The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 07, 1859, Image 3

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.e*t Purgative and '*®Hg
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tully, without nuy Of
8 the operations of nioet
P system r.t the sametimo J
ai <iaily in luocltrate d«Ht mi k.
> with onusual rapidity.
one of the; jprincipal
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till* h\*Xcm\ Jftro folly dJlS*b***Ji
.-t f-mircly' •id-tKsmteJt T£[
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many de- -«OSC«UnUTto «S§2?‘*»le
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“ <h If reme- r ”V .ly U«t Uit fur* .
vnl. hirer. rN;CWWU»,---toSK£>*N
to try a hot- f W j tic, and coatUu*
t M-movc alt- 0 morbid or bod
npi-lying in ; M their place « £??**«•&■>»
omin.K the atomach, «**
mrrixo tm K. ,u»p, rirw <>
machi- .r llwy , gatoyZLtS— *M
- -n.iiß a ruilkoXcare. ' *** **•»*
k» nr.-cur- r-i 'at, W|UT „ -
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■ i reting is ; niffleiaaito —««— -''
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0 l iken hc- Hiirura
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tnli *V,r i .
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Aon fur fe- i;nwle ohctractlu, ’
““ diaerme. I—l am i
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utepi'ntr.l ,„ „ >Dr* Cura^TjS^
IKVeiitJreiC.ofCaoMu. *******
e tsitiln fa , i needed to thpnwo«t
I- of modi- cine gfler Rle» ff tWlr? f ***
t. tliken (or M .Jatrswc« wiSmlS*";
iMjntl rotor Alfromtbeaklm •*'•
O" a Short H time Wfore eatla. .
1 tiie. andj^,make* thelbodd SL*'*
n repcate.! Q|cure* Chronic JmS?***-
ofc -fc «s!s;
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are &l*S their
i< mkuical macowiur,iia.fc-in,
tw gremt to ltallm.
* 1 &*< y«“ ff' «»»aed tSamZi'
•' "••>“««* to tunny kMof
will St J'limhr* or i to a
which tu< there»ult
'•.'rroprictur, S« Broadway, V« w T i*.
i. W. Klajlee,
W«jr 27, ISSMy
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—Thankful ibr pa»t targn, tht nbtedW
l. v Kj;li-are to infold the etwMeef'il
y. that he has Ju*t and eff»<*
i: at rcrjr £ow.|cle«« fcir
Pei dt Chafes, rtM-tfaku,
riffd Merino*, Wool lU<udt7v**v
Xertnos' black and feneg
ids of every description ,* ~&knt -
Hits, Flannels, Casement; Mnt-
Cinghamt, Chintz, Hosiery,
Embroideries embracing
'■v*, seth, Bands, Insert-
Edgings, in fine.
> very article of La-
dies Wear. '
i! ! 'ut aasartmont of fuhieuUe'tttMe*'
. Karthen*ara„*c.' *?**': ■
f. iiM of nil «Jm», qasUUMMittjl*-
w - Shies OnifeA
it ojtiment W fc«J
>■ alii' ami examine tM>ltoraa|sck.
£ : c £S. J.ltfflillinux-
• . iher would inform Iheln- -/■■■to
and vicinity that My
the (atekt stylcaof - .
y (>• found the best Black
in.l different colored Wool ItiMt W’ ,
-'.for men and boys. ,PeneMl|».1 f *W£
'-■v- line will .find it ttwlf Mtf#W
: ih»r WorennrchignngeUwWJ'w,.
L--aid an excellent a»»Ortn»*«t
a i rotori* and juried. Thoae tewaaV*
' .<ll at ones. -t ,
la street. opposite UtaJ»athera> jjjg
. ;mB-,-iy .
r-W MKDICAL xjzt
M A T oby; Dil» *Xjf& 1
T/tr. Jt! ;
. fC PACKAOB/^J^;•
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i Inform tIxdU«M"J
I y have pnrch.tscd U»« vaUrsJM o*-* 0 *-*
i IH Collin*. urd jntoßd ®? hr .
In hb stead.
.1. KIND? at the lowest |W
'i will be the'stuns As WWjSjJ
n ujuuy. W« will ***°
1 !.c undersigned. Agent
I ■ Insurance
* K • )//,"'< ir and Property,
i . ii.ut:y, at as rrasooaMe AfTgjtW •
i't u. ■ Otfic.- with Bell.
i). *r. cau»wku>*
iudshtod to ttswdfrfjjJiSi
-1 v rio-b or ur'te. "Sty cbtjJHjSJJ |sAh>
jj.lividßsl accouiS«r'to b* P
.■tjtl.ii notice. C. j.fltyir'
j; atoJI^YK,-
; , :.r.l s<wp IWdiW W
: ( tauaiuon Soap I
I>AITOOS A Gifl A.Nt> W.|TEB CpMPftKT.”—Be
we puUi»l» the Apt of reforcace
loff ppjjiitg the Bwough of Altodaa jrith water,
the “ Altoona Oas Com
the supplement passed a few days
**l' presuming that our. readers feci an intcr
, D< ta (bwatseTr now that we arc to hare a live
*** the style abote named:—
j. JJe it enacted by the Senate and
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
vtvivuua in General Assembly met, and it is
i Ik/matted by the authority of the same. That
of the borough of
Smobs hi Blair county, are hereby authorized
to-enter into a contract with tile ,
itautfrlraaia railroad company, for tiie use of
iiT««rplQ» water introduced by said company
into the borough of Altoona, for the supply of
iheir locomotive engines and workshops, et ept
,« so f« *9 n» a J be necessary to supply the
isisens of said borough with water; autl the
«iJ Pennsylvania railroad company are IterCby
nuthoriied and empowered to enter into a con-
OTCt with said burgess !\nd town council for
f »id purpose, on such terms as ma/dse mutually
.need upon by and between them.
Jsic. 2. That the said burgess and town coun
cilor the borough of Altoona, be and they are
hereby authorized to construct a basin or reser
roir for water, to hold a sufficient supply for
tbo citizens of said borough, on ground to be j
procured for said purposc, and shall proceed to !
construct the same, nad to dig trenches, and lay j
down trunks and pipes wher* desmed necessary, j
along the streetsaud alloys of said borough, for ]
the purpose of conveying said water, and sup- j
plying said borough, as is hereinafter provided j
with the same, as soon after the qonsnmalion of
Kiid contract as practicable, and shall have lib
ttlj, at all times, to renew and repair the same,
limiting up bud nmending auy breaches which !
,oay he made as soon as possible; and that they i
he authorized to borrow, on the credit of the j
borough, any sum necessary to effect the same, j
exceeding five thousand dollars, in such I
Mims, and at such titpes as may bo necessary ; ,
an*l (iicv arc hereby authorized and empowered
la jivj utid collect a tax which shall, with the
rfui of said mater, be sufficient to pay the in
(ereit of said loan, and create a jinking fund to
repay the principal, ,
Sec. 3. That the burgess and town council of
eaid borough shall, at all times, where trunks
tud pipes shall be laid in and through any of
the streets and alleys in said borough, suffer the
citiiens of said borough to be supplied with
water for domestic use, and such other uses as
the bargess and town -council may permit, for
such reasonable oempenaition as shall from
time to time be agreed on by the said burgess
nnd council and,such individuals, according to
»uca certain uniform rates ns the burgess and
town comftil shall hereafter adopt, having regard
to the quantity of .water.which applicants are
likely to consume: Vrovi& d, That the owners
oftho freehold on and upon which said water is
Uktn and u*cd, shall in all cases be the parlies
with whom such contract for the use of the
water ahull bo made, and the said real estate be
Kotmd for and liable for the payment of the
isne, reserving to the borough the right to con
tract with the lessees or tenants, if they see fit
md proper to to do; and any person or persons
withini the said hpreugh who shall take any of
the laid water for domestic or other uses with
out having previously contracted for the Mine
with the said burgess and town council, shall
forfeit and pay for every such offence any sum
n»t exceeding the sum’ of fifty dollars, to the
•aid burgess and town council, for the use of
the borough, to bo recovered before n justice of
the peace by action of debt on assumpsit, in the
eame manner as debts of equal amount arc now
Ssc - **• *hat if nay person or persons, or
body politic, who shall have contracted with
«iid burgess anti town council lor the use of
tmd water, shall wantonly and unnecessarily
waete the same, to the injury of the said bor
tngb, or shall permit any other person or per
«oni, not being by the said contract entitled to
lh® use thereof, to uiukc use of the same, or
tb&ll neglect.and fail to pay to the said borough
lac amount of money by him, her or them agreed
upon to be paid as a compensation for the use of
said water, for the period of three months after
i«» umo shall be due and payable, according to
tbe terms of esid contract, it shall b.e lawful for
tbe burgess and town council to withhold and
Water from th ® premises of such in
uuiJual or body politic and corporate, until ail
:nc “ arrearages, with interest and the costs of
it co very, shall be paid; Provided, That nothing
o*r«in contained bo so constructed as tp af
impair or take away the right of the said
trough to sue for and recover the amount of
»uch arrearages.
,-«• That if any person or persons shall
wi fully destroy,«r injure in nuy manner the
pipes, cisterns, reservoir, hydrants, or any of
etn , or any of the works of the said borough,
,tW fcii or -*° ercctc< * in pursuance of this act,
or . , j * wilfully corrupt or otherwise render un
’ ofesome, or use without permission the stream
* a tsr which shall bp conveyed or brought
on S“ *h® said borough, on being convicted
treof before .any justice of the' peace in and
f*» coua ty of Blair, by the oath or affirma
wn of one or more credible ■witnesses, pay a
at not exceeding twenty dollars, one half to
“ • P ° or of “ id county and the other half
~ , ‘afonnor, and shall .moreover remain lia
»blc for all damages to th« borough. '
Speaker of the House of Representative!.
Speaker of the Senate.
. The second day" of May, Anno
i>onlnione thousand sight hundred and fifty
The following ia the Act relative to the “ Al
toona Gas Company:—
Sscitow 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
J uu f Representatives of the Commonwealth of
'vuylvania in General Assembly met, and it is
*£y,««fei by the authority yf.'the same. That
P,T*,. B -. FoBtcr > junior, H. J. Lomboert and
,v sc . "®wis be and they ate hereby appointed
n? v Sa l ncrs ’ ’ aQd Uw/m aipiydrity of them
aut b«ri*e<i to carry into effect the
is ivf v nt of » g*» company, to be located
Blair . * r ? u gh of; Altobna, In the county of
•lock ofpehnsjTsania, iwUh a papital
ials*h«3? n tlwnaand dollars, to be divided
boated** fifty dollars each, td be organized,
e RoTCr h®ff as provided by the act
tbs rfunT-jP? companies approved
hundred ' Ode. thousand eight
r «tricti n ». fifty-seven, and sulyect to all the
* nd prowiaitW. together with the
tt ahall be lawful for the
hr uv ojk tOOIU “ itß corporate capacity, or;
tilt, in its corporate cajfa-.
ttacin of Ur* fflr.Miy number of shares of
‘sUi^nr^v-Jrl eyiwany; and to enable the
it •nbsenbe stock as aforesaid, it
sabsecibij borrow the amount so
PHgd ihpir and
.•uyw for the payment of the same.
speaker of (ho Howe oMUpreeoutatiTcs.
i., ' ?peak«rof tUoSwiSte.'
a »'Somw“ -fourth day of April,
I 1 ojlie -thousand eight hundrpd and
otnng is the Supplement to the above
pjflira CriMnif.
LOCAL items.
Act, in which it will be noticed that the whole
of the Act in relation to the supplying th» Bor
ough with water has been repetfled, with the
esceptWn of a portion'Of the secoud section
l. Be .it enacted by the Senate and
Sortie of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Vennaylvania in .Otnerdl Aeseiiihly tiitl, and it is
ifie ihi tame. That
in addition to the persons named as comraisaon
cra in the Ist section of the Act to which tlilal Is
■a Supplement, John Shoemdker,i James Lowthler.
William M. Lloyd, Clement Jnggard, Thoinns A.
Scott, A. B. Clark, B. F. Rose, Chas. J. Mann,
*G; B. Cramer, E. AI. Jones, bo nndlhey are Lore
■by added as commissioners with the same pow
ers and as prescribed in the said act and r
the general act regulating gas and water-com- !
panics, approved the 11th day of *larch Anno !
Domini 1857, V i
Snc. 2. That the title of said company shall
be changed to that of the “ Ajtoona Gas and
Rater Company,” nnd In addition to the privi
leges granted for establishing gas works, they
shall have all the privileges granted to Water
companies as provided by the act regulating gas
and water companies, approved the 11th day of
March 1857; and be subject to ail the restric
tions and,provisions together with the immuni
ties contained in said act.
Sac. 3.' The commissioners tefered to in the
original act and this supplement or a majority
of.them are hereby authorized to carry into ef
fect the establishment of a gas 'and water com
pany to bo located in, or adjacent to the borough
of Altoona in tl\e county of Blair, and State of
Pennsylvania, with ft capital etop't of forty thou
sand dollars, to be divided into shares of twenty
dollars, each, with the ( right to increase said
capitil stock to an amount not pxoeoding sixty
thousand dollars provided the same shall bo ne
cessary to complete and place in good condition,
all the works and improvements of said company.
Sec. 4. And whereas the burgoss and town
council of, the .bore ugh of Altoona have officially
declared their desire .to have t'te act repealed
relative to supply mg* the borough of Altoona
with water approved May 2d 1858, so far as it
relates to the borough authorities, and desired
that the powers anti privelcgcs granted said
borough and her corporate authorities should bo
vested jn the “Altoona Gas nnd Water Com
pany.- ’ The act of May 2d 1855 is hereby re
pealed so far as if rolatoj-to said borough, and
the powers and privileges therein granted ex
cept so much of the second section of said act
as empo tvors the parties “ to borrow five thou
sand dollars” “to levy a tax” and “to create,a
staking luhd” shall be and they arc
vested in the said “Altoona Gas and Water
Company” in addition to all other powers anil
privclegcs confered in tbik act.
A meeting ef the,Commissioners (Corporators)
of the Altoona Gas and Water Company, will be
held at the ;Logau House, in Altoona on Monday
April 18th, at 2 oclock P. M., for the purpose
of opening books for the subscription to the
capital stock of the said Company as authorized
by a General Act of Assembly, passed lltb March
1857. In behalf of the Commissioners.
Rcs-Orr.—On Friday afternoon a horse har
nessed in one of the carta engaged in the exca
vation next to the Superintendent's office, made
railroad speed at the railroad crossing—the horse
having become frightened at a locomotive.—
When opposite tho Company’s Store Room, the
craft ran a-foul of a sn«g, capsislng horse, cart,
and 1 1 river, (a small boy,) into the cinders lying
at tbc spot, Ihe cart, fell upon the hoy, and it
was supposed;by the spectatorsithat he was kil
led. When rescued he was Lnsensible.but show
ed signs of life in a few moments. As soon as
ho opened ills eyes, he astounded the crowd
gathered with the request to lift him on the
horse! His request was reluctantly complied
with, and he drove off to the stable, none the
worse of his “cartwreok”—providentially.
Another.—On, Saturday morning last, as our
next door neighbor, Jas. Itigg, and some two or
three others were endeavoring to place n large
cooking stove on a dear-born wagon, iu front of
his shop, the horse took fright, probably at the,
rattling of the iron and “broke” down Virginia
street at 2.40, spaed. A gentleman ,who was
standing in the back end of the wagon found
himstlf on all fours on the ground \hry sudden
ly—none the worse of the fall however.' The
sudden meeting between the gr.pund and stove
was somewhat ilctrimental to the latter. The
runaway was captured in the vicinity of Mc-
Cormick’s store.
Distressing Accident.— A short time since a
young man well known to our citizens emigra
ted to Pike’s Peak, where two days after his
arrival ho met with a dreadful accident. He,
it-appears, (with one or two others), had suc
ceeded in gaining the summit qf the Peal:, and
filled. Jus pocket full of “ rocksbut in tho de
scent, he missed his footing, rolled to the base,
and the Pike in his eye! The loss of his eye
was a small matter compared with the damage
done his clothes, which Were completely torn in
shreds. But gathering up his “rocks,” lie has
tened to his former home as fust as steam could
carry him, rushed into Barry Tuck’s store, and
bought a superb, suit from the immense stock of
Spring clothing which Harry has just received
| fr° m the east—and (though Iminus an eye),
considers himself a whole man yet. If you
; Harry at his store, he will vouch jfor the
; truth of the above, and show you as extensive
| and cheap a stock of clothing as was ever brought
I to .Altoona. ' ’
The LECtURE.— The Lecture, beforctho Al
toona- Mechanic’s' Library and Beading Room
Association, advertised in ourdast issue, catue
off according io appointment, at the! Methodist
Church on Thursday evening jast. 1 The meet
ing was opeued with a few,appropriate remarks
li>y the Lecture Committee, T. P.
fWS introduced the Lecturer, L.
VV. flail, Kstp Mr. Hall then entertained the largo
and audicnce gathered, with as heat
and instructive a lecture as (wo Venture to say,)
they oVer Ultpiiisi to- • His.snbjcct, “
js true; is a prolific ono!j batwo
never heard it as intensively dwelt upon in so
short a tiine, as on this occasion; Mr. IK his
the rare knack of saying much in a few wbrds.
His anditptjc were certainly
the lecture;' has been thb tof
laudable comment for the week! past. *
OniersAi. Ajmctsw
on hand 1t few original articles aind enijgMfas
to the cubfuaidii .consequent upon pur r«»mo|n ]
andarushof job work. JJy next week, how
ever, we bdpe to bavpaU thinga ananged, and
shall thon "ivc our contributors proper attention.
Hope you’ll excuse us, gentlemen.
Trial List. —List of causes set dowu for trial
nt the April term of 'Court, commencing on
Monday, 26 th :
;F M Sell VS. Shield & Miller -
I Ghauncey ct,nl vs. O’Friel’sj heirs
S’terrfctt, Robison & Co. vs. AMcFadden
PjMciCloskoji Ve. T McCloskcy’s.admr’s
JphnfHcGartbcy vs. A M & P Glass
Kemp & Holliday vs.. A Swires it al
GfcorgcWchn vs. Joseph Dicser’s heirs |
. ; Siuhe I via. Same -
Jacob Brennoman vs. Michael Grabill
T; Babbs vs. Joseph Diescr’s heirs
H MeNeal'vs. A D & J P Moore
Jacob, Reed vs. P S Reed et al
Holliday &.Kemp vs. A Swires ct al
Henry Learner vs. A M & 11 Whitb
M; Ten Eyck vs. W Graham
Charles Hughes vs. G L Lloyd
W McCaully va. Morrow & Pike
Clearfield Coal & L Co. vs. Thomas Adams
Penn’a R B Co. vs. W J Sellers et al
G W Shermer vs. Cutter & Fiti Patrick
I Wood.; Morrell & Go. vs. D C Irvin
David,Dcihl vs. II Lytle & Co.
George Jackson vs. Blair Co. Iren & Coal Co.
R McClain vs. 1) K Ramey
A Simon to a vs. Holliday Sl Bingham
Samuel Gray’ vs. George Cowcn
John Lytle vs. Directors of Poor.
C lirinaker vs. Lewis Flack
Alexander Figart vs. G L Lloyd
M L Stroup vs. Huff & Grumbling
J Closfin’s admr’s vs. A Honey et al
John Lenlinger vs. John Werls
NV McKillip’s adm’x vs. D McKillip
B O’Fciel's admr vs. A M White & Co.
Com for use vs. Thomas Jackson’s ftdm’rs
dames M Bell vs. D K Ramey
Alex Bradley vs. W F Bridenthal
H M Letron vs. Daniel Hontz
C Garber * exra vs. 1’ Shoenbcrgcr’s cxra
Same vs. Same .
John Fox vs. Union Ins. Co.
J B MHemr.n vs J D Hughes ct al
S M Bunn vs.-A B Clark
John Nice vs; J I. Reifsnctdcr ct al
Josmh Wolf va. Horrell & Bark
Taylor & Bacon vs. A & E Patterson
Saue vs. Same
L Lowry, Jr. vs. B Elliott
John Gilbert-& Co. vs. F Holliday & Co.
Joseph Kfrnp vs. Robert J.yUe
A P Wilson for use vs. D K Ramey
Bell. Johnston, Jack Sl Co. vs. Bingham & Hol
Johnsljoa Maoro’3 use vs. G L Lloyd
D Good’s use vs. D Watson ct al
T G Po:pcroy & al vs. Allegheny R R & Coal
Go. j
A P WLlson for upc vs. D K Ramey
James :M Beil vs. Same
A J Rea’s adm’r vs. Helsel & Wilt’s admr
Same , ys. Same
Thomas Mays vs. Daniel J Pruuer
Thomas p Benton vs. Edward Lower
A Kauffman jvs. J 'Robinson &. Co.
G J Phillips ys. W W Jackson
Thomas Mays vs. D J Pruncr-
E Habcuschaden vs. F W Rauch
C B Ellis vs. J R Crawford
William Green va. Watson, White & Co.
George Clapper’s exrs vs. Nancy Clapper
Joseph McCormick vs. John Burger
Com. for Louden vs. Muses Douty et al
D B Thylor vs. J Wingate & al
Com. for Bratheriine vs. John Cox et al
Com. for Down* & Co. vs. Same
John Brotherline vs. J Hart & al
Sobic ;wi3l tell you to sweat,’ br.tlic, and take
brandy and sugar; but wc say, no!
Theio 'is a safe and sure remedy, better than
either>cf the above, in Da. Ketsee’s Pectoral
Coi'au, Svarr, which has stood the test of years
experience. ; Dr, Kcysc? says that he prepares
cTtiry *b Htlc of this medicine himself, and the
public; may rest satisfied that it will be prepared
with the same care as heretofore. One thin"
wo'krrow, that for a cough, cold, .or lung dis
ease of any hind in the incipicncy, jt has no ri
val. say this much as public journalists,
and aw* sure we, will do some good by directing
P u^ ] ic' attention to it. Dr. Keyscr makes his
Pectoral for two reasons: to satisfy public de
mnpd, is one, to make an honest living is the
other.; Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona.
Bust ;Ti3ijJs.—la the immediate vicinity of
Our office, times look rather brisk. Workmen
arc engaged in excavating the embankment be
twceu-the Superintendent’s office and the Pres
byter: ha Parsonage preparatory to laying the
foundation of the large threo-story brick build
ing put up by tbc Company. Bricklayers
arc at, work pn tbc extension now being made
to office, intended for on
office for the .Resident Engineer. On the oppo
site side of the street carpenters arc plying the
snyr and hammer in framing up a new building
for Lewis Plack, intended for a grocery store
From our office windows we notice a number of
new hpusca going up in other ’parts of the t wa,
denoting that labor is abundant, the times
’* casing up”, and our town fast improving.
Dei Nmaunohs Below. —Oar neighbors down
st4irs,| ijasstp. J. & J. Lowther, have taken the
room heretofore occupied by Lewis Plack, and
filled it with a fresh supply of groceries, hard
ware, and everything in the provi
sion They have also received their Spring
stick ftf jpry |Goods vihich for-beauty and quali
ty- is pot surpassed in the tojvn. They have
gone into business on an extensive scale, but
their wide reputation for selling goods cheap
will enable them to dispose of their stock in
short order, i Give them a call and you will be
pleased., -
jAMTcTATidN.j—Mr. jjlicfltael Tfdoy, who had
his fpot araasheJ on the Pa. Railroad,, a few
} 5 ■ -A s - ' '*
wcaks ago, Tras forced to undergo the severe
operation of amputation, on Saturday night
lajst. ; Mortiflca,tion had extended so far as to
rendey it nccScssary to amputate above the knee.
Although voi|y much debilitated at the time the
operation was performed, he survived it, and is
now doiipg woll. Ills surgeons were lira. Finley
and dbnsty. [ ’
Changed His Location.— Jacob Snyder has
\< .- ■ tr->' i ■ • - . ' *
removed; jusi iplprjng into the
room hiretoforb occupied by thc Tribune office,
inj.thtf. I'Hrapt House,” on the corner of Main
and Annie streets, where ho will be pleased to
see all-his old customers.- He has fitted up the
room tost oily manner. lie intends to keep
asgqrt of ,flour for the accommodation of
thobe who whih anylhing in that line.
( Apology. 4-Those who have enjoyed .the cx
ttemo; felicity [and pleasant/ serenity of jbupd
a “flitting” will appreciate
• lack of ia
tcfcslilp this number of oifr paper/ and accord
to us h Week to regain our wonted equilibrluiß.
BSL, We learn from the ReffuUr that a little
daughter of Mr. L. Dasher, at Maria Forges,
aged about five years, was so badly burned one
day lasfwcck, by her clothes taking fire, as to
occasion her death.
Foust Sentenced. —On Thursday afternoon
last, Jacob Foust, (formerly of this county),
convicted of the murder ofMatthcw Linsmorc,
at Erie,, was sentenced to be hung.
Wanted to Purchase—A good Watch dog.—
Inquire at the “Tribune” Office.
B@f-C. Jaggard has removed bis goods for the
present to Ferreo & Morrow's corner, where in
a few days he will be happy to see his friends
and the public generally.
Altoona, March Bd, 1869.
Ho! for the Arctic Region!
If any of the Ladies are dissatisfied with the
weather wc are having, and desire visiting the
Arctic Region, we would recommend, them to
call on C. J. MANN and replenish their ward-
robe from Lis beautiful stock of
which he is selling off cheap, being determined
to dispose of them while the snow is screeching,
January J3th, 1869,
THE HALL OF FASHION is still open, anil
the Proprietor, in returning thanks to his nu
merous customers for their liberal patronage
bestowed on bim since his commencement, here
desires to ' say (without fear of contradiction)
that he is prepared to offer fur their inspection
the best assortment of handsome Hants (loons,
Shawls, Cloaks, White Goous, .ic., that
can be found in Altoona.
Respectfully, &c.,
Sec advertisement of Dr. SandforcTs
IN V IGORATOR in am then column.
sni jami:svcla*kk>:\>
Celebrated Female Pills
Prepared from a prescription if Sir J. Clarke, it. 0., Pl ,y
si'.ian lUiraonluHtry {■; the Queer.
This iuvaluablc medicine is unfailing in the cure of
those painful ami delicate diseases to winch the finish;con
stitution is subject. It moderates all txcess end removes
all obstructions, and a speedy care may ■ railed on.
it fs peculiarly suited. It will, in a’.-di et time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each I >ottie,price ouedollar. bearstb.olluvenimont Stamp
of Great Biitais, to prevent conn ter.''•sits.
These 1 'ills should iwt be. taken by fancies t’urwv the fret
three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure I < brlryon Mis
carriage. but at any other time they are 5.,/e.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Alfectiona. Tain in
the Back .and Limbs, Fatigue on slight cx* rtion. Palpi', ition
of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, tlio.-e fills wili cfiVc;
a euro when all other means’have laical, ami iii,■ i;-lijer"
powerful remedy, do not contain ir-.n. evi.-utci. ar.iittioiiy.
or anything hurtful to the coiiatitutijn.
Full directions in the juunphiet around each ;> I'd.Bge.
whicli should ho car»fu!ly preserved.
Sole Agent for tin- Unit' d States and fitda.
JOU iIOSLS. (iata I. C. Baldwin A Co-)
it.Hih-si.-i- x. r.
Nh 8.—51.00 and 0 postage stamps enclosed to a.iy an
thonxed Agent, will insure a bottle, containing .'.c nil ( .
liy return mail.
B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents : also, fo
wl® by all Druggists. [June C, ICoS.-Iy.
Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor.
In all diseases inflammation jnorc or iwt predumimt -s—
-now to allay inilanimrtion strikes at the rotd of disc;-..-.: —
hence sra immediate cure.
find lint'iin'c else, tv!'.! allay inflamnif lion at MKO and mill.:’
a certain cure.
will cure the following among tf great catalogue of divas -s:
Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Cliafee, Sore Sipples, Coi n.'. Bunions.
Bruises, Sprains, Bites, Poison, Chilbiafns. lilies, fWolnhi.
Ulcers, Fvvcr Sordi, Felons, liar • Acha. Pli.'s. Sore rye.
Gout, SwOUingH, Rheumatism, Scald Head. Salt P.heiun
Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Jt<di, .'•mall Pox
Measles, Rash, Ac., Ac.
To some it may appear incredulous that so many 1....
should lie reach 'd hy one article; such an idea v. ill vanish
when reflection points to the fact, that the salve is a coin
bimitiou of ingredients, each and every one apjdy ing a jpcr
fect aa idote to its apposite disorder.
Id it* nuigipal, because tin time it short I”*
iwcon and a permanent cure; am! ‘.t i.- an extra**
tor. as it draws all disease wut of the aC'VU'! leaving
nut uiv a< perf et as before the injury. !i is .<•••.»:od\ m
pessary to >ay that no hous'e, work-shop, or m nuficroiy
tshoahl be one moment without it.
No Vain Kxtraetnr is geuiihia unites the box has npor. it
a steel plate engraving, with the aasst) of Jlcary DaJlcy,
Solti _l'jr U. W. Kessler, A! tool' :l ; o<»or"i> A. Jr-obs, Hoi
Uilayidiurs; and ley all tha Druggists ami patent nirdi.
dealers throng': 'Ut the United Scat;:; and Can.'.las.
Principal Depot, 166 Chamber' street. New V . k
Nov. 11, ISoS-ly
The Original and Jl-.rl in the Ur.rhi
All others are mere imitations, and Humid he arui-ird. if
you wish-to esenpo ridicule.
GRAY, RED, or RU3TY HAIR. Byrd instantly N to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without Use leat.l
injury to the Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have h eei awarded to W:n.
A. Batchclorsuice 1839, and over SO,WO iii.jdicati.iiiH have
been made to the hair of liie patrons of his famous live.
WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DIE produces a color
not to .bo distinguished from nature, and is wariiaxted nos
to injure in Ore least, however long it may lie continued,
and the ill effect of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigo
rated (or Life by this Splendid Bye.'
Made, sold or applied (in 0 private rooms) at tho W,ig
Factory, 333 Broadway, Now York.
Sold by Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in all
cities and towns of the United States.
The Genuine has the name and address npon a steel
plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of
Nov. 18,1858-ly
Important to Females —I)e Cheese
man’s Tills. —Tiro combination of ingredients In these
Tills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They
arc mild id their operation, and certain in correcting all
irregularities, painful menstruations, removing all ob
structing, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain
in tb«idc, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which
always ‘arise from interruption of nature, inducing.with
certainty periodical .regularity. Warranted purely vegeta
ble, and froo from anytliing injurioas to lifeorhealth. Ex
plicit directions, which should ho read, accompany, each
box. Trice' $l. Sent by moil by enclosing $1 to any
'authorized Agent.
11. B- HUTCHINGS, General Agent for tho United States,
ICS Chambers street. New York, , . '
jsi wApW <t.B MTiuUsdtc ordert thould ic uddreszed.
Sold hy.G f W. Kessler, Altoona; Geo. ;A, Jacobs, Holii
daysbu'rg; and by all Druggists in the Cuiiod States. ’
Call on thli Agent and jet a paciphiet free.
Nov. IS, l?6o-ly
C. !'. ( HACK
283 Broadway, New York.
Thin disease can ,b« cured il»y: Bn, Kwram’s Toamcns
Ksmut, prepared by him which J* pat
up in bottles aad’wTdaUtS cetrts-ottcfi; If, whan diluted, for spongy anti feeder guvxt, and
“ te “ ttaes ** prkd M»H who need it. sold here
l>y O. W. Kessler. .j;- [Dec. d, llfiljy. i
They are elegant, light, easy and durable.
Pitting to a charm—upturning up bshtnd—no aluhAing
off (ho head; indeed, this w thfo only KaVUiiithraent where
these things are properly understood and made:
Nov. 15, ISS&-ly -223 Broadway. New TorV.
Flour, SuperSßc, p bid, 4f1 50
“ Extra “ . 7
li Extra Family « r -7 V.
Corn Meal ft 100 lbs. '
Bran & Short* % 100 lb*. ! ' ; i'a,.
Rye Chop, « , {"2
Corn and Oats, “ “ i V.o
Middlings, “ «
Cash laid for all kinds of (train. Flour and Feed can
always ho had at thu Mill at tho prices quoted ah A ve.
Superfine Flour, ' $0 25tf;$fl 75
r X l ra r< t-, ' 0 Ts@ 7 25
l-.xtra Family Hour. 7 o(i<tn 7 50
M hits Wlieat—Extra Family Flour, 7 T 75
Dry IVarhes, (unpairud), 150 'l6
“ " ipiiircJ) *• 05® 23
Ii y Apples, “ law 13
1 runes. . « lm j 5
Dry ( urraot*. « .. l5
MiouWor and Bacon, '• jq
Kdcs, “ . . 11
It™* 12, IS®, 15
l>r.vl.cff, “ . ] iti£ 15
Grloani Sugar, ( S)L&) 10
Iteftned “ “ 11, 13
•Syrup Molasses, galian, 72
."• u're and Tuba, rn irLprlcca Id suit purchasers.
Alt.m i, Match 10, 1350. t
On f o 2-ltll ulf., hr the liov. tlovd Knight, Mr. lIENUY
WKIGAVi, to Miss UIU-.VLINA FEILKU, })uth of Uolli-
At the rei-i |,tc-' of Goo. B. Cramer. Esq., in Altoona. on
tic- ith inn*, by Kev. W. H. Dick, Ker. PA VII) fPECK, of
John.l ,wn. u, Mrs. FANNY COtTLTLB, of this place.
~ tvrrra^rxs&Bß-
On the 2etli ult.. at his reiiidem-o, ir Sinking Valiev,
limit county. Mr. IiKNKV FI.Ii.CK. in tlm 0(-th year of his
■nP'. [Hoi Register aud Tyrone Star please copy.]
Near Fr..nkbto«n, this rmmty, on tho Ittth ult., Mrs
G.s 1 tl Ai, INK G KESY, at the advanced ago of 87 years.
R on Virginia Street, Altijona, next door to tho Bap
ti.-t Church. possession given at any time. For further
I irticulnrs inquire, on the prculesis, of
April 7th, oj St, MRS. CAUFFMAN.
r ri!K ALTOONA TfdHUNE Office
I is directly opposite Tn ’ people's Cheap Shoo Store,
v. h-re the Ladies can buy a hue Gout Morocco 800 l at
jl.bO a pair. Call and examine oar whole stock. No
charge f r showing Goods. [April 7-it
DI S S 0 L II T I 0 X.—NOTICE 18
hereby given that the partnership heretofore exis
ting between tho undcrsigm-il in tho Soap Business, was
dismh ml by mutual consent (ij wo first day of April 1559.
Tim books of the firm are in ti c ham's cfOeo. IV. Cun
ningham for settlement. GKO. VT. CUNNINGHAM.
I will continue in the business above named as here
tofore, and ask the patronage of the public.
Ap: i! 7th, '5.1-3/. (i.EJ. W. CUNNINGHAM.
DIKE’S PEAK, is creating con
siduratla "Xi ituiuent. but not so much by any means
as the large, splendid and cheap slock of
ii'-w Umm£ r.t the M'JDHL WORE; ami while it la
r-thl a -jv-oLftl wUothtr or not goM c.\i\ b> pro
cured by to thr. former pbico, tin* prupriotor* el the
Movlel coufiGciit in SHvinp that goM can bo g&vml bv
I s -i'---n* purchasing ~n.aU cfrhfia.
at present will lio found much larger ami
more van'll than h«*n*t:jforc. r*:hl wo hope to be able to
• l the la>tcs ot the most uutidluiiri.
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods,
Such as Ijnylish and French Ducats,
black and /amy Silks, French Bril
liants, Jiyurtd ahd tchile Metr
scilfcs, Lc ;c:i s^C inyhanis,
Fl ints, Muiliits, (pit.
A'V>, a splendid’ assortment of While Goods, Hosiery.
I! loves, Mitts, Ac. Wo hav: also on hand a large lot of
CAUI’LT.'-’, b light at auction (hr cast),- which will be sold
very cl, ap. A large of beautiful Spring and .'IIAWLB.
Wooden & Willow Ware, Queensware,
&0., &c., &d.
IV. lij.g: thankful to our friends for th*dr patronage here
i we are de termiii-a! ta se!! Goods cheaper titan ever
ash or f-.r pr mpl m. ntMy payments only. Wecor
di'.l.y uni e our .d ; end n.-.v friends aud customers to call
and see our usw stork, Which: we will he'pleased to show
tb-ni. J. A J. LOWTHEK.
April Ttii, 'id.
cal salt. Ibr Inrtamsiainry Oiteate: only.
Dr. OicaswEi.i.’3 New Medical Saw, instead of being a
mn"dy tor all ills, lias but one aim, and accomplishes but
ou tiling, to wit: Subdues iullnijimatory disease, whatev
er bj its form or locality. T|iis it does by equalizing the
circulation, thereby removing thi solo cause of mflamution.
Riir.f'ivnsji, N run clou, If •adndie, Fits, Colds, Fevers,
Intiaraed Throat, Lungs, and Liver, Female Diseases Ery
sipelas, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Venereal
Id-eases. Goat, Scrofula, Canker and all other forms of
I iiilamatiou are easily subduciflijr the New Medical Salt.
The New Medical Saw, is uo CD'itK-ALL, but docs just
u liat it 'Hahns To do—uo more. n>i«ss—oqualixes.the cir
culation by removing from the system all arterial and
venous obstructions. '
Mri/rmnES have tried the; virtues of the New Medical
Salt, though hut lately discovered and Introduced. Wit
ness the testimonials and certiSratcs of euro.
Au. who itwi ctri) it acknowledfjo a benefit from it.—
A » r.e.)nai:i!auce of ours was cured ut a severe case ofNcu
raigiti iu less than a week. ;
Yura ivvyi.t uii.e Medicine nobly fulfilling. in my
rase, nil tlic promises which ytm : made-for it. A few doses
also relieved my mother of a rush of blood to the head.
I stlahmatokt RnitHAnsM-v was ray complaint. ■ Tho
first package did' tho work effi ctnatiy, as not a vestige of
Rheumatism is left. O, 11. DUNQAN, New York.
I K.tow it is ooon for Rheumatism, removing it In a few
hours. I am now trying it for Scrufnla mirt havo already
received benefit. S'. LESSIO, Reading/
I it fob Axxcnissigf the Abdominal Aorta. la
ten days tho pain was gone. '1 ;
T. W. BXTZIMONS, M.D* Philo.
-j —r*-'
We speak et rn* Book. We have tried U. It has (com
plete control over inflamation.: '
BaoScHms, Canker, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia UaVe
been cured by it. i • :
Mint more woiilh testify, if necessary. Descriptive
Circulars,- with testimonials may ho obtained from ahy
Druggists who has thisValtutbfu medicine for sale. -
Dr. Ooooswell’s Antiphlogistic -salt. Price, One Bolter.
Chronic Packages2,io.. '■<( ; '£?■. ' ;;
1>: C. TAYLOR, & CO„ .
Cc«. Jjsente, 293;i»dfc Nfc Phita.
The New Mewcai Saw istspo* s.tlEin Altoona, hy A.
.Eoush: q«o. AC enter
prising .druggiste wharoeVCr/too n XriTiiiu<? is- road. As
it is uot a patent niwllcinc.'Buf tho prescription ofnn omi
nenf vhyaeiah. ho one should foil to try Ow Medical
Salt. Kor foatlmt^sand dteeftlops,«» Swchtey--
, Dec. IB, ’88-ly. jr
two-Story BOUSE, wltli BoMKCot Kitchen, atttfsteij
ou Erancli street,* ftw doors : 4Wow JiiHa«ttMt.r Bnqnire
of ' [tcwSMt] :f r : JOHN HICKEY-
Iho afro-pi 1? Jsj>!C
Spectacles aki) eye preskk
v:ra for aal'c a [Ltf.] KEf£’LEH*g.
And the various affections -consequent ipng. V~«ftif«rnlmd
„ ■ ■ stomach oH urm *
Such ns Indigestion, Acidity of the Stou|Baikk» **-*—
Heartburn, Loss Of Appetite,
Uliud and Bleeding Piles, la.all XcrTouT^jthtaMiic
wm 1 '?* 0 A .{^i C i lol **s? inuum«rou*ln»taii«asproved
highly iK-ncllciai, nnd in others effected a decided car*. -
This is a purely vegetnMecompouud, prepared on strictW
fcicntiflc principles, after the mannerofiho celebrated
Holland Professor, Boer ha vs; Because Of its great success
In the most of tlio Kurnpoaa States, its introduction Into
Uio Lmtol Stat< s, was intended more esncctaUy for tboce
of our fatherland scattered here Al»d. thefo onr the fan of
tli.s mighty country. Meeting with great success ament
them. I now ofler it to the American public! knowing that
lui truly wonderful medical moat be
It is particularly recommended to those peracnawbbae
constitutions may 1 bare boon impaired by the- —itln£iii
use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Osns
raily instautanwuxs in effect, it finds Its way dirooUr to the
of life, thrilling uiul ({ulckcniDg nerve* nUsUar
up the drooping spirit, and, in fact. Infusing new health
ana vipor in tbo system.
C AUTION.—The great |iopnlarity of thisdeligbtitel ro
ma has m inced many imitations, which the public should
guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy any
thing else until you have given Boerhave’s Holland nittort
x\ fair trial. Ono bottle trill coarluco you how ttoftiiiUftv
superior it is to all the«o-imltatioa».
***“ SoW «t $l.OO per bottle, or six bottles tor $5, by |A«
Manu/aciurit<g Vhnrmars.ntUU and ChtmitU,
T. W. nvott A on*, Philadelphia; Uarnea A Pull, Kr«
lurk: John D. Park. Cincinnati; Uaiuaril, Ao'nau t C*o
Pt. Lnnia: A. ROC.SII. Altoona, !*«., and by Drundftta
un.l Merchants generally throughout th« Cuitad iM«
Hint CVnnUas. . [ October 14,1868.-I.*
And iu order to close them out without delay,
la all cases where the; are soiled
Altoona, March 21. ISM).
Owing to the increasing demand tar Paper Hangingi,
Have made large additions to tlaeir extensive stock, cun-
la Gold, Velvet, Boquet, Plain and Panel
ttest op ms aiouxfAixs.
N. B.—A large trade enables us to Bell at
No. ST TTood Street, Pitfabttfg^'
VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an or.
dur of the Orphans' Court of Ulalr county, made at January
Term, 1859,1 will expose to safe or the prtrtiiics, tu Iho
town of Londonsvillu. adjoining Altoona, on
THURSDAY, 'the\Uk of APRIL, XW3, / ' -
at 10 o’clock A. M. of Mid day. the Cdlnwins Rml Estate,
late the property of GtonoiHurr, drcra««i, to Wit *—A
LOT or PIKCK 0? GROUND, adjoining the boroughof Al
toona, narinff thereon erected i£ thrtc-story «e -w
KRAUK TAVERN STAND, known as the
White Hail Hotel, Bjjillt
A Uoo-story Frame HWELLJXG. BOVSKjKSSfSmm
a two-story Frame STOttE-UOCSK. a Jlae Urge BAXX
and other out-building*. - .
The ahovo property is a most valuable Tavern
ing-situated at-the terminus of flic Altoona aud Ilidlldavs
bnrg Plank Road, and on the road leading from Altmne to
Clearfield—and from Its near proximity tn the Ixtraagh of 1
Altoona, makes Us situation a desirable one. There li suf
ficient land about it fur all necessary eorivesience*, ■
TERMS OF SALE.—One-half of the purchase-money to
te paid on the conflrmnUon-of ssio—and the rneldua fn ewe
year thereafter, with Interest, tn he secured by Rond and
Mortgage or Judgment Noio of tho purchaser. . ** *»
Adat’r <y Omrgc tUff cfc^Vf.
March 21,1819.-ta
HOW, Ute of Logan township, Blair county. Pt, drowsed,
have been granted to the subscribers; all persons indebted
to the said Estate aro requested to make immediate pnr
tocut to Richard Taylor Glasgow, Sr, Logan township,
Blair county, Pn.; and? those ‘having claims ordeminifi
against {is Estate of the sa{d decedent, trill main known
thosame without delay, to v- 1 - '
Logan township. Blair county, Psu, .
Ansomriilc, ClnorflelU county, Pal
March 3, ISJtMA* :Eaccn{bn.
JT —we aro nQwrecelrtng atthe “ MO'DELSTOIUB,”'
a largo astottmenr of ‘ i
purchased direct from tho manufacturers In Jlew'l’ol*,
amiwe canttlerclbre offer great Inducements to those .mo
Wish to purchase; OaR and examine onr stock. '
March 17 th. 1860-tC J. * J.LOWTHRR. >
Land for sale.—the subscri
ber offers at prirato sale, a tract of taud situate Tn
ClcnrfleliJ township. Cambria county, containing SffWcm,
about 8 acres of which aro cleared and the balance well Mt
Wtth oak timber. Tho property is about 8 miles thin Al
toona. A bargain may be hadby calling boom. ff
? 5 Steft*3l»t-Bt.t MICHAEL CAULT
•lUr . jiSD TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Reaper
personal property will be effected on the most reasonable
terms by their agents tn Altoona at bis o®ec tn Anna St.
FAMILY FLOUR for rale, Wholesale andfatell.—
Apply to J. PHOBMAKH®, -
Dor-11. IttO-tf. . MaaonhfTtW^*,
RAXCK Company- Agency, Anna Street, Attorn*.
■ March 17, JOHN SHOEMAKER; A j®.
or in any way damaged.
prising styles for
Making the most complete asaorttneut