H/BBT BEIHCH JJf BXOCB AMD M9ALTJJ UTBVRAIfCM OOUfAVT, > OPLOCK HATEf, PA. E KBBB, Asm, Ax-roon, Pa. WBtMiiNcMlinnnaßUkaMA A)agt*»fint ckaa BMaMi nillhaad Cattle at tsaaMahlaHtafc . QiMiUTMaMt of this Company to Aim lawman *a*s«£,<waetiro life byattkneaa or seettw^«*lethe aaMttAtMdt. fmt Instant*, by paying at tha sab of t«OTi«ryaar, (tn« weokiy 15 * MOTT** %)00 «;!*:■• -dor, ■“.;■_■■ »oo »JOD do do 10 00 •Wf- do do 3»« «»# do do . d»00 MOT 1 do do SO 00 ■ i \ menu D CHarrey, Pres’t, T T Abram, Tic* Mt, T}»* Kitchen, Soe’y, K’mFaaraon.Treas., OKJidmu, • VatarOfcfrlnaon, WmWblto, ChooA jffiyer, SaaaolChrift, 2ohnßUa|l. snbmlt the followingteattmonial fteCi Oorernor Wm. F. Packer, showing the reputation of -thaCompany athomo: Wnxjjupmmr, August 5,1857. * ?daa personally acquainted withtbol>lre<*or« andOffl con of the West Branch Insurance Company at Lock Um tsd, Pa, mod cheerfaJJ t be*r*eetjrao»ry to their Wgh char acter as bunnesa men. A company under thetr eontro! •fil -wrttwbtedly bo safely and prudently managed, aud ■tilesacs which it may sustain honorably adjusted. Mayfi,M«Mim 11/I*ARIA L. DE PEtSTER MEMO- Xtl Mill SOHOOIm—This institution, which la located mAltooua, Blair County, Penn's, will be opened on the Ist HOBDAY in MAY. It is intende das a permanent Schoolj and wfll,connect with it a Stale A female Department. In ■p* ■ Male department, young men will be instructed with afisw to their entering the advanced classes of ourbest Collease; or. If desired, their education completed. In the fWMIe department, Instruction will be giren in any, or all of the different branches, either solid or ornamental, taught IB Our best Female Seminaries. The year will be divided Into two Sections of live months «Wh—the Summer Session to commence on the let Mon dayof Slay, ending on the lost Wednesday of September— Winter Session to commence on the Ist Monday in No vember, ending on tli* lost Wednesday of March. The Bastions will he divided into two quarters of eleven weeks itch. Terms, per quarter, as follows—viza j SOLID BRANCHES. Primary (including Sending, Writing, Orthog raphy, Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geography, Ac.) $l,OO Advanced (Including the Natural Sciences, Matbo- MAfeAMental and Moral Philosophy, Logic, the Lan guages aadCompositiopAc.) ' $6,00 ; EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. Music (Inclodiug nae of Instrument) $lO,OO Jntwfeg, s.<oo Painting (In water Colors) 3.00 Needle work, 2,00 - Instruction* in meal music gratia. One half the above chargee, to be pah! invariably In advance. B.W. OUTER, SnpermUndent Stale JJtp't. s A. B. CLARK, “ fimtde “ Mr.———. Principal qf Me •* ilins C. M. CLARK, <• Female ■“ March 10, im-tf SA VIN Cr FUN D . NATION AL B/.FKTV TRUST COMPANY.—Caumszn nx ihe Ct*ts or Pa.v»svLTAJas. 1. Uuncy : is received every day, and in any amount, large or smalt 2-Ftvjt m esar. Interest is paid fur money from the day it U put in. 3. Th« money is always paid back to sold, whenever it is called for, and without notice. \ t Honey is received from Eztenlort, Jdiqinitlratr.rt, Guardiam, and others who desire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can l*o obtained for it. 1 5. The money received from depositors is invested hr Hist. JSmu. JdoßToAors, Oeoesc rk.ms, and such other tint class securities as the Charter directs. 0. Office . flours—Every day from 9 till 5 o'clock, and on Mondays aud 'i'hunday• till 8 o'clock in tlio evening. HON. XI. LBENNKIt. President. BOBURT SELFRIDOE, Tice President. W. J. RUUD, Secretary. DIRECTORS JIuKRT L. BE.XXBH, Farscis La*. Entrsan b. Carter, F. Csrbou. Baswsieit, Ksceet Siu-kioos, Joseph B. Bjuutr, .Pehcel K. Asbtos, Joseph Tehees, C, Lendesth Mps.vs, Uenbt InmuKUERPta. Office : Walnut Street, £. W. Corner of Third Bt. Phila- April 1-tth, '69-Iy. •‘"Af AGNUM EST VEOTIGAL If 1 PARSIMONIA.”—Did every one who reads the heading of title artieie bnl understand Its meaning, they Would Immediately repair to ol JOHN O’DONNELL, FA SHI ONAB L E TAILOR , Main St- Altoona, a few doors below the Red Lion Hotel, tiud select a rail of clothes from the large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which ha-has just received from the Fast, feeling sure that in doing so they would be carrying out the motto. . Ills not necessary here tomention the dUfereutstylesnnd quantltlet, of tba goods on hand, suffice it to «ay]tliat he ha» every thing la tirer tine of gentlemen's weard and ho knows how to make It up lit a fashionable and durable style, on . terms ns reasonable as those of any other mer chant Tailor In the place. Give him a call and yon will soon discover that you can carry ont liio motto adopted by dealing with him. April 2S, '59-tf. CHEAP GOODS AT McCQRMIVK’ S STORE. JUST ARRIVED, AND NOW BE ING opened, a very extensive assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, of all the different varieties usually kept In country atom, carefully selected in quality and stylo to salt the season, consisting. In the Dry Goods department, of Prints, lawns, 9hallys, B#lalu*“, 4c., Ac, in all their variety. Also—Ladles, Misses and Gent’s Gaiters, Boots A Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Ac, Ac. Hardware, Quetnswart, Cedarware, Itghem, Palm Leaf and Panama Halt, Chjfee, Sugar, Tea, ~ Molasses,Bice, Dried Peaches, <&., Dried Beef, ' , Sugar-Cured Hams, Shoulders, Side*, rfc, all of which will bo sold or exchanged for all kinds of pro dneO,such as Butter, Eggs, lard. Tallow, Kags,:Boap, and Grain of any kind, as low if not lower'than any other honso in town. Being very thankful for past patronage, wo will consider it a verf great favor to receive a visit from our friends, and be mnchgratified in having the pleasure of showing them our Goods. Altedha, May 6 1859. A. McCOT.MICK. TTATS,! HATS! '.