1 «nty, as msy feel it a duty to see that public be brought to justice. i *bat there ia no evl f*wis .Piaher lathe n*Ma by which he haa been returned ma elected and we do not doubt that aner the diaclogures which hare been made, .as '■’W-*? I *** «d honorable man. and a food oitt j? ** would acorn to hold theoffice. We deem •tjbtoper to remark further that there ia no ev ****** which in any degree implicates any or- W»wd political party, as a party, in this fraud. wn the cyattax y, we are well assured that every ■ man of every party, condemns .; , emphatically as we do. No honest man, V we are certain, will stand up and it. We remark further, and in conclu ' that the citiiens of Washington township *«ftaaeh, (and amongst whom we know then are gJWr oTaaworthy men and good citixens as re .rf* > r . an f'7 h 1 erc in county,) are not only not Tu have ev idence in the willing -1,1,1011 thoy came forward and teatiied, SMC they condemn and deprecate this fraud; * he 7 will vindicate themaelveaand Iv!. . L t f l lrns , hip ! by seeing toit, inthe future, taat. their elections ; shall be conducted byznen whu respect the law, and therightsof their fel low oltiiens. naw » discussed this ease Ip all its] “Pfe.f 5 ’ “d given at length our reasons for bar decision, we bare-only to redoidtfae judgment of *® o court upon the question presented m the' Mtition and complaint; which is, that Abel fJojd, having ,as it is shown to re ceived a majority of the legal tote« polled for the office ofeounty commissioner at thegeneral election held In and for the countyofOambria on the second Tuesday of Ootober, 1868, is du ly elected to that (dfioe, and entitled to.perform the daties, and injoy the emoluments of the some during the term specified in the low. . S9th Dec. 1858 j By the Coart. Ml Jltomm Crttame. ALTOONA, PA. THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1858. \* ■" ■ tatWhero parties are unknown to ns,ourrnlefor adrer ttstng is to require payment in advance, or n guarantee from known persons. It is thorefore useless (or all such to send n« SdrSrtisemonts offering to pay at Uio end of throe or six months. Where advertisements are accompanied with the y the Legislature to prevent a recurrence of this kind either in Washington township or any where else. ' The ballotJwzsliohld he kept pure and unpolluted by fraud, and any attempt to frustrate the will of the people, conveyed in this truly republican and democratic manner, should be frowed on by ovety honest Citizen, and tbe perpe trators severly punished. . OornwmCanM of OwWribaiM.] . I4BTTER FBOM HARRlfißin TUimroota, February 8, 1869. “indemnity for the past andse eurity.forthefhtnrc," both Iloases are about to wince »moat wonderful economy of-time. He ScnatcnowmoetaßtlO* and the House at 10 o'clock. Hot oily this, but the latter also in tends holding afternoon Sessions twice a week. Thisisall verygood, provided the time Jp not «P«Bt in performing' wind work, or discussing the merits of Passenger Railway lines in Phila delphia—* subject not any too interesting to outsiders from the rural districts. The Sepate has now before it a General »»8 [drawn with a view to remedy the de fects in 'se present law, which are alleged to ezist afla* many years tinkening. Its fateis sealed, although every one acknow ledges that a General Hanking Law would not only improve the currency, Hit it would in a great measure cut off banking legislation for the future. Th® .bill in relation to the sale of coal by weight, has .been reported in the Senate as com mitted. The provisions of the bill are that each oari delivering coal at a customers doo,r shall be adjusted in such a manner as to show the weight of the coal. Ido not consider the bil of much practical utility iu the country, where coal dealers arc known to be honest, but it will beofimmense benefit to the people in the cities, where, in tbelanguage of a Dutch