-rr»A£ QUARTERS FOB LOW *~l Tkitakful for poet Umn, tbe eubecrtbcr SgyMiclMhr bett lure to inform Uw litieni of this ’flKmßFniWr that behaeJußt retired and ojHßJedhiß WAMJLj & winter goods, ftokWvaX •* Uat mj tow price* for cub. It constat* jSiifrlit. ffnfiinr. Pat dt Cheats, plain Herinos, 'jlfW’ciwtd striped Merinos, Wool Plaids, Union English Merinos, black and Janty */Am* of every description; Sheet .mgs, Muslins, Flannels, Cassimeres 5 SJl|ii»a«'ArJßfntiiia nind vicinity, that ho has Just returned fWWfhfcfty and opened his store on the or Assa asp Vxaotjaa Stbmis, yrhtrt !ho offers for sale the largest and cheapest stock of OUEENSWARE, ■ wooden and willow-ware, Rver-brooghtto this place, which ho "HI oeli.AVUOLE ami RKTAIL. 'lie will also keep constantly on hand a large-supply of . .FLQUk; FEED, BAG OX, FISH, and Country Produce of all kinds, whtchho will dispose bf at the cash prices. As he v«« bought bis goods for cash, ne.will be enabled to sell ttomtow for cash. He would respectfully invito all to PLACE. I* all and winter fashions. 1 —The subscriber.takes pleasure In announcing to nubile that lie has just received bis stock of , ¥a£l AND winter goods. together with tho very latest styles' of Fashion, and Is hew MMared to accommodate all who nia> give him a call, in Idle most satisfactory manner. '' , ... His stock consists of all qualities of goods, .suited to the ■sason, for dress-coats, over-coats, vests. Pantaloons, Ac. .His experience In the businqsa warrants him In premia In* to his customers-the very beet fits. _ Taukhe is a trial, that he may be able to convince the public of the truth of hls assertions. , , rL« on Main street, two 2Bth 1868—tf. 1 TQLANK books and statione n RY. WM. !*. HAVEN, MiWfSti S 3usPJUxisß, StATWSEB\AX» BIASK BOOK Maxotacicheiu , iUmL.mi VT Corner Market ««ore bn Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. . JESSE SMITH. XTOME TESTIMONY. g~f - v V [From the Lowlstown Anrbra.l TTnavebebn afflicted for ten years with Clirenlc Diavrhrea, sbfdhaTeireceived moreheneflt from Bn Vail’s Galvanic Q|l .thah abr ather medicine I ever used. ALEX. JIcKEE. v j\ Oliver township,Mifflin county, Pa. ■ This la to certify that I used 'IW-Vriß’s Ortwrfp OU In n«y family in some of the diseases for which it is rccom ..mended and fonnd to act almost. spontoMnriy. I recom tneod It to all who imfler from pain. Jh M.. INuRAM. gept. 2, *6B-rly. ~ Decattir townghifr, Mifflin CP* Pa. A CARD.—Hear what Mrs. Vaughn of Dunoansvlllc saysl have used the Galvanic Oil «tW*rodby 3.D. Blonoroad, Lewiatown, Pa., for a very >nvkiflf and recomnienfl.it to others and in OTtfr caA* tound lt to be ono of the very best medicines for ajff tUseasea. Reltovoa aU pain In a&w min* Brery fonhy should have It . ,WM. S. BITTNER, SURGEON- DENTIST, immediately opposite the" Lutheraa 1/ Ch nrc h, on Virginia street. Teeth extracted without WU*. by moans of electricity—no humbug. Aatudentwho iSwAoma well recommended for morality and poiweaaci a jjOhd lnglJsh education, will be taken. [Sept.-, 58-ly. #*iake notice, that the AS , S BBSBMENT No. 15, made by the Lycoming Mutual ifftrtMiee Como tnv. In Blair county, 1« payable at my of i The Assessment 1b 3 per cent, on nil note* in fore* rss. JOHN SHOEMAKER, July 15, ISSB. - Etaixer. fETTEES FOR SALE.—THE UN deralcned haa on hand a lot of Settee* which he will cheaptwr cash. JOHN SHOEMAKER, x-MerdiM tf.] Masonic Temple. tarter, super-carbo- Jl7 KATEof Soda, Salnratn*. Washing Soda, Durkee’e IKinf' Powder, in storo'and for sale at 'ißeptlVSS-tf-l A. ROUSH’S Qrug Store. SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG- Jgß NESIA —a cooling Cathartic, mild in its operation mdAaxaeabte to the taste, prepared and for sale by A- ROUSH, DrugyitL PEA NUTS.—S,OOO BUSHELS WIL- Nuts in store y,reh 26, ’6B-ly] Ml >’orth Third street, Vhilad’a. 2T\N HANJ) AT McCORMICK’S Store -imotUuaA of Boady-Mi^ch^g. 42WAN & *oos 'EM -|JS OKPHAHVIh : ' ©aVi! Ah TICKETS ONLY $lO. Ikafelfcwtogßsbeme wIU be *wwu by aSwahACu, Managers of the Sparta Atademy Lottery, in eadhoiOiejr Htnsto Humber latter lee fbr November 18&&, at AUttuSTA, SSOEHIA, is public, under the anperiateudeuea of Com-; misaiDDcr*; _ , . Chum 44 draws on Saturday, December 4, 1888.. Class 46 draws on Saturday, Decemberll,lBsB.; Glass 46 draws on Saturday, December 18,1858. Class 47 draws on Saturday, December ZJ.lwo. as THE PEAK OF SINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000 Tickets! 1 ms THocsavn m* semn xro m ruiul ; jftariy one Prize to every SMtJnckxUl MAQNIFIOENT SCHEME! io u wuwssAcaaaTtmnAT is oxmmsx. ■ ; 1 yttodf JBOfiM 4 Prfee of W ? - ' v sss -i ™ ■i ::- • . - » i « w t . . 8#h»l 80 “ “ »» 1 «.<«.: WOO'IW “ “ i m « w«»l2» « “ .100 , , APPIMWItoION PMZES. I l^^ Appr^ ,ting ‘^ $7 ® d HU M) «, 10,000$ “ ** 800 4 u « -128 " « 6,000 “ “ 600; ? U M MO « “ 4,000 “ “ 400 f ** TS « « &00 « M 0 4 « « ,80 - “ “ l»a» “ “ f,QW “ “ 20 am W* MB6 Prices amounting to ; ■ . >^oo ■ Whole Tioket»slo; Halves go;QUartera*2,SO. • PLAXdPTUE LOTTEEY. Th* numbers from 1 to $O,OOO, corresponding with these Nnmberaon the Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, first 457-Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are P lh^4u^ r «L h r l re rolrcd, and a number is drUn from the wheel of Numbers, and at tbe.sOmo time s. Prize is drawn fromthe other wheel. Bus huniberand Prize drawn out aoefopeoed.and exhibited . to. the audience, and registered byMthe* Commissioners; the> Prize being placed the ‘Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the prises are drawn out. , AwaoxiMAilOK twoprecedlng:and the_two snecceding Numbers to those drawing th* hist < I rizaa to the 28 ample: if Ticket No. 11250 draws the $50,000 Prize, those numbered 11248, will each be *a 4400 If Ticket -No. 55CT draws the $30,000 Prtoe, thoee Tickets numbered 548,&40, 551, be entitlbd to $3OO, and so on according to the abote Prizes of *2O will be determined by,the last figure of the rmmbertnat draws the SpO , prto!B U and under, paid immediately utter the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of oO days. All communications strictly confidential. ■ Address orders for tickets or certificates to - g. SWAN A CO, Augusta, Ga. Parsons residing near Montgomery, Ala, or Ataianta,Qa. can have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing B. Swan 4 Co, at either of those cities. A list of the numbers that are drawn from lUe wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in the following par per*:—*V«<> Orleans Delia, Mobile Register , Charleston Stan dard, Aashville Gazette, AOxmta Inttlhgtnctr, Aetc York Wteldg Dag Book, Savannah Morning Slews, RyfunonaDiV pmteh, A 'eto York JHspatch, and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion Augusta (Geo.). Constitutionalist. [jan.7-ly. ; JUST OPENED! THE MODEL IN BLAST! tithe undersigned would I announce that they have removed to their now MOOED STORE, • aimer of Annie and Virginia Streets, and *re now opening the largest and nicest Stock of Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Notions, &c., Ever exhibited in this town. Haying turned our attention entirely to the Above named Goods, wo will bo enabled to keep a better stock of the Goods mentioned than thoee who keep so many varieties; and as we will not be compelled to soil Dry Goods, Ad, at a high profit tomakeupfor losses -on other goods, we hope to be aide to dispose of them at prices that will astonish tho natives. - ■ FOR THE LADIES, We have Prints, Delaines, Ginghajms, Cashmere, hud all-wool Plaids ,• De heges t Coburgs, Alpacas, French- Merinos, Wool Delaines, Silk * Foulards, Foil Dechevres, Satin Striped Poplins, Black and Fancy Silks, Shawls in great variety / also, Hosiery and Gloves of., all kinds, White Goods, (fed. OUR STOCK OF CARPETS is large and very cheap wool filling as low as 37J4 cents. Our Stock of DOMES TICS we think cannot be bent in quantity, quality or pries. Persona who wish to get the most for thofr money, will do well to give ua a call and examine onr stock auq prices, and we hope to be able to convince them that the JODEL is the place to buy goods. J. 4J. LOWTUER. October ,28th 2868—tf.ds. POSITIVE INFORMATION!—THE undersigned having, perfected their Spring Stock, now offer to the public tho LARGEST LOT OF GROCE RIES ever presented in the town of Altoona. Onr object in publishing this card is to present the fol lowing facts: . Ist. The recent hard times have very much reduced the price ofOrbqeries in the city, especially to cash buyers. \ 2d. We bought these Groceries in large lota, many of them from first hands. . Bd. W* bought them entirely for cash. 4th. We sell for ready pay. . 6th. We keep our stock full by weekly receipts. ! Oth,‘We are determined to keep up thccredit of puy house. ‘lth. ,\Ye sell more GROCERIES than any other store in Blair county, at less pbr cent. : StlOVe sell cheaper than any other store in the county. A continuation of patronage is respectfully solicited. Altoona, June 10,1858. RICHARD MCLAIN. BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.—r Did yon hear the nows from Europe I If yon hav* not, we wWfcll yon whatit is. It id that HENRY TOOK has Just returned from the Eastern cities witha large * Of READY-MADE CLOTHING,I!/ consisting of all styles and qualities of Overcoats, Dress Coats, Vesta, Pants, Boots and Shoes, and everything kept in anestablishment ofthe,kind, all of which he offers at low prices for cosh. Having purchased his stock at cash prices, he is thereby enabled to sell very low.- lie invites all thoseinwant of anything In his lino to give him a call, feeling sure that he will he able to give ’ HENRY TUCK. Altoona, Sept. SO, 1858.-tf T EVPS PREPARATION FOR EX- I J terminating HATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and Bed-bug* without danger in its nse under any clrcnmatani sea, for sale at the Drug Store of Jan. 24, ’BB-tf] 4 LMONDS, walnuts, cream /~\ Kata and Filbert* in storoand for side by WM. N. BUDQAQD, March 25, ’5B-ly] 191 North 3d street, Philadelphia. Raisins.— 1,000 boxes bunch and Layer Baisinsin store and for sale by TfM. N. BHUOARD, March 25, *SB-ly] 191 North Third street, Philad’a. Confectionery.— plain and Man* 25, ’6B-ly[ Ml North Third street, Philad’a. LOVERING AND NEW ORLEANS Syrup Molasses, at lair prices, at : June 18,’57-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. A SUPPORTERS, Trus f\ -J ' Braces for sale at ■ - KESSLER’S. 1-tf YOU CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL kinds oT Flour and Feed by calling at . _ • . Juno IS, ’57-lyl HKJiBY I«BiiK3. Spectacles and eye peeseb v«rs forsala at' ■ 11-tt] • . ; jUBSSLBB*B. ■ J , , -“IP. rRXFoS & Co., Hqteta oftht Maryland State-Lotterk*. preset ttoW- AXJOCST, 1838 . .. - i-'Th*t«ntton purchaser* ot Ticket* to beware Cl W*S£ 'lttwMarylandlotterieshareb«n n uTrZ Tuyeredrawnby a State Officer, aud con lled *B H Two draw a I’rir.e, you will get your ino“'“y -Whole country to flooded with bogus Lottery cancer na. Maryland State Lotterioe, ataonmcasT scSeks. _ „■■ " Drawn , ? ( “ ch I**?* 1 ** 0 * ISSS •: W last Issi ij? :sasf- -■» I PrtaeS I. £ooo 20Prize of *OO ISof - W mPrteeot *OO ‘ISC*. ’ 'sss-L-jgijas • W IPtbaof . S'SSS ".■■■• so IPrteeSf 2,000 4,1580 f -|g Do. do. 26 Quarter*, 5S S 9 ' Do! do. 38 Eighth*, V> ,s > HAVANA PLAN. Tills U Una old mode of Drawing. Prise* in one Wnee. and Ticket* in another. 1 Every Priie is drawn out. _ . Every Pritt MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, EXTKA CLASS *, Tobedrawninßaltimore, Md., Saturday,Aug,2Bth, 1868 Prizes! 40,000 Numbers! 1 Wo would call particular attention to thelbllowing *P"*O~ dldacbeme. a package of 10 whole tickets costing only *Bo—and evoryiothor ticket being warranted to draw ttoTdetemiWed by the number drawing the Capital Prize, whether odd or even. 1 ; SPLENDID SCHEME I 1 Prize of, $38,000 4 Appr>zt°^oo 1 Prise of; 10,W0 * 100 IPriaeof 6,000 4 " » 1 Prize of" 2,*QO 4 u , „ 1 Prize of . N . 2,008 4 1 Prize of 1,0001 go 60 1 Prize of I,OQP| . 1 Prize of 6001 1 Prize of v 600 f 1 Prize of 4001 | « 1 Prize of 400 1 Prize of ; i , 200 10 Prizes of ' 200/ in mm 100 Prizes of - 100 ate W.OW 20 000 Prize* of 10 are * WboleTickets slo—Halves ss—Quarter* $2,60. A Managers’ Certificate of T 6 Wholes —where persons wish to pay the r&k only, will be sent for $»0 Do. do. 16 Halves, , 40 Do. do. , 16 Quartos, 20 Do. dp. 16 Eighths," 10 The Managers have been compelled from the numerous complaint* made to,them, of unfaithfulness on the part of those who have then attending to the filling of orders, to resume the tort-espondenco business in their own name. Order ticket* from the Manager* only. Adrreaa all letters to E. PKANCE t CO. March 4-ly] Baltimore, Md. (80 40 20 10 TVTEW GROCERY FEED AND PRO- I 1 VISION STORE. , The subscriber would respectfully Inform the citizens of Altoona apd vicinity that Ub 'has opened a store of the above kind, near the corner of Adnline and Julia streets. bast Altoona, where he will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of everything in his Hue. Uis G R 0 (J ERIE S are all fresh and will be sold at prices as low a? those of auy other establishment in town. His stock of provisions, consisting Of Flour, Rams, Shoulders, Sides, &c will be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought any where else. His Flour is obtained from the heat mills in the Western part of the State, and is warranted to be what it is represented. All kinds of Feed for hones, cows and hogs, always on band. I inteud to keep such an assortment that I shall at all times be able to supply my customers with whatever they may need, and I : Intend also to. sell at prices which will jiiake it a saving to those who patronize my store. July 22, ;1868-3m. HENRY BELL. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF ; PERFUMERY, such as EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, Pomatums, Hair Oils, Colognes, im - ported and domestic; Oriental Drops, Cosmetics, Frangi panni Sachets, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Dressing Combs, Pocket Combs, Bay Leaf Water, etc., etc., etc. JUST ’ RECEIVED AND FOR BALK LOW Al’'; A. ROUSH’S. June IS, 1553.-tf - ! JAME'S M. WHEELER & CO., (Successors to John H. Brant.) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Near the Penn’a Central Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG , PA. \ DEALERS IN lIA JR D AND SOFT COAL, Fig ildal, Railroad Iron, Bar and Merchantable Iron, Nails, Flour, Qro . series, JProvuions, Fish, Salt, do, ‘ COAL sent in cars, in largo or small quantities, along the different Railroads inßeuuaylvonia. [July 22-ly. /"WPERA CIGARS! U THREE BELLES, NEPTUNES, > FORTALIZAS, f LA ROSAS, LA ABULAS, for sale by A. ROUSH, Druggist. June 24. XSSB.-tf ‘ A YER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, XJI K. E. SELLEKB’ Imperial Cough Syrup, Hoqfland’s Qtrman Bitters, Batrhave's Holland Bitters, Sandford't Liper Invigorator, Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Clark? t Female FilU, Duponco's Golden. Pills, Wright's, Ayer's, Wilson's and Me Lane's Pills, Merchant's Gargling Oil, J?erryp avis' Pain Killer, Malchttl's Fourfold Liniment, Mexican, Nerve and Bone Leniment, - i ' hi store and for sale fit Sept. 2,lBsiLtt] A. EOUSiTS Drugstore. ’ TTfTEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. * T . —The imderaigned, Agent for Blair cornty, will takesbort and long risfcsonßnildinga, Merchandise, Pnr niture'and Property of every description, in town or coun try, at as reasonable rates as any company lb the State.— Risks also taken 6n the Uvea of horses. Office" In Masonic Temple. | JOHN SHOEMAJEEB, Agent. Marita 18,1858 ly. ; ' : * MEDICATED FUR CHEST PRO i TEOTOB, A. SAEB SHIELD AGAINST THOSE 1 diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other affec tions of the Bugs, which arise from the exposed state of the Chest, according tofathicn and the continual changes of on climate, for sale at the Drag Store of O. W. KESSLER. G. W. KESSTJER. Lycoming county 'mutual HUE INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned, agent of the Lycoming Mftnal Eire Insurance Company, is at all UmcS ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, BuUdingt, Merchandise, Furniture ana Property of every in town or country, at as treasonable rates as any company in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple. Jan. 3, ’flC-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. ORANGES AND LEMONS.—SOO : boxes Oranges and Lemons in store and for sale by WM. N. SH HOARD. March 25 ’6B-ly] 191 North 3d street Philadelphia. T OTS FOR SALE—I 2 BUILDING Lots, aituatp In different localities, in this Borough for sale on reasonable terms, by [27-tL] J. SHOEMAKER. pAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, V-/ Linseed OH, Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead dud for sale cjieap atr R.'ROUSH’S. Blanks of all descriptions neaOyand expedldioadyiarijtttea at this office. , ® THBA^E ghewers. >oftt>b&oco'b the promoting ca*ee of many of ft » HW * t Tere ‘ MKNTAt, AND PHTSICAL DISOBDERi. to which the race of man Is subject, as long and painful experience havo clearly „08t contains certain norcotic and tolsodous dangerous in their effects, which by entwtag derange the functions and operatlonaof tfolfeart, cansing, many to suppose that organ tobe aerionaly , TOBACCO affects also the entire festine itself—os all who hare ever used tiw weed wfllbear tostimony—in L *f dtnde ’^^^"dtaMOunof* Water Brash, Dyspepsia, and many other disorder* ox * similar Aw Resigned to counteract the*e baneful infl completelysnccostiWtea.mdMtuderof «»ea, and wherever used. Being hamleea fTMi s beneficial effect upon the entire restoring i the Taste which has become vitiated or doßtroyed by groat indulgence, completely removingthe Irrjtetlpuand accom- SStSg sensitlon Of the sm*eoa»e V m wA 5 w FRONT ST*, Philadelphia, they est brands and imalitiesr Having made arrangements with some of the first house* In,. Cognac, and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to fhojr customers noon the most rensonaj ble terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies: * BRANDIES. Otajj, Henntsy, Martii, >VinAdt, OiMljon, Martin, T Hints, PeUevortin, | J.J. Dtpuy&Ut. A. Seigneite, «w. WINES.. Champagne, Old Oporto, \Durgundy, Xadeira, Tene Claret, Sherry, Lisbon, | Hock, Muscat <£ Malaga llmcr . of various brands arid qualities. Holland Gin, Schcidam Schnapps Jamaica SpuiU, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys; Peach, Apple, Lavender, Blackberry. Raspberry, Cherry and Ginger Brandies; Cordial*, M mo Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters,' «. t nr n Alan constant!? on baud, an extensive stock of OLV and BOOMBOX WOES KBYS,oS various grades, some of which we guarantee to bo superior to any in the country. •' , wsb-Frotn our long experience in the business, and thoiv ough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourselves to be able to fill all orders that may bo entrusted to ua. Orders from the country (which are moot respectful ly solicited) will bo promptly attended to. \ Great care taken In packing end shipping. ~ All goods sent from our establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. P Feh26-ly] K. P: MIDDLETON A BRO. 8 « 8 “ JOHN YA R & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES & LIftllORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLER, 155 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Fa., BsSSsS Be" leave respectfully to inform their old customers and the public generally, that they have on n.in.l and are constantly receiving direct from tlio Impor ters a large supply of the very choicest brands of Liquors Among their largo assortment may be found Wines, Brandies, Gin, Cordials, Ja ualca Spirits, St. Croix and New England Rum, Champagne, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongohela and Rectified Whisky, Peach, Wad Cherry. Blackberry, Strawberry aud Raspberry Brandies, Ac, Ac., Ac. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited, and all orders entrusted to our care will be promptly attended to. Country Dealers will And it to their advantage to call upon us, as we ore determined to sell nothing bnt the very Pittsburgh, April 1, ISSB-ly. ENTERPRISE WORKS, ■\TO. 136 WOOD STREET, PITTS- Xy burgh, pa. BOWN & TETLEY, Manufacturers of Rifles, Guns, Surgical and Dental Instruments, &c. RIFLE GUNS. We would call attention to onr stock in the above lino, knowing that we cannot be beat either in the quality or price. Being largely engaged in this branch of business-, we defy oil competion. Ail our rifles are warranted or no side. Hardware, Sporting Materials, Cutlery, Pistols, Guns, Revolvers, Flasks. Bolts, Powder, Shot. Balls, Caps, Fancy Hardware and Sporting Equipage, In all its variety, which we offerjow for Cash. Pittsburgh, April I, ISS3-ly. W. CrswsauAJi. D. R. Connisquam. D. Ihhsew, O. Dusoaji. , * CUNNINGHAMS & CO-, PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS- WORKS, WAREHOUSE 100 WATER ST. and 140 FIRST ST., PITTSBURGH, PA-, Botweeen Wood and Smithfield, MANUFACTURERS OF Pittsburgh City Window Glass, DRUGGISTS’ GLASS-WARE, - AND AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, For Parlor Windows, Churches and Public Buildings. Altoona, April 1, IsOS-ly.] | HFETTINGER’S • GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, NO. 1» "ALTOONA HOUSE," ALTOONA. PA., Where may be had all the popular Publications of the day, such ns Dally and Weekly Papers, Magazines, Novels and Romances, Miscellaneous Bows, School’ Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Inks, Can and Letter Paper, Envelopes; Drawing and Tissue Timer, Blank Books and in fact everything in the Stationary line. Toys, Notions and Gaines of every variety, Pictures aind Picture Frames, To bacco apd Segars of the best Qualify, Ac., Ac N. B.—We aro solo Wholesale and Retail Agent. In this county, for BOHN’S CELEBRATED SALVE. It does pos itively cure all sores to which It isjapplied. Try it. (7-tf. Blair county daguerrean ROOMS.—Mr. G. W. FISHER, the HollMayehurg Artist, begs leave to inform our readers that he Is prepared to take from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice and on tho -most reasonable terras. He ban Just received a large stock of durable and neat coses, of all sizes and styles, including a new pattern of Family Case for-four persons, and Is pre pared to fill them with perfect likenesses, AMBUOXYPE, DAGUERREOTYPE OR PHOTOGRAPH. Give him a call. Booms on this comer and Allegheny Streets, HolliJayslinrg, Pa. 17-tf. 0. J. HIBST, M. O. | D. R. oo6n, M. D. Drs. hirst & GOOD, TENDER their professional services to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity in the several branches of MEDICINE ANI) SURGERY. Country calls regularly-attended to. Office, the same as heretofore occupied by Dr. Hirst. By consent, D, R. Good refers to J. M. Oemmill, M. D., Alexandria, Pa. J. B. Luden, M. D.. Huntingdon, “ Drs. Ross, Boyer and Fey, Williamsburg, Fa. April 22,1858-tf.J - | JAMES E. BOWERS, Druggist. Cor. 2d and Race street, Phila. Photographs of deceased persons , riOAL! COALI GOAL! COAL!— \_J The subscriber would fcßy infonn'thc ctinsnmara ofM - ceivlng alDdnds of CO AC, whlqh “ is ready to deliver at all times and to any part of the town. Office at residence, InNorth Ward. JnnclJ-2m]' ■ - I ' TpyERYBODY 1$ INVITED TO is call ai\d test the merits of the articles kept by Juno 18, ’67-ly] ’ j ■ IfEfiKY Uillll. Hardware op all descrip tioos last received and for sale, by Oct. U-tf] | j \£b.IHLEUAN. Hair, . &at; tqpTH, siiATOfo; Saislj Brodiesat ? ’ ff-.y - KSJBSU6»S. HAMS,fIDE, SHOULDER, DRIED Bov£, always at -• ; ; •■ Jonelß.’ot-ly) HENBLI XEHE’B. PINE AND LARD. OILS, GAM . Ppeno, Burning Fluids Carton 011.5 c., st >; - jan/VSB-tf] -i KESSUER’Sj K SUPERIOR DOT OF FRESH GfARi pta SEEDS for ealb bj (Otf] J.‘t.lCKi,9. I*~. «f Teacher ofArithmotlo and Commercial ! 3 Book-keeping. B Astuedin Every department of business. , . Commercial Arithmetic—sapid Burner Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money— ■ Mercantile Corresamden.ee —Commercial Lojd—~ Aratannht andall other other subjects necessary for the borough education of a pracUciibuamoM man. I ia PREMIUMS. ijssssssssav^^ Review Rt , ftSsisted H situations—TiJtion for Ml time 8 to 13 weeka -Board, wee*—s?»- Uu«ery?so.OO—Entire co§t,s6oDo - aa* Ministers’ Sous received tt half ft - For card —Circular —Speclmena of Byinew aod OrPar mental Pm- Sept. 30,1858.— ly , :■ k - IN TENSE EXCITEMENTI-H McOOKMICK’S NEW GOODS HAFR|ARRIVED AaD ARE NOW INSPECTION n . « Halloo, neighbor. I’m here on, tho ground again. Pep-' haps youre collect whend, last year, asked you to myj horse- a moment and tail me where the itUEAP “TORE 1 was ButTU is different now. ■lt reminds me a, Uttlu 9* 1 the campaign of 1840, when Gen. elected Pro sMp-nt You have only to go with the crowd und you wu* I KnodimculTylnfrndlng M.cCOUiIICK'S STORE- From the excitement down the valley, and tho Quantity of good* X see carried away,-they must bo seUiug ojf very rapidly ! a ”“ Youare right, my friend; I would sayto you, siTi 8° I ahead and your anticipations will bo fujly realised, fie j has a very large add well selected a»otoicnt of Goods. Ha’ll sell you a drees Sir fifty cent* end. give, the trimmings into the bargain, I’m told,-and all other [goods In pn por ‘““Good bye, neighbor, that’s where lam going to buy That's right, and so should everybody, else.. Good bye.” 1 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, v *■ HARDWARE, QUEKNSWARR f STONEWARE, ~ ■ . CEDARWARB, Hats and Caps, very chcsJp Bonnets, Misses’ la dies’ Gaiters, Shoes anil Slippers, with Miwea, B°S* , Men’s Roots and Shoes, and every other; article kept in a first class country story, can be had wap far com, at McCormick's. °\ ■ ■■ ; s ■■ . . All articles of country produce taken! In exchange for goods, B« ll* MoCOßjiiyA* Altoona, May 18, 1858.-ly ; Another reduction in price at McCormick’s Store. • ' Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (or at least credit will not be given to any other than those who are willing and can give satisfactory reference aud assurance of prompt monthly payment,) and desiring to make it the interest of all to patronize our store, we have made a very great re duction in the prices of all of goods, and will give our entire time and attention to keeping up,an assort-- meat to suit the wonts of ovn; customer*, such W DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUBENBWARB, ; CEDAHWARB, STONEWARE, , ?BOOTB * SHOES, Gaiters, Slippers, Hate and Cape, Drffd Emit, etc, all of whicli will be sold ns cheap aa tho cheapest. AU articles of produce taken in exchange for goods at their highest market price. , Thankful for past favors, wo hope to Share the patronage of those who ore in want of goods. [March 25-tt. T3ATENT KEROSENE OR C ARBON 1 OIL LAMPS!, i J? • ' Unrivaled in Beauty, Simphaiy, Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain tlifl very hast and cheap est portable light within their rcafehU should caU at the store of tho undersigned and examine these Lamps before purepasiug elsewhere, and we pledgoj ourselves to demon- Bt Ist! That NO ACCIDENT can occurby explosion. 2J That they emit no offensive.odor while burning. 8d That they are very easily trimmed. 4th Xhitt they are eisily regulated to give more or less light. ,V- i Bth That tli 'iy burn entirely free from smqke. «h That the Hgbt is at least 60 per cent, cheaper than anv othrff light now In coruinou uio. - - These lamps aS We guarantee perfect satisfaetlou , „ R AugTlO. 1858-tf.] Q. W. KESSLER. X OGAN HOTEL. —-THE UNDER | i SIGNED respectfully informs the • ! citizens of Blair county and others, - "A, that he lias opened up tile LOQAN**gga»gJri UOtJSE, formerly kept by Sheriff Rfle*,™grfMEi3U_ at the West end of HolUdaysburg, for tueßmSßsasMtSP ra & “lias Wen refitted in for convenience and comfort. L a His TABLE will be furnished withlthe verybest the mar ket can afford, and nopalns or trouple wl» spared to render those who may choose to fayprhtm tronoge comfortable and happy during their stay with hi®. His STABLING is ample, and auiyobllging and eareful hostler will always be in attendance} ; ■ ' Tho Williamsburg stage, which makes daily trips between this place and Williamsburg, stops at tho Logan H Dm. 17,1867,—tf.] JOHN KBIPFKB. The great question which now agitates the mind of evjry is, whore can I get the host article for money? In regard to other mattery the sub scriher would not attempt to direct, out n yon want anything in the line of ■; BOOTS OR SHOES; he invites-an examination of hla stock and '*’°rlc. He keeps constantly on hand an assortment pfßoots, shoos, Qniters. Slippers, :| BEATIMPROVEMENTIX GOnJ VTING STOVES. i Tha inbscriber takes pleasure In offprint to tfo ] NEW GAB ASB SiIOKECUNSI.SIKo^ CookhtK Store, rccontly patented, which la Jestico^. imrnnln all other*, as it requires, * mi E . TUIIU) LESS EC EL than other Stores and is more easily, quickie 1# heated* No uni 1* want saioU. nt gas arijj, .to»rfroq. tho fact that it ds alt consumed canfe Tha** is no trouble from smoke as that catXj imdoften annoying exhalation la also consume tbestoro Neither is 4he« any danger of dm, D*T« becoming cogged witU.aoot or tho mortar the gas arising from coal Brea. j wiAlngdo pundtmmsbJTa l .«• mri N)o J tho store of the subscriber, hr the Mssomc .info, the above stove.. ; * ~ Snte AgtHt/m- Bhi, rOJ ■ ‘NiB. All Wad. of ftrlor Cookii^T^jj Stove, on band. \ . , [A'le. CJTOVESI STOVES! STOVES.ZJ] andersignod hae just receive,! from Phil* '| d«ipWa> North, Chaw « North's celebrated Cook- Ai COOK ' _ ■ for Tfooi'bV Cool. Thb bwutlfol CooHbg SiaUeiutca all competition for tho exquisite style Of onumienl and perfect operation m all resj«i J own extends under tho fttid tbo flue* »te«*J ed that the yrholeoven suifoce vriU boko perfectly ml formlT." The slightest examination of tins MewaJ W&tyom that for wood, or coal. Thoflro-box is of good cajar J Sr-boxisdoeP-the - >rbU Btovo is one nwt n»y reaoiij for CuilUy use. In every particular. , .. 1 AUtfods of heating and pmlorstorc! v*jj4 . j-XfioaJSru u. nisi "Ipra le, ’W-tQ Opvwfe Home, T*UVAU/S ’ GALVANIC Oil! 1 * Prep«ufe« -r}< per cent. catofiiS trade. All order*‘must bo addressed to ’ 1 1 - J.D. STONEBOAD. Proprter, | Sept. 2, 1868-ly.} • Agents for Bn Vail’s Qalvanfc ; OlbrrH enry Ulu,j Kewler, anfl.A. Boush, Altooo* tad;all dcatoui clues' evurywhwto. *;-, - r\s m ANHooi); MMW nm \JF TUBE PnhlMted, Grails, fei Thousand: •. •'' -i.-iar .'j . I AFEWWOHtiCoN TtfE RATIONAL TREATS! without MwUclne.bW SjwHhatbrrhea or Local Vd Nocturnal Emission#, GtnitaJ and-Nervous bihi uj l i| toncy, and Impediaentstq EtorHoge ly ] The important feet that the many abirmingoaJ orielnatine In thefiuprullclteet tad solitude of roil be easily removed Vi ITHOOT MEDICINE. Uiu tiS trad, clearly demonstrabad; and the entirely newcd ly successful treatment; ae adopted by the Acid explained, by means of which every one is oiut’ds HIMSELF perfectly and at the least feasible c«vs avoiding all the advertised uoetrutns.nf the day. ; Seflt to any address, gratis andpost freoiiuwii volope, by remitting (post paid) twopostage stopt B. BE LANEY, 83 East 31st street, New York City. May 6,1858. SUFFERING HUMANITY, M THIS.—The undcrsdeneS tafcee this metW ird ing the public generally uitt theXß'to nonu-Jicpiil fored to the public that to equal to DU V ALL’S (113 10 OIL ip relieving suffering-humanity.- I I was an observer of Its effects oatlWonjlM &»1 suffered almost everything frohi a neuralgic M«iu< resisted the best' medical treatment toOtatro oicd applied freely the Galvanic OU to the painf'd P«tM some inwardly, and ln 2D tnin'trte* -thß-patleaUsd and when awakened was free from paw audo-dJ This to a positlvtf&bt which! am wining to nuitH any time. A cose of Felon vtks euwd in warty M length of time. - . >3.,8.T0 Sept. 2, ms-iy.] - " " II TAP OF BL AIR aOpKTY.-J IT I subscribers propose 10 publish R Ysw hijij County, Pennsylvania, from actual surreys. ccnwj Public Roads, Roll Rc*ds, , *“*l Manufactories, Hal ea. names of Property J Enlarged Plans 01 thV PrlaS^^fFV illage*. i A Distances, and* Business ,',Slt>W «■ nfl business of each subscriber, c: ; gin, Tlliß plotting will belosWiflPwiSleweb alorgs and or Amenta! M»j>, vUE V mounted In the best style, and dellveml lo !- - J .Of W. KESSLER—'PMCIfI I.T- T«speo|Mly tothellHaenii oT Altoona and tito public £tnfl| •tall#, that 6* etiUcorittauWr the Dyo* bH on Virginia street, where bo keeps oon^ 1 / ■ Eg and DYE-STUPi'3. , . . . . . J . By strict attention to business, and a d^retoft] Infection to all as regards price .and quality, mh ido'ritnhd receive a eharo of public P n * roßc^V lAi, 1 Ai, : i Physicians and merchants supplied on resa!W“l and ml orders from a distance promptly attejiw . ' Physicians prescription* carefully" cotnpotimW- f -VTATIONAL. PQLICE GAZE^ It This Great Journal of Crime and lt» Twelfth Year, and’’ SS' whirl# ofrculatei the country. It contains all th» Great Xnakw] Oases, and appropriate Editorials On the jj Information on Criminal Mntttre, not to other newspaper. . Subscriptions $3 per,annum; $1 for 4J rn be remitted by subscribers (who should wnl» and the town, county add State Where they rerA* MATSELLt»J Editor k Prop’r. of. New York Polgt £-1 • i!6-tf] ■ r ’ • Pell, Johnson, Jack OFFICES AT Holliday sburg and Altooi TAEAFTS ON THE PRINCIPAL b ; 1 p and-. Silver and Gold. tor sale. Moneys received bn deposit, payable on dcmaiiu • tcyesC, or upon time, with interest, at fair t«» • A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, W XX. bubo, BUUB cocstt. pa ;i . . in the iereM Courts of BWr.Pji ind Cambria countics,and attend proinpttf Jon entrusted to-hta. Office (fcr the donee, comer Allegheny and Penn etrecw, Pa. 1 1 . J. a. ADI-U« V ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTS. ? f j Can at all times be found at the store of <• Altoona, October 1,18,57.-ly' J. SnOEMAKEB. Concentrated lye, jW KING Soft Soap, and Soap P° w^ r 3, s* pound equal to six of common Soap, cp • soap, Cbomlcal Soap, etc, on hand ana w jr*S June 10,1858.-U] E LOUR.—THE BEST QPj FAiULY fDODB, fcr.Mkle, Apply to . Dec. 11,'1856-tf. " - Rich tobacco"!^® flavorad Cigars in abundance, ) Jane 18, ’67-lyj AIR OIX^^COLOGN^ aduti, Shaving Cream, Toilet ■VrONE BUT THE BEST --J3I tlonarioe, Nnti and Vrulta k«P JttnolS .’57-ly] ' \Jf to order by v ‘ ft*'- ; * '•• • ** * - -’‘-V ; g. ,oa McCIUIM & 1)15 VOL. ?. Tllli ALI’OON- McCUOil 4 ***? B»S«aSSrS« p*ld for* w«M Of AOT . 1 u ;'24 u ) I'.qiato for each huertlou. # Six lines or I*«S square, Two ** Til roe “ Hour “ Half » column, SSapS^ w lih li'wrty lo change, vwft«lou«l or & Uvl Uucs, with paper, P** Jv“ r * , OoinmuiiicuLkma of a v'oUtiia. Xgroat win la* cliarm-J acconlm. A>l'OUU,.,ueut. not umvkc-lu desire*'- will bo coutmuwl till f »]in &)>ovo term*. W Ba'iurf» not icc-i five con's | Obituary notices executing t°- TRIBUNE Dl CHURCHES. Mlb prttbyterian. Roth A top.* nrv Sabbath morning at 10 W o v ?u a’clock. Sabbath School ut tute°Roou>. Prayer Meeting ev the same rooux._ • . , MtlhoJiii hPiicopdK Rev. S. A in»»verv Sabbath morning at tof ShathSchooUalho Le M?‘tenoral Prayer Meeting lu guy evening. Young Mens 1» * Lupicran.lv'V, J v ln» ®TvfXd»il>bi4tU Keying. Sabl'iUU Echo, aw O’clock, P. M. 'Prayer Me. Wednesday evening.. United Hrdhrai, Bov. p. S. r erv Sabbath maniiug at i'Ua o o'clock. Sabbath S'bool iefock, A. M. Prayer Meeting In iamo room. PrctaUnt Episcopal, K<'V. K. Bcrvico 2d ami 4th Sundays of A. M., ami i'A P. M. Sunday : a,y,.i.'ic, Uev. Jonv Twtaos. o’clock iu the morulug, and at Baptiil, It. U. Fisk, Pashn morning at I(H£ o’clock, and ul Bcboul ut 0 o'clock, A. M. Pi t ' day evening. _ African McUiolUsL, Bcv. Ssn every Sabbath momlugat 11 o the old Union School Jfouso. ALTOONA MAt MAILS < iMtornWayat WeCtorn “ HoUidaysburg, Eastern Through Moll ■ _ MAILoA Baatem Through Mall, ! WeaternWay,. Mtoalern “ • t'Holliday sbnrg (tOw open ibr the transacth I to 8 P. M, during the week, at LtaSunduy. j I ' June 4, ’67-tf] JO! RAILROAD S anpres* Train East arrives d. '■■■■» •• West “ 8.. ’ East “ East “ 0., ;■■■* « West “ 1,1 ■ Hail « East “ II.: ! « « West “ 6; The nOLMDAYSBCRG UK Train East and West, and wit The BLAIK3VILLE BRAN Way Train East and West, 1 Train Kitst. , November 29,1858. MEETINGS OF Mountain Lcrtge, A. Y. M., ■ day of each mouth, iutho tbu pis, at 7% o’clock, P. M- I M’Wiinm Encrtmjtmrnt, A. f fourth Tuesday of each month I sonic Temple, at 7 o'clock, i I Attto'! a Lrrlyt, 1. 1), of O. i t evening, in the second slor v o I o’clock, P. M. r T Veranda Lntlge., X. 0. of Oi 1 I evening, la the third story of hired, a: 7o'clock, Pi M. I Winnebago Tribe, No. 56, I. hells every Tuesday evening i I Masonic Temple. Council Fi I breath. W. A. C. . I Junior Sons of ..Interie.i, C,i [•day nlglit lu the tiiird story ... I P. M, Wubington Gimp, Ah: ,' ! Tuesday evening, In the 5.1 <-1 Allcona VivUwiu .Vo. 311, day evening, in the 51 story < W. P.; D. Galbraith, It. S. AUnona Mechanics’ LiLror;. ■Hon meets statedly on tho lei ■ Tt April, July ami October. « 0 V 1 Tuesday evening lu ea 0 to 10 o'clock uvery evening, COUNTY Judges of the Courts. —Pm Associates, J. Penn Jones. Da Prathonotury- —Joseph Bap Register and Recorder —Ui ATienjT - —James Funk. District Attorney —BenJ. 1,. . County Com m lane, Kuos M. Jones. Clerk to Mercantile Appraiser —J.>- Cbunty Surveyor —James 1. Treasurer —John Lingnf.lt Auditors —S. Morrow, A. C Door Mouse Directors —G« J. B. Riddle. Ooroner —William Fox. , Superintendent of Common ALTOONA BOR< [ Jutlkti < I ' Pruident of OUmcd —lt. 1, I Clcrl- to (mwit—John Mv I "*ofUfh Tnanrer— Jam -i I, School Dir'clort —Goo r;o. t«Mou,Oco. W. Sparks, .l„„- I „™ ,unr °/- •SAooi Jivtnl I -Utah CvnsCablf.—J osciili K I \} x , —Join! MeCK' I * tui ‘tors—a. D. Thnraiu, 1 I McClellan* I .'i ,s J’ tan } -Assessors —IJaiur ft Judge r>/ i7rcho»i.s-—East V I « if West. I WmoII'I; I West •<> j I North “ Liquors.—a selected I, I ”,V”, ‘ LO p.\N HOUSE,- ■oW at the lowest cash nrje Man who wants haa only to Henry lehl John Lehr'a old .«(. wcit'a store, in North Ward T?IGS, DATES, 1 and Currants In store *krch 25, ’5B-ly] loi >, |>XJRE WHITE al4 o Chrome, U yKtonnatnoilat r A ItHi THE ST medicines ax ' c'.J ■< X, *