The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 19, 1859, Image 1

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    cia ™SJSSS,
r v lntlms of*a§j»2ssoS
" :r nam -- tomniitSt***
s,aSa5 ,aSa of la JSS*.
r ' ; V’ gratif, to3i*SWU|#fr
Uicir coD<liUoo.7.l2*ftHjr
! ;u c*«* ofeitrii^*** oo^
ho,f free 4f-5SS^'¥ ? V
■if' la »h*«r Aaan*.*J
>u.h lias
>? K of «op
h?ir-alms», *J
‘•■r *l"' cuanin* »». V**f a.
'/ tlif ijuat,
■'■ ’■ evr : ! 7/‘ effortStW
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n rc-ccipt of
i.J Tr;ict-» on the
1 • : ‘ ro constantlylS!^,** 4
: ;; .uLl)r. GEOJiQEg I^.
- vvanl Association.
■'■ 1 •>' onlcr of Uio Dinji *1
I 1-
rr'* ) ° AS^riy<>
• in offering to Ur* pBWk»
i- -k consuming
i- u, which la dtatined to*-'.
'-’■SS FUEL ,
: - v > ‘|uickly jmd«,nU u .
'■■J nl “rtMi from «.(,
■a consutni-d ereitcant*-
UA that imjfloujaul
. 1* »l*i cotummed in*id s «
<>-ngcr,prflip* orchin>.
a or tbp mortarluoaened bj
-w* larltsfl tocall.i
li e Masonic temple,'an]».
- it fur Kair Qnipta
~ I’arlor Cooking and K~
: KELER & CO..
>’;» 11. lirant,),
l ANTS; <
>• .’Wa7, EailtOai Iron, Bit
X.iiit, Fluor, Crt>-
Pi»h. fktlt, cfe.
•■r M>iaD qaanttßo*, V.oai
v.vaula, x IJnljr 4Mj.
a. lIS’ Impcrlal Coßgh Sjmp,
.-hare's Holland JHlim,
Lindsey's Blood Searcher,
Dvponco's Golden PdU,
u's and MeLandii TSh,
IfcrckanfS Gargrm'ff OH,
chat's fourfold JAnmtsl;
: and Bont Latimtnt,
ir ■■.‘ilc at ‘ •' '~
-A. UOCi>U ; Sl)rßg£ton> -
. m his targei a& jrsp setol]
i'k <jf , s ~*, 'I
and Stationery, /foil
Book Priihtlag, j
■ xrcu’nl. ,
d Cj.. Tyne 7oafiMiOlu>l
lON Y,
rem-the Lewktowa jMPjIJ-1
■i ■ vi th OhroaicJVkii^
fiv.mDu Tall'aOiuTilicd
,-r im. 1. ALEX, 3&KEE
, Mifflin county- Fa
i;/ Vn Vail’* Galvanic Oil!
i a>.-- f*r
!-">c ntaijeoaiilT. I jkm A. M. I>C«AM.
:; «n-.h!ji, Mifflin CO, Pa
. Crime and Caplin*!' l *
;.l- ir circulated through
l :ho Great Brfid*^o*?)j
not to 1)6 .fmmdid ‘
r -aim; $1 tot
■ nUeuld Write
i '.f!: ro they rerideyuiw
c' W. MATSEfcL ACO-,
I-.' -i York Police Oawßa
- .yirtc- Tori G L
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r reaj'-r* thatWlSpuT 4
'■h.jfu red person*) J
- i-'iorto'; notice and i ju«t reefcived a 1«P *ZI
. II aiz-.-s and rtyteVlna o "*]
r for four peridoS, »*“ u n
't Jik-nraM*,'
.wtvpb- OB>PJHW*’ E "3
■ , the cpn^.wj^HsS3
' ‘lrnrg, ’W.‘''
■eve,- rc«pectfe6yh»**.
Front Streets, to f«»«
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rxictj to orfer»*B‘
TaUe &J
-S:U.* "' V ” ■ ,?..■>
—l haw trfl
1-. Jvwlgtoarih
i -ounneiul it »
raai^ -
I rn CItES^S”
- fro::; tho rSp<*«J
■ . i,,-. ,-.)tjt:nnn. c {l 3 vSt£JH
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,yi) Ki T Bjg§S
I Vtf.l ***
jO -'• tz2 | , vr^ 6l^2
VOL. 4. ' :
UtCß t'« * DKBS. PaMMww «rfTroprletow.’ j.
tiuu «» i»t«i(twra>, i .
1 intrtfw '2 40.- Bdo.
iUta $25 » $6O
* 60 76 1 00
o^*V^Wi U 7i{ 100 -1 60 , 800
tyh */, ftS «< \ 150 200 ! 260
*** ihm”***** l th»ll»reei»«iOw,2sc«top«
iamoa ♦ ***««; ly«r.
