The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 24, 1859, Image 3

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f. w. ***'
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u:ds of accountant. ■ r 2J7*>-
Treasurer, Hinaiv
U for Road Tax?*** 1
W. McCord, ute '^
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PTT.’R will horn fi»*
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Kacriojr.-MQW wal be found the
_ rttom’of Uieblec&dß heßin thU[yi>lace
TtW»T '*»• »°“ 9 <>* the
qdite ’fWith two exceptions,:
VintiraJPeCPl* 8 ’ elected :
W/#£W^>2*F. ! Total.;
s s «
Xfcmw rHW» qo
Jf »-
J °^rt J Gre!n. " 86 78
jSm McConnell. V:, 62 33
p. taughoan, D. , _ W> |4
ffß , W. Snydef. D,, 55 38
j. N. Qlanding, D., 60 84
c. Vauclam, D., 69 84
School Directors.
Eenj. F. Ro*c, P. T., 66 92
H, ,C. Dcm, P. Tm 49 88
Oeb. R Cramer, D., 64 66
John Woods, D., 67 61
Jos. K. El?,* H 8 142
J. Kerbower, P. T., 44 96
James Lowtber, D., 67 47
Assistant Assessors.
M. Clabaagh, P. T., 47 |2
A. Alliway. P. T., 4/
Areb-1 Maxwell, 63 6|
DaridiCoorter, !)., 64 ,4$
Auditor. >i ; *
Darid Galbraith, D., 62 64
G. W. Patton, P. T„ 60 J 88
,j. \V. Humes P. T., 46 67
/udye of Election*—East Ward*
S. A. Alexander, P. T., i , 86
17. Boyden, D, 46
Inspectors—i- S*ink,D., and Henry Bell, P. T.- ■
Judge of Elections—West Ward.
B. Greenwood, 1)., | ‘ 56
J. 1. Belfanjder, P- T., 47
Inspectors —Jacob Hesser D., and E. B. Mc-
Crum,'P. ’P _____
Judge of Elect iom —Xort A Ward.
Jacob Botenberg - 45
George Herrick, 41
IntpecioTi—idka Gondo, D., Q. W. Harman.
?. T.
* Had no opposition.
f But one inspector was voted for by each
SusißLi.—W» have frequently beared ladies
remark that editors always moke their new
fusions the subject of ridicule. Verytrue, es- x
pecially when those fashions are ridiculous in
themselves, or ace likely toprove detrimental
to health—a very desirable object, but one sel
dom thought of when a new fashion is brought
oat. It is not the question—“ will my health
luffer by adopting it ?” but “will I look Well in
it t” that is asked. Our intention is not to con
demn, but, strange as it may seem, to approve
of a fashion recently adopted- The fashion of
wearing boots, or heeled shoes, recently inaugu
rated by the ladies is a very sensible one.—
Nothing more conduces to health than snbstan
tial “ understandings," and the ladies are de
serting of a word in their favor for having de
termined to give up :the folly of running almost
barefooted. Doctor’s bills will be saved; health
will be preserved ; and old age will be more free
from the twinges of rheumatism, which are the
painfdl results of insufficient shoe-leather.—
, Men are free to wear what they choose upon
their feet, and now that women are beginning
to ammo the same privilege, they ought, to be
encouraged in the movement. -
Eitba Faxily Fiona. —Wc must again bear
testimony in fator of the fine family flour manu
factured at the new steam mill in this place.—
** mill becomes older, the flour become
tettir. It is a fact admitted by all millers,
tkt Hie grain of last year will not make as good
flour, in all cases, as v tbat of previous years,
nerertbeless we hare had samples of flour as
flu* as ever woman put her hands into,.mode
from new wheat at this mill; TVe are
m faror of home industry amt
froremfeals, and we fteel persuaded that UiisSn
toprue the encouragement of our diti
«». \TC may pot get tlie best of flour
•m the j mill, yet that Is no evidence that the
»al will not make good flottr. Because we do
not always get good flour when we buy by the
wrel, we must not presume that all barrel
flour fa not good. There has.been as goodßour
manufactured at the steam mill as ever came to
« town, and there; will always be good flour
n&de tteje when the proprietors can get good
wheat. n
«rs^T f<ot .?“ e toigle life has bwa lost out of
road bf a isPW?gerB carried bu tbo
auJ bubhUb accident occurredijv which
fissengers w«e injured. t
Tho aboyp item we copy Xrom .the Report of
i Directors, uis token from the Annnqi jj c .
ofthe Cot. T. A. Scott.—
f w 1^ bathe rosd'apd
N one killed! can tpy bUier
f a ? th > preset thesamo xpoord? VoiumM in
pise of themanagementefthe road could not
IT 0 lt iu the estimation of the travel-
L? g pablic, than that fdngle aKopt senteace.—
F * freedom froih passengerg pn
p» road has worn for, ito a nameand
PP e among the best of railroad operators ;
r no bettep recommendation need or cotdd
LZ *f n re( * airo than-to hare i»en connected
I the tonnio Central.—
FPoanbihty on any road in the cpWtiyl
rio/iw* it* 1118 The Harrisburg Pa-
Itt4 Ctnai Ju* lit
InrW th atB 00 Pwwjrlnmi* Canal
i ln »hwh Will enable
ad will ba^ 01 *?
lo aersliMt. of considerable advantage
CJS the line. bSo
tu, to J/ 0 ”* ?* W** it Trill be neces-
i Wt) . i >rov# the oanaLjit inany points by
Wpemo ««id widening it : 7
*h»-Wbg Hm
LJf *?. haa been changed f rpm that of
R *»***<*,• * *Wa
wihthle chi^-
J * n ytlifßg in it?) fdTor, ■■ r v
Tint Ladxm.—The following we olip from au
exchange snd print it evmTnt.ihe riskjof e«-
fairtow, Th& W^^
Aether or not somelamtog them are writMn thjo
describedclaas: • -V
4h«rPiW tfong the like
heattbemOn ‘Sailhollow”in theiffauporciUoui
n«ss. is not for as to say. -A
young maiden walking the streets la met by
. two or three ladies. Aboutthe distance otftve
s«gin tp look, 1 at the modest young
thing—-first at her faceto see if thatis passable
lelting here/esßlowly drop to her toes. After
careful examination of her continuations, and
especially the gaiters thereof, their eyes take a
slow inspection-upwards, and arriving at her
eyes again, ‘their months take on a contemptu
ous smile, and frith. their ohins at ah angle M
88 deg., float onward by. Young,girls, and all:
who are new to the immediately con
clude thattheir dresses or personal appearance
has something unfashionable or odd about it—
that their gmtors are' down at the heel, their
hoops revealed, or shoe string untied; bat ex-1
perienoe proves that this has.nothing to do with
the matter. It is merely the ebullition of an
envious, disagreeable disposition, and an en
deavor to mforni you, without the aid of words,
that' they -■ do not think you well dressed, or
good looking, whatever you-may think of your
self ; or. else, it pray be taken for an intimation
that bat for the restrictions of society, stirey
would cheerfully her. eyes out for Sar-
be hohdsomer or better dressed than
’ 45 ,166
48 169
45 168
47 176
88 161;
43 128
>64 149,
44 182^
44 138
42 185
46 194
40. 177;
62 182;
51 169
50 190
49’ 168
44 188
48 183
61 164
49 162
. Removal.—The Altoona Division N o. 811,|s.
Of T,, having rented the Odd Fellows’ HaU,\in
tho Masonic Temple, vrill remove to that ro(jm
on the first Saturday in hlarch. The roots
heretofore occupied by the Division, in t the se
cond story of Hatton b building, having become
entirely too small to accommodate the rapidlt
increasing number of members and visitors, thil
change of location Was .rendered imperatively
necessary. In their new place of meeting wf
expect ito see a larger turn but on the evening!
of meeting. We are pleased to state that id
point of numbers, the Division is steadily in 4
creasing. May it ever thus .continue.
The following officers have been elected for
the present term B. F. Rose, P. W. P. and
D. G. W. P.; Wm. C, McCormick, W. P.; B. F.
Custer, W. AT; DaridGalbraith, T.; D. T. Cald-,
well, F. S.; Geo. W. Patton, I. S.; A. D. Cherry.
0. S.
*49 166
7 145
2 114
Txbokb asd CuunriKnn Bailboad.—The
Clearfield £aflsmanet»tee that the Pennsylvania
Railroad propose ,to finish .that portion of the
Tyrone and Clearfield road lying between Ty
rone and Phillipsburg, a distance of twenty
three miles, upon terms acceptable to both.—
The proposition contemplates that the Pennsyl
vania Central Company is to fornish $200,000
in stock and iron rails, put the rails down, erect
water tanks and other conveniences,! furnish
the running stock for the toad, and tald a mort
gage for the aboye sum, payable in tweAy years
with interest, ties are to be by
the Tyrone and Clearfield Company, a£ conve
nient points along the line. It will trlrerse a
rich iron and lumber region, and give access to
a section, of country now almost isolate^
Jon Paumno.—Persons who intend |o soil
off property this spring, with a view of leaving
tho place, wiH find it'to their advantage .to have
primed notices of the same. Wo are ready to
execute notices of this kind on a few hours no
tice and on reasonable terms. Tl\e superiority
of printed notices over written ones is so great
that wo are almost astonished to fijkd so many
out up,. Only tp bp passed by unnoticed. People
in age will not stop to written
notices, which, in a majority of ctoes, are
scarcely intelligible, when there ar* printed
ones at hand. Those who post up printed no
tices thereby increase the number in attendance
at their sales, and the advance they thuAsecure
« the price of their goods is sufficient to pay
'or a dozen sets of ;hnndhiil g , \
■ r . \
. are cases of Pulmonaiy disease, in which
the patients lope.hope, and-are fearful ofaiore.
There ip .no need of this when such a remefy as
Da * raKft,B Hsciqbai. Sinuip pan be lad.
Which bias cured hundreds of cases of
eases, even in advanced stages. There is some
thing peculiarly soothing about this mediae,
and it seems to meet,, and does meet every indi
cation in the various disturbances of the pql
mouaiy apparatus, so common in our
Dr. Keyser says that he has cored, cases with
thisremedy, after the bcat nbysicUoiS had failed.
Hw establishment is at 140 Wood street, Pitts
burgh, Pa. The Pectoral Syrup is sold here,
athO cents find $l, by G. W. Kessler. "
Look Amn the Shade Tbies.—Now is the
tluio for removing the larrse of the noxious ih
to thf eayly Summer convcrtour
; B to*4e frees into pests and nuisances.
A corespondent of toe Beading Oazetle says,
last.lifter ho had. the cocoons, or sacks cutt qff
C®??? 1 be seen suspended from many
4*s ip, (ipuißeqpenoß, these
green beantiM all summer-while the foli
°g® notihos cared for, was entirely
These nests of insects .may. noy be ■
readily clipped off, bat in doing so; be cstofijd
' toe tree by trimming it to death)
.Ttolch ia.oftea done. ’ .; h
"• yon ibi Pbbiio.—We would respect
foUy state to our friends end 1 .the ppblio who
make adventures In lotteries, that Wood, EnDr
& Co., successors l of Samuel Swan & Cp„ <rf
Augusta, Georgia, and Gregory & Maury, Wil
mington, Delaware, are in every way reliable.
An inclosure of five or ten dollars (more or less)
will be promptly responded to in every .case;
the money (let the amount be what it may) will
be as promptly paid over to the holder. No'
bank pays its bills with more certainty than
Wood, Eddy & &0., do their prize tickets.—
Frank Leslie's Magazine.
Eemoval.—We have heretofore neglected to
notice that Esquire Cherry has removed his
watch-repairing establishment and Justice Office
to the small building immediately opposite
Kessler’s Drug store, where oil those whp wish
justice meted out in accordance with law and
equity, or their watches, clocks or jewelry re
paired neatly and expeditiously,; will find ban
on hand to perform all these duties.
in*pb*» my
wieroled tosuppose, at first
larga B|« dm the valley. bat aswe gawd at
it ihteatly, we could perceive it s a*jfly iaori
toward the north. At intervals of abonta min
ute in< length, alright, white ray of light would
dartftom tte hdriaod through thefiejyred, al
ttort to nniderifi - s« contrast of
Mira sublimely beautiful, To heighten Us
magffifioienoe, another phenomenon intervened
-between the gaaer and the object of his admira
tion—a large meSteor darted from zanith towards
|he horuoh. with electrical speed, and when
in the midst of the apparent blaze in the east,
burated in wMti light, flTnminating the earth
likea flash ofeummer lightning. Oh the whole,
we do not recollect to bare ever seen before so
sublime and awfe-striking a spectacle, and one
more calculated to impress man with the inimi
table beauties of Nature, and the splendor and
power of Nature’s God.
Washington's ; Bihth-J)at.— The glorious 22d
was celebrated ; ; by obr citizens in a becoming
imanner. The Altoona Guards and Logan Ri
fles paraded tne Streets during the greater part
of the day, and each Company made a -very
creditable appearance. The Junior Sons of
America also exhibited themselves to the citi
zens, in full regalia, and escorted by the Guards
Their number was large, and spoke well for the
prosperity of the Camp. In the evening the
L O. of B. M|, with invited guests, enjoyed
themselves by “tipping the light fantastic toe,”
in Keystone Hath The Ball was a well-gotten
up affair, and those present were well pleased
with it—pothing occurring so far as we can
learn to mar the harmony of the assemblage.
Helvy Laud Sude.-— Abcavylaad slide oc
cqrred oa the Pennsylvania Railroad, near Mex
ico, Juniata county, about midnight, on Saturday
last, but fortunately was discovered in tim? to
prevent any of the trams from running into it
The slide is said to-be nearly.a quarter of a
mile in length, tod roots and slate is piled up
to| the height of feet. At the time of the
elide the rain camp down in torrents, and the
iM?ht being extremely dark, it was a fortunate
circumstance that it was discovered in time.—
The rails on the north track were torn up a dis
tance of twenty yards tod thrown into the river.
A new track- waa'soou laid around the scene of
destruction, so that there was no interruption
to travel on the road’. ;
Brother Fryeinger, of the Lewistown
Gazette, says that “Altoona is aspiring to be
the world and ihe rest of mankind,” because
somebody up here proposed to have a rifle shot
for last week, the winner to be presented with
a medal proclaiming him the champion of tight
counties. j Don’t be too fast, Mr. Gazette. The
gentleman who got up this match don’t be
long to this place, or to this county. The
modesty of the GateUa's Invitation, to visit
Decatur on the 28th inst., is equal to that of
“Tecumpseh’s.” Should “ Tccumpseh” deem U
worth while to dpcept the invitation, we don’t
thipk his championship would suffer.
Fuss LiiJSBAJir;LEciiiBB and Reading Room.
The lron City College, of .Pittsburgh, Pa.,
employs the most distinguished speakers for its
eotfnie of Lectures, held in College Hall every
Friday evening, odd several hundred papers and
magazines are takfu each week for the Public
Redding Room. These tire some of the advan
tagdsyrpupg men jgain' in attending this, the
largest, most popular -and efficient Commercial
College of the country, haying now 857 students.
ABARpoHBD.-Tjie Ladies who were engaged
the past few weeks in getting up a supper to
furpish a parsonage for the Minister of the M.
E. Church, have ,ttbandbned'fheir prospect on
account of the soaroity of tickets sold.
Ho! for the Arctic Region I
If any of the Laiclies r ;at« difisatirfkd w ith the
weather we ai* haring, and desire visiting the
V 6 would recommend them to
Call op C. J, MANN and i replenish their ward
fohe from Ids beautiful: stock of
which ie iff selling joff cheap, being determined
to dispose of themwhile tte snow is screeching.
Janujjy 13 th, 18i9. |
THE HALL OF FASHION is still open, and
the Proprietor, in returning thanks to Ids nu
merous; customers for their liberal patronage
bestowal on him since his commencement, here
desires to say (without fear of contradiction)
that ho b prepared |to offer for their Inspection
ttih best psdortmeht of handsome Deess Goods,
SfAWbs, Cloaks, White Goods, &d, &c,, that
can be found in Altoona. ; ;
Respectfully, So.,
IguSee advertisement of Dr. Swdford’s
INyiGOBATOK iji another column.
■*Bf* r JPms.—The combination' of ingredients in these
FUls cie tbs reiralt oir a long andi extensive practice! Th?y
ani jmfla in their operation, and certain in awreetihg'aU
irregidadt|ee, nil ob
•tractioßß, whether from; cold opotherwfce, headache, pain
in (he side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which
always arise from Intejjmptioh of nature, inducing with
certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purelyvegeta
ble, and fftofrom anything injurious to Ufcorhealth. Ex
plicit directions, which should be read, accompany each
bo*.! Price $l. Seat by mail by enclosing $1 to any
authorized Agent. , ;
E.B- HUTCIUh'OS, General Ag*ntforthoUnited*Btsrtc«,;
165 Chambers street, New York, j ■ - 7 !■ > 7 '■ -
To whom. aU WVwfesale orderi sfatatd be ,
Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoonpj Geo. Jacobs, EoUb
daysburg; and by all Druggists In the Gnlted Stata*.
Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free.' •' ,
Nov, 16,1M8-Iy. '' i ■,'r' V > : '
! BATCHELOR'S ITIOSAND rfODPEfca surpass all.—
They are elegant, light, easy and durable. ■- "
-Fitting to a (harm—no tnrningnp behind—no Shrinking
off the head; indeed, this Is the only Es€abU*ment whfiv>
theee! things are properly Understood and made. '• *' x
Not. 18,1888-ly
{.. . r -..„ i
233iBroadwajr, New York.
' Griffis
>riiifrtnittm ~~ -«*? HtS#** t>i) -ir’a •
DALLET’smIGidmYAm acrafcifcro*- "
yn cure the following «mmfl*iigirMt>>fo>agtiiWrfliin>iw«;
Burna, •etdds.Cttti, Bunions,
Brnfoes, Sprains; KM,
Ulcers,lmr&iMt' A3fos Piles Rose Eyes,
float, Swellings, -BhemnaMiimj Besld.Haad, Saltffimim,
Baldness,BryijpolM, Ringworm, Barbers* Itch, Small Pux,
Meade*, Rash, Au, Ac, '
To same It may appear incredulous that«o many diseases
should be reached by w»utfeli; Nfl an ideajrfll vanish
when reflection point* to the foot, that the Mies ie acorn*
hlnetlon ofingred fonts, each and evAry ons applying a per
fect antidote to its apposite disorder.
In its offsets is magical, hooanse the time' Is so short be
tween disease and a permanent cute; aud it Is an extrac
tor, as It draws oil disease cat Of flu affected part, leaving
nature as perfect or before the iqjnry. It is scarcely ne
oessary to say that no house, work-shop, or mann&ctory
should be one moment without ft.
- No Pain Extractor is genuine unions the box has, upon it
a steel plato engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey,
Sold by O. W. Header, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Hol-
Udaysburg; and by ail the Druggists and patent medicine
dealers throughout the United States and Canadas.
Principal Depot, 16S Chambers street, New York.
Nor. U, 1866-ly C. P. CHACB,
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. 8., Phy
sician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This Invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all
those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con
stitution is subject. 'lt moderates aU excess and removes
ajl obstruction*, and a speedy care may be relied on.
N TO MAKPim i inm
.it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price one dollar, bears theGovernmontStamp
of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These Pills should not be taken by females during the first
three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Mis
carriage, but at any other time they art safe.
- In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation
of the Heart, Hysterica and Whites, those Pills will effect
a cure when all other means have failed, and although a
powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony,
' or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Fall directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which abonld be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent for tbe United States and Canada,
JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldwin ft C 0..)
1 Rochester, n! Y.
N. 8.—51.00 and 0 postage stamps enclosed to
thorlzed Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills,
by return mail.
B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for
sale by all Druggists. [June 3, X868.-ly.
The Original and Best in the World!
All others ore mere imitations, and should be avoided, if
yop wish to escape ridicule.
GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR. Dyed iustonily to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Dlack, without the least
injury to the Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Wm.
A. Batchelor since 1539, and over 80,000 applications have
been made'to the hair of his patrons of his famous Dye.
WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DTE produces a color
not to be distinguished Dorn nature, and is waucaxtsu not
to injure in the least, however long It may be continued,
and the ill effect of Dad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigo
rated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Made,-sold or applied (ia 9 private rooms) at tho Wig
Factory, 232 Broadway, New York.
Sold by Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in all
cities and-towns of the United States.
The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel
plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of
Nov. 18,1853-ly £33 Broadway, New York.
This disease can bo enred by Da. Ksvssa’s Toothache
Behest, prepared by him in Pittsburgh, Pa., which is put
up ih bottles and sold at 25 cents each. It is an excellent
medicine, when dilated, for spongy and tender gums, and
ia worth ten times Its price to all who need it. Sold her*
by 0. W. Kessler. fDoc. 9,186?-ly.
Flour, Superfine, bbl., „ M w
“ Extra “ ’
“ Extra Family « PS?
Corn Meal - Hx
Bye « « ygg
a and Oats, “ “ x. 62
Middlings, “ “ i_sq
Cash paid for all kinds of Grain. Flour and Feed can
always bo had at the Mill at the prices quoted above.
In Altoona on Thursday, the I7th inst., by Jacob M.
Cherry, Esq., Mr. HENRY LEI3TEE, of Huntingdon co.,
to Miss CAROLINE WALIS, of Blair county. Pa.
~9?. t l l £.® t bin*t, by the Bey. Lloyd Knight Mr. ABBA
of Franks town township, Blair Co. ■
By Bev. John Moore, on 15th inst., at the house of Som
-2?. 1 Williamsburg, Mr. ISAAC SPARK to
Miss MART- ANN BDCKWALTEB, oil of Clovo Creek,
Blair county, Pi. ■ ■
On Thursday, the 17th inst., at the house ,of the bride’s
fojbof. bytho Bev. Jos. Fichtncr, Mr. JONATHAN YING
LINQ to Miss MARY C. WILT, both of Juniata tp.
On the 15th inst, in Tyrone, WM. MARVIN, son of Bov.
B. W.and Belinda T. Black, aged U months, 12 days.
On Friday, the 11th inst, THOMAS B. MOORE, ESq.,
an old and respected citizen of Hallidaysburg, Pa.
On the 16th inst, of Scarlet Fever, JOHN THOMPSON,
son of William W. and Kate Jackson. Aged 3 years and 4
G>e 17th tost, in Fronkatown tp., MATILDA khm.
BKBtING, aged 14 years, 11 months and 17 dnya.
T fok sale.—the SUB
JLi criber offers for sale the &rm : on'which James Mat
thews now resides, ndar Coleman’s MUJ, in Logan township
It contains about 34 Acres, with twit Dwelling Houses, a
Bam and a good spring ! of watcr thereon.
Al**—“A'iittlo more of the earns sort”, in “the Kettle”,
on .*f n y*f?’ B^n t s L Ho will exchange it for town property.
Ai»-A_good 14-horsepower STEaMENQXNE,suitabIe
tbr a Plouring or Saw Mai. JOHN BROTHERLINB.
Hoßidaystrarg, Feb. 21,1869-St - ' ■
JL™ INO themselves indebted to {the nadenrignod. nrevi
oua to the 20th oblast April, tire requested to mate settle
ment soon,—either hrcuhornote'. Mr circumstances re
quire, at lout my individual accounts, Whe closed as soon
u possible.- - . ■ •
Please do not neglect this notice. a
Altoona, Atn 3t%-1859. ‘
gDjAJ TIItoAY night, Feb. 1001,1559, between9aad
: M p dock,, on the street leading Uronr the office of the Bn-
Perintendaat to Dr. Icke*’S torer.« Gold DetachedDpnfaio
Cw» Anj person finding and roturnlog the same,
\Hl!reeolrethe«i»Te rewarded the thahlS or
»eb.2», 1859. THOB.M. McDKKMOTT.
JL XOT.on liaint Street.' Permission <dvcn ontheflrst
<f^ r fly4ppiy to jamjsiowxheb.
of the nuhcrlber, i :
township, Blair county, Pa,.sometime In
December loot, a BAT SIAUJB, with a star
ottherftrehead. The owner is
to oome fctward, prore: property*
chargee end take her away; otherwise-she wNISMI|BffiBe
will be disposed of seconding to Jaw. ’ - ’
yeb.lo,lBW.-4t* GEORGB TXiSCE.
> ♦'
0. J. HIRST.
oMl¥lli«tHl|[|]'|B7;(oQ ! f ■ ■
tte phlait. ami wuhaWdfo
.saSasae ssassa
k predeosMon for Hto la« thirty-ftva “*
-'■■ ■ -' -7 -w: 5 GREQORTtA MAURY. :
Wilmington, Del, Nov. 15th, 1858. ..
tto following scheme, to be drawn each Wednesday iU
Pebruary, 1859, at Wilmington, DefowarMtapubße^aa
edrbyae < Qo^^M dW>< * lr^< * wnUo&er * l ‘i l £9 llt t'
Class 158 DngßWednesdaigr, U««lt 3.1869.
Class 170 Draws Wednesday,March 9. 1859.
Oaaa 182 Draws Wednesday, March 16,1859.
Class 194 Draws Wednesday, Marches, 1859.
Class 206 Draws Wednesday, March 30, 1859.
Nearly one Prize to every two Ticket*!
18 Hampers—lB Drawn Ballots*
1 Prise of $37,5001* ' $37,600
1 “V 26,000“ 26,000
1 “ * , 20,000 “ Sow
1 “ 10500« ISSOO
1 “ 4,000“ £t»o
1 « 3,392 “ 3^83
40 Prize* of 1,000 are #,OOO
40 “ 600 “ 20,000
200 “ 260 « 60,000
65 “ 100 « ASCO
“ « 70« £»0
65 “ 50 “ 3,260-
.6® “ «“ 2l«0
4,8j.0 “ 30 « 06.200’
27,040 “ 10 “ 270,600
32,396 Prizes amomiting to 1593,392
Whole Tickets. slo— Halves ss— Quarters $2,50
of Package* will be said at tho following
rates, which is the risk.
Certificates uf Package of 26 Whale tickets
“ “ 20 Half “
*• “ 26 Quarter “
Enclose the amount of money to our address, lor what yon
wish to purchase; name the Lottery in which yon wish it
invested, and whether you wish Wholes, Halves of Qusr
■ tors, on receipt of which, we send what is ordered* by flat
mau, together with the scheme.
Immediately alter the drawing, tho drawn numbers will
bo sent with a written explanation.
Putohasers, will please write their signatures plain, and
give the name of their Poet Office, County ami Stole.
whereby money fox' Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars, and
upwards, can be sent us -
from any city or town where they have tin office. The
money and order must he enclosed in a “GOVERNMENT
Company cannot receive them.
O-Orders for Tickets or CbrtJflcatcs, by Mail or Ex
press, to be directed to WOOD, EODT ft Co^
Wilmington, Delaware.
Youth and manhood.—just
Published, tho 23th Thousand, and - rm
moiled in a scaled envelope, to my address,
post paid, on receipt of three stomps.
A medical essay on the physical exliaustion mmmUr
and decay of the frame, caused by “ seli-abuse,” infection,
and the injurious consequences of mercury. By It. J.
Culverwell, M. D., Member of tho royal college of sur
geons, Ac. °
or Seminal Emissions* Genital and
Loss of Energy, Depression
of Spirits. Timidity, Diseases of tho Sexual Organs, and
Impediments to Marriage, ore promptly and effectually re
moved by the authors’ novel and most successful mode of
treatment, by means of which the invalid can regain pria
tme health without having recourse to dangerous auu ex
pensive medicines. ,
(From the London Lancet.)
TbOi best treatise ever written on a subject of vital im
tiun tanCt ' *° aU ’ WCII ' vortljy 1140 autl *or’s exalted reputa-
AUJreee, the Publishers J. a KLINE & (&.,Ut Avenue,
Cor. 19th street: Post Box 453 G, Now York City,
J. KST and most complete ASSORTMENT OF GOODS
that has ever been offered in Altoona.
His Stock consists of, in part, a large assortment of
Such as French Merinos, assorted colors j.
all-wool Plaids, Delaines in every
style; Cloaks, Shawls,
And a general assortment of Dry Coeds for winter. Also,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, &c.
-His Stock of GROCERIES is very largo, and
he is prepared io sell Wholesale at Philadelphia prices,
freight only added., r
Cash btiyew will rind they can save money by ex*
amitilng his stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Altoona, Nov, 18,1858.-6 m
Look out for the newstqbe.
—The subscriber would respectfully announce to the
citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that ho has Inst returned
from the city and oponed bis store on the
Contra or Axxrs xsn Treorau Snorts,
Where he offers for sale the largest and chcapestztoek of
Ever brought to this place, which ho wOl eeU,’ WHOLE
SALE’ and RETAIL. He will also keep constantly on
band a large'supply of
and Country Product of all. kinds,
which he will dispose of at the lowest cash prices. Ashe
has bought bis goods for cash, 1 he will be enabled to sell
them low for cash, life would respectfully Write all to
give him a coll aud Jndgri for themselves.
Oct. 2sth, 1858-tt] " LEWIS FLACK.
New grocery feed and pro.
The subscriber would respectfully Inform the citizens of
Altoona arid vicinity that he has opened astore Of the above
kind; near the corner of Adalfiio and Julia stfeetaEast
Altoona, where ho will keep constantly on band a frill sup
ply of everything In his lino. His ! ;
are all fresh and will be sold at prices is low as those of
any othor establishmont in town. His stock ofrirovisfons.
consisting Of ’ ■*;’
Flour, Sams, Shoulders, Sides, &c.
wHI be sold a'little cheaper than they can be bought anv
where else. His Hour Is obtained from the Met mills in
the Western part of theStdte, and id wartantedto be what
it is. represented. i- V
AU kinds of Peed for bowei, cowi and ways on
1 intend to keep such an assortment that T shall at all
Umes bo able to supply my customers with whatever they
may need, and I intend also to sell at- prices which will
DM y°n hear the newe from BuroperiCyon' here
not, we wIU tell you what it is, It is that ÜBNKYTtJCK
has Jnrt retnrnedfrom the Yaatfcmdtlea with afcrgesup
p*y o*' , ' y.” l
““dsdng of all styles ahd tpiaUffesoT Overcoats, Dress
Ctots, Teste, Pants, Boots and Shoes, mod ereryfliiiirkept
thejdnd, aU at
unprecedentedly low price* fofeash; purchased
hnrstock at cash prices, he is Utcreby enabled~tp scll very
tovitee aQ those in want of anything Jn, -hi* line to
giee him a call, feeling snrethat he wjlflbe ab)d to sire
Batofcotlon. - ; <r ; - HBNBYTOCK.
AXteona, gept.a<),lBM.-tf- - j
, JL. ; formerly. occupied by A* Bonsb, next doer to Lu
theran Parsonage, is forwent - PodKetion glveaimmedl
atelr.Apply to O.J. SfAKN or W. P. SELIMs, Sabbath
BeeiP.fVßlalr Co.* Ps. Altoona Feb. 10-3 t.
GBNTIBBIEM Can find good accommodations at a
e bOetfiihg honse on iilakxhg duplication at this office.
pen:Sd,6»-t£ '
FI John lehr's old stsad* heady oeeoahw
micri stor* in Kerth Ifstd. r Jno6l9, W-fiT
TO B( TfiiSfS
.. JlfWWßti,
OF Alf? KTlip
Aad-thayeriooi adh«lliuacoßa*q)*|ntil*»a «mm
Blind and Binding Piles. la all Norton*,
Nranlsk Affection*, Uhaa in numerous Instances prbtsd
highly benpftcial,.aad In others effected a decided van.
. fen compound, prepered onaSeMe
•cieiitiße principle*, after tbo manner of the mUim
Holland Profoaaor,Boerharo: Because of ita cr«UtaaßM*a
tispS5 l, ®itejSiasffisgi
now offer it toibe Ateerican pubUc,
nwdtenl Tirtnae
c It UyyUCTtfarly reccm mended to
iwbST6 boas Impaired by Se ooatiiiSia
naeoi ardent epirUa, or other forma of dlmltiUon, flfoa.
rally iMtantaaeon* in effect, itftndk it* waydLooUy WftU
and rigor inthisyetem. . ,
CAtmONr-Thd grealpopnlarfty of thia delkrh tftUAre
mataa induced many Ituitaftoaa, whichthapalUa MM
a Mr trial. One bottle win conrinoe yoa howAtUZM*
superior it it to all these imitntinp., J™
Sold at |Loo **
BENJ. EACtE. JK., * dO.,
v -
_* w I I) / ot ‘ * cue, Phifodulphta; Batten* Baric, jjfow
York; John D. Park, Cinclnuaul Hartford Adana A' C#.,
St. Louis; A. KOUdll.Altoona, Pa. AMOMf AnMiaU
and Merchant* jttlenOly tkron*houi wi United imtaa
and Oenadaa. '^^dbarlffS»M|
SORTMMNT of fcoodt (fdiiitd lo OJi tdasoii&VhUh
assortment ofTrimmingsfbr Ladle* Oreises. wßh'yK
deeds of articles too utuaerous io mention ■" ■■■■.’ ~
Friends mul citizens call and see before purchaaiitf iSa
where and sure yonr dimes.
Clothing'pf ail sorts' choa&tf than Ae f«WL'~ : '
The cheapest tot of German to tfn'gwids ever oftred'jn
this place, consisting hi part of LadkaUaods, UnsMh.
Children a Opera Hoods, Childrens TWmw amllSrnhsii
Capes and Coats, with the neatestand bosTM*ort*Sitt t
Hosiery to be found anywhere in these »■*.*.■■
A splendid assortment ofOrocorieS, consisting ofd6cia
nit], Baltimore, Philadelphia. Bos Wand Wees York 8»>
tips—delicious—New. Orient s and IftucFhtdo Bakhta llo
lasses, Sugars of every variety. - ■ ' * ~
Dates. 10 cts. per lb—Prunes, ISUtctt,per lb—Pigßwi
■lns, IZU cts; pel lb—Figs, Citrons, Currants, tiiyedßS
es. Apples, Oranges and Lemons, Almonds, lUncaSZl
ready for ase. - ■ ■■ ■
Boot* add Shod cheaper than the ehaajfcai:
Hardware o( almost every description—N>li. .
Cutlary, Green Kiver Butcher Knlree—the be*t ICtUke
world—Pumps and PumpCtmluaand flstarca;
Queens ware.
Tobacco and Segara. .
UuU and Capa.
Flih Oil.
Flds-seed Oil.
Street Oil.
. ' Cantor Oil;
Good CU[er Vinegar.
Coffee Itowted.
Coffee Green.
Ctoffia Ground. ,
The wry Mat Coffee in town at MU *&. per fti
.Gill and seo at xi. mycf,
PRlCES.—Thankful for post tHvon. ttnnbMAw
wonW napoetTWly be K leave to tatim the rifiaSofS-
that.he hai Just received ted’bJieiriM
wlileh he vriU sou at vary low pritiee foreaih. IteOh^le
Delaines, Rohes, Pot #e Cbenju, plain Mtriact.
figure#and striped Jferinot, Wool PlaidtTunion!
fkfd*, RngJjth Meriaod black<ai4'f9nen
'-ss¥.• dttanp^tn ; ahtttr> :
totetb. Gingham, Chintz, MosUrg-
Gloves, Embroideries emWaving
CoPf?** Setts, Rands, tnsertf .
mg*, Edging's, in fa*
. every article of.Lai
. Am• Wear. ,i
Also—An excellent assortment of fashloiahie<HfctiL
Earthenware. Ac. -•• ..* * • Slu*
examln’e tti a&reetoet
Altoona, Oct 14,1858. ,
ttaxuable property fob
Oi Altoona.—yho subscriber offers at Priralo Sale, a foi
1 eontauuig one aeCe of ground, With an eleeaift Pnitfl
Bmue, BpringHouae, Stable, and other buildings theraM.
Aim a number of choice Fruit Trees, and GranoTlrieh.
which ore In a thrifty condition. Thebe is tt tievef-Mtite
sprinc of water on the lot. .
J'lf theproperty is not sold by thelst of February, It will
pa f>r rent. Any information In regard to the btonsrt#
may be'bad from Q£o. B. CRAM3£BI'-
. Dec. 23,1858-2 m. . . " w ‘ '
Look out for your heaps r
—ThSsubscriber weald inform the la
habitants of this place and vicinity that hr :
has just rseaived the latest styles of
among which! may bo found the best Black lloleSkiM’jtid
80k Hats, Black and different colored Wool HatVCanaot
all styles and prices, for man and boys. PerabnsSl *Kw3
anything in the a boro line wHI find it to theirs tfHMKai
t 6 oil! on the subscriber before purchasing
vHe has alsodn hand an excellent assortment rfiLiW
KIBB. of different colors and prices; IW b?
the article should call at once. os * “
°“ Wjastreet, opposite the L'uthoraw t
Altoona,Oct. 14, ISBB-ly
Dec. 0,1858.
LJ t « r / 1 -i° ur •** by calling at- i.xc&i
ronalS. 5,-lyl r
or *** ** *^ki
Dec, 9,1866: . .
M f •••■•! S
M.S „-3 |
PW'“i I
|| J
a |W
rH w S 5 ' «»
pa 5
02 <50,,1*
9 a |s|f