farmer, “ tey go about all toy trying to sbeat one anudder, tad call It pishnass.” Considerable of the time of the Senate was taken up on Friday, Saturday and Monday in passing what is called the Germantown Supple ment. In the present mixed up condition of affairs, pertaining to Passenger Railways, it is not easy to give yon a very lucid explanation of the bill. The great bone -of contention is for the Fourth and Eighth street line. Some six or eight cpmpanies want it, and the Coats and Green, as well as the Germantown, each offer to swallow it at a gnlph. Both these compa nies were chartered lost winter and neither is likely to prove profitable without additional privileges, and these the Senate have awarded to the Germantown Company, by a vote of 20 to 8. Of course the measure has to go through the House, yet It is all a matter of dollars and cents, however, for the fortunate drawers of the prise, would be able to sell the charter at an advance of $50,000 over prime cost the day they receive it AiLeffort will shortly be made to charter an Association similar to the Cosmopolitan Art Association, to be called the “ International Art Union.” In support of the claim for a charter, it is alleged that $lO,OOO a year is sent to Ohio for the benefit of New Yorkers and European Artists, froiy Pennsylvania alone, which might be given to dor own artists and liurateurs. This is plausible argument certainly, and the bill will, in. all probability, pass. Some time ago a petition was sent here from Blair county, praying for the passage of a law to prevent cattle from grazing on the Allegheny Mountain, And to-day a remonstrance was pre sented against the same. Those who petition for the law, state that the woods is often set on fire in order to collect the cattle,'and some times people take more .than properly belongsio them. As it would be a great waste to let the pasturage rot upon the ground, would it not be as well to enforce existing laws as to pass new ones?— Any person driving off other than his own cattle, is liable to a conviction for grand larceny, and any person setting fire to the woods designedly he imprisoned and fined for a misdemeanor. Petitions for) appropriations come pouring in.-, The Polytechnic College of Philadelphia wants* a school of mines established in that city, and asks for aoapytfp aid them. The Howard As sociation petitions for an appropriation of $4,- 000, and the Northern Home for Friendless Children wants a little material aid. All these arc local institutions and afford only local ben efits—still if I was a member, the Northern Home for Friendless Children would draw so largely upon my sympathies that t could not resist voting in favor of a very liberal appro priation. Why does not some humane man ■tart thp subject of a State Orphan Aaylum—or an Asylum for children whose parents, by rea son of vico, are incapable of bestowing that at tenhon due to their helpless condition. The . bill repealing what is known, as the ‘‘Sheep and Dog Law” in Blair county, passed m the Senate finally, to-day. C. M. Doncvao. whom I believe I informed Sen« laS ‘ WaS in jaUlTn obe by Judge Pearson, for assault and battery Joseph M. Church, is out again, having last evening received kn unconditional pardon, whereat his friends rejoiced exceedingly, hut none more so than he did himself,. Mr. McCurdy to-day read a bill in place 'was thorizing the courts of Common Fleas, of Phila- delphia and Pittsburgh, to grant oharton to Passenger Bailwoys, under .proper restrictions. If Ibis becomes a law, a vast amount of Legis lation will be saved. LOGAN. ■ lt is rumored in Washington that the Pennsylvania delegation are preparing a formal remonstrance for presentation to the President, uigmg the importance of tbs removal of Cobb fromthe Treasury Department Six school boys, with their teachers, | skated frera Middletown to Jlartford. a I of twenty Imiles, in two hours, including a {stop of twenty Iminutes. ,’ y : - gQu> The Beading Railroad Company, is placing gas fixtures in the passenger pare. The trains wrij,.in a short time, be lighted ia this wayjme a oobstitate for oil lamps.. j3r ABkr or Oeesb. —The Toledo, (Ohio} States that a few. days since, a drove of O.OpO geese, intended for the New Tork market weftvput on a train at Winchester. Thsy oeed pieAtour cats, and paid freight at .from 15 to 20 cHato-eadh.., ; Ahlmpobtant Piscovebt.