I« line* orl»«i *2 60 *'4 00 * I’tS
OMiqnUf, 4rt v« 00 10 00
w» *•■ v.j-c' tm s.oo • i 2.00
Tire* o 00 10 00 14 00
Four “ . 10 60 'l4 00 SU 00
B*lf»column, ■ 14 00. 25 00 40 00
by lUe ye-r. three «iuar«,
,*a?a“iiss c^..»,. 1 ,‘f
i continued till forl»|d Mjd chitted uccording
k five cents per linn for wry Insertion.
aStaery notice* exceeding ten tinea, fifty cent* a Hjuarc.
tribune directory.
-tirfAvi,nan.irfAvi,nan. Rev. A B. Clack, Pastor.—Preaching ov
‘sahbsih mumiukat IOV. o’clock, and to tho evening at
•V • !vk Sabluth Sol mol at 9 o’clock, A. tho Lcc
.rVlio.un.' Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening in
*b« ttiu** ■ ■ _
luu,:lu! Kp'tcnpal, Rev fv CBEwnvox, Pastor.—Preach
• tun Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock and In theaveu
ar Sabbath School to the Lecture Room at 2 o’clock, P.
i, Gcuerat Pravcr'Mm-Ung in aante room every Wednos
evening. Young' Mens Prayer Meeting every' Friday
'"rZaeUa)}Lutheran. Rev. Jacob «rr.CK, Paetor,r-Pmcb
- - .loTrSa'bUtli morning atlb'i o'clock, and at 6»*J o’clock
' ."i,,. ~'cniuK. Sableith School in the Lecture Room at
,'uVkvk, P. M. Prayer Meeting ihsauie room every
rtllt.'Mdav evening. . '
; 4 itt.l IlnL.r'.t, Rev. W. B. Ibex, Pastor.—Preaching cr
sabbath morning at 10 o’clock and in tho evening at
• Vclock. Sabbath School to the.Lcctnre Room at 9
, - ! u-k. \M. Prayer ejecting every Wednesday evening
Rev. K. W. Ouvat, Pastor.—Divine
S .<; w i! an i a tit Sundays of each month at V\}4 o'clock
\ ,n,-. i y M. Sunday School at 9 o'clock A. M.
i .ue, Uevj Jons Tivious. Pastor.—Preaching at IOJi
,v !,-k indie hioruiug, aud at the afternoon.
tf.e'itl. P.ev.B.H. ftm. Pastor—Preaching every Sabbath
ruing at U’ 1 j o'clock. and also to the evening. Sabbath
M,.vl at J o'clock, A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wcdue*-
.uveicciug. _ _. ..
’ifeW.-aMt, Rev. Ssxwat Cab, Pastor.—Preaching
~ ~ r mining at U o’clock aud in the evening, in
c. ell L’nbu School Ilqtw.
;u Way at,
JTnllid*: ►’■urg,
Htott-m TUroagli
Eittcru Tlm>UL:ii Mail
Kwtfru-Through Mail,
ffrttcru Through,
W<*t»ru Way,'
tutera “ i# 25 KH.
llollidajiilJurK . i % J;-TO A. 31. atulß 13 “
Office ojx-n for the traneactioti'pfbniinni? fr«m <l3O A M.
•a :.30 P. It., during the Com 7J|j|f to !J0 o'-
rirck. '>n Similar. ' . . ‘
June -t,’47-tfJ JOUNSPOEMAKKII, I*. M.
ficrer* Triiu Eaut arrires 1.25 X. M, leaves A.M.
Went “ 7.55 ;« “ 8,15 “
f«t *• East « ».0$ P.M. “i P. 20 P. JI.
“ Wet “ 5,10P.M.,. “' P. M.
Mail “ East “ T. 36 A.M. ,7,53 A.M.
“ W«t fW P. M, “ P.M.
Tin IIOI.UIUVSBORO BRANOll'cnnnects wltbKxpre«
Train Cast and West, and with. Mail Train Bast and West.
Th» ULAIIWVILLK BRANCH, connects With Johnstown
*»yTr»iu East and Wcit, Express TndnWcst and Mail
1 Tran East.
Swmtcr £0,1558. TIIOS.A..SCOTT, Sup't.
HimUiin Lodge, A. Y. M, No. 2SI, meets on second Tucs
hy«f each month, in the third story of theMasonlc Tem
fl»,itT‘^ o ’ri.ak, P.M. .. i ,
Antoi Encampment, A. Y. JI., No 10, meat* on the
tatQtXsesday of each month. In the thlrdawyhf the Ma-
MUnClM|ilv, at ~]4 o’clock, P.M.
•Mfiaa- Ledge, 1.0. of O. F- No. 473, meets every Friday
•tlo^ , p 1 M lle wc<,u<l 6t< * 7}^
Tcreiida Lodge, 1.0. of. O. every Friday
• tlKj third story of IroilWwftllliifcwitliighia
itwt.it7»<Jo’clock,p.M. • ■'
nm«i>MojJVite,No.i3s, 1.f0.-|Cf JB, hold stated Conn
every Tufcsday evculnß lOjUAit’O-U ,F. Hall, In the
Misrule Temple. Council FTrt-rltlndlod at 7th rpn" SOth
h-stii. w; a: adams.
Junior Sam of Amtriai, Mon-
Bi£bt in the third story '‘^o’clock
HhaWny/oaiOiwy, jto. &4, £ 3 1, meets every
iccidsy ivoniny, in the 2d story oTPrrttou’s Uidl.
