The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 07, 1859, Image 2

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I*r, I’*'
.JPWAY, APRIL ;7,1859.
•V ; -• , V
parties are unknown to.a*,oiirnilf for adrer
tlsißg is to require payment In aUrancc,or a guarantee from
known persona. It is therefore oieleu for all such to send
aMdrertisesoeDUofTeriag to pay at the end of three or six
■aeeflii. .‘WheroadverlUoDjents are accompanied with the
■S»Vi washer oho, Are or ten dollard, -wowll! giw the
adrsrtUer.tUe fall benefit ofcaih rates. ,
v i .8. M. PETTENCULI. & CO.,
•i ,vfodrerti*lug Agents, 119 Nauru street, Now Vork, and
l££tg[to street, Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona
VrUntnt, and the most influential and largest circulating
'Newspapers in thw United States and the Canada*. They
kr*»htkori»ed tocontract for ns at our lowest ruler.
’Myeteuy.—The New : Yqrk
the'' ided of;M&e Walsh hav
ing. beenmurdered, to prevent Ills giving
against Sickles, was .quite freely
iOattvasscd, in fiomo quarters, atan early
hour of the day. In others it was rnmor
cfl.that the late Mr. Key, who was lulled
by Sicking, possessed knowledge,. which
placed Mr. Sickles and his wife and
some eminent parties entirely within his
(Key’s) power, and that' Mr. Walsh was
possessedofsimiliar information with still
further facts. Be this as it may, Mr.
-Walsh has, it is stated, been heard recent
ly, in remarking upoh the Sickles case, to
comment upon it in an unfriendly manner
to Sicklea, and so as. to convey the impres
sion 'that he could make revelations useful
to the prosecution.
Threatened Rebellion in Canada.
—We find the following in one of our ex
changes —“ We have received an ably
written circular from Oakville, Canada
West, signed Win. M. King, in which the
present government is sharply handled,
arid a separation from the home govern
ment boldly advocated in the event of the
success of some of the measures urged by
those now in .power. It refers approving
ly to the action of these colonics under
'similar and insists that the
time is at hand when like action should
aud-must be taken by the people of Can
ada. It urges some members of Parlia
ment (if the new tariff succeeds) to propose
in (the House that it is ‘expedient to dis->
solve atl governmental connection with
Great Britain, that the union between
Upper and Lower Canada be dissolved
and that immediate steps be taken that
\Upper Canada mag become a State of
the United States / The circular is ad
. dressod to the Honorable Attorney Gener
al of Canada West, and large numbers
have been printed for,'circulation. -
jElkction Rexubks.— The Municipal
election -at Maine, resulted in
the election of Jewett, the Republican
candidate for Mayor, by 200 majority.
Cincinnati Municipal election resulted
in the success of the whole opposition
ticket by an average majority of 1000.
Bxppklyn Charter election resulted in
the success of the whole Dfehjiocratic ticket.
- Cleveland Municipal election resulted
in . the success of the entire Republican
-f ' r ' '
ticket. v . - ■
. St. Louis Municipal election returns
give Filley, Republican, for Mayor, 2500
over tbe Democratic candidate and 4,500
•> y - *V- | . • .
over,itbc American candidate.
- Pn; Connecticut the Republicans have
elected the four members of Congress the
whole State -'ticket and a majority of 20
in both branches of the Legislature.
The -icturijs indicate that the Ropubli
can candidatjs for Supreme Judge, in
' Michigan, baa becn elected by a majority
of about 10,666. .
\ -■ 9 .
Louisville Municipal election resulted in
the success of the American ticket by a f
[Bpectal Correspondence of the Tribune.] j
1 IIARaiaBURQ, April 6th, 1859.
The arrest of an aUeged fugi-
,by aDeputy Marshal, in the Market
;in this borough, on Saturday morning
last, caused about as much excitement as any
baa taken place here during tbe.wiß
togt., sfie finest was jnade a few minutes before
a train of cars started for Philadelphia, bjy which
the fugitive was hastened away, otherwise ares
-cue attended by bloodshed might hare been the
-dcaßeqnence.The Abolition members in the
dpcuSn became highly indignant, and a Mr.
that because the laW abiding citl
tWHpf Harrisburg did not rescue the Ridged
1 eme, . that the bill for.the romoyal of the seat
to Philadelphia bo immediately
.JMfci.;? proposition received fivb;votes.i—-
<)nJjaetipn, Wednesday evening was set apart
. for consideration oflrißh’smdlmda
tion- caljfcd the Liberty
-’ On ‘lids flje raptpani eon .spread tfcem
sel.ya, -Jjut yfcer. fJi>J« aresailed)
they will find that allrepubHfcaris are not aboli
to •*« of
• It
tortfce senafsjUMlay, whga the House
amendments IWcro concurred in. yQPhc bill as
passe&iaadi&Uaws;—?■ ? i
i tfoa&ito exeriipt pry&ty to the \
tame of SOO'dollare from levy andeale on exeeu- !
Uon and dutrettfor rent, approved April 9, 1849.
Skc. 1. Be it enacted, se., the widow
of to retain
$BOO out of such decedent’s estate by the laws
of this Commonwealth, and every person enti
tled to the exemption provided for in the net
entitled “an act W exempt property to the
value of $3OO from levy and sale on execution
for distress fsr rent,” approved April D, 1849,
may elect to retain the same, or any part there
of, ontof any bank notes, money, stocks, judg
ments or. other such person ;
and that in all cases.hereafter when property
shall be set apart for the widow and children of
any decedent, the same shall be appraised and
set apnrt\to said widow and children by the ap
praisers ojf the other personal estate of said de
It would have been desirable on the part of
many who have noted the workings of this law
in particular localities, to have it with still
stronger safeguards, hut, still it is so much
In the Senate to-day a long ond very tedious
debate sprung up on a supplement to the Read
ing Rail Road, having for its object empower
ing the Company to continue t)ic Lebanon Val
ley Branch to the town of Dauphin, in order to
connect with the North Pennsylvania Road.—
The bill passed the House in its present shape
—which compels the Company to pay a three
mill tax on all tonnage between this place and
Dauphin, except on coal and iron. In the Sen
ate an attempt was made to amend by making
this tax on all goods between Dauphin and
Reading, but it failed, and the bill passed as it
came from, the House. • 1
The joint resolutions passed by the Hoaso in
relation to tho tonnage tax duo to the State by
the Pennsylvania Rail Road, have boon report
ed negatively by the Committee. This does not
entirely dispose of them, ns they still may bo
re-committed or called up, but they get sueh a
backset by this that they will probably uoverbo
heard of again.
The Flour inspector- of Philadelphia—one
George M. Lauman, is “ some” on a sharp
dodge. ‘ This office is worth somewhere between
§OOOO and $B,OOO per annum, but he is not sat
isfied with this paltry pittance—his cormorant
appetite calls for more. To satisfy this craving,
he comes here with a bill which hc N wants pas
sed, compelling all the flour made or sold in j
Philadelphia, whether intended for exportation 1
or home consumption, to be inspected by him,
at the usual fees. As tho flour consumed is
double the amount exported, a calculation can
readily be made as to what amount this would
enhance Mr. Laumnn’s profits. Of course the
bill will have no' show. It would be unjust to
put this tax on the flour dealers of Philadelphia,
since, if they dispose of an article falsely brand
ed, the purchaser’s remedy lies in the law against
false pretences.
The Appropriation Bill was finished off in the
Senate on Friday evening, and taken to the
House for 'concurrence. Whilo it was under
discussion, a commendable spirit- of economy
wag. evinced by some of the members, and not
only were many of tho local charitable appro
priations stricken ou,t, but a motion t# re luce the
pay to $OOO was passed, and also an amend
ment that the State Treasurer should retain
$2OO from all the members who took the extra
last winter. The courage which prompted this
bumcombe oozed out 6y evening, and all the
sections stricken out were re-instated, beside
several new ones being added, one of which ap
propriates $lOO to the Mount Vernon Fund.—
The pay business was altered, too, so that mem
bers will receive the §7OO in spite of tho show
of economy, some of them made.
The house has had before it the bill in rela
tion to’ the common Schools. The following
amendment was offered by Mr. Smith, of
That the qualified electors of the several
counties, wards and boroughs of the Stale, shall
fit the next general election determine by ballot,
whether a majority of the citizens of the State
desire the abolition of the office of County School
Superintendent #f Common Schools 1 or not; and
that the ballots so voted shall be “ for the County
School Superintendent,” and “ against thcCoun
ty School Superintendent,” and the result of
said election shall be certified by the proper of
ficers in the manner prescribed by existing laws
relative (o the returns of State officers to the
Legislature, who may take such action in
regard to the same, as may be deemed reasona
ble and just.
This amendment ( seals the fate of the bill
should \t ever reach the Senate. A similar ob
ject was attempted |to be accomplished by Mr.
Uarria, while theappropriationto the Schools
was under consideration, by offering an amend
ment which would have enabled such coantics
as wished to get rid of the County Superinten
dent. Col. Cresswell njiade a very powerful
speech against the .amendment, and it fell by a
most decided vote. ,
The opposition State Committee meets at the
House on to-piotrow evening to fix a
time Ifor holding a Stale Convention. Of course
the disaffection in thcDeniooratic ranks puts
them & high spirits.
The Fry case is expected to come up tb-xpop
row. . I am told that the Hon. Phomas Corwin
is here on behalf of the Grigg party. ■>
As the session is about to close, I can not let
this-opportunity pass to say a v wotd in behalf of
the officers. lam under especial obligations to
Sajhjei. J. Bjsa, Hsq., tjto talented and indefati
gable clerk of the House, who has proved 1 hun
; self * [highly efficient officer, ever ready to do
his - duty, and aljrays grilling to oblige, p For
this—to say nothing of the fact that he belongs
to 07 profession—if his party is again domi
nant at the next, session, I hope ha wiU be re
elected . But .these wishes, good as they [may
be, are superfluous; his iriose ittentipn to busi
ness has placed h«n w . the safe line of • prece
dents- Yours, ’
ing m Mtddleborb, Massachusetts, it was Voted
that- alt the widows in tLc lowh who pay no
iucs, should receive SflO ierriniv en' present
irg an order from.the selectmen. ;
'For the Altoona Tribune. .
The Poor House.
Poon House, j April 1859.
Messes. Editors ;-i-I notipcn communication'
in the last<isßuc.of yoiir paper, .signed “A Tax
Payer,’? makingsomqjvery erroneous statements
in regard toi fhejPoorjllonsei account. Ido not
know: whether ‘‘MrVlTax: Phyer” had any -evil
design in yu&inj; these statements. Be states
thatitcost 95J•' for each jumper
supported in the Poor House. This he thinks
is too much, as itis more than his friends pay
at the “ Big House”: in. Altoona. Wo would
agree with bjm if his:, statements were correct;
but I cannot sec where he gets the figures to
make his calculations. The whole cost of the
institution for the year 1858, was $3293 44, in
cluding our-dpor relief, directors, physicians,
and stewards salaries, drugs and medicines, at
torneys, constables, and justices fees, farm stock,
new farm implements, lumber, carpenter work,
paring, &c. By .referring to our report it will
be seen that we; supported .611 paupers, which
would make an average of 51 per month. The
actual cost of the paupers j ip the House was
$ll4l 94 which would he 43 cts. per week.—
But we will include all toe above mentioned
expenses attending the institution exclusive of
out door relief which was $2583 63 and make
the cost 97£ cts. per week. The, balance §OO7 81
was paid for the support of oat door paupers.
We also gave 1,424 riieals to wayfaring paupers
which I suppose would cost 10 cents per meal
| and amount to $142 {4O, which would reduce
j our expenses. But we have said enough at
j present, I think, to convince “ Mr. Tax Payer ’
that he was mis taken in the figures.
— ■
Effects of Whiskey Brlahing.
The following items which wc : clip from the ;
Johnstown Echo of week before last and last
week, furnishes a striking example of the per
nicious effects of indulging too freely in the \
poisoned beverages sold throughout the country :
A Ghost ix. the Mixes.-— On Monday morn- ■
ing last, as James OJHara was entering one of i
the ore mines of the Cambria Iron Company, ;
for the purpose of Agoing to werk, he alleges :
that he met in his a ghost in the shape of ’
a monster black dog, with a huge chain about '
his neck. Since that time Jimmy has been un- i
able to work—whether ffom the effects of see- 1
ing the ghost or a quantity of rifla whiskey he
bad been looking at for a few days previous. :
deponent saith not. : '
Since writing thp above we learn that two
men working in the room adjoining O’Hara’s !
wero honored with a ghostly visit yesterday, .
the apparition in this instance appearing in trie
shape of an empty car, which came rushing ■
upon them at a terrible speed, but in a moment ;
it was gone, leaving in its stead a huge colored
gent of no prepossessing appearance. The
workmen in their fright broke for the entrance |
to tbemine, leaving his sable majesty “ monarch
of nil he surveyed,” and whether they have
succeeded in ousting him we arc not prepared
to say.
Melancholy Schcide by Drowning — James
O’Ha; a, the tpan whom we noticed last week as
having been frightened in one of the- Cambria
Iron Company’s ore mines, by what he imagined,
to be a ghost in the sliapo of a large black dog,
disaj p arod fr> in Lis-jbjnrdtng house in this place,
on Friday morning last, and as he was known
to have Ic n indulging pretty freely in liquor
for several days previous, inducing an an attack
of dcleritun hemetu under which he was then
laboring, suspicions were aroused in the minds
of his friends that life had met a suicidal death,
la accordance -with'this conviction, which hc-
I came stronger every: hour, a party started in
quest of the missing man on Sup Jay morning
last, determined, impossible, to solve the mys
tery of his disappearance. ,A short distance
bejow town they were informed by one of the
watchmen on the Pennsylvania Hail road that a
man suiting the description given of O’Hara
had been seen by him, about 4 j o’clock on the
morning of his disappearance, going down the
railroad, and that he had expressed the deter
mination of drowning himself., As the Express
tiain was expected: along in a short time, the
watchman could pot leave his post to pre
vent O’Hara fifom tjic fulfilment of his sucidal
design, and after the cars had passed he was
unable to discover the unfortunate man, although
wo understand he extended Lis search a con
siderable distance down the road. In the mean
time O’Hara proceeded to the one mile dam, at
the slack water, about four miles below town,
and alter depositing a bine shirt, which the
watchman hia bond when he passed
by, upon the shore, he* deliberately made his
way down to a steep bins, bis footsteps being
noticeable in the soft clay, and walked into about
five feet of water, ifrom which his body was re
covered by the above party, some twenty yards
below the point at which he entered.
- J6gs“ Reports of the wheat crop continue fa
vorable. There af* Berne exceptions of course,
but generally: the prospects are quite encoura
ging. The Illinois papers agree that there is a
probability of more than a general average in
the State. Ini Michigan the prospects are equal
ly favorable. ; These remarks also apply to Ohio
and western New York." From Texas the ac
counts are exceedingly flattering. Wheat is in
a fine condition. jCbVn is also looking well. It
is five or six inches high, and has mostly receiv
ed its first plowing. The season in that State
is three weeks earlier than usual. The forests
have assumed a gbeu hue, and the fruit trees
arc covered jvith young fruit. In Louisiana
wheat is in good condition and promises well.
A Jail of Solid Rock. —Tbo people of Cal
houn county, jAlai, are building a jail,'the first
story of which ik iof solid rock, and no
rock allowed *1 herein desk than three feet long,
three feet wide, iapd eighteen inches thick.—
Every rock in'the;dungeoin is to be doweled, and
the outside al} hammer fijced. The lower story
is divided ihtcj three rooms, one a dungeon, one
for debtors, and one for females. The Alabam
ians of that region are ; determined to have no
more jail-bird; flights.
Damage By a Dasd Slide.— The loss occa
sioned by the yecent land ;slide at Troy, N. Y.,
which buried jSt. lEcferhji jCollege, is estimated
.at $7,000. The. cause of the avalanche is said
to-bate been a spring of .Water which perocola
tedthe hni, apd Which, jt is thought, penetra
ted between the play and the layer of gravel
above it. The former was thus made slippery,
hnd .the latter- left without an adequate support
gave way. I L i! ’
; Happv ICKpRASOE.—Iira. Key, the mother of
P Barton Key, now lies t«ry ill at her residence
in BalUmorej Slip is ytii in ignorance of the
manner in which iipr spni Came to' his death.—
The oirbtamsjjancld havdj been kept from her
knowledge, apd slip believes he died of appo
plexy. :i- ')t ' ■ "1; '
IWe learn Ihat it bps been determined by
the Pcnnsylvaniei ltpiirolid Company not tq‘re
build the .Cipro’s Ferry Bridge. A steamer wtfl
bo placed on the river atjthaf point totbwVdPk!
beats neroES. | :
Pxbst Chapter or Vovagk to Pike’s Peak. |
-!-A Pike’s Peaker from Cincinnati writes to his
friends the following abcount of the initial chap
ter Of his voyage:—We started from Cincinnati
at six o'clock. Therejare all sorts of people on
board out boat, mostiof them bound for Pike’s
Peak. A short time after wo started out, as I
sat by the stove reading a card beaded “ Short
est route to the gold region,” I hoard a voice at
the table crying out “.This is the way, gentle
men; a man won fifty dollars off me.” With
the: rest of the crowd, I looked on, saw a
small man with spectacles on, tossing cards.—
He rattled off at a great rate, “It looks easy,
gentlemen; a man would feci sure to win, but
he would lose—l did; I’d not'advise any man
to bet,” still tossing the cards, “ yet if any man
wants to Pll take him, but he will be sure to
lose; I’d advise no, man to bet unless he has
plenty af money.” With this kind of talk he
kept on; finally, one of his chums put down a
hundred dollars, and won. The bait took, and
four or five Pike’s Peakcrs pitched in; in less
than two hours the sharpers had six hundred
dollars and four gold watches. By this time
the Captain sent them a hint that we were at
Aurora, and the four gonts left.
An Honest Confession. —Senator Toombs,
with all his errors, is a bold man, and sometimes
says what is not agreeable to his political asso
ciates. In bis late speech on the revenue ques
tion, he thus spoke of the wastefulness of the
■National Administration :— :
Your appropriations for Navy Yards have gene
to the building of houses for officers and making
of flower pots and all that kind of thing, at a
of §2,000,000; and it will be no less ns
long as you will pay it„bat will go up to $4,-
000,000, if you do not.stop it. There arc $2,-
000,000 that you have no need for at all. You
have 8000 sailors to man your navy. You have
not increased them of late years, and you now
have 8000 men iu your navy-yards to help them,
—civilians. You have carried their number up
from 3000 to 8000. You have eight navy-yards.
England lias over' 550 ships and she lias two
navy-yards. You have eight conveniently loca
ted nil about the country, and itis a cause of
reproach to good Democrats, for the. enemy
we keep pcple there to cheat them in elections, and
as (lad is mg judge, I am afraid there is something
*i 1 1.
Interesting to the Bearded. —A writer in
the Boston Vast has the following pithy commu
nication ;
I have seen it stated somewhere that there is
an intimate connection between tire nerves and
muscles of the face and eyes, arid allowing the
beard to grow strengthens the eye. it is said
that surgeons in the French army have proved,
by experiment, in Africa, that soldiers wearing
the beard are much less liable to disease of the
eye, and it is generally conceded that it is a
protection from diseases of the throat and lungs.
It is asserted that in countries where it is the
custom to wear the beard, the eye retains its
lustre and brilliancy much longer. It may be
argued that females do not suffer wore than
male? from diseases of the eyes, ic., must
be admitted they are much less exposed to the
elements. Whst did the Creator give the 1c; Is
of creation a beard for? Certainly not to sup
port barbers. There is just as much sense in
shaving the-head as the chin.
A Cube run a Uatti.esxaim; Hite. Lo.-t
year a man caught four rattlesnakes on Mi.unt
Tom, above Springfield, Massachusetts, and
these he exhibited in Hartford. Connecticut, at
the last Ctate Fair. He exhibited tiic scar of
a bite from one of the reptiles on the right hand,
which he had incautiously thrust into the cage
to convey to them their food; and he attribaten
his preservation to an immediate resort to the
use of a remedy which he kept always at hand,
aud which we lure print for the benefit of our
readers, in the country particularly ; He boiled
the bprk and leaves of the white ash-tree down
to tlie strongest tea he could make, mingling
with it during the boili Ig, one-third the qu.uui
ty oipolmh. This decoction, boiled almost to
the consistency of a syrup, he kept on band, and
when bitten he instantly applied it to the punc
ture, and also swallowed some of it—and he
told us that he had felt bat little inconvenience
from the wound, and it was then three months
after the infliction of the bite. —Medical Majz.
If the following, which we clip from an
exchange, is new, it is certainly the best joke of
the season. Joseph belongs to a very extensive
fraternity :—“ We have heard of a farmer whose
for a long time been ostensibly studying
Latin hi n popular academy. The farmer"not
being perfectly satisfied with the course and the
conduct of the young hopeful, recalled him from
school, and placing him by the side of a cart one
day, thus addressed him : ‘ Now, Joseph, here is
a fork, and there is a heap of manure and a cart ;
what do you call them in Latin ?’— 1 Forkibus,
cartibus, ct tnanuribus,’ said Joseph. ‘Well,
now,’ said the old man, ‘ if you don’t take that
foikrbus pretty quickabus, and pitch that manu
ribus into that cartibus. I’ll break your lazy
backubus.’” Joseph went to workibus forlh
A Girsv X^ick.j—The SbclbyTllJc (Indiana)
Banner says that a farmer of that place, who
had a horse of a very homely color, recently
so kb hi to to a gang of gipsies for a nKfre song.
A m days after he was offered a fine dark
brown steed, .for which he willingly paid a
round price, but was' shocked to find, after a
short lime, that he had bought back his old
sorrel, with the additloq of a thick coat of paint.
The New Cent Poisonous.— lt is stated that
several instances have occurred in different parts
of the country where children have died from
the effects of poison taken into! the system by
swallowing the new nickle cent. As this coin
is small and easily swallowed, there is groat
danger in allowing young children to have them
in their possession. The metal which composes
it has had a fatal effect, and would seem to be
Cincinnati, lately, a man named Gak
married a dumb woman. Being asked why ho
did so,, ho answered that he had liad two when
already, and they gave him no rest by reason of
their talking ceaselessly, and complaining and
scolding from morning till night. Both had
died, and now, as ho was forty years old, and
desirous of having a little peace for the remain
der of his life, he had determined to select a
dumb woman for his third connubial partner.
Sc ABLET Dve from Bed Bugs.— lt has been
said that those nqpturnal tormentors which in
fest bedding in many localities, but one
use, “to tench mankind humility ”; A chemist
at Melbourne, Australia, however, iias discov
ered that Jjiey may be usefirily employed as the
cochineal ' insect itself in producing a, scarlet
dye, specimens of which have been exhibited.
ggEr Tho New Yotk Central 1 and the New
York and Eric are at work in the interestin'-
game of cutting their own throats, in order to
injure the common enemy. Wo have noticed
the reduction of fare between Buffalo and New
York to seven dollars. It has again been re
duced, and the present fare between thesepoiuts
by cither road is $6,50: '
' CASHtEB Elected.-J D. Camprop. Esq., of
ilarnsburg, son of the Hon. Simon Cameron
was on the resignation gf the latter, elected
Cashier of the Bank of Middletown, orilastMou
day. v
A Mad Horse in Spasms.— Mr. Wm. Camp
bell, of Springfield Township, Pennsylvania,
lost a fine horse recently, which died of » ma
lady supposed to bo hydrophobia. On the tnorn
ing of that dayho brok%out, pf his
and went Into an adjol&iQK onc »:l
marks were scon in the boards, wtottej*# had
bitten them. He was then ween b|ek Wp,
to a white-oak free, and while lt «•
bit the bark of As far'lA bs; 'coul«sf**#fc
covered itwrith blood. Whin he '■
tnnlty, he would bite his own limbs, which were
in places gnawed raw. Ho finally tore, loose
from the tree, and ran down toward* the barn
of Mr. Campbell, to a post and railfejice*;;n&cte
' be continued to bite the rails until bis Bmuth
| became so stiff that he could ho longer take
1 hold, and in a little while he dropped down and
I died. Some three weeks before, Mr. Combell’s
; dog left him suddenly, and has never since been
i heard of; it was supposed at the time that ho
i had gone off mad, and it is now thought that be
j had previously bitten the horse. x ; •
Natural Pkotectios to Young Deer.—An
old Cnnadnin hunter declares that the : reason
why the wild deer are not killed when; young
(as they breed once a year and are always sur
rounded by other animals which prey upon
them, as dogs, wolves, bears, panthers,; etc.,)
i* that “ no dog or other animal can tmell the
track of a doc or fawn, while the latter is too
young to take care of itself!” I,lc stated that
ho had often seen it demonstrated. He hail taken
his dogs over the ground when he liadjilst be
fore seen them pass, and they would tike no
notice of the track, and could not be induced to
follow when taken to the spot, while they: would
instantly' discover the track of any (leer not
having young ones. This is but one proof of
the adaptation of the natural laws to preserve
life when it most needs protection.
’Spat.—A largo eat got into an “ Orthodox
organ" at Plymouth, Massachusetts, during res
ligions services on Sunday week, and set up an
awful solo in opposition to the sacred harmony.
Beautiful discords ensued, the choir went into
hysteric?, and a general confusion followed
The deacon and the sexton cried *• ’sqat!” at
which the feline only yelled the louder through
fear. Pussy finally made her exit, but there is
no knowing what might have happened if the
organ had not been an *■ orthodox" one.
Mormon Wipe-Statistics.— The Utan corre
spondent of tha Chicago Tribune has taken notes
of the social status of that territory. Thp ; results
foot up as follows; 387 men with 8 or more
wives; of these 13 have more than 10 wives:
730 men with 5 wives; 1,100 men with 4, and
”,400 with more than one wife. Recapitulation
—4,017 men, with about 16,500 wives !
Terrific !—The Canada papers assert that
the wife of Jacob Abbot, in Colconda, Canada
West, recently had eight children at a birth.
a: kir ex ala xd state s
Tie Kcstiiiativ* of Prof. 0. .7. Wood for Restoring hair
perf dly .tiitl pt-rmaiiontl}, has never yet htul a-rival, vol
ume niter volume might bo given from all parts of tliu
wt.rK auh from the moot lutrlligi'i.t to prove that if ij a
f,'r{ h'esi trjfir-' : but read the circular auJ you enuuol
doubt: read aho thv following.
f.H" Tin* Hair.—People have for centuries bc«ii afflicted
with bald heads an I tne'only remedy, heretofore known,
lm« bvtsi those abominable wig*. By n recent discovery of
Professor Wood theM* article* arc being f»*t dispensed with,
hut a great many porxoud wtiil patronize them, beenuaa
they luivv been ?.» u??Va imputed upon by Hair Topic* of
didemnl kinds. T>»a!l sis<h person* we earnestly make
th.f reqi!“>t, that Jiiey will try once ng.iln, for in Wood's
lve*r-.*rativc th*ro is no euch thing as fall. Wfc knowofa
lady who was ball, who used the article a abort time, and
her hea-1 is now covered completely with the tiniest and
most beautiful curl* imaginable. We know of numerous
hair was rapidly falling out, which U n-elorod
i:i "al r perfection than it ever )ia<sl>ecn before*
1: is uU'-i without douht olio of the best for keep
i-_■ ihehor in gi--l r.unlition. making it soft aiid glumy.
r-M->iaS dandruff. and law proved Itself the greatest cno
n; v ; ■ al! tin- ill-, hair is heir to.
It i> l!u' duty < : i vory one to improve their personal np
!■■■ iranov though .‘Mai may differ in regard to the- ways of
•; hot ,-v ; y on- wiil admit that a beautiful head of
hair, either iu man u woman, is an object much to be de
sired, arid thire are no means Hint should be lefluntriod to
obtain Midi a c u.nderation. — lltmaii's Adrcrntt, ! ‘hlln.
Coshoo ton.Ohin, Xov. IT, ikoO. •
n. .1. WOOD & CO-—Cents: As 1 have beau engaged iu
selling your ll.tir Restorative tho last season for ens'of.
your local agents (U. SI. Hackiusou,) and having export
er.ced the hen* tidal effectsof it myself, I would like to ob
tain an agency for tho State of Ohio or somu State iu the
West, shout I you wish to m.-tko such an arrangement.ns I
am convinced willing equal to it in the I’uUcei States,
J< r rr.dnring [hr hair. I have been engaged hi the Drug
husiuess tor several years. Mid hrrvo sold various prepara
tion-) fir the hair, hut have fouud nothing that restores tho
secretive organs or invigorates the scalp as well as yours,
being fully convinced that your restorative la what you
represent it to be. i would like to engage in the sale of it,
lur lam satisfied it must tell. Yours truly.
IVay land, Muss.. Feb. 5. HUT.’
I’UUI . 0. J. WOOD £ CO, —tleuts; Having realized tin*
good effects of your Hair Restorative, I wish tutstate, that
hading my hah- growing thin, as well as gray, I was in
ditee.l liom whnt 1 rend and heard, to try the Article pre
pared I y you, M promote its growth and change its color
k.i i! Ml in youth. I loth of which it lias efT-rled eompleto
ly. In the operation 1 have used-nearly thr-e Uitlles.
Y ours ic.. JAMES EIIANCIff.
0. .1. Wood £ Co.. Proprietors 212 Broadway, Xew Turk,
(in the great X. V. Wire Kailihg Establishment;-) and 1M
Market Sr.. £t. J.miU. Mo.
For sale by 0. W. KESSLER, Altoona, and hr all good
Druggists. [J unc S, 185S-ly.
j ,I'Blic .sale. — the suuscni
-0 HKiJ will tn Hiilf by pnblii-oiitery. ta the
\Varnhnn,n!> of Iho IVnnavlvania Kail Cntnp.i nv. in Al
111 •:ia, im TIM’KSDAY the Uth day of April, ISiCl.'tlm fol
lowing artirK-s to w it’.-
*2 Marble Top Table*,
‘J J*lu:li Arm Cliatm,
100 Arm Chaim,
2 Coffee Urn.*,
•A Tea Urn?,
0 I.artfe Pfelit*.
IT Medium Dished,
Thu ala,r,- articles ran lie Ma nat any time, tyy colling on
the umleroidmal, ami will lie sold at private Rile, together
or separately previous to the day of sale, should any per
son wish to purrhase. Terms cash
March 17lh, lb's9-St
Jl 1 irginin street. two doors below Annie sti'H’t.
The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens
of Altoona and vicinity Unit he has token the iifiovc slam],
(formerly occupied by Mrs. Bigg.) where ho intends to keen
constantly on h.tud a well selected stock of
of every variety, which ha will sell
aale and retail, {.'HEAP POII CASH!
Purchasers will find it to their advantage io bur tlieir
BOOTS and SIIOKS at the “ People*- Shoo Slore” We bay
for cash, eousequeiuly WILL OFFKIi lIAKGAIXS.
«ir Give us a call and examine imr Stock; We’study
w. M. LLOYD & COi,
{Late “ Bell, Johnston, Jack <s• Go.”)
Drafts on the principal
CiLii?, and Silver and Gold for sale, CoU«cUou«
‘Ti e - Moneys reeeiveil on dcposlte, payable; oil demaiid!
I>b 3d"ISM ’° r UlK> “ mc ’ wU l iuterc9 ‘ t *»» &!«■ raps!
WM. J. TAYLOR &|no £
WalnuJ streets, •*'
Sfatscsa. l i;ss , sS& ,Mv %‘ >
mljjgton I'ea Nut* iu storeahd -fur
Dtc.lBsB. : -
21 Small Dishes^
1 Soup Turrecn,
2 Dozen Butter Knives,
11 Sugar Spoons,
ITS Silver Dieted forks.
Si Large Silver: Spoons,
1«>1 Silver Tea Spoons,
T Castors,
The liver invigorT^
1* one of Pu£a«T.
tort the M&ii« (UhSCS'^ntL
dhow jCh«lis|ttltt*aprther
purpose* ifWwuslly, wjptint nrjMKi!7f«|k
experienced » the oSationa e&nl'Mt
The UTOt t* one of the
human body; and when it wrfonM WiCT? I Wa
the power* of the system are tolly
stomach is almost entirely dependent on i2T *V
aethm of HiriftW tor «*• ffi proper ■aiw»J??,Sla.
functions: when the atom- ach is at hnitSr.'ON
are at fault, end the wholojQ system enaieT ***«!»
qncnce of one organ-—the Urn—beet—.* *■**.
itsdnty. lor the disease* JLj of thUornS*
proprietor* has node tt Me ' *twdy,Mapiactfc»>!'>
than twenty year*, to Bad aenu reawdr -w: y *a.
counteract the many do- rangeauntsio
j liable. Qj
! To prove that thU rente- “dyit it but fan.
j ton troubled with tmt
tortus, has bat to try * hot* W.tle, and eaavhtki. i h
tain. rh| • c*
These Corn* remove all morbid or bad autt
the system, supply log place a
lof bile, invigorating the • [stomach, eausluTT*^*
I digest well, rtnwrrasn nt givia* tn., <•
i h«oltb to tiie whole macbi-t~ I nary. rniiiiiUu .7“ Ut
of the disease ■ effecting ai 'y radical core '*•»
IJiuoc* Attacm are W-! At jad, two, wtur u
paiTLyrsn, by the 'lieoatutoof thsiml’*'
YtOOCATOa, I MT *ti»,
One do** after eating isi jafttcient to rslfay.
macb and prevent the food; —a'from rbliw amlm. •
Only one deee taken be- ri;tbro rotlriae J?*
Nightmare. ! r y| , ’ * ,, Wti
Only one do*e taken at . night, loosens tha iw
el» gently, and cures Cun-!. rivrvas.
One do*e taken after will can n—
-1 ♦*}• One tjose of two tea-, ! spoenaftil will .iZ***
liese Sick IftiMcafc a
One bottle taken tor fo- T male obstruction .
tlie cause of the disease. “ and makes a p»rtilet ,,
Only onodoev immediate- t ;ly relie res Cholitvavl 1
One dose oftep repeated _ is a sure curofe* (2?
1 Mosars, and a preventive* CLofOnoti* a.
| BA' Only one bottle Is . needed to throw 0ut....
system the effects of modi-' cine after a lone tirtH?
I, W One bottle taken (Dr H Jacxwc* remove, JTI
; lowness or uunatnrel eolur> .Ifrons thaskin. : •
On" done taken a short' OS' time belbr* estls*
j vigor to the appetite, and! makes Ik* food .liiLr?
I One dose often repeated; QlcnreaChronic IManTr*
1 its worst forms, while Sum-. mor and; Bowel
; yi-ld almoHt to tba first diao. *«**
I One or-two doses cures! rsasstl ks w
lin children: there is nni j surer, safer, or
, remedy in the world, as It. r J < t utter /uib. •r**‘w
A few I tot ties cures Dropsy :by exciting tho ateorfa..
Wo take pleasure in re-, ! commepdiag ths wlrfll*
. as a preventivw bir Fever 1 If) \ and Agne, Chill y.TI.T'
all fevers of a Bilious type.: jit eperates with cvna'i,*^'
and thousands are willing! to testify to its
virtues. 1 I
All who use it are giving their unanimous testing.,.
Us tivor. ‘ *
B9_ Mix Water in tlie month with the Invlgorstor
swallow liolh together.
working cans, almost too gnat to believe. it tlw *T,
by magic, even the first (few giving bmtft, and widow «ll!
than one bottle is required to curs aay kind of Liter (W
plaint, from tbs worst Jaundice or I>]/tpfpti» toarousZ
Headache, alt of which are tbs result of a DutuuDm
rater oak dollar ru tonu. , “
DR. SANFORD. Proprietor, 315 Broadway, N«« \tA
o*i. Sold by O. Vl'. KrsJLSR, Altoona;, anil rdtileU.
all Druggists. lUay a, lsSci7 )
Head quarters for low
PRlCES.—Thankful Ibr past favors, the icMW
would respectfully beg leave to inform the cittxeq* of Iv
tixmn and vicinity, that 'be baa Juat received anil epid
bis stock of
which be will sell at very tow prices for cosh. IttaM
in part of
Delaine*, Role*, Pai de Chene*, plain Memu,
figured andttriped Merinos, Wool Plaids, Uidn
J'laids, English Merinos' black and /«nj
Silks, Shawl* of every description; Sheet
ings, Muslins, Flannels, Cassimeres, fat
liuctls. Ginghams, Chintz, Hosiery,
Glove*, Embroideries embracing
Collar*, Sett*, Band*, Inert
ings, Edginrs, in, fine,
every -article of La
dies Wear.
Also—An excellent assortment of fashionable stw*
were, (Haas-ware. Earthenware, 4c.
RpHTS and SHOES of nil "ires, qutlUir.i atd ntla-
Ladirs’ unit Misses' Shoos and Gaiters.
Tlio Wry best assortment of GROCERIES aisy WHR
nt this establishment.
Come one 1 come all 11 and examine tlio »Ikl.
Altoona, Oct. 14,1555. i.R/UILMI*
JL.J —The subscriber would inform the in- tfjfe
habitants of this piece and vicinity that ks
Ims j ust received the latest styles of
among which may be found the best Black Mole Skis W*
Silk Hats, Dlacfc and ditfersot colored Wool HsU, ftp*
allstyles anil prices, for men and boys. Persons la »**i*
anything in the above line will find it to their adtilkf
to call on tha subscriber before purchasing elstwbeta
lie has niso on band an excellent assortment of
FURS, of different color* and prices. Those in****
the article should call nt once.
Store on Virginia street, opposite tbs Luthsrsi sksr*
Altoona, Oct. U, »58.-ly JESS*
thy it; .
CH roxic PACKAGE, $2.60-
, ■Bar See Advertisement. “i}&
Jan. 20,1859. 1 , .
New firm i—the undersiz
ed would respectfully inform tUecltixtm
and vicinity that they have purrbincd the entire «**
building* of J. Well* Coiling, and intend to c»w.r*
nish MEAT OF All KINDS at the iowwt poreWMF"
Our MARKET DAYS will bo tbo tame a* btretoW
TUESDAY and SATURDAY. We will »!«»**<
Monday and Friday evening* to enpply tbo*e
calling at that time. EfflXS * W
Altoona, Jan. 13, ISAS.-Sm
AGENCY.—The undersigned, Agent «T W
County Mutual Fire Iwuriuieo ’ C6mpww> ■
time* ready to insure again« lower damage
ingt, MnxhaMdiiet Furnitttfe tout. JPnptrtSi °T 2Snl
cription, in towmor country, at as reoaoDaue
Company In the State. Olflco with He’D.
Go. - : D. 1. CAIDtrBA, “
_Jan. 27, ’59-tf
_L T INC tbemeelroo iudsbtod to th*
iws w *2Sg»
mcnt wo^—either by cash 6r note, My
qnbrs, at twuit niy indiiidß*l «ceo2M%-to bo |
as possible.: ■ ';
IMeesotfoHoinottlect Uiis notice. ■; . mast
Altoona. Feb. SttblSS#., C.*,W"5~
\L/ K$G S&k aftifSbap WWW»WW|
IKHiod iXjtwl to’tix of couuoa Soap; utfu**-r?7, %
Soup, Chian on hand and
Junp lOi im-tf) / - k.
I Bny'a wear, sucli tu JacU'ts., Free*
pints and Vwt».4t tire West frit**, »t lul \ f
Pac. O,IMB.- -
¥' fcinidsof Flour nii'A i'rod In •' jjsUfS
-JUuolViT-lyJ u ™
Mk i
k> c I ,
S ° J *
05 g! !
6 . o“ »
& . *J I
9 s =Mi
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M “I
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g ?■<!
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w a a . >
PS *og!-»
D a^li
>-i - ;?
a a 611
00 55 ||
xxs of *
C th6t our M:
now that w
f U)0 stylo above r
S*«W"i- JJe it enacted
of th
in General Asst
ffiffiSfcwnd to°r n council
county, are
td enter into
fa* water introduced
of Altoona,
engines and
era. so fat as may bo nocoss
clllieaS of said borough wit
Pennsylvania railroad ci
Authorised and empowered tc
tract with said burgess ft ml
said purpose, on such terms a
wpcOn by and between
8; That the said burg
cilaf thd borough of Altoona
hoi S»J antW : *~* to constrm
Tohf for water, to hold a si:
iti' dlutena of said borough,
procured for said purpose, a>
•oMtrtfet the same, and to di
dow« tranks and pipes where
wlaafAb* Streets and alloys n
WpoSf of conveying sir
elytogaaid borough, as is he
llM same. as soon after I
I,jrf noairact as practicable. .1
gfc.'ll «tl times, to renew n:
•KUtttag up*nd amending an
ujjju (jo pad* as soon as possi
b« anthemed to borrow, on
bointtgh; any sum necessary t
five thousand
sums, and at such times as in
aic hereby authorise
,olsvjf>d'collect a tax w!iic
reatarsaid water, be suflicie
ttralt Of aaid loan, and create* principal.
/,Ssc. 8. That the bnrgess a:
cjdd boTongh sbull, at all tint
yidptjie* shall be laid in am
toe streets and Alleys in said I
ofsaid borongh to
wi|isr $t jdwncstic use, and s
the bnrgess and town council
such reasonable esmpenaotio
timt to iiiao bo agreed on by
and eottnoU and such individu
sash cwtain uniform rates ns
to tho quantity of water whi
liksly ta consume: "Provided,
of oh and upon w
taken and used, shall in oil cr
with whom snch contract fo
wstershall be made, and tho
hound for and liable for the
same, reserving to the borougl
tract wHh the lessees or tenni
andnrbper so to do; and any
ra said borongh who
the |$M water for domestic or
aataavtag previously contrm
wilhtho aaid burgess and to
forfeit and pay for every such
nft exceeding the sum of fif
burgess and town counc
thabateugb, to bo recovered i
tjurpesfea by action of debt oh
sjioie PMumer as debts,of cqus
That if any persol
body politic, who shall havi
said, burgess and town coun
ahaU wautunly ;
vasts ihe-same, to tho injury
ongb, ot shall permit any uti:
by tho tald e.>
tbs use thereof, to make «?■
shsli and fail to pay 1 J
the amount of money by him, 1
upon |b be paid as a
said Water. for the period of il
the ssihf shall be due and pay
the terms of said contract, it :
ths buness and town council
we water from tho pi e
“ l . r y. or body politic and cc
each arrearages, with interest
recotfry, >I»U be paid ; IVon
lisreia contained be so com
SjStfcUbftjir or take away the
Wromla 0V om * rccoT<
5, Tnat if any person
or injure in
» reservoir, hyt
any of the works of t
to bo erected iu pm.
Vrilfclly corrupt or otb
Wholesome, or use without pern
which shall bo com
~*®hgw4he Bald borough, on
justice ol
tW Wflbty of Blair, by, the
, ytm efope or more credible
fiae not exceeding twenty do
e poor of said county
‘“the informer, and shall moi
able for all damages to tfcn bo:
Speaker of tht\ JJuuse of
■ Speaker
ArnbTiD—The second da
Dojainione thousand eight b
Hi \ ja
S TVfoHowingia tho Act rcl
UNo|ipi| 1. Be it enacted b
Sepretentalivet of the
in general Atm
Ay the authority
W—Nt-B. Foster, junior, H.
be and they arc
and they or a
authorized to cai
of » gag compi
N borough of Altoona
ptate of Penusykai
ufteeo thousand doll
"fifty dollars cad
ftbu governed as p:
ths.^3«~£.S la water coi
day of March, o
Bfly-sevcn, am
' - provisions,
'talned iu said :
bat it bhall
ia in its corps
rporation in i
ibe for any nv
Id company;*
subscribe std
itized to borJ
to pledge I
<0 payment of
a. laayri
•feeker of tho U«ud
Slewing la Ul9 Supple