t lV—Supposed Jp«r an *»y bis W|re. * ! * inK la »*dk—B , 011 * he . Jii, died pndj. vST 1 i. The previcus P e suspicisn that ts RutherfaW and n i U i itum of the mnoned to in Hf?yfo|p * itnonj fclicited 1, « Ju Friday y s station for N*Z® ,U » arrisburg. Her imifc ; .(W at (he time. is previous, BsSf 1 he hired girl thatir!?' ■ she should oh.t r she always kept*** K'.vport, Mrs. Smith*?’ asked lor acsepie. »k i had none, and tEifSSl* 1 it to her, at tS die wanted; niU» fß»y * iteutod to poisoft-^g* 11 ■ anted the i. however, ihehadeoldbrafStl the first of this month * * lurriaburg, lay, ana the evening- „p<» ir town, or whether y of our drug stores, dot* ted home i by the 7 t«ia ght o.clock, u 0 V> any person -the cars not stopping al rig that her Au u in her object, ort, where she remained On Saturday monjinr 1 purchased a drachm of ified by the, boy vhojmld r l for home. On dier #r . band very aiojc, Vomitim !r, and complaining 3 ie stomach* The^jf, the bottle purchase] >i cred it to Smith, ced vomiting apd mul. repeated »t-«h«t:|g* ( stated that she noticed the mixture aome whit, a a blue pliper. : gaftk oft for two dr three iiin and gradually aiakin/ physioian had been c«I -wevcr,Mr3.Smi^;tsJe. at Duncannon/tp -visit .ay sick. At the- same her father and mother up. that Smith veudtad! roaded to the saininena. aing Smith Vcaje, iJad rived at tbeeoncluiion ith iindftmatioa of tin n accordingly. : Steltii ! purging, and cotaplaia [• ii’-l pain in the stomach, are red until. t- P to the moment Jib o was perfecliy eletr- \ we before mauled. he minds of tt»o~n*igh- r.a they detemiMd to For this purp9«ft.tt o umnoued, ami,Doctors r t for. They took'out it making any examins perly and placed it in a i adclphia fur cbemicii j lion of some of'ititii in- ' ii : gh degree ofinfinax ihey toy, Smitlfr dud ; was prpJnccd [is. Smith waspnfuwhr o ly of a Constatic'tbii s Rutherford .wtt Orth thediircd girlthltiba ness in the th allied fhegiritdgn* Mm. Smith, would girt /'■'« if she rtfturijQjtt ai no! bear ft Toy gooJ numity, and th# public strong against b'er. Sba . Carlisle, jbrmcriy of ni lent of PbilidelpbU, three times. Tlis bet ctly well when ’sbe left in hired girl tbhiUSaitk s!;<- Micnld give him torn* ■ious and tumulicablo r statement .sV'.Jtaacu isious to g«t, .ho ick—her parohaieof w t Ncwport— •r Hoover and&CT p*- ling Smith. asJßsk and - ndnet at homi ddring ui (h<) jieculiarehaacto 11 his illncfis—gtt W s .y the least, a- i t ook -Wi Ol I ii:ui it was 1 erself. For# t»* her extremitiMj)*' ♦! ; ;.romptlj i.on Doclors ftttttorfow ' . be ■ Tdcgrajth, fytSjdt was placed in,typp> *• J died on Friday .hW* I *. I . . taken another,dow I ; the 21std#afc* m of John d to r minutes .prior t° r. i to bo performed,®** tire, and the weoai®l vial, was instaptlj»® * J y was fatally ■s*** larrison, in her ru dress, and was p® ;ed ; there is btt* feared. ie family, who also tna* f from her perlioass* at not , yond the c*prt»» 0 “ r as badly burned i. tir burned b°® j ids. were dreswd* touch, [ago ceremony •** » N.-Welcarn. liturdaj r r reasons i: -i wife,, f?o? 1 'li» 1 itchcn ~ ; rso ,"“fb tv*** b coat. Tbr p fl ‘ cs,ate ' e rf«h« * ‘ intv Whether tho that the trau** ft , i funniest p ftrt . bill id, g' ,v , in f %ed ing of Saturdfty. n ®y ftb « be new propr l . -asaepomm®®* ,«j 6 q:;l te comforUj* fet t the prams**- 6 r* .* ■^^caTTtems. : ncs Fis»—About Bine o’clock, on D,n Line I«t, our c *B*^ • 0 f «• fire!" to be attended, I j k* too v*/ v * *"■* ' w ith more seriouscousequenoos occurred in the Superintend tk*» l “ ft ghort time since. Although we «i)0 °® oB t arst, ascertain the exact locality of "Vool* l not ' * ele ’ men t, it soon made itself ap- I *** deT ° -if bv bursting through the wcather p*reßtt ° Jroof of C- Jaggsrd’s store build boirdisg gtTee t. The shop bell haring been ing- oB f ore e of men were soon on the *"* * Jamber of whom weirs good firemen. p r mini's hose carriages were immedmto- T 1" ° i oat and the hose attached to plugs in l;bf ° nl.v These, together with water sup- I hv Jo large stock of buckets, deluged the S i “> ’■"""'"‘if t * ldng I bu l h !, wcro iasufficirnt to check the ragmg which ascended several feet above the £L ww*- i-wr. u “, e '“ ,nB ™ enabled the men to approach close to Tiding «d pu, npnn «•»“ f fectiwelj. The situation of the store, in the £» oJ blocks of frame buildings, endangered 4U the property.in the squa.e, and had there, been any considerable breexe of air. nothing, in Oie. absence of fire engines, could have saved it. The fi«, we lean, was first m the ceiling of the first floor, having caught, it is ‘posed, from the stovepipe 1 whiph passes through the ceiling. On cutting away the ceil-, .round the pipe hole, the fire was found to eitead to the weather-boardiug in either side C f the house, having evidently been burning for woe time. The alarm was immediately given, hat before assistance could be had, the flames v «re bursting through the roof and sides of the ho hope of extinguishing the flames , w uid be entertained, and the efforts of the men «e. diroiled.to save thjyidjpining property. It ,» s feared that the storeroom of Messrs. Et- Mgcr i Ullman, next door to the burning build lCgi would Uke fire, consequently the front wnt out sad their goods removed as speedily as .poaaibie. By almost superhuman exertion, ,however, the fire was chocked before it had burned lc- enough to be communicated to the bouses. The store building was two stories