,3^KETS^ONI^|j®IO - TV> MWwtag BcTiwaa will ■ be drawn 's£. Swan *€& ||iuijn l '«f’ o*e,Bperta Afademy Lottery. In olhtt thdi ll&lbnbtrliotloiiniir November (HftRQIA, tn poblla, under the Coi natdMiOlMbSi 1 i CUM'44di»wB on Batatdaj,:T)c<^bip^,lB6B.' oa Sntanla;, 1868. QUie 48 drawr on Saturday, DeOß*ib«riJß, 1868. ,Cl*w47 draws lB5B. OX II»PLAX OF SINGLE NtnjBBBS. 60*000 lu*e*sl ;;. m TBOCIAIP FITt ,HCM«I) AT0,,«31 ROtHl SS i «*-,#*., , - 10.000 ; 4-r'.', • ■ 700' 1 • « ‘ 0,0% i4’ “ “ • 000 s■]&', U ’■■ & J t-id :■• ■■■ ‘ IS u THIZSg.; . ! i . « K Ojirt M /*' w 10J)00 - rM W • #OO I « «:?S • u Tsjw a “ mo I “ « 100 :.*•. ■ “ 4^00 ; >“ * , 7.400 4 1 74 . • *». •“ > " aoo { >« » - - .»0 ifiM r. “ . J»«* . ■ - ' I PbAN or THE UWTBET. f - Tholto iojxo, con*^^f.wWiti»ese. Tholllrttl.4s7 similarly printed «pd. oro drawn out areopened arid exhibited v *nd registered, by the Commissioners; the ; P»tobelng pwcea imStStUiß‘Number drawn. This opera thml* repeated antilallthoprizo* are dnwa out. ' '■ '' ; . A?paox«*riowPß««B.—Ths^owies^g^th^tro ; succeeding Humbert to those drawing ths drat TPriies wfll bo alfflUed to the 28 Tor ample slf Ticket No. 11250 drkws the *BO,OOO Prize, those Tittotaimuniterod 11318, 11240,11251,11262. will each be entitled to $lOO. IfTiektt No. 660 draws the_*J°, 000 Prize. thosotTicket*. nuuibored fBtf will each - bo entftlbd to s3oo,, and ao on according to the above *' Prizes of $2O will b" determined by tho limt ■ figure of tlm number that draws tbo' ttO,ooo Kriio. For sample if tbs nnpiber drawing the $50,000 1 rise end* with So. 1. theirall the Ticket*, where tho Number end* - In I, will Ihs entitled to $2O. Ittho Number end* with No. 2. then all the Ticket* where the Number end* In 2 will be cotitled to $2O, and *<> on to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at thafolto wing rate* which 1* tbc risk: , . Certificate of package of 10, Whole Ticket*, a u ' 10 Half “ » ‘•10 Quarter «• “ 10 Hlght IN ONDERINQ TICKETS OB CERTHICATM Kudo** the money toour addroat Cir the ticket* ordered, or receipt of. which they will bo fidwaided byAHCnmU . purchasers can hard tickets ending in any, number they dwilirnatft. . The list of Drawn Humbert and' Prizes will be sent to purchaser* immediately after the drawing. ’ Purchasers will please write, their signature* plain, and gfre thdr PoeVOffice, County and State. Remember that erery Prize I* drawn and payable In full without deduction. • , , ‘ . , All prize* of $l,OOO and under, paid immediately after the drawing—other prize* at the usual time of 30 days. All-communication* strictly confidential. , Address order* for ticket* or certificate* to , 'B. SWAN ft CO., Augutla, Go. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or On. ‘Mn hath their orders filled, and save time, by addressing 'B. Swan ft at either of thpso cities. t , , A Rst of tiio numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, ■ wtli be published after every drawing, in the following P«- pere;—Sew Orleant'DeHa, Mobile Regitter, CharUstnn Stan ' Sard, yathrilk Gazette, Atlanta htUßigtneer, New lark Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning AVyaf, Richmond Iht palch, New Fort Ditpateh. and I'autding (Mietj Clarion Augueta (Geo.) Cbndilutionatiti. '■ [Jsn.T-ly. JUST OPENED! THE jIpiDEL IN BLAST! THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD I annoonco >« xt ?^ eA . ‘° *J* clr , STOll&.bornfr ufAnmc and Virginia StniU, and •w. now opening the largest and nicest Slock of cgQ>'qg>c3&;ijDSS) 8 ’ Boots & Shoos, Carpets, Notions, &c., r 1 Mr£piibit«4 ta-tW» town. Having turned«mr attention td the aborenomod Goods, we will be enabiM to stock ofibe Goods mentioned than those who i keep io maoT t&rletics', and aa we will not be com polled to>oIU)n: Goode, M a high profit to makeupJbr lower on other good*, weliopo to be able to dispose of them At prices that will astonish the natives. FOB THE LADIES, We have Print s, Delaines, Ginghams, V . Cashmere, and all-ico6l Plaids; De heges, Coburgs, Alpacas, French Merinos + Wool Delaines , Silk <■ Foulards, Poil • Decltcvres, Satin Striped Poplins, Black and Fancy SiVcs, Shawls in great variety; also, Hosiery and Gloves of all kinds, White Goods, etc. OUR STOCK OF CARPETS Is largo and vory chearv— .stool filling as Ipw os 37U cents. Our Stock of DOMES ~TICS wo think cannot -be iboat In quantity, quality or Price. Persons who whir to get the most for thcirnipncy, wftlMowelr tb gJVo 'hs h call tad examino our stockand S-icei!. and We hope to bb able to convince them that the ODER Is thojdace to buy goods. 3. *J; LOWTHER. October ZStl) 2858—tf."ds, T OOK.OUTTOR THE NEW STORE. | j— Tim subscriber would re?i>cctruliy announce to tlio -eltlsens of Altoona nnit Tlclnity, tlhat ho baS Just returned ■ from the city and openod.hls store on tho Cowrit# or Asst# Ash Vmontu Sturms, Where he •Offers forsalctkc largest and cheapest stock of ; QUEENSWARE, WOODEN' AND WILLOW-WARE , Ever brought to this place, which h'o will sell. WHOLE BALK arid-RETAIL.' He wilt also keep constantly on hand a large supply of FLOUR, FRED, BACON, FISH, ■ Country Produce of all kinds, will dispose of at the lowest cash price*. Ashe fr«. bought his- goodie for cash, be will be enabled to sell •them Ipwlbr. cash. lie.would respectfully invito Srite him a call and Judge tor'themselves. ' i < -Oct.2Bth, IBSB-ttJ : JjEW|B PLACK. FAJ&E REDUCED. union hotel $O6 antt 60f Market Street, ■ t ABOVE SIXTH, bd pniA.' *..■ ; -•' ;• ~ 5 " *o. vtinNKM, r*onaii(». July I, Mat**. T IMBTIiIBOJI 'I 1 XtnuLKHM. nearllolitdATgliOrfc Jte. » robecrSbcrhai now in ■'operation, four UrgcXJm* <!OSiT?«mTIW .. ', |f a {g prepared to fill all order*, ftom .l bmJiel to ten thotwandWabcbint thelowest Mrtes.' • ‘.~_r isuam delivered **• lUll'Koad; alao, Bt tog country .by tragotft or at the Kiln. - *>•- - - v\ - 4 -- ■ A YES! 0 YESl^^^imißMEN^ idA-ididb«ir; jMg^the-palmc,-that be lereadr to diechargo hlsdaty *»«nAnctloneor whenever : ' s: ’{jf6cuii , 6i.- AttoNus, wAimrsf pmjav pml Jtnti «mf FUborU In «tors hnd'jbr eeleby* ri ? ■ TTiovEiiiNi} AiND smrjfmssAm r i gynipMyAieee, atftlr priewmtt 4%: ■»/ ■[ ~f: . rr. ■ "^TOgyjamg,^ This •Qt .. ~ ' •'.. . ... £ T ."■ k». 1 ,-J <3 AN ALWAYS OBTAIN AUv 5T Grindsof Finn/and S*m broaHlniat " ' > hSwRT IJBHK’B. >iw.'r. W«wJ*reey>An bldestatc !»•» recently besnopeued for, •ole, «*a Um first division of ICypQO aetua divided up Into formanf twenty acres and ribwort*. - The soil toof thebai qualltyforthe production of fruit*, grains, Ac. The price is $l6 to $3O per acre, payable in may quarter ybariy in etklhMiMs, within-a term orfomyea«,Tntbdnterret. The; tens* are mad* ea»y. i« orddy to Wanrethc/irapid improve- 1 meat of the land, by enabling «a» to buy a/om. It is now belng extenaftely imprOT« ; by good /roads, andsomb of the beat cUtenS fhnriNwSngUndaod jfi» tfMdfe states are erectiriglargo lmiawTMnenta. lt ia a scene of the grosicstjmprovemeof putof PhlladelpMt— : inftmr monw^^Pntfr; ofUwlWra areecttUng thhe/It ia arifnimrtantbusi-; 'ness plaice, oh'am>dht ofjta being in tfaemidrt of a great| market. Every,articler»l«aripontWa , UnßHintlsanlmme-i diatosale. TbeTratar ie eiceilentiaßd noaneb thing as fever ia known; : ;/ . ■ - The aoiUa asandyoc clay loanuwith a clay bottom and retentive of manure*. Tt lafreo of stane?.and***ilj worbj ed. It abotmdsjareclyvja the .phoaphates, and such te Ito fertility that ftwnrthe crop* pranced both upon this land and the large area adjoining under cultivation, it will be found nattp be cxceUod anywherei jin. ;U»o production of aware fihotifie earliest and the beat fruit* and ■ .sreaonally.oxportedto . the amount of minions of dollar*. The land, besides being accessible fob^ery .fcrbll rere, haean abundant appply of 'tho bat qualify of muck manure. . ■ Bomber andhuUdingpiaterialacanho had o» ttc apbtat Other mills ate no#; being, opened, and brickyards /being .started bn , the wound. A : peraon can put up a frame tenement &r present convent race for one hundred dollara. On account of the extensive : emigration,, this ia the bcstcounioto pnrahe Jnnrder to got a place to Uvo in at first. Carpenter* ond hoUders are on band to pnt np hbneeeon the bcet term*. . _ States and Kew £ngland; ho ia near hi* bid friend* and as sociations; heialn a settled county. Whew every improve ment and comfort of,c|v}Uitntlbn Ja *t hand; hejslnaheal thv nlacc, and ia not «nMectto tbo certainty of losing the mentor nart of-hto fiwiilyahi his own health by thoec mar Kmant feverewhhib make the graves of So many millions of the young arid and .hardy hr the for- off wrion* away [from home and friends. Besides, he has amlld climate and arethreo train* dally to Philadelphia, and torill those who Improve the railroad cortpauy give* a free ticket. The reader will at pnee be struck with the ndvsßages here presented, and salt himself why tho property has not been taken up before. The reason Is. It was never thrown in the market: arid unless those statements woreLcorrqct no one would bo invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will- see the land under cultivation; they will moot person*, no doubt, from their own neighborhood; they .will witness the and can judge pf the character of the population. Person* would cpmo prepared to purchase, os many are locating, arid locations are toot hold ori refusal. j The Hammonton Parmer, a' monthly liltcrriryand Agrv criltnral sheet, containing full information of Hammonton* will bo. sent to. oacji enquirer, and can be obtained at 25 cts per UIDUD. Title indisputable. Warrantee de’ds given, clear of all incumbrance, when purchase money is paid. Route to tho land:—Leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, for Hnmmon ton.by railroad. at 7 \ '± A. M-. and P. M.; when there inquire for Sir. Byrne*. Boarding convenience* will be found. Betters arid applications can be addressed to S. B. OOCGITUK, 202 govith PIFTH Street, below Walnut. Phil adelphia. Maps and information cheerfully furnished. September 2, 1858i-3m. i.* h £ o,ooa. $BO, 40 20 10 ■VIEW GROCERY FEED AND PRO VISION STORE. The subscriber would respectfully Inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he has opened n store of the above kind, near the corner of Adaline and Julia streets. East Altoona, where he will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of everything in bis line. His GROCERIES arc all fresh and will be sold at prices os low as those of any other establishment In town. His stock of provisions, consisting of Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Sides, &c. will be sold a little'cheaper than they can be bought any else. His Flour is obtained from the best mills in the Western part of'the State, and is warranted to bo what ft is represented. All kimls of Feed for horses, cows and hogs, always on band. I intend to keep such an assortment tliat I shall at all times be able to supply my .customers with whatever they may need, and I intend also to sell at prices which will make it a saving to those who patronize my store. July 22,1858-3 m. HENRY BELL. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF v PERFUMERY, such as EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, Pomatums, Hair Otis, Colognes, im ported and domestic; Oriental Drops, Cosmetics, Frangi panni Sachets, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Dressing Combs, Pocket Combs, Purses, Bay Leaf Water, etc., etc., etc. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE LOW AT A. ROUSH’S. Juno IP, 1868.-tf POSITIVE INFORMATION!—THE undersigned' having perfected tlieir Spring Stock, now offer to the pnblic the LARGEST LOT OF GROCE RIES ever presented in the town of Mtooua. Our object in publishing this card ii» to present the lol lowlng facts: Ist.TThe recent hard times have very muck reduced the price of Groceries in tlio city, especially to cash buyers. 2d. We bought theao.Groceriee in large lots, many of them from first hands. 3d. Wo bought them entirely for cash. 4th. Wo sell for ready pay. Sth. We V&ep opr stock full by weekly receipts. 6th. We arc determined to keep npthocreditbf onrhonso. 7th. Wo sell more OUOCKUXKS than any other store in ilalr county, at less per cent. Bth. We'sell cheaper than any other store in the county A continuation of patronage is respectfully solicited. Altoona, pane 10,1858. RICHARD MeI.AIN Dane..., Mountain restaurant and, EAGER BEER SALOON.—The proprietor of this fiirorito Saloon, Under the Masonic Tempie, would respectfully announce that Kb keeps constantly on liand an excellent article of EAGER BEER, raanntictarcd at the Altoona which is pronounced the best In the country. A!so..Cakes, Cheese, Sardines, Pretzels, Ac. lie has recently fitted up his ’Saloon in a stylo oincqhal led in the country, having placed in it A BILLIARD TABLE AND TWO BAGA TELLE BOARDS, for the accommodation and amusement of those who may wish U exgage in those cpnnea. . Ho will spore no pains to render every attention to his customers which' they require, and ho hopes thereby to merit nnd receive a liberal shore of patronage. Sept. 2,1838-3m.] ¥. NOTHWANG. By ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— Did yqU hear the new* frdmOSuropeJ If yon have not, we will toll you what It is. It Is that HENRY TUCK has just returned from the Eastern cities with a largo sup- P,y °*READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of all stylos and qualities of Overcoats, Dress Chats, Vests, Pants, Boots and Shoes, and everything kept in an establishment of the kind, all of which he offers at unprecedentedly low, prices for cash. Having purchased his stock at cosh prices, be is thereby enabled to sell very low. He invites all those in wont of anything in his lino to give him a call, fceling sure that ho will bo able to give satisfaction. ; , HENRY TUCK. Altoona, Sept. 30, !SsB^tf QPEEA CIGAKSI THREE BELLES, NEPTUNES, FORTAUZAS, . LA ROSAS, v 1 • LA. AETTLAS, Soraaleiiy «.T? ■ ■ ■:. *■■ 'ROXJSB, Druggitt - jane g|>lB6B.-4f . ■ . . SJJEKBBING HUMANITY, HEAD ' undersigned takes this mothod'of infom thepnblic generally unit there Is no medicine now of fered to the public that.it ednal'to HU 5 YAIiXi’S QALYAN -109ll< > . J ‘ '• li-wasan observer of Its effects onrafriend of mine, ■who goffered almost crerything from a nctirolgicnffcetlon which restated the host medical treatment in Centre county. Vfe applied frOely the GalvanlcOU to'thhpUnfWjartjSndprre eomo inwardly. Mid in 20 mlnntcs tlm patlciit waa'aaTccp, ftnd'when iMTOkenea'was froofimnpain and bontbmed so. anytime. A case of Felonjras cored in. tmudy. Ae nihe length of tfane; '" •” -J. H.- HAHN, Sept: 2,1868-ly.l ‘OentWHIH.' - - - • ■ --- - - v - - ses/Cor sale at the Brag Store of-. -i*t '.•■*■ ■Vj -■ ; ‘ O. W. KESSLER. into rTEOGERIES.—-A LAKGE AND \jT oMnplete aseortment-cfOroecrit* havejnstbeeri fee. eelwdatths irtoreof S.B. HQdSUAIf. -- ■> :■ r mamigmM^mma&s&aißnmv. ■m#ABYLANi> stAte lotteries. lOIjL W>B JTOY,'TBSB. , B; Fba*ob & Co., ... • ofthb Steylind State Lotteries, present *¥ *«-. Krhwnwi . ' isM. Th-i at Tickets tojhewsre Of Order ingTickota la Lotteries where- eitrittirdteafy toy Capt taSs>aroeßatad3bk ASAnikircort -of Ttclfrifa ■ ■ ell such ere jgfeSfeS^^SWKSK MaiytendStite Lotteries. •■■. ...;.■ atownnawteqDOg.. _ Maryland, state lotteey.clabs b. To te drawn In Balttoore City, on Saturday, August art, i«sa ;s® si£s |» 1-Prise of. 6,067. . 1 Prise of RJJJJ, 1 Prizeof 6,000 20 Prise of 1,200 Ijooo" 20 Prise of 600 aPrfeeS 6,000 2d Prise <£ 600 a Prize of 2,000 143 Pri“ ot * ™ 1 Prise of SfiOO 60 Pnse of 1W 1 Prize of 2.000 66 Prise of 60 I'Prise of 2,000 66 Prise of 30 IJwEUt 2JOOO 6468 Prises of % 1 Prise of . . 2-000 23,740 Prises of 11,T6 Tickets slo—Halves ss—Quartors s2j6o—Eighths $1,25. .A Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes, ports $1&» 00 Do. do. 26 Halves, , T» 00 80. ' do. 26 Quarters; 89 60 D 6. do. 28 Eighths, 19 <6 HAVANA PLAN. This is the old mode of Drawing. Prizes to one Wheel and Tickets in another 1 . ■ y Every Prise is drawn out. 'Brent Prize paid in /till without Seduction! MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, EXTRA CLASS 9. To bo drawn to Baltimore, Md- Saturday, Adg, 28th, 18&8. 20,165 Prizcal 40,000 K umbers U Wo would,call particular attention to the following splen did scheme, a package of 16 whole tickets costing.only $80 —and every other ticket being warranted to draw $lO. determined by the nnmher drawing the Capital Prize, whether odd or even. SPLENDID SCHEME! *36,000 4 Appr'z to $2OO 10,000 4 “ 100 6.000 4 “ 60 2,400 4 “ 60 2.000 4 “ 60 1.0001 g « 80 1,000/ 0 6001 o 600 / 8 4001 . 400/i 8001 200/ 100 ah) 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of -1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 10 Prize* of 100 Prize* of 20,000 Prize* of 10 are 200,000 Whole Tickets slo—Halves $5 —Quarters $2,50. A Managers’ Certificate of 10 Wholes—where persons wish to pay the risk only, will ho sent for $BO Do. do. 16 Halves, 40 Do. •• dp. 16 Quarters, 20 Do. do. 16 Eighths, 10 Tlio Managers have been compelled from the numerous complaints made to.them, of unfaithfulness on the part of those who'have been attending to, the filling of orders, to resume the corrcspondeucc business in their own name. Order tickets from the Managers only. Adrres* all letters to K. FRANCE A CO. March 4-ly] Baltimore, Md. GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN COOK ING STOVES. CONSUMPTION OF SMOKE AND GAS AND SAVING OF FUEL. Tho subscriber takes pleasure in offering to the public a NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to su percede all others, as It requires ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL than other stoves and Is more easily, quickly and regular ly heated. No unpleasant smell ol gas arises from thi? stove from the fact that it is all consumed ore it can es cape. There la no trouble froth smoke as that unpleasant and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside of the stove Neither is there any danger of flues or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by tho gas arising from coal fires. Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to call at the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Sole Agent for Blair fhunty. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stovee on hand. [Aug. 12,1856. JAMES M. WHEELER & CO., {Successor! to John H. Brant,) ' FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Near the Penn’a Central Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, VA. DEALERS IN HARD AXD SOFT COAL, Pig Heidi, Railroad Iron, Bar and Merchantable Iron, Hails, Flour, Gro ceries, Provisions, Fish, Salt, tic. COAL rent In cars, in large or Bmqll quantities, along the different Railroads in Pennsylvania. [Jniy 22-ly. BARGAt&S! BARGAINS! A NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, JUST RECEIVED BV ETTINGEU & ULLMAN, AND NOW BEING DISPOSF.D OF AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. Tl/fR. ULLMAN announces that he is IT I .U always on hand and will take great pleasure in waiting upon all who may Civor him with a call. He feels confident thithe will bo able to render satisfaction both in quality and price. [April IMm AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, R. Ei SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Syrup, Hooflands German Bitters, Bcerhave's Holland Billers, Sand/ord’s Liver Invigorator, Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Clarke's Female Pills, Duponco's Golden Pills, JVright's, Ayer's, 'Wilson's and McLane's fills. Merchants Gargling Oil, Perry Dalis' Pam Killer, ■ Mat eh til's Fourfold Liniment, Mexican, Arabian, Nerve and Bone Leniment, in store and for sale at Sept, 2,1858-ttl A. ROUSH’S Drag Store. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. —The undersigned, Agent for Blair county, will take short and long risks on Bandings, merchandise. Fur niture and property of every description, in town or coun try, at as reasonable rates as any company in Che State.— Risks also taken on the lives of horses. Office in Masonic Temple. March 18,'1858-ly. Medicated fur chest pro TECTOR, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOSE fearful diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other aOcc tlonßof the Lugs, which arise from the Bxposed state of the Chest, aeeorQing tofaihionanA the continual change" of out climate,.for Bale at the Drug Store of 0. W. KESSLER. Lycoming county • mutual FIRK ISBCKANC® AQ&KCV.—Tbo agontfof thoiycqming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Is at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, Suddingt, Merdumdite, furniture and Property of every .description, !in town or countnr, at as reasonable rates as any company!.in thp State. Office in the Masonic Temple. Jan'. S, ’s£-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agenj , /~VRANGES' Aim~ LEMONS,^-500 ,bpxc# Orthgee and lemons instate Mitf/or sale by | March 25»68-lyl 191 North^trtrf^lS^^’la. JSiF \J linseed Oft, Spirits of Wlftfr PH# *n« AIet*(ol; fcrjWhcheapht- - ■ ArlM^fipi^ ■pLANjKS QF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Jt#noatiyandegiedldonalyexeCTd^*tlM»<Mßce. Spectacles and eye peesbr rers for sale at {l-tt] EZBS£E&’& « §0 8 “ 60 8 “ 10,000 JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. rn BEAT DISOOYJERX OF THE AGE \X important to TOBACCO OHEWERS. DH, CfItJBTAT WNNAHiyS TABTB RESTORATIVE TOO of Tobsmeola thepna&oting esdae of many of the most -me-. MENTAL AND THTBICAI/ DISORDERS . to which the race ofmania subject, as careful lone and palatal Cxpcrionfc* hare clearly prctcn that Jt coi**to» otrtafo norcotfc dangerous to tlioir effects, whichhy enterliigilntotktoWood derange the functions anaoperationa of the Ileart, csftmng numy to suppose that,organ,to beseriously diseased. , TOBACCO Affect* iiso the'entire nervous system, mani festing,! tsolf—<u> ail whohave ever used the will bear testimony—ln lassitude, Nervous Irritability, Water. BrashvDyspepsia, and many oflrtr -disorders ol a S<mi ' ar C THBTAffn! RESTORATIVE TROCHES Are designed to counteract these baneful influence*, and have proved completely sncceaefnlin a multitude of cases, and wherever used. Being harmless in Ihemselvts they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire system, restoring the TaSte which has become vitiated or destroycd by great Indulgence, completely removing tKe irritation and accom panying tickling sensation of the Throat —which sre al ways ccmsequcnt npdn abstaining from the use of Tobacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stomach, invigorate the whole system. . . . ~ Persons who arc irretrievably undermining their constl tntioDß and shortening their lives, should use these Troches immediately and throw off the injurious and and. unpleas ant habit of Tobacco Chewing. These Troches of Lozcpges ore pnt upin a convenient and portable form at the low price of 60 Cents per Boot. A Itb eral discount to the Trade. . . „ , Prepared solely by the undersigned to whom all orders should bo addressed. _ _ JAMES E. BOWERS, Druggist. March 18, ly.} . Cor. 2d and Race street, Phila. EP. MIDDLETON & BROTHER, _ Importert and Ptalert >n Wines and Liquors, return their thanks to their friends for the liberal shore of -potronake heretofore bestowed, apd respectfully eo licit a continuance of the same, at the OLD ESTABLISH MENT, NO. 5 N. FRONT BT., Philadelphia, •where they have alarge assortment of WINES and LIQL UUS oftlie choic est brands and qualities. Having made arrangements with noma of the first houses iu Cognac and Rochelle, (Aiablca them to furnish to their customers upon the most reasons} hie terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies; m BRANDIES. OUxrd. Hennery, smrttl, < Pin nett, OitliJUon, HarftU, T Hina, Ftllteorsin, I J.J. Dtpuy it 00. 4. SeigneUe J \tx:- 1 Jx. .. I WISES. Champagne, Old Oporto, 1 Burgundy, Madeira, Tenerife, Claret, Sherry, Lisbon, i /lock, Muscat dMalaga nines of carious brands and qualities. Holland Gin, Scheidam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys; Poach, Apple. la vender. Blackberry, Raspberry, Cherry and Ginger Brandies; Cordials, \\ inc Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, Ac. Also, constantly On hand, an extensive stock of OLD WUEAT, MONONOABELA and BOURBON WIiIS KEYS, of various grades, some of which we guarantee tc be superior to any in the country. tfcj.Prom our long experience in the business, and thor ough knowledge of the tastes of tho community, we flatter ourselves to be able to fill all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders from the country (which are most respectful ly solicited) will be promptly attended to. Creature taken in packing and shipping. Ail goods sent from rrar establishment arc guaranteed to give satisfaction, with.tho privilege of being returned. Feb. 26-ly] E. P. MIDDLETON A BRO. JOHN BRYAR & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES & LIftUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLER, 155 Liberty St -, Pittsburgh , Pa. f SmSSs Beg leave respectfully to inform their old customers and the public generally, that they have on hand apd are constantly receiving direct from the Impor ters, a large supply of the very choicest brands of Liquors Among their large assortment may be found Wines, Brandies, Gin, Cordials, Ja naicn Spirits, St, Croix and New England Rum, Champagne, Irish, Scutch, Bourbon, Old Monongohela and Rectified Whisky, Peach, Wild Cherry ..Blackberry, Strawberry and Raspberry Brandies, Ac., Ac., Ac. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited, and oil orders entrusted to our care will be promptly attended to. Country Dealers will find it to their advantage to rail upon us, as Ve arc determined to sell nothing but the very best. Pittsburgh, April 1,1858-ly, ENTERPRISE WORKS, NO. 130 WOOD STREET, PITTS BURGH, PA. BOWN & TETLEY, Manufacturers of Rifles, Guns, Surgical and Dental Instruments, &c. RIFLE GUNS. We would call attention to our stock in the above line, "knowing that we canuot be beat either in the quality or price. Being largely engaged in this branch of business, wo defy all competiou. All onr rifles are warranted or no sale. Hardware. Sporting Materials, Cutlery. Pistols, Guns, Revolvers, Flasks, Dolts, Powder, Shot. Ilulls. Caps. Fancy Hardware and Sporting Equipage, in all its variety, which we offer low for Cash. Pittsburgh, April 1, 1868-Iy. W. CcNNisanAX. D. CfttSTsanAjc, R. Cc.s'vino run. D. IHMBEN, O. Dcxca.v. CUNNINGHAMS & CO . PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS, WAREHOUSE 109 WATER ST. AJ.D 140 FIRST ST., PITTSBURGH, PA-, Betweccn Wood and Smithfield, MANUFACTURERS OF Pittsburgh City Window Class, DRUGGISTS’ GLASS-WARE, : AND AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, For Parlor Windows; Churches and Public Buildings. Altoona, April 1,1868-ly.] HFETTINQER’S • GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, NO. 1, "ALTOONA HOUSE," ALTOONA. PA., Whe.re may be had all the popular Publications of the day, such os Daily and Weekly Papers, Magdzines. Novels and Romances. Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Copy Books. Slates, Peps, Pencils, Inks, Can and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in fact everything in the Stationary line. Toy’s Notions 'and Games of every variety, Pictures and Picture Frames, To- Imcco and Sogars of tire best quality, 4c., 4c ’ N. B.—We are sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, in this county, for ROHN’S CELEBRATED SALTK. It docs pos itively erfre all sores to which it is applied. Try it. [7-tf. Blair county daguerrean ROOMS.—Mr. G. W- FISHER, the Hollidaysburg Artist, hege leave to inform onr readers that he is prepared to take Photographs of deceased persons, from Daguerreotypes, at the ..shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. He'has Just received a large stock of durable and neat cases, of all sizes and styles, including a new pattern of Family Case for four persons, and is pre pared to fill them with perfect likenesses, AMBROTYPB, DAGUERREOTYPE OR PHOTOGRAPH. Give Idm a call. Rooms on the conier of Montgomery and Allegheny streets, Hollidaysburg, Pa. (Jnnel7-tf. c. j. nntsr, m. ». ' p. n. good, m. d. HIRST & GOOD, TENDER J their professional services to tlio citizens of Altoona and vicinity In tho several branches of MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Country calls regularly attended to. Office, the same as heretofore occupied by' Dr. Hint. By consent, D.R. Good refers to J. M. Qemraill, M, D., Alexandria, Pa. J. B. Laden, M. D.. Huntingdon, “ Drs. Rose, Royer and Fey, Williamsburg, Pa. April 22,1858-tf.] COAL rCOAL! COAL! COAL!— The subscriber would - respect->»* J 3r '."iN. ga. folly inform the consumers. of noAT.fIO O A 1: axflßM in Alton tm. that be is constantly ceiving all kinds of COAL, which •SrW is ready to deliver at all tiroes and to nny part of the town. Office at residence, in North Ward. Jnnol7-2m] \ . 1 Everybody is invited to c*l! and ttafthe merits of tho article kopt'liy June 18,’67-ly] ; \ UKNKj LKITE. Hardware of all descrip. tloim Jurt KSSSfWd tad'fct r i&lo l>y ' , / JJ. niLESLAJf. WAIR, SHAVING, JL|L BsJDt,J3aali sad Tarniak Brodies at " j r> - ' ■ k^ssler’s- TTAMB, SIDE, SHOULDER, DRIED Beit *es, always im band ft* ‘ ' ' - P?P LABP OIJiS, cam’ CateSr 1 * v*** A SUPERIOR LOT OF FRESH GAR. IX DEN SEEKS tar b*l*by p«] ?■s, rogE§. tron cmr -I: LEGE, PJttrfrarg, P*. Charte«d'4«S. ttes prepared fir artwal duties off tbs CcAntia* BMa. JC,S-A M. Prot of Book-keeping ffi-SOmP, of Teadhet; of Arilhffietht add Coaimestial j T.C. ftrok-kvaplng. As used in Every dewrtptfateff bpsififsaj. ', Commercial Arithmetic—tfapid BUfinat Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Mam/ ‘-= , Are taught, and alt other other necessary forth* success ind thorough educatloß of a practical business man. is pßEivixtrMs, Drawh all ift© premiums fifr the pritthrw years, aUo in IMPORTANT INFORMATION.- -« Students enter.at any Lime—No-Vae#U*jn—Time hnUmlted KeView nf pleasure—GradhalCs assisted in obtaining situations—-TnitMn tor ftjtt; Oorainercisi’Comrae, Average time Bto 12 weeks—Board, fiW per week Star tionery. sRoo—Entire Costi |0Ofl» to JffMKA AA” Ministers’Sons received at half price. ■ Tor card—Circular —Specimens' of Business add Orna mental Writing—inclose two statops, and address ; F. W. JENKINSi Pittsburg, Pa. Sept. 30,1868.—1 y TNTENSH EXCIT33SIENT! — I McOOBMICK’S”NEW GOODS TfAVE ARRIVED A UE NOW BEING OPENED FOR INSPECTION i AND SALE ] ; “Halloo, neighbor. I'm here on the mound again. Pei* haps you recollect when I, last year, asfeetl you to hoWjpj horse a moment And tell me where tho CHEAP &TOBM. was. Bnt-H Is diifcr&it nbw. It reminds mo a liMla>a( the campaign of 1840, when Gen. Harrison was elec tod Pre sident. ‘You have only-to go with the Crowd-and yon win have no difficulty in finding MoCOUMICK'ti STORK. From the excitement down tho valley, and the quantity of goods I see carried away, they must bo : telling Joff vary rapidly and very cheap.” ' “ Von are right, my friend; I would !*ay to you, ctr. go ahead and your anticipations will bo fully Ho bass very largo and well' selected assortment of Goods, He’ll sen'you a dress for fifty cents aud give tho trimming}! into tho bargain, I’m told, and ail other goods in preput lion.” “Good bye, neighbor, that’s where ! fun going to buy my goods.” •• That's right, and so should everybody else. Good bye.” DRV GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, ’ QUEENSWARE. STONEWARE, . cedarware. Haft anß Caps, Very cheap Bonnet*, Misses' Flats, Ac.: La dies’ Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, with Aliases, Boys and Men's Boots and Shoes, and every other article kepi in a first class country store, can be had cheap for cash, at t McCormick’s. All articles of country produce taken in exchange for goods. B. H. MoCOKMICK. Altoona, May 13, 1858.-ly Another reduction in frige at McCormick's Store. Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (or at least credit will not be given to any other than those who ate willing and can give satisfactory reference and assurance of prompt monthly payment,) aud desiring to make it the interest of all to patronize our store, we have made a very great re duction in the prices of all description* of goods, and will give our entire Una- and attention to keeping up au assort ment to suit the wants of our customers, such as. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. CKDARWARE, STONEWARE, : BOOTS A SHOES, Goiters, Slippers. Hats and Caps, Dried Fruit, etc., ail of which will be sold as cheap as tho cheapest. All articles of produce token in exchange for goods at their highest market price. , Thankful for past favors, we hope to share the patronage of those who are in want of goods. [March 2S-tf. PATENT. KEROSENEX)R CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain tho very best and cheap est portable light within their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and exhmiue these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they arc easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That thev irarn entirely free from smoko. Cth. That the light is at least 50 per’Cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the nse of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, llnlls.Churchos, Stores, Hotels, and arc highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, banging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. \V. guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. Aug! 10, 1858-tf.] t Q. W. KESSLER. Logan hotel. —the under signed respectfully inform#' the citizens of Blnlr county and others, i that be has opened up the LOGAN lJ HOUSE, formerly kept by Sheriff -it the west end of Hollidaysburg, for reception of strangers and travellers.— Everything connected with the house has been refitted In the new with the choicest fur allure, ic., ic. ' Tlie house is large and commodious, and well calculated for convenience and comfort. His TABLE will be furnished with the very best the mar ket can afford, and no pains or trouble will bo spared.to render those who may choose to fevor hpn with their pa tronage comfortable and happy during their stay with him. His STABLING is ample, and ah obliging and careful hostler will always be in attendance) ■, ttS, The 'Williamsburg stage, which makes daily trips between this place and Williamsburg, stops at the Logan Hotel. Dft. 17,1857,—if.] JOHN KEIFFER. The great question which now agitates the mind of every is, where can I get the best article money! In regard to other matters, the sulo scribor would not attempt to direct, bht If you wont anything in the lind of. BOOTS OR SHOm. he invites an examination ’oCWs stock and work. He keeps constantly on hand an assortment ofßodts.Sho,-?, Gaiters, Slippers, 4c., which he offers affair prices. He will give special atteUHdh t 6 custom work, all of which will be warranted to givejati*faction. None bat the best workmen are employed Remember my shop Is on Main street, next door to B. Kerr’s old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. 4. ; September 3, ’57-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS. Exchange hotel.—the sub scriber would respcctfallji In form the public that ho' has recently ire- 4 fitted the above Hotel, and ;is pared to accommodate his patrons in a comfortable ifiannCTi and will spare no pains in making it nn ugreeable horoo for U 1 sojourners. His Table will always lie luxuriously supplied 'from the markets of the country Hid Hties, ftnd his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as. reasonable as those of suy other Hotel intheplacd, and ho feels satisfied they can not be complained of py those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to.recelve a share of pnblle patronage, and IWI y intending to deserve it, fie throws.open his house to the public,and invites a trial. Altoona, May 27,1858.-Iy] '! JOHN BOWMAN. Boots and shoes.—the UN dcrslgned lias now on hand and will sell cheap tit Ws store in the Maapnic Jem pic, A Wrg«s and complete assortment efBOOTS AND SHOES, ready made, ormndeetoorder, OvershoesVl.adks’Sabdale, Gum Slioee, Cork Soles, and everything in his line of btfeineevof ■ the beat quality and on the most reasonable terms. All custom work warranted. ' ’ Jan. 2, ’66-tf.] OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I OYSTERS'! In consequence of the hard times, I hhve concluded to pnt down thenrlcc of my OXSiptS to thelowest poe&i-' hie standard. They Will horeaft<* he scried men the phaflng D ish nt roosted inthe shell and serred up with all other accompaniments. TWKNTV. TOTB QBKM. J They wffl afcobe er way, ot pricey to correspond with the times, ’* " ' " P^= JOHN ALLISON. rtAST IRON RAILX3W& AND AtL kindgof Castings VsiWited log jratnp toorder»»tghOTiy tb; -i ! ••>.“«•* -Vihiitiifu, Co.- .4» 5 HENRY LEHR’S. RIO COFFEE; SUGAR, TEA AND T?6OS f BUTTER AN© ALL KINDS JLj °f o-mntrv prwjnc* etn $e Md *t* ''■■ j“ ne IS ’«-»* : fctSlltf LS&t’fl. Jan. 3,1866-tf. A Btntvclenl fndStvti#*, ahMilM S* Trrfil M the (i^,’^wm , •edroodem.tmiaamt-. ■••■:.,■ a i-i L. •: to Of greatbenofil to U* tp. t *nd thcy hRTo resolTed lo deroto uiemsdni, wJft'JJl j^,tothiiveryl*i»t^t:hntTnwa**p6fc<t Jiut gubUriiwl. on nL: torrhoefti orS«mh«u w«nujM»rthe-ftefrirfOßsaW? turtftion <W mttym&p* ot^dlw^oftSCt* - Grains by the Consulting Surgeon. wUfli 5? Wll (in* waled *tt*&o&zfr»>*fcl,<a*, oath. ivo for yi-^tege; - Ad«lr«w; i: *jr ? Rep Aft 8r Vrritmeni, Bft MOROtVai GBO. -Sr-y. .. r . r . cjtovbs i: srftVKs t alpyj&S ! ftt fy T IToolor MatWOftlttafc Sfcrt* ■■s^as'JS^^seWHaS arm cktfatlr rtoOmr Oaet m ,ed that .the whulo.ovcp gurtkco-jriU Bfckc.perftctlT.J2 : I^l*tllwiUiejS*cSMilitiozn^tlA^fcw f i2 i*Wiw4 or «q»l.' ,Itei4a^^^igb4.eiMb 4 ! ovpn iVAl»«?lwjmd fa&£L ’ skcr.- s®Kiß Mote l»-6no tfiat-tokyrocdi])' M%Bn£2 baud; :;'v "o *<»/*» >MI Ja/fHE LIH* .cttUw jftt.iHw* awl-vtoljitjv! «t*t Jlechatig tiOIIKO {ffiM&BQß!^ in Utc room heretofore ocjaplad-Jrw mediately opposiWMlhe' MuentilSeSeiit’wTUte, vie .vrlil carry on tho btudneagjhiJiqwfr'iL Iwt aj an excellent amoriy&rrt . >,*,,.\-C.{^,, CLOTHS, CASSrMERES & VESTIM suitable for workingand 3fres»»aJli, Wlttth ho wiU«J niilur, on short notice and, at price* which .con lUU satisfy. Ha liM also rccelved-OW LATEBTBtYLES*I FALL AND JVIN'iBB FASUIUSi clothing can bo made.- Xigftrte, ho l«,dataMdmdthtw ingahnll be wanting pa Imjftan. t 8 ramyr Witu&Hg those who may h«o ;\] Altoona, Not. &-tf.| ~ _ , .„. 4Q^P(aAIA|! ■ T\uy4Li/g oil 1 / Prepared brlgtfwdlyhy Irofffi. DU VAIUIm nicrly of tbo QoUega of ParJ*, uaovgj fered to the public, A9~ for the euro of sore and ;*»j fni dUoasoe w "' ‘ I For instance —rain or .gocpncH-in any parted 4,1 syftcm, lUicuihatlSTh, painih the Wlc, breast or rt;| healed ly.uralgiajbtjrns, Bpr%lna, hottaiJ erninp la the gtbmach, or any other disease tblil SOUS and PAIJiWM*, and it it onlyovCr this eta* dua-neet we cUUnaperfect VICTORY. W*sj| positively to otrrpatronir'we tan relleto tbctnajl fK> times out ofliXk Me would just Bay to thcpsllj , lie, I’t-of. Du Tairwhs lift yciira In fringing loth] mcdlclimsupcriorllyuteralLothers. ] I‘rico SO cent* per,bottle—J4_per ceot. cat off u Skj trade. ' Alt order* Ynust bis addressed to J> T). STUN QUOAD. Proprietor, Sept. 2, ISSS-Ty.] ; I Lewis town, Hj Agents for Dn VallYi Onlrnnie i)B—Uonry LthnU Kessler, and A. Roush, i Altoona,- And all deslen hi cinea everywhere. ■ ; ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PRKM Pablhhod, (Inti* lid Thousand r 1 A FKW WORDS ON THBrUATIONAE TRLATIO without MnUfine, of toertnafonbeit or-Igpcal Tthj tency, and I The important fact Uiat tlnrT»aiy’«l6iltAg esni originating in the imprudence aiuli(alttu<l» otjeoal bo easily removed WITHOUT dpHCtfikii in tUd tract, clearly demonstrated; apd the entirely nevaji ly successful treatment, WT adopted by the Attlwi explained, by men a* of Which every fin* Is eoslWu HIMSELF perfectly hnd'at the toast possible coit,lM avoiding nil the advertised nrihtftnia #the day, ‘ Sent to any address, gratis -and jpoyt free iutMiUi vclopc, by remitting (poef paidj tiro pottage irtanrjshl B. DE LANEV, 88 East Slat Xdrk Qtj. May G, JS3B. ‘ MAP OF BLAIR QOttNTY.—w subscribers propos; to pulflUh p New itipdlj County. Pennsylvania, from ccttlin surreys," ctmtihifl Public Roads. Rail Roads, Canals, the actual loaJtA Villages, Post Offices, House'? of Worship, School H MnunfactoricSj Tanneries, MRU," Hotels, Stores, ln> ea. names of Property Owners, ■ Enlarged Plans ot-.fne Principal'Villages, il» Distances, and n Xtueinens Director} String the nag business of iach subscriber, will be engraved pntkj gin. Thoplottlng.vrfll bo toil sullable-scals so un a large ana omomentpl S|ap, which will be tdap mounted in tfaa best Style, ahddeUTwrd to rcbsaJa $5 per copy. . BA3ADKL CB April 16,1805. • . ISAAC o.l® w. •KES^lifiß^nPßAC® \JT • DRUGGIST, respcctfblly, tothe.citlrensof Altoonaabd 1 tab “public' erally, that he still on Virginia street, where' bo Keeps constantly. B onhand.fbr sale,'Wbore*alcajnl - Betall,BßUG9.‘ W MEDICINES, CIIEMICAIS. OIL&yARNXSII- E 8 and DTE-STDFFH; ‘ ~ . ■ By strict atteuUon to business and a-desiretota* UOietion to all as reSwds' pyfcSand quality, helB rterit androcebre a Physicians and merchants. «uppa?d,.on > season*!!* 1 and att ordorsfrom a distance promptly attended U , Pliysicians prescriptiooscanttfltßy- compound*! P : , J. SHOEMAKER. National poLicl gazetti This Great Journal of'BHinn abtf Criabdj its Twelfth Year, and is vwkjely’ circulated line] the country. It contains all ’StoeOSjafTriab, Cases,And appropriate' infonnation on Criminal Matters. not toboiwH other nevropgpnv - T 1 xfiAf'lT.. J ♦5,. Subscriptions $2 per tuinum; ; AlJpE «fin*n l>e remitted by subscribers, (who pkrald Write tWd .and tho reri&W To Editor t Prop'rtof-Nerr Tforic Police C»«| 15-tf) New If*”I & Q| Dollldaysbucgand Alloosjl a RAFTS ON TKBPRIIICIPAL COT and fiUrtr ondGoldfor solo,. CoUecthWjH ys received on deposit, payable on demand, *»3 tertst, or fctfre«, at fair rate*. In J.D.'IjEjET( A TTOJLNEY-A3VLAW, Horn* XJL Btfl^ttiK-ctosTf.PA-, injtlic of BWs 4on entrusted 'JcTjce, corn(irAllegbeny and Prtm streets H oIB S Pm ■; ;*•• '» *:'.*•■ -■: >l '•' .•■. •■ -•■• P\ ... J. ,IQ. AUI>UM. Weslrl v ?--•• - /CONCENTRATED LY®, FOBJ &<f SodpPowdsr KUMjMnal.to il* of common.,-Soap; g**®? y so *$ evz, ssrumva tar **Jta June 10,1858-tf) . t^UR. JP 'TMantt TWWR.'ftr wW' - 1 - 4 3 *VSS atria* -“ SkTv - oX.ni, if- *L nMiriM? rJK -r VT” I4t] J - r - > r-v**** ilQjh'W 1 ? 1 *>l hm^Lzry t I McOBUM * DER OL. 3 *ld tor. ro nr lines or _ I JSwfcrSch InMrUon- #j t Une* or I«M| L*»<H»r», ■ ro “ IW" inr ** . lalf a colons*, Kxscuforal lerchants advertising by tbo T with liberty to change,, »robask>nal or Business Cordi •Unea, with paper, per year. Oomtuunicatkma of ft political arMt will bo charged according * Advertisements not niorkcd » leelrad. will be continual till fo uj tho abovo term*. notices A™ cents pff Obituary uoticoß cxcoouuitf tfi r~ CHURCHES, MIN I rrnltsilerian, Uer. A B. Cla Lrr Sabbath morning at 10,4 o l SU o’clock. Sabbath bplicol at ImoHopm. Prayer Moisting ov Ibe same room. < . I UHhndisl Ejntcopal, Rev. 3. A log every Sabbath morning at lag. Sabbath School In tho Ecc L. General Prayer Meoting In ■ay evening. Young Mona li. ( Lut\ir* n. Kcv. J x log every Sabbatli morning at 10 •n the evening. Sabbath Sc.ioo BU o’clock. P. M. Prayer Men: [Medbesday evening. [ ratted Brethren, Lev. D. Sp.( Isry Sabbath morning at IUJ*, o i Ijt* o’cU'Ck. Sal>batU Scliool h'cfock. A. M. Prayer Meeting H a lafoe room. , _ _ F Prtletlant Lev. R. [Botrice 2d and -illi Sundays of A. M„ and I'A P- M. Sunday r I OithoUc, Her. Joux Twmos, [o'clock in the morning, and at : Jhplitt, B. 11. Pisn. Pastor I morning at o’clock, and si; I School at U o’clock, A. M. Pra [day ereuiug. [ J/ricnn Jfet.Yodist, Rev. Sxvn [every Sabbath morning at 11 o'- [the old Union School Uouso. ißaattarn Way at WMtarn “ Uollldayabarfe Saatern Through Mall MAILS A. BmUtq Through Hall, ,W|**rn Way, Saltern “ illolUdajtbarß f Offl«e open for tie truuactloi »o IP- during tbo week, am laa Saudi/. r auwvw-tn joa , : RAILROADS Untiei Train Bait arr Wee C,ii * « Waal u 8,."i '•it " ' Boat - « 0,.’ p • “■ West “ 11 Mail “ Bast “ 11.:. |. • ■ ■*»■ . West “ 6,3: [Tha nOLLIDAYSBURO BU ' BPralo Eait and West, and with The BLAIRS VIEbKBRANC: Fay Train East and West, Ej 'rain East. November 29,1858. MEETINGS OF A! Jfeuafcnin Lodge, A. Y. M.. N layrof sach month, in the thir Us, at o’clock, P. M. Mountain Encampment, A. fourth Tuesday of each month, pule Temple, at o’clock, P. Altoona Lodge, I. 0. of 0. F., ITsniag, In the second story of (’clock, P. M. Ttranda Lodge, I. 0. of 0. F„ irsning, In the third story of p, twit, at 7>S o’clock, P. M. ■ Winnebago Tribe, No. 35, I. ( ma STery Tuesday evening in “Monlc Temple. Council Fin )r*ath. W. A. ADAMS, C. of Junior Sons of America, Cur. lay night in the third story of fa U« _ RtuAinpion Cbmp, No. 51. [lnssday evening, in tho 2d stoi ! Altoona Division, N'o. 311, A W evening, in tho 2d story of ["■• B-? D. Galbraith, R. 8. i Altoona Mechanics’ Library r. pro meets statedly on tho Ist 1 JT A Pril. Julv and October. B 5.. vi Tues< iay evening in end r t° 10 o’clock avery evening, ( [PURE WHITE L FwVroE^. 0 , 1, “Ho Chrome. Qro. ln oil at , n_. ALL THE STA> ■*••%- ai ■ Ar • * TUB ALTOON MeCRUM * DEBN. PuMh nuu -of * OT T in RIBUNE di ALTOONA MAIL r MAILS C COUNTY Ol Judges of the (burls.— Prcsid •soetates, J. Penn Jones, Davi ■Rrothonotary —.Joseph JlaMr Register and Recorder —iiug Sheriff- —James Funk. District Attorney —BcnJ. T.. II County Commissioners —Davl u»o, Enos M. Jones. Clerk to Commissioners —lln Mercantile Appraiser—Josep County Surveyor —James L. ( Treasurer —John Llngafelt. Auditors — 3. Morrovr. A. C. wbor House Directors —Goc-n •B. Riddle. • ’ ' Onvtser—: William Fox. Superintendent 6f Common ALTOONA BOROI •Q&cej of the peace —Jacob ■Burgeit—X. SI. Jone*. in”* >uncit —'James Lowth L ‘o ° n .\. lVt ' r Rec, l. Kelson GI. Counal-H. u. ‘1 tfuncii—John McCl i 2Vea»itr«r— James L Directors —Qeorjre. V “•ob, Qoo.tV. Sparks, Joseph StLTX? °f &hoci Bnrd u „ '\e»t • intptdart East Wm£le.‘’ « •• 3. l -!■ Nort} > “ Win XQUOKS.— A 1 Lon'lv* ii V 1 , cc . u ' a L 'Q k».* tt , AV house, ’ n. ta^JL OWMt c:ui, ‘ prices g has only to ca Teney LEHR-, ,-ft ” ohn , lehr’s olj ,ta, ECorp . in North IVanl. 'IGS, DATES, PI BBd Currants In store :,n ! 6S-ly] 191 No
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers