ALTOONA, PA. THTJEDAT, DEC. 3fc 1858. arannknown to ns,ourrulefor adver tising require payment In advance, or a guarantee from known-persons, ' It Is therefore useless for all such to Mod na advertisements offering to pay at the end of three or elz months. Where advertisements are accompanied with the moaqv, -whether one, five or ten dollars, we will giro the advertiser the 101 l benefit of each rates. 1 , 8. HI. PETTEKfiILL & CO., idrertlsing .Agents, lid Nassau street. New Vork, and U State street, Boston, are tho Agents for the Altoona JWtttoe, and the most influential and largest circulating Kewspapers In the United States and tbe Panadas. They are aatherized to contract for ns at oar lowest rater. No Paper. —No paper from this office next week. Top Mexioah Squabble.-—A chief difficulty ih getting at the truth of Mexi? oanaffairs throes from ; the fret that most of the fighting Is dope in the newspapers and by false raptors. War seems to be conducted very much like one of our po litical campaigns, and all the factions hasy themselves in circulating tremendous sto ries of their oWn victories, in order to t - v * : •_ • - frighten their opponents. The Vera Cruz newspapers are full of reported defeats of the iZnloaga party all over country, while the news from the city of Mexico indicates that’the actual goveramept-is in fact : .strengthening itself and suppressing all opposition.. it .seems to be tile fact that between Vera Cruz and the'ol^l l)aa been cutoff, anflthat the: Sublime os the scene was, it was too horrible; to be long con templated, and Romano, in mercy, gave orders to destroy them. But it was found too danger ous to attempt this, and after tire last boat had quitted tbe beach, thp few horses that remained, were still engaged in'tho dreadful work of mu tual destruction.” A sad scone—the effect of brutal pas sion, of-woak despondency, and of rum-drinking degradation—was exhibited at the central po lice station, Baltimore, Maryland, on Tuesday last. In one room were the bodies of three men, all the victims of violent death. One was the remains of young Connary, killed in a mo-, ment of insensate and drunken fury by bis own brother; the other that of a German, Casimir Smith, who had premeditately taken his own life ; and the other that of a brawny specimen of manhood, found drowned, and bearing still the unmistable impress of the drunken debauch during which he bad stumbled unconsciously into eternity.. SECUHE THE SHADOW EltE THE SUBSTANCE FADES., The place togot = AMBROTY±>ES, "si MELAINOTYPE^ & PHOTOGRAPHS, done im in short order, is on Julia street, opposite R. Roi bennckV where all peraona can bo accommodated with true and perfect Likenesses. Time from 1' to 8 seconds. Pictures copied on rcasnoabio terms. Pictures set in jewel) y at vary low rates, the price de pending upon the size of the article. ; ' Pictures always worrtinted before they are taken away. Ladies and gentlemen ore invited fo call and examine specimens. T . ) Pictures taken os well in clondv as &lir weather. December US, ISSS-6ra.] J.- W. CLABADOII. ROUTE TO PIKE’S PEAK.—Know ing that there is a great desire existing among the people as to the route, manner of travMifng, expenses, dis tance, end how it can be travelled with the least expense, to Pike’s Pedk; I have, at U* reqnst Of numerous persons, concluded to pnblisb a book stating these facts, also giving the places where supplies can be obtained and all other information that is necessary for one going there. Having spent the last summer at and nearPlko’s Peak lam able to give much importnnt'infonnation On the route, 4c., 4c. Chicago will be taken ua the starting point on account of its central position. Price 26 cents, or five for«. Ad dress ' X. W. MURDOCH. Dec. 23-31. ; Abingdon, 111. YA LUA B L E PROPERTY FOR SALE WITHIN TUREE-FOUjITHS OF A MILE of Altoona.—The subscriber offers at Private Sale, a lot containing one acre-of ground, with an elegant Frame House, Spring House. Stable, and other 1 buildings thereon. Also a number -of choice Frnlt Trees, and Grapo-rines, which are in a thrifty condition. Then Is a never-failing spring of water on the lot. ! If the property is not sold by the Ist of February, it will bo for rent.- Any Information in regard to the property roay to had from OEO. B. CRAMEB. Dec. 23,1858-2 m. : Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The undersigned, Agent of th« Blair County Mutual Fire Insurance' Company, is 'at all times ready to ino ore against loss or damage by fire, BinH inyt, Merchanditt, Furniture and Property, of every des cription. in town or country, nt os reasonable rates as » Company in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple; Jan. 3, ’66-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. The largest assortment qp Boy’s wear, such as Jackets, Frock and Overcoats Pants and Veste, at tins lowest prices, kt H. XUCH’R. Dec. 9,1858. f; v - * SELLING' OFF—A L4RGE as sortment of Boots and Shoes! Buffalo and Calf H-TCCH’S pIARPET BAGS, TRUNKS, UM BRBLLAfi, Ac., can be bonght cheaper at H. TUOIPB than at any other place ip the country: [Dec. 9,1858. OTESI 6 YES!—GENTLEMEN draw nidi and bear. ffOSEPIj: p. TROUT innnim. be Is ready todischargehis duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon. [Jub.'J’M, AT H. TUCK’S, SUrfc' Novel Entertainment^ FOR THE HOLIDAYSJ OPEN EVERY DAY AND EVENING, AT TUB CORNBROP BRANCH AND AN NIB BTUEXTI JUBT ARRIVING—A SELECT AS SORTSIBNT of good) adaptodto the sea*on~whlcV will be sold; os cheep os the cheapest—emulating of abat ing’a, Can tow Flannek Muslins, Prints, Barred Dc Inina, assortment of Trimmings for Ladies Drosses, with hag. ■dreda of articles too numerous to mention.' Friends and citizens call and see before purchasing where and save yonr dimes. . Clothing of all sorts cheaper than tfea Jews. The cheapest lot of Germantown goods over offer*! la this place, consisting in part of Ladies Hoods, Rlggolm Children’s Opera Hoods, Childrens Talmas and Capes and Coats, with the neatest and best Hosiery to be (bund anywhere in these mountains. A splendid assortment of Groceries, oonaiat&g of Ctada noti, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and Mew York Bn. up*—delicious—New Orient e and Mnacarado Baking iL lasses, Sugars of every variety. ' CONFECTIONARIES AND PRUix. Dates. 10 cts. per Bt—Prunes, 12U cts. per ft—PW Bsi. ain* nU cts. pet lb—Figs, Citrons, Currants, Dtyed Paaak. os. Apples, Oranges and Lemons, Almonds, kUnea Rm ready for use. Boots and Shoes cheaper thnn'tfan cheapest. , Hardware ol almost every description—Mails aadktkML Cutlery, Green River Butcher Xulveo—tha bat kfS2 world—Pumps and Pump Chains and flxtwsm Qooenaware^. Tobacco am) Began. Hata and Capa. Fish Oil. Oil. Sweet Oil, Outer OH. Good Cider Vinegar. Coffee Roaeted, \ . Coffee Green. . . Coffee Ground. !' The Terr beet Coffee. In toynat eta per ft. ; Cali and eee at J. L. ICUI. ONE Alib JL Eyes Bight and Dress ! Hr FORWARD MARCH! Ul right up to Ettinger & dmkm Cllraan’g and rig yourseWea ont In a sang .hiug they have now on band by ths SECOND ARRIVAL OF QOQDS at their cheap Cloth - If you want a cheap coat call ! | rraxcrEß *^jLLMAira. If you want a cheap pair of panto call at ITHNOKR * CLUU**I If you want to buy cheap Under* shirts or Orcrshlris chit tt £TI'U!SIBi UXJJIAITB, If you want, a gopd and cheap pair oHJocts or Shoes call at ■ imHOKB *TTLLMAITB. If you want a good hat or cap call at ETTIMUSR * VUjiSSn If you want anything in the line of (Hutlomc&’a clothiug-^beap—call at ETOXOS& ft uiunro If you want to get Clothing cheap mu at srmaEß ft mxMnn. If you want to get good (Dfoflung call at ETTINOEibk tfti|U!rB. Howard association,, phil ADELPUIA. C A Benevolent Tmtilution , ettahlithed by fjs ecial mitfmmml for the relief of Ott tick and dietrtued, affected tdth Fls ulent and Epidemic ditto tes. Tho Howaud A'ssocutaos, In view of the awful destmtla of human life, caused by Sexual Diseases, an d tbedeeeplkai practised upon the unfortunate victims of such dlaeant t. Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Burp«, . os d ckdrHabUaet worthy of their name, to open a Dima eary for tbostreatmeut or this class of diseases, la aB tW forms, and to: give medical advice profit, to all wboiffQr by' letter, with-a description of their condition, (age, met potion, babltfl of life, Ac.,) and In cases of extreme porerß and suffetlnwja/urniift medicine fret of charge. It S needless th add tho Association commands the blgbg Medical skill of the age, audwiilfurulah the moat sppn* ed modem treatment. . Tho dirocton of the Association, in their Annnal Biptxl' upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, express tbs hlpol satisfaction with the success which bos attended thvUbwl of tho Consulting Surgeon hr the cure of SopermatorriaSi Seminal' Weakness, Impotence, Qonnorrhma, Gleet, 8y philis, the vice of Onanism or Self-abuse, Ac, and orla a continuance of tho same plan for tho ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, foci assured tM their labors'in this sphere Of benevolent effort hare t*i» Of great benefit to tho afflicted, especially to the young, toi they have" resolved to devote themselves, with renewed Ml to this very important and ranch despised cause. An admirable Report oh Spermatorrhoea,'or Seßlind Weakness, the - vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or.Ueo abuse, and) other abdscs of the sexual organs, by the Cm suiting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a seated env* 6po), FREE-OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMM for postage; Other Reports and Tracts on the nature am treatment"of sexuardiseascs, Ac, arc constantly being p» United for gratuitous distribution, and will bo sent to to* afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods of Ireab ment discovered during tho lost year, are of great veins Pi for Report or Treatment, Dr. QEOIIQB E. Clb HODX, Consulting Srijrgoon, Howard A»sociatloa, No.lA Ninth street, Phihuleltihia, Pa. By order of the Diretooa ’ 1 EZRA D. HEARTWELL. fVa* QEO. FAIRCHILD} Seefy., [D*a- Hi- /COMPETITION 1$ THE LIFE 0? TRADE.—FuIIy convinced of the truth, of thl»*JJ ing, the subscriber would . respectfttlly announce to to* citizens of Altoona and'vicinity, that be hae enkew the field, by opening a MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT) in the room heretofore occupied by Michael Gallagher, hi mediately opposite the: Superlntandeot’s Office, whfivlj will carry on the business as usual. Ho haajnat tew!* an excellent assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES & VESTINGS. suitable for working and dress suite, which bo will m«h«* ordab,onfchdrt notice and at prices which can net fill* satisfy. He has also received the LATEST STYLES of FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS, and feels confident that he. can satisfy tho most fulilW In this partienlfri and his clothing will ho made as well ]* clothing can be made. In fine, he is determined that sow ing shall be wanting on his port to render aatisfactW* tboso who may favor him with their patronage. Altoolla, Nov. 6-ttl JOHN TALBOT- WM. S. BITTNER. SURGEON DENTIST. Office opposite the Lutheran church Teeth extracted without pain hy theEectrtH'f netlc Machine. : Poll hetts of teeth for $15,00 6ild fillings warranted for 10 yean. A etndent wonted. TVENTISTEY.—DE. S. KBIMELL, JLf OPERATIVE e things that w . j gad our coopers s, e m. This fact has demand Edo tho above ment Lterior dimensions < j iho Eastern that Blaii Lonty in tho product Lpply any desired at Lme of our land ov koses in their ondoa L f or feminine ext< L, doubt, arc genera L 0 can not say so Gray, of Logan tow tho hoop-poles ho co Ly, but still tho de supply* x Ho thougi womans’ precious t thF deep-drawn sighs hOMt broken dimity mofUftoation that m (Ur one—and his t softened down mined to avert so d [|S present ono-haif [the Weaker sex, ev [honor and good-stan Ivor’s property was ■going to waste—gro ■he cautiously appr ■ heart, otherwise tii I consciousness. that h Ibenevolence, and in ■two) he. has hoop ■enough to save a dot ■household” from dnt I relate, his efforts to I mundane sphere, ar ■ supplying their mo I precursor of his do I and drop a tear, w jpassed-upon proprie I ofaotor in the act, I ladies before his eyi I kind-hearted tro&pi I ’Sqojire Cherry, who I is) did, after tpstun I friend to the “ Lot I That the ladies m I prosecutes and per I fiat as Ur. 0., we g I vU:—H. McClelland I Ugheny Furuanco — | maledictions fall on j , V also suggest to the I gratitude is due tu defended Mr. O. i and used auoh veig Indictment (which attempting to nrgv that “ Hoop-pole, tee „ F. 8. Since the a learn . that Mr. Gr the night after he v ing manner. The ties, thinking tin kspt invito “Lock to provraea bed for whiobhedid. Mr. 1 a room. in the tb and left for tho nig! led for him in the u bu. You may dry effector is still at la able calling in eora are no hard-hcorte Tiuxxs Our I Store" will except«. manner in which tb Christmas a happy tion of ont'droam. ho remembered. 1 exhibit their klndm can bear testimony modating spirit w dots their store, 5i •tore. Onr young fricn eept onr thanks for he dropped into < •upper, oh Christa cepUhlo each prose: to poor printers, lock a turkey for hi Our grateful acki tlemaa (who shall the town “ oxer th big gobler loft at by that clever fel donor’s heart is in did we dro&m, w tlon of his name, somely rewarded, that all we sold a .anticipations and o aliud in hia exper IDet.g-*. Visits© Us.—o, tha pleasure of tn friend A. F. MoK Nebraska Territoi of yore, thi »«we>ng iriUi: hi tiwea to have ea &nd the prospect o tnines in that regii poses remaining a 'of months. Thosi »«t in that localitj hands than Aleck’ Chbub or Ho: turns of the Assess ku account of the section therewith actual population Rood for a “ono- Populatiop, includ SgC children u UOCA