—-People have for centuries been afflicted
with bald beads and the only remedy, heretofore known,
has Been those abominable wigs. By a recent discovery of
Professor Wood these articles are being Ikst dispensed with,
but-a great many persons'still patronise them, because
they have been 60 often imposed upon by Hair Tonics of
diSeredt kinds. To ail such persons we earnestly make
the request, that they will try once again, for in Wood’s
Restorative there ia no such thing as foil. We-know of a
lady who was bald, who used the article a short time, and
her head is now covered completely with the tiniest and
most beautiful curls imaginable. We know of nnmerons
cases where hair was rapidly foiling out, which it restored
in greater perfection than it ever had been before.
It is also without doubt one of the best articles for keep
ing the hair in good condition, making it soft and glossy,
removing dandruff, and has proved itself the greatest ene
my to all the ills that hair is heir bl
it is the duty of every one to improve their personal ap
pearance though some may. differ Tn regard to the ways of
doing it; bnt every one will admit that a.beautiful head of
hair, either in man or woman, is an object much to be de
sired, and thure are no means that shoh|d ho left untried to
. obtain such a consideration. — IPimun’t Advocate. Philo,
j Coshocton, Ohio; Nov. 17, 1856.
' 10. J. WOOD A CO.—Gents: As 1 have been engaged In
-selling your,Hair Restorative the hut season for one of
your local agefits (R. M. Hackinson.) and having eiperl
euced the beneficial effects of it myselfi i would like to’ob
tain an agency for the State of Ohio or some State in the
West, should you wish to make such oh arrangement, as 1
am convinced there it nothing equal to it in the Vnited iSlates ,
for ratoring the hair: 1 have been engaged in the Drug
business for several years, and have {^d’various prepara
tions for the hair, buthaye found nothing that restores tire
secretive organa or invigorates the scalp os well as yonrs,
being fully convinced that your restorative Is what you
represent it to be, I would like to engage in the sole of it;
fur lam satisfied It must sell. Tours truly. ’
WaylaniLMasa., Fi b. 6.1857.
PROF. 0. J. WOOD A CO,M3ents: Having realized the
good effects of your Hair Restorative, I wish to state, that
finding my hair growing thin, os' well as gray, 1 was in
duced from what I read and bean), to try the article pre
pared by yon, to promote its growth and change its color
as it was in youth, both of which It has effected complete
ly. in the operation I have used nearly three battles.
Yours Ac, ' - JAMES FRANCIS.
O. J. Wood A Co, Proprietor* 312 Broadway, New York,
(tn the great N. Y. Wire BaUihg Establishment,) and 114
Market St, St. Louis, Mo. : •
For sale by G. W. KEBBLEB, Altoona, and by all good
Druggists. fJuno 8,1858-Iy.
9. R. OOOIb V. It ■ J 3. U OSMXIU. N. 9.
r\ its. good & gemmill hav
-1 / IXO entered into Partnership In the Practice of
Medicine, respectfully tender their eervicfcs to the Public
in the several branches of their Profession.
Calls answered either dayofnlght at their office
—which is the same as heretofore occupied by Dr*. Hirst
A Oood, —orat the Logan House.
O.vno GlunsT, M.DI. Prof Obstetrics in Peuii’a Medical
' CoUegeJphiladelphia.
F. OdinriStnTß. M. D., Prof. Institutes of In
Pcnn’a' Medical College. ;
Joint Nntx, M. D., Prof Surgery in Pa. Ued. CoL, and Sur
geon to the Pa. HoepitaL Philadelphia .* ! -
J. B. Laden. M D, Huntingdon, Pa M
John McCulloch, MD/ ** .» ,; A/’.* /
Johp Scott, Eeq, ",
. . TTm Dorris, Jr, Esq, “ '
Bra M Lloyd. Esq, UoUidaytbufg, ,
Jolm Cresswcll, Jr. Esq. “ -
Samuel MllHken, Esq, BetTs Mills,
OenßFßcll, “
John 8011, Esq, - “ <
April 21st, 15693 m
SPECTFUr.LT offers hi* profess
service* to the people of Altoona and the
joining countiy. -.jmpj
He may be found at the office heretofore oo> VBh
copied by Dr. 0. D. Thomas. '
Altoona, Sept SO, IWS.-tf
• Offers bis iirofeeatonal services to the eiUxens of
Aitoonnand vicinity.
The best of references can be given If required.
Office at residence on Branch street, East Altoona, three
doors above Conrad’s Store. [April 38 ’69-ly.
tnniliMm 6 Oe*i Thfoat Ptes Shirts
dy 1* at last found, any per-
OOJIPUIST, in .any of Its
tie, and conviction ia cer-
| morbid or bad matter from
their place a healthy flow
stomach, causing food to
auop, giving tone and
nery, removing the cause
«d, Ann, what is better,
sfonal use of the Lrrza lx
sufficient to relieve the sto
from rising and souring,
iretirinjs, preventi
1 F
night, loosens the the bow
mralwill cure Dyspepsia
spoonsful will always r»
male obstruction remove
and makes a perfect eure.
ly relieves Cholic, while
Is a sure cure for Choler
of Cholera.
needed to throw ont of ths
cine after a long sickness.
JABHWtEI removes all sal
from the Skin.
time before eating' gives
makes the food digest well
cures Chronic Diarrhoea in
mer and Bowel complaints
attacks caused by Works
surer, safer, or specdiei
never failt.
by exciting the absorbents
commending the medicine
and Ague, Chill Fever, and
It operates with certainty,
to testify to its wonderful
■ oc
A Western Rallrciad Dream.
[“Oonuptmg {he air With notaome amelia iaaa aettona
oeoßladtdtone’a 2X7, vol.
; Sitting In a railcar, flying On by ateam,
Eeadagainat the casement, dreamed a curious dream;
Yet I could nut-think-it all a thing Ideal,
for though very was vary teal. .
Pint there came a gentleman in patent leather,
Collar, boeom, wristband, Raglan, for the weather;
Inthe height of feahlpn, watch-key, hat, and glove,
And with air profep’nal, tpd upon the stove.
Maar him eat a poraou, telling how the Lord *
Sent tbegreatrevivaU, bleeeed the preached word;
But my dream, discovered he was uot above
Hooeydew or Sue cut, spitting on the stove.
Next came in 'pocket* full of cash,
Talked about tbecoujitry going all to smash.;
“ ’Twas the momtn’t dr using, did the thing, bg Jove,"
Sipped a little brandy, spit upon the stove.
Then a jolly (toner, ragging of his wheat,
Thought bis bogs and; horses nowhere could be beat:
“Like to sell his Uurbams by the head or drove,”
Kept bis jaws a wagging, spit upon the stove.
Paddy thought 'tWas ‘‘ qnare like, to be sitting still
All the whilst a goin’Vpvet bog and bill
*■ ’Twas a glorious cuttntbry, sure,” as he could prove
Equal to his betters, Spitting on the stove.
Witless, perfumed dandy, putting on bis airs,
flourished diamond breastpin, smoked in forward ear;
Talked about Lamoreaux, - such a perfect love,”.
Twirl'd a carrot moustache, spit upon the stove. ,
Little boy in short coat, wants to be a m.n,
following example as.the surest plan;
Watches geut and parson, copies every move.
And wi»h fat and trader, spit upon the stove.
Soon the flying railcar, reeks wl*h nauseous steam,
Ladies almost hunting, children in a scream;
Husband asking lady-t-“ what’s the matter love?
Have a glass of water!” spits Upon the stove.
On we go still tying, not a breath of air,
fit for Christian people, in that crowded car;
Sickening, bunting, dying, ladies make a move,
Oent throws np the window, .spite upon the store.
i Now, perchance, this dreaming was not all a dream;
: Think I’ve had a steaming, travelling by steam;
: ’XU a public nuisance, Any one can prove,
“ All the! air ccjrrnptln j—spitting on the stove.”
Talk of ladies’ flounces, ribbens, Jewels, flowers,
Crinolines andiperftunes, gossip, idle hours;
1 Put ail faults together! which men can’t approve,
; And they’re not a maljeh for—spitting on the stove.
Jlflcd lliscdlanj).
“ If ever, X marry/' Kate Yale used to
say, half in; jest,; half in earnest, “the
happy man, or the unhappy man, if you
please, hal ha I shall he a person pos
sessed of these three qualifications; first,
a fortune j second, good looks ; third, com
mon sense.
“ I mention the fortune first, because I
think it the most needful and desirable
qualification of the three. Although .1
never could think' of marrying a fool, or a
man whose ugliness 1 should be ashamed
of, .still I think to talk sense for the one,
and shine foH*the other with plenty of
money, would be to living ob
scure with a handsome intellectual man—
to whom economy might be necessary."
I ao not know how much of this senti
ment came from Kate’s heart. She un
doubtedly indulged inf lofty ideas of sta
tion and style— her education In the
duties and aims of life had been deficient,
or rather erroneous; but that she was ca
pable of deeper, hotter feeling, none ever
doubted- who have obtained even a. partial
glimpse of her true woman’s nature.
< And the time, arrived when Kate was
to take that all-important step of which
she had often spoken so lightly —when
she was to demonstrate to her friends how
much of her heart was in the words we
have just quoted. v'; v %
At the enchanting age of eighteen she
had many suitors 1 ; but as she never gave
a serious thought to more than two, we
will follow her example, and, discarding
aU others/except those' favored ones, con
sidering their relative claims. . '
If this were any other than a true story,
I should oertuiulj use gu artist’s privilege,
and aim to produce an effect by making a
strong contrast between the two favored
individuals.; If I could have my own way
one should be a poor gen ions and some
thing uf a hero, the otber a wealthy fool
and somewhat of a knave.
• But the truth ik—our poor genius—was
not: much of a very poor eith
er. He was by .prpfeksion a teacher of
mnkic, and V comd live very comfortable
by ihe exercise thereof—withoutthe most
distant hope, however, of ever attaining
to wealth. ’Moreover, •Francis Minot pos
sessed excellent || alities, whiCh entit ed
him to be called py elderly people, a “ fine
character,” by his companions, a “ noble
good fellow,” and by ; the ladies geneally,
a.“darling.” ■ . v
Kate could not help loving Mr. Frank,
and he knew it. He was certain she pre
ferred his society even to that of h£r,
Wellington, whom alone be saw fit to hbn
or with t!ie appellation of a rival. .
This Mr. Wellington, (bis companion
called him “Duke/') was no idiot orhump
baok, as I could have wished him to be, in
order to make a good story. On, the con
trairy he was a man of sense, good looks,
and line manners,! and therk was nothing
[independent in everything.]
of the knave about Min,; as I could oyer
Besides this, his inepme was sufficient
to enable him to lire superbly. Also,he
was considered two or three degrees hand*
somer than Mr. F. Minot.
Therefore", the Duly thing on which
Frank had to depend, was the power he
possessed over Kate’s sympathies and af
fections. The “ Duke,” although just, the
man for her in every sense, being blessed
with a fortune, good looks and common
sense—bad never been able to draw these
out, and the amiable, conceited Mr. Frank
was not willing to believe that she would
suffer mere worldly considerations to con
trol the aspirations of her heart.
However, one day, he pressed her to
declare his fate, she said to him, with a
sigh: .
“ Oh, Frank, I am sorry we ever met.”
“ Sorry!"
“ Yes; for we must part now.”
“ Part!” exclaimed Frank, turning pale.
It was evident he had not expected this.
“ Yes—-yes,” said Kate, casting down
head with another piteous sigh.
Fraqk sat by her side ; he; placed his
arm around her waist, without heeding her
feeble resistance ;he lowered hia„ voice,
and talked to her until she —proud Kate
—wept, bitterly.
u Kate,” said he, then, with a burst of
passion, “ I know you love me, but you
a; e proud, ambitious, selfish ! Now if you
would have me leave you, say the word and
I go.” '
“ Go —go,” murmered Kate, feebly.
“ Have you decided?” whispered Frank.
“ I have.”
“ Then, love, farewell!”
He took her hand, gazed a moment ten
derly and sorrowfully into her beautiful,
tearful face, and then clasped her to his
' She permitted the embrace. She even
gave way to the impulse, and twined her
arm around his neckj but in a moment her
resolution came to her aid, and she pushed
him from her with a sigh.
“ Shall I go ?” he articulated.
A feeble yes fell from her lips, and an
instant later, she was lying on the sofa,
sobbing and weeping alone.
To tear the tenacious root of love out of
ter heart had cost her more than she could
have anticipated; and the certainty of a
golden life of luxury proved but a poor
consolation, it seemed, for thosacrifice she
bad made.
She lay upon the sofa, sobbing and
weeping passionately. Gradually hergrief
appeared to exhaust itself. Her tears
ceased t© flow, and at length her eyes and
cheeks were dry. Her head was pillowed
on her arm, and her face was half bidden
in fi flood of beautiful curls.
The struggle was over. The agony was
past. She saw Mr. Wellington enter, and
rose cheerfully to meet him.' His man
ners pkased her- —bis station and fortune
fascinated her more. He offered her his
hand—rshe accepted it. A kiss scaled the
engagement —but it was not such a kiss
as Frank had given her, and she could
scarcely repress a sigh.
, There was a magnificent wedding.—
Splendidly attired, dazzling-the eye with
her .beauty thus adorned, with everything
around swimming in the charmed atmos
phere of fairy land, Kate gave her heart
to the man her ambition—not her love—
had chosen.
Hut, certainly ambition could npt have
made a better choice. Already she saw
herself surrounded by a magnificent court,
of which she was the acknowledged and
admitted quech. The favors of fortune
were showered upon her, she floated luxu
riously upon the srqooth and glassy wave
of a charmed life.
Nothing was wanting in the whole cir
cle of her existence to adorn it, and make
it bright with happiness. Butshe wasnot
long in discovering that thejre was some
thing .wanting in her breast.
Her friends were numerous, her bus
band tender, kind and loving; but all the
attentions and affections could not .fill her
heart. She had once felt its chord and
sympathy moved by a skillful touch—she
had known the heavenly ohatin of the
deep, delicious harmony, and now they
were, silent, motionless, muffled, so to
speak, in silks and satins. .These chords
were still and soundless ; her heart was
dead, none the less so because killed by a
golden shot, having known and felt the
life of smpathy in it, uncons.oled by the
life of luxury. In short, Kate in time
heenme magnificently miserable, splendid
ly unhappy, . \ •
'Then a change beeatnc apparent in her
husband. He cooldpotremaln;iongblindv
tojthe fact that his love was not returned.
He sought the company of those whose
gkiiety might lead .him to forget the sor
ro#i and despair of bU nodi. This shal
low joke, however, was unsatisfactory, and
impelled by a powerful longing for love,
be {, went astray to warm hm heart by a
strange fire. v
Kate saw herself now in the midst of a
gorgeous desolation, burning with a thirst
unconquerable by golden streams that
flowed around her—panting with a hunger
which all the. food of flattery and admira
tion could not appease. ’ s^':';
She reproached her husband for despr-
ting her thus, and he answered her with
angry and desperate taunts of deception,
and a total lack of love, which smote her
conscience heavily.
“You do not care for me,” be said,
“then why do yon complain that I; bestow
elsewhere the affection you have met with
coldness V*
“ But it ia wrong-sinful,” Kate remon
strated. ■'
“Yes, I know it,” said her husband,
fiercely. “It is the evil fruit of an evil
seed. And who 'sowed the ?eed ? Who
g»ve me a hand without a heart.’ Who
became a sharer of my fortune, but gave
me no share in her sympathy ? Who de
voted me to the life of a loving, unloved
husband? Nay, do not weep, and clasp
your hands, and. sigh and sob with sucn
desperation of impatience, for I say noth
ing you do not deserve to hear.” *
“Very well,” said Kate. “I do not
say your reproaches are undeserved. But
granting I aw’ the cold, deceitful thing
you call me, yon know this state of things
cannot continue.”
“Yes, I know it”
“ Well?”
Mr. Wellington's brow gathered darkly
bis eyes flashed with determination—his
lips curled with scorn.
“ I have made up my mind,” said ho,
“ that we should not live together any
longer. I am tired of being palled the
husband of the splendid Mrs. Wellington.
I will move in my circle; you,shall shine
in I will place no restraint on
your actions, nor 4hall you on mine* We
will be free.” ‘
“ But the world !” shrieked poor Kate,
“The world will admire yod the same
—and wbut more do you desire ?” asked
her husband, bitterly. “ This damage
of hands and not of hearts is mockery.—
We have played the farce long enough.—
Few understand the true meaning of the
terms husband and wife; but do you know
what they should mean ? Do; you feel
that the only true union vs that of love
and sympathy ? Then enough of this
mummery. Farewell. I go to consult
friends about the terms of separation.—
Nay, do not tremble and cry, and cling to
me now—l shall be liberal to you. As
much of my fortune shall be yours as you
desire.” ;
He pushed her from him. She fell
upon the sofa. From a heart torn with
anquish she shrieked aloud;
“ Frank 1 Frank 1 why did I send yon
from me ? Why was I blind until sight
brought me misery ? ;.
She lay upon the sofaTsobbing and weep
ing passionately. Gradually ben grief ap
peared to exhaust itself, her breathing be
came calm ; her eyes and cheeks dry; her
head lay peacefully on her arm, oven which
swept her dishevelled tresses—until, with
a start, she cried :
“ Frank I oh, Frank—cotne back !"
“ Here I am,” said a soft voice by her
side. She raised her head. She opened
her astonished eyes. Frank was standing
before her.
“ You have been asleep," he said, smi
ling kindly. . :
“ Asleep!”
“ And dreaming, too, I should any, not
pleasantly, either."
“ Breaming!" murmured Kate, “ and
is it all a dream
“ I hope so,” replied Frank, taking her
band. “ You could not mean, to send me
away from you so cruelly, I know. So I
waited in your father’s study, where I
have been talking with him all of an hour.
I came back to pleiad my cause once more,
and found you hero where I; left you,
asleep." ' ' jv '
“ Oh, what a horrible dream !’’ mur
mured Kate, rubbing her eyes. ?“ It was
so like a terrible reality, that I shudder to
thinof it. I thought X was married I"
“ And would that be so horrible 1” asked
Frank, “ I hope, then, yon did hot dream
you were married to v me I" \ ]
“ No, I thought ! gave my hind with
out my heart.” HI
“ Then, if you gave \iue your hand, it
would nut be without your heart
“ No, Frank,” said Elate, her bright
eyes beaming happily through hdr tears,
“ and here it is.” ;
And soon there was a real xnaniage—
not a splendid, bat a happy one-rlbllowed
by a 1 fe of love and contentment! and that
was the marriage of Frank Minot and Kate
Yale. :pi
Pi kled Bogs.— At the season of the
year when eggs are plentiful, boil some
four or six dozen in a capacious Saucepan,
until they become ({bite'hard. Then, af
ter carefully removing the shells, lay them
in large-mouthed jam, andponr oyer them
scalding vinegar, well seasoned with whole
pepper, allspice, a few races of ginger, and
a few cloves of garlio. When cold, bung
down closehrl and ii) a month they.are fit
for use. Wnere eggs are plentiful, the
above pickle is by no means expensive.
tlng for the British soldiers, the
cloth is piled lap, placed between two
boards put If the shape of patters, and
compressed. end then sawed qatt ent
tmg - one hundred or' more" gwpeota at
once- ■' " !' I: ' ■ :
Envy is a mean passion. It netAei
consults reason nor waits until the judfc
ment is exercised. It uses all the appS*
anoee that can be brought to bear upon #|
subject Like the cormorant) it **«r oat
the substance of everything outside o f
itself and then turns and preys upon ill
own- vitality / and strange to say, that ifc
feeding oponitaelf, it grows and strengths
ens and becomes more 01 pable of perform*
ing ita destructive work. The envioua
person em never be happy. The thing
is impossible. As well expect the cornitK
rant to bo out of pain and experieoqi
pleasure with its sharp beak on ita own
hearty and drawing forth the fluid by which
its life is sustaiued. If the silly bird that
drinks its own blood can be at rest end'
satisfied, then may ah.envious nun pro*
nounce himself contented. But while the
wound is open and bleeding, the proceai
of destruction must bo going on; end the
result is inevitable. When the last drop
is drawn forth, the work is finished. Envy
destroys itself with the destruction of its
possessor. But the worst of all is that
while envy is doing its work of destine*
tion in the heart that entertains it, nou
of the parties are at all hurt of disquieted.
The vile passion can only prey upon itself;
/It can do no barm outside of the. poor
[mistaken, bosom that affords it a hajrpor,
This Queer World.— The following
eloq uentpassage closes the Beecdhnhw
Address of Hon. A. B. Longstreet, Pn£
dent of the South Carolina College, al
Columbia, to the recent graduating class?
u You are embarking noon a strange'
world my .young friends. It banished Ar
istides, poisoned Socrates, murdered
and crucified the Lord of Glory, Thn
spirit of Themistocles, of * M aliens, of An-:
thony and Caiaphos is still in the world*
greatly subdued and" law-bond, to be. ju*&
but not extinguished. You may expecV
therefore, at tijmes to be depressed by yoiir
rivals, condemned for your patriotism,"and
tormented for your benefactions; to barn
your confidence abused, your integrity <le*
rided and to suffer, a thousand impositions
in smaller matters—-from thosefrom whom
you had S right to. expect better things.—
These are hard things to bear, sayyotf.
They are so, my young friends, and you 1
never will bear them as you should, unless
you take the good book for your guide,
and look daily to its Author forauppUsa
of strenght sufficient for your trim, fid
this, and all will be well at last. ‘ With
that chart in your hand, now launch your
barque upon the troubled ocean of mb';
and when the squalls strike you, be at
least as prudenTns the common sailor, and
be found hard, at the helm, .with your
chart before you and your eye fixed oh
Bethlehem’s star. ~ : ; -<s
The Dying Kevze Weep. —ltisa
striking fact —ike dying never. toeep.Tha
circle of sobbing, agonized hearts arcgnd,
produces not one tear. Is it thatheis
insensible and stiff alread y in the chlQ'of
dissolution ? That, cannot be; for be asks'
for bis Other's band, as if to gain strength
in the mortal struggle, and leans on the
breast of brother or sister, with
still conscious affection; and just before
expiring, at eve, after a long day’s con*
vers- with the Angel of Summons, he
says to his oldest brother—the last audfi*
ble good night of earth—— 44 Kiss me— kiss
me!” It must be because the dying have
reached a point too deep for earthly cry.
ing and weeping.. They are face to face
with higher and holier beings, with the
Father In heaven; and bis angel throng,
•led ou by the soh himself; and what are
the griefs of a morning, tears of a dying
farewell—-be it that they are shed by the
dearest on earth—in that vision bright of
immortal lifeiand everlasting reunion I
The Dbop Game. — A young Londoti
swell, whilst waiting for the train atYoHe;
went ipto a tavern, and east about Sot
some amusement. Feeling secure in tbf
possession of the most money, he made
the following offer; “I will drop money
into a hat with any man in the room.*-*
The man who holds out the longest shell
take the whole and treat the company."
“ I’ll do it,” said an old farmer. The
cockney dropped in a shilling; the farmer
followed, with another. “Go on,” said
the cockney, dropping in another,
won't’’ said the Yorkshireman; “take the
whole, aid treat the company.”
- v t,.:
Religion at Home. —Religion begin*
in the family. One of the holiest sanottf*
arias on earth is home.. The family altar
is Wore venerable than any altar inf#
church built with hands. The edndatioMf
of the soul for eternity begins by the
side. The principle of love which is to
carried through the universe is first on*
folded in the family. u Let them learh
first," says the apostle, “to show piety aft
fl&u The Reason why a sailor is fss||s4
a tar, is because he is constantly pStoww
about on the ocean.
it ui through
we.ebjoy all outward things. .V
I ' H '*»
NO. It
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