The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 27, 1859, Image 2

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    €|< Jpflima Cribat
TfIOBSDAY, JAN. 27, 1858.
to adrer-
.known pwaoni. It b thejaibra naeloea for aliaucli toiwmd
w ateMtiMMjit* offering to ft; at the end of three or eix
»>*tM. ffiiw« MWHlwaMti to accompanied with tin
■*V; whether mm, Cto or ten doUao, ere will sire the
advertber the fall benefit of ceeh ratee,
Adrertbiqp Ageqte, 110 Koau afreet, New York, and
Ifl State etreet, Boeton, are the Agent* far the AUoona
Jribnat, and the most influential and laxgeet clronlatlag
Swwepapera in the United State and the Canada* They
ere author)xfd to contract for 'nxat onr lowut mitt.
Thanks.- —Hon. John Cress well of the
Senate, and J. Buriy, of the House, will
please accept our thanks for continued fa
rora in the way of public documents, Re-
cord*, Ac.,
Atlantic Monthly.— The February
number of this standard publication con
tains a rich treat. The article entitled
“ Ought Women to learn the Alphabet V’
is attributed to the pen of one who is
known to favor “ Women’s Bights.” “In
a Cellar” is an excellent production and
will well repay a perusal. “ Bulls and
Bears” is a continuation of an article com
menced in the January number and is
from the pen of one who understands his
subject and can portray it in life-like
scenes. “ The. Professor of the Breakfast
Table” is another of the companions of the
“ Autocrat,” and the expected, personage,
intimated in the close of the present arti
cle, leads as to imagine that he will be a
character of more than common interest.
No one should be without this magazine.
It is the best monthly now published in
this country, n Price 88 per annum. <We
will furnish it to any of Our subscribers
for *2,00.
Ex public Monthly. —The second
number of this excellent new periodical,
(or rather old periodical under a new
name,) is upon our table, freighted with
an excellent variety of reading matter,
suited to die tastes of all classes of readers.
It presents a.most brilliant array, ofebn
tributors who write expressly for this book.
£aeh number contains an original piece of
music. Single subscriptions $3. Any
person sending four dollars will receive
the magazine one year and a splendid steel
engraving, richly worth the $4 itself.—
Two copies wiU be furnished for 85. Ad
dress Oaksmith k Co., New York.
Ladies’ Home Magazine.— The Feb
ruary number of this valuable little month -
ly, edited by T. S. Arthur & Virginia F.
Townsend, has been received. It contains
a beautiful frontispiece entitled “ Grand
father’s watch/’ a number of choice and
late fashion-plates, and the very best lit
erary selections. None other than,gooS
could find a place along side of the
writings of'th'e editors. Price 92 per an
num. T. S. Arthur & Co. Philadelphia.
Stars and-Stripes.— We have receiv
ed from Frank Leslie a copy of his now
paper, bearing die above title. It is de
cidedly* a neat paper, and will compare
favorably with any of the literary weeklies
published in the cities, atkd will, we think,
' become a favorite wherever it Is circulated.
Leslie is able to make the Stars and
Stripe* a, good paperjand will do it. Price
of subscription $2 per annum. %
Destructive Fire ai Newport.-
Wc learn from the Harrisburg Telegraph
that a fire occurred at Newport, Perry Co.,
on the 24th inst., which destroyed the huge
steam distillery of B. F. & S. Miller, ajad
the ware house of Demaree & Sparks'. A
dweUing hpusc was ou fire ivhen the train
for Harrisburg passed Newport A large
quantity ofgrain apd liquor was consumed
witbihedistUlery. -
IQU The Ottawa (Iowa) Courier of late
date, says the people of that section have
been and nearer a feaaino than at any
previous-time. Flonr and wheat are being
purtjhased in the East .and shipped tp odnr
sarnpars who have hitherto been expor
ters. ; of the
corxoboratesthe sod picture of life in lowa
given by eorre^ndenta.
and varieiyrstore of Sfr.
Colon, Postmaster atHuntingdon, was
of jewelry carried off. '
mhof Hpllidays-
been eleoted one of the sv»
twenty-two years since. Other dis
***** following the injury from the thorn, she
hen aewsia—b—n nWetohelp-hereelfiii my
W »X. being atone time confined to her bed for
tho space of twelve yean. Coupled with the
hietoiy of her sufferings is also an account of
her religious experience,—an experience which
must put to shame that of many professors who
have had <ssuofa more tine to devote tosueh
matters,, free tram all the bodyracklng and
brain distracting fgonies thronghwhicfa her va
rious sufferings have called her to pass. Many
of the accounts of her sufferings appear almost
incredible, but tbey are nevertheless true. To
form a correct idea of them, you must read her
Memoir, and even then yon can not conceive of
their extent. We have perused tha book and
take pleasure in recommending it to our readers.
No one should be without a copy of it. It should
bo road by every man, woman and child in the
country. No one con read it without being edi
fied and instructed, and made wise in things
which pertain to their apiritoal and eternal Wel
fare. It is a book which should-bo in every
Sabbath School in the laud—not one copy only,
bat half-a-dozen copies. Everything narrated
therein is true and nnvarnished-r-no imaginary
sufferings or ecstadee of bliss—th* simple state
ment of an humble suffering Christian woman.
We say to one and all, buy a copy of this work,
and thereby attain a treasure and contribute to
the support of one who is in every, way worthy.
The proceeds of the sale of tho book is to be ap
plied to the support of Miss Rankin, who, in
consequence of her protracted sufferings, has
been reduced to limited circumstances. Price
of the Memoir, 66 cents, to be had of Dr. D. R
Com«|»iid»nc« of tho Tribm*.]
HAaaiBBCjEG, January 25, 1859.
Qunniu I presume that by this time it
u not .necessary, to inform you of the wiping out
of the Canal Board, which was done in the most
summary manner on Thursday list, The books,
papers and other fixtures .of the office are to be
transferred to the Auditor General s office, who
is hereafter to pass judgment on all claims de
nominated cadent, and 1 might add, fuhy.
The amount of Legislation dene since I last
wrote to you, is not very largje, and mostly of a
local nature, hut nothing as affecting your Ip,
-fhe Passtoger Hallway bills are flocking in,
and bid fair to multiply as the sessiouadvances.
Pittsburgh is in the ring now, too. Some wont
a Passenger Hallway on the principal omnibus
route, while others are opposed. The petitions
in favor are -by the business men of the city ,
th? remonstrances .do not look a* if they
would cony much weight with them. -
10 lo ?king over the Adjutant General’s Re
port, I find that Blair county throws a bold
front in military affairs. Within her n pent up
Utica” ore eleven companies, being a few more
than the wide domain embraced within the large
territory composing Lancaster and Cheater
counties. There are 501 companies in the
State, according to the returns, which embrace
only 40 counties, and 65,616 men. Blair is
ahead, according to her size.
Among the eminently grant men who have
visited the Capitol for a week past, is Qen. Duff
Green, who comes here to get a bill of gigantic
proportions passed. It is for the incorporation
of a company with extensive ramifications, cal
led the .‘‘ American improvement and Loan
Company,” with a principal office at Philadel
phia and branches throughout the world. A
memorial from the General was read in the
Senate to-day and ordered to be printed in the
Record. The whole thing appears very Utopian.
The case of Donavan oamenp in the Court of
Quarter Sessions ef this connty on Friday last,
and .the trial resulted in a conviction of assault
and battery only,.«the intent to kill” not hav
ing been established, as it was proved that Don
van, at the time he assaulted Church, was not
armed,with any weapon to kill.
The Record printing business was disposed of
to-day. The resolution rescinding the contract
with R. J- Haldcman, passed by the House, was
called up in the Senate, where it received a
quietus by a vote of 16 to 11. Mr! Bergner put
himself to much unnecessary trouble to accom
plish so little, since he could not otherwise than
foresee this revolt in the Senate.
The public printing was allotted to-day, by
both Houses, in Convention, and of course to A.
Boyd Hamilton, who proposed to enter into
bonds to execute it for 76f per cent less, than
the hwWova Printers wb6 pay their com
positors 26 cents per 1000 ‘‘ ems” for composi
tiou. wul no doupt be a little, astonished when
I tell them that Mr. Hamilton takes it at 10 cts
and 10 cents a token for pregs work ! But I
pmume there i$ i Wity of doing such things
which tre outsiders can not see ipto,
«presented a
petition from citizens of Armstrong coonty, pray-,
tog for the pasadge of a prohibitojy liquor law.
!*f th ? firat qn thesulyect presen
‘S ‘t? * ' Wtal V* temperanoe men
a Sw r « et !*M.of Us
do B “ w » other counties are anxious to hare its
provisions extenaed to>aefit tlieu- wants
' »#1 into tlto Senate
to-dajv having fofits object the prevention
disturbances at public meetings. A very wise
WU, and eminently prop»,Which should pass
Withenta dissentingvuiee.foT whVhashot&W
annoyedbytherMeanyrowdies who take ad
vantage of every pnbSo gathering to raise a
distnrbanee. ■ - ;
In tb« Boose, little or no business was trans
acted yesterday, n» anj' of any consequence
“nee* wrote you. I The leobimittee on one of
the contested seats week; the rev
port giving the seat to the member occupying
-the same—-Mr. Brans. •
ls having
a hearing to’deyr-tfae persons arid papers hav
ing arrived frota thte Stats dfCe&bi& oh Mon
■•••" ■_■■■." ■;i ■ *■ LOGAS.? ;
•}' ~ ii'<
ber to her fets
BeST" Oo to the concert to-tug£|*r y„
15S?* Good—Roush's stocked 1 8t£w«
B«j a beki(%'fte Ladies llppper.
*hft taftu.
*h«fwaa tMttT
j«| with a
matbar, Br.
'ft* UaMit
la thia
bar foot,
> bar limb
ooeorrad In
' -<H9L' Hoi Henry Wilson hie km elected D.
S.Senator front MatiaChneetts. . >'. r -
m9£ To prevent theaeoaad glaaalrom Intox
icating a person—never take the first.
969* Do th«a but thy best, and then thou
may’st defy the Devil to do his.worst.
BS» Masic.—l ever held this sentence of the
poet as a eanon of my creed. “ That whom
Opd loveth not, they love not music.”
19* Foote once Expressed an opinion, that a
certain miser would take the beam oat of bis
own eye, if be knew he conld sell the timber.
There is a woman in Albany who claims
to be the spirit of the mordered Bill Poole, and
says she haunts the earth to avenge his death.
8&> A tolerably good looking horse was sold
at auction in Wheeling, on Wednesday, for the
sum of 77J cents. It coat $1 76 to sell the
MU The Ladies of the Presbyterian church
at Alexandria, will give a supper for the benefit
of the church, at that place, on the evening of
the 17tb of February.
report of the Pennsylvania State
Superintendent of Common Schools shows that
ont of 18,866 teachers, all but 1,606 are natives
of Pennsylvania.
On last Thursday, Samuel Christ, pur
chased at auction at BeHefonte, 14000 acres of
land known as thS Main Company’s land, for
thct sum of $70,600 cash.
s9* A man named Johnson committed sui
cide in Hancock county, Indiana, last Wednes
day, by breaking a hole through the ice on a
pond, and then crawling under.
,|9“ A year and a half ago, four young la
dies, in Cincinnati,'wore married at tiie same
hour. Two have since separated from their
husbands, and tbe other two are trying to get
19* On Saturday evening a “ surprise -party”
presented to the Rev. Dr. Banks, of the Metho
dist Church, New York city, a token of their
esteem in the shape of a cane, which contained
two thousand dollars ip five dollar gold coins.,
BSb. Digby sat a long time, very attentively
considering a cane-bottomed chair. At length
he said: “ I wonder what fcllew took the trou
ble to find all them holes, and put the straw
around them.” r
•SL- The chess match between Paul Morphy
and Professor Andersaon at Paris has resulted
iu the triumph, of. the American champion. The
score at the close stood as follows: Morphy 7;
Andersaon 2; drawn 2.
A man, whose limbs are entirely desti
tute of muscles, sinews or flesh, weighs but
fifty-five pounds, but is in robust health, hearty,
cheerful, intelligent, and plays the fiddle with
great vivacity, has been on exhibition in New
H&. The Washington correspondent of the
New York Ntut states that there is a rumor
that Mias Lane, Mr. Buchanan’s neice, is short
ly to he married to Mr. ftlagraw, of Baltimore,
brother of the late State Treasurer of Pennsyl
Hannah, a free woman of color, former
ly a slave in Tennessee,'' but for many years a
resident' of Ohio, has returned to Tennessee,
preferring to be a slave with her old master, to
being free in any of the Free States.
The tastes of men, as exhibited in their
habits of pleasure, are true indexes of their pas
sions. Murderers do'not wear, roses in their
bitUon-hplcs; villains, seldom, if ever, train
viniis over cottage-doors; the beauties of Na
ture find no sympathizing chord in their breast.
tBT A sailor attended a Methodist meeting
in 'New York, on Friday evening 1 ast, having
a bottle of whiskey with him. He took a sup
and invited oh old lady to take a nip with him.
The old lady was bonified, and Jack was ar
rested and fined $25.
i@“ John Mitchell, vjtho left Ireland for her
good, and who, duririghis sojourn atthc South,
has advocated the revival of the African slave
trade, threatens to come North and turn Aboli
tionist unless the South wakes up with in a time
specified. It \t hoped that the South will wake
tow" Logan Burdge was arrested and lodged
in Jail last week at Mifiintown, for robbing Mr.
Nipple, of Licking Creek Valley, an account of
which was published some time ago Mr. N.
identified him as the person who had threatened
to “spitfire over. Jus house,” unless he would
surrender his' surplus cash.
A. row occurred ip a Jury room at Pitts
burgh, on Friday. They stood eleven against
one, on a knotty case, when the one become in
solent, and giving the lie to an old man, he waa
put through in good style,' Three broken chairs
were found in the jury npm, and there were
other evidences of a gefieral ‘muss.
S®. The workmen who manufacture grind
stones at Berea, Ohio, are found to be subjeCt to
fatal lung diffionlties, which arise from the in
halation of particles of the stone, which all ex
pedients, even the keeping of a strong current
of air before the face of the workmen, have
failed to arrest.
AST Two young men were arrested, on Fri
dny, in Atlanta, Georgia, for rubbing an old
gentleman of a small Sam of money. They
wore examined, and ordered to jail, but the offi
cers, instead of taking them there, took them
out of the city, sheared their hair off, gave them
a codt of tar and feathers, pud left them go.
Bft- Novel Direction.—A letter passed thro’
the Post pm oe yesterday, wijth the following di
rection written upon it in a clear, legible hand:
‘‘ Go, sweet littlemlssly., t bid’ you with speed,
Sjot stop, to give a strings eye tlms to read,
KJI yon gst to the office, at SadsburjvHle.
Chester county Pa., where yon may bo still;
vSi t * w> .wpenter should happen in.
Yon may tell Mr. Carlin to glvo you to him.”
“ from Joe.” .
Put Through.'—Chicago as a city has
® om ® strange peculiarities. The city authori
ties fined a medical student a short time ago for
looking into a graveyard. Lost Thursday, a
man and a woman, for a single round of hug
ging and kissing bn a public street, were arrest
ed; and fined—the man $3, and the lady SlO.
Served ’em right. ; These little matters should
be attended to in private.
Th# tax of ,New York for 1850 have just
been submitted to the Common Council,' and the
n tin total reaches the astounding aggregate 'of
nearly fight militant of doOartS Of thte amount
~r ooP - numbers, a million is devoted to the
PtWj* eight hundred thon
»h»a for thepoor, a million and a half for
streets, and six hundred thousand for salaries
The expenditures of the State of New York are
tnuch lesa than those of {the dty, being only
about fivp million. f 8 y
“Jai-An editor bad, a bottle
SL w do ?. l)oc r P*»«Pted to him, and after
dnnkiim the whole of it, he wrote a “ notice? of
the article Sere is a specimen of the style
‘ Here’sto the ladies and other branbhes 6f
nnd aronfad town-*fid especi-
Presssgc, Monington Wash-
aJI of whlcji may belad phearTat
3gnh~Drbok---Dr6ok and Pair Sfora or
Pook Gto, for S 2 a jear,
rLJtf . tCisiiOixUi-.
a Ah S'. : < .rrare SM'BUM i
4;o*mu' ; let iof (be Lcg
i -V-"' Isilature.
... dr ii( iuatb.
TheSpenker anpB*naed tbs Staqdifcg Com
the SeaaM as fellows: £ '
„ €?*”£*' Tarmsy.
- - *-- '*
Pensions and Gratuities—Messrs. Finney,
Blood,-Harris,- Kelleit.Frszer.- ’• ■
Corporations—Messrs. Wright, Steels, Schell,
Shasffer, Gazsam.
Library—Messrs. Brewer, Francis, Schindel.
Benks—Messrs. Marselis, Schell, Qassam,
Seller, Myer. ~
Canals and Inland Navigation —Messrs. Steele,
Myer, Blood, Thompson. Miller.
Railroads—Messrs. Randall, Craig, Steele,
Coffey, Finney.
- Election Districts—Messrs. Scofield, Marsel
is. Parker. Thompson. Myer.
Retrenchment and Reform—Messrs. Gazum,
Nunnemaeher, Bell, Yardley, Parker.
Education—Messrs. Miller, Welsh, Schindol
Penney, Yardley.
Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures.
Messrs. Fetter, Rutherford, Nunnemaeher, Bald,
win, Schindel.
Militia—Messrs. Brewer, Blood, Fetter, Har
ris .Sbaeffer.
Itoada and Bridges—Messrs Nunnemaeher,
Baldwin, Fetter, Rutherford, Thompson.
Compare Bills—Messrs. Myer, Keller, Wright,
Francis, Yardley. * ’
Vice and Immorality—Messrs. Schindel,
Francis, Palmer, Wright, Harris.
Private Claims and Damages—Messrs. Schell,
Craig, Steele, Shaeffer, Rutherford.
Public Printing—Messrs. Keller, Palmer,
Marseiis, Yard ley, Craig.
Public Buildings—Messrs. Craig, Schell, Tur
New Counties and County Seats—Messrs
Blood, Turner, KeUer, Gregg, Schell.
The Speaker laid before the House the an
nual report of the State Librarian ; which was
read by the Clerk. , N
The Speaker announced the following stand
ing; committees of the House; which were read
by the Clerk.
Ways and Means—Messrs. Chase, Lawrence,
(Washington,) Smith, (Berks,) McDowell, Green,
Thorn, Wilcox, Walborn, Wigton.
Judiciary—Messrs. M’Clure, Irish, Goepp,
NUI, Thompson, Ketchum, Chase, Oritmau,
Pensions and Gratuities—Messrs. Dodds,
BosS, Brodhead, Durbaraw, Zoller, ilottenstine.
Claims—Messrs Williams, (Bucks,) Harding,
Laird, Wagonseller, Abbott, Witherow, Wolf.
Agricultural—Messrs. Feoron, Bryson, Ar
tolst, Shaffer, Galley, Dismont, Williams,. ( itad
ford.) ‘ ( v
Education—Messrs. Foster, Kinney, Niil,
Pugh, Styer, Hill, Zoller, Graham, Smith,
(Philadelphia,) Laird.
Domestic Manufactures—Messrs. Bayard,
Dodds, Worden, Peirce, Good, Mann, Walker.
Accounts—Messrs. Pinkerton, Williston,
Shields, Barlow. Woodring,. Pennell, McCurdy.
Vice and Immorality—Messrs. Abbott, Gra
ham, Oaks, Boyer. (Schuylkill,) Evens, Wood
ring, M’Curdy, Rouse, Campbell.
Militia System—Messrs. Wilson, Bouse, Ncall,
Wiley, Good, Robrer, Harding.
Election Districts—Messrs Keneagy, Bal
liet. Galley, Shields, Jackson, Eckman, Barns
Lawrence (Washington,)
MClure, Smith, (Philadelphia.) Barlow, P»t
tarspn, Mehaffey, QlaU, Williams, (Bucks, 1
M Clam. '
Estates and Escheats—Messrs. Taylor, Wil-
Uston, Smead, Rohrer, Wilson, Thompson,
Rose. r
Road and Bridges—Messrs. Pennell, Staart,
Walker**’ flpttenatin# * Q«‘gl«y, Campbell,
Corporations—Messrs. Miller, Hsmersly, Ell
maker, Quigley, Acker, Olatx, Price, Church,
Local Appropriations—Messrs. Wjley, Wil
liams, (Bedford,) Boyer, (Clearfield,) Wood,
Porter, Sheppard, Stoneback.
Lands—Messra. Acker. Stephens, Whitman,
Nea|l, Miller, Custer, Stuart.
,„.H‘ Torcos ~ JleB3, ' s - Haroersly, Foster, Gray.
Withcrdw, Grit man, Smead, Qratz.
New Counties and County Seats—Messrs.
Burley, Beyer, (Clearfield.) Fleming, Palm
Shaffer, Diaaront, Mebaffcy. ’
Compare Bills—Messrs. Barnsley, Gray,
Sheppard, Stoneback, Peirce.
Library—Messrs. Churob. Goepp, Irish.
Cabals and Inland Navigation—Messrs Pat
terson, Ramsdell, Warden, Oaks, Keneagy, Ull
maker, Bayard.
Railroads—Messrs. Walborn, M’Dowelli Thorn,
SmiUi, (Berks,) Church, Lawrence, (Washing
ton.) Styer, Evans, Barley. Setohum, Wiloox,
Price, Patterson.
Messrs. M’Dowell, Bandsdell, Wig-
Public Buildings—Messrs. Green, Wagonsel
lerMunncj. x •
Mines and Minerals— Messrs. Pugh. Taylor
r C r n ’J^ ter V/ iDkertoQ - Br udboad, Bryson!
Whitm’a'n * C ° X ’ C ° Jer ’ Neall, Hill,
A Russia* Opinion —The Nerd, a Russian
°^ n Sf "V* of tLe " u PP<>sed design
*1 united States to seize Cuba: “The war
which might result - from it would be a far more
disastrous than that Crimean war which has
cost so much-gold and blood to the world It
would be a tyar with a nation whose products
are the first elements .of industry ip all .parts of
the world, and whose commercial intercourse
makes an important branch of income for most
£°i Te ” imen^a - It would be a violent rupture of
all the aperies- of commercial circulation ; it
would be a fatal separation between Europe,
which needs America, and America, which can
dispense with Europe. Take from England the
gold of California and the cotton of Louisiana
and her industry will at once be stopped in its’
prosperous action. We sincerely hope that such
a terrible occurrence will not take place.”
«•? m r AI^ AD Incident.— A few days
J i° in E i.” wood > of Ohio was a passen
ger in a train on his return home from the east
He occupied a scat near the door, and after
dark dropped into a snooze. from which he was
b J a ln the seat behind Kin
*!fbto Wl^ g v ha K d fr?m h “ breast pocket
. Poohet-book in it. He attempted to
seise the hand, but missed ft, and the pick nocfc
et immediately; staffed for the door. 'Mr *1,1?
wood caught one of skirts of Ms coat, just as
he emerged from the door. It gave way in his
d ’*“ d he then canghtthe other skirt'. whiph
ijso gave way, and though , the train was under
w>i. h *u dway ! tbe ti“«f jumped off and escaped
'with the pocket-bdtok; containing sfli. j„ P t L
pockets of the coat skirt Mr. L; found. however
vJPSSt m *° CMUy e° ,a watehes]
l£ BT IN prise fight for
Jr* me otf on the 25th ult., 0 n
1?“* }***"* kT > American and
» Spaniard. They fought 84 roubds in two
t ' Bold Robbhrt. — At a late hcur on Friday
night. ihe treasury of Coshocton comply, Ohio
was entered by three men. who gagged and tied
the Treasurer, and, rofabi: thr
would see
•pan till a
dm of thr
o’clock wf
and ..
cate, and waa almoat immediately wind, thrown
down, tied “band and foot,” and ragged with
‘ p*rt"^#ft^ T Wfln^r3t e, Tgiy
I his mouth, thus effectually preventing him |roni
giving the alana. The robbers then proceeded
to plunder the safe. They secured abpwt $lB,-
000. and with this they fscamped. leaving the
Treasurer prostrate on the floor, and in an en
tirely helpless condition. After a seyere strug
gle, during which tbn nerrle that hound him mil
through the flesh almost to the Itnut ha sue
ceeded in removing the gag, and shouted lustily
for help. AMr. Taylor heard break
ing open the door, which the fallows had careful
ly looked in their retreat, rescued thje unfortu
nate Trpayarar from his awkward qadnaphiaa.
ant position. It is believed that the thieves es
caped in the one o’clock train, which came in
soon after the perpetration of tbo robbery. The
man who addressed the Treasurer is represented
as being about forty years of age, with black
whiskers, high cheek bones, and a gentlemanly
appearance. A reward of $2,000 is offered foi
the capture of the thieves, and $3,(|QO for the
recovery of the money. The robbery is one of
the boldest ever perpetrated in that section of
the country, and has caused a great deal of ex
citement among the citizens of the neighbor
hood. Should the tbeives be caught, we would
hot be a bit surprised to bear of their receiving
summary punishment at the bands of the peo
ple of the district.
Extkaokdinart Cab* or DapoAVitr—Wo
heard of an instance of moral turpitude, a day
or two since, which, we hope, stands atone. In
the late terrible disaster on the Muscogee Bail
Road, in which the cars were precipitated into a
swollen torrent with a fearful destruction of hu
man life, one of the passengers had the mitfor
tune to lose bis wife and two children. He re
marked the next day, in tbs presence of his
fellow passengers, who, with himself were saved
from the wreak as if by- miracle for 5 none of
them could tell bow, that in addition ito the loss
of his family, he had lost all his money, it hav
ing been tied up in a belt (or security and
buckled around his wife’s waist.. Daring the
duy the waters subsided and the passengers,
who remained in the neighborhood of the wreck)
commenced a search for the dead bodies.. The
body of the lady alluded to was found about a
mile below the wreck, and upon examination it
was ascertained that her dress had been torn
open and the money belt robbed of it| contents,
some seven hundred dollars. Fresh tracks were
discovered in the mud, leading off from the body,
which the searching party traced up, until they
came upou one of their own number who had
just met with so uiraculonsan escape from death,
and who was present when his fellow pastenger
told the story of his loss. He was immediately
taken in hand, searched, and the entire amount
found upon his person. Our informant added
the wretch is now in Coldinbns Jail. awaitirg
his trial for the diabolical act.—Sbc&maA R t .
•9* The grossest frauds. In connexion with
the Oregon and Washington War Debt, have
been brought to light by the House Committee
on Military Affairs, through the efforts of llr.
Faulkner, of Virginia, the Chairman. The
whole debt, as reported by the Government
agents, is abou> $6,000,000. of which,the Com
inittee assert that hot more than about one mil
lion is justly due. Some. Of the by
which this difference is made are mc%t outra
geous. Pistols are charged at cadi; mus
kets at $125 ; oats at $6 a bushelVhay at $l2O
a ton, and other things in proportion. At the
last session of Congress, when the debt was
first brought to the notice of the Committee,
the War Department recommended itspayment.
bat Mr. Faulkner caused actionbn ti? matter
to be deterred, in order that it mtght be fully
investigated.' By this delaycand investigation,
the somewhat considerable sum oCfrbxn four to
five millions will be saved to the Treasury.
Thc Ixauexaoli Right or tax Husband to
n lC .i- , V% W,FE °, UT ?* B * D -“*The Sapfrapcisco
District Court lately decided that a husband
tnny kick his wife out of bed if he has cause for
yealoiuy, and tbo wife has no remedy to divorce:
Tins important decision advises wivesto be pre
pared to spi.iwl, as jealousy may any night get
into toe ucads and heels of the husbands The
same court, at an earlier tiffin, decided thai
‘ unearthly snoring and granting bn the part
of the wife, may render the husband justifiable
m seeking a decree of divorce.” The; next de
cisioii expected from this tribunal will <|otemme
the question to to.whether a ffiqn, after kiokipg
his wife out of bed, shall rise and kick her into
the street.
Lxatekwoutb, Jan. 25 —The publishes
a letter giving an account of a conflict between
5 J n °/ ™ cn J in d« r Brown, and a posse un
der the Deputy D. S. Marshal, nearPaoli.iLj.
kms county. Five of Brown’s party; the Dep
l ?v,vl an 'l two °f bis asSnts kre ra-
Tnd k ’ Ki T^6 a “°” ~t is a6t ’obehed for.
and is probably exageratod. The friends of
Drown assert that ho is not in the territory.
A second attempt, resulting-in success, was
room m which he was confined waa cut down.
and the parfy left the The ex
citement runs high affil a party | 8 iffiturffiflt of
toe pegro. ’ -
' " 5: ’■ : :
or AM AnffiiTATitD iEukmou—.
Cnnv • w*. Hr. fir w, M«-
Gnily, ofßeccarne township, Clearfield county
cut one of hia fingers dff with an axe,- and afi£
going to the house, ho returned to the wood
yard, where the 'accident happened -wicked nn
the part of the finger which had been mtooflT
? nd cff the, dirt which adhered to
Jt, replaced it oa the finger and’ bound Jtm* It
is now healing rapidiy,liiei Ciif oirS«on%av
ing united firmly, it will be almost to
if nothing had occurred to it This ffict ffileft
cidcat; j° m* Wiflt. § fi&|U* a I
A SiSoctA* Cass.—Mr Norton, Ebpnblican.
cinS - to r?r llls n°i«f Ugislittre Vsl|
county, is likely to loSfr hieiMfc db im^evA^ii^
n eß -’ J9m w »»b»ed#?Cana4ci
swore allegiance to thd British orowiii
Wmed lo He United Stetee; ft wvnnmuS
to be necessary that he
eign allegiance and lm daly iatifrW^^hfc^
s s&assft^sffgl,^
j Newspaper Basket Sheets. Tfcl'iw"'
' lyn (N. Y.) Bvjle mikes some ssnsiblt
thirty odd pc;
these ia as big as \ JBiriii door, ebi<t •
flat. Life is brief, ami timo is money imdL?
pie mbl stfbrd to takas week to reed ,-s*“
monster sheets—when they here to BtandoT 4
chair to open them, end take
fold them ap. A sensible basinets peonle. nr
for thevfre'ef It; sad as they read awwap.!/*
ss s matter of business, the paper that coim>!
thenewsof the day and general h>t«llig WH *r
the most convenient- form, i s sure to hare a.
preference). x **
, Sckdat School Gohvsktiok. —The baldly
6t a National Sunday School Teachers’ Conm?
tkm in Philadelphia, having been recoram cndm
by the New: York Sunday School Teachers’ Cm.
vcntion, held m Brooklyn, on tbebth of (to.
her, 1868, and the friends of Sunday Schools Is
Philadelphia approving of tine prOpofiUoc. u
invitation 3ms been extended to torT&KwJ?
School Teachers of the United States, sod sthnv
Wfpdly to the cause, to meet in Convention‘s
tWk city, on the 22i of February, 1869, to «•%.
aider such matters in connection with the
causc ea may be bronghf before them by a com
hutted appointed x for such purpose. {m
“ Evangelical * Sabbath School in the Union U
invited to send at least one delegate, aadVtj,
gymen are also invited to share In tha delibir.
ations and exercises of the Convention.
|Qr The Indiana people hare not only
▼oked thetr- diagraoefttf lawsgrantingdivorcsi
ofeven formality, but «*
inc Hied-to and undowhat has b««E
dose. The following nndirorce case, which n
find noted ia the Indianapolis Citixtn at Frida,
present* some knots for law students to bother
their heads at untieing. The Indiana eont
told Mr. M’Twigg hecouU shuffle off the th«s
Mrs. M’Twigg, and marry again, and he a«i
risd again.' Now the same court tells the thu
Mrs. MTwigg that it told Sir. M’Twigg wrens,
ly, and that she is the only genuine Mrs. jj*.
Twigg living, and has a right to oust the io
called Mrs. M’Twigg from the possession of the
said MTwigg. It ia a case quite langhehle te
an outsider, but particularly serious to M’XVits
and the second Mrs. U’Twigg. "
I®* Married in Michigan, Mr. Henry Bilk
to Miss Mary Small. We hope the Issuing if
Small Hills is not prohibited in that State.
Michigan statutes, page 1001:
“Persons may issue bills of any siis or do- '
nomination mmediaisly after organising hr is
positing securities, &o.
Tflongh Jn the above case we should not think
it advisable to uaun until at leant nine
after organizing. —Argus $ Democrat
The Pat or Cojunnsaif**. —The preseat Mo
rion gives io members a thousand dollars a stood,
besides mileage and perquisites. Deducting
the Sundays and holidays, the present “ikon
session will allow about 60 working, days; iss,
by constitutional reauircmcat. it must clou m
the third of March next. wU$ t?IS
member nearly fifty dollars per dag for evsry
day employed, exclusive of mileage. ”
The sues canal, it is said, Wlll besok
menced nextyoar. The writer oftUSa heard a
shrewed American observe: “If tbe Frenchsn4
Russians begin to make that. canal, I gasn
England and the United States must take their
shprels and go and fill it up as fast is thsy dig
it out” . J
More than 500,000 bottles
The Beeloratire of Prot •eeteriMtaO
perfectly and permanently, baa W
nine after volume mlsbf be'riren'. 9raOlWM& lW :
*oritfw frtmtthertort ■ liffrieraS fl’i
per/eet Retloratirt ; but read the rfrcula? "&M fee com*
doubt; read aJ»otbrVbUowißf.- ■■ ' K ' t - r
- H^ r —% afflfc*4
Profta*<a^W6ftfffhert iftttffeeart
Jut »gr»mt many ponoiu atm patrudto them. t«UH
they har«i been »o often topotmt Hair T6afc* if
different kind*. Toofl MnetOy nO*
the reqneet, that they will tryonce again, for to Wooft
.*** HS^L wb< J a ihort*
e 2"2* ,t «>“>P«e» with the itoW«*
ingthehairin good eon«^^S!^t^lndC^
ttrtotWto nrach totofc
, «wed. and there arei£ontedng that ihoold he left antri****
Wain inch a oowj^rattoa.— mum’s Advocate, PM*-
o j wwa'iw - hwvjj, m.
wjL- Jf°°£ i <X>—Qenta :M1 hare been «np*»* *
y Hn y y°y Ha® Reetorative tho last genaon for «•
-?«Sj»Wt2s!sfe haTtageW*
of W or aona Stateto*}
— tr ‘ 1 ®**» Wn engaged totheggC
>tu * have eoSrarioee l**f*2
t*"? fHKsn** 5 ”-gw»
i*' »n» /v »' W»yiandi Mm., Feb. .
WOOD AOQ,—Qenta: BwiwwMS
Hair Bwtontfire, I w»*oe^|*?
« I, 'S
-• i* : .T
m s : i
«.S „-| |
2“ §*!
sj I
M 9| i
g* IV
«! In
< 1 s-i;
a I gsl
rh O R •
Dee i<li
Cfcd £w-l I
< « e-s
1-5 S5--Jj e |
£Sl a s*
2££ 5 3
.ft ><■*/■
> •
m|khas be
mat worl
preaiotu. It
niinf “ d
tJwT a»d battle-fie
dtt^[T ' 10
awl the *nn rises
ihe nlpatct u*
‘f’lhem. Wo cannot
by. Tho ou
4B s fer eternity's oce
j%tt* I» work to do, s
ifm* tn do it in.
Lsi sin end shame si
sM .nf ss who waste
jy |gj mortal be wil
responsibility of sloth, j
MW «ntl Bat a weig
to against him who sqvu
B« Ig more than a sp<
lav cannot r
gen tael and respectable
and. uses choice langi
mospbere of a good re
nts . Upa distill honey'
gfepe. gently in when tl
and the brow burnin
of the'day. He is deli
by and thougl
y 0• were earning alon
tapertont—have you?
Bhenhtke weather, and i
baqr yoa^are! Don’t si
Awl then an irrsgul
rsfiAOtioas, speculations
*y4h~allwy sapient ai
—until the brain reels,
and'patience ooiea out
perspiration, ,i°4 courr
ktruism, ami from the t
ii|k for a todge in some
aoceieilfc. attic, with o
oa» hdtaita the inside I
Wa chut.up In grated
of our mitnoy or good*,
who rob us of our reput
and, slnto, them. But t
those who steal our ti
oiq«af. : Will they not p
well bjfoi
Isteht ’
I Arran to Cocans a
significance in- the abov
tended to ia time, would
sons ftom untimely gra
that aanyr persons negla
end suchlike maladies m
ter* will cure 7 Nature
batch* will cure much zr
by MUn« such remedy as
Bgrfif i which'is eumpoun
ease* of the lungs and bi
prspalent in every part
: Wtadrlee our readers, t
:•S ic ted with conghs, b
> spy diieaM of the lungs
recourse at once to this re
| set hit prepared with gn
Timely atto!
[nSßiajg JUEd oftentimes
Sold at fifty co
I bottle, by. Dr, Keyaar, :
Pittsburgh, Pa.—Sold b
I 1 -■'i . •
PjXl’aßail Roai>.—T
turnings ted c
for the year 1m
*hw of the year 1867. 1
iaeipeOeee for the inere
hfl|Mr*U. be aetu t
B P #I
j°f fioetMrho have manage
daring tho pt
Setd In tke country can p
laaa ®ja»’*arnlnp. K
J*| •*,«A330 68 m
I IttT ■ 6» 3.S
I 1 tr.Ysr 00 ~
I - *
JMtUoiao. baa enjoyed a (
tib»f<£ pear twenty year*.
** almost every
P*W4-|br their proficiency
M a Merchant, t
f* all 'the details of accou
tMe practieal know!
of every ncJ
of bis trail
r therefore readily seen b
r|f and wby
pWell Preferred among b
ftaimereioi Journal.
Ckaxoan Hasm.—Th
located at
hands. The i
dwpoMd of bj the f
Cj 1 in Centro nn<
persons com
jwroctora of the institution
, Centro county, Pa.
Pa ‘ ; Tell «r
_ , F, » Directors, :
-Wdlnge, J. p. Barnh]
John S. Bus!
» SeLJ UHam Fear ‘
•008 Aleiander, and Willh
w 8.1
nUj , , ith lh ,
b«oW?L : * or t*
*H bj thi * Soclct
of any other r
JV* W»h!^ for be&Pty ’ Btri
»ur J or W» « kiac
01 th
\ ■• " -
Ujf -V
OS "