The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 17, 1859, Image 3

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    cUta« Qjihartic,
lyetbcr medicine
\j* ver tamp4 r> •«u»eXJr** , »«t
jid matter, then bn t2e22L?f %»
i-.t manor, tbu*
rith jut any of l%B
liXiratSocu. of moat
i. at Uio same time that ST**' «
in moderate dcxieg, wll JSP* U:
nuacal rapidity.
' the ■ ,; principal rejajl
m It! ;perforins lUfneTj* *» U>
9U m, , |src fully
“V*: r .~ i J’-lanilent on 'hTv,
tl*f i propur.
-:Ue V I.:t w—tawSSy^ 6B **-
i . t '-;* H ' ,: liiat o rB«nr eST^, ,o *>
l' m * . «ndy, in
f.ud k iuu reni(.hTv WhZrr*«»»
d-; raagemvnu’to SS}Js£
! ■- '-' tie, and conrte^^^U
e nil, W morbid or bail maltm- r
% 1:1 !__('.tbetr place a e66l
the; • jutomocli, canijS*Kj*' r
blood, Hiring ..Jr” «•
"■■“ l . :nci'J, rgumvlag’vK* =*»i
;:g n\>y {radical cure. ■■ ■ "**7 flWH
asd, WIUT yW;
,cca- | .tonal Mb of U*
l eu Rlciant to rflktttk-w
food; from rUint *jh»
i be- i i—! | fore routing,
n at; ft: night, UxWMihftth*!*-
Cos- . . uvKtmr^^’^WS*
fach: | total will gtur* Tv- m>|| .
***•;»_(! "POOMful »11|
irfe- : VjmU obrtraction
j£f' »-• | and ntaku a
! I.v rcllere* Ch*iicJ»Lnf*'
‘*- d rr ull aure
*tive Jj orcoouiu. - *
6 , I .* ” ; nt«l»d to »hroW4Mrt rf ti.
cdi- -> ciLo after a long
>fjr Jacncjcs remorSwUl,
olor «j I from the ikln, "
*urt PQ.Uine before eating-K,,
Jl ! - a ’-o>-« tbo food
'Lured Chicuic PlarTW t. (
j gw W tf ®«w«l cwapiai^
lr ‘ E Mined it
- it ' ' \nertr JiaOt.
'i ! by dicitipg.tbaiAeeAiei,
it operaHli wiSiSaSjJ?! l
| to teatify to it* w3s{Ji
!=5 t?-»ir
: iiJK.
.► oU-utii with Utt|aiTi9( K t ar(tM
:k invigorator
<0 great to UUate. ItoiME IM ff
>'a»r spring,bentft, knAafUmZl,
: -i! to euro aay kJnd.oT
or PytygitiaiA
..rr til* result of a ni«»«
. wia* rxa bottuL ' ‘.*•■“•
rirtor. 345 Broad war.
Ix.fe.Ua, Altoona; uul rotxu Ly
N 500,000 BOmss
NE YEAR. ■ 'l'fy';, *
•f. p. J. WoodtorJUttortukti,
• h*s coreryethadariwi nd
-- ho Riven tram»U panful,
it intelligent to ptorothatllftc
read the circular Md yOoxeaaet
■'Sag. - 1
ic have for —*-|rl«r hw ilililil
■ only remedy, h*etofctolS«X
inowig*. By a recant discovery of
iicle* are belngiutdUlienmiJwith,
oik still patronise' asm,' beet cm
i imposed upon fay Jla|r. Toaleiof
inch person* an tilfrHimjuilU
;.i try once again, tSt tt’Wfctfi
i ;.ed tho articlaa.riitottfaW, ud
I completely with the Jttolctttw)
.HjrinntiJe. We kn«W^lndh*o»
r>i ily fulling out, wlUOTtfNftSrod
in it ever had been Mit' " '
lit one of the belt afttHiaßitlutp
id it lon. making i rttoßWfllwij, i
has proved Ibetf-thetoWtSl-W
a: r is heir to. , •; :
’ ono to Improve their feMthl tf
uay differ In regard to. the Wayi of
will admit that abeantlful hsul of
reman, I* an object much toUih
u viiia that'ihouUWteftSSlMoSto
fT-man’* yitvoesile, PbQc.
i.-'ihocton, OhtojNdvriT, IBS.
A* I havebees 'enprSdit
-■ritive the last 'SefcaoH fur «a*»f
1. Uackiiison,) and \baVfoc«zgtr>
-! r - -f It uiyseii; I W«nd!Hl»li»si
1V il or
I have been cnragtdlSttfaeDftt
rr, Hiui have Sold variOfas yoQxrtr
rye f'uml nothing tkatrtstoraftbo
e ratta tho BcalpaajrrflSfjnmt,
that your restorative taVhJiLlMi
hke cngege ln theWeont,
;t fell. , i’ours tntljrT 7 ■ ,y ~!Th
• Vi'ajlaad,
4 CO,—Gent*:
[r I’.muratlTc,
Lc t'.iin, *« w«l
beard, to.
■s srcrth if .
it biu
r.ira Bud
i i-r.«r» 312 Si
r LUi ' Ahoo ?^i , a^f J
:cwi.from Enfflpet'
trills. It U that
t« Easterncities wttlMfltfg* mr
i i riJ qualities of
tv mid Show, sad «VBiytmWfWJJ
L!;t) kind, all of which ft*
:ea fur cash.
1.0 is tbcrsby «n«l<l*4to S«IvWT
r-ant of BUJthtnr in W* Be**®
up; that he
the; Lutheran cnarcn.
i ithota pain t>y d*;B*rtr»!w
i for 1C yenta.*
—DR. s.
one to ft
, and warranted for
in iilectro M H ;neticl*» flWB *
xk dona cheaper
: e duction Blade. W
c flollidarebnrc. fro®
I .liars ana orer- . T , r it«a
for a good fittingwjijroi^L
5 VEST, by
at can t b. beat far
you want to drefal"*JP*oit
nowhere, W»t .””£<£j>J
I. x& out for the
. jrf*
■■■ —« i ■ . | ;ij . -. f-“Vsr* :?» M f
itHCXL SAIT .' |
ion dib***o
:zr m .. ■
* E
PACKAGE, $2-o®*v,
4i»ertl»txn«nfc"Cfi .
for eat* 3IM
I '• T
pcoita Critac.
VogrtLr of March. —Ooeof aaxc&am?
tai* A«“»* fWJw -th*
1 1 **rw. : x ‘‘'*Btaa|S ■, J ttß;. 'Bo-;
I thismonth wsreaosMiwt t
I ](!, pUetdand mild.
I •A I* ths poet’s character of this month,
** u general, cold, with keen winds, the
,h Jasr snd.hsalthly. March, in the United
*'. tbotah cold and windy, is generally
fil *LiTe to health and regctoUon. The su
itsdsnt moisture Of the earth is dried op,
proeeu of sleeping vegetation is roused
r ffl iu .lumbers, and gradually, brought on,
, T t.uiy contrasted tints unite to please
though snowy flakes molt in
‘ primrose cup. The latest springs are al
the most favorable, because, a. the youug
"L do at appear so soon.'they are not liable
, 0 be cut off by chilling blasts. In this month
1, melody of biids gradually swells upon the
Z. from the lop of high trees, they pour forth,
enchanting «mgs. and as their plume,
blend beauteoosly* each with each, so run their
ottes, smoothly, many a happy rue and
fall Thus the ordinance of nature, however
loeomprshsnsible they may appear to human
tbiertstien, **• * oundcd on P rinci P lea whioh
tnintended foreur good; and the subversion
,f then U only calculated to draw down misery
,mo camel ves:—
1 , spring, then Ungerent! 'and it nhould be no;
t.i. :bo Srldi «ud gardew blomom out I
t utTmia, when moat With imUeb thy faco te drMt,
Tit wdeceii*. nnd ho who known ye bent,
II mori jt prumine erer most must doubt
flvuu Stolen.— On Saturday nighjt last,'
rt » of the numerous gang of those theives, with
«Meh ths country is now infested, entered the
mbit of Lloyd & Co., at Allegheny Furnace,-
tod itoU therefrom two. horses, together with
t«o bridles, two collars and a wagon saddle.—
At nos u the theft £as discovered, On Sunday
aorsiagi search was instituted and the horses
■irs traced a considerable distance on the road
towards Cauberland, Md., whither it is pre
nssdth* thief intended to take them, as the
wat i puling through that place, is about open
jog, ud he would most likely find ready sale
for tkem. Unless he would ride hnrdj however,
no fear a few handbills would reaoh the place'
boforo him, u a number were forwarded by the
gtpiMi train on Monday morning.
Hurt is, undoubtedly, a well organized band
of these outlaws now prowling through tho
eoßDtry, as almost every paper we pick up con
tains an account of horses having been stolen in
the vicinity in which it is printed. Notwith
standing the number of these gentlemen annu
ally sent to the different penitentiaries in ibis
fitate, there appears to be no abatement in their
simber, proving conclusively that it must be
i paying business to those who hava thus far
Moll Ooop Flour.— For some time past we
kits been using Soar manufactured at the Steam
Mill in this place, out of common red wheat,
which our better-half pronobace the best ever
hnaght into the house. We have heretofore
adrtrted to the quality of flour manufactured
tt this mill, and urged our friends to give it n
trial. The best of mills will some times make
rather inferior flour, and this is frequently the
tut this year, owing to the indifferent quality
«f thi wheat; but we know from observation
uni trial that the steam mill can turn out flour
eqail if not superior to day other mill in the
wastry. The proprietors hare lately received
ft large supply of the Kentucky wheat of the
heit quality, and these who buy flour at the
itno mill hereafter may be sure of receiving a
pad article. We believe in encouraging home
auofutums,. especially when we are sure we
can get wgood an article at a& reasonable a
fries from them as wo can by sending abroad.
Oi’inr roi Pike’s Peak.—We understand
ilitl a number cf persons intend leaving this
place this spring for Pike’s Peak, and as a mat
tsr of course they wish all the information, they
mo obtain in relation to the best method of
trawling, the easiest, shortest arid quickest
nstc, and the outfit necessary. We will not
TOtnre to give them directions as to the route,
**■. But present for their consideration the fol
ding outfit recommended by a gentleman who
ku •• traveled all the way,” and which he
touches is all that is necessary to see a party
trough. -It is as follows
100 lbs of flour, 2bbls of whiskey; 60 lbs ot
won, 40 gallons of whiskey, 100 lbs of vension.
18 demijohn* of whiskey, 2 bxs of dried heii
nap, 1 hbl of whiskey. 1 bbl of crackers, 65
Pdhms of whiskey, 3 bbls of pickles, * bbl of
'hisltey, and 12 quart mugs.
"Owwom of ihk Pausa.”— Several editors
*" fcpating out west about the comparative
length of the ears of corn they have received.
c « they find notning better to boast of than
“* of their ears t Yes, they are nnani
»««ia their opinion respecting the legality and
J**P»Mibility of Wood, Edot & Co.’s lottery.—
7? sou the feet that thejreapectabiUty of this
«« MtahUahed firm would scorn to forfeit their
.-famed wputation by hesitating or failing
*P*J the prues drawn against them. They
ofatoiattying that by sending $lO. $6. or
‘° " 00d - *My & Co., Wilmington, Dela
«f «*!Lr^ ,U ’ Qa -' will stand a chance
t» .r the whole, half or quar
« «»ir aegnifiolent |>ri*e
> Cuahwo BtuL—>The following !» said
“ «»elltnt recolpt for cleaning »l|g
into ifcin
g v,,,. ' “ ta WeU - f<mp 00 tb«B a half pint
to H M equal .quantity of
Am «ilk on therigbtaide, and
iSii? 7, lf<W ** 9B ti * wr ®** ride. Tie
Ua y ki »»y ,$» gStnoMd by
LOCAL items.
LeeTOßß.—The following correspondence,
•iiandcU'ns on Tuesday last, ‘explains itself.;—*
L..W.,5a11, Esq.,
' Utar <Srr.-—The undersigned,*n
Committee bn Vehalf of the Altoona Mechanics*
Library and Heading Room Association, to pro
ouro Inturors, respectfully invite you to deliver
a lecture before said Society, at such tune as
shall best suit yourconvenienoe, andooauohenb
jaotas yotrmajehoose.
WelbaU bojdeasad to b*T©yronrwpJy in|he
sfltoaative<■ stating tb soUMt yiamwJmM<
selected and the evening you -prefer. ;
Vory Eespeblfullx, ' ' ‘ j
A.UASNESIE, l^istamftrw.
C. J, MANN, I 5
Altoona March, 14,1869.
T.jP. Sarubnt, Chairman.
Your favor in behalf of
Uie Altoona Mechanics* Library and Reading
Room Association, received. AX first I thought
it wnuld be impossible (owing to professions!
engagements) for,' comply with your re
quest, but on reflection I have determined to do
and would name Thursday evening, March
31st, as the time. My theme shall be “ Benja
min franklin. ” •
Altoona, March 15, 1850.
From the character' ef the gentleman above
named, as a lecturer, and the subject he has
chosen, we-have no hesitancy in assuring those
who shall attend the lecture that they will re.
eeive a rich literary, treat. As the lecture will
be free, we hope ,to see the roojn of the Associ
ation well filled—indeed it should not be large
enough to contain all the persons in this place
who ought to attend auoh entertainments, but
there being no better 'room which can be had
for the purpose, wo must be content with this
one for the present.
Dead Child Food d.— Considerable excite
ment was created in this place, on Sunday laat,
by the finding of the dead body of a fully devel
oped male child in the "deep cut” of the old Ben
nington Railroad, at the eastern end of Mulberry
street. The body was sewed up iu a pillow
slip, and when found, was lying in a shallow
pool of water. It had evidently been there for
some days, being in a partial state of decompo
sition. No potl mortem examination was held,
the condition of the body being such as to pre
vent it. Though no positive evidence to that
effect Was elicited, there is little room to doubt
that the child came to its death from violence
at the hands of its parent or an equally guilty
accomplice. No] clue which would lead to the
detection of the perpetrator of the unnatural
deed, has been discovered, and jn all probability
he or she will csoape the punishment which such
n hellish crime merits. Fortunately there is an
hereafter where such deeds cannot escape de
tection, and where their guilty authors will be
punished to the full measure of their iniquity.
An inquest was held on the body by Esquire
Cox. The jury found that it came toils death
from some unknown cause. The remains were
taken to the Alms House and interred.—Stan
The Angel Bidding Satan—BEACTirut. Spe
cimen op Penmanship at Derr’s College Pitts
bcbgh.—On Saturday, we .called at this old es
tablished and popular College, and onr attention
was attracted by a large and splendid picture
drawn by the artist pen of John S. Duncan,
Professor of Penmanship in that College. Ihc
design is & magnifioient one. Subject “ The
Angel Binding Satan,” taken from the 20th
chapter of Revelations, first and second verses.
The picture is four feet by five feet, and is
magnificiently portrayed, all having been done
with a steel pen. The portrait of the Angel
binding in triumph the Prince of Darkness, and
bis terrible (Repression, are life-like, and in their
execution required great powers both in concep
tion and execution. All lovers of the beautiful
and grand should call and see this triumph of
Penmanship, which fully proves that Mr. Dan
can is full master of bis most difficult art.—
Commercial Journal.
Accidkst.— On Saturday afternoon last, Mr.
Miller Lindsey, a workman in the shops in this
placq, >had his left hand severely crushed under
the wheel of a truck car which was being moved
through the shop. Mr. L, it appears, attemp
ted to remove a block which was lying on the
track in front ( of the car, but not being quick
enough, his. hand was caught by the wheel.—
The joint of his fore finger, adjoining the hand,
was considerably splintered, the end of the sec
ond finger torn off, and his band otherwise in
jured. lie was taken to the office of Drs. Hirst
& Good, where bis hand was dressed. Hopes
are entertained that amputation of his fore fin
ger will not bo necessary.
Health akd Loho Lite.— Dr. Qco. H. Key
aer, of Pittsburgh, Pa., has prepared a medicine
for the cure of lung diseases, that bids fair to
out rival all the various!horde of nostrums, with
which the public hare been pestered for years.
He does, not pxjetcnd that it will cure consump
tion in its last steps, when ulcers are eating np
the longs, but he means to do a great deal of
good, in arresting in time the symtoms which
lead to a fatal disease. Take warning in time,
then, end When ypo get a coagb, get s bottle of
Da. Ketseb’s Pectoeal Stsop, which will be
sure to care yoa. Sold at :Q. W. Kessler’s, Al
toonn, P*. . , ’
Herat, PBOPSBfT roa Sam. —Mr. Geo. B.
Cramer is now offering a valuable lot of Hotel
property at private sale, at the Railroad ware
hguee, in this place, tie character, quality and
quantity of which trill he found in an adret ti»e
meat'in another Gqlaiop. Bargains may be had
in this property, and those wishing anything of
the style therein mentioned will do troll to ex
amine it. All not sold Tby the 4th of. April will
bn t£at daj!be offered at public sale. .
Psoruta’ Shos Stoss. —Attention is request
ed to the advertisement of C. W. Kimball, in
another column. Mr. K. has just opened
' and excellent assortment of Boots and
which he promises to sell at fair prices and give
bargains, and hopes thereby to receive a share
of patronage. Those who deal withilm-will
find him an accommodating salesman. -
Prbackjso.—Rev. Sauuel the min
ister appointed to this Station at the late Annui
al Ifieetingof Bast Baltimore Conference, will
preach hirfiret sermon in the Methodist ehurth
nasal Wnr.
i. -*
Very Truly Yours.
s M E. Conference ,ArroiKTMents. —The fol
lowing are the appointments made for the Juni
ata District, by the recent Annual Conference
held at Williaiusport:—
HollidoysbiirgHJohn IT. CL Dosh. ,
A 1 toonn—Hatimol Creighton. ...
Wooidbury-fW. 11. Houch and C. Orahsm.
; Schellsburgir-C.; Cleavsr anti W- W. £rim.<
Bedford—iiarna. ' 1
• Cfecnit —R; y>. Black tad J. W.
, fwlmiit ijLX Btitouut ftmy Bwa,
Canute. .
• A. fekride»«a4fi. T. Qrqr.
Wfltiaaribar£—Tkoouu Banka*.
Birafa){^iun—JuKoa A. Meliok, mad John
Philipsburg—Henry Wilson A J. B. Searbro.
Cnruensville anil L. Spotta
wood. i
New W W. Kirby and Hugh
Lynn. ‘ ,
The next East Baltimore Conference will be
held«tLewisbiug,<Fft.; time to he mode kaown
hereafter.; ; s.
Rev. 8. A. Wilson bos been sent to East Bal
timore ; Re?. W. Downs toBoooaboro; and Rev.
A. E. Gibson !to Emory Cbapel Station, Car
: ; Altoona, March 16, ’69.
Blnaans. MoCrum & Bern :— Ou Sabbath last,
tbs Lutheran congregation of thif place, nnder
the Pastoral care of Rot. J. Stock, took it in
hand to raise subscription sufficient to cancel a
debt which bak existed against their church for
some time, and it was really encouraging
to the hearts of the congregation present to see,
with what'promptness and a spirit of liberality,
the members of the' congregation and others re
sponded to .the : - call; in giving their hundreds,
seventy-fives, fifties, twenties &e., until the sum
of eleven hundred dollars was subscribed, being
some two bundled dollars above the amount re
quired to cancel the debt We would here ex
press bur sincere and heart-felt thanks to those
kind brethren,; not members of the Lutheran
church', who so kindly and abundantly contri
buted to our aid in this our time of need. May
they be abuudootly blessed by the good Spirit
above, both temporally and spiritually, for these
noble acts of charity. p.
Wall Papering. —Those who intend to fix op
their houses this spring will of course need wad
papering. By reference to our advertising col
uuins, it will bp seen that J. M. Hewitt, of Hoi
idaysburg, and W. P. Marshall & Co., of Pitts
b -rgh, have a quantity of the article on hand
with which they w ill be pleased to furnish all
those who stand in need of it.
Messrs. J. & J. Lowther announce that they
have just received a large stock of Wall Paper
ing and Border direct from the manufacturers
in York. Call and see.
Presentation. —A few days since, the polite,
accomplished, and gentlemanly clerk in the
Post Office in this place, had presented to him,
by the model and elegantly proportioned chief
clerk in the Master Builder’s department of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, a neat, tastefully exe
cuted and highly useful piece of furniture which
is indispensable to a young man’s complete
wardrobe. The aforesaid article may be seen
at any time at the Post-office.
Lecture.— Rev. T. Mullen, of St Peter’s
church, Allegheny city, will lecture in the Ca
tholic ebureh, in this place, to-morrow (Friday)
evening. We have not been informed as to bis
subject, but from the character of the Jjlev. gen
tleman, os a lecturer, we can safely say that
whatever it may be it will be well worth listen
ing to.
SerC Jaggard has removed his goods for the
present to Ferree & Morrow's corner, where in
a few days he will be happy to see his friends
and the public generally.
Altoona, March 3d. 1859.
Ho! for the Arctic Region!
If any of the Ladies are dissatisfied with the
weather we are having, and desire visiting the
Arctic Region, we would recommend them to
call on C. J. MANN and replenish their ward
robe from his beautiful stock of
which he is selling off cheap, being determined
to dispose of them while the snow is screeching.
January 13 th, 1889.
THE HALL OF FAS UION is still open, and
the Proprietor,.in'returning thanks to his nu
merous customers 'for their liberal patronage
bestowed on him since his commencement, here
desires to say (without fear of contradiction)
that he is prepared to offer for their inspection
the best assortment-of handsome Dress Goons,
Shawls, Cloaks, White Goods, &c., &c., that
can be found in Altoona.
Respectfully; &c.,
See advertisement, of Dr. Sandford’s
LiyER INVIQORATOR in another column.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from oprescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. Phy
tieian Extraordinary to the Queen.
ThU Invaluable medicine is unfailing: In tho cure of all
thoM painful and delicate diseases to which the female con
stitution I* subject. it moderates all excess and removes
all obstructions, and a Speed; c«re nfay 1m relied on.
Jt la peculiarly |lt will. in a short time, bring an
the monthly period with regularity.
ih«ii bottle, jiriee one dollar. bears the Government Stamp
of Great Britain,to prevent counterfeits.
These foil thudd net be taken byfemeHte during the tint
thru months they are sure to Megan Met
earriage,butat.any other tint* they are taft.
In all eases of Nenrooa and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Bade and Limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation
of the Beart, and
a enre when aU other means have felled, and although a
powerful remedy, do not contain iron, odosnel,'antimony,,
or anythinghurtful to the constitution..
Poll direct!ons in the pamphlet around each package,
which should be carejtijliy preserved. ’
Sole Agent for the jEbttiri States and (JaMdl,
JOB (Ute J.C.Baldvln ACe«) .
Rochester, N.Y.
V. B—JWO and « postage stamps enjdoeed to any «B
thoztssdlcant wfll.lpaiiM t tsttK enirigtiiiO KlUi
In aU.disoasea inflammation more or less predominates—
now to allay inflammatiox strikes at the root of disease—
hence an,lmmediate tore.
md nothing 'dee, will allay inftuninatioa at twee, and make
a certain emre.* . ■
. will cure the foUowtnp iitoens a gmtcatalogue of rHeeMsa ; '
Bfiaa BcroMiy
plasm, Fsverafaaa, Fstern, Ear Asha, amt,:
Ooai.Aw»nints,Bheamatl». Bstft Head, BhMKhaaa,
B.ldaeas, Erysipelas, Itiafiwwaa, Parkers* Ttch.fiiimi fix,'
Measles, Kaah,.fe,*eJ.
■'snaao ttamyappear fecredulMtihat mmaaf AjMpM
should be reached by one article; Ouch an Idea wOt vaußh
whan reflection pofaUa to the bet, that the aalrs bsooo
binatieo of Ingredients, aaofa aad every on* applying Rpar
fbctan:idote to its appositerUserder.
In its effects is magical, because the time U ao abort be
tween disease and a permanent enra; and it la an extrac
tor, as it draws all disease <*«t of the affected part, leaving
nature as parfhet aa before the ini ary. It is scarcely no
oeasory to say that no boose, work-shop, or manufactory
should be one moment without it.
Mo Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box baa upon it
a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Salley,
Sold by O. W. Kessler, Altoona; Georgs A. Jaeoba, Hol-
Udaysbarg; end by all the Druggists and patent medicine
dealers throughout the United States and Canadas.
Principal Depot, 165 Chambers street. Mew York-
Mot. 11,1858-ly C. F. CBACE.
All others are mere Imitations, and ihould be avoided, if
yon wish to ascape ridicule.
GRAY, RED, or BUSTY HAIR. Dyed Instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least
iqjury to tbe Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Wm.
A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have
been made to the hair of his patrons of his fatuous Dye.
WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to bo distinguished from nature, and is womuxtsd not
to injure in the least, however long it may be continued,
and the ill effect of Bad Dyee remedied; tbe Hair invigo
rated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Wig
Factory, 233 Broadway, New York.
Sold by Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in all
cities and towns of tbe United States.
The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel
plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of
Kov. 18,1858-ly 233 Broadway, New York.
Important to Females—Dr Cheese
kan’s Pills. —Tbs combination of ingredients in these
Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They
are mild in thfeir operation, and certain in correcting all
irregularities, painful menstruations, removing all ob
structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain
in the side, palpitation of ths heart, disturbed sleep, which
always arise from interruption of nature, inducing with
certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely vegeta
ble, and free from anything injurious to lifeor health. Ex
plicit directions, which should be read, accompany each
box. Price $l. Sent by mail by enclosing $1 to any
authorized Agent.
R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States,
163 Chambers street, New York.
Ik whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed.
Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona; Geo. A, Jacobs, Holli
daysburg; and by all Druggists in the United States.
They are elegant, light, easy and durable.
Pitting to a charm—no turning up behind—no shrinking
off the head; indeed, this is the only Establishment where
these things are properly uiidemood and mode.
Nov. 18,1868-ly 233 Broadway. New York.
This disease can be cured by Da. Ketcer’s Tootbxchi
Rzmedt, prepared by him in Pittsburgh, Pa, which is put
up in bottles and sold at 25 cents each. It is an excellent
medicine, when diluted, for spongy and tender gums, sod
is worth ten times its price to all who need it. Sold here
by O. W. Kessler. (Dec. 9, l*oB-ly.
Floor, Superfine, ft bbl., $8.60
u Extra “ 7.00
“ Extra Family “ 7.25
Corn Meal ft 100 lbs. 2.00
Bran A Shirts ft 100 Ibi. 1.00
Rye Chop. “ . “ ‘ 1.65
Cum and Oats, “ “ 1.52
Middlings, “ “ 1.50
Cash paid for all kinds of Grain. Fluor and Feed can
always be had at thu Mill at the prices qnuted ab-vo.
Superfine Floor,
Extra “
Extra Family Floor, 7 00® 7 12
White Wheat—Extra Family Flour, 7 25® 7 37
Dry Peaches, (unpaired), IS@ 16
*• “ (paired) “ 25® 28
Dry Apples, “ 12® 13
Prunes, “ 13® 18
Dry Currants, “ 14® ' 16
Shoulder and Bacon, “ 10
Sides, “ U
Hams, “ 12,13® 13
Dry Beef,
Orleans Sugar,
Refined “
Syrnp Molasses, $ gallon, 68® 72
Segars and Tobacco at prices to suit purchasers.
Altoona, March 10, 1860.
In Altoona, March 6th, 1859, by the Rot. B. U. Fish,
Mr. WM. McLAMAK to Miss KATE BARR, both of Uolll
On Sunday, the 6th Inst.,, by J. M. Cherry, Esq., Mr.
toona. .
On the, 7th iinst, by Bee. A. 11. Taylor, Mr. JOHN E.
In City, on Thursday, March 3d, by the Rev.
P. C. Hetrlerl Mr. SAMUEL T. ORR, formerly of HollP
daysburg, Pa./ to Miss KATE A. J. MACHLAN, formerly
of York, Pa. >
On the 14th inst., by Daniel Shock, Esq. Mr. ADAM
of Greenfield township, Blair Couqty, Pa. '
RANCE Company. Agency, Anna Street, Altoona.
March 17,1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent.
X AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Real or
personal property will be effected on the most reasonable
terms by their agents in Altoona at his office in Anna St.
March 17,1869. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. >
Boarding house.—the un-
DERSIONKD wUI take the Boarding House, on Em
ma Street, (heretofore occupied by Mrs. Coulter) on the
Ist of April next, and wfshea to secure from ten to twelve
boarders! Persons wishing to engage boarding will call
upon me in East Altoona, next dour to P. Reed’s Cabinet
Wareroom. 0. W. HQBBBIiL, -
Altoona, March ITth, XBs»3t.* ■
g J ■ subscriber offers for Sals about 27 ACRES of LAND,
ihuated in'Antes tovraSUiyßlalr county,-at the foot of
Broth Mountain, now occujnd by Solomon Boamer.
Aim—For Rent—A Hons* dM Tract of Land, adjoining
the Bpck Horn Tavern tract,°n the^i^ny^Monnmta.
noHldaysbnrg, March IT, IM9-8t
tI • *»• largsaodnsosplaU eesortamat of Paper gagg-.
*■■*.*****; übw STYXSB, -
wm : '■
Dailey’s Magical Paio Extractor.
The Original and Beet in the World t
Coil on the Agent and get a pamphlet free.
Nov. 18, lssB-ly.
Attention i-altoon a guards t •
You are hereby commended (o meet at your M
Armory. ln tbe Borough of Altoona, onSATORDAY, OR
die 2d day of APRltTat 10 tfSock, A. M.,« fUl{l|
uniform, with anna and aceontnamnita*! good.oHkg. > (H
By order of the Captotn,i .. .. . W
March iq, utwt. .h:;;
• - J, -■ - - 'v-
M- u35SS'.’^ w “* « -ipwm’
WSSImm &Tj%ymaaL
Five Thousand Men, Woaeafit (Sifidiea
«0T T 6 «OTO «*K«‘Si#SAK,
When they can buy BOOTS and SHOES cheap for cash,
mar. 17,18&9-U
Wx. J. Tartan, Wx. B. Snunaiwira
vholeaale Daalars jn FISH, CHEESE. AND PROVI
SIONS, No. 138 South Wharves, between Chestnut and
Walnut streets, Philadelphia.
49* Sole, agents for Henry's Celebrated 'Vinegar.
Philadelphia, March 17 th, 18693 m.
1 HER will expose to sale by public outcry, ta the
Warehouse of the Pennsylvania Hail Road,Company, InAl
toma, on THURSDAY the 14th day of April, 1859, the fol
lowing articles to wit:—
2 Marble Top Tables. • 24 Small Dishes,
2 Plush Arm Chain, - 1 SoupTnireen,
100 Arm Chain, 2 Doaen Butter Knives,
2 Coffee Urns," 11 Sugar Spoons,
2 Tea Urns, 178 Silver Plated Forks,
1 82’Large Silver Spoons,
9 Large Diihm, 164 Silver Spoons,
17 Medium Dishgs, 7 Castors,
The above articles can be aean at any time, by celling on
tbe undersigned, and will be sold at private sals, together
or separately previous to tbe day of sale, should any per
son wish to purchase. Terms cash.
March 17th, 1869-2 t. OEO. B. CRAMER.
1 Virginia street, two doors below Annie street.
Tbe undersigned Would respectfully Inform the citizens
of Altoona and vicinity that he has taken tbe above stand,
(fucmerly occupied by Mrs. Rigg.) where he intends to keep
constantly ou hand a well selected stock of
of every variety, which hs will sell
sale and retail, CHEAP FOB CASH)
Purchasers will find it to their advantage to buy their
BOOTS and SHOES at the “ Peoples’ Shoe Store.” 1 We buy
fur cosh, eonssqucutly WILL OFFER BAR6ALXH.
£aT Give us a call and examine our Stock.
to give satisfaction. CLIFTON W. KIMBALL,
mar 17,18&9-tf
TAK’S" Exterminators are invaluable remedies
lor clearing houses of all sorts of vermin.' With all confi
dence we recommend them. — N. Y. Daily State Register.
“Costah's” remedies fur all domestic pests, such ns Rats,
Roaches, Bed-Bugs, Ants, Fisas, Ac. are invaluable; we can
speak from actual knowledge of their merits. Druggists
uu J Dealer- 1 should send their orders early, it they would
secure a trade in them. —Sew lor A; Journal*
“ I shall write something about your Exterminators, as
1 can-do so with propriety. They are selling rapidly here
and destroying all vcriuiu.— Ed. “ BannerAbycffe, Ro.
As Spring approaches.
Ants and Roaches,
From their holes come out,
AuJ Mice and Rats,
In spite of Cats,
' Gaily skip about.
Bed-Bugs bito
You, In the night.
As on the bea you slumber.
While insects crawl
Thru' chamber and hall,
lu squads without number.
tainty, Rats, Roaches, Mice, Moles, Qround Mice, Bed-bugs,
Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects on Animais/in
short every species of Vermin, arc utterly destroyed and
exterminated by . y
“Costar’s” Rat, Roach, &c. F.zterminator,
“ Costar’s” Bed-Bug Gxtermiaator,
“ Gostar’s” Electric Powder, for Insects.
Supplied direct, by mall, to any address in the United
States, as follows:
On receipt of $l,OO, a box of the Bat, Roach, Ac. ExU
On receipt of $2,00. a box each of the Rat, Roach, Ac. ExL,
and Electric Powder, (sent postage paid,) sufficient to
destroy the vermin on any promises.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
“CostarV Principal Depot, 420 Broadway, N. T.
P. S-—Circulars’ terms, Ac., seut by mail on application.
Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania;
Northeast corner Fifth and Arch Streets,
And Wholesale Dealers generally.
March 17th, IddO-Sm.
Maria l. de paystar memo
rial SCHOOL. —This Institution, which is located
in Altoona Blair County, Peuo’a, will be opened On the Ist
MONDAY in MAY. Itis intends das a permanent School;
and will connect with it a Male A Female Department. In
the Male department, young men will be’lnstructcd with
a: view to their entering the advanced classes of onr best
Colleges; or, if deeired, their education completed. In the
Female department, instruction will be given in any, or all
at the different branches, either solid or ornamental, taught
in onr best Female Seminaries.
The year will be divided into two Sessions of five months
each —the Summer Session to commence op the Ist Mon
day of May, ending on the hurt Wednesday of September—
the Winter Session to commence on the Ist Monday in No
vember, ending on the lost Wednesday oi March. The
Session' will be divided into two quarters of cloven weeks
each. Terms, V«r quarter, as foHmvs—viz.:
SjOLID branches.
Primary (Including Reading, Writing, Orthog
raphy Arithmetic. Grammar, end Geography. Ac.) $4,00
Advanced (Including the Natural Sciences, Mathe
matics. Mental and Moral Philosophy, Logic, the Lan
guages and Composition Ac.) $5,09
|6 25@|6 &'
6 75® 6 80
Music (Including use of instrument) $lO,OO
Drawing, $3,00
-Painting (In water Colors) f .8,00
Needle work, 2,00
Instructions in vocal music gratis. Ohs half the above
chargee, to be paid invariably in advance;
R. W. OLIVER, Superintendent J (alt Daft.
A. B. CLARE, “ ' Itemalt a
Mr , Principal of Male “■
Mies C. M. CLARK, 4i Rmale u
March 10,1850.-tf _
14® 15
DLC® 10
U, 12® 13
Owing to the Increasing demand for Paper Hangings,
Have made large additions to their extensive stock, com
prising styles for
In Qold, Velvet, Boqnet, Plain and Panel
Making tha most complete assortment
N. B-—A large trade Snablesue to sell at
No. 87 Wpod Street, Pittsburgh.
W. M. LLOYD & CO.,
- risirp (a* 9
(Bole “jjefl, Jqknston, Jdei £ Co.") '
CUM. and Sliver ud OMd for sale. Collection*
made. Money*, received on deporting payable on demand,
without in town, nr upon time, with Interest at fair rates.
MENTARY to the Estate of mCUABJ) GLAS
QOW.Iate of Stem township, Blair Pa., debased.
huaMen grantSto theeubscribora; indebted
to the aaW EStatearo requested to nsake/timnodialo pay
ment to Blchard Taylor Glasgow, Br., Logan townshro,
iwwrp aaniitP Pn « XIA!IQS 0T
af%o.foU deceit, will make kpijnf#;
, “**"“• Wt^^^S^YLOߣ« i AßOOW f ar, j
Andtha vaHoas affections consoquent upon a
jtochae ludtgestioa. Acidity of thsStomacb,Collchyyai«as
HwrtkUft, Lom- of Appetite, Despondency, Cewveaeak
Blind and Bleeding riles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic sad
Nearaig&Aflkctioue, it has in numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure.
This is •» purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
scientific principles, alter the manner of tbs celebrated
Holland Woftssor.BoeihsTe: Because of its great
in |he most of the European States, its introduction into
the United States was intsnded mare especially far those
of our fatherland scattered were and there ov»r tljs face of
thla nfighly country. Meeting with groat sacceee taom
them, I now offer it to the American public, hnowlng that
its truly wcudsiihl medical virtues must be acknowledged.
.It iaparticularly recommended to thooa perwaa whcea
constitutions may hare been impaired by the nnatluwsas
nee of ardent spirits, or .other farms ofdheipatien. ilist
rally instantaneous ia offset, it finds Its wajr directly to tha
seat of Ufa, thrilling and quickening every ssi ia tafalag
up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, r «■*»«>«»- asw heaitS
and vigor in the system.
CAUTION.—The peal popularity of this dsUahtfliLAt*
ma has induced many Imitations, which tha rnflfarfassM
guard against purchasing. Is.not persuaded to hoy any
thing elas until you bars glean Boethave’e flume
a fair trial. Ons bottle will convince you hewMsSsly
superior it Is to aH thsealmltatlwu.
49* Sold at SIBO per bottle or six hottisa far tt>by the
■ou rtoputtoas,
on acturing PharmactniiiU and ChtmitU,
T. \T. Djott 4 um, Philadelphia; Barnes 4 Park, Bow
York; John D. Park, Cincinnati; Bmanl A4w 4 OaL
St. Louis; A. ROUSH, Altoona, Pa. ' And bp DrujftoSt
»nd Merchants generally throughout the United nil tee
and Canadaa. [October 14,ISiA-ly
f l SOKTMENT of gooda adapted to th« Muon—which
will ba (old aa chum aa the chiwpaav—cowfoddMolaleMt.
iug'a, Canton PUnneu, Muslins, prints, MgfUßfgUaA. M
assortment of Trimmings for Indies dfMlKfflUtw
dreds of article# too numerous totnenthq^^^^^
Pi-lands and cltiaen* call and see IwbaaHßpUnc els*
where and tare your dimes. P -
Clotbingofall sortscheaper than the jow*. .
The cheapest lot of Germantown goods tier oflbred in
this. place, consisting In part of Ladle* Hoods, JUgaqistfc
Children’s Opert Hoods, Childrens Talmas and ZshKys .
Capes .and Costs, with the neatest and best ir-iHmtgf at
Hosiery to be found anywhere in these mountains,
A splendid assortment of Qreperloa, consisting offlbite
mtti, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston andliew TorirSr
up*—-delicious—N ew Or leal s' and Murcarado Baking Ho
lasaee, Sugars of every variety. '
Dates. 10 eta. per tb—Prunes, 12J< et&per ft— Pis Rat
sins, eta. pei th— Piga, Citrons, Currants, Dry*d Paasfo*
at. Apples, Ofangea and Lemons, Almonds; 'Hues Mm%
ready for ate.
Boat* and Shoes cheaper'than the cheapest. '
Hardware ot almost erery description— Nalls aadMk*.
Cutlery, GreenßWer Butcher Knlrse the best ta the
world—Pumps and Pump Chaim and flxtarss,
Tobacco and Began.
Hats and Cape
Flab Oil.
„ Fl&x-eeed OH.
Sweat Oil.
Cuter 00.
Geod Cider'Vinegar.
Coffee Routed.
Coffee Oreent
Coffee Qrenad.
The rery beat Coffee In tows atlltl eta. net B.
tMlandeeeat \
Head quarters for Tfifor
PRlCKS.—Thankful for put Duron, the .tbicrlhar
would respectfnlly bej< lo*v« to inform th* eitiiene qfAl»
toona and vicinity, that he ha* Just received and upsued
hie (lock of ■ ■•-■ r T
which he will soil at very low prices for cash. It rrswlQs
in part of
Delaines, Rohes, Pai dt Cheats, ptamMetiMS,
figured and striped Merinos, TfW Plaids, FfUfft
Plaids, English Merinos' 1 blatk and fanny.
Silks, Shauls of every description : Sheet
ings. Muslins, Flannels, Cdssimeres, 4&rf*
tineits. Ginghams, Chintn, Hosiery,
Gloves, Embroideries embracing'
Collars, Setts, JJahds, Insert
ings. Edgings , infine,
dies "Went. - ’ .
Also—An axcellegt aseirtment of <a*htonahls Qhsshs
ware, Glass-ware, Earthenware, Ac.
BOOTS and SHOES of all .Ism, Malltim and etylea—
Ladies’ and Mlaees’ Shoes and Oiitone FT,
The very best aaeortment ofOBOCKRIXSmay he Mad
at this estaWWnnent.' " ' ■ ■ •'
Comaose I oomeatl I land examine the abuvesteck.
Altooua.OctH.lMB. ■ J. B. OTUaCAH.
I i — l Hhesubscriber would inform tits in'*
habitants of this {dace ami vicinity that hit
hasjnureceited the latest styles cd
among which may be fonnd the beat Black Mole Skin «d
Bilk rielW, Black end different colored Wool Hats, Cape of
all (Ayienand prices, for taen snd-boys. Persons In want of
anything in the above line will find it to their advantage
to eaB on this suhscrlhec.befnre purchasing elsewhere.
He bss also on hand an excellent assortment of Ladlas*
FOBS, 1 Of diflfcrent colors and prices. Those in wsatt Of
the article should call at once.
Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran skareh
Altoona, Oct. 14, 1858.-ly JESSE SMITH.
1 Vl ED would respectfully Inform the citizens of H UnnjS
and vicinity that they hare purchased the entire
bnlldinrt'of J. Wells Cnlllus, and intend to cam oofle
BOTCWSSjya BUSINESS in his stead. We «ftl»
nish MEAT OF ALL KINDS at the lowest poesfbls priaa.
Onr MARKET DAYS will he the same as beretefhre, aa
TUESDAY and SATURDAY. - We will also atfeM £
Monday and Friday evenings to supply those who ntsflt
calling at that time. EWIKO 4 OOV
Altoona, Jan. 13, 1558.-3 a •- r
Concentrated lye, foe ma-
KING Soft Soap, aad Soap Powder for mm
pound eljnaj to six of common Soap; Cattfle 9WM,
Soap, Chemical Soap, etc, on band and fcr sale-at'-” '■>
June 10,1868.-rf j A. BOOSBf,
Seedy Hide dettilsi, of liw Iswt iWMeiMitieee
jtiua ever, at
*mm ; ■: ;^mWwr:imF
•’• **- -'■>* vi »«*££
oa a " .
Ws I i
5* if {
i? ilil
a i m
« * -§’2l
S fed 1 5 «i ' *
« S-<
S *•»»«.■
i-3 szi|3g|
O®* 55
W*"S> ttl