The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 24, 1859, Image 4

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    V ; nf nwYttr''
" Wlm Wifths ssurili I1»«t wi*Vt|-
‘ , _ iKSaaeM lu W* »rrar'» no— ~ ~ ,
• «*»"««- tttt jMM to —rfwt ■
< ~ySSSSm th» neosrvti is the mamf ■
- • with fbrtoiK’i dutu • i ‘
are like Imtm tipon the tWe.
In 41m of old sepulchres they lie,
Tbs tact of silenco ud decay,
Whlltf thetrak «ocliM>eart tn/wMilgt
«nr mux*.' d. *. n. bocthwoeth.
mmi ns "jin hbttii nr aw wnmsn ** “*hb
~- IWMSUTUn wurs,” WTO,, WM; Bio.
■ ■! [ooHyoroxß.] •
tfHwvc yon got through V asked Um oud at
«b*door, rapping tofjMWnUj.
4 Wo,:t»,’Wu l, ** directed,
«Be resumed his tramping op and down, and
X vast baek to my patient. She beckoned me
toueme dose, and whispered—
*■‘Bavemychild I the living one I mean I hide
Impl oh, bide her from himJ When he de-
JMpds the l»be, give him the poor little dead
prtii hrr ntnnnf hurt that! Amjl he will not
know there was {another. Oht hide and eave
ttyebOd.* ,
_ ‘Master, I was need to queer doing, bat this
was a little the queerest. Bat if 1 was to con
ecal that second child in order to save it, it was
necessary to stop ifs month, for it was squalling
like a wild ost. So I took a vial of paregoric
from my pocket and gave it a drop, and it went
off to sleep like an angeL I wrapped it,up
warm and lay it along with n>7 shawl and bon
net, in a dark comer. Jast then the man
wrapped again. \ ( -
‘ ‘Come in, master,’ said I. -.
* ‘No, bring me the babe,’ he said.
*1 took op the dead infant. Its mother kis
sed its brow and dropped tears upon its little
sold (see; and 1 carried it to the man outside.
- ‘ ‘ls It asleep ?’ the willion asked me.
“Yes, master,' said I, as 1 pat it, well wrap
ped up, in his arms, ‘very sound asleep.’
‘ *6o much the better,’ said the knave walk
ing away.
‘I bolted the door and went back to my pa
rent. With her free hand she seized mine and
pressed it to her lips, and then held up. her left
band, pointed to the wedding ring upon her
third finger.
• ‘Draw it off and keep it,’ she said; ‘ conceal
the child under your shawl, and take her with
ypn when you go; save her and your fortune
■ball be made.’
*1 declare, master, I hadn't time to think,
before 1 beani one of them wretches rap at the
‘ ‘Come I get ready to go,’ he said. ..
‘She also beckoned me. I hastened to her.
With eager whispers and imploring gestures
she prayed me to take her ring and save her
‘‘But ypu. said I—‘who is to attend you?’
' ‘I do not know nor core I Save her!’
‘Tbo rapping continue ). I rap to the corner
whore I had left my things. I pnt on my bon
net, made a sort of .sling around my neck, of
the silk handkerchief, opened the large port of
it like a hammock and laid the little sleeping
baba there. Then I folded my big shawl around
tty breast and nobody any the wiser. The rap
ping was very impatient.
• ‘I am coming,’ said I.
• •Remember 1’ whispered the poor girl. 1
‘‘l will, said I, and went and opened [the
door. There stood t’other willian with [his
head covered with black crape. I dreamt of
nothing bat blackheaded demons for six months
'Afterward, j
• ‘Are yon ready V:injp he. I
‘Tea, yonr worship,’ says L 1
‘ *Come along, then.* * '
‘And binding another silk haadkcrohiaf reond
my eyes, he led me along.
‘lnstead of my mole a carriage stood near
the horse block.
“Get in,’ says be, holding the pistil to my
care by way of on argument.
1 got in. He jumped op upon the driver’s'
test, end wo drove like the wind. In another
dlqption from which we come, in coarse, for
there was no carriage road there. The carnage
whirled along at snob a rate It ; made me quite
giddy. At last it stopped again. The mania,
the mask got down ana opened the door
;* ‘Where areyoa tiaking me!’ says I.
‘Be qpiet,’ say's he, * or— —’ and with' that,
he put the pistil to,py cheek, ordered mo to
get ont, take the bandage from my eyes, and
walk Wore him. t did so, and saw duply .that
we in a port of the Country that 1 was
never in before. We were in a dark road
through a thick forest On the left ride of the
read* in A clearing stood an old house; a dim
Hght was homing in a lower window.
< ‘Qo in there,’ stud the willian, putting the
ptst& lo the back of my head. As the door
etood ajar I went in to a narrow, dark passage,
the nan all the. while at my book. He opened
a door on the left ride, and made mo go into a
darkroom. Just then the unfortunate child,
that bad been moving restlessly began to wail I
Well it might poor starved thing!
‘ ‘What’s that!’ says the miscreant,: under
his breath and stopping short.
* *lt aint nothing, sir,’ says I, and * huah-h-h’
to the baby. Bat the poor little wretch raised
* squill.
* <What is tihe meaning 6f this!’ says he.
<Wh**e <ftd that child dome from 1 Why the
demon don’t you speak? and with that he
seized me again by the scruff of the neck and
ahoekme. '
* *Oh, Master, for the lore of heaven don’t,’
Mja I, ‘this Is only a poor, nnfortnnet Infant aa
its patients wanted to get oaten the iray, and
in> .take care on. And I have bad it
nnder my shawl all the time ’oept
when X was in your house, when I pot St to
Idesp In the corner.
: < *HUpph4 and yon had that child wrapped up
nnderyour shawl when 1 first stopped you in
Ehdeder ■ ■ ■ ■
• “In coarse, master,’ says L •
„**Whoee isltl’
says I, ‘it's—it’sa dead secret,’
another He ready.
'’apppohe. out Into a rode, scornful laugh,
ajP|BB||ied not half to believe jmo mid yet not:
(ptestloniag me tool closely He
laadS Bie ait down then In the dark, and went
UhtAftd turned the key on me. I wet iny fin*
jßw wdth the paregoric and pat it to the baby’s
Bps to <»iet its pangs of bnngeri Then I
, bearda whispering in the next room. Now my
•yesight never was good, bat to make np for it
1. believe I had the sharpest ears that ever was,
•ni l don’ t think anybody could have heard
ttftt whimpering but mo. Isaw a little glimmer
ugh the chinks that showed me
jWrt|e door was, and so I creepcd up to it
•M put my ear to the key-hole. Siill they
phhMfKl so low that no ears could o’ heard
ftmiAat my sharp ones. They was, talking
•boot seilingsome woman and (mild. I should
tbeyhaia’t calledthe Woman
H&fe. ’em dolbjni,
&h a uenb He
told ny to oolledOaptain, thairWd
toko •omoffiMhanlls ■ndnoVnore.' -'
they threatooad’fctoh other, and went <mt 10*1117
honin’, ahihw Bonin’, thenow willain
effib asasy
and drove down a long way to the beach, jud
bailed a weasel <ra the riverand took ns aboard*
andsoldhs to the oaptoinrightalhre *jy j|npi
aad tben went ashore, asdwe was cameo off
onttoina, tbopgh I cried, and plained, and
spoealatodall the time. , |
‘Now. sir, 00 me a strange providence, which
the very thoughts of it might convert aheathen!
Tfe had been to een about fire days when a
dreadful etorm riz. 1 tell yon, master, that
looked like the wrath of God! I hogged the
baby tomy breast—and went to praying as hard
aa ever Leonid pray.
‘ Presently I felt anawfnl shook, as if Hea
ven ind earth had come together, and then"
everybody soreaming, ‘She’s struck! She’s
Struck!’ I felt the Teasel trembling like a lire
erector, and the water a pouring in syerywhere.
I hngged the babe end scrambled ap the com
panion way to the dock. It was pitch dork,
and I keard every msa rushing toward one! mde
of the weasel.
‘ A dash of lightning, that made everything
as bright as day again, showed me that they
t were aU taking to the boat. lirnahed after,
calling to them to save me and Ins baby.' Bat
no one seemed to hen me; they wore all too
bpsy trying to save themselves stud keep others
oat of the boat, and cursing ondi swearing and
hollering that there was no more room—that
the boat would be swamped, and so on. The
end was. that all who oonld crowd into the
host did so. And me and the baby and a poor
sailor lad and the black cook were left behind
to perish.
'But marster, as it tnrncd out, we as was
left to die, were the only ones saved. We
watched after that boat with longing eyes,
though we cohid only see it when the lightning
flashed. And every time we saw it, it was far
ther off. At last, marster, a flash of lightning
Showed as the boat as far off as ever we could
see her, capsized and beaten hither and thither
by the wild waves—its crew bad perished.
‘Marster, as.soon as the sea had swallowed
np that Visked captain and crew, the wind died
away, the waves fell, and the storm lulled —
just as if it had done what it was sent to do
and was satisfied. The wreck—where we poor
forlorn ones stood—the wreck that hod shivered
and trembled with every ware that struck it—
until we had feared it would break up every
minute, became stUl and firm on its sandbar, sa
a house on dry land.
‘ Daylight came at last. And a little; after
sunrise we saw a sail bearing down upon us.
We could not signal the sail, but by the mercy
of Providence she saw us and lay to, and sent
off a boat, and picked ns up and took as on
board—me and the baby, and the cook and the
sailor lad.
‘lt was a foreign vessel, and we could not
understand a word they stud, nor they us. All
we could do was by signs. But they were very
good to us, dried our clothes and gave us break
fast, aad made ns lie down and rest. And then
put about and continued their course. The
sailor lad—Herbert Greyson—soon found out
and told me they were bound for New Pork.—
And, in fact, marster, in about ten days we
made that port
‘ Well, marster, I aint a gwine to bother you
with telling yon of how I toiled and struggled
along in that great city—first living out as a
servant, and afterwards renting a room and
taking in washing and ironing—ayel how I
toiled and straggled—far—ten—long—years,
hoping for the time to come when 1 should be
able to return to this neighborhood, where 1
was known, and expose the,evil deeds of them
willains. and for tills cause I lived on toiling
and straggling, and laying up money penny by
‘No one had ever helped me but the lad
Herbert Greyson. Whenever he came from sea,
be sought me out, and made a little present to
mo or Gap.
‘ Cap, marster, was Capitola, the child. The
reason 1 gave her that name was because on |
that ring I bad drawn from the masked mother’s
band were the two names—Eugene—Capitola.
‘ Well, marster, the last time Herbert Grey
son came home, he gave me dollars, and
that, with what I bad saved! was enough to
pay my passage to Norfolk. |
‘ I left my little Cap in the [care of the peo- |
pic of the house—she was big enough to pay
for her keep ip work—and I took passage for
Norfolk. When I got there 1 fell ill, spent all
my money, and was at last taken to the poor
house. Six months passed away before 1 was
discharged, and then six more before;l had
earned tod saved money enough to pay my way
on hero.
‘ I reached here three days ago, and fourid a
wheat field growing where my cottage flee used
to horn, .and all my old cronies dead, all except
old Hat, who has received and given me shelter.
Sir, my story is done—make what you can of
it,* said the invalid, sinking down in her bed as
if utterly exhausted.
Old Hurricane, whose countenance had ex
pressed emotions as [powerful aa they were va
rious while listening to this tale, ndw arose,
stepped cautiously to the door, drew the bolt,
and coming back; bent his head and asked:
‘ What more of the child t’
* Cap, sir ? I have not heard a word of Cap
since I left her to try and hunt out her friends.
But any ope interested in her might inquire for
her at Mrs. Simmons’, laundress, No. 8 Bag
‘ You sky the names upon that ring were—
Eugene—Capitola V
• Yes, air, they were.’
‘ Have you that ring about you V
‘No muter. I thought it eu best, in cue
of accident, to leave it with the child.’
* Have yon told her any part of this strange
‘No, master, or hinted it; she wastoo young
for such a confidence.’
‘Yon Were right. Hod she any mark about
her person by which she could be iidontU|ed !’
‘Yes; marster, a. very strange one. In the
middle of her-left palm was the perfect image
of a crimson band, about half an inch in length.
There was also another; Herbert Greys on, to
pleue'me, marked upon her fore arm in India
ink her name and birthday— * Capitola, Oct
81st 1882.” '
• ‘Bight. Nowtellme* my good sonl, do you
know, from what yon were enabled to observe,
What house that was where Capitola; was bom?’
-‘ lamoh my dhth. No, sir, Ido not know;
‘Ton suspect I’
The woman nodded. '
‘ It wu——,’said Old Hurricane, stooping;
and Whispering a namo that wu heardbyno
one bat the sick woman.
She nbdded again, with a look of intense;
meaning. ’ "
‘Hoes yqnr old hostosaThere, Hat, know or
suspect anything of this story I’ inquired Mayor
Warfield. . T' ' 't 1 _
‘Not a word I No'soul hot yourself hu
heard It I’ ; , ■V , ' ,
‘That is right! Still be discreet! If you
would have the wicked punished and the inno
cent protected, be silent and wary. Have no
anxiety about the girl. What man can do for
her will he do and qniokiyr And now, goioc:
creature, day is actually dawning. You most
seek reposew And I most call .the parson in
and return home. I will send Mrs.' Continent
over with food. Wine, medicine,' clothing, and
every comfort that yon* oondUjton requires,’
said Old Hurricane, rising, and hailing in the
clergyman, with whops he seohafterleft .<bb
the hut for home. : r ' l " J -/■. il.f
Ihey reochedHumcanefiallin time-for an
early b)rea?tfMt, :which thie oStonished Yioue
keeper had prepared, and for which their itight's
adventures had certainly' given them a, good
MVMi .
Major Warfield fceptMawapd, **&**•*»•*
hr—iff Iran mk he dlapetehil Ma. €oo&-
joentwithacarriage filledwith
the rick woman. But' they we got Made*
Ittauouatopfhwbs flaa house-keeper retained
with the intelligence that the old nurse *m
dead. The false strength of mortal exmtement
that had enabled tar toteHuo long end
fal* tate, had been the iaat flaring«P«f O®
flame of life, that Almost immediately went on*.
‘I am notsortyvupon Jim whole, for ma* I
•hall hare the game in W**
tend Old; Hnrrtcasie to himself— ‘ Ah! Ghhri
elle Lo if our I better you hadcaat yourself
'down from the highest took <rf this range and
heen dashed to pieces below* than have thus
fallen into my power.*
So far we have followed the lovely heroine
and her friends; but the foregoing is that
we ean publish in our columns. The remainder
of the narrative can only be found in the New
York Ledger, the great family paper, which can
be obtained at all. the periodical stores where
papers arc sold. ; Remember to ask for the
Ledger, dated February 12, and in it you will
got the continuation of the narrative from where
it leaves off here.; If there are no bookstores
or news offices convenient to where you reside,
the publisher of the Ledger will send you n
copy by mail if you will send .him five cents in
a letter. Address .Robert Bonner, Ledger office,
44 Ann street. New York- This story grows
more and more interesting as it progresses.
08, TILE
a tau or privateering m l 776.
When Seawaif left the presence of fair Kate
Cringle, he met her father, who accompanied
him down to Ms boat, in vain trying to find out
what Kate bad wanted him for.
The young captain sprung into Ms boat amid
the murmured good wishes of hundreds of citi-
zens wbq had gathered there to see the priva
teer go to sea, and in a few momenta he whs on
board of his vessel.
With aiclear, bpgle-like voice, which needed
no trumpet, the young commander shouted :
“Mon'the capstan ‘bare, lads, and ran the
anchor up with a will. Stand by the jib and
halliards —lay the head yards aback!”
His orders were obeyed readily; and in a few
moments* the second officer, who stood on the
forecastle looking over the bows, cried :
“She’s broken ground, sir 1”
“ Very well, sir—run up the jib and flying
jib, and haul the sheets to starboard—tnan the
top-gallaht and top-sail sheets and halliards!
Bound with the capstan, men, and run the an
chor up to the bows!” ,
A moment later, and the head-sails up, the
veering bow of tho schooner proved her to be
all aweigh, and then came the order :
“ Sheet home, and hoist away top-sail and
top-gallant sails!’’
Tins was done • and os the fore-and-aft sails,
already dp, filled, the schooner began to gather
headway. Then, as she fell off before the wind,
whioh was fair out of the harbour, her square
sails filled, and. she shot ahead with increased
velocity. The crowd on shore looking with de
light upon the splendid vessel, and gladdened,
too, at the thought of her errand, rent the air
with cheers; while Mr. Cringle, taking npon
himself the part of gunner, fired an impromptu
salute from a single gon, which was kept upon
the wharf to be used os a warning-signal if the
British approached.
The “ Tyrannicide” replied to this by a sa-
lute of seventeen guns—her whole compliment.
“ That’s what; 1 call a'darned waste o’ pow
der!” said a pinch-faced, dried-ap anatomy of a
man, whose thread-bare clothes, little eyes, and
long, greedy talons of fingers, spoke the miter
out and out.
“It isn't your powder, Moses Gclson,” said
Mr. Cringle, rather sharply. “If it was, it
wouldn’t be likely to be in a vessel destined to
fight for liberty 1”
“Tush—tush! What is this ‘ liberty’ to us T
—the war is ruining trade, and sdon we’ll all be
as poor ns rats !’’ said the miser, pettishly.
“It is a pity that such mean curses as you
weren't poor; you're too stingy to live 1 If you
only had your doe, you’d get a good .ducking in
a horse-pond!” cried out Mr. Cringle, so angri
ly and so loudly, that his words were heard by
the crowd, and probably found echo in their
hearts; for they instantly shouted:
“tet’s duok the old miser—to the goose-pond
with the old tory!”
And poizing the terrified wretch, they drag
ged him roughly toward a pond of muddy water
near the residence of the merchant, and soon
would have put their intention into execution,
had not Kata Cringle, who saw their actions,
stepped out upon the balcony, and cried out, in
a clear, musical voice, which reached every
ear: ]
“Shame ib6n —ehamel to treat an old man
so. He 'is weak and helpless; let him go, and
save your strength for a nobler purpose!”
Her timely appeal and her beauty—‘for in her
excitement she really looked handsome—had
the deSire'd effect; and , the old miser was re
leased, much to his own gratification, and rath
er to the disgust and anger of her father, who
would have been really glad to have seen old
Gelson get a lesson—for he hated him heartily,
not only for his lack of patriotism, but for his
miserly, meanness,
'Til remember her—TU remember that girl,
bless her I” muttered the old miser, as he hob
bled from the crowd as fast as he could—
not stopping until ho reached his own residence,,
which was also a kind of a store-house, in which
a vast . ! variety of all lands of track and trash
were stowed—-old junk, second hand anchors,
sails, cordage, fishing tackle, nets, harpoons,
and a thousand other things.
1 Never was ,* craft in better battle trim on
deck, below, or aloft, than the Privateer, after
Seawall had got hpr rigging stretch. Conscious
that' he was ready to meet any foe of Lis ton
nage apd weight of metal, he boldly headed off
from the const for the track of inward-bound
vessolsfrom England.
I One morning, soon after, he was at breakfast
in his cabin, with the first officer and doctor
-—young Morley being in charge on deck,
j Bnt each of them bounded from the table as
they heard the shout "tail ho /” from the look
out, at the top-gallant cross-trees.
I >‘Where away, and what does She look like?”
cried young Morley, in reply.
| BcaWaif and hiacompanions held their breath,
and listened for the answer. ’
“I see three sail, sir, dead ahead; they scorn
square-rigged, and ‘ coming down right before
the wind-!” was the reply.
I “Englishmen, and making for the coast, I’ll
wager my first prize-money !” said the captain,
as he buried On deck.
i “John-Bull-Men’s be gar—l shell get my in
struments ready for amputat l” cried the de
lighted Frenchman.
; “So will I!” Said Mr. Doolittle, as he buck
led ouhls Sharp, bnt short cutlas, and followed
Ms commander on deck.
’ The-hreeze was fresh, and the schooner, with
only her lower sails and top-sails set, was going
off to the eastward on a taut bowline, her top
gallant and ipyal yards pointed to the wind,
bHfbottd taoksr aboard, ; There wu
qmte&heavy sea rolling; and as she pitched
it, she threw the snowy foam
proW almost as hlghaa her fore-top.
• “Se® Ml clear for action, fore and aft—teere
preventer stays and braces—have the spare i
i itiafs bleared Avrayl Gunners, look to your
ebOdrea-tiiey may have play soon. Boarders I
ad pikunen, wee that your tools are In their
gaoes!" cried the captain cheerfully, ns he
came on deck ; and then he seised a spy-glass,
and Manned the vessels inright
“What do you make out, sir, if yon please f”
asked Mr. Doolittle, whose hopes for work and
prise-moasjwenn6v«nt)£nae. i
“I see rix vosmls ; but they are yet too fer
off to make out whether they are armed or not I”
whs the reply.
“Shall the gunner open the magazine, sir!
“Yes, after all the galley-fires are put out I”
The men went to their work, and their re
spective stations quietly, but with a cheerful
look, which betokened a perfect confidence in
their vessel, and especially in their officers.
An hour past, and the vessels Were now hnll
up ahead, yet Captain Scawaif jgavo no orders
either to alter the course or shorten sail.
“What about our colors, sir?” asked the lieu
“You can run ’em up in rolls to their places,
ready to pnll out when I order it, Mr' Doolittle,”
said the captain, still keeping his glass directed
toward the approaching ships.
The enemy were now rising fast, not more
titan four or five miles off; but the merchant
men, obeying signals from the sloop-of-War,
which had evidently discovered the nationality
and character of the schooner, by her rig, haul
ed on a wind and shortened sail, while the man
of-war held her coarse under a cloud of canvas.
“Take your stations for working ship!” cried
Seawaif. The men bounded to the sheets and
braces. “Hard up the helm—ease off the sheets,
and round in the weather-braces I” cried the
captain. I
“Tarnal thunder! you’re not gain’ to ran
from one eloop-o’-war, are you, sir ?” asked the
lieutenant, in agonised wonder.
“Get out and rig two spars, with iron enough
on them to sink them, for : drags; drop one over
each quarter, and ask no impertinent questions,
Mr. Doolittle,” said the captain, quietly.
“I beg your pardon, sir, a hundred times—l
thought you .was a goin’ to run! ” said the now
delighted, officer, as he hastened to obey the
“ Double-shot with grape and canister—gun
ners to your stations!” cried the captain, now
determinedly. "Men, make no noise when 1
announce it, bat within an hour that sloop-of
war shall strike her flag, or we’ll go down with
Ours flying! When she is taken, the merchant
men will be easy prizes.”
Had they not been cautioned, the men would
hare cheered so loudly as to hare been heard on
board of the sloop-of-war.
After the drags were rigged and lowered over 1
the side, held by stout hawsers, and not seen
because sunk beneath the water, the schooner
did not go more than three knots, although—
under a full spread of canvas —she seemed to
be running away from her antagonist, which
now could be seen coming up hand over hand,
her decks crowded with men, and her ports
showing a battery of twenty-four guns.
On she came, the red cross of St. George'
flaunting from her peak, until sbe was within
nearly a mile of the schooner, when she fired a
shot from one of her bow guns.
“Show them our colors and name I” cried the
young captain, while his pale face flushed with
a smile of terrible joy.
It was done in an instant; but the vessel’s
head was not changed, nor a sail touched.
Rapidly the Englishman closed up, heading a
little leeward, so as to range under her larboard
"Crouch well behind the bulwarks, men;
stand by your larboard guns, but do not touch
a match until the order comes from my lips;
depress you? guns, so as to take her between
wind and water! Sail-trimmers, stand to your
sheets and braces; and be ready for orders.”
These orders given, Captain Sea waif took his
position on the larboard side of the quarter-deck,
and with ill-conccaled deligh saw the English
man range along until he was almost abeam.
"Haul down your colors, or I’ll sink you!
Strike, you Yankee rebel, strike /’’ shouted the
English captain, who stood on the poop of his
vessel in full uniform, steadying himself by
bolding on to the mizzen rigging.
“I’m just going to strike— not my colors, but
; you I” cried Sea waif, sarcastically, and instant
ly giving the order to pour in bis whole broad
-1 ride. ,
It was done with terrible effect, for the Brit
ish had! not anticipated resistance from a rebel
whom they supposed to be using his best efforts
to escape, and were huddled along the deck on
the side next the schooner, and were cut down
in fearful swaths. And as the sails were little
injured, Uie sloop-of-war shot ahead, so that sbe
was past the schooner before she could return
the broadside.
“Cut away the drags, spring to your star
board battery—throw in chain-shot as well as
grape—and cut her sticks away I" cried Sea
Then ordering the helm up, os the schooner's
headway increased, he veered off athwart the
stern of the sloop: and as the guns came in
range, delivered a raking fiije, which not only
swept her decks, but catting away her masts,
crippled her completely.
He then hauled on a wind, determined to pep
per her until the should “strike,” and not wish’
ing, to loose any men at close quarters, if he
could hept it. But he had no occasion to use
his guns any more; for, suddenly, with a shock,
which shook the sea and the air like an earth
quake, the ill-fated craft was seen t» fly in
fragments, amid a cloud of smoke, into,the air.
Whether by accident or design, no o|o could
tell, but, in some way, the powder in maga
zine had been ignited, and she was Mown to
Prorated by humanity, Captain Soswrif in
stantly ordered the helm up, and for the
spht where the sloop-of-war had been, in hopes 1
to savo some surviving persons of her <irew.
But not a living soul could be seen. A few
blackened spars and timbers only met Jhe eye.
“ Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu! zis is to bad! Not
one man to omputat— not one ball for extract!”
said the doctor* with a sigh and a piteous grim- 1
ace, as he looked in the water. I
“Youmay have better luck another time,
doctor,” said Seawaif, as he gave orders to trim I
sails and haul on the wind again; for the trans
ports—having seen the fate of their protector
—were now crowding sail, and trying, likd a
flock of frightened sheep.JJto make their escape
from an opponent which had done such fearful
damage in so short a time. But the schooner I
had no lumbering cargo, and was ready for com- *
bat or a race, as occasion required.
This great revolutionary sea-story, from the
vigorousjjon of Ned Buntline, will be continued,
from where it leaves off here, in the Nbw Yobs
Mercury, for Saturday, February 26th, 1859,
which is now ready and for sale at all news de
pots and book stores. The Mkbcuet is the
largest, handsomest, and moat unobjectionable
weekly paper published, and enjoys a circulation
pf over one hundred thousand copies.
number of the New York Mercury ia illustrated
by the celebrated Faux Cablet. Subscription
$2 a year, or for six months. Address,
CauhfoelJU Southworth, & Whitney, proprietors,
Kj SOBTMEST of Boots and' Shoes, Bnflklo and Call
The largest assortment of
Boy’s Wear. sach as Jackets: Brock andOrercoata
l&s8 <b ’’ ** low0!rt P ride8 > «t H. njOH’B.
A, Braces (or sale at
I T.BOE. Pittsburg. Fa. Chartawd 186*. fijhWrfgg
JruMty, fl». Now the thc Urgwt
XC.rf* Science of
Teacher of Arithmetic end OonuMrcW
A. OowiZT and W. A. Mourn, Pw*. of PanmaaahlpL
Aa used in depertmeat of huetoeee. _ _
Commercial Arithmetic—Rapxdßtuinett Wnting,
Detecting Counterfeit Honrg—
Mercantile Correepmdenu —Commercial Late —
Aw taught, and all other other rotyecta neeewMyfor the
■uceees and thorough education of a practical baefaMaaman.
Brawn aU the premiums in Pittsburg «wthrjMt throe
▼can, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for Befit Writing,
3 not engraved work.
Stndenta enter at any time—No Vacation—Time unlimited
Renew wt pleasure—Graduates asqm in obtaining
situation*—Tuition for full Commercial Course, $38.00
Average time 8 to 12 weeks—Board, JgjßO per week—Sta
tionery, s6.oo—Entire cost, SCOJ» to $70.00.
Ministers’ Sons received at half price,
for card—Circular —Specimens of Business and Onto
fept. 80,1888.— ly : .
i« Halloo, neighbor. I’m hew on tho ground again. Per
rons you recollect when I, last year, asked you to hold my
Mrae a moment and toll me whew the CHEAP' STORE
Xj. Bat it Is different now. It reminds mo a little of
4e campaign of 1810, when Gen. Harrison was elected Pre-
Jdent. Yon linvo only to go with the crowd and you will
lave no difficulty in finding McCORMICK’B STORE. From
foe excitement down the valley, and the quantity of goods
d see carried away, they must be selling off very rapidly
land very cheap.”
i “ Yon ore right, my friend; I would say to yon, sir, go
■ ahead and your anticipations will be fully realized. Ho'
has a arery large and well selected assortment of Goods,
lie’ll sell you a dress for fifty cento and give the trimmings
into tho bargain, I’m told, and oil other goods in prepor
tion.” ,
“Good bye, neighbor, that’s whore I am going to boy
my goods.”
“ That’s right, and so should everybody else. Good bye.
Hats and Caps, very cheap Bonnets, Misses’ Plats, 4c.; La
dles’ Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, with Misses, Boys and
Men’s Boots and Shoes, and every other article kept in a
first class country stow, can bo had cheap for cash, at
Alt articles of country produce taken in exchange for
goods. ft. ID MoOORMICK.
Altoona, May 13, 1853.-ly
Another reduction in price
at McCormick’s Store.
Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (or at least credit
will nut bo given to any other than those who ore vrilling
and can give satisfactory reference and assurance of prompt
monthly payment,) and desiring to make it the interest of
all to patronize our store, we have mode a very great re
duction in the prices of all descriptions of goodSTind will
give onr entire time and attention to keeping up an assort
ment to suit the wants of .our customers, such as
Qoilers,. Slippers, Hats and Caps,, Dried Fruit, etc, all of
which will be sold as cheap os the cheapest.
All articles of produce taken in exchange for goods at
their high at market price.
Thankfi’l for past favors, we hope to shore the patronage
of those who ars in want of goods. [March 25-tL
Unrivalei in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy.
Every - Ptrson desiring to obtain Sic very best and cheap
est portal>6 light within their reach, should call at the
store of thi undersigned and examine thepo Damps before
parchasinj elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon
strate I
Ist. Tint SO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion.
2d. Tint they emit no offensive odor while burning.
• 3d. Tlat they are very easily trimmed.
4th. That they ore easily regulated to give more or loss
stb. Hint they burn entirely free from stroke.
Oth. That the light la at least 50 per cent, cheaper than
any other light now in common use.
These lamps arc admirably adapted for the use of Stu
dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories,!Halls, Churches,
Stores, Hotels, and arc highly recommended for family use.
The burner of the Carbon Oil Damp can be attached to
old side, hanging and table Quid and 'oil lamps, at a small
expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lonp.
Wc guarantee perfect eatistictlon in all coses.
Aug. 19, 185S-tf.] 0. W. KESSDEE.
■ J SIGNEL, respectfully Inform* tho
cltir-ene of BWr county and others, ■
that ho has Opened np the LOGAN
HOUSE, fbnrerly kept by Sheriff
<*t the west end of Hollldaysburg,
reception of Strangers and travellers. —
Evcrythinpfonnccted with tho house has been refitted In
the now win the choicest furniture* Ac., Ac.
The hoot* is large and commodious, and well calculated
for convenfnce and comfort.
His TAlfoE will be furnished with tho very boat the mar
ket con itlpra, and no pains or trouble will be spared to
render thpc who may choose to favor hpm with their pa
tronage comfortable and happy during their stay with him.
His STABLING is ample, and an-obliging andcarefhl
hostler mil always be in attendance!
U 5. The Williamsburg stage, which makes daily trips
between this place and Williamsburg, stops at -the Logon
Hotel. I . ‘
Dec. 17,1857, —tt] JOHN ESIFTER.
now agitates the mind of every person-
Is, wlere can I get the best article for
money! Inregardto other matters, the rab-WB
scriMr would not attempt to direct, but If yon M,
wantanythlng in the lino of
he invites an examination of his stock and work.
3a keeps ccmstantlyon hand ac assortment ofßoots, Shoes,
Gaiters, Slippers, Ac., which ho offers at fair prices.
He will give special attention to custom work, all of
which will tie warranted to give satisfaction. None hut the
best workmen are employed
Remember my shop is on Main street, next door to B.
Kerr’s old stand, now W. O’Neil’s,
September 3, ’57-tf] JOHN B. ROBERTS-
Exchange hotel.—the sub
scriber would respectfully In-'
form the public that ho has recently ro
fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro
pared to accommodate his Mends andflH|3HEf9fr_
patrons in a comfortable manner, and
will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all
sojourners. His Table will always he luxuriously supplied
from the markets qf the country And cities, and his Bar
filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as
reasonable as those of any other Hotel In the place, and ha
feels satisfied they can not bo complained of by those who
favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a shore
,of public patronage, and frilly intending to deserve It, he
throws open his house to the public and Invites a trial.
■ Altoona, May 27, 185&-ly] JOHN BOWMAN.
Boots and shoes.—the un
derMgncd has now on hand and will
sell cheap at his store In the Masonic Tem- MSB
pie, a large and complete assortment ofBOOTS
AND SHOES, ready made, or made to order,
Overshoes, Ladies’ Sandals, Qnm Shoes, Cork
Soles, and‘everything in his line of business, of
the beat qnality and on the most reasonable terms. AU
custom work warranted.
Jan. 2, ’56-tt]
In conceqnenco of the hard times, 1 have concluded
to pnt down theprico of my OYSTERS to the lowest possi
ble standard. They will hereafter be serrcd up on the
Chafing Dish at TWENTY and routed in the shell
and .served up -with all other aceompanlments, TWENTY
FIVE CENTO. They will also be furnished. In orrery oth
er way, at prices to correspond with the times. , ■=
' Dec. 17, it] Logan House, IToHldaystmrg.
kindspf Castings executed to order, also. Tla Spool
ing pnt np to order, at shortest notico, apply to ,
~ J. SHOEMAKER, Aotnifar
Jan. 3,1866-tf. MdLASAHia, Wsww'iOo.
Queensware, jlst received.
1 Alargo ond fashionabla assortment at the store of
; ' ; J.B'HILBHIK.
plO coffee, sugar, tea and
JLV all kind of Groceries for sale by
June 18,1867-ly] I J : ItmT T.wm
T 7.?r G? » BUTT ER 4NP all kinds
P* 04006 cantfo tad at V 1 :
’®Hij ;? HBNEY LEHB’S.
■ Jnno ß^7^* tB,>t fl>li ; LEHR’S., :
The snhscrilier takes pleasnire in* offering toflu.
Cooking Stove, recently patented, which to .
percede all others, as it re<)nlree
than other Stores and is more easily, quickly tod
ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot gas arises (£F5£
stove from the tact that it is all consumed emiia,
cape. There Is no trouble from smoke as that tnmuli
and often annoying exhalation is .also consumed fnUSi
the store’ Neither is there any danger of flan
neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosemsu
the gas arising from coal Urea. "**7
Persona wishing to purchase stores arc tarited f 0 an
the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Tempi, ,T|
amino the aboro stores. JOHN SHOEiIAKrs **
Sole Agent far Blair S.
N. B. All kinds of Airtight, Parlor Cooking anTt.
Stores on hand. [Aug. U, igjJ®
undersigned has Just received from Phila- _ 8
delphia, North, Chase A North’s celebrated Cook--Bo*.
ing Stoves for 1867. H.
for Wood or CoaL Tills beautiful Cooking
challenges all compeUtion tor the exquisite style
of ornament and perfect operation in all resnccts. n.
oven extends under the fin-box and the flues aremsnwi
ed that thawhole oven surface will bake perfectly andiS
formly. The slightest examination of this Store must ai
isiy every one that it trill become a universal fororim.
for wood or coal. The fire-box to of good
ash-box is deep—the oven Is capacious and IsathorouS
baker. This stove is one that may readily bo roconunenS'
for fiuuily use, in every particular.
Alt kinds of heating and parlor stovca constant),
April 10, ’67-tf] Opposite the American Boat.
Agents for Du Vail’s Galvanic Oil—Beaty Lehr o
Kessler, and A. Roush, Altoona, and all dealers Is a
cincs everywhere.
TURK DECLINE.—Just Published, Gratia, tb,»H
Thousand: ,
DUVALL'S galvanic oil.
Prepared originally by Prot IL DU VALLfc,.
mcrly of the Cullegu of Surgeons, at Paris, is J
fored to the.public, MS' for the euro of sore and mi.
ful diseases *
for instance—Pain or soreness in any part of tb>
syttem, Rheumatism, pain in the back, breast or side,
bealed breasts, neuralgia, boras, sprains. bemUd*’
cramp in the sfomoch, or any other disease tHatu
SOKE and PAINFUL, and it la only over this rUnm
diseases that wo claim a perfect VICTORY. We u,
positively to our patrons we can relievo the snftrw
99 times out of TOO. We would Just say to the pub
lic, Prof. Du Vail was 85 years in bringing to Ufe
medicine superiority ovar all others.
Price CO cents per bottle— % per cent, cal off to tin
trade. All orders must bo addreawd to
J. D. SXON BROAD, Proprietor
Sept. 3,1858-ly.] Lewistuwn, fa.
without Medicine of Spermatorrhea ur Local WaXam
Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Dihllitj, hjto
toncy, and Impedmonta to Marriage generally, by
The important fact that the many eUrmlns’coopUhti,
originating in the imprudence and solitude inyoath,au
•bo easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in this imj
tract, clearly demonstrated; and tbe entirely new and UA
ly shccessful treatment, ns adopted by the Author, (Jj
explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cm
HIMSELF perfectly and at the least possible cost, ihmb)
avoiding all tiro advertised nostrums of the day.
Sent to any address, gratis and post free in s s.ciWe
velopc, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps uh
B. DE IJLNET, 88 East Slot street, New York City.
May 6,1858.
THIS.—The undersigned takes this method nf ishs
ing the public generally that there is no medicine sot 4
ferod to the public that is equal to DU YALL’S GALTji,
IC OIL in relieving suffering humanity.
I was an observer of Ua effects on a friend of misr, it
suffered almost everything from a neuralgic affeetka vM
resisted the best medical treatment in Centre comtj. It
applied freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, nd ft*
some inwardly, and iu 30. minutes the patient vs, utap
and when awakened was free from pain and continu'd*
This is a positive fact which I am willing tn nuke paid
any time. A case of Felon was cured in nearly tba»
length of time. J. 11. lIABIf.
Sept. 2,1858-ly.] Oath B3L
subscribers propose to publish a Now Mnp i!4UI
County, Pennsylvania, from actual surreys. coßttlahrf
Public Roads, Rail Roads, Canals, the actual looliUM
Villages, Post Offices, Houses of Worship, Schcslßwq
Uaucthctorlcs, Tanneries, Mills, Hotels, Stores, lira Ha*
ea, names of Property Owners, Ac.
Enlarged Plans ot the Principal Village*, a Taklu
Distances, and a Business Directory, giving the mshw
bnslnces of each subscriber, will bo engraved on tV*J*
gin. The plotting will be to a suitable scale »MioWB
a large and ornamental Map, which will be cotomw
mounted In the best style, and delivered to subrrfbfli
$5 per copy. BAMUHL GUU
April 16,1868. ISAAC O.fHSO
• DBTJOOIST, respect Billy I
to the citizens of Altoona and the public gen-fl|M
erally, that he still continues the Drug business,vn
on Virginia street, where he keep* constantly HJ
on hand, for sale, Wholesale and Retail. DRUBS, Wl
K 3 and DYE-BTUI'FB. N .J
By strict attention to business, and a desire towwrw
isfhetion to all os regards price and quality, is *r , i
merit and receive a share of public patronage. -
Physicians and merchants supplied on roaoonM>l«te»
and all orders from a distance promptly attended ta
Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. I 1
National police gazette.-!
This Great Journal of Crime and CrialMl»l | '|
its Twelfth Tear, and is widely circulated
the country. It contains all the Great Trials. Cn*J|
Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, top**®'*
information on Criminal Blatters, net to bo toucan si
other newspaper. .1
t3~ Subscriptions $2 per annum; sl,for slx»«*
be remitted by subscribers, (who should write
and the town, county and State Where they
■s .TOO. W. MATSKTX * 00, I
Editor £ PropV. of New York Folk®
15-tf] JVeitt TortWl
Bell, Johnson, Jack & W
HollldajHbnrg and Altooßt
Drafts on the principal cbJ
and Silver -and Gold for sale. .Collections
Moneys received on deposit, payable on demand, wiSfl
terest, or upon time, with At fldr rates. irj
f\ bcro, slatr ootnrrr, wu,
#UI practise in the serend Courts of Blair, H«»*
ind Cambria counties, and attend promptly to •**'
Jon entrusted to him. Office (for the present) «t«*
dencc/cornor Allegheny and Penn streets,
J. Gf. AiDLUM,
Can at all time* bo found at the (lore of J-
Altoona, October 186T.-ly .
\y KINO Soft Soap, and Soap Boarder ft;J“rV
pound-equal to alx or common
Soap, Chemical Soom on hand add W f uc
S& 100
BHMbc Otvn, »ofl<* fc^gjgst**
/T 1 LASS Bxlo TQ 20x2V^S
\JT ro order by i u ' ‘
cp* '’WE
f , . i
•tIM &
V £_i
' > • • -
mor ** ).,
n iwcitiuu.
ommtmn, .
two* *. ■'
[ and B*«c
MCHANUXIS advert I* htg by id change,
[pivfomlohal or Business
I UimA With paper* per y
I tomrnanlcatkma of »
kxMt *Bi b 4 charged acci
I Advertisements not mm
[desired, will be continued
trtbeabove term*
f BwdM* w>* ,c « # flvo cnr
I Obituary notices exceevli
| yviutyferiaa. Rev. A D
hrv Sabbath morning at lu 1
f»2o*d4ck. Sabbath Schc
Room. Prayer Moctli
GTo sania room,
r Episcopal, Rev
Lg every Sabbath morulnp
P? gobbotfa School lu th
EL* Oenaral Prayer Month
Uy evening. Vouug Mon’
rlfaoveUcaf LutheranjXl'-
mg every Sabbatli morning
t, the evening- Sabbath t
Ed o’clock, P. M. Prayer
(VedoMiday evening.
I United lirtihreu , Rev. D.
try Sabbath uioroiug »t In
[id o’clock. Sabbath Scl
[‘clock, A. M. Prayer Me.
b NtOltf tOOXOe
I I'toUftant Episcopal, I)'-
Li rice 2d and Ith Sunday
L and 4)4 P. M. Sum
[ Otibohc, Rev. Jons Two
Pelnck In the morning, urn
| Baptist, Rev. B. H. Visit, I
horning at 10W o’clock, an
Lhool at • o’chwk, A. M.
[very Sabbath morning at
bs old Union School lloina
astern Way at
ratten “
Mstoni Through Mall
Meta Through Mall,
fettam Way,
siiorn H
OtDee open for the trains
p. IL,during the week
k Sunday, :. .
t .
prsss Train East arrives
r A" West “
it •* - East “
‘ “ West “
ill i“ East “
1 i« West «
un East tid IVmt, and
>y Ttidn East and West.
Roveiuber 29,1868.
fbmUiu lodge, A. Y. 31
(ref each month, in the ti
•.st 7 U o'clock. I*. M.
Mountain Enatiapment,
irlh Tuesday of each imm
(lie Temple, n,t o'clock
Att°o»a Lodgf, I. u. of O.
plug, In the second atory
Jock, P. 51.
rtntntln Lmlge. I. o. of 0
Wing,ln tlm third story o
Jwt, at7JsJ o'clock, I*. M.
mitmhtiuo Tribe., No. 25,
i every Tuesday evening
(•onic Temple. Cmmi-il
jatb. W. A. ADAMS. ( .
Funior Snnt of Am-rirr, (
Might in tbs third story
Otmp. .Vo. ;
letMlsy evening, in the Hd .
illooius, Diruion, \o. 211
f evculng. Iu the i, st , l| Y
' D. Galbraith, it. S.
ditoona Mechanics' Cibrty
r i m^® t « statedly on the 1
July and Oct.d> r
U in evening in .
r‘vO clock every oveuinr
mats the Ojurts. —l‘r.,
Penn .fones, I
Pffwfer auj Kr-mL'r —ll ■,
p un j c .
f*«r*rt Attorney—-BenJ. L
rkmfy Com m is.uourrs —D..
[c, Enos M. Jones.
Fieri: to Commissioner! —ll
pmuitde Appraiser —Ji...
rtoitJiSSirceyor—James 1.
fcarue^r —John I.i11~:<• f>-1 •
F'fttors—S. Morrow i A. (
[>jr Mouse Directors —Ue,
9 Uiddlo.
’rosier —William Fox,
of Cbmmon
nT the I'kace —Jacg
—D. M, Jones.
L 7l J? >l,n * , T—Janies Loir
fj 0 ; Peter Reed, Nelson I
J’wj'fcni of Ctmncit —K. i
•*r* to Council— John Me
IVeaij/r?)"— Ja m - -
FMot Ulreetort—Q
P* 0 ’ Qco. W. Sparks, Jore
Ev.T ! jr er °s &horit uwd
K r^? aMe '~' W P l ‘ K
P* MeCte
™“wr» Q. d_ Thomas, 3
>;: Wt 1
f f <■ w.. 4t
_ North
MP« <<wr ~E?*t Ward—K
“ J
- North « \\
' 8db S 1 AN'CE PACKS
iackV»s ,>url or,1 “ r > is
>Pttfwt h T. r k ,JI IK ' r ■’
Llkcnesse!'. Tim
’ictato!! "r!” 1 on
mine ? J*’*'!'! V lit
■ictm^ 0 , 11 t,l » «!*0 of the.
Ml 1
weir in rl