Stoapaf-aisi® CSicExmdUs. Tt~*a*fT'm*6xJV,' UODBL WJRE; .nd-rttl, It I. kM * pwM <»»»tloi> Whctlser «r not guid an to pm we**to the former place, the prepristosa ol the Weflel M atofldent la toying that goU na to meed by iitPlfUm goods of them, i - Oor Bwk at present will be found much larger and ■■>QW vymwfflßa heretofore, and we hope to to aMe to (WWa taaMM of the sort liutidious. 1 pfllgß and Domestic Dry Goods, Such M English and French Ducalt, k- Mack and fancy Silks, French Brih Hants, figured and white Mar - ' uiUes, Lawns, Ginghams, ■ Prints, Muslins, &e. AIM, » totedld assortment of White Goods, Hoaiary, ,dhWkalWite We hare also on hand a large lot af . at auction for cash, which will to (old aaaortment of beautiful Spring and BOOTS & SHOES, Wooden & Willow Ware, Qteensware, &C., &C.. &C. .. Tsellr.g thankful to onr friends for their patronage here tofore, we are detormlaed u> aell Goods cheaper' than ever 5* for prompt monthly payments only. Wccop ■My invite oor old and new friends end enstoinan'to call aad aaa onr naw atock, which we wlil be pleaaed toahow # Ch.7fcm ... TTOWARI) ASSOCIATION, Will, m_P* , ! Aiknmaimt IrutituUtm, aUMithtd by rpedalendowmart ffp* of the .ostance —Pain 01 . .renews in any part t.. ,U orders must lie addressed to c 3. V. 3TON BROAD, Bspt-,8, 18M-ly.] Iswirtown, Pa. Aerate for Du Tali'* Galvanic Oil— Henry Lehr, Q. W. !taster; and A. Rotuh, Altoona, and' all dealer* in tnsdi- Ints avsiywhers. • -v. 'i • : ■; TUTAP OF BLAIR COUNTY.—THE ITI subscribers propose to pnbljah a New Map of Blair County, Pennsylvania, from actual surveys, containing*!! Public deads, Rail Road*, Canals, the actual localities of TUtsgra-Post Offices, Houses' of Worship, School Houses, H*nafoctori*s,Tanncrles, Mills, Hotels, Stores, 7am Uoos as, names of Property Owners, Ac. ‘' Enlatged Plans ot the Principal Tillages, a Table of Oistttnces, and aDuslnass Directory, giving the name and businate of each subscriber, will be, engraved on themar gln. The plotting will be to a suitable scale so as to make a large and. ornamental Map, which will be colored and mounted in the best style, and delivered to subscribers at par copy. , SAMUEL QEJD, April tt, 1868. ISAAC Q. FREED. - More new goods i—the un- RStoOSED has Just received a fresh supply of and WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths and Cas stmsres»f«Jl qualities and colon; Plush Telvst and Silk VESTINGS. Also, a large stock of Shirts, Drawers and VndetaUrtt, Gent’s Pocket Uandkerchlefr, Gloves, Ac.— Please give me a Mil before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 tun prSliarM to sell as cheap as they can bo had in town. Nor. 4,1058. ' T. ELWAY. Boot and shoemaker.—the subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Altoo wtaad vicinity that ho still continues to manufacture Boots andßhoes of every dc«cri|>tion, on the shortest no on Main Street, next door to the Trtbun* .«dfciir>-Sis , erork Is done up In the best of style, and can natfimSo give satisfaction. Only him a call. . ; h. RICKABDS. Tlffl. WM. R. FINLEY RE- M 1 9 ftP?CXTCTX7 oCcrs his | setylosajp thspeopie cf Altoona and the Bd *^HSßSr ~Zb.n» M »iind at the office heretofore oc sinstf'hy Z>r. 6. D. Thomas. ■ JKKSKL ‘ uSaem tufn-so, im.-it mtrrW fW&AM TARTER, SUPER-CARBO- V/KAtt of Soda, Salaratns, Washing Soda, Dart Co’s MKtacPtreder, in otcre and for sale at jfrpt..g, < SS-tl] A. ROUSH’S Prog Store. QOXUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG- C 5 KBSIA-s cooling Cathartic, mild In Its operation and agreeable to the taste, prepared and for sale by . Jop««, 1858.-tf A. ROPStt, Drugffitt. T>INE AND LARD OILS,' CAM phene, Burning Fluid, Carbon OU, Ac., at jaa-i'ea-tf] KEsauiß’a. rpfiß HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH .1 paid C.r BsafHidM, by J. L. I0BJ& Bxlo TO 29x24, AND CUT ••• • . r ,o. w; msffitEs..- /.3 r tutaeta h dbpeystbb memo aDL RlAfc SCHOOL/—This Institution, wlitfti in Altoona, Blair County, Penn's, will be opened on the Ist MONDAY In MAT. It is Intande daa apemanent and will connect with it a Mate A Female Department. Jn the Male department, young men will be instructed with a view to their entering the advanced classea of our best Oafogee; or, if desired, thoir education completed. In the tomato department, instruction will be given in any, nr all ol the dliforewt bonchea, either t dUi tanght in onr best Vemalo Seminaries. 7“* jlPha divided into two SeasicßSof five months ewfo—tte Summer Semion to commence on tbaiitUom daynfMay .ending on tbe last Wednesday of September— the Winter Sesdon to commence on the let Monday in No vember, ending on the last Wednesday of Masmi. The Bmsloas_wm be divided into two quarters of eleven weeks Terms, per quarter, as fbllovrs—visa SOLID BRANCHES. Primary , (including Beading, Writing, Orthog rsphy, Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geography, AcJ 'tUO Advanced (Including the Nataral ScieneaTluitto- ' mattes. Manta] and Moral Philosophy, logic, the Inn- s gnages and Composition Ac.) ' sjy» EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. Music (including use of instrument) $lO,OO Drawing, sjy» Painting (In water Colors) UN) Needle work, 2,00 - InsttnetioM in vocal music gratis. Otw half the above charges, to be paid invariably in advance. ; R. W. OLITEK, Superintendent Male Daft. . A. B. CLARK, ** RmaU ** f Bl - , Principal tf Male « Miss C. M. CLARK, « nmole « March 10,18fi9.-tf TA/JSST ALTOONA CABINET ▼ T WARN ROOM.—The signed has lately made arrangements to do business on a more extensive than heretofore, and is now prepared execute aR ORDERS FOR lURNITURE, ! OP ANT KIND, at Shortest notice. Hi* woriunen aw ockoowledgad to bo capable of doing The very best work in the line of (Jabi net Making, and all those who entrust him with their orders may rely npon.rocatving finlsbed work. Ho keens a constant supply of' Pnrnitnro on hand, to which ho Invites to attention of those intending to > “GO TO HOUSE-KEEPING.” 1 Call on him at at his room in Londonsvitle, near the Plonk Rood. 1 COFFINS MADE TO ORDER, i November 11,1858. ISAAC CROMER. • METALIC BURIAL ca ses.—This is a new article' in this section of the country, although extensively used In the East. They ore a sure protection against WATER AND VERMIN, and possess many other advantages over the common cof fins. The remains of the lamented OLAY' and WEBSTER were encased in these casce.' For sale by ISAAC CROMER, November 11,1858. Altoona, Pa. Another break-out.—the subscriber would in tar in his old customers that ho has opened out again ot his old stand, whore he hop's to receive their calls. He has now on-hand the cheapest and beat assortment of GROCERIES that can be found in the town, consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, Salt by tlu bushel or sack. Dried Fruit of all Binds, Fish of the very best quality, together with everything in the Grocery line, oil of which is fresh from the Eastern market. He also keeps constantly on hand a suppy of FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN, which he wile At the lowest market prices. FORK always on hand and retailed in quantities to snit purchaser*. JOHN L£HR. December IC* ISSS-ly , Exchange hotel.—the sub 6CRIBER weald respectfully in form the public that he has recently re- AySfiT — fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro pored to accommodate bis friends patrons in a coajfijrtable manner, and will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for ill eqjourm-rs. HU Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and-cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are -as .reasonable as thope of any other Hotel in the place, and ho feels satisfied they can not bo complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive ashore of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve It, he throws open his house to the public ami invites a trial. Altoona, May 27, l&oo.-iy] JOHN BOWMAN. WM. S. BITTNER. ; 3UHGEON DENTIST. opposite the Lutheran church. 3 Teeth extracted without pain by the Electro Mag netic Machine. Full setts of teeth for $15.00 Gold fillings warranted lor 10 years. 1 A student wanted. , [Dec. 22-ff. ■ Dentistry.— dr. s. kimmell, OPERATIVE <£ MECHANICAL DENTIST. Teeth Ips-rtod, from ona to a full set. on Gold or Silver Fiats. - Teeth filled withhold, and warranted for ten yean Teeth Extracted by the Electro Magnetic Machine with out,Pain. All operations and work done cheaper than anywhere •tee It the county, and a deduction made, of the railroad expenses from Altoona to Hollidaysburg, from all opera tions amounting to five dollars and over. tfc9- Office on Montgomery street, opposite the Exchange Hotel, Hollidaysburg. Pa. L [Dec. 18,1868-ly FITS! BEST FITS!! FIKST VX RATE FITS::;—For a good fitting and well-made COAT* call on j, g^’YDJJB For an excellent fitting VEST, by aU menn’s cnll on J SNYDER For PANTALOONS that can’t bo beat for fit and eaio, J, , . , J.'SNYDER. Come, Kind reader, if you want to dress in a feahionable stylo, MU'at my Shop, opposite nowhere, bnt close to Al toona Hacking House. Look out for the picture with my name below. JACOB SNYDER, Tmo., Altoona, Oct. 14,14, l£SS’.-ly J. a. ADLUM, ALTOONA,’ BLAIR COUNTY, PA. Can: at all times be found at the store of J. B.Uilemau. Altoona, October 1,1857.-1 y western insurance VA AND TRUST COMPANY.— Insurance on Real or personal properly will be effected on the most reasonable terms by their agents in Altoona at his office fa Anna St. March 17,1809. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. Flour.— the best quality of FAMILY FLOUR for. sale. Wholesale andßetoU. . J: SHOEMAKER, Dec. 11,185C-tt Masonic Temple. T UMBER FOR SALE. JLi .J*;'* 30 SHINGLES, j 60,000 r.ATWFA and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, lowwthkn the lo west, tor Caih. Apply to - JOHN SHOEMAKER. OYESI 0 YES!—GENTLEMEN draw jiirfj and hear. JOSEPH P.TEOPT Minoun cea that he la reidyto disclitirgo hi* dnty as an Auctioneer whcncter called upon. 1 { jwj. 2 '66. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP -QL Undcrahlt-ta and Drawers, Cotton, Wdiollen and tt-TOcas. LEVI'S PREPARATION FOR EX MCE, BOACHBB, ANTS, and Jon. 24, ’66-tf] - ? O. TT. KSSBUSB. ' SELLING- OFP-i-A LARGE AS SORTMENT of Boot* and Boffido and CaU : r ' ttOTCBM pONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW Heady Hade Clothing, of the latest Rashidas, cheaper than over, at • H.TDCH’S; Doc. 9,1888. None but the best confec tionaries, Nat* and Traits kept at Juna 18 ’67-ly] * 'HENBT LBHR’S. PURE WHITE LEAD 1 AND ZINC Palnt. 'alao Chrome. Green. TeHow, Pari* Green, dry In gropnd nil at [l-tCJ KJBSSDEB’S. MENRY LEHR’S STORE IS IN John Lehr’s old stand, nearly opposite McOor itora, lulfoTth Ward.. ■ f ’Sfr-^ TTNITED STATES tIFB INSU- T\E. COGGSWELL’S NEW MEDI- I / CAL SALT. Ar Jqflawmstafy Rtteattemlj. _ i ■ “I "-■ • j?- ; }’. SB. Oonamraitfa Rmr Mumbai. Rnurriaatoad of beinga remedy for aH flbß, baabnt oM iiM aceomplitoea tmt onething, to wit: BabdiwS inflimn>nry tOaMia&Witato*-' cr be Hi form dr Scanty. IttttMlj waiUagdM circulation, tknvby waring Iha toliraaaeof lirCv'mtion. RaWATim, inmuuu, Headache, 1% Cbhfe, Tmn, Inflamed throat, Langs. and Liver, Jraatala Diaewtee ftj i rinahn, ttwcMaij Pleurisy, Arthmaj DyvpepsJe, Veneraal •DMacm dost. wroftfla, Danker ud ill other forms of TnlhiiHuußte jrthyinbdiiedby thd New Medical Salt. tnVMrKojeu But, ii 10 tat fo« jait «tet it clalaa ta do—no more, no law ugnalla iUi etr cnlathmby removing frort the gotten ill irterim] and venous obstructions • i\ HvLTirms hat* nan the virtues of the Nnr Medical Balt, though but lately diacovandjafid introduced. Wit dm the testimonials and certificates of cure. Alt WHO HIV* OWD R acknowleda* a benefit from it.— An acqaaiutoncalof oon was cored ora severe eaae of Neu ralgia in lesf than a week. ■ Tors ISTALTUBU Mcnicur* is nqfciy fulfilling, in my ease, an the promises which yon mails for it. A few doses also relieved my mother of a rash of blood to the head. J.P.GI CLING HAil, Phila. I.VTLAitXAToKT Bhxcb.vtisb was ipy complaint. The first package din tho werk effectually, os not a vestige of Rheumatism is loft. O. U. DUNCAN, Now York. I Know it is good for Rheumatism, removing it in a few hours. I am now trying it for Scrofula and have already received benefit. £i LESSIG, Reading. I Tam it POE Annus* oftbe Abdominal Aorta. In ten days the pain was gone. T. W. PITZIHONB, U. D-, Phila. Wi speak BT THE Book. WO have; tried If. It has com plete control ever inflamation. Baoxcams, Caxkse, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia have been carod by it, Mast non* would nsrtrr, if necessary. Descriptive Circulars, with; testimonials may be obtained from any Druggists who has this valuable medicine fur sale. D*. CombwuiTs Antiphlogistic salt Price, Oae Dollar. Chronic Package, $2.50. , • D. C. “BAYLOR, * CO. Ctn. Agents,'3o2 Dock St. Phila. Tat St w Medical Salt i* fob bale in Altoona, by A. Roush; Geo. A. Jacobs, HoUJdayibitrg, and by all euter prieing druggists whsreevcr the ‘Tribune 1 ’ is read. As it is not a patent medicine, bnt the prescription of an emi nent physician.! no L one should fas : to try the Medical Sale. For testimonials and directions, see circular. Dec. 16, ’6B-ly. K fi RE AT IMPROVEMENT IN COOK \ T ING STOVES. CONSUMPTION OF SMOKE AND GAS AND SAVING OP FUEL. ; The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to the public a KEW OAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to su percede all otheijs, as it tojuiree ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL than other storey and is more easily], quickly and regular ly heated. No unpleasant smell dt gas arista frost this store from the fact that U is all consumed ere it ran es cape. ■ There is do trcuhle from smoko as that unpleasant and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside of the stove Neither is there any dagger offinus or chim neys becoming dogged with soot ortho mortar loosened by the gas arising from coal fires. i Persons wishing to purchase stoves are'lnvited to call at the store of the Subscriber, in the Masonic Tempi;, and ex amine the above Atoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER. Sole Agent for Blair County. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Kgg Stoves-on hand. ; [Aug. 12.1856. A FORTUNE OF 570i,000 M : TO BE HAD FOR In WOOD, EDDY jit CO.’S DELAWARE STATE LOTTERY. Class 258. to be drawn gt Wilmingtoui Del., on SATURDAY. VRBKI'AI’.Y 2b. 1350, In which are embraced theifollowing Brilliant Capitals ; 1 Prise of $70,000 ! 1 Prize of $30,000 \l ' 1 prize of $20,000;! I'. 2 Prizes of $llo, 000’!' ! 1 Prize of $6,000!!!! 1 Prize of o.ih.'i ;;;; 52,30<1 Prices in the Scheme, amounting hi $1 a65.5u4. Numbers—l 3 Drawn Ballots. NEARLY ONE PRIZE T ) EVERY TWO TICKETS. M bole Tickets!, c'10; Halve:!. s.lo;Quarters, $5. Orders addressed to WOOD. |EDDY i CO.. Wilwingtdu. Del a\r*rc. Gw. KESSLER—-PR ACTIO A L • DRUGGIST, respectfully \ announces If to the citizens of Altoona and the public •rally, that he still continues the Drug business,NjjSS? on Virginia street, where he keep* constantly JBSJP on hand, for sale, "Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS,rVARNISU- flff ES and DYE-STUFFS. •; By strict attention to business, snda desire to render fr.t isaction to all as regards price anil quality, he hopes to merit au(! f rccf:ire a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchant* supplied on reasonable tenns, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [l-tf. rPHE GREAT QtTESTiON WHICH 1 now agitates the miiid of. oyery person -v6& Is, whore can I get the best arjic'.o for'myVSHS* money? "In reglu-d to other matters, the anti- la&f scriber would net attempt to direct, but if you ® want anything in the line of 1 ' ■ | ! BOOTS OR SHOES ho inritra an examination of his stock and work. 3s k«ep4 constantly on band an asiortmirjtof Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Ac., which he, utiers at lair price|>. Ue will give ; special attention to custom work, allot which will he warranted to giyc eaiic(action. S one but the best workmen Sire employed Remember my shop is on Main, street, next door to B Kerr 5 * old stand, now MT. O’Neil’s.; September 3, ’57-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS. Boots and shoes.—the un dersigned has how on haad and will -. a sell cheap at hli store in this Majtonic Teto- nH pie. a large andfcompletef assortment ofBOOTS *BT AND SHOES, ready taide, ori made to order, Bn Overshoes, Ladies’ Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork Soles, and ovcrythingJn his line otbUsineasJof the best quality and on the mostrcasonable terms. All custom work warranted. Jan. 2. ’M-tffl J iJ; SHOEMAKER. PRICE REDUCED ONE-HALF! jv.eir Salt ! , INFLAMMAT OB Y; DISEA SIS! Tsr m I -I • ONLY ONE DOLLAR! CHRONIC PACKAGE, $2 60. SLAIR COUNTY; INSURANCE AOBNOT.—The un, to take effect ootbelat day of December, 18*8. And we amt CoMUalty recommend onr anccessore to onr former riaada aad natron*, feeling aaanred that the bnaineea will be contianed vrHhtha -cams integrity-end prompUtade whkh haa characterized ttae conducted by ourselves and predcceeaors for the last thlrtyfivoyeara. 1 GREGORY A HAXJRY. Wilmington, Bet, Rot. ISA, 1858. WOOD, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS. SUCCESSORS TO GREGORY A MAURY. The undersigned, baring became owner* of THE ABOVE LOTTERY CHARTER IN DELAWARE offer to the public the following scheme, to be drawn each Wednesday in APRIL, 1859, at Wilmington, Delaware, in public, un der the superintendence of sworn commissioners appoint ed by the Governor. Class 218 Draws Wednesday, April 6, 1859. Class 230 Draws Wednesday, April 48, 1859. Class 242 Draws Wednesday, April 20, 1859. Claes 254 Draws Wednesday, April 27, 1859. THIRTV-FODR THOUSAND FOUR ‘HUNDRED AND TWELVE PRIZES! Nearly oae Prize to every two Tickets! 18 Xumbers—l4 Draws Ballots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. TO BS DRAWN EACH WEDNESDAY IN APRIL. 1 Prize of $35,000’ is. $35,C00 1 “ 12,000 “ 12,000 1 “ 12,000 “ 12,000 I “ 5,000“ 8,000 1 “ 3,000 “ 3,000 I “ 2,898 “ 2,589- 1 2,000 “ 2,000 30 Prizes of 1,000 ora 90,000 30 “ 600 “ , 15,000 40 “ 300 “ 12,000 257 “ 300 « - 61,000 64 “ 100 “ 6,400 64 “ 70 “ 4,480 128 « 40 « 6,120 6,668 “ 20 “ 111,380 28*224 “ IS “ 282,240 34,4i2 Prizes amounting to |559,589 If Tiole Tickets $10 —Halves ss —Quarters $2,50 Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates, which is the risk. Certificates of Package of 25 Whole tickets $141,00 “ “ ZeiJalf “ 70,50 “ “2d Quarter “ . 55i25 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, Enclose the amount of money to our address, for what you wish to purchase ; name the Lottery in which you wish it invested, and whether you wish Wholes, Halves or Quar ters. on receipt of which, we send what is ordered, by first mail, together with the scheme. ■ Immediately after the drawing, the drawn numbers will be scut with a written explanation. Purchasers wdi pu .ts: write their signatures plain, and give the- name of their Post oS.ce County and State. NOTICE TU COE RESPONDENTS. Those who piefer n ,t scudinu money by mail, can nse THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, whereby tqoney tor Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars, and upwards, cau be sent ns AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, from any city or town where they b«v; an office. The money :,n,l order must bo et;ei...ed i,i a - GOVERNMENT PO.sT OFFICE STAMPED ENVELOPE,” or the Express Company cannot them. *»- Orders for Tickets or Certificates, hv Mail or Kx grass, to be directed to WOOD, EDDY £ Co.. ’! Wilmington. Delaware, |)ATENT KEROyENE OR C-AillioN i oil lamps: Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to of.f lit. t|,,. very best and cheap Cat portable light within their read,, die.uli call at the stcre of the undersigned ami xamiim these Lumps before P'trcl.j : icg elsewhere, and wt pledge ourselves to demon atrate I-»t. That NO ACCIDENT c;*u occur by explosion, di. Thfit they emit no offr-iviv** u. hr wh:h I..ruing. C«:. Thai they are Tory easily* trit:um*u. 4th. Tlrnt thoy iire eu*ily to give more or leas lijrut. 6th. That tu*\r hum ontiivlv fin? fron ttr.. jh i ( »‘h** ia\Hl I* i j i .i«.‘ pci fliff.per than any u:h*r light now in Vura:,! n uud. juhnirabiy fedap'.-l : .r th« use of stn ;i ‘f lliflli«jftve.h;:rg. U Mia jf&t n »•!’at! injrni » ajut Imvejltp-.- -« r * ErarylhiiJK o'»r»»ecf» , <’! n*i'th th** hour*-bn* >• ,u rcfitlta in the t tio’-tMt furnUtii Th-nji-I rMa.TJni , ‘ u*, w-*l calculated f> • and cair.fjrt. Hi* TA'sisß trill he f«t-nishru w s :3i th*v«ry bv*: ket cat s*Turd. and r*.» ur nouhie trill bo spaied b- iG' who nut tn »r l»jm wtth thoir jvv trGn'?»r r'»mfbr Mbl* ai:<’ happy di:» c'• *nth him Hi«: ST \a amplt* ntaJ a*) 'volipug uutW ;v**i \m ?r» •.♦♦ 'pl s;>. i -1 ■ v.' l!-:: between tins pt;n'i a;.d \V Hot.-l. Dec. !7. is;,7. tf.l II E PEOPLED SHOE- STORE : 1 Virginia street. two door* below Annie street. The undersign-d would respectfully Inform the. citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he has taken the above stand, (formerly occupied try .Mrs. Itigg.) where he intends to keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of BOOTS & «HOES,to|. of every variety, which he will sell sale and retail, CHEAP FOP CASH! Purchasers will Cud it to their advantage ift buy their BOOTS and SHOES at the •' Peoples’ Shoe Stoic.” We bur for cash, consequently WILL OFFEH B AUG A lE'S. ftg- Give us a call an i examine our Stock. We study to-Blvc vatixftt.’ticT. CLIFTON W. KIMBALL ’ mar 17, IIS? If # w. M. LLOYD Sc CO., ALTOOE'A. pa.. J OH XSTON. .TAOK & CO., IIOLLFDATSEVTiG, FA , {fat: “ Bell, Johnston , Jack b.arves, between Chestnut and ITslrttit streets, Philadelphia. DDi Sole agents for Henry’s Celebrated Vinegar. Philadelphia, March 17th, 1859-Sm. • OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! In cbneequence of the hard times,' 1 have concluded to put down the price of my OYSTERS to the lowest possi- We standard. They wUI hereafter bo served up on the Chaftng Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and roasted in the shell SSi wi Mt *n other accompaniments, TWENTY PIVE CENTS. They will also be fhrnished, in every oth er way, at prices to correspond with the times. - , JOHN KEIFFER, Dee. 17. ttj Logan House, Hollidaysburg. (YUEENSWARE, JUST RECEIVED. yaj, A large and fashionable assortment at the store of ■; J. B HILESXAN. pio COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA AND V all kind of Groceries for tale by June 18,1857-ly) HENRY LEHR. GGSj BUTTER AND ALL KINDS of country produce can bo had at June 18 ’57-ly HENRY LEHR’S. T OVERING AND NEW ORLEANS A-i Molasses, at foir prices, at Juno 18, ’si-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. Hair oils, colognes, fom ddes, Sharing Crewa, tdHet Soaps, Ac. for sale by ; : propef performance of its functions; when the atom- ” ach toattoadt, tSabhwela are at fimlt, and the whole Q system aaflbra hi conse quence of one organ—the w brat—haring cessed to do its dutr. For the diseases CJ of that organ, One of. the proprietors baa made it hU *- study,ln apractfceof more than twenty years, to find some remedy wbanwlth to counteract the many de- ~ rangunenta to which It to liable. p 3 Xo prove that this rcme spn troubled with latse forms, has but to try a hot- pw' tain. j »k These Oume remora oU|W the system, supplying In;,, of bilo, invigorating the digest well, rCßirrtsa health to the whole machl-l r of the disease—effecting Bilious Attach are Uor-j paKrsKZEO. by the coca-i TIOCRATOR. ' I One dose after eating is i . roach and prerent the 1 Only one dose taken be- r"f Xißhtmaro. ■ , ■ . i r ■« Only one doss taken at; Hn els gently, and,-cures Coe-1. One dose taken after each y> dEg-Ono dose of two tea- . , Uere Sica Heahacu- . j M One bottle taken for fe-l J the coose of the disease, 1“ Only one dose Immediate-1 . One dose often repeated! _ Morbus, and a preventive.. \JI 49* Only one bottle is system the effects of modi-. £3* One bottle taken for 1 lowucsa or unnatural color' One dose token a abort: vigor to the appetite, and! One dose often repeated! Its worfct forms, while Snm-j yield almost to the ffibt' pri One or two doses Cures i in children; there ia no, *7 remedy in the world,' as It; A. few bottles cures Dropsy { 'Ws take pleasure in as a preventive for Fever j ft) all Fevers of a Bilious type. | and thousands'are willing virtues. I All who dm it are giving their unanimous testimony in Its favor. tTS.. Ml± Water in the mouth with the Inrigarator, and swaljow both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERT, and U daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cores at if by magic, even the Jirti dote giving benefit, and seldom more than ons bottle it required to cure say kind of Liver Com plaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Seadaciie, all of which are the result of a Dianna Lim. PRICE ov pr« sqitje. DB, SANFORD, Proprietor. 346 Broadway, New Yerk. Sold by 0. W. Kesslcu, Altoona; and retailed by all Druggists. [May 27, 1E58.-Iy TRON CITY COMMERCIAL COL k Li'UE, Pittsburg. Pa. 3OO Students a, tending January, 1868. Now the the largest and moat thorough Commercial School of the United States. Young ni'n /spared for actual duties of the Counting .Room. .1 C, Ssimt, A. 51. Prof, of Book-keeping and Science o Accounts. \ A. T Domicil, Teacher of Arithmetic and Cimmcraial CM ulation. .1 A. iixtmicsand T.C. Jsn'Xjss, Teachers of Beok-kespiug A. Pewter and W. A. profit, of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, As used in Every department of business. Commercial Arithmetic—Rapid Business Writing, Delecting Counterfeit Monty — Mercantile Correspondence—Commercial Late — An- taught, and all other other subjects necessary for the success and thorough education of a practical businessman. 13 PREMIUMS. Drawn n’.l tlie premiums in Pittsburg for the past three : years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing, NOT ENGRAVED WORK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter at any time—No Vacation—Time unlimited —Review at pleasure—Graduates assisted in' obtaining situsiions—Tuition for full Commercial Course, $36.00 —• Averi g' time S to 12 weeks—Board, $2,50 'per week—Sta tionery f. OQ—Entire cost, s£o.oo to $70.00. VST il mutters’ Suns received at half price. For card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Orna mental Witting—inclose two stamps, and address so, Look out for your heads : —The subscriber would inform tbs in habitants of this place and vicinity that he has just received the latest styles of - HATS AND CAPS,.^HL; *? a y be fOUUII thc beat Black Mole Hkla and lie . te ’ Rnd different colored Wool Hats, Caps of all etjjefl ami prices, *for men and bom. Persona in want ei anything in the above line will find it to thefr ndvantaes to call on the subscriber before purchasing elsewhere. p A“ h: **' xX *?° n bantl 111 excellent assortment of Ladles* ri.V.i'i* different tolors and pripcs. Those in want »f the article should call at once-. Altoon? ° Ppolit * th * LuAsraueharoh.; Altoona, Oct, 14, 1568.-ly JKSSK SMITH. ' ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PREMA- DECLI?, ' E - —J Published, Gratia, the 20th Tb« important foot that the many alarminr comnlaintsi orlginatmg in the imprudence and solitude youth, may tASsrivd™ MEDICINK - * in ttto’sSS T orti«e [male obstructlsn remove [and makes a perfect curt, ly relieves Cholic, while is a sure cure for Caoiat of Cboliea. [ needed to throw out ef tbt cine after a long sickness. Jsoxmce removes all sat from the skin. ft [time before eating gives [makes the food digest well, cores Chronic Diarrhoea in mer and Bowel complaints dose. attacks caused by Wonts surer, safer, or speedier nerer /ails. by exciting the absorbents commending the medicine and Ague, Chill Fever, and [lt operates with certainty, to testify to its wonderful F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa, K> 2 KA sj *5l Ih s » 2 a -13 3 (WS i, J kd ■** -H O W S 5 « - . O * S h «• i W p Sdd-3t 3*Sal »SJ S 3 - a g h•< S 'CS § g . 5 Ph 5m PkT|^t2 bn t. a•« 3 S W !■» 5 n h!S22i»« uh o * \J2 * • Uh m M °of 5 | Druggist and giSES. PHRyCJfKKT.CIOAM Kft/ JSBdor B. e«rt«r oTtSJit” :BfrMHk. >arth i n_. ejM?C Paafedto, Hatr OUa, Colognw, ifloticJ, Frangipiai Sachets, Funcy Sqapo, BmpT**' (V 1 YABIRTIES, i Brashes, Hair, Tooth. Noil, Rwb, Pain t n Awto Monnftj<», PoclMt Books, Pun**, PmSi. Sfow. Sftivea and Violin atruigß. PAINTS AND OILS <£SS£S sa£2L d ' 1 Vw, : Carbon, Unwed, Sperm anf Lard OIL. PATENT MEDICIKp* ‘ Hoofland’s German Bitten,; Boarhaee 1 ! Holhixi 2* Ajer’B Cherry Pectoral, Samperilla Bed SanfcnrtLrier Inrlgorator; Lindaay'a Blaod &rkA Female and Duponoa’* GoMen Kiu. Wilson's, McLans;*, Leiij’s and Cocbtn'a PUU-iJ? t ‘*’ Aromatic Schiedam Schnappa; Marrhanfa Perry Darla’ Pain AtahhML°a. and Narve and Boua liniment, tqgathar vbhaU ft.*** 1 * tar Medldnet of the day. ' CIGARS. light Guard Opsra, LaFortnna, ■ Et suing Star, La Salmdora, Cigarette#, LaTeanaa*a, ,'fV r * ry justly popularwhwwfaJC? with all the superior btanda in market, *VUm i; A full assortment of KnigbPa Celebrated Flamw. . tract*for Cooking. Durkae’s Chemiealßaklna Eeckorie PrisjwrSl Farina. 8 Pow,i ». «X ! CAMPHENE and BURNING FLUID constant!* i Pbydciana desiring pure and reliable find it to their intereet to call. *•*•*«*• d *SU PrefccripUona carefully and reliably eoeixm.iu Remember the sign of the Golden Mortar 1 ***“■* H Altoona. Dec. so, 1868. EEMOVAL.— BTTINOER&mI MAX would respectfully Inform their friend.... t ‘ £ITIKO£R 4 CLUuy^ JAM ES 31. WHEELER & CO. (Succeaort to John H. Brant,) * FORWARDING AND COMMISSION Merchants, Near the Penn’a Central Railroad Dcml HARRISBURG , P A. DEALERS m TLmRD AhO SOFs l UAL, Pig Jfetal, SaCraad hru,lt atul Mei char.tdhlt Iron, Xails, Flour, Or*- arses. Provisions, Fish, *»if, etc. i \ co '\J ,se ” t ‘“.ov*, ln large or small qaantltlM, ib*. Use dinbrent liaUrcadi in Pcurujlvaoia. [July JXly A YER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, -fro v v, R - SELLERS* Imperial Co ugh ijir^ HoaJiancTt German Bitters, ■ Bcerhavs's Holland Piltn, Sandfords Liver Invigorator, Clarke'* Female PiQt, Duponco'* QoldmPSk, Wright'*, Ayer'*, IFtiton’s and MeLme't PHI*, Merchant'* QtrgUna Qi, Va ry Davit' Pain Killer, Matehdt't Fcur/otd Linnuvt, Mexican, Arabian, Kerne and Done Leninmt, in (tore and Ibr safest Sept. 2,1868-tt] Blank books and STATIONE RS- WM. “5. HAVEN, .WlSitm Job PEnnrsß, Stahobi* axc Blase Book /SS/ISL MiKCriCTCRIK, MSsk/m Comer Market d Second Ss, PClUturg, P vTfijm respectfully invites a tun-ion to hie large and well mImM . (took of Blank Book, Paper and Stationery, Rati ; Road, Mercantile and Book Printing, of every description, promptly executed. OS' Agent for L. Johnson A Co, Type Founders, PU» el P° ia - (July IT. 1844-ly Home testimony. [From the Lowiatown Atrora.] I have been afflicted for tea yean with Chronic lliintna and have received more benefit from Du Tail's Qslmli 0« than any ether medicinel ever used. ALEX. McKU. _ • Oliver township, Mifflin county, Pa Tliis is to certify that I used Dn Vail’s Galvanic Oil Is my family In tome of the diseases for which It is rsesn mended and found to act almost'spontaneously. I ncn mend it to AH who suffer from pain. A. M. INGHAM. Sept. 2, *sB—ly. Decatur township, Mifflin eo. Pa Blair county daguerreas ROOMS.—Mr. O. Vf. FISHER, the UollUspbvt Artiet, begs loavo to inform our readers that hsisprnsnd to take Photographs of deceased persont r from Daguerreotypes, at the sbortset nodes and osfof .ccst reasonable terms. He has just received a UrgssW* ; of durablo and neat coses, of all sixes and styles, indodsT a new pattern of FamQy Case for four persons, and lljrf pared to fill them wit hperfect-likenesses, IAMBROTTFE, DAGUERREOTYPE OB PHOIOGHAP& Give him a call. Booms on the comer of Mohtrnurj and Allegfaenystrects, IfetUdaysbnrs, Pa. [JunelW A CARD.—Hear what Mrs. YangHa of Dnncansville says:—l have used the Gtlvtabol I "? !^ r . 6< i, by ‘ Stoneroad, Lowlstown, Pa, for **JU painful disease myself and recommend It to others, of J* .every case found it to be one of the very best medietas* sore and painful diseases. ReUevce ail pain in s fi* & ;utes. Every family should have It in the honse. 1 .B«»t.ia.iBM.-iy J IV/f EDUCATED FUR CHEST PRO i-fJL TECTOE, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOO fearful diseases Bronchitis, fomehs. Colds, and othsr s*w Wans OfttmLugs, which from the exposed itste oft* climate, for sole, at the Drug Store of Q. ff KBStB; T XCOMING BOUNTY MUTtfAL Ij ItEE tSSDRANOK AGEJiCY.—The nntodp* ■gent of too Lycoming MutnslEire Insurance Coop*®!' * nt nll times reidj to Insure against las or damegehjßJ Buitdi-ngt, MareKctodiie, Purnilurt and Property of description, to town or country, at ss rwMMwnwj toy company intoe State. Office In the Masoak W* ; Jan.B,»S6-tf] JOHN SHOKMAKEfo^g”. POLICE GAZETTE-*' 4-1 This Great Journal of Crime and Crimltih* * g» Twelfth Year, and Is widely circulated th»*fls too country. It contains all too - Greet Trials, Capa; and appropriate Editorials on the aome, topOj*™Z Information on Criminal Matters, not to be fpupd® other newspaper. _ja.» I. S3USubacrlptiona $2 par annum; $1 for att hy enbscribera, (who should write Md the town, county and State where they te«Haw" wv To O. W. MATBEIX *Wr. , : Editor & Prop’r.of New York Polk* s**?%. ; X5-tf] : Vrtc Lots for sale.— l 2 buhps£ situate In different localities, In thls Bffifi •alsba reasonable terms, by [3T-tC] J.BHOK»4»g: pUN BE BOUGHT AT H. TUCITjj Winchester t Co’s Patent ShoaMer OW»* I EVERYBODY IS INYITBJ/* 0 J call and test the merits of the Btidgy." Jtob 18. *57-ly] Blanks of all pbscwijt^ n, M. Sunday School at fTSfliio an. Jons Twioos, Pastor.— er 29,1858. MEETINGS OF ASSOCiA Jbimtefa Lodge, A. Y. M., No. 2SI, mi day Of each month, in the third story of P&tffU o’clock, P. M, Encampment, A. T. M., No fcurth Tuesday of each month. In the thii mate Twnplo, «t TU o’clock. P. M. Attpeng lodge, I. O. of 0. F., No. 473, n ■TOWm,Ib tha second story of tho Masor JmMs Lodge, J. 0. of 0. F., No. W 2, s «T»«»mfcln the'third story of Patton’s Bu •tr*rt, nt o’clock, P. M. IH6C, No. 33, I. 0. R. 31., ■JR* every Tuesday evening in tha I. 0. IISIOnb Temple. Council Fire kindled IF. A. AD.V3I!?, C. of R. I Son* of America, Camp No. 31, In tbs third story of Patton’s 1 (bmp , No. 04, J • s*. of I *®ssby owning, in the 2d story of Patti , Altoona Division, Ko. 311, S. of T., v. •*St«snb»g, in the Odd Fellows’ Rail, f. F.Rose,D. O. "VY.; 3Vm. C. McCormlc! SPSS’ R- McCrca, W. A.; E. i JtmSwOot-mlck, A. H. 8.; Sl.Clabnngh, *•*•s JMlalbraltb.C. { J. W. Clahaugh, F. Rose, O. S. jjlwdnn Stephanies' Library and Headt ta statedly on the Ist Saturday J and October. Board of ] aOseday evening in each month. W O'clock every evening, e: - COUNTY OFfiCER! . (hurts —President. Uon. aseooietes, J. Pann Jones, David Caldwel rrtmmotary —Joseph Baldridge. at* Sebordcr —lt ugh A. Cald v gffV~ J ameo Fnuk. V***Mtornty— Benj. L. Ucwlt. CpasoruriOTitrt—Jacob Barnbi wos M. Jones. mnarione rf _nugh A. Cat JR I **”* -Appraiser —Joseph 0. Adit jßy wirwyuj Jumet L. Owlnu. ; dlgg lll J»lu> Lingafelt. -i ii,»—B- Morrow, a.O. McCartnel Director * —George Weave. • Fox.» V Oxnmon School* —Ji l.4*»TOona borough on ■ 32££^^ ftaee - J * cob QooJ. j- i .. fiiCX!!?' John Allison, Robert ( . Henry 8. Kperlng. V) . vjttjwcil—John Allison. —Joseph Q. Adlum. ' msSrmJP~** rtr —Dintel Price. a B. Sink. C. C. M Jormtek; B. F. Rose, i >1 Board—Wm. C. 31 in McClelland, ilcMinn, David Qaih IterboTer. *—Michael Clabau.l —East Ward—S. A. ■ , u West “ R. Ot frinirir ■: __ North “ Jacob ■«T W * ■^T»rd—Henry Bell, J u E.B. McCrntc, “ Q. W. Harman WCJIEIKS. A LA ggftfcy™* ° r QwerlM 1 ’BAGS, TRU Jk Ac-« can be bought chea * plow la the country. itoD-AT-McCORM aggjM ftewtmept of Read *r4fcsum>K' 7 43 A JOHN SHOE TIIO3. A