The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 24, 1859, Image 2

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"iHnBSDAY, FEB. 24, 1888.
» ■- _ : ~- - - ■ ■
1 Wliiiin |iwil Hull I i m him liiliilm eilm
litiog U to require payment lnadrance,or a guarantee from
lt is therefore .useless for dlauchto »end
SsHtsrtisoßxenta offering to pay at the end hi three or aiz
J&SiMOik. ' Where advertisements are accompanied with.the
meaty. . whether 000, Are orten doUatt,' WB.wlU giro the
Btver tteer thefnll bedeflt of cash rates. .
, ~ J. M. PETXEWGHJL &. CO.,
’ JUWrtlsta* Agents, 119 Nassau street, New'tork, mkl
: JO tfUs- street, Boston, are thaAgtotifor the JUoona
agst Intosntlal'iaad largest-drwdatliig
hMtmm* fattb» apd theCanadas. They
to eeatract for mat pnrloeo at rate. ,
MrvlicUoH'. BIU for Jlepesa of
* Wepubliah to-day an Act read in theSenato
' dajrsago hy Mr. Schell, the Senator from
to repeal the-Tonnage Tax
and .Harrisburg and Lan-
Eoa(|B, on Certain conditions. The
Acta incorporating
roads asimposestheduty on
parried oyer them, provided .that .the
companies, seyerally,aad respectively,
WitJ^ ; thirtydsya after thepaasage of the Apt,
..shallredaoo.and lessen too tollsandphargea,
pp-aU-tlm tonnage pad freight shipped on
ftlwaii; Jl|ithua r t)>o *State, (except ooal and lumber,'
which ;the : -tonnage tax had before been
itaken'off and the corresponding redaction im
mediately ,made> Fiy£ HILLS on each ton less/
and onany less quantity or weight proportion
~«le!y,*for each mile! transferred over the road,
' than the present published winter rates aad the
summer rates. There are other pro-
ib* Act compelling these two Rail
Bod dompaaies to bind themselves to reduce
bf chargea onthe Ipcal business, &c M
bntas^We publish the whole Act, we refer our
readers to-it He conceive this to be a very
and, hope it will Houses—re-
aaociion of the Governor, and be ac
aoptedby tho cptopames. , '.
_ _ s <We,bate beftjre given our views, fully as to
the justice of imposing this,tax—a tax clearly
levied on, ourowncitU^ns—our merchants, far
morfo.apd ether, shippers, and paid by. them—
,beispse f jatyhough the duty is imposed on all
weUaa local, which'passes
% over ,tha, road mote than twenty miles, yet any
. .ippn,with half an.pye oitp she that it is not pmd
.tAroupA.freight. The great rival lines,
iHerUrpnid South of the Pennnsyivaaia Railroad,
40tnp«l oompany todb -this.becanse to
do bo as cheaposthe
AtitetrHaiM do, aol any.■ of which -lines' have a
tonnage <tac 4o pay, s or their shippers rather,
Who amd'fitight OTe^tShemi' 2 - Bhipperairom St.
Ijomß.Olncianßti, and poind. out*\de of Veamyl
choose different riral
IroflUi A Wan • shipping' 3&Tjgfi V• will do *»' hy
the'easiest, titdokeifl; ana' eWWpest iroutu when
o&iptoy, wish, to do any through biuiness, they
eihtie HO each taxis limed off persons shipping
on either ofJhe Rework linos, .or iho Balti
. jjU||e Ohip. Jjkis perfectly apparent,
the off
: these companies that pay
! j4nty. ia thfi Uring
State pho jaWd w tonnage
toad, «nd lt oat that w* who
Uve.along io->
/cal the vhol« x nit on
the lo cal, 4>ttl Also on tlie through "freight.—
dfoshaesa mwi—men who txt obliged -to sliip'j
these foads-i-are beginning ,to i
ee»"tMß,beoap»ethey setionsly, andbencp.
bDl Jlr. BchoUread itl the Sen-|
hmnWof bpjness .mod in hjs District .and at
it. '' •' |j
repeal ,pf gbie Itpnnage;
Ux, wr 'or .domestic shippers—
the citixensof OM Wn Stabe—ebpuld hare the
4* *%,!* <aeariy * more of
fcsl Uie iUie of the Peon’a
ipwjl and
v W^f»Bb°‘ eff P rtat togetitho tW!
we believe itis the in- !
M4b« Company to teat the ppnafitnUoo-l
whilst they are doing thiß, the:
«« puyhig * fax oh every hun
&A of freight >ither sent or received,j
SOtyronder that the constituents of lfr.
jfiohliy,—the business men of his
iwdhithih more, and we trust they will be sns
nwnjhtahdbackcd by every business man or
local shipper in the State. Why should our
oitisenapay this duly, for the benefit of foreign
The only fear we have is that the
fom’aßail Rood Co. will not accept the bill if
jHMd,tooanse it compels it to reduce the rates
freight Vhipjped, nearly double
the tonnage tax amounts to, this bill
FIVE mills shall be taken off
wffiilst._the .tonnage tax only imposes three. Lo
Ǥl Jhmpers should also remember that under
hyT the Rail Road Company can not in
cbto** the rates cn the freight shipped by them.
It may lower it, but it cannot increase it. We
may have a word to say on this subject again ;
meantimc wo refer our readers to the bill
ijp4uißh®d in .another column, simply sayinc
that if this bill becomes a law, and the Rail Road
mentioned agree to its provisions, a
great advantage will be gained by all citizens
fit our own -State, who ship or receive freight
oyri these RQads,-ftnd wo.believe that the Co.’s
Witt M'pmpfaAJTor meir]Bberaiiiy byan in
hV'df <fowi^ ! tofihi*e, so that ill
£artMi£in4be .wulfllkbefiiutimUy btmehtted.
Pi' of tlie lam.
nofcjiiblilbed in
& I«»t oni'-paper £, each coin tf in the
S^§|* & . i |p r are
We venture to say that there are few per
sons who would refuse to pay a small ex
tmtai, were It necessary to obtain such'
information. Asthe law now stands, only
a limited number of copies of the lawsare
printed for the use of Justice of the Peace,
Prothonotaries and other offices, and very
existehoeofalaw is a summons to v appear
add answer for its violation. Ignorance
of the Jaw is no ezeuse, and the result is
that manygood law-abiding citizens often
get into.difficuiiy and are compelled to pay
fines which wonld all have been avoided
had they nbdeistood the law. ,
We are glad to perceive that Mr. Zoller>
member from Allegheny county, has read
a bill in place providing for the publica
tion of all general laws in one or more
newspapers in the various counties of the
. commonwealth, and the publication of all
local laws in the counties directly affected
thereby; and we hope that the bill may
pass at the present session without opposi
tion. This measure has frequently .been
advocated by the press of the Stete, and
ought to have been adopted long since.
States Union,Hotel, Pliilad’a.
We endorse all that is said of the
new Proprietor and the hotel in the fol
lowing article ..which we copy from the
Perry County ,Frepnan. Those of our
friends who have heretofore patronized
this Hotel will find their old friend, CK W.
Hinkle, still on hand, who remains as
“Our fellow-townsman, CoL JauksW.Pow
bb, for a couple of years a popular hotel-keeper
in Bloomfield, haying leased the States Union
llotbl, old “ Bod Lion,”) on Market street
above Sixth, in Philadelphia, took possession
of it as proprietor, manager and superintendent
on last New Year’s day. This hotel has long
been a favorite stopping place for , the .citizens
of this county, who have been in the habit of
visiting the “.Quaker City;” and under its
present management it will doubtless possess
increased attractions and accommodations. The
“States Union” has been recently refitted in a
superior manner, and aU the. modem improve
ments’.and Iconveniences have been called into
mqiusitioittd nmke it a most desirable place of
sojoam to.the visitor and traveler. Col. Powbb,
the host, is an active, energetic, agreeable gen
tleman, always disposed to '.make guests com
fortables and, .whilst his .table .will afford .the
best gu& provisions. the. market will af
ford, and his beds, sleeping apartments, &c.,
shall be n?at and clean, he will, we trust, re
ceive, as he will merit, a large share of public
patronage, it Were useless to state—what is
so this county—that Col. Powan
is a gent!emaai>ad a man of substantial means,
and has therefore the ability to do all he pro
fesses. to do. The charge at ' the ?“*States
Union n v is law, we believe $1,25 per day. We
advise our readers' to. give the CoL a call when
they visit Philadelphia.”
Tlie Editorial Code of Honor.
The subjoined Gode of Honor was unan
imously adopted by the Editorial Conven
tion which met at Harrisburg on Wednes
day. Bespect for themselves, and respect
for their readers, will, we ardently hope,
•lead all editors to accept this code, not as
a mere commendable thing, but os a rule
of daily, Imhftual practice:
And Whereas, It is the leading purpose of
this Union) to .estabhshsnoh k code for the gen
eral bbservance ofthe members of this Union as
experience [Shall from time to time diktat?,' and
as shall cause the press to become a more effec
tive Agent in the promotion of the general wel
fare ?qf our common country; we, therefore
deol.tee, _;V ; , ... •\>
Ist' That moderation, fairness, and dignity,
axe, at aU times, honorable in the editoriolpro
fesaion. ; : p ; ,'f l '' '
- 2d. .That courtesy* especially to cotempora
ries, is to bp cultivated; in .the profession. •• .
46 the degradation of .the press, nreto.bejdepra
cated. r' "' ; "
4th. That in the condaot of nevrspsper dis
cussions dhe roles of •• honorable war” should
beotyserted. y,.
That the deliberate and van ton violation of
these self-evident principles, and of such addi
tions as may be hereafter' made, shall bedeemed
sufficient’grounds for censure by this associa
tion, and/if persevered in, for the exp ulsion of a
member. . ‘ : ■
' The received at
the regular tiiae, behave heretofore neg
lected'to noticetheamval oi this anxious
ly of severe cnticismf,
and scenesin modi
on topics imperfectly nnderstoodeven by
medical men. Dr. -Dixon, the cer
tainly deserves a liberal re*rardfor hite
successful efforts' .to core therea&rsof
Ids ' Scalpel hluea, for w;e feel pen
suadod that ho one could feel melancholly
after reading one of his lectures. Price
81,00 per annum. I
Ladies’ American
would recommend " all wto 4 £ood
and cheap Magazine, to subscribe Ibr the
Ladies’ American Magazine. The colored
steel Fashion Engraving, | for artistical
skill and accuracy of design, cannot be
surpassed by any engraving of a gimilar
character in this, country. ; The Literary
Department is under the able superinten
dence of Mr. Charles GK Leland. Terms,
$2 per year. Henry White, publisher,
No. 7 BeekmanSfereet, |T. Jk '
'•}. i-
[SpteW Correspondence of
jttQT .of sikmen, xioes not go
igcfi' opposed to like to
swStr. ' It;jgr*nts|tewer to such*cburtte inks
' '. 'M : . .-*■;• .-:-v.-..
I Class'* of aateult ggtf iwttey not charged
as having; been oommittedriotoaaly, or upon
any public officer In the execution of his duties,
or with intent to kill.
. .H. Charges for poisoning, killing, maiming,
wpunding ‘Or beatinganyanimaL . .
' HLCWrgiM fdt'nxflairfuny, wrilifolly and xna-’
diciausly.taking andcarxyhig-gw'ay fruit or veg
etablss, or for destroying the sam*.' < t
The SO! ought to include aU,'or nearly all,
malioibns misdhief.miedemeanors, threats, sure
ty of the jpeace, petite larceny and violations of
die liquet? law. If these wereadded, the Cohrt
expenses . of a County conld be out down one
half, especially if the trials were to take place,-
immediately after the oonuinission of the crime.
It may be that some amendments, taking in a
broader scope, will be the Senate;
bat in any: event, jl predict the bill will become
a law. ji|"
On Friday last,; Mr. Chase offered the follow
ing joint resolution in the House
Whereas, IP and by the twenty-second section of the act
entitled “ AUAct to incorporate the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company,” Approved the thirteenth day of April, A. D.,
184 G, it provided “ That all tonnage of whatsoever kind and
description, except the ordinary baggage passengers, loaded
or received it Harrisburg, Pittsburg, or at any intermediate
point, and carried or conveyed over sold railroad more than
twenty mileii between the tenth day of March and the first
day of December, in elich and every year, shall he subject
to a toll or doty for the use of the Commonwealth, at the
rate of five mills per mile Ibr each ton of two thousand
pounds;” Aim whereas, In and by the first section of the
act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,”
approved thOjtweuty-aeTonth day of March A. D. 1858, it is
-provided “That the tax oh tonnage of five mills per ton
par mile from thstenth day ofMarch to the first of December,
payable to thp State Treasury under the provisions of the
twenty-second sect! jn,of the act which this is a'snpplement,
.bo coinmuted to a tax of three mills per ton per muo dur
ing the whole year; said tax to cover all .freight carried
over the roiid more' than twenty miles, which said tax
was made payable by the said railroad company on the
thirtieth day-of July and tho.tenth day of December of eadh
year: And Whereas, There was doe to the Commonwealth,
from the said; Pennsylvania Railroad Company, on the 10th
day of December last. on account of said tax on freight
carried over (laid railroad,-about ninety thousand dollars,
which sum t)>o said company has neglected and refused to
pay: And whereas, The agreement on the part of said com
pany to pay itaid tonnage tax formed an essential jiart of
the contract between the Commonwealth and the Compa
ny ; Therefore,
Be it resolvedly the Senate and House of Representatives
of tlio CommqnwenUh ofPennaylvauia in General Assembly
met, That the Attorney General of this Commonwealth Is
hereby instructed to commence and prosecute, In the Su
preme Court of the, State, the necessary suit or suits to
ascertain whether the said Railroad Company, by its re
fusal aforesaid, has tot forfeited its chartered privileges,
and take «i; pecsssary.steps to procure A decree of forfeiture
in said suit dr waits so Instituted. »
Resolved, That the ; Auditor General ami State Treasurer
are hereby instructed to charge said Pennsylvania Rail
road Company at the: rate of five per cent per month for
any delay that may hereafter occur in the,payment of the
tonnage tax now over due, and at the same rate fur any
delay in tho payinent of the said tax which may hereafter
become due.;
I was hot aware before that the House had
any definite information in regard to the refusal
on the pirt of the Company to pay the tax.—
Lost week the Senate passed a resolution calling
upon the Treasurer for information in regard to
the matter, and yesterday a similar one was of
fered by IMr. Miller, calling upon the Auditor
General for information, afi follows
Resolved, -That thp Auditor General bo requested to in
form the SeuativWhether the Pennsylvania' railroad com
pany have paid a State taxon their capital stock, as re
quired of all -corporations under the provivions of the
thirty-third* section of an act to reduce the §tate debt, and
to incorporsitp the. Pennsylvania canal and railroad com
pany, approved April 20, 1844; what amount of tax la
claimed to be due from said company ;
what portion ofthosald tax has been paid, and at what
period the said compaay commenced to pay-the some; and
further, what legislation, if any; is deemed necessary to
equalize taxation upon the capital stock of the various
corporal ions pf this Commonwealth.
Yesterday a bill was passed in tbe Senate in
corpoiatitg the Philadelphia Zoological Associ
ation. This company purposes erecting perma
nently, in Philadelphia, Zoological Gardens sim
ilar to those of Paris and London, where speci
mens of; the beasts, birds and reptiles of the
world will bo on constant exhibition, for the in
struction and entertainment • of strangers and
visitors. There is no reason why such an insti
tution should not be as liberally patronized as
a theatre or an .Academy of Fine Arts.
Oil tha same day a bill WM passed to incor
porate the “International Mirror of Art and
Literature.” This association is similar to the
Cosmopolitan Art Association; and if fairly'con
ducted will materially interfere with the busi
ness of that Association—especially in the State
ofPennsylvania.. 1 ' '
OnJfnday ten petitions, and to-day the
same nninberl |vero presented in the Senate,
praying for the repeal of the tonnage tax.
Mr. lyieMreodin place to-day a bill entitled
an act to require' Railroad companies to make
a uniform annnal roport to the Auditor General.
Mr. Brewer, on Act relative to the Banka of
this Commonwealth. ' 1
The bill in relative ,to evidence, was taken ! up
and defeated, and amended to the 4th section,
on second reading, when the hoar of 12 M. ar
rivedi when Washington’s Farewell Addles was
read jby Ibe Clerk—2,ooo copies of which were
prdetedTtb be printed, on motion of Mr.’Wright.
The Hembcratib State .Convention meets bn
the and I learn that there are quite a
number of aspirants for the office' of Auditor
General,; to wit—Richardson L. Wrigbtj Gapt.
Jacob H, : L. DifTenbach, and Gen. Vfm.
~B: Milter, clerk of the Senate. I hear'Col.
Wharton's mme mentioned In connection with
the oppojlntion nomination. Certainly the Col.
is amplyquaMedtofili the office, and has done
’Ms party service. I should rejoice tirsee
mm' "n.dihihatedH-and elected, if im opposition
man Is ft fc* elected, [yonkhow my politics!
heit fell ; LOGAN.
, J^^^an^eroUß— xnad doga inan^aboutHar
risburg, andLancaater.
J Afe.3l»d©,
oTCIOTjMKiMt 'Olilo* died of scarlet fever within
oneweek. ■ ~V ■ ri ' ;
Breckenbridge is said to
potest that lie dc«a dot aspire ttf the Charleston
nomination, bat Will be a condidatofor fitted
den’s seat in the Senate. “ ;.
. of Near York, and Secrieitorj of
Detroit, nave arranged for ft great billiard match
for $lO,OOO, to be played in Deiroit' two WnfKa
hence. 5 pho match creates a great excitement
among tbe sporting men. ■■
: 't&* There are: thirteen thousand uniformed
volunteers in Pennsylvania, equal in.nnQiber to
that of the regular army of the United States.
In all there are three hundred and fifly thous
and men capable of bearing arms in thb State!
4 Clergyman in Florida recently under
took to prove in a: sermon that Africans had no
souls. Prentice of the Louisville Jtournul-e ays
he bad better be careful, for he can’t expect his
disciples to consent to go to heaven if they are
them. • .
‘ Tax.
;:>Jfe^ : SCTOjSfci d(|dped to make a statement
rekdiag|me following bilk to place.
'ltladbeea prtiparedat the request ot a.nnm
ber of bnainess menin his district, .ana he pre
sented it, in compliancp with their request and
his duty :as a Senator,' without wiahingto be
considered as favorable or unfiwdrable to it—
Be desired its publication in Ike Baifyßecord:
which, on his motion, - was ordered tobe done.
■ The bill is ah follows:
JUV ACT. to feint OwUnmagcditkf orbiß at fie A»
tylvanta railroad, met on the Harrixbwrg, TorUwundk,
Manat Joy and Lancaster railroad, on certain condition*-
Sectios 1. enacted by the Smote and
Borne of Representative* of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is
therCby enacted by the authority of the eo«e, That
somueh of the acts incotporating the Pennsyl
, vania railroad company wad the * Harrisburg,
Portsmouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster railroad
: company, and the several supplements thereto,
as imposesadutyor toll on the tonnage or
freight earned bn and oyer “said railroads be,
and the same is hereby, ’repealed: Provided,
That this repeal of -the said tonnage dnty or tell
on the said several railroads is hereby made on
the express condition that the said several rail
road companies shall, and do, severally and re
spectively, at and daring all time from and af
■ ter the expiration of thirty days from the pas
sage of this aot, reduce'and lessen their several
and respective tolls and charges, that is to say,
their several and respective present published
and existing winter rates of tolls and charges,
as also their stimmer rates of tells and charges
os published and fixed for, and daring the year
eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, on all the
local tonnage and freight of and within this
Commonwealth, of every kind whatsoever, ex
cept coal and lumber, carried on and over their
several and respective railroads, at least five
mills on each ton, and on any less quantity or
weight, proportionately, for each and every I
‘mile the same is so carried, below their said/
several above mentioned and referred to tollW
and charges for and on the same.
Sac. 2. The said railroad companies orn
hereby severally required, in cose they, or eithc
of them, accept of and agree to the tor pis ant
provisions of this act, within thirty days fron
and after the passage of the same, to giv e no
tice to the Governor, in duo and proper man
ner, and formed so as to be binding on the sai,
several companies, in and according to th(
judgment of the Attorney General of the Com
monwealth, whether they, or either of them
severally, accept of and agree to the terms one
provisions of this act, on and according to th<
condition mentioned and specified in the first
section thereof; otherwise and op the failure of
said companies, on either one or ether of
to do the same, this act shall not be operative
and in force’; and-in case the said companies
or either of them, shall and. do so accept the
terms and provisions of this act, the said com,-
papies or company, so accepting the same, shall,
and ore hereby required, at the time of giving
notice, as aforesaid, to deliver to him true, full
and correct copies arid lists, verified to be such
by the affidavits of either {he presidents or gen
eral superintendents of said companies, of the
several and respective published rates of tolls
and charges on the local tonnage and freight of
and within this Commonwealth, of said several
companies mentioned and referred to in the first
section of this act; which said copies and lists
shall forthwith bo filed in the office of the Sec
retary of the Commonwealth; and in case
cither of said companies |Ball, after so accept
ing the terms and provisions cf this act, there
after charge and receive any greater amount of
tolls and charges on the said local tonnage and
freight of and within this Commonwealth than
is allowed to be charged under and according
U> the terms and provisions and true intent
and meaning of this apt, any sueh excess so
charged and received may be recovered by the
p«l«bn or persons so charged and thereby ag
grieved, of and from either of said companies
so offending, as debts of like amount may be
recovered in this Commonwealth, and copies
.'duly certified by the Secretary of the Common
wealth of the lists of tolls and charges above
mentioned, to be filed as aforesaid, or of either
of them, are hereby declared to be evidence in
any suit or proceeding in this Commonwealth
wherein the same may be relevant and perti
nent to the' issue; and the expenses or cost of
such said certified Copies shall be taxed as part
of the costs in any such suit or proceeding.
Sec, 3. The right to repeal the act, and
thereby to restore the imposition of said ton
nage duties and tolls on said companies and
railroads, by any future Legislature of this
Commonwealth, is hereby expressly reserved,
in case it shall hereafter be deemed advisable or
proper, or conducive to the public interest to
repeal the same, und thereby again impose said
tonnage duties and tolls on said companies and
Peteeson’s Book dp Coins fob tke
vVoeld. —This is one of the handsomest
and most useful hooks that wo have re
ceived for some time. It is a book which
should be in the hands of every business
man in the country. It contains fac sim
iles of every known coin in- the world,
with their value in American money at
tached. The book can be seen at our
office. Price $2,00, to be had of T. Bi Pe
terson, Publisher, Philadelphia.
Peieeson’s Magazine. —All 'who
wish a really good ladies magazine, at a
price which places it within the reach of
almost every one, should subscribe/ for
Peterson’s. A sight of the March number
would bo sufficient to captivate the heart
of any lady. No better present fjsm a
young gentleman to a young lady could
be offered than a volume of Peterson. —
Price $2 per annum. Chas. J. Peterson,
Philadelphia. =
■j GrpDßY’s Lady’s Book.— Unrivalled
Godey is on oar table for March. While
Grodey controls it, it will always be.a wel
come, anxiously looked for visitor upon
the table of every lady who is in favor
sufficiently with her bean to induce him
to supply her with dt, or who has good
taste enough to subscribe for it herself.
More copies of (Jody's Book should be ta
ken in this place than are. Price $3'0,0
per annum. Wo will furnish it for $2,00.
Gbbat Repitblic.—We have just
received this Magazine for the njonth of
March. We litavo carefully perused its
contents, and iroUifuily say that it is
one ofthevery Marines ever puh«
fished. It is i&autifulfy illustrated.--
Published by oahenuUi" & Co.i N. Y., at
$3 myHaWyioh advance, "
fwiafe las' pass** &
t9&e MoMotyanwi ■;
_tV» of Blair Co, Pa,-from the fourth day of January,
A. D. 1858, up to ami including the Sixth day of January
« jSwnitewm, • '
“ ElUtth Ferre#, * ■ Bio?, *l4 8
“ P. Bridenbaugh, “ Ttrbue, 1?9 %
“ 'Jacob Good, w Altoona, tf
“ J> Q. 8. Black, t “ Greenfield, 87 38
“ • Frederick Fonso, " Huston, 116 00
“ Frazier Harlin, “ Juniata, 68 34
« Sam’l Shi filer, “ Taylor, 806 6T
“ Geo. Elliott, u Fraixkstown, 620 06
« John U’Clara, “ HolHdayzbarg, 48100
“ John Marks, “ Snyder, 610 00
“ John Andaman, “ Logan, 640 28
“ Wm. Kennedy, “ Wood berry, 668 30,
a ■ Henry Barge t, “ K. Wood berry, 118 37
„ “ W. F. Bridestbal, “ - > HatthMharg,i" -Oft.
1858 Geo. W. Patton, , « Altoima, 800 00
« Fetstlt.Wnt, . AllShmy, v 78020
“ D»tW Henehey, . u . And* 641 98
Geo.Koon, , “ Blaht, - , . *l6O 00
« Jacob Ddl, “ Catharine, 480 00
“ Philip Bileman, « Fratfltstown. 300 06
« John Mmweiman, “ Greenfield, 297 61 I
<i Wtn. Kelienaan, “ Oaytiport, 40 00
‘I JohnHcGraw, “ UnMan, 260 76.
•I Geo.B-BowerV “ H4HWay«bur& 238 38
f Frazier Harlin, “ Juniata, 106 00
4 John Weztley, « ' 247 20
f Henry Bnrget, “ NJ Woodberry, 404 00
> Wm.R. Plummer, a Snyder, '4O 00
(* Sam’l B. Shllfier, “ Tayter, 460 00
Andrew MUler, “ Tyrone, 826 00
t “ Alexander Bobb, “ Tyrone Boro, 26 00
1“ Charles Bittlo, “ Woodberry, 880 70
Redemption money on Unseated Lands, 60 86
Haxee on Unseated Lauds received, ; 122 22
To balance duo County in the hands o| the
Treasurer, S. Hoover,
$lO2 42
; CS.
Tlio Treasurer, (Samuel Hoover, Esq.,) asks Credit lor the
following disbursements, to wit: ,
, By amount paid— s '
Grand and Traverse Jurors, s2o3# 37
Directors of the Poor, v; 8200 00
Bridges, ! 1333 00
County Auditors, 6 days each and mileage, 42 26
Roadaud bridge views, r .i 77 97
Criminal Prosecutions, 3 768 01
Pox, Wolf aud Wild Cat Scalps, 162 90
Physicians at Poet Mortem Examinations, 60 OP
John R. McFarlane, Commissioner, 128 60'
James Hutchison, “ i 08.00 i
David M. Confer, “ ; 164 80 i
E.M. Jones, , 38 00
James Roller, u 6 00
i «4 W
11. A. Caldwell, Clerk to Commissioners, 196 00
Elections, t'' ■ 617 90
Assessors, 310 05
Constables, SOT 27^
Gas used iu Court Xlouso, , 66 46
O. A. Trough lor Printing, V 30 00
J. Eeun Jones, “ 174 62
Jno. A. Lemon for coal, 11 26
Daniel ISolingor sundries for Jail, = 13 14
Qeorgo Port, keeping, clothing, 4c. Odd taking
Jno. Wertz to Lunatic Asylum. 71 81
Geo, Port for taking J. Gates to Asylum and
expenses, ■ 21X0
Blair County Agricultural Society, 166 00
Jos. Bnldrigo, balance of his accconntibr 1857, . 270 43
J.\J. Clyde, docket fur Prothouotary, 12 00
H. M. Bahfrige, for new index to Deed Books, 60 00
Michael Dorn, damages to lands by road, ' 60.00
John Gorlcy, Esq, Docket costs, 4 00
Seilers and Snyder, for. cleoining Jail, drain, 2 60
John Dipncr, repairs at Jail and Court House, 7 88
Geo, Fort and others at Bennington, 123 42
Bird G. Eaton, repairs at Jail, 8 92
£ Hammond, bah of account as District Att’y, 108 60
R. Blasott, Gas fixtures for Court Bouse and Jail, 300
William Jphnston, horse hire, v 6QO
Joseph Pctle, building oven at Jail, 16 Oo
Jo}m C. jjhnston, for painting at Court House, 15 00
~ T. Kafir for medical atf -iriso
i>rTU.. - .otfey, for medical attendance on pi -
non la Jail, from Sec. 22,1856, to May IC, 1858, 37 18
Bird Q. Elton, repairs at Jail, 8 50
H. B. Mi-tin, hauling ashes, Ac., oat of Court
House j.rd, 2 80
B. B. Bon lachor, sundries furnished for C. H.
and IsL r done, 0 81
John MX tro, for Coal, 69 37%
John 801 l ager, tinware for Jail, 6 75,
Daniel Be linger, 'do do 8 61.
H. B. Mai in, dry wood for Court House, 7 84
Joseph 3 gle, repairs of pavement,‘C. H. stop,
and phsting trees in C. U. yard, 8 00
M. McKilney forDigestofKlection and Tax laws, 300
C. P. Perry, two Dockets for use of Sheriff and
Keconir’s offices, N 10 80
Mrs. Bomrs cleaning Court House, ' 23 00
Wm. Wiliams, Jr. ground rent, 10 80
S. T. Murray for auditing accounts of Prot’y, A
Beg. A Recorder, : v 42 G 7
JOhn A. sTior, Tr, of S. L. Asylom, 1 290.50
Alexander Johnston, interest on Loan, 120 00
John Akf, , « « 180 0Q
Michael Black, “ “ 80 00
John Campbell, “ “ 00 00
James Roller, u *?:, 42 50
Joseph Kemp, taxes on unseated lands refunded, 28 69
Western Penitmtiary, 677 79
B.' L. Hewit,Dktrict Att’y, fees in OoWt cases,' 118 00
George" Port oi account, 1049 00
Oeorgo A. Breaks, assessments, 1859, ' 33 60
Sam’l HooverXreas.expenseson unseated lands, 102 29
Jacob Good, lifunding order, x 15 60
\.psq. on account. —'
James Funk.f sq. on account, 100' 00
John Lowe, Axes on unseated lands refunded, 'lB 77
S. S. Biair ox account pros, eerviCcsj' 14 69
Redemption money, U. Lands. < 43 60
Coroner’s I rtuests, 103 661 4
Treasurer's per cent, on $28,007 22 420 10
Balance inlands of Treasurer, 102 42
/ $14,264 87
BLAIR CODNTIT, S 3. We, the undersigned, Auditors
of BlaiV Jouuty, in the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby
certify, »at wo have examined the Drafts of the County
Commissincrs of the County aforesaid, and the vouchers
for the funo. up to, and including; the sixth day of Janu
ary, eiglpcn hundred and fifty nine, and 1 have settled and
adjusted! the accounts of SAMUEL HOOVER, Treasurer,
with tli said county of Blair, and we find a balance in
the hauls of the said Treasurer, of One Hundred and Two
Dollonind Forty-l?wo Cents.
Is TfariMoxy whereof wo have hereunto set,our bands
and> ecus this sixth day of January, A. D. oigliteen hnn
dred ail fifty-nine. S. MORROW, fußj
/ . A. C.McCAETNEY, h. 8.1
J Jos. r. hewitt; [1.8.1
In UESnaroxr of the correctness of the foregoing account
of SAMUEL HOOVER, Treasurer otßlalr County, ahd of
the esid county with Idm, wo hereunto set our hands, and
have caused our seal of office to bd affixed, at Hollidays
bnrg, this 6th day of January, A. 1X1869.
JOHN R. McFARLANE, [l. 8.1
E.M. JONES. fußij
AtUst: U. A. CAIDWm, Clark. ' -
JOSEPII BALDRIGE Frothonotaryy in Ac
count with Blair County.
' DR.
To Jury Fees rcccirej in Common Fleas, ' *32 00
“ Gas, for the year 1858 up to I*ot. 30tb, ' 008
“ Fines and Jury Foes in Quarter Session*, 28 00
“ Balance due at Settlement, Jan. Otta, 1869, 210 00'
. , . $278 U;
By amount of— CS.
Fees for certifying election return* and recording,
the same, - i ' - *B6 32
Stationary furnished for Court Boose andßockets, Tm 51
Fees in Criminal Bros. ' 1 ■ • JBJ gy
For receiving and entering Conatablesroturns,
Cling oath of Officers and others, ;
Fees on Inquisitions, ' •
Fees for certifying road andbridgeTiewors,.
For filing and recording proceedings and chang>
- ihg places of holding elections, y-iffc
For services in Sessions and swearing Grand Jn-; '■■■''•■ •.
tors, - - -4»
GEORGE PORT, Sheriff, m'Accom«Uh Mair
• County, ■‘ - \ ' •' ;
1858. To amount— " o ' - •
Kpceived In cash for fines and Jory Ikes,
“ « from County Treasurer, -• IMS 08
Gas used in Sheriff'sofficeup to and including •>
N0r.30.1866, ■ -- ; 80S
Balance due at settlement Jan. 6,1859, 87800
' ' $lBB7 OS
! , y .. £rJJ* ■ , V
By Balance at last settlement, ‘ - $863 0$
u fees for gammoning Grand and Traverse Ju- ■' V'f-V
rore, >lOO 60
“ Convoying one convict to PeWteitiarjv ' M'OO
a « « «. .
“ famishing wood, coal. Ac. for Jail, / • toss
“ - “ f ■-?-- in n
“ farnishS^beddfagfornsoofJaflandclothlng'
fcr prisoners, ; rp' '■ ’ S& 00
“ Boarding prisoners, ? 1 *; mr w
“ cash palddbr taking asbesont ef Court Yard '. f
* 1 and dafl. : yard ■ and tilting cam ofinsans ... - ■
prisoners, » u
■ “ Advertising annual election, r ' y»
“ Pees in Quarter Beestone, ' 5 { > j ■■ •- A 7$ 00
“ Hirec per cent, cm $lO6 fine* and &«e collected.
1869.Jan,6. By balance dueaccoqpfant, $B7O 00
the Auditors of Blair country in tho
•JSlSr* Sheriff
***** vSersuptowifa!
Jamau,jr * k * U f“vta g
; rus.i
A-OMeCAMSBy, ksj
Amount in bands of Treasurer,
■*; .a'WtC*.4h* *<
with Blair Camay for Road Tax**** l
To amount received from J. W. MoCoctL Ui»
Treasurer, . , •
“ “ collected on unseated lands, -■ -uw'li
. **
By amount paid Bnpcrri*or**i QrteuOsld tnl
•* Treasurer** '•->•* „■•»
u Balance in hands of TreaMtsr, Jh
SAMUEL moVm t fmntttr, in
vilh Blair County for lhyfvs, ”***
To amount otßog 13» WcM front CWleelaw,
. CJt
By amount paid— ■
Adala Bomb, v
John Brannon,
Isaac Spur,
Trea/mrer’ii Commission*.
oJ*®’ under* Igued, Auditors pf Blair eMatr.^
State "» P-"nflT«nt«i dn IjOTlfl
amined the draft* of th» County ObatmiMidMn si*
county aforesaid, aud the Toacbm of the um« i..
including thoeth day JoZ?!
aettlod and adjusted efftAMCfflfyMH?
Treasurer ofßcWt,Hoad,addp<>gTS«a, and Had %£
and Thirty Cent* ofSchool Tax/gereaty-hioe Doiiiw*®
Nlnaty-eered Cent*ofHoadTu,andthattSwefoteS
salil Treasurer tight Collars and Thlrty-&»ht
CogT*X> V-'! 1 ' '.■■■■. ° ?vw *w.
GWenundar <>“ W
A List of Outstanding Debts due the Cow* „/
Blair on ito if January,
the year 1867, aadpnnbui yean. J
Thoma* Brawn; Snyder, MM, - *
Peter Boyles, Oayaport, 18SSL
William Burley, Snyder, 1863,
Barld Wateon, Hollldaysburg, “
Simon B. Copper, Frankttouna 11
Hugh Bunn, Catharine, IMS,.'
Samuel Jonc*, Snyder, “
John Shlnefclt, Hood berry, “
James Alexander, Allcghcny/ISM,
Joseph Irwin, Frankstown, “'
J. S. Nicodemn*, N/Woodbcrry, *
John Snter, Catharine, ■ ' IM7,
James Williamson, Allegheny, u
Elijah Fence, Blair, u
Philip Bridcubangh,* Tyrone, l . “
John Lowe, Gaysport, “
Frederick Fonse, Huston, “
George Elliott, Franks town, “
John McClure, HoUidayahorg, “
John Marks, Snyder, “
John Anderson, Logan, v ' “
tF. F. Brldenthal,* Uartinsbnrg “
■ |utta
A List of Outataadinff Debit dut the Co**tj t!
Blair, ( on the Sixth day of'January, 18M, fit
■ theyear 1858. . v':, '“‘/.I
Oeo. VT. Patton, Altoona, 1843, tu t
Peter 11. Wilt,* Allegheny, u IB a
David Hcvjsheyj* Anti*, ° 42} 1
George Koon,* Blair,' * mii
Jacob Dell, Catharine, -. : ‘t . 2511
Philip Ililcinan,* Prankrt’n “ . ■ iouj
Jno. Uuaselman,* Greenfield, “ n*
Wm.KcUfrrnali,OayepOtt, - CIS
Jotm McGrair,* Huston, “ c.- . .
Oeo. B. Bowers, HolUdoyib’c, 9MB
FtvJbt HarUii,* Juniata, “ hie
John Weatloy,* Logan, . * ' tg»
H. S. Crawford, Martinsburg, “ imu
Henry BnxgeL'N-Wwdbt’r • MB
w.'B; Plummer,*Snyder, ' mn
eatn’lß-Ehlffloc,*Taylor,. .. - 4BK
Andrew Miller,* Tyrone, “ - MS
Alexdnderßeb,TTn)MhaiW'9 .»«
Cliarlca BitUe, Woodbeny, nin
Vi-« . |Hag
' • - ' ? • ■’’ '■ Vi"‘ ’‘■'>*s 'M '
Total outstanding, Jan. 8C q
All marked thus (•) Itavatfnee paid nurt -
February 3,1830-it $ -.'r ; -
A c A. Ki >;-yai
iiiiri TOilawrirrim
branch of business, h&nMnitf nt
in the popular BAJfK’WSrBTRRPOBTIR oflKUt k
BICKKEUi . Having published Yar> Court's Detector rk«
1830, the underarm edF reluctantly pkßaNHthhboMlHbji
and subscribers; but thrmitbitaico is lessoned br them
viction, -flat ta TUIiAT ' t BDCEBBEt’g BANK KOTI
BBPOBTEB they will teeeite « work that msßketik
tunes., 4.VA500881
Philadelphia,. Dec, 20,1898.
NOtIC?. i
All Subscriptions to IMDiY A BICKSELL’S BUI
This is tf}© oldest BapibNoic lhabU«ticn in tbo vcriL-
For thirty long: years it has maintained an unsullied m»
tnh?s» BP<l continues to bo..thenecessary companionofiS
Dickncll, trill be KiveagratuUbusly (0 all old andseyn*
scrjß>ert.-, All TOoIS' Ctob, QuWl%
Partd with this, may waste
■■ \ >- ’’ tMrms,. ■ 1 1
Jtotho Semi-MontlJT, . ■ . ~. 'mm per **»»•
, hftmthlyJ « r Hdo '*
Single Copies, at the Counter, 10 Cent*.
- “ ' A ... JJ «■
Address . ZHIiAT i BIOKNBU,
Ho* USQ, East Offlco, Phttadelphl*.!!
.f T. so long *sMcCOBinCKUf
l»,iMtoOT«, hud brings such handsome goodiu I*
did this fiifl. It Is of every parsoa how le
sell such beautiful goods at such low prices, hat the nj»
tery is easily solved—he knows what the pcopls of Alton*
want and he brings it, andhe knows where to l«7 1» d*
city to enablo hinitosetf fihAap st home.
THE h4J)IS®~
plain add fancy DRESS GOODS which he has selMttJa
prossly to aolttheirWaots, embracing everything they i»
quire from a fifteen dollar shawl down to a stick of wish
bone or row of pins. •. ■ - ■
ceUent assortment ofBOOISand SHOERCDOTUAH
BIMERE3, and craythihg in that tine— also, axes, *w
angers and various.meolumfcal implement, together vl*
a superb lot of riegara and tobacco.
stock of GROCERIES ever brought to the town of Altsti
which will he sold at as reasonable prices as they tank
had else whSM>>Goß>o and examine and prise, and yonwf
save money thereby.
EVERYmiDy t* invited to call and ennla
; JJ 7” I V'- UA opr magnificent assortment*
good goods and cheap goods, and we willexhUetth*
charge if you do not boy.
8 69
6 6T?'
A FORTUNE OF $70,000 !! I
Class 253, to bo drawn at Wilmington, Set. on
. SATURDAY. pEBRUARY % 1859, _ .
In which are embraced the following Brflliant CtJO**'
1 Prize qf i53%000!
1 Priseof $30,0001!
: iPri*e of $20,000 HI
2 Prized of $10,1)00!!M
-- - 1 Prise of
, 1 Prize of 5,0 QM.-f
32,390 Prize* in the Schme, amounting
Numbers—l 3 Drawn Ballots. KTHaht.Y ONE tSa* w
■Whole Tickets. $2O; Halves, $10; Quarter |5.
Orders addressed to WOOD, EDDY A CO* _
, Wilmington, Pel***^
New firm i—the undersign;
ED wonld respectfuUr Inform thecit tons ofJHW»J
and vicinity that they have purchased the entire etet*
buildings of J. Wells Collins, and intend to cany <■
BXTFCUERLSQ BUSINESS in his stead. We *™l£
nish MEAT OP ALL KINDS at the lowest possiweP’V,
Our MARKET DAYS will be the same a*
TUESDAY and SATURDAY. We will also
Monday and Friday evenings to supply those woo
calling at that time. BWXNtt*^
. Altoona;’Jan. 13, 1568.-3 m
$1837 08
paldtoßoef Hit*, b? * u
’J S
% *»
.?■ «j 5
' ua
<• '-.jra
sSU am a,
• JW^H*Co° nel |
97c. pem *•
Sit'#. Cramer,
Woods, D-i
It, Ckbaugh. P.
£. AUowoy, P; ’
Amtor. '
$, WTHomes P.
-■■' $&V £ J ea
j; tllolftnjdor,
i Ji^rtori— Jic
Jioob BoUnberg
George Herrick,
-*H«d bo oppoi
♦ Dot oae iusi
s*■: ■
ibst edii
(iu&iou the subje
or ad
dan thought oft
««t' it la oot tl
ig# bj adopting
4l»’’thal Is asked
Mm, Strang
a flahlon recc
mating boots, or
TStad b j tbs lad
Hoiking mors con*
tlsl “understand
W»g of a word
tMmlned to give u
barefooted. Docti
sriU be preserved;
fSromthe twinges o
Gainful, results ql
Men are free to
>-their feet, and no
to assume the sut
encouraged in the
Extra Family
testimony ia favor
[factored at the do
fA» the mill beco:
letter. It is a i
kattbo grain of In
loofr, is all case;
tcverthelesa wo h
ms as ever worn;
»n new wheat
fcror of patro:
'entente, and w
rise deserves th
ie **- Wo may ho
hom the mill, yet
will not make
always get go;
wo must t
|our is not good. '
Janufactured at the
k* town, and thei
B*do there when 1
#®-Not one siu
ter one million o
>ad, ‘and but one
itHsengers were inj
The above item t
|o President of tb
! Directors. It is
ift of'the Supcrintt
90 million passeng
t one killed 1 cau
'Btb, present the
of the manage
it higher in t
w pablic, than tl
I® freedom from
P road has room f
jplaoo among the
P n o better rccc
w nian require tl
_ Dio manageme
•* lup purport to
taaibllity pa any r
*** ok tub C/
**7* that the p (
r contemplate i
£ Canal boats <
®$ Dip coming
a to- transport go
bp otherwise
bterebaats rcsidin
I can be done, wo
7 D> improve tho
*P«nin« and widen
CnAsaa—The i
this place has be
B, Johnston, Jack
The long star
7 old a
n *Wy readers it«
!ay “ytMagin its
X -