&>(S> 9 ■ • i»*_ i& . j* , * 1 * | !«L]!l ®1 g. fc $ ! I "jl ••;!••• •■•4 l Vs i! *i 6; o .7 8 g irt i ll 12:13 14 16116 iS iIS 19;20£f1i22i281al .25;2Cj27j28j29j30^j '-■-i-i-i-.i... q , ~ OCTOBErT -^ 'tj !_ Ifc !. 1 Ja [' 7"I ,SP_j!S.jfc. £ | 2{ 8 4 ,o| £ .7 ol 1 »; 10 11112 ip 14 ,§ ( 16 2l 22 •23:24126 26 27 28 29* 30 MOVEM6E I B L' D I. i.C. fi 6.7) 8 010 13 14;15jl0 17 20i21 j 22123 24 27|28j29|80 ... 11 18 25 DECEMBE i—i— Sit CD 2 1 9 10 Iff 17 28 24 30 81 ••• ««« ... 1... 1... ... 1 4! 6I 6! 7 8 1 i ; 12; 13j14 16 ; 18:19:20)21 22 26;26:27i28 29 ... i... 1... j,...... nj the future aro .sift, he one wears the' Wido»>. to virgin’s. ‘ being called upon for. etiid : “ I aai tuo ftdl f Qr ;|CS *> gcpeious, ooiiwtwm. man, whetherhe b«i«u? or poor. j j-csf Ilnst(hott^ t , ? .0 careful not ; te Irori, me gifts. y :,t tell twenty, .fcaml t forty, jyid rieh ftt fifty handsome, wive, tW . rie £ iiwelcomc visitor like a we are glad irhea hr =.O he’s cot koople talUrt upers.—Some men arc ; proud of. being geatre roud of being main'| t i p r eir relatione—ur by thib - ierica'e emblem outiivi ice, Ireland, and Scot, '-e must fade—the lil* die— the .thistle wither, . the wife of a fannerre- Pa., bearing the doge it out,..and found them She took a. knife, and antlers, cat hia throct. rophe.—On Friday lest, initig about 50 persons, i creek, near Columbus, i a bridge, and about 40 led by the fall or drown- —Mr. .Tames T. ImWy of l l.ristmas day, pat eight shots, off-hand at twentjr ig exactly the cirenofer and four of which would r standing in the centre paragraph is said tob« on. Evidently Brigham it; “ Blessed is he who for whoso bloweth not ■ shall hot bo b)owed.-r cth his own born, the ith a vengeance. :uhs of a certain chnr?h usually kissed the' bri-Je " iras the reply. “ Ami hen the happy pair art question. /‘ln allsuch op, “ the dlity of kissing oiiß.” :• Dutchman what hied we should have. The self up with., an air «f y. and an \ sink she will bo werrj ;rry hot—one "of them [* liarmacentlst, • ;s, medicines, s rL’KFS. PATENT MMl l:ri end VARIETIES. Row* /. ~‘;r of Virginia and Aaci» ’ ■-:J assortment of MERY, V ■ Extract* for tha^BandJWf' Oriental Dtop*, 0» *n-jr Soap,, ** c ‘ sties. . flesh, Paint and Cfeth*' Pun**, Pencil^C**'I*- 1 *- ND OILS. toil ground in Oili Wind** L.trd OIL. MMCINES. !■ i rliaro’g Holland SlUff 1 - furilla and Cathartic PUU. l.miv.y's Blood Search »r; fi Ooldon Pill*; Wright* >Mi Corbin’s Pill*: Wolfe' : Merchant’* Gargling On. '■ur-fcld. Arabian. Mml** 8 '••.’gethsr with all the P*P®‘ RS. -*nno#r#, , _ , OlebratM v hcrerer known, *°X* W * Wfebrated FlaTOring **j teuical Baking Powder, •»» >LUI D cone tan tly on reliable preparation* ** aod reliably compo“ nd ' i ‘ ' ea Mortar. T RECEIVED A oTKRP, whieh mil >* * A. KOt’SU, DrUg6i*V trunks, ountry. [*>**• *' * RICE IN O^SA j. t. ICKKS- NEW ORLEANS r: TtF.ynv tEWgjf: r ATI) TWlW'l ;• ».' ; 'ulsfT^|)- ,, 1e! I ID'* '•* pooita fatome. LOCAL items. tuSt tp SroaTSMEJs.— According to a »t the Iftte session of the Legislature, pMßomUon of .game, the season for shooting, or deBtro 7 in S “» W wa 7» pitridges, woodcocks orrabits, closed inid. The following sections refer & fl* *w.f WroMUl! j after the .passage BW*®* * 0 nerson sballshoot, kill, or othor -01 iny pheasant between tho first day t da y of September, or any first day of January and HA rflS or anypatridgo or rabbit be- Ikd ajj of January and the first day : yew, and in each and under.the penalty of fire '«»» aach and etery offence. o*** •• Hkat no person shall buy, or cause K W Ji or esny eut of this State, for the V> ke .private or public house fßrp ° AphwSutf partridge, woodcock « thewwe shall havo bcen ahot as provided for M eh and every offence. , . tot. 6.. «' a ;“ d ;T m u ooUected to •*"»■*“>» *«**».. Ttoamc 1« furOi.r pmto. ttal U*fMW- Z*~i **• -w*"* h»*riiM/Mia"id&<> otoCO * VUiL we inay not be called upon to record IUJ violations of this law" which is certainly a „Boendable one. and we hope that no person wheTiolsteilt may.be permitted togo unpun iilisd- - !t is very ill • mannered for joung men (?) to congregate in the dhurch vos Übalw to stare at the ladies as they issue from Ibc building We might go a iitep further and Mjiiwas positively wicked, inasmuch as it is tab*supposed that the of the ladies ire far away from sublunary things on snchpc swions, and it is highly improper todistract their attention by thrusting upon their view •bjeets which arc neither useful nor ofrnamentsl. It ii ill mannered po stare at the ladies any where, especially if it is done in the Tappertit ity!c of eyeing them over”—when it is pcsi tirely cruel. No young lady of ordinary nerves no possibly survive many consecutiveattapks »f this, sort, and as no young gentleman can knew to a certainty how many times hia victim mxj have endured the same terrible ordeal in tbs course of the day, he should be very cau tions how he indulges bis propensity to be kil ling. A very cross-grained old gentleman, who carefully shaves himself every day, says that lady-killers are becoming thicker Alum black berries, and that ’ fool-killers have all retired from business or removed from town. finocxixo Raii.eoao Accidbxt.—• A brakes men on one of the Pennsylvania Railroad freight trains, named James Clark, was severely injured, recently, near the South Fork, shove Johnstown, lie was standing at the time between two of the cars, with his hand upon the brake, and leaning over to get a view of the mod in front, hie head came in. contact with «-switch fan which hand by some means become bent so as te extend ..beyond ita proper limits, knocking him from the cars, and one of hia arms falling upon the track, the balance of-the train passed over it, crushing it from the hand to the elbow. The Injured man was taken to Conemaugb nation, and Dr. Lowman summoned, who am putated the srin.- A.portion of the brain pro truded from the wound in the head, and it was feared that iuflamstion would supervene. This ultimately occured in a few days afterward and terminated the injured man’s existence. I’iskiiltasia Raiu&aji,—EviaxATiox Sta tiitri.—The following is a statement of the ■umber »f emigrants, with the amount of bag- S*B*. that bate passed over the .Pennsylvania BiiJmd.fur each month during 18o8: ‘No. of JCm(gtanU.. ,lhi extra TUrgnge. ~ wr- ;: ■' ■' ■'seiner, 'rbrusW, Msect. ■Prll, Mir, •■’uns. 784 1898 3200 ?3i»SO 1889 168 17,701 -,i : 483,395 TLii number ii nearl/ equal; to the trarcl of notwithstanding the .. great decrease in lb* number of emigrants' coming to Philad’a, 11 tt * New Yor^-In the latter port there fe »i been felling ppj^half. Jolt. lugV.t, "l«pt»raUr, October, X* W - A.»a*SQB»«*T9 AWD Atroj?TKlXB. pij tie Ist init., the entirelineofthe Penna. Rail KoaJ WAS pieced under the care of pne Resi q., who has occupied the position of Resident Engineer on the Philadclphiabivision of'the I’eaniylvania Bail Road since the pnrohaso of •the Columbia Railßoad, haa-.becn appointed Rwident Engineer. - Ilia office will be at this place. J. ClemsonSharpiesB, EBq., will .be looa >*d it West Philadelphia, as Assistant Engineer en Mis Philadelphia Division; J. Hayes Lin- T ‘ll*i at this place, as Assistant .Engineer of the Middle Division; and ■ Johi* 8. lore, Esq., at Pittsburgh, as Assistant Engineer on the West ern Division. ,1 “ SM> 111 Tn * -Packer B'B# a Tk» wooden bridge retnojed from -«ie line of the L rVond n.ff.l 'durable IreS sftlic-j • *Wtm> a,} Ty;th ticllfJUcd pi ,m ' t4IMS in iheir flam, i Bxciteusnts.— We hate had many causes of I Blair County Teachers Assocla* excitement lately, hi bur town; some of which | ' tion. «. I have ■ threatened, for a time, to overthrow the wonted equilibrium of our most stable citizens and plunge us intoa vortex of oivll discord, and not tho least among the,many causes of com motion was the arrival of Fettinger’s stock of ‘goods for the Holidays But this excitement was not merely for the moment. By continual ly adding to his already varied and unsurpassed stock, ho is creating a constant panic, which is attracting increased crowds to his Emporium, Ho. 1, Altoona House. Every body now goes' to Fettingcrs,—old and young—big and little rich and poor—black and white—and Heenan intends to stop at the Emporium to get. tho Clipper , or some other sporting paper, tho next time he passes this way. All the popular pa pers, books, &c., together with every variety of stationary and confectionaries, Began, tobacco and other articles “ too tediious to enumerate," may be had at Fettingor’js. C o m p i. iuhstabt.— WnnasAs, Washington Camp, No. 31, of the -Order of Junior Sons of America, haring made arrangements with.Mbs. Hon, .of White Hall Hotel, Altoona, to get up a supper for the members otthe Camp, on Christ mas ore, and as the said supper was prepared at. the time specified, and in 1 the best style; stud Camp unanimously adopted the following:— Retained, That the thanks of the members of Washington Camp, No. 81, J. S. of A., be here by tendering to the worthy hostess of White Ball llqtcl, -Altoona, for the grand style in which She served up the supper ordered on Christmas eve;' and that we would recommend her to all parties who may wish a supper got up in style and bn : short notice, as a suitable person to employ. Retained, That a copy of these resolutions be published in tbo Altoona Tribuke. ' J. W. CLABAUOH, A j' ' W. J*. SMITH, > CommmUtee. T. E. CAMPBELL, J Sirxkadb.— On New Years morn, between the honrs of 12 and 1 o’clock, bur ears were greeted with the sweet strains of melodious mu sic, which drove slumber from our eyelids and causes us to search’for its origin. Our search revealed the fact that the Altoona Brass Band, (by the way one of the best bands in the State and composed of as clever fellows as Over filled a set of instruments) had taken possession of the side-walk in front of our residence, and were really screnadipgua. We. duly appreciated the compliment, and were only sorry that the late ness of the hoor prevented os from treating them in the manner we should like to have done.— Should they call again Ihey may expect a bet ter reception, as none more richly deserve it. : , Nxw Years Pbesesx —We would hereby .ten der pur sincere than ks to Mrs. John Allison, of this place, .for the handsome cakes sent in to this New Yiars morning. Nothing could be more encouraging to ns than to know that we have a place, in the memory of those whom we highly esteem, and who, while they are enjoying the luxuries which fortune has placed vjitliin their reach, .desire that tlieir less fortunate neighbors should share the .same.—' Again we tender the doner pur thanks and hops that each returning New:Year’s day may find her store soj large that she shall he able to re peat the compliment to the “poor printer,” and extend it to; other unfortunate beings. A. M. L. & R. 11. A. Election.—On Sat urday evening, January Ist; the members of the Altoona Mechanics’ Library and Reading Room Association met at their zoom and elec ted tha following officers for the enstting year: PretidtM —Thos. P. Sargent. . ■ ■ \ F, Fretidenf —Rev. A. B. Clark. Secretary— B. F. Caster. Treasurer—D, T. Caldwell. ■' Librarian-?- Ghas. V. B. Kennedy.. Director*—Chua. B. McCrea, C- J., Mann, Ambrose Ward, .A. C. Vauclain, E. B. McCrum, Andrew Carnegie, J. E. Barchiuell. Auditors—B. F. Caster, J. H. Bysart, Andrew Carnegie. 1 , 1)ok ’ r. esa Jd tea Mamcm*.—There are few persons in this country who are not continually pouring in some kind of medicine, which is of ten of apowerful nature. Caution in diet, and the proper core in selecting wearing apparel, will often do away with its necessity. Ifyoju do fall sick applyito a good physician. If you have a cough or cold, do not neglect it, you can cure it by a few doses of Dn. Kitsb&’s Pkctob ai> Coiicu : Stkcp, prepared by that gentleman, at his great medicine establishment, No. Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. It Is now pot up in bottles, nt hOcents and $1 each, and can be had in this pTaipWt G. W. jiessler’s. - V 1 : 68.6183 80,000 01,472 . 51.438 40,600 .70,160 *5.076 36200 14,820 8,400 From tlieWlic cling TIMBS and G AZETTE, i Though it may seem strange to many who have not seen it, yet there is no doubt of the fact, that Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative will change grey hair to its original color, and oansk it to grow on heads entirely bald, and by a few applications keip it from falling off. There wab a time when persons who bad lost their hair were compelled to wear wigs or go bald, but since the advent of Prof. Wood’s Tonic, there is no .longer any -necessity of wigs or grey hairs. See advertisement in another column. Nkw Fibm —By reference to an advertise; ment in another. column, it will be seen that J. Wells Collins has disposed of his business (butchering) in this place, to Messrs. Ewing fi Co. The hew firm comes well recommenced and we hare no doubt will do justice and gi'de satis-i faction to all the old customers of the well known market house which they will occupy.: See their card. : . -■■■ Axojrßin ‘Accidbwt.— oa the ISrst vjnst., a! . ■ .v : ■v ■ . brakesman bn the ; mountain Division, -named Edward .-Mills, had one of his arms severely crashed between tlie bumpers of two freight 1 cars which he was engaged in coupling in the yard at.this pfece. He received prompt medi-' cal attention and is now doing as well os'the; nature of his wound will admit. ; ; Altoona, Doc. 28th, 1868. V The Teachers of the Blair County Associate met in Altoona, bn the 27th inst, at 11 6’ y 0. F. CUACE. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY: Prtpa^fromapnteriptionof Sir.T. Clarht, If. D, Fky- . * ridan JBrlraontinary to Vu Queen, This hrralnable medicine is unfailing In the curs of ell those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con- Kitntion is subject. It moderates all excess and removes ill obstructions, and a speedy core may be relied on. * TO XtSßlin LtDZXS ttf» peculiarly suited. It will, in a abort time, bring on tb* monthly period with regularity. ' XSiph bottle, price one dollar, boar* th* Government Stamp of Gbot Britain, to prevent counterfeit*. ■ \ ' , CAtmOM. ... ■ PfOt ehotdd not be taken by femmUe dwrmg the lint twe rtMthe of Pregnancy, ai they are ruretobnngon Hit carhop but at any other Mme they are tafe* ' Ih aliases of Nerroui and Spinal Affections, Fain In Limbs, fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the HAt, Hysterica and Whites, these Pill* will effect a cnre whK all other mean* have felled, and althongha powerful do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or to the confutation. .Full directs in ths .pamphlet Around sack ■ which stonldWcwlhlly preserved. Sola Agent A thUJnltod State and rw»«a. 4)B IpaßS, (Inte l. 0. Baldwin A Co,) i, . Eoehester.H. T. H. B.—JLOOind 6 ostage stampi enclosed to any an Agenl will unre a bottle, containing 40 P»y by return may. . , B. It. FahfMtock, tteburg, Wholseals Agents; also, for ads by all WnggfeU fJune 3,1 WB.-ly. HAT DYE—HAIR DYE. WIL yATCHELOE’B HAIR DYE! fnprigtndi and Bett ih ffte World I • All other* mere imitations, and ihonld bs Avoided, if yon wish to kps ridicule. v GEATj Ej or BUSTY HAIR. Dybd Instantly to A bOantifal ahatnral Brown or Black, without the least injury to their or Skin. - Fifteen and Diplomas hare been awarded to Wm. A. Batcheiorfre 1839, and over 80,000 applications hare been.jnade td hair of hi* patrons of his famous By*. WM. A. BjHELOR’S HAIR I)YK produces a color not to be dispishad from nature, and ia warranted not to itooro in test, however long it may be continued, anc| the ill ejof Bad Dyes remedied; the Hah invigo rated fetsLill this Splendid Dye. .Made, epl Bactory,'23 Sold by I cities and 0 plateengra ■ Nov. 18, /Imecl Mia'a Tm PJUs are W are mildinj irregularttj stmetions, in the *{s« always ar certainty j ble,andll plicit dir box. P#l author!^ 8.8. U XC6 Cham 7b whom Sold by daysbnrg; Cali dpi Not. Mi mWIGS-WIGS. BAXCKhOBtjGS AND TOUPKKB.« rDa a 9 «U.— They are Vs^ u V> ft* B ? an( l durable. Kttlcklo a np behind —no shrinking off the bead; ittdlj, j 9 the only Establishment where these things are By understood and nfade. Nov. 18,1855-1) JB3 Broadway. New Tork. This disease can! Rsxxdt, prepared i up in bottles and fa medicine, when dUd is worth ten times il by ,G. W. Eeeslsr.. FLOUR a: AT J Floor, Superfine, %. “ Extra FignSly Corn Meal VIW 11«- Bran k Shorts f WO Rye Chop. “ I Corn and Oats,. “ Middlings, « Cash paid lor all . always tic bad at the I.SO Hal 1 ~ M _ N. V BCIR1EI». ' Ot ilia Clli Inst, /heßev. 3; Stack, Mr. JOHN W. AYRES to JDm SCI FRY, both of Huntingdon Fur nace, nuntlugdcm'flty, Fa« On the 6th idr-wv. Dr. Bsrtine, Mr. Jas. MURRAY, of tnodisborgi -to Mfc* CATHAKIMS M. KENNEDY, of WSnebnrgh, Blair Co., P*. XfEW FIII--THE UNDERSIGN- J_Y( ED wonld cctfally inform thecitireue of Altoopa •ad vicinity »h«t f have purchased the entire Stock and buildings of J. T i Collins; and Intend to- carry on the BUTCukItINO UNSSS In "bis Stead. We will far hiahMEAT OF A KINDS at the lowest possible juice. Our MARKET D> 1 trill be the some ns heretofore. on TUESDAY and JOBDAY. We will also attend on Monday and-Prid irenlngrto supply thwe who prefer calling at that tin r EWING A CO. Altoopa, Jan. E • ' . T IST OF &TTERS REMAINING 1 J in the Pott fee, at Altoona, oi the 11th day of -January, 1859 i: . . - ' RT King, Samuel Antorabn, W telWng, Atexana»,Mto j> John , Miller, Frederick Ayres, Anna-More,HO Asquith, Wm V Mart|el, WJ Bcrgstresser, BIA • , Miles,Matilda 3 Bmst, Sarah A Milier.Wm r Bridenbaugh,Ur 2 , Murrey, George Bowser, Catharine \ Morrison, dm Baker, Her J I,- \ ‘ Mazen.Da'rtd BratUcr, Mabassa \ JdcOnJlongj, The* Band, XUeophUas W »\ : McKnngh.Nancy 3 Cox, Harrison : - \ McMinn, Jbht Christo, Alice 2 ' ' - \ McCormiclW 8 Corbet, John ’ \ HcKinnoylA T Cook Henry’ ' McCartney E X Conn, Priscilla , Vdble,o«cge. Casshedy, L Regale, J« )1> ! Cassiday, Anna B * A (ypeo, Jol Carothers,CM ‘Potafef, jjf Decker, Henry H Pierson, pn - Downey, John , Rnggie, D Deutsb, Arnold J - 81&,3|y ( Dickson, Daniel E Hires, neon '• 1 . Dailey, John B ReightnPV Margaret Dougherty, Elizabeth B , BitelinW Fred r • Erins, Benjamin : . ' Shambeper, Wilson Foster, Witt B - BwitosJooS : ' : Giant,Sarah : Spade, iohn Grier, Jus K .. .SfddleJmthcr ’ llognn, Ann ~ Btorml£dward Hartzel,D K Prof • BHclt,!* J Ilaudlin, Jno2 : Daykii Jas B Hibsch, Catharine-2 ' Thomas, 3 - Haslett, Rob’t Dwh/iry. Bertrand Hidler, Thos G ; ■ Mathika A Hartman,-It II : Weaver, Daniel c Johnston, George - Wcitli, John Jerry, Mr > . ' Jones, J B ■ Bw»forgarat Koorken, ’Jnn A ; Hiram Kessler, Her Jacob \ ' Persons calling for letters an His Bet, will please say they aro advertised. . Vi ' . Jan. 13,1859. JOHN SIOEMAKEB, P. C. J. MANN. TTA LU A 3 LE PROPERTY . FOR ' f SAIF, -VTITHIK TBBEE-Foxncnis OF A MFM3 of; Altoona.— rjho subscriber offers at Prlvatefiale. n hjt containing one acre of ground, with an elegant Frame “Iletwo, Spring House. Stable, and other 'buildings thereon. Also.a nnmber of .choice Fruit Trees, and O rape-vines, which arc in a thrifty condition. There Is a nevcr-fltlUng spring of water on the lot. If thfc property ie not sold by the let of Fehruary.'it wilt 'be for rent. Any information in regonl to the property tout be hiid from GF.O- B. CB AMeR, ijec. 58,1?59-2m.' SIB JAMES CLARKE’S CELEBRATED FEMALE PItLS. ipplied ffered ln this place, consisting InP‘} , nKHdron'S -Opent Ho ' CONNECTION ARIES AND | FRUIT. 1 Dates 10 cts. per lb—prunes. 1214 et*. R^* ! cts w. Citrons, ttirrantSJDryad Reach j M?App&s, Ganges and Lemons, Almondsj Mines9*al | r *R»S*a^dBh9escheeper Hardware, of almost orery desertion—NWsartWlajs. Cntlety, Green :JUw Butcher t world—Pump* w*4 PußpCtriw Quaanawara. ,„ ■' u ' Tobacco and .4 Bata and Capa. tw»oa. ... AII Vlix-Mcd OU. » • 8«r««t ou ' OwwrOO B*od Gliw TinWft*. ■ f (MnßomM. ■ OoßtoOnsen. Off** Oroand. Th*w»y b«*t Coff#* te town «AHJS •*« Okll ul see *t ■■■’■■■■■ OE C OND ARRIVAL Op GOODS Mflnirch|sftP qidttogßpppriHm., 3 j r If you want a cheap coat call at r “V : KTTHSQEB i;tJBLMAN’S. If you want a cheap pair of pants caS ai . A ‘ " rmNOBE AITLLMAVB. A' If you want to buy cheap Under (hirta or Overskirts call at ETTIKOER * ULLMAN’S. If you want a good and cheap *** C * n &TIKOEB A CLLMAN’S. If you want a good hat or cap - BTHKGER a UIiLMAX’B. If you want anything in the line oftemen’s ULLMAX’S. Ifjouwanl to geUJloUimg Aeap If you want tO Clothmg Gt ykST ' O YES 1-^—GENTLEMEN I , ■ „ ud hear JOSEPH P. TROCT \nnoun f.rtHDis)Uc that ho is ready to discharge his duty * . SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Prawerr, Cotteu. ,'VoolJeo and TCfr IOW, H * 1 |>reC. $ |a |1 | ‘ s J • G 3 -M « - S £a . S |“.it p$ *• 2go I* < | 2**i af. isr o§J.s “=a s-a psi«|2. M 9 3 «S , s bn f-3«- a■ • g I LJ ??; S 5 « w «■< a. 2 Q S 535 "S ~ HH Sr* ® q I I OQ s 5 5 §H-> 31 Ilf ONE YEAR. BOEBHAVE’S HOI lAM D BUTE RS STses&ssft. . DISEASE OF THE KiBSEIS,’ LIVER COMPLAINT,. .. WEAKNESS OF ANT KIND FEVER AND AGUE, AbA the various affections consequent upon i* disordered • STOMACH OR-LIVER. - S>ocli as Indigestion, Acidify of the Stomach, Colicky Pains. Loss of Appetite. Despondence, Co»t i toimm. Blind and Bleeding Pile* lu all NcVtou.h UIi«SES u Aflvctlons, it has in muneruiw instance* prortd “Wily benelklal, and in.others emoted u decide.! ciiwc i i?a* B ~. u re. *J' vegetable compound, prepared on strict!* • scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Bocrhave: Because of its great sum«m J? meal wil cure BwpffAv <®-One dosoof twotea-i spoonsful trill always i* "far fs- Q uisle obstruction remove . of Se disease, H and makes a perfect cure. Oaly ono do« ImioediaU- [ly relieve* Cholic, 7 One dose offen vepoated r Jut genre cure tbr Cuoup Mouses, and a preventive LC,ofCnousßA. ... so- Only one bottle Is * needed to throw ont of system the effect* of tuedl- clhoafter a lon£«lck«brt. One bottle taken for Jai hsici removes alt sal lowness or unnatural color from ‘ One do#e tiUcca * abort ; time before oatmg C* V J* vigor* to the appetite, and _! makesithe f>w»fdi One dbaeioften repeated! Q cures Chrome Dlsrtlicea in its worstEnps,while mcr and Bowel complaints vield almost to the first!l£< do«e. . . S-, 5 One ™ two dose? cures " attacks caused by In children: there is no £1 surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it r^inewr/odr. A few bottle* cures Dropsy jby exciting the abeorbent,* - We take pleasure in re- 1 commending the medicm* si a preventive for Fever Agiie.cmil lever, ap* all Fevers of a Bilious type. jit operates with andibonsands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtue*. . ' ' • " , All wh# mt« giving Oi®ir noanimpMi* tewliraotiy »* -Water in the«ienth with the Inrigorator, an* INVIGORATOIt IS A SCIENTIFIC MKDTC.VL DISCOVERY, and is djdly working cure*, almost too great to behev#. It enreo y if • by magrc. erm (ht. first dost giving benefit, J*"* than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LiverCmn plaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dysptwna toar.nwmoh lUcrda e)k«, all of which are the result of aDismsxn Ltvan. MUCK OKK OOUAH PKR BOTTtK. DR SANFORDi Proprietor. 845 Broadway. New Tom; - «sLsold byG.W.KKSLBB, Altoona:an_d all Druggists. tMar tn, l»*e.-iy qecuiie the shadow ere the STOSIAXCE FADES. The place-togst ambrotypes, MELAINOTYPES, [ • & PHOTOGRAPHS, donsaip in short order, is on Jnila street, opi>o«lt« R. pnt benaekV wltMs. all persons can be accomfliortawwltn and perfect Likenesses. Time from Ito k second*. Pictures copied on reaVnonhlo teens. • Pictures set in jeweh t at very low rates, tbs pries M* pending upon the size of tbs article, - -- : - ■ Pictures always warranted before* they are tpken awajr. , l>adiee and gentlemen arc invited to call anilcastnins specimens. . ' . ’ Pictures taken as well in cjoudy R, k*r weather. - . December l«,T£ljS-6m.] ■ >VVr . ChABAViGH. w. S. BITTNER. SURGEON -EBNEIST. Office opposite '.the Lutheran churcV, Teeth extracted without pain by the Electro Slag* netic Machine. ' ' fnll setts of teeth for £15,00 | 0 old fillings warranted for 10 yeart. A student wanted. !•**■ ■*'**'• Dentistry.— dr. s. k dim ell, OI'TtHA Tin: <0 MECJTAXrCM. Z>t3TTJS'n TeMU inserted, from one to ft frill fret, on Guia or Surer plnfc ' . - Teeth filled with Gold, and warranted tor ten mrs- u Teeth Extracted-by the Electro Magnetic Jlawho with* °°AlU>p,. viut w «mft eional tut of the LITIS W- l> ! % •uffleient to relievo the ito (Turn Heins andaonring. . tyro ’ retmhfo protest*