The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 12, 1859, Image 1
«r of Jgfc •Mteutyf lERY, aet, ori«at*3 cy Soap*, FIES. ntA } , Paint aai Puma, JPwtt^TqgjJ TO OILS. a ground inOU, Wlilj* OIL. ID'ICINJSB icrbave’a iH|U and iladaejr’a Blood a Golden Mih-T?**! >■l Corbln'a Pn|.rBli» Merrhant’a G-»gifn, <£* ur-fold. Antimfil? lll oscthcr wUkffi|g*jjJ. HS. fennsaa*, CelfbraUd Yaeteriede. fUercTer known nurket. ♦** Oolebrstod Hmwm.ii micainUiiMjP^SJ^ FLUID canaUntlronW. reliable ptcparnUoaawu A2SSP “TP?** INGER & fJLL? inform their frirada and for the ptesent u£«>hhl .o'isli as aDmgStbttC I>, whr re they wai b*IJC i» with a call. ap coat call at riNGEB * CwuaS'g. •ip pairof pants riXGEtt t I’LtSUJPa. y cheap Under- UNGKR £ UUiSU^pg, :ood and cheap IXGER i CLUUN’S. ud hat or cap nxciKii * ing in the line Ii —call at : INQKft * UllHAS’i. Clothing cheap :>XGEB*Ct«iUK:B. good Clothing r I.NOER k ULUUirs; ■: i:l er & 00., . //. Drant,) D COMMISSION VNTS, al Railroad Depot, iG, P A. Metal, FaZrooi In*, to .\aitt. Flour, Oro- 1 IXtA, Salt, tte. \ :r small quanlitios, slots llvanla. ' [JulyJst-ly. PECTORAjL, S’ Imperial Coach Ayny, re's Holland BitUn, r > ' iV hey's Blood Stankv, upcneo't Golios JVk, and Me Lane's PUit, ■chanCs GtayUng OH, it's Fourfold lAitmenr, nd Bant LtnmestH, ale «t l. ttore. ND STATIONS- tL\xs niburp, roGBBBr his Urge cad #dl tdtsuA if id Stationery, Sail d Book Printing, xccutod.- ' ' io, Type Founds™, PVD»- fenly IT.IW-lT NY. v the I> wlstown Aorta.' ars withChsenfc Manta* ’r ,m Da TaU'sUalranH 00 Sfd. ALKX. U«KX>. ifcliip,*-, D-j Vail's ChUwiSeCOw Lsoj* for which It : HDontanftOtwly* I I?*®* 1 * tin. A. M. IXOBA®* [ >wn»lilp, 3liflUiHso-» •*". (,'E gazette- Ciime and CrimlnehJjJ* k-!y circulated - Great Trim* OtoM tun theeome,tofelh*l'» 1 “ , not to he found la »*/ «: il for > should write their M®** v. here they poeltojW^J v. maTBEI.Ii a oft. wYork Jfog DAGUEKREAX mirr. the ir«aildw*»2 rcKtcntbatheUpjepK* 4 i , ,(. ,' ■ rased pertont, tom-test notice end*** tjo,t received ■,pl r oii’ra<w»jg icorner -,urg, Pa fJenel7^_ marb£k*£S arble, X'-cute or*e**f* ffUns-. H>nts, Table fop s " rKiiumllke wunsw* tv hat Mrs .iwiKtpwn, r»r. r “ m mimend ttto fcf “"■wt»SK#r ill CHEST M l Ui» «*pp£-Scr« >t ■ li:« cuulinujJ 5.-0 of '.'STY liwt Jo#* g-iaastfJ? V ■***&& McCBUM & dern, tol *• TUE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. jIcCEUM * DEBN, PcbUihew and Proprietor*. fn.TiUe inT&riaWyin ndrance,) 11,60 ptr Biiitim, (p J ued at o, e expiration of the time Jllpspert p»U for IDUIS OS ADVKRTIBEtO. i 1 insertion . „ $2O $ 37H *6O T ,arli»>x 60 , '76 100 One nju&t*, (* ‘ l | iee ’? 100 160 >OO f.o “ ft 6 . .. 160 ‘2 00 • >6O Tbn» ‘ ' d iesstlianUireo«nonUiß,2scentspcr "" , * a . , \ n tai* f° r 60011 lusttUoß ' 3 months. 0 months. .1 year. «1 60 $3 00 $6 00 2 60 4 00 “00 4 00 6 09 10 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 fjx lines cr le«», One 9qU(U«, T«o “ Three four “ 10 90 14 00 20 00 Halfacolnmn, 14 00 25 00 ' 40 00 one column. r mentors Notices, 176 &*’ b >- th * year ’ KluarM ’ 10 00 8 6 0 o j, ; ' * political character or individual in -011"' nnS'cliarffed according to the above rates. - ,c Ti«T Lmcnts not marital with the number of insertions bo continued tiU-forbid and charged according avo cents perlipe for every iMMtfon- Obituary notices exceeding ten tines, fifty cents o^umc. TRIBUNE DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. MINISTERS, &.C. vnAvtiwi, Uev. A h. Clark, Pastor.—Preaching ev c>l aiJreiugat 10ji o’clock, an.l in tho evening al "/'Mock tall rath School at» o'clock, A. M„ in the Lec ,’ •,. U |U,uii:.' Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening In Rev S. Citnwnox, Pastor.—Preach ■ ,ir‘vory dahhoth morning at XI o’clock and in the even ' * Sabbath School in the Lecture Koopi at 2 o clock, P. o’ Prayer Meeting in same room every Weducs ‘n'uing. Young Men’s Prayer Meeting every iriday '’itojr'e-i! Lutheran. Rev. JacobSteck, Pastor.-Preach , v -nirbuth mtirning at clock, and at clock Ii !r. nitrg oahballi School |n the Lecture Room at •j yc.rc’r.;'. >l. Prayer Meeting in same room every " rtwiV>C:‘ U acv. W.D. Dick, Pastor.—Preaching ev r.atl. m... nme at H'M e'd'** and >*> ‘he • ' u’l. iibbath School in the L'-ctCr- Room al 9 1 «. "Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening ' r 'pTuy-H: a £v-*-<>P*l’ Ucr - R - ouyF - 1 ’- Pastor.—DUinc eaeh wontli »t WUoVlock N » .. i >i, ptm<Uv School at 0 o clock A. 31. -Twi'jns, Pastor.—Preaching at 10J4 _>. j M rl;,' moraine..and at -2 in the afternoon, fili n' Rev. U. H . fisi!, factor— Vreachingevery Sabbath ~ - r ; u-at ) ■>:; o'clock, and also in the evening- S»W*ath »t e o'clock, A■ M. X’rayer Meeting every Vv ednea tVfcUK'£. Hcv. SststaCaii, r.istor.—Preaching „ e:v Si’juaili -!!•- nius nl 11 o’clock and in the evening, in Iht’oU L’aicn iHojI llou=<*. ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE HAILS CLOSK, tw>rr. War at Western " 11-'lli-Uynburg, W,-stum Through, Ka-tern Through Mail MAILS OPEN ihotcru Thr -ugh Mail, G** A. 31 WVUrrnThr'-.ujb, ' - J ££ , “ Way, r 22 p‘« h astern •* G 25 P. 31 Hehhh»v»hurg 730 A. 3T. and GTS “ ■ Office* uj-t-n for the transaction ofbusiueas fi'rfm u. 30 A 31 m 730 I’. M., dining the week, tuiil from 7.30 to 5.30 o'- clock, on Sunday. Juno 1, 'iT-ifj JOHN SHOEMAKER, V. 31. R AILROAD SCHEDULE. Btrrus* Tralc >i.i-: Knives 1-26 A. M., leaves.l,3o A. M. -v, n “ 7.55 “ “ 3,15 •’ ful “ toc-l “ 9.05 P. M. “ 9,20 P. 51. “ IV. n “ 8,10 I’. 51, “ 8,25 P. 51. Hill “ “ 7;35 A. 51. “ 7.50 A.M. “ 0.26 p. M, “ 6.10 P. M 51-. II ibbll'AYSUb'Rfi I!RAN(JH connects with Express Train ta.-t a-i-1 WVat. and with slail Tmlu.East and ITest. The ill. AI il.-V lU.ii BRANCH connects with Johnstown Vty Tr.i:. hast i.:. l West, Express Traill West and Mail Tran. INst. SuveiaUr 21. 15JS. TUOS. A. SCOTT, Supt. MEETINGS OF ASSOCIATIONS Mruntair. Ldge. A. Y. M_ No. 2SI. meets on secondTues 4»v of .’sell m-mth. in the third story of the Masonic Tem -1-K at 7}•£ o'clock. P.M. Mounion Rnrampment, A. Y. 51., No 10, meets on the fwnli T ;, P lay uf each month, in the third story of the Mar lick Temple, at ~\i o'clock. P. M. Jltawm J, dge, I.'O. of O. F„ No. 473, meets every Friday iu the second story of the Masonic Temple, at 7 ’ 2 o'clock, p.-M. Veranda Lodge, 1. 0. of O. F., No. 532, meets every Friday the third slorv of Patton’s Building, on Virginia l>-t. »I 7 >-C o'clock. P. St. Wnatnaf, Tribe, No. 33, X. 0. R. 51, hold stated Coun cil! p. tv Tuesday evening in the I. 0. 0. F. Hall, in the Minnie Temple. Council Fire kindled at 7th run 30th W. A. Ail AMS. C. of R. (June 25, ’57-ly Junior Sons r.f America; Camp No. 31. meets every 51op 4»V night in the third story of Patton's Xloil, at < o’clock r. m. ■ . ' ■ ir.i'.hinjton Otmp, iYo. 64, J. S. of A., meets every ToHilay evening, iu the il storv of Patton’s Hall. -tit fna Division. Xa. 311, N. of 27, meets every Satnr- J»v evening, in the Odd Fellows! Hall. Jlasonic Temple. B. F. Rose, D. (J. IV.; Wm. C. McCormick. P. W. P.; B.JF. Custer. W. P.; C. R. McCrea, ffj A.: Bjp. McCnun, R. Wm. McCormick, A. R. S.; Yl.Clabaugh. T.; Jacob Renner, P..V; I).Galbraith,C.; J. W.Clabaugh, A.C.; \V T m. Mar •hid, 1. S.: B. F. Rosa, O. S. Mtvma if: Via nice' Lil>rar>/ and Reading Room Atioaa- Idm meets statedly on the Ist Saturday evening in Janua ry April, July and October. Board of Directors meet on let Tuesday evening In eacli month. Room open from < to 10 o'clock every evening, (Sunday excepted.) COUNTY OFFICERS. Judges qf the Courts. —President, ilioa. George AUocintes, J. Penh Jones, David Caldwell. Rrothonctary-r-ioscph Baldridge. / Register and Recorder— Utgh A. Caldwell. Sheriff—James jFunk. 1 District Attomey—BeoJ. h. He wit. : Countg Commissioners— Jacob Barnhart, J. R. McFar- Isop. Knos M. Jones, Clerk to Commissioners —Hugh A. Caldwell. Uerointde Appraiser —Joseph O. Adlam. o)an!g Surveyor —James L. Owinn. ! Treasurer —John Idngofelt. Auditors —S. slorrow, A, C. McCartney, Jos. B. llcwitt. •Poor House Weaver, Samuel Shiver, J. B. Riddle. Onvner —lVUliam Fox. Superintendent gf Ormmon Sehodlt— JohnJlean. . ALTOONA BOROUGH OFFICERS- Justices of the ihaee—Jacob Good, J. M. Cherry. Burga; —K. SI. Jone*. ■ Jbirii Ojimcit —John Allison, Robert -Green, Robert B. -'ftor. Daniel Price, Henry S.Spcring. ' I'rct:d‘ni nf C.uncO--JohnAHisoh< Clerk to CouncO—Joseph O. Adiom. -v ■ u: ■ "a’OKj/t JVfoiHrer—Daniel Price. , s™* Directors—C. BI Slnti C. C. Mason,. George If. Wm. C. McCormick, D. P.-Rose/Goo.B. Cramer.? "tanner nf School Board —lf m. C. McCormick. ': K. Rly. 1 G&cf/ir—jfchn McClelland. : ■ , J rfilon-Tlicw: McMlnn, David Galbraith. Jacob Biertxfwer. - _ . * Aujstant .Outsort—Michael Ciabangh, A. -■ r’W'of £ Alejdmderi “ «* ’ Went . R.Ortbnwood. ‘ , . “ ' yorth “ Jacob Bottcnberg. i<MF«iert-Eajt Ward—Henry Bell. Jacob Seinfc. „ West North “ G. W. Harman. John Condo. _ I^HOCERJEES.—rA U.ARGE AND complete oasortment of Groceries have Just been ro ,**"«* at the more of ; J.B. IHIRMAH. fURPET .BAGfi, TRUNKS, UM ,Jy" WELIiAS, *c„ can bebonght cheaper at B. TUCH’S atany other place id the country. [Dee. 9.1858 (V* HAND AT MoCQRaaCK'S Store r.,, “A tplendld assortment of Ready-Made clothing* tallsnd Bov. 25,-tt A BOOMSAi StiPPOKTEKS, Iroa- 2 do. S do. 6 60 10 00 14 00 7 20 A.M. 7 2ii 7 26 A. JI. and fi 00 P. M. 600 “ 730 " rp HE LIVER INVIGORATOR! I PREPARED BY DR. 6ANFOBD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, le one of the best Purgative and Liver.Madlcineanow be fore the public, that acts «a a Cathartic, eaaier, mnder and mote dfectoal than anyother medicine known. Itisnot only a Cathartic, hnt a iicer remedy, acting first on the Liver to qject its morbid matter, then on tiro stomach and bowels to carry off thatmattor, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. 'lt strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate: doses, will strengthen and bniid it up with unusual rapidity. The Lrvxa is one of the[ principal regulators of the human body; and when it performs its functions well, the powers of the system are fully developed. The stomach- is.almost entirely dependent on the healthy action of tho Liver for tho| Qj proper performance of its functions; when tho stom-| ach is at jfhult, the bowels aro at fault,,and the whole,Q system Buffers In conse quence of onq organ—the!'' Livbb—having ceased to do its duty. For" tho diseases; Ljof that organ, one of the proprietors has made it his L study, in a practice of more than twenty years, to find j some remedy wherewith to counteract the many .de- rangoments to which it is liable. /y» ' To prove that' this reme son troubled with Xivxa forms, has but to try a hot tain. These Cams remove alt the system, supplying in of' bile, invigorating the digest well, ptoiptisq tbe health to the whdlo machi of the disease—effecting a Biuocs Attacks are enr pbevestxs, by the occa- TIGORATOB. One dose niter eating is mach and prevent the food Only one dose taken be- Nightmarc. v Only one dose taken at els gently, and cures Cos-' One dosertuken after each #i>~ One dose of two tear ieve Sick Headache. One bottle taken for fe tlie cause' of the disease, Only one dose immediate-1 One dose often 1 repeated ' Moubus, and a preventive : CSf Only one bottle is system the effeetkof medi- JBagr“ One' 1 bottle taken for lowness or unnatural color One dose taken n short vigor to the appetite,\gnd One dose often repeated its worst forms, while Sum vieid almost to the first One or two doses cores! in children: there is vno: remedy in the world, as it A few bottles curee.Dropgy Wo take pleasure in ro es a preventive for Fever all Fevers of u Bilious type, and thousands are willing virtues. All who use it archiving their unanimous testimony in its favor. Mix Water in the mouth with the Ihvlgorator, and swallow both together. ' THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and is daily working caret, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit , and seldom more than one bottle is reunited to care any kind of Liver Com plaint. from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Headache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. PRICE ONI DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. DR. SANFORD. Proprietor, SIS Broadway, New York. Sold by G.,IT. KesßLKß,’Altoona;'and retailed by all Druggists. |' [May 27. 1558.-ly MORK-T&ANr 500,000 BOTTLES SOLD IN THE NEW ENGLAND STATES IN ONE YEAR. The Restorative of Prof. O. J. Wood for Restoring hair perfectly and pm mancntl}, has never yet had a rival, vol ume alter volume might be given from nil jwrts of the world and from the most intelligent to prove that,it is a perfect Restorative ; but read the circular and you cannot ddubt; read also the following. ZEJ-The Hair.—People hdvc for centuries been afflicted with bald heads and the only remedy, heretofore known, has been those abominable wigs. By a recent discovery of Professor Wood these articles are being fast dispensed with, but a great many pcrsbns still patronize them, because they have been so often imposed Upon by Hair Tunics of; different kinds. To all such persons we earnestly make the request; that they-will try once again, for in Wood’s Restorative there is no such thing as 'fill." We know of a lady who was bald, who used tlie-artide a short time, and her head is now coveted completely with the tiniest and' most beautiful curls imaginable. We know of numerous cases where hair was rapidly falling out, which It restored in greater perfection than it ever had been before. It is also without doubt one of the best articles for kce[e ing the hair in good condition, making it soft and glosi-y, removing dandruff, and hits proved' itself the greatest ene my to.all the ills that hair is heir to. It is the duty of every one to improve their personal ap pearance though some may differ in regard to the ways of doing if: but every one will admit that w beautiful head of hair, cither in man or woman, is an object much tube de sired. and thyre are no means that shodul be left untried to obtain such a consideration.— Woman's' Advocate, Ptiila. Coshocton, Ohio, Nov. 17,1856. 0. J. WOOD A.CO.—Gents: As I have been engaged in selling yonr Hair Restorative the last .season for one of your local agents (R. 51. Uackinson,) and haviibg cxpcrl cuced the beneficial effects of It myself, I would Tike to ob tain an agency fdrthe State of .Ohio or some State in the West, should you wish MJlßHtke each an arrangement, ns 1 am convinced there is notM^ ! eqiM to it in Die Uptted Slates, fen restoring the hair, I ; 3iav» ,heen engaged in .the Drug business for several yenrgy’Md hare sold tariaqs prepara tions for the hair,’ but have firandYwthlng that restores the secretive organs or invigorate* the Scalp as well os yonrs, being fully convinced that yonf res'toratiyb' is what yon represent it to be, I would like to engage in the sale of il) for lam satisfied it hiast sell! Yours truly. ’ -V ■ . ' rg. T. STOCKMAN*. : Wayland, Mass, Feb. 5,1857. PROF. 0. J.-.WOOD 4Co,—Oenfai: Haying realized the good effects of yonr .Hair Restorative, I wish to state,, that finding my hair growing thin, as well ,as gray, I was In duced from what I read and heard, to try the,article pro pared by yon, to promote its growth and change its color as it was in youth, both of which it has effected complete ly. In the operation I have used nearly three bottles. Yours Ac., | JASIES FRANCIS. 0. J. Wood A Co., Proprietors Sl2 Broadway, New York, fin the great N. Y. Wire Balllhg Establishment,) and 114 Market St., SL ton!*. Mo. - ■; For sale by O. W. KJESBLER, Altoona, and by all good Druggist*. ’ Juno 3; 1858-ly. ■ j D. JU GOOD, M. D. J. M OOIHIU, M.D. DR S. GOOD & GEMMILL HAY ING entered into Partnership .In the Practice of Medicine, respectfully tender their services to the Public in the several branches of thtir Profession. ' ' : Calls will be answered elther day or night at their office —-which is tho aame as heretofore occupied by Dm. Hirst A Good,-Air at theßogan House; r Dr. GEMMILI, REFERS TO D*Tn> OitBBRT, M. Prof. Obstetrics in Penn’a Medical College,‘Philadelp6iai p - ~ ; P. Orwrer Shith, M. D., Prof Institutes of Mediclbe in Penn’a Uedidal College. i Johs Neiu, M- D., Prof Surgery in Pa. Med. Col, and Su rgeon to the Pa. Hospital, Philadelphia ‘ \ ; , |; J. B. huden, M D, Huntingdimj Pa - £ John McCulloch, MB, « | ■ . j John Scott, Esq, i-y,;. 'i : •"Wm Dorris, Jr, Esq, ■. “ i '- Wm M Lloyd, Rsq. HolUdaytbnrg, . , John Crcsswell, Jr, Esq, ' V Samuel ilitUken, Esq, Bell’s 1 Mills, GenREBclL f-f. -■ .. John Bell, JEsq, ** : r . > ' AP& iOsL188»«in . : T\R. WM. R. .EINfJSY RE- > • I / SPECTFDLLY offer? htii ' services to the people of AlCooaa emd thc jointiig Country, -y: }S' ; He may he fonfid at the office,(ißrctoloro 06- mauV enpied by Dr. G, D. Tliomas. . ’ Am ■ Altoona, Sept. 30, 1868'.-tf jt ~ B E. ROYER, M. I D., j • Offers his professional services to the citlxens of Altoona and vicinity. The best of references given if required. ' Office at residence on Branch street. East Altdona, three dpon above Conrad’s Store. * (April ,88 'sB>ly. - BE BOUGHT AT p. TUOHU. WinchMter * Oo’a Patent ShoolderSeamPiiie SMiti i&e.0,1888. "-'i- dy is at last found, any per -1 Complaint, in any of its tie, and conviction is cer- morbid or bod matter from their place a healthy flow stomach, causing food to blood, giving tone and |nery, removing the cause radical core. e<l, ASP, WHAT IS BETTER, eional use of the Liver Is sufficient to.rclieve the sto ry* from rising and soaring. W fore retiring, prevents > % night, loosens the the bow . (lIVJtNESS. meal will care Dyspepsia j | spoonsful will always r» A male obstruction remove and makes a perfect cure, ly relieves Cholic, while Is a sure cure for CuoLcn jofCnousßA. needed to throw out of th« cine alter a long sickness. ; Jaunwcb removes all sal -1 from Ihe skin. mi p* | ft! fil Oi time before eating gives makes the food digest well, cures Chronic Diarrbma in mer and Bowel complaints dose. *■ attacks caused by Wobiis surer, safer, or'speedier never Jails. by exciting the absorbents commending the medicine (and Ague, Chill Fever, and It operates with certainty, to testify to Us wonderful &-~ • t N.S ■ ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, MAT 12, 1859. Hdcd P»etrg. , From tht Watcrlg Magazine. HOME. Tho loireSt spot of all the earth, ’ is home, The ione of all to which we turn, ■; tVbere’er wo roam, A pleasant home, a happy home, There is ho place so fltir. If those Wo love who smile tor ns, But have their dwelling there. The dearest word 1 ever learned Is home. The ewecjtest sopg, I ever hoard J| “ Home, sweet Home.” fo may. wo turn,when cares are o’er, When day draws to a close,,. And find among tho loved ones there A.season of repose. M. M. H. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS or THE Altoona Mecluuucs' Library and Heading Boom Association. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE. I. This Society shall be called “ The Altoona Mechanics’ Library and Heading Hoorn Associ ation.” ARTICLE 11. Its object shall be the promotion of informa tion on *ll subjects of useful knowledge. ARTICLE IH. There shall |be a Library, a Reading Room, and a Cabinet of Minerals and Models connected kith this Association. ARTICLE IV. The officers o. this Society, shall be a Presi dent, Vice: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Seven Three Auditors, and a Librarian ARTICLE V The President, or in ' his absence, the Vice President, or in the absence of both, a Presi dent chosen pro tempore, shall preside at all the meetings of the Association. ARTICLE VI The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the business of the Society,, give notice of the ’stated and special meetings, and'notify numbers of their election. He shall conduct the correspondence and keep a record thereof, acknowledge donations to the Library and Cab inet, and notify all Honorary members of their election. ARTICLE VII. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association, and deposits them as the Board of Directors, may direct. lie shall make no pay ments without an order iu writing from the President, Countersigned by the Secretary, and shall exhibit hjs account at every regular meet ing on whenever galled on by the Board of Di rectors. fie shall'give bonds with one or more sureties to be accepted, by,the Association in the sum of $£ for ttie faithful performance of his duties. I ARTICLE Till. Secion 1. The President, Vice President, Sec retary ami Treii surer, in connection with Severn Directors Elected by the Association shall com pose the Bharj pf Directors. Sec. 2 The -Board of Directors shall have charge of all matters of finance and the various concerns of the Association, which may not be otherwise provided for, with authority to devise 'and execute measures which may advahce its interests, reporting the same to the next meet ing of the Association. Sec. 3. They shall keep regular minutes of their proceedings, which shall be open at ail times to the inspection of the members of the Association. ; Sec. 4. They "shall at the stated meetings of the .Association, present a detailed report of their proceedings Sec. 5. They 1 shall hold stated meetings once in each month, 1 shall elect their officers, and be atiiberty to make By Laws for their own regu lation. Seven; of their number shall constitute a quorum. V ■ Sec. 6. -They shall have power to fill vancan cies in their Board from members of the Associ ation. ; ARTICLE IX. It shall be the duty of the Auditors to exam - ine .the Treasurers Accounts to compare them with the vouchers, and certify to their correct ness, and; act;as judges at the Annual election of officers. ARTICLE X. Section I. the election for officers shall be. held' on the first Saturday of January of each year, between the hours of 5 o’clock, P. M., and 8 o’clock, P. M., of said, day and the general meeting of the; Association at 8J o’clock, of same day, fiat if np election shall take place ht that time, the officers in existence shall continue un til a new election is held. ’ . . Sec. 2. : The!: President, Vice President, Sec retary, treasurer and Librarian, shall bo elec* ted by shp&rite ballot, and the Directors and Auditors, |by general; ticket. The, candidates receiving a plurality df votes, shall be. declared elected. Sec. 3. | The; officers; elect shall organize and enter upon .the duties of their office immediate ly. after tjhe election. No member will hare a right to vote at the general election for officers, who has not paid his dues' for the previous year. I ARTICLE XL ■ Section J. Any poison if approved, of by a majority pf thb Board of Directors may become a member on with the provisions of this Constitution. ~ Sec.. 2. The admission fee, shall be one dollar In advance. ‘ Twenty-five: dollars will constitute a Life Mehibcif. , ; . / ■ Site. 8. | Ths monthly dues shall be twenty five cents] .'Ahy ihember'in arrears shall bo in eligible Id office. Sec 4.1 Ifohqrary members shall be elected by the Board Idf Directors, who shall report such election alt th£ next meeting of the Association. ' |Sec. j&l Ajs rnqmbqr .wishing- ;to ;%ithdimwi 'jTrom the } Association; must iufqrm theJLibcaH- ‘ an of bis intention, and pee that bis &sighat<on is registered.- ; • jSsc.,6.:; No! resignation of Membership shall be occepted hptU all dues are paid and books belonging ,to 'returned. ‘ , ■•: I : :Sysaws.:v • \ - 'U •. ARTICLE L *' ** - .There | shall be the following standing Oom mijttees, Wh to consist pf fi members to be »p* i ; •; i - ■ - ■; [INDEPENDENT IN EVERYTHING.] pointed by tbe President and approved s>y the Association. 4th. On Specimens and Samples of American Industry. Section 1. The stated meetings of the Asso ciation shall be held on the evening of the first Saturday of each Quarter, at o’clock in Jan uary, 8 o’clock, in July, and 7 4 o’clock in April and October. Sec. 2. -Special meetings shall be called by order of the President, on application of a ma jority of the Board of Directors or twelve mem bers of the/ Association. Sec. S. : Twelve members shall constitute a quorum at any general or stated meeting of the Association. let. On Library and Reading Room. 2d. On‘Cabinet of Models and Minerals. ■3d. On Manufactures. 6th. On Inventions. ARTICLE 11. Sec. 4. Order of Business. Ist. Reading Minutes. -2d. Reading Correspondence. 3d. Reports of Officers. 4th. Reports of Standing Committees sth. Reports of Select Committees. 6th. Deferred Business. 7th. Consideration of Reports. Bth. Elections. 9th. New Business. Sec. 5. All resolutions proposed for the con sideration of the Association, must be presented to the Presiding Officer in writing signed by the mover. Sec. 6. The yeas and nays shall be called at the request of 5 (five) members. Sec. 7. Appeals from the decision of the Chair shall only be sustained by a vote of two thirds of the meeting. Sec. 8. Debate on such appeals may be cut off by a majority ofthe meeting on a motion being made to that effect. Sec. 9. Debate on other question may be • cut off by a vote of two-thirds of the meet ing, on motion being made to that effect. ARTICLE 111, Section 1. The Reading Room shall be open daily (Sundays excepted) from 8 A. M., till 10 P. M. The Library from fii o'clock, P. M., to 10 P. M. Sec. 2. Every member may detain each Book, or set, two weeks, with the privilege of renewal for one week longer, except new publications, which until they have been in the Library three mouths, shall not be detained longer than one week, and shall in no_ case be renewed: No nook shall be reserved for any Director or mem ber Sec. 8. A fine of 10 cents per week shall be exacted for the detention of every Book beyond the limited time. Sec. 4. Books not returned to life Library within one month after the limited time has ex pired, shall be considered lost, and the delin quent member in addition to his fihes and dues, shall pay the value assessed upon said Books by the Library Committee, unless he returns them within ten days after said assessment of value is made, iu as good order as when taken, on refusal to pay which the Librarian shall report him to the Board of Directors, who shall cause his name to be stricken from the roll Of mem bership. Ss.c. 5. Sho ;ld any book, be returned injured, the borrower shall pay for the injury, or replace tho-book as the Library Committee may direct; and if one or more Books belonging to a sett or setts be lost, the borrower shall pay the full value of the sett or setts,-and may take the remaining volumes. Sec. 6 Members shall have the privilege of drawing books from the Library, at. any time, for use in the Reading Room. ARTICLE IV, Section 1. Conversation calculated to dis turb other members, shall in no case be allow ed in the Reading Room. Sec. 2. Smoking, spitting on the floor, or conduct inconsistent with decorum, or calcula ted to injure the property of the Association, shall not be tolerated. Sec. 3. Unbound periodicals shall be placed on the same footing as other works after they have been in the Library one week. All un bound works shall be hound as soon as practi cable. Sec. 4. The Librarian shall bo provided with complimentary tickets, which shall be furnish ed to any member, on application, torthe use of visiting friends, not residents of Altoona or vicinity. ARTICLE 5, Section 1. The Librarian shall have charge of the Library, Reading Room and Cabinet, un der the appropriate'Committees. Sec. 2. He shall see that the Books, Library", Reading Roo n and Cabinet are kept in good order, and shall duly observe the directions of the appropriate Committees. Sec. 3. He shall keep a full and accurate catalogue of the books belonging to the Associ ation, in a. book to be provided for that purpose, which shall at all times, be open to the inspec tion of the members. Sec. 4. He shall enter in a book (to be kept for that pui pose) the name of every person to whom a book shall be delivered, the number the ' book, the time when taken, and when re turned, together with the fines arising from every default. Sec. 5. He shall deliver to any member ap plying, one volume, if it be a folio, quarto or octavo, and one book or sett, not exceeding 8 volumes, if of less size. Sec. 6. He shall collect' all forfeitures and debts incurred by members on account of losses or damage done to the books or property of the Library or Reading Boom, and account for the same to the Treasurer. Sec. 7.‘ He shall replace the books in proper order, upon the shelves as soon as may be, af ter tliey are returned, having first carefully ex amined them, and ascertained whether they have bqen' injured. ARTICLE VI. To alter or amend this Constitution or these By Lows, written notice shall he given stating the intended amendments, at any meeting of tfie : Association, and it shall be acted up|m; at the nett, br any subsequent stated meeting.— No amendmen t shall become'a part of th is Con stitution I unless approved by a vote of two thirds of members present. A PROPOSED AMENDMENTS. That Sec. Ist of Art, 2d. of the By Laws be so amended as td read “ first Monday” instead of “first Saturday." ~ v: To ’See. 8, Art. 11, of the Constitution. All 'members, who ate in arrears for dnos, for six been hbtified'hf'tbe tame by the Treasurer) shall 'be deprived of the use of Books slid other privileges pf the Association. titled Ipscdlng. Confession of Monster. The “ down-enat” papers contain: the confes-j sion of Marshal Potter, who, on tlie night of Wednesday, April 6th, at Lee, Maine, murder ed hie aged mother and two brothers!, and a boy, his nephew, and then eet fire to ,the house.— The villian is a graduate of the State Prison, and has long been an object of general aversion and distrust. His object in committing these murders was to gratify, a slight quarrel with his mother, eighty years old, who threatened to deny him with further admission to the house, in con sequence of bis bad conduct, and; also to get possession of $2OO which his brothers had by them, and $lOO which his mother had received a few days previous; her pension as the widow of a revolutionary soldier*. Of his [own accord, the wretched man, Marshall Potter, made the following confession;— ' “I am guilty. I came home about 10 o'clock Wednesday night; my mother was irp; she told me it was a fine time of night to tome home : one of my brothers told me I bad been over to Mr. Hanscom’s, and carried a bottle of liquor with me; I told him 1 had not been there ;ho told me I had; I told him that I did not want any more stuff from him, or something to that amount; he told me if I did not keep still I should go out doors; I told him I shouldn’t go out; I went out into the other part of the house and got a shingle maul, (an instrument made of hard wood, twelve inches long and six in width and breadth, with a handle about a foot long in the end) with which I took'the lives of them all; 1 went in and struck Alexander with the shingle maul; I hit him in tboiface and on the bead and struck him a number of times. “1 then struck Oliver several times on the head and face, they neither of theta struggled after I hit them. My mother came into the room and got hold of me; I swung round and struck her with the maul, and she fell;' she did not struggle. The caudle was setting on the wood box by the side of the stove ; I Upped it off the box iute the box of shavings; the shavings took fire, and 1 did try to pul the fire out; I then left the house and wept out round it ; I staid out round there till it got pretty well afire; then 1 went over to Mr. Hanscom’s, called him up and told him that the house was burning up, and all there was in it; he got np, and heand I went over; when we got there the house: was pretty much burned through. “ I killed Albert (his nephaw, a boy ten years j old); I killed them all; 1 think T didn’t stike | Albert on the bend; I struck him on tho side of the face with the maul; be didn’t struggle theu ; I heard him make a.noise afterwards ; he was lying on the bed, but I don’t know as he was psleep : I don’t know how the shavings came in the box; they were ihero before } mother was up and sitting by the stove when I came in; my two brothers were in bed ; we had some quar reling before, but nothing but words.” The examination of the mutilated and .char red bodies confirms the account ot the manner in which tbe murder was effected, even that of the buy whose jaw and face is horribly crushed The murdered is 43 years of age. "He allows no particular sign of feeling, but seenjs rather in different than otherwise. Judicial Faeces.— A correspondent, who has evidently kept bis eyes open and made use of bis optics, sends us a communication concerning the escape of "an alleged murderer In Philadel phia. The remarks of our correspondent will 'fit some other lochlitios we know of. He thus sketches the judicial farce sometimes enacted under the name of a trial for murder: “ For the fun of the thing, let us suppose the alleged murderer caught. “ Vel;t votofit?” Of coarse, he will have a hearing before a mag istrate, bail business discussed, and awful hard swearing, pro and con., generally. ‘ Prisoner is committed to stand a trial. \ Dip arrives.— * Quarter Sessions crowded. Counsel for defend ant on band and eager for tbe fray. Jury cal led. “Formed an opinion?’’ Test “Stand aside.’’ Another and another—slime question' —same answer; till, after a long time, twelve intelligent; ,&0., are procured. When, all of a sudden, the discovery is made that an impor tant witness is absent. “Can’t; go on, your Honor. Peter Jones is here—will swear that John Snooks, who knows everything, and more too, can’t be found; expect to prove by him in sanity in the family of the prisoner fora thou sand years; wjll swear that the prisoner is as harmless as a kitten; was hit once, when a baby, on' the shins, with a doogti-ntit, and been soft headed ever since.” The trial is pul off; comes on next six 'months; crazy dodge; no go ; con victed ;\great shame; innocent ns a lamb; move for a new trial; argument heard; refused; sen tenced ; Governor pardons. And; 80 ends the farce. Who wonld’nt “ take a dajf s shooting ?” A Strange Advertisement. —TFe find in the Zanesville Courier an advertisement of Solomon Sturges, one of the. wealthy men of Ohio, in which he sets forth his reasons for offering far sale his vast landed property, pe advertises the subject thus:— “ 1 have some eight or ten fine improved forms in Indiana, and one 0f670 acres; near Galena, in Illinois, that I wish to sell. I believe no man has a right to own more land than is necessary for bis use, and that of his family;: God has no doubt wisely ordained, that land\thitri» should be cursed ; and I can truly say I am' ex ceedingly ancons to Sell qll my lands, and get rid of the curse. 1 will therefore sell at low price*, and on easy terms of payment, any of my real estate; and 1 have a great deal pnore than I want, ought tp have,; or desire.”: , gQT A German couple vrere g remarried in Detroit a few,days since, after been.di vorced from each other for three Jjears. Onbis wedding night some yillaipqns lafio planted the. germ of jealousy within his breast, and he soon hhd ho difficulty in convincing himself that he was uninjured husband, and separation follow ed. After three years of riiigle blessedness, he became convinced of the faithfulness of his for met- spouse, and be therefore w'erit from his re sidence, in' dn eastern city, to Detroit, where they were again miuriod, and wenp on their way rqjoicing. /:• egy* Every dog in Massachusetts who .WOhld have the to live, must bf mjm r bered, and licensed by the tdwp park, and every dog must wear a coUar vriUi hil owncr’s name and his own nuniber .registered dfi it. - •*» -. .-j. X - EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Stem (ft* CVitciiuutf Sdattifie JrOtm. « THE BLACK ’ What an awful picture presents itself to the vision of the workman as his name, that good name, the name it may be of in honest man,'is ordered to be written upon tho“ bliekiist!” Bisses and groans await-him* andvisioM of eternal infamy seems to glimmer before him, as the persecuting chalk scrawls oat his hitherto fair initials. His tearful.wife, too, trembling in%er doubt between starvation and honor, bids him go and yield to the committee and the union, and hare their spotless names preserved from such a' fearful list/ Ndw,- brother, nke chanic, let me say a word or two, as we gp up to the judgement hall. I have Joined In a “strike," in days leng since past. We Struck against bosses who woe exceedingly kind to us; agains men. who sympathized with ha in cur sickness, and smiled, upon us In our prosperity. We, too, were perfectly satisfied with our env ployers and our wages, and in faet, there was but one man who complained of anything In the whole establisment, and ho was Hie Uuittt man, perhaps, that ever breathed, and strange is h may seein, was as peevish as he was lazy. He must have wondered at the generosity of his employers, in keeping him about the shops; but like all things earthly, his wonder had an end, for he was discharged, and with no other alter* native but to “ strike.” He etruck for higher wages, and though des piaed by all, he started a little stream which burst erory barrier, till the fountain itself .was exhausted. We all struck, we knew not why,, hut we imagined we were in an age that demon* ded a revolution. We soon disliked to meet ear employers, and we as soon imagined that they bated us, and only wished crush ne beneath their terrible tyranny.. We farmed a union, and displayed a magnificent “ black list."' We para ded the streets to very martial musio; we drank, and smoked, and flourished, and our employers had to yield, yes, we “ brot’em’’ to terms, and they were mighty glad to get us baek. Glori ous day ! Magnificent victory!! What a grand success we mechanics hud achieved!!! And yet strange to tell, in the short space of seven months, there were but sixteen of the “ strikers” left in that town, and they of the sixteen all, with but one exception, had been emblosoned on the terrifiic “ black list.” Let me tell you, my friend, no man nor no set of men cenld frighten these strikers, now with a “ black lied.” Nay, though they dared to write their names upon the blackest walls of the infernal pit,- and send from thence the most hissing groanspf damned spirits, they would die before they Wotdd yield their liberty and strike for what they did not desire ; If your employers are regardless of your riffSU, strike ofl’ their bonds and starve before yen will yield. But for humaity’a sake, do npt say “ t was perfectly satisfied, and would like to be at work again, bat the rest struck, and I was afraid to stand out” If you have any rights to vindicate, let me urge it upon yen to mantain them. ’ 1 ' “ But he alone U just.” who in the vindication of his own osun, in fringes not the rights of others. The Laugh or Womax. — A woman has no natural gift more bewitching than a sweetTadgh. It is like the sweet sound of flutes on the water. It leaps from her heart in a clear, sparkling rill; and the heart 'that hears it, feels as if bathed in cool, exhiliarating spring. Have you Over pursued an unseen fugitive through trees, led on by fairy laugh, now here, now there) now lost, now found! We have—And’ we are pursuing that wondering voice to thu day.— Sometimes it comes tons in the'midst of ehre or sorrow, or ikspme business; and then we turn away and listen, and hear' it ringing through the room like a silver bell, with power to scare away the ill spirits mind; 'How much we own to thatjiweet laugh! It tarns the prose into poetry, flings shoWrs of shun shine over the darksome wood in which we : ara traveling; it touches with light even our sleep, jvhich is no more the image of death, feat is bousumed with dreams that are the shadowli of immortality. Scesb is a Sanctum.— Enter a large atrtmg man with a cowhide. ‘ • .-^"t “Is the Editor in I" “Yes.” “You?” ' • - “Tea ” , “I hare come to settle with yon*” - , “Well. (Editor draws a rerolTer. 1— ‘ “Go on.” I hare takep yonr paper a year.” “Well.” (capping a pistol ) ’ “An article in your last weeks Issue, (efiter cooks the pistol,} convinced me tbat vrou need* ed— ” • ■ '■’ ■ ' ••• r ■' “I deny your qrigbt to .giro-- therefor* please be cautions sir.” .. v ■ t ‘‘Give you what ?” : ' f v' ‘‘A tbrea’mg!” r ~ ' [■. “Why, no my dear sir, I came topayyomny subscription in advance 1” Of course no farther disturbance vqi made. Treasure from a Wreck.— At the offices of Messrs. Abell and Langley,, bullion brokers, London, there are now to ba'seeh, gold bars of tbe value of £ll,OOO, and silver barn valued at £4OOO, finished n$ from the wreck of the British ship Latins, which was lost off the coast of Hol land, oh the 9th of October, 1709. After’sitty years immersion, the gold looks as fresh as if it. had. just been taken eat of the bank. The sil ver bars, on the other hand, have become al most black underlie action of salt water; and some of the dollars, which bare been almost all saved, are so .much corroded that they are worth only one to two shillings each. , A- San Mistake. —A man living near Kush* ville, who had been absent in California some three years, on coming h’omc recently, found a babe only three months old lying in the'oradle. With a cruelty utterly diabolical; he at bnce ent off the infant’s ears to'avenge his “wounded honor.” The screams of the little sufferer cal led in the family, when the infuriated man learned that tht> child belonged to a neighbor who Was visiting bis wife. He had to flee tr escape a lynching. ' gQU Judge Johnson, of Louisville, has de cided that a man has no right to whip bis wife, bat that women have a right to whip their hat bands “whenever they please. ‘ It was A pterogstf tive'belonging to them and inaliens-. ble. He was only surprisedJthat it was not ex ercised to a” greater extent ill" / ’V • -■ ) - ■ | N-‘* *w. , W**' NO/16. ■rTf’-'T -t Us-l’.'t .li‘ ;IV ; „Tel ’ 5 t, r .4, ,7,. - V •i /I * >}■