The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 28, 1859, Image 3

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    » ■
U -
'' t M
s, Brewers, ftrfdit
rsOna re t umed
i-ed tho 10th
ate a Slaking fund-Msk|2
Licence to be Ukm *u
il, of each jear. *
.<»•» ;*
■* Beer, &<
t Medieineiv 2 ' 6 - 6^^^ ''
is'. Jt, •
w : %
r (ktfiai* ii*.
'.■V- JfcC
* of
<•* are ertimftted
4l \*rnih*n *m'
; -V‘v. ' ir*-
r intimated to tati lM&Mit
! w«u |5OO oadgwao.
. , 1 I
'•-• •‘stimated to MU IMtiNM
e-n SWO and SlOOOjlOtk
. Those who art
-■ at. aboTs.
an appeal ot tli«.<V«rt
!'•' 7th da» oflfay, tBH/fci- ■
i.-iry redbettoj* '
l-rnent. Persons calling oo
t:il the a bars uamaddWof
emanx, Altoona '
’Nf, Mercantile Appndtaeft
• was actually grtaftto
as. '
ICE. '
ti<! of the Great Gift Book
i --., Philadelphia, cmraM*
Gift vrcrlhfrota2s£e»M,to
Y-lchtl, ,
Fine Wi JewUryjk.,
■ery <)no* Thonta&d B6ok*t
t r • -<i)ectfully •
Standard and
>t nUa at the lowett jkrtet*.
t >:no Dollar or mor«, th»
e'l'ivu one of tho folUjwloj
(i ,1.1 locket*, lad\ff ;*nd King, Catreo SetLoeld
r< :.tiue,B«tUilgs’. tadßi’.Ca
. nilne Ijunei’ itloran
i T.'ropj, ladies’ Gold
i.Lad Oeutt* GdjdWljj”
• r In Silver ,Cai-«,MiIW
: . Coid Pour With CM«#r«M
; OotdTppflitl«lw|*:
a. l.adieOl Gold,EirlSjW*>
Serving Sldcliii»*S W«»*t
Si- SpAOHH, ltutt*f KgITM,
o. Mi?celU»BCOiMi OttWg*
t’’ froutSS cent* to f 56. .
f"at free to
'.Vied Agent, art -
.■.■ i-- in tKlfcbustnM.’ 3?a«®S
l -ok .'■■•■UiUK buDiut*kforth*
t :i to all. . T> • .
(■)«» and county,'.to I*®®®
ihoiir, or a per ceat*&>*
k ; 1 eit.-a Book •nd**.«l£
s. conliaiaalonß arepadf*."" -
■ i.'lty VuUishing BfoUfJ.
; 1 Street,
speeches, and
l! IV. Sajucker, A Jl.,**!}*?;
‘,j page*. Price s£,
v; 3. h.
> ,f th« Hoa* £
■till ecene* to *)>• U<* » j.
il *>«.) from W* jro«jW£“
l vatalning *0
1h i Architecture of
i -toc.« in Pcato MOjWl^
► Mart, and
i tho £m i
.?n. Mirlwa, AmrtW*^,
i. rfulMtn, W\SSCoI
- '■Job), Narrated
i-: traveling in
w". Tho volnh» "S^nd
j. wrought
•The Prl nee of
> nat tine book toj W aSflwt.
! ■- intereeting
>i . inuntreted-
postpaid,,Oß' rew^T
L 2 tlri.* C«rd
, work, by MaE, PW”
i- &
Xfto place to
>£S, ■ I'.
i Julia Street, OWPgK^trtt*
cr." from 1 to o
iblo terms. > .
.it verflow|fM»»
te.l Ik; for.
»rn mvxteo
pgfliia Critot. *
*?! cotter) *j4 t^i!|t* !
‘*° *mt» ***»' A*>-«took is
i» a»t^« le “
frf ,0 ,’Vhom tlieso implements, when
P*' l \ -jr*<isiri*ffd&
tho fitter, and hi* few of their
(bund apan the "Why f
not all desire that these
tW ‘ .kould be made? Will it not enhance
of every cents worth of real estate,
* „ Bight add, much personal property, ; in
** , Has it'not been proven, and is It
“* “wiled by all that the stock in the Com
must and will pay? Do not our citizens
f 4 f, w exceptions, belong lo the “Progres
' School t" Why then do they withhold
!l names from the book, of tho Company.
5 t has, in a measure, retard the
ucEt of this great enterprise ? We have heard
6 some persons want the water but not the
‘ therefore they will not snbscnbe became
Z Wo are connected together. Others would
tlke gas. stock, which weald likely pay the-bast
-htidtads, bat care nothing about the water, |
ce they will not subscribe because they can
” U»e ft choice, This is all wrong. ; One
£ movement will benefit our town as. much as
other and contribute equally to increase the
„iue of real estate, which; after, all, is a cdnsid
erttion of more importance to property holders
•tin the dividends on thestock, unless they take
‘ 4t number of shares, iWe hope that the
lint of enterprise Will stimulate all to enter
■jto this work at once- and aay wbnt they will
j a Those who look only to the benefits to be
Strived from the dividends which tho stock will
sr arc very short-sighted indeed. They *l°
It consider that a good supply of water will be
ittneatti of inducing capitalists to start man
tfictorics which must increase the value of
property, bring people to our town, and revive
Lmtss generally. And Who are to be. beue
ttod by this increase? The answer is plain—
owners of reel estate, merchants and mechanics.
The commissioners named Ini the; act incorpo
ating the “ Altoona Gas and dflfater Company,”
T ill suet at the LOGAN lIODSE,, on Monday,
ji»r 9th, 1869, at 2 o’clock, fop the purpose of
opening books to-receive- subscriptions to the
' Capital Stock of said.Gpmpjiny, The books to
lontinut open between the hours of 2 and 5
o’clock for five successive dajs.
For the Commissioners.
Cos’i Afford lr.— We have-frequently heard
buibeis men, {or rather those* whothink they '
irt buEinesß mem,) remark thajt they cjn notn£
lord to adrertise. On asking the reason why,
they reply that their business don’t pay.yshcirt
ligbted mortals, thought we. They could pot
ie« that by a judicious and contmuaVsystcm of
lirertising, their business would mot only pay
for adtertising it, but increase jrr to £u«?h an ex
test as tp make it .pay them In this coun
try, where ereiy person reads the .newspapers,
t man most be considerably behind the times
who does not see thntyhese are the cheapest and
, test mediums through which ha can .speak to
Utepoblic, where he is to', find .customers..- A
saamds an advertisement of a mechanic or
merchant, apd because ho does not want any
thing in their line at present, ho pays no more
attention to it; but when he does require an' ar
ticle of the kind advertised', ho knows where to
go to get it. As a general tiling, men who do
cot adrertise, these latter .days, arc considered
‘ Old Fogy’s," (who bay aadshll on that princi
ple, consequently “Young America” goes to
" Viang America's” store or shop for what he
went*. Let men pat on ihemppearance of busi
es*, and the reality will speedily follow. The
firmer plant* his seed; and while he is sleeping
to corn and potatoes are growing. So with
rJurtiamg. While, you are sleeping, or eating,
,jt converting with one set qf customers, your
slmtisement is being read by hundreds and
Otoniand of persons fwhd never saw you, nor
turd of your business, and never would, had it
m bean for your advertisement in-the news
Asothir Lioturk;—Wo are pleased to .state
through the instrumentality of the Lecture
-Committee of the Mechanics Library rnd Read
ing Room Association, ire are to be favored with
'lecture from Gen. Will A. Stokes, of VVcstmore-
Jad county, ontho subject of “ English Tourists
ft America,” to be delivered this (Thursday)
iTniag in the Lutheran Church \-doors opening
U 7 o’clock, lacturh half jtn honr later. Single
**&«** 16 Wo tioljets for 25 penis.—
Hi deem it almost useless to say . anything in
Mameodation of the gentleman aborenamed,
m hi* abilities as aiepthijßr |are yroll jyiown to
*o»t of our citizens, and they trill go to hoar ■
without being urged to dp so. The, low
of tickets wUlonable all w[ho.wisli,to enjoy
ft* zsdi be served
*P to the audience this eTcriing; We sincArehy
bop* the belirell filled,
u justly deserved the
pithed lecturer, fox, the encouragement of
• Leotore Committpe Association. - Wc
. 1 oB * , ,«itixena will soon feel the benefit and
°* Ajtspblation, iiid lend to it
ri thijrufffa 1 w btob:Uoierits and justly claims
C / w”
nejr In-Philadelphia |md ’Hew
Deed’ Ms stock! aif Spring andSuipinsr;
*j»d from a rspeived iroim him
'%J?wi«d. t fliist' £e intends
4 Jrtook of Goods, which for ttyle>
OhAot be excelled tins side of
«i N«F : Ynifc,-And ib»
determined to sell them cheaper
. M a *e-
Sabbath School Exhibition.—- We, (thai Ju-1
nior,) while on a visit■?to -oiur former borne, !
; Pa, j)tostWMk,
.a treat in the “Exhibition". lini the ].
s|qi|3* ~
grated onr cafli jwu tiie.'edlbition t6'be
;by ; the Methodist Sunday - ..School, i on
evenings—and said' topic
being Utopia everywhere we went, in oar visits
to old ,1 friends, we concluded’, that something
citaabrdinary wjuat ■'When weerrived
at tho Court House, where the Exhibition was ~
held, we found, notwithstanding the inclemency 1
of the weather, a‘‘‘full bouse” of spectators,'
anxiously, and almost impatiently awaiting the
opening of-the programme. It opened with——
but there .is n great deal of risk to run to attempt
to describe, and descant upon the. merits (there
were no demerits) of the performance—a Wash
ington Ipsng'might do it, but ws-r-never. Suf-.
fioe it to say that the largo and intelligent audi
ence were, > (after two nights, performances,) so
pleased Wlth it that they innsted upon a repeji
tior on S&turday eyening. . The Declamations,,
the Dialogues, the vocal were done
up in a stylo creditable to the performers and
the School. aTUo Exhibitors were assisted, by
the Brass Band,-recently organized in the town,
and their performances tended greatly to: enliven
the exercises of the evening. This Band, al
tUoughnew, and having enjoyedfew advantages
Of improvement, we cau say performed in a
manner which, would havo done credit to many
old and experienced Banda in the State. Suc
cess to it.
Macadamizing VmaiKA Street. —TVe are
pleased to dote that the present Town Council' 1
have determined on improving Virginia street,
which is the worst, although the principal street
in the town, by macadamizing it, and that the
Chief Buigess has issued a notice to contractors
for proposals to do the work, which will be re
ceived up to the 8d of next month, May|. This
street has long been a disgrace to the Ipwu, ami
we are truly glad .that this work, which should
have been done years since, is to v be done at this
time. lliere arc other streets in the town which
require the same improvement, and will receive it
in time, but we think it right that the principal
thoroughfares should receive first attention, on
the principle of the “ greatest good to/the great
est number.” The rapid manner in which our
town is spreading find improving'renders it im
possible for our “ Borough Fathers” to pay that
attention to all their progMjy that wish to, from
the fact that they have nj« the means.
“Give Him Fix^T” —Hyer gave Sullivan
“■fits” and gave Hcenan “fitajp : on
the occasion of tKeii matches for the champion
ship of America. Morphy is now giving the
big chess phiyers of Europe. “ fits” in the way
of chess playing. Phelan gave Scerieter “ fits”
in the ifiatch game of billiards for $5,000 a aide,
in Detroit last week. The Little 'Giant gave
Billy Bigler “ fits” ,on the Lecompton question
-on more than one occasion last winter, and
many of the Democratic newspapers are now
giving one anotherfits” on the same subject,
but none of these fits” can compare with the
“fits” our old neighbor, Tom Elway, gives tq
all his customers in the line of handsome, ioheap
and durable clothing. He has just received his
Spring and Summer Stock, which he says is the
largest ever yet broaght to x tho town. Drop in
and inspect.
That’s So.— Somebody says tho mau who
travels athouaand miles in a thousand Hours,
may be tolerably quick footed; but ho is pot a
touch to the woman who keeps up with the fash
ions of the present day. Yes, and the woman
who wants to ! keep hip with [.the fashions must
not forget to make her purchases at the “ Mod-,
el” Store, whore tho proprietors hhvp just re
ceived a large supply of the most icasonable
and fashionable goods that ever graced the:
shelves or counter outside of the cities. .Quick
footed men also make long journeys to purchase
their supplies of groceries, 1 hard ware’, &d., at
tho “ Model” where .everything in that line is
to be found in abundance; fresh, and at living
prices. ' Huzza for th«~ “Model,” it will;soon
be a household word. See advertiaemeht of
prices in another column.
At a meeting of the A. XL L. & R. 11.
A., held in the Library Room on the evening of
the 19th inst;, the following resolutions; were
offered by Mr. Canaegie, and adopted unani-
mously:— ■; ‘
Resolved, That this Association fully appreci
ates the important services rendered by itheir
distinguished fellow-mbinber, Louis W.'llall,
F.sq., by the delivery of his late lecture upon.
Benjamin Franklin, under their auspices; and
hereby return sincere thanks for his services
uponthat occasion. / j
Resolved, That to the officers and Trustees of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Altoona,
special acknowledgements arc duo and hereby
tendered for their liberal action in placing.tlieir
church at the disposal 1 of the Association fob tho
purpose of the lecture. ,
On motion. Resolved, That the above he pub
lished in the Altoona Tribune , and a .copy be
seat to .each of the parties referred to.
! B. F. CUSTER, Sfc'if.
A Commercial College op Tubke Hundred
and Fifty-Seven Students. —Prominent among
the reasons why the Iron City College has four
times as many students asany other Commercial
fiphool in the'United States,’are the following r
It is the only College in Pittsburg that gives
three daily" lectures on Book-Keeping; three
daily recitations andan examination in Com
mercial Calculations ;the only one which re
quires lh Composition ;and
Commercial Correspondence of allitsstudefus;
the Only one which employs teachers whoso
cjualifioations orpirecognized by literary men, or
ore experienced. and the only
that grantsDiplomaetothose oply of its,students
who are competent and;
J?Ufflargh*o»s j?raf, V-
JJ®“ Our young friend, Geo.M.
keeps the confectionary a few doors above the ■
Post Office, has now on hand as fine a siopk nf
confectionaries, nuts, fruit, &0,, akxCan
,be‘found in Iho town, and he U
abotit fus clow a young .man to deal with as
ißtands behind a counter, t J-et those ,wisb
anything in bis lift*s}». -jfajk call. *.
. ■: ....v * '
26th day of f f?l|M
versaiy of thtej of the Ijidepeadeat
a majority ,;*#«s; if- the Union ’
celebrated wqWjME.,:.; AI-;
totoa and
,by parndingoiirßtracts, land liatenmgioitnAjj
prOprißla by their Brother, Rev. Mr.
Piatfc; of Johnbtown-. The ■day
in the ox^ttrt v Lodgo was enabled to
display the .fijil ex&nt of Its memberships but
as it was the procession rwas large, and made a
; very creditable appearance. The lecture was a
very interesting ope, end done credit to -the
Lecturer. The Altoona Brass Band’escorted
the Brotherhood through the principal streets
of the town, dad exhibited a marked improve
ment in : their performances, since onr: citizens
last heard thtjm. On the whole, the affair was
quite qrcditaiilo to the. hrder, and enlivening to
the town. i. ? .
pENKSyt-YAKiA Railroad. —Tire New York
Jltarld has undertaken the business of dispara
ging and falsifying most grossly the condition of
the Pennsylvania Oeatrhl Railroad, to promote
tie interests of the New York Central. It has
even gone down & the meanness of playing
Settle for the New; York road, and representing
its rival as disagreeable and unsafe to travel on.
The Cincinnati Commercial of Saturday notices
and contradicts statement, as follows :
“The perfect i|rder and smoothness of the
track of the Pennsylvania Central Rood is pro
verbial. It is a fact, verified almost every day,
that n glass three-fourths filled with water,
will ride on the window sill of any passenger
oar upon the road,; from Altoona to Harrisburg,
withbut being spiljed ohetime in ten. Wo have
ourselves seen apples placed in a similar posi
tion, upon a wagei l , and ride one hundred ; and
fifty rtii’as on the Pennsylvania Central, without
being jurrcd off. jWe call attention to the everv
wherc'admitted splendid condition of the -Penn’a
Central, on account of; a foolish misrepresenta
tion contained in the last sentence of a paragraph
from the New York Herald of Thursday.”
Slightly FocmJd. —Rambling "up street a few j
evenings since, we dropped into one of our
usual stopping places, but judge of our sm prise i
when wo found wji were in .a large room, i.eatly
repaired, painted'land fitted up, looking more
like some ■"banqpet hall desalted,” than the
place of business jpe expected to find. A-little
inquiry, however,;|brought to .our knowledge the
fact that it • was the same old place, Joe Hile
man’s store roompwhich had undergone a thor
ough renovation and extension, preparatory to
receiving the latge supply of goods which he
purchased this Spring and Is now opening, em
bracing as large 4, variety, as good an assort
ment, and as low fin prlco as those of any Dry
Goods merchant in the town. Call and see the
Joes now that they have room; to spread them
selves. i
To Consumptives.— Parsons of consumptive
tendency have need to be very careful in the
outset of a cougjh, and betake themselves in
time, to a proper!remedy. A cough is always
evidence of irritation in the throat and lungs,
resulting from shine obstruction in the skin. In
order tofprevent those attacks, wear flannel next
the skin) guard .the fact from damp and wet, and
above all take Dja. Keysee’s Fsotobal Cough
Syrup upon the first approach of acough or sore
ihroiit, and check the disease thereby in its in
fancy. ‘ There ik nothing like attacking disease
on its first approach. By due attention to this
advice you will gave much sufi'eriag and some
times prolong lift. Even when consumption has
become seated, this medicine will mitigate the
suffering and hits cured some very bad cases.—
Sold by G. W. Eesslfer, Altoona, Pa.
Correction.— We were slightly in error in
Bptne of the figures given in our previous account
of the fast rua;fnada by Col. V/eltzol and his
engineer jdiohael \Couk, a short time since, be
tween this place and IJarriaburg, and we now
publish the tinne correct:—
Running time including 2S stops, 122 miles
Allow, eny 3 minutes to the stop
Running lime '
Per'lumr, iaqlr.‘iii(K stops
(hxUirtVrtg slops
to Cove Station, whei a train was
cn time, and hail to Conform to schedule 1
Made up, per houjrj ISVj ouilcs.
Fatal Accident. —On Friday last a man
-named Evan Mowry, was killed by the falling
in of a tfolliec’s J cabin near Claysburg in this
county. He ind two others engaged in coaling
at the place, irepaired to the cabin for dinner,
and whilst itVas preparing the structure, which
had a heavy Covering of earth upon it, gave way
and came down upon them with crushing weight,
killing Mr. Mowry instantly, and very seriously
hurting tlie oilier fwo. Justice Shock held an
inquest, which rendered a verdict in accordance
with facts.— Register.
Magscm Est VfccjiCAL Parsisiokia.—The
truth of .this paqtto no ioo* can doubt. Wherein
we save money in our purchases, we mean those
we really need, we must, ns a matter of course,
add to our income, and in order to do this in
the way of buying Clothing, we refer our readers
to an advertisement bearing the motto of this
article, m another column. Mr. O’Donnell wfll
take pleasure -in showing his goods and toake
good tho motto.
ShadlOh !l— *-Oor young friend; Kimball, pro-
pvielor of the peoples’-Shoe Store, oyer the way,
will please accept our thanks for the, monster
fish of the Blind species which he left; iij our
sapctum. the! other morning. It Was the : finest
specimen of Ithat exfiolientfish wedmve orer seen
in this placal ■ Business men who remember the
printer will jriw.aysibb remembered by the pub
lic when they Irish sanything in their line.;; =
. •. • Si ; '• ij. I' ■ ■ - f ’•' ■■'
TJUE;HA%OP FASHION is still open, and
the Proprietor, in returning thunks to. his nu
sierpns, - for their liberal- patronage
Jjestowad On liira since his commencement, fccre
desires r ’say (without fear of contradiction)
■that heis prepared! to offer for .their inspection
the'best assortment of hancboino Bnnss Goods,
Shawm, Cmaes, ifmrs Qoops, &c.* &0., that
;oan 'pe Altoona.
\ ; :A'.
BgL. Seej advertisement of Df. JUpaifactfa
Ltm bM9fb%kpss
- 4 • • ’
. Dailey’s Extractor.
Inoß InflammottonWu or less predomiaatoa^-
at the root or disease—
hence an iHuaddint* 6«r<L .
acirtahf care. ■ i; ;
•r; 1 pjTTjrrnX MAGICAL :
vrtli cm*theffjitowinghißtmg
Burnsj Scalila, Cats. Sore Nipples, Owns, Bunions,;
Bruises, Sprains, BiteO, Poison, Chilblain*, BBes, Bero&li,
tlcei:3,;iFover Sores', Felons, Ear Ache, Piles, Sore TSyet,
Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Rheum,
baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Itch, Smell Pox,
Measles,Bash, Ao., !ic.
To gome it may appear incredulous that so many diseases
should he rdached by one article; such an idea will vanish
when reflection points to the &ct, tiiat the salve is a com
bination of ingredients, each and every boo applying a per
fect anadoie to its apposite disorder.
In Its effects is magical, because the time is So short be
tween disease and a permanent cure; and it is an extras
tor, as it draws all disease tut of the affected part, leaving
nature as perfect as, before the injury. It is scarcely ne
cessary to say tiiat no house, work-shop, or manu-actory
should be one moment without iti ■
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box hra upon it
a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey,
Bold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Hol
lidaysburg; and by all the Druggists and .patent medicine
dealers throughout the United States and Canadas.
Principal Depot, 165 Chambers street, New York.
Nov. 11, IS6B-ly C. F. CHACK.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from tt prescription of Sir J. Clarke. M. PPhy
sician Extraordinary to the Queen,
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all
those painful and delicate diseases to which the fcmalecon
stitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes
all obstructions, and n sraidy cure may bo relied on.
It Is peculiarly shjted. It will, in a short time, bring on
[be monthly pcrio<i\wllb regularity.
Each buittle. priceonuduliar, bears the Government Stamp
of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
Thrje J'ii'.e shculd net le iu-itoi lyfeauda during
thru months of Fregufuicy, <u th&ftre sure to v> tnj’on Mts-
hut ett ary other time they htf safe.
in all cases of Nervous and_ Pam .a
the Hack and Idmbs,s’atigue on slight exbrtton, Polpitrtiwu
of ibe Heart, Hysterics and Whites,! those Pels w-U ( u-.ct
n cure when all other means, have firllc.!, and althougu a
powerful remedy, do not contain.. Uon, calomeb uaiun;oo",
or anything htßUnlto the;Mn»Uttttioa.
Full direction? In the pamphlet jrounJ each packago,
which should be carniblty preserved, '
Solo Agent for- tho Halted State? apd fa rude.
• • JOB HOSKS«Oatdl. p. Baldwin A C.r.) •
Kcciivstcr. IS. .
jj.B. aja%\ 6 postagfr-gtiinpp coclufiod to ar.v au
thorized Agent, will insure JX- battle, sbntaUaug 50 Pills,
by return mail.
B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for
sale by all Druggists. ' [June 3,1858,-1 y.
The Original and Best in the World'
All others are more imitations, and should bo avoided, It
you wish to escape ridicule.
GUAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR. Dyed install Ily to a
beautiful aud natural Brown or Black, without tho least
injury to the Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Wm.
A. Batchelor since 1839, aud over 80,000 applications have
been made to the hair of his patrons of bis famous Dye.
WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distinguished from nature, aud is w.vnr.aNTtn not
to injure in thu least, however long it may he continued,,
and the ill effect .of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair .Invigo
rated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at tbo Wig
Factory, 232 Broadway, New York.
Sold by Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in all
cities and towns of the United States.
esj- The Goaq-ine has the name and address upon a stool
piato engraving on four sides Of each Box, (>f
Nov. 18, 1858-ly
| Importanxto Females —DkCueese-
mas’3 Pills. —The combination of iugn diouu ia those
Pills arc th" result of a long and exten.-dve practice.' They
arc mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all
irregularities, painful menstruations. removing all ob
structions, whether from cold or otherwise,-headache, i ain
in-the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed-sleep, which
always arise from interruption of nature, inducing with
certainty periodical regularity. Warrauted.purly vegeta
ble, and free from anything injurious to lifeor health. Ex
plicit directions, which should be read, accompany each
box. ■ Price $l. Scut by mall by ciicl..;ug »l to any
authorised Agent. '
i It. B. lIUTCUIKOS. General Agent for the United Stales,
ICo Chambers street, New York-
To whom all Wholesale order; should be. addres.ed.
h. m.
i t>7
1 2-
32 ; (M.
Sold by G. W. Kessler. Altoona; Geo. A. Jacobs, Holli
day-burg; and by oil Dntgglsta iii tbe United States.
Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free.
Nov. 18, ISSMJ.
Tills disease can be cured by Dr.. Karsua’s Toothache
v,mvov prepared by him in Pittsburgh, Pa, which U put
up in botth s and sold at 2d cents each. It is an excellent
medicine, when diluted, fol spongy and tender gums, and
is'worth ten times its price to oil who need it. Sold hero
by 0. W. Kessler. fDcc. fi. 1868-ly.
They ore elegant, light, easy mul durable.
Fitting to a charm—no turning up behind —no shrinking
off the head; indeed, this la tho only Establishment where
these things are properly understood and majie.
Nov. IS, 186?-Iy
Flour. Superfine, Sfi bbh, . . $6.60
“ Extra “ LOO
“ Extra Family “ 7.26
Corn Meal 100 lbs. • 2.00
Bran i Shorts 77 100 lbs. 1.00
Rye Chop, “ “ IXS
Corn and Oats, “ 1.£2
Middlings, “ “ . IXO
Cash paid for all kinds of Grain. Flour and Feed ran
always be had at the Mill at the prices quoted ab^vo.
Superfine Flour, $6 25®56 <5
Extra “ 0 76® 7 25
Extra Family Flour,, V 00® 7 50
White Wheats—Extra Family Flour, 7 25® 7 75
Dry Peache?, (unpaired), ®S>, 16® 1C
“ “ (jtf&edV 26® 2S
Dry Apples, “ 13® 13
Prunes, ' “ - 18® ,16
; Dry Currants, . “ 14® 15
Shoulder and Bacon, i “ • 10
Sides, ' - ( ' 1 : 11
Hams, “ ; 12,13® 15
Dry Dcef, “ ' H@ • 15
Orleans Sugar, “ * OJj® 10
Refined ■*• •“ 11,12® 13
Syrup Molasses, J! gallon, ~ . CB® 72
Segars and .Tobacco at prices t* salt purchasers.
Altoona, March 10,1869. > •'*
In lowtetown, wr tfco Mth lost., by Boy, IT. Baker,':
JACOB (KK>», B«4. erf t$S place; to Miss M4BY EEWSf
oftHe fomer plwso. . ,
On Uia lTth InsVM the M. E. Churchitt Jxxk Haven. by
tlwk Bar- j. K. Mp}itki ße* QBOBOB
Mdei bfJnn!ataT>Btr!ct, Bast Baltimore <Smftr»ncA aB4
Uh. JABBTATfcORof lock ‘. . *'
On tba: ifthiiut, at r*«ld«iio9 oftbc brW«f»th«v
’ ■ ' ' '"
233 Broadway, New York,
23d Broadway. Now York.
ysTSrmSrß et'm teu
■■ iif tf. P: *. .'■i-'rfl »*•«*s&>■ ft ■ :,Tf i-.ljfjfe ftJßf I
chi thw 8BO» * |#ot*»t*dJ
illneat of two yean, Mr JOHK )taOAHAW,
ofth* esnfcS.sdrtfcMetthN 1
pops?* <e«i«yeew9&i- •*-?*.•¥.* .* ,cr;v. .•
felON, daughter of llrT antfMfa. John MlUer, aged toe:
year and one month, ? >•.. -.J .-'
■ On 86B<lay,theatth lnat, ANNIE BELEK doachtev of
the Ban. SamUM Sr amonGuandldayt.
TIN MOOKEMcCftirSl,'agodlfl,ytars.. ; vT"! ' - '
■VIT those one dollar Morocco Boot*. Coll htliodlga
and examine them hofihm they arorall gone. The Peoptea
Cheap Shoo* la the, place. C. W. KBIBAIiL. :
Altoona, April 2S, ’StMSt. i '•
B F ROYER, M D., f
• Offers his professional services to the clUzena of
Altoona and vicinity. : ‘d
The best of references can bo given If required..
Office at residence on Branch street, East Altoona, three
doors above Conrad’s Store. ' ' , [April S 3 ’69-1/.
Altoona fair view, ceme
tery.—A Meeting of the Stockholders of the Al
toona Fair A lew Cemetery Association will beheld lathe
Lecture Rooia of the United Brcthwn Church, on Monday
crati -Iff, the 2d of May, at 7 o’clock, when a resolution of
fered at fte last meeting for an alteration in the Constitu
tion in regard to stockholders, will corns up fcr adoption
or rejection. A full desired. By Order
Altoona, April 58,1858-lt. O. W. PATTON, &c’y.
Attention ! altoona guards
You are hereby ordered r S -
to meet at your Armory in the ■
Borough of Altoona, on TOES- •
DAY, MAY 10th, at 9 o’clock. 1 SnBglTM"
A. 11, in full uniform, equipped E -' —
for Inspection and Battalion ■
Drill, and prorldeti with 10 rounds blank &fiH9ge.
Bv order of the Brigade Inspector.:
April 28, iS6U-2t H. W. SNYDER, CapCn.
—Tbo subscriber bos just returned froth !’
the city with a large and well selected stock '
of Men and Boys’ • ‘
of every style, color and aliape. Also, a good assortment
of Ladies and Misses’ FLATS of different varieties.
Persons in want of anything in tbo above lino, will
picaso give me s cull bn fora purchasing eleowhjere, as I am
determined to sell at thoiyery loweet possible ijriooa.
Store on Tirginia.stieat, opposite theLntheaau church.
Altoona, April 28. 1859-tf. ' ''. JES3S SMITH.
— , ■— . ».■■■ ■"*! . •
f jk » SERVING JAJIS, for preserving ailkfndaof Fresh
r.-u Vegetables, Mince Heat, Oysters, and;Hi swell p«r
artielcv. - ' ■ ; ’’ i •
si«Vu« main secret of preserving fruit in condi
tion, co-wisU In bating ft thoroughly heated! (when sealed
hi,, tp. 1 in expelling all the air there may bo ih tha vessel,
s n.-i h’.u the u nit cools it will form a vacuum.^
Vr> erenow mamrfncturjng the above Piteaf Jar; (hav
ing bought tbo right from Messrs. A. Stone ACo., and are
prepared tc fill all orders at short notice. :
We furnish Clovers, Wires and Cement,, with printed di
rections with each Jar. Manufactured aud sold Wholesale
i Retail by : I -
Glass Manufkcturcn,
April 28,1859-6 m No. IC9 Water St.. Tlttsburg, Pa.
ITA PAUSIMONIA.” —Did every onoiwho reads the
beading of this article but understand its meaning, they
would immediately repair to the shop oi , '
Main St., Altoona, a few doors below the Red Lion Hotel,
and select a suit of clothes from tho largo stock of
. whicbjic has just received from thu East, feeling aaro that
i iii lining so they would bo carrying out tbs motto.
1 1 is not necessary hereto mention the different styles and
! quantities of the goods ou hand, suffice it th say that ho
1 has everything iu tho liuo ofigentlemen’s wear, and he
knows how to make it up in a fashionable and durable
j style, on terms ns reasonable as those of any other mcr
j chant Tailor in tho place.
Give him a call and you will soon discover! that you can
carry out the motto adopted by dealing with’him.
April 28, ’59-tf. : ;
0 BOOTS A SHOES at tho Peoples’ Cheap’Shoe Store.—
It i» a settled foot that the Peoples’ Shoo Store is the place
to buy Boots & s b'.-i at prices which throw all eompoti
tiou in the rnade. Our stock is large consisting of every
variety of Ladies’, Gentlemen’s, Misses, Boys, Youths, aud
Children’s Boots. Shoes i, Gaiters. Read the’ following list
of some of our prices: „ ’
Gents Fine Calf Congress Gaiters, £2,75 tci $3,00. Gents
French Calf Stitched Oxford Ties (custom made,) $3,50.
Gents Bay State m d Ocat Slippers, 75 tp $1,50. Boys
Calf Congress Gaiters $1,87 to $2,50. Boys Calf Oxford
TGs. $1.50
Youths Frcuch Calf Congress Gaiters, $1,50, Youths
Calf Oxford-Tics $l,OO.
I.u lies Krendi Morocco (warranted) Heeled Bools $1,02.
Ladles Morocco Boots $l,O0 — sold everywhereelU at $1,25.
Ladies Kid Flippers 75 cents.
Ladies Black aud Colored Lasting Gaiters $l,lO to $2,75.
Misses Fine Black Lasting Gaiters $1,00..
AI ;-ses French Slorocco Boils (city made) $l,OO.
Misws French Morocco Double solaTleelcd Boots (cu»-
1 tom made) $1.50. r
| Ciiildrens Boots. Shoos and Gaiters, 25 tq $1,13.
. Give us a call and examine our stock.' ;
Remember the place, tho Peoples Cheap Shoo Store, Vir
ginal ht.. two doors below Annie St., opposite Keystone
Apr. 28. T 9.
1 J ia the Post Office, Altoona, Pa,, April 28, 1859,
. A-qn:th. Wra 2 Llngcnfelter, Ellon
| Ayres. James Lanibarn, Margaret
j it Lick, (Guard) Mr Mathews, James 2
Brannon, Ed Mullen, Peter
Burtnet, D A Millet, LAS
Better. Suo Mountain, Catharine
i Brailv. franklin Morrison, James
Brown, Lucinda Miller, Tredferick
Bradley. Win Morrissey, Thomas ‘
Boyes, Geo National Democrat
Crolhcrs. Mason Oday, JohnjJ
Colliers. Mary O’Kcson, Daniel
‘ Clarke, Jane 2 Piper, Jas
Donley. Michael Pbant, I E.:
Dougherty, Adam Rogers, Wi}»
fresh, John Riglefr, EtWn
Uiaiuts, J Biddall, Jabe
Graham. Alice L Stephens, 5 P
Gwlnn. John SKeeler, John '
Gray, Samuel Swhllar, John
Green, Edward Soulsby, Jane x
Center, Catharine Smith, Wm C i
IlauUn, Cornelius Smith, Joliti
tlawfc, W m Mrs Steel, Catharine 0
Hughes, Thos. Snyder, 3 %
Hoover. O S Taylor, Charles ’ ■ •
liorg, Jos . Walker, Sjtiaheth L
Irvine, AC White, Catharine
Jones, Joseph Melf, Christiana
•Irvin, John J .Mare. Wni K
Johnston, P 3 Washington, Qoo 2
Kirn, Turhett 2 WheeleD, DW 2
Kooken, John A ' Wrest, Barnard
Kearns, Michael ,:'i 1
Persona calling- fcr letters on this list Will say they are
advertised. JOBS SHOEMAKER, P.M.
Altoona, April 27th, 1859. f ■
d. a. good, x. n. * . : t. u oaoou, m. b.
IKG entered into Partnership; in ; the Practice o{
Medicine, respectively leader their services tpthe Public
in the sevcrul branches of their Profession,-
C3.U3 will 1)9 answered either day ornight at their office
—which is the eaino ns heretofore occupied by Dra. Hirst
4 Good,—or at the Ixigan Ildnsel ; ;
David Oiuilkt, M. I)., Prof. Obstetrics In Penn’ft Medical
OU-ce, Philadelphia. - ' ? ■ ■ -•
B. (iLHNKT Smith, M. D., Prot Institutes of Medldno Ini
• Penn’a Medical College. ' \ ‘ ?
JoHrr JI-1)., Prof. SuTKory iD Pa. Med. Coh, andSur*
to thc Pa. Hospital, Philadelphia '
J." B. I.tidon, M B, Pi i .
John McCulloch, MD, * 'H \
John Scott, Jr, Esq, • “ ‘ :
Wm Dorris, Jr. Esq. « 1
Hnt M Idoyd, £?q. HolUdajuburg,;
Johii Crewsrell, Jr,E»q, “ 1 : :
Samuel Slllliien, Esq,BelPa Mills, !
Gen B P Beil, “
John Bull, Eaq, “
• April 21st, 186^-3ia,
1 I Netico Is hereby given that tli4 jartnjlrflilp hereto
for« extotink bet*reen the |rt pnw&tlceof
medidne iif Altoona , and vicinity, Dm this day bwn dis
solved by mutual cowent
• Altoona, AprU 20,,185»-3t ' It HOOD, M D
iVTOTioE.—Ai/L |>brSons knqw-
ISO* in apy way, to
repeated to mato settlottent between thU and
rndneiday tfe'iSJb of whs : »tqntl%>s Jderiretoleave
tha oext day for the weet. •’ . C. J. UISBT.
• Ltoona. iprii ' / , -v -
8® BE3oBt)m
I -«
&***'**> » MK fqofiwpfcyqr
»?'«s«*# ffdc • -> !
«&w*pr Skswi#; • ■ >•■ ~&:■•■■ ;»- <kfc w=;U
English'Oaoals, -V'A
F*bc> Delaines,. : . ; ; v , ;^
Best A-A Broira Mwi ~ ;
“ t 9-8 »« :T ' r «■••■' * : ' --JJf “■''***
“ 40 ipohfcl<M& : Mu^V" : -
Fins "
Fine Scotch CfogVu^V,' ££
‘Fine French Ginghams, ■’•
In BOOTS A!JD SHOES, irn can**: WVtK
west ofPhiladeiphia, fat inatenee-r-;
." '. '%. -,|jl %> r
heeled EhS(^»||; s W'
Gents Soetoh lace Boots, (new style,) 3 34
; Our stock o£ we
compare tororaWy erith any other in tMS ihwei'
WeawßolHng!. "\" ■
Very fair Broun Sugar at 9
Superior Syrap Molasses at 62} eta. g^r
No, 1 Rio Coffee at 14 ot«i
Please call and- examine our immense stock
of FRESH GOODS, and beoonrinoed
place for bargains &at the *■: ■Jf*
Altoona, April-21,14#M& . . ''*•*
Owing to the iucreorin; damand for Papw Hanging*,-
Have madv largo atWitlons to thoir
- prising style*
la Gold, Velvet, Boquet, Plain and
N. B.—A large trails enables ns to sell at ' ,
No. 87 Wo# Street, PitUbtti*i.
Bratxo*PExasmaau. . ..
RULES. ‘ j
1. Money is received every day, and in any smo ant, Urje
or smalt. -.'l -i
2. Fite ran cent, in tercet Is paid far money Rom
it Is put in. \i ’ t ' ■ , ['
3. Tlio money is always pnld'back In cow, whenever it
lv called for, and without notice. ■ ■
4. Money it received from Executory AdmittU&aieri,
Guardians , and othors who desire to hayelt in unlace of
perfect safety, nnd whervlntorcst can'bo oDtsHildwt it '
5. Th» money received lnws*e4ln
Reel Emrx, Moxtoages, Quotum msts, ottar
first class securities as UioCharteidfrects. - -
6. Office dayfrom 9 till So'cVx*. andeu
Mondays apd Thursdays till 8 o*clocLdu ifia eisnins.' '
HONVH. L. BKNSKK, President. " . ; ‘
IiOBRRX Slshß{il]XiE, , , . ,- c
W.J.RECT, Secretary. ;
Kdvvaed L. Cistxu,
RtßEfit SkliTume,
£ excel K. AehTos,
C. Ijuncbexu Musas, .
Office; Walnut Street, 8. W, Comer ejCIWrdSW Vbfiir.
delplita. •
for It, S 5 cento lit *pccl*or
postage stamps enclosed, will secure a copy bjratura of
mail. • - ; ,
DR. TELLER has devoted a lifeUnjp.
easeon which his books treat. Address TELLER, H. D.,
No. 5 Bearer street, Albany, N. Y. " ' ;
Dr. Yichols’Female Pills,’ $1 a I*)*, with fnlrdlrrtfMon*.
Married ladles should not asO them. SenthYltfMC. All:
dress Dr. Toller. »s above; Aprtnft^'BMy.
atMcCoriuick’aStem. ' ” : . «
Having adopted the OASH SYSTEM, (or at lcMfcfe»dJt
will not bo given to any other than: those, who yptfUitig
and edn giYegati«fttctoryrcfenmcoattdii*»urancebf pjtbnjpe
monthly payment,! and doeiriog to make 1$ the lul«r«*t of
all to patronize our store, wa.-haye mode a very g|fat re
duction in the prices of alhilescriptiPtM of goods, and will
give ear entire time and attention to keeping up ap assort
ment to suit the wants of opr customers, such as
Gaiters, Slippers,. Hats and Cans, Drlcd.Frttit, etc., all ol
which will be sold aa cheap as the cheapest. -’-vl
All articles of produce' taken in exchange fat goods at
their highest market price. j
Thankful for past fevers, we hope to share the patrqntge
of those who are In want of goods. ■’ [March SJelt,
•i, ■ ji y i
Making tkomcatcomj&U
WE ST OF xas mo frxrtJLi Hf Br’
Stoves, Tin & Sheettlron Waie, SB^aHag.
JAS, W. RljsaiWOtJLi) RESPECT-.'
FULLY inform! thecUizens of Altoona andvicinity
that he keeps constantly eh : hand a . large assortment of
CbokuVi Ivrlor, Office and Shop SSaau, of aUstylea-and
sixes, tasnit the wants of alt, which he Will sell at ]bw
prlces,on reasonable terms. ■ ' ■ ■■
Ho also keeps 6h hand alanp stock of 3Va £ad SSeet
•lron HUre, consisting of all ortfeles fin culinary purposes
Oral Scuttles, State Jftpe, <fc. Also, a -large lot of CaSt Trbu
ForcePntnpd, •
Particular attention patting up
either In town or country. Spouting -painted ondpwi up
•n the mostreasonabletenna. [aprtl 14, DUMy
DM yon hoar the newt' from Europe! If yon-turns
not, wo will tell yon wbat It ls. r It fa that UEKKt TUCK
bos just roturnea from the Eastern cities with »l«rgo*np
consfatlngof all styles and qualities of‘OrorcoatAvDresa
Coa4e,ye»tB, Pants, Boots and Show*; and ereiythlnglwpt
InoiieifablUhment of the kind, oil of whlch ntt qflSfl at
low prices for. cash. Having pttrehooed
cosh prices, ho fa thereby enableddo WLvery
B« invites oil those In wont of anything In bfa linh to
irlve Mm o coll, feeling sure that ho will be obttf togirr
saflSfcctlo'h: HBTOT TOqt '
Altoona, Sept. 80,1855.-tf i J n.
may be bad nil the popular PublieolioiHof the
day, shch oe Daily and Weekly Papers, Magaihrea, Hovel*
aid Romances, Miscellaneonsßooke, Bch<xlTkfaki, Copy
Hooks, Slates, I’cub, Pencils, Inks, Can and Letter Ppber,
Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in
fact everything in the Stationary line. Toys, MOtfofrand
Games of every variety. Pictures and Picture. ZriUSfV To
bacco ond Segars of the beet quality, Ac., 4o
N. B.—JVo are sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, fae this
county, for BOHN’S CELEBRATED flALVß.lkdOCart*.
iticefy core all mm* to which it fa applied. Ttjrit f jl-tf.
. tmb
fbey; pi* the Beat Calicoes yet offered tp tbePuWfa
>• V.t-ti#*
Fatsos Lex. ... .
JdsxytfKWiXt, '
Josem T*sx«i, v -j:
groat work tor lh« roar
er tor thotecontempla
marrlage—2oo pine, toll
PATES. Price 25 cant* —
to all parts under seal, by
tea sold tlie hut year, .Tbs
10, married, and. Uitmar-'
..liappjr. A Lectors ot>
ire, or liotr to cbooae alpart
■; a complete work'ana|U
,'ry. It contains bustuM*
■rd—warranted to beworth