The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 16, 1858, Image 3

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gCWMBfe Hints foe
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Certainly we arc, Dul 01 ~. , .
Swill generally build up another, and wit;
Sid If merchants will advertise with us j
will build us up, and in return they will t»«
Lat up through us. Wc comment the follow
tog article, from the Harrisburg - TtUgmph, to
those who do ®°t advertise.
Our business men should embrace the present
,!m e . above all others, to make extensive use of
tlist infall able panacea for bnnl times prm
... ink.” The harvest and fall work is over, :
end farmers ami others throughout the country
tie about to lay in their supply of clothing, fur
ore, groceries, in short all the necessaries of
,“e Winter season. Of course they -will not
Durchase without looking around them to see
where they can expend taeir money to the nest
advantage—and hence if advertisements are
oublisbed in the newspaper, or cards and pos
ters printed and circulated, the buying comma:
nity will read them and be greatly governed by
their contents. Those merchants who dothus
advertise get, in consequence, the best trade the
Muntty atfords—particularly that trade which
triags cash. Tb? wise business itwn, there
fore, looks,upon this matter from a common
lease standard. Ho should consider that in
these days of newspapers, a proper system and
degree of advertising is just as necessary as a
itore-room to contain his goods, or the sign
over his door which conveys to passers by the
n ,iM of the proprietor. It is not a lijbury to
h* indulged in when business is more than or
viicarily prosperous —it is a nreetxity at all times,
bat decidedly so in times of inactive trade.— i
Tie experioneo of eminent and successful mer
chants has demonstrated the truth of this ns
lertion in hundreds of instances. And it is but
EStural that it should be so. A bold, readable,
wide-awake advertisement in ft public journal,
or in the shape of cards or circulars, shows that
there is‘some life—some business activity— :
tome progressive talent in the advertiser, which
men in the dullest times attracts attention, and
is the means of giving him a popularity profita
ble as well as pleasant. This feature of busi
uoss is well understood by some men engaged
in trade—by others it is not. Other things be
ing equal, the results of the operations of the
iwo classes are very perceptibly favorable to
the- former. Particularization is uunccssary—
what we staters .\fact known to every man of
common intelligence, and clearly observable iu
every community, our own as well as others.
What Ws Saw in Church.—We do not pro
fas to beyis pious as wo should be, but we are
possessed of one of the “evidencesof piety”—
a fondness of attending public worship—and
when we go to church, we do it to enjoy the
•inging, the prayers and the preaching ; but we
wt sorry to say that there arc those who will
not permit us to so enjoy' ourself, at least such
was our experience on Sunday week, at the
Methodist Church, in'this place. During the
reading of tfao first hymn, we saw seated at our j
left hand, two la—(not ladies—we don’t know I
what to call them,) whispering to each other— i
no doubt making remarks upon their neighbors’
bonnets or dresses. We wore, so annoyed that
ill the sentiment of the hymn, and oven the
page, were lost to us, and our enjoyment des
troyed. Then, while the minister was reading
the morning lesson, our pleasure was again mar
red by the shallow-brained actions of two young
lads in front of us. A young clerk in a store
in town, who evidently consider? himself apatr
tern, of respectability and fashion (he may come
op to the latter, but his actions bring him fur
i below par iu the former,) was engaged hunch
ing a companion at every sentence of the Ice
sod, which, to his corrupt mind; appeared cx-
I ccptionable in modesty of language ; and this
I StiDovcd us exceedingly. When the sermon was
I commenced, ‘•certainly,” thought we, “nothing
*iii transpire to auncy us—fear of being under
| the notice of the wandering eycof the preach
tr will curb all indiscretions of the -
But we were doomed to disappointment. While
drinking in a sublime thought from inspired lips,
our whole mental being chained In perfect sub
missiueness to the controlling power of the or
i &tor, the spell was broken, by the monkey-shines
—absolute monl:cy-chines —of a human being (in
form— not act) within the range of our eye,and
th.a offender was tho well-trained son of*one of
onrmost respectable citizens. We were .shock
ed . Wc could pardon, in some measure, the
hi sinless apes who had annoyed us before, but
for this person, who should have known better,
and done better, in consideration of his acknowl
edged good sense, was unpardonable. Wc left
the church, at the close of the services, in no
good humor,| wc ,assure you, reader ; and while
we ate our dinner on that day, we determined
to let the public know first of the actions of the
persons who,aggrieved us so deeply, and if that
«ould not servo to put an end to their evil and
detestable interruptions of God’s worship, to
give their name# the next time.
M?s. Kwo’s B elect SenooL.—Mra. King
»ould inform her fripnds and the public, that
next term of school will open on Monday,
ecember 20th.' Those who have confided their
lughters to her, and others who may wish to
o so may be assured of her continued desire,
, as shei hopes, increased ability, to impart.
* Bubstantial » useful, accomplished
%£?*?***• sh.L«ib.i d , t .
tol, ’ lttls ' Hl “»*. “iitiiii
•v, ® contribute us much us possible to
their care 19>pmcmeilt of those committed to
?3 *® 86 » er V**br- A redac
ts five per cent. wUI be made if paid in od-
Won'- °“ T * mrsda y night last, a fine\borae
d, B 2 J°;- J «°h Sofsker, in ]Frec-
Bo» sb «olen from his stable,
Company of which Mr. 2i. j 8 a member
% foimd 7 menin^ei 7 dircctlonfbut
Distinguished Pabsekoeb.—Yesterday mor- |
ning, • John C.. Heenan, thc “ Benicia Boy," j 1
who gave Morrissey such-an awful pummelling I
on .the first found in the late for the chum
pionship of America.vpusscdj’through this’place,
on Hie rEkprehs Traifi, sfi roufe fbrlEittsburgh,
where hoandhia. celebrated:trainer, Aaron
Jones, wl fa proceeded hiaoi hj the Fast Line,
fin Monday night, gave .» sparripg exhibition
.last evening, In our opinion be comes fully up
ito all that, has been said about his dimensions, •
and wo believe that a stroke fromhis “ south
paw" would make the stars fly mid. give a.follow
a slight headache. He is a much bettor looking
man than -uro had imagined to find him, hot*
withstanding, there is a determined; bull-dog
look about his countenance, which indicates one
born to the science in which.he has became so
proficient, and who could Tendnte on awful
amount of punishment without flinching.—
None of our “ sparera" evinced adesire to have
a friendly “ set-to" with him and he was conse
quently permitted to i paaa without giving us an
exhibition of his skill.. Although no notice of
his coming had beengiven, the news of his ar
rival spread rapidly and ere the train moved off,
the avauue in front of the Logan House was well
Mobe Pajiset Tixievixo.,—This business is
now carried on so_oxtciisLvely ip this place, that
it may bo set down ns a regular business, and
considered one of our “institutions.” Within
the last couple of weeks, quite a number of cel
lars and pantries have h e on relieved of
contents, and always bn Friday or Saturday
nights, showing conclusively that the persons
engaged in this -business, which jis generally
wholesale, know when the Sunday preparations
are made and a goood lot of bread, cakes, pies,
butter, &c., is on hand. The cellars of our
clever friends, Joe Ililoman and Joe Adlam,
have .received professional visits from some of
the gentlemen, and in both cases the proprietors
were relieved of nil articles in store, in the eata
ble line, which required no cooking. Can not
something bo dono to put a stop to this busi
ness ? The robberies arc often daring, some
times visiting the same places twice in succes-
■ Our citizens should be careful in securing
their premises against, those night prowlers, who
may become emboldened by their many unde
tected depredations on pantries and cellars, and
begin to look far something more valuable.
Military Election.— -An'election for Brigade
Inspector, to fill the unexpired term of Maj.
John C. Innca, dcc’d, came off at the armories
of the different companies in this county, on
Saturday last, nnd , resulted In the election of
Adj. J. C. Osterloh, of the Hollidaysburg Felnci-
Mes, over Lieut. J. R. MeFai’mut also of the
Fencibles, and Capt. Jas. Bell, of the Tyrone
Artillery. . The Jseyisler gives the following
which it says is the official vote:
O. >lcF. Bell.
Juniata Rifle. 85 8
Washington Artillery, 82 8
Scott Rifle,
Hoi. Fencibles,
Kiiiuiet Gmmls,
Altoona Guards,
Logan Rifle,
Wayne Guards, '■ 12
Allegheny Cavalry, 60
Tyrone Artillery,)
and I ' 1
Tyrone Cavalry )
S&* We have received an awful long commu
nication, over the awful signature of “ Penna
philopcenaue,” entitled “ Our thoughts ly read
ing ‘ Philopcna,’ ” meaning an article under that
caption which appeared in our | paper a short
time since. In the communication the writer
complains that the author of the first article did
uot give the proper derivation of the word, and
bungled thejGcnnan and Latin horribly. Well,
he may hare done so, for aught we known, but
he could uot have made a worse fist of those
languages than “ IVnaapbilopocnaqs” did of the
English. For the reason that we have no time
to make English of the affair, and if wo had
it is too long for the subject, together with the
fact that the author forgot to give his or her
name, we decline publishing it, and have care
fully filed it away in our cabinet of curiosities.
A Novel Invention.— As anumber.of young
men will persist in grinding tobacco in church,
it is proposed to get up a largo flask, to be pla
ced in the breast pocket,. with a funnel or tube
in the same, to receive the product of the mill,
which they can .carry home with them and emp
ty out on their mother’s parlor carpet pr clean
ly scrubbed floor, instead of leaving it in the
corners of the pews.; We hope the invention
may be speedily got up and .patented, and eve
ry storekeeper in town made an agent for its
sale. Lei flic Indies be on the look out, and
when they observe a gentleman with afull breast
ed coat, they may calculate that he has a’"hop
per” in his bosom. ->
Goon Flocb.—Since wc have livedia Altoo
na, we hare had some good and some very, bad
flour, but the besh decidedly the best, we have
ever had in our house, warTmade at the new
Steam Mill, in this .place, ’ a few .days since.
Better bread tho ( a that made from the flour from
the Steam Mill, we have never eaten, and we
arc certain we inoyer wish better. Although
the flour was made from common red'wheat, the
; ’ ... „-r, ?.■ s 1 ' :V ■
bread is exceedingly white and very easily made.
We have heard many complain of the flour made
at this Mill, and not without caopp, bat they
should remember that it was new, and of course
could not ho regulated so as to .make . the very
best flour from.the first, i It is now*
in capital order, tumipg oat as good . flour ps
can be manufactured in the country, ,a|lm
wc think, give universal satisfaction. ! O
Eabs Prkstest.— tfhe Carlisle American states
that a |hrce year old Buck, weighing, ibs.,
■ .was axpressed to the proprietor of the Washing
ton ,HOTel, in .that place, from Tyrone <aty* hav
ing been .killed on: some of the mountains in
' this county. It appeared to be quite, a curiosity
to the citizens of Carlisle. Such normals wirO
pot curiosities in this “neck o' timbep,” al
though they ore much oftener seen than cap
tured. We know a hunter now out, who is on
the track df a couple of bucks that will weigh
ip tbe neighborhood of the amount stated stave,
and we‘shall be' disappointed if he docs not sn*-
. coed in - capturing' at least' One of them. -
29 15 2
41 v
5 "5
4 $ 16
248 26
>'d ; * v»
| B®=. Reader; is there not: some being whoby
i 1 the affinity ef spirit, the lavs of eternity per
i mit you to cherish and truly to call friendt-
Would iti not be n high, And holy gratification,
where that being has passed oat of your natural
sight.into the Spirit Labels, to have tut image of
the earthly appearance of that dear one ? Pa
rents, is it .not a duty to you* children,
to leave them this image to gratify this noble
passion ? * Hovf eften do we hear, the exclama
tion, where persons are viewing portraits, “ I
would not value any stua if I could bat procure
the portrays of my departed parents or children.’
Reader, if you are gifted with that enobling feel
ing of unity, you have on opportunity now to
gratify it, at a small cost, by procuring por
traits which it is known will not fade,' at the
Ambrotype room of J. W. : Claubangh. See ad
Dentistry.— ln. another column will bo fonnd
the card ,of Dr. S. tammell, of Hollidaysburg,
Operative and Mechanical Demist, to which the
attention of our readers is directed. Dr. K.
enjoys, the reputation of being a skillful practi
tioner id his line, and we! doubt not will render
full-satisfaction to all Who entrust him with
their work. He promises to do work as cheap
as any other dentist .in . the county, and deduct
the fare, from this place to Hollidaysburg, from
all work done for persons in this place, when
the amount is over five dollars.
Accident.— OaSabbntb last, as the family of
Sath K. M’Cunc Esq., wbo resides nenr town,
were returning home from Church in their fam
ily carringc, one of the horses became unman
ageable; backing the carriage over an embank
ment and upsetting it, to ithe imminent peril of
.the life and limbs of those inside. Fortunately,
however, they all escaped -serious injury, save
his eldest daughter. Mijis Elizabeth, who receiv
ed, a severe hurt in the face.— Register.
Toilet for Gentlemen. —For preserving the
complexion—temperance. To preserve the
breath sweet—abstinence from tobacco. For
whitening the hands—hbnesty. To remove a
stain—repentance. Easy shaving soap—ready
money For .improving the sight—observation.
A beautiful ring—a family circle. For improv
ing the voice—civility. The best companion at
the toilet—a wife.
A. Y. M.—The following gentlemen have been
elected the officers of Mountain Lodge, No. 281,
for the ensuing Masonic year—viz;—W. M.,
George B. Cramer, S. W„ John McConnell; I.
W., William Boydeb ; Treasurer, John Shoema
ker; Secretary, Benj. F. Bose.
Whistling Jackj” after having whittled
himself in and out of jail several times and in
and out of several towns, has at last whistled
himself into winter quarters at the County Poor
J6@f“ A little son of John Schuberts, in Bush
Mountain, was Beverly burned on Friday last,
by his clothes taklpg fire from a stove.
A Good Certificate,
PitTBurr.Gn, Nov, 18th, 1858.
Da. Kkyser: —Although not an advocate of
Patent Medicines, in general, it affords, me
pleasure indescribable to recommend your Pec
toral Syrup. As a medicine it is well worthy
the attention of any person who may in any
manner bo effected with colds, cough and hoarse
ness; qf any kind; and for its peculiar qualifi
cations for removing alb that dissagreeable sen
sation attending a severe cold. I have been,
more or less, ip my life afflicted with the
severest colds and hoarseness. \ At times my
throat would become so closed as to prevent my
speaking above a whisper, and by taking a few
doses of the above, Syrup, it would relieve me
entirely. In recommending this medicine, I
must unhesitatingly say* that it is the best rem
edy I ever found, purporting to cure the above,
nor should any family he without this remedy
for diseases so prevalent.
Yours, most respectfully,
Cashier Citizens’ Deposit Bank.
Sold by- <3. W. Kessler, Altoona.
The Eaxic—More Failures, — The panic in
-New York seems to be on the (increase. In this
city, everything goes on smoothly, and the only
failures we have heard of were the failures to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There is'no such difficulty to
be encountered by those who patronize the
Brown Stone Clothing pall of Rock hill & Wil
son, Noa, 60S apd,6os'iChesnut street, above
sixth. Gentlemen land Youths never fall to pro
cure capital fits at'this establishment.
See advertisement of Dr. Sandford’s
LIVER IKVIOORATOR in another column.
THE H ALL OF FASHION is still, open, and
the Proprietor, in returning thanks to his nu
merous customers' for their liberal patronage
bestowed on him since his commencement, here
desires to say (without fear of contradiction)
that he is prepared to offer for their inspection
the best assortment of handsome Dues* Goods,
Shawls, Cloaks, Whits Goods, &c., &c., that
can be found in Altoona.
Respectfully, &c.| 0. J. MANN.
STORED!”—Every body has money to
and bo they should Lave. This, fact you can
hayc demon'strafoa, by tahing a stroll along Vir
ginia street, in seeing the crowds of Ladies and
Gentlemen irendiug their Wy after those hand
some «nd remarkably cheap GOODS at
V ; * "J'\ y V: c. J. MANN’S. '
President, in his Message, rather advises a spe
cific flnty on Foreign Goods whenever practica
ble, . Charley Mann . advocates only ’a small
advaloram duty on ail Goods, both Foreign and
llloineetic, he ofers for siile, .
articles, just received at '. . :
JjD MODEL, ■ another largo lot of splendid DRESS
GOODS, to which Wo invßt> the attention' of the la
dles, and which We now offer at greatly reduced price#, as
wo are itoformlsM to tonrlDw* the people that we can sell
DRY GOODS cheaper .than oar neighbors. J r
Dfc.2,i«6#*Bt ■' ■ • Tj; &J, LOYTTBEB.
• "f- V ■ ■•'■r.::-; 'K:. :; f‘ 1
Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor.
In all diseases Inflammation more brloee predominates—
now to allay inflammation strikes at the root of ilwwa
hence an immediate core.
and nothing die, will al lay inflammation at once,anj make
aoertainenre. ..'S--.-. - -
wUlcnre the following among a threat retalogueof disnw j»;
Buraia, Scalds, Cute, Chafes, Sore Nipples, Corns, Bunions,
Bruises, Sprains, Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula,
Ulcers, Fever SorearJtelolu, .Ear Ache, Piles,. Sore. Eyes,
Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Bhemn,
Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers' Itch, Small Poor,
Measles, Rash, 46,4 c. • ’
To some it may appear incredulous that so many diseases
should be reached by ono article; such an idea.will vanish
when reflection points to the foot, that the salve is a com
bination of ingredients, each and every one applying* per
feet antidote to its apposite disorder:
In its effects is magical, because the tlmo is so short be
tween disease and a. permanent care; aud it is on extrac
tor, as it draws all disease out of the affected part, leaving
nature as perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely ne
cessary to say thst no house, work-shop, or manufactory
should he one moment without it.
• No Piuu Extractor is genuine unless the box has upon it
a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey,
■ Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Hol-
Udaysburg; and by all the Druggists and patent medicine
dealers throughout tbo United States and Canadas.
Principal Depot, 165 Chamber” street, New York.
Nor. 11, 1858-ly C. F. CHACK.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, il. D., Phy
siciuH Extraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine la unfailing in the euro of ail
those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con
stitution is subject. It moderates oil excess and removes
all obstructions, and a speedy care may be relied on.
it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
- Each hottUspricCoijcdollar.bcarstheQovornincntStamp
of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These PilU should nrj he taken hy females during the,first
three months of Pregnancy, as they arc sure to bring on Mis
carriage, Wat any other time they are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Buck and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation
of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect
a cure when all other means have tailed, and although u
powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet aronnd each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent tor the'Dnitcd.States and Canada,
JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldw in Jt Co. )
Rochester. N. V.
N. E.—sl.oo and C postage clamps enclosed to any an
thorizod Agent, will insure a bottle, containing BO Pills,
by return mail. —■ J
B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for
sale hy all Druggists. [June 3, isjs.-ly.
The Original and Bat in the World!
AU others are mere imitations, and ibould be avoided, If
you wish to escape ridicule.
GRAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least
injury to the Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals ahd Diplomas have been awarded to Win.
A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have
boon made to the hair of his patrons of his famous Dye.
■WM. A. BATCH HAIR DYE produces d color
not to bp distinguished from nature, and is warra.vtxp not
to injure in the least, however long it may he continued,
and the.ill effect of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair Invigo
rated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at Uio Wig
Factory, 233 Broadway, New York.
Sold hj- Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in all
cities and towns of the United States.
SIT The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel
plate engraving on foar sides of each Box, of
Nov. IS, ISSS-ly
Important to Females—Du Cixeese
man’s Fills. —The combination of ingredients in these
Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They
ore mild in their operation, and certain in corroding nil
irregularities, painful menstruations, removing all 0.1-structious,
structious, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain
in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which
always arise fp.m interruption of nature, inducing with
certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely vegeta
ble, and fret from anything injurious tj ' Ex
plicit directions, which should bo read, aer.oipany each
box. Price $l. Sent by mail by enclosing (1 to any
authorized Agent.
R. B- nCTCUIXGS, General Agent for the United States,
166 Cluuubers street, New York.
To nhom all Wholesale orders should be addressed.
Sold by G. IV. Kessler, Altoona; Geo. A, Jacoln. tlclli
daysburg; and by all Druggists In tbe United States.
Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free.
Nov. 1?, 1858-1 y. '
They are elegant, light, easy and durable.
Pitting to a charm—no tturning np baliind—no shrinking
off the head; indeed, this is the only Establishment where
these things are properly understood and made.
Nov. 18,1858-Iy 233 Broadway. New York.
This disease can bo cured by Dr, Keys el's Toothache
Remedy, prepared by him In Pittsburgh, Pa., wliich is put
up In bottles and sold at 25 cents each. It is an excellent
medicine, when diluted, for spongy, and tender gums, and
is worth ten times its price to all who need it. Sold hero
by G. JF. Kessler. f [Dec. 9, ISSS-ly.
Flour. Superfine, ft bbl., $6.00
“ Extra Family “ ' 6.25
Corn Men] ft'loo 11>3. 2.00
Bran £ Shorts 100 lbs. I.QO
Bye Chop, “ 11 ' 1.65
Corn ami data, “ ' 1.62
Middlings, “ “ -1.50
' Cash, paid for all kinds of Grain, Flour and Feed‘can
always bo had at the Mill at the prices quoted ab-ro.
On the 9th instant, hr Rev. J. Stock. Mr. .AARON 11.
LBV AN, of -Beading, Pa/to Miss CAROLINE JONES, of
this place. ' .
At tho Lutheran Pnrsdnoge, on the evening of the 14th
inat, hy th> same, Mr; SAM DEL V. DELO tdMbs BECKY
n, OTTO, hoth of Altoona. ' !
On tho same day, by tho same, Mr..WILSON BOFD, ol
AUqopo, to Miss SARAH MILLER, of Dtincansvillo. ' j
On tho 14th inst„ by Rev. A. B? Clark, Sir. JONATHAN
OLONT td Mias RACHEL MILLEB, both of Logos tosroi
ship, Jllair county. '’
■ At the Lutheraq Parsonage, Hollldnysburg. by the Rev.
Lloyd Knight, on-the. Oth instant, CUNBAO LANTE, of
to Alisa SUSAN HEFLEII, of Altoona. - ;
rims highest j>rice in cash
JL paid for Beef Hides, by J. L. 3CKES.
op&utif&ft MsoBANJctEDuyTm.
Teeth inserted, fromono to a full set, on Gold car Silver
Plate. .■ ,
Teeth filled with Gold, and warranted far ton years.
Teeth Extracted by. the Electro' Magnetfc Machinb With'-
AUoperations and-work done cheaper Hus anywhere
elwlh tho fcotmtjf, and ja dedtxcHbn made, of-’the railroad
expanses from Ai toons to Hbllidayiburm &dm aB t»pfra
tlons amounting toflvo dbQKrtiaagy&v ,
” Sh the Bxekange;
23.'. Broadway, New York,
SUBSTANCE FADES.. The omto get : - p. .■
m£L.aiistotypes, ij
done up in Short order, Is on Julia street, opposite.R.Eef
benack’a where all persons can be accommodated with true
and'porfect Likenesses. Time from 1 toB seconds. i-j#
Pictures copied on reashoable terms. ' 1 -
. Pictures-set in Jo well yat very low rates,the prfce,de»
pending upon the sixe of the article. - M
Pictures always warranted beforethey are taken away,
Radies and gentlemen are invited to call and examine
specimens. ’■ ■ ■■ " ?
Pictures taken a* well in cloudy as £Ur weather.
December IC, 1868-dm.J J: W* CLABACGDL.
Another break-out—the
subscriber would'inferm his old customers thathe
has opened out again at hia> old stand, , whore he hopes to
receive their calls. He has now on band the cheapest and
best assortment of
that can be found in the town, consisting of 1
Salt by ike bushel or sack. Dried Fruit of all
Fish of the very best quality,
together with everything in the Grocery line, all of which
is fresh from the Eastern market.
He also keeps constantly on hand a suppy of: <
which he fells at the lowest market prices. ■ >
PORK always on land and retailed In quantities to isolt
purchasers. JOHN MHfl.
December IQ, 1858-ly
CAL SALT. Ibr InJlumsuiUrrg Disease} only; ■
For inflammatory Diseases Only! '•
■ Db. Coooswell’s New Medical Salt, instead of being a
remedy for nil ills, has control ovei but one ill, ha* but
one aim. am] accomplishes but one thing, to wit: SthtDl’M
IsrunudAToa* Disease, whatever be its form or locality,
whether in the head, throat, abdomen, extremities of skin.
The peculiar excellence of tile Sew Medical Salt is.jthat
without the useless loss of blood and strength jt effectually
cores Inflammatory Diseases (no other) by producing an
equilibrium of oil the fluidstn the bpdy, the want of yrhich
is the sole oaysc of inflammation. ' j
Invalids, Takt. Notice 1 ! The following forms the
unbalanced fluids assume, and many not here mentioned,
that have more or less fever, are us easily subdued by the
New Metical Salt, as Ore is extinguished by water, to-wit:
Brain Fever. Headache, llnsh of Blood to the Ueaij and
Heart, Fits. 1 ntlaiued Eyes, Ears and Nose’, Canker,- Neu
ralgia, ISpinal Affections, Erysipelas, illronchitis. Pleurisy,
Asthma. Inflamed Lungs and Liver, 1 Heartburn, Colighs,
Dyspepsbi, Venereal Discasns, Rheumatism, Oout, Scrofula,
Salt Klieuni, and all Itching and othercut.'uicouaeru'ptious.
Da. Coooswell’s New Medical Salt exerts, like the vac
cine matter, an qxtraordinaiy influence ou tb® velna and
arteries, resulting in a gradual decline of inflammation as
indicated by the pulse, which suou resumes its natural
state, os the heat, p-.du and lover disappear.
Dn. Coco swell’s New Medical Salt does Jmt wjiat it
claims to do—no more, no lefa —tiualizcs the fluids, hy re
moving from the system ail arterial and venous obstruc
tions. Description circulars may he obtained froni any
Druggist who has this valuable medicine for sale.
Dr. Cogg swell's New Medical Salt. Get a Circular. —
Ask any Druggist about the New Medical Salt. Ask: your
Neighbors about the New Medical Salt. Ask any one you
meet about tiu> New Medical Salt. The New Medical Salt
for Inflammatory Diseases only.
I). U. Taylor A Co., General Agents, 202 Dock St„ Phila
delphia. Agents wanted in every City, Town and Village.
Acute packages,’s2 l Chronic packagis $5; Familypack
ages, sB.' Invalids, with Chronic or long standing dSensM,
ciiould always order a chronic package.
For sale in Altoona by A. ROUSH; at Beß's Miilsjiy B.
F. Bell; in Hollidayshurg by Oco. A. Jacobs, and wherever
the Tribune goes.' Call or send and get a clrcular._And do
not tail to try the New Medical Salt. [Dec. 10, 'AB-ly
aV eif engl a n d sta t e s
The Restorative of Prof. 0. J. Wood for Restoring hair
perfectly and permanently, lias never yet had at rival. Vol
ume after volume might be given from all parts bf the
world and from tiic most intelligent to prove that it is a
perfert Restorative; but read the circular and you cannot
doubt; read also the following.
9$- The Hair.—People have for centuries been afflicted
with bald heads and tno only remedy, heretofore known,
has bgen those abominable wigs. By d recent discovery of
Professor Wmsl these articles arc being fast dispensed with,
but a great many persons stilt patronize them, because
they have been so often imposed upon l>y Hair Tonics of
different kinds. To all persons wo earnestly make
the request, that they will try 'once again, for In Wood s
Restorative there is no such thing as fall. Wo know of a
lady who was bold, who used the article a short time, and
her iiead is now covered completely* with the tinieiiand
most beautiful curls imaginable. We know of numerous'
casts where hair was rapidly falling out, which it restored
iu greater perfection than it over had been before.
It is aleu without doubt one of the best articles for.keep
ing the hair iu goad condition, making it soft abd glossy,
removing. dandruff, apd lias proved itself tiro greatest ene
my to ail the ills that buir is heir to.*
It is the duty of every one to improve (heir personal ap
pearance though some may differ iu regard to the Ways of
doing it; but every onc'will admit that a beautiful head of
hair, either in man or woman, is an object much to.he de
'sired. and there arc no means that should bo left unified to
obtain such a consideration. — Woman's Phrla.
Coshocton, Ohio, Nov. 17,1856.
0. J. WOOD 4 CO. —Gents; As I have been engager! in
soiling your Hair Restorative the last season for i)ne of
your louabagcuts . (R. M. llackinson.) and having Experi
enced the beneficial effects of it myself X would liketo ob
tain an, agency for the State of Ohio or some Stntoan the
West, should you. wish to make j»uch an arrangement, as 1
am convinced there is nothing equal to (tin the United, JUnles,
for restoring the hnir. I have been engaged In thrj Drug
-business for several years, and have sold various prepara
tions for the hail, but have found nothing that restores the
secretive organs or invigorates the scalp ak'wcll as .yours,
being fully convinced that vour restorative Is what you
represent it to lie, I would like to cugago in the sale of it,
for lam satisfied it must sell. Yours truly.
PROF. 0. i. WOOD & CO, —Gents: Having realised the
good effects of your Hair Restorative, X Kish to state, that
finding ray hair growing thin', ns well as gray, 1 Was In
duced from what 1 read and heard, to try tho article pre
pared by you, to promote its growth and change its color
os it was in youth, both of which it lias effected complete
ly, In the‘operation I have-used nearly three bottles.
Yours 4 c.. 1 JAMES FRANCIS.
O. J. Wood f Co., IVoprictors 312 Broadway, NewLYork.
(in tho great S. Y. Wire Itailihg Establishment,) and 114
Markol Bt., St. JAmis, Mo. V
For sale by Q. W. KESSLER, Altoona, andlby n£| good
Druggists. [ June 3, IbsS-ly.
Head quarters for j|ow
PRlCES.—Thankful for past tkvors, tho snldwriber
would rcspcctftiily licg leave to inform the citizen!’of this
place and vicinity that he has Just received and Opened his
Stock of i
which he will sell at very low prices for cash. It consists
in par*of . ’s '
Delaines, Robes, Vai de Chenes, ' plain Mifinos,
fignredmid striked Merinos , Wool Plaids, Xfnion
. Vlaids, English Merinos , black arid fancy
Silks, Shawls of every description; Shift,
ings. Muslins, Flannels, Cassimeret, Sal* , ,
tinetts. Ginghams, Chintz, Hosiery, \
Gloves, Embroideries embracing j; ;
Collars, Sells, Bands, Insert,
ings, Edgings; in fin*,
' every article of La
. ;.dies Wear. J
Also—An excellent assortment of fashionable Qbeens
ware, Glass-ware, Earthenware, 4c; ii
BOOTS itndEHOEfJof all sizes, qualities and style#.—
Ladies’ and Misses’ Shoes and Oaitere. .* j i
The very beet assortment of GROCERIES may befound
at this establishment. • ' ' ?> . j
Owne one! come all !1 and exomino the above stock.
Altoona, Ort. 14,1858. • /• \ J. B. UILBMAN.
Jf MBNTARY to the estate of Dr. G. D. THOMAS,
late ofAltnOhaßorougb, deceased, have been to
the subscrlbeTpj all pereons indebted to the saidEstata are
mttdsted to make immediate payment, and those Havinc
clauns or dcmauds the estate of the said dotedent
will moke fcaowtt'the same Without delay to one cf the uu
dertlghed. 'The Booksand AccAUnts are In the hands of
‘ Johh Shoemakor, of Altoona, duo of the Ex’rtt. for hame
dtofeartttemest. JOHN SHOEMAKER, :
■ Altoona, PA, ..
• -j ; . r . Logan township, Blair county, Pa.,
Altoona, Nov.ll, 1855.-« t Ex*c ( ctc»B. r
i_V AOo’sPatentfihouldwSeanFliib Shirts,
TW»,IBW. ? v'';'
than lit any f jhw p’a 1 * in ths '■
Wayland, Muss- Feb. 6. ®ST.
Andthc various affections consequent upon ■« di*artWnß :
Such as Indigestion, Acidity ofthg Stomach. ColWSjf Patna
Heartburn, Loss of "Appetite, Despondency, tVdlrnnhie
Bllod m« Bheiling Filw.. In >ll Norvoin, Bhedmatie end
Neuralgic Affections,!! him in numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, andtn others effected a decided'Core.'
Tills Js a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
scientific principles, after the manner of the cClbbiiytea
Ilullahd Professor, Boerhave: Because of its great iucesns
in the most of tho .European States, its introduction into'
the United States was intended - more especially lor thoee
of our ikthcriand scattcrcdbcrc and there on r the Am of
tills mighty country.. Meeting with great (ueoeae amdng
them, I now tq the .American public, knowing tw
its truly wonderful medical virtues must bo acknowledged.
It is particularly recommended to those per* ms whoaa
constitutions may have' hoes impaired by the continuUM
use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Oadte
rally instantaneous in effect, it finds Us way directly to tho'
seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising
up tho drooping spirit, pnd, in fact. Infusing new batik
and vigor in the system.
CAUTION.—The gmt popularity of this deltghtftil At»
mp has induced-many hnitatlons, which the public thoaM
guard against purchasing. Be. not persuaded to buy any
thing else until yun bare given Boerbnve’s UolbindßKtord
a lair trial. Ono bottle will convince you bow InSnitetr'
superior it is-toall these imitations. '; -
■tid* Sold at $l.OO per bottle, of sis bottles tbr R, by fee'
sots eoopnuroHa, ;
BENJ. PAGE, Jit., & OdCv
Manufacturing PharmactAUtft and CheaitU,
T. W. Dyott A Sons, Philadelphia; Barneak Park, SjW
Turk; John I). Park, Cincinnati; Barnard Adams, k Oou
St-I-oula; A. ROVSU, Altoona, Poe, Audi by prnxdUs
and Merchants generally throughout the United Stated
and Canadas. [October 14, ISML-ly^
' v BULLETIN: ‘ T.
Oc voted especially to the intertill of Ptnntyhemin, ‘ .
Containing iiuiiortant Telegraphic News tueleen hourt *»’
advance of Vie morning paptri, Original, Foreign and 1
' Domestic Correspondence, Editorials on >ll sub*'
jeots, and Full Reports of all news of tbs day.,
Tho Commeicial and Financial Departments lursaOß; and
are carefully attended to*
• fitß* As au Advertising Medium there it no bettar.pajjA*
in the State, tho circulation. being nextlo the
til is city, and among the moat intelligent and Influential at’
the population. i ■
Nov 112 South Third St., PhlUdalphJ*.
a ueynaoni wiLL-pyxin,
la published by tho Proprietor* at tha fallowing
dainty I6tf rates:
1 copy, one year, ...... .■ .■ -• . . gigg
0 copies, do . ggg
13 do do . - . . . .- . IRJg
20 do do ..... .- ... ism
30 do do SOM
100 do do SSM
Tho largest cliib(oterMO) *lll be gtdt'&tVirte year*.
The next largest clilb (oTor 100) Wltl be aeut fbr T tear*.
Addresa, CUMMINGS * PEACOCK; Kfmt3t*£“
nor 20 No. 112 South Third sb, PhßadeiphU.
Look out for your heads:
—The subscriber would Inform the (fr> '
habitants of this place and vicinity that tie
bu j tut received the latest styles of
among which may be found the best Black Mule Sitlnand
Silk Hats, Block and different colored Wool lists, Caps of
all styles and prices, for men ai)d boys. Persons In Wont at
anything in thq abore line will find It to, their sdruiUo
to cull on the subscriber before purchasing elsewhere.
He has also on hand,an excellent assortment of tadls**
FURS, of different colors and prices. Those in-wast df
the article should call at once. T ' ■
Store on Virginia street, opposite the Luthenulehnrok.'
Altoona, Oct. 14, 1858.-ly JESSE 3Hlttt.'
\ I BATE* FITS! 11—For a good fitting and Well-made
COAT, call on J. nsvntt .
For an excellent fitting VEST, hy all means call on
„ _ • J. SNYDSE.
For PASTALOONS that can't be heat for fit and' e*»e,
call on- J. SNVDBB. "
Come, kind reader, if you want .to dress in a fashionable
style, call at Jriy Shop, opposite nowhere, but doe# to ! *■*
toona Banking Uouse. Look out for the picture with ntt
name below. ■ JACOB BSYMK. TXUo*.
Altoona, Oct. 14,14, 1858,-ly ~7 .
Office immediately opposite the TiUlSktftw
Church, on Virginia street.- Teethex trailed wifliowl
pain, by means of electricity—oohumhugl A sfnileaf wW
can conic well recommended for morality andnodnSSisa
good English education, will be token. {SepL VW-Af-
Boot and shoemaker—thiu
subscriber respectfully informs the elfiiefai of AHo*-
naand vicinity that be still continues fo manufacture
Boots and Hboe» of orory description, omtks ilfcftMlto'
tice, at bis shop on Main. next door (O Si THbmm
office. Uis work is done up in the best Of ifrls, add 6M
nbt fall to giro satisfaction. Only Lire him a tmi'y
Kov. 4,1868 -ly. . L. EICSiBDS.
offers ' his profess
services to the people of Altoona and the
Joining counliy. ’
lie may be found at the office heretofore oe*
cupied by Br. 0.1). Thomas. ■
Altoona, Sept. 30,1858.^-41
Blair c.ounty insurance
, AOEJJCy.—TW undersigned, Agcntof dU Btatr
Hounfy Mutual Firo Insurance Company, t> it. «n
thnes ready tolmmro against loss or damage fit fa. jj&hft.
mfoUerrJumiitu, Fnmibm and Property, of etory des
cription, in town or oonntry, at as- reasonable fates as saw
°T pi T^ t &‘ Bb,te ' °®'° «a7ffasonicVCte“
, JOia #)EMAKEP,^S«fc
JL BBSSMEKT No, 15, made bydhe Lycoming Mato*!
luaaranca Comptny, In- BJaJr county, {a payable at my of.
Bee. The Aweeemeht U 3 per cent off all hofnr Iff fore*
. Altoona, July 16, Htcftnr.
" dewtgnod baa on hand a lot of Sctteoa *hfth ha
cheap forcaalu JOHN SHOEMAKER.
March 25-tC] WfooftacM^e.
NBBIA—a cabling Cathartic, mild in It* operetta*.'
and agreeable to prepared and for sale hr
Juno 24,1863,-tr A. HODSiI, Ptigfiif.
X mlngton Toi jfoita instofo »nd for Mile by
‘ w; If. SHCOABD.
191 Korth Third street, PHQaffe.
March 35, '5B-1;]
Lumber for Salk
60,000 SHINGLES, 50 000 LATH EH
wu bx ?^ g mat ™ al! «h»
lowest, for Caa>, Apply to JOJIN EBOBHAJpCB.
5«pt,23,1W8. . TTSJ, M.
of writing dnno at the shorten noHre.-— Deeds, t(9ru
gagpf, Ac., executed ia tlie hoatesfaenßOfty .
Mteou.'fl Xe*^TASos!c*.
■?« n. 8, IMT-tf]
C3Vf »“<l »r ♦»!»>▼ ;