oods7 air 8 «t|, •H. «e Worth l*|. co Lace Boots at o 9 •CDS PROPOttTlojv, T> r LAItOJS LL at AU Tii^, AQOABiD. asohs OULD GO IQ S STQBfI *G E AND Welt. ’ OooU», which tw Wertk ot GR OCERi&B.hML caaonable iTt ' 4t n cjiti Sliott for Ovnta t*. *cing all r fhx saraw#r "f rri " M A i ( .<Va, f'attimtruaiHl - • Mcr on ahoct .nolle* wl “ cb °»n»tgtv*iau*. wl buy-out? U, ccn,, f <!ont UtU if Uwy *u t k JBXING : SUMMER -£> 553 „ lAS JUST RK ■ i oa Virgin!* it of «ciuun»bl«jao(U i ' {aa '’. •r.v.x ' , OhVCtUMX Mures of ’ . of rokU f'>t_£«nllemtu> unJ Testing*. ir«. Quopt»*kr« Mil ItIES, UTORS, AC.. il to BUT ill tb« BltUt, ' itore maa, | tap ar,w » k to bet Ur julnateji Try body to call. CNED WOUED iiifbrm hi* old ru< public geitarall.T reolvad « utui a<>rtioe«it of Sa Cauimerei, VESTINGS, - ™ offering for Mir, j 1 make them up in £4B most durable unit ■jp the beat worknm S all w ork made will It give satitfaciioa. I.J Mtock of Own' Mich tuShlrUiCol !.t-i llatidkrrtble&, S’etk v. Ac., Ac.; alao, a taiga : LOTIUNO, all of whbh ■;i;i .-is lUcr can W iiliiic are reapectfitUy »• V, in I shall take pleamrt nil limea from 6A.M. THOMAS F.IWAT. UOOK FOR EV- V no It V.—STARWAKO t i-OSCUKS —Dr. ,’s gr.ut work <or the XU V or fur Uiosocontimpk; nmrriago—2oo p*S*S. I** LATE?. I’ricfrUS eimU— «« all i.orti nmUr•*•!,*»/ il. I‘OST PAID. AOOffH M »n! j «hc l»sty«ir, Tli* lr. marrird. ftnd lfi#***- happy. A- UCtW* » , r l.i‘W to clxxoeeaP***' complete tmit Myf y. ji contain* Wi>gc*“ -warrautial to beyortn .. it, 2& rcnt»ln*p*g» w , »•■ ’jre k copy by MJ* •* lit. time loth* d JreM J.IEIXDR,^-^ 1. x, with fall dtoKdMj a m. feut April Mth,DD3y- EATER TBAy.*&*' t ted from the city a Ur** itOOTS A BHOM, if jo 00. i- -p irfS 00. 300. mil. PouU (1 «0. *'.ir t> from 90 Ct*. .10. JWv li\£ CM. Slid uptjWfr cwbere. , Lutheran Cbetdfcfh, BENJ. £■ rJBy- —”, s. KRART KMPOMtJV. 1 ALTOONA.W; r.mr Publication* oft»» I MngttjtlJ**, K*™J School Book#, C«fj ), Cod ami Letter JWfWj i:-cr, Clank Jtooto.Ms*s l.iif. Toy*, iv.ii rictnr* ■ I j. Ac., £c v .^ig a-l Retail Agent, »<*T :d salve. it4o*»Js ' aj.pll«l. TryJt. I‘T‘ FITS!! FIBST* -J fitting naij^jgr* ■ J. SNIB**- ■^•TSSSsa' • v»s&T t . dre»s In a &*hl*o*jr .where, bnt cloee - f.r the picture »B SNYDER, W* AT FEIVA^ liTers at Private CC U of Altoona, WWJ2| the corner of Agy™ and ha* a froat L an «»c*Uent (WffJJ* s. I *rs£ss& “‘“¥5S“S^, n3FE^®' ppmra/lppl 'liOtD H* JUHBieatfHiMel, from rtobtf of the Wtetcheittar ,U V*. madb a hasty risit to this point Bail Boadlast week, and 83 ** ao rnueh toattract * sightseer in. that aoontaln region, that at the riik of we are again indueedteoWl ® M it, «> that those who are thinking »“ fB -t trip may make this one, in;prefer {f‘P up the Hudson, or to.flchoblqy’s o r"elsewhere. It liesattbefootof and is a town flourishing onder *• .Imitfa of the business oentared ttiere by Ball Bo«i Company. Theex “* T work-shops of this company are. there, hare erected a hotel that Is unaarpas •j J/ exteot and accommodations. We pre ‘ lu.re is scarcely a house in any of our JJs cities that is more sumptuously kept.-- uTEoe, the gentlemanly superintendent of *v establishment is unremitting in hisatten 1® t o his guests, and he provides for them; S all the delicacy and liberality ofajnnom g, have rarely sat down to a better, table, and 1 sleeping apartments are provided with every The hole has been but recently built, and yqt it has abnady acquired • reputation extending to all parts of the Union. Travellers positing to and from the west have learned tlie fact that the good thmgSrOf this world are to be found at the “ Logan House, Altoona, and as a consequence many.make it a noint to stop there over night, enjoy a good Lper and breakfast, a morphine to,induce and mrthatlsas , ar* and salubrious, if -«#t as spicy, ,as that abieh comes from “ At»by the blest.” And then 100, days can be spent there pleasantly and profitably, looking at the many wonderful things that are to bo found in and around the moan tains. The wonder to ns is, that there pre r.«t two or three Logan Houses needed toac csmmoJate the people wishing to go to such a , 4CC jn summer, and we think after it is well ; u ovn, it will be one of the first points of sum mer resort in the country. | The editor also pays a tompliment to Mr. Viilsoa, Resident Engineer, and Col. T. A. Scott, f,.r favors extended. He also paid a visit to ildlidaysburg, in noticing which be says the ■ova "has one peculiarity, and that is, there it ;y hill' icalcr drank thtre." We .would ask to c?rrcd our contemporary by stating that the People of that town drink a great deal of water, ):t a (Juced sight more whiskey and lager to -si nt it, the water being in the bottom of the e * h "Dcoaxcs Vii,e.”—A story is in circula te in town to the effect that a short time since tor excellent Constable had two birds in the cige up street, one of whom was to be convey ed to Ilallidaysburg on the evening train and tie other to remain caged over night, having teen found in the street in such a glorious state td oUiviousncss as to require the aid of nu ■ Irish sulky" to convey him to the cage. Not ; vishicg to leave the caged bird without some tue to attend to his wants, bo banded the-cago try to one of our citizens with directions to <isii the bird in the evening ‘and set how ha fared. True to his promise, the gentleman who retired the key repaired to the cage and was tbsre met by a couple and ladies, who iccompanied him into the cage, leaving the key ct the outside of the door. Bp it known that when the door of the cage is shut there is no w»y of opening it from the inside. By some aems or other, while the parties referred to <tre talking with the bird in the cage, the door »u closed, and the whole party was snugly and tifely, but no doubt unwillingly,, shut tip in "dsrsnea vilo." All efforts to open the door ;rored unavailing ; it was shut and shut it was determined to stay. After vainly endeavoring :: egress from the gage, the party gave wit to sundry expletives which were overheard hy a passcr-by, who, wishing to ascertain the ciusc therefor, ventured to open the door, whereupon the party came forth and explained inir position to have been as wo have, stated. Hereafter we presume the gentleman will be ttitful on which side of the door he loaves the W fthen he visits such bird cages. Tce Miserly Man. —Everybody has a bad "Mil to say of a miserly man. Ttye preacher, moralist, the wit, and the satirist are equal :,T Mterc on the poor miser—whose very name ,is assigned to him by .the Jdomons .to signify he is a wretch. Miner— miserable. The wthor of the Tin Trumpet sayspointedlyenough ~‘‘A miser , is one who, through he loves him >tlf better than Ml others, ,dses himself worse, be lives a pauper ip order to enrich his itin, whom he naturally hates because he knows ’lt; bate him.” put an old satirist has put li! cue more-pointedly still; yet hardly beyond lit (ruthV How mairir a mon, from loro of pelf, To staff his coffers, starves himself; ; labors, accumulates and spores, To lay np mlnforhis heirs; Gtudgcsthe poor their scanty dole ; Saves everything, except his soul; j And always anxious, always vexed, i loses both this world and .the next! Eusam Exaobeatxd,— Under the head of "Slwghtering Cattle,”the Pittsburgh Daily htu, of says thstiheMail Train] *“•» ott Saturday evening last/ killed two «>»8 »t Petersburg at Tyrone. •* Jyst . of this story is true. One cow was killed *t and onto a abort 'distance below, 'ptoa. jnppose tbe story, was ad handed by tbf reporter of the Preu, and *?. each case a cow was .added] Increasing at if hat an awful slaughter there wouldr *'*«• tad the report passed through a i(I° tenM —Xhe.htet number of the Juniata kr attempts to curtail the circulation of ia jt ot ** Central Bank of Pennsylvania, »t touhty, by insinuating that it is not a Rouble institution. Though not personally with the controllers of the Bank * ** faioy enough about them by the .ottaw, to pronounce the Wl afv 8 file, end the Cen one of the best managed and most ®ta»hiV * of the kind in the State. ha.g/f®*^ 06 “• ta*b done worthy men by to *** ** thehonor iring the >Jaatyearthe Pennsylvania Railroad ’Company employed two hundred and nine en gines on their road, which! made 480,888 running with passenger trains, and 2,209,148 miles with freight trains. Total number of miles ran by engines, 8,189,486, atn oostfbr repairs of $244,959 44. Ooat for ...„..... < ;5588,762 02- ** tfU and tallow,.. U,.... 84,609 29 Total east of power without labor, $542,880 76 The greatest mileage made by passenger trains was as follows; Between Pha’n wnd Harrisburg, Engine No. 27, 27.449 Harrisburg and Altoona, * 1 ‘‘ 109, 87,290 Altoona and Pittsburg,! “ “ 66, 81,291 No. utiles with three engines,........ ....96,030 The greatest mileage with freight trains was nudb as follows:’Between Phil'a and Colombia, Engine2To. 171, 28,200 Columbia and Uiflßin, “ “ 80, 24,172 Miffiin.aod Altoona, “ 1 “ 146, 25,181 Altoona Ond Conemangb, “ “ 51, 18,600 Command and Pittsb’g, “ “ 78, 25,479 Total number miles .... ............... ...116,682 Thus engine No. 78 ran 298 miles mote than engine No. .186, wbidh made the nest highest nomber of freight tulles. It will also be ob served that engine No. 109 made 5.999 miles more than No. 56, which was the highest num ber of miles made by any passenger engine on the road. Therefore, it can be said that she is justly entitled to her old name “ Gazelle.”— The engineer of No. 109, Mr. j. P. Lowe, is one of the best .in the country, and deservedly held in high estimation by the company. No road in the Union can boast a intelligent relia ble and safe engineer.— Harrisburg Telegraph. A Hint tooths Ladies.— lt is very rarely in deed, that a confirmed flirt gets married. Nine ty-nine oat of every hundred old maids may at tribute their ancient loneliness to juvenile levi ty. It is very certain that few men make Se lections from ball-rooms or any other place ef the gayety ; and as few are influenced by what may be called-shewing off in the streets, or other allurements of dress. Our opinion is, ninety-nine hundredths of all the finery which woman decorate aad load their person with, go for nothing, so far as husband catching is con cerned. Where and how, then, do men find their wives ? In the qaiet homes of their pa rents and guardians, at th& fiieaide, where do mestic graces and feelings are alone demonstra ted. Tncse arc the charms which moat surely attract the high as well as humble. Against these all the fitfpplfßd airs in the world sink into insignificance. Bead! Read!! Bead!!! —We, the under signed, citizens of Pittsburgh, having used Or. Keyset's Pectoral Gough Syrup, upon ourselves and in our families, do respectfully rccommed it to others, as a safe and efficient medicine for the purposes recommended; JAMES M’KESNA, JOHN FQWLER, ROBERT LAUOHLIN, J. PORTER, HUGUBALLLE, P. M’EBNNA, THOMAS M'GIVEN, J. P. SMITH, . MAURICE BRENNAN, JAMES FOWLER. E. P. DWYER, JOHN J. MITCHELL, W. G. MACARTNEY, , E. D. JONES, MICHAEL KANE, JR. J. M’MILLIN, JOB WHYSAIL, J. F. D. KEATING, W. L. FOULKE, * ALEX WRIGHT. JAS. K- LEADER, JOS- THOMSON, W. H ANDERSON, JOHN 8- AGEY, FRANCIS DUNN, JOS. O’BRIEN, H- DEVENNY. Sold by G. W. Kessler Altoona. Ma* of Bdaxb Cotoiit,—The new map of Blair county is published and thp agent is now in town delivering it |b subscribers. It’con tains a complete -diagram of the.oonnty, the mountains, valley r.hifls, streams, towns, Hie locati on of iron banks and farms and the owner?; names, end .the ‘distances from, one town to another measured within Hie county. It should be in the houao of every citizen of the county who can raise the means to purchase it.. It is got op in a substantial manner /And the printing is well executed. — Around the margin ofthemap are plots of'every town in the connty. Price $5,00. Military Meeting.—A meeting of all per sons favorable to the formation of a new Milita ry company in this place, are requested to meet in the Tribune office, on-Tuesday evening of \next week, at half-post Beyen o’clock. We think there are enough of men in the place .who do not belong to either of the existing compa nies to form a new company, and we hope they will come up on the evening appointed, giye in their names and have a“ say” in determining upon what style of a company! it shall be.— Come along, gentlemen, you'll find a number on ■ hand. , x . x Cracker. P#—We observe the following re cipe for making cracker pie, going the rounds of the papers. It is said Uie flavor of the pie resembles that of the apple, and during the scarcity of that fruit, if a sntetitate eon be fpund, we know it will bepcceptajfleto house-wives; ffor two pies, take three soda crackers, .pour over.thpm fiyp gills of boiling water, add two cups of sogqr, n tca-rspoon eveufullof tartaric acid,oiw table spoonful ofessence lemon, to flayor, .balte with two and<«t whUe warm, ladies; you wiH bo artqnifihed at the result. ’ ? : ■ "r^v* “Tbe turnpike road^Vpe«pl? , a hearts I tod*. ... Lie*.throng theh throata, or I .mistake mankind.” So bays Dr! Walcott]. and we think he is cor rect, for if anything will touch Uie feelings and cause. The heart to rejoice and be merry on e warm evening, it is the ice cream served up nightly at the saloon ofourfriend Jacob Snyder, on Branch street, Bast Altoona. Wo sampled a saucer of it a few evenings since, and speak by the book when wc say it is deli cious. Ho, then, all ye who wish such a luxury (and who does not,) call around at Snyder’s and get a saucer of tee eream—not frozen milk. Thanks.—At a regular meeting of Lodge No. 632,1. 0. of 0. F., held on To-*** evening, May 10th 1860, a vote of was unanimously tendered to Mrs. Baj*h Beals, for the presentation of a handsome scroll. . Also, a vote of thanks was teniered D* Caldwell and lady. &* JP 8 ??* of * lar? ® and excellent pound «®* e : ■<■■■ - \ 1 -Fatal Accident. — su;Tt»sday eveuinglnst, ; w Irish lady, named Elisabeth Donahoc, aged about 53 years.'iwho Hved in the vicinity of Kit- op the'Mountain above this place, was run oyer in [tbs bkt below the Point by the jnnlur «f the Mailtrain, which was backing down the Mountain. lAs it was quite dark, the did not see the wojnan, consequently no blame can be attached to him. The bumper of the tank appears to have struck the womau on the back, crushing it very much and; throw ing herforwardon her head, which was also 'bruised. The engine: afterwards passed over her body, severing one of her legs below the knee. A post ntorteib examination and inquest was held yesterday morning corroborating the above statement. "j| Rsn Iso's HoTBL.-i-iThis excellent house of entertainment pkssed 'into the hands of our good natured German iWehd, John Schweigert, on the first; of and he appears deter mined to keep np its reputation as a comforta ble and cbnvenient stopping place for travelers and othcra. John is one of »he cleverest dutch men wekjnpw,and wl|l be ho found by all who patronixetbis house. ! [Having obtained license at the last term qf court, he will always keep on hand a supply of choice liquors. Tax Cnees.—Riven & Perious’ Circus visited our to appointment, on Tuesday last (itaridyent created very little excitement aiid' we noticed bat fow people from tbe country. The evening entertainment was well attended. We observed but one [.drunken man during the day, and he was in the hands of our model Con stable, on his “’Winding way” to the “Lock Up.” - t ■ jf - 1 -1 • Licenses Granted.— At the late term of Court, the following persons received license in this place: ‘ Retailers License. —Nigh twine & Woods, John Bowman, H, J. Conrad, W. F. Marriott, Albert Shultz, Matthew Otto, Jonathan Demo, John Nagle, J. B. Sohweigert. Wholesale License.-—Levi Riling, Louis Flock. Exhibition.— Mr. J. F. s Keesberry gave two Phantasmagoria (or magic lantern) exhibitions in the Presbyterian; Church in this place, on Monday and Tuesday evenings last, which were well attended. I This: exhibition is worth going to see and we biespeo)c for the proprietor a full house wherever he may stop. There are few articles of dress in which a ,lady appears to better advantage while prom enading the streets, than a handsome mantilla, (man-killers they been justly styled) and the place to find neat, handsome and seasona ble articles of this kind is at J. & J. Lowthers’ Model Store. Price only §3,00. Quarterly Meeting,— The first Quarterly Meeting for the present Conference year will be held in the M. iE. Church, on Saturday evening next. Love Feast at 9 o’clock Sunday morning. Preaching at half-past 10 o’clock A.' il., by the Presiding Elder. ' Attsntion I— The I attention of stockholders in the Altoona jfias and Vfater Company, is di rected to the notice in another column, calling a meeting for tho elebtion of officers. Sec advertisement of Dr. Sandford’s LIVER INVIGORATOR in another column; NOTICES. MW-M.IM' DR. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, DB. HOOFLiXD’S BALSAMIC CJOKUIAL, The great standard medicines of the present age, have acquired their great popularity only through years of filial. Unbounded satisfac tion is rendered by, them pi all cases; and the people have pronottfteed (hem worthy. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of tfiie Nervous System, Diseases Pf the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are speedily and permanently cured by tfe GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a reputation surpassing that of any similar pre parationextpnli - ft will cnre, withocttail, the most severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, or floarwmess. Bronchitis, In fluenxa, Croup. Pneumonia,' Incipient ; Cbasumption,' and has performed the most astonishing cures ever s known Of Ctaufirmed Posisiimption. . A few discs will also at once cheek and cure the mist severe Diarrhoea proceeding, from pOLD; is tbs Bowels. These medicines arc prepared by Dr. C. M. Jaokison & Go., No. 413 Arch Street, PhUa - deiphia, Pd., and are Cold by druggists: and [ dealers in medicides everywhere, at 7$ cents per bottle. | The signature ofC.TA.. Jackson' wilt be on the outjkde wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac pubiuhed annually by the proprietor!, called Evkstbody’s Almanac, you: udll fad teifimony and eommtndaiofy notietefrom all parte of the country. : These Almanacs §re fficin away by all our ; ii|e, to by A. Roush > Kwler,andby aJl|)nijQ;lila. fmay^* 7 ? malady will find Persona laboring y, e on j y remedy ever dls- Dr. Bence’s or Fa iu„g n u . The*, pap, covered fiw 0Q the nervous system; andjal P OBB6BB * ®*“Spfe*pccialiy for the purpose, of curing tits, tßoagli of especial benefit to all persons aflllc th*?rf^rweak nerves, Or nervous system has been or shattered from £ny cause whatever. The dvsnenUc patient, whose stench has not lost the power of converting food inte* life sustaining clement, is relieved by a single course d'the extraordinary Pills. Th« eaatrio fluid re-acquired solvent power, and the crude nutriment which and a burden to the sufferer, while his digestive VSW!»i*atfon wai paralyzed and un strung', becemerV“ er s* e wholesome revolution created in thesystewft/®" 18 of strength, activity, and health. Sent rfcpfe#* ° f ttfeountry by mall, tree of postage. ! * 8i Jffanoe, 108 Baltimore Btmt, Beltlmare, . twe)v«,|3<, —- it' - AND: WORMS ! W®UMS ! : explaining the and classifying the wrrme gener ated In thehnmaa'aryrtein. Scarcely any topic of medics! science tana eUcitedXmore acute observation and.profound research; and yet physicians atv rery in opinion on the subject. : It mast, be admitted, however, that, after all, a mode of\exp«lUng these worn*, andpnri ; tying the body from tbeir presence, is of more Value thin the wieeet disquititionSM to the origin. The ezpetliag agonttaasatlength beea foapd—i>r. dr , Z«he , s prepared by Fleming Bros. is the mbch sought after spe cific, and be* already superseded all other worm medicines 1 its efllcacy being universally acknowledged by medical practitioners. ' \ 1 tF-Peithuen will be wtefnl tdask tor DR. M’LANE’B CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufactured by FLEM ING BROS. of Pittsburgh, Pa AUother Vermifuges in comparison ere .worthless. . Dr. M’LaaC’s genuine Vermi fuge, also his celebrated Liver Fills, can Qow be had at all respectable drag stores. None genuine without the tigna tureqf . , FLESJINQ BROS. Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor. Id all diseases inflammation more nr lees predominates— now to allay Inflammation strikes at the ropt of djkcaae— taonco ah immediate cure. ■ ! \ BALLET’S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR, and nothing the. Will allay inflammation at once, and moke a certain (rare. ' - \ BALLET'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR v will core the following among a great catalogue of diseases : Bams, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, Sore Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Sprains; Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula, Dicers, fever Sores, Felons, Ear Ache, Piles, Soro Eyes, Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Bhoum, Baldness,' Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Itch, Small Pox, Measles, Rash, Ac, Ac. To #unt itmay appear incredulous that sqraany diseases should be reached by pno article; such an idea will vanish when reflection points to the (act, that the ;salvo is a com bination of ingredients, each and every one Replying a per fect amidoto to its apposite disorder. D ALLEYS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR In its effects is magical, because the time is so short be tween disease and a permanent cure; and it; is on extrac tor, as it draws all disease *-nt of the affected part, leaving nature os perfect as before the injury. It Is 'scarcely ne cessary to ray th.it no house, work-shop, or manufactory should he one moment without It. No Pain Extractor is genuine unless tho box has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of i Uenry Dailey, Manufacturer. Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs. Uol tidaysburg; and by all the Druggists and pkteut medicine dealers throughout the United States and Canadas. Principal Depot, 165 Chambers street. New Vork. Nov. 11, 1855-ly CJ F. CUACE. THE GREA T ENGLISH REMED Y. SIB JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. \ ; Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, it. D-, Phy sician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con stitution is subject. U moderates all excess and removes alt obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price one dollar, hears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. ' CAUTION. These ) fW* should not be taken by females during the first three months of Pregnancy, as (fiey art sure to bring on Mis carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these pills will effect a cure.when all other means have failed, fund although n powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package. . which should be carefully preserved. Solo Agent for the United States and CaKada, JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldwin k Co„) ' Rochester, N. Y. N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to anyau thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills, by return marl. B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agvn* B : also, for sale by ail Druggists. [June 3 1858.-ly. HAIR DYE—HAIR DYE—HAIR DYE WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DTE! The Original and Best in the Ifbrldl AB others are mere imitations, and ihould be avoided, if A * yon wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, or BUSTY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to the Hair or Skin. fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have been made to the hair of bis patrons of his famous Dye. W>££ BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE produces a color not to he distinguished from nature, and IsjwABnASTEn not to itrfureln the least, however long it maybe continued, and-the UJ effect of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigo rated for Life by this Splendid Dye. sold or applied (in 9 private rooms; at the Wig factory, 233 Broadway, New York. Sold by Druggists in Altoona, and- by Druggists in all cities and towns of the United States. 49* The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving oh four sides ofeoch Box. Of Nov. 18,18D8-ly Important to Females —Dr Cheese man’s Pills. —The combination of ingredients in these Pills are-the result of a longhand extensive practice. They are mildin their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, painful menstruations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise; headache, pain in the sjiie, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which always -arise from interruption of nature, inducing with certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely vegeta ble, and free from anything injurious to llfeor health. Ex plicit directions, which should be read, accompany each box. Price $l. Sent by mail by enclosing $1 to any authorized Agent. R. 'B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for tile United States, 165 Chambers street. New York. 2b whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed. Sold by O. W. Kessler, Altoona; Geo. A, Jacobs, Holli day aburg; and by oil Druggists in the United States. Gall on the Agent'and get a pamphlet free. . • Nor. U,J858-ly. ' \ -i” , TOOTHAQH| This disease can be rnrod byDa. TooTHAcgs BuudTi prepared by him in Pittsburgh, Pa, which h pot np in bottles and sold at 25 cents each* Itj is an excellent medicine, rfhen diluted, for. spongy * nd is worth ten times Its ptke to all Jt»* U : f*Mhoe by 0. W. Kessler. . p^c * lB6B ~ l J r i BATCHaoa’S W^ ND TODP££S i surpass all.- They J I • r&tist o f' d V m — nt> tarnlog np behind—no shrinking Otf the J«atd; indeed, Oils Isthe holy Establishment wKw these things anprojwrly understood and made. : I : Not. I|, 233 JBroadway. New, Tork. TOHjCf LEHII’S^M AIEKETPEICES. Sopejrflne Flour, $8 26®|6.7S Eirtra “ 8 75®7:25 Extra Family Flour, 7 00® 7 SO White TTbent—Extra Family Flour, i : 7 2S® 7 76 : Dry Peaches, (unpaired), V»i ISA ■ 16 “ --■•« (pa&wSJ ,** : . 2S® 38 Dry Apples, * •: 12® ,|3 Prunes, ; : '■**■■■-.■ 13® y 18 Dry Curran)*, , H U® IS Shoulder and Bacon, ** -i 10 Sides, •* ‘ - 11 Hams, “ ! 13,13®15 Dry Beef, « ’ M®i IS Orleans Sugar, " W<®i 10 Refined “ " I 11,12®' 13 Syrup Molasses, ft gallon, i - 88®; ■74 Segars and Tobacco ait prices to salt purchasers. , Y Altoona. March 10,1859.- .. ' '■ * ' '■■■■ ■ Tif ISSING—A PUP EIGHT ob. T&N If I locbsthlgh, of a brown nolor, haslong ears' and a “tsf“ WM. A. BATCHELOR, 233 New York, FLOUR AMD FEED MARRETI\ Flour, .; T J ■■£-I |&GO “• : - Bm A ‘ ■flXSil'k < ~ MARRIED. On the loth instant the house of the brldS’etather, by tbe Rev. D. X. Jnnkin. OEORGX W. SMITH M. S, to Mise LIZZIK T, daughter of S. B. MoCuae, Jtsq., all of Frankstown, Blaircounty. On the 10th instant, by the Rev. John Home, Hr. & F. ?9i& K s:2f ! £ a “2? 0 township; to Miss MARGARET J. LANG,of WUltanaburg. 1 t On the 12th instant, at Tyrone Station, by Wbl Burley, Knq, Mr. ABRAHAM MDBSELMAN toMIssKLIZtilErrH WKAVp both of Staking Valley. ’ i i On Thursday tout, by Rev. J. B. Christ, Mr! t. C. MC CARTNEY, of Bell's Mill*. Blair county, to MiaaMOLLXE A. McPHERREW, of Huntingdon county. ' For rent.—the storb-house formerly occupied by A. Roush, Druggist,'-on Vir ginia street, next door to the Lutheran Parsonage. Also, the building next door to Jesse Smith’s Hat Store. For Anther particulars inquire of Jesse Smith or 0. J. Mann. May 19, ’5O-3t. OF GREAT THEN. ' J Llvcsof all great men remind us, \ ] : We can make our lives sublime, And departing leave behind us, Foot-prints on the sand of Time. The prettiest footprints are made by those who buy their ' BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS at the ;; Fashionable Peoples’ Cheap Shoe Store, Virginia Street, 2 doort below Annie ftrut, Altoona. May 19-lt. KIMBALL’S. Red lion hotel, ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. Tills old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the plaep of stopping the passenger can ip Altoo na, has passed into the hands of the present proprietor.— Long experience in the business warrants me in Assuring the travelling public that no pains will he spared A* render guests as comfortable os possible while, sojourning under my roof. , 1 The TABLE will constantly bo supplied with the very best tho market affords. The BAR will be fpund to contain an excellent; assort ment of LIQUORS of all kinds, including that choice here rage LAGER BEER. The STABLE is ’in charge sf an excellent and experi enced Ostler. The proprietor hopes, by his long experience in the busines and the (acidtii-s at his command, to make, the Red Lion, in all respects a first claw Hotel. The Sabines* of the Hotel will be under my own personal supervision. A liberal share of public patronage Is kindly solicited. JOHN W. SCHWEIGEBT, Proprietor. May 19, 1869.-tf A RARE CHANCE. A FIRST RATS ILLUSTRATED TOCRLT Y&MXLX 3SW TORE PAPER, FOR ONLY Sr A YEAR. THE NEW-YORKER. THE NEW-YORKER. A unit-class New York Family Paper, eight Urge pages, illustrated, beautifully printed on the best papcr. witn Con tributions, Articles, Poems, Anecdotes, etc., etc., by Wash ington Irving, Longfellow, Rulwer, Teuncyson, Dickens, W. Gilmore Simms. Mrs. Slgonrney, Tliackcry, Peter Par ley, Hawthorne, Alice Carey, nnd others. , - The Weekly New Yorker, (pronounced a superior publi cation to the New Vork Ledger,) is offered nt only $1 a year to subscribers who send the $1 immediately to the pub lisher, C. MATHEWS. 107 Fulton street, N. Y. Specimen copies sent for n thrcO pent ’stamp- ’ Country editors printing the above, with thte notico, and sending us a marked paper, will have mailed to them, free, a copy of tlie popular story “ Chanticleer," by Cornallus Mathews, a band&onia illuminated bound illustrated by parley. ‘ Slay 19. Men wanted immediately. A few more active anil enterprising young men can find immediate employment, in which (hey cau brake from SOoO io $1,040 a year; to act as agent fur several new and popular workf, just published, exclusively for agents, and not for-sale nt hook stores, We have a great number of agents employed, many of wlioiu are making ftom $lO to s'2o pur week. Those wishing to engage in this pleasant and profitable business will, for particulars, etc..addrrss C. L. DKRIIY & CO, Publishers and IV holsesalc Booksellers. ♦ Sandusky. Ohio. , Editors of newspapers; giving the'above and the follow ing three insertions, and callidg attention to itj and send ing a copy containing it will receive "any three ;of the fol lowing works;' Life of Nilpoleon, by Headley, Life of Laiayette do Life of Josephine do Wild Scenes in a Hunter’s Life, 1 33 Lives of Sfary and Martha Washington, .1 25 Odd Fellows’- Amulet, : 1 25 Any person wishing any of tho above books can have them sent by mall, free of postage, on receipt of the above retail price. Address May 10. ’5B-3t.] ABOUT SHOES! Gentlemen are Requested not to Read this We do not boast of Auction Slioea At ■hillings sis a pair, For sure no lady would them choose That wants a shoe to wear. Now very mucii we feel inclin’d Such Gaiters to expose, They are not good, anil you will And Them bursting round the toee. Such ill-made Shoe* you could not wear We often with them meet; J u*t made to sell, they rip and tear When walking in the street. A lady passing by one day Was caused a deal of trouble, Superbly dress’d In garments gay ' And Shoes not worth a bubble. New pair of Shoes, and good ones too, As the dear lady thought; Until her feet protruding though proclaimed them good for naught. We pay the prices for our work To hare it honest made, • > To worthy men who are in truth , The mutcra of their trade. And we can boast of extra nice Of beautiful afad neat, j " Of fairy Shoes at fairest prise To decorate the feet. ■}! The People#’ Cheap Shoe Store, Virginia Two Doora Below AnaUct. May 12, ’69. c - W - 0$‘ UdL ' T? U KNITURE SOLD AT £ITTS jI BUBO RETAIL PRICES. „ , rflOßßfl The subscriber would respectfuUy jo- ifTHI , form the citizens of ,tocn * ,«><» *fojaity toll tint he udw *v*ekly receiving a‘fresh Q B j»t Sis Ware-. •oom on Virginia' street, next .door to O. . VtUMf W.KesalerVDrttg Store, which ho buys AJtvl directly from the Wholesale for Cosh; therebr enabling him to sell Pittsburg Befall Prices, including freight. His stock consists of Dressing Bureas. Common -Bureaus, Card Tables, Side Tabled 'Centre Tables. Dinibglabtes, Wash Stands, Sewing and Toiler Stands; french,Oordage, Spring and Counhon Bcdateads;Crib Cradles, Eofos and LonngcsrWalnht, Maple and Cane Seat Chairs, Cano back Arm Rocking Chairs, it., tci - Ho would also inform those persona who would prefer home manufcctnre that he still -lonGnnes to manufacture at his bid stand in East Altoona. Chairs of ail description. Persons wishing to bujr anything in the Furniture link would do'well by caßing and examining ov stock before purchasing elsewhere: .' N PBtUR BEBD. Altoona, May 3d, 18S»-3t : bi IVTQTXCB.-t-Whkrbas, Letters Testa ±l mcntary to the Eatatoof JOHN GROVE, dec’d/late the Borough of Altoona, Blair comity, hue been granted to the fcubsertber, Ml persons J indebted to the wjd eetate are nM)netted toznake immediate payment; those having claims or demands against the estate will make known the same wltb^' May,- JACOB GOOP, ; r May I2;IBMMSt : Bxeccroit. MEETING OF THE X* .Subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Altoona Gas and Water Company, will beheld at the Logan House, on ■Hohday the 28a day of May; between the hours of 2 and S Vcloeß ,P. &, tby the purpose of organizing tho Company according to law. * • JOHN SHOEMAKER, Mayia,‘M-3t ' ~ • x : fbr the Cbnngunoncri. BUY WAMBUTTA PRINTS. They an tho Best Oaltcoe« ! yet offered to the Pubße for the ;■ >v- r : '•- •• money. VTaouitUif J&prtß, oifOßesr, Armstrong fccq.. . Aprßg>Mfeim.... ... ; ntooqbk: Y>- . - r “ m 3 V?-v- . $1 a 126 1 25 C. L. DERBY * CO. THE BOERaAVR J fir I4£iiR*BiTTEM TH* CELEBRATED HOLLAND B£M£t>Y PAR BTSBESStA, DISEASE «P THE KIKIEniV 1 LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KINto FEVER AND AGUE, And the various affections consequent upoa a AUocdmed STOMACH OR LITER, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Faina Heartburn, Lon of Appetite, Despondency, CMtlvaneaL Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, IlhemnsUc aa i Neuralgic Affections, it has In numerous Instance* peofuE highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided Cura. This Is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on atrtetiff scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhavo; Because of Us great success in the moat of the European States, Its Introduction Ipta the United States was Intended more especially fur tHM of our fatherland scattered, hero and there on r the face of this mighty country. Meeting -with great aucceas among them, 1 now offer it to the American public, knowing thM IU truly wonderful modical virtues must bo acknowledged! It la particularly recommended to those persona waega constitutions- may have been impaired by the continuetM use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dUalpatiun. Qena rally instaiitaueoua In effect. It finds its way directly to the sent of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, Utilising new beast*' and vigor in the'System. '' C ACTION.—The great popularity of this dolighlftil r«- ma hoa induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. - Be' not persuaded to btur any thing else until you have given Boerbave'i Holland BHurs a Cur trial. One bottle will convince you kow infinitely ■nperior it is to all these Imitations. 03r Sold at $l.OO per bottle, or six bottles fer|s,by the sou raonnrou. BENJ. PAGE. JR., & GO., ' Manufacturing Pharmarentirts and CKtmMt, PITTSBURGH,. PA. - T. W. Dyolt A dim, Philadelphia; Barms A Park, Ifew York; Joh’uO. Park, Cincinnati; Barnard, Adam -4'OkA St; Louis; A. ROUSH, Altoona, Pal, '■ and by OnggMs and Merchants generally throughout the United States and Canadas. [October 14, 186iL-ly T?XTR AOIIDIN ARY. SALEOPJEW iVi KLRY, with a Premium to each purchaser, worth from Two Pollan to Two Hundred! ' '' This- is no lottery, but-a tairandkg 11bnsto mis, la which each purchaser gets the value of hu ot her tanaajr in a Oold Pencil with Oold Pen attached, or a Gold Locket, worth sfi; and In addition to the pnrchsse,.eaCh person r»- ccirea a Premium of Jewelry, not less in value than (2, and it may bo worth $3,6,8,10,15,20, Su; 50, or even #2OOl Our Premiums are distributed In a bit and honorable manner, and ** soon as the name of the purchaser U' re ceived with the $5, hit Pencil and iHfn and Premium, or Gold Locket ami Premium, are put up in a small box, in a , safe manner, and sent to the owner by Mail, Free of Poet age. Our plan, from long experience in the above busi ness, has given general satisfaction, as each purchaser can Sell or Trade tbe above articles* for all they east him, and retain the Premium Gratis. want a good Agent in every part of the country to solicit purchasers; end Agents, to be snrcesKfdi, should first have a Pcucll N aud Pen and Preminra, or Locket and Premium, or both, to exhibit; and the first person becom ing a Purchaser at any place will receive the Agency fur that neighborhood. KO 3IOSET RISKED!' IVo propose to let a person know what Premium he will receive before sending his money. Any Lady or Gentle man desiring one of the above articles, can flrst sehd nt tboir name and'address, stating whether tbey want the- Pcr.cii and Pen, or Locket, and wo will msJce th&lr selec tion, and inform them by return Mall what Premium they are entitled to. They can then havs the privilege nfientl ing for it if they choose, IVo cannot, however, give this privilege bnt once to any person; anti wo make this Offer tb establish the' quality of our goods in a neighborhood. Af ter a person becomes a purchaser,'andnbeepts thb Agency, we require ’ all persottajn that locality to send their |5 m advance through him'' ’ * .. ■ * And. if any oncj is" dissatisfied with their purchase, and an unbiassed person competent to Judge says the article* are not worth more than the money paid (or them, sad la some cases Ten, of even forty times thn amount, let such' person return the goods, and we will Crerly r*fnnd the : money. - Among oar Premium* ore article* suitable tor. Ladjo* and Gentlemen, such as ■ Gentlemen's &M and Silver Wateha, Cold tat and Ouard Chaim, Chid Sleeve Builom, Gold tfidek Key* and teeter . Gold .Shirt Studs—plain and with settings; Gold Scarf > Pin*—new sty Is; Gold Breast Pin*,' California ' I BlumondTlni, Gold King*,' 1 4e.4c. FOB LADIES, Wo hare Gold Watches, Florentine, Mosaic, Gold StO&V Cameo, Garnet and Coral Breast Pirri And Ear Rinfc*.Qold Bracelet*. Gold Sleeve Buttons, Gold Bolt Slides, Gold Kina*, 4c. 4c. Also, Pianos, Melodeons, Musical Boies, Accorue ons, 4c. 4c. ‘ • ‘ V3_Cnezccpilonabie References given whenever required. N. B.—ln sending your names, write tho State, County and Town plainly, so as to avoid letter* being thlscttrlM. Addrees, AXGCE4 CO, 102 Canal Street, (Old Na) . Kow York. May sth, 18S9. Levi kiling, IMPORTER OP WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, £c. Alksh*nyStrMt,Xoi(hWard, ALTOONA,-PA A large stock of all kinds of LIQCOKS of wercry lt«i( Brands, Kill be kejit constantly on bond, an 4 sHII be sold In lots to suit purchasers, at prices as reasonable ;|is tlmy can be bad anywhere in the country,. • • [May 12, ’S9-tf 1A A EOXES WINDOW GEA«S> X\/ V/ iW>m Bxlo to SfccSfl. ■ Putty KnWes, ralnt. Will and Tarnish Brushes.- • Plainer Parts, * ; Logwood, ■ '* ' Extract Logwood, ' Camwood, i: (Spanish Brown, in store andfcr tale by . .*.. May.l2,lBSB. \*JL. BQVSB. PAINTS 1 PAINTS I X WWftb* wnrtkxsto. 1 1,000 ft*. Whit*-- Ziita Mot. . ~- ■ iOMMCIirSSS^mn. * &Cai«Csito»Vdto*. .. Bornrclt'inber. • Red Eeaii •■■'■ l,WOJt»Ft»t»y. *l£JSg£“ Fancy toilet . , AyDsiuvjya sojps, Cl«*rer’*now»y Boap, - r-' ' Barin’* PuDOlne, ■ Petehtoi) A!uod4, : ' Brown Wtebor, ; v • Pom White Winder, ' ' ~ Trowpereat,' ”^,KS£i Maj 13,1869. pEKFDOTiiy X „ ■!- . JOTD FANCT ASI7CLMB.-- •. - Bxtncto for tb*Hudk«rcbie( , EiMmsßwwUy, Butterfly Boqtwt, Frsnglptni, tar «u|e cheep by . OILS I OILS! '- H Pore Refined Linseed Oil. Etln IinTOH, ~ Pwe Carbon Ort, ' Kerosene Oif, :%;■?£ *?:• Campheno tad Burning >la£L Csrbon Oil *Pd^ls^d^|SC~ For tale at I?OR THE HAIR— Buroot’# Oeoalne, ? r'v l/jon’* Kfttbairoa, -v h flaperior B«y Hast, . ' CoJor>»* of «IT kfbd*. U ‘5 • - ; jrayl*,lBW. TUTBS.' PHEBE PAILETS ' T- ’ J-Y-L ' IMPROVED BREAST tma>& A Urg» awortmest of Nursing Bottla*. - * Cutter*a IraproTM BHODLWiR BBACES (of ladi* Gentlemen and Children. • Tor sale by A~ KOt?St& A EnnEP'*; XX. In Quart!; Ftat, JJalf«nta*Ma^Wj^ fineßlaokand Bedlsk»,Clafioneryj 4c-,at m iM»- - •* ***** TT'AmTOOTSffmUfgßaWfc 'A - >*•*• :**«• 9-- r- ' i • 'o%*t 1?I -7 .TiJ:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers