itifiiaWOiellimhßt, but not ao mash by onymeam •.fllßSjlliatfMM chrap rtceKof I *aK»XtaEkS‘CS3‘<»cflffj # aowhtihg npwifll if 'the MODEL 8T0RB; and ■while Ult x idttß«Wtad*wtSim whether or not gold can ha :eMlnjottcw the former place, tha proprietors of tbs ModMmmViitfnlrfiiut in raying that gold sen be eared by 'J^SrSfik'at* pverantvrtll bo fonud orach larger and fSUt* faded than heretofore, and wo hope to be able to , pitooe the teetee of the meet fastidious. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Such fU English and, French Ducah, Hack arid fancy Silks, French Bril kiants, figured and white Mar- . ' ccilles, Lawns, Ginghams, . : Prints, Muslins, dee. Jfo»V.» splendid assortment of White Goode, Hosiery, Bkme. Mitts. fa. We have also on band «large lot ef conn, bought at auction for cteh, which will be sold vesycheap. A large assortment of beautiful Bering and JtSSStUSS- BRAWLS. ; ,\ BOOT8&SHOES, Wooden ft Willow Ware, ftneen*ware, Feeling tfaahkfol to our friends for their patronage hare* era d«teim)>*4, to raU Ghods cheeper than ever tor edsh'erfor prqmre monthly payments only. We cor- Aletlr. invito oar oM «» neerfriends and jautonura to call oar new stock, 'Which wo will be pleased to ehow •HUB. : J.AJ.LOWTHER. AafgiTtiy’W. TOWARD ASBoei|kTloN, PHlL FMmddt*t toititution, ettaHUthed 5y tptcial endowment : Jbr ftgfpiy, tf the lick and dtitre&ed. affected-with Fir " the Aaaocunea, in viewofthe awful deetroctiou ef human-life, earned by Sexual Disease*, and the deceptions praetlMd npon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, sereralyuara ago directed their ConsnltingSurgeon, aa a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a Dispen sary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give medical ad rice aratie, to all who appiV ;.hy Utter, with a description of tbojir condition, (age, oocn ■ potion, habits of life, Ac.,) and in oases of extreme poverty .. and (offering, io furniih medicine free of charge. It I* wiinflsiaw to add that the Association commands the highest Mtdicel skill of tha age, and will furnish the most approv .eAmoderh-tnAtment.: • TbadJrectori of the. Association, 4n their Annual Report Upon tile treatment of Sexual Diseases, express the highest .satisfaction witirtho success which has attended the labors of the Consnltffef Surgeon in the cure of Snpenuatorrhoea, ' Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gem lorrhoea, OlecJ, Sy philis, tits vice of Onanism or Self-abuse, Ac., and order a - continuance of the same plan for the ensnlng year. The Directors, on a review of the post, feci assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been ef great benefit to tits afflicted, especially to thoyoung, and ■ they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewedisral, to this very important and much despised cause. Ah .admirable -Report on Spennatorrhma, or Seminal .Weakness, tits vice of .Onanism, Masturbation, or Self r abuse, and. other abuses of the sexual organs, by the Con sulting Burgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed enval- OF CIIAttOE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Other Deports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual diseases, Ac., are constantly being pub lished for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent tp the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods of treat ment discovered during the last year, are of groat value. - Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. CAL QODN.ConiuIUng Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 8. Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. By. order of the Dlrectore. EZRA D. HEARTWELL. Pret'l. .GBP. FAIRCHILD, Set£g. [Dec. My. TKTBW GROQERY FEED AND PRO- Vision store. 1 Tha subscriber would respectfully Inform tha citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he has opened a store of theabovs kihd, near the corner of Adeline and Julia_streeta. East Altaonaywherehe will keep constantly on Tiand a full sup ply of everything in his line. Ills G R OGERIE S are all freeh and yrill be sold at prices ns low as those of any other establishment in town. His stock of provisions, •casts! tog of Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Sides, &t. Will be sold* UttU cheaper than they can be bought any where else. His'Flonr u obtained mim the beat mills in ths Western part of the State, and la warranted to be wba!t ft is represented. All kinds of Food for horses, cows and hugs, always on hand. ■ ' 1 intend to keep such an'assortment that I shallat all ■ limes be able to supply my customers with whatever they . mir heed, and I intend also to sell at prices which will i .make it a saving to those who patronize my store. *tly.JS2, 1858-Sm. ' . HENRT BELL. "\TOUTH AND MANHOOD.