The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 24, 1859, Image 1

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    W lha
5 Udc- varr Aia
•> id been
jm ti
eived final di^ecuo^^
CUo U3 It,
i the shore the
“Go up stairs to fcf5 eh »Ht
>s got some *>?
3ut el »e wouldonlyufT *o(t
-; waa » a hurry
‘ «P stairs into C^ 1 *
for Wtt
si might strictly be *
■I. but yet was pretty‘s
ell-shaped figure. £' *k»
; times laughing anSj?**
>th deep and true Worn *
*8 very good; and
and white ttaph!^
- of Strong, bold intelWi
■ sbe was modest
■ could
ent lik ® the
068 a pale northern at/ **•
2r said that you wisliL
Spawaif . ns he stood bl^
as much as she did T
timid before a lady • 7L f f
u-dj arc apt to be^hS
■Srirjr te*
s of brass, while true***!?
marts and nafced breast-
Kate, while Her eyes
osty. “ You are aboa*?
dition where death willL
w > an d all around yon I
the' night for thinks,
y wakeful hours in taiE,;
i which might remind to?
t#there was one here
safety, watch fory oUr l7j
at every storm-cloud tj
lk ’ “ d tunifly raised w
- C R A?
■’ f. a,d Seawaif, wUleg
ittlc flag, and j t .
f bc , a f t l. an , d - «ft«jres
jand to hia hps, add* •
I did not
a moat apeak, and th*ZJ
! l ean gotbaoktoarw
n, and adieu !” ' ’"’l
> the pretty maiden itood l
d on which he had priatrf j
~-a salute, it is true.*
;-.t it as if the kiu hsdltft
a Sign which she eouli
when she thought of hi*
lame up fiom her head
her red, sweet line. u it I
u. She stood thus dm»|
e sound of men cheerio*-1
.ho window, which fro*|
and saw that the'»tal
way. -I
roNTUiDED,) ' I
■ udapted to the iieMoa-«m
. rhc-nppst—consisting Oflb2i
-hne, Prints, Barked
:<r Lad it* Dmu, withhwj
is to mention, ; i
:iud see before purcbaillgiM
[x-r then the Jew*,
nmuitown good* ever oflbr*d
r ■ rt of Ladtee Uaod*, EinaU
.'iiilJren* Tel me* end "Setfk
m-ntest end beat aswrtliilSi
urc in theee mountains. .
G roocriea, consisting of Cbict
li.-v, Boston and New Tort Sr
1 N and Mnifeirylo
:ty. ‘'■ - ■ •"
ctS. per fo—PbWl
Citrons, Currants, Drodhukl
.t mous, Almonds, Mian Ist I
Uian tho cheapest. .
' description—Nails sad)
ciior Knives—th* bMt
hcins and fixtures.
id Caps.
n. . , t ■
e Oretuul.
wn at cts-jerm.
have removed to their I
7. ni> and Virginia Strath 1
and nicest Slock of
irpets. Notions, to.
J laving turned onrsltwb
(t iiais, we will be ensUw
i 'id mentioned than the**
... we will not bo co®P“
,-i; prolit tomakauptol*
: able to dispose Of tM* 1
-icool Plaids’, tB
Alpacas, French j
J)dailies, Silk
's, Poll
s. Satin
illns, Slack
Iks, Shawls i*
Iso, Hosiery on*
. White Goods, *
£ is large and v txl&g.
r ts. Onr Stock of jjiJJ
I at in quantity.
;< l tho most for thetr^
and examine onr
or past favors,
t inform the ciUr«^ (-
just received
prices lor cash.
. Chencs,
os. Wooimf
oP Hack and {<**
y description
B, Cacsimtrei, W
Chintz, Bot]Vy<
leries tmbraffaS
Bands, Instf*'
V-\ in fi n *
Ic of La-
, nt offa»W»W t) >
1 MvS, CXJ* 0 -
1. 2J street.
* **PtjSS*'*’
rou *■
jjbCBOM * DEBN, F*bU»h«W Md Pwprtatoi*.
/ M rabla InwUbly to edwmoe,)
U the «tpir*Uon ofthetime
gun «r iwntißCrt.
1 insertion 2 do. S do.
. |26 $ WJS s*o
/?Unea.l » 76 1 00
0»»»l'“ w > (• “W 100 160 800
t*» “ < 160 800 260
week* andleto than three months,» cento per
lustre for each Insertion. ft months. 1 year.
|l6O $3 00 $6 00
. 250 400 700
4 00 6 00 10 00
ft 00 8 00 12 00
■ft 40 10 00 14 00
10 00 14 00 20 00
14 00 26 00 40 00
p*^^ror to C»ra», not exceeding 8 _
poUUcal character erlndividualin
,.X,t will he charged according to the aboTO rates.
Advertisement* nht marked with the number of insertions
will be continued till forbid and charged according
«J&aagai. cento per line for every Inaertion.
Obituary notices exceeding ten lines, Bits cento a square.
SU line* or lift*)
Ciy> iqu&ro,
two “
TUr«« “
Sort “
Bklf a column.
One column.
tribune directory.
PntbyUrian, Bev. A. B. Oust, Pastor.—Preaching ev
fl,|.uii, moniingat XOU o’clock, and in the evening at
fu o’clock. Sabbath School at 9 o’clock, A. IL, In the Lee*
tuf toom. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening in
ihf amid room.
jfahoditl Bpitcopal, Rev. & A. Waster, Pastor.—Proncb
iu ewry Sabbath morning at U o'clock and in the eren-
UJ, gabbath School in the Lecture Boom at 24’clock, P.
5; General Prayer Meeting in same room every Wednes
bf evening. Young Men’s Prayer Meeting every Prklay
Eeanathcal I«<Aeran,llev.Ji«^BBttCK,Pa*tor.—^Preach-,
is* erory Sabbath morning at 10K o’clock, and at 6JA o’clock
lathe evening. Sabbath School in the Lecture Boom at
SU s’cluck, P. U. Prayer Meeting in same room every
Wednesday evening.
Cttilfi Brethren, ttov. D. SvsdX, Pastor.—Preaching ov
ary sabbath morning at 10% o'clock-And in the evening at
ju o’clock. Sabbath School in the Lecture Boom at 9
o’clock, A. M. Prayer Mooting every Wednesday evening
la aunt room.
Pnteßant Epitmpal, Rev.R. W. Ouvss, Pastor.—Divine
Service 2d and jtU Sundays of each month at 10% o’clock
i. U, and i% P. M. Sunday School at 9 p’eiock A. M.
ftttofff, Rev. Jobs Twwos, Pastor.—Preaching at 10%
o’clock in the morning, and at S%la the afternoon.
Ba/iit {, B. IL Pun, Pastor—Preaching every Sabbath
morning at 10% o’clock, and also In the evening. . Sabbath
School at 9 o'clock, A. M. Prbyor Meeting every Wednes
day evealng.
African MtOudith Bev. Sarnia Can, Pastor.—Preaching
snry Sabbath morning at XI o’clock and in theeveuing, in
tti* aid Union School House.
Intern W»y »t
VMttrn “
•iiUrn ThroniU iI»Jl
ggtwn Through Mall,
WMten Way,
-XMtarn u
OSes open Tor the trainaction of boatneM from 7 A. W
U 8 P. M., daring tha week, and from 8 to 0 o'clock, A. H
an Sunday. ,
4uua i, ’67-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. M.
iSma Train last arriros 6,50 A. M., leaves 7,10 A. 1L
' • “ West “ “ “ tSS “ '
*< “ Beet “ 9£OP.M. « 10,10 p. M.
• • West “ 1,26 A. M., “ IJOA.M.
Ksii “ K«t “ “ *• iteo “
“ “ Vert « fiJSP.M., « Too P.M.
Th» HQUiIDATSBUSQ BRANCH connects witnExprees
Ttfila «nd Wert.
IheBLAXRSVILIB BRANCH connects with Johnstown
rmaltoi*** 1 Wd V ** t ’ ** r^*raia West and Moil
Hovember 29,1868. THOB. A. SCOTT, Jh^t
Jfooniom Lodge, A. Y. Jt, No. 1281, moots onsccondTaes
dw of each month, in tho third story of tho Masonic Tem-
JlMtlMo clock, P.M.
. Sfomjam Encampment, A. T. M, No 10, meets on tho
fcwtli Tuesday of each month, in the third story of the Ma
•wteTemple, at .7 % o'clock, P. M.
***** lodge, h O. of 0, P,No. ■473, meets every Friday
theMMonlc Xempfe,at7Js
•tmt, StTJ*
mnrnbyo Tribe, So. 39,; L 0. R- ML, hold stated Cwm-
TuMday evening Jn the J. 0.0. T. Haß.to the
JJW, «“V. N\ M, X S. ef A., meets srery
■Sr& BT golng, to tho ad story of Patton’s Hall.
Wwi, J7h.SU, j[y T, moots every Batnr>
< " * ? * tton, “ * UU ' &
JUbraryand Beading Bom Asseeta
-9" the Isr Saturday evening to J%noa
of DirertS. meet on
IUo in evening fn cach month. Booa open ftom
•to 10 oclook every evening, (Sunday exceptoi)
‘™*»«otoT--Joeonh Baldridge.
BVwerandßeoeraer—Hugh A. Au«^i
T^s.'sssrr®" 4 .«•■ >• »•
CT«r* to ComaUnUmen- Hugh A. Csldwsll.
Jferaawfflt Approirrr Joseph 6. Adhun.
Cnwtyjhrwiwr James L. Gwinn.
TVvarwer—John UngriMt.
Audawy—g.jiorrtnr, a, 0. McOartnsy, Jos. B. Hewitt.
.-Wrcetonr—Georgo Weaver, Samnei ghitw,
Oaimer— WJntarn Jtah ,
qa/frintemienttf Ojamon AtosJe-Joba Sean.
<gSSS£Sl^ !, *^*’“*
Cltrk to (wtncfl—joh n
k T J towtbnr.
-D. ThomS^»«r^McMfam. '
«' j, Wert •* Am* good. -
“» T,iJP X ?? t, * ir^ Lnlng
“ A- Ale*. Montgomery.
“ T H. Bobert*, M. Ctoubnagh.
I — Worth « Wm. Valentine, Wm. EoST
SSSEJ?* I shadow eee the
i •• JAIOS. The place togat
fssws^'^ 8 v
■’TSgSgSiSSS&XT »>”■
*** taken Rimy.
are invited to e*U and examine
dottd * *»tata vreithcr.
«,iO6B-ftn.] J. W. CLABADOn.
6 80 A.M.
8 00 A.M.
11 00 A.M.and 6 00 p.M.
600 “
11 SO A M.
6 40 P.M.
11 30 A.M.and 630 “
1« one of the boot Purgative and Id ver Madieisesnovr be
*“»» the pnbUc,that acta u a CbVtartic, easier, milder and
BMte jffectnal than any other medicine known. Itlsnot
<mly a Oitfoirtic, bat a JUwr remedy, acting first on the
Mew* to sJeet its morbid matter, then on the stomach and
bowels to cany off that matter, thus accomplishing two
purposes effectual];, without any of the painful fcS»W«r
.experienced in the operations ,of- most Catkartict. lt
strengthens the system at the same time that itpuna it;
mo^ rata i*°ees, will strengthen
andtrahd it np with nnnsnalrapidity. T
principal regulators of fee
Aornan body, performs Ita functions will.
the powers of the ratem , are fully developed. Ti
stomocAU almost entirely dependent on the healfey
•Btmnof the iioer for tho 05 proper performance onita
fimetimis; when the atom- ach is at fonlt, the bowiU
are at foalt, and the whole Q system suffers in come
ol one ornn—tbe V Uvn^-havtogcessecUoMo
Its duty, for the diseases Lj of that organ? one of tie
etndy ’in practice of m«e
*“ 4n , B !r 7 7®* r ®’ to find some remedy wherewlthto
connteract the many de- rangementoto which it |a
fornta, hag but to try a bot- y tie, and conviction is ce»
These Gums remove all
the system, supplying in
of bile, invigorating the
digest well, rummao tax
health to the whole macbl
of the disease-- effecting a
Biuocs Attacks ate cur
nsvsaian. by the occa
One dose after eating b
mach and prevent the food
Only one doee taken be-
Only one dose taken at
eb gently, and cures Cos
One dose taken after each
49f One dose of two tea- *
Itert Sick nutAcnt, Hi
ui ma i e obstruction remove ,
the cause of the disease, M and makes a perfect cure
Only one dose immediate- ly reUeves Cfcdie. whST’ i
kf ®”* D doso p l *™ repeated Is a sure cure for Caoixn
ttORBCS, and a preventlro U 2 ofCaoiERA.
_9. n *y i* n ? *3 ttle • needed to throw ont of the ‘
jrsteu tlid effects of n)edi* a cine after a Imp eickn##* i
«T One bottle takenfr Q JapS SalSi
iwnese orunnatural color . from the skin.
One dose taken a short OS time before eating gives;
? ,8e eppotitc, and makes the food digest wtlh 1
One dose often repeated Q cures Chronic Di^^inf
Sum 0 ?!* C ?]] nB ! wl l? e B if“r _ *ner and Bowel complaints
yield almost to the first &j dose. \ ■ :
i.. 0 J? 11 3L tWO *J! 0 *“ , cnrM L. attocks by Worao!
in children: there is no [y surer, safer, or speedier l
remedy in the world, as It " nmrfaOi. ' B P ec dter
A few curesDropey by exciting theabsorhents
We ; take pleasure iu re- commending tlb medicine
as a prevenUve for Fever rr and Agtie, dilfcver, a£d
°ff Bl U°ustjpe. * It operates with certainty,
amnthousands are willing to testify ;to its] wonderful
ttsfevof 10MS **"• glTln * t3wlr Manimoas in
m A BODsjmnc medical discovert, 2a is ita,
working cuhw, almost too great to believe. Ilfctires u it
HSfwrt < **J Erl( ** e giving bentft, and sAdom mors
Sr? "ottjo«» required to cure any klndofTlvor Com-
Wflnt, from the wont Saundict or Dvtpeptia to b common
Btadache, all of which are the reeuU c?» DueaAo Lit**,
rates ora sou&s fee bothl . !
i DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, 815 Broadway, New York.
all*ShiSi«L by Q ‘ W ' and rsailed by
all Druggists. [May fcr, 1868.-ly '
More than 600,000 bottles
»e Restorative of Prof. 0. J. Wood tdt Restoring hair
perfectly and permanently, has never yetbad a rival, vol
»fKW be given IrmUfil parte of the
wor JS. a 2? Oran the most Intelligent to ptbve that it it a
Ppftf Bettorattrt; but read the circular id yon wtnpn,
donbt; read also the following. | '
h ? Te for centnrlrtfceen afiSieted
withbaldbeadsand the only remedy, hcreiS-e
has been those abominable srigg. By a recorfldbrovery of
Professor \t ood these articles are being fest dieiised with.
J™ 1 “ any P®P°n B BtlU patronise ttfa, became
*2. of *? n impoeed upon by at Tonics of
dUferent kinds. To all such persons wo caribstlv nuke
toerequtet, that they will try ohee again, faTin Wood’s
Hortorativetherelsno such thing ns fell. IMknowofa
was bald, who used the article a shoAtime. and
I T.-2. i r* co 7 el^ d ««npletely with tho Rntort and
most beantilM curls Imaginable, We know of touneroas
Wli “« ont > »Wch IrStored
In greater lt ever had been befered
yy U»t should be left nXiedto
obtain such a Hb*wn’» Advocate, PMa.
O 3 wnnn a m Ohio, Nov. 17,1850.
v. J- WOOD a CO- dente: As X .hare been easmd in
yrctng yonr Hair Restorative tho last season tar one of
yonrfocri agenfti OL M. Haekinson,) andhaving^*
encodthe beneflclalolfertetff It mveilf, 1 wonldlitotoob
n l J^ r i. b^s* Te that resto™Ss
secretive organs or invigorates, the scalp as —n ns Tonne.
-%?7onr rSebM
represent ft to be, Iwtmld like to engage In the sale of it!
fcr lam sstisfled it must sell. Totwrinly «*<»«,
syySt pp
aait was la youth/ both of wfldUtlMi
e. I. a. I I«™^_^KSssS;
■a >,a:7W "
nf fi jl of an order
«p |Wr wnffiaSsMSM'
,TERMS—Cash, on the conflrmatloicof sale.
._,_ /ambb lowther. ,
’SfeS gned * mt <* a# M*lr
®ff Mutual gat Insurance Company, is at MX
tteM ready t° Jn»nw against lew or damage fiy fire, BuOd-
furniture and Property, of ever*des
oriplton, to town or country, at aa reasonable rates w anr
Company to the State. Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack *
Employment.—«6o a month,
AND AIL EXPENSES PAH).—An agent is wanted
tn ereiy town to tho United States, to engage to a rcspecta
bio and easy business, by which the above profits may be
? )r D^nw C Sr li , K S t l‘,T,£ or furthcr particulars, address Dr.
J. HEiilT WARNER, corner of Broome and Mercer Sta
rt ew York City, enclosing ode postage stamp. [Jan. 13.
draw nigh and bear. JOSEPH P. TROUT umonn
ce» to tho public, that ho is roady to discharge hi* duty
as an Auctioneer whenever colled upon. [jan, 2 *56.
XA- Undershirts and Drawers, Cotton, Woollen and H. TUCH’S.
Dec. 9 IBM; v •
morbid or bad matter from
their place a healthy flow
•tomach, causing fried tq
Burnt, giving tone and
uery, removing the caned
radical cure. ~ T
ed, am, what is armni
■tonal nee of the Lirnt St
sufficient to relloTo tbestoi
from rising and souring. ‘
fere retiring, prevents
night, loosens the the bow
mM will cure Dyspepsia,
spoonsful will always rs i
Dragglst and Pharmaceutist,
K. X. corner of Virginia and Annie
Constantly on hand ia splendid aesortment of
eotorteOug rf all tbe Superior Extracts Ibr the Handler.
Nan, pleah, Paint and
and gto,md 10 oa -
Carbon, Linseed, Sperm and liard OUa
a Qwsnaa Bitters, Beerharo-g Holland Bitten.
8 18100(1 Searcher;
WiSm". Qoldan 1 1111 *: Wright’s!
Ijldy’ii nod Corbin’s PIUs; WoUtfl
to«SSom*^ Uuent ’ to * eUierwUh 911 K
t i t>t n CIGARS.
Light Guard Opera,
La Portnna,
Evening Star*'
- La Balvadoro,
La Tennessee,
BOP* ll "•wherever
with all the superior brands In market. w
t T O, S BI, t of Knight’" Celebrated Flavoring Ex
jSB£* Baking Powder, and
BURNING FLUID constantly on hand.
reUable prepara " otu ‘ wm
Altoona, Dec. 30,18 MU 1 ■
signed has lately made arrangements
do business on a jmore extensive sea
than heretofore, and Is now prepared
cxacnte.all '
His workmen are acknowledged to be capable of doing
The very best work in the line of Cabi
net Making,
and all those who entrust him with their orders may rely
upon receiving finished work. 11
He keeps a constant Supply of Pnrnitnre on hand, to
which he invites to attention of those intending to
Plankjtoadf lat Ll * Toom ** near tbs
November 11,1868. ISAAC CBOUXB.
BBS.—This Is a neW article In this section of the
eeantty, although extensively used In the Ihev an
• rare protection against; *
and poffiesa many other over the common eof
flnß. The remains of tho lamented CLAY and WJEBSTEB
were encased in these caefes.
For sale by ISAAC CROMER,
November 11,1858. Altoona/pa.
announce that they have removed to their new
MODEL STORE, comer of Annie and Fitjainia streetf, and
are now opening the largest and nicest Stock of
Cii^CD<dp£jps^ d
Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Notions, &c.,
Ever exhibited In this town. Having tnrhed our attention
entirely to the above named Goods, wo will be enabled to
keep a better stock of the Goods mentioned than those who
koop so many varieties; and as we will not bo compelled
to sell Dry Goods, Ac, at a high profit to make up for losses
on other goods, we hope to be able to dispose of them at
prices that will astonish the natives.
We have Prints, Delaines, Ginghams,
Cashmere, and all-wool Plaids; Do
leges. Coburgs, Alpacas, French
Merinos, Wool Delaines, Silk
Foulards, Foil
Dechevres", Satin
Striped Poplins, Black
and Fancy Silfyt, Shawls in
great variety; also, Hosiery and
Gloves of all kinds, White Goods, &c.
STOCK OP .CARPETS is large and verrchcap
wcwlflUing as low as 37J$ cents. Our Stock of DOMES
“Co we think cannot he beat in qoantity, quality or
P™«- Persons who wish to get the mqst for their money, well to give us a call 'and examine our stock and
p™», and we hope to be able to convince them that the
st their cheap Clothing Emporium.
If you want a cheap coat call at
If you want a cheap pair of pants
If you want to buy cheap Under
shlrts orOver-ahlrts qdlat ETTINQEB A TILLMANS.
If you want a good and cheap
pair of Boot* or Shoes ddl at *
If you want a good hat or cap
if you want anything in the line
of Oenttentetfa dotMngr-cheap—call at v
If you want to :get Clothing cheap
if you want tQ get good Clothing
.} V-r ' ' "} fOB
xßf JX$ •- .
chronic Package, $2.50.
Jan. 20,1869. !; ■
JLi selected UQITQKB lias teen received
at the " WAN HOUSE,** HoUMayabttrg, which wilt be
sold at Uw lowest cosh prices, wholesale or retail. The
man who wants has only to call. ; [Dec. 17, t£
J? and Cnntmte in .tore and for sale br
' >' WM. N. BHUOARJ),
M»rch 25, *6B-lyl WJ Jforth 8d rtrtot,Hin«dcl^i«,
[independent in everything.]
SWect ||hscdlatt|.
A good story is told of a couple of youg
men in Robinson township, who recently
played a successful game of " diamond cut
diamond.” A few days ago, Mr. £ ,
who is very fond of a joke, visited the
house of Mr. H , a professional gen*
tleman not a hundred mile from the
Washington pike, and after chatting a
short time, he took him aside to commu
nicate something very important. With
a fair show of diffidence, Mr. E in
formed Mr. H -that he was going to
be married on a certain evening, to Miss
Jane A-—, the daughter of a well known
farmer in the vicinity, and that he had
come over to invite him to act in- the ca
pacity of groomsman. Mr. H——was
highly delighted in view of the interes
ting occasion, and was particularly grati
fied in finding himself honored with the
proud position of second best.” Mr/
E desired the whole matter to he kept
a profound neeiet, as he had concluded to
take certain parties by surprise. Mr.
H-—-pledged Ins most scored honor that
he would hot breathe it to any Human be
ing. With this understanding the two
separated, to meet at the house of the
hnde, early on the evening of tike wed
Eme rolled swiftly away, and on the
evening of u die day—she wedding day”
Mr. H.-: —,dressed in the most excrucia
ting manner, was seen wending his way
to the house df former A-—He was
picturing to his mind’s eye the appear*
ance of the happy bride, and especially the
personnel of the bridesmaid, whoSe name
had been kept a secret from him. The
white frame mansion soon rose to view
and as he neaped it, his heart thumped
heavily against his ribs—of coarse it did I
Rap I tap I tap 1 The door opens. Lo I
Mias Jennie, in her washing goim, by all
■SWtd Jflffcg,
To whit 1 to whitt to wheel
Will yon listen tome!
Who stole four eggs X lald*
Aad the nice nest 1 madef
Not I, said the cow, Hoo-oot
Such a thing I’d never do.
I gave yon a wisp of hay,
Bat didn’t take your neat away.
Not I, aald the cow, Uoo-eol
Such a tiling I’d never do.
To whitl to whit I to wheel
Will you listen to met
Who stole four eggs I laid,
And the nice nest I model
Bob-wUukl Bobw-llnkl
Now what do yon think 1
Who stole a nest away
Prom tiie plum-tree to-day!
Not I, sold the dog, Bow, wowt
I would hot be so mean, I sow!
I gave hairs the nest to
But the nest 1 did not take.
Not % said the dog, Bow, wow I
I would not bo so mean, I vow.
To Whitt towhitl to wheel
Will yon listen to met
Who stole four egg. X laid,
And the nice nest I model
Boho-link t Bob-a-link I
Now what do yon think!
Who stole a nest away
Prom the plum-tree to-day t
Coo, cool coo, cool coo, coot
Let me speak a word too;.
Who stole that pretty nest'
Prom little yellow breast!
Not I, said the sheep; 0, not
I wouldn’t treat » poor bird so;
I gave wool the aest to linn,
But the nest Was none of mine.
Baal baal said the sheep; 0, aol
1 wouldn’t treat a poor bird so.
Towhitl towhitl to wheel
Will yon IJsten to me!
Who stole lour eggs I laid,
And the nice nest I made!
Bob-o-Unkl Bob-a4inkl
Now what do yon think!
Who stole a nest away
Prom the plum-tree to-day!
Caw I caw) cried the crow,
I should like to know
What thief took away
A bird’s nest today!.
dnekt clnck! said the W,
Don’t ask me again;
Why I haven’t a chide
That wonld do such a trick.
We all gave her a feather.
And she wove them together;
Pd scorn to intrude
On her and her brood.
Clnck! clnck I said tbs hen,
Don!t ask me again.
ChirW’Whirr! Chir*>whirr t
We will make a great stir!
Let ns find out bis name.
And all cry, Por shamel
I would not rob a bird.
Said Uttlo Mary Green;
I think I never beard
Of anything ao mean.
*Tis very cruel, too,
Said little Alice Neal;
I wonder if he knew
How tho sod bird would feel I
A little boy hung down his head,
And went and hid behind the bed;
Por he stole that little nest
Prom poor little yellow breast:
And ho felt so fall of shame,
He didn’t like to toll his name.
“ Diamond cot Diamond.”
tWs sacred I « Washday and wedding
Jay never Happen together,” soliloquiaed
r“* > “ ® nd I have been handsome*
lysold I And so, indeed, it tuned wit
The girl* knew nothing of the joke, and,
of course, could not help him out of hi*
dilema. After excusing w heat
he could—without giving any satisfaotorv
reason for his visit—Mr. —-took h«
departure, no doubt leaving the impres
sion upon the mind of Miss Jennie, that
perhaps he had an affection for her.
“ Ba <% sold,” said Mr. H -, to him
self, as he left for home. “ But I’ll give
Mr. E a Boland for bis Oliver.”
The plan was soon laid and we will
briefly relate how it was carried out. Mr.
H had a friend, Dr. S , a practi
ses physician in the neighborhood, and
after relating to him the “sell,” thev
agreed upon the following:
Dr. S——-had in anticipation u a party/*
to which doctors are always invited. It
was to Come off at the house of a lady in
the neighborhood, and the Doctor was to
, Mr ' H of the precise day.—
When the “tune was up,” the doctor was
notified, and so was Mr. H . lie
latter, through a confident, informed his
joking friend E that there was to be
a “surprise party” that evening at the
house of Mrs. j that quite a large
number of ladies and gentlemen had been
invited j that they would all assemble, as
near as possible, at eight o’clock in the
evening, and that they anticipated lots of
fun, as the family knew nothing of the
j lr ‘ ?* r ‘ —was in, heartand hand,
Md at tne appointed hour, he was dressed
from “top to toe.” After reaching the
house, he was ushered in by a young lady,
whom he knew very well, and who was
also let into the secret, (she was there in
the capacity of « nurse,” if occasion should
require it.} Mr. E thought he smelt
the very largest kind of a mice , but when
he was invited by the lady to Step into
the next room, he could not act so ungal
lantly as to refuse. So in he went—
i j re t beheld—well, he has not yet
told all he ..did see—and he might have
seen a good deal more if ho had not cut
his visit exceedingly short, and deter
mined never to attend another “surprise
party." ,
The double joke, so cleverly planned
and so successfully executed, has Created
an immense deal of gossip in the neigh
borhood —and whenever a hearty laugh is
desirable, Mr. H-—’s « wedding,” and
Mr. E ’s “ party” are sure to afford
the necessary material 7
An Elegant Extract.^ — u Generation
after generation,” says a fine writer, “ have
felt as we feel now, and their lives were as
active as our own. They passed away
like a vapor, while nature wore the same
aspect of beauty as when her Creator com
manded her to be. The heavens be
as bright over our graves as they now are
around our paths. The world shall have
the same attractions for our offsprings yet
unborn that she had once for our children.
Yet a little while and all this will be still
ed, and we shall be at rest. Our funeral
wul find its way, and the prayers will be
said, and our mends will all return, and
shall all he left behind in silence npd
darkness for the worms. And it may be
for a short time we shall be spoken of, but
things of life will creep in and our names
soon be forgotten. Da>s will continue to
move on, and laughter and song will be
heard in the room in which we died; and
the eye that mourned for us will be dried,
and glisten again with joy, and even our
children will cease to think of us, and
will not remember to lisp our ntunes.-
Then we shall have become, in the touch
ing language of the Psalmist, "forgotten
and clean gone out of mind.”
When Death Comes. —Death comes
at morn, when the sun is juat'rising in the
east; at noon, when its rays are most re
splendent ; at eve, when it gradually sinks
beneath the horizon; at midnight when it
is entirely hidden from view. It comes to
the babe just commencing to prattie; it
comes to the man of middle age, when the
connecting links binding us . to life are
most strong; it oomds to the aged man
with trembling limbs and faded eye tight,
led along by others; it oomesto the poor,
struggling to obtain a meagre sustenance;
it comes to the man in comfortable cir
cumstances, by whom life is heist employed;
it comes to the wealthy, rolling im afflu
ence and ease; it comes to the motlatigh
ingat his own folly; it comes to the man of
just sense enough to pass through life
easily; it comes to the educated mauglo
jying in his Cicero and Homer; it comes
to the Christian who looks upon it only as a
hap; >ier land. Reader these words are
spoken to you. Will you heed them t
I&. An absent minded editor, having
oonrted.agiri and applied to her father,
the old man; said: Well, yon want my
daughter. What sort of a settlement will
yohmoko? ' What wilt yon give her
** Give her replied the editor, looking
vacantly. ‘nOhj I will give her a vvsx”
f* Tafce hey,’- the old man.
IQu G f o>|orions--:B<|neojjing a pretty
girl behind thndoor. ■ 1 ..
_ At the close of one Prof. MUdhtihi
Lectures<m Astronomy, in tkiekUM
Uea eonridering the immensity dtam*
uoiif hft iftpGfttod hi iHqiftntfitm
oeptioa of a Genoa* poet, as follows:
—Jvv P»® in dr«maiato the
vestibule of heaven, saying. ‘Corn* «»
and! will I&w™'VDSL'S
®y house. And to his logtb wSostood
aboot the throne he said, ‘fake him,, trip
lp& of hu robes dot flesh; cleanse kisafe£
toons;pate new breath in his nortrife*
but touoh not the hnm»n heart* thn hoeit
that fears and hopes and i
moment, and it waT done, eZOmeei
stood ready for bis unknowen voyage.—
Under the guidance of a mighty angel,
rrith sound of flying pinions, they rood
B,way from the oittWeAts of KftiTfui." —f
Some tome on the mighty anglers wines
they fled through Saharas of darkjMes,
wilderness of death. At length, ftom a
distance not counted save in the arHhma*
too of Heaven, light beamed upon thero—
a sleepy flame as seen through a hafey
cloud. They sped eu in thdr terrible
speed to meet the light; the UghtwHh
lesser speed came to meet them-. In a
moment the biasing of suns around
a moment the wheeling of planets;
then came long eternities of twitornlthen
again on the right hand and the left ap
peered more constellations. At the hp(
the man sank down; crying, * Angel, l ean
go no farther; let me lie down in the grave
and hide myself from the infinitude..of -
the universe, for end there is none. 4 1 End
there is none ? demanded the angel.’?**
And from the glittering stars, that shone
around there came a coral shoaV'Epd
there is ndne P ‘ End there is hope 7* de
manded the angel again, ‘and Is it this
that awes thy soul ? I answer, endthere
is none to the universe of God I Lol also,
here is no bogining.’ ”
To Raise the Pile oh Velvet.*-
We ars sometimes asked “ What is the
best thing, to do with a velvet mantle af*
ter is has been in the run? Velvet that
is rough and knotty, from rain, spots and
splashes, can be rendered smooth again hr
thoroughly damping the back ofthe vet
vct over a hot iron—the velvet, remem
ber, must bo passed over the iron, and
not the iron over the velvets The heat
converts the water into steam, whinh rises
trough the pile, and so separate every
moment Some contrivance . unit fee
made to hold the iron upside down while
the velvet is passed over it If rested be
tween two bnoks covered with flannel, it
will do very well; but if the same pair of
hands that carried the umbrella over the
monSc when it was out in the rain eiftbe
secured for that office, they will besß«d
suitable. >
Stoop. SnontDEiis.—-If ever • data
jogae of our national fellings be completed*
it should embrace that of havingnmnd
shoulders, so called. We arc very hugely
a nation of stoopore, fiom the femer in
•, peeves 40 advocate at his te.
ole. is not the. slightest nnnnfaitj
for this, and it is ungainly as itjs unheal
“y* Bojb who hare a tendency to «Lop”
|» audß to irt n*h»« Mi,
and if kind oqunosl will not bring them to
their ridlonloifeouW be
resorted to and preserved in until the
thing u done. There ia a probability that
not more than one pair of stooping shoal*
aers in a hundred stoops' unavoidably
Txee exercise of all the muscle of the
back and abdomen, in the erect position,
will cure the evil. Walking has no tsn
dency to do this.— £ ife lllustraifd.
Pegs* Pobxry.^— l gave her arose
and gave her a nne, and I sahedherto
marry me tben--bnt she Wnl.fiEwm aB
back, the insensible thing; and saidsho’d
no notion ofinon. I tow her I’d oceans
of money and goods, and tried to ifrighl
her with a growl, but she answered, she
was not brought up in the woods to be
soured by the screech of an owl. I cal
« ha SB a S e and everything bad; I
slighted her features and form, till al
length I succeeded in getting her mad,
and she raged like a sea in a storm. And
then in a moment I turned and «nrnh*d)
and called her my angel, and she fell in
noy arms like a ■wearisome.child, and ex
claimed, “ We will many this fell.”
Ourselves and our Saviodd.^—O
did we know ours circa and our Saviour i
We are poor, but he is rich ; we are
blit he is life; we are sin, but heia ngkt
eOpsnesa; we are misery, but ho is merer*
ire are lost, but he is salvation. If «e
are willing, he never was otherwise. He
ever lives, ever loves, ever pities, evw
pleads. Ho loves tnd saves to the utter
most, all who come unto Mm.
B®* It is said that the hunger for gold
generally increases with age. That’s why,
W 0 suppose, so many old people always
have it in their mouths;
SQL-The of living in New
Jdrk, it is said, are a thud uebe* ft**
u» either London or Paris, and they
constantly increasing. ,
■ r.-TWi'-
NO. 4