—SPRING AND JLl_4lCM3lffiß STTiKS. Ihe subscriber has fust returned from the city with a large and well selected stock of Men and Boys’ HATS OF , AND ALL GAPS, • JH^ST YLES, FOIL SPRING & MMMER WEAR, of every color and shape. - Also, a good! 'assortment of AHD MISSES FLATS, " \ of different varieties, all of which will be sold ' ; CHEAP FOR CASH. nraons In want of anything in the above line, will please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 am determined to eell at the very lowest pesalble prices. . Store on Virginia street, opposite tfielutheran church. Altoona, April 28,165041 JESSE SMITH. A STONE & CO’S GLASS PRE « gtHVISO JARS, for preserving alt kinds of Fresh Mince Meat,Oysters, andaUsuelt ptr * tS-Tbo main Wprct ofpeoacrvmg fruit in * fresh condi tion, coashtaiu haring it thorongluy heated when sealed up, «nd In expelling all the air there may be in the weasel, w that when the frtoteoofa it wIU fonn a vacuum. ’ W« are now manufacturing the above Patent Jar, (hav ing bought the right from Meters. A.fitoneA Co., and are gnpemd to. fill aU orders at short notfce. Wi famish Covers, Wire* and Cement, 'with printed dl n) thins wftt Manufactured and eold Wholesale ; CUNNINGHAMS & CO, GlatsManufactUTti% April 28, US9-flm No. 109 Water St., Pittsburg, Fa. •TUQUORS. —A LARGE AMOUNT ■ ?.A M well' selected LIQUORS haa been received HOUSE,” Hollldaysbnrg, which will be Mm At tn* lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The 'jBHl W'hn Wants has only to coil. [Dec. 17, tf. OREAT WESTERN INSURANCE ''AND TRUST COSIP ANT—lnsurance on Real or Mnonal property will be effected on the most reasonable fsßßghy weir agents In Altoona at bis office in Anna St. •ItarflT, 18W. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. T EVX’S PREPARATION FOR EX 'jLi’termlnatlng RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and Jfadihngs withost danger in Its use under any circamstan WW-far aaU at the Drag Store of ■'TpKaC ’BO-tfl G.W. KESSLER. AM TARTER, SUPER-CARBO HOf Soda, Salamtus, Washing Soda, Sudcea's OVdsr, In store and for sals at A. ROUSH’S Drag Store. IS DfVITP) TO jos*l»cf tie RULES. WOOD, EDDY & CO.'S 1 SSLAWABK STATS , lotteries! ! CAPITAL FBESB $35-00011 TICKETS $lO. i WOOD, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS. SUCCESSORS TO OREOOST 4 MJUST. ' ■ ,md6ritg ° ed ’ kaTlng become owner* of TBBABOVB LOTTKJiY CHAUXEg UTDBLAWABX oSu-tothcpaMltt um AMUnotog ocherne, to be drawn each Wednesday la APRIL, 1859, at. Wilmington, Delaware, in public, «m -«r no aoperintendence cfeworn mwnbti«lnnw» |ejpcfat ed by the OoTernor. c Glass 266 Draws Wednesday, May 4,1869. Class 278 Draws Wednesday, May 11, 1559. Class 290 Draws Wednesday, May 18, 1859. Class 802 Draws Wednesday, May 25,1859. TEHETT-yOUB | THOUSAND TOUR HUNDRED AND ! TWELTZ PRIZES! ' U ' ' Nearly afe Prize to every two Ticket*! W Swßben-14 Drawn Ballots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME;* N , TO B MUmi j ‘ ... EACH WEDNESDAY IN MAY.; 1 TriM of *35,600 ia ' ! *35,000 ■ ' ■ l-“‘ 18JW0- i 1 - 10,000« 1 “ T,500“ I “ 6,000* 1“ 84##“ SORrUcaof . 1,000 ar» » “ , 600 * 40 “ 800 “ 268 “ 200 “ M « 100* *0 “ i 128 « : 40 “ 5 6408 u i 20 44 28,224 “ J , ■ 10“ £4,412 i'riioa amounting to Whole Ticket* $10 —Halves s6 — Quarter! $2,50 Ccwticatea of Puckagce will be aold at the following »tes,Twhicb la-tboriek. OrtMcatcis of .Package of 28 Whole ticket* ;« “ 26 Half “ ' “ SO Quarter “ DEL A WARE LOTTERY—CLASS KO. 308, i DRAWS ON BATCRDAT, AIAY 28th, 1859. 76 Nundxn —l4 Drxnm Ballait. 1 Grand Capital Prize of $70,000! ■ 1 Prize of $30,000 0 Prizes of *20,00 1 “ “ 12,500 65 « « 1,000 1 “ “ 10,000 288 “ “ iOO 1 “ •* 4,045 Ae„ Ac, Ac, ■ 31,535 Prices amouuting to $1,066^961 J ITAole Tickets $3O; Halves $10; Quarter* $6. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the amount of money to our address, for what yon with to purchase; name the lottery la which yon wish it fares ted, and whether you wish Wholes, Halves nr Quar tecs, on receipt of-whicb, we send whs-t is ordered, by Unit mail, together with the scheme. IpimMiately after the drawing, the drawn numbers will he sent with a written explanation. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give the name of their Post Office. County and State. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. , Those who prefer not sending money br mail, can ode THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, : whereby money for Tickets, in sums ef Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be sent us AT OCR RISK AND EXPENSE, from any city or town where they have an office. The money and order must be enclosed in a u GOVERNMENT POST OFFICE STAMPED ENVELOPE,” or the Express Company cannot receive them. ' , . Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Moil or Ex press, to be directed to WOOD. EDDY A Co„ ' Wilmington, Delaware.; AAA REw A R D!—THE v/ jUVy above sum was actually given to my Patrons during the year 1858. iNOTICE. DI'ANE RCUSON, Proprietor of the Great Gift Book House, Kjo. 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, continues the sale of Cooks ns usual. A Gill werth from 25 cents to $lOO sent with every Book $BOO WORTH OF GIFTS ! Consisting of Gold und SilverJSalekes, _J . Fine Gold Jeicelry. ifc.. Will he Distributed with every One Thousand Books! The attention ot the public Is respectfully solicited to the extensive assortment of valuable Standard and Miscellane ous Books, which are offered for sale at the lowest price*. GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! For every Book purchased at One Dollar or more, the Purchaser will be entitled to receive one of the following articles: - . ■ ;: Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Locket*, Ladies’ and Gents! Gold Guard Chains, Gold Ring. Cameo Sets, Gold Bracelets with Cameo and Florentine Ca meo Breast Pins; Ladies’ Florentine Sets, Ladies’ Floren tine Pina, Ladies’ Cameo Ear Drojw, Ladies' Gold Breast Pins, Gold Bosom Studs, Ladies’ and Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons, Gold Commercial Feus in Silver Cases, Ladle*’ Gold pens with Holders, Extra Gold Pens with Cases arid Holders, Gents' Cluster Bosom Pins, Gold Tooth Picks, La dies’ and Gents’ Gold Pencils, Ladies' Gold Enr Drop*. Eight-Day Parlor Time Pieces, Sewing Machine-', l ocket Knives, Silver Ware, Including Spoons, Butter Knives, Forks. Coke Baskets, Ac. Also, Miecellaheous OiffaufOofd Jewelry, Gift Books, Ac„ worth from 25 cents to $25. Onr now Catalogue for 1859 is sent free to all,-upon ap plication. The inducement* offered Agent* arcmcre lib eral than there of any other house in thisbusines.! Having been in the Publishing and Book Selling business for the last eight years, my experience enables me to conduct the Gift Enterprise with satisfaction to all. Agents arc wanted in every town and county, to whom commissions will be given in Beaks, or a per centage in mohey. For a Club of 10 Books, 1 extra Book arid a Gift will he given: on larger orders, ronmiissioiis are wore lib eral. For IRQ particulars address DCANE RCIISON. Qualeer City I\iUisiting Housed 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia'.; P. S.—Just issued. “ The life. Speeches, and Memorials of Daniel Webster,’’ by Samuel W.Smuekcr, A. M, a splen didly Illustrated volume of 530 pages. Price $2. Agents wanted. April 21, ’59-3ra. SECURE THE SHADOW ERE THE SUBSTANCE FADES. The place to get AMBROTYPES, MELAIN OTYPES, & PHOTOGRAPHS, done up in short order, is on Julia street, opposite 11. Rei beßack’s where all persons can be accommodated with true and perfect likenesses. Time from 1 to 8 seconds. ' ■ Pictures copied on reasonable terms. ■ Pictures set In Jewelry ot very low rates, the price de pending npon the size of the article. > } Pictures always warranted before they are taken away, ladies and gentlemen are Invited to. call ami examine specimens. - i Pictures taken as well in clondy as fair weather. December 16,’58-flm.] ~ j. W. CIABAC6II.; BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.-- Did you hear the news from Europe! If lyou have not, we will ..tell yon what It is. It Is that ILENKY TUCK has Jest returned from the Eastcmcities with a large sup ply.of-; M* 5 clothing, and qpautlee of .Overcoats, Dress i and Shoes, and everything kept in of &•*(*& allot which h* offcnTat low. ’•f-. .. ;> ~f ll* invite* aO those in want of emyttdag ta ,h»» in give hlma call, feeling sure that able fiFawU satisfaction. ■ HBBItT-TUCK.; Altoona,.B«pt. 80,1858.-tf - q TJXCHANGE HOTEL.-.TH& SUB- Ft SCRUMSR would respectfully In- j form .the public that ho haa recently n>- frtted the above Hotel, and fa now pre pared to accommodate his friends pafroas fa a comfortable manner, and WiU'spare no pains in making it on agreeable home for all tqjonrners. Ufa Table will always bo luxuriously supplied. from the markets of the; country and cities, and hi* Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. HU charges are as reasonable as-those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feeb satisfied they can not be complained of by! those w|io favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully Intending to deserve It, be throws open his bouse to the public and invites a trial. • Altoona, May 27,1858.-ly] 1 JOHN BOWMAN; WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER*! —we are now-receiving at the “MODEL STORE," a largo assortment of, ! i ! WALL PAPER AND BORDER, purchased direct from the manufacturers InNew Turk, and we can therefore offer great inducements to those Who wish to purchase. Call aba examine our stock: : ‘ March 17 th, 1859-tt x J. ft J. LOWXHERj. SELLING OFF—A LARGE AB 80RTMEXX of Roots and Shoes, BaffiUo and (fall Overshoes, at ' H. TUCU’S Dec. 9,1858. pAMPHENE, BURNING FLUIJ), Linseed OH, Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead and Alcohol, for sale cheap at: A-BOBU'S. Henry lehr’s store is in John Lehr's old sttnd, nearly opposite McCor ouckfa stow. In North LJune 18.’87-ly. T OTS FOE SAUB;—I2 BUILDI^ TI7EST ALTOONA CABINET TV WAX* BOOM.—Tbs Sabusiasai ena aim extensive sealeJ^Hßl^C® and is now prepared to ORDERS FOR FURNITURE, Of ANT KIND, A 4?? SHORTEST NOTICE. Hi* workmen are acknowledged to b* capable of doing The very best work in the line of Cabi- net Making, ■ad ail those who entmat him with theirocdsnway rely upon receiving finished work. He keeps a constant ■apply' of Furniture on hand, to which be Incites to attention of those Intending to “GO TO HOUSE-KEEPING. Call on him at at his roan in fcoadonrvOlc,near tbs Road. COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. Koveraber U, 1&J8. ISAAC CBOMHK. FISK’S METALIC BURIAL CA -BBB.