— JUST ¥ Published, the 25th Thousand, and mfmtmkmx ■uul'd in a eeaied envelope, to my address, post paid, on receipt of three stamps. •gHBNHr A medical essay-on the physical exhaustion MMUr and decay of the frame,censed by “self-ohuie,” Infcttlon, and tho injurious consequences of mercury. ByE.J. Oulverwell, M. D., Member of tha royalcoUego of sor geontf «&. 4Sp* Spermatorrhoea or Seminal tEmissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Impotency, Loss of Energy,' Depression Of Spirits'. Timidity, Diseases of the Soxnal Organs, and Impedimenta to Marriage, are promptly and effectually re n moved "Us the anthore' novel and most successful mode of . treatment by means of which Owilnvalid can regain pris ' ties health without having to dohgefous and ex peusivAttcdidnca. 1 (From the London Lancet.} ’■The best treatise ever written on ajraqjcot of vital im portance to 'all, well worthy the author's exalted, reputa- Md®/' ■ ■ Address, the Publishers J.O. KLINE k CO., Ist Avenue, Oor. IDth street: Post Box 4580, New York City. ©UV ALL’S GALVANIC 1 OIL. Prepared originally by H. DU TALL, for marly of the College of Surgeons, at Paris, is now of- ! bred to the public, 49* for the jmre of sore aud palm For instance —Pain or sorenelr in any part of the system,Rheumatism, pain in thb back, breast or side, heeled breasts, neuralgia, burn*, sprains, headache, cramp in the stomach, or any Other discuss that is SORB and PAINFUL, and it Ispniy over this class ot disededs that we claim a perfect VICTORY. We say poktively 'to odr patrons Wo can relieve the sufferer •0 tinted out of 100. 'We would Just say to the pnb- Ue, Prof. Dn Tall was 2& years!: in bringing to this medicine superiority over all others. Price 60 Cents per bottle—per cent, ent off to the trade.' All orders must be addressed to J. D. SIONBROAD, Proprietor, gept % 1868-3xo : ; i ' Lewlstown, Pa. : Agent* for Hu Vail’s Gal vanic Oil—Henry . Lehr, O. W.‘ Leader, and A. Roush, Altoona, and ail dealers in medl laee everywhere. ! Tiff AP OF BLAIR COUNTY.—THE Ivl subscribers propose to publish a New Map of Blair County, Pennsylvania, from actual surveys, containing all Bulk Roads, Rail Roads, Canals, the acted localities of ' VlUagae,Po«t Offices, llouses of Woj«hlp, School Honses, 'M-nnEactorie*, Tanneries, Mills, Hotels, Storey Fans Hone* aa,'.pjgpss of Property Owner*, Ac. : JufaUjjed Plans ot the Principal Tillages, a'Table of Distances, anda Business Directunr, giving the name and - bittiness of each subscriber,' will be engraved da the mar gin." The plotting will botoa suitable scale sd as to males ' a largs ana ornamental Map, which will bo colored and . Biotmted lb the best style, andddlivered to subscribers at * ‘M'kf esbtr' : l : SiliUSh OEll., ISAAC G.FBiEED. lyrdßE NEW GOODST—THEUN jSjL DERSIGNED has jnst received a fresh ropply of •.IXl37 and WINTER GOODS; consisting of CloitoPind Css simeres of all qualities and colors; Flash Velvet and Silk VESTINGS. - Also, a large stock of Shirts, Drawers and UnjlenhirU, Gent’s Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ac.— Please give me a coll before purchasing elsewhere, as I am ■repared to eell os cheap as they can be had id town.' Nor. 4,1858. T. ELWAT. I>QOT AND SHOEMAKER.—THE !' X) rabecrlbcr respectfully Informs the citizens of Altoo- Ttcinity that ho still continues to manhfcctnro HopteandShoes ofevHry description., on the shortest no .tfcaathis shop on Main Street, next door totl»<9 Tribune - 'afiSi tr,* work is done up in the best of stylo, and can ■Dt tell toeire satisfaction. Only give him a call. "lfw.ClBM.-ly. I*. RICKARDS. TtR. WM. R. FINLEY RE- * I'- W gPBCTFULLY offers his MrrieM to the people of Altoona and the ad*^BH7 at the office heretofore oc '•nilitliyDr. O. D. Thomas. ; ' T ASMM,'Bept SO, 1858.-4 t jpfREAM TARTER, SUPER-CARBO of Soda, Salaratns, Washing Soda, Durkco’s JpKinC Potrder, in store and for sale at v gept. 2,’68-tf-l A. KOUSH’3 Drugstore. §OLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG- P 1(B8IA—a cooling Cathartic, mild in its .operation agreeable to the taste, prepared and ibr eole by ■ -Jane tt, 1888,-tf A. RQtISH, Drupjitt. FINE AND LARD OILS, CAM phene. Burning fluid, Carbon Oil, at r*Wl3.’6«-tf] KESSLRR’g. mm HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH ’pm Beef aides, by J. L. lOKES. mo w -20*24, and cut '.'a; QW.KESSUiiI. 'ijL- .. ‘"i ■jiifAKlA L. DB DEYBTIR HSMO-l jLTJL MAh SCHOOL.—Thh taetltoflon, whieh ieioeated and wtUeonneet with It a Hah) A FamafeDepStowlTla the Mato (fepartment, young men wiU be instructed with airlew to their entering the-advaiiood classes Of.oar best or,'lf derived, thetr education completed. In the' Instruction will he given In any, or all oi tha different branches, either tclid orsrnnsMw/nl, taoght in our beet Female Seminurlea. • ■ -j JJAr will be divided into two Beeelons of five months the Bnmmer Session to commence on the Ist Hon day of May, ending on the hut Wednesday of September— r the Winter Session to commence on the Ist Monday in K*4 vember, ending on the hut Wednesday of March. Thai Sessions will bo divided into two quarters of eleven weeks each. Terms, per quarter, aa follows vfo.: SOLID BRANCHES. Primary (including Reading, Writing. Orthog raphy, Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geography, Ac.) $4,00 Advanced (Including the Natural Scimicee, Mathe matics, Mental and Moral Philosophy, liogic,the Lan guages end Composition Ac.) sS,ed EXTRA, OB ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. I Music (Including use of Instrument) $lO,OO Drawing, $8,00; Painting (In water Colon) . 3,00; Needlework, ; »ooi Instructions in vocal music gratis. One half the above I charges, to bepaW Invariably in advance. . - B. W. OLIVER, Superintendent Mode Dep't, A. B. OLARK, Irinaie « Mr,——— , Principal of Stole ¥ Miss C. M. CLARK, « Female* March 10,1859.-tf Another break-out.—the subscriber would inform his old customers that he has opened out again at his old stand, where he hopes to receive their coils. He has now on hand the cheapest and best assortment of GROCERIES that con be found in the town, consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, Suit by the bushel or sack. Dried Fruit of all kinds. Fish of the very best quality, together with everything in the Grocery line, all of which is fresh from tha Eastern market. He also keeps constantly on hand a suppyof FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN, which he sells at tha lowest market prices, PORK always on hand and retailed in quantities to suit purchasers, JOHN LEHR. : December 18, 1858-ly Exchange hotel.—the sub scriber would feapectfully in form the public that he has recently ro- ;■ fitted the above Hotel, and is now pije pared to accommodate his friends and EH : patrons-in a comfortable manner, and hemSsPeSafiSTi will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and '■ cities, and his Bar filledwith liquors of choice brands. llis charges are as reasonable as thoso of any other Hotel In the place, add he feels Satisfied they can not be complained of by those who firvnr him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share 'of public patronage, and fully Intending to deserve it, h 6 throws open' his house to the public and invites a trial. Altoona, May 27,1858.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. WM. S. BITTNER. SUHGEON DENTIST. Office opposite the Lutheran, clru^chi Teeth extracted without pain by the Electro Mae noth- Machine. ~ Full setts of teeth for $16,00 Grid fillings warranted for 10 yean. / A student wanted. / [Dec. 23-tf. Dentistry.— -dr. s. Icimmell. OPERATIVE a UECBANfCAL DENTIST. Teeth inserted, from one to a foil set, on Gold or Silver Plato. Teeth filled with Gold, and warranted for ten years. Teeth .Extracted by the Electro Magnetic Machine with out Pain. ' ' y All operations and wort dona cheaper than anywhere else in the county, and a deduction made, of the railroad expenses from Altoona to Hollldaysbuirg, from all opera tions amounting to five dollars and over. 05S- Office on Montgomery street, opposite the Exchange Hotel, HoHldaysbnrg, Pa. ; [Dee. 16,1858-ly i G^OODFITS! BEST FITS!! FIRST- ItATjTFITS!! I—For a good fitting and well-made COAT, calpon j. SNYDER. ’ For an excellent fitting TEST, by all. means call on ' J. SNYDER- i For PANTALOONS that can’t be. beat for fit and ease, nn ! ! J. SNYDER. I fjome, kind reader, if yon want to dress In a fashionable style, call at my Shop, opposite nowhere, but close to Al toona Banking House.- I/>ok Out Par the picture with my name-below. JACOB SNYDER, Taiioa. ' v Altoona, Oct 14,14,1868.-Iy ■ , J. Gr. AI3LUM, SlOPooSbllfLi®* ! ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. Can at all times be found at the store of J. B. Trn«in«„ Altoona, October 1, 1887.-ly WESTERN INSURANCE V_A AND TRUST COMPANY. —Insurance on Beal dr personal property will be effected on the most reasonable terms by their agents In Altoona at his office In Anba St. March IT, 1859. JOHN SIT OEM AKER, Agent! Flour.— the best quality of yAMHiY PLOURIbr sole, Wholesale vidßetAllA A PP*y £ . J- toOEMAKBK, ( Dsc. 1556-tf. * /Maaonlo T UMBER FOR SALE, i -Li .80,000 SHINGLES, 60,0d0 LATHES. ? nd aU.kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL. hmerthan the lowest, tor Cash. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER.: 'I ■ T " *m i . V - I YES! 0 YES!—-GENTLEMEN v_/ draw ni«h and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT tnnoud cestotfae pa-ile, that ho is ready to discharge his duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon. | f Jan. 2 ’B6. f A SPLENDID ‘ ASSORTMENT OF Undershirts and Drawers, Cotton, Woollen and BUK, very low, at T H.TDCH’S. i J)CC. 0 1858. lEyrs preparation FOR EX i tormlMtlng RATS, MICE, ROACHES,AKXS, and &^Rto^ t oT ? “ d^Cbc 4t < S Jan. 21, ’SO-tf) o.| W.KESHEERj SELLING OFF—A LARGE as sortment of Boots Mid Shoes,! Buffalo fend Cab vv itrak ; 5 h.tuch^ /"CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW Ready Made aothdng,oftte latest Paahtons, cheaper than eyer, at H. lUCH’ffc' Dec. 9,1868. v , j' ' • IVTONE BUT THE BEST CONFEC ■II tlonaries,JthtsandFrnlts keptat " ? - June 18 ’B7-ly] HENRY LEHR’S.! PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome. Ureen. TeUoW, Paris Grtem dry in ground oil at [I-tt] - ; gßasr.yit?« f Henry lehr’s store is in John Lehr’s old stand, nearly i opposite MoOor mtck’g stars, in North Ward. matotydtaeaa».whatev er be iU form or locality. TU* H dowby eaualhdiixthe cireulatiaa, therebyrcmoviag the sole cause of inframattoa. ’ Snoumi, KbbuMU, Headache, Fite, Ooida, Parara, Inflamed Throat, Longa, ud Liver, Female Diseases “jr sipelaa, BraachUia, Pleurisy, Asthma, Djepejwia, Venereal Tttrirancs Qout, Berofhla, Canker sod all other forma of Infiamatioa are janflyanbdned by the New Medioel Belt. : 1 ThslFcw Kbhou.Biu»i >bo dote test •what it claims to do—no more, no leas—equalises the cir culation by removing from tile gyatem all arterial and venous ofaatrnetkma. Muirmroae bats tried the virtues of the New Medical Balt, though but lately discovered and introduced. Wit- Bem the testimonials and' certificates of core. ' Aix wno hate csed it acknowledge a benefit from it.— iAn acquaintance of ours was cured of a severe case of Neu ralgia in less than a week. ; Tqom intalcabus Medicine is nobly fulfilling, in my lease, all the promises which you made for it A few doses also relieved my mother of a rusNof blood to the head. J. P. GILLINGHAM, Phila. iNPhAmcATosT Rhetjmatisx was my complaint. The first package did the work effectually, as not a vestige of Rheumatism is left G.IL DUNCAN, New York. : I Enow it is qood for Rheumatism, removing it in a few hours. I am now for Scrofula and have already received benefit. B. LESSIG, Reading. I Tried it j»oe Anecribm of the Abdominal Aorta. In ten day* the pain was gone. T. W. FITZIMONS, M. D, Phils. We steak bt the Boos. We have tried it. It has cota ilete control over Inflanifttion. ! Bronchitis, Canker, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia have jbeen cured by it. Makt xobs would testify, if necessary. Descriptive Circulars. with testimonials may be obtained from any Druggists who has this Talnablo medicine for solo. Dr. CpccswsLL’B Antiphlogistic salt. Price, One Dollar. Chronic Package, $2.50, . Tbe New Medical Salt is fob bale in Altoona, by A. Roushj Geo. A. Jacobs, Hoilidaysburg, ami by all enter prising druggists wbereercr the “Tribune” is read. As it is not a patent medicine, but the prescription of an emi nent physician, no one should fail to try the Medical Salt. For testimonials and directions, see circular. Dec. 10,’58-3 y. Gi HEAT ioirHOVEMIiNT'IN COOK- T IXO. STOVES. CONSUMPTION OF SMOKE AND QAS AND SAVING OF tCF.h. The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to the public a NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to su percede all others, as it requires ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL than other stoves and is more easily, quickly and regular ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot gas arises from this stove from the fact that it is all consumed ere it can es cape. There is no trouble from smoke ns that unpleasant and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside of the stove Neither is there any danger of flu-» or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by the gas arising fromcoal fires. Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to call at the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER. SAe Agent for Blair Cbitnly. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor. Cooking and Egg Stoves on hand. [Aog. 12, 1556. A FORTUNE OF s7o*ooo i !! TO BE HAD FOR / In WOOD, EDDY & GO ’S BELAWAKE state lottery. Class 232, to bo drawn at 'Wilmington, Del., on SATURDAY, FKBRDAUY 26,1839, In which are embraced the following Brilliant Capitals : 1 Prize of $70,000 ! 1 Prize of $30,000 !! 1 Prize of $20,000!!! 2 Prizes of $10,000!!!! 4 1 Prize of$6,000!! I! 1 Prize of 6,000!!!! Prizes in the Scheme, amounting to $1,205,801. 7S Numbers—l 3 Drawn Ballot*. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO ; EVERY TWO TICKETS. Whole Tickets, $2O; Halves, $10; Quarters, $5. Orders addressed to WOOD! EDDY A CO.. N Wilmington. Delaware, GW. KESSLER4-PR ACTIO AL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces | p to the citizens of Altoona and the public gva-tfsSgMn ernlly, that he still continues the Drug business, on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly By W on hand, for sole. Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH ES and 'DYE-STUFFS. By strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat isfaction to all as regards price and quality, ho hopes to merit and. receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms, and all orders from a distance proinptly attended to. physicians prescriptions careftilly compounded. [l-tf. fIHE ORE AT QUESTION WHICH now agitates the mind of every person is, .where can I gee the best article for mynHt money? Tn regard to other matters, the anb- IjSB veriper would not atb.'mpt to direct, but If you HBl Want anything in the lino of BOOTS OR SHOES is Invites an examination of his stock and work. He teeps constantly on hand an osaortment ofßoots, Shoes, Gaiters,; Slippers, Ac., which he offers at fair prices.. lie will give special attention to custom work’ ail of which will bo warranted tq give satisfaction. None but ths best workmen are employed _ Remember my shop is on Main street, next door to B Kerr’s did stand, now W. O’Neil’s. September 3, ’57-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS. Boots and shoes.—the un dendgned has now on hand and will sell cheap at his store in the Masonic Tem- hB pie, a large nnd- complete assortment ofBOOTS hS 'AND SHOES, ready made, or made to order, |H, Overshoes, Indies’ Sandals, Oum Shoes, Cork Soles, and everything in" his line of business, of the best quality and on the most reasonable tenuis. All custom work warranted. h Jan. 2, ’56-tf.] 1 J. eHjDEMAHER. PRICE REDUCED ONE-HALF! -VEIT MEDICAL SALT ' INFLAM MAT 01l Y DISEASIi! TXT m ONLY ONE DOLLAR! CHRONIC PACKAGE, s2.§o. , A®* See Advertisement.”®®; .. Jan. 20,1&9. . . Blair county insurance AGENCY. —Tho undersigned, Agent of the Blair County Mutual Eire Insurance Company, is at all tiihes ready to insure against loss or damage by 6m», JUfrchamlite, Tumitmre and Property, of evqrydes cription, in town or country, at a« reaiohablo rates as any Company la the State. Office, with Bel!, Johnston. Jack A 9°i „„„ '»• *• CALDWELL, /(pent. Jan, 27, ’69-tf , - /TIONCENTRATED LYE, FOR MA VV king Soft Soap/and Spap Powder for Washing, one pound eqonl to six of common Soap; Castile Soap, Palm Soap, Chemical Soap, etc. On hand and tor Sale at ■ ~ Jane IQ, 1858:-tf j ■ .-q. V : , • A. BOUSH’S. rpHE LARGEST? ASSORTMENT OF JL Boy’s wear, such U Jackets, Pits* and Overcoats Pants and Vesta, at the lowest prices, at H. IDOiTS. , Dec. 9,1858. • • \ ■ T IQUORS. —A LARGE AMOUNT JLi . dl well selected LIQUORS has been received atthe“LOGAN HOUSE,” Hollldayeburg, whiob whlbe sold at the .lowest cash prices, wholesale or rttaiL The man who wants has only to [Pec. 17. tf. EICH TOBACCO AND HIGHLY flavored Cigan, in abnndanee, can be had at Jnne 18. ’57-lyl ' v :: :: gENBY LEHR’S. VP 17 CAST ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL D. C. TAYLOR, * 00., Gen. 202 Dock SL Fhita. TTTOOD, EDDY & CO.'S TT HELAWABB STATB LOTTERIES! CAPITAL PEIZB $37 500 H TICKETS $lO. Nones This ie to tnfonn the jraWlo, that we have dte posedaf oar entire interest in the Lottery Grants, h«d by no, a* eharterU fry the Btatea of ItoUwntfc Georgia, I ' BT US* SANVORPy MWY FROM GUMS, 1. one of too beet Pnrptive forethe public,thatact* as» eW^^.T^’ n f man dfeotaal than any other medicine known.. U fount wit» bsuW 1 first oh At AMr litgfeetitsmorbid matter, then JJJ? boweu to carry off tbntmatter, pnrpesMefffectually,without unyof the experienced to the qpnrations of ,?. vUeagtlxtiu the mtexyi*t the mmt time that it **, end when taken dally.ltt moderate doses, will strengthen and bnhd it up with Unusual rapidity. The Lim is one of the principal regulator* oftbe human body; and when; it performs its functions wwu, the powers of the system . are fully developed. The stomach is almost entirely - dependent on the healthy action of the JUter tot wiffi proper performance of ifo functions; when the atom- ach is at fit nit, the bowels are at fonlt, and the ifhole Qisyxtem suffers in conse quence of one orgnn-J-the V 1 j Lite*—baring cessed to do Its duty. For the diseases Lx of tout organ, one of tha proprietors has made it bis \ (study, to a practice of more than twenty years, to find; some remedy wherewith to counteract the many de- to which it is liable. ; Te prove that this tome son. troubled with Ifftt forms, has but to try a| hot tain. ' : t These Gums reihovn all the system, supplying! In of bile, invigorating; the digest well, poßirnss <»* health'to the whole machi-J of the disease—effecting a Biuors Attacks aiwcnr- PEETrsisn. by the ; oepa ▼ioihulTOK. ' {;; ■ One dose after, eating is mach and prevent thefood Only eno dose taken be- Nightmare. _ J I'■ | Only one dose taken; at els gently, and cures ;Ct«H One dOM taken afternch! 9ST" One dose of twq tea • ieve Sics Heahaciie. ;: . One bottle taken forfo the cause of the disease. Only one dose immediate- 1 One dose often repealed; Mounts, and a preventive; tSt~ Only one buttle? is system the effects of mcdl- X*r One bottle takenfor lowness or uuuatnral color One dofofc taken a short vigor to tlfc appetite,; ami One dose often repeated its Wfirat forms, white Sntu yi.-IJ almost to the flrst Ouo or two doses emes in children: there is no remedy In the world, : ai It A few bottles carcsuipjpsy Wo take pleasure In fre as a preventive, for Server all Fevers of a Bilious impo sed thousands are willing virtues. ; i. All who cse it are giving their oaanimeas testimony in Its favor. ggn. Mix Water in the mouth with the Invlgorator, and swallow both together.! THE LIVER INYIGORATOR IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERT, and Is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures os if by magic, ere-n thefird dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cursasy kind of Liver Com plaint. from tha worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Headache, all of which are Che result of a Diskaees Litik. . PRICE ONE OCI.LAR PKR BOTTUK. DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, 315 Broadway, New York. tgt_ Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona; and retailed by all Druggists. [May !iT, 1858.-ly IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COL LEOE, Pittsburg, Pa. Chartered 1866. 800 Students attending January, IS3B. Now the the largest and most thorough Commercial school of the United States. Young men prepared for actual duties of the Counting Room. J. C. Smith, A. M. Prof, of Book-keeping and Science o Accounts. „ i A. T. I'octhitt, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. J. A. Uevbbkk and X. G. .lev kiss, Teachers of Book-keeping A. Cnvmr and W. A. Miixer, Profs. of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, As used in Every department of business. Commercial Arithmetic—Rapid Busineu Writing , Detecting Counterfeit Money — Mercantile Corretpondence—Commercial Lav — Are taught, and all other other subjects necessary for the success and thorough education of a practical businessman. 13 PREMIUMS. Dra-wrii all the premiums in Pittsburg for the past three years, also in Eastern inti Western Cities, for best Writing, NOT-ENGRAVED WOKS. IMPORTANT INFORMATION; Students enter at any time —No Vacation—Time unlimited —Review at pleasure^Graduate* assisted in obtaining situations—Tuition for' full Commercial Course, $35.00 Average time 8 to 12 Weeks—Board, $250 per week—Sta tionery. §0 00—Entire Cost, $60.00 to $70.00. Og~ Ministers' Sons received at half price. For card —Circular—Specimens of Business and Orna mental W citing—inclose two stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. Sept. 30,1858.—1 y Look out for your heads —Tbs subscriber would inform the in- | habitants of this place and viclpity thot ha has just received thojatsst styles of’ ' hats a|nh caps, among which may befonnd the best Black Mole Skin and Silk flats, Black and different colored Wool Bats, Caps of **' l “J?? 68 Priced* for men and boys. Persons in Want ef anything In the above lino will find it to their advantage! *° c*l.l oll »nb*cnl*er before purchasing elsewbefa. ™ on Im&d on excellent assortment of Ladles* i URS, of different: colors and pricey Those In want of the article should cali at once. * Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. Altoona, Oct. 14, 1868.-ly JKSSE SMITH, ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PREMA TUBE BEOLIXB.—Juat Published, Gratis, the 20th Thousand: •• ■ . 1116 RATIONAL treatment, without Medicine, of. Spermatorrhea or Local Weakness! Nocturnal EmieaionH.Genital and Nervous DlbiUtv.lmbo tcncy, and Impedments to Marriage generally* by ■ _ . .. , '.'l B. DE LANET, M. D. The Important fact that the many alarming complaint*, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in thlrnjlii tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely newand hRP lysuoeowlWtreatoiisnt.'aa adopted by the Author, fifty ? hkh «rery one 1* enabled to cute HIMSELF perfectly q'nd at the least possible cost, thereby avoidingall the adVftrtlsbd nostrums of the day. ■ Sent to any address; {gratis and poet free to a sealed mi- by paid) two postage stamae tb Dr. May B,ISM.’ t V OUPPERINO- HUMANITY, READ ferrf to the public that Is equal to DU VAIL’S OAI v*k lOOlLtoMUerlng itjffertog humanity. GALTAf " Iwas an observer of Its effects on a friend of mine, whs tfom a ne °ralgicaffection which medical treatment In Centro conmv Wo applied freely the Galvanic Oil to' the nnfnftil mm j " * some inwardly, and to 30 minutes ale £ QALI COALI coal i IsJ The subscriber would respect-^ 1 ■■■«*..' A to/i£S^.w consumers of CftALltOOACHh^nda r?i7h toon n’< >^ a V he <■ constantly re-KflT^ ll, 3ffisffl Junen-.m) JOHN-ALLISON. dy U at Ustfenud, any psr i Co>f?jjosT, in any of its tie, and conviction is cer- I morbid er bad mailer from their place a healthy flow stomach,: causing feed to flood, giving tono and uery, removing the cans* radical core. >' % ed, atm, waar is wm, atonal me of thalorjat Irt- rafflcient to relieve the sto from rising and souring, tore retiring, prevents night, loosen* the the how nvaxtss. meal will core Dyspepsia ripoonsfnl will always n mate obstruction remove and mokes a perfect cure ly relieve* Cholic, whilo Is a sore cure for Chous of Chois* a. needed to throw ont of tht cine after a long sickness. jACtrtic* removes all sal from the akin. time before eating gives makes the food digest well cures Chronic Diarrinea in mt*r and Bowel complaints dose. attacks caused by Wosws surer, safer, or speedier ncverJMt. by exciting the absorbents commending the medicine snd Ague, Chill Fever, and It operates with certainty, to testify to Us wonderful m m W S ! J M ;2 i gw h I *1 i 3 j si \ s fe *ll <■*» S h*< 2 o § s . ? rt «*a §■* gSlz’l s n O a« • X [2 g-S's 2 5 •sail- HH J— ®1 . 13 t S ' wa|s-| op* 5| -si ' Drafflrt and Pha*^.r t i ■pkEALER IN DRUGS, iuS*. \J wia. paints. dti ShSSS streets. S ComtanUyop hand a splendid ms.,. . PERFUMERY consisting of all OmSuperior KxtncuelL chief; Posaadsa, Hair Cits. meties, frangipani Sadists, Dancy VARIETIES?** I Brushes. Hair. Booth. Nall. yimh. ? fort* Itomatoe, Mint Bottom Kntvee and Violin Strings. ' PAINTS Aim oils I Carbon, Linseed, Sperm and lard fttv, PATENT MEDICI^, Hooflaud’s German Bitten, Borhaveh ' Ayert Cheery Pectoral Sarsaparilla »’vd Sanfbrd’a lives Invtgorator; Lindsey’s Clarke’s female and Dnponco’s Golden inu ¥*W Wilson’s, Mclane'e, Leidy’s and Corbin’iNil **s3 Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps: Merchant's ferry DavU Pain Kilter. Iwfcu, and Nerve and BoueT.lnlmaot, together iH lar Medirinea ofthe day. ■* CIGARS. light GnaxdOpma, I la Fortnna, I BveningSUr, I la Salvadors, i \ ’XHgatattas, I 1* Stowers, I which to i«y with all the superior brands to market, " WW A foil aseortment of Knight's ColehiatedWw. I CAMi’IfE.VE and BURNING Physicians desiring pure and reliable And it to their interest to call wa *i«i| fldto Prescription* carefully and reHablv Remember the sign ofthe Golden Mortar'- . Altoona. Dec. 3u, 1858. ■ ; T> EMOVAL.—ETTINGERTtu 11 MAN would respectfully Inform their wj*' old customer* that: they have tor the pr«*,,i?f: l *| room heretofore'occapiwl by A. Roush a* doors above the Lutheran Church, where they wafufl py to see all who may favor them with a call If you want a cheap coat call J BTTIKOBB 4 CILRuJ If you want a cheap pair of nJ eaUat RTXINOEa A VUi^J If you want to buy cheap UndJ shirts or Oversbikta call at RXTINGkR A m.i xuyJ If you want a good and chj pair of Boots or Shoe* call at ittinobr ittuiuxl If you want a good hat orcJ coll at ETTINGKK t BUXIS^I If you want Anything in the M of Ocut]emeu’s clothing— cheap—call *t ' MTISUKE i lIIDUsi I If you want to get Clothing cheul caU at ETTISOER A bUHy^l If you want to get good Clothim call at ETTINQER k CEUUJii I JAMES M. WHEELER * CO, (Successor* to Mm S. fttwt,) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Near the Penn’a Central Railroad Deal lIARBISBURO , P A. H DEALERS IN HARD AXD SOFT COAi, Pig Metal, Raimi Jmkl and Merchantable Iron,XaOi, Flour, On eerie*, Provision*, Pith, Salt, de, . COAL sent in cars. In large or small the different Railroads In Pennsylvania. [JiljsJ 1 AYER’S CHERRY PBOTOBAL, LL SELLERS’ ImperialCosdhal JloofltnLAIR COUNTY MARBLii YAB[ ,i I —Messrs.Freeman A Hoover rtepcctfiiUyj»J{% Public that they have established a NEW MABBU*- bn the Corner of Allegheny cad Front SbrefJ, Id bnrg, .where they will keep constantly cak*™*"* sortment of CHOICE MARBLE. . ' ftmt be preparod ‘to execute color* 8* - , Tomb Stones, Monuments , Table Hr 4c., in a prompt and workmanlike rnttwr. -‘ HolHd»yrtmrg/Aprtl 14, ’Bfr-Bm.* A CARD.—Hear what orDincanmille njtt—J hew used ptwpaNdby J.O.Stoneroed, Lawisbw. poioAil disease myself and recommend It erery cue found it to be one of the eery b**tf *rZ,it ■ore and painful diieeeee. Bdieree ell pd o ,n * ntes. Erciy Dually should here It In the .-1/ Medicated fur chest SS TECTOfi. A SATE AOAI.Vi tearlhlttieenses ItronchttlE Coughs, Cold*: of tho Lagt.'whldhariße from tin til cl!* Chest, according to fashion and the rontinua- climate, for sate at the'Drug Store of 0- " Lycoming county KRB INSURANCE AOE.NCY.-Tbe agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire at all time* ready to insure against Jess o”*! r j isd Bmldingt, Uenhanditt, /hrmfure ana rt^J description, In town or country, at as re«w“ fc any company in the State. Office In the 3>s^_ Jan. 8, '6O-tf 1 JOHN SXIOhMAa^ All the standaS^^^ 1 MBPIOINBSAT SPECTACLES AND Ver* fbr iiale « ft-tf.j ****** • V*.*; UoCB rot- * tub MtCRC“ asnnm, JSVT' mt Uwtd or b «sr«*s^}i f** rt fc gkree . t* Otar three v H MiehteK SigUnaaorti On* square. Two “ Poor Ball a eoimni One eolumu, AdminUunV-' V*di»nU ad' with liberty IV.e.. vrrlh Coin** tsrest will he Advertlsern* desired, will h la the above t . lioeineu not Obituary no TRIB CH prubgterior ary Sabbath in n< o’clock, i tars Room- P the same room Mdhedid fi STSiSS u* General P Jay avening. •Tenlng. toangtlieal lag every Sabi la tho evening ■J' i o’clock, P. ■'ted Sabbath ni na o’clock. i/cLA, A, M. in same room. Pretettanl I service 2d and a. x***A*y. tVAoue, lt<” o’c.ock In the Btiftlet, Rev morning at 10 Rchool at 0 o’c day evening. A'ri ivsry Sanoath the eld Union EMUntWay Western “ HolUdayaburi Western Thrc Eaatsrn Thru Beaters Thro* Western Thro Waatarn Way Eastern “ UolUdayahun Offleo open to 7.80 P. M., dock, os Sun inns i, ’5 Btpres* Trail fart “ Matt “ M U The HOLM Trala Cast si The BLAU Way Train E Train East. November ME Ihmtain I day of each u pie. at TU o'e - ifcunfi t«r» fourth Taes
  • Btmt 'rtnd/ai i CUrk to C fewju *W Di, Tnaturtr Sigh Cbm 3m ObQte Auditor*: Atsutor- Asrijiant