—The editor of the JCedins -Gazette tells ofmakunk being captured in a house by a dog, with, the. nsnal result of disgust to the victors. The terrible scent was neutralized by burning tar npcn live coals of fire, by which the air was purified, as if by magic. ■! - " jjgp* A young man named Harrison Sanders, elopedoa gridaynight.with the wife of his bro- Sanders, from Springfield, Vermont, camb to Bellows Falls and took a room at the BeROwS Fills House. The husband and sheriff panned them, end toe parries, finding them: selves caught, took strychnine. Young Sauders dieffin twenty minutes. The woman is expect ed to reedier. JlSto -A gentleman in St. ■. Rouis, who vu apprehensive thet be wold be visited by bur gmrh» fixed » pistol in the basement window in stioh & manner that it would be discharged, by an attempt to open the window from Towards corning he was awoke by the report of the pistol, and on examination he discovered a burglar Hying under the window dead—shot through this brain. Alp* Two hunting parties went from Sarato ga to the northern woods this winter, one com prising four persons and the other seven. The first killed land saved eighty deer and one bear. The second, seventy*six deer, four panthers, one otteT, three minks, five martens, and one fox, besides I,soopounds offish, 800 pounds of which were-brook and lake trout One brook trout caught weighed three pounds andiwelve ounces. B&» Tfae inhabitants of South port, N. Y., having beein much annoyed of late by a gang of theifes in that vicinity, have organized a Vigi lance Committee, and aotaally hung a fellow nanted Odell, on Tuesday last, for stealing a pair sof boots from Mr. Jones’ store. After hanging a spell, they took him down: bat on his refusing to confess the theft, they strung him op again, and on being a second time re lieved, he pwned np. They then took him to jail, i Death only a Chemical Change.— Monsieur Biot,'; a learned frenchman, gives the following scientific view of the' immortality of man: “ You do not die—you only change your state of ag gregation. It is true, your nitrogen, your hy drogen, and your carbonate separate; they are distributed through the atmosphere, penetrate plants and' animals, or are absorbed by the earth ; bat: as no atom perishes, you continue to exist; the only difference is, that you may find yomsd/ reduced to a more simple expression .’’ Neoho Sobkbstitxon.— The Vicksburg Sun of the 4th of January states that a runaway negro was caught at Black Hawk, a few days previously. with the band of a white man in his pocket. It is said that the negso confessed that he had exhumed the body, and cat the hand off the dead man’s arm, to act as a charm in keep ing the dogs from following his trade, on the strength of his confession, he was hong. A white, silk glove was on the hand when it was found. A challenge to skate was given by Miss ,of Salem, aDi Vernon young Lady, who saucily .gave out that if any of the male gender could catch; her, she would forfeit a The Boston Htarld says that an athletic negro bear ing of the challenge gave chase, and soon bis am encircled Mr waist, Her brother, how ever, averted the impending smack by present ing ithe fellow with a $6 bill—telling him to “ slide.” The African started on a “ bender ” with; the finds, remarking audibly that he “ wouldn’t give $5 to kiss any wite, gal libin.” Andersson, In bearing generous testi mony to Morphy’s powers, says he is too strong for any living player to hope to win more than a game here and there. He never a mistake, hut as soon as bis adversary commits the slightest blunder, he is gone. If a player makes a move “ approximativement” correct, but not “ exactraent" the right move. Morphy is dead certain to win. Andersson has also given his opinion that Morphy would have beaten all three great triumvirate—Philidor, La Bourdon nais, and M’Donnel. A;Sthax Uusbasd— A “duck of a wife,” whos« husband went off for a few days to enjoy himself abroad as he could not at home, thus advertises him:— “hosr Sibayed ob Stolen.— An iodvidnal whom I in ah unguarded moment of loneliness was thoughtless enough to adopt as my husband. He is: a good looking and feeble individual, knowing enough, however, to go in when it rains, unless some good looking girl offers her umbrella, gnawers to the name of John. Was last seen in lefimpany with Julia Harris, walking with his arm' around her waist, up the plank road, looking more like a fool, if possible, than ever. Anybody who will catch the poor fellow and bring him carefully back, so that I may chastise him for running away, will be asked to stay to tea by. Henrietta A. Smith. JUST ARRIVING—A SELECT AS SORTMENT of good* adapted to the season—which wm w add m cheap m the cheapest—eon*l*tfag of *heet- Muslin *> Print*, Barred Delalns,an awortnjont of Trimming* for Ladies Dresses, with ban. areda of article* too ntxmeroiia to mention. ■Fricnds and oipxens call and see before purchasing else where and saveyour dime*. * “"““S Clothing.of MI aorta cheaper than the Jews. . lot of Germantown goods ever offered In CONFECTIONARIES AND FRUIT Shoes, cheaper than the cheapest and Pump Chfim anaflxtnret. [Tobacco and Segnrs. j. Hats fend Capo. t ' . ' Hah Dili XUx-aeed oil, . ' ' Sweat OU. _ . : Castor 08. , Good Cider. Vinegar. ■ ;■ Coffee Bbasted. , Cdfliee Green. ' Coffee Ground. The jwy boat Coffee in town at 1211 eta. per lb. Call apd aee at i: L. ICKES. CEOURE THE SHADOW ERE THE kj SDBffIASCBiYAKES. The place togat AM33ROTYPES, . ItfELAINOTYPES, „ ; PHOTOGRAPHS, Likenesses.. Time from Ito 8 seconder ' Pletnrta oopjed op wenoableterms. ' Ploturtsaet In jewel} r at Tory low rates, the price de pcsding upon the size of the article. r v" ««nrea always Warranted before they are taken awaV genUanen are inVßod to call andexamfafe in clpndjr aa ikir weather. PecwnberlB,lB6Mni.] J. W. CT.awaTwiif: ; I' 11 ?*® 16 ® 1281 PRICE IN CtSH X. Beef by ,j f x. iCgKp, T>JECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES : SAMUEL koOVKiA, Treasurer, in Account itfj'ofßinir Co,, Pa, from the fourth day of January, i with Blair < gn An James Roller, « « 42 60 Joseph Kemp, taxes on unseated lands refunded. 26 60 Western Penitentiary, 577 7 B D; L. He wit. District Att’y, fees in Court cases, 110 00 George Port on account, 1049 00 George A. Brooks, v assessments, 1889, 33 50 Sam’l ITooTer. Treas. expenses on unseated lands, 102 25 Jacob Good, refunding order, 15 tte undersigned. Auditors of Blair County, in the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify, that wo have examined tlio Drafts of the County Commissioners of the County aforesaid, and the vonchere for the some, up to, and including the sixth day of Jann ary, eighteen hundred and fifty nine, and have settled and atynated the. accounts of SAMUEL HOOVER, Treasurer with the said county of Blair, and wo find a balance in the hand* of the said Treasurer, of Oao Hundred and Two Dollars and Forty-Two Cents. J* TESTtMOsr 'whereof wo have hereunto set our bands ahd seMs this .sixth day of January, A. Dl eighteen hun dred and fifty-nine. s. MORROW, 8 ft. g 1 A-c. McCartney, L*:] r m . ' JOS. r. HEwrrr, h_ s.i Tkshuost of the correctness ofthe foreeoimr aemunt of SAMUEL HOOTER, Treasurer of awf(o£S3iSf the said county with him, wu hereunto set our hands, and have caused onr »ca,l of office to be affixed, at Huilidavs bnrg, this 6th day of January, A. D. 1859. JOHN R. McPARLANE, [1.5.1 £. M. JONES. ft «1 Mtat: H. A. Caldwxix, Clerk, *•’* *' JOSEPH BALDHIQE, Prothondiary, in Ac count with Blair County. *■? l f r J ®’*** received in Common Plea*, no | Gas,, for the year 1868 up to Hot. £S, g U | i “ es a "d jury Foe* in Quarter Session., 2? 00 Bal*oco due at Settlement, Jan. Bth, 1859, 210 M $276 U Cff. By amount of— *™/or certifyingelection ieturns and recording Fees on Inquisitions, Fees for certifying road and bridge viewers, la Sessions and swearing Grand Jn- 1860. Jan. 6. By balance in few of accountant, $2lO 06 GEOROE PORT, Sheriff, in Account with Blair County. 1868. To amount— lUcelrodln coah for floss and j U rr fe«. J " “ from Coonty iSLnrSi G Not*3o. 18!^ herir#offlC ® ,, I , ““ d deluding Batata doe at Mttlemsnt Jan. 6, 1859, $1537 05 Sj Balance at last settlement, . M “ *,££ > for • nnuwmln F o«nd ud Traverse Jn- V W ® B 08 “Oonwiag on.eoj.Tfct to Penitentiary, 4 °- 79 M 2 WMhlnff lor Jail, Ac. ’ Jj ;g biding for me of Jail and clothing 48 05 “ bonding prisoners, .j*? taking ashes out .f Court Yard 77 SJfcoSS 7 ” 4 iDS “ AdTer&ging annual election, 7 S* u J? 8 * In nlrter Sessions, M Thmp W c Wl t.onslo6fln««dfce. w 7 | $ 1869. Jan. 6. By balance dn« accountant - •«. on We, the undersigned, Auditors oMti.tr n . *? 8 Bta*a of Fennaylvattiajdo — ftmined the acconota of th» .** of tho county ulbroei^^d eluding the JsnuaTv PSA" *»■«»and In jSTAagda^^Pii!^. our *>»»» Blair, Catharine, Fmifcatown, Greenfield, Gayaport, Hoaton, Hollldayaburg, Juniata, N. Woodberrr, Snyder, Tnylor, $1i,204 87 $2036 37 820 u 00 1233 00 42 26 77 97 798 97 163 90 60 00 434 OJ 196 00 617 00 310 06 807 27U 46 45 SO 00 174 62U 11 25 13 14 71 SI 27 10 160 00 270 43 12 00 60 00 CO 00 4 00 2 SO 7 88 122 42 0 02 160 SO 3 00 6 00 16 00 16 00 87 15 6 60 2 60 0 64 60 37>4 6 76 8 61 7 04 8 00 3 00 10 60 22 00 10 36 8 89 3 06 6 67 7 81 4 SO DR. $lO5 00 1048 08 6 08 376 90 ]Vn3JE FIRM I—TEE UNDERSIGN “wSrtiILi 0 w" 7 m TOESBAT and SATURDAY*** ," or * toß:>r e. on Monday and Friday eroSnaa ta anL^'.v* 1 * 0 attenS.lH(trM, .''f, v<-> ,-$39 23 Jtmteta “••=. M 28 Greenfield, •• • ■■••,■.«• '••;> • 8008 TNmntXStmaiMa, 4 99 Amoant in bAnds of Treeearer, 49 30 SAMUEL lIOOVER, IWatufer, in Account ./ ' with Stair County for Road Tax, . ■ ■ DR. To amount receired from J. W.McCord, Uts Tnararer, “ “ collected on wMentod lands, UW.Jaa.Oi To balance in hands of accountant, 9? \ , ■ . By amount paid Supervisors ol Greenfield tn- 20 00 •* Treasurer's Comminlon, s •• j jj “ Balanca la band* of 7O VT SAMUEL 1100 VER t TVeantrer, in Account with Blair County for Dog Tea, 1> amount of Dog Tax ree’d from Collectors, 28 f mlum da* accountant, , . B*9B I sso OS ( By amount paid— ! CB. IdamJW, 1 j $22 80 loun Brannon, i ka U**c Sparr, 53 28 peaturer’i CommUtloD, 1 38 , • 850 83 W., the undersigned. Auditory of Blair eonnty,dn tbs lute of Penneyl vania, do hereby certify that m haw ex imined the drafts of tbo County Oomsabaioners of the nunur aforesaid, ana the vouchers of tbs asms np to and "I 1 ?”?** i h9 .? t! L3*y ** A. D.JB#i and have ctued and adjusted the account* of SAMUEL UOOTEK. mca in the bands of mid Treasurer of Forty-Nine Dollar* md Thirty Seventy-Nine Dollar*and vl “ t ,y^ eT » n Cont« of Road Tax, and that there is due the told Treasurer Eight Dollars and Thirty-Eight CenU of Dug Tax. . ,l T l 2£ nder our h * u,d * *nd »«al» thle Gth day of January. A. D. 1860. 8. MORROW, ' fi.a.l A.c. McCartney, h,4 JOS. R. HBWITT, [l. s.j A List of Outstanding Debts due the County of I Blair on the Sixth day of January, 1869, for i the year 1857, and previous years. {Thomas Brown, Snyder, 1881, : 3 atcr Boyles, Gaysport, . 1852, >Villiam Burfcy, Snyder, 1853,' Timothy Davis, Gaysport, 1854. lohn lillery, Blair, «c Javid WaUou,Hulliday»bnrg, 1* ■iraon JU Cooper, Frankstown " lugb Dunu, Catharine, 1863, •amui l Jones, Snyder, “. Sohn Shinefelt, Woodbcrry, •<;. ames Alexander, Allegheny,; 1860, osepb Irwin, Frankstown, , « . S. Nicodemns, N. Wood berry, “ 'ohn Suler, Catharine,' :1867, antes Williamson, Allegheny. « Cltj*h Feme, Blair, « ’bilip Bridenbaugh,* Tjrono, “ lohn Lowe, Gaysport, « F rederick Fouso, lluaton, “ Jeorge Elliott, Frankstown, “ (John McClure, Hollldaysburg, “ (John Marks, Snyder, , o John Anderson, Logan, . « ;W. F. Bridrnthsd,* Martlnsburg « $lOO6 09 '■■A List of Outstanding pelts due the County of Blair, on the Sixth dag of January, 1869 1 for the ytgr 1858. Geo. W. iktton, Altoona, ISJB. Peter 11. Wilt,* Allegheny, « DhtUl Btnshey,* Antlik « George Bdon,* Blair, « Jacob Ddl, Catharine, “ Philip Hie man,* Frankut'n u Jno Mnarlman,* Greenfield, o Wm. Keiermon, Gayeport, *j John Mcflraw,* Huston, “ Geo. B. B) went, Iloli idn ynb'g, “ Frailer Jariiu,* Juniata, “ John Wjstlej,* Logan, “ H. S.Cn4fford,Martin»bnrg, “ Henry target,* N.Woodbr’y ; • W. B. Ilhmmer,* Bnyiler, « £amT EjJhiffler,* Taylor, ' « Andrew lUller,* Tyrone, <1 Alexander Bob, Tyrone bor. “ ' Charles Httle, IV ood berry, Total outstanißg, Jan. f s A.D: 1859. tn. 475 51 All marked IMi (*) hare since paid part * ■ February 3,1859-11 and Pharmaceutist, DEAl|ilß IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILSfPAINTS, DYK STUFFS* PATKNI MEBT CINK3, PKtfCMERY CIOAIIS and TAKICTIE3. ItoS. under Keywue Hall, N. E. owner ol Virginia and Aunjo oircciin Conatanly on band a spletidid assortment of - PERFUMERY, 1 N coaiisfinp'of all tho Snjwrlor Kxtrncts for the Hiuidker cb,vf, Poitades, Hair Oils, Colpgacs, Oriental Drops, -Cos tnetics, FAugipinl Sachets, Fancy Soaps, Bongos, rtc VARIETIES. Brash*, Hair, Tooth, XallJ Flesh, Paint and Clothes. Porte iennafrs Pocket Books- Parses, Pencils, Courts, Knives md Violin Strings.- ’ * PAINTS AND OILS. Glow cferery I**? * loum * J “ *«»*>» Carton, linseed, Sperm and Lard OIL. PATENT MEDICINES'. IMand’. ifcnnan Bitters, Bosrlmve’s Holland Bitters, 1 9 h ' I T* Pectoral. Snrraparilla and Catlmrtic Pills; i “r L TC f In^6^ tor; -Blmlsoy’s Blow! Searcher Clarkes Female andDuponco’a Golden Pills; Wrichl’A V“r McLane’s, LeiUy’s ami Corbin’s Pills; H’olSe’s , Aromatic Schiedam Bcbnaj>j>s; Merchant’* GarjtiiDtr Oil* Perry Davis’ Pain Killer. Four-fclO. Arabi«?Me^f«n WUh “ ,l «**** I CIGARS. light Onard Opera, La Kortuna, H Erening Star, La SaJradora, ; 1 Cigarette*, La :tr«nacwoG, th VO,T J S ,Uj L£? P! ° toother J! bnnds iDiiijirktt> • . A IWI KhlgMVi CeletaUed KUrorte* Kx s£&? ******** Powder* anJ / FLUID conitaht ly on hand. compounded. Altoona. Doc. SO, 1868. T7"ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE AT SAT‘K.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans’Conrt of BUircounty.tbe imbscrlber will cell by public on the premises, on WKOXrmuv 23D following Beal Estate, ▼!*_•—A IOT ~ GKOUNp, 50 foet^tontby 150fertdeOT, ' having thereon erected a two and a half A HOp 8«. »°d other^DutbSl-MBlll# the confirmation of sale. ~ . i JAMESLOWTIIER. ; Altoona, Fob. r * M,aika Sunter ’ VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR ,™ LE JT IT,a ? N TmUEE-FOCRTHS OF A MILE oi artoona.—-The subscriber offers at Private Sale, a' lot T7m!t! n ß n^i OnB T T* CTO °S fflth an elegant Fnune ,tloß * * * n^Mln^ how * >ld b r**lst of February, It will “t&Srl 10 £ aaE* .$B6 78 \ . loro* ' 193 80 $67 22 34 38 $lOl 80 $93 00 40 22 280 IV 69 41 33 90 81 81 65 66 11 66 32 44 St S 3 14 76 20 17 18 43 47 04 60 41 03 68 101 56‘ , 22 77 “ 220 77 3U 17 78 48 61 6u 88 82 10 20 718 22 132 39 425 TO 521) 08 251 28 1046 65 73 32 379 51 720 27 064 80 318 61 607 46 106 04 640 05 475 67 452 05 484 87 V 280,40 713 77 $9500.82 r pHE ‘OUTER. INVS>I .1 PRBPARED «Y DU. AsivnV U^Tf if H IgJXIPOCSIiBD -H Udd# oftheiKit QCy, m tor# the rab.ltirfimt act* as a Chtftartie. 9 MOtp iffoct%attliiu any other *ili£ k |l only a Curtarffebut ft i»Vcr rcnipj* n * 8 - Ii ■ Z»««r tOTjecl ifS morbid matter, then o» ,‘ks WSfe Kbowea to carry off that niuttsr, thus ,JNW effectually, without any .experienced in tl«s operations c f uLV -< •treUgthcns the system at the same d Tina iriien taken daily in moderate » * and-buitd it up with unusual rapidity. ’ The Lmn is ono of tlio• ,'rrincitml ■■! human body; and when it ■ ,performs the powers of the sjMcn.j jin. full, d/“^w V e| ■i^jdepoadew H »Wt P'rfcJniSN l»ch is M >a G »y»trm w I Liver—hash!?, ** £ * dy is at last Wa K Q Oosimw. | tie, and eonrict^Jr i y.-their place a S -4 . (Stomach, >Wd, I r I nery, reinorin. u? % $ •7 1 radical cure. IUI, S a od, asb, w«« : : M H «wnal oseof tUmaeh Is almost entirely Action of the Liter for tti'e functions: when the atom arc at (halt, and tho whole queue® of ono organ—fho; its duty. For the diseases proprietors bos rasd® it his than twenty yean, to flndi counteract, the many do liable. To proro that ‘this reme son troubled with him forms, baa bat. to try a hot* total u These Qvpm remove oil the system, supplying In of bile,; invigorating the digest welt rtnurtwa ras health to the whole machl of -the disease—effecting a Bilious. Attacks are cur- TRSTEXTu, by the occa nsomATod. One dose after eating is maeh and prevent the food Only one dose taken be- Nichtmare. i j ; Only one doee. taken at ala gently, And! cures Cos- One daw taken after each ( 49* One dose of two tea- j Ueye SiokllkaiUohe. Jwttle taken for ft-1 tke cause of tbs disease. I Only one dose immediate-! One doee often repeated; Mouses, and a preventive 49* Only one bottle is •ystem the effects of medi -49* One bottle tOen for lowness or unnatural color v One dose taken a abort vigor to the appetite, and! One doee often repeated! its worst forms, while Sum yield almost to the first One or two doses cares in children- there is noj remedy ju the world, as It A few bottle* cures Dropsy We take pleasure In re ss a preventive for Fever all Fevers of a Bilious type, and thousands are willing virtues. Its&vor^'*** 11 *** giT *" glh ** r *■“■•■««• t-u-tn k S, •jaiSsßs&*—" * , “ o " THE LIVER IKVIfIORATOB 1 IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISOOVKBY, aiL U | working cures, almost too great to believe. ItcLlzl-l by magic, notthe first dote giving beatJU, and'sdSif "I than one bottle is repaired to cure snyktad ofIJvSI? plaint, front the worit Jharnfas d, & Headache, nllof which are the rcsiflthfahns.s4, MIC* OVS OOLUK PER Bom*/ * all Druggists. IMay || More than soo.ooo bottlsi fi SOLD iir THK p NEW EiNGLAND STiTilji ■ tN ON 18 YEAR. , M i Ths Restorative of Prof a i. Wood for Restocks kt Iterfcctjyandpermanently, ha* never yet hsd■ H«L»I lime| after volnma might be gfron jiwt. bfl tbo mort latelQgnit to proreth»ta£ » -s UaUv—Pecple Ham for ceutarks been sling with held heads and tl» only remedy, berctofin Imh hM i** 0 ft* & recent dimTirrit Professor Wood these iirtidd m Hmff flint flhenatilii but a greet many persons rtfll patronise thtSTCS they have been to pften imposed upon by fSb toofas different kinds. To we earnestly mb the request, that they win try once again, for la K«tom‘iv, theretonojmeh thing aa £u W# know A lady who was bald, who naed thf article a abort tins,* her head la now covered completely with the tlaiMul most beanti Ail enrta faMginabfe, ’ We knowo/mowne cases where hair waa rapMly foUlog oat, which ft rested in greater perfoction than It crop had been before. It is also without doubt one of the beet.articles tor W ing the hair in good condition, making it soft and (hair removing; dandruff; and has proved itself tbs greet* m toy to ail the Ills that hair to heir to. It Is. the. duty of every one to improve their penoulu pearaaco though some may differ In regard to the *»«( doing Itpmt every one will admit that a beautiful bads hair, either in. man or wpmau, Is an object much to lab sired, and there are no means that shnnid be loft untrWii obtidn such aconsHcrarti.n.— Hbmau’s Mroeate, Pblk' ft t w/vftft t «« . iOnahocton,Ohio,Kov.l7,MSt J; 4 As I have boon engagnlii selling your Hair Restorative the last season forbwrf yonr agents pi M. Hackinson.) and baying ei*. enced tiurbeoeActol effects of it myselfe I would like to* )tadn an agency for the State of Ohio or some Stale is lb. Wwt* should you vish (o make such fin amoctmfnt,ul oni couvincjcd there (iHothfag equal tn {tin the VeiledStk, for reitoriilg the hair. I hove been engaged la UuDni business fop several years, and hove sold various ptepm tions for the hair, hot have found nothing tint restore! lb secretive organs or invfeoretos the. sculp as welt u yew, being fully convinced that yonr restorative is wkstyoe represent il: trtjl*, I would like to engage in thowlirfH, for lam aatrsfivd it must sell. Yours truly. 8. T. STOCK*!*. „ \fayland, Umm, F»b.4, UR. PROF. O. I. i CQ^rOenU: Haring restart to go.*! efl'ccts oryonr lfafr’RtWomfTe, I wi *• If you want to get Clothing cheap call at ETTINGEB A CLLMi> ? If yop want to get good Clothing call at BTTINOEB A CLLMA>"S- A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Oj UndereUrta and Drawers, Cotton, Woolen wiEJrerytoir, at H.TCCUB Sac. ft 18*8, - .. QA BARBELS OP FLOUR *° 4 , 6. wiJOiW sufficient tv nlienii ! from rfolnr aad*JlS ' fcw ' : wt W»6 *JU wight, loosen* th« a,, tivsiaag. menl wHJ cmr. •Voonafkl will .Tmalaobstmtio* '‘M • pasassS i B&aar* ,B *i • [needed to throw ow a I Q, cine after a Jacj*wc« remove* JJ: from th* skin. * | W Uni » before eatiar j make* the food dl»L2' >1 Q cures Chronic ’> rj attack* earned b» iwi.'.i * SMS'.* *sa by«weitj#*th**imrt» commending tk/ZJ? i 3 to testiQrfo ib | CQrT - i „ Wo i \ oS ** n P* 55« r H** Si i i** p*' w . 0 tff os g Pm “oS •* OQ <503 J bnK “a'SS 5 M 25 IS a»|3ii OO a 4| W-v PCTTIKO w»y«f JWlttf ofsf»«*V’ hfjp*, w« daylS H junto* paftn up street, at door to bio o clerk# who * if they feeling wlllli for the mono, in the hand handed over i no change in pooled to our go hb securi preliminaries taak, the part of manoouvrci which wound . ejectment of s Jew clothier made. After refused to “ y twitted the bo As a matter ol the rig waa or gnuat bo some tarn the Übl fairly earned t (before Esquire the junior clot ■covety of the mediately issu model Cons tab tlemen up “« ever, exactly u thus sommaril; case, by the Jr from their eycf which the Just icr waa bound ing rant to son ousness” of tl i compromised hi gad the junior | amounted to ‘ I well played out tho young man to pay for eject side, and waa in Obbat Tuiai LA gentleman w tho art of lUti match worthy o Altoona, on Tin [lBo9, a cast stc< original cost, ) 1 Will bo entitled phots, (ns may I her of shuts to and the shortes pwner of tho Rif [he purchase of [ho successful n to engraved th ho Champion |festmorcland, i ingdon, Clenrfie ferry.’' It is prgo surplus oi bto second and < Now, all ye wl fend and prove y ER uold voub r The Rifle can IROIGB IIIBRICI P.th to the 17th i f made. for many of ■«. indebted to t not be Btid thal r* M f ißosoron a^p pday, 18 th ins t., P townships in t [discharge their leers for the - c appear like a; |t it is that w! km. The nctioi: I®**® come Lomi F oppress or bo Itho acts of mem |turc; consoquci bpetent officers Spring as at th Iho attention tc I Township offict to, bare no right not act to the community dc 1 the actions of *fore they shoul es far as possib pi predilections, fos of the candii in this place re K be the case h [ out of rotors or t a t 1 ’-Is BK *r Nominat last wee township n last, for pdales for the i township elect! ?~lBth insL ' appointing Wm. ’ Gwic, Secrets feket was placei '! iceo Sth t Peace, Ktoi/,--Peter 5 t^wor-ljpper h‘ tojfc L:. ho '!-Rocs, Ab [/* -Election sfeH&ia r ,4A, -P Clerk~A\ r 8 sup PEII ,I r nefi ‘ of the 5 pea nntil Xbu: