The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 23, 1858, Image 3

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>m klto m
A Slav*
>*»c thKt oan
®. gather into
b- will oot r«ti
!»▼« that win,
■he paddle
bildren, i a ,£
<3 suppose tb*
of fecundity
t ug to dilate
0 a slave Jjj».
J Of an I*.
1 machine” f
t promised to
readers think
ideations and
'atent Office,
i walked into
od claimed to
sower, and to
*r ? ' Claimed
iave invented
gbt find prof- J
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this npplica.
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-claiming the
ntor! What
A thing with
lead, and two
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ed. No cart
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Agriculture t
Or to the
’ We shall
Stewart, and
/stance. He
Eger's” brain
•anco thelate
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litioaa of tbo
the sporting
<-n amateurs
nother cel*-
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g exhibition
ored to fight
f slo,ooo'or
10 folloiriag
ic conclusion
city, s few
ilemon has
luun to fight
f adhering to
on to forever
II hie friends
a public no*
If that 1 will
time mutual*
five months
100 a side.—
enough, but
1 hare liml
c more read*
party. The
:red at Tl.t
uitcd State!
n was made
way men, by
:ra of a r*d"
r>r power to
,n par value.
:;.»c amount'
ttth of this MW
icoonce t« *S»
i« bu *al*r*4
Gallagher, M
fiice, wh«r«h» .
u ju«t r»«ttT*l‘
Lo will auk* W
cun cot 001 W
aoil tvlldlaM ns well M
lined thetnetV
■ r :‘.i,Tactic* W
/. ;:ynsr. .
Oo!J or SUt*x
f-n yearn.
Machins with'
l.nn anywhere 1
{ the railroad
vm all opor*'
the Eiohange
10, IMS-ly
t the psrtnrf
r-igm J in thi
i:jil consent cn
a of tUoflna
. tlon, and
: jiiiucstcd to
■ coi.Liya.
Woollen wd
-1:. TLCU’S
;g new
11. XUCU*o.
i!.J Overcoata
rgb a?,;
n. Teen®
v«. I s4 *'
| j»n. 3 **•
v OA&»
pfloHB ftftelf.
, , Hen PoCK*r-B<X»K.~On MondJ».pf laat
W* “ —s lady atiiT^
** *****
f pniving here, she con-
Kmstcp off the tridli and>y * Tis!t to
Pr P 0C the tjm, while she arranged some part
[ber I *#«* o, *« sndiwentoffand left It sho
[?! ffiscoter bet losa until she had neared
Lennon station, where she stopped offhand
Lmphed back to the Agent it. One place,
[Sing could be found of the pocket-book
L Wednesday she returned, but no trace^of
or pocket-book could be found. Sbo
L over to Hollldaysbnrg end spent a day or
L returned again on Friday evening, but still
WM no clue to the missing treasure. v The
leerrph was pnt in working to apprise her
S whom she stated Uved in Mansfield, 0.,
I her misfortune and distress, but they could
D t be reached, no one there knowing anything
tout the persons whose names she gave. As
ie evinced a desire to return home, she was
(cordingly pot on the Express Train on Sunduy
kornlng last, and aent to Pittsburgh. The oase
[ Col. .Holey remarked was ‘ singularly strange.’
L portmonsie she described as a small ivory
brired one, and said that some $l5O or $2OO
[ the money was in bank notes and the remain-
Lin gold dollars. We think it would require
Liidcrsble crowding to get 800 or 850 gold
lUers into one of those small port-monaiea—
Lost ss machos it does to make os,believe
L jhe lost the money at all.
FiM at Fostosia — Three Children Burned to
b<A.—On Friday evening last, we received the
stressing intelligence that a house bad caught
L on that morning, at Foatorin, intbiaoounty,
d nas consumed, together with three children
ho sere locked up in it. The house f?as oc
jpitd b/ ffm. L. Bonder, whose wife; it ap*
lira, lacked the children in the house to pro
mt them from getting to the Railroad while
is west to the stable to milk. But unfortu
iltly, her consideration in the one case only
tpoted her children to a more horrible death.
|te fire, was not discovered until the whole in
do of the house was in flames, and when some
I the neighbors attempted to break in and save
li children, they found it impossible. An ef
irt was made to save the youngest child, which
ki wrapped in a feather bed, by breaking in
I a window bat it was top late; the vital spark
id fled. When taken out, its legs and face
pro found to have been burned in a shocking
pnner. The other two children, horrible to
late, were almost entirely consumed. It is
birt-sickening to contemplate such a cataatro
bo; and who can imagine; the grief of those
brents, bereft, in a few mimates and in such
[ awful manner, of all their children, }Ve
K sympathize with them, and they ore cer
ply deserving of the symprthy of all, yet that
111 afford them little consolation.
i A house adjoining the above caught fire and
M eonsumpd at the same time; although it
ight hsve been saved had not the excitement
hUed for the safety of the children in the first
kn so great that property was net thought of.
lUihcl lllms <ro You,to Men.—How many
lung men ignorantly deny themselves a for
int. There is scarcely a young man of good
kit in this town who cannot save $lOO easily
Im hia annual earnings, and, if ho will forego
bn, billiards, and toddies, he can save dou
fc thu amount. Figures sometimes produce
P oBt “credible results. Thus, fpr instance,
f yuan B m “ «pon his twentieth birthday will
$JO ° “«oy stock, paying ten per cent.,
f imiU4l, 7 thereafter will invest the same
pact and the accumulation of Interest, be
be wroth, when he is thirty years old, $l,-
P; when forty years old, $6,800; when fifty
r” 518,150; when sixty years old, $48,-
f flow «*pb then is the plan by whioh a
f th y ““ P»««» day can pass his mage
I com ort and luxury. ll® has only to rega
l« U expense so as to save one hundred dol
f ' Mh 7m fn)m bb income. If the amount
f , Le lar 6 er > then the sum total will bo in
-BamB Proportion. Only think of
that $5OO eared annnally and invested in
LiT K^ nt tOCk WUI &mount b forty years
SW.MO.. 0... an. j. tt V„ me
V or ten years will amount to $2,593.600;
bgaST ff • “ thirty years
517,384,628 ; b forty years to $45,250,838
F wonder, then, that Hothschilds have
wsed such boundless .wealth.
Samoii.—By invitation of
italBoloOT ' ™
and Junior) stepped in a few
r S s B“ce to ' partake of a line dish of the
LL *l*"? "**“■* *p*
t"« * i. ta .
Kr I .'"®* Mul4, *r u ' to ««“•
T md -. »■*». »• dH
s .r » “i onl dju»o.tliatall
iir* Hue A Tbi.7" n ‘
fi to us, a few
*» cellars or pan the persons
will give him n J a rob-
N <««. and ' Th “ i» certainly
?to tiy hi, **»«» opportu.
f *” «, di belleVi
it. -™ a* tt J«. and .that 'he ym
!trt 7.situated * **«• B *«e
B,t^»«Ufi«S 'fffWWSi
Hat* Asxrvmn.—lnst weekwnadviaed onr
readers to be on the lock-bat ftr Fettingeria.rqi
ram, as be informed .us -that be intended to
bring np theflneet stock of goods Jfor the Holi
dayS'e.ybr seen in thlirplaeo. Well, be baa gone
and done it, and there may be aeen-athis Em
porium, the richest and.most varied assortment
of usoful.ornamentaland amuslng'artiolee which,
can be found any eliy establishment
He| has useful books for all classes of readers,
handsome presenta to send -to fribnds, ornamen
tal articles with which to adorn your tables -and:
mantles, all kinds of knickknacks to please and
amuse the juveniles, the name and nee nfwhich'
we san not specify, bat invite all to go and ex
amines fie sore you call §t No. l,.asit will
emphatically bq A No. 1, daring the Holidays.
Cows ix thx CxjtKTSBT.— We beg leave to
call the attention of the Tnuiteesof theAltoona
Fair View Cemetery - Association to the fact,
that from 8 to 12 head of cattle are now per
mitted tojToam among the tombs and over the
ground in the Cemetery lot. This may be all
right, but we think it onght not to be so. We
hope that If it be not in acqotdanep with, their
directions, they will'take, cognisance of this no
tice. and remedied: Certainly the tread
ing of cattle over newly mode /graves most de T
spoil them, lacerating to'the feelings of
those who have loved resting there. ' . |
Junior's Fbsiivai;—lf the inhabitants of Al
toona don’t live wsl], for the next couple of
days, it will be their own fault. ; In addition
to the Masonic Festival thS junior Sons of
America are getting up a Festival for to-mor
row evening, which, in the way of good things,
promises to be equal to pny entertainment given
in the place, and will no doubt be well attended
by the members of the of the Order and their
sweet-hearts. In accordance with the prover
bial liberality of the members of that Order, the
printers were furnished with free tickets, which
were gratefully accepted.
Eabnisos or ins Pknn’a R. R. fob Novem
ber.—The following figures exhibit the earn
ings and expenses of this Road for the month
named, as compared with those for the same
I ' ,*•
i month lost year, and also from the .commence
ment of thb year up to this time
Gross Earnings
Nov. 1858 £1(0.220 81
i “ 1857 306,153 97
Increase 73,772 84 N £31,273.48
<Omtt Earnings. Expenses. 'Keit Earnings.
1868, $4,774,230 00 5B $2015,050 42
1857, ’ 4,714,335 08 2065,876 07 ll
Increase, 53,860 83; ; 207,188 31
Decrease, 39
Cheat Exc itimkkt.— The Eastern portion of
our town, wjiich is usually the most quiet, has
been the scone of considerable excitement du
ring the past few days, caused, as we have been
credibly informed, by the announcement that
our young friend, Ed. lokes, has returned
from the East with anossortment of goods which
he purchased at' Auction and can therefore sell
considerably lower than bare ever before been
offered in Altoona. This is the report," and to
find out the truth of it, all you have to dads to
call at the store andjmee the goods.
' Fire.— We learn that the station house at
Eldorado station, owned, by Mr. John Riling
and occupied by Mr. Mock, a watchman on the
Branch track, was partly burned on Saturday
last. The fire;, we believe, originated from a
stove-pipe which was run through the roof of a
shanty attached to A the main building. Nearly
the whole of the upper story of the bouse was
burned before the fire could bo extinguished.
A considerable quantity of bed and personal
clothing was burned.
Mahosic Festival.—The members of Moun
tain Lodge are arranging for a festival at the
Logan House, on St. John’s Evening, (Monday
.next,) which will no doubt he the best entertain
ment of the season. From the style in which
suppers are gotten up at the Logan Houle,
those who intend participating may calculate, on
a feast of good things. May the anticipations
of all be realized, and the whole terminal* In a
“ feast of reason and a flow of soul.”
8®“ The attention of our readers b reques
ted to the advertisement of Mr. JobnJLehr, in
another column.. John has opened out anew,
in hb did stand, with a full supply of fresh gro
ceries and everything in the line of provisions.
For proof that he sells cheap call and price bb
stock. _
Isjcesd.—A brakesman named Horning on
one of the freight trains on tho Pa. R. 8., had
hb handT badly smashed, a! few days since,
while engaged in coupling some care at Black
Log station. He was brought to thb place, had
bb hand dressed and is now doing as well ps
could be expected. r i ■
A Teds Statem but.—Those aflßctod with
disease of the lungp and bronchial organ!, will
find a remedy of great power in that best of aB
■ medicines compounded by Dr Geo. H. Keyset
of 146 Wood street, Pittsburg, fa;, called
“Pectoral Syrup,” It reaches'at once the
seat of dbease, and hundreds hare Been cured
by it after every other remedy has failed.—
Moqt of what are ‘called patent medicines, fail
for want of propcr ndaptation of the ingredients,
which do xmt reach -the .disease. Thb b not
the case wiih Br. Keyseris repiedy, every bot
tle of which is compounded by himself, and
with the intention to alleviate bad cases, and to
c “” i “ i W c a feo- Numbers of our citizens can
attest the troth of our statement In thb respect
Pnce 60 cents’ & $1 per bottle. Sold at hb
Drug Store, No, 140 Wood street. Sold by G.
W. -Kessler, Altoona, ' ‘
'•??• Failures.—The .panic ia
New York, seems to be on the increase, lu this
city everything goes on. smoothly, and the only
£ftilalreß ** have heard j>f wcto tp
furnish good fits made byaome inferior clothing
establishments. There is no such difficulty to
K ® A v>c SV b J who patronize the
Brown. Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wil
ff n * 603 uu<i 005 Chosnut street, above
mxth. Gentlemen and Youth* never fail to pro
enre papital fits at this popular establishment.
SARAH, h»» left my bed and board without anv-hut
THE HALL OP FASHION is still open, and
the Proprietor,, Inretnrning thanks to his nu
merous, customers far; thoir liberal patronage
bestowed on him since his commencement, here
desires to say (without fear of contradiction)
thsit he is prepared to offer fo* their inspection
the best assortment at handsome D&xss Goons,
Cnoass, Warria Goons, &c., &0., that
oan he found |in Altoona. . i -
STOREDfEverybodyhas money to spend,'
and so they should have. Tins fact you can
have demonstrated, by taking a stroll along Vir
ginia street; ?n seeing the crowds of Ladies and
Genttemen wending their way after those hand
some and remarkably cheap GOODS at
_• ..-I;'' C. J. MANN'S.
President, in bis Message, rather advises a spe
cific duty on Foreign Goods whenever practical
ble, Charley Mans advocates only a small
advaloiUmduty on all Goods, both. Foreign and
Domestic, ho offers fpr sale.
articles, jnst: received at
; ||i ■ ■ C. J. MANN’S.
• ' —|f —-
Bgfc. See advertisepient of Dr. Sandford’s
LIVER INVIQORATOR in another column.
In all dtaeaaea inflammation more orloaa predominate*—
now to allay Inflammation strikes; at the root of disease—
bunco an Immediate care.
and nothing else, will allaylnflammation at once, and make
a certain enre. ' ' I -
will euro the following atuofig a great catalogue of disoasjs;
Bums/Scalds, CJuts, Chafes, Sore Nipples, Corns, Bunions,
Bruises, Sprains, Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scroftila,
Ulcers, Fever Sores, Felons, Bor Ache, Piles, Sore Byes,
Gout, SwcllingSj Bheuraatlsm, Scald Head, Salt Rheum,
.Baldness, Barbers’ Itch, Smallpox,
Measles, Rash, Ac., Ac. -
To some it may appear incredulous that so many diseases
should be reached by one article; such au idea will vanish
when reflection points to the tact, that the salvo Is a com
bination of ingredients, each.and every one applying a per
fect anadotc to itsapposite disorder.
Nett' Eamtugs
£181,178 10
119,001 03
In its effects is magical, because the time is so short be
tween disease and a permanent cure; is an extrac
tor, as it draws all disease out of the affected part, leaving
natnre as perfect as before the injury. It is scarculyue
cossary to say that no house; work-shop, or manufactory
should be one moment without it. i ■
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box bos upon it
a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey,
Sold by O. W.; Kessler, Altpona;: Oeorgo A. Jacobs,' Hol
lidayslmrg; and by all the Druggists and patent medicine
dealers throughout tile United Stages and Canadas.
Principal ilepot, 165 Chambers street, New )Tork.
Sot. X1,185b-ly C. F. CHACE.
Celebrated Female Pills. '
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, SI. D., Phy
sician Extraordinary to the Queen.
, This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the enro of all
those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con
stitution is subject. It moderates! all excess and removes
all obstructions, and a speedy corejmay be retied on.
to ua&iued ladies
It Is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price one,dullaf, bears,the Government Stamp
of Great Britain, to.preveut counterfeits.
These Pills should not he taken by females during the first
three months lijf Pregnancy, «s they are sure to bring on Mis
carriage, but at any other time they flre safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Buck and Limbs, Fatigueon slight exertion, Palpitation
of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect
a care wheu all other means have! failed, and'although a
powerful remedy, do not contain . iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution.'
Full directions in the pamphlet: around each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent for, the United States and Canada,
JOB MOSES, (late L C. Baldwin 4 C 0.,)
' ■; Bochestcr, X. Y.
N. 8.—£1.00 and 6 postage stamjps enclosed to any air
thorized Agent, will insure :a bottle, containing 60 Pills,
by return malt ■
B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for
sale by jOl Druggists. [June 3,1858.-ly.
The Original and Bat tn the World t
All others are mere imitation*, and ihbuid bo avoided, If
you wish to escape ridicule; V
I OKAY, RED, or'RuSIY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown; or Block, without the least
hyury to the llalr or Skin. |
Fifteen Medota&nd Diplomas have been awarded toWm.
A. Batchelorsince JB3O, and lover 80,000 applications hove
been wade to the hair of his patrons of his Cuuoas Dye.
ffM. A. BATQQ£IiQK’B IfAIS DYE produces a color
not to be distinguished from nature, and is wareastto not
& htjup ltt thei least, however, Jong. It may be 'continued,
and the ill effect of Bad-Dyes; remedied; Bair' invigo
rated (Sr Life by tills Splendid Bye." I
Made, sold oAppliod (in private rObms) at the Wig
Factory, 233 Brbgdway, New:Yorfc: .- s
Sold by Druggists ia Alto<®a, and by Druggist* in all
'cities and towns of the United State*. K-
The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel
plate ongreving bn four sides of each Box, of
lapoaxAxx to Females— Da Cueese
xax'S Ppxs.r-Tho combination of ingredient* in these
Pill* aro the o/aloug And cxtinaire practice- They,
arc ndld in their operation, and certain in correcting all
irregularities, painful meiwtruaMons, removing all ob
structions, whether from cold or othertvise, headache, pain
in the side, palpitation of t&jheaii, disturbed deep, which
always arise from interruption of nature, inducing with
certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely vegetw
hie, and free from anything injurious to lifeorhealth. ' Ex
plicit' directions, which should be read, accompany each
box. Price ; Sent ,hy midi by: enclosing $1 to any
authorised Agent; ' ¥ ’,..'1
It. B* HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States,
166 Chambers etreetj Ncw’Tbik.
2b wfumaU Wholesale orders thouldbe addressed. /■/
Sold by O!*W. Kessler, Altoona; Geo. A,-Jacobs, Htilll
daysburg; and by'oll Druggisis in the United States.
Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free.
_• Jfor.’lß, 1868-Iy. ' M ' :
Htttegto a chann—no turatag up behind—no shrinking
offUmhead; indeed, this is. the only &tabtlshment where
these things iro properly understood and made.
Nov. 18,1858-ly ; riew'irork. :
Tide disease can be cured ‘by DR. Krrsm’a TooTHicnE
KrwtOT.prejiwed by hlmto whlchis put
up Whittles and sold at 25 cents eadu It Is an execlkni
roadictne. when dilated. tor spongy and tender tn j
it worth ten dmse its prtee to; all aho nesd it. Sold here
bjo, . : |b»c. a, iassiy."
Respectfully, &«,,
Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor.
FUmr, Soperflns, ft bbL, fBJM
» Extra Family “ . O.BS
Corn MOal $ 100 tba, *JOO
'lhim ft Shorts'll iBO lba, - ' ICO
Rye Chop, • ** Jft*
Corn smdoats, “ “ Mt
Middlings, “ " ISO
Cash paid for all kinds of Grain. Floor end Feedcan
always be bad at tUeMiUatthe prices qnotedah^ve.
■■ ■ , v ■ JOHN; ALLISON.
' On Sunday night; 12th Jnst, by Rev. 'Mr. Young, Rev.
both of thb place.
On the 17th inati, by Jacob H. Cherry, JOHN
B. BLOOM to UiM ELLEN LAFEEIY, *U of Logan Town
ship. Blair County, Ba. »
On the Bth Idst, by Her. S. It Reid. Mr. JOHN I>. VEACH,
of Altoona, to Mias ANNA MARY ISENBEEG, of Binning
lyes Eight and Dress!
•igbt up to Ettinger &
llioan’g and rig yourselre* bat in a suit of
!ng they .have now on hand by the
at their cbeap.Clothing Emporium.
If you want a cheap coat call at
ulf you want a cheap pair of pan ts
■. call at ETTIXQEH * ULLMAK’S.
If you want to buy cheap Under-
If you want a good and cheap
pair of Boots or Shoes call at ,
If you want a good hat or cap
call at . ETTINGER 4 ULLMAK’S.
If you want anything in the line
of Gentlemen’s clothing—cheap—call at
If you want to get Clothing cheap
If jrou want to get good Clothing
opposite the Lutheran church.
Teeth extracted without pain by the Electro Mag
netic Machine.
Full setts of teeth for $16,00
G jld fillings warranted for 10 ybora.
A student wanted. [Dec. 23-tf.
Yaluable property for
of Altoona,—The subscriber offers at-Private Sale, a lot
containing oau acre of ground, with an Megaut Frame
House, Spring House, Stable, aud other buildings thereon.
Aloo a number of choice Fruit Trees, and Crepe-vines,
which are in a thrifty condiUon. There is a never-failing
spring of water on the lot.
If the property is not sold by the Ist of February, it wid
he for rent. Any Information in regard to the property
may be hod from GEO. B. CRAMER.
Dec. 23/ 1858-2 m.
Route to pike’s peak.—Know
ing that there Is a great desire existing among the
people as to the route, maimer of travelling, expense's, dis
tance, and how It can bo travelled with the least exjwnse,
to Pike’s Peak; I have, at the requst of numerous persons,'
concluded to publish a book statuig'theSe facts, also giving
the places where supplies can be obtained and all other
information that is necessary for one going there. Having
spent the last summer at and near Pike’s Peak I am able
to give much important information on the route. 4c., 4c.
Chicago will be taken as the starting point on account of
its central position. Price 36 cents, or five for $1 id
dress ■> T. W. MURDOCH.
Dec. 23-3 t. , Abingdon, XU.
W SORTMEXT of goods adapted to the season—whicli
will b« sold aschoap os the cheapest—consisting of sheet
ing’s, Canton* Flannoh, Muslins, Prints, Barred Deiuins. an
assortment of Trimmings for Ladies Dresses, "with Iran,
dreds of articles-too numerous to mention. •
Friends and citizens call and see before purchasing else
where and save your dimes.
Clothing of all sorts cheaper than-the Jews. »
The cheaper lot of Germantown goods, ever offered in
this place, consisting In part of Ladles floods, Riggolets,
Children’s Opera Hoods, Childrens Talmas and Zephys
Capes and Costs, with the neatest and best assortment of
Hosiery to be fonud anywhere in these mountains.
A splendid assortment of Groceries, consisting of Cincin
nati, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and New York Syr
ups—delicious—Now Orient s and Muscarado Baking Mo
lasses, Sugars of every variety.
Dates, 10 cts. per ft)—Prunes, 12J4 ctfl. per fit—Pie Rai
sins, cts. pei ft)—Figs, Citrons, Currants, Dsyed Poach
es, Apples, Oranges and Lomons> Almonds, Mince Meat
ready tor use:
Boots tind Shoes cheaper than the cheapest.
. Hardware ol almost every description—Nalls and Spikes,
Cutlery, Green River Bntcher Knives—the best in the
world—Pumps and Pump Chains and tlxturea.
Tobacco and Segars. ,
Hats and Caps.
Fish Oil.
’ Flax-oecd Oil.
- Sweet Oil.
' Castor Oil.
Good Cider VJnegar.
Coffee Roasted.
Coffee Orebn,
' ' Ccßeo Ground.
The very beat Coffee in town at 12W cts. per ft>.
GUI and sec at J. L. ICKES.
Howard association, phil.
ADEtPIIIA. i ' •
A Mentvdait Imlituiim, established hy special endmanmt
for the rtitfJf tM tick and
• ulent and spulemicditcasts.
The HawATO Association, in view ofthe awful destruction
of human lift, caused by Sexdal Diseases; ahdth»do<wptiai»
practised upon the unfortunate victims' of such diseases by
Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon,
a* a charitable act worthy of their naine, to open a Dispen
sary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in' all tW
fohns; and to give medical advice grafts, to all who apply
by letter, with a description of their condition)(age, occu
pation, habits of life, and in cases of extreme poverty
and en Bering, to furnish medicine fru nf charge, It u
needless to add that the Association commands the highest
Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approv
ed modern treatment. :■-S;-' ■
The directors of the Association, In tlicir Annual Report
upon the treatment of Sexual Diseasespcxpress the highest
satisfaction with the success which has attonded the labOrt
of the Consulting Surgeon in tbo cure of Snpormatorrhoea,
Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Qon torrhoea, Gleet, Sy
philis. the vice of Onanism or Self-abuse, 4c., and order a
cohtlhnanco ofthe same plan for the ensuing year.
The Directors, on a review of the past, fed assured that
their labors in this spliero of benevolent effort have been
of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the ypunmand
they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed* eal,
td-this very important and much despised cause.
An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or Seif,
abuse, and other abuses of the sexual organs, by tho Con
sulting Surgeon. will be sent by mail (in a sealed envel
ope); PRISE OF CHARGE, on receipt of T-W0 BTASfPB
for postage. Other Rci«rts and Tracts on the nature and
treatment of sexual diseases, 4c., are constantly beftigpub
lishcd for gratuitous distribution, and Will lie sent to the
afflicted. Some of the now remedies and methods of treat
ment discovered during the last year, are .of gloat value.
'- J - Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. CAL
HODKpConsulting Surgeon, Howard AsSoCratioh, Ko. 3 S.
Ifjjlth street, Philadelphia, Pa, Ry erder of the Director*.
’ 050. TAIBCHIID.'&vy. f»ec. »-ly.
' niBIU£D.
shirtaor Over-shirts cull at ETTINGER 4 ULLMAN’S.
Novel Entertainment \
More than 500,000 bottles
80U) nMQI . ■' : . v
■ I» O|HE tE Afc ;*■ ** 'f-
TRe Restorstivn *T O. X 'tfeaT foPßsitorlagbalr
perfectly and permanent!*? has never yet bad a rind, voi-i
mne after volume might begiven from all' parts 'of the.
wortdandfhratbemortinloUlgenttopiiovathat diiS'
ppfect Restorative ; bdt wad tba circular aadyoo cannot
dom>t; rtnd also the fidhnrtng. -
*yThsllalr.—PeoplS bars tor centuries been afflicted,
with beldheada and tooonly remedy, heretofore known,
has been those abominable wigv By a rtcent discovery or
Professor Wood these articles arei beingfladdispensedwlth,
but a great tnanyperaons still patronise them, because
they have boon so often Imposed upon by llalr Tonics of
different kinds./ To all- socb persons, we earnestly make >
•the request, that they trill try once again, for fn Wood’s
Restorative there is no such thing asfoll. We know of a
lady who was bald, who need the article s short time, and
her head is now covered completely with. ;the" tiniest and
moat beautiful curls imaginable. We know of numerous
cases where hair was rapidly foiling out, which It restored
In greater perfection than it ever had been before. . :'V *;:
It is also without doubt one of the best article* for keep
ing the hair in good condition, making it soft and gloamr*
removing dandruff, and has proved Itself the greatest ene
my to all the Ills that hair ls heir to. i
Jt is tbu duty of every one to. improve their personal ap
pearance though some may differ in regard to the wayspf
doing it; but every one wilt admit that a beautiful bead of
hair, cither in man or' woman, is an object much tobode
sired, and there are no means that Should be left untried to
obtain such a consideration.—libwian’r Advocate-, Philo. $i i
Coshocton, Ohio, Nov. 17,18 W.
Ol J. WOOD 4 00.—Gents: As I have been engaged in
selling your'Half'Restorative the last ..season for ope bf
your local afecutS (R. M. llackinson,) and having experi
enced the beneficial effects of it myself, 1' would like to ob
tain an agency fur the Btate of Ohio .or some State in the
West, should you wish to make such an arrangement,aal
am convinced there is nothing equal to it in the United States,
fur restoring the hair . I have been engaged in the Drug
business for several yean, and have sold various prepaid
tious fur the hair, but have found nothing that restores the
-accretive organs or invigorates the scalp as Well as yours,
being fully convinced that your restorative is what ydh,
represent it to be, I would like to engage in the sale of it,
for lam satisfied it must sell. Tours truly.
Wavland, Mass., Feb. 6,1857. : ,
- PROF. 0. J. WOOD 4 CO,—-Gents: Having realized the
; good effects of yonr Hair Restorative, 1 wish to state, that
finding my hair growing thin, as well aS'fcray, I was in
duced from what 1 read and heard, to try the article pre
pared by yon, to promote its growth and change Us color
os it was in, youth, both of which it has effected complete
ly. lu the operation T have used nearly three bottles.
Yours 4c., ' JAMES FRANCIS.-:
0. J. Wood 4 Co., Proprietors 312 Broadway, New York,
(in the great N. Y. Wife Bailihg Establishment,) and 1H
Market St., St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by G. W. KESSLER, Altoona, and by all goot|
Jlrugguts. [Juno 3, 1868-ly.l
j / CAL SALT. For Inflammatory Viscoses only. .
For Inflammatory Diseases' Only !
Dr. Coao swell’s Nrw Medical Sait, instead of being !a
remedy for all ills, lies control over but one ill, has btjl;
one aim, and accomplishes hut one thing, tp ait; SunnuEa
Inflammatory Disease, whatever be Us form or locality,
whether in the head, throat, abdomen, extremities or skit);
The peculiar excellence of the New Medical Salt Is, that
without tile useless loss of blood aud strength, it effectually
cures Inflammatory Diseases (uo other) by-producing an
equilibrium of all the fluids m the body, the want of which
Is the sole causcat inflammation. ;
Invalids, Take Noncz 11 The following which the
unbalanced fluids assume, and many not here mentioned,
that.have more or less fever, are os easily subdued l by tile
Ntw Medical Salt, os flrels extinguished by water, to wit:
Uraia Fever, Headache. Kush of Blood Hi (ho Head slid
Heart, Fits. Inflamed Eyes, Ears aud Nose, Canker, Neu
ralgia, Spinal AHcc’tiuus. Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Pleurisy,
Asthma. Inflamed Lungs and Liver, Heartburn. Coughs,
Dyspepsia, Venereal Diseases, Rheumatism, Gout, ScrofUlA,
Saltßheum, and all Itching and othercutaueoui eruptions.
Dr. Coggswell’s New Medical Salt exerts, like the vac
cine matter, an extraordimu y influence on the voiuS and
arteries, resulting in a gradual decline of inflammation as
indicated by the pulse, which soon resumes 'its natural
state, as the heat,.pa in and fever disappear. -
Dr. Coooswell’s Nrw Medical Salt does Just what It
claims to do—no more, nojless— equalizes the fluids, by re
moving from the bystcltTull arterial and venous obstruc
tions. Description circulars may be obtained from any
Druggist who has this valuable medicine for sole.
Dr. CoaqswELL’s New Medical Salt. Get a Circular.—
Ask any Vrbggist about the New Medical Salt. Ask your-
Neighbors about the Ntw Medical Salt. Ask any one you
meet about the New Medical Salt. The New Medical Salt
for Inflammatory Diseases only. , ;
D. c. Taylor 4 Co., General Agents, 202 Dock St.. Phila
delphia. Agents wanted in every City, Town and Village.
Acute packages, $2 ; Chronic package*. $5 ; Family pack
ages, $B. Invalids, with Chronic or long standing diseased,
should always order a chronic package.
For sale in Altoona by A. at Bell's Mills by B.
F. Bell; In Uollidaysbidg by Geo. A. Jacobs, and wherever
the Tribune goes. Call or send and get a circular, and do
not foil to try the New Mddical Salt. [Dec. 10,’58-ly s
Klgned lias lately made arrangements to
do business on a more extensive scale 8b53338^8R:
than hop.'to fore, and is now prepared to
execute all
His workmen are acknowledged-to be capabic.of doing y
The very lest work in the line of Cabi
net Making,
and all those who entrust him with-their orders may rely
upon receiving finished work. ‘ * * r
Ho keeps a constant supply of Furnlt hand, tQ
which he invites to attention of those intending to ' 44
Call on him at at his room in Loudonsville, Dear ths 4
Plank Raid. , : -
November 11,1863. ISAAC CROMER.
SES.—This is a new article iu this section of the
country, although extensively used in too East. They art.
a sure protection against
and possess many other advantages over tHo common cof.
flhs. Tlie remains of toe lamented CLAY and WEBSTER
were encased in these cases.
For sale by ISAAC CROMER,
November 11, 1858. . Altoona, Pa.
JEJI. subscriber would inform his old customers that he
has opened out again at Ids old stand, where ho hopes to
receive their calls. He has now on hand the cheapest and
heat assortment of 4 •
that can bo found in the town, consisting 4 of
Salt by .the bushel orjsack, Dried Fruttof all hinds,
Fish of the very best quality, .
.together with everything in the Grocery line, all of which
is fresh from the'Eastern market. . ' 1
lie also keeps constantly on hand a soppy of
which be sells at the lowest market prices. •
PORK oiways on band and ietailcd In quantities to snlt
.purchasers. 4 ' V JOHNIMHR.
Decombcrld, 1858-ly ii-, ; ,
O SCBSIAKCE FADES. Tho place to get ¥
done up In short order, is on Julia opposite B 1 Reft •
benack’e where all person* can be accommodated with true i
and perfect ldkeitesses.v -Time from Ito 8 seconds. V.
. v Pictures copied on Tcasnoeble terms, ' | ;
Pictures sot in Jewell y at very low rates, the price d*'
pending upon the else of the article. ''/ - •' ; : (i:
PWtures always' warranted before they are takep away.
Dadies and gentlemen are--invited to call and examine
epwjimcns,. V"-' . ■'..v-'",' ' j-
Pictures ’takcn as well In cloudy as fcir weather. i ,
December 16,1868-om.] ' J. W. CLARAI7OIT.
Blair county insurance
AO KNOT.—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair
County Mutual Fife Insurance Company; is at all
tin)os ready reinsure against loss or damage by fire, SuSdr
ings,: Merchandise, Furniture and Property, of every des
cription, in town or counter,’ at as reasonable rates as aay
Company in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple. ! :
Jap. S, ’B6rtr] IoHX SHOEMAKER, Jgtnt.
& (Jo’s Pstuot SfccnWsr ScajaTtne Siljrnt
: -stssssssa;
And the various affections consequent upon a dlSordsnd
Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pato*
Heartburn, Lous of Appetite, Despondency, CostiveiM%
Blind and Bleeding Piles, lu all Nervous, Kheumatic ul
Neuralgic Affections, it has lu numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, and In others effected a decided cur*.
■ This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
scientific principles, alter the manner of the celebrated
Holland Professor, Boerbave: Because of its great intmi
in the most of . the European States, Its introduction into
tho United States wus intended more especially'for then#
of our fotherland scattered here and there ovtr the foes of
this mighty country. : Meeting with great success among',
them, 1 now offer it to the American public, knowing that
its truly wonderful medical virtues must bo acknowledged.
It is particularly pecotnmended to those pers<,u» wboea
constitutions: may have been Impaired by the continuous
use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Hang
rally Instantonoona in effect, it finds directly to Its
seat of life,.thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising
up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, InlWng new health
and vigor* system. '
CAUTION ,—Tho great popularity of this defJghtKit dra
ma has induced many Imitations, which the pubUoshoaM
guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy any
thing else until yon have given Boerbavo’e Holland .Bittern ■
a lair trial. Oue bottle will convluce yOu how infinitely ♦
superior it is to all these imitations. ; ,v ; .. .
4 Sold at $l.OO per bottle, or six bottles for to, by the
bolx PBomrroaa. '•
BENJ. PAGE. JH., <6 GQi,
Manufacturing Pharwiacrututs and C/ttmitU,
PITTSBUaaiI. PA. ' : -
T. W.,Dyott ASouv,. Philadelphia; Barnes A Park, H<«
ioik; John D. Park, Cincinnati; Barnard Adams'A Co.
6b Louis; A- BOUSH, Altoona, Po. And by Druggists
and Merchants generally throughout the
and Canadas., (October 14, IMS.-ly
JL PJUiPAUSD By TOR. A3BPOBD, 5 > : -' 5
la one of. the best Pprgative and Liver Medicine* aowfce
furo the puhiiCj'tliat acta as is Oithartic, easier,'milder and
more rffectuul than'any other medicine
only a Cathartic, Jbut k liver remedy, actings first on.tfas
Liter to eject xta morbid matter, then ou.tku stomach'sitt
howets to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two
purposes effectually, without any of the painful fMUaiff
experienced in the operations of most CutAurttcs. lt
strengthens the system at the some time that it purges It;
aud when'token daily in moderate doses, will strengths*
and tuhd it up with unusual rapidity. -
tfuc Livsn la one of the (principal regulatorsof the
human body; and.when it performs its (unctions will,
tlie ihjwora of the system late fully devcloped/Tfcs
ttomach is almost entirely *j dependent on the hesltty
action of the Liver for the . proper performance of its
functions; when the atom- Tliaclx is at (unit, the bowsfa
are at fauft, and the whole Qigystem suffers in coass*
quence of one organ—the w jfuvn—having csssed teds
its duty, i'or the disease Lj ;of that organ/ on* of ths
proprietors bos made it his I'stndy, In a practiecof mors
thou twenty years, to find, j some remedy Wherewith to
counteract the many do- ijraugements to which it if
liable. aO ... •
To prove that this reme
son troubled with hmte
forms, has hut to try a hot
Those flume remove oil
the .system, supplying in
of bile, invigorating' the
digesf well. PCKirn.vo vnsl
health to the whole inachi
of the disease—effecting a
Bixiocs Attacks are cur
puevsmed. by’ the occa-
One dose after eating Is
macli and prevent the food
: Only puo dote taken be-
Only one dose taken at
els gently, and cum Cos
! One dose taken after each
4®“.oue dose of two teu
lievo aiCK Hcaiucue.
One botUo taken'for fe
thc causo of the disease,
Only one dose hmuedtktiK
One dose often repeated
Mouses, and a preventive
■dSf Only one lx>ttlu fc*
system the effects of medt-i
JSCS' One bottle taken for 1
lowness or unnatural color
One dose taken a short
vigor to the appetite, and
One dose often repeated
Us worst iSrnie, while Slim-;
yield almost to the first
0n» o< two dosea cures
in children: there is po
remedy in the vyorhf, ng it
A lew bottles cures Bropsy
Wo take pleasure ip ro
os & preventive for Fever
all Fevers of a Bilious typo,
and thousands are willing
itstivor 10tWolt *”^*“8angnlmou* twtiai'iiyfe
«. Mix Water In the month with the Invlgorttor.wwl
swallow; Doth together. “
ia a scnsN'nn&iuiDiCAL mbcofeuy, and j. wj,
s«hlhrcur*ig aUapet too great; to believe.' Iteortk ArW
Mr maglc,<rt» the Jbnt dost giving IterirJU, and ftddoin non
than one bottle ta to cure any kind of Uvet C 6&
Jdgtol. fromtUe worst JuuutUct or Pyqatptia to »ootaniwi -
fftadaeht, all of which ore the remit of a Dimns XlTai?
°M'l>OtpAß MR BOtTJX : : •,
S 2’ S «^7? K n’ P£ t> Pr k ' tor > W 3 Broadway, Now York.
„1®» SoM H£• kestiKt, Altoona; and retailed to
all Druggists. play 27, IWB-ly”
c&Jr ®K” T 3,1 * f*
ror an excellent fitting vksii by all mean. calfor^
. For PANTALOONB that can't be beat far’
call on j. svvwHr?
, Como, JtlEd reader, If you-want to drew Iri'a Guhlonail*
jtyla, rail »t ray Slwp, opposite, nowhere, but clot* to AW
fuotia Bunking Bouee. ' Look oUt for the picture with i»
narao below. JACOB UStVKR, TAOtatT
Altoona, Oct. M, 14,1855.-I y, . *«««. ;
i-TJL DERtOONEB has just received a freah supply cf
BABB ami WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloth* aturCu*
simeres'of nil qualities and colon; Plush Velvet*and 52k
VESTINGS. Abo, a largo stock of Shirts, Drawers'end'
Undershirts, Gent’s Pocket Xlandkorchlcfii, Gloves, Ac,—
Please giro me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 am
prepared to soli as cheap as they can be bad in town. ,
NOV. 4,1858. \ T. ELWAV.
Boot and shoemaker.—thb
subscriber thb citizens ofAUoo
qs mid vicinity that h© stm continues to siaixuttoitur*
Boots and Shoes of ©very description, on tho shortest ns»
tic©, ut his. shop on Main Street, next door tothe THbiMbl
office. Ills work is done up In the beat of style, muTcife
UOt tall to give Batisfiiction. Duly *ivo him a c«U. 1 -
Nov. 4, 1855.-ly. L. RICKABHU
SPECTFUr.LV offer* hla_
services to the people of Altoona and the
Joining country. nV
lie may bo found at the offle* hereto loro oo
cupicd .by Dr. O. D. Thomas.
Altoona, Sept, 30; ISoS.-lt
Lumber for sale.
60,000 SIIINOLEB, 60,0001ATHE8, ",
anti-all kinds of BUU.MNQ MATEIUAL, lower: than Ik*
lowcet, lor Caeh. Apply to • JOHN SHOEMAKHt, -
fL -*■ **
gept.,23,1558. tVM. LLQYj.'
V/ wnlihg done at th*. shortest notlce,~>*bseds. Morte
gages, Ac., executed In the neatest monner br ■■ a*
■ * t*.-*,* " 'tfOHN SHOEMIU**
, Masonic tempK AltodlHu
O-vJr w*eirt4 »nd tor tal« by
r- '' T
i dy is at last found, say ns*.
WMtusT,'to' say of'its
tie, aud conviction fa ssfa
morbid or bad msttsr ftW
their place a’ hsallhy flow'
stomach, causing food to;
sihoD, giving ' tons s&fl
I nery, removing ths eftttasi
cd, atm, vuT o uno.
•lonal uso of the. Ltns Is*
sufficient to relieve the ***•
from rising and souring*! ’ ■
fore retiring, prevent!
night loosens the the ton
m.sal will cure Dyspepsia
spoonsful will alwAyu n
tjtalc obstruction; rezoeva
ami makes a perfect our*,
jy relieves Chollc,whil* :
is a euro euro tor nwiffg
ofCnotEju.' •. -*•,
Reeded to throw out of tbs
cine ufter a long ilckhtee*
J atopies removes alltaW
from the skin. ,
Umc before eating glue
mates the fcoil dlgcstwWl.
cures Chronic Diarrldes'ta
mer and Dowd cduideton
attacks caused by Woewt
[surer, safer, or-epeddtir
never fitilt.
I by exciting tbeaheorbenta
commctidim; the medicine
and Ague, Chill Tetervand
It opcratcswlth l cttUin'ty.
to testily to Its wonderful