The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 17, 1859, Image 4
Kgw^iiaa. PMUWj. WtotcT« Bg* VaMwr la tbe abdomen, extiarnttieaprA^ iSSSSSias ?s S^‘jr;:xis“Ar/£;,’,K. p S”&s - Itlhnjola pawc of InUammatiou. wmc “ , *> Sold* aunme, and i nnny not litffl dSw. Kua i l of tfg*’.Tfe, iprthSS., Coiultaa| and all Xtcliing »na other ns. . is iMat, pain • • . \ *.i!jS^??* ,rni ‘ ,ff KW '- Mtwoit Sait does Ju»t what It '®“~* t ?. d °~~?° no —equalize* the flnW», by re f?° Tln « eyeteia all arterialand Tenon*ohetruo '^ss^gmsst&g^^ -■ I■. "J " ■! NxwMbdicai, Saw. Oat. a Ofrsadar.— Mjo Njnr JtoiMi awT.^tjrtwr Saw, jSanyoiJyou rtont Ute N«r»M*Wcua Siw. / Ih# »•# ilodkal Salt feftlKflaanwtory Dl«c«ae» only*. »WW MKDIOAL SALT; NEWMBDIOAL SALT! ; DR. OOQQBWEJJi'S ANTXPinXKUBTIO SALT a . “* gait. [Dec. IV6B-ly° TFTOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHIL XX adblpima. ’ ■4 Saitveieni liiftitidion, ettciNuhed ly tptdol endmcmtnt d *™*h °tr*ud vm «u practised upou tho <lu«clcii, tl^Con.ultiSuwon Wf?CW*3Ey«rf their (tame, to' opcua dB or this forms, sod to ghomodical adTlcaproto, to all who anoiv y/Ufe* £c<,).sod _in-ca»«i pi oxtmne poverty fr¥«ttlndVthe, iffeg ■f?!“. •f***h6^ i unp°tence, Oon'torrhoea, Gleet, Sr- Qie vice of Omaj&mor Belf-abnse, aod order c t™“ of^e “ m * »W» dte 9 pa*n»iStared that .9* iV 9O ® jriJori ’ Jiatfe bocn of jTdltbllllfit to tlia »A th« vtt% tn«» «wLI roHln’ ther “JS??'’ <*f Mxnalorgans, tv the Con jjffJSi®*#; «*fl Oo o'aealed 40*0- «8?m555t OT of TWO STAMPS ®^ eI L on the Mt^aud i W?5 i e2. t ££fo“ Id iT : ?^t^ , * r * constantly bebiepuh imi^ >rj l^l" lt< y2.‘ ,i *^? tbn ' Wm bo^r^tho ■*®B®!asw9» , ssasg®fe ago. fAmomLD. ag*?*: '^Ttritg^rfe 2ffl®£3»»«Bs«sa X)A s S.rMEREg * VESTINGS BatUbWtbr-irorkfng and drew atiit*. fchleh ho utbfr° n nl li i t uu f ico an f at prjcwi vrhfcti can nutftirtc WINTER FASHIONS ’ and foal* tonfldoni.that ho can satisfy the most faetidions JOiIffTALBOY. JI’IW^SI^teXKJOOT^fHS ssstesns G-ROpKRIKS to«t ew hafcnirrfin the town, consisting of ' T-%4. MOLASSES, V W Fru *°faU 'Knd», ■ with of the very brsl quality 1 £&*-* VII* also keep* constantly on han.l » , n?py of WO™, FEED AND GRAIN OU i “' l an<l to jnmhtlties to suit jS&l* W UCHB. TWUP'T 0 PUCK’S X*EAK.—Kuowl tolre esljtiog among th* ta t , Ule leWt o;t l‘ e nBe, «OPPUw na *SM4B*WBSSBBttra Sj>***-..-. :t Steffi”-: ter:mis n first- on*™ '' * &** fltttagßnd^oU-nudo bnt cto&Ttt At Altoona, Oct. 14,14, ■ BJf *®® l f» 14“°% : SSt &f&* g^V^casSSn: ■ i ~”' tejuwat. SHOEMAKEII.—rTHE 7 sS!Sfr^2 r .^ e £ tft,l, /.i ttocfUaaMQfAltob- * that he «tUI continues to niamtftctnre ' Wor. L-iIIOKAEDS. DR. W& R. FINLEY RE-! M SPECIF CTXT, offer* his professional •arms to the people of Altoona and the ad.<XMfc .VHv »t the office heretofore oc- .Ikal eBpuOVrTtT. O.D. Thomo*. AJtoOjoa,Bept. 30, X858.-tt mSBM* For rent.—the store-room now. occupied b/vJ- * J. liOVTTHEB, will be f nr itent by .the Mtn of October next. * or Sept. 23,1858 ALL kinds V*/ of writing done at the shortest notice.—Coeds Mort gages, &<r., executed in tlie neatest wanner by ’ i . JOHN SHOEMKER, Jen, 3, iS37-tf.] , Masonic Temple, Altoona Lots foe sale.— l 2 building Xgt*, Situate in cUfforent localities. In this Borough for faieon p;MwiBWetwm», by .1. snOEJUKKR. JX'AKE NOTICE, THAT THE A 9 Altoona, July 16, 1858. bUOtMAKUU^ Settees fob saie—the un a ■ .“‘A .;- ; v.. . Masonic Temple. iGMiWmiiSIJEEKCAKBO ,%SgMgSSii!SSS'2S? **, Bn*VSB-tq v 1 vr: A. JtODSirs Drugstore . S TITRATE OF MAG its opo^Uoa ' -a- nOUSII, DntjjyUi, > PEAiNUTS.— -SjOOOBUSHELS WTT mto«ton Pea Kut. to etoto »a ' IL ' .March 25.^3 T ember forbade /?< EOCEKIES.——A LARGE. AND ..i4 LI/)TD. /^KEEPERS. —JCST RECEIVED) A V 7 large ttfaortmwt of CBEEPERS, whicU wffl «ad ow by A. ROOSH, Druggist. ri ™U?' T BAGS > trunks, om- 0 N pAND AT McCOEMIGK’S Store '■ ■ ••'’ ■' . '.r.'- ■ . f ■■ QPJBpXACLES s BSlr kj wrfforMU rt p-ttj mstMA f WOOD, EDDY 4 ca’S , . ’WrMem ?J“i *“•■ characterized Jt as conflndttU bv ijwB(S?.'“ ttlu t predeoe*Bors for the last tblrty-fivFjilf*. ,^®Be9nnd Witold, B.C feiMh. iSST EI WOOD, EDDY & CO.. MANAGERS :,' BVCOESSORS TO GREGORY <t MAURY. .° Wner * of THE ONLY lAJTWJSY CHARTER IN JDKLAWAHE offer to the public following scheme, to' bo drawn oach Wedneed&v in February, 1839. af Wilmington, Delaware, In an ° f Bworn wwmteuoners appoint- Oiitfls lio Dny»fl Wednesdav, EebriiiUTr 2 1859 Class 122 S 1869.' “I* 8 * -.W ednesday, February J 6.1869. Cla«a46DraßBWedo(MdajV i£ r 1859. 7 * :•-;.'Kfov---.t6~ :■. •■■■ v->. i * WEDNESDAY IN FEBRUARY^- W : W- y r M -'Us -» „ 250 « 45.000 t : w‘‘ 66 “ - 40 « 180 “■ ' ' 30 « ' 4,745 “ 20 « 3®°° 57 fyjrj n ‘ - A .. •. ► W.wO 10 '270,400 32,396 Frius amounting to Whole Tickets $1 fy-Jlalvea ss — Quartere d 2 50 Rowing Certlflcatos of Pactage of 2S Whole tickets ' $149,50 “ 2a Quarter « 37,37 Df ORDERING TICKETS OR.CBRTIiTCATES &icl°Mi. the amount of money to onr address, for what von -*-•* jParchuen will elesßc-wiite-thelr siomtures nlain and glvothc name ofthe* *o* Office, Cotmtvand State! NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. ÜB^:^ a §dZ m dWt,h iDSmmi Dolton, *ad fWMn a AT OOU RISK AND EXPENSE, 5 from any city or town whcrefbev have an offi.-n on,. Company cannot receive them a repress 0% Tjcteu or Certificate*; by Mail or Ex- to bo directed to WOOD, EDDY £ G>" - • : - - - WUmlriJjtun, Bciawaro. IJ'ALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. i subscribertakes pleasure In announcing tn tuv public that he has just 'receivedhis stock of FALL ASS I) WINTER GOODS lafaaSTi 1 ? Ulu v “* Uu *} #t ? le * of P’aslilon, and is now prepared to accommodate aUwho may givajam a call in tiie roost satisfcctory manner. uul - IU _ JJi* abK* tsmsisti of all qualities of good*. suited to the vßeMon, for *oasroats, over-coats, vests, Pantaloons, Ac. , the business warrants Uirajn prgmia ingtohis customer* the very best fits. ■ pconua- A* l h "V« , is a trial > tl >“t lie may bo able to convince tha public pf the truth of his assertions. ITotS" 11 00 M<Jn strcct > two dou « above the National . JOH * WAT. S. BITTNER. SURGEON DENTIST. O fficc opposite 1 .-the'Lutheran church notleS ne £XlraC ' tea With ° Ut pai “ by thb Electro' Hngl Fuil setts of"tooth for $15,00 Odd fillings warranted for 10 years. A student wanted. «. , f DEMISTRY. —DR. S. KIMMELL OPSBASIVE rf MKCUAKWAL DWTJS r ’ PlatT.U 1 inserted, from oneto a Ihllsot, on Gold or siw« r 5, I! 2L a °B Warranted for ten years. ouTrain E::tniCtW b? f" EleCtro Alt.pMratlon* tnd work done cheanw than . els* in tEe county. and a deduction n ta S , expenses from Aliorma to f",al e o ii rad tioL punting to five dollar Sovor B ’ *“ °I,PrR -asemssszsr’** I ,9‘i K OCT *'OK I’OCK HBA’ns "?V’ en ? er wo, i ,cl ‘nfora the in habitants of■ this place and vicinity that ho fcgs&w has Just. received the latest styles of SSSrS/ : hats AN t> CAPS.-^HL tj ri al l, on oSn ' > J Cri^er before perobasinc elsewhere ** CXC f ent Ladies’ <•*» »~a^A A t t«r v PPOSite th - iuths ™> uct. m, 1858.-ly JESSE SMITH. . fj^flME, TESTIMONY. : ~ " andfe^divl^ than «.y ™ This ia tn Mrtffv r Pr Mifflin-county. Pa. .S"ss,s agR» 1. mended and found to act ZTIIS '* j ™Z. m &pt t n,^, mp^ n ' A.M.i/gbaM. sopw.oS—ly. , Decatur township, Mifflin co, X>*u AtfARI).— Hear what Mrs. Vaushu -a bv"j a n r sJ , ° ha r fl theGalvante Oil Scpt-le, 185S._ly. $593,392 HIROWABE, qCEjBSSWIBE, Boots, Shoei, Hats, Caps, &c. Hia Stock: of GROCERIES is very large, and to fc*j)repar«l to sell Wholesale at Philadelphia prices, freight ouJv added. , * * ®3i- Caul buyers will find they can save money by ex amimogius Wock bofora pm*chasiMelBewhexi><- Altoona, Not. 18, T f T’ Iha subscriber ■wquld reßpeftfally announce to the citizens ofAitoona and vicinity, that he has just returned from the city: and opened ,his atocb on ithe . ___ . CouNaa or 4hsie asp Vikqijua Streets, Where he offer# far sals the largest and cheapest stock of QUEENS WARE, WOODEN .4310 WILLOW.WARE, Ever brought to thin place, which he will sell, WHOLE SALE and RETAIL. Ho will also keep constantly on hand a large Supply of i ' FLOUR, PEED , BAOON, FISH, and Country Frodicce o/all kinds, which Tie will dispose of nit the lowest cash prices, Ashe has bought his goods for. cash, he wilt be enabled to sell thorn low/or teish. He would rcspoctlhlly invite all to give him a call and Judge S>r themselves. ’ Oct. 2Sth, l«58-t£J LEWIS PLACE. New ckocery peed and pko- VISION STORE. ' - The subscriber would Mwectfally inform the citizens of ti l j”? ““In' M* at l 1? tI,IB opened a store of the above kind, near-the. corner of Adeline and Julia streets. East Altoona, trheOe he will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of everything in his line. His i ■ ’GROCERIES aro all fresh and will be sold at prices as low as those of in town. His stock of provisions, Mow, gams, SJiQiilders, Sides, &c. wm he sold a little cheaper than they can bo bought any whereeUe. Hlsllour is obtained frWthc bes"mS“a it^te'rfcpresuurtd 1 ° f tbß Stutc ’ an ' i “ warranted to bo what band kilUlS 0 - 8,1 for ****** cows and hogs, always on ,1 ujtend'to lieep such an assortment that I shall at all times be able tbsupply my customers with whatever they If iutoiul also to sell at prices which will < r t to tdo *° who patronize mystOro. July 22,186%3m. HENRY BELT-. POSITIVE INFORMATIONI — THE uudersigped having perfected their Sptjng Stock, 40 tll4 P ublic tlio LARGEST EOT OF GROCiN KIES everpreijentcd in .the town of Altoona. publish!n S thXa ca - rd “to present the fol l*t. The recejit hard tlioea have very much reduced the pr j,“f C iv°^ ocer j“A n l **° olty. especially to cash buyers, lll lot ‘> ■ W of 3d. Wo bought them entirely for cash. 4tU. \\c rwulv pay, by weekly rccafpu, •Sfr -JJ>* keep up the credit «f our house Asasass® I*’ 1 *’ “*• " Altoona. June 10,1858. RICHARD McLAIN. EY ATLANTIC! TELEGRAPH.- Didyouilcar the newi from Europe? If yen have not, we will tcllyon wliat it is. It is that UEN’RY JDCCK ply of 11 rßturu f d hvm Eastern cities with a large aup- READY-MADE CLOTHING consisting of ail: styles ami qualities of Overcoat p.... Coats,Teste, Pants, Boots andW-esTand in an esabhihmont of the kind, all of which ite'offrrait g=»aj^ls«JßwSg. Altoona, Sept; 30, ISJS.-tf , UEhftT ILOK. TAMES u- WHEELER & CO., ” ■ i . (Jjttccewojv to Joint aJh ant,'} FORWARBLNG AND COMMISSION merchants, Near the Penira Central Railroad Deno* HARRISBURG, PA. 1 V dealers iv ro . I wifo, Prirt stout. Pish, &JI &c tho •‘gSiS* A TER’S CHERRY pectoral; Htfiand's TS* **** Snnd/or<Ts Clarkt’s Female Pills, Blood Marcher, rr • A ,, ", promo's Golden Pills, ijhts, Ayers, Wilson s and Me Lane's Pills P*** Marshal's Fourfold Liniment Mexican, Arabian! Verve and Bone Lenimcn? ’ Sent 2.lKAS J ?ri tora aUd f ° r fcale ftt . P 21155 v A. JIQUSJUfS Drug Store. B«^M.^| i , ANI> statists. Job fustan, StAhoxtr axd Blase Book /fS/Shfr 3IAVuyArTTRnL T ’ 11 ijfnTy i/arAv£ piir s u ura r>, 3jgCTBfI-M r tcsjjectfuUy invito, atteuti^, Q f “^aJ^Scd Blmik Stationery, Rail Road, Mercantile and Book Printina otv ™y*™rW'k r u n ,tly c.vccCed. ■ ,d& Sen * ; for t Jolm * mi ' Co - Typ« Fpumio's, Wtilo - tJnly 17. IBSS-iy WEST BRAN'CJI INSUBAN'CE 00 .nltUMJtta Fn* J X«h 18,1858te. 1 SiroBMAKSU 1 ! ft* G HEST PRO f™*i cl^Sfrn GAI ? 3T THOS^ tlon* of the Lugs/wliich arisioft£,!i , «F ol<ls ’ and otJjcr “ffcc- Ch**t,<iecora&fts£>n stato of 1,1(1 COUNTY 3ITJTUA T «l«nt of tho Eycondn^ lUutii^Rro^Tisurmi6 1 Uutii^Rro^Tisurmi 6 , “ derBi 8 I ' < *'. awHpMi&TS sSS5mf- °‘ "•» T EVI’S peepaeatiojs for ex pfig StoSbT erany fusion A WALNUTS, CREAM xA jf.nte ond yufyerts Itt store and for sale by Jfarch -’SHy] * 191 NoMteSS. * BOXES BUNCH XV *ia lajrer in str and for sSe S ’ Am V>: flaeConftcUon|ry mafinftctpreddnd fi# Sale fcy Vf 25* ’6B-ljrf * ?S J >' mi ikx BHIfOAHO, 1 ' ' burning? #LiirD, !KSS2StSSfi rS\; i*. O- y, KESSLER, GJ.KEAT DISCO YKI * IMPOB^bI tobacco 1 DR. COSTAY LISNARiPS ni many to suppose that orpin to tie TOBACCO affects also the entire nervous system, mani iii rl] who have ever usod the noxious weed srl» b<^L. t ? ti^ 0Dy '~ la Dawatude, Ncrvota Irritability. ' _? er Bn-h. Dyspepsia, ant! tunny other disorders of a similar character. TIIK TASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES Are designed, to counteract these baneful influences, and ha-re proved completely successful In a multitude of cases, and wherever .used, fining harmless in. themselves they a “ cn( -'fi c * ll l effect upon ;the entire system, restoring the Taste which has become vitiated or destroyed by great indulgence, completely removing the Irritation and'accom- tickling sensation of the Throat—which are al ways consequent upon abstaining from the use of Tobacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stomach, invigorate the whole system. Persons who are irretrievably undermining tlielr consti tutions and shortening their lives, sliould use these Troches immediately and throw off the injurious and and unpleas ant habit of Tobacco Chewing. Theni Troches of Lozenges are putupinacouvenicutand portable form at the.low price of 50 Cents per Box. A lib eral discount to the Trade. Prepared solely by the undersigned to whom all orders should be addressed. JAMES E. BOWERS, Druggist. March 18, ly.] Co r . 2d and Race street, Fhila. EP- MIDDLETON & BROTHER, • Importer* and Dtdkn in Wina and Honors, muni their thanks to,their friends for the liberal share of patronage heretofore bestowed, and respectfully ao licit a continuance of the same, at the OLD ESTABLISH. MI.X f, .NO. 5 A. FRO.NT BT„ Philadelphia,. where Ihoy have a large-afesortment of WIN ES and LI Q CORS of the choio ©at brands and qualities. Having made arrant meats \vttii |oau‘ of the first houses in Cognac and enable* them to ftmiMi to their customer upon the most reiisonnj BnindS** wUowrmg l,ra “ dB of Cognac and Rochelle BRANDIES. CJforrf, Hennery, Marett, > PinntO, QuUllUm, Mortal, \ IJ. J. Depay <i Co. A. Ssufuetie, dc., Xc. ( OMOpprio, j Burgundy, Madeira, Teueriffe, Claret, cherry, Lxstnn, \Boek, Muscat tt Malaga WvLes „ „ j*a. Sftvrmm brands and qualities. ssr&ssassajf <*•“* rm£AT a wrr’i™ * tock <> f OLD trr-vo.i MUAqIxpAIJELA and BOVJiItOM WUIS KEYS, of venous grades, some of which we guarantee to bo superior to any in the country. S ;.J??V' ron , 1 « ur ‘C*'S experience in the business, and thor ough knowledge of the tastes of the community wo flatter f ,U v?j V a *l° Be i dde •*> fiXi all orders that may I e entrusted tb ° country (which are must respectful ly solicited/ wiU be promptly aMcndcdto. Greatcare taken in packing and shipping. u . AH goods scut from our establishment are guaranteed to ‘'dog roturnwh £. P. MIDDLr:TOX i PRO. TOII N BRYAE & C 0.. tJ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES & LIttUORS, AND 7 RECTIFYING DISTILLER, |j|| 155 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pq., g||||| ’ _Beg leave respectfully to inform their old customers and the public generally, that they have on are COU i ta “c , l receiving direct from the Impor ti rs. a large supply of the very choicest brands of Liquors Among their large assortment may be found ’ ■' Vu, c?’a B - randi G . in ’ <?"fdials, Janaica Enlrite St. Croix and New Euglauil Bum. ammoa-uo ’ li-isb. rcotch, Bourl.ou, CM Mu:u,u ga heia° ’ „ , end It.-ctiued Whisky Peach, Wild Cherry. Blackberry StrawkeiVy and Raspben-y . . , , Eiundjee, Jtc.. Ac., ic., • A share of pnblic patrc*najre is roapecffullv Kol : ci*-ed nn.t an orders entrusted to our care will be proip t W attended to. Country Dealers will find it to their advinte4 to call upon ns, as wo are determined to sell nothing but theVe^ Pittsburgh. April 1, ISSS-ly. PITEHpRISfi WOSRS, IVTO. 186 WOOD STREET, PITTS XI BURGH, PA. ’ BOWN &-TETLEY Manufacturers of Rifles, Guns. Surgical and Dental Instruments, &c RIFLE GUKS. we Pittsburgh, April I, ISSS-lv. D, ? ( ; raiaw , G. Blncan. CUNNINGHAMS & CO . PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS M-AIUiUOUSS ICO WATER ST, am, HO HUST ST., * Catwewsu W.-od and SmlthfieW, PITTSBURGH - PA - MAKXJFACTCRKRS OP nttsburgU City Window Glass DRUGGISTS’ GLASS-WARE, ’ AND A M ERIC AN CONVEX GLASS nnd m,ic **>***• T-T FETTINGER’S ~ ■ ~ ffer/ «■A^oS^n. l .i T r™ Aßr i :MPo,iiL7 «. AVher’c may be had nil *4hl°2pm in!’ day, such As Daily and Wwklv iL,-, \b !at^,n ’-he and Romances. Mlsceilane<ms Books* <~h **,' • - N(,Vt!s Books, Slates. Dtll cn? i„^ k^„ fcch ? CfKlk »- C..,>y Envelopes, Drawing nod TiL'ii-- pTi,Fr lManl, L p U '‘, r I> ‘T r fart everything in Hie Stnrfona'ry line’ v?, k * and Games of every variety PictonU „i U iA,- B ' otK '-ns «nd b,mco and Segura ot/ifo’ **«|«■ T county, for KOU.vVcKLhIMUTiXD SA^Ve' 8 ?"* 7 , in ,his " tMy cure u,l sores to ihfch i Elair county Daguerre a\ t ROOMS.—Air a w iricnrn , ‘.ivitF, AJN 'Artist, begs leave to iSdrm'um riders that he , ' idaysbßr2 to take ■ readers that he is prepared from ilr?!?T‘, aph * °f d cce asedpersons,- •met r-visonaWe terms, “ifl'ha fjZI “S' 1 !” ld 0,1 th >' a I*^™att^ U n o7pLX“c^ pared to flu them with perfect liken aud . is Pro and Allegheny streets, Ifollidaysbu-Xlhi 1 : ° f f c. j. mjtsT. ir. d TV*S. HIRST & GOOD mriffu «“4 ***** medicine and surgery Offi^X CaHS r, '^l arl y nttc «ae<l to B J c T« Dt^°R^o^^™^ cupiod lyJ)r ’ Hirat ’ ■aSu’SISI^' and Ft 7 ri OA L. COAL! COAL ? COM f fofu- inf P fm,,Bcril *r would respect-. r ji^ o ™ the consumers of ICOit - .iBH »npaft«BcaSatr^tf •luce J7*2njj u * 1 Jo S f v T 0 ■ J HENRY lkxir. Hardware of all dfsphtp J - B. HTLESUN Bale, hat, sHAvrvr* *’ c ’ S P OULDEIl > DRIED Jm.C’iS-tf] - i ':? :“?* 'r™ 0 ® #?,»t> ' ®BSjBIBR>B. WINES. JOHN ALLISOff KESSLER'S. mwitr le mi’s. I Accounts. • ■ , • , 1 A. T. ÜbOTHtTT, Teacher of Arithmetic and nomm«Vei»i i Calculation. : J. A. HetumCk and T.C.Jassxra, Teachers ofßwoh-kecptog. A. Cowunr and W, A. Mitxsb, rroft. of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, As used in Every department of business. Commercial Arit/imetic—-Rapid JBusinu* Writing, | Detecting Counterfeit Monty— -1 Mercantile Corre*pondmce—Commercial Law j Are taught, and all other other subject* necessary for the | . success and thorough education of a. practtoal hmlnei.m^r. ... m Drawn all thopremium* tn L Pittsbiug far Ihd pastthree yegrs, also in EaitWn and Western Cities, far Beat Writw , • NOT .ENGRAVED WORK. „ I IMPORTANT INFORMATION. ”i lent* enter at any time—No Vacation—Thiie unlimited >vieiy at .pleasure—Graduates oseititcd la obtaining; itions—Tuition for fullConupcrcjal Course, $35.00- •ago time Bto 12weck*-Jtoard, $£,SO par week—Sta --fJ% fBiXV-i-Eutira cost, $OO.OO to $70.00. ittSr M misters’ Sons received at half price. j_ f For owd—Gitcular—Spacimohs of Bualneaaand Orna- Writing—inclose two stamps, and address f. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. eup aittai iwi Jp' ' jgtfpt 30,1858.—1 y NTEN 8 K EXCITEMENT!— MtCOKMICK’S N'KW GOODS HATS- AIUUYRD AfcD ARE -SOW DJiING OPENED rOIUNSPECTION AND 3AIJS. |j ‘Halloo, neighbor, I'm hero on the ground again; Pet laps you recollect when I, last year, asked; you to hold my iorso a moment and tell me where the CHEAP STORE has. But it is different now. It reminds me a little of the campaipi or iS4O, when Gen.' Harrison was elected Pre- Mtdcnt. You have only to go \rfth the crowd aod you will Bmve no difficulty in finding SIcCOttMICK’S STORE. Proni the oscitcmeut down the valley, and the quantity of goods I see carried away, they most be selling off very rapidly and very cheap.” ' * You are right, my friend; T would aav to you, sir, go ahead and your anticipations wiil bo fidly rcalizeii. He v ?, ry Utrs ° aud wcll selected assortment of Goods. lie U aalljou a dress for//<y cents and give the trimmings lion ”^ E lsr ® odD ’ * m d > and other goods in prepur- my goods "**’ ncfBhbor * that ’ a «bere lam going to buy nu V h nno r.'j and so should evciybody else. Good bye.” is r..’: v^? 1 ’ »■..( mki. ..if,. JcCcirSck v““ y ’““ U bad <*«» M "i*. «t r All-articles of country produce taken in exchange for | Altoona, May 13,18£-8.-Ty “• * ******* 1A MOTHER REDUCTION IN PRICE LL at McCormick?s Sbim. Ilavingad-pfra the CASH SYSTEM, (or aheast credit ill not be given to any other than those who are willi,,a id cu« g.v,- satisfactory reference ami assurance of prompt jonthlj payment.) and tie-siring'to .make it the interest of 11 to pairot.ize our store, we have made a very great re ucti-m in toe prices of all descriptions,of goods, and will , ivo our entire time and attchtion to keeping up an assort ov-1 - wu » ts “• anr caat' UiorS, such tw : , R ', ORr >GDRIE3, HARDWARE. QUEENS (ARE, CaJARWAKE, STONE WARE, BOOTS i SHOES, ( (U.eia, sliijHirs, Hats and Caps. Dried Fruit, etc., all of \ hich Will sold as cheap as the choupevl ’ ’ tWr I h^;i‘^rrL t . ake “ “ “ ihaUS ° , T t^ a “ k ‘‘‘ ) l t >r favdr! h we hope to share the patronage of those wl.jiu-u m wan: of goods. [March 25-tt - Patkkt kerosene on carbon OIL I^MPSI Uttnßaledy Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. I.rerv pew-n desiring to obtain the verv I ...Miami cheap «t portablejight within their reach, should call at tlio store of the fadcrsigued and examine these Lamps he fort, purchasing dsewhero. and we pledge ourselves to demon- Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. I ri- ,e - v tfmit “O offensive odor wlule burning. | sd.5 d . Tbil they are very easily trimmed. b ' 4th ' lb Jjt} uy are oasi D' regulated to givc moro or less j clh L'lf il!^i b 5 I i n e " ti . rely frpa ' to,n »moke. h. Tbit the light is at least 50 jier cent, cheaper than aijy other light now in common use. .1 are admirably adapted for Hie use of Stu dente, Mechanics, Seamstressrs. Factories; Halls,Churches . I S ani i ar * UsW.'’ recommended fortunily uso’ 1 The burner of ;he Oal-hr.n Oil Lamp bih I JattacKed to ! o d b “ n S'‘!g j nd hvbie fluid and oil lamps, as a small ' ixionse, and wil! jiywer every puiposwof a new laup. * i V e guaranteerirfoct aatißacHon iu oil cases. ‘ ! Aug, is. ISoS-tf] 0. W. IviISSLEB. J T OG’A N J 3 GTE I,—T HE UNDER- A J SIGN'ED itspectftilly informs the ' , c > l «ena of BlaS county and others, 1 that he has o;»ned up .the I.OOAS ffISSeT HOUSE, fonueily kept by sheriff Uses. I at the west tnddf Heilidnysbnrv. for fbeBjtSBwBNUtBL. | reception of stingers and t’rH Adlers. 7 ilBrS ! Everything cmjayted with Uie house has been reffttedvin I U^ 1 r: T wi,li T dloic «t furniture, i Ci . ic tU ' U ‘ honeo u large and commodious, and well calculated for coiivemeni# ami. comfort. kUU His TABtFaviil be furnished with the very beat the mar ket con affonjaad no paint or trouble ViU he spared to reudm- thosejfho may choosfe to favor him with their na aU^Apfelrnm, f Pi ’ y d ; ,ri,,g t!i ‘ ir “tay-Uhlim: ho^er>iilte.^^ , l ,^ a ; careful Dec. 17,1^7.—tf.] JOIINKEIFFSR. r [HIE jGREAT QUESTION WHICH 110 the dind of ftvery T>®rison I ST* the best artioll i - regard to other matters, thako^Wf 1 . ttefrTT t- d ” ot H ‘ te “Pt to direct, hat if von-Ml I f ui£ anyimg in the lino of “ J «L BOOTS OR SHOES ‘ ' ) he invites on lamination of hi* stock and work _ idter eei-s ?onstuitly on hand as assortment of Boots, Shoes tlritere M.pper., &c .. which he offers at fair prices' ’ in^h' Tl n f, ITe S i’^ c,a, attention to cur,tom work, all of fc‘ : lSn^:^^ iVC6atts&cti^-. , Ro^butthe Cptember 3, '57-tf] 'ffOIIJJ ff. ROBERTS. HOTEL.—-THE SUB JL/SCKI3ER would respectfully In- OU±S ' forrftht public (hat he has i flttel the above dlotcl, and ianownrt pßr ‘* tn . accommodate hia friends ; pattbnsin a comfortabledmuner, and fcAMK^BweMK—■ w/l spare no pains in makinAt an sgonrners. His Table whi •T^'aTtbwne-&r nil Bom tho markets of the conntrv , o'U’l^^^TP,,w,- 0 ' U ’l^^^TP ,,w, - ■flW WM. liquors of ftfe“^ fe B^ BawuaWe as those oflmv othhfuaL *tt u. dels satisfied they can not place, and lid flvor him with their emtom o( public patronage,-and fnUv h^mShn, s,xaro throws open his licS^oSiSmS V h * Altoona, May 27, T>OOTS ANJ) UN- Solo^nd’c 1 * 8^ <ium Bhoc^°o^fc 4 j^^^^ cnj^wOTfcm^rotS, 01 * 11,081 re in 3 " % ' -■:-*«afcud*,; Qysteks ! oysters; oSstehsi Wo standard. Tbc» »111 v to Wwsstiiodßl- X^aangDish at titENTY and served up with all . »j Saa roaejod In the shell nvE. GEh^.^^ w XUW l,a ? I ? » wm!n£ er »•* at Prices Doc-17, tf.l 1 f ' ItEOWEB. J Io^ n gon*o, HWli^^bnrg. OtS JSS£- ma ail 1 np to orfer, % 8^ Jan. 3,1850-tf. J- B UItEMAN. HBSfcY LEHB. - - HBKKY r.vim.o ‘ : X wanwj. ■, GSIi*WK COSSVMFTIOX OFSMOKSAND GASASD Xtyj^ The subscriber takes pleasure In’ offering to tbi MEW GAS AND SMOKE COMSUMniQ P T’ C » Cocking Store, recently patented, which is ilsiaiii,, >, ’ • f p«rcetle ali oilier%«i it requlra than other stores and Is more «asg>; ly heated. Mo unpleasant Smell at ga» store from .ll this capo. Thcre jho trofihM.Mm «o and often annoying ie the stove Neither is there danger offluM neys with soot or thb mem* the gas aristbitfrmn cMI ¥ft u Ej Persons wishing to purchase stores an IneWsfrft the store of the subscriber, in ties Masonic Tam*. JS 1 “ amine thoaboro stores. ; JOHM’ SHOKMAKK^**' N.ll. AH kind. Of Stores on hand. ....... CTOYES! STbVESt STOm.~The k_7 nndcniiKi'Bd has Justreceived from Phil*. _ delphia, North. Chase A Ninth's celebrated ing Stoves for 1867. _ XUU ROYAL COOK ~ ' - ' V 1 f " r y Mld or Coal. This beautiful challenges ail competition for the exaniite of ornament and perfect operation In all tWMCta. n. oven extends under the flre-boi and thaßtwtS^eW: "" tAEB&**si r for wood or coal. The Ore-box l«. of geod canacitv-tk. ash-box is deei>—-the oven is capacious and kaiW, “? baker. Tins stoVo is one that may readily bo for family use, lu every particular. . ' cecotumendsd hand. kmUa ° f ***** on April 10, ’57-tfl OppottU He jlrntriain trm,\ -Agent* for Du VWr. Galvanic LdiTo Keaster. and & li .ush, Altoona, and all dialers ii m*. cmes everywhere. • - “ aitr3 in mo ON MA N HOOD, AND Y'S J»REmT _jss? A ON- tub «ATJQKAi. SBEABm> without Mi iliciiie, of Spermatorrhea at, local Weako* Noctunuil KmiHKiouu, Genital and NetVon* DibUttr t.u y, ai; 1 Impcdmcnu to Marriage generally, ty*^’ The iiii]iort»tit fact that tfe»'aws originating m the iiuju uduuce and Mtitude of youth' -It U. easily r(.•moved WITtIOVT 51 KDICIStVI* in tract, clearly d.meiwtrnted; and thaentirely newaadS* ly successful ucatulcnt, as adopted by the AetW iS, IIIMSELh perfectly 1 and at the least uenibiu ti avoiding all tlve a.h-arti :ll .d vef?,? 1° iU,y S™* l * «>*>! pen free lit a aeakdia 11D V 1 Ik U I u ~ , "* i,l) h *'P‘«‘*Ke atamyiuDi May 6 s&’*■*** :u * stlwtl So * Wtor? .HUMANITY, KEAD iroii . PuWic that it equal tty DU VILVSGALVI’t. IC Oil, in rellovm? ettSeriilß Bnrtanify. ■ Sept. 2, IEM-lyl] - + ■jVf AP OF BLAIIi COUNTY.—TUB Colhftv to pnliluh n Xcw Map of BUir Public'Ror 1 h j rom actual survey*. ci>ut«iuiu;all a lar«v nni °l l w *' tie to a Buitnhla scale *o uto mill mcuiSedlu t i U^ u ‘ a will be ertfrdui S 8 per cone ** 9 stj lu> aud doUwn*‘l to aulmcriban at ADrillFis'.o SAMDKfc OKU, Prii I5 ’* SSS - ISAAC G. BUKKD. Ci .KESSUEII^-PBACTICAL *.„®kl<Ol»lS3s ruapcctfuUy anconnces B &“f Altooua and tho public gen 5? «.U continues the Drlig he- k«.& coiutantlr wTE Jill' t 0 V nsin f M > *ud * dcairc torenir u(. mcrit ani IT" 1 * IF** quality,’he hop*W pkl?i • - cceiv , e «-«wre of public p*trona«. and»U'“PPMwl ou nStmablo tem*, oifiL r 1 from a distance pmrnntly attended to. ' 1 hywclnns praacriptions carefully compounded. [l-tt INJATiONAL POLICE GAZETTE.- ih iLI/i 1 ? 9. rMt Journal of <>ime ahd Crimlnils I* to Ji* and is widely circulated throuboGt the country. It contain* all the Gwei and appropriate Editorials on the information on Criminal Matters, nut ether newspaper. *?- «w» »e sw»dln aajj t^ c , ril ' tk L u * J 2 P« r •unum; |1 foralx Molitha. k by subscribers, (who should writeAhS?aSw* and the town, county Ad State where tltoy reahto aS&t s .... - xoa.w.MAaaaiukaL^ 7 , r Editor * Prop’r. of New 15-tf]. .. •Aw W* csy. j®®W» Johnson, Jack ie 00., . -. OFFICES AX 1 ... ... ® -rH°l ~dlaysl,)UrS and Altoona. . qn the principal cities, snvar Und Gold for’sfc-Oon&Mw msdse ’ de P? l *‘ W® on-demand, with tereat, or upon time, with interest, at Mr fate*. (1-tf j. r>. lleet, ■ ’ - nnntiwto ~ J?* G - ADLUM, la®*' Ohn ’ BLAIR COT7NIT, PA. : :j " LYE, J?0B M sg^i*3»s#sasix& T?^P il —THE BEST QFALirrOF Annlv^b, ' I,Y ?L OP» for sale, TOctesal# aMW*- KS-W '-“SS®* Rich tobacco and highl* .«ia V ?r l i' ( l^! gttrB > In #Dun dances can be had at , «uue 18, 57-lyJ HBJiBY ÜBB* Hair oils, colognes, po& adee, Shaving Cream, Toilet Soap*. *O. fcrwb»J( O.W.KMSfI** IVTONE BUT THE BEST CONfßfe AJ-.H'? a £^ l l * ut * *nd Prult* kept at V. f ■ June 18 'BT-Xy] - ■ , aK*BT M®* BffISLTE'B. G^?^ 0 m T'VUYALL’S GALVANIC OIL! Ag SZUZSS?* Js£ I K or iu l^ nca —' w soreness Hi u; mat of th. Irrairip'ln tfio rtohiwh, ■ or anyxjttw SOUK uwl l“AlM’i;i., c wul it « only over tltj* class ulsc*a.>es Jmt wy '! ! positively to oui'-PiilreraL.Ve fan il'licvsrt*l*iinlf ; I** tim.'eDufuMfr mtwould^J *i i Uo. l’rnf. l>u Vf.ll was iT> yrtu* iu bringing to *thi»l superiority ovor’Ttll otbcis. k ’ , r ®, 50 cents 4»c traJe. All urJ.:i- must bo cuMruttiMl to J. D. STONEKOAD, I'ror I 2, ISKt-ly.] i v ' : . oprietor, 'wlnown, V*. «5&-] s«g!6g& *7^:pQC % ****** *^2%HtskWlll m t -aw, ** Zaa *t- Att • wi {h# qsrtaln «tob »t>aeo«e iUi e fljnß» J lk»t tl •k« 1« itfdUpens cement pt their bow, we woul I who. will say jure would oot bi rka themselves the fruitful so b let os havo tin it will shortly best mechanic! nonage on the j be a decided i town. Our ent< I, intends erectii iiag, on the c< Bta, as soon as U ding wip be 2i 1 he oontomi i_the second st or piece of bt Dged. for socictj be an ornamei an one as shoult [fare. The Raili J f has purchased ioteadcut's Offio Lge, and will put u Is soon na the ser [stjle of building faany, the propose uug with their situ la us that he hai Ding the Ilodnet inia and Annie I upon it imnicd up a. house thm landing it. Ag* owns the lot bet' id Julia streets who, it i? said, the old build wy, preparatory tc king, which, whe be appearance o I are to be croctoi pn, but we have n« lag them. When jof see completed, tally the busiacs nt a business-li bf dwelling housci |t parts of the tow to specially, bi )d sufficient to sh Ifuture are flatten f “ hard time&” rrixo ut Cuubci London that in t I cornea first, whe I the further end i F fill up the rental the awkard dislu bhurches here, wl k°9esa of filing ou pale women at tlu iurolioß wliero the teas and inconvcni fi?«t gamers tak ? eren greater, ns hat scat persist i;t Who wiafi to get i ano Tery easy i ally if the crinolin hable. It is not FR however, but t dtill, that is to Of courtesy. It ®ea taking the ah with the early sc >f the pews bo the Indians they mig ill account for th Ben occupying the have no authority Ccnpylng that po: any danger of att this custom of filin Adlers, on the pai changed, and we be adopted l KWbnt SkBJIOS.~ T * S. A Wilson, B Bregotion in this preached his and most pe have ever, seen L foe krge con) p*sl° n > eerred to ghUh he was heh “•a extemppran yuson has f ew •A* a logician ], lienee nod excel *» rendered his r beneficial. we man and the < ■ bim other a einoe the ruU f® to «*. we ho] £S£M[.ttw Coj prj be fltyored v g**»T*»X.—.lYe~ Moist, Heiol at S ypnff In * i4 te