|t |Ppra Critame. ALTOONA, PA. THTJBSDAT, MAKCfI "24; 1859; us adf erOeeuienta offering to pay dithaond or **■* months. Where advertisements aro nccompanled money, ifhether one; fivo or tendoUars.'tfo will glvowie •dvertUkr the toll benefit otcash r»fe». -/•* '• * '-»•- -■••- .9. M. & CO., .. Advertising Agent*; U? Nnssan Yoric, and 10 State street, Boston, are the Agents tor, the JUoona Tribune, and the most-influential and largest circulating Newspapers in the Cnitod States apd tit* Canadas. They are authorized to contractor us at our towert rote*. The Wavekly Novels.— The well known fim of T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 31)6 Chestnut street,, Philadelphia, are now engaged in publishing a remarkably cheap edition of these unapproachable works of fiction. The first, “ Ivanhoe,” appeared on Saturday week; the next “ Guy Mannering,” was issued last Satur day, “Bob Roy” willappear next, an 1 so on, one novel will be Vpublished regularly on each and every coming Saturday, until the whole number of volumes —twenty-six —ia completed. The low price fixed by the publishers for them arc only 25 cents a volume, or the whole twenty-six volumes for five dollars, A complete set will be forwarded, free of by mail, to any part of the United Slates, to any one, by ,the publishers, on receiving a remit tance of five dollars for the twenty-six volumes ; or a remittance of three dollars will pay for the first twelve volumes; or a remittance of one dollar will pay for the ft rat four volumes. The novels will be neatly printed, and pach volume will con tain about 125 pages, printed on §no white paper, and neatly bound with paper coyer. The revised uniform Edinburgh edition, from which this is reprinted,. comprises forty-eight volumes, the cost of which is seventytvoo dollars: and this edition will . contain every word of the Edinburgh edi tion. We commend the determination of this enterprising Philadelphia firm, to fur * »v«h the wcp’ks pf an author like Walter Scott, at a price so reasonable, that all persons whatever may possess a full set, and direct the especial attention of our readers to the fact, and would advise them all to make a remittance of Five Dollars at once, per first mail, to the publishers, for the entire set, who will send them complete to any one, free of postage, on receipt of .that sum. Award or' Damages.— The heirs of the Dr. Qyicr, of West- Whiteland, Chester county, who was killed on the 26th of November, 1857, ,by a train of oars on the Pennsylvania Railroad coming in collision With his carriage, at the Three Tons crossing, have instituted legal pro ceedings against the Railroad Company. The 'Arbitrators met at the Court House in'West Chester j a short time since, -to hear the case. Numerous witnesses on both sides were examined,, and counsel were "heard. The heirs, we believe, claimed 620,000 damage, but the arbitra torsgendered an award of 815,000. Nsw Hampshire Election.— The annual election in that State took place March Bth., Mr. Goodwin, theßepublic cto Governor, was elected parity pyer the Demo - ponunen. ThP three Congressmen; Marston, Tappau and Edwards, are all lElepubliCßiis. . The Bcpuhlioans \ also chosen-9 out of the 12 Senators, sepwed anuQority of 72 : in the House. The Republican majority for Governor last year was 4,732. Bkidoe Swept AwAY.r-Huring the g torm which raged on Friday evening arid ‘ Sitnrday ; •last, five spans ,6f the bridge • at Clark's' Ferry, : to the Fennaylvania .ffaUroad Company, was blown down . arid swept: But three spans of the bridge were left standing. A largo number ofrafts v o n time were sown: from andstrilqng agaiost the the bridges below >ere dashed to j Lady’s Bobk for April is. ioar table. It contains a beautiful ' entitlcd, the eon-* I ■%&s with which there is a readable ■'■'■jtom colored entitled ia tery We; need not extol the merite of this Book. — Every child in the country has' heard Godey and bis Book spoken of in terms of praise? Price $3 per annum. We will furnish it for $2,00. Dem(HaraUc State Convention. TfaftJDgvoonitu: State Convention met at Hittfiifcnrg oflast.Weelc, >to candidates |j|p Auditor- Gen eral jind Genelfl'. 'a full representation of delegates. Richard son L. Vright, of Philadelphia,, was nom inated for Auditor General, and John j Rowe, of Franklin, the presontincumbent, I nominated for Surveyor General. After the nominations had been made there was quite a spirited “set to” between the Le compton and Anti-Locompton wings of j 'the -?party, but-.the. former being ip- the ,j majority had things all -their own way, j notwithstanding the kicking of the latter, j The convention refused, by a decided vote, to approve of the official course of Gov. Packer. This shabby treatment of the Governor, by the Lecomptonites, did not tend very much toward harmonizing the party,‘and from the accounts published in the Harrisburg papers, we are inclined to think the Convention broke up in a row. It is rumored that Mr. Howe, the candi date .for Surveyor General, intends to de cline the nomination of this Convention and await the action of the Convcntipn called by Forney and others, which is to assemble at Harrisburg on the 12th of April. There is now a “ bad break” m the party, and it remains to be seen whether the second convention will mend the matter. . , : . March 22,1859. ~ At ! the Governor baa not Auditor G«*- the 'trejlscr - - * Sof delegates. Richard- the session-end to-d#y it is Zn trs *• 1 I ■ tn the citv of Philadelphia, ipi,wu a u Sd Eighth streets. The Germantown men meet <( mg more corrupt !, * aud f llU . riBo n, being * “ EBshEs^s«,“ build on Fourth and Eighth at all. Bj.t is yo will learn that the great fight, involving a legis -lative gift of a couple of hundred thousand dol lar St yet settled satisfactorily to all parties. '“?SoL S »PPI.m». to «« r T-wfl which haa passed the House, ana will pass the Senate' is of considerable i nap or ange tiT people residing in . new places where | new buildings,are daily going : up:— 1 Be a enacted by the Stmt' and Haute of Jfe wSto of nuvtyh-ama m P -M aUtcmbly wet, i\nd it u hereby enact'd by the same, That when any master workman or contractor ahull, on demand ref two: to pay any ■t» nr lalmrur omnloved iu erecting ur o.'D*iructin o; . re- M- OT*Stend*«r anjribuilding- .* property, belongtng or {uljuceul thereunto, the wages due to him f' r s n ch la^ „ itofii be the duty of such Journeyman or hioofcr, toy lve notice iu writing to the Owner or owoars of sucli ljuildiu„, ofVuch refuslil? and of the amount due to him, and de manded • and the owner hr owners Of suet building shall mitliorueedito retain .the amount so Udo irnd claimed by anv sucli journeyman or laborer, ontof tm amount owing hv him or them, to such master workman - . s-r»ff'»i»rawy':afwa K«w Post Master General—The President appointed Hon. Joseph Holt, Postmaster General, in the place of lion, , ft* Aaron V,i Brotrn. dec’d. Mr. Ho t«. ■ Commissioner of Patents at the t.tae of: i««i his elevation to the Cabinet. He B said . TJO&S* to be a most excellent man. j ,K! SIS »SS whiclr the owner or owners may itavo been subjected, shall !„• deducted from the moneys coming to sucli journeyman, laborer or claimant, under the provisions of this act. And i/ is further provided, :That such claimant or claimants shall bring suit against -ach contractor or contractor*, within one mouth after giving such notice; and if no suit is brought within said time, Uiou the notice is to have no That notifies herein contained shall be so con strued, as to change the mode of pay ment fixed upon by agreement or otherwise, between kuca owner and master tvorkman or contractor, The Democratic Convention of last week was a unique affair in its way. : It was a great con glomeration of office-holders under the Federal Government, and others interested in Govern mental contracts* who had things pretty much their own way, and, imbued with a deep sense of gratitude, they : did not, fail to “ praise the bridge which carries them safe over.” Hence, Buchanan was lauded, but a resolution endor sing the administration -of Gov. Packer was t-o -trJ down. This insures the defeat of the ticket nominated by at leas* 00.000 majority. But this is not all. The friends of Packer, who claim to he (he Democratic party of the State, have already issued a citll for a mass convention to be held iu this place on the 12th of April.— This meeting will be largely attended, the Cin cinnati platiorm will bo adopted, and a new ticket will be placed in the field. There will be an ample opportunity afforded by this meas ure at the next election to show the friends of Buchanan their real strength in Pennsylvania. A resolution to adjourn, on the oth of April, has passed the House, but has not yet gone through the Senate. It is the opinion of all that this date is at least ten days ahead of time. To-day the file of the House shows 1,000 bills, and many of them have yet to be acted upon. The Senate committee has not yet reported the Appropriation bill, to wh|ch I understand such amendments have been made as to justify the belief that it wilt take soine days to debate up on it. In the House last night the bill allowing ma gistrates, with a jury of six to try certain petty offenses came up in order, and was debated at length, and finally referred to a select Commit tee, with instructions to report during the week. The opposition urged against the bill, is that the office being one which does not remunerate, is filled in many places By incompetent men,— This is no ; doubt true, hut the passage of this vary law wouffi; correct :the.evil, for the fees of the' office would be increased, and competent men would agree to become magistrates. lam told that the legal‘fraternity in the House op pose the mIL ; , , ■To-day Senator Creswell presented the peti tion of 104 citizens of Middle Woodberry town ship, Bedford bounty, praying to have said township annexed to Bljiir county. The following’hills were passed in the Senate to-day on third reading;:— An act .to incorporate the Penn Industrial Eefotm Sqhool, in Philadelphia. An net'equalizing taxation on corporations. An act ineofporating the Pittsburgh and East Liberty Passenger Railway Company. A meeting of the Republican State Committee is called for the Cth of. April, when a time for holding tlie State Convention will be determined upon. George Thorn' the lending member of the Philadelphia delegation iff the House will in all probabilityi -be nominated for Auditor Gen eral' Yours, i | LOGAN. i ■>=- Coming—flitting time. We re in the riII S- . , Will soon bo in rafting condition —our streets. Increasing—the number of foundations for new buildings in this place. ■ BQk, Every rose has its thorn; every woman has pins and faeedles about her. Much admired —tho piece of furniture on exhibition at the Post Office. Mexico had seven Presidents in the month of January. How many since we can not tell. fiigg- The Catholics of Fort Wayne,' Indiana, j are about to commence the erection of a cathe- j dral which will coat $50,000. jggg- A new counterfeit on the Easton Bank is out. It is well executed and will deceive un less closely scrutinized. BQk. Cost of a Mutiny.—The Sepoy out break has cost the British Government £21,000,- 000, or over one hundred million dollars. A precocious youngster, named O’Don nell, aged nineteen years, is on trial in St. Louis for being married to three drives at one time. jjjgy* The jewelry store of J. W. Butcher, in Huntingdon, was entered on Saturday night week and robbed of all the jewelry and some fifteen watches which had been left for repair. A New Move.—At a Democratic meeting in Summer County, Tennessee, held recently, resolutions were passed against voting for can didates for office who belonged to any secret order, including that of Odd .Follows! following out the Idea. —Rev. Thomas TVhittemore tolls a story of his having attended church recently to' hear an eminent divine, and tho subject of the morning’s discourse was, “Ye are the,children of the devil.” He attended the same church in tho afternoon, when the text was, “Children, obey your parents.” Arctic Weather. —The Pittsfield (Mass.) Sun says they have had ninety-nine days terrupted good sleighing in Berkshire county i this winter. There has been three months of I continual sleighing at f unbury, Vt. A letter from Manchester, N. H., written on the sth in stant, says that there .have been up (o that date,. 1 one hundred and six days of constant sleighing. A. B. married 0. D.’s sister—his wife dieffiA. H- then married C, daughter—she 1 died. G. D.'s wife died. C. D. married E. P. I; and (Red. A. B. then married C. D.’s widow, and had children by bach wife. Wbat rciation ’ ship existed between all the children of A. B ? * A.case exactly of this kind occurred in Bedford county. I PEN AND SCISSORS B®, the Gouldy Tragedy.—The unfortunate victims, who were so. seriously injured by the savage attacks' of the young maniac, Prank Qoujdyj have entirely . recovered with the ex ception ef the father, who is now as well as he ever will be. His face is still under partial paralysis, but he is able to walk about -frith the aid of crutches. Mrs. Gouldy, who was cnciente at the time of the tragedy, gave birth to a daughter about a month ftinoe. A BescEUKOTiONisT Rsoarvixa 100 Lashss. —At Albany, Now Yorkj on Saturday evening, , March 6th, two, Johnson and Bel icw, went (npoh the offer of sl6,from- a phy sic olan) to sm<u a corpse from one of the grave yards bn: the* hill. After digging dowh te the coffin, Bellow raised the lid, took out the dead body, and Was just in the act of passing the same to Johnson, when the grave caved in upon him. wheh he shouted for help, which brought a ntunber pf persons to the spot. The moment the disaster occurred, Johnston made good his escape, and fled towards Schenectady. Bellew having been freed from death, was offered a choice of punishment—an arrest for felony, ,or a hundred lashes oh tlie bare back with a raw hide." BelleW preferred the Bitter. The raw hide war' procured, and Bellow treated to the hundred lashes by a young man named Van Keuren. .He submitted to the infliction Uke a martyr, without making hny outcry whatever. Having received the hundred lashes, he was al lowedto depart. .|Je also put towards Sohoaec- Toting.— From the returns of the New Hampshire election, reported'in the Concord Siateiman, wo find that in thirty-four instances the Republican and Democifvlio had exactly the number of rotes cast at the election in 18&8, by the same party. Jn forty Instances the baity rote waa within one of that cast the pre vious year. In twenty-nine cases it waa with in two; in twenty-two casd/rwithin three; in twenty-seven cases within '■ four; ..twenty-five cases within five; twenty- six coses; within six; fourt'een instances within seven; seventeen Cases within eight, and eleven cases within "nine votes of the last election—making 245 instances in all where there was not ten votes difference between the two years. [Special Correspondence of the TnlWW.} LETTER FROM HARIUSBCBG. Daughters pP Malta,—-Tho Buffalo Express tells of a singular drama that -was performedin ffcat' cit| iiigh* last week. At a certain boarding-house there; were a number of gentle men, with'%olr irives,. and a goodly number of “ fast young ijjen” stopping. The ladies, it ap pears, had a horrible; desire to know something of the Sons of Malta, and having ascertained that an order called the Daughters of Malta ex isted, gave their masculine friends no peace un til they had promised to procure them admit tance. On the night jn question when the hus bands of the aforesaid ladies were absent, the young scamps informed theta (the ladies) that all was ready, and that they had been especial ly deputized ‘to initiate them into the ancient mysteries of the ordej of the Daughters pi Malta. Au old dopy df Exposition of Oildfcllow slup had been procured, altered somewhat to shit the: occasion, arid each of the actors in the scene had duly studied and committed his part. The room wS* prepared, the candidates intro duced, and the wholf ceremony conducted with * grarify becoming the occasion. It is said that the ladibs wdfe delighted with the ceremony, but sortie of thfir husbands were disposed Id get hied of er it. On ascertaining, however, that the whole affair was conducted with the strictest propriety, they concluded to forgive the actors of the hoax,; but insist that none of % 7 higher degrees shall ;be conferred Without the® knowledge, and consent first has been obtained. eSr-Theliegiplatnre of New Jersey on Thnrs- John Cl Ten Nyck, republican, United States Senator front that State, to suc ceed Williani Wright. Mr. Ten Eyck is about forty-six years of age, residing at Mount Holly, Burlington county, ia a lawyer, and ranks high in bis profession. riECEIEIS AND exmnditukes ofthejloroagh Of Altoona, for the x •“ -“vs"- 1 T <, ain't receded of John McCleUand. coHector, Ohletßarge-, ' Ftoe3,fLlenß, Ac-, J L Boifsnydcr, Borough Constable, *«' « HA Sellers, lor rent of room, - « “ 3 Rood, r.*>q. Auril 21. William Robeson, wor f’ , r » A ”. « Alex Mock, postering Lock Up. « I.owtbor & McDowell, marchamlire, Hot 4. C Glass. for labor, u u Uotiry Konst. for labor, « “ John Hamlin, “* ; « “ H Burkholder, u « Geo Metsgar u « F ItallcT, - ... u “\E M Jones, supervisor, « “ Alien McVhcrson, labor, « ** David Louden, « G Jacob Iludscr, lumber, • a 44 James Coyle, labor, Tune 6 K M Jones, supervisor, - 2- John Hamlin, labor, u Thomas McMlnn. carpenter work, « « Allen McPherson, labor, « « James Ooylo, <» « Uenry Jb’oust, <t D leaden, it it n Jlurkholdor, « « George Metzgar, y « a © SpsUck. cleaning “ Lock Up,” « 10 McCntm A Allison, printing, <i « McCrnm & Allison, ' « 12 John Griffin, labor, I a « Jacob Miller, blockMoithing, ii u Do do “ « « Joseph Oiughlinp, labor, a a Assessors, taking census, i* a C Glass, labor, u 30 |i U McCormick, morchaiullro, July 7. John Griffin, labor, .. i. Henry Konst, a u jjjl Jones, supervisor; u “ John Allison, horse labor, a u KislUey, It U a a Peun’a Hail Bead Co « “ J W Kipp:, spouting. « “ Xlnar>' Burkholder, labor, i. « John'Cuuuinjlmm, a “ Do <lO . , “ “ William Walton, horse labor, Ang. 2. 11• nry Burkholder, “ * “ John Allison, u “ “ William Walton, “ »> jI, Tclb-s merchandize, « “ Geo Metzgar. labor, « o £ M Jones. supervisor, “ “ John Cuuuinghaui, homo labor, “ J Uunyeu, labor, “ « 0 Metzgar, “ U I. A McPherson, horse brt>or, « “ John Griffin, “ " Do do . T i it,, Mrs Houck, cleaning Lock up, I„,wilier A McDowell, merchandize, K M Jones, supervisor, - W Armstrong, labor, “ W Brown, “ “ <■ Jacob I lessor, lumber Oct 11. John Allison, a J Jackson, labor, J TUornberg. labor, H Burkholder, - J K Houston. lumber, “ H Ini ine, labor, u u £ VI Jones, supervisor, veil,on. labor, «( (( Sept. 6. u « ii ii u a ik ii .Mill Shoeiuwfcer, lumber, 6 w ' 11 Devine, labor, 3,17 ;,o Mills I’UicU, stOlieWork. j„ 37 J Culllli herse li - 1 -' ur ’ • •-I “ “ G-o M. t/gar, labor, £5 5o >• J llafby. labor, j ; To “ “ J Karus, horse labor, “ “ I) Iron.*, labor, 05 a " II rc.ukholder, labor, jOO “ “ T Garrnhen, “ 6 j o a “ A Beam, 63S a J Moist, horse labor, „ “ “ Do “ “ 21-00 « “ F Ilafley, labor, j oq “ “ Lee, “ 20 25 “ “ G Mctzgar, “ 0 75 “ W Await, “ g g 8 “ “ J Griffin, “ g2O « K Arthurs, “ - 12 “ J Karns. horse labor, 16 25 “ “ J Cunningham, horse labor, n] - 0 “ “ ¥ Uafley, labor, 70 j 0 “ ■> T Garmheii, labor, IT 50 “ “ Henry Burkholder, labor, 0(J “ “ J Moist, >urae labor, -j Nov. 2 J Kenney, labor. & .1 « eJI Jones,' supervisor, „ “ “ 1’ Ilafley, labor, j j 0 “ » TV Await, “ j 5 -- “ “ J McKearnen. labor, in O » Jacob llesser, late Treasurer, a ** D sVidle, labor, ~^ 1559. 1 Ilafley, “ 10 50 January II Burkholder, labor, p . “ E M Jones, supervisor, 11 To “ G Metzgar, labor, 15 p ., « E M Jones, supervisor, * “ J&■ axl, preparing liens, “ JI- Kelfsnyder, carpenter work, ■” „ 4 « C B Sink, lumber, ~ “ () « E M Jones, supervisor, V’ 00 “ JohnT,suden, merchandize, in n 0 “ F Ilafley, labor, fi - 5 « J Cunningham, labor j„ 31 « Jas Bigg, stove ~ “ Miller Knott, lumber ; % j n X Garrahen, labor 1 ,jJ “ 3 Cunningham, lalior “ Ji J Lowther, merchandize ’ ' “ Michael Kearney, *• McCrnm A Bern, printing ou U James 4 UoOper. bhickniiiithing ‘ <« “ ' Peter Reed, fnrnituro " .' « 51 McCormick, ‘ “ R Green, stone 25 00 “ J K Ely, borough constable "XX “ J McClelland, clerk to conned ""X Treasurer’s per cento ge, *" ‘ \ Balance in hands of Treasurer, ■* w u a n u I certify that, I have exumlnca and March 77, 1869,-31 A ' tditor - WHAT THE PRESS SAY.—“ COS- T Alt’S’’ Exterminators are Invaluable remedies lor clearing houses of all sort* of vermin. With all confi dence fe recommend them.—V. T. D.uly State Rtgistrr. “Costar’s” remedies for all domestic pests, such as Ruts, Roaches. Bed-Bugs, Ants, Fleas, Ac. are invaluable; we can speak from actual knowledge of their merits Druggists and Realert should send their Orders early, il they would secure a trade in them. —Acie York Journal. ' “ I shall write something about your Exterminators, os T can do so with propriety. They are soiling rapidly hero Ld deSraylng aU vermin—W. “Banner," Fayette, Mo. “DEATH TO ALE VERMIN.” As Spring approaches, Ants and Roaches, From their holes come out, And Mice and Bats, In spite of fiats. Gaily skip about. Bed-Bugs bite Yon, in the night. As on the bed you slumber, While insect* crawl Thro’ chamber and hall. In squads without number. IT IS TRULY WONDERFUL WITH, WHAT CER taihty, Rats, Roaches, Mice, Moles, Ground Mice, Bed-bugs, AntsT Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects on Animals, in short every species of Vermin, are utterly destroyed and exterminated by “ Costar’s” Bat, Roach, &c. Exterminator, “ Costar's” Bed-Bug Exterminator, “ Costar’s” Electric Powder, for Insects. Supplied direct, by mail, to any address in the United States, as follows: „ _ . . _,. On receipt of $l,OO, n box of the Bat, Roach, ic _ On receipt of $2,00, a box each of the Rat, R^c h , Ac. Ext. , and Electric Powder, (sent postage paid,) sufficient to destroy the Vermin on any premises. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Northeast comer fifth and Arch Street*, Philadelphia, And Wholesale Dealers generally. March 17 th,1858-2m. TfrHEREAS, LETTERS TESTA- W MENTABY to the Estate of RICHARD GLAS GOW, late of Logan township, Blair county, Pa., decoded, haveheen granted to .the subscribers; all j»rsw» Indebted to the saWEetate aro requested to moke immediate pay ment to Richard Taylor Glasgow, Logan townshh), Blair county. Pa. ; and. those harms or demands against the Estate of the said decedent; will make known the same without delay,-to _ BICUARD TAYLOR GLASGOW, gr., Lognn fownship, Blair county, , JOHN G. GLASGOW, „ AnsomTillc, Clearfield county, Pa., March 3,1859-61* ' Executors. Great western insurance AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance; on Real or personal property will be effected on the most reasonable terms by their agents in Altoona at hi* ogee to Anna St. March n. lSfiT JOHN BHOJBMAKBB," Agenti . —THE BEST QUALITY OF JP I'AMILY FLOOR for sale, Wholesale andßotail. Apply to SHOEMAKER, Dec. U, 1556-tf. Masonic Temple. LIVER INVIGORATOR! r | 11 ** piipiiißD BY DR. SANFORD, X entirely from GUMS. COMPOUNDED be ta one of tl>e best fS?,, . ntf><WiV, emieT. bM|I! ; WJ fore the rub.io- IM 11^0* more iff,actual acting fint 0)9 the only a Cathartic, otftiwstdtauu^jgl Lirer to eject SfWL mutter, thus Acoomplishinit boww* to car ahi'of purpoacb ooSmtlooa ofmort Cath&t W experienced i^ en umt timiltlhßt it PaWM*? Strengthens thffit tn moderate doses, will streSgmen when raiJ j dUy —" And bund it P principal regulators of the DR. The Mvsb I* itefnnctfensweU, $2O 00 human l>ody; and whC jtj, fuUy develapedoTbe 100 the power* of tb . c *\ iro i Y • dependent on the 100 stomach is almost enuroW,| qJ proper its 10 63 action of gtom-j H , ich te at fault, the bowels 06 39 functions: when the stom ( j Jvl{rcra In con - -810 are at fault, and tho wholo (J vra _imvingcaaBedtodo 600 qucoce of one ■ C_| of that organ, one of the '6 00 usduty. lor Ibodr l .. study, in a practice of more 450 proprietors lias made it hi remedy wherewith to 560 tliau twenty years, to find (^ ~ me nU to which it is 400 counteract tho mai»y , i 6 W iiabien 756 To prove that this itt w>3£jrf *ts 300 gon troubled with 1 conviction U ccr -560 forms, has but to try »«*>t- j tW > * Ut ' ** ' ! ' ' 1159 tain. ' fn 5 morbid dr Ltd matterfrom 2 50 rctnoxh til W J*”V: place a healthy flow S 8 ssrVSf’UT'-S ■S 8 Sl.* 3AA «. 100 of the disease effecting a what IS BETTER, 15 25 B a,o C . w-| the Lite* I«V 7 25 peevlntep, by tu© ucw« 13 00 nouEiioE. . , Unfflclcot to relieve thosto -12 75 Quo dose after eating is a I rlsiiie and souring. 14 76 mnch and prevent the food .ft* , retiring, ptreventi 200 Only one dose- taken be- Wjfare retiring, y UOO N^^ r ’ U "ue dose taken at! H' night,>o*ms Wth. bow #u " V*’ DiWprtA , *f 9 o'u!i dose"of*t wo tea-1 ! spoonsful will Uhray. *•, •„! “j ■“'* fe-'l I 1 male ohrtrnctlon’ romore 2o ou OIK*-1" I tlt la " MtifMe , c jHianJ nuikos a perfect euro. . 3 tS. ofth. i s I ,y t£ : VS issss Is a f £HI"S!-jurs“o’u tss& 22 00 virtues. • ' . , is 00 All uI “ J 1150 K aro giviug tb<,ir unanimous tc3liraouJ in 3 00 Water in the mouth with the luvlgorator, and ,?»? 6VaUJw TIITLIVER INVIGORATOR. v, IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and Is daily . f£, i l*r k im. cures, «lm<«t too great to believe. It cures as U | n I Is un'&rm. tJ.c first Jose givingUnffit. and f I„■ u kiltie is required to cure aay kind of Liter Com anol ! l iinl from the worst Jaundict or Dyqpcpsia tn;a common 3a > S c hr, all of which arc the result of a DISEASE* LIVE*. 325 utaaa , OS£ 1 , 01L . U1 rEK bottle. trj ' DR SANFORD. Proprietor. 345 Broadway, hew York. 12 75 VU- S.M- bya.W.KESSU*, retaiM by 34 94 all 1 J $m 00 ISB7 83 $3040 OS MOUE THAN 500,000 BOTTLES SOLD IN TUB NEW ENGLAND STATES The Restorative of Prof. OJ. Wood for «^ riu 8 h JH r IRMT. otly und permanent!}, has never yet hada rival, vol lime afv r volume might bo given from all parts of the “ >rld anil from the most intelligent to provo that if M O per/Vrf i.VsP<r.dire ; but read the circular aud you cannot duubt ; read also the followihg. 1 P7i ■ Tlv Il.lir.— PeopW Lave for centuries been afflicted withheld heads and the only remedy, heretofore kuown, lia.l been those abominable wigs. By a recent discovery of Professor Wood these article aro, being fust dispensed with, l.it a great ...any persons still patronize then., because lin e have been so often ituitosed upon by Hair Tomes of different kind*.’ To all such persons we earnestly make the re“uesb that they will try once agam, for ini Wood. Kestoratlvi-there is no such thing as fail. Weknowofa la.lv who mas hald, who used tlie article a short time, and her head i-now covered completely with the tiniest and mo-t heaut.ful curls imaginable. We know of immerouf eases wliei e hair was rppidly falling out. which it restored in .-r-at. r iierfectioujliaii it ever had beon before. ft is „Uo without doubt one of the best articles for keep in-the hair in good condition, making it soft and glossy, removing dan.Uuff, and lias proved itself the greatest ene my to all the ills that hair is heir to. It is the duty of -very one to improve tbelr personal ap pearance though some may differ in regard to the ways of doing It; hut every one will admit tlia * ? hair, either in man or woman, is an object mimb to be de sired. and th.re are no means that, should be left “juried to Obtain such a consideration.—TP/mans .ddrocnfo. Phntu CoftboctoD, Ohio, Nate 17* 1860. 0. J- WOOD 4 CO.—Gents: As X have been engaged ; v-ur Tl.iir Restorative tho last season for one of voiir li-cal agents (H. M. Uackinson,) and having oxpeH enned the bam filial effects of It myself, I would like to ob tain an agencyfor the State of Ohio or some-State In the West, should you wish to make such unarrangement, asl l am col!' inced thereis nothing eo/imf to if m ifitlinted States, fin- rrstoring the hair. I have been engaged In the Drug business for several years, and have sold various prepara tions for the hair, but have found nothing that restores the secretive organs or invigorates tlte scalp OS moll as’yours, K-iu- fully convinced that your restorative Is what you it t>* bo. I would like to enpig© in too Halo of it, for lam satisfied it must sell. Yours Wayland, Mass., feb. 6,^867. PROF 0. J. WOOD 4 CO, —Gents: Having realized the cood eflWts of your Hair Restorative, I w|ah to state, that finding my hair growing thin, as well as gray, I g&Lin duced from what I road and heard, to try the artjcHWie nared by yon, to promote its growth and change IfTcolor ns ft n in yonth. both of which It has effected complete u. "-jastKS"- 0 J Wood 4 Co., Proprietor* 312 Broadway, New York, (in the great N. Y. Wire Railihg Establishment,) and 1M Market St., St. Louis, Mo. ' , For sale by G. W. KESSLEB, Altoona, end byaU good Druggists. [Jude 3, 18g8-ly. $2040 OS & ULL r\j MAX would respectfully inform tlifcjr friends Mid oM customer* that they for the taken the room heretofore occupied by A. Roush doors above the Lutheran Church, where ther will bo hap py to see all who may fhror them with a call. If you want a cheap coat call at J \ ETTXXGEB AJILLMAN’S. If you want a cheap paiy.of pants coil at KXTXXUEB A L’LLMAJTS. If you want to buy cheap Under shirt* or Over-shirts call at ETIINQEH A OLLMAN B. If 3ou want a good and cheap nair of hoots or Shoes call at ETTINQEB A ULLMAN’S. If you want a good Jiat or cap call at ETTXNGER A CLLJIAN’S. If you want anything in the line of Gentlemen’s clothing—cheap—call a$ . ETTINQEB A YLLMAN’S. If you want to get Clothing cheap cnUnt ETTDfGEB A TILLMAN’S. If you want to get good'Clothing cil at ETTINQEB A DLLMAN’S. i . ■ WM. S. BITTNBB. SURGEON DENTIST. Office opposite the Lutheran chtmih. Teeth extracted without pain hy the Electro Mag netic Machine. Full setfa of teeth for $15,00 t GMd filling* wni+anted for 10 year*. A student wonted. Dentistry.— dr. s. kimmell, ' OPERATIVE & MECHANICAL DENTIST. Teeth inserted from one to a fall »et,on Qoldor BUm Plato. « , Teeth filled with Gold, and warranted for ten rear*. Teeth Extracted by the Electro Magnetic Machine with-, out Pain. ' ' ’ j ‘' ’ All operations and work done cheaper than; anywhere else in the county, anda deduction made, of the railroad expensed from Altoona to Itollldayshhrg, from.all opera tions amounting to fire dollars turd otw;" . . . -KSx Office on Montgomery street, opposite the Exchange Hotel, HolUUnyghnr". Pa. , ' . £Pm.>ls 18W-ly ■ IN ONE YEAR. ri OOD FITS! BEST FITSH EIRST \JT BATE ElTSit!—For a good fitting and vrellunado COAT, call bn- f: For on excellent fitting VEST, byall mean* gallon For PANTALOOire that c«»H Md mm, call on • : J. BN?fDE|I. Come, kind reader, if you want to dries in a-flwhfimable style, call at my Shop, oppo*lto nowhwei but cloeo to Al‘ toona Banking House, Look out for the picture with my name below. JACOB 6NYDEB, Tinea. Altoona, Oct. 11,11,16&8.-1J WOOD, EDDY & CO.’S DELAWARE STATE lotteries r CAPITAL $37800!! ■ TICKETS &LO. x TTrifini Thir isto tafona.Uto public, that vs hare jfc. tbejpi. of. .bnSnaswS bT continued with the same Integrity and , hic b hit characteriaed It as conducted by oanetanat the Ias.AMAUET, ■ Wilmington, Dell, Nor. 15th, 1868. WOOD, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS. SUCCESSORS TO ORROOBT <* JUD»r 1 5MffSSBft^iS3SRB^YS;S8 the following scheme, to bo drawn each Wednesday be APRIL, 1859, at Wilmington, Delaware, in public, no de,. the superintendence of sworn commissioner* appoint ed by thoUosarnofc. Class 218 Draws Wednesday, April 6,1859. Class 230'Draws Wednesday, April 48, 1869. Class 242 Draws Wednesday, April 20,1869. Class 254 Draws Wednesday, April 27, 1869. THIRTY -TOUR THOUSAND TOUR HUNDRED ASP TWELVE PRIZES I Nearly one Prise toevery two Tickets! IfB numbers—*l4 Drawn Ballota. 'MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. EACH WEDNESDAY IN APRIL. 1 Prize of $33,000 I* $36,009 1 « 12,000“ 12.000 1 “ 12,000 “ 12,000 1 <• 6,000“ 6000 1 - 3,000 “ 3.000 1 « 2,690 “ *6lO 1 1 2,000 0 2,000 30 Piises. of 1,000 are 80,000 30 “ 600 “ 16,000 300 “ 12,000 200 “ 61,000 100“ , MOO 70 “ 4,180 ■to “ 6.120 20 “ 111,3» 18 “ 232.240 40 “ 257 “ frt “ M “ 128 “ 6,508 “ 28,224 “ 34,412 Prizes amounting to. Whole Tickets s\o—Halves ss—Quarters $2,80 Certificates of Packages will be sold at the tollorinj rates, which Is the risk. ’ ..... Certificates of Package of 29 Whole tickets gl4l<oo i. <• 26 Half “ flyo t. « 26 Quarter “ S6£S IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, Enclose tho amount of money to our address, for what m wish to purchase; name the hottenrin which you wish it Invested, and whether you wtoh Whole* HMrcs or Osar ters, on receipt of which, we send what la ordered, by Ant mail, together with the scheme. Immediately after tho drawing, tho drawn number, will be sent with a written explanation. Purchasers will please Write their signatures plain,end give the name of their Post Office, County and Stale. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by moil, can aw HIE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, whereby money for Tickets, in sums of Ten DoHs*%i#4 onwards, can ho sent ua up warns, AT OUR RIBK AND EXPENSE, from nnr city or town where they have on office. Tbe money and orter mnst be enclosed in a “ QOVBHNEKST POST 7 OFFICE STAMPED ENVELOPE,” ortheExprae Company cannot receive them. , „ , S3* Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or li nress to be directed to WOOD, EDDY A Co, press, w oe us Wilmington, Delaware. TTBAD QUARTERS FOR LOW I I PRlCES.—Thankful for past fardrs, th» Fill & WINTER GOODS. ■which ha will sell at Tory low price* tor cash. « D&ti Sober, Pai de Ghmet, plain Mr»* figured and striped Merino*, Wool Plaids, U**» Plaid*, Engmh Merino*' black and Silks, Shawl* o/iverg description; Sw ings, ** tinetls, Gingham*, Chintz, Hosier}/, Gloves, Embroideries embracing Cottar*, Setts, Sands, Insert ■ ingt. Edging*, mi fine, every of La die* Wear.- Alto—An excellent. assortment of ftshlomsW* ware. Glass-ware, Earthenware, foe. BWTS and SHOES of all sixes, qualities sadrtj*" Ladles’ and Mlsse*’ Shoos “d Qatters. „„h.b*d Tlio very host assortment of OROCEBI E 8 may at thla-establlahnieht. ' . . Come onol' come all 11 and axamlne-the *SS« Altoonsj Oct. 14.1888. J f. B. HU.g*S. T OOK OUT FOR YdUR HBiJJ I A —The subscriber would inform the In habitant* of this place and TicinlfT that h* has j ust recsired tne latest styles of HATS ANp CAPS,*®; among which may he found the best Black Mol* * BUk Hats, Black and different colored .Wool Hat*.' all style* aiid prtee*,for men and Ifoya, 'Persons hi anythlng ln the store Une wUI tadlt to, 0 to call on the subscriber before -He has also on hand an excellent assortment « FOBS, of different color* and price*. Those u’*' the article should callat once. . ■ in '.s«d Store on Virginia street, opposite the Altoona, OctT 14, 1868-ly JE>BB B*^, PRIG E REDUCED: ONE-HA^ 1 pew jodioai, salt IN FLA. MIMA TORY DIS»A8 |,: ■ arm ' , .tit ONLY ONE DOLLAR CHRONIC PACKAGE, $2.60. $&• Sea AdT«rti*emeDt"®» Jan.3Q.lBSB. tVTEW FIRM! —TJ33S UNpi^ Xl KD -would reapectfnllytaform iuid vicinity that they tf>* building* of J. Wella QolHndiand Intend to gST; Monday and Friday evening*’to Mpply *W calling at that time. •" Altoona, Jan. 18,1868<-381, X>LAJR COUNTY Jll AOENOT.-Tlie oSunty Mntna! Hre. ttttmma time*ready to insure sg«in»t Wjor fewggg^gi^f^^ [Dee. 23-tf. "*sU>»»e dowrf neglect IIW» Altoona, Feb. 24th IMF* Jan. 27) ’5O-tf mm LARGEST I Boy** wear, sdcb as «wl Vests, otthft fewest „- ■ 1Xc.9,1868. '--^ XfOU CAN if k{n#t of Flour undFwd br *Tu»sJB,’S7rlyJ to b* nun CQ * j „ HH fl ml gfl-fl! ** M 5 t-3 < »So| rA ca o< rs o «! *Mi <J. o j* i| a I asr r K o S 5 S pr^»| aj^s o 3a saisii < 'o t< Qsekf! 3>z|3S 8 d|i^l Op* *5 ItflflW* E a l> **. for ua In K®y st L fl Ai^" ,a0 ’ r ‘ l^ a!U, t># f rUXB.« d,night ftUg would be our rent (son l‘ bM been to a LT- "1” P.wC«““ e ‘ w “’ 0 „ it ua to s Uo in * *‘J' la * orth pft ; jfho* if boo wens anyt f . ( } TB rU»ing pr J ob *° rk ’ L-«. u ,a.maad..r. “ lh L «*«*-»•» flo ' L»tbrt H>. Tn»»«> • L h»T« g™>“ d *■“* [itoona Mechanics’, Libr L Aaeoolation, the u, ° ° Uning of tha 81st March Lt,) for th. l.cture ‘o b [Asaoolatlon by Louli * • Ld tfhrh wo made monti fnook, that auch an am ktad, feoliog Buro that l ' L proto insufficient to coi U would likely be oonvei Entity of gaining access t Lyper.ons. Mwf «^eciall Ending. But now that ac« L rooB » has boon secured, L to turn out to tbo leotu [ t they wiITW well reward L ee , Wohate perfect confix hity to do Justice to bis I tray, is one of interest t Le who bate beard Mr. H lu r ged to attend tbe comil [they wiU jMeem it a pri L n To those who hate laid say go to the lecture ■to those In our midst who kersstlbg Mid Instructing t Ire famed lecturers of th ksidexation should induce i |t on Uiis occasion and that hragf the Lecture Commit: beta from time to time, as Em. Ve should bo extretn Ime of the popular lectun Lud that they would tisi Eopty seats, and it would [g to find oae of our own ho Idisrespectfully. (58»,U» 0* Awkotivis. —A very t liter Is port marked at Vb rtiote, on the indiscriminnt ■om the dint page of our jid appends to it our notice tesentation, which, by the number of adjectives, bn iere aware of, or served om \try smart, exceedingly sharp tat individual —to modest t Lob his signature to the int s should cause ns to- feel oi Lbeen acquainted with ul tonneoted with the presen Irould not have made himsci IArM cents (which no doubt part inch a weight of infer iaineera. When he learns i lcrr«d to, he will no doubt ke’va heard about A hi [drs ads the fire, bat if the ■alluded to has not had hi [scorched in Jbis effort to ei kortet of the, Tribune, ho [or somebodyclßO, at his ca ; Ths Nkw Sissmo Car can lately placed upon, tl Road are models of beaut outside of the cars are fi: like maimer and the inter I dressed up in a style of e •een. The apartments iu ; separate from each othci ! Partition and provided wit | shut and locked by the o I manta, thereby rendering j intrusion or annoyance 1 |or persons walking thro I hling them to obtain thai I ride in other passenger cs can not find. The small the price of a ticket betn ; phia is nothing in compai eat thus obtained. Since placed upon the Road, ; that the number applying | to* M either end of tho R to fill two cars of the san Bt. Patwck’s i)dy, bat coil the weather clerk &*}(*- the advent of th ®**ot Saint has genera of bail, sleet am *** thaanger of tho e m *** hlghtfall, affor • hoß4ty,tn opportunity U they liked. We obs 'g.kind in this pb was nppropria - by a parade, i •‘*HX ooiapaniea of tha w morning of tho da Wild suspended from a i **«• old Union Sob 00 credit upon th *o Wound the feelings Patrick; and our Cath Wod wnae by taking n« r«g£. •T& date o Ware! , andn m wai bo fou ,r*\
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers