L O i N S^ AW »i riKELY ro nu'l Liver i n jHKj* W kt uu-dicinokuo* n r.r remedy, «tlU K flm d?!? 1 mu.-r.tlu.-n op. Urn ** .lUer, time &cc*■ (Vj»iPL*mr, In ■IV . tie, and conviction U II &I morbid or bad matter . place a ■, .stomach, causing Alan* C s. DLOOD, giving tonjkU'i - r ucry, removing the «25 ■ y y ■ radical core. , “ • Ain>, wiuT a ibh, '■ 1 (_| |bional use of the -■>! Ssufficient toxaUiwtjfterst. . i from rising annaomfr..?** ■- ( r“. fore ■•' retiring, t pt, j night, looeens tbethebe* i-i. titkmiss. -• i meal trill spoontful will - w ; 0 i male obstruction .miks '• iand makes a perftctcon s- ily relieves d, _ .1h a sure cure lot Cx&l*e e ofCBOUBA. '■ Is .. j needed "to tbrovr oat' ofthl ' 1- j cine after a long licknH, ,r remove* aHaA jr . , i from the skin. ■ ■ rt Pj;tlnio before • <■ *y the e- ; commendhu: \HM fciaitsc? . J/Uaml Ague, Chill -■. .It operate* with art.i-TT* *s ■ t 0 ratify to. Ita vrondetfu g vh«ir nn*nimou* t««tld*ay J, mouth vritb the InvlaonUnr, I INVIGORATQR CAL DISCOVERT, and la dafl r ■ j;r, at to belie**. It cures if ,t giving benefit, and wldominocv ■. has never ystkadkAwM. be Riven from all i intelligent to prove thUiiOi J read tits cirsulor and yMWaaa :l aing. ' ] !■; have for centuries been.aflkM ■ only rrnmrlTi tirretni>ieYail>i. ■if rrige. By a recant discovery *f tides art: being lastdl*n«a»*driti, •ns etill patronize tbim, becun ~ i impowd upon by Half, Tonjurf , -mil ikts'ju* we \ vt try once again, for iaWoof, i .11 tiling iu &11. W»Jinovto(» J > urfd the article rilimrat, Ml i ' completely with tUetJinlertiai iii.-iiiablo. We know of ntnafcri* J ■pi.lly lulling out, which ftfSiicW an it urcr bad been before. ? lb’ nun of the beat if million, Sinking ft st#b«Bj|hWi I I has proved itself ! icir is heir to. -• r r •• y out to improve tbeirfftewlif may differ in regard to the Uajltf' will tuliu i t that a.beautiful btada( \vc man, is an object a»v«h tobilb mean:’ that shpuld be leftWmfls itiou.— lihijiart's Advocate, V hflt. Coshocton, Ohio, Nov, 17,1Wr -Cents: As I jiaffebeehenpzell* t mtivc the last; *?**&. BjrwMf M. Ilackinson,) 'trid. Wivtnkflj^ l . i;u- of it myself, X gciiiB i State of Ohio bir i t ■ make saebut ; wthing equal to iiin tfte WWBWjft j I have been anKSgodJlwlHtflhl ars. and have sold vitusst'jifepirS' have found nothing that I astoivi Ik* rigorat«» thn scnlpjMtl»U ** J®®*> that your rcatorativo imM like to engage mtheJiMwl’i m sell. Tours truly. - .',,.,, ■ sit.stoq^w- 'Wavlai A CO, —Cei :r I'-'storati ,r thin, an inots and Shoe*, alrf ilWJff’g.Tbl >; tho kind, j»H of ■jrtgMßgSLj prices tat cub. :cs, he is ettsN ' s In want of anything ta ** l JJ’jJI r.z sore that he wtilJoejJgL££ | !-58.-tf , ;: ■ A- B. BlTTNifei. ON itc the Lutlienufc rd | without | for $16,00 ,n:fd for 10 jnrt.' ■v- -';s| x.— drl ■j: •■, ISSS.-4J REDUCED \7 MEDICAL SAW: „■ J ! i . I \ T 6 lIY TItY ITJ - :>ne • Sic PACKAGE. / > iec AdrertlswiMiClS.; - J thebbse OUR.ft» jalfc |KIiWB •€#s&;. ***** *" * J * r * r ”* der OaNrhUyov- Wo ft*«y «“* wanly, wbsanpett. Corporal tafcwiAhaadfey**^ W? to todlanjgf Hotel, n in-*hi*kMxX^mci*d * A l ' *f?SfL nmmu dnmk.lte nUll lindiaß vita god was rither of % l^LVhew* 0 - There wm no lock *Z*< Shortly ifter ka hnd bwn put to Ja ; couple of men ctmo into k» »o«n tnnd KiAeringer ZThowever.for feaf theyirouldmurdorhim. k«kfW» o«pet uok »ft«- which they went ft h«t ioiind ncthlng car* n mdfer. They then came tip aghift gad proceeded to «fle hi* pockets «f to pocket-book, contsinlngsoines6oor f7O. obuiniug this they w*nt down stain |g*la; bat the stranger was afrmd to get up or moke a jwlie. He laid awake until daylight, when he jp f piied up, as be had expressed his desire t, take the morning train. Instead of taking A* train, howeter. he tookhimsclf to ajwsUoe’B «See and cnteied a complaint against Johhaton HcKm and an accomplice named Edward Mo- They wan arrested add lodged in jail. On lurching the pnmises, n portion of the aeaay wu found in an onthoose. eutrisa CAM.—Two new sleeping car* were pitted upon the Pennsylvania Rail Road last wwk, end we leant that another trill be added zboot the 14th iast. This .will complete the eoDpUmeot of one ileeping car to each of the Exptcu and Fast Line trainq. With these in ducements to through passengers, we may ex pwt to find the travel over this, now the best ozugedrotd in the country, greatly augmented. AH the modern improvements which can in any Tt j {«nd to the .safety and comfort of passenr gtn tre immediately.adopted- by the managers «f the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company; and thinfore it is not to be wondered atthat a gnat portion of the travel ie being gradually drawn ts this route. The convenience of the sleeping csr sre well known to those who have had the plessure of riding in them, and it will be sough 1 bj all through tr&vslers. MCt Gonra West.—Report said, some time sgo, that Q. W. fisher, the Artist, was about to Isave Hollidaysburg and locate in Pittsburgh, bptthsrnmor isnow contradicted, and he may still brfimad at his old stand, in the Diamond, HalJidaysburg, where he will be pleased to wait upon his numerous . friends and all those who sish to get good pictures. His reputation as so srtist stands A No. 1. Persons wishing a frncy picture will be amply repaid for the time •pent ingoing to and returning from Hollidsys- ene of Fisher, as no other ambrotypist country esa compete with him in point of beanty, riohnew and,durability. Pictures token from 25 cento up to $25. No picture .cuftipg less than $1 can be warranted not to Me. Pjiotogrsplis of all sizes, up to life-size, token and painted in oil or water dolors. Put« snos Bira« jhaha Cans. Dr Key «r at bis 1 medicine store, inPittsburg, prepares auedicine for coughs sad colds, to which he invito the attention of (be.pnblib. , It; is wiled Pscxwut Steep, and will cure all those inoi of Itmgand bronchical difficult, that eoßsaDpUon In its developed form. He ■dew Sot pretend tbas it .utilt; pure : .deep seated atom in the langa,-ar heal afaalf destroyed lanj; hot in the beginning of the disease, it will ilUy inflamation, piire the eqpgh, and stay the progress of the disease. Qne or two epoon fall of Dr, Keyser’s Pectoral Byrnp has often P»td a violent cough of months duration. What has,hecn done, caobe dppeagaip ; secure your «°u|hi, by taking Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup, br wie at G. % Kessler’s, Altobpa. - Ti -lL v AsaociATioN.—We -have frequently : urged tOj suggest the formation of a Young ; Men’s Christian Association in this place. We can of acting' which would he likely to result .in mote .lasting good to the y onng uph - Alfopiui than sueh ah Association, andwe bwv of ne place where there are so many young n«n to attend such meet- I?;^::^^?% : irt>ere suchaai<#ia toe been&dne^ ihmasearlyws a of toneeting beraad from the pulpite of the va rimehnrehes, onßabbath next.lV *)?* 9t «n (Atath of this place onTaosday evening' Thismeaeupe hasbeep the late national Sua being Shell we-be left lag- P“8 behind? All .the Ministers, Snperinten- an4 others, tiho feel interested «®>»e of religious training for the tiAnfi' '.WjgfaMy in, the way of Sabbath »re invited to attend; and coropmtion is solicited. i ?• ®* Snyder, late Missionary ; in thjp .United Brethren ■ V Sf )? ;4ur'U»g the ‘saoldng SSS»IMS!« ■». . e hegtectied last week, to ho jtiee <( ll&if^ ; aßid Sdauqr Snu got np nadertoe iKmiHees of Winebago IMbe N«. 86;I.iJs 5L whieheame offinE^ratoneHill on thooreiuiig of the 22d nit The erening was pnpHieas aad the Hnll woa fifty < couple betag in attendance. Every one present adeir ed desirona of having a gay time, and tfao necessary arrangements to thateffect bong p«r feet, ovety&Lng went ‘merry as a ttarriage-bd!l. K At.XI o’clock there was a short intermission to partake of a snpper served up at the Altatma fitenso, by tfaooe prince’s ot landlarib and «eod fellows. Meases. Woods A Nightwine, and was emphatically a most snberb one. that the moa t fias tidioos epieare could have dd diced was present in. Alnmdant, profnsion.— Itfessrs. W. A H, have-eamed for their house an envwdile repatatida by the arrangements on this oeeaaioiL 1 ' Alter trapper; dancing wss re , snuedand eontiiraedwithoat intennissionantil haif-pastA o'olodk molding. Daring tho whole evening good hutnor wreathed every face in sinilos, and not a single incident occurred to eurtbe harmony and good feeling which char acterised the occasion. , CoMPbiiuNTAav.—At a regular Cowacil of Winebago Tribe, kindled on too fith Sleep of the Ist Sira, Worm Moon, 6819, it was nnanimonsly Suolved, That the thanks of theConnoii be tendered. Col.'John Woods, toe gentlemanly host of the Altoona House/for the sumptuoua repast served op on the evening of the 22d nit., the oooasion of .toe “AHlitary and Citizens Fancy*’ Dress Bril,” sihd also ra tbe members of the Newry Band for the faithful .manner in whioh they served ns on that evening. Resolved., That the above be pablisbed in toe Altoona Tribune. W- M. ' ALLISON, S. W. A. Adams, U. *f R. Shall Wb Hawk xbb EHOiim ?—-At a meeting of the citizens of Altoona, held at Keystone Hall, on Saturday 1 evening March sth, to take into consideration the propriety of purchasing a fire onmotion, John .Shoemaker .was,called to the chair, «wd J. E. Borchinell appointed . Secretary. ■ The object of the meeting was stated by the Chairman. Onmotion of Wm. Hoyden,a com mittee of two from each Ward, vis: Messrs. Jno. Shoemaker and Jacob Wagner, Northward; A. C..Smythand J. L. lokee, East Ward; James Lowtheriand C. J. Mann, West Ward, were ap pointed to solicit subscriptions for Hie purpose of pnreliaaingaiKre Engine. .On motion of A. Maxwell, the commute were instrnctedto ytait upon Thos. A- Scott, Esq., and endeavor to procure a location foran engine ..house between the main and branch tracks- of the railroad. ' On motion* adtjonsned, to meet at the call of the committee. .. ,■ JOHN, SHOEMAKER Chairman. J. £. BunoauiXLL See’y. ' Legal and Illegal Lottebies.— Eeuton (Marylaad) Star, In a notice of the celebrated lottery firm of Swann & Co., now Woo|>, Eoot & Co., of Angnsta, 6a., speaks of thsse great lottery operators in terms of just commmdation, No complaints have ever been made against these 4>7 W ,bf ;*he jtqklio; bavin g deaiiugi with them. They, have occsmenplly been the Object Of hostility ofmmreated-parties, who, npable, to ecuqtpete'with them honorably, havs resorted tp means te. their businesji. She pnblie, having.Anore confi dence in their integrity than they happen to re* poke in their .opponents, eontinne to send their instalments qf $lO, $6, $2 60, andre ceiva in return a. share in Aeir lot teidn, wMoh.pays them eomciimes a fortune, and hardly ever fails to re-xmburso them for their outlay. Address Wood, Eddy & Co,, Wil mington, Delaware, or Augusta Georgia. \ A Fast Rob.—Oh Wednesday last, the Mail Train,' Co!.. Crane, Conductor, and Charley Fleck, engineer, left this Station at £ o’clock, F. M. (being some 2 hours and lOmiftutes be hind time) and arrived fa Harrisburg at 6.87, only £8 minmes'bebiiid time at that point, thua making up one hoar and thirty minutes of the -lost time. The ran between this place and Huntingdon, some 85 miles, waamadpin 68 minutes, including eight steps. ; Deducting two minutes for each stop, which is a very ahbrtal l^wtthle,fhe. Jruh Wm mafle i» 88 minnms--al most a mile a minute. This- we! cpnsiderabout M fast as we would wish to ride, and about as feat as any time made on the road lately, if not a little ahead. Rehind an Engineer like Char ley, under the direction of Col. Crane, all was safe, however, a> would have felthad we been aboard. \ dard id last week, that a nun whose narqe is not waa oomquttedto prison on Tuesday of [last; week charged with the monstrous crime of jeke la connection with sain* fifteen ortwentyothera, committed the horrid crime oftnvUhinga woman at Ironsville, In- .of .this poqnty, on Snhdajr of the party have Kttshdlgb,^,. popnlarise the. science ofacipanto.than any othe?. Institution In the oountey. Advertises the most extensive ly—pa;jrtthe most liberal salaries—employs the d^^ejit—gives the most thorough andprao ticale&ncstipn to graduates, and is rewardedby of U*ii* in the jTalon, numbering at this .time upwards of 860 student*. ■ ' Naif snui. the Argument Court held in Hollidaysburg last week, the mo tion for a . new trial in the ease of Bonn vs. Perre-—an action of ejectment for a house and lot of ground in this place—in which the verdict at last term was for Deft, was argued by Hall for the motion and Hofius against it. The Coart set the verdict aside and granted a new tpajL Appointed.— '"We are pleased to learp that cor agreeable friend, William Mann, Eaq.has received the appointment of conductor of one ofthe Bleeping core on the Pa, B. E. Mr. Mann is ezaefly suited to the station aosigned him, f he wiU be one lip .and ontite Head- ■ V?v n.- ■• •’ .. ... ■• 1 Ma£*o-jftU. ‘•fr*’ ; ?*if Scott Lnoio* o».CaKT»ALP*K»*Ti,VAiru Agreeably to adjournment the «rriting aoldier* oftheMegionnwar, reading.Jp Blair and the adjoining counties, imet nt the Logon Houee. Hollidayrimg, on Saturday, March sth, D. H. Hofiua, Ps- Volnliteera, in tiie chair. In the sbaence sf the Secretary, Wm. G. Murry, 11th InTy was appointed Secretary. The committee : appointed at the former meeting to prepare a constitution and byelaws for the government of the ;Legion,' sobmitted, through John McKeage ■ of'the ’ constitution and bye-laws, . which more read, and, on motion, laid oh the table until thwnext meeting. On motion it was resolved. that when we ad* jenrait shall ho to meet on Saturday, April 2d. in the Armory of the HoUidayuburg Fanmbleay at 8 o’-elodk and tbat>nl| the surviving soldiers ofthe Mexican war, weither volunteers, regulars or marines, who' served in said war and received an honorable discharge, are hereby cordially invited to attend ln the permanent organiiation of tiie Legion. Oh motion adjourned. 7 D. H..HOFIDS, President, W. Q. Mub»at, Sec’y. SaooKisa AriaiK.—Wc are informed by an eye-witness, that, on Sunday last, as a little girl, of about ten or twolve years of age* (daugh ter of Mr, Weston, of Ironsville,} was playing with fire, in company with several other children, on the bill above the town, her clothea caught fire, .and she became so much alarmed that she started to ran homo; which of coarse, ipy-essH the fire, and ere she reached the foot of the hill, she was entirely ehvelopod in the devouring element, and jso shockingly homed that she ap peared to have lost her senses. Our informant was of the opinion .that death would soon relieve the little creature from her horrible sufferings. —Tyrone Star. Vjsitso Ui.~On Saturday evening week we kad the pleaaitre of makbg tiie of .Mr. FreA B. Fof/ter, of tbe True fret*, who pftid ua a pop vuit: while sojourning for the At the 4 * Logan Rouse.’* Like roost knights ibf the qnill, we found him an affa ble gentleman, in whose society we could while array a few hoars;very pleasantly. He looked ,a little fatigued, the cause of which he asaigued to the fact |hat he was just returning freiq a wedding tour, (not his ownr—we wonder it wasn’t)The best advice we can give you Fred, is to take ‘your wife with you the next time. Ton Won’t mind the fatigue then. Coran Appeal!— From an advertisement of the County ' Commissioners, published in the Hollidaysburg papers, we leam that the County appeal, for AdtoonE, will be ln the office of Jacob Good ! Esq., on Friday the Bth day of April next, and foe Logan township at the house of Mrs. Hus, in Loudonsrille, on Saturday, April 9th. Change dr Residence. —We give this early notice to those of i our subscribers who purpose changing their places of residence on the first of April, in order that they may inform us of their intended locality, and have the address of their papers changed accordingly. Peoteacted Meeting.— Rev. W. B. Dick, preocherin charge of the United Brethren church, in this places informs us that he will commence a protracted, meeting in that church on Sunday March 13th. The first quarterly meeting will be held on Siaiday the 19th inst. Notice. — A Sermon will, by request, be pyehehed on : Sabbath next, at 11 o’clock A. M., in the Prcsbyteriap Church, of this place, from I Cor. xiii: IS. “ And now abldeth faith, hope, charity, these; bat the greatest of these is ohapty. Accident.— The Branch train between this place and flollidayaljurg, jumped the track, about two miles from this place, on Tuesday last. The oars were somewhat wrecked, and a few pereons slightiy braised. JteTG. Jiggardlum removed his. goods for the present to Feme & Morrow’s comer, where in a few days he vrlll be happy to see his friends and the publio generally. Altoona, iiarob'Ad. 1859. HoJ; for the Arctic Region! If any of the Ladies are dissatisfied with the, weather weiare haring, and desire visiting the Arctic Region, we would 'recommend them to call onC. J| MANN and replenish their ward robe from his beautiful stock of CLOAKS, CAPES MO SHAWLS, whichie is aelling off cheap, being determined to dispose of them while the snow is screeching. January Istb, 1859. ; THF BAIL Of FASHION is still open, and the Proprietor, ih'returning thanks to his nu meroua customers for their liberal patronage bestowed on him iisince his commencement, here deaires to Bay (Without fear of contradiction) that he ie pfepored to offer for their inspection best usortmeht of handsome Debbs Goods, SHAvn,aj CxjoAXs, ;!White Goods, Ac., Ac., that can he fopnd la Altoona. ' Ac., ' v C. J. MANN. Jii|kl Be* lk. Sandford’s MVH& WftddilATOk in another column. |«i •J- j r i ri- J , j'-.b. ;v vr GIAL NOTICES. QP IMPORTANT TO FEMALE* —Db OhEESE HAS’S Pitw.f-The combination of ingredients, in these Pills pro tjje result of a long apd extensive practice. They ere inild ih their operation, and certain'ln cometinga|l irregularities, painful menstruations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which always arise from Interruption of nature, inducing with certainty periodical regularity, Warranted pm«ly vegeta ble, and free’from anything injurious to lifeor health. :;£f plicit directions, which ehonld he regd, apepmpany paph box. Price i|J. Sent by moil by enclosing $1 to'any: authorised Agent. ;• |‘ ■' B B-HUjCUINGS, General Agent tortha United SUtej, U? Chambers street,New York. 2b tohm all WhotaaU orderttiwvldbt tddruftf. gold by G , W. Kessler, Altoona ; Geo. A, Jacobs, HolU daysbnrg; aiid by all Druggists in the United States. Call on the Agent and gat a pamphlet free, ' . ‘ Not.lB, IIW-Iy. ■ i ■ WIGS-WIGS^WIGS. BATtXDSlipit’S WIGS AND TQDPBBS surpass aR.-- They are slegant. light, easy and durable. * . - fitting to a charm—no turnlngupbehlnd—no shrink! sgi sfftbahead; i*deed,.thia ia the .only EaMUOuaent whew Mey's Magical Pain Extractor. IbaUdfoeama mow or hm predominates— nowtooU«yiailmimatioß«trikwat the mot of dUeaae beam antiSmedMS ears. , . ■ BALLET 7 3 MAGICAL PATH EJCTSACTOB, awl MtUsp.cba wm ailayinflarnmatina at once, and make a certain cure. ■ \ , j t AUiSr 7 , wm«w«O>rfcUowiß«»sßoii«a«rmtoOWloa»* of diaeama: Borne, toMbpOhimCimfon frw*K«amoimß. 8«Bld Omi, Ball Btanm, Boldnfoa,Bo»tP« i l« | .BiMglrerm, nofbem* Itch, Bmafl fox. Miesrtm»Bbd>, te-, he. . •Co aomettmayappear ineradnlaui that ao many diwoaaa m*uld be nachedby one article;, mch.aaidm w® wbeS retoeti*mpointo.to,t|ie -tlbi* Jht "dveitacoiD- W nation otißcradicnts,'each anderery on* applying * !**• fort antidote totte anwaitodhwider. PALLETS M4GIQ+L PAINEfTRACTOB In ttaeflectsfo magical, because thetime ia ao abort be tween diaeaae and » permanent cure; and it i* an extr*o tor, aa it drewsaU iliwass «ut ofthe Uxving natnreaa perfect as before the injury. ilt Is scarcely no eeaaoryto say-thatnd - house, work-shop, or manufcctory ■hniilA be onuuinaiit without it. No Pain Extractor!# genuine onleaa the bozbaa upon it a ateel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufacturer. : SoMbyG. W.Keasler, AltoooajGeorgo-A. Jacobs, Hob lidaysbnrg; and by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout tha Doited States and Canady. Principal Depot, 106 Chambers street, New York. Not. 11,1868-ly C. F,CHAO*. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIB JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. Prepared from a preteriptian of Sir J. Clarice, M. D., Pkf ■ tidan Extraordinary to tie Queen. TUa invaluable medicine is unfailing 1° tha core at all thoaa painfnl and delicate diseaaaa to. which tbs Uinole con stitution ia aubJect. It moderates all axeeaa and removes all ebatmotions, and a apeedy cura may be relied on. m uimiib umn it is heedlibrly aaited. It wm, in s' abort time, bring on tiie mpiithly period with regularity. Bach bottle, price one dollar, bears theQorenimant Stamp of Groat BtiUlo, to prevent eonntarfeita. CAUTION. That PUlf thould not hi taken hyfmalet during the Jirtt thru montht of Pregnancy, at they are aurc to bring on MU carriage, butat any other time they art ta/t. In all esaee of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs,'Fatigoeon alight azertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterica and Whites, these Pills wm effect a cure whan all other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, cronythinghnrtfol to the constitution. Pull directions in the pamphlet around , each package, which should be carefully preserved. Sole Agent ibr the United States and Canada, . 11 JOB MOSES, (late 1.0. Baldwin A C 0.,) . . Rochester, N/T. N. and S postage stamps enclosed to any au thoriaed Agant, will insure a bottle, containing M Pills, - by return moil. B. L. Fahnestock, Pittaburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for sale by all Druggists. [June’S, 1868.-ly. HAIR DYE—HAIR DYE—HAIR BYE. WH. A. BATCHELORS HAIR DTE! The Original and Bat in the World! 'All others ore mere Imitations, and should be aroided, if you wish to escape ridicule. , GRAY, BED, or RUSTY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brows or Black, without the least injury to the Hafr or Skin. Fifteen Medal* and Diplomas hare been awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have been made to the hair of his patrons of his famous Dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR BYE produces a color not.to.be distinguished from nature, and is waboansxd not to iotnre in the least, however long ft maybe continued, and the ill effect of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigo rated for Lift by this Splendid Dye. Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Wig Factory, 233, Broadway, New York. Sold by Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in all ciUe* and towns of the United States. The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of Nov. 18, 1858-ly TOOTHACHE This disease can be cured by I>R. Kxtscr's Xootuachi lunar, prepared by him in Pittsburgh, Pa., which is put up in bottles and sold at 25 cents each. It is an'excellent medicine, when diluted, for spongy and. tender gums, and la worth ten times Us price to ail who need it. Sold here byQ. W. Kessler. [Deo. 8,1158-lj. FLOUR AMD FEED MARKET; AT ALTOON A STEAM MILL. Flonr,S«perflne, bbl, S6AO 6 Extra ; 7-00 “ Extra Eamfly “ 7.25 Corn Modi flloe lbs. 2.00 Rrap A phorl** 100 lbs. -1-00 JtyTChop, '”. “ « ■ M* Corn and Oat», " “ J-® Kidd) Inga, 1}: « “ - !•» Cash paid for all kinds of Grain. Hour and Peed can' (dways be had|Ll the Mill at the priegs^quoted MARRIED. x ' In this borough, onShhdayevening last; hy'Jacob M. Cherry, Esq., Mr. JAMES TREES to Miss JOSEPHINE BURNS, both of Altoona. - On.fhe.2Sd ult„ at Ihb resldonco pf Mr. Alex. McCehan, in Juniata bounty, by Rev.'J'.W.iangley, Rev. SAMUEL W..BEARS,'’of; the Rost Baltimore Conference, to Miss ELfZABETHB, McCAHAN,danght«r of John McCaban, formerly of Jupteta County.' Oh Sunday, Fob.2J,XBs9,atthe Lutheran Parsonage in Neilrry,", by the Rev. Jos. Tltchtner, Mr. LEWIS STLING of Stouerttown, Bdfotd to His* CATHARINE MASH, of BfoUTdaysburg. r PTKp. ; On the Ist ultimo, at his residence in Tyrone City, Mr. yoan< PUBLIC SALE.—WILL BE SOLD at Public .Sole, at the residence of the subscriber, nepr the Methodist Church, on TUESDAY, MARCH 18th, 1858, a lot of valuable household and Kitchen Furniture too tedious to enumerate. ■ Sale to oominence at 2 o’clock P.M. .Terms Cosh.' . PAKNT COULTER. March 10th, 1858-lt .< W. M. LLOTD & CO.. ALTOOSAi PjL, JOHNSTON* JAGK&CO., BOIXJDAYSBURG, PA, T\BAFTS CM? TSE PRINCIPAL 1 rCttles. and Silver and Gold for aide. "felUctlbhs made.~W6heys rbceired dhdepdistto, payable oft demand, without tittaiwitb-lntereat atlfcirkatea. Peb. 3d, 1869. ; ;; • . PRICES. ExeliJ^lyJlota S T »Jt| I II Dry Currants. ‘.O', ■ ||a U 1 “ ' 10 BUMK « ' n HaS, \ * 13,13® 1* Dryßeet “ . v .JuS .» sa??* : nSS-S; u.{mm. yntt,. S| n |P QNJ4T- WM. A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, Mew York* Maria l. de paystar memo- RIAL fcloents* *»». BWr County, Peaa’a, will betmeued on Be Ist *? K^****! Al, It is intendqdaa aparmaneotSchool; c«»uaCt with ft a Malett Wemale Dapartmenl In tha Male denartnant, yotmr wan w9l be fostiwcu -K the advanced olaawa of oar beet Beaaions wSrSadlVided lato twt>q«orten wwke eech, Ternß, pet 4darter, aa KiHow«~«i^: '■ SOLtDBBANCHESi- Pvtoaty [intludfog Beedmg, WritiUg. Ortiiow. 3|SsSB6S[?Sii^^^ wiles, nmiM iro aoni gp*gea and Oompodtibn ;■ |^od > EXTRA, OB ORNAMENTAL BRAKCHIS. Mode (Including nse of instnunant) : ’gun Drawing, . , $B,OO water Oolorn) .^OO InstrnctMus io vecal mnald gfetts. ’ Obe balftbe ebwid charges, tube paidinvarikblyin edvanoe.; % W. OLIVEB, AmeKHiewtatt Halt Den't. A.B.CLABK7 ; ; AVetofeS »•-■■■■ , frthCfpdt 2“ 3,392 (0 Prizes of 1,000 are 40,000 40 « ' 26,000 200 “ 280 ‘f 80,000 ■65 “ ■ JOO « - CJCO ■64 “ 70“ 4.650 65 “ < 50 “ 8,250 65 “ ■ 40 “ ■ 2.600 4410 " 20 “ 96400 27,040 “ 10 “ 270,400 - 32,308 Prises amounting to $593,39? Whole Tickets $10 —Halves s3—Quarter* $2,50 Certificates of Packages wQI be sold at the following rates, which is the risk. Certificates of Package of 2* Whole ticket* $149,50 “ u SO Half « 74,75 *• <• 20 Quarter “ 37,37 IN ORDERING TICKETS OB CERTIFICATES, Enclose the amount of money to oiu addroei, for what yon wish to purchase; name the Lottery in which yon wish it invested, and, whether yon wleh Wl)oles, Halves or Quar ter*, On recelpt of whlcb; we sjnd what’ls ordered, by first moil, together with His scheme. Immediately alter |he drawing. th} tirawn numbers will be sent wflh a written explanation. Purchasers will pfeasewtltelheir signatures plain, and give the name of their Post DBcS, Conhty sod State. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who .pretec not sending money by mail, can nae TICE AC AMS EXPRESS COMPANT, whereby mohey for Tickets,' itt'sum* Of TenDolUts, and upwards, can be sent hs ’ ; •- ' ’ ' AT OUR BISK AND EXPANSE, from any city or town where' they have.an-nificc. The money and order must be enclosed in a ; “ GOVERNMENT POST OmOE STAMPED ENVELOPE,” or the Express Company cannot receive them, BShOrders lot'Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Ex press, to be directed to WOOD, BDDYAOo., ' Delaware. Look out for the new store. —Ths subscriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he has Just returned from the city And opened bis store'on ifie '' > - Co»n» orAam unkVmonni: Swxtrs, Where be offers lor sale the largest and cheapest stock of QUEENSI^ WOOVEN- Am> WIL£ffi.WABX, Ever brought to this place, .which'he wllJ eeH, WHOLE -8 ALE and RETAIL. Ha wflt also keep constantly op hand's large supply of FLOUR, FEISD, BACON, FISH, " and Country Frodtsce of aU kiucU, whjch hewUldlfpoaeof at the logertcaah prices. Ashe hs* bought his goods for cash, he *JU bo enabled to sell them lb# nr;cash. H* would respectfully invite alt to givehira * call and Judge for tbemielVoo. ' - Oet. 28th,'lfi58-tf.3 ' - LEWIS PLACE. tSJHRREAS, LETTERS TESTA TY MENTABX to the Estate ,of BICHABD GLAS GOW, lato-of Lbgan'township, Blah bounty, deceased. Bare been'ersaitej to tne subscribers; all persons indebted jo thaeaMEiHateareimoasted to pialw Immediate pay ment to BkhariT Taylor Glasgow, Sr-, Logan township, Blair Conner, Pa. ; and those haring claitas or demands against ihe-Bstateef the said decedent, will make known ttoaanw'withohtdelaar, to ‘ . BICHABD TASLOR GLASGOW. Sr., V' Logan township, Blair county, Pa^ * ; jChn utolassow, ' ‘Aosomrille, Clearfield county. Pa, March VJBRMt* Executors. T'ANRi FOR SALE—THE SUB -1 i criber otßnrw ftnr s&lo the thrift on which James Mat thews nowniddra, near Coleman’s MIB, in Logan township. It euutaina about if Aenw, with two Dwelling Houses, a Bsinahda gooospring of wafer thereon. Also—“AKtHe more of the same sort”, m “ the Kettle”, tornPlourUKtor Saw Mill JOflN BBOXHEBLINB. Bob. 24,1859-3 t _______ TVTOTIOB. —ALL PERSONS KNOW -I’l -tw(J tbemselTM Indebted to the undersigned, prey! om - to tbs 90th of last April, are requested to m«k» aeMle- SSit by cash or note.' My re least tuy tomrldual accounts, to be Resedas soon M HMw dt not neglect this notice. Sow **?>•»» 18W. TtTAIB QJIiSj GQimmfk B©M- to n DRAWN C.J.'BIRST. BOERHAVB’S HOLLAND HiTTE IS m gsluoutxd hollaed rbxkdt toi ' WBBME OP THE KIDNEYS,' COMRLA.INT, / WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND FEVERAND AGUE, Aadthavarieaaafeottoaa aeaaeVMOt sno« a diaacdmsd • STOMACH OS llVJifti , Sack «)i fylfosation, Acidity of tho StomacKColieky Petal, Heartburn, Low of Appetite, Despondency, CeatlvetMt Blind end Bleeding Pitta. In ell Nervoae, BheumaUeaaA N«nWt AlkMlmAlt hit In Dwenyi iwuiminnil htaUlj bsoohc i»i, end in others dechfpd cure. Thiel* apuraly vegetable cbm{HSSl£ prepared on etrietly tdentiffo prlnciide*, manner of the cctebcatad Holland Proftssaor, BoerbeTo: Became of it* great mnftm in themoet of the European State*, it* introduction tat* the Baited' State* waa intended more especially Ibr the** of our tUherta&d mattered here and there on r the flu* *f thl* mighty country. Meeting with great lucce** -~~*g them, \ now oOar it to the American public, knowing that It* truly wonderful modteel virtue* must be acknowledged. Ik b'partioumrly recommended to those prim n« wind* constitutions may have been tmpsdied by the coaUnuoen u»e of artfook spirit*, or other forms of diadpatioa, Q*a* rally instantaneous in aHect, it Sad* it* w*y directly ta the 1 seat of lifts, thrilling and quickening ovary narve, rotate up thedrooping spirit, and, in foot, Inftuing uaw ImlA mdylgof Intfre unteia* CAUTION .—The great popularity ofthl* dellgktM'Ara mh ha* Induced manylmi tat lons, which the Tuinlln iIAnM guard agatnat purchaatng. Ba not porsuadso to bnyaay thing clm pntu yon have given Boerhave’a Holland Satan a Bur trial. One bottle will convince you hew iipajtilr superior it |* to all them imitation*. • *., 49* Sold at $l.OO per bonfo,or six bottle* tot ILkl the , «o« wwraufow, BENJ. PAaE>JR.,&CO.. : an acturing PharmaetniitU ondCArssats, PITTBBDBOH. BA. T. W. Dyott A mu, Philadelphia;. |HM>A S'** Turk; John 0. Park, Cincinnati; Barnard' Adana 4‘ St'tiooh; A. ROUSH, Altoona,:.Pa; f ?—WfrtT and Merchants generally throughout, the United Ststaa and Canada*. ' (October 14,18il>ly Jmt ARRIVING—A SELBOT AS SORTMENT of good a adaptedloth* season—which ■drill be ibid is cheapallths nhi»p«lu‘ ronsWling qtshmt lug's. Canton Piaaneh. Muslins, Prints, Barm) ushtna, fa assurtmsnt of. Trimmings for Ladies Drews, withbtta drodaof article* too numerous to mention. : ■ Friends and dtiiehs call audios before purchasing *l**- wbete and sareyoar dime*. ... CWtbing of alfsort* cheaper than the Jews.' ' " The cheapest lot of Germautown goods eW eCind In this place, consisting in partof Lidia* Hoods, Rfegolate. Children's Opera Hoods, Childrens Talmas tan gfphy* Capes and Costa, with the neatest and best sssortiaeht < f IToslory to be found anywhere'in these taovnlalßfo A splendid assortment of Qrecertse, consfoting ogQhOir uati, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and Kew Tork Bit nps—delicious—New OrleaVs anil Muses tadoßskthg mo lasses, Sugstt of SVery variety. ' CONFECTIONARIES fßtrn'. Dates, 10 cts. per lb—Prunes, 12U eta. perJb—Pfo Rai sins, 12U cts. pc« lb—Fim, Citrons, Currants, Ihyed Peach es. Apples, Oranges and Demons, Almonds, Minos M*m ready for use. ‘ Boots and Shoos, cheapest. Hardware ol almost erery description—NsU»sn4Bpike*. Cutlery, Green Blrer ButcberKniros—the best is lb* World—Pomps and Pomp Chains Sod daturas. ' Queens ware. \ Tobacco an"' ’’ \ Coflea Ground. ■* i - IheTmry best Coffee in town at 13}£ eta- w Jbk; ' CHUndßeoat -|jijWai Head quarters fob tow PRlCES.—Thankfal'-for Aasttaroni, tkerttßsef Bwc reepectftiliy twg kate to Inform th* ctthMniaf Al toona and vicinity, that hoha* -jmt WeelSWl |pd'upeß*d his stock of . •, FALL & WINDER Whfch he wUI a«U at Yery low pilots; io* cash. Xt wprtsts In part of ' J ' ... Delaine*, Rohe*, Pai it Chenet, aMt Mtrimt, figmeiandtUripti Merino** Wool h&t&.tfWten Ihfiii, English Mertkoi* Itaclc cMdfcmev Silit, Shawl* of HmT>s ingt, Mt*lin's/FtarineU,'Ca*nmeri*, &{- ' ■ tm*U*, OmghaiMt \ ' ’ Olovei," Embrcideriuhahtadh^ Collarjf Stitt, '~Tr!tifa . ' *jC . ■ : ■ ■ AJac—kn excellent assorfrnsnt of fsatiinn«hi» Ow ■ wiirtjdlaes-srar^Hultimwfiir«. ; ; t BOOTS and SHOES of all sjscylidaimw sodstyl*- Trfn** »\)it hTlsidf ■- \-7. The veiT-bcstassoitnunt ofOßOCXßlX&iiisjr at this wttMhji men t. -, - , . . ■' CoiifcWet wflhan I! abdexamike t&ekboVwsloA. Altoona, l Oet.'ld, IMB. v ■ J.■ t PUT FOB YOUR HEADS! rI 1- —’*h« anhecrßier would Inform the in* haEmultS of ihls place and vicinity that he : htojurt recelYed the latest styles of Hats and caps,J|^ among which may bo found tho best Black Mide SkTh tnd Silk Hats, Block and different colored Wool Hat*. Cape Of alTatylet oral prices, for men and boys. Persons ffl want of anything W the above lino will find-it to their advkit&gu to call on tho subscriber before pnfthasftig eltewhefe. ITo has also on hand an excellent assortment .of Xadies' PURS, of different color* and prices. XKoiSo IB that of the article should call at once. • i Store on Virginia street, opposite tbs Lnthecah church. Altoona, Oct. 14, 1855.-ly JESSE BU£Q|. TVTEW FlRM!—the undersign i n ED would respectfully inform thedtiiehso/lutppna and vicinity that they have purchased the entire Stocks od buildings of J. Wells Collins, and. intend to' Can* OB the BUTCHERING BUSINESS in his stead. Wo .wililhr ntsh MEAT OP ALL KINDS at the lowest posUhfo price. Our MARKET DATS will be the Same as terett**; on TUESDAY and SATURDAY. We will atotratte** on Monday and Friday evenings to supply those who nafor calling at that time. /' ZWuiO '4 00. Altoona, Jan. 13,1858.-3 m ; : ” Concentrated lye, for ma king Soft Soap, and Soap Powder for Walhinfc en* pound equal to six of common Scop; Castile ■ SbanTpslro soap. Chemical Soap, etc,, bn band and tor sale at June 10,1858.-tf] A. ROUSE’I CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW Ready Made Clothing, of tha latest PaeMhwwbeeyer than ever, at - RtfUCn. . Dec. 9,18*8. VOUOAN always a I j I : at- * § f g|f| < o s ill s g III" O S g : * «■ g *»!**. gStafe £2a3§l | 3«» IS v-a oo*' t| w*TS *:tl mm. tTWSR’S.