Altoona Division, Ah. 311, & of T, meets ovary Satur-
J.v evening, in the Odd Fellows’’ Hall, jlasonlcl Temple.
*• *■ How, D. O. W.; Wm. C. McCormick, P. W. P.; 3. F.
W. p. ; c. It.' Mctrca, W. A.; 3. B. MeC-mm, it. S.;
J®. McCormick, A. It. 8.; M.ClahanglnX; Jacobßenner,
'• *•» D. Galbraith, C.; J. W. Clabaugh, A. C,; Wm. Mur
wsll.l. S.; B. F. Rose, O. g.
_ diteona Jlechamcs' Library and Heading Boom Atsocia
t‘*n m<*U statedly on fhe Ist Saturday.evening in Janua*
_rr April, July and October. Board nf Siroctors m’eeton
l*t Tuesdsy erenloit in each month. Room open Irom
* to 10 o’clock every evening, (Sunday excepted.)
Judges of tAc Hoh- Georee Taylor.—
i»»cUte*, J. Penn Jones, Darid Ciddwell.
iVotAonotary—Joseph Baldridge.
Eegister and XCaldhrcll.
Steriff—James Fnfik." ’
Ridrict dOoraey—Benj-t. Hewlt,. r
, County CdmmistMiirt Jacob Barnhart, J. K. McTar
■»*f. Enos M.Johea. ' ’ '
Clerk to Commtni/mers—Baxfi A.Caldwell. .
*rcaaWe Apprdiigt—dtmpa G. Adltmi.
fVeamrer—John Lingajelt
Auditors—B. Morrow, A. (J. McCartney, Joa. R. Hewitt,
j j j™* Directors—Otorgo Mearer, Eamnel Shiver,
2>wowWjjji«mfox, ;?i>-
tofoviitadeni .C^ppmiJohn iDean.
Si?* •/ M. Owrty
ygw—B. V. Joan, ; ;
•5** Allison, 'Robert Green,. Robertß.
■ '
ta Owtagfl—Joagph Q. Adlnm. \
Price. 1
rnAtxe7^~^ :B - Sin*. C. C. Mason, GSorge W.
C. McCormick, B. T. Rose, Geo. B.Cramer.
“• c - ;
GUtoll, ‘'
■ 4> «* of Want—S. A. Alexander.
-nest •“ B. Greenwood.
L—., ' S _Mofth !“ Jacob Botlcnberg.
Ilenn; Bcitv Jacob Brink.
u . E.B.McCrum, Jacob Ucsscr.
_ O. W. Uarman, John Condo.
of Groceries have just been re-
Store of J.B. HILEMAN.
S» uTTr I^ 8 ’ *«•. can be bought cheaper at H. TDCITS
an; other place i n the country.; [Pec. 0,1858.
Ciß of Xtaufy-BCade ctathiog.
■— • Bniemfw wiUM-r : ' ' ■'
. 7 2."> A.M,
N 726 A.M.
7 25 A. M.«ud:6 00 I*. M.
«00 «
V3O “
7 63 A. M.
7 35
7 OO 'AvBI.
iaenoof the bcit Purgative and Liver Modicinesnow be
wn the public, that act* as a OtUtartic, ea«ier, milder and
Mere iffectual.tliar. any other medicine known. It la not
Wily a Qtthartic, but a Liver remedy, acting firston the
f*ver to <yect its morbid matter, then on thestomacb H
boweia to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two
purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings
. experienced in tho operations of most CatharUa. It
Strengthens the system at the same time that it purges its
ana when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen
and buud it up with unusual rapidity. ' \ ]
The Liter is one of the f principal regulators of the
human body; and when it performs itsfunethmswell,
the powers of the system Jare fully developed. r Tbe
ia.ahnost entirely | 'dependent on the healthy
action of the Xirerfor the .fC, proper performance of its
fawtionsrwhen the stem-. ,ach isat fault, the bowels
arc at Unit, and tho whole Qj system" .suffers fin "conse
anwice of one organ—the Liter— having ceased to do
Its duty. For tho diseases Cjjof that organ, one of tbs
i proprietors has mado It his ” j a prscticoof more
, ears, to find remedy wherewith to
Tiatde 61^1 frangentents ,to which it ia
To proyethat thU rsme- « dy is at last found, any pw|
y»on troubled with Lira In any of its
AirpM,haatrat to try a hot* Wipe, and conviction Is csr-i
- These Onrns remove all V
tho system, supplying in
of bije, invigorating thol ■
.digest well, {patmuo the*
healtli to thc whole machl-] v
of the disease—effecting a *7
Biuocs Attacks are car
pretexted, by the occa- Li
One dose after eating in
much and prevent the food! n»
Only one don taken be* rH
Only one dose taken at {it
els gently, ami cures COs- ,
One dose taken after, each
tS' One dose of twotea- '■
ieve Sick llcsiiacAe. ■
One bottle taken forte-,, 1
tho eAuse of Ilia disease, rH
Only one dose immediate- i
One dose often repeated! '
iloHßua, and a preventivsi \tj
tfw'.Only .one {buttle isl* .
system the effects of medi-; a, ;
47* One bottle taken for 1
lowness or unnatural color | .
■ One dose token a. short Cn
vigor to the .apatite, and;
One dose often repeated • 01
its worst forms, whilcSum-)- |
yHd almost to
remedy in the world, as it;
AfewbotULcurealh-opsy I
Wc take pleasure in re-; rj
as a preventive for Fever 1 rt) :
all Fevers of a Bilious type.! ■ -
and thousands are willing!
virtues. ~, ~ i ..1
All who nse It ore giving their unanimous testimony in
its lavor. 1 ■*. .A , “:*
43- MU Water in the mouth with the Invfgorator, and
swallow both together.
working cures, almost too great to belivvC. It cures as if
by magic, tteniht fintdott giving benefit, and seldom more
than one bottle is required to euro any kind of Liver Com
plaint, from.the worst Jaundice or Zh/ipeptia to a common
Headache , all of which are the result of suiuta Liter.
. DR, SANFORD, Proprietor,,34s Broadway, New York.
43- Sold by Q. W. K rssi.r.R, Altoona; and retailed by
all Druggists. [May 27.1858^1y
More than 500,000 bottles
i iSnONE year;
The Restorative of Pint O. J. Wood for Restoring hair
perfectly ami has never yet hkd a.rival, vol-
Ome after volume .might, .bo given from,*" of the
woritl and froin'the most Intelligent to prove that it it a
petf,-ct Bestoridict ; hat read the cfrcnUy and yds cannot
doubt; read also the following, i '
BW’ The Hair.—People have for centuries been afflicted
with balAKeads hnd tne only remedy, heretofore known,
has been those abomihahle wigs. By a recent discovery of
Professor Wood these artichs are being.frst dispensed with,
bat a great many persons still paKmdte them, because
they have been so often Imposed .upon by Jlalr- Tonics of
different kltuhi. To all siken we earnestly make
the that they .will try once agrin, ibr in wood’s
BeatoraOve there is no' such’ thing, as’ fen. We know of a
.lady Who was bald, who need ; tJ» article, a short time, and
her head is how covered comidetely wlth the tiniest and
most beautiful curls imaginaido. wo know of numerous
cases where hair was rapidly falling out, Which It restored
in greater perfection than It cver had been before
It is also without doubt ono of the best articles for kcep
iug the hair in good condition, .making it soft and glossy,
removing dandruff, and 1 EaS proved itself the greatest enc
niytoailthoUU that lialrU telrto.
It is the daly of 'every one to Tiriprovo their personal ap-‘
pearauco thongh some mny -differ in regard to the ways of
doingit; liof everyoiie will admit that a beautiful h«ul of
liair, eltlier in man or Woman, is an object nineb to be de
sired, aud 'tiure are no means that should be left untried to
obtain snch a consideration.— Wman’t Advocate, Phila. ~
■ Coshocton, Ohio, Nov. 17,1856.
0.-J. WOOD t CO.—Gents; As I hare been engaged-in
selllngyotir Uair Restorative the labt- season fur one of
yonr local agents (B. M. Haddnson,) and’ having otper!
enccd the beneficial effects of it myself I would like to ob
tain an agency for the State .of Ohio or some State In the
West, should yon wish to make sitcb an arrangement; as I.
am convinced ihertis nothing eqncdfo'iimihe tfridedStates, I
for raioring Vti Judrj 1 have been engaged in the Drag
business for several yeara, acd have sold various prepara
tions fur the hojr, btubavefbaiid nothing that restores the
secretive organs or invigorates the scalp as well os yours,
being fully convinced that yonr is what you
represent It to be, I 'would like to engage In the sale ofit,
for lam sa)islled it WM sell. Yonr* truly.
Way land, Musa., Fob. 5,1557.
PROF. O. J. .WOOD 4 00,—Clients: Having realized Uie
good effect* of your Hair Restorative, I wish to state, that
finding my hair growing thin, aa well as gray, ! was in
duced from what l read and heard, to try the article pre
pared by yon, to promote its growth and change its color
as it was In both of which it has effected complete
ly. In the operation I have, used nearly three bottles.
Q. J. Wood 4 Oou Proprietors 312 Broadway, New York,
(In tha gredt N. Y. Wire BaiHhg .Establishment,) and Jl4
Market Si>St£Lonls, Mo.
_ For sale py .11. W. KE-SLER, Altoona, and by all good
Dnittists. • f June 3,1858-iy.
p* r, good, xJ , j. x comm, x. d.
-1 / ISO entered into' Partnershlpin tliePractfcoof
Medicine, .respectfully tender their services to the Public
hi tbeßeTcral branches of their Profession.'
Cali* will be answered cither day or night at their office
—*Uch-h the game uheretofore occupied by Drs. Hirst
A Good S-or at the Logan Hirtue.
Pans Gobebt, M. P., Prof. Obstetrics in Pcnn’a Medical
' College, Philadelphia.
F. OCTRonr Smith, M. P., Prof Institutes of Medicine in
Penn’a Medical College.
JOB.T >’Eiit, 51. D., Prof. Surgery in Pa. Med.. Coin andStnS
; f jeon bathe Pa. Hospital, Philadelphia : v
J. B. Lnden. Si P, Huntingdon, Pa
John McCulloch, MP, *> ">
John Scott, Esq, “
Win Dorris, Jr, Esq. “ 1
TV’m M Lloyd, Esq. irplUdayihnrg,
John Cresswell, Jr, Esq. “
Samuel Slillikcn, Esq, Bell’s Mills.
OonBPBel!. “ '
John Bell, Esq, .... ,■- r
April 21st, 16533 m - -
PPECTFUIJ.T offers ills ’pi jifi
services to the people of Altoona and the
joining country.
. He may be found at the offleo heretofore oc
cupied by Pr. 0. D. Thomaf.
Aitsonn, Sept. 30,1858.-tf
• Offers bis professional perriccs to the citizens of
Altoona and vicinity.
The best of references can be given if required.
Office at residence on Branch street, Bast Altoona, three
doom above Conrad’s Store. [AprftSS ’S»>ly.
VliKheeter A Co’s Patvnt ShoulderSiaiu Kds Shirts
Dee. 9 ; 186*.
[morbid or bad matter from
[their place a healthy Bovr;
IStomacb, musing food to
•won, giving tone and
aery, removing th» cause
radical cure. ■
cd, JUS, Slut 18 BSTZSBy
sional use of (be Liver, In-
sufficient to relieve thesto
from rising aud souring,
fore , retiring, prevents
[ night, loosens the the boa
meal Ur ill cure Dyspepsia
[spoonsful trill always n
jnwle obstruction remote
‘and makes a perfect cure,
ilr reiievcltChOlic, while
Is a Mire cure fur CaoLia
needed to throw out of tin
cine after a long sickness.'
IdACanicz removes all sal-
I from the skin;
| time betbro eating gives,
rmaies the food digcst.welL
icure* Chronic Diarrhoea in'
I mer and Bowel complaints
; .caused by [\7owcs
surer, safer, or speedier
! neter fails.
by exciting the absorbents
[commending the medicine 1
land Ague,Chill Fever, and[
It operates with certainty,!
ito testify to Its wonderful
1 Sdkt
- ■?- • v - •
■ .Mom ATHE&TOK.
v \ The intmmer dtqfe are coming,
The Mmiiinw deck the boggh;
, The bee* tit gaily Inunmlng,
Xnd U>6 birda weaiiigiog Dow.
We hare hjiil our Utj Day pri»|iii«j -
Wf liavecxoim’dour May d*y Qxiceß
With a coronal of roses,
Bet is leaves of brightest green.
Buther ie&n !*Dearly overv ’ '
The Spring l» od the waoe— '
0, bute th» gentle hammer
To our pleasant land again.
•'• The Minstrel of the moonligh^
' Ttys luTe4oßs. Nightingale, -
Hath rung'line month of mode
Tol thoßjase Queen s of the Tale!
And jwbat Omagh he tie silent, \
Aa night Jnomcs slowly oa;t .
Wo’U haToia dance on the green-tward.
To aweer tan flic of our own.
O, the Summer days are coming, •
Aud the tnmmer uigliU more deur—
0, haate thee, gentle Summer,
for Uieie’s joy whea thou art near.
We’ll rise tid hail thee earl;,-;
, Before the suu h»ih dried
The drops that will sparkle '
On the hills by our aide.
And [when the blaze of noon-day
Glares upon the thirsty flatters,
We- trill seek the welcome covert
Ofour Jasmine-shaded bowers,
Oh the Summer days are coming,
And the Summer nights more dear—
Oh haste thee gentle Summer,
For therelsjoy when thou art near. .
Jlfkd Hftscdlanji.
“ Lost, a Child Lost.”
Rev. pr. Eddy publishes iu the
Chicago Advocate, the following interes
ting sketch:
i Monday evening of last week we started
homeward. In the room below we found
Mrs. E. i 6 waiting, and together we star
ted up State street. About half way we
met our eldest son, and saw that he had
some tidipgs of evil. He could only say,
* Little Ramy is lost, and -we cannot find
him anywhere.’ The little one Is the
lamb of opr fold, .a bright eyed hoy be
tween two' and three years of age, with
fair hair hanging in sunny ringlets.—
Dear child —his little feet always patter oti
the hall when we ring the bell at noon,
his arms have always ‘a hug,’ his rosy lips
a kiss for papa; f
Wo hastened home, and ascertained
that he hiad been gone nearly an hour.
The immediate neighborhood had been
searched in vain. We started instan tly—
and the alleys, etc., within search,
were traversed,: but no tidings. Night was
at hand, add e vidently our child was be
yond pur I neighborhood, and that cold
night was lost in the midst of this great
Babel. i f
i Notice was sent to the police station, and
to some ol the churches having service
that evening, procured the crier.
often heard that bell, and the cry
of lost child, hut never felt the tones, so
sadly as We heard ( that night, as he
'cried, ‘ Lrist child—a little boy not'three
years|old, lost from 112 Edina Place-rharp
headed, light durly hair; had on a red
dress, stockings, and little slippers.’ Oh,
those cries! We have heard them ever
since. Kind friends came to our aid,
strangers icame with tearful sympathy,
parties were formed who patrolled the
streets, add alleys, in all direction, but
came back' witbf the sad word ‘No tidings.’
; The hours Wore on, and near midnight
the search! was given up for the night.
; Dear reader, may you never pass a night
ofsrich shspeUse! We sat by the fire,
fnd oof hearts would bound as a footstep
neared oaf gate. Perhaps it is some one
from the police station with our child.—
Noj the £teps ; sound on. Our door is
i We didi pray, we did commit our child
to the All Fatherland that alone sustained
Us. But we couH not shut put the vision
Which upon ns unhidden. Now
we imagined we heard his wail above the
moaning of the tempest and sighing of the
waves; npw we saw ihim lying upon the
pold ground, those locks frozen to the
Parth I then again we saw him caught in
the net-work, pf Railroads on Clarke street,
pud crushed tq,a ehapeless mass.
: Slowly paased the hoars. Will daylight
never come? :It came at last Ere we
began our search again, we went into the
irooiri, arid there, lying upon
ttesewing machine was his little hat.—
We turned from it, and in the comer
stood his; rocking-horse, with the reins
drawn over his head, Just as he .left it j,
while on the table was his plate, WiUi bis
high chair. beside it. Up to t&at moment
wo mantained ’our firmness, hut We could
no longer. i v
; Friends came to assist us. God bless
them I Never did we need them more—
never did we appreciate them more highly.
The authorities placed the police at'our
service, to make the search thorough.
J Still ho tidings. Nearly eighteen hours
had passed, each hope had been crashed,
lead the prospects grpw darker.
I Mthisjuncture camp a German to the
house., and said that if our child wife the
[independent in EVERTTHINO.J
onedesoribed in the morning papers, he
was safe and would bring him. Wo did
not nee him, and on learning themewn,
drove to the place we suppose he designa
natd, but found no child. Homeward
again we did come. The friends in the
search had in part returned, and were await
ing the result of this intelligence ere they
should go again. The anxiety was too
deep for words. At last we saw some one
coming—how far one can see who looks
for a lost child- I —nearer' and nearer; It
was—it was our child!! God be praised,
he was safe 1
ers can imagine them! -
Our friends gathered with swimming
eyes about the child. There was no need
to call them to *come and rejoice with us.’
There wore three other children who had
not been in peril; three who had not wan
dered : three whom we loved as We loved
1 the fourth; but 0, there was in our hearts,
.there was among our neighbors, more joy
over the one, than over the three that went
“not astray ! More—aye more ! We did
not love them less, but the joy was over the
rescued! ,
An honest German found the little wan
derer a long distance from home, and saw
that he was lost. He took him up and
earned him to his house, placed him in the
crib and rocked him to sleep, had washed
and fed him, and restored him to our anus.
We asked him to accept a pecuniary re
co tnpense, but he refused, saying in bro
ken English, ‘1 have children, too; if one
pf mine was lost, I would went some one
to take him up. No, no—no money ;’and
he buttoned his coat over his noble Teu
tonic heart, and bid us good bye.
We have often beard, but never before
published, the following yarn on Dr.
Thompson, of Atlanta, a generous, good
man, and a tip-top knd.ord and wit; but
he certainly caught it once.
A traveler called very late for break
fast, and' the meal bad to be hurriedly
prepared. Thompson, feeling that the
“ feed” was not quite up to the mark, made
all sorts of apologies all around the eater,
who worked on in silence, never raising
his head beyond the affirmative influence
of his fork, by an act even acknowledging
mine host. This sulky demeanor rather
“ Head” the doctor, who, changing the
range of his battery, stuck his thumbs in.
the arm-holes of his vest, expanded his
chest by robbing the room of half its air,
and said:—
“ Now, nfister, dod durn me if I haiut
made all the apology necessary, an’ more
ioo, considering the breakfast and who
gets it; and now I tell you I have seen
airtier, worse looking, and darned sight
smaller breakfasts.than this several times.”
The weary, hungry cine, meekly laid
down bis tools, swallowed the bite in tran
situ, placed the palms of his hands togeth
er, and modestly looking up at the vexed
aud fuming landlord, shot him dead with
the following words:
u Is—what—you—-say-—true ?”.
‘.‘.Yes, sir,” came with a vindictive
“ Well, then, I’ll be darned, boss, if
you haint out-traveled me !”
The fellow had nothing tp pay at that
house. 1
Fidelity.— Never Jprsake a friend.—
When enemies gather around—when sick
ness falls on the heart—when the world is
dark and cheerless—then is the time to
try true friendship. They who turn from
the’scene of distress, betray their hypoc
risy, and prove that interest only moves
them. If yen have a friend who loves
you and studies yotur interest and happi
ness;—be sure to sustain him in adversity.
|i«t him feel that his former kindness is
appreciated, and ' that his love was not
thrown away. Real fidelity may be rare,
but it exists in the heart. Who has not
seen and felt its power ? They only deny
its worth and power, who never have loved
a friend, or labored to make a friend
i A Lovs.—The love of a
mother is never exhausted, it never chang
es, it never tires. A lather may turn his
back on hip-child, brothers and sisters may
become inveterate enemies, husbands may
desert their wives, wives husbands. But
a mother’s love endures through all; good
repute, in bad repute, in the fece of the
world’s condemnation, a mother still loves
on, and still hopes that her child.may turn
from his evil ways, and repent; still she
remembers the infant smile that pope filled,
her bosom with rapture, the menyilangh,
the joyful shout of his childhood, the
opening promise of his youth;; and she
can never be brdpght te dunk himill un
worthy. ' ' I-
A CHAJJCB.-r-Any i* respectable” man r
who wants to marry ten thousand dollars
with a wife thrown in, has the opportuni
ty offered him. ‘ We see it statpd that
" the chief of a hand of gypsies encamped
near Indianapolis, offers the hand of his
daughter, with a dower of $lO,OOO, to any
respectable man who will marry her.-
That “gal” will he in,demand.
Sacred be the mothcrVemotion—moth-
A Yarn by Su( Lovegood.
Bow Mike Fogy Dectired His
Mr. Michael Fagan is a 4t lirbrthy
representative from "Green ; sjJrin," rest
ding in a small dwelHng in a srikaU village
near Boston. Michael is industrious and
strives hard to turn an penny to
account, whenever, Snd howeverj there may
be the' slightest prospect of profit Michael
has a little patch of ground behind his
boose, where he supports a few ducks and
chickens; and the freshest eggs in (he
neighborhood can always be found on his
premises, for he never aUospp himself to
bo possessed of more than a single dozen
at any time before disposing of (hem. In
addition to bis stock of poultry, Michael
purchased a young pig, which Rafter four
months petting and nnrsing, ihe prided
himself upon exhibiting to hm friends and
acquaintances, as one the " swatest and
kindest craythcn in the, wurld/f .
But Michael’s pig took siclcj. and from
his coughing and sneezing symptoms, it
was certainly evident had contrac
ted a very pad cold. v
Close by the residence of ibis honest
Hibernian, there dwells the village phyai-\
cian, a kind hearted man, and very skill
ful, whose practice is none of the largest.
As he came from his house, a Short time
since, Michael stood at his gate, rumina
ting upon the chances in favor of his favor
ite porker, and observing the doctor, he
hailed him with: “ The top uy the morn
in’to ye docthur?” !
“ Ah, Michael, how are you ?f’
“ It’s very well I am meself docthur—
but perhaps ye’H be teliin’ a poor' hxan
what he’d be afther doih, Tot his pig;
abone ! ahone ! he’s very sick,docthur.”
“ Pig,” exclaimed the doctor with a
smile, “what pig, Michael, and that’s the
matter with 1 im V’
“Shure he’s very bad indade, so.he is.
A cowld, doCthur, shneeziu’ and barkin
the head, off him ana divil blasht the
thing I can do wid him.”
“Well, really, Michael, I can’t say,l’m
not a pig doctor!” ’
“Shure it’s meself that knows that —
But if it was a gossan instead dv the darlin
craythcr what would I be afther doing wid
him for the cowld he has ?” i
“Well,” continued the doctor, consi
derately, “ were it a child, Michael, per
haps I should recommend a mustard poul
tice to his back, and his feet pnt in hot
? ‘‘ lt’s meself that’s obliged to ye, docthur,
beidad I am,” responded Mikd, as the
physician passed along, and he eptered his
house. Mi
“ Biddy I” he added, addressing his %
wife, “ we’ll cure the. pig, sc| |we will.”
In a short time the porker was Invested
in a strong mustard plaster from his tail
to his ears. Notwithstanding Bis strug
gles, and his wheezings,. and torture from
the action of the unyielding planter, a tub
of almost boiling water was prepared, and
into it poor piggy was soused iabove his
knees. The result may be easily con
Next morning, bright and early, Michael
stood at the gate once mote, awaiting the
coming of the doctor, who soon! made his
“ Good morning, Mike, how does the
pig come on?” '
“ 0, be gorrah, docthur I it was mighty
oncivil in ye to be trating a neighbor in
that way, so it was.”
“ Why, what is the matter, what has
happened, Michael?”
“ Happen’d is it, I put the powltice on
the pig, so I did, an’ he squealed mnrther,
an’ he dad it’s no wonder, for the wall
roll’d, off his back from head tri tail.”
“What I” f
“ Didn't I put the pig’s feet in hot wather
as yc tolwd me, an, bejabers (he%off& tum
bled off uv him intircly /”
Poor Mike spoke truly J - Through his
ignorance he had blistered off the bristles,
and with the hot water lie scalded off poor
grantor's feet. He died under fhis doable
dose, and though Michael has never since
since asked the doctor similar mat
ters, he still insists that it a mane
thriek so it was.” iI w ,
TiKjbxpHE of lodine on Cojass.—Dr.
Varges states that corns may be rapidly
cured by Urn Application of the tincture of
lodine, the corn disappearing in the course
of a few days if touched with the tincture
several times a day. If the corn he situ
ated between the toes it should he cover
ed with a piece of linen steeped; in a mix
ture of the tincture and glycerine.—-Med
ical Times,
Yankee Impudence.—The greatest
instanee of impudence on record, is that
of a Yankee, who, in an Italian: city, stop
g a religious procession, In order to
t hm mgar from one of the holy can
. ■ Fire the procession recovered from
Its astonishment, the audacious smoker
had disappeared.
One of the miseries of human lifis
is going to dine with your friend on the
strength of a general invitation, and find
ing by the countenance of hUH-pife, that
voulmfi hattter have waited fp)r a particu
lar tana. : ■- '
I V ?
AfUslly OfpMed te nnisM
per*. ...’-T
; The man who didn't take the pttwi
was ia town yesterday. lie brought hi!
whole family in a two horse wagon. ■ H*
still believed that General Taylor wea
President, and wanted to know if the
“ Kamakatkiana” had taken Cuba, and if
so, where they had taken it Ha had
sold his corn for thirty Gents~the wrfo*
being fifty-five—but on going to deposit
the money, -they told him it was mostly
counterfeit. ; •
The only hard money he had some three
cent pieces and these some aharpet had
“nm on him” for half dimes. Qm of
\the boys went to a blacksmith’s shop to
be measured for a pair of shoes, and an
other mistook the market-hbusa fhr a
church, After hanging his hat on a meet
hook, he pibnsly took a seat on the hvdch?
era’ stall, ana listened to an auctioner,
whom he took to be the preacher. ' He
left before « mectin” was out, and had M
great opinion of the sermon. . ; - ,
[ One of the girls took a lot of need om
ions to the post office to trade them fw a
The oldest boy had add two coon
skins, and was on ahtwt. Wh<m lita*
peen he had called for a glass of soda and
water, and stood soaking his gingerbread
and making wry feces. The shop keeper
mistaking his meaning, had given him a
mixture of sal soda ana water, and it tas
ted strongly of soap. But he’d beam tell
of soda and water, and he was bound Id
gin it a fair triaL Some town feller come
in and called for a lemonade with a'% in
it; whereupon our sharped friend horned
his back and quietly wiped several flies
into his drink.
We approached the old gentleman and
tried to get him to subscribe hut ho would
not listen to it. He was opposed tq in
ternal improvements, and he thotfcty lav
nin was a wicked, invention and wexation.
None of his family ever learned to read,
but one hoy, and he teaohed schoolawhile
and then went to studying diwinity I 1
Sambo was a slave to a master who was
constitutionally addicted to lyiiig. Sam
bo, being stroftgiy devoted fo Ms roaster,
had, by dint of long practice; made him
self an adept in giving plausibility to his
master’s largest storied Onefoywhcn
the master was entertaining his guestsiu
his customary manner, among other mar*
velous fhets,. he related an incident which
took place in one of his hunting
sions. ;
“I fired at a tuck/' said fie "at on*
hundred yards distance, and the ball pat*
sed through his left hind foot and through
his head just back of his ear.”
This evidently producing some Htile
doubt upon the minds of sogie of his
guests, he called upon Sambo to corrobo
rate him.
“Yes, massa,” said the almost con
founded slave, after a moment's hesita
tion, «me see de ball hit’im- Job ss'”
massa lif up de gun to he eves, do bpek
Hf up him bine foot to scratch his ear, an*
massa’s baU go clean through him foot
and head at the same time.” ' *
ffhe guests were satisfied with this ex
planation, and swallowed the whole with
out further hesitation, but when his guests
were ;gone, Sambo ventured uponhis mas
ter’s good humor so for as to remonstrate.
“ For mighty sake, massa,
tell anode? such a lie, don't put am so
far apart, me had debbilish bara work to
get um togedder.” '
Curb fobScratches.— -H. Payne, of
Lookport, communicates the hQoirisi
remedy for scratches in. horses, ifhioh we
have seen tried with good effect:
tl When the hjorse comes in at night,
his legs should he washed clean .and rub
bed as dry as may be; then apply good
vinegar, rubbing it well to the skin.-r
Tfro applications a day arc sufficient. J[
Imye always' found it a sure preventive
and' a certain cure. If the legs have be
come cracked and sore, apply the vinegar
freely, and add a piece of copperas ana
of a common hickory nut, to a quart of
vinegar.” . ,
BS, A school-boy, of about «iz years of
age, approached the master with a bold
look and self confident air, and tWM»
lowing dialogue ensued:— -
“May I be dismissed, sir I”
“What reason have you for making
the request, Thomas V*
“ I want to take my woman out sleigh*
ing, sir.” N
is ao old and true saying, tint
a man should not marry unless no can
support a wife; and from some examples
that we have seen, we are begihing to
doubt seriously whether a woman oan
prudently marry unless she can support a
10“ “ A ruffian shot at me last nighty"
said a penurious gentleman, “and my
life was saved by the ball striking *
dollar in my pocket” “Whoewib
true aim at your heart Is very certafcto
hit a dollar,” said one who knew hot' "
Hard Work forSambe.
,\ . ;