high while those on either aide were but one E*.;ry, and the fire being above them, a bot t,r opportunity of saving them was thus afford - tJ. Tho aepid spread of the flames prevented theming of goods, of which there was a large atnountf together with the entire stock of cloth ing of the clerks, on the second floor of the sure. -Most ef the goods on thefc first floor orew carried out, although they were mufcli damaged by water. Messrs. Ettinger & Ull utn'-s stock of clothing was also much damaged, ■baring-baeu.piled up on the porch of tha Logan {loose and remaining there all night. Mr. O'- Neal, occupying the store room ia Ktrr’a build ing, carriedout all his goods and piled them up on the opposite aide of the street, thereby dama ging -them considerably. No douljt a largo quantity of•the goods removed from the stores were carried out by persons who forgot to drop •them -until they arrived at their homes. A number of persons were seen with their wrusful of goods in local!tier farther from the fire than esfety required. We believe some of those per tona are known and will llkcly.be notified to ro aunrthe goods and save trouble. Through the indefatigable exertions of the me£ at work, the ire was completely extinguished by the time it 'bad reached the second story, and the walls were prevented from falling in. Too much praise eto not be awarded to a number of daring spir its, jwhe periled their Uvea to save the property of their neighbors. Mr. Jaggard was in Phila- delphia at the time of the fire. His loss is esti mated to be in the neighborhood of but we loflfn that he is fully insured. The goods «f Messrs. Ettingor & Ullman were also insured, lima though Mr. J. should be fully indemnified fur the loss of bis goods, he will still loose heav ily iu being deprived of a store room. In winding up this article, wo might advert U the advantages a good supply of water or a fire cngii e would have afforded, but we think ths absence of .either was sufficiently apparent to render comment unnecessary. If people will a«! ae taught by precept, they must be taught h* example. Carr. R. R. Peases. —This gentleman, who far some time ha: been stationed here as an ex tra conductor on the Pa. R. R., has been sent by 'the Superintendent of the Road, to Harris burg, whore he will be hereafter. Wcnrc sorry that Capt. Franks has been transferred—sorry *o loose him. Always affable and pleasant in his manner—with a genial smile on his counter nance and a nod of recognition to every one he m»t, he is deserved popular with our citizens.- VTith the ladies bin popularity is unbounded, sod we have frequently heard a tender sigh, and witnessed e tear rise unbidden to the eye, amongst the/otr pf Altoona, when told “ bis fortune was made —that he wu a married man.” With such Conductor* ns Capt. F. the inter «»U of the trarelling public on the Fa. ft. 8., *2l not suffer. Whilst to is on the trains— eutful of every interest of the Company—his address and manners makes him a favorite with the passengers. May n e long wave .and Success attend him. May the day of his death! hei far elf. •• Tarda i U Ula diet, et nottro terior fevo” Snuaunoßw&nnxnss is JBcbixksb. —It is tbs received c. inion, that'men find straightfor wardness the beat for business. it is thus that Wood, Boot 4 Co., the succersors of Swan & C°-i of Augusta, Ga.\ and Gregory & Maury, of Wilmington, Delaware, have 6 pcet in public confidence. Their established lottery has been for many years in wistence, and during the whole .time their straightforward manner of doing luts pat money into their o*p pnrses fortunes mto pockets of those whip have had dealthgjt with them. Theirs is a legalized lottery, and prizes are immediately paid on demand.— 7 forwarding $lO, $&, or to cither ad ®r*M,you will stand aohanee of winning in.ro ;*ro, the whole, half or doarter df thbu mag aißoent prises, ' v -r.-vsen Fatal Accidbst. --It is our painful duty to day' to record the untimely death of a fellow being, the cause of which is justly traceable to the intemperate ttse of intoxicating beverages. The facts in the case, so farad we can learn, are as follows: —On Saturday afternoon last, a man by the name of William Marta, residing some eighteen milqs from Petersburg, in Hun tingdon county, arrived in this place on tfae Mail Train. Tl»tram>bemg some.three boors .behind time, there was no connection at this station, and Mr. Marts, with the remainder of the passengers, had to await the Fast Line in the evening. Being intoxicated, as it will short ly be seen there was good reason to presume, be mistook the westward bound Express Freight and Emigrant trains, which leave this place at half-past seven o’clock, for trains going east, and thinking that be could arrive at borne ear lier by getting on on,e of these trains, he m T ade the attempt. lie first got upon one of the en gines but was put off by a man in the yard.— He then got into the Emigrant car attached to the train, the heat of which made him sick and caused him to throw up, whereupon the Con ductor put him out at the upper end of the yard. It is not known how he got upon the train again, as he was not seen afterwards until found the watchman, some two miles above town. His own story was that in attempting to step from one. bumper to another be slipped and fell between them, bis body falling on the .outside of the track, leaving his legs across the rails, which were consequently run over. His right leg was cut off just belqw the knee and his left foot crushed off at the ancle. He was found by ihe watchman, who was /but a short distance off, immediately after the accident, and brought down to this place and taken to the Altoona House. On his person were found one or two empty bottles which had contained liquor. Drs. Finley and Christy were called in, Ond did every thing - that medical skill could devise for his comfort and relief. On Sunday afternoon, the Doctors amputated both logs, which operations he appeared to stand very well, though little hopes of bis recovery were enter tained His wife, who was sent for, arrived by the Emigrant train on Sunday afternoon, and was with him until he died, at 2 o’clock on Monday morning. An inquest was held, the. above facts were corroborated, and a ver dict of accidental death rendered. He was buried in Fair View Ceipctery, at this place, on Monday afternoon, lie leaves a wife and two children. PcnLic Meeting. —At a meeting of the citi zens of Altoona held at Keystone Hall, on Tues day evening, March Ist, in pursuance of public notice, to take into consideration the propriety of forming a joint stock company for the intro duction of water into the Borough, bn motion of Rev. A. B. Clark, John Shoemaker was called to the chair, and on motion of D. J. Caldwell, Andfew Cannegie was appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by the Chairman, who tlion called upon Messrs. W. 11. Wilson and L. W. Hall, Esqrs., do address the meeting. They responded to the call, after which the following preamble and isolation moved by E. B. McCram and seconded by John Woods, Esq., were offered cm} unanimously adopted. Whereas, The Borough of Altoona labors under gre.it dnconvchlence for want of a proper and wholesome supply of water for domestic pur poses, and for the purpose of protection from tiro; and whereas, all the, neighboring towns have now the use of gas, therefore, be it Resolved, That this meeting appoint John Shoemaker, James Lowthor, and Thomas A. Scott a committee to take the necessary steps by which a Joint Stock Company may pe formed to supply said Borough with water apd gas, and to have drawn up the proper Act on Assembly, or a proper supplement to the Acts now in force, by which said Joint Stock Compos j- may be formed. u ■ On motion, adjourned. ~ i JOHN SHOEMAKER, Chairman. Axnaxw Carnegie, Secy u We have! neither time nor r6om |o speak of these enterprises this week, but shall refer to their utility and practicability in our fitkt issue. [Eromjthc Lorain Co. EAQLG, Ohio.] tSS” Many kinds of Tonic Are advertised that wo> are assured will strengthen the hair, and prevent its falling out, but 'none that we have seen used docs all that it promises, .save that of Professor 0. J. jWood. This we'know is good from having tried it, and witnessedip several casjp its truly beneficial effects. Dr. iVdod was kind enongh to send iu a couple of bottles, and after finding thiit it prevented our hair from failing out, *we presented a bottle to a friend who had been bald for at least thirty years .* it has restored his hair entirely, anil it is now os thick and glossy as when he was twenty-five.— This we .say in all sincerity, and we shall be glad to have our friends try it for themselves, as wo believe it is just what it profeses to be. See advertisement in'this weeks paper. The Value or Time.— -If time is valuable to those who have caught a cold, so that they can not stop from their ordinary avocations, we would by the way of.salutary advice, throw in# hint, in behalf of Du. Keyseb’s Pectobal Couqb Sirup, a medicine that has many a time cured a case of cough .in one night, by the adminis tration of a tablespoonful or twOy-takbn at bed time. Numbers of our citizens can endorse our statement in this respect. It is besides a pleas ant medicine to take, and every bottle oif it is prepared by Dr. Keyset's otm hands. Sold at 60 cents and $l, by G. W. Kessler, Altoona. Impobtakt Notion.—To all whom it may concern, and it concerns every person to know that Fettinger has just received a fresh and large variety of plain and fancy confectionaries, snob as bare never been seen in these parts'; whitp cocpannt and almond candy of the rich est kind—preparations for coughs andpolds, such as licorice, hoarhound, lozenges, Miller's cough candy, |&c. French, gold and plain kisses for the ladies-^tepinandgMafew. ■ Chakok op T«b.'—On- Monday last, a new schedule went into operation on the Pa. E. B. It does not alter the running of any of the Pas songcr -Trains, with the exception of .the Uipress Train East, i which is now half an hourfatdr.— 'The most piaterial ebangc is in the running of the Through Freight'Trains West, wWcb now errivo jtir.O boors .carl icr. German Ball.— iTicketsharc been issued for a German Ball, to conte off at die hoosenf Al bert Shulti, in thii plane, on the evening of the 7th of March. Of course our German citizens will go in for 3ft,50 worth of fan and frslic.— The fine room attached :to Mt.Shultz’honfe will afford them ample room to “ cut the pigeon wing” in the most; approved style. . Mr. Shultz can get up a good (Kipper, fully worth the price of the tickets. He w?ll no doubt have a full house, as the Gefmanit are perverbial for their partiality tOrinuaic and dancing and can epjoy an occasion of thU kind A CARD. C. Jaggard takes tljis opportunity of retur ning his heartfelt;thanks to his friends, who, in his absence, on ;tho night of the fire, labored hard and nobly : exposed themselves to much personal danger to save his property. Altoona, March 3d. 1869. C. Jaggard; haji removed his goods for the present to Ferrefe & Morrow’s comer, where in a few days he will be happy to see his friends and the public generally. Altoona, March Bd. 1859. Sunday School Teachbes v Association. — In many places throughout tbs Eastern States, and in some portions of -this State, the Sun day School Teacher’s have formed Associations and found them to result in much good. Com mon School Teachers, have their Associations and find them highly beneficial. Why is it not the case with Sunday School Teachers % We merely call attahtion to the subject this week, and hope those of our readers who are Sunday School teachers will think over the matter of forming an iassociation for the county or even for this town. Errata.—ln publishing the marriage notice of Henry Leister and Miss Caroline Mavis, last week, we mistook the name Mavis for Wallis, and so inserted it. We hope this may rectify and satisfy all parties. Mistakes will occur sometimes in Setting up names with winch we are unacquainted. Ho! for the Arctic Region! If any of the Ladies are dissatisfied with the weather we arc having, and desire visiting the Arctic Region, we would recommend them to call on C. J. MANN and replenish their ward- robe from his beautiful stock of CLOAKS, CAPES AAD SHAWLS; which be is selling off being determined to dispose of them while the snow is screeching. January 13th* 1859. THE HALL OP FASHION is still open, and the Proprietor, in returning thanks to his nu merous customers for their liberal patronage bestowed on him since his commencement, here desires to £ay (without fear of contradiction) that he is prepared to offer for their inspection the best assortment of handsome Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, Whitb Goods, Ac., Ac., that can be found in Altoona. Respectfully, &c., See advertisement of Dr. Sandford’s LIVER INVIGORATOR in another column. SPECjAL NOTICES. Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor. In all diseases inflammation more or less predominates— now to allay inflammation strikes nt the root of disease— hence an immediate enre. PALLET S'iLAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR, and nothing else, Will allay inflammation at once, and make a certain cure. PALLET'S MAGICAL PAJX EXTRACTOR will cure the foil owing among a great diseaass: Burns, Scalds* Cuts, Chafes, Sore Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Sprains, Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula, Clears, FevcriSonjs, Felons; Ear Ache, Pilos, Sore Eyes, Gout, Swellings, iheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Itch, Small Pox, Measles, Rash, 4 c;., &e. To some it may appear-iqcredulona that so many diseases should bo reached by one article; such an idea will vanish when reflection points to the fact, that the salve is a com bination of ingredients, each and every one applying a per fect antidote to its apposite disorder. ' PALLETS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR In its effects is mj>Sicol, because the time Is so short be tween disease and a permanent cure; and it is an extrac tor, as It draws ail disease put of the affected part, leaving nature os perfect as before' the • injury. It Is scarcely ne cessary to tay thit no hMse, jvork-shop, or manufactory should be one moment without It. No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box bos upon It a steel plate engraying, with tiro name of Henry'Dailey, Manufacturer. ■ Sold by O.W. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Uol- Udayakurg; and by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealer* throughout the United States and Canadas. Principal Depot, 165 Chambers street, Now York. Novi 11, iSSB-Iy C. F. CHACE. HAITI DYE—UAIR DYE—HAIR DYE. WI, A. BATCHELOE’S HAIR DYE I The Ofiginal and Rat in the World I All others are jnere imitations, and should be avoided, If you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, REDi'or RUSTY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to tbs Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medalsand Diplomas bare been awarded to Wm. Ai Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have been made tothC hair of his patrons ofhls famous Dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and Is WAiuustsn not to Injure in thajeaet, however long It may bo continued, nnd the ill offectjof Bod Dyes remedied; the Hair Invigo rated for Ufa by?thls Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Wig Factory, 232 Broadway, New York. Sold by Druggists In Altoona, and by Druggists in all cities and tqwns of the United States. jfg- xh c Ocniiino bos the name and address npona steel ptito engraving bn four sides of each Box, of ' VM. A. BdTCIIELOB, 1 253 Broad way; Sow .York. ,Kot* 18, 18S8-}y : Impoexanxto Females —Dr Cqeese iux’s Pius.—The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the resuit of a long and cxtcnflivcpractice. They are mHd intheir operation, i and certain in correcting all irregularities, painful menstruation*, removing _oll ob structions, whctWfrora cold or otherwise,' headache, pain in the side, |»lpitation of the heart, distnrbed sleep, which always arise from Interruptionof nature, inducing with certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purolyivegetar ble,andftee from anything injurious to ilfeorhealth.' Ex plicit dlroetiotuli which shouid be accompany each biix; Price sl.' Sent jiy mail bjy enclosing $1 to any authorized; Agent. ~ j. ; 8.8. HIIXCHULNaS, General Agent for the United Statge, 166 Chambers slrcot, Ke)w ft softest anWhotitcdt order* tkotdd hi addrimtd, {•old by O. ,Wi’ Altoona; Geo. A, Jacobs, Holli day in the CnUedStatca. , Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free. KoT.W.dMB-Jyi .r ; - V: 'V- THE ORE A T ENGLISH REMEDY. STB JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pixels. Prepared from* tntscriptien of SirJ+darke, lit. fl, PKy riftfeß Extraordinary to the Carnal This Invaluable medicine is unfailing ,n the' core of all those painful and delicate diseases to which tic female con st! tntlon is subject. It moderates all excess and rcmov% all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO XABMBD LAMBS It is peculiarly suited. It will, hi a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity, y.,T, bottle, price one dollar, bear* the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. That Pills should not be taken by females during the first three months (f Pregnancy, os they ore sure to bring on ihs carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution.' Full directions In the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preeerved. Sole Agent far the United States and Canada. JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldwin t Co,) Rochester, N. T. -JI.B. $l.OO and 8 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 00 Pills, by return mail. B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, far sale by all Druggists. S (June 3,1865.-ly. WIGS—WIGS-ftVIGS. BATCHELOR’S WIGS AND TOUPEES surpass all.— They are elegant. light, easy and durable. Fitting to a charm —no turning up behind—no shrinking off the head; indeed, this is the only Establishment where those things are properly understood and made. Nov. 18, 1858-1 y 23? Broadway. New York. This disease can bo curCd by Da. Kitser’s Toothache Rjulruv, prepared by him in Pittsburgh, Pa-, which is put up in bottles aud sold at 26 cents each. It is un excellent medicine, when diluted, far spongy nnd tender gums, and is worth ton times its price to all who need it. Sold here by G. W. Kessler. (Dec. 9, ISSB-ly. FLOUR AAD FEED MARKET, Flonr, Superfine, bbl., t c - 50 *• Extra “ “ Extra Family “ Corn Meal fl 100 lb*. . w Bran 4 ShorU V 100 lb*. J-'jV Rye Chop. “ { “ Coru and Oats, “ “ Middling*. “ “ _ , l ou ~Oash paid for all kinds of Grain. FIJI! and Food can always be had at the Mill at the prices quot'd afr've. JOHN aMJSON. On Thursdav, the 2Uh nit., by Rot A. B. Clark. Mr. JOSEPH JOHNSTON to Miss POLLY ANN McCCBDV, both of Huntingdon County, Pa. On tbe 2*2d Ult.. by the Rev. John 11. C. Dosh, Mr. GEO. 'W. CUNNINGHAM, of Altoona, to Mias ANNA K. IRE LAND, of Hollidayaburg. . On the 22d ult., by the Rev. A IT.Taylor, Mr. yisILLI AM GARRET to Mias LIZZIE TOMPKINS, both of Uollidflys burg. On the 22d ult., at her residence in Northumberland, Mrs, K. P. Vi ATJSRS, aged 35 years and 4 mouths. The dcc’d left our place on the Friday before her death, for homo; and on Saturday evening, while sitting at the eupper table, she took a cramp, and on Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock, she breathed her last. Surely, “in the midst of life, we are in death.” —Tyrone Star. At his residence, iq Logan Township, in this county, on the evening of the 16th ult., Mr. RICHARD GLASGOW, in the 80th rear of his age. He was among the early settlers of the “Logan Talley,” and was at the time of death one of the oldest men in the community. His life and death was a complete exemplification of .that passage of Holy Writ, which says—-‘The days of our years are threcore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be four-score years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut ofl. and wo fly away.” C. J. MANN, List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Altoona, March L 1859; Brown, Joseph Kelly, Wm Black, Sarah A Kuhns. Barbara Brice, Wm Eloyd, Gideon Bechtel, John O Lockington, Wm Brliieiibaugh, J J Mcaley, Bridget Bakins, Peter Bliller, David Brown, Hannah. Moore, £ Brooks, Margaret Mordin. John Boehm, Mr Martin. Robert Crawford, James Morris. W A B Collier; John Moran. Ann Cnsoday, Susan McGnngh, Martha Clark, T A McCaully, Timothy Denton, Oliver C McCulla. Michael Douty. Mages 2 McDonald, Patty Diamond D B Kossan, O FobbathJ John O'Conner, Bernard Fritz, Catharine - Potarf, Geo Felton, Wm Reding. Frank % Fitzgerald, Thos Rood, Sarah Jana Gray, Kate 3 Sweyna, Jno B Gentner, Ludwick Stewart, Wm J Gerigavin, Jho Seller, George Gilmartin, Michael Smith, Philip Uecht, Daniel L % Singiser, Henry Hamilton, Alex 1 Stewart, Clutrloa Harbison, A K , Souisbay, Matthew Uarxled, Geo ’ Teatc, John Houseman, Levi , Thorne, George Hitchens, Jos Wochcr, Daniel I tel, Arinio 2 White, Patrick i Jones, John Wchn, Lottie Kessler, Somnol C 2 Pergong calling for letters on this list-will please say they arc advertised. JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. SI. Altoona, March 3,1859.-U WHEREAS, LETTERS TESTA mentary to the Estate of RICHARD GLAS GOW, late of Logan township; Blair county, Pa- deceased, have been granted to the subscribers; all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to Richard Taylor Glasgow, Sr., Logan township, Blair county, Pa.; and those having claims or demands against the Estate of the said decedent, will make known the some without delay, to RICHARD TAYLOR GLASGOW, Sr.,’ Logan township. Blair county, Pa-, JOHN 5. GLASGOW, Ansomvllle, Clearfield county, Pa., March 3,1859-Ct* Executors. EOR RENT.—THE STORE-ROOM formerly occupied by A. Roush, next door to Lo rn Parsonage, is for.rent. Possession given immedl-« ately. Apply to C. J. MANN or W. F. SELLERS, Sabbath Rest P. 0., Blair Co., Pa,' Altoona Feb. 10-3 t. Land for sale.—the sub criher offers for sale the farm on which James Mat them now resides, near Coleman’s 'Mill, In Logan township. It contains about 34’ Acres, with two Dwelling Houses, a Barn and a good spring of water thereon. Also—“A little more of the same sort’’, in “ the Jfbttla", on ten year’s trust. He will exchange it fortocm property. Also—A good 14-horse power STEAM ENGINE, suitable for a Flouring or Saw Mill. JOHN BROTHKRT.TNR. Hollidaysburg, Feb. 24,1859-0 t TOOTHACHE AT ALTOONA STEAM MILL. MARRIED. DIED ~VTOTIGE. —ALL PERSONS KNOW -11 XNG themselves indebted to the undersigned, previ ous to the 20th of last April, are requested to moke settle ment soon —either by cash or uotn. My circumstances re quire, at least my individual accounts, to ,be closed os soon as - Please do not neglect this notice. Altoona, Peb. 24 tb 1869, (I*l /V RE WARD!—lost on sat- UM)AY night. Yob. 19th, 1869, between 9 and 10 o’clock, oh the street leading from the offico of the Su perintendent to Dr. Ickes’ Store, a Gold Detached Double Cue Watch. Any person finding and returning the same, will receive the above reward and the thanks of Yob. 24,1859. ; ’ THOB. M. MeDERMOTT. Eor rent.—a good house & • DOT On Emma Street. Permission given on the first of April. Apply tb : JAMES IX)WTHEB. Yob- 24-fit. ' P-RICE REDUCED ONE-HALF! sfsvr Medical salt INFLAMMAT’.OSX DISEASES! TRY JT/ ONLY ONE DOLLAR! CHRONIC PACKAGE, $2.50. Kg' See Advertisement. "631 Jan. 20,1650 v : \ . 1 , |7IGS, DATES, PRUNES,’ CITRONS P ahd Curtails in store and fcrsal* by■ , ’ . WJi.N. SHCQARD, March 25, J sBly] 191 North M street, Philadelphia. \A7OOD, EDDY & CO.’S T T DELAWARE BTAXB LOTTERIES! CAPITAL PBIZE *37,6001! TICKETS $lO. Nonca—This is. to inform thopuhlic, that we hove dis posed of our entice interest in the Lottery Qrai>ts, beld by us, ns chartered by tbe Statoe of Delaware, Oetetpb Kn>>. tacky, and Missouri, to the ffrm of WOOD, KDDYiOO-, to take effecton the lst day ef December,JB*S.'V-Aihtwa most cordially recommend our ’succeetort tooUf fcrtner friends and patrons, feeling assured that the business Wilt bo continued with the same integrity andpromptitude which has bhareeterized it as condnctw hy ottieelres and predecessors for the last thirty-fire years. GREGORY A MAURY. Wilmington, Del, Nov. 16th, 1868. WOOD, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS. ' SUCCESSORS TO GREOOJtr * MAUST. , The undersigned, haring become owners of THB ONLY LOTTERY CHARTER IN DELAWARE offer to the public the fallowing scheme, to be drawn each Wednesday in February, 1869, at Wilmington, Delaware, in public, un der the superintendence of sworn commissioners appoint ed by the Governor. , Class 158 Dfiaws Wednesday, March 2,1859. Class 170 Draws Wednesday, March 9, 1869. Class 182 Draws Wednesday, March 16, 1869. Class 194 Draws Wednesday, March 28, 1869. Class 20G Draws Wednesday, March 80, 1869. THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX PRIZES) Nearly one Prize to every two Tickets! IS Kumbers»ls Drawn Ballots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME.. TO B 8 DRAWX EACH WEDNESDAY IN FEBRUARY. 1 Prize of "*37.600 is *37,800 I “ 25,000 “ 28,000 1 “ 20,000“ 20,000 1 “ 10,500 “ 10,500 1 “ 4,000 •• 4.000 1 “ 8,892 “ 3,392 40 Prizes of 1.000 are 40,000 40 “ • 600 - 90,000 300 “ 260 “ ttMMO 65 '• 100 « 0,500 65 “ 70 “ 4.550 66 “ 60 “ 3,250 66 “ 40 “ 2,000 4,810 “ 20 “ 80.200 27,040 “ 10 “ 270,400 32,390 Prizes amounting to Whole Tickets slo— Halva ss Quarters $2,50 Certificate* of Packages will be gold At the following rates, which Is the risk. Certificates of Package of 2G Whole tickets* $119,50 *• ■■ 26 Half “ 74,75 <• « 26 Quarter “ IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, Enclose the amount of money to our address, for what you wish to purelm-e; name the Lottery iu which you wish It invented, and whether yon wish Wholes, Knives or Quar ters, on receipt of which, wo send whut is ordered, by Hi st mail, together with the scheme. Immediately after the drawing, the drawn numbers will he sent witii a Written explanation. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give the name of their Post Office, Couuty and State. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, wher'hy money for Tickets, In sums if Ten Dollars, and uuworu.-, etui be sent us *T OHR RISK AND EXPENSE, front any city or town where they have an office. Th* money and ;wdcr must lie enclosed in a ‘•GOVERNMENT POST OFFIOIa STAMPED ENVELOPE,” or the Express Company cannot refci'.'e thorn. ■*s-Orders for Tickets j: Certificates. by Mail or Ex press, to be directed to WOOD, .EDDY A Co.. Wlhnlngtui', Delaware. Youth and manhood.— just Published, the 2.lth Thousand, and —, r STahm » mailed ip a sealed envelope, to my address, jfjfM/JUjtL post paid, on receipt of three stamps. A medical essay on the physical exhaustion a/mmsktSf and decay of the frame, caused by “self-abuse,” Infection, and the injurious consequences of mercury. By R. J. Cnlverwcll, SI. D., Member of the royal college of sur geons, Ac. 9S- Spermatorrheco or Seminal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Impotency, Loss of Energy, Depression of Spirits. Timidity, Diseases of the SexuaKOrguns, and Impediments to Marriage, are promjitly and effectually re moved by tbo authors' novel mid most successful mode of treatment, by means of which the invalid can regain pris tine health without having recourse to dangerous and ex pensive medicines. (From the London Lancet.) Tbo best treatise ever written, on a subject of vita] im portance to all, well worthy the author's.exalted reputa tion. Address, the Publishers J.C. KLINE St CO.. Ist Avenue. Cor. K'th street: Post Box 4480, New York City. Look out for the new store. —The subscriber would respectfully announce" to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he has just returned from the city and opened Ids store ou the ;, Corner or Axnir and Viboixu Sireets, Where he offers for sale the largest and Cheapest stock of QUEENS WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW-WARE, Ever brought to this place, which he will sell, WHOLE SALE and RETAIL. He will also keep constantly on hand a large supply of ' FLOUR, FEED, BA CO FT, FISH, and X'ountry Produce of dll kinds, 1 which he will dispose of at the lowest cash prices. As be has bought his goods for cash, lie will bo enabled to sell them low for cash. He would respectfully invite all to give him a call and judge for themselves. . Oct. 2Sth, 1858-tf.j LEWIS PLACK. ■VTEW GROCERY FEED AND PRO- X 1 VISION STORE. The subscriber would respectfully inform .the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he has opened a store of the above kind, near the corner of Adeline end Julia streets, East Altoona, where be will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of everything in his line. His GROCFRIES are all fresh and wi,ll be sold at prices as tow as those of any olhcrcstublishiueut in town. His stock of provisions, consisting of N ' Flour, Ilams'j Shoulders, ' Sides, &c. will be sold a little cheaper titan they cOn be bought any where else. Bis Flour is obtained from; the beet mills in tito Western part of the State, and is warranted to bo what it la represented. ! . . All kinds of Feed for horses, coVs and hogs, always on liand. ■ I intend to keep each an assortment that I shall at all times bo able to supply my customers with whatever they may need, and I intend also to sell at prices which will make it a saving to those who patronize tuy store. July 22, I?SS-3m. HENRY BELL. . BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— Did yon hear the nows from Europe? If yon have' not, wo will tell you what It Is. . It Is that HENRY TUCK taw just returned from the Eastern cities with a large snp f Ot READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of all stylet and qualities of Dress Coats, Vests,.Pants, Boots and Shoes, and everything kept in an establishment of the kind, aJ* of which ha offers fit unprecedentedly low prices for. cash.v Having purchased his stockat cash prices, be is thereby enabled to sell vyry fow. He invites alt those in want of anyihfogrin his Una. to give him a call, feeling sure that he will ha able to give satisfaction. HENRY TUCK. Altoona, Sept. 30, 1568.-tf J>LAIR COUNTY INSURANCE 3 AGENCY.—Xho undersigned, Agent of the JJlalr unty Mutual Yite Insurance Company,; la at all times ready to insure agalnst ioes or damage by fire, Std M» ingt, Merchandise, Fumiturt and Property, of everyfie*- cription, In town'or country, at as reasonable rates as ant Company-in the Stale. - Offico with Belt, Johhston,Jack t Co. D. I. CALDWELL, Agent. Jan. 27, ’69-lf C. J. HIRST: Employment —sso a month, AND ALL EXPENSES PAID.—An agent la wanted in ovary town in the United States, to engage In a respecta ble and easy business, by whtch the above : profits may be certainly realised. Ybr further ptrticulars, address Dr. J. RBNRT WARNER, corner of Broome and Mercer Sts;, Now York City, cnclosingono postage stamp. [Jan. 13. T IQUORS.—A LARGE AMOUNT I J of well selected LIQUORS has been received Srthe“ LOGAN HOUSE," HoUWajfbJW* t* sold at the lowest cash, prices, _-whole«W ot tcwL tht monwfco wantabaaonjy to call. > OYES! 0 YES!—GENTLEMEN draw nigh and hear. JOSEPH RlJtOUTjwnonfir ces tothe public, that he is remly to diiharge ttpaoAucUoDo©r^ri?oo*7*B.®aU®dtii»oiib,j/1 ‘ A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF J\ undershirts and Drawers, Cotton, Wotflen snd Ww.at i - H.YOCU-8. Dee. 9 186*. OBLLLNG AS- SjMtIMRNT of Scots «ld and pslt ■Dee. 9,1858. , : ' ■< L / NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS BQRBHAYJi’B THJ CKLKBHATKD HOLLAND BKMStot fO» aYSSSSiIA, ... PISEtSE OF THE KIDSBIS,' ' LIVER COMPLAINT* WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND FEVER AND AOUC, And the variousaffection* Conseonehiupdtt a^dUotdsnd STOMACH OK tttfMMt ~ ... Such u Indlgestiotf, Acidity of the Stomach, PafasA Heartburn; haU of Appetite, Despondency, Cestlvlsiu. Blind mod Bleeding Pile*. In all Nervosa, KMnatUnaad Neuralgic Affection*, it has in numerous instance* proved highlybeneficial, and in others effected* theidedcns*. a This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on ItlMll scientific principles, after the manner or the cetehraled Holland Professor, Baerhsve: Because of it* gteatencoeee in the most of tne European States, its introduction htto the United States «iw tatCnded~more especially tor Jkoaa of our fatherland scattered here and there oat the free of this mightv country. Meeting with great succeae among them, 1 now offer it to the American public, knowing that its truly woaderfid medical virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those pmuii nHS constitution* may have been Impaired by the continuous nse of ardent spirits, or other forms of djaatpattnn. Qeno rally instantaneous in effect; it finds Its way directly to.tha seat of life, thrilling and quickening every uarve* railing np the drooping spirit, and, in Csct, Itiftiswig new health and | vigor in the system. . ■ CAUTION.—The great popularity of this delightful Aro ma has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not dersnaded to hnx any thing else until yohhave given Bocrliave’s Holland Bitter* .a fur trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to ait these imitations. 4j- Sold at $l.OO per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the SOLI PROr&IKTOKS, $593,392 BENJ. BAGUj JR., & CO., a.i acturing PharmaeattisU andChemitU, i'lrraucKQU. ,pa. T. W. Dyott A nns, Philadelphia; Barnes A Park. Now York; John D. Park, Cincinnati; Barnard Adams A Qo.. St. Louis; A. RODSU. Altoona, Pa. And by Druggists and Merchants generally throughout the United States and Canadas. {October 14,1868.-1 y 37,47 JUST ARRIVING—A' SELECT AS SOHTMKNT of goods adapted to the season—which will be Hold as cheap ns the cheapest—consisting of Sheet ing's, Canton Flannels Muslins, Prints, Barred Delates, an assortment sif Trimmings for Ladies Dresses,- with kss droda.of articles too numerous to mention. Friends ami citizens colt and seu before purchasing where and aavdyonr dimes. Clothing of all sorts cheaper than, the Jews. .The cheapest .lot of Germantown goods ever offered ia this place, consisting in part of Ladies Hoods, KigeolsU, Children's Opera Hoods, Childrens Talma* and Zrphys Capes and Costs, with the neatest and best assortment »'t Hosiery to bo fouud anywhere in Uimo mountains. A splendid assortment of Groceries, consisting of Cincin nati, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and New York Byt> nps—delicious —New Oricai s and Mnscarado Baking Mo lasses, Sugars of every variety. CONFECTIONARIES anb fruit. Dates, 10 cis. per B)—Prunes, 12U ct*. per lb—Pie Rai sins, 12U oU, jwi lb—Figs, Citrons, Currants. Dryed, Peach es. Apples, Oranges sod Lemons, Almonds, Mince Meat ready for use. \ .. ■ - Boots and Shoes cheaper than the cheapest. Hardware ol almost every description—Nalls and Spikes, Cutlery. Green River Butcher Knives—the best- in the world—Pumps and Pump Chains and fixtures. Queens ware. Tobacco and Segars. Huts and Caps, Kieh Oil. Flax-seed Oil. Sweet Oil. Good Cider Vinegar. Coffee Roasted. Coffee Green. Coffee Ground. The very best Coffee In town St 12J*j ct*. Per B>. Call and see at 4. L.TCKBB. Head q y asters for low PRlGES.—Thankful fbr part Giron, the in bee rl bet would respectfully he# leave to inform the cttisenS of Al toona and vicinity, that hr lifts Jtirt rrcrived and opened bis stock of .• - • FALL & WINTER GOODS. which ho will sell at very low prices for cash. Itconrists In part of ' / " •> Detains*, Robes, Pat it Chenes , plain Metinos, figured and striped Merinos, tTooi Plaid*, Union Plaids, English Merinos' black and fianry Silks, S&akls of every description} Sheet ings, Muslins, Flannels, Cassimeresf Sat- . tinetls. Gingham», Chintz, Gloves, Emi/Touleries' embracing Collars, Setts, Bands, Insert ing s, Edgings, in fitter every article of Da-' dies ITehr, ’ Also— An excellent su.irimcni of faaKiOftftbta Qnente -I?&retQlasa-waro,e t Qlasa-waro, Earthenware, Ac. BOOTS and BUOE3 of all sizes, qualitin and styles.— Radies’ and Misses’ Shoes nod Oaiten. V, The very best assortment of GROCERIES may >e found ,at this establishment, Come one! come all 11 and examine the above slock. Altoona, Oct. 14, 1858. , J.B.mUBMAjt. Look gut for your heads! —The subscriber would inforp the In- , habitants of this place and’rjciiitty that hV hfts jnst received the rtylcs of UATS . AND CAPSsmHL among which may be found the best Black Mole Shin' sad Silk Uats, Black and difirrent colored Wool Hats, caps of' all styles andi prices, for men and boys.. Person* in want of anythhjgin theabovßllno wllljlndlt to their' advantage to call on subscriber before porchasing elsewhere. gy has alp on hand an excellent assortment of Lsdifts* PURS, df different colon and prices. Those ip want of the article shnuld.call at once.. Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran ehorcb. Altoona, Oct. 14, 1858.-Jy , JESSE SMITH. ,T\TEW FIRM .'—THE UNHEKSIGN II ED would respectfully Inform the citfcseoe of Altoona and vicinity that they have purchased the etatire-Stock and Jntwl to carry on. the BVTCIISRIh Q BUSINESS In hl» stetff. We will ftlr ** * h « lowest poatfblepmL DATS will br the same u fieretofore.’on TtrESDAT _ SATC>»,iay. We will also attend on Monday andFclday fevening!) to supply those who neflir calling at tbtt ii'V. " . EWING.* 35* Altoona, Je. n . I£, 1C58.-3m ' x ~. v ' FOB MA- V_y KINO Soft Soap, and Boap Powder for. WaMjiloftvOD* wound equal to six of common Soap; CVatQe Soap, Palm Soup, Chemical Soap, etc., on bond and for sale at "’ June 10,1858.-tfJ A. ROCSH'S. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW V_y Ready Made Clothing, o X the Jarett Rathjona. cheaper than .ever, at- s. =‘-IlwifcOH> Dec. 9,1868. \ ■ . —Caster Oil CO £ s ' . «s- 1.1 OX ■tf'S * *| | gfJ £! 3«|| a I g§s B r-K o Vi o w a M • ► P 3 • ■ss |.‘6 PW|5-C2 •OQ