The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 23, 1858, Image 2
Cjj e Criknc. ALTOONA, PA. THPRDAY, DEC. 23. 1858. ir? c °ia£»»n to QJ, oar rule for s/lreT kSnS,B2^S ,Ir T. I^5 .? i:i V aa ' ;lTi3ce ’ or * MftWß-pwwn*. It u therefore c«el«K for all *u-:ii to Mud otferiiig to pay at the eca of three or *ix Where adtt rUMaenre areaceasanauieJ with the 3KSL?j£ t ? r .. ( f‘ ; ’ fi /- «■w* will gire the Mtwtlfu toe foil Irccefit of rz&u. ! «. M, PETTESCILL & CO.. MwUihgAgtnti 113 li'ixiaa street, Stw York, *od 10 SUto Street, Boston, are tfos Agents for the Albxma MrSmiHj and the moa*. iaSoeatial and largest circulating tbe Uttilcd States'and f 1 •** ars iirtfaariisil to contract £>r cs at oar ralct. Ajb Offer. Apiy -lady or gentleman who will com-' poK slid send in to this office, anaccepta- Npiir, Year’s Address for onr Carriers, previous to Thursday evening next, shall be entitled to and receive a copy each, for one year, of any two periodicals • nowpubliahed, which they may select.—' Here’* a chance for some of our poets. It.—-By request, we gfte place on oar firstpegetoa eeimon delivered in the ;Pr&byterihn ' Ohurch, jin this place, bn Sunday week, by A. B. Clark, nod wehope itwULbeveadby every per* son intowbosc hands onr paper may fell. It will serve to give those wbohave read of and admired the conduct of Buth to* ward bbr iuqther-in-law, Naomi, a more correct .view ;,of the Causes which influ enced her choice. ‘We think the publica tion of a serbsoh, occasionally, productive of pneh jgood, as a clims.ofperaons may jtm readiedwho do not attend upon divine'services, but who, if they can be induced to jread a sermon, might be in fluenced (d Attend npOQ ; So we hope. . ; ■ Ti« T<?li»iAO* Tax.— ln another col umn of to-Ay's paper, we publish an ar-‘ tiele oq/tins subject from the Cambria Trtyw,tot which wc invite the attention of mtr Vfßpdmrs, hoping they will pome it carefully, and weigh impartially the ar foments therein advanced. No question wiU come before the Legislature, this win ter, which is of more interest to the peo ple living fdpng the line of the Pennsylva nia Bail Boad, therefore -wc desire that every person should fully understand it and fepvak one tiieir sentiments. If they tlunk it juft that the shippers and consu mere rending along this lino of the pub lie improvements in - onr State should pay 1300*000 a year more of thb taxes than those residing along other lines, all right; we will try to bear our part, although wc dp<sounderprotest. The bugga-boo rais ed by those opposed te the repeal of this tax, to the effect that the Bait BCad Com pany would not reduce their nites ion fretgbt,in the. event of the repeal nf the Us, has po foundation in fact. Should the tonnage tax be taken off, and the rates .'of fire^t?“s®* dependent oftbothere mill tax, the increas ed amount of Ipcti trade which would there by be secured; would swell the income of the - Company to such an extent as to vender ah increase in those rates no pbject. It would ho to the advantage iof the .Company to carry freight at the lowest possible figure, for the reasons that an increase in tho amount of freight to be carried would yield a heavier income than an increase, in the rates charged thereon, which would cause a decrease of the amount to be shipped. Bead the article from our jiame-sakcand make up year verdiot. I Efxiqious Toleration.— Full ri gteos liberty in Denmark has been gram qH'disscnten. They can form associations, % ohboae weir paators, lopcn chapels, hold periodic*! meetings, make proselytes, with TO .restraint or hindcrance by the Govern ment. The character ]of citizen is made wholly distict from that of believer. The members of the Diet and public officers ace* not subjected to any test whatever; they heed , sot belong to a, particular church. mat- The Mount Vcrnonr fund, to re deem the homo of the Father of his Coun try, is faat increasing. Two payments, one of $lB,OOO, and the other of $57,000, have been made, and the remaining $125,- 000 ,will be collected in the thirty States, which is about $l,OOO to a State. Men, Women and children, corporate bodies and public school#, the young and old are wel comed, as contributors, and their names onrolled<tn therbooks of the Association, .and will be prewired at-Mount- Vernon. Novel Bsugxols Movement.—lt is statedtbat the religions revival has oaosed » cord proceeding stthoWeat A num ber of prominent laymen lure organized themselves into an association sailed the “ Fljing Artillery." Thej sand a Hies-. aenger before them to u prepare the wsy,” and then the laymen preach sermons to | the people. Thousands hare been col | lected together in several towjna and villa ges throughout the State to hear distin- guished laymen preach the gospel. Judge Story, of the Supreme Court, lately dis coursed from she text, “ Christ is the end of the law.” Other distinguished jurists and professional men, among them Prof. Mitchell, are members of the “ Plying Artillery.” Ladies American Magazine.— The first number bfthis new publication, into which has been merged Graham’s Maga zine, made its first debut upon oar table a few days stooe.. It is really a handsome book, and one which most become a favorite with the ladies. The present number contains a; beautiful colored steel fashion plate.. The reading matter is varied .and of the best quality. . Price. 82 per annum. Henry White, Publisher, New York- IQu In vrar advertising .columns will be found the advertisement of T. W. Mur dock, of Abingdon, 111., who has published a book containing correct information in referbhco to the Kqnte to Pike’s Peak, now the centre of attraction because of the gold ininbs recently discovered in that vicinity; Ahy person having a desire to 50 .to those mines shobid. hot fail to first re ceive a ,copy of tbis ; work . , Tgi BniTiaH ldtNlßTiat TO XHB Unit*© States. —Lord Lyons* who has been appointed the successor of Lord Na pier as the representative of Her Britanic Majesty at Washington, is of American descent. His great-grandfather was a Philadelphian, who removed to Antigua, where the father of the first Lord Lyons was born. Ift, The, jury in the case of Messrs. Newhall and Allibone, charged with con spiracy to dc&aud the creditors of the Bank of Pennsylvania, have rendered a verdict, of not guilty as to both defend ants. The counsel for the Commonwealth said that the evidence would not permit him to expect a verdict against the de fendants, and that he would therefore abandon the prosecution. Howard Association. —Wc invite the attention of onr readers to the adver tisment of this humane Association, in another column. No Institution in this country, we believe, possesses more fully or more generally, the public confidence and respect, or better deserve it. ; Its af fairs are conducted in the most honorable and systematic manner. The New York Trihunt reports that a fellow named Corbyn, of that city, ate, on a wager of $l5, three dozen Midsized tallow can dles, fire pounds of salt pork r one twelve cent loaf of brood, a pint of lamp oil undone pint of bad mm, at one meal. After finishing the repast, the fellow who laid the wager skulked off and did wot pay it Corbyn exhibited no ill feeling, Jbnt'afo a few more articles to please the 'crowd.- Per consequence of the bad mm, Mr. Corbyn wosfoond shortly after, by a policeman, in a state of insensibility, and was carried to a wafeh-bonse, where .a strong'emetm jlmviug bepn administered, he threap up the candies and reti tedl He was then Kcked np-ten days on the charge of. being intoxicated. Heji told the re porter of the tribune that if the Judge would let him out, he would eat an entire sheep raw, and a whole ;box of candles. Ho most hare a capacious maw. • J ;: I-*.- • ; ;• Hoejubue Execttiqk.—Tho Chinese, among other unique punishment, sometimes sentence a mpn to be executed by depriving "him of sleep. A recent-letter frbm ajMtisb resident gives the following; account of, a Chinese merchant who, being convicted of mtirdering his wife.' was con demned to this torture . “ The condemned was placed in prison under the care of three of the police guard, who re lieved each ofhe? every alternate hour, and'wfao prevented the prisoner from falling asleep, night or day.' ; He thus lived for nineteen days without enjoying any sleep. At the commence ment of the eighth day, bis sufferings were so Intense that be implored the authorities to grant - him the blessed opportunity of being ltrangnlated, gullollned, burned to death, gar rdted, shot/ quartered, blown up wUh gunpow der, or put to death in any conceivable way Whioh their humanity or ferooity could intent This .will give a slight idea of the horrors of death from want of sleep.’' A MabbieoWomaw -EnoPBB : Wbb, Asoibib Mas —Heb HcsßAkn -Rippse with tup Cook.; —Ayoung,g(B|*nan on the West aide, a few weeks ago, elpped with Ha employer’s wife, and went to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where they were njarried. The interesting pair took all the available articles in the house, with them, such ns spoons, linen, etc. The bereav ed husbanchtook matters coolly, kent about his business, and made no outward show of grief. Bast week his wife, having become sick of her new husband, left him and returned to her old one, fetching with her the spoons, linen, etc.— Old husband quietly welcomed - her back to his bosom, and the woman congratulated herself on the pleasant upshot of her foolishness. But '■ pliancy her phelinks” when awakening on Sunday morning she ascertained that her hus band had eloped tbo night before with the hired girl/ the pair taking with them the spoons, linen etc., as t’other pair had done before them.— Plaindealer, B&> Robert M. Eiddle. one of the oldest and most experienced editors In Pittsburgh, late ed itor of the Commrdat J<suni,it, died itf ihat blty d# Saturdaymorning laiti' 2ES ASD SCISSOBS- B 9» A wrinl bujvk pwgttu ii ths lit S. Church at Tyros*. 1 19* Being agitated—the formation of *Htar aiy M;d reading room association ia Tyrone- 19* Onr office trill be open from 7 o’clock i. M-, to 8 ©’clock P. Sl. t on Christmas. 19“ We wiHieane a paper nsxt week, as usuel, hßt none the week following. 10U Being realized—oar dream. Hope it may continue even down to “42.” 19* The anxiety that a man fsdte 'for the vast of fcndzis railed capital panishment. IQU A fop is like a cinnamon tree—the bark iswcrthtaarettaa the tKfSljr-' We wish our friends, one and all, a merry Christmas. . i : J9* See the Soldiers and circus in ohr ad vertising columns. !' , v 19* Betsrned—our young friend A. F. Mc- Kinney, from, Omaha, Nebraska Ter. We hare not seen him jet, bat hope to. ML Bank Closed.—The Warren County Bank, after fluttering for some time, has at last dosed its doors; ■SR- Takes his defeat philosophically—the editor of the Star, who was a candidate for Bri gade Inspector. lAu Htre you seen Fcttinger’s Christmas stock ? if not, go ats once and view the beonti foL; Makes it interesting—the “Lady Visi tors” at themeetings of Altoona Division, S. of T. ’ A special meeting of the Altoona Me chanics Library and Reading Room Association will bo held this evening. IQ?* Still about—the pantry theives. But Joe has an eye bn them and will “pull” some of them one pf these doys tfST" It oost«'s2s an hour to light the new ball of the Bouse of Representatives, at Wash ington. tgSB~ Which fire names in early Scripture in dicate the commencement of corporal punishr ment? Adam, ‘ Setli Eve, Coin Abet! Bgk-Ncw Issue.—The York County Bank has issued near $5 and $lO bills, on account of numerous counterfeits dn the old ones. Excursion Tickets will be issued from all stations ou the Pennsylvania Railroad, good from' the 24th to .the 27 lb of December, inclu sive. , Let those who have fowls on hand which they contemplate serving up on Christmas, see that thc}r coops are well secured or they may como out rassslog to-morrow. ; W&L, Hiram Powers hasreccivedfrom Messrs. Peabody aud Everett a Government order for 'statues of franklin and Thomas Jefferson at $lO,OOO each. Mrs. Partington said die was once eon struck, but she! has no fear of it occurring again, as she gave Ike what will do him for the rest of his life fpr it. ; ggT one sees the wallet on his own back, though every one Carries two pocks—one be fore, staffed with the faults of lus neighbors— the other behind filled with his own. g@T A wag; says that he doesn’t core a fig whether they get any currents through the At lantic cable or not, bnt he would like a few fresh dates. |9* The Originof “ Gone to Pot:"—The an cient Greeks burned their dead in jars. Hence, thc : origin of the expression. “ He’s gone to pot.” Jgk- The editor of the Huntingdon Globe has opened a book; jind store in connec tion with his office. We would like to do that same, bat lack one of the principal requisites— the cash. tSB* A sharp young Irishman succeeded in diddling a number ;ef merchants in Johnstown, I>y altering the $2 script notes of the Iron Com pany to $l2. When the alteration was discov ered, the sharper whs not to be found. IgU An Oliio editor says:'“What can be more captivating than a beautiful woman, say about four; feet, eleven inches high, and eleven feet four inches in circumference, pas sing along the giale, just os divine worship com mences!’' - The Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota, lately delivered the following speech to the Sen ates * gentlemens of this ere Sinit! Don’t crowd this old; boss too fast ! Yo hadn’t ortcr jeacpect this ere cheer to Settle more .nor six pints at wonst! If ycr do, yer still barking up the yrrong saplin!! It can't he'did! V ; ln a village school recently, when the word jr«if occurred in sentence, the yonnk erwho was up—abright-eyed little fellow;— puzzled over the word for a few minutes, and then, as a.bright idea struck him, he burst out With, “,I can conjugate it. PosUhre, witif; comparative, wafer; superlative, seating Wax.” ' Bo> Just as an auctioneer In Hartford was saying “gone!” a few evenings since, hie audi ence went through the floor into the cellar; bat, happily, without hurting one'of them. The auctioneer, assoqn as he found his legs, remark* ed that the accident would enable him to sell lover than before, and called for a “ bid,” and . they “ bid hM good night” v ■JtSt* Oue of the funniest things got up in & York lately: whs the excursion of an anger asso ciation, io burlesque of the target ezcnrrions. Each man carries an anger instead of a gun, a Calathumpiah band accompanies them, and the exercises consists in walking blindfold to the target and boring a hole Not one man in twenty can do it, and the blunders that are made cause a great deal of sport. 10. A Grand Offer.—Miss Carrie A. Clark; thus writes to! the Journal at Louisville “I bring thee a heart—a stainless heart, , N Arfreeb and M pure M tho mountain mow, Btlll echoing back; a clearer strain. The aong that you taught It long ago. Tla on humble thing, ~ T llB Sift I bring; My all, my, fortune and my atom, . Tet I bring it thee, I can bring nomore.*.* What mote could her lover ask ? A stainless jheKTt»a fortune and a a d*y * funds itew. Holl oa to that gaii ... Hie First Knoekdom. As a matter of course, one month oould not bs permitted to pass by without a “ knockdown’' among the “ fancy" who met at Washington City on the first Tues day of December. The telegrmpboonTey ed the foUoiring wnoroeement all oter the cocmtry on Saturday last- Montgom ery most Bare been laboring nailer the effects of some ofSoutbV "old vwbia A difficulty ocearred this morning between Congressmen English, of Indiana, and Mont gomery, of Pennsylvania, onFessaylvahia Ave nue The two memhers of Compress happened to meet far the firat tuuo this raeaion, when Mr. I English, extending his hand, raid, “ How are yon, Mr. Montgomery!” V Mr. Montgomery withheldbis hand and uttered insulting expres sions, something like “T don’t speak to pop piee;’ r whereupon Mr.: English struck him a severe blow ever the head, breaking his cane to, pieces by tbe blow, aad.kaocking Montgomery into the gutter, bat notentirely down. Mont gomery, on rising, bnrled a brifk at English, striking him on tbe boot, bat-doing no injary to him. Mr. English states to hie friends that he was entirely unarmed, and was not aware that 51 r." Montgomery had any ill-feeling toward pim up to the time of the rencontre. Mr. Montgom ery, as to strength and size, is superior to Mr. English. N ASOTHSE VEESIOS. v * The Washington Correspondent otthe New York Tribune, states that the above, account is incorrect and gives the following statement made by Mr. Montgomery “I have not spoken to English this session or taken any notice of him'when we met, as we have occasionally. The reason is tbajt he made a.speech to the crowd who serenaded him on the night Of the passage uf'his bill, in which he said that he Had associated with me and other Anti-Lecompton Democrats only to find out cur plans and defeat ns. From that time I have looked upon him as a treacherous spy, and an unfit associate for gentlemen. ‘‘About'noon to-day I was walking down Pennsylvania Avenue, when 1 saw English com ing towards me bolding out his hand saying, “How do you - do, Mr Montgomery?" T tnade no answer, < but passed on without any sign of recognition. I had stalked a few steps when I received from behind a very violent blow on the left side of t ny head—given with such force as for a moment to stagger and confuse me, ' I had not the least idea who or what had struck me; but turning round 1 saw English with a largo codc which .he held in both hands, and from the position in width he stood, and the direction of the blow, must have so held when he struck md. “ He exclaimed, “ God damn yon, PI! teach yon to'insult mo in that way;" be stepped back ward quickly as be spoke. I rushed at him, and as I was about to close with him, die drew a sword from a cane and presented it at mej— As I bad no weapon ;of any kind, 1 stepped off the sidewalk and picked up a piece of brick, which I threw at him, bitting film op the leg.— He kept retreating, and before I could find ano ther missile, had got to such a distance that it was useless to pursue him." The Philadelphia Bullelir., a few days since, in noticing the condition of Pennsylvania, made the following mention of the Pcnn’a Rail Road in connection therewith:— The Pennsylvania Railroad is, perhaps, as safe a criterion of the general condition of the State as any that wC can find. The monthly statement of its business shows an increase of $73,772 in its earings in November, over those .of November 1857, and on increase of $69,960 in the gross earnings for the whole year, while by the reduction of the expenses, there is a net in crease, of $267,198. The total gross earnings for eleven months amount to $4,775,296, and for the whole year will considerably exceed five millions. No other railroad in the world of the same length and cost, is doing so large and profitable a business. When, in a season of prostrated business, the Pennsylvania Railroad is able to make such reports, great confidence must be'felt in the inherent soundness of the business of the State. Pennsylvania, with her debt diminishing, her public works prospering, and her loans up to par, is indeed redeemed, — She need fear no longer the flippant sneer of the imitators of Sidney Smith. BgL. An outrage has been committed by the soldiers of Belknap, Texas. In a difficulty whi(h occurred between a citizen, Mr Geo. I’et tyjobn, and a soldier, the soldier was shot. The latter was taken to the garrison and placed in the hospital, Pettyjohn delivered hijnaclf up to the Sheriff. Whilst UKmpanying the sheriff up to the justice’s ooHf a party of soldiers, completely armed, belonging to company B of the Second Cavalry, who had just arrived from Fort Mason, and to which the soldier belonged, came over to the town and commenced firing upon Mr.' P., who, in attempting to escape, ran into Fiaber’a Hotel. The soldiers, some twenty in number; headed by a sergeant named Iloseu dolphi followed, firing indiscriminately atr every one they saw running, and then surrounded the -hotel and fired into it, until they were'stopped by Major Thomas, who come accompanied by a guard of soldiers. Mr. P. was literary shot to pieces. v A Fussy Mistake. —Wc notice indhe adver tisement for the N. T. grand gala festival, to be given in aid of the Mount Vernon fund, the following clause—“towards maintaining invio late the home and .tomb of the American, who was bom childless that the nation might call him Father.” If being “ bojrn childless,” gi a title to the honorable apellation of Father of ones Country, there would be few of us who would not'be so distinguished. “God made childless, &c.,” would read better. Txmoucn Mail Aobsts.— By directions of the Postmaster General, 4 agents will hereafter accompany the through mails from Philadelphia to Chicago. This is a most important move ment, and the public will be glad to learn that when a moil leaves cither Philadelphia or Chicago, it leaves in charge of o responsible person, who never looses right of it daring its transit. The Initiation of this movement was mode at Philadelphia on Tuesday evening last. 10. A new gambling house has been opened at Washington, and engraved invitations have been sent to all the M. C.’s and other people supposed to have loose change. At the bottom of the card arc the h ours at which the table is to •bespread during the winter. “ Dinner at 6; Sup per at 10 ; Breakfast at 12.” Prom this it may ; be inferred that those who “fight ye tiger” wifi rise late in the day, and commence business operations'early in the evening. - 1 • . |&* Jadge Ecklcs, of Utah, has’ placed in ohdrgq of Lord Napier, Miss Polydore, theyoung 'English girl in behalf of whose rescue from the 'Mormons the go6d offices of our Government were asked by the Government of Great Britian. The father of the rescued young lady is alaw- Jrer of wealth and high standing, and has been or u long-time engaged in efforts for the resto satiou of'his daughter, who was inveigledaway from' her home in England several years agq. from the (Johsatova) Cimlxi* Trlbn*. « ’T|)||f|w| | li TOE TOW AGE TAX. ]!- ■ an. tUo!. th. k w tax on the Penn’a Ball Road will he agptatad | Yorit Tribune of Friday loct, < JOO»iderl ß g this winter at Harrisburg—we rather think ft ;j { to | ost will not—bat we do know thatth* whola q«a- j “ * os, ‘ tiba involved la the continuance of this: tax is i *** Te that can hoe n excellent. A m v , very imperfectly nudewtood in this county.— i that cad sow is aehghtfm. A slave thk; *, It strikes us.thatadifflDartialand nnpnladiced . reapisadmirable. Aslave that can gather i« 4 investigation cor tox payers J barns is atewm. A slave that will 03l wooldTnot be oat oiplace at this time, especially ; away is indeed a possession. A slave th at wjij when the {act is considered that Sir. Pcrter, : stand anything, from the cat and the pad jI, the Democratic Assemblyman elec'-, from this to the vendition of wife and children, i 3ta «Kmfyi ft pkdged by his party—at least by the ; Abrahamic model. Here one would suppose ti* convention which nominated him—to tise- his catalogue of sUivish virtues might cad, üß’.ea, iofiaesce with the Legislature in wearing &n in- added to it mat duo::>as virtue of fecundity crease of that *yy froni thrtt to jit $ niilla per ton. \ upon which decency wul no, permit ns 10 dilate We frankly avowourselvesm favor of the re- Bat what will our readers say to & siave Sj. peaL We believe that the imposition of the tax uring in the of an Inventor. Oi an l». is injurious to the best interests of the tax pay- ■ ventor of a “ tiseiul agncu.tural machine’ f ora of Cambria, county, and of » majority of the ;Of a “ machine so useful that it promised counties alongtbellno of the Pena’a Railroad, ! be profitable?. And what wilt our readers this* and thati therefore, policy as wellas justice Je- of the botherations, dilemmas, obtuscationa and mands itarepeaL Tbis conelusion we have not | general topsytarvineaa of tne Patent Office, come to hastily. We hate viewed the subject; when a Chattel with a blaca skin walked i a t 4 in every light in which it presents itself, and , the cloisters sacred to invention, and claimed u above is oar calm, deliberate judgement; of the have shown a little intellectual power, and to whole matter. 'We have heather time heir space bo entitled torensmeration therefor ? Claims to present in detail all the arguments in favor" —poor Chattel that he was to have intent*! of the repeal, but respectfully inrite thh alien-[ something which bunum beings might find pmf. tion of the reader to the following points? _ itable and convenient. Homb.e wa* the digni 1. The revenue arising from the imposition fieddts tress of the Patent Office at this applies of the lonage tax is in reality not paid by the toon. Here was a thing—in the light of th* Penn’a Railroad . Company, hut by the trading Constitution nothing but a thing—claiming th» interest and productive industry along the tine } honors and emoluments of aa inventor! Wh»j of the road. The Company has seen proper so should a thing be doing there ? A thing win to regulate its tariff of charts that the tchoU two leg*, and a stomach, and ahead, and t*o of the tax—some $300,000 per annum—is lev- hands, absolutely pretending to have invented ied off the local shippers. Not oru dollar of it something? So plow ever applied- So can is imposed upon the through freight- We un- ever applied. So horse ever applied. There derotand the Company to say, in justification of fore, when this two-legged thing came up, th«v this coarse, that in order to compete successful- was a row in, the Office, and the magnate# or ly with rival New York and Maryland lines for her or him or it to go about his, her, or the trade of the Wpst, they must exempt thro* ita bnsmeaa, and pointedly declined to issue any freight from the imposition of the tax, and eon- letters Patent whatever, thereby establishing sequent ly arc compelled in self-defence -to levy it-«s ft fixed fact that no “ nigger" cou«d invetu the tax from the Local freight. We do hot jjay aaythipg. In this way was the negro of Mr that tliis action of the Company la altogether Oscar J. E. Stewart, who had blundered upon justifiable; it is enough to know that the fact J‘t a usefiil (agricultural machine,” treated. Ot is os we state it, and that there is nothing in car J. E- Stewartcould not stand this. Oscar the charter of the Company, nor in any provi- 1. B- Stewart considered that he had a right sol sion of the Constitution of the Stale, which will merely to the grains, but to whatever came oat compel the Company to alter the rule they have of the brains of his private and personal uig established and to which they seem resolved to ger. So Oscar J. E. Stewart petitioned the Sen adhere. Those persons, therefore, who think ate that, if the Patent Office would not, could that the tonsge tax is paid mit of t Irtfexchequer not, or shoald not, issue a patent lothiaiagv of the Penn'e Railroad Company, are hugely nSoos “digger,” it might be compelled toU mistaken. sac the patent to him. The petition was n- 11. The object tot whiofe this tmngo to* <r*f imposed hoc long since I*ecoms.dcad u* I** sad |: in fact. It iru Imposed' 1 whh the sole view of *■ i protecting the State Improvement* front ike competition of the Penn’a Railroad—* peitef' roo4t illibetal and contemptible. The Idea of b oh storing up a rotten and old fogy system at the expense of a progressive and praise-worthy movement, should have been kicked oat of the Legislature- Nevertheless, the Company ac cepted their charter with this unfair provision, and straight wgy began to collect the fox from local shippers! But, in the changes of tune, we find that the State has parted with the very ( improvements to protect which this tax |was im posed, and those improvements are now owned by the Penn’s Railroad Company. As the orig- ' iuol cause for the imposition of the tax has thus been removed, docs it pot seem M be the height of absurdity and injustice to continue ft; longer —especially when, as shown above, that tax is collected from a portion of the tax-payers of the State, and not from the Company 1 111. If it ig necessary for the support of govr era meat and the gradual liquidation of {be State debt, that the revenue'now arising from the im position of the tonage tax should not be lost to the Treasury, would it not be more just and equitable to require all the tax-payers of t|ie State to contribute their pjro raio thereto, than to continue to exact it off a particular; and hot nt all wealthy class? If the financial'necessi ties of oar good old Commonwealth demand the payment of this $300,000 per annum, let the sum be levied off the millioDaiqsof the cities as well as the bard handed' men of toil ainong the mountains. The Penp’a Railroad Company is the on Ip railroad corporations the State that is obliged to pay into the treasury a tax on its tonage. Why, in tbe name of common honesty, should tbe citizens along the line of the Peim'a Railroad be burdened with this tax, when citi zens redding near tbe Sunbury & Erie, Reading, Northern Central, Allegheny Valley,'Connells ville, and other roads, are exempt from any such tax whatever ? IV. The tonage tax operates as an embargo upon the material developcncnt of tho : counties through which the Pa. R. R., possess... For in stance, it imposes? a higher freight upon the iron and lumber and coal of Cambria. .county than would otherwise be chaiged ; the result of which is, that tbe iron and lumber and: coal of more favored localities, not caned With a ton age tax, can be sold in eastern markets at a much lower rate than the producers of the fox ed article can afford. Hence,, no encouragement is extended for the Investment j>f qapifol or an influx of population in Cambria and coptiguons counties on the line'of the road, and hence it is that these counties do not advanefi in prosperity as they should, but literally draff weir slow length along. V. We understand that the Company ip ready to lower its charges on all local freight when ever the tax is repealed. ’’ -i; We may recur on this subject again, \ the meantime we advise all our readers to examine, the question for themselves.. At lecst, do not lot us allow Mr. Porter to almost doable this tonage, tax without first counting the cost o ‘ such legislation. ' ' -r JvsiatX County. —The Juniata Smtmal, says, the house of Mr. James Nipple, of Milford tp., in that county, wan entered on the night of.the Gth inst., between 8 and 9 o’clock, by a young man, who demanded the money of h|r. N., threatening, in case of bis fefusal ;to comply with.his demands, to “spit fire all over the house,” and thereby destroy the establishment- This alarming statement, together with the in formation conveyed by the young desperado, thus ho had three assistants oh the optside of the house, so worked upon the fears and super stitions of the old man, that he, to appease the Wrath of the pretended fiend, surrendered all his ready money, consisting of some two hun dred dollars in gold and silver. The author of. the outrage has not yet been discovered. Tebkible Tbaoedt.— On the 25tb tilt, The odore Bioe, a negro, being drank, entered the public house of EUas Harter, in the borough of Mill Hail, and demanded liquor of the bar-ten der; upon refusing to give him the liquor, the negro seized two or three tumblers, and retiring nfew paces, threw them at the beacLof the bar tender; whereupon the latter seized a hatchet and threw at the negro. In the evening, the negro being sober, again came to; the hotel, when Mr. Barter ordered him to go out, which the negro refusing, theformer struck him over the head, inflicting a wound which soon proven fatal. —Lock Haven, (Fa) Democrat. ■ Mokstee PsisTixci Office.— The Paris Im perial printing establishment possessed the type of fifty-six eastern languages, being all that are kqpwn of the characters of Asia, ancient or mo dern.. Also the type of sixteen ’ European tongues which do not use the ordinary Latin characters. As to the latter, the establishment has the type' of forty-six different forms and sizes. Thenqmber of presses on the! premises is such that 556 reams of ; paper, equivalent to 9,266 octavo volumes of thirty sheets' could be stafuck off in a' sin gle day. About SOOworkmei alre employed Ibj the «t«bUemfht!tlwi&Sm the yttr. ’ " ' ; ' •-' ■ erired, ud tit* report says that it was appro priately referred. We bare tried pretty hard to make set what. ma appropriate reference would be Was Uto the Committee on Agriculture t Ortothe Committee on Claims? Or to the CommitU* on Ways and Means f Wa shall watch this; ease for Mr. Oscar J. E. Stewart, asd he shall base the benefit of our assistance. He shall have the hard cash for hia “ nigger'a” braia work as well as for his “nigger’s” handicraft!- ocas, and much good may it do him. - • V. Tbs Pkim-Eiso. —To all appearance thslats '<* tqpi" between Morrissey and Hsenan is to bs productive of numerous brutal exhibitions of the same kind. Almost everyweek, tbs spotting papers chronicle encounters between amateurs in this line. But there most be another eels* ■ y . brated affair, to take up the attention of the ■‘is- . whole country. At a late spatting exhibitioa given in New YorkCiiy, Heenan offered to figU any man in the world for a purse of $lO,OOO or under. This banter drew out the &Uo*in| which' was read from the stage pt the eonclnsioa of a similar exhibition in the somf.eity, a ft* nights since: < rr: Qcmxemb*; Inasmuch-as Mr. fiecoon iu challenged the world to prodace a man to figkl him—in the event of M®-. Morriaecyadheriag to bis long-ago expressed- determination to forew retire from the prize-ring,' which all hie friends sustain him in keeping—-I give this public no tice to Mr. Heenan and tebia friends that twill produce a man to fight him at any time mutual ly agreed on, within from three to five months from this date, for the sum of $2,500 a side.— The figure of $lO,OOO sounds well enough, but ns it is business wc are engaged in, T have limi ted, the anm to $2,500, which will be more read ily reached by even the $lO,OOO party. Ths first deposit is. waiting to be covered. at fh Glippa Office from this evening. Important Decision.—la the United Sutel District Court an important decision was m»i» ftrfew days since, of interest to railway men, hj which it will be seen tbat the officers of a rail way company bare not the right or power U sell bonds of the company at less than par vahe- According to this decision an immense ameui* of nil way bonds are now held illegally. ' /COMPETITION IS THE LIFE OF \ / TRADE.—Full}' convinced of the troth of thiiwp ing, the subscriber would respectfully announce te Ike citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that be hat eatenl the Held, bv opening a MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, In the room heretofore occupied by Michael Gallagher, ha mediately opposite the Superintendent's Office, where I*-', will carry on the business as usual. Ue has just reetteef an excellent asiortment of ■ CLOTHS, CASSIMERES 4 VESTINGS, suitable lor working and dress suits, which he will askeM order, on short notice and at prices which can set Bit * satisfy. He has also received the LATEST STYLES et FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. and feels confident tbat Us can satisfy the most Cutldlew in this, particular, and hia clothing will bo made as well el clothing can be made. In fine, be le determined tbataeth' Ing shall be wanting on his part to render sntis&etles ft those who may favor him with their patronage. Altcoua, Nov. 5-tf.) JOHN TALEOT. Dentistry.— dr. s. kimmell, OPERATIVE £ XECITaXWAL DEXTIST. Teeth inserted, from oncOo a foil set, on Gold or BUrsr Plato. '1 Teeth filled with. Gold, and warranted for tea years., Teeth > Extraded by the Electro. Magnetic Machine with' oat Pain. All operations and . work done cheaper than anywhere else it the county, and a deduction made, of the rallrotJ expenses from Altoona to Hollidaysbarg, from all opert tiima amounting to five dollars and oyer. #§. Office on Montgomery street, opposite the Exchsnf* Hotel. lloUidayiburg, Pa. • [Bee. 16,1855-1 J Dissolution of partner- SHlP.—Notice Is hereby grrcn that the pwtnw ship heretofore existing between the undersigned into* Butchering Business, was dissolved by mutual consent rt the 30th day of November 1858. The books of theM# ore in the hands of J. Wells Collin* for collection, and so kn.wing thcmseltea indebted thereon, ate request*®* make payment immediately. J. W. ARMSTRONG- • Dec. 9,1858451. J. WELLS COLUM A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Undershirts and Drawers, Cotton, Wcollsa s£* Silk, very low, at H-TCCH'S- Dec. 9 1868. - , ' 'j- Gonstantly receiving new Ready Made Clothing, of the latest Fashions, ch«*?* r than ever, at . H.TCCH’3- Dec. 0,1868. ■ ' - The largest assortment^ Boy's wear, such as Jacket*, Frock and Oycrcy* Bants and the loweat prices, at" H. Tv Cits- Dec. 9,1858. ’ SELLING OFF—A LARGE SORTMENT of BooU and Shoe#, BufWo and Overshoes, at fI.TUCU» Dec. 9.1858. , - ■ ■' CARPET BAGS, TRUNKS, BRELLAS, it; can he bought cheaper &t than at any other place In the country. [Pec- "■ 1 O YESI 0 YES!—GENTLEMEN; draw nigh and hear. ’ JOSEPH P- atf ces to tho public,', that-he h ready. t<a- dbehar? . Auctioneer whenever called upon. IJ*°' rrHE. HIGHEST PRICE in 1 ;poona C: local IT .a*! Hub PocK-kt-Book.— Ol , k Bt?idJle-»g wl l ttd ? 01,1 tho Mail 'Train, on her way, £del P hia- Before arrlvm Je dto stop off the train aj lU daybtttg. With tbia intj train and vent into the waj k ct office, to got ft ticket for j Ho in the room oho chaugj eluded to go on *»■**• pocket-book, said to contaW L in the room, while she an L wardrobe, and went off Lot discover her lose until leonnon station, whore ehj (graphed back to the Agon (nothing could be found of j [Wednesday she returned, I [money or pocket-book coul It over to Hollidayeburg at [ returned again on Friday; L vu no clue to the mlaaid Urph was put in workind Ms, whom she stated Uved| ter misfortune and distresj be reached, no one there I at the persona whoso nairl effaced a desire to returl >rdiugly put on the Express filing last, and sent to Pitta | O l. Boley remarked was ‘ sij f portmonaie she described Lred one, and said that son is money was in bank note in gold dollars. Wo think lidcrable crowding to get art into ono of those smal sst as much as it does to I »hs lost the money nt all. haa at FosxoaiA— Three C On Friday ovouiug las Massing intolligonco that a 1 km that morning, at Foster [was consumed, together w i were locked VP >» it. Th Ld by Wm. L. Bender, wl l* t locked the children in t It them from getting to tlx [went to the stable to mill Ily, her consideration in tl joged her children to a mor I fire was not discovered m I of the house was in flumet me neighbors attempted to 1 children, they found it im] | was wade to save the youi I wrapped in a feather bei i Window bat it was too late fled. When taken out, p found to have been bun per. The other two.chili te, were almost entirely rt-sickening to contemplaU [; and who can imagine t Inta, bereft, in a few mini [awful manner, of all thei I sympathize with them, n By deserving of the aymprtl ■ afford them little consolati I house adjoining the above I consumed at the came t pt have been saved had nc ■ted for the safety of thoch I so great that property wn ism Hints to Young ? ig mea ignorantly deny There is scarcely a yc » in this town who cannot i his annual earnings, and rs, billiards, and toddies, that amount. Figures so fat incredible results. T Iroung man upon bis twent |t $lOO in any stock, payi annually thereafter will nut and the occumulatio: be wroth, when ho is thirt | when forty years old, $( j* $18,150; when sixty I How simple then is the PfW the present day can iomfort and luxury. He bis expense so as to savt each year from his income Id be larger, then the sun Sedan the same proportiot pat $5OO saved annual)} [per cent, stock will amot ►43,500. One million inv I for ton years will amour kenty years to $G,72C,80C 17,384,628; in forty years ponder, then, that the ped such boundless wealtb Itioeal Oyster Saloon. lever attendant at this cd ris Senior and Junior) st |“gs since to partake of r 8 bivalves served up to tl f found everything i: bed as our portion a lore r* “ »“y e jicuro could dt r Rest assured, rc p«tic« to tho animals, ano F*7 ttat th< > Publio shot P* »t tho National Saloot Mf thcir money, and enco f Nageii and F» Him a Trul—Out ent P> «», a few days since, th L ® la " or Pantry’s may 1 bf hlm noli °e on th [be mil arrest tho thief. %nd Wo hope that P* * « bled.” ,m give L 17 h “ bty «l as a dete K i n ° UBh * oar Com [ can do wh»t he says, an hV* a K«a Xittx* I L; C ”®* r offers -for a al FJ, situated three-fourths L «*’ *bloh hs will ■«!