The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 03, 1859, Image 2

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C|t|Ptoma Criknt
are unknown to nz,onrrnlefor mdver
twin* into ve voire psyme at in advance, oca guarantee from
known person*. It ii therefore uaoloa forall such to send
■# ndvertiieinents offering to pay at tite end of throe or six
month*.' Where advertisement* are accompanied withthe
BMiji' whether one, five or ton-dollar*, wo will give ftl
aav;erUsor thu tall benefit of cash rate*.
ft Bf. FETTESGIML ft, CO.,
A'dver tiring Agent*, 119 Nassau street, New York, and
10 State street, Boston, ate the Agents for the Altoona
TrU/unt, audthe most influential.and laigert circulating
Newspapers la the United States and the Canadas. They
are authorized to contract fer ns at our lowut ralet.
Rewarding Rascality.
Who that read the opinion of Judge
Taylor showing the frauds perpetrated in
Washington township, Cambria county, at
last fall's election—who that knows the
fact that the Legislature in the contesting
by Proudfoot of Porter’s seat, threw out
the i oholt vote of the township and ousted
Porter—who that is in favor of the up
holding of the laws of the land, the keep
ing pure the right of elective franchise,
will not blush to hear and to know that
the Democrats of this same township, at
their late spring election, (in defiance of j
public opinion as expressed by all honest j
men of all parties everywhere — in the face j
of the decisions of the Judicial and Legis- !
lative tribunals before whom the matter
was brought, and before whom the guilt
of the election board and other interested
parlies to vile frauds made _ clear os the
light of day) actually re-clccted a majority
of the hoa rd, that stand forth before the
world as the authors—no, not as the au
. thorn, because they were simply the tools
of men better adapted to the commission
of crime, being more skilled in its walks
—but,who, at least, stand forth by the de
cisions referred to —by the sworn, nncon
trauicted and undented testimony taken in
the matter—as parties convicted’ of an
outrageous and stupendous fraud ? Who j
will not blush to know that Arthur Storm !
( who olthough a Democrat and a devoted j
lover of his partjvjct who, when brought I
before the commissioners taking lesilluony,
was honest enough to tell the truth and
thus was partly of making the
fraud appear) was (defeated for Assessor—
the very significant office Of Assessor—-and
a true friend of law and order elected;'
that F. M. George, —the same F. M.
George who says he sicore the election
Board, —but as to this was contradicted —
who acted as Justice of the Peace (and
who was acting at that time) for over a
year without the slightest authority—was
elected Justice ? Thus do a majority of
the voters of this township appear to show
their approbation of these frauds by re
warding rascality and vice.
The whole ticket elected, we believe, was
known as the White ticket. There is,
\ '
however, a fact that should be knowji, that
although the most determined effort was
made to get the vote out, although old and
young were brought to the polls, the whole
vote polled was 187—a right smart .fal
ling off from the vote alleged to have been
cast last Octobers Although apparently
successful now, the time will come when
the perpetrators of these outrages will
kn ow to their sorrow that is the
best policy,” and their past sins will serve
as perpetually recurring lessons to them,
to convince them of this truth.
Death op a Member op the Legis
lature. — W. Wood, Esq., a mem--
her of the Legislature, from the city of
Philadelphia, died at the residence of his
parents, in that city, on Wednesday
opening of last week. Mr. Wood, although
the youngest man, with one or two excep
tions, in the House, was one of the most
useful members. His affable and social
disposition, made him a favorite with his
fellow members. He was first attacked
with a severe cold from which he partially
recovered, but whilst returning home he
topic a relapse and was finally attacked
•with bilious fever, of which disease be
died. | The jmembers iof both Houses at
tended his funeral in * body on Saturday
list ■'
'*■ <o** Should an extra session of Con
gress take place, it win probably be called
ibrjpue, and special election would bare
to be .held in- all the Souther* but
tbpte jrbicb hay* already held tiem—
Florida, Arkansas, Missouri and South
ilahklina, which elects in
May:' ibe president's message would
bare to go to Oregon by t£e sth of March,
or that State would be unrepresented.
IF BweeV the new and fresh confection
aries afFettinpr’*. ' ■
I 10u|fe» **PI aw is an
oettb, «NT«hk reprtalWß swears for him.
amtootypest in Ravenna, Pa., has a
monaeio* cmgewMchnan fully u well as the
befit-trained oiusry.
4M>r Fantlior
phy, tile, champion chessplayer, for tbe-Vrcsi
demty iySflftT . ' r - ,
|£ft. The Democratic State Convention will
meet in Harrisburg, on Wednesday, the 16th of
PQk. “ Dad, did yon always act so strange V*
“ Why, Billy ?” “ Because when mam gets sick,
you always have to fetch a baby here to squall
round and make sich a noise.”
fgeS“ An Irish girl was married a few days
since in New York to n negro waiter on the
steamer Empire City, The wedding porty con
sisted of seven with their white wives.
Qi’fecn Victoria is not yet forty years of
age, f.'adhaa seven children and one grand child.
A'n eighth member of the British Royal family
is daily expected. This is doing very well for a
queen, ,
5 tST During the past year Mrs. A. E. Flint
raised on her plantation in Louisiana, 1,800
bhds. sugar, 4,000 hbJs. molasses and 400 bales
of cotton. This is the largest crop ever produ
ced on a single plantation in Louisiana.
ggy A writer in the Now York Tribune for
wards to that paper twenty dollars, as a bonus
for the benefit he derived from an advertisement
which received two days’ insertion. He says it
was the beat investment he ever made. Sensi -
hie man, that.
Jgp* A Constable pursued a thief who took
refuge on a stump in a swamp, and pulled the
rail after him on which he went in. The con
stable made the following return:—“ Sightable
—-conversable—non est comatable —in swamp
um—up stumpum—railo.”
There are in Massachusetts two hundred
and ninety-four factories, with a capital of thir
ty-two millions pf dollars and one and a half
millions of spindles, which put into the market
manufactures worth thirty-four millions of dol
lars annually.
jggp- Uncertainty of Law.—John Percy, of
Albany, N- Y., recently brought sixty-three
suits against the Evening Journal of that city,
in which he claimed $1,300,000 damages. The*
suits hare beea tried, but the juries found for
the defendants.
Tull Skating.—The Fond du Lac Demo
cratic Press says, a printer in that office named
11. R. Wagers skated from that cily across Lake
Winnebago, and np Fox river to Berlin, a dis
tance of seventy-tWo miles, in just five hours
and fifteen minutes—or fourteen miles and a
little more an hoar.
fcg°* Explosion on the Mississippi River.—
The steamer Princes, from Vicksburg, bound
for Now Orleans, exploded her boiler, and was
burnt to tho water’s edge, on Sunday morning,
near Barton Rouge. Four hundred passengers
were on board, of which number about two hun
dred were either lost or are missing.
ear There must be some “ Merry Minnesota
Wives,” it tho following be true : “ The Mendo
ta Press says that two citizens of that town have
recently lost their wives by elopement, and that
the customary salutation in the streets, instead
qf “How do you do, sir?” has become, “Is
your wife Safe, this morning ?’ ”
pip* A boarding Miss, deeming “ eat” a word
too-vulgar for refined ears, defines it thus: “To
iusert nutritions pabulum into the ventriculnted
orifice below the protuberance, which bcin g
masticated, peregrinates through the cartilagi
nous cavities of the larnyx, and is finally do
miciliated in the recepticle for digestible parti
fjCg" The Wealth of Pennsylvania.—The last
annual report of the Auditor General, gives some
interesting statistics. The total appraised value
of real and personal property in this Common
wealth is $668,770,234. The assessments of
tax is $1,484,816,23. The population 2,311,-
786 and the number of taxables 513,600:
it Start Here?—A new religious
sect has sprung np in the vicinity of New Bed
ford, Mass. One of their peculiarities is, that
the ministers salute the sisters with a kiss. A
writer says he recently saw a brother kissing
the sisters with an unction, and warning their
husbands to flee from the wrath to come.
BoP The Gettysburg (Pa.) Compiler records
the death of two twin daughters of Abraham
Guise, of that county, in the 44th year of their
age, and adds : They were born and reared to
gether—never separated for a single night in
their lives—took the some disease, (measles.)
died within a few hours of each other, and were
buried side by side in the same gravo.-
Minnesota papers say that the In-
dians in part of the country are being rap
idly civilized, all those in the neighborhood of
the settlements drinking whisky, chewing to
bacco, lying, stealing and swearing equal to
white men; and the other day a young squaw
committed suicide by hanging herself oh a tree,
on account of disappointments in love.''-
. 80U The Galesburg (111.) Democrat states
that a little girl of that place, seven or eight
years old, nearly lost her life a few nights ag'o,
by a cat—the animal being found in bed with
her, and its mouth close to that of the child,’
who seemed to catch, .for breain occasionally,
and was not restored to consciousness until a
lapse of two 0 1 three hours.
\ ,
Buck as a Lover.—There are abun
dant rumors afloat to the effect that the Presi
dent is likely to lead to the hymcnialalter an
accomplished and estimable widow lady of
Georgia. Perhaps this accounts for the especial
care and elegance of our bachelor President’s
dress. It is a' matter of general remark that
Mr. Buchanan, in his handsome brown fro>ck
coat, white vest and cravgt, and patent leather
pomps, is one of the most elegantly dressed
young men in the capital.
BSP On Friday last, a little boy in Cincinnati,
named Story, was pursued by three hogs, and
chased to a considerable distance. Finding he
was, about to be overtaken, he endeavored to
climb a fence. When partly over, one of the
hogs seized hold iof tire child’s leg and pulled
him down, when the other two bit at him, injur
ing hint severely; Mis eries attracted the atten
tion of a woman, who ran to his assistance.—
One of the hogs showed fight, and chased her
back, when another woman ran out and picked
up the bleeding ’ child, and carried him into her
Tanainut Fall—A. Lucky Man.—A man
named Matthew. Wilhelm, residing 1 in Browns
town, had a most miraculous escape from death.
It appears that while taking a drink from a
baoket at a-well in the above village, hie feet
slipped,'and unable to control himself he was
precipitated “ head foremost,” to the bottom of
the well, a. distance of foriy-five feet. Every
person thought him killed, bat strange to say
be escaped without a scratch, and was hauled
to the outface nothing the worse from his im
promptu bath. He says that while, falling he
contrived to reverse bis position, and that his
feet reaching the water first, hethusinade good
biw escape. Wilholtn seems to be a very fortu
nate, and at .the same time unfortunate, kind of
a man, £ast winter he fell through the ice in
the Monongahela river, and when eveiy, person
thought him a “ gone goose” hff hp his
head through the nearest airhale, And,was
drawn out as fresh looking as though nothing
had hoppened him.
[Special of the Tcibnoe.j
Hahhisburo, March Ist, 1859.
Since my last, as usual, nothing of very great
fipprtnnoe hie beeniacoomplislted by the solona
in, Qeocnl Assembly met There has been *
vms of talking bat the records show noth*
ing creditable in theway of actions.
‘ The evidence bSlj invrhieh the legal gentle
men of the Senate had eoch a hrilliant opportu
nity to diaplay new and beautiful theories of
the lew, was lulled. Members persisted In ma
king speeches for and againat the measure when
it was a foregone conclusion that the biU would
be killed as dead as a herring. The Superfluous
spouting cost?the State something, but Senators
have their prerogatives, or else wherein consists
the glory of being elected to so honorable a sta
tion. -
A bill to giant conditionally $1,200 per an
num to the Westminster College, in New Wil
mington, Lawrence county, passed the Senate,
after a long war of words. The conditions of
the bill are that a iNormsl School is to be at
tached, at which from fifty to three hundred
pupils are to?be qualified to teach, at a mere
nominal sum.- The passage of this Act through
the House, odd its sanction by the Governor,
will open the door to a little more Legislation of
the same sor|. It is understood that this is an
ingenious mode of raising the wind to finish the
The appropriation bill has had several hear
ings in the House, and on each occasion suc
ceeded in raising a magmficient breeze. The
proposed appropriation of $24,000 to build a
monument oh the Capitol Grounds to the mem
ory of those who had lost their lives in Mexico,
fell with a tremendous crash. A great many
persons were extremely anxious that this ap
propriation should bo made, and great will be
the disappointment. The principal argument
against the appropriation was that ;no similar
act had been done by the State to plead to the
memory ofthose Who were slain in the revolu
tion, or the'war of 1812.
The Philadelphians, as usual, ask for an im
mense amount of money to be distributed in
their city in the shape of appropriations. Among
the charitable institutions I notice particularly
the application of two of them for aid, which,
when the cafe is properly understood by your
readers will probably be regarded as a cool alms
asking. I have reference to the “ Pennsylvania
Asylum for Indigent Widows and single Women,”
and the “ Hbward Association.” These estab
lishments are upper-crust Alms Houses, got up
for the'broken down aristocracy. The annual
statement of. them says that the institu
tion is designed for such females as “ have seen
better days, and have a delicacy about spend
ing their days in the County Poor House.”—
from a fable of the expenditures, I judge that
the recipients of this noble charity have been
“living like fighting cocks,” as the old saying
is, and. luxuriating on such feed as the hard
working tux-payers of the interior never dream
of! I say, let Philadelphia support her own
On Monday a re-consideration of the vote fix
ing the I6th as the day of final adjournment
was carried, and the 26th substituted. They
might, in order to save trouble, just as well fix
about the lsth of April as the day.
A supplement to the last license bill came up
before the House ,to-day and gave rise to a pro
longed debate. It givba an interpretation to
the meaning of the law so long in dispute, as to
whether the judges may, or may not, refuse to
grant licenses In all cases.
Remonstrances are coming in very strong from
various parts of Bedford county against the an
nexation of Middle Woodberry township to Blair
county. All the residents of the township, I
understand, with one. or two exceptions, are in
favor of the measure.'?.
The Fry; divorce case, of which so much has
been said, is at last up for a hearing before the
committee on divorces in the Hall of the House,
which is crowded with anxious listeners. For
Mrs. Frj, st. George T. Campbell, W. L. Hirst,
and Hon. {Thomas Corwin appear as counsel.—
Of course ever/ body is anxious to hear such
great gonsj, Corwin was in the Senate to-Uay,
and as I looked at bis sWathy features, I made
up my mind that whatever position he may at
tain in the political world, he is not likely to
meet the fate of Phillip Barton Key.
Crossing .Niagara' River on Stilts.
The Chicago Pm* has an account of a Yan
kee adventurer, named Andrew Greenleaf, cros
sing Niagara river between Goat Island and the |
Falls on stilts, on the 12th inst., for a bet of |
$lOOO, made with a Southenor. Greeuleaf, I
(or MorelU os he called himself, for he passes 1
for an Italian, and is a “ showman,”) had with
him n pair;of stilts about twelve feet long, made
of wrought iron, flat, sharp edged and pointed
—shaped in fact' almost precisely like a double
edged dagger. These were firmly lashed to his
legs, and he Walked towards the terrible river
with a confident smile. The morning clear
and cold, hut ha was attired.very tightly, in a
dresS not; unlike that usually worn by profes
sional gymnasts. At ten minutes past seven,
be stepped into the water, which in another mo
ment was boiling, gorgling, and rushing beneath
bis feat The boldest of the lookers on bald his
breath in; suspense, as the daring man receded
from the shore. He alone sccmeu unmoved, and
passed on, slowly and carefully, avoiding the
larger rocks which were made apparent by the
eddying current. His steps at first Were very
short and carefully mode, but afterwards bo
came" bolder ahd longer. The stilts of course
were so {placed, that, the current struck only
ngalfist their sharp edge, and produced but lit
tle effects but the danger from sunken rocks,
and file conviction that a single false step would
send hint to death, produced a feeling Which
was horribly painful. Once or twice he seemed
to lose his balance, and' a sickening shudder ran
througu ehch one of thO beholders. Keooyerin g
himself he still kept oh—still receded, aptil to
our straining eyes ho could scarcely be distin
guished from Hie foaming waters.
The middle of the river was attained at lost;
hours seemed to have fled, but it was barely
Seventeen minutes since be left the shore. As
ho approached 'the deepest and most dangerous
part: of Ids route the suspense became more’ in
tense. No whrd was spoken, except that one
man offered another five dollars for a moment’s
use 6f bis lorgnette, which offer passed unheed
ed. Just ns Morelli reached the swiftest and
deepest portion of the current, M? seemed to
totter—-sink—he threw up his arm! I closed
my eyes.; Opening them a moment after, Lsaw
that- be was still standing. A few moments
more, and he had reachcdtbe Canadian bank—
he was pafe, and fell exhausted into the arms
Of tWo men who were waiting to receive him.—
AC this boar (8 p. m.) he was nearly recovered,
and • though still in bed, receives the congratu
lations of dozens of visitors who come pouring
in. He left the American shore 900 feet above
the fall, tod came out about 1000 feeCabove the
. Canadian) The money has already been handed
over to h|m, and all will agree that it was fair
ly won. f His generous opponent is.nblo to af
ford his'loss,:and speaks in praise of Moi-olli
more enthusiastically than any.
B&> Ip Baltimore, on Tuesday night, Miss
Stratton attended a ball, and on her way borne,
accompanied by her brother, complained of be
ing unwell, and sot down on a doorstep, while
he ran for assistance. When he returned she
Sunday Scbool- Convention.
i 1 At a convention of delegates from a number
pf the -Sunday Schools in the county, held at
Philadelphia last week, the folio wing resolutions
wetre adopted. We commend them to the care
ful perusal of all who take an interest in this
“nursery of the church;”— \
lit Resolved, That wo regard the Sunday School, to
connection with the teaching* of the family and the pulpit,
reliable «■ anageucy file bringing the entire youth of our
country under'{Weaving influence ofthe GoepeL *
2d. Resolved, That the Sunday School teacher’s- lot* qr
Mtteork wan indispensable prerequisite and accompani
ment ofhis labors, without whiebit will degenerate into a
mere formality, destitute alike of life, assiduity ind success.
3d. Resolved, Hut the Sunday School Teachers’ thorough
preparatory study ofhis weekly lesson is demanded both by
his p.wn wants and these of his class, without which he ran
rarely. If ever, rise to the.proper fitness for teaching, or se
cure the respect, attention and profitable instruction of
those whom be teaches.
4ti). Resolved, That the Sunday School teachers? rigid
punctuality and regularity in his attendance, is essential to
the goodN.rder of the school, and to the formation of the
same habit in his scholars, while the want of it is an exam
ple of truancy to them; a disturbance of the arrangements
of the school, aud a vexation of spirit to tlicfic who are ap
pointed to rule over it
6th. Resolved, That there is a continual obligation rest
ing On every teacher, to preserve order in his own class ; as
a matter needful to the quiet of the whole school; and for
the beet action ofhis own mind on the lesson during teach
ing, and especially for the reception of Instruction on the
part of his scholars, and, the want of which is demoralizing
to the class, destructive to tha influence of teaching and
detrimental to the order of the school.
6th. Resolved, That every teacher should feel under
strong obligations fully to occupy the time of every session
that is devoted to instruction; employing it, if [lossihle,
in the topics of the lesson under examination, or in such
ways as will interest fully, and instruct wisely, those com
mitted to his charge—remembering that the waste' mo
ments of Sunday School hours, are tha seed-time when
Satan sows, for a speedy harvest of mischief aiul sin.
7th. Resolved, That the success of every teacher will de
pend much uu his frequent friendly and Christian visitation
of his scholars, thus availing himself of the sympathy of
parents aud children, begetting a reciprocal kindness, ex
citing his own interest in duty, and preparing the soil of
the heart fur the proper culture of Sunday School iustruc
Bth. Resolved, That we recognize, in its fullest and most
absolute souse, the necessity of the influence of the Holy
Spirit, fur the instruction, conviction, conversion and sanc
tification of the children of our schools; and would earn
estly urge upon every toucher to “he instant in prayer”
that tins chief want may bo supplied from the infinite
stores of God’s fulucss, thus giving us beauty for ashes, th«
oil of joy for mourning, and the garments of praise for ihf
spirit of heaviness.
flth. Resolved, That we reganj the Sunday School Teach
ers' example in all the walks of life, as an influence for
good or evil which should admonish him to continual well
doing, that his light may shiue before men, that they see
ing his good works may glorify our Father which is it
Ueavou. |
10tb.. Resolved, That the sentiments of the Sunday Selitx#
Teachers as well as of the church in regard to the earl£
conversion of children, tails for below Bible History an|i
Bible Teaching; and that teachers- in all their instructions
should keep this subject steadily in view, us the great tuVl
only truly satisfactory result of their labor.
lith. Resolved, That a weekly meeting of Sunday Schorl
Teachers for prayer and the study of the lesson, is a need
ful appendage of every school.
12th. Resolved, That we recommend to Sunday Shoals
as an important measure for the acquisition as well as tie
retention of religious knowledge, reviews-of the l-ssous at
proper periods.
13th. Resolved, That we earnestly recommend theorgati
zation of Associations of Sunday School Teachers in our
cities and towns, for stated seasons, and prayer ami discu."-
sioh, as a means of adding materially to th* efficiency of
the 1 system, to bo so conducted as not to infringe upon any
denominational peculiarities.
13th.—2. Resolvedj That we recommend the holding of
state and county Conventions of Sunday School Teachats.
os eminently calculated to promote Christian fellowship, to
collect information, to devise plans of action, and to stimu
late zeal in the cause.
131h.—3. Resolved, That wc recommend the establish
ment, by private subscription, of local depositories of Sun
day School publications.
14th Resolved, That we regard the common want of
preparation hy the scholars of their Sunday School lessons,
as highly detrimental to success in teaching, and one which
parents and teachers should diligently seek to remove.
16th. Resolved, 'That we regard with regret the'present
common deficiency in our schools, in the matter of commit
ting thoroughly to memory the Word ofOod, and desire to
express onr conviction that the present and future blessed
result of teaching would be immeasurably increased by
such acquisitions of Holy Writ.
16th. Resolved. That vvu hail with pleasure the Increas
ing spirit of systematic benevolence in Sunday Schools, and
urge its extension as important in a high degree to the for
mation of habits of voluntary beneficence among children
os well as for the present and future blessed effects of such
17th. Resolved. That the objects of the Sunday School,
in its intellectual, moral aud religious advantages, are such
as should secure the attendance of the grown-up youth of
both sexes, auil that pastors, parents, and teachers’, should
aim to secure that result as needful fur the best success of
the Institution.
18th. Resolved. That wo regard -with great regret the
neglect into which cliildren in many places are- allowed to
fall in reference to the habit of attendance at public worship,
and desire that teachers should avail themselves of their
position and influence to correct this ev(l.
19th. Resolved, That the establishment of Mission Sim-
Jay Schools in city and country, in their influence in eleva
ting the social, moral, and religious character of patents and
children, otlicrwiso destitute of Christian attention and
religious instruction, meets ■with our hearty approbation;
and ought to bo greatly extended, so as to meet, - if possible,
the necessity of all in our land who are ready to perijsh for
lack of the bread of life.
‘JOth. Resolved, That the duty and office of the Sunday
School teacher can in no wise supercede the duties or rela
tion of the Christian parent to his child, or that of a Chris
tian minister to his church; but should be regarded as the
efficient auxilary of Imtli.
■dial. Resolved. That this Convention recommend Unit
congregations, as far as practicable, be organized into
classes in connection with the Sabbath Schools, for the
study of the Bible.
22d. Resolved, That from the very nature of the case our
Sunday Schools do imperatively need and have the right
to expect at all times the watchful rare and supervision of
the pastor, whose counsels and sympathies and confidences
are pre-eminently dne to our Sunday* Shools.
211. ResolVcd. That the Sunday Schools system demands
of the membership of onr churches more cordial encourage
ment. pecuniary support, and personal service than it ha«
yet received, and which it must have in order to its proper
and full success.
24th. Resolved, That it he reocommcnded to the Ameri
can Sunday School Union, to revise or reconstruct the vol
umes of Union Questions now published by th»ni—also to
consider the practicability and utility of publishing a
Youth’s Commentary on the Iloly Scriptures.
25. Resolved, That we recognize the position of a Sabbath
School Superintendent, ns next in imnortanco and respon
sibility to that of the minister of the Gospel, and that we
therefore regard sincere piety, earnest zeal, unremitting
effort, and prompt attention, as indispons ible qualifications
for the proper performance of the duties of the office.
2Gth. Resolved. Tliat we affectionately ask Pastors and
School Superintendents, throughout (lie United
States, to rend the foregoing resolutions to their respective
congregations and schools, at the earliest convenient oppor
Mias JtiDSOH Goes to Indiana and gets a
divorce. —Miss Judson, the heroine of the Au
glo-Africaa elopement which caused so much
corrmotion about six weeks since, arrived in
town yesterday, on her way homeward, having
been to Indiana, in company with her brother,
and advertised Joe for a divorce, Joo hadn’t
any money to take him there to plead his own
cause, and, time being up, be was repudiated,
and his bride made a free woman. Sho was
just in the nick of time, as the stabiles were
immediately afterwards amended, so ns to cut
off all such operations in future. Indiana is no
longer the haven of domestic difficulties. The
poor disconsolate darkey is now alone again,
and, although he is said to still wander on the
shore by moonlight, looking for his love to re
turn, he will never be able to embrace her again.
—Detroit Free Prtsi: "*
Destitution in Canada.— The Kincarding
Commonwealth states that appalling distress pre
vails in some sections of Bruce county. Hun
dreds of families are on the verge of starvation.
Many sof their best and thriftiest farmers 4rc
destitute of the wherewithal to carry them
through, till another harvest, the crops of the
past year haying almost proved an entire failure.
We could enumerate instances where, even al
ready, families are subsisting on a few boiled
turnips, others on bread and water alone; and
the supply so small, that it can not keep soul
and body together for many weeks longer..
Some have consumed everything ia the shape of
vegetation, and as their last resort, have slaugh
tered their, oxen, which forms their whole sus
Wedding in a Death Chambeb. —A corres
pondent writing from West Union,- on the North-
Western Virginia Eailroad, to the Wheeling In
telligence.r, says that a wedding recently took
place in a death chamber, at Spring Hill, near
that place. Mr. Barr and Miss Eipley were
married whilst the father the lady was lying
a corpse. It appears |hat that day had been
set tor the wedding to) take place. The groom
proposed to pm it off a few Greeks, but the bride
insisted on its taking j place immediately. The
wedding accordingly took place at 0 o’clock,
over the corpse of her father.
Exciting Affair at Washington.
A Member cf Congress Killcthe Alleged
Seducer of Ins Wife.
Wabhihotos^F*BßO.v*X 27.
Mr. Sickles, M. G.,
shot dead PhUip Barton Key, District Attorney
here. The deed was dotte in front of Her. Mr.
Pyne’s church. Mr. Key expired ismemktMy
after being carried into ue CfinbHottfle.
shots were flredv Mr. Biokleagivo bimin* «P
to the officers of the law. Great excitement
exists. Mr. Key has children living, but his
wife (formerly MisS Swann, of Rallimoao,) died
two years since. Ho was the sop, of Fradcis S.
Key, of Mainland.' ?
The whole neighborhood of Lafayette Square,
opposite’the President’s House, was a scene of
intense excitement. Thousands of persons
from Washington and Georgetown visited the
neighborhood during the wholo aftemoon. The
dead body was conveyed to the Club House, on
Madison Place, cast'end of Lafayette Square.
Coroner Woodward held an inquest on the body.
The venerable General Walter Jones, Philip R.
Fendall, Judge Carroll, John A. Smith were
there amongst other old citizens; friends of the
deceased. The witnesses examined were Pr.
Coolidge, of the Army; Dr. Stone, Joseph L.
Dudrow, Richard N. Downer, Samuel S. But
terwortb, assayer of the mint at New York,
Edward W. Delafield, Jr., of Hew York, and
Francis Doyle. The evidence, in substance,
was that about 2 o’clock this Mr.
Butterworth and Key were talking together at
j)r. Manard’s, formerly Donncll‘s comer: Hon.
iDauiel Sickles, of New York, approached-and
bailed Key by name; they were facing each
other. Sickles 'said to Key, “ You scoundrel
you have dishonored me,” and then fired. Sim
ultaneously with this act. Key moved in such-a
manner as to indicate that he was about to
■Jraw a weapon. Sickles’ fire did not strike ;
as Sickles raised his arm to repeat the fire. Key
seized him, aud they tusselled-tp tho middle of
the street, when Sickles, becoming disengaged,
fired a second time, the ball entering the right
thigh near the main artery. Key then took
shelter behind a tree box on the opposite cor
ner; Sickles followed him and Bred the third
time. It is supposed this ball entered his left
side between the false ribs, and passed through
the body. It appeared during the intervals of
firing, that Key begged his assailant not to
shoot, not to shoot A third fire produced a
bruise on the body, as it glanced Key fell and
expired. It also appeared, that when he was
down, Sickles put the pistol to Key’s head, pul
led the trigger, when the cap exploded—one of
the witnesses testified, that during the excite
ment, Sickles remarked to some gentlemen who
came up, “he has dishonored me and defiled
my bed," or words to that effect.
Whilst standing near the body, Sickles said,
“damn rascal, is he dead?” The excitement
here became very high. Mr. Sickles joined
arms with Butterwortfa, and they proceeded to
the residence of Judge Bla6k, the Attorney Gen-
eral of the United States. He was there ar
rested by Captain' Goddard, find conveyed to
prison. The verdict is that said Philip Barton
Key came to his death by the effects of pistol
balls fired by the hand of Daniel E. Sickles.
Mr. dickies’ residence is the house on the
west end of Lafayette Square, formerly occupied
by Secretary Woodbury. A Derringer pistol of
one barrel was picked up on the pavement. —
Some suppose it had fallen from the lamented
Key, but it was not loaded. Mr. Butterworth
declined replying; to some interrogations before
this jury, having reference to the causes, &c.,
stating that he was summoned to appear before
a magistrate to-morrow, where he would bo
preparil to furnish all the particulars in his
The community is deeply afflicted in this un
expected death of of our fellow citizen, whoso
father and family, are so well known aud so
Kigbly esteemed.
In addition to what appeared before the Cor
oner’s inquest concerning the Key tragedy, it is
proper to say that last evening Hr. Sickles re
ceived an anonymous note, stating that his wife
hud criminal intercourse with Key, at a house
of ill fame. This is reported to me by most re
liable persons, with the other statements that
Mrs. Sickles confessed in writing criminal inti
macy ; also, that Sickles seeing Key near bis
house and waving a handkerchief went out aud
shot him. Mr. Buttcrworth refused v to testify,
except as;to tho immediate cause of death, but
his fricu'isbip for Sickles was exhibited by walk
ing withliim to the house of Judge Black. By
remark Wat the examination, Mr. Key bad been
in bad health for two years, and his manner,
habit dress have latterly been much changed
from that they were before the death of his
wife, formerly Miss Swann, of Baltimore.
Washington, February 28.
On’Friday Mr. Sickles received an anonymous
letter stating with precision bo minute as to
maki suspicion imperative, that Mr. Key had
rentid a house on Fifteenth street above K.
street, from a negro woman, and that be was in
the habit of meeting Mrs. Sickles there two or
three times a week, or oftenc#. ' The person and
dross of Mrs. Sickles were accurately described,
and the usual time of the interview specified.—r-
Accompanied by a friend, Mr. Sickles wont to
the house designated, and found every statement
of the anonymous writer corroborated. Mr.
Key had taken the house, and he had constantly
mer there a lady answering very closely in de
scription to Mrs. Sickles. Mr. Sickles still
dung to the hope that the person who had
stooped to the business of making such charges
under the veil of secrecy, migiit have thorough
ly deceived him, and that Mrs. Sickles was not
the lady in question. He accordingly requested
a friend, Mr. George Wooldridge, of New York,
to watch the place from the Window of a house
just opposite. On ho meeting took
place, and the woman in charge seems to have
stated that none had occurredsince Wednesday.
On Saturday evening Mr. pickles, resolved no
longer to play the spy npoh] his-honor, deter
mined to confront his wife directly With his ter
rible suspicion. At first Mrs. Sickles strongly
denied her guilt, but ou her husband asking her
whether, on the Wednesday previous, she had
not entered the house bn Fifteenth street, In a
certain particular dress, and concealed by a
hood, she cried hut “ I am faitrayed and lost!”
and swooned away. On recovering her senses,
she admitted her guilt and besought mercy and
pardon. Mr. Sickles calmly said he would not
injure her, since ho believed her the victim of a
scoundrel; hut that he bad a right to a full
confession. Two ladies in the house were sent
for as witnesses, and in their presence Mrs.
Sickles made a full confession in-writing,
ting that her connection With Mr. Keyhad oomi
menced in April last, under Mr. Sickles* roof,
but that Mrl Key bad since hired the Honse in
Fifteenth street, in Which' they bad constantly
met. Mrs. Sickles’ confession was made in the
midst of the bitterest contrition and misery.—
Her husband simply asked her to give hiin bick
her wedding ring, and desired her to write to
her mother to come and take: her'frorohfs house
forever. Mrs. Sickles made no objection, ad
mitting the justice of her 1 punishment in the
most affecting language. The Hon. Robert J.
Walker and Messrs. Carlisle and Ratcliff have
been retained ns his counsel.
In the Circuit Court, this moniing, Mr. Cm*-
lisle announced the death of Philip Barton Key.
of Kentucky, late’District Attorney for the dis
trict of Columbia. While eulogising the de
ceased as % courteous, frank and open hearted
gentleman, he forbore tospeak t'pf. ibe' cause
which led to his death, astistwasasnlyectfor
judicial investigation. The. pour I paid similar
complimesta to the deceased, and in token of
respect adjourned until Monday.
Mysterious peath—Supposed
toning of a Man by his fe ’
On WedtiMfiay egening Mtn \
Adam Smitl^foremmlon the TwEiffir.,
Road at Stofidn, died Sdtto*Ti* "•3
£tori#o» The hSvlcW^L*?l
- hie [wife leading todhe ui#«n than,?*,** 1
bcen Dootoks «!,
Jirf o^lown^lrero
a p«t mortem «an%atloul||he S‘°
Comer’s jeity wa»innamoß«fflß *
affair. From the teStimouy !**
i the following facts t On Friday last ■
I left her home at Bailey's station for
Ito take tfae cot* for Harrisburg, fH» W°s.
• was in perfectly round health at- (fit time,'^^
' not been sick for month*previous,
ing„ Mrs. Smith told the hired girl th»t ifu
Smith took sick that evening, the should gii t
some laudanum which she always kept m «*
house. Arriving at Newport, Mrs. Smithy
to a drag store and asked for arsenic, n!
druggist stated that he had none, and sH
had he would not sell it to her, at tbs
time asking her what she wanted witn sack
article—whether she intented to poisoij Snia
She replied that sht wanted the poison to k n
ruts, Mt was testified, however, by snotU
dealer in Newport, that be had told her artetdp
few weeks ago— about first of this month. *'
She took the cars for Harrisburg, arriving tW
at 12 o’clock on Friday, and remained own
about eight o’clock in the evening. | o r
purpose she visited our town, or whether
made a purchase at any of our drug stores, fa!
not appear. She started home by the tni»
which leaves here at eight o’clock, andiarttvis.
at Duncannon, offered $2 50 to any pehoa *2
would drive her home—the cars not stopping *
Bailey’s station—stating that her husband
very sick! She failed in her object, now«e
and went on to Newport, where she jremaioti
over night, at a hotel. On Saturday ;monk
sho went to a store and purchased adjaobmtf
croton oil—as was testified by the boy'who mu
her the article—and left for home. On her«,
rival she found her husband very sick, vomitia.
frequently and violently, and
intense burning in the x stomach. The
mixed up a dose out of the bottle purchased«
Newport, and administered it to Smith, sborth
after which be commenced vomiting fad p®J.
ing. v The doses were repeated at short infer
vals, and the hired girl stated that she noticed
Mrs. Smith put into the mixture some white
powder which she had in a bine 'paper. Smith
continued in this condition for two or three din,
vomiting and purging, and gradually sinking.
During all this time no physician hadbeea cei
led in. On Tuesday, however, Mrs. Smith tilt
graphed to Dr. Hoover, at Duucannua, to tint
her husband, who was very sick. At the bum
time she telegraphed to her father and motkn
at Philadelphia to come up, that Smith uasdui;
All parties promptly responded to the susubmi
Dr. Hoover, after examining Smith’s case, u 4
conversing with him, arrived at the conclm**
that he was affected with imfiaraatiou of fit
bowels, and treated hint accordingly. Smith
continued vomiting and purging, andjcomplii*.
ing of intense burning and pain in the stomach
In condition ho lingered untH 'Vednwhj
night, when be died. Up to the moment j)
drew his last breath, bo was perfectly clpr
headed and rational. As we before remarks),
suspicion was excited in the minds of the neigh
bors against the wife, and they determined n
investigate the affair. For this purpose th
Coroner’s jury was summoned, and Dvctm
Rutherford and Orth sent for. They took w
the stomach, and without making any cxsmln
tion of it, secured it properly and placed it in i
bottle, to be sent to Philadelphia for cbemiei
analysis. Au examination of some of the in
testines showed a very high degree of infiai
tion, from which cause, they say, Smith did:
but whether the effect was produced by peisoa
remains to be seen. Mrs. Smith vras put ink
arrest and wits'in custody of a Constable till
morning when Doctors Rutherford and Oiti
left. The Coroner told the hired giri that ib
would be hold as a witness in the cose, via
the mother of Mrs. Smith'called the girl toon
sijie, and told her that Mrs. Smith would ja
her a twenty dollar gold piece if she tefused tola
lify I Mrs. Smith does not bear a very joof
reputation in that community, and the pubis
feeling and suspicion ii strong against her. Ski
is the daughter of Win. Carlisle, ’former!; i’
Newport, and now a resident of Philadelphia
and has been married three timfs. The bit
that Smith was perfectly well when she lilt
homo—Her remark to the hired girl that if Said
took - sick that evening she should give him urn
laudanum—her mysterious and uueiplitibk
visit to Hamsburg--her statement at' Ouncu
non that she was was anxious to get home be
cause Smith was very sick^—her purchase of is
scn’ic and croton oil at Newport—her coatn
dictory dispatches to Dr Hoover and her p
rents, the one representing Smith as sick nl
the other ns dead—heir conduct- at home dumj
her husband's illness, and the peculiar chandr
of the sjmtoms attending his illness—are dr
tumsiaucca which, to say;the least, look a
ccedingly suspicious..
Lust, night Mrs. Smith took suddenly ill
vomiting and purging, and it was feared do
she had taken pofssn herself. For a time ik
was pi a sinking condition, her cxtremitieik'l
ing quite cold. She wa.?.promptly andskiUM
treated, however, and when Doctors Rutknfw
and Orth left, seemed to be quite e*sj °*
comfortable. —Harrisburg Telegraph, IMM eh.
P- S Since the above was placed in type. 11
learn that Mrs. Smith died on Friday nigh
having, it is supposed, taken another des*!*
Bgfh- Tho ,L Courier Las ft®
ing account of a distressing affair wbkl*
red at Lebanon, Ky., on the 21st inst.■*l
Susan Shock, daughter of John Shuck- I
was to hare, been married toMr. John Too®l
at 12 o’clock ; but a few minutes prior' o I
time the ceremony was to be
dress accidently caught firc. Wid the wea®*|
dress, being of thin material, was instant?* I
blase, and the yonng lady yfss f»}»Uj bawl
Her sister, Mrs. Buix Harrtym, m her
to save her, fired her own dress, and wss r I
haps mete severely burned; there is bnt
hope of her recovery, it is feared. Mr.
and other members of the family,; who »] w ,
to relieve the yonng lady fifom her perl'on*
'nation, were burned, but not seriously ,
scene Was terrifyihjfbeybpd' the express*®!
language. The
'the waist up, and : the hafc burned W® J
head. After : her-'
while she lay upon hOr cbuch,
tensest agony, the marriage beremonj
formed. s , - v
s ..I. r“ w 1 ljl
A Quesu Tbassaotxos.—We leafy **& ,
Easton Timet, that on Saturday CTe “ 1D ? wofi
citizen of Fh'illipsbnrg, for’reason*
tohimself, disposed of his wife, f°. ur J Lfii
hud hfe hoaBehold andi>tchen fa^ nltur ? ,
valuable consideration of 50 cents eat
second-hand black’doth coot.' The p
of this valuable personal estate, w* B i
gentleman of some twenty summers. ft
teamster by profession. • Whether ti W
consulted in the arrangement, >» no *' B ff
it is generally believed that the tran
acceptable to her. The funniest
story is, that the husband, after gifyß
of sale* late In the evening of SatanWjj
a night's lodging from the new P l-0 !*.
goods and chattels, and was accomfflw*
a portion of the bed of two of the >.{. #
where he snoozed away quits c °®fy i*
morning, when he left the pre»fy
good humor-
****£ * t* 9 *’ asc
of Of
w> .‘
ft «a«ber of
JJoi P wy* , »»oso <
S, Tioiuuy- Thcs ;
pUMfel &• lM ** Bto
£3ta|» •djtininß.®
tot; btttiMW ioauffi
(U*t» which ascend
!STs«l U* bl*»
jioolarly, enabled th
U* building and play
**a«4* Tb * “ ta
Pitt of blocks of ua
«II tbi propel in
any eontldtrabl
® r * ,B
•mpm* « lw *V
coiling of the brat
from the
llpoaghthe celling,
jag aroandtho pipe I
•4t«a£ to the Weatb
'■bat befoaa assistance
vKtr* biinttlng throng
ibullding. No'hope o
.oottldbe entertained,
artrt directed to saxo
wae frared that the j
itiager* Ullman, ncx
.ieg, would take fire, <
rtorn ont and their go.
(pesstbla. By almo!
ikcwoxor, the fire w
.tarnsiihm enough t.
joining'bouses. T
•tone. iugh while the
oiljtioiy, and-the fir
,ttr pjpportnnity of s.v
,di I Tho ifpid spren
aniqnay together wit
ong bfi’the clerks, o
ttara. -Mott ef tb
wrot* carried out, a
.damaged by water,
of olothii
thaxlng*beaa<pUed up
H«M and remain! a(
NeU, ieenpying the
lag, carried-out all b
ontbo opposite aide.
-quantity ofitbo good
l*t» parried o nt by ]
■them >«otil they ar
-namber of persona w
oCgoedain localities
oofttyrequired. IV
-tons areknown and
ftmfl'fikegooda and e
indefatigable exerti
, fire wae completely <
%adTeaohed the aoco
pmented from fall
cannot be awarded
periled tbei
■of their neighbors,
•dflphla at the time <
■mated; to be in tb«
%itt irt learn that be i|
«/ Messrs. Ettinger i
Kt** though Mr. J.
for tint’s* bia go
My |g||jlng deprixed
In winding up tbi
to the advantages a
fipc engine would ha
the absence of eithti
•to render Comment a
not hi taught by pr<|
by example.
■'Cm. k! R. Fsa
for «ont| time bes l<
tra;«ondnctor on ti
hjf 'i|hi; Superintend
burg, where be will
titCi Capt. Franks 1
do' lout him. Ala
fciamanner—with ma
aaopaaod a nod of r
md, he U descrvei
ladies bii
I hate frequci
. wiUtmmftd * tear rise
tkt/qmft Altoona,
maflP-t&ot ht was c
With such Cond
s ests of the travel!;
wCl’ not suffer. I
careful of every i
•ddjrees and manner
fhe passengers. M
Attend him. May
eff. “ Tarda tii HU
the received
wardness the beat l
Webb, Eddt & C
C«., of Augusta, G
Wilmington, Dalw
(pect in public cc
lottery institution
•dstence, and 4\
straightforward nw
put money into il
into the pockets of
Aith them. Theii
their prises ore imi
wy forwarding $
drmnhyou will stai
•mi the whole,
OlWfht prizes,