v \ r IfEW THHBDI- cg^tw^Yf*. XJ\qALgja».- tJtrJyajW^wrry iii huTh i 'mmmmmmmPrniAiikm^^^^^^mi^lm— t■ i * frnmmm**, vm ■ segaew skia teigEWßLia pig g, g gpp && gpie-Lp »n OjPrtinn.i’aßaw Uohu Saw. f trrl of beta* a ’« '« **l V; ’*! ‘U 1 i 8 8 * 8 8 8 —• I 2 ... ... «. ... 1 2'B iVMM|n|fl)i| hMooobol «w but m JU, £wh«t II Z} B{.4j 61. 61 7j 8| 8 9 10fll{12|l8[14 84j6«]7|8954 6| 8! 7 8} OllOi iT?i^Tn^nßff*^TS! Ul^y, fthe Saw Mwpch.lUM' 1»! flat 'BO 81 ... ... 81 ... ... ... ... ... t... ~.r i ... ... ... ... ...L. *tQHlHtWf^hkiitoitfMooflntTfnifh ft # y * wrfl T \ ** 1 1 1 ■■— '■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * ■ ■■■ ■■ -■■ ■,. . . .t •• ..... ■ 1 . • . - «»...«■.>■ Il( tJ .* < : ta£t£feii 1; ra AggeßUia liman*, •Tax* NotKmll ThefblhmfriffftmrtiAkhthe ...... 1 2 8 4 6 . ... ....» ...|... - 1 MMhaad.flsbh iwmie, tadnujMthmMtlniil, 6 7 8 910 11 12 !' M’CRVH 4fc DEBK, 2 8 4 6: 6 7 8 aa MUy rabdaedhftbe 18 1416 16 17 18 19 1; 91011121814 15 JJwrMlKCiX. Salt, as fire la by water, to wit : on ot oo M9ior m :■ ma a*» oawaißMaL t. : 17 ia fq'on «m IMhlmr, Headache, Rash of Blood to the Head and 20 21 22 28 24 26 26 , • ii 10,17; Jo 19 20 -1 -- Ortkar, 27 28 ............... ; Md| Aft l| BMPS flt ft 2824 26 28 29 nVh Spinal Affection*, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Plinrfsy, #WV W B»B 98»80 31 1 AaUuna, Inflamed Long* -and liter, Hsartburn, Courts. HI : /■ —; amazssa ■»««»«• > <»•.«»«»*»«*«>—»••». : . Ho^miii— D. Ononur. Hnt niaou.Su, nm ut. im nr- ALTOONA, PA. 1: iijs t s S aino Patter,an extraordinary influence on the Trtia and ••» ... 1 »' 8 4 p > •••]••■ 1 2 8 4 5 •itatiM, respiting in a gradual decline of Inllaimnatkm ae .6 7 8 91011 12 _ J fl! 7 8 9|lO 1112 ** 18 14 16 16 17 I 8 19 SO? lB 14 15 16117 1819 2O 21 22 28 24 25 26 notice apd moderate ehatgas. Call at their oP ;j2021 22 28124 25 26 'feOMWnitfi Haw awn to deraJurtwUt it >27 28 29 80:81...... ,127,28.29 30 datua to dot—no more, no lea*—equalises the fluids, by re- ...1.., I : - „ :.;! ... •... j... i... ( tnorfaiK from the system all arterial and venous otxtrac- —.. -.-. - -.: --, ,:. -r - - -,- ; ; 11 aasatst.*”*' - _. «««.»■ - ——— < & _ c L a , < e , »L i( < s». I s 1= i < Dn. Coo«mu;« Nnr MwicalBalt. Set a Circular— “»tL 5. fi. s*. *- 52. *1 S. 6l ® 1“ ,® “ -5. tl 5l « i Art my Druggiit aboat the Nsw Mchical Salt. J&your 1 2j 1 2? 4 ... ] 2. 8 4 6 6| ...{...1 21 8i B %L w 8 4 6 6 718 9 6 6 7 8 910 11 7 8 910 11 1218: 4 6 6j 7 8 f» 10 ‘ sdlc-^lt 1,0 111218 1415 16 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 14 16 16,17 lg!l9 20 IM2 18|14 15 16 17 ! ' 17 18 19 20 21 28 19 20:2! 22 28 24 26 121 22 28 24 261 : 26 27 l 18 19 ! 20 21 22 2«24 j IWWMBMCAI. SAW! HBWMBBIOAL SAMI 24 26 26 27 28 29 80 26 27-28 29 80 28.29 80181 ... ... 25 26 f 27 28 29 80 811 J>.C.T«maiACo,Oepe(alAceaU r 2o2l>ock St, PWla- , I owoi| A|*ats«Mt«din«my City, Town QaA VlU«ge. ***** i *e. [... j | DB. OOOOSWELL’S ANTIPHLOGISTIC SALT. . Acute pockagea, $1; Chronic package*, $2,50; Family pack ana,gt. Invalids, with Chronic or longstanding diseases, ■bud abaagt order a chronic package. For Mle in Altoona by A. ROUSH;. at Bell's Mills bj B. F. Beil;\in HoiUdayxburj; by Geo. A. Jacobs, and wherever tboTribwie govt.. Call or.sead and get a circular, and do not fell to try the New Medical Salt. [Dee. 16, ’6B-ly SOWARD ASSOCIATION, Phil adelphia. noitnt ImlituCion, uiablithed Ay rptrial endmeaunt ■ Jar ih* rditf qf the tick and dittrined, affected with Tir ideni ttiiMMf. The fiowxan Association, in view of the awfa 1 dsstmetloa •f human lift, caused by Bengal Pi mason, and thedeovptiops practised uponthv unfortunate victim* of sack diseases by Quacks, several ycaraago directed their Consulting Surgeon, mscharitabUaet worthy of their none, to open a Dispen sary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all thru forms, and to give medical advice grafts, to - all who appiy by latter, with a dceeriptlea of their condition, (age, occu pation, habits of life, tc,) and in oases of extreme poverty and suffering, to fwmuh metjieine free of charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical shut of the age, and will famish the most approv ed modem treatment. 1 The directors of the Association, in their Annual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, express the highest Satisfaction with the auocaas which has attended the labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the core of Supermatorrhcea, Seminal Weakness, fmpateoee, Oon sotrhsea, Gleet. Sy philis, the vice of Onanism or Belt-abuse, Ac., and order a continuance of the same plan,for the ensning year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zsal, to this very important and much despised cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal x Weakness, tho vice of Onanism. Masturbation, or Self abuse, and other abases of the sexual organa, by the Con sulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envel-- ope), FREE OF CHARGE, on raeeipt of TWO STAMPS fir postage. Other Reports and Tract* on the nature and treatment of toms I diseases, Ac., art constantly being pub lished-for gratuitous and will be sent to the afflicted. Some ofthe new remedies and methods of treat ment discovered daring the last year, are of great value. Address, for Report or Treatment, 1 Dr. GEORGE R. CAL HOUN, Consulting Burgeon, Howard Aasociatfon, No. 2 8. Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order ofthe Directors. EZRA D. HEARTff£LL, Prcet. 080. FAIRCHILD, Ae*y. [Dee. My. (COMPETITION is THE LIFE OF J. TRADE- —Folly ceuvinced of the troth of this say ing, the subscriber would respectfully announce to the ciUxens of. Altoona and vicinity, that he has entered ,tht AeLL by owning % 31BECUAOT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, . in the room heretofore occupied by Michael Gallagher, Im fnediately opposite the Superintendent’s Office, where he win jarry on the business as usual. He has Just received an excellent assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTINGS, suitable for working and dress suits, which he will males to order, on short notice and at prlcee which can not tkil fc satisfy. He has also received the LATEST STYLES of FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. and fools confident that be can satisfy the most fastidious In thb particular, and'bis clothlug will be made as well at clothing can be made, tn fine, he is determined that noth ing shall he wonting on ‘ his part to render ssttefoetion te those who may fltvor him with their patronage. Altoona, Nov. 6-tf.l * JOHN TALBOT. J. NOTHEK, BREAK-GUT.—THE L subscriber would Inform bis old customer* that he opened out again at hie old stand, where he hope* to receive their calls. He ha* now on band the cheapest and best assortment of . GROCERIES that can be found In the town, consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, Sail by the bushel or Mack, Dried Fruit 0/ all kinds, fish of the very best quality, together with everything In the Grocery line, all of which la fresh from the Eastern market. He also keeps constantly on hand a snppy of FLO'l/R, FEED AND GRAIN. which he sells at the lowest market prices. PORK always on hand and retailed in qnnntities to mil purchasers. JOHN L£UB. December Id, 1868-ly ROUTE TO PIKE’S PEAK.—Know ing that there is a great desire existing among the people as to tho route, manner of travelling, expenses, dis tance, and bow It can b* travelled with the least expense, to Pika’s Peak; I hare, at thereqnst of numenws persons, concluded to publish a book stating these foots, also giving the places whora supplies tan be obtained and all other information that Is naeeaaary fbr one going there. Having spent tho lost summer at and near Vika’s Peak I am able to give much Important Information on Iheroute.kc- Ac. Chicago will be taken as the starting point on account of its central position. Price 25 cents, or live fbr *T. Ad- At <** „ T. W. MURDOCH. >Pac. 2S-3t. Abingdon. HI. /2J.00D PITS! BEST FITS!! FIRST RATE FITS 111—For a goad fitting and well-made COAT, call on ■ J. SNYDER. For an excellent fitting TEST, by all means call on For PANTALOONS that aaa’t be beat for cilton ' J t SNYDER Come, Wnd reader, If yon want to dress.Ma fashionable stylo, call ut my Shop, opposite nowhere, but'clots to Al toona Banking House. Look out for the picture with mV name below. - JACOB BNTDEB, Tiilok. ’ Altoona, Oct, 14,14,1868^1/, More new goods i—the un v»^n? lq a , S^ U “." ~,c2 ! l £!? : TelTet «“• Silk . of Drawers and gndefshlrts, Gent s Pocket Handkerchleft, Gloves, fie.— Bte a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am pfJP* l ” *» Chsap as they can be had In toWn. Nov. 4,1858. T. ELWAY T>QOT AND SHOEMAKER.—THE _U •nbecrffierjrtopoctfully Informs the dtixens of Altoo na and dctnlty that be still continue* to mannftcture Bootp.tbdJboeaof orery description, on the shortest no Wf^hoponMata. Street, next door to the Tribune office. Hie work!* done'up in the bed of style, and can sot iUl.to gf»e eatUtoction. Only (.in him a can. Kofr 4,1888*1y. \ 1,. RICKARDS. m WM. R. FINLEY RE- * JLf' SPIOIIrU IiLY offer* hi* pnfi*ioMlaM||L. •eitrico* to the people of Altoona and the ad-^^^^V Uff at the office heretofore oe cupted.by Rr.O. D. Thoma*. . • Altoona,Bept 30 ; 1558.-4t T>LAIR CQUNTY INSURANCE Agent of Jh. Blair County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Ha at all lo “ w daraage by fire, Build- ■a^^sagr. £V3K RENT.—THE STORE-ROOM Sept. JB, 18*8. tyi|. m. LLOYD. KINDS -V> ">■ esao TS NOW RECEIVING THE LARG -1 EST and moat complete ASSORTMENT OF GOODS that has aver been offered In Altoona.' Hie Stock consists of, in part, a large assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such as French Merinos, assorted colors; all-wool Plaids, Delaines in every style; Cloaks, Shawls, And n general assortment of Dry Goods for winter. Also, CARPETS, HARDWARE, qiJEEXSWARE, Hie Stock of GROCERIES in very large, and be is prepared to aell Wholesale at Philadelphia prices, freight only added. Cash buyers will dud they can save money by ex amining his abide before purchasing elsewhere. Altoona, Nor. 18,1858.-Gm Look out for the new store. —The subscriber would respectfully announce, to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that be has Just returned from the city and opened his store ou the Coavjca or Amu and Tisquu Strum, Where he offars for sals the largest and cheapest stock of WOODEN AND WILLOW-WARE, Ever brought to this place, which be will sell, WHOLE SALE'and RETAIL. Ho will also keep constantly on hand si large aupply of ' FLOUR, FEED) BACON, FISH, and Country of all kinds, which he will dispose of at the lowest cash prices. As he has bought his goods for cash, he will be enabled .to sell them low for cash.. He would respectfully invite all to give him a call and Judge for thamselvm. Oct. 28th, 1858-tfJ ' LEWIS PLACK. AND WINTER FASHIONS. 1* —The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to the public that he has Just received his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. together with the very latest styles of Fashion, and is now prepared to.accomntodate all who may give him a call, in the must eatisfiictory manner. His stock consist* of alt qualities of goods, salted to the season, for drees-coatvover-coatu, vest*, faotatoomi, Ac. His experience lathe business warrants him in promis ing to bis customers the verybest fits. ' _ All h n asks is a trial, that he may be.able to convince thejpnblic of the’troth of his assertions. Room on Main street, two doors above the National Hotel. \JOHN O’DONNELL. October 2Sth 1858—tf. WM. S. BITTNER. SURGEON DENTIST. Office opposite the. Lutheran church. Teeth extracted - without pain by tho Electro Mag netic Machine. Full setts of teeth for $15,00 GMd fillings warranted for 10 years. A student wanted. [Dee. 2S-lf. Dentistry.— dr. s. kimmell, OPERATIVE * MECHANICAL DESTJST. Teeth inserted, from one to a full sot, on Gold or 6liver Plate. Teeth filled with Gold, and warranted for ten years. Teeth Extracted by the Electro Magnetic Machine with out Pain. All operations and work done cheeper than anywhere else in the county, and a deduction made, of the railroad expenses from Altooua to Hbllidaysburg, from all opera tions amounting to five dollars and over. Office on Montgomery street, opposite the Exchange Hotel. IlollidaysVtirg. Pa. [Dec. 18. ISSS-ly r GOK OUT FOR YOUR HEADS! JLi —The subscriber would Inform the In-'\ habitants of this place end vicinity that be has J ust received the latest styles of HATS AND CAPS.JI^ among which' may be fonnd the best Black Mole Skin and Silk U*t*, Black and dllforent colored Wool Hots. Caps of all styles aud prices, for men and hoy*. Persons in want of anything in the above lino will find it to their advantage tp call on the subscriber before purchasing elsewhere. He has also on band an excellent assortment of Ladies’ FURS, of different colors and prices. Those in want of the article should call at once. "Store on Virginia street, opposite tho Lutheran rhnrch, Altoona, Oct 14, 18S8.-ly JESSE SMITH. Home testimony. [Prom the Lewistown Aurora.] I have been afflicted for ten year* with Chronic Disrrbrea. and have received more benefit from Du TalPsGahrantc Oil than any ethermedlcineleverused. ALEX. McKEE. Oliver town*hlp, Mifflin con*ty. Pa. This is to certify that I heed Dn TUP* Galvanic. Oil in my fomlly in some of the diseases toV which it is rceom mended and found .to act almost spontaneously. I recom mend If to all who suflbr from pain; A. M. INGRAM. Sept. 2,’58—1y. Decatur township, Mifflin co„ Pa. A CARD.— Hear what Mrs. Vaugha ofDuncansville says:—l have used tho Galvanic Oil prepared by J. D. Stoneroad, Lewistown, Pa, for a very painful disease myself and recommend it to others, and in every case found it to be one of the very best medicines for sore and painful diseases. Relieve* all pair) in a fow min utes." Every fiunily should have it inihe house. . Sept. 16,1868. —ly. Take notice, that the AS SESSMENT No. IS, made by the Lycoming Motnal insurance Comp my, in Blair county, !• payable it my of ■»<*■ Tbs Assessment is S per cent bn all note* in force May 13,1858. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Altoona, Jniy 18, 1858.: | Secnttr. CETTEES for sale.—the un , KJdersigned has on hand a lot of Settees which he wiU 40hn Shoemaker, Masonic Temple. pREAM TARTER, SUPER-CARBO \J KATE of Soda, Bslaratng, Washlkg Sods, Dnrkee’s Baking Powder, in store and for sale at; - " Sept g.'&S-tf] a. ROUSH'S Drug Store. SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG stsu—a coding Cathartic, mild in its operation and agreeable tp the taste, prepared and for sale by June2i,lB6B>tf A.BOHBH,- oAu^itt. PEA NUTS.r-6,000 BUSHELS WlL mington PoaNalsin store and for sale by •v ■ 1 WM. N. BHOGARI), . March 25, ’5B-Iyj . JtSl North Third street, Vhflad’a. Lumber for sale. eo,ooo lathes, Md all kfods ofBUILDING MATERIAL, lower than the loweit, ibcHuti. Apply to JOHN-SHOEMAKER. rwr H ANU A.T WcGORMIGK’S Store assortment of Ready-Made clothing. .fSair.Mdtei 1 -»■- L i_!vf ■ UAL." : &#ETO3&CLES AND EYE PBEBEE- V* 4 . . J r- . * Boots, Shoes, Rats, Gaps, &c Wfi ' ** New grocery feed and pro- VISION STORK. Tlse subscriber would respectful!}- inform the citizens of Altoona end vicinity that; he has opened • storeof the above kind, near the corner of Adeline and Julia streets. East Altoona, where be will keep constantly on band afhll sup ply of everything in his line. Uia groceries are all fresh and will be sold at prices as low as those of any other establishment in town. His stock of provisions, consisting of Flour, Hama, Shoulders, Sides , tic. will be sold a little cheaper than .they can bo bought any where else. His Flour is obtained from the best drills in the Western part of the State, and is warranted to be what it is represented. All kinds of Teed for horses, cows and hogs, always on baud. I intend to keep such an assortment that I shall at all liases be able to supply my customers with whatever they may heed, and I intend also to sell at prices which will make it a saving to those who patronize my store. July 22,1858 3m. HENRY BELL. POSITIVE INFORMATION!—THE undersigned having perfected their Spring Stock, noa-offer to the public tiro LARGEST LOT OF GROCE RIES ever presented in the town of Altoona. Our object iu publishing this card is to present the fol lowing facts: Ist. The recent hard times have very much reduced the price of Groceries in the city, especially to cash buyers. 2d. We bought those Groceries in large lots, many of them from first hands. 3d. We bought them entirely for cash. 4th. We sell for ready pay. 6th. We keep our stock full by weekly receipts. Cth. It e arc deterniined,b> keep up the credit of ourhonse. < til. We sell more GROCERIES than any other store in Blair county, at less per cent. Sth. We sell cheaper than any other store in the county. A continuation of patronage is respectfully solicited. Altoona, June 10, IS6B. ( RICHARD McLAIN. EY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— Did you bear the news from Europe! If you have not. we will tell you what R Is. It is that HENRY TUCK hss Just returned from the Eastern cities with a large sup ply of READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of ail styles and qualities of Overcoats, Dress Coats, Vests. Pants, Boots and Shoes, and everything kept in an establishment of the kind, all of wliich he offers at unprecedentedly low prices for cash. Having purchased his stock at cash prices, ho is thereby enabled to soil verv low. , He Invites all those jit want of anything in his line to give him a call, feeling sure that he will be able to give satisfaction. HENRY TUCK. Altoona. Sept. SO. 1858.-tf J.AMEB M. W H E E L E R & GO-, (Successors to John JI. Brant,) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Near the Penn’a Central Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. DEALERS IN HARD AXDSOFT COAL. Jig Metal, Railroad Iran, Bar and Merchantable Iron. If ails, Flour, Oro «"«• Provisions, Pish, Salt, _ Job Primer, Statiumer axd' Blase Book nmtmnk. Comer Market rf Second Sit., Pittsburg, Pa resjiectfuliy invites attention to his targe and well selected stock of Blank Bonk, Paper and Stationery, Rail Road, Mercantile and Book Printing, of every description, promptly executed. a fTi Affent f,,r L ' Jo “ nso “ * Co-, Type Found* a. .Phila- [July 17.1858-ly WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. —The undersigned. Agent for Blair county, wUt ta*e short and long risks on Buildings, Merchandise Fur niture and I’roperty of every deocriptlb". in town or conn tnr. at as reasonable rates as any company In the State.- Risks also taken on the lives of horses, Office in Masonic J ° UN SIIOE3IAKER ’ \TEDICATED FUR CHEST PRO LTjI ECT °H; A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOSE Coughs, Colds, and other affec tions of the Lugs. which arise from the exposed state of the Chest, according la fashion and the contlnnolchanges of out .11 mate, for sale at the Drug Store of Q. Vi . KESSLER. T T COMING COUNTY MUTUAL AGENCY.—The Undersigned, ?S e Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is rt all time* ready to insure against loss or damage by fire Bandings, Merchandise, Furniture and Property ot every description, in town or country, at ns reasonable rates oa ln Masonic Temple! Jan. 8. S6-tf| JOHN SHOEMAKER. Agent T EVPS PREPARATION FOR EX- Ji terminating MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and Bcd-bnp wUKout danger In Its use under any circuinrtan ■Jes, for sale at the Drug store of Jan, a*. ’W-tf) G. W. KESSLER. A LMONDS, WALNUTS, CREAM AJL Nuts and Filberti In store and for sale by March 25, ’5B-ly] Ml North 3d street, Pbiladetyhia. EAISINS— 1,000 BOXES BUNCH and Layer Raisins in store and for sale by March 26. ‘6B-lyJ i M North TWrd^t^pffi'a. riONFECTIONERY.— PLAIN AND V fine Confectionery manufectured and for sale by March 3S. ’6ft-ly[ 101 North Third stwVPhihxi’B. And LEMONS.— 500 VA boans Oranges and Lemons in store and for sale by March 25 ’tS-ly] », Norih^^tW^Sdffia. n^S HENE > burning fluid, '-.*J&i. V#; 'iv c* JUSAIMHSCOVEIII OF THE AGE \JT '' • * MPOkTXST TO ' ‘ TOBACCO aSfJEWERS. DR. StJWtky LDINARI*B TAM* RSSTOaATTTR TKO fort that the «• nfTataeooistheproaotlatcaaMaftDaiqrof the moat »- Wro, MENTAL A NDPHTHCAt DISORDERS . to wUAflnnMtriMiti subject, as cuaUd imM *m long aad pUnIW aqurlaw hm clearly prom that it contain* certain aorootic aad poisonous properties moat dangerous in their etfocts,which bjratsrtngiuto the blood derange Iho fantthm* and operatkmsof the Heart, earning •■nmjr to anppoae that organ to ho saHdnsly diseased. TOBACXXI sffeets also ths entire nervous system, mani festing itself—as all who have ever need the noxious weed : wiU bear testimony—in Lassitude, Nervous Irritability, Water bub. Dyspepsia, aad many other disorders of a itwilff ftIWfCUl 1 . THE TASTE RKSTORATXTK TROCHES. Are designed to counteract these baneful influences, and hare proved completely successful in a multitude of eases, aad wherever used. Being harmless in themselves they exert a beneficial effect upun the entire system, restoring the Taste which has become vitiated or destroyed by great indulgence, completely, removing the irritation aad aecom-. paoying tickling sensation of the Throat—which are al ways consequent npon'abstaiiung from the use of Tobacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stomach, invigorate the whole system. Persons who are irretrievably undermining their consti tutions and shortening their lives, should use these Trochee immediately and throw off the injurious and and unpleas ant habit of Tobacco Chewing. These Troches of Loaenges are put np in a convenient and portable fotm at tbo loir price of SO Cynts per Box. A lib eral discount to the Trade. , Prepared solely by the nndersignedito whom ail orders should be addressed. March 18, ly.] EP. MIDDLETON & BROTHER, • Importers and Dealers in Wines and Liquors, return their thanks to their friends for. the liberal share of patronage heretofore bestowed, and respectfully so licit a continuance of the same, at the OLD ESTABLISH MENT, NO. 6 N. FRONT ST., Pbiludelphiafwhere they have a large assortment of WINES and LIUUORSof the choic est brands and qualities. Having made arrangements with some of the first bouses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers upon the most reasons} ble terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies: BRANDIES. Otard, Hennery, Mareti, ‘Pinnett, OaslitUon, MarUU, T Hina, Pdleeortin, I J. J. Depuy MANUFACTURERS OF Pittsburgh City Window Glass, DRUGGISTS’ GLASS-WARE, AND AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, For Parlor Windows. Churches and Public Bnildinirs Altoona, April 1, ISSS-ly.) ' HFETTINGER’S • GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM NO. 1, ‘ALTOONA HOUSE," ALTOONA PA Where may be had all the popular the day. b,id. an Daily and Weekly Tapers, Magnrlnw. Novel* and Romances. Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Copy Books. Planes Peas. Pencils, Inks, .Can and Letter Pniou Envelopes Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Book* and in £iet the Stationary line.' Toys, Notions and Games of every variety. Picture* and Picture Frames, Tie bacco and Segars of the best quality, Ac.. Ac Wholesale ami Retail AgenL in this county, for BOHN’S CELEBRATED SALVE. It HAT, tooth, shaving, Painty Saab and Tarnish Broshes at * K£SSli£B t S. Hams, side, shoulder, dried Beet fie., always on hand at . Jnne 18 ’ * 67 ~ 1 y! HENRY LEHR'S. AND LARD OILS, cam- A'fflgSBB^ fl lira*toi JAMES E. BOWERS, Druggist. Cor. 2d and Race streetl’hila. WINES. AND j rttoii dritT I 1 LKO&EltUbmx, Pa. Chartoad.lffL,. & &&*£ ' anvndlugJuiiu7,i««. SamiteQk hrf art 1 i thorough OcanmcrelalSchool of lbe.Bnitod &**-_TwdV i:riCsi^Ssa2tfCTsa«*- , Account*. . ... -ii ■ ' v* • A.T. Donoß, TtK)«r Ot UHuMtlo •ad'<|o«Wß«tfcl ' Calculation . ■ : i :: , . ■. j. A. H rrowcx and T. C. Janans, Teachem of Book-heaping. A. Co Our u 4 V.X MtuxK.i-roft, bf • SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTUY BOOK^JCEPINO, A* oaed tn Iwry department of bbattwaa. c Commercial ArHhmettc~~Ruped£tum*et Writing, • Detecting Counterfeit, Money—? Mercantile Lav — Are taught, and all otter otter aatyeeta m?«wiary tor the ■uccetia and thorough education of a. practical hnaiaeaaiiian. 13 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premium! ia Pittsburg forth# put thru yean, also in Eastern and Western Cities for beat Writing, NOT ENGRAVED WORK. . IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter at any time—No Vacation—Time unlimited —Review at pleasure—Graduates assisted in' obtaining situations—Tuition fbr ftill Commercial Course, $36.90 Average lime 8 to I'd weeks—Board, $250 per week—Sta tionery. |(V00— Entire cost. $60.00 to $70.00. 43* Ministers* Sons received at half price. ■ < ' Fur card—Circular—Specimen* of Business and Orna mental Writing—inclose two stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg. Pa. Sept. 30,1868.— 1 y • INTENSE EXCITMENTS McCORMICK’S NEW GOODS HAVE ARRIVED A>D are now BEING OPENED for inspection AND SALE. u Halloo, neighbor, I’m here on, the ground again. Per haps you recollect when I, lut year, sued you to hold my horse a moment and tell me where the tiIKAP STORK was. But it is different now. ft reminds me a little of the campaign of 1840, when Gen. Harrison was elec tod Pre sident. You have only to go with the crowd apd you will have no difficulty In Suding McCORMICK’S STORK. Prom the excitement down the valley, and the quantity of goods I see carried away, they must bo selling off- very rapidly and very cheap." < “ You are right, my friend; I would say to yon, sir, go ahead and your anlicl|iatlohs will bo fully VtMllzed. lie lias a very large and well selected assortment of Goods, lie’ll sell you a dres. for fifty cents and give the trimmings into tlie bargain, I'm told, aud all other goods in prepor tion." “Good bye, neighbor, that's whore I am going to boy my goods.” *’ That’s right, and so should everybody else. Good bys.” DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARC, STONEWARE, CEDASWARK, Hats and Capa, very cheap BonneU.Mlsra’ Flats. Ac.;' La dies' Gaiters, Shoes and filippers. with MflKs. Boys and Men's Boots and Shoes, and every other article kept in a first class country store, can be bod cheap for'cash, at McCormick’s. ! All articles of country produce taken in-exchange for goods. k. U. MqCORMICK. Altoona, May 13,1858.-ly 1 ■] ANOTHEK REDUCTION IN PRICE at McCormieksStor*. Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, {or at least credit will not bo given to any other than' those vfho are unlUny and can give sat lafm Wry referencosml assurance of prompt monthly payment.) aml desiring to’rtuike'U tye Interest of all to patronize our store, we have made a very great re duction iu the prices of all descriptions of goods, and wiU give our entire time and attention to keeping up an assort ment to suit the wants of our customers, such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. GOEENBWARB. CEDAKWARK, STONEWARE, . .BOOTS A SHOES, Gaiters, Slippers. Hats and Cape, Dried FritH/eU., all of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. - All articles of produce taken In exchange for goods at their highest market price. Thankful for past favors, we hope to share tho patronage., of those who are in want of goods. [March 25-tf. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL I,AMI’S! ‘ . Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety OrEeonomy. Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est portable light within their reach, shuild call at the store of the undersigned and examine threa t Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate l*t. That Nfr ACCIDENT can pcpir by explotton. >~i 2d. That they emit no oflenem» odor white buraiag. 3d, Tliat they are very caaily trimmed. : 4th. That they are caajly jpguUtod to giyo flaoxt-ar Ims Hght. ' 6th. That they hum ei|Ui > eij'fre« from 8 moke* Ctb. That the wat lent 50 per cent,, cheaper than any other light now in common me. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses. Factories, Ila3U,Churches, Store*, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can bo attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpoa* of a ftcVr lanp. " e guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. Ang. 19, 1868-tC] ’ 0. W. KESSLER. T OGAN HOTEL.—THE JfINDER _M.\J SIGNED roep-ctfulljr-lalhrma the citizens of Blair county and others, A that bo has opened np the LOGAN JlSfly I HOUSE, formerly kept by Sheriff Rees! at the west end of Hollhlayshurg. for the|^^CEC^QQ9£t reception of strangers and travellers.— Everything conm-cted with the house has boon refitted in the new with the choicest furniture. Ac.,'Ac. The house Is large and commodious, and well calculated for convenience and comfort. His TABLE will he furnished with the very best the mar ket can afford, and no pains or trouble will be spared to render those who may choose to favor hjrti with their pa tronage comfoi t.il,le ami happy during their stay with him. His sTABLINO is ample, and an obliging and careful hostler will always be in attendance. *S_ The Williamsburg stage, which make* daily trips between this place and Williamsburg, Storis at the’ Logan Hotel. ° Dec. 17,1867,—tf.) JOHN KEIF PER. 'TUB GREAT QUESTION tyHICH J. now agitates the mind of every person is, where can 1 get the best article lor money! In regard to other matters, the srriber would not attempt to direct, but If you 'W~ want anything in the line of ROOTS Ojl SHOES .. , he invites an examination of his stock and work. He keep* constantly on hand au assortment ofßoots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Sc., which ho offers at fair prices. He will give special attention to enstora vtork, all ot which will be warranted to give satisfaction. None but the best Workmen are employed Romembcrtny shop ts'on Main street, next door to B. Kerr’s old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. September 8, ’67-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS. HOTEL—THE SUB I. A SCKIBKR would iiv fono the public that ho has recently re- A fitted the above Hotel, and Is nowpfa. pared to accommodate his tr lends and patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making it on sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, kml h&"Bar filled with liquors of choice brand*. His charges arc at ‘.l!"*® ofanT °‘ he >- Hotel in the placc, aud he feds satisfied they can not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecttngto revive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve It. he throws open Ins liouse to the publtevutd Invite* a trial Altoona, Jlay 27,1858,-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. Boots and shoes.—the un dcraigned has now on hand and will - sell cheap at his store In the Masonic Tem- IAA swn c ” rapletc “"ortmentofßOOTS V AND SHOES, ready made, or made to'order,' Overshoes. Ladies’ Sandals, Onm Shoes, Cork «f ythi 2 g in * te Hnc of business, of ; the best quality and on the most reasonable terms. Alt ' custom work warranted. ■ JB Jan. 2. ’56-tf.] J. SHOEMAKER. r\YSTEIiS 1 OYSTERS! OYSTERS! \ / Inconeequenco of the hard ttace, Ih&re conclmteH to prft do*n the price of my OYSTERS to the loweetivwfi FI VeTents W ™ llll ot uT TVYENITf »« U. «.] LogaV Oi S J RAILING AND AT.T f ■ft.W*r * V x * ‘ii ■ zst&zsx ,%%?■ -' m ****>** . > ... OMJMBUU* IASSfDVIK . ' than other stove* and 1* ?wre ewUjv and tenW ly keated. No ntfptaiaail** etfWK ol'g* stove fromtho ftict tjjat entile,;* cape. There to no trouble from sufoke as-thaf and often annoying, ja alsocooaaawt the «tuve Neither U.there any danger of fine* orchid neya becoming clopped with sootoc toe ttOrtar looerne^t the K»a artolng from coal ftre*. ; ” Persona wishing to purchase stoves an! invited fc aJJa the store of th* subscriber, to ShailMbnfe Ttmpto; amins the above stoves. . --- . i •■•••■* -John wioMfAKEn,.. , Om*. N.B. AH kind* of Airtight, I'arter ©Joking andL Stovss on hand. - . ... (Aug-UtUMf STOVES! STOTES f STOVES.-Tl* underlined hoe ■, • deluhia, North, Cbaaa * Noxth’*calel»jXad Cooh-JSfe lug Btorc» for 1857. '■& TUB BOY ALOOOK -- *- WtM tor Wood or Coal. Store >SRH challenge* a!) competition for thceiqalelte etyie of ornament and in uvan extendi under the fire-box and the Hue* are aoatnk ed that the whole oren asrfiiee all'MaiihMQtwlj formlr. The elightoit examination /df thie ttote ielV ererr onefhat it »H 1 become a'nisiverwMQmn. ‘ TUB BBA BUBUU , v for wood or cool.’ The fire-box' orgood caw&jty 'J, a*b-box ie deep—the ore* t» capockiUa awd ha BatWeg baker. THU store U one that.majr readily t>r fcmlly tnie.in ' v* ' All kinda of heating and porlo* ataww OOMUath . hand. ' JOSEPH M. BCSIT April 16, ’67-tf] OppohUtM JMHM, AJtocea DUVAWa O AWASH* OIL- Prep*red originally Ijy Prot'.U. DO. TALL, (<«. merly of the College of Surgeons, At Perl*, 1* bow of ft red to the public, 4qrfcr U*«3«ro otsonaand pain., fuldlaeases.£grj Tor instance—Pain or soreitHatoany port of tks syitem, Rheumatism, pain in Aetajk. breast or shk bcaled breasts, brunupa, born*, sprAttH, headache cramp in the stomactvj9T any otbsr ■ (Hssase that fa 80RK and PAINPDL,and it U only over thi* claaioi diseases that we claim a perfect VICTORY. W**, positively to oar patrons we can relieve the se&rn V 9 times not of 100. VTe woblil just say to the pub lie, Prof. Du Vail was 25 yew* in bringing to Ufa medicine superiority over all other*. Price 60 cent* per cent/cat off to lb« trade. All ordhrs must be addressed to J.D. BTONKROAD, Proprietor, y-] :... lewistowß, h. Sept. 2, 1851 Agents for Dn V*U'* r Priildpttl vnisgrt, i Tilth of UiitoM, and a Bitilneaa Directory, giving the nuw ul btulneM of. each Hilacrlber, will 1 be' engraved on the am pa. The plotting will be U» • auitahle ecalc to uto nth a large and ornamental Map, which will be col wdini mounted In the beatityle, and delivered to enbaeribrnd $5 per copy BAMCKh OKIt, April is, iB6g) Isaac a. ram Gl %. KJ^SSX®—-PIUCXICAJi f • DHCGGIST, respectfully announces .i t to the citltcDsof Altoona and the pdhlic fintlly, that he still continue# the hnc on Virginia street, where he keepscoMUntiy ■» on hand, for sale, Wholesale and Detail, DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OIL3,VARNIBIL K 3 and DYtSTCEFS. . *Montiqn to basilicas, and a desire to render «1- istkctlon to all as regards price and 'bnaltty, be bepef te m °f* t ftod receive a shore erf public patronage. t rapKiui and merchants supplied on reasonable bn# °V erB from • dlsUncef attended to. ' Plijsicians prescriptions carefully cumpoßndad. [l-tt XTATION AL POIiICE OAZETTB - Journal ofCrimeanii' Criminsbli * '? Twelfth T oar, and. 1* jridely circulated throes* the country. It contains'ah the Great Trials, CriSs*! Owes, and appropriate Editorials bh the some, together wtti Information on Criminal 'blatters.' not to ts'round is ssj other- newspaper. SSLSuharnlptlons $2 per amtom; |I for' six montb«,l* beremltted by snbecribers, (who ihoiudwritotbelr nsa* and the town, county and State where ,they reside plahlj) ‘ .ToOi-W.lUrtsffiihCfc ' Bell, Johnson, Jack & Oo.r ■ • : omcKg a® PoUldaTutnrfr iUid 'pWIRAFtS QN CIW» JL' *nd Silrer and Gold fur nie. Collection* Money* recehred bn depdritjpiyfliWoii Maud, WtbontV temt, or npop time, with interest at nte*. 11-tt .- J. X>.X.EE.T, : ■ A TTORN'KV-AT-tAW, practi»o-in tho*°’ BLln * ... twfip , Altoona, Ocloßßr - -■ : * : S LTE, FOB MA* S6It nnrder fcr Tfr*WMj2! ' I2£$5ES -, S?£ «f (*<«& SRV ■* *»r , ia»i; nX)UR for jMOvybotewfe to®** Bl **, 26W*-, -■■•**“«*»■• IJICH TOBACCO Ap, HIOHl 1 * Witte* Owutt. Tolia *j«3»- W ' ■* 3 * fr. BEST CQSf?# fooriaT'tfr ft W t» t 'i '£;*• 1 " •’& HoCßtftf & DE tot. <• ■ the ALTOON H fCMXSyI * OBRNj .ijgr-ffsss l«**» rm «htM WWfcl Uj fllStVl* notices exceeding t nut « tribune d CHURCHES, MU jfrflwfi—| Rev. AB. Cu morning at 10U o\ niptiock. Sabbath School at |SaJ|UonL I Prayer Meeting u Amumnw, UntadM Jjp itcnpdL, Rev. S. J imiNCT flnhbath morning at {S’ Bubath School In the Le W tlwirl Prayer Meeting in fiy eVealOg, Yonng Men'* Pr Re v. J a , «eg ««ry Hobhath momlui:at lu SitttttttOitMC* Sftbbath Bcluk Prayer Moil D. SPZ aty Sabbath morning at lo|is »'< fU o’don jgabbath School ffcwtk, A. X. Prayer Meeting jkoamareom. Aetaftmt JQrrtenpal, Rut. R. Sendee 2d and 4th Sundaya of 17 if* and *M P. M. Sunday ; CWteb'r, Ker. Jous Tvrioos, aweth lh the morning, and at; JhpftM, B. 11. Fan, Pastor moraine at 10V£ o’clock, and'ah School at 9 o’clock, A.M. Pra dayereutne. A/riean MModiii, Rot. Sxte] OVonr Sahbath morning at U cm tlio’wd Bakin School Xiouso. ALTOONA MAH. MAILS Cl PuUraWoy at KoUkUyeburg, ■Mem Through VaR _ : MAILS AB Baatara Through Stall, Mortem Way, Xoatarn “ 'BbUldayaborg '1 . Ottce open for the tranisction folP.M,daring the weak, and on Sunday, June 4, ’67-tf] johi RAILROAD SC Train East arrlvee 0,30 ■*' " West “ 8,35 Vast * Bast “ 8,30 „* * Weat “ 1,25 Kail * East “ 11,30 * " West « a,35 [lbs nOLLIDAYSSBUUG BUA> [Ws airs East and West, and with 3 [The BLAIUBVILLE BRANCH ffar Train East and West, Ex;. [Train East. I Boreaib«r 20,1868. , 7 MEETINGS OF AS! Mwniain Lodge, A. Y. M.. No. *»J of each month. In the third P. M. . "Mountain Encampment, A. Y "OrthTaesday ofeach mouth. i tonic Tomplo, at o'clock, I*. > Mteona Lodge, I. «. of O. F„ s ireninj, in the second story of tl Ytlock, P. M. rerarvin Lodge, T. O. of 0. 7., N vtntag.in the third story of Pat u 2‘h at o'clock, P. M. mnnebago Tribe, No. 35, I. 0. Werery Tuesday evening In tli Jenipie. Council Firo i rr< * th ; W. A, ADAMS. C.-.f it u- 1 ?! °f -dmcn'co. Camp axmp, .Vo. si, j. ,n ?P“I oven lug, in the 2d storv . ,*~ 00n « Division, .Vo. 311, S. ' r w r *t! 0 5 ,1 n t ,l< ' 2d story of I'j ?‘ lb r»ith, R. 8. | Library and •tafodly on the Ist got L*r» Ju, 7 October. Doai *7”5 Tuesday evening In each n w u o'clock every evening, (Su: COUNTY Of FI Bnn Jones, Dsvid£ Y**°**ary— Joseph Baldridge SSy Recorder— Hugh A S*W*“JamM Eonk. I nT r f* -Attorney—Ho U j. L. Hew L”~Sj7 Cbmim'rrionrrs—David 3 P**i Enos 51. Jones. I s?* *° Comminionert —Hugh i \Akreantde Appraiser—Joseph a Wsdlfy Surrey or—James L. Gw In tmuurer —John Llngafelt. | Auditor*— B. Morrow, A. C. McC [*Jsc Bout* Directors—George V BBMdle. b Fox. of Cbmmon Schoo ALTOONA BOROUG [Jiutfcn tf Oe Peace—Jacob Go ■K, M. Jones. W James Lowther. i P#t#r ItwvJ, N'qlmi' Glauiiii •J*"* qf Obuncil— R. », M,c ■•totwniea—john McClcllai Jsp*3V¥a»(ir“*»»—O. D. Thomas, Tho«. M ohn McClellaml. “ Went “ —■ - . _ North “ s^“sa , 's M -Mr 1 »«. ■ it":!;: IQUORS-— a LA i ITQUOIiI ! I *oir»iitaLr sh , Prices, w!, wants ha* only to call. pruj «WCom»nt« in store , B J f or 101 Norths. WHITE LEA LEHR’S ni