—This is a new article is this section of t£e country, although extensively used in the Hast. They an a me protection against 10,000 7^oo fiJOOO ' i WATER AND YEkMIK, and poness many other advantages over the common cof fi#.. The remain* of the lamented CLAY and WEBSTER wete encased in theee cases. For sale by November 11,1868. ; ': lyijtt : 68^00 “VTBW GROCERY FEED AND PRO- Jjl VISION STORE. ! The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and Vicinity that tye has opened a store of the above kind, near the comer .of Adaline and Julia streets. East Altoona, where he will keep constantly on band a full sup ply of everything in bis line. His 11X^60 282.210 |6BMs* GROCERIES arc all fresh and wilt be sold at prices os low as those of any other establishment in town. His stock of provisions, consisting of , $141,00 70J» 35^5 Flour, Hams, Shoulders , Sides, dec. will be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought any where else. His Flow is obtained from the best mill* in the .Western part of the State, and is warranted to be what it is represented. Ail kinds of Feed for horses, cows and bogs, always on' hand. I intend to keep such on assortment that I shall at all times be able to supply my easterners with whatever they may need, and I intend also to sell at prices which will make it a saving to those who patronize my store. July 22, ISSS-3m. HENRY BELL. Another break-out—the . subscriber would Inform his old customers that he has opened oat again at his did stand, where ho hopes to receive their calls. He has now on hand the cheapest and best assortment of GROCERIES that can be foiiotl lu the town, consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE . TEA, HOLASSES, Salt by the bushel or sack. Dried Fruit of all kinds. Fish of the very best quality , together with everything in the Grocery line, all of which is fresh from the Eastern market. He also keeps constantly on band a sappy of FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN, which he sells at the lowest market prices. PORK always on hand and retailed in.quantities to suit purcliasers. JOHN LEHR. December 16, 186S-ly MAP OF BLAIR COUNTY.—THE subscribers propose to publish a New Map. of Blair County, Pennsylvania, from actual snrvays. containing all Public Ruuds. Rail Roads, Canals, the actual localities of Villages. Post Offices, Houses of Worship, School Houses, Manufactories, Tanneries, Mills,Hotels,Stores, Farm Hous es. names of Property Owngrs. Ac. Enlarged Plans oi the Principal Tillages, a Table ol instances, ami a Easiness Directory, giving the name and business of each subscriber, will be engraved on the mar gin. Tile plotting will bo to a sidtablo scale so as to make a large and ornamental Map, which will be col red and mounted in the best style, and delivered to subscribers at $5 per copy. SAMCKL GEIL, April 15.1858. ISAAC 0. FREED. WM. S. BITTNER SURGEON DENTIST. opposite the Lutheran church. * * Tooth extracted without pain by the Electro Mag netic Machine, foil setti of teeth for $15,00 0!>ld fillings warranted for 10 years. A student wanted. Dentistry.— dr. s. klmmell, OPERA TIVK <t MECHANICAL DENTIST Teeth inserted, from one to a full set, on Gold or Silver Plate. Teeth filled with Gold, and warranted for ten year*. Teeth Extracted by the Electro. Magnetic Machine with out Pain. All operations and work done cheaper than anywhere else in the county, and a deduction made, of the railroad expenses from Altoona to Ilollidaysburg, from all opera tions amounting to fire dollars and over. Office on Montgomery street, opposite the Exchange Hotel, Hollidayshurg, Pa. [Dec. 16,1858-ly Boots and shoes.—the un dersigaed has now on band and will sen cheap at his store lit the Masonic Tern pie, a Urge and com pie to assortment of BOOTS AMI) SHOES, ready made, yr made to order', - Overshoes, Ladies’ Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork Solen, and everything in his line of business, of the best quality and on the most reasonable terms. All custom work warranted. ' Jan. 2. ’SB-tf/l J. SHOEMAKF-K. PRICE REDUCED ONE-HALF! A'IEH” MEDICAL SALT I,NFLAMMAt6°RY DISEASES! TRY IT! ONLY ONE DOLLAR! CHRONIC PACKAGE. $2.60. ts* See Advertisement.“C# /j»n. 20,1559. Blair county insurance AGENCY..—'The undersigned, Agent of the Blair County Mutual Tire Insurance Company, is at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, Bmld .ingt. Merchandise, Furniture and Property, of every des cription, in towil or country,' at as reasonable rates as any Company in the State. Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack 4 Co. D.T. CALDWELL, Agent. Jan. 27, ’SO-ff Boot and shoemaker.—the subscriber respcctfnliy informs the citizens of Altoo na and vicinity that he still continues to manufacture Boots and Shoes Of every description, on the shortest no tices at his shop on Main Street, next door to the Tribune office. His work U done up? in the i best of style, and can not &il to. give satts&ction. Only j,fre him a call. iNov. 4,1868.—1 y. L. RICKARDS. concentrated lye, for ma- V/ KIMO Soft Soap, Powder for Washing, one pound equal to six of common Soap; Castile Soap, Palm Soap, Chemical Soap, etc., unhand and for sate at June 10,18M.-tf] . A. ROUSH'S. J- Q-. ADLUM, .. BtAIR CODNTt. PA. 84018 of B - meman - F^2S™S^WAuraoF Atitilv tA * WoOle«fle andßctniL-r ta»« ~ : *Nf tßßj* I: UMBER FOR SALE?” v Li 6P.000 SUTNQEES, BOftOO T.i^.T Ttj _ and all kinds ofBUHJ)INQ MATERIAL, Idlest, KJrCSuHi. APPlytPi ' JOHN BH(»U^IAKEB. A YES! 0 YES !—GENTLEMEN draw nl«-h and tedr.' JOSEPH K ifROtIT innomi ces totbepn-.ic, that he Iscearty to disdurn hls duty aajui Auctioneer whenever .called upon. fjan.2 ’6*. rpHE lArgest assortment of JL Boy’Bwcar..Bttchas Jacket*, frock and Overcoat* Proto and \esto, at the lowest price*, at a TtJCITS. -'J)CC* 9* 18$8. '''r' -- SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG *4? NESIA—a cooling Cathartic, mild in its operation ami agreeable to the taste; prepared and foe safe hr ' ' Jane 24. ISSSRf A. ROTOR. Druggist. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF t\, Umlendtlrto and Drawers, Cotton, WooUenand Silk, Tory low, at BfcTDCB’B. . lief. 8 1858. '■ ‘ I>ICH TOBACCO AND HIGHLY XV flatowd ClgatA ln: ; ■- lB. J ST-Iyj! _ :Jj ALL ISAAC CROMER, Altoona, Pa. [Dec. 23-tf. i. PIKE’S PEAK ia CTenipg oe»- JT aUetmbte«xeH«aßaßt,bat nodanmacbbyaapAßaana as the large, splendid and cheap stock of gy (^(2}®dEUBp now being opened at the MOSEL STORK, and whfle itja itQl a mooted question whether or not gold cured by going to the Sinner ptooa, the pcoprtotOSS 01 WO Model teel confident in saying that paid can ba saved 0/ persons purchasing goods of timer. . ; . Our Stock at present will be found much MV** mom varied than heretofore, and we bepa ta ba ablaw pUaaethe tastea of tha mast fkstidioas. Such os English and French Dncati, black and fancy Silks, French Bril liants, figured and white Mar seilles, Lawns, Oinghams, | Print*, Muslins, <£r. Abo, a splendid aasortwent of Wbita Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Uitta, Ac. We have Also on hand a large lot of CARPETS, bought at auction ftr cash, which wfll ba sold ▼cry cheap. A large assortment of beautiful. Spring and Summer SHAWLS. _ BOOTS Ss SHOES. Wooden & Willow Ware. ftneensware, @sisgp &c., &c.. &c- Feeling thankful to our friends for. their patronage here tofore, wo ore determined to sell Goods cheaper than ever for cash or for prompt monthly payments only. We cor-, dially invite onr eld and new friends and customer* to e»H' and sea our new stock, which we will be pleased to show them. J. A J. LOWTHEK. April Ith,'69. Youth and manhood.—just Publisited, the 25th Thousand, and mailed in a sealed envelope, to my address, post paid, on receipt of three stamps. dESSBBgHr A medical essay on the physical exhaustion iUlw and decay of the frame, caused by -‘■sclt-abuse,” Injection, ' and the injurious consequences of mercury. fry R. J. Culverwell, IS. D., Member of the royal college of sur- geomgAc. 0“ Spermatorrbaee or Seminal Emtnlom, Oeuital and Nerroni Debility, Impotency, Low of Energy, Depression of Spirits. Timidity, Diseases of (he .Sexual Organs, and Impediments to Marriage, are promptly and effectually re moved by the authors' novel and most successful mode of treatment, by means of which the invalid can regain prie tine health without haring recourse tv dangerous and ex pensive medicines. (From the London Lancet) The best treatise ever written on s subject of vital im portance to all, well worthy the author's exalted reputa tion. Ad Irens, the Publishers J.C. KLINE A CO., Ist Avenue, Cor. I9th street: Post Box InSd, New Yori City. DUVALL’S GALVANIC OIL.I Prepared originally by Prof. 11. DC T ALL. for merly of the College of Surgeons, at Paris, is now of-; fered to the public, Si* for the cure of sore and pain ful diseases .jggr j j For instance—Pain or soreness in any part of the ; sy-tcro. Rheumatism, pain in the bock, breast or side,: ;healed breasts, neuralgia, horns, sprains, headache,! [cramp in the stomach, or any other disease that is; SOKE and PAINFUL, and it is only over this class ot diseases that wo claim a perfect VICTORY. We say positively to our patrons we can relieve the unfit rer 99 time) oat of lOe. We would Just say to the pnb ! lie. Prof. Du Vp.ll was 2d years in bringing to this I medicine superiority over all others. Price 60 cents per bottle —h, per cent, cut off to the trade. All orders must he addressed to 1 J. D. STONEROAD. Proprietor, -ivpt. 2. IS5d-ly.] Ee-vistown. Pa. Agents for Du Volfs Galvanic Oil—Henry Lehr, G. W. Kessler, and A. Roush, Altoona, and all dealers in medi cines everywhere: PATENT KEIIOciENE Oli CAIIBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Bcautu, Simplicity Safety or Economy, Every person desiring to obtain the verv best and cheap eat portable light within their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and examine these Lamps 1.-eibre purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves, to demon strate ~ let. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no off»n-dve odor while burning. 3d. That they ar* very easily trimmed. dlh. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoke. 6tli, That the lijht is at least 60 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamps arc a Imiruhiy adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses. Factories. Halls. Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner pf the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging ami table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpos* uf a new bmp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in ail casts. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] o. W. KESSLER. T 00AN HOTEL. THE UNDER _| J SIGNED respectfully informs the citizens of county and others, 1 that he has opened up the LOGAN MjjywL,* .*•>' HOUSE; formerly kept by Sheriff Tli i i it the west end of Hollidays! urg. fur the reception of strangers and travellers.—" Everything connected with the house has been refitted in the new with the choicest furniture, 4c- 4c. The house is large and commodious, and well calculated for convenience and comfort. His TABLE will be furnished with too very best themar ket can afford, and no pains or tronble will be spared to render those who may choose to favvr hpn with their pa tronage comfortable and happy (luring their stay with him. His STABLING is ample, and an obliging and careful hostler win always he in attendance. <QL- Tne M illfamsburg stage, which makes daily trips between this place and WiUlamshnrg, stops at the Logan Hotel. Dec. IT, 1857,—tf.] Stoves, Tin & Sheet-Irun Waie, Spouting. TAS. W. RIGG WOULD RESPECT f/ FCLLT inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity tliaf he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of OnKiiig, Parlor, Office and Shop Sfacet, of all styles and sizes, to salt the wants of .ill, which' he will sell at low prices, on reasonable terms. He ateo keeps on hand a large stock of TVn end Sheet hron Hone, consisting of alt articles for culiunrypnrposee— Cbal SmUUs, Sface Pipe, <fs. Also, a large lot of Cast Iren rorce Pumps. t®. Particfflar attention paid to porting op SPOUTING, either in town or country. Spouting painted and put up on the moot reasonable terms. [april 14,156D-Iy W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO.. nOLLIDA TSBVRQ, {Late “ BtU , Johnston , Jack $ Co.") Drafts on the principal Cities, arid Silver and Gold for **le. Collections made. Moneys ; received ondepOeite, payable on demand, without interest* or upon time, with interest at fair rates Wm. J. Tatums, Wm. R. Shebborxi. WM. J. TAYLOR & CO.. /COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND mFISH, CHEESE AND PRCWI SIONS, No. 138 South Whams, between Chestnut* and Walnut, streets, Philadelphia. J Sole agents for Henry’s Celebrated Tinecar. Philadelphia, Mardi 17th, I85&8m. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! la coneeqhence of the hard times, I have concluded “ put down thenrico of my OYSTERSto the blestandard, They will'hereafter be served hn JnthA Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and roaJted in theshdl H VE OENtI * TWENTY > ? iey trill also be famished, in every oth er way, at prices to correspond- with the tiroes. 3 nor IT tfi ' 30ILV keiffkr, pcc.n.tt] - Logan Hcnsc, Hollidaysbnrg. QUEEN& WARE, JUST RECEIVED. A large aid fashionable assortment at the store of r J. p muMAK. IlnSSßiffPfiE, SUGAR, TEA AND Jnne 18, 18Sftg<‘oceries lbr sale by —~ ——HENRY hEHR. i Of eOnntty ALL KINDS Jnne lS *6T-fr Tchad at ■■ .'r HENRYt.KHB’B. OVEKING AND NEftw,V _! \ DESCkip. - JB.IIIIBMAU HMR> HAT, TOO*w—„ 9*> I *•■ StxKT I^sB*l, TIR. COQOSWBLL'S NSW HEDI- 11. Omwwxu’i Kiw Mmnu. Bait, lastaodef being a 11 ■I rr ***~ **• bat one aim. and accompliabMibnt oesthtag, to wit : Snbdnea Inflammatory dise«,wtotoT « te its form or looalitT. Thi* It does by oqualiting the itimtsH—. thnnlty removing the aol* canoeof in (Isolation. i pmmriraot' JTttiBAXBU, Headache, Fits, Cold*. Inflamed Thrust, Imngs, end Direr, iemoia -ss *~*-*t|*l inbdned by the K«w Medical Salt. Tbs NSW MszaCaL Salt, is bo CUBE-ALL, tart doesjast y,hat it claims to do—no mors, Bo eire ealatkm tv lemottn* from the aU arterial and vendna obstructions. - MctmcMS HATS *snm tb* Tirta«a ofUm?iewMadk»l ML thonghbnt lately fliecoversd and introduced. Wit ness Um teetiniimiala sod certificates of cam Aa .no hats sisi> if acknowledge a baaaflt from It—- nlffem Vm than * writ./' YOCS WTAICAMA KpMM * »**? f*. ?? ajsoreueveamyiwsspsw J,Y.«UUJH«HAIfePhfIA. ItnuounsT iiitiußn wo* my WjMtt... ®* first package did ttie work a®ctnaU*»uß*A ot Rheumatism is left. ■ O. BLMNCAK.tiew You. - \ I Know ir aooop fig Kbeapiattmi, retsqriag.it In a fcw * hoars. I am now tqWtt tor gcrdtala and hare already received benefit. 1, B.LKBIO, Reading. I x T*in> it fob fiissbsitH of the Abdominal Aortall* W* STSAK ST THS Sook. ]We bare tried It Ithaocoaa plete control over InflOmation. Baovcarrts, Caxku, Rhsnmatisni, and Neuralgia have been cozed by it, ■.; Maxr’lnou won* Txxtirr, U necessary. Pescrlptir* Circnla?*, with testimonial! may be obtsrfnsd nw any Druggists who has this valuable medicine fi>r sale. Da. Coooawru,’* Antiphlogistic belt. Price, One Poller. Chronic Package, |£3o. . D. C. TATLOB* k CO« ■ v 1 Gen. Agent*, 308 Dedk SU Plata. Tus New MmiCiX Sait u roa uu fay Altoona, by A. Booth; Geo. A. Jacobe, Hollldaysbnrg, and by all enter prising druggists whereever the ‘"Tribune” Is read. As ■t is not a patent medicine, bat the pwaeripttoo of an emi nent physician, no one should fail to try die Medical Salt. For testimonials and directions, see circular. Pec. 16,’58-ly. ; / ds --dr-] TRON CITY COMMERCIAL COL- X LEGE. Pittsllcre. Pa. Chartered 1856. 300 Students attending January, 1853. Now the the largest and most thorough Commercial School of'the United-States. Young men prepared Car actual duties of the Counting Room. J. 0. Smith, A. M. Prof. of Book-keeping and Science o Accounts. i A. T. Donat err, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation ' J. A. HETsmgsandT.C. Jurats, Teacher* of Book-kesping A. CotruT and W. A. Miixnt. irot of Penmanship. SINGLE ANP DOUBLE hfpt^BOOK-K EEPINO, As used in Every department of business. I Commercial Arithmetic—Rapid Btdinet* Writing, Delecting Counterfeit Money — Mercantile Corretpondence— Commercial Lave — Are taught. And all other other subjects necessary for the success and thorough education of a practical businessman. Drawn all the preifthaus in Pittsburg for the post three years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing, not: engraved work. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter at any time—No Vacation—Time unlimited —Review at pleasure—Graduates assisted In obtaining situations—Tuition fcr frill Commercial Course, Average time Bto lit weeks—Roar A £2,50 per week—Sta tionery. $6.00 —Entire cost, $60.00 to $70.00. 43 s - Ministers’ Sobs received at half price. For card—Circular —Specimens of'Business and Orna mental Writing—inclose two stamps, and address . f. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa, Sept. 30.1858.—1 y JOHN KEIFFEH. COFFERING HUMANITY, READ kj THlfi.—The undersigned takes this mothbd of Inform ing the public generally that there Is no medicine now of fered to the public that is equal to DU V ALL’S Q ALT AS IC OIL In relie ring buffering humanity, I was on observer |bf Its effects on a friend of mine, who suffered almost everything from a neuralgic affection which resisted the best medical treatment in Centre county, yf e applied freely the Galvanic Oil to the painftil part, and gave some inwardly, and in SO minutes the pati-nt was asleep, and when awakcbed'Was free from pain and continued so. This is a positive-;fact which lam Willing to make good at anytime. A case of felon waa cured in nearly the same length of time. 1 5 J. H. UAHX Sept. 2,1848-lyyJ ]; Centre HUL The great question which now agitates the mind of every is, where can I get the beat article formTsHHI money! In.regard|o other matters, the scriber would not attempt to direct, but If you want anything ih the lino of - « BOOTS OR SHOES he invites an exkmihatlon of hie stock and work. 3s keepe constanUy on hand an assortment ofßeots, Sho.-s, ?‘£ ten, ’.S u I ) P el ™> *«■ h * o®"* «t M* 1 Price*. \ Hewill give speefo] attention to custom Work, allot which will be warrantod to gfresatUlacUon. Non* bat the beet workmen are employed ■ s" Remembermyshopis on Main street, next door to B Kerr’s old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. September B,’4T-tf] JOUlf H. ROBERTS. OW. KESSLER—PRACTICAL • DRUOOIfft, respectfully announces i> to the citizens Altoona and the public erajly, that he (tm continues the Drug on Virginia street; trbere he keep* corutantly WIW BS and DYE-STUFFS. By strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat isfaction to all as rqrards price and quality, he hopes to merit and twelve a share of public patronage. and xtferch ants snpplitHl on reasonable terms, and all order*from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions care folly compounded. [l-tf. pOAL ] COAL I COAL! COAL I Thesubscilber would re*pect-^t ,, J J"- 1 felly inlbnn the consumers .of CQALffiO " n. L [flxjtyap In Altoona, that ha Is constantly re-HLjV . iSmEh ceivtag all kinds of COAL, which WrW ** -*° deli ™ ** “U times and to any part of the town Office at residence, in North Ward. June 17-2m] JOHN ALLIS- S^N. /CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW Made Clothing, of tho latest PmHlom, cheaper -inioai; SJjfPNE BUT THE BEST CONFEC -^riw« na £s* , N , «» andYrnlta kept At \ Si-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. pUHf WHITE LEAD AND ZINC in irrour, 1 ?! „^L Cbrom *- Gfcan, Yellow, Paris Green, dry * r(mad o» »t [l-tt] KESSLER'S. PDJE ANP LARD OILS, CAM pinu, carbon OR, *c, at _?.-** 3. •M-tfl KESSLER'S. • PRICE IK CASH 4 • J. I.ICKKS. 19 PREMIUMS, H < S^ 4J ? ocu ?®v^ A Beuto&M JkiHtaWsH, mbtKAtg tm . - /or the relb/ sf A* Met and diAruZ/’SS***** ■feat and +Amtc dittata. The Uowam taserrinriT, in view of tbeawihi a of human lift, GOBsed hr faml Hk»— endn! , i ? ,i>,i lm practised upon the unfortunate victims of Quad: ?. eererol years ago directed their W n a charitable act worthy of their Bam* sexy for the treatment ox this clue of forms, and to give medical advice profit. to ?!,*** C by letter, with a description of their conemaT potion, habit* of life, ic.,) and in case* of exton*'*** end suffering, to fismUh mtdieint fret fc’st) needless to odd that the Association ComicAn '»ii? e : I* i Medical skil' of the age, and will furnish the atm ed modern treatment. S>pt«. The directors of the Association, ia their Anstai open the treatment of Sexual Diseases, express N satisfaction With thu succcs' which has attended ik..*** of the Coos'jlting Saiweon in tho cure of Supen-J* V**! Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Ocntorrhoes. OhUK philia, the vice of Onanism or Salfabuse, AfT’sßj’ *> eantlnaance of the same plan for the casnlng i The Directors, on a review of the past, ft* I their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort h»« l 5 of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the y™, they have resolved to devote themselves, with reoe«a to this very important nod mneh. despised cause ** An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Weakneas, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, abuse, and other abuse* of the sexual organs, bt •• snltlng Surgeon, will be sent by mad (in ope), FFCK OF CUARGK, on receipt of TWO STrei: for postage. Other Be ports and Tracts on Um nata« treatment of sexual diseases, 4 c., are constantly b*i«. listed for gratuitous distribution, and win be testis afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods c,f> ** meat discovered during the last year, are of gr-jt Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. ÜBOftOE in BOON. OononltJng Surgeon, Howard Ansoclatiot. Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Uk,.'* EZRA D. URAiITWBLU iwV 1 QUO. FAIRCHILD, Seo'y. [eJc m. GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN COOK. INO STOVES. v COMSCMPMOS OFSMOKB AMD GASAMD SAm» OP FOJE£. The Subscriber uk«* pleasure in off'rlng to the trahlk, NEW’ OAB ANP SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined fou percedo aU other*, aa it requires ONE-TinHP; LESS FtEL than other Stoves Sint Is more easily, quickly «ml r*nh,' ly heated. No unpleasant smell nf gas aria** ftwo ts» stove from the feel that" it is all consumed ers it cap*. There is uo tremble from smoko as that taplami,; and often annoying exhalation As also consumed the flovo Neither Ir there any dknger of flues t>r chin, neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar bottttj u the gas arising from coal Rees. Persons wishing to purchase sto res are Invited ta -ißg the store,of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple. »viu. amine the above stoves. JOHN SHOKMAKCC, . Site Agent far Blair On i, N. B. AU kinds it Air-tight, Parlor Choking salL Stoves on hand. [.Vug. 12, IR-iv JAMES M. W-fl EEL E R k W>, {Suceeuon to John IT. Brant.) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS* Near the Penn’a Ceßtral Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. DEALERS IN HARD AMDSOFTCOAU, Pig Metal Jr*, la ottft Merchantable fern, Mailt, Plmar, On -1 eerier, Proritiont, Fith,. Salt, <fr. CftAL sent In cats, hi larg» or small quantities, itq the different Railroads in Pennsylvania. [July 21-lj 4YER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, K. £. SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Sjnj _ tantf s German Bitten, Barhace't Holland Bittm, SandfortT* Liver Invigorator, N ■ " Lindt eg'e Blood Seattle, Clarke'a Female Pilh, Duponco't GMtn Eh, Wright*, AgeFt, Wileoh'a'and MeLarnt* Filk Merchantt Garglinj Oi, Terry Davit' Fain Killer, Hatchettt Fourfold /jnixa!, Mexican, Arabian, Kerve arid Bone Leniment, ■ in store and lot sale at Sept. 2,1858-tt] A. KODSIPS Drug Stoa. Ol £ is v! o • . « W 9 a t K.s j 3 S o« g- ; P 3 .-s| 5 S-8l §! sm S k«2 = S ,J » o S 30 wj s♦; S •*=» g h<2 O § § .% « ”°ara> Ps|g-'c2 |h a o £< 0.5 1-3 Ssj | | o? a is-. 155 Blank books and statione ry. fWM. «. HATEf, JKiTHm Jon Pam at, STAtwna* t» Buna Boos //ajSfm MAMuriCtvnn, Ajj'PmfiW Cbraci* Jfari-rt t£- Second .SJs., FfUjburg, Ib.uJbaßmr respectfully invites attention to bis Urge end veil Ki.vt<i ■ stotk of Blank Book, Paper and Stationery, Rail Bead, Mercantile and Book Printing, of every description, promptly executed. t3* Agent fcr L. Johnson ft Co n Type Pocndca. PbCe delphia. [July 17. IsM-l? Home testimony. [From the tosrirtown Ahims.; ■ 1 have been afflicted for ten years with Chronic Dbni-n and have.received more benefit from Du TslKsGslmiiW than any ether medicine levenuod. ALKX. B-.-KEE. ■ v Oliver township, Mifflin coonty, fi This Is to certify that I used On Vail’s Galvanic Oilu my family in some of the diseases .for which it bnw mended and found to act almost spontaneous!*. I rw» mend it to all who suffer from pain. A. M. INGRAM. Sept. 2, ’sB—ly. Decatur township, Ml'rtin c».. V»- ■\TATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE- Xl This Great Journal of Crime and Criin<aibi.° its Twelfth Tear, and ; is Widely circulate-! !liron|W the country. It. cantatas all the Great Trials, CriiW Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together information oa Criminal Matters, not to be found is a) other newspaper. Subscriptions f 2 pep annum; fil for slxnouiV.- be remitted by subscribers, I who should write their ve» and the town, county and State where they redds »!:!!’!- • To O.W. MATSM.L * CO. „ Editor A Prop’r. of New York Police f.nwi*. M- |f ] ' • ‘ ' Aiw 1-riO’j Blair county daguerrei' ROOMS.—Mr. G. W. PIBHRR, the'HolUdsute Artist, begs leave to inform bur readers that he Is pr-tn* to take v Photographs of deceased persons, from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice dud oa th* tacst reasonable terms. He has Just received a Urj< & of durable and neat eases, of sll sizes and style-, !nc!t£J a new pattern of family Case for four parsons, sndhf* pared to fill them with perfect likenesses, AMBROTYPE, DAGDERREOTTPK OR PIIOTOOKAtf Give him a call. Booms on the comer of Montpafl and Allegheny streets, Hollldaysbnrg, Pa. (Jane K-- Blair county .marble yam —Messrs. Precman ft Hoover respectfully intira£ Public that they have established a NEW MARBLE TAP on the corner of Allegheny and Front Streets, in UoiU*J» burg, where they will keep constantly on hand*! l ® 1 ’ sortment of \ A CARD.—Hear what Mrs.^W? of Dnncansville says:—l hare oaed the prepored by J. D. Stoneroad, Lewistown, Ps- *s. painful disease myself and recommend It to others, •*»» erery case found It to be one of the rerv best mediciw* 1 •ore and painful diseases. Relieves all pain in »f‘» s utes. Every fondly eliunld hare it in the boose. ■ ■ Sept. 16.15 W--2?, \TEDICATED FUR CHEST PjS IT.L TECTOK, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST T«'£ fearful dbcam Bronchitis, Coughs, Cold* and, other ~ lions of the TihgSa which arise from the exposed »t**' Chest, acrvrding to fashion and the continual dun#* climate, for sale at the Drug Store of 0. W. Lycoming county FIRE INSURANCE ACENCT.—The agent of ths Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance at all times ready to insure against loss ordarWt*,- {Ttf j Buildings, Merchandise, JPurnilttn and Properly « ' description, in town or country, at as reasonatw , any company in the Slate. Ofßco in Jan.3,’66-tf] JOHN SHOEUAKtfo^, ALL THE STANDARD MEDICINES AT fl-tf. JSXSSU^ SPECTACLES AND EYE PBES? O vers for sale a fl-tf.] JCZS&*r^, Glass 8»io to 20x34. and -ro ord,r by * . a. vt. Kl*s CHOICE MARBLE, and;be prepared toaxecute orders for Tomb Stones, Monuments, Table Tcpi ' * **•* In a prompt and workmanlike manner. Uollidayslrarg, April 14, ’59-6m * ■ M VOL. ICcCI per a*® All P*F peWfcf- fourUtM* 0»«f« ttiUM* Two ** fhieo Rolf aoc *.-cheni rntthW fkatessloi H’» * Wrest itebti, Wtbs* Till wyUbbal MfillVl ut mm aT& ir OeM! gay sventi sesoisg tag every jsutstt jUrfeloel as la same Berries 8d sssnUagi (ehoslxt day sveoii A f ri-v every Bao OssMCa Butsral Wsstara Wssteru Baststn Offlc* o; toTJOV. clock, no ' Jxx* *7 m fast IbsllO train Es-v IhsßL Wsytrai train tu K«v*m isyof sec "aa? feutthT* •sale Ten . AUantut •rsalog, h remade »V«oing,lr stmt, at 7 WTniul* odi every Muonic 1 hroatli. v Junior ; h-J ulglit F. M. ffu/nn, Tuesday c AUoona day eveair B T. lloso Castor, W Wm. Mcc >•8.! D.< •bill, I. 3 'Altoona fwu meets 7 . »• let Tu • «e 10 o’c JvJget q, buwfeUJ. Pnthotv Register J>ittrici Cbunly U»e, t DO Clerk■ to Uerrant Ontnty: Treat ur Auditor ,IW n *- 8. Wd tbroner Bifftrfn _ Ihwn 01 Taylor, D rrtxid* CUrk auux>i \ Trtatu High Itu( A kUi •ftutgtc ti ' st pAH .V BR & 4*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers