The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 10, 1859, Image 1

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1 ij
3U» *];
f An
: % s > 8 of Booh&S •
I-. I'lofr, of Pf
i:.vxifcY iioaK-KuEph.- ''
>!rtsacnt of <.
-Ju!j>id Business \Vs-u
Weil Money—-
tci r iMjly.-cts -
... I utshurg fortUc t»aM n,.
I. -f. n. Cilics, forb«n!vm rt,>
|.vvj-;i» work.
' —Time ttoltoinl.
..ut.s ousted in
< ■ i.imm-wl Course. jSsSJ*
>r<l. $2.50 por weSto
i l -'■•«! to $70.00, Vret*~~&U
-’ ! at Jutlf price. T
J!)n-n« of Rtuinen andA*,
--- ■ :
< ( ’lTKMiis£
011113 lUVJS
n u> ton ixspjso^^
cAi.E. ;i -v> tjjtj,..,
; .11 the jmnuidnaato
••-t vnir.-iiskcd rouTb KciM
Alure the
- It reminds mo a Uttbrf
W< n. ITiirrison wuj flrrtn*l'i_
"iUi tin; crowd and von mil
lr -';> H,IJ file quantity of garf.
t te selling off rerj
J would say to TOM. al r ' ’
i> will 1)0 fully mOfeA/ 1 # 1
I'Ti'-d assortment ot.fL^Sf
• oHf ami give the, trlanawSL’
'1 all other goods ‘n hm! 1^
* whore I
' Ooodky-,1,
iwaiif sTOxjnJ^JW
'"•rn,- Mlssea'FlataTiv? tv
■ . .. with
■: y other article kepT£*?
! ‘“‘ l dteap fur «».){“,*
luce taken In «tcb«n»a «...
r.. ii. tiocoCTt'
' STEM, (OTattewtowj.
11 .an those who ara WtZZtn*
’*•e *ud ns.suroncepf nrottue
t<> make U the UtfetcMot
'■•made a Tttjmii,.
);.ur,n« of goo<ta ( aivJ'wj)j keeping *p «n
•t. mors. such & . ■
• P riwl Pnrit, ete*l®tr
;... cheapest. 7
• in exchange for jpodsat
eit .’/ Safety or Economy
"• the very bert and ebiip.
.. ..oh, should call at the
'i.ulne those
pledge ouraelv«a,tu d*noo-
occur by axploafon. r .
■he odor while hurtling
v trimmed. - &TH9.,:.
;ula(ed togiven^W»Of,J»«
f.eo from smoke.' v--
per cent,
la common use; .
d'> pil'd for tho uaa of sto
-1 wtorles. IlalUjQuVdtet,'
■commended fbr qthffljfsiii.
Lamp ran be BttM&td to
■ and oil lamps,At'anuß
purpose of a new bmp.
ion in all cases.
! <i. w. KEsauni:
ii'mm has boea r«fsad.ia
i'.! •• ic.,ic. ■ •
... -an, and wall cakuUUd
’ .. ' .. I
wiili thevery)>«*tthe mar*
tiouble will twspuwdto
■ .Avor lijra witli fintlr pi
i-:ri«SC tlrtfr ittj wfihhia.
1 >n pblitpajf and caraful
v. I'icli makes daily trip* the Log rb
-'•fry .
I '.iido fur niyV^H-.
■t -ri. ~ -
a ij but if you
f .i.A stock and work.
i rf merit of Jtoot*,Bbo*J)
i ■ r.-j at Our prices. '■!
: >• oiHtom work, all w
i.iASictioii. Jtonabuttb*
next door to B.
•' !ii~TIIE §VB
< ■ •'lux ncionfly ruppW
id cities, and Cl* jw.
HK blmrges ar* •*
! in thfe place,m»<l «•.
•:.lined of by tßdse whd
. receive * tbl**
: to deserve ft, .M
and invites a triib _ r
JOHN UmplAlf. A
f:s. —the trX*
i '. ami will
f nic Tern
:i: ifUOOTS
to order,
1 asillCM, of
t ' jonable terms. ' AJ*
I have concfoilM
I.;;.- to the loirertpo**-
i 1..- K-m-J up on tM
.n I rorwfcd In’thewgi
In ortrj
li ill.- limi'S.
I oi.-c. irollidaysburt
riVr. also XinfipW**'
. ■. apply to t ..
. KKR. Aondfrt
I nl at tlicvwr*? 1
■' henry &a&Jh.
\j; j) PATI^
K ivs.-I.EU'*.
roL. *•
McCWJM * DERN, PnbUshm and Proprietor*.
m /nsrable inrarlaUy in wlranco,) »Mp
at Uie expiration oftbatime
ftii tot.
KBU Of MUM®™' . , , .
1 Insertion 2 do* 8 QOt
* 25 $ 37Ji $ #0
y o arllo**orlew, - 76 100
1 00 1 60 3 00
I»o - (I 8 . u { 1 60 2 00 2 60
and lea than three month* 26cent.per
uuaro for each Inaertion. , mout h*. 6 month*. 1 year.
$5OO $406
* 2 50 4 00 7 00
4 00 6 00 - 10 00
Two “ 6 go 8 00 12 00
Ibrc« “ 6 *q 10 00 * 00
Four “ 10 eo M 00 20 00
Halfacolumn, J 4 00 25 00 .40 00
One column, notices, 1 76
the y<*r, three square*
, <*de, not exceeding 8
cUaxocter **
v mStw* with the °f insertions
continued till forbid and charged according
*!£%£&• P« r ,ino fee eTer y Insertion.
notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square.
tribune directory.
PnAyUnan, Rev. A B. Clark, Pastor.—Preaclilng 6T
tn Sabbath morning at 10U o’clock, and in the eycuing at
•ti u’cluck. Sabbath School at 9 o’clock, A. M., in the Lec
!i?e Roam. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening In
the ruom.
r UahodM KpUcopol, Rev. S. A. Wosoif, Paator.—French
- Sabbath morning A 11 o'clock and in the evon
lojevco - ln the Lcgtoro Ui*m at 2 o'clock, P.
lap Sabbatli sc... : la same room every Wedues
i,uctiufi everyi'rlday.
‘’fciMi Jacob Sratx, Pajtor.-Pnach- .
lur «ierj Sabbath morning at IOU, o clock, and Ot o« 0 cloc k I
In ibe evening. Sabbath School lu the lecture Boom at
Ji oduck, P. M. Prayer Meeting in aame Mom every
lYfdawlay evening.
tinted Brethren, Rev. D. Speck, Poster.—:Preaching ev
crr fabbath morning at o’clock and in the evening at
JU o'clock. Sabbath School in the Lecture Room at 9
.'dock, A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening
to nine room. ,
I'rotaiaut Episcopal, Rev. B. W. Oliver.
ftrrice 2d and 4th Sundays of each month at 10 ]4 o clock
A M. ami V/, P. M. Sunday School at 9 o’clock A. M.
OJhulic, Rev. Jons Twioas, Pastor.—Preaching at 10%
o’clock In the morning, and at 3% in the afternoon.
p,,,1i1t, Hc v.n. ll.Tmu, Pastor—Preaching every Sabbath
naming at luU o’clock, and also in the evening. . Sabbath
School at 9 o’clock, A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wednes
dtv evening.
African H/Jhalist, Uev. Sstder Car, (Pastor.— Preaching
•rery Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening, in
the old Union School House.
Jtaitcrn Way at
WuUrn “
Sutorn Thraugh Sail
Buteru Through Mai,
ffeatam Way,
Saltern “
Uoilldayibarg 11 30 A. M. and 6
(Wee open for the transaction of business from
fcS P. M-, during the week, ami from 8 to 0 o’cloc
June i, '67-tfJ JOHN SUOEIIAKEB,
SweM Train East arrives C.SQ.A. M, leaves 7,10 A. M.
“ 14 West “ “ »• 8,65 «
lut “ East “ 9.50 P. M. “ 10,10 P. M.
- “ West “ 1,25 A. M, “ lio A. M.
hall “ East “ 11,30 “ « 11,50 “
“ “ West « 6£SP.M, 7,00 P. M.
The HOLbIDAVSBURG BRANCH connects wlthJExpreas
Train East and West, and with Moil Train East and West.
Tha BLAIRSVILLE BRANCH connects with Johnstown
Va; Train East and West, Express Train West hud Mail
Train East. ~
"nvtsoiber 29,18581 THOS. A. SCOTT, Sup'L
.Mountain Lodge, A. Y. M-, No. 2SI, meetsousecqndTues
tij of each month, in the third story of the Masonic Tem
pi#, »t o'clock, P. M. i I
Jfanilain Encampment, A. Y. SI./ No 10, meets on the
fourth Tuttolrt}* of i-nch mouth, in the third story of the Ma-
Mc Temple, at V/ x o’clock, P. M. \
Mtm»n Lnlgr. 1. 0. of O. F., No. 473, meets cveriy Friday
•Joning, in the second story of the Masonic Temple, at 714
•’ckck.P.M. I
reramlu JMgr. 1.0. of 0. F.,No. 632, meets every Friday
• the third sUjry of Patton's Building, onJVirginia
•Jtert, si 7J.' u’flock, P. M. j
Hfcuwtajp Trite, No. 35, I. 0. R. M., hold stated Conn
s’* every'Tuesday evening in the I. 0. O. F. Uail, in the
Kssonic Temple. Council Fire kindled at Tth ran 30th
•mth. W. A. ADAMS, iC. of R. [June 26, |'B7-ly
Junior Sms of America, Camp No. 31, meets every Mon
«y night in the third story of Patton's Hall, at 7J$ o’clock
r. ji. , [■
hhjAjnytoii {bmp, So. M, J. S. of A., meets every
'in* tren,n K< In the 2d story of Patton’s I bill,
iifcena Diriann, So. 311. S. of TV meets every Sntur
•['■‘•“g. In the Odd Fenows' - UalL Mason id Temple,
n. F-Rose, p. w. P., and D. O. W.; Wm. C. McCormick,
J-/.; B. F. Caster. W. A.; D. Galbraith, B. 8./ William
StComkk, A. R. 8.; Michael Clabaugh, T.; David T. Cald
*t‘>. F. S.; 000. W. Patton, 1.8.; A.D. Cherry, 0. S.
Altoona AfecAoKicr’ Library and Reading Room Associa
,.tn“u statedly on the Ist Saturday •Tuning m Janna
[? Y r “: J < I '3 r and October. Board of Directors! meet on
~ ™ Tuesday evening in each month. Boom open from
• t» 10 o clock every evening, (Sunday excelled.) "
Jxdftt qf the Cbttrtt. —President, Hon. George Taylor.—
**»vi»tes, J. Penn Jones, David .Caldwell,
{jothonatary —Joseph Baldridge. .
Register and Recorder —Hugh A. Caldwell.
Sheriff—9 antes Funk.
Kstnct Mtorney—Sea}. L. Hewlt.
, Oeaty Cbmmintatien—Wcid M. Confer. J. R. McFar
-Im, Eftns Itf. Jonfß.
CM to Conmittionert —nugh A. Caldwell. .
Mercantile Appraiser —Joeeph 0. Adlnm.
County Surveyor—James L. Gwlnn.
rtatnrer —John Lingafidt.
c- iitvrt—s. Morrow, X. C. McCartney, Jos. B, Hewitt
' ZHrtdort—Ooorga Weaver, Samuel Shiver,
««wr-Wnilam Fp*..
*9*rt#feg<fentqF Chauuon Schools— John Hear).
of the iVaos-Jacob Good, j. M. Cherry,
M. Jonc*. - ’ : :
n»n Ojimol—Jatnig Lowther, B. H. McCormick, John
“"to®, Peter Reed, Nelson (Handing.
o/ CbunctZ—R, H. McCormick.
it™ McClelland. i
Lowther. j
w - Patton, C B. BKk, C. C.
l&S*; * c * e V h Ut **2 Wm - 0- McCormick.
SSMu 4J ? ! Board^-wmi C.MeOormlck.
«iV2?? #M<^J O »Ph K. By. i
i i
iSB^SSS- w- • i
L 1
“ « y*st • Jacob Good, i
huftaon—Tt** ve -7% “ ' Alexander JUIIng.
4'*s>raor»~EMt Ward—R. A. Beck, Alex. Montgomery.
a “ J.H.Bobwt*M.O»*3&agh.
i yort h * Wm. Talenttii*, ffn.Jw£
(xS®^ 8 *—A LAUGE INI)
oTChwsetta bare Jnstj keen re
—— store of i, j. B. HZUBUAN.
Cw? PERB received a
•* b) r« e wottmeat of CRMKBBB, Whkh vffibe (Old
A. MUM. Drnggtot
CtST .™:
“ M “I ;fte 0)». 0,1858.
—— •. s,>* -.. i ZJc'. . 1 ■_.. •._ • ■■■ •
ftS Bxlo T 0 20x241 GUT
6 80 A.M
A 00 A.M
11 00 A. M. and 6 00 P. M
Bdo «
A. M.
7 A.M.
k, A. M.
P. M.
3 Store
jLy CAL SALT. Jbr Inflammatory IHtetues only.
For Inflammatory Dituau Only!
Db. Ooowwxii’s Nrw UsnnuL Salt, instead of befog %
remedyfor aIUUa. hu control over but one ill, has but
one atm, and accomplishes but one tblng, to wit: Scbdoxs
I»vlajoixroar Diszaax, whatever b« its tern or locality,
whetherin tho head, throat, abdomen, extremities or akin.
The peculiar excellence of the N*w Mbhcal Salt is, that
without the useless loaa of blood and strength, it eflectuMly
cnreslxnaifhatobtDissaias(no other) byproducingaa
equilibrium of all the fluids In the body, the want of which
is the sole cause of Inflammation.
iSrvAuns, Tax* None*!! The following trains which tbe
unbalanced 'fluids, assume, and many not here mentioned,
that have more or leas fttrer, are as easily subdued by the
New Mkdioal Salt, as Are Is extinguished by water, to wit:
Brain fever, Headache, Bosh of Blood to the Bead and
Heart, fits. Inflamed Eyes, Ears and Noses Canker, Neu
roma, Spinal Affections, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Pleurisy,
Asthma, Inflamed Longs and Liver, Heartburn, Coughs!
Dyspepsia, Venereal Diseases, Rheumatism, Pont, Scrofula;
Salt Bhoum, and all Itching and other cutaneous eruptions.
Da. CqoGgwnx’s Nrw Mdical Salt exerts, like the nc
cine nutter, eh extraordinary Influence on the veina and
arteries, resulting in a gradual decline of inflammation os
indicated by the poise, which soon resumes Us natural
state, as the heat, palh and fever disappear.
Da. Cogoswxll’s New Mkwoal Salt does Just what it
claims to do—no more, no less—equalizes the fluids, by re
moving from the system all arterial and venous obstruc
tions. Description circulars may be obtained Horn any
Druggist who has this valuable medicine for sale.
Ira. Cooaswm’B Niw MxdicalSalt. Get a Circular.—
All any l/n£?Mabont the Nsw Mxwcal Balt. Art your
Neighbors about th» N*W MiDJCAL Salt. Ask any one you
meet about the Nzw-MmlCai. SALT. The Now Medical Balt
for Inflammatory Diseases only.
D. 0. Tatloe A Co., General Agents, 202 Dock Sti Phila
delphia. Agents wanted in every City, Town and Village.
DR. antiphlogistic salt.
Acutepackages, $1; Chronic Pamiiy pack
ages, |4. '.lnvalids, with Chronic or longstanding diseases,
rbould always order a chronic package.
Per sale in Altoona by A. ROUSH; at Bell’s Mills bv B.
P. Bill ; in Ilollidaysburg by Geo. A. Jacobs, and wherever
the Tribune goes. Cali or send and get a circular, and do
not fail to try the New Medical gait [Dec.l6, '6B-ly
A Benevolent Institution, established by special endowment
far the rditf qf the tick and distressed, affected yyth Vir
ulent and Epidemic diseases.
The Howaan Association, in view of the awful destruction
of human life, caused by Sexual Diseases, and theoeceptions
practised upon the unfortunate victims of such by
Quacks, several yean ago directed their Consulting Surgeon,
as a charitable act worthy of their name, to openia Dispen
sary for the treatment of this class of diseases, fyt all their
forms, and to give medical advice gratis, to all who appiy
by letter, with a description of their condition, fogs, occu
pation, habits of life, sc,)and in cases ofextromopoverty
and suffering, to furnish medicine free of charge. It is
needless to add that the Association commands the highest
Medical skill of the age, And will furnish the molt approv
ed modern treatment.
The directors of the Association, in their Annas! Report
upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, express the highest
satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors
Of the Consulting Sotgeon in the cure of Bopenn4orrhcea,
Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonnorrhoea, Gleet, Sy
philis, the vijco of Onanism or, Self-abuse, Ac, and order a
continuance of the samoplan for the ensuing year.
The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that
their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been
of great benefit to ths afflicted, *«p«eiMiy to the young, and
they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zsal,
to this very important and much despised cahse.
An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
Weakness the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or Self
abuse, and other abuses tf the sexual organs, hy the Con
sulting Snreeoh, will he sent by mail (in a sealed envel
ope), FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS
for postage. Other Reports and Tracts on the nature and
treatment of sexual diseases, Ac,, arc constantly being pub
lished for grata! tons distribution, and will be sent to the
afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods of treat
ment Jlseovered during the last year, are of great value.
Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. CAL
HOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No, 2 S.
Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors.
GEO. FAIRCHILD, SePy. [Dfec. 3-ly.
TRADE.—FuIIy convinced of the trnth of this say
ing, the subscriber would respectfully announce to the
citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he has entered
the field, by opening a
In the room heretolbm occupied by Michael Gallagher, im
mediately opposite the Superintendent’s Office, where he
win cany on the business as usual. He haajnst received
an excellent assortment of
suitable for working and dress suits, which he will make to
order, on short notice and ait prices which can not Call to
satisfy. He has also received the LATEST STYLES of
and feels confident that be can satisfy the most fhstidiont
in this particular, and his clothing will be made as well os
clothing can be made. In fine, he Is determined that noth
ing shall be wanting on his part to render satisfaction to
those who may favor him with their patronage.
Altoona, Nov. 6-tf.| JOHN TALBOT.
/jL subscriber would inform his old customers that he
has opened out again at his old stand, there he hopes to
receive their calls, lie has now on hand* the cheapest and
best assortment of
that can be found in the town, consisting of
Salt by Iht bushdorsaek, Dried Fruit of aU kinds ,
Fish of the very best quality,
together with everything in the Grocery line, all of which
is uen from- the Eastern market. ■ *
Hs also keeps constantly on hand a snppyof
sells at the lowest market prices. ’
PORK always on band and retailed in quantities to suit
Purchasers. JOHN LFlffl.
Decemberl6, 1858-ly '
I w*Pectftilly announces Jf
m intf citizens of Altoona and the public
***JJy> that he iHII continues the Drug
on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly
gPfoma.for gate, Wholesaleand Detail. DRTlftft, ■■
. o^Ji ti 2?J 0 J ,u * i^ eM = “ d a d «rt™ to render eat
lefacHon to all as regards price and quality, he hopes to
merit and reeeiTe a share of public putremure ■”
Phyjdciane and merchants supplied on reasonffide term*,
ana all orders from a distance promptly attendeoro
Photons prescriptions carofally compounded. [l-t£
XT"this Great Joxpnal of Crime and Criminals is in
«■ Twelfth Tear, and la widely cirenlated thrtmghont
the country. It contains all Cm Great Trials, Criminal
Oases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together with
intonation <m» Crimlnri Matters, not to be found in any
s2 per annum; $1 for six months, te
be remitted by subscriber*; (who should write their ««■<■«■
and the town, eonnty ind State where they reside plalnlyO
« ®>o.w.MAaato*oa,
„ Editor A Prop*. of Kew Vos* Police Gazette,
Xm TorkCOg,
JJA. BJKffIQMa) has Just recefred afresh supply of
»ALL and WIstEB GOODS, consisting of Cloths and Caa-
ttl **,* ad eo,ors ‘ Wttsh TehW and fllDt
’“f? 8 ««* of Shirts, Drawers and
Undershirts, Gent’s Pocket nhmnrnrehirih Giores, Ac*—
jHoasejjw me a caU before purchasing elsewhere, as X am
pmiared to seU as cheap as they can behadintwn. -
■, ■ 9. BLWAT. ■ ■-
J subscriber respectfully infoms the citizens ofAltoo.
na and riclulty that he suit continues to manubetute
Boots and Shoes of every on Oie .Wfrri A>-
tlco,athlsshoponHafai Street, next doortoto»PWfcwt«
office. IDs work Is done in thebeetoftyi«.
-not Sail to gin eatisflwtion. Gnly tlfe him m c«3. , ■ ■
■ Kov. Cl«8.-ly. Xi. RICKARDS.
tignedhaa lately made arrangements
dp bulneas on a more extensive
than heretofore, and is now nrepored to • •
execute all S
His workmen are acknowledged to be capable of doing
Ihe very best work «« the line of Cabi
net Making ,
and all those who entrust him with their orders mar rely
upon receiving finished work.
He koepss constant supply of fnnritnre on hand, to
which he invites to attention of those intending to
Plank Road!* 1 ** ** room LoodoaBTiUe > near the
November U, 1868. ISAAC CROMER.
SKS.—This is a new article In this section of tUe
conntry, although extensively used in the East. Thev aro
a sure protection against J
and possess many other advantages over the common cof
fins. The remains of the lamented CLAY and WEBSTER
were encased in. these cases.
For sale by . ISAAC CROMER,
November 11, 1858. Altoono,Pa.
I. announce that they have removed to their now
MODEL STORE, corner tg Annie and Virginia Streets, and
/ue now. opening the largest and nicest Stock of
Boots & SliiivS, Carets, Notions, &c.,
Ever exhibited in this town. ißaving turned our attention
entirely, to the above named Clooda, wo will be enabled to
keep a better stock of tho Goods mentioned than those who
keep so many varieties; and os we will not he compelled
to aCl} Dry Goods, ic n at a high profitto make up for losses
on other gop'R. wo hope to be able to 'dispose of theiil «t
prices that will ;«tonlsh the natives. !
We have Prints, Ginghams,
Cashmere, and all-wool Platd */ De
hegeS' Coburgs , Alpacas, French
Merinos, Wool Delaines, Silk
Foulards, Foil
Dechevres, Satin
Striped Poplins, Black
and Fancy Stiles, Shawls in
great variety ; also. Hosiery and
Gloves of all kinds, White Goods, <feq.
OCR STOCK OF CARPETS is large and very
wool filling as low as 37J< Cents. Our Stock of DOMES
TICS we think cannot no beat In quantity, quality or
price. Persons who wish to get the most for their money,'
will do well to give jus a call and examine our stock and
prices, and we hope to he able to convince them that the
MODEL is tho place Jo buy goods. 3. &J, LOWHIER.
October 28th 2858—tfals,
the Founder and Publisher of TAN OODST’S
TKRFEIT DKXBCTOE, desirous of retiring from
branch of business. ;has merged that old established work
BICKNELL Having published Van Court’s Detector since
1839, the undersigned reluctantly parts with his old friends
and subscribers; but this reluctance is lessened by the con
REPOBTEB they will receive a work that matches the
tiroes- J. VAN COUBT.
Philadelphia, Dec. 20,1868.
All Subscriptions -to IMLAY A BICKNELL’S BANE
NOTE KEPOHTEII are payable scrupulously in Advance.
This is the oldest Bank Note'Publication in the world.—
For thirty long yeara it has maintained an unsullied repu
tation, anil continues to bo the necessary companion of all
business peopfo over the whole continent of America.
THE COINS OP TflE WOULD! Now in press by Imlay A
Bictnoll, will be given gratuitously to all old and new sub
scribers. All Coin Charts, Guides and Manuals, as com
pared with this, maybe considered waste paper.
To the Semi-Monthly, - . *IJK) per annum.
“ Monthly ... j.oo “
Single Copies, at the Counter, 10 Cents.
“1 Moiled, 12 “
1 Box 1150, Post Office, Philadelphia, Pa.
SPECTFXJLLY offers his
services to the people of Altoona and tho
joining country. VIMV
He may be found id tbe office heretofore oo- fIBSB
copied by Dr. O. D. Thomas.
Altoona, Sept. 30,1868.-4 t -
sessment No. 16, made by the Lycoming Mutual
Insurance Comp my, In Blair county, is payable at my of- 1
nee. The Assessment Is 8 per cent, on all notes in force l
Altoona, July 15,1858. Ktceivtr.
k/ denfened has on hand a lot of Settees which ho will
•ell cheapfor cash. ; JOHN SHOEMASEB,
March J6-tL] Masonic Temple.
Vy NATE of Soda, Salaratus, Washing Soda, Durkoe's
Baking Powder, in store and for sale at
Sept. 2,'68-tt] A- BODSH’S Drug Store.
NESIA—a cooling Cathartic, mild in its operation
and agrecabloto the tnte, prepared and for sale by
June 24,1868v-tf ; A. KOUSH, Druggitl.
V*/ boxes Oranges land Lemons in store and for sale by
MorchSS ’5B-lyJ 191 North 3d street Philadelphia.
of writing done: at the ahortestffotice.—Deeds, Molt*
gages, executed la the; neatest matmer by
Jan.S, 1867-tf.l ; Masonic Temple; Altoona.:
mlngtou Pea Nuts in store and for sale by'
„ i ; WM; N. SinJGARD,
March 26, ?6s-lyJ i; 191 North Thlid street, Phflad’o.
JU.eo,ooo shingles, ? ; 80,000 lathes,
”Kiall Wnds of BUILDING MATERIAL, low<u-thkn the
lowest, for Cosh. Apply to : l JOHNSHOBMAKEB.
JL B»y** wow, *och as Jadjets, Frock and Overcoats
IP* 1 , Z” tB > ■* # toweirtpHooß, at H.ICOITB.
IMC.V 9 1868. ' ■ '/* - -I'-rT ■
Lots foe sale,—42 building
iota, situate In different localities, in thlaßoronirh for IZMC] J. SHOEMAICKR.
* Cc?s Fotent:Bhonldcr Sente Fine Shirts
l>ec.9,UM. '■ ‘J ' t ■ f -;>- ■aa -
®* »«lwntiMk WWfc lad and;. aaa A.JOSH'S.
JL 1 *d. Chifanc,‘Grech, Fellow, FsruQtein, dry
ground in oil at [l-ty KBSBtBR’B.
[independent in everything.]
The Pnetass, Miss L. £. Tickbot, has been rambling.—
She is still sojourning amid distant scenes; but the echoes
of her worblings are baud With delight where the sweet
ness of her “native Wood notes wild" have often blessed
the bnhi and vales around hoc rural home. Listen to her
“Bird Songs” now.
Nextweek you shall have a bountiful poem Just fresh
from her pen.
Then I thought, O gentle Laura,
Of the mansions loir to sea,
x That may be our happy dwellings
In the far Eternity.
We clip the following clever epistle
from the Philadelphia Press:
Apotheosis op Bonnes :—The great
est hit ever made in periodical literature
was the publication of the famous “ Chal
dee Manuscript,” written by the Ettrick
Shepherd, and extend, with considerable
satire and personality, by John Wilson
and J. G." Lockhart. ‘ This article offended
numerous readers of Blackwood ,« Maga- .
zirie, which it appeared, and led to a few
libel suits. Some persons objected to its
form, some to its satire. Eventually, how
ever, this very article, for which the pub
lisher felt hpuod to apologize at first drew
much attention to Blackwood , was the
foundation of its prosperity, and fiualy
became its boast. There have been many
imitations of it, but few successful. The
best appeared jn the Knickerbocker Maga
zine several years ago and had Lewis Gay
lord Clark,, Professor Mapes, and some
others of the same witty coterie, .for its
authors. A writer well known in this
city, by the soubriquet of “Samuel the
Scribe/ has fayored us with another imita r
(ion of the Chaldee Manuscript. It was writ
ten for the /Vesjis dedicated to the Readers
of the New York Ledger , (for whiohi, by
the way, it is said that Charles Dickens u
engaged to write a serial, running through
six months), and very cleverly enlarges
on the spirit of Mr. Bonner, the
of weekly newspapers. We append it: |
1. Listen, O, Lcdgerians I unto the
counsel of “Samuel the Scribe/’ for his
pen is that of a ready writer, and from his
frords je'maj le&rn wisdom. Tei irerily.
2. Arid ifcamb
re tarried In the olfcy of Gotham »
modest man I /
Original |Nrg.
“ I heard a JtutUring pinion start,
I heard tie wkiqptr t/ a strafe.”
Laura, now the Summer’s over,
And the Summer birds have fled,
Listen, darling, and I’ll tell you
At their porting what they said.
for I sat in lonely musing.
While tho shadows deepen’d round,
Where-the autumn winds came walling,
With a low and dismal sound.
When I heard a pleasant twitter
•Midst the oak leaves waving high,
And just caught a little glimmer
Of light pinions rushing by.
And I saw the birds had gathered,
Flocks on flocks, among the trees,
And.had what they sold been language,
Then their words hod been like' those: —
“ Since tho frost has killed the flowers,
And the angry tempests say
That tho winter storms aro coming,
It is time to go away,
“ From this valley’s sweet seclusion,
And its many dear delights,
1 And tho woods that gave us shelter,
Through the summer nights.
“ jo the soil and sonny South-land
There to find a brighter home;
Where the sleigh-bells never jingle,
And |he snow-clouds never come."
Then I, listening more closely,
their separate voices tell
Of the sweet iuffti places,
Wherein each one im'ont to dwell.
The swallow knew a lolly place.
Beneath a dark blue sky,
a light-house by the sea-side reared
Its beacon high.
And iie sparrow of a cdfr nook,
A poor man’s iipme beside;
Ami the bluebird's eosile A tree,
In a forest wild and wide.
And the black-birds talked of rice fields,
On the. Carolina plains;
Bat the robins said, “When/cr we go,
We know the Father reigns.”
The thrashes know the “ttoMfat spot.
Far in a cypress grove;”
And the orioles, u an Mange bower,
In an atmosphere of love.”
So they scarcely seemed to sorrow,
As they bade the North good-bys,
But with joyous greetings, for the South,
They swept across'the sky.
Where there foils no chill nor frost-blight,
Nor tits shadow of tho tomb;
But the-boly plains forever wear
A fadeless Eden bloom.
0 may there be no sorrow
In my strain that bids fore well
To this life, but for the future,
Let a Joyous anthem swclL
For though death may dim the glory
Of the world we Journey through,
Heaven will bo always beautiful.
With birds, and flowers, and yon.
Select JPMlang.
8. Now, this modest man w«s a disciple
of Faust, and he yearned not for thoflesh
pots of Egypt, but for the root ofaU evil
4. And ne said nnto himself, I viQ
straightway abandon the "stick” and tie
"case/’and make for myselfv&me and
fortune. • > .
5. And immediately them Was great re
joicing throughput the land, for the New
York Ledger had been sown broadcast
among the inhabitants thereof.
d. Now Robert, whose name is Bonner,
said nnto himself, This thing! pleaSes me
mightily, and hence forth the Ledger «hwll
find an abiding place in every nook and
corner of tbe land, even in the isle of the
7. And immediately there was gathered
into the fold of Robert, #hose; surname is
Bonner, tbe literati of the land.
8. Fanny, the fascinating, Sylvanus,
whose surname is Cobbj Lydia, Alice,
Emma, Phoebe, Emerson, whose surname
is Bennett, Timothy, John, William, Thos.
and George, the mighty poet of tho West,
all did write for the New York Ledger,
9. And Robert rejoiced with exceeding
great joy, for his pockets were filled with
shekels, and the Ledger freely,
prodigiously !
1. And it efime to pass in the reign of
James, the bachelor, that the maids and
matrons of the land and Edward, whose
surname is Everett, did counsel one with
the other concerning the purchase of Mount
Vernon on the Potomac, south of the line
called Masßu and Dixon’s.
2. And Edward said, I will straightway
prepare a lecture which shall melt the
people, and cause them to contribute their
mite unto the Fund called Mount Vernon.
3. Now Robert, whose surname is Bon
ner, when he heard those things, said unto
himself, I will gird on my buckler of bank
uCt§s and ehekles-and astonish the natives!
4. He accordingly said unto Edward,
Thy conduct commands /ny admiration;
write thou bat a single year for the Ledger
and ten thousand dollars currency of the
real in shall be thy reward.
6. And Edward said unto ■ Robert, i
accept thy gift offering to the fund called
Moont Vernon,- aJ}d will write for the
New York Ledger for tite space of twelve
6. Now Robert was again madehaAty,
yea, thrice happy, for the Ledger did in
crease and multiply ten, yea twenty fold.
7- And it came to pass in those days
that certain scribes, sojourners in the land
of Uncle Samuel, became envious of the
success of Robert, and they dipped their
pens in gall and wormwood, and said “ how
are the mighty fallen !”
8. But Edward, the wise man of the
East, took no heed of their sayings, and
continued to write for the Ledger, '
9. And straightway the fiat of the peo
ple Went forth —Edward is wise and
. Robert is a il brick.”
1. And it also came to pass in thoaic days
that Robert, whose surnaine is Bonner, had
a vision. |
2. And in that Vision there appeared
unto him an angel, bearing a scroll on
which was inscribed in letters ’of gold—
“ Bennex ! Geeely I! Raymond !I! ”
8. And Robert said unto bimself, The
Lion, the Lamb and the Fox shall lie
down together, and be enfolded in the
sheets of the Ledger.
4. Now, when the multitude heard these
things, they were greatly amazed, and
said one unto the other. Verily, the ways
of this man Bonner surpasseth our com
5. And Robert said unto the multitude,
Peace, be still, writ ye a little longer, and
“you shall see what you shad seel ”
6. And the multitude waited.;
7. And it came to pass on the second
day of the week, called Monday, that there
was great commotion throughout the land.
8. The Ledger had gone forth oh its
mission; the multitude threw up their
sombreros with joy, for the prediction of
Robert was verified.
9. Lo, and behold! the Lion/tbo Lamb/
and the Fox reposed lovingly together in
the Ledger. ! . /
10. And the neopie throughout the
length and breadth of the land, even the
dwellers in the land of the Jerries, shout*
ed with one accord; Bonner. is great, and
(he Ledger is his Prvifi” :j
Tonng man, one of the first things
you should consider is to build dp a char
acter. Allow us to tell yqn one thing
about it, which we have learned- froin pb*
serration. It must be. built like apyra*
mid to he firm and lasting—broad at the
base. Then the foundation mnp be good,
or even a pyramid would orach; and &U
to pieces. Get a reputation from jaariy
boyhood, for truth, hOhesfy md industry,
obedience to parents and teachers, and
above all, piety. By and by £our char
acter will be as firm as ftpyrandd; a host
of oahupnintois could not OrcTtnrow it.
But if youth and early life is bad/ tb build
abharaoter on sobh a beginning would be
almosfas difficult as to build apd poise a
pyramd on Ite ' V
Mr A rascally bachelor says, «The
friendship of two womeu is always a plot
against a third." --
Mo!iy,jrar bouse iMr, & »
w!h» handles the broomaifot Bke aa/W>!*
and who ha* an abhorrenceof dlrt/andT
sympathy fbrsoap suda that amonnti to a
PMBMHI. She ja a bustling, rosy-cbeeM
pnghtered, blundering Hibernian, -55.'
hovers about our bookshelves,
upon our love papers, hi the ahapa of in
dusted and nnbnghted cornere. One daw
she entered our library, in a confined uj
uncertain manner, quite different from bar
usual bustling way. She stood at the door,
with * letter between her thumb and flu.
ger, wbieh she held out at arms’ length, as
“ she had a gunpowder plot In her num
In answer to our inquiries as to her bu£
ness, she answered : «An itplaaovour
honor, I'm & poor girl, an hain*t much Jar.
mn, an ye se, plane yer honor. Faddy QV
Keily, and the better than him doeen't
brathe in ould Ireland,, has been writin*
me a lether—a love lether, plazevefhon.
or; an—an " J
We guessed at her embarrassment, H
offered to relieve her hr readme it to W
StUl she hesitated, while
of raw; cotton in her fingers. “Sure.” said
she, « an that's just what I wank but It
Jf 1 “ * • gintleman like verself that would
be Ukem to know ov the secrets Vf-asmi
us, un so (here she twisted the cotton aoito
nervously) if it'll only plain yer h mS,
while yer reading it, so that ye may ndfr
here }t yeraelf, y'U jist put this bit "fret
ton in yer ears, and stop yer healing,and
then the secrets 'II be all unbeknown to
ye I" We hadn't the heart
and bo, w<th the gravest face possible!
complied with her request, but
we have laughed heartily as we
the incident. .
Curious Facts About thx Ssxbb.
—lt is a singular loot, says a writer in oda
of our exchanges, that even when
death, nature xespeots the inherent
esty of woman, for when d|QwnerX
flpats on her face, and a drowned man
upqn his back. The noblest part of a hu
man beipe »« the head j. but the man's
head is liable io baldness; woman is never
bald. The man's face is often made re
pulsive on account of a harsh growine
beard; and sometimes scarcely to be dis
tinguished from the face of a brute •
in woman, on the other hand, the free a)!
irays remains bare and decent Pot this
reason Komea Were, by the laws of the
twelve tables, forbidden to rule thait
cheeks, lest haw should gftf* and obaei&a
their bhuhing modesty. fiut the moat
evident proof of Innate purity of tbele
male sex is, that a woman having once
washed is clean, and if she wash in second
water will not soil it* but thatamwTia
never clean—though he should wain im
ten successive waters, he will cloudaud
infest them all.
No Scolding. —lf you wish to
your nieghbprs and femily happy—if you
would see, calmness and ereness of temper
doloped in your children—if you would
lighten the care, and smooth the path of
the companion of your 4 bosom—do not irri
tate or scold, or be in a passion when your
humor is crossed, but remember
have hearts as soft as yours and let the sun
shine of Christian meekuess andgen tlenoss
always beam from your eyes.. ' How happy
will be a circle in such a ease l Ah, this
Christian temper is abouti.-'thp onlyn
quisite to moke firesides happy, places
which husbands will regret to leave and bo
glad to return to. Let the husband bo in
dulgent to annoyance of his ever working
wife | and let the wife ever inset
smiles when he comes home perplexed
with the cares of business ; and letboth be
forbearing under their mutual imperfec
tions, ana home will be more as (jrod in
_A» Awkward Fix —The Brookjille
(Ira.) Jeffersonian of the 10th idh. says
that a German, named CmbV <mfc
hunting in Cleaifield
a bear trap, and having never seeh one
before, ho entered for the
amining it, bnt unfortunately touchedthe
trigger, and was. shut up. .In this pre
dicament he remained hrp days.' nearly
dead with hunger when Mflreman
who set'the dxap came to examine lymi
found that, instead ofabear s iwtvigh t
aDutohmag. , v : -V;,.,;'. '
10U Death is an unwelcome truest and
terrible at all times. Whan the grim
monster approaches the aged, we are not
so much. shocked; wa have all along ex-
but when the young and
beautiful pensh, when the destroying an
gel crosses our treshold and the voice that
created oar music becomes silent,,’tis then
that a great shadow settles upon our home
that time and circumstance can hardl*
remove. *
KvowLEDox.—Some men
Jink tiiat the gratification of curiosity is
Je end of knowledge; some the W
&me j someihe pleasure of *
Je necessity of supporting thrives W
Jeir knowfedg ; but the real use .S K
knowledge is this, t&ai wo aJa&S-ff
to the m «ld ainstegwef mmi. J
;■ f,
W -
A*l -v^-
v* v. 4
‘•S.. !*•
■; NO. «