irag^W fSS&WBtt. r *ss£? “■« >tS554 JwgnUt^ WSgHfc •«t on thVlLh^ nSfs-3 -Vwinfc one of tv? n a practice of mZ? tnt3 towhltbftj last found !sr . ta an, /,** CODTlctloa i, or bad matter ft*. •> , c f“!ng tltu Siving toao J? emoving th, Jg< euro. , ■nnaT is “af.thel^S^ i t to relievo lh*~w nng aud sourio,” tv tiring, p r 7^ % oosoni th«Ui»U* ?. r®*?! 11 cure Djapepgu il W!li , «trnctioa r«m«T» ;oa a perfect cum! ' r ' s Cholic, ’ euro for Choi*. :ru. j o throw oat e/n. ■r a long £ remove* ofl • «kib. llrt* eating |)m tio food digeit >ruulc ClartbcHfia Dowel compUUw cmiiiod by lafur, or epeedi* iU. "K tks abforbvafc ding tbs modiilia o, Chill reTir,n| «« with oerUlah > 10 1“ wondodrf oub %- iaf> A TOR iRT, ud la J 4( vo. It CUM tl ) • and Mldon iMM iiul of Liver Ocm to a niay PisAasu fa* rxy. fay, Saw Tock, : aaA retallad W 1 »y 2T, IBM.-ly ABINBT ITURE, OTICB. i.pabla of doiag no of GaiO ir onhra mp n| itura ob f riding to (IMG." onsTlllt, MW ORDER. , AAC OKOXU. KIAL^jCA* iii Hctloa of |h te East. Tb«r m fiy, tho common mb i' and wxßszn .0 CROMER, Altoona, ja FASHIONS. in mrnnwnclas % lock of GOODS. fifliion, and ;lvo UaaerikM xxb. aiittad totta i'antatoona, la 11 him in panto nl.le to cuiwtom it« the (ymstsMUi \ WILL BB ‘cco of Dr. ft P- I AY. DECEMBER : ICAL jWf eased, on th* \ and OATS hr tM \ l.y the cord. j i halaaca on .4* 1 [ORMAKUt, remssow, KxiccToas. STATION^* mm aud wall Hlutd j ionery , RaA Printing, j-'oundaca, W*> ilr IT, 186ft-ty . r.own Anmnal i.'ooieDiankM airaGatvanisOt LX. .McKEB. lin county, r*- i OalTiweOßw rbichittsrtoßß* oudr. I lM>e I. INGRAM. • illlin'eo. Fa- ; re. Vaogta the GslvemeO® x>«, for * w to other*,•!»*» eht medJelia* ,iu in • ft* 9W i 6. ms.— OTICE I? torctofort if 1 *; k smithing*»«2 ;!.o XBth „ ~f iodcbtea w i.arxneat. \v UOOPJSS* is j.-jiao*- AT- THK MendJd !>*»£ t.oa of th* ‘inced prjc«*> y that wo o* ll m I^OWTBK*' jashioN A.IN 1 f,. r ealo X’Z bucgarp. x.*t, PhU*^, rC'K’S Star® pnnna Critoc. LOC A L I TEM$v ytnarludUe Dream. J venerable grandfiUhers and gnmdmothw*. 2 Jit frith in the verification ofdreama-so Iffcatte then., a dream was reality itself J Lid has grown wiser, (in its “ own conceit,") M d dreams are pronounced merely the result of „ excited imagination, occasioned by too great tSlgence Sthe intnri*. of life. Likely “u, latter view ie correct, generally .peatog; bat we know an “ exception to the role. Who Lerknew a printer to hare an overloaded stem »ah ? (“ I.” answers our devil, “ didn’t I meet Ly namesake with the pitch-fork, one night, af ter eating a pound of skipper-cheese T”) (True, Lae, poor imp ; but you havn’t gone to ted with a full stomach, since.) Who ever knew a printer \to have the night-mare» Who ever knew a printer to dream T No one. Yet, we ifed* dream, the other night, and we believe it will be verified—” Young American” in senti- Ijnent, as we arem fact, rather than the Uream should not “come true,” we will consent L bo called “ Old Fogy” all our life. Now hearken to our dream;—One night last week, while poring over the proof of oar last paper, [seeking for errors in typography, the dullness Lf the matter set us to nodding, and soon Irons- L or t C (i us to the land of sleep. Although we Lad gone to work snpperleas, wc dreamed; and dreamed a dream of happiness. We thought it SM Christmas, 1868. We were sitting in oar pffiee, engaged in penning a piteous appeal to tor patrons to pay us our just dues, or send us to tho County Poor House-, we didn’t care abicb, when we heard a tremendous racket wt-doors, resembling tho patter Of many feet He opened the door to see the cause of the ex kltcmcnt, hoping to find a local item; when in ftteppedj s crowd of human beings, laden with boxes, barrels, bales, baskets, &c., who deposi ted their loads upon the floor until there was tc&rcely “ room to more about 1 ’ “ What can It mean,” thought we; “hare our creditors sold L out, and rented our office for a forwarding Lmhouse!” Wo were puziled. Apprehen sively, we examined each piece of baggage.— imagine our astonishment at finding No. 1, ad- Iresaed “ McCrum & Dcrn,” from “ somebody So. 2, likewise; No. 3, ditto; No. 4,6, 6,7, 8, Lc., ic., &c., all to “McCrum k Dern” from ' somebody.” We seised the sheep’s-foot, and kpened a bos, and another, and another; they rere all filled with eatables, wearables, and one fox, (would you believe it,) with gold dollar* te wtro iu cstaeles—we sat down and took a fiemorandum of every article, with the giver,— pd awoke. Wo found ourselves, when we iwoke, with a pencil in our hand and the mcm iranda lying before us. We published it, mere r to satisfy our readers with the result of our team. Here it is:— Ko. 1. A package containing an excellent Irees pattern with material for an apron, for leaior’a wife, from J. <t J. Lowther, who, by p* way, hare a model store-room, a model lock, and art a model firm. -Vo. 2. An orcrcoat fur tho Junior, from Ja Dt) Rees, the fancy Tailor, up Virginia street. -No. 3. A permit to the firm to take aa much ltdieino as we may require, (may we never Beit) “free, gratia for nothing,” from Geo. W. ittsler, the accommodating Druggist up street. 4 - Revealed a cottage bedstead, for the jmior, finished in the fine style in which our bend, I’cter Reed, always does things. I A’o. 5. A fancy vest for the Junior, made by r **\ nc J tailors in the employ of our eatccmed fighbor, Tommy Klway. Ko " 6 - A bari el of flour for tho Senior, from [* cbea P and superior stock kept by John boeoaker, tho Postmaster. 7. A fine overcoat for the Senior, from r * xttn sirc and well selected assortment kept [ that accommodating Salesman, Harry Tuck, r - 8 - A "Perb assortment of groceries for [* Junior - from the large and unequalled stock j oßr B° od natural friend, Joe Hilcman. r' 9 ' A lot of: tinware for the Junior, from js warehouse of our old neighbor, Joe Bush. r°- 10 - A of Pwts, to be worn by the pior or hia wife, (wo protest against the lat- V M thc caBe m& y be - from the celebrated for, Dick Smith. bo. 11. A lot of groceries from John L. Ickes’ ierb establishment, over on Branch street for Senior. ’ Ao. 12. A nice stock of dry goods, for the " of the Junior, from Jon. Conrad, on Branch \ a whole-souled fellow and experienced Irchaat. It i v note from that “cellent plasterer, «b Bterbower, offering to do us a job in hie ““ y timc 5 but we don’t need his servi t “*? T With 1111411 and a PPropriatene 8 s up the hues of the poet, and sing, ■ t C ° llection of !**•» from all the keTwith ’ promuin K to “doctor” onr ESS?' <*r id of it. nn , M ; . pbell ; but we have no t printer. thoae who have cheated ft by outenterori 1 ° f fftnc y <*««■ goods poggard. Buig Cltizen axui merchant, hif^dott P S-° fP l ant * fW the J Wior, (if and «aer- K! bat * em ‘ hril oat . Without f tbittk it Would B<^ ept> f^ r lte ***»«* that ► oWf* klO , O J’ toblu »8 H out of thein. f *** * «teJanior,from pc. 20 A .excellent. ! r T > from (he if* r eeßSW «*.forthe f - ofJeh nj U«doa. ~ Aft). 21. A pair of boots for the Senior, made, after the usual extra^good-style of our jovial friend, John; H. Bdtertß.\ » v - te-the-town, Jesaeifia^ffs; KTkeeps assortfrent ks he Bteaft-present, we don't need , r . - JYo. 28. A box of delicious rabons from-the cheap grocery of JohniehvoaVitginia street. JWa. 24. A beautiful bonnet for the Senior’s wife, from her friend, Hiss Jedbie Scott, the fashionable milliner, on Virginia street. Aft. ,25. A large ham for the Junior, from the extensive provision and grocery store of Henry Lehr, in Qreensbnrg. #o- 26. A box of excellent segars from our friend, Totnmy Healop, over in East Altoona, who always keeps a good stock. Ab. 27. A little the neatest dress wat in the town, made by the gentlemanly and excellent tailor, up on the corner, John Talbott, for the Senior. Aft). 28. A can of delicious oysters frond our good old German Maid, John Nagle, who keeps them always on hand at his saloon. Aft>. 29. A neat dress for the first accession to the firm, from Mrs. Couch. Aft). 80. Another dress coat of the best qual ity, built in the latest by John O’Donnel the heavy tailor, around the corner, for the Joqior. No. 81, A beautiful, durable, fashionable and well-made west for the Senior, from the shop of that excellent tailor, Jacob Snyder. No. 82. A bonnet for the Junior's wife, from the large and varied assortment kept by Mrs. McMullen & Hollar, up on the “ Cheap Corner.” No. 83. A box of Began from the store of A. Roush, above the post-office. He expects a fine supply in a few days. ' No. 34. A barrel of flour from the flour, feed and provision store of our young friend, Horry Bell, in East Altoona. No. 85. A pair of gaiten for the Senior’s wife, from Levon Rickards, the industrious shoe maker, next door. No. 86. A half-dozen chain from the Cabinet ware-room of Isaac Cromer, accompanied with the hope that he may never have occasion to furnish us with one of Fisk’s metallic coffins, for which he is agent. No. 37. Another package of groceries, accom panied with a fine lot of fresh cranberries, (to eat with the turkey that we hav’nt got) from the new grocery store of Lewis Flock, up at the model corner. So. 38. A bale of goods from the people’s fa vorite store, A. McCormick’s, in Grecnsburg. .Ao. 39. A habiliment for the second addi tion to the firm, from the accommodating sales man. in O’Neal’s store.. No. 40. An Opera Hood each for the Editor’s wives, from “ Fashion Hall,” kept by C- J. Mann. They will be worn on every suitable oc- casion. No. 41. A can of the splendid Cove Plant Oysters kept by Taylor, with o'honk of venison thrown in. Golly, won’t tee live. No. 42. A box of gold dollar*, presented by the reliable Banking House of Bell, Johnston, Jack & Co , and carried down by the expertand accommodating clerk of that institution. There—that’s all. No. 42 is too good a joke to believe; but Really, the remainder of the dream might bo verified—who knows ? So be it—and the Senior, Junior, big aud little devils cry “ Amon.” Rules for Travelers.—The following facts are important to travelers, and are not as wide ly known as could be desired: It has been legally decided that applicants for tickets on railroads, can be ejected from the oars if they do not- offer the exact amount of their fare. Conductors are not houud to make change. All railroad tickets are good until used, and conditions “good for this day only,” or other wise limiting the genuineness, are of no account. Passengers who loose their tickets can be ejected from the cars, unless they purchase a second one. Passengers are bound to observe decorum in the cars, and are obliged to. comply with all rea sonable demands to show tickets. Standing upon the platform, or otherwise violating a rule of the company, renders a person liable to be put from the train. Np person has a right to monopolize more seats than he has paid for, and any article left in a seat, while the owner is temporarily absent, en titles him to the place upon his return. The above rules are all based upon legal de cisions.—Patriot $ Union, Who Wakts a Maoaeikb.—Those of our rcad- I era who desire to subscribe for any of the Mag | azines mentioned below, will find ft a saving in money to subscribe through ns, as they will ! thereby get them much cheaper} and we will fake pleasure in ordering the books for them. To any of our advance paying subscribers we will furnish the Atlantic Monthly or Gpdey’s La dy’s Book, one year, for $2,00, or Peterson’s Magazine, one year, for $1,60. Those who are not subscribers to the Tribunt, can receive the books on the above terms, by becoming sabscri bers, and paying in advance, as it is only to suoh that we furnish “|OO Mason.”—lf the writer of the commu nicrn oTer *b* a boTC signature, bn the “ Ben efite of Education,” will giro us his real n*im>, we might toll him something that would be of advantage to him in preparing future communi cations for the press. There is so much discre pancy between the begining and ending of the article referred to, that we are inclined to sus pect him.gnilty of plagiarism; and the portions of tbe article which we presume are '** original,” do pot display education sufficient to properly estimate its benefits. x ■ Iwh^kubj.—lhig impressive ceremony was performed in our town, on Sunday last -The Key. Mr. Fish, the Baptist minister in charge ** jtMs ptoct, baptised two converts in a newly ««ctodpo<d i» M»e rear of the church. a«re totore die ordinance, on account of the «n>roi i®*ss*?* I? thf Bad to be per formed at Allegheny Furnace, mnoh to tho in ?«itfcge has been' aveecoijiie by the eonstrueddn fdoj aijoye mentlopod. 1 A. Medical Exakihatiok.— Often whoa & ! physician is called in to examine a patient's cbn- I dition, he finds that the lungs are half gone, or thaMestrootfre lesions, hays occurred, so as to render, a care, in many cases, impossible. The patient -will find that the which he thought had merely annoyed him betimes, has laid wastea large portion of an organ, whose functions are necessary to human life; wo mean the lungs. If the incipient coagh is heeded, and a timely resort is had to medicine, such as Da. Pbciob&Xi Svexjp, a real scientific compound, prepared by a careful physician, known to most of our readers, the cough will never end in an inflammatory condition of the lungs and bronchia; bat obstruction will be re moved ; free breathing, health, in the place of disease, and consumption for want of a nidus, will never take hold of the constitution. Sold by Q, W. Kessler, Altoona. ; Pkothactkd Mkxtxkq.—A protracted, meet ing of a very interesting and solemn character, is in progress in the Lutheran Church in this place. Rev. Lloyd Knight, of Hollidaysburg, has been assisting the Pastor, Rev. J. Steck, most of the time, and will remain during this week, as will also Rev. Aughe, of Williamsburg, who came to their assistance on Tuesday even ing. It is designed to continue the meeting for some time. 1 Rev. D. Steck, of Lancaster city, who is a very eloquent and Able preacher, will preach on next Monday evening, the 13th, and will in all probability continue to do so every evening of the week. JDBT Returned.— J. B. HilKnaa has just re turned from the East with his second supply of Fall and Winter goods, a sight of which will as tonish his customers. There can be no better evidence that Joe sells at low prices and keep good goods, than the fact he has already put out the large stock he brought up a month or two ago. Look out, gents, for the fancy shawls, he has some good ones and you must be sharp if you get a chance at them. Step in ladies and see what he has for you, and be waited upon by a couple of the cleverest “ Joe” clerks in Chris tendom. The Coming Holidays. — The Christmas Hol idays ate rapidly approaching. The great so cial and religious festival will take place in less than three weeks. Already our store-keepers are making preparations, and Fettinger of the Literary has informed us that he will leave on Monday next, to Jay in a stock which ho says cannot be excelled out side of the cities. He will have everything that can be thought Of and much that you can not think of unless you go and see. Look out for Fct’s return. Gone. —Our young friend, 11. L. De!o, for merly Weigh-master at this station, left this place on Monday morning lost, to take charge of the stock scales at Pittsburgh His departure will be regretted by many with whom he was associated, as he was always on hand when a good or benevolent project was to be carried through. His place at this station has been as signed to Potts, of Hollidaysburg. I®* Henry S. Esq., has been ap pointed ticket and freight Agent at Huntingdon, in room of T. K. Simonton, resigned. Mr. Si monton took charge of the Exchange Hotel, in that place, on the first inst. Mr. S. is a clever fellow and we hope ho may have plenty of cus tom. We advise those of our citizens who visit the “ancient village,” to give him a call and we will warrant they will be well treated. Odd Fellows’ Odd follows of this place intend serving up a supper on Christ mas eve, in the “ Keystone Hall,” over Lowther & Flack’s store. It will no doubt be a grand affair. We shall notice it again. Tub Panic — More Failures. —The .panic in New Fork seems to be on the increase. In this city everything goes on smoothly, and the only failures we have heard of were failures to furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing establishments. There is no such difficulty to be encountered by those who patronize the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rookhill & Wil son, Nos. 603 and 605 Chesnut street, above sixth. Gentlemen and Youths never fail to pro cure capital fits at this popular establishment. See advertisement of Dr. Sandford’s LIVER INVIGORATOR in another column. THE BALL OF FASHION is still open, and the Proprietor, in returning thanks to his nu merous customers for their liberal patronage bestowed on him since his commencement, here desires to say (without fear of contradiction) that he is prepared to offer for their inspection the best assortment of handsome Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, White Goods, &c., Ac., that can be found in Altoona. Respectfully, &c., C. J. MANN. WHAT REJOICING! “ CONFIDENCE RE STORED!”—Ever; bod; has money to spend, and bo the; should have. This fact ;ou can have demonstrated, b; taking a stroll along Vir ginia street, in seeing the crowds of Ladies and Gentlemen wending their Way after those hand some and remarkably cheap GOODS at THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE.—WhiIe the President, in his Message, rather advises a spe cific dot; on Foreign Goods whenever practica ble, Cuaelky Maun advocates only a small advalonun duty on all Goods, both Foreign and Domestic, he offers for sale. CRANBERRIES AND MINCE MEAT, prime articles, just received at To Become Handsome.— ln Cincinnati, the Other da;, a woman named Madame Bertha Tan Griefechinn was arrested for falae pretences.— The complainant was a. domestic named Barbara Hammond. It appears that Madame advertised for sale, at $2, a recipb, vrklgfr if fkithfollv fol lowed dp, would make! the Eomeliest the hand somest. The recipe runs as follows: 44 Take a half gUT of hyeßa> blood,' the yolk of two 6s trich «ggs, an oonco of gpld dust, and a as big ns yodr thumb nail, dissolve in vinegar. Mik into a paste and sprtad npon the face every night before going to sleep. The effect will bo astonishing.” C. J. MANN’S. C. J. MANN’S. SPECIAL NOTICES. Dailey’s Magical Fail Extractor. Id all dinessee inflammation more orfesspredomlnat now to allay inflammation atrikea at the not of diieaae-' hence an Immediate cun. j OALLMFS MAGICAL PAVf EXTRACTOR, md mothmt dec, will allay inflammation at once,ami make a certain core. BALLSY'S MAGICAL PAZM EXTRACTOR will cure the following amongagroataatalogae of dlacawai; Some, Scalds, Cate, Chafes, Bore Nipples, Corns, Bnniona, Brutasa, Sprain*, Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Bile*, Scrofula, Ulcere, fever Scree, Pekms, Ear Ache, Klee, Sore .Eyes, Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Rbenm, Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Itch, Small Pox, Measles, Bash, Ac, Ac. To some it may appear incredulous that so many df— — should be reached by one article; inch an idea wilt vanish when reflection point* to the feet, that the salve b a com bination of ingredients, each and every one applying a per fect an.idot* tolls apposite disorder. BALLSY'S MAGICAL PALY EXTRACTOR In its effects b magical, became the time is so short be tween disease and a permanent core; and it Is an extrac tor, as It draws all disease rat of the affected part, leaving nature as perfect as bfefore the injury. It b scarcely ne cessary to say that no home, work-shop, or manufactory should be one moment without it. No Pain Extractor is genuine unlees the box has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufacturer. - Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona j George A. Jacobs, Uol lidaysburg; and by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Canadas. Principal Depot, 166 Chambers street, New York. Nov. 11,1858-ly c. V. CIIAOE. THE GREA T ENGLISH REMED 7. SIR JAMBS CLARKE’S Celebrated Female Pills. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Phy sician Extraordinary to the Queen. TUI* invaluable medicine is untailing in the euro of all those painful and delicate disease* to which the female con stitution is subject. It moderates all excuse and removes all obstructions, and a speed; cure may be relied on. TO MARK lap LAnus it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle,priceonedollar,bcar*theOoTernmentBtamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. These Pdlt should not he taken hy females during the first three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Mis carriage, but at any other lime they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limb*, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pill* will effect a care when all other moans have failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full direction* in the pamphlet around each package, .which should be carefully preserved. Hole Agent for the United States and panada. -JOB MOSES, (late I. C- Baldwin A C 0.,) Rochester, X Y. N- 8.—51.00 and 0 postage stomps enclosed to any an thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pill*, by retnru mail. B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for sale by all Druggists. [June 3, J868.-ly. HAIR BYE—HAIR DYE—HAIR DYE WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! The Original and Best in the World/ All others-are more imitations, and ibould bo avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to the Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1838, and over 80,000 applications have been made to the hair of his patrons of his famous Dye. - M. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is Warrjuctxd not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effect of Bod Dyes remedied; the Hair Invigo rated for Lift by this Splendid Dye. Made, sold or applied (iu 0 private rooms) at the Wig Factory, 232 Broadway, New York. Sold by Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in ail -cities and towns of the United States. MS' The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of Nov. IS, ISSB-ly Important to Females—Dr Ciieese max’s Fills. —The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the resolt of a long and extensive practice. They are mild In thojr operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities, painful menstruations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which always arise from interruption of nature, inducing with certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely vegeta ble, and free from anything injurious to lifeorhealth. Ex plicit directions, which should be read, accompany each box. Price $l. Sent by mail by enclosing $1 to any authorized Agent. R- B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States, 166 Chambers street, New York. To wham all Wholesale orders should be addressed. Sold by G. W, Kessler, Altoona; Geo. A, Jacobs, Holli daysburg; snd by all Druggists iu the United States. Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free. Nov. 18,1868-ly. WIGS-WIGS-WIGS. BATCHELOR’S WIGS AND TOUPEES surpass all— They are elegant, light, easy and durable. Fitting to a charm—no turning up behind—no shrinking off the head; indeed, this Is the only Establishment where these things arc properly understood ant} mode. Nov. 18,1858-ly 333 Broadway. New York. TOOTHACHE This disease can be cured by Dr. Kkyszb's ToornicHß Rkmkdi, prepared by him in Pittsburgh, Pa., which is pul up in bottles and sold nt 25 cents each. It Is an excellent medicine, when diluted, for spongy and tender gums, aud is worth ten times its price to all who need it. Sold hero by O. W. Kessler. [Dec. Sj 1858-ly.* FLOUR AND FEED MARKET, AT ALTOONA STEAM MILL. Flour, Superfine, ft bbl., «« no Extra Family « Corn Hoal ft 100 lbs. o (K> Bran 4 Shorts $ 100 lbs. I'nA Rye Chop, “ ” Corn and Oats, u “ , R a Middlings, « « Cash paid for all kinds of Grain. Flow and Feed can always be bad at tbc Mill at the prlcos quoted above. < • JOHN ALUSON. DIED. »s2?S£Ssftj.*i2.?s. th ult -’ of Congestive Scarlet Fever, Mis. MART CATHARINE IRWIN, in the 20th yearof fccr age. Wio subject of, the above notice «u a consistent member ® nrc h, and died in the triumphs; of tM Christian faith. Her, sickness was brief; bat the at tack of the most violent kind. She bore her sufferings *?• s?"™ submission; and her death was calm and peace ful. Her earosr on earth Was short, butlong enough, as we nope, to hare secured “tho pearl of groat price.” Her lUeand Christian profession, was an example to her ac quaintances and companions; and her death a warning; saying imto them, -Be ye also ready.” a. QAN BE BOUGHT AT H. TUOH’S, Winchester A Co’s Patent Shoulder Steam Fire Shirts, lB5B. /CARPET BAGS, TRUNKS, UM v/ BRELLAS, Ac., can be bought cheaper at B. TDCFI’R Qian at any other place In the country. [Dec, a, igjg SELL ING OFF—A LARGE AS SORTMENT of Boots and Shoes, BuflUo «nd c.if A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT pF VjL Cndershlrte And DtiaWs, Ccfton, WooOOh-and r vw>low, at - If TTCH’B. Bee. 9,1068. WM. A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, Now York. npHB LARGEST ASSORTMENT W *e«r, ctteh ** • Jfckote, TtitYeiiil Oth AiA.- Dee. 9 ,1858. , * . - .*§■ CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NB# Iteady Mad* Clothing, of teatefsstlskhWehsapfa titan ever, at H. IBCH't' sw.ejiBsB. 1 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNBUr J SHlP.—Notice to hereby given that thapartwr p heretofore existing between th* undefoigOM friths Butchering Business, was dissolved by mutual dad Mat da theSOthday of November 1858. The books of tha'firm an la th.* band* or J, Well* Collins for collection, otfiltt knowing themselves indebted thereon, an requested!*) make payment immediately. J. W. AMIBI*OiW. i J.WBIX800IX1NB .: More than 500,000 pottles SOU) IN TUB NEW ENGLAND STATES IN ONE TSAR. The Reiterative of Prot O. J. Wood for BrtteridK bMf perfectly and permanently, bai nevar yst had a ileal, vflb ante alter volume might be given from ail parts or the world arid from the moet intelligent to prove that u **;« perfect Restorative ; bat read the circular and you cannot doubt; read also the followings x The Hair.—People have for Oetfidrlea been afflicted with bold heads and tne only remedy* heretofore knows, baa been those abominable wigs. By a recent discovery of Professor Wood these articles are being tost dispensed With, but s great many persons still patronise theta, because they have been So often imposed upon by Hair Tonies of different kinds. To all inch persons wo earnestlymake the request, that they will try onco again, for in Wood's Restorative there to no such thing as foil. We know 1 of a lady who was bald, who used the article a short time* and her head to now covered completely with the tiniest and most beautiful carls imaginable. We know of nnm<|totia cases where hair was rapidly foiling oat, which it restored in greater perfection than it ever had been before. It to also without donbt one of the best articles for keep ing the hair in good condition, making it soft and glossy, removing dandruff) and bM itself the greatest en^ my to all the ills that hair to heir W. It to the duty of every one to Improve their personal ap pearance though some may differ in regard to the waysof doing it; but every one will admit that a beautiful bead of ImlneltL cr in man or woman, to an object math to be do- , sirM 1 . and there are no means that should be toft ufftriedto obtain such a consideration.— Hhmdn’s Advocate, Phila,; Coshocton, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1856.‘ 0. J. WOOD & CO.—Gents: As I have been engaged tn selling your Hair Restorative the last season for one of your local ageuts (R. M. Uackinson,) and having czpeH euced the beneficial effccts'of it myself 1 would like te ob tain an agency for the State of Ohio or some State in the West, should yon wish to make such an arrangement,*4l am convinced then it nothing equal to it in the united Static, for restoring the hair. I have been engaged in the Drag business for several years, and have sold various prepara tions for the hair, bat have found nothing that restores the secretive organs or invigorates the scalp ss well as yonn, being fully convinced that your restorative is what you represent it to be, I would like to engage in the sale ofit, for lam satisfied it must sell. Yours truly, h 8. T. STOCKMAN,, PROP. O. J. WOOD A 00, —Gents: Having realized the good effects of your Hair Restorative, I wish to state, that finding ray hair growing thin, as well as gray, 1 was in duced from what I read and heard, to try the article pre pared by you, to promote its growth and change its color as It was in youth, both of which It has effected complete ly In the operation I have used nearly three bottles. Vours Ac., JAMES FRANCIS. 0. J. Wood t Co., Proprietors 312 Broadway, New York, (in the great N. Y. Wire Railibg Establishment,) and lit Market St., St. Louis, Mo. For sale by Q. W. KESSLER, Altoona, and by all good Druggists. (June 3,1868-Iy. Head quarters for low PRlCES.—Thankful for past favors, the subscriber would respectfully beg leave to inform the citizens of this place and vicinity that he bae just received and opened his Stuck of FALL & WINTER GOODS, which he will sell at very low prices for cash., It consist! in por t of Delaines, Robes, Pai de Ckenet, plain Merinos, figured and striped Merinos, Wool Plaids, Union Plaids, English Merinos, black and fancy Silks, Shawls of every description; Sheet ings, Muslins, Flannels, Cassimeres, Sat linetts, Ginghams, Chints. Hosiery, Gloves, Embroideries embracing Collars, Setts, Bands, Insert mys, Edgings, in fins, every article of La- ' dies Wear. Also—Ad excellent assortment of fWsbionsble Queens vror«, (tlss»*ware, Karthenwar*, kc. BOOTS and SHOES of ail sizes, qu&litisa and atylvc.— Ladies' and Misses* Shoes and Gaiters. The very best assortment of GROCERIES may bo found at this establishment. Come one.' come ail!! and .examine the above stock. Altuona. Oot. 14,1555. J. B. UILKMAK. WILL WONDERS NEVER CEASE —No-eir-ro—not so long as McCORMICK keeps ►tore in Altoona, and brings such handsome goods as he did this fall. It is the wonder of every person how he can sell such beautiful goods at such low prices, bat the mystery is easily solved—h« knows whatlhe people of Al toona want and he brings it. and he knows where to hay in the city to enable him to sell cheap at home. TUTS LADIES arere "i M ‘ ct,ulJ y *avuod toeaii AAJL-l Bn( j examine the rich stock of plain and lancy DRESS GOODS which he has selected ex pressly to suit their wants, embracing everything they ro (juire from a fifteen dollar shawl down to a stick of whale bone or row of pins. 4 THE GENTLEMEN callout assortment of BOOTS and SIIOKS, CLOTHS, CAfr SI M EKES, and everything in that line—olao, axe*, saws, augers and various mechanical implements, together with a superb lot of sugars and tobacco. THE HOUSE-KEEPER S'SS stock ot GROCERIES ever brought to the town of Altoo na, which will be sold at as reasonable prices as they can be had elacwbere. Como and examine and price, and yon my save money thereby. EVERYBODY ** ißvited C «U examine V -CitV X DWH X our magnificent assortment of good goods and cheap goods, and we will exhibit them with pleasure, making no charge if you do not bay. Altoona, Nov. 11, 1868. TS NOW RECEIVING THE LARG- X EST and meet complete ASSORTMENT OP GOODS that has ever been offered in Altoona. His Stock consists of, in part, a large assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such as French Merinos, assorted colors) all-wool Plaids, Delaines in every style; Clocks, Shawls, And a general assortment of Dry floods for winter. Also, CARPETS, HARDWARE, qVEESSWARE, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, &c. His Stock of GROCERIES is Very largo, and ho is prepared to sell Wholesale at Philadelphia prices, freight onlv added. Cash buyers will find they can save money by ex amining his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Altoona, Nov. 18,1858.-6 m PRIVATE SALE —THE SUBSCRI bors will sell at private sale, oil that valuable business stand with large brick dwelling flßTlite and Lot of Ground, fronting 60 feet* on vHI 11V Virginia street and extending back 110 to a2O feet alley, in the flourishing townflSßßßß 1110 im P roT ements are all nearly nowandtho rtand for Imsineas os good u any in tho placo. It will bo sold In two lota, of 25 feet each, or. the whole together to sUr.f£5 U r.f£^ h< “ C £l The property is now occnpiedny Dr. J. T. Chnny Possession will be given on the Ist day of W*: Tri,en * 1500(1 ind c,e “ r llll ° will be civom Should the property not be sold by the Ist of January Dc .si’ '* wlll offered for rent for one year. - The tonne will be made easy to suit the times.. For for ther information apply to Wm. F. Sellers, Sabbath Best, Blair Co > Paj, or to the subscriber# at Pottotown, Mont gomery Co., Pa. DANIEL GILBERT. November 11,1855-4 t. TOBIAS SELLERS. ■pUBLIC SALE.—PUBLIC SALE JL or tows LOTS in the town of PATTERSON, Jnhlkta £“•. will commence on. MONDAY, DECEMBER 6.18 M- U Lots are ellgibly sitnated mid worthy the attention of all who desire a cheap home. i , Pattessox (opposite Mirrux) is one ofthemoet thri ving towns in onr State, and being the site of one of the large Machine Shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad, far nisnes an abundant demand for labor of all kinds. Nowfs the time for Artisans of all descriptions to securw a hmne in this rapidly growing town. N. B.—Terms will be made known on day of sale, .piy. ments will be jnade easy. For further information axfuw. to J, Nov. 18,1868-ts. ' Patterson, Pa, F)R sale or rent—a labge Dwelling Bonsa and Lot of Ground, with feathof good water at the door, and a godd Btobls, adjdnfitt flotfuM itotiwc soqnir# vT r > * , Not. 20,1 MW , A.MriMMpCKj. TVRT GOODS, ’ BOOTS ft SKOE& XJ NfirrcKf, carpet* tr., it Mda, sTThe Model. [Dor. 3-Jt '•-h .. •; Wayland, Mass., Feb. 6,18i7i IMUfcAID BrtTEttl TBB eEUfittUtiKS HOLLAND RSHTOT TO* MBEISE §P TDE LIVER 6oMP^XfkT, ■WEAKNESS OP ANT KIND FEVER AND ACUC, And the various affection* conssguent upew a dteacdsse* STOMACH OR JUfRR. Bu=h«a Tadtostion,.Acidity of (he Stomach, CbUckyPate* Heartburn. un of Appetite, Despondency, OoaUvonsm. Blind'and Bleeding Piles. lieSsSfei3 Neuralgic Afli'ctlons, it hta id numerous Mmed highly beneficial, and in otbej* effected • ifaSJ^cwe. This to a purely vegetable compound, prepend on strictly scientific pilnciplee, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Protestor, Boer have: Became of Ha (tut MMMe in the duMt of the European States, its intihdaOtion into the United States was intended more eepeciawtoTtkee of our fatherland scattered hero and there onr the tees of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, I now offer It to the American public, knovingthM its truly wouderftU medical virtues most be acknowledged. It to particularly recommended to those perwma wboee constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous me of ardent spirits, or other terms of dissipation. Ua&a raiJ” instantaneous in effect, it And* its way directly to the seat of iffo, thriving and quickening every nerve, raising up the droopte? spirit, and, in fact, infusing new h«alt£ and vigor in the astern. ; CAUTION.—The grt*at popularity of this delightftil Aro ma has induced many Inu&Ugns, which tho puhllc should knard against purchasing. Be oof persuaded to buy aoy ttUpg alye nntU you have gives BoorharaV Holland Bitter* » ntfr |rW. Quo bottle will convince yon bow Uftßimf superior It Is to all these imitations. SoM sl*oo pur or six bottles for $5. bj lb# sots rSorsisroM, BENJ. JB., & CO., cW *’ T. W. Dyott* Sons, Philadelphia; Barnes te Part, Naw York; John D. Park, Cincinnati; Barnard Adams 4 ft* St. Louie; A. ROUSH, Altoona, Pa. And by DrttggfoSi and Mercbanta generally throughout the United BtiHee and Canada*. [October 14, j THE PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN: ANINDKPKNDENT DAILY NBWSPAPit, DtvoUd aptctaUn to (Ac ■'->—« r «—' t Containing important Telegraphic Now* tiaUen Koan At advance of the Morning paper*, Original. Vanin — ** Domeitlc Correiponxienco.EdltoriaU on til mb „ J ect »i «n<l Foil Reports of til new* of Uw day. Tlit Commit dial and Financial Department* ttt hll |M are carefully attended to. ' “ IS, Ac an Adrortliing Medium there to no bittar in the State, the circulation being next to the limit la the city, and among the taofct intelligent andlnflauißal at the population. TERMS i Six DOLLARS PER YEA&, in aptabcs. CUMMINGS A PEACOCK, Proprietor* No. 112 Sooth third St, PhUadetpkl* PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BULLBTUk A BAXSIOMX mimini P* rxuiLT I vszKtr yxyrsPxPMMi It publlahid by the Propiieton at the following »Li». diutly low rate*: 1 copy, one > , . lina «coplw, do *-3 IS do do Mg ao do do 30 do do : ig S 100 do do , 33 FURTHER INDCCBMBNTBI The largest dub (over 100) will he sent for Arse nn. The next largest club (over 100) will be sent for StMT* Address,CUMMINGS A PBAOOOK, ProprfotorsT** °° Tao No. 118 South Third st., Philadelphia. Look out for your heads i —The snbscribcr wonld inform the Id- Mha - habitant* of this place and vicinity that he has J net received the latest st; lea of HATS AND caps, Sm ol ft 1,0 fo, ° n<l the beet Black Hds Skin kh« Silk Juts, Black and dlflbre'nt'colored Wool Hat*. Cans of all styles and price*, for men and boys. Persons fc vnSt td anything In the nlxm line will And It to their advantage to call on the Bulwcriber before purchasing viUf. .“fS- 011 haatl «“ excellent assortment 6f LadtaO* iruKß, of different colors and price*. Those in want af the article should call at ondc. * Store on Virginia street, oppoeite the Lutheran chCtch Altoona, Oct. 14, 1858.-ly JKfISJK SMll^L GJOOD FITS! BEST FITS!! FIRBT .L !! I—Pot a good fitting and wsh-made OUAT, call on j BN YDS R.. For an excellent fitting VEST, by all means call dA For PANTALOONS that can’t bo beat for fit and Okaa. call on SUXVVfL Come, kind reader, if yon want to dress hi a thshiofiable style, call at my Shop, opposite nowhere, bnt close to A - toona Banking Uonse. Look oat for the picture with mv name below. JACOB SNYDER, Tsitiys. Altoona, Oct. 14,14,1858.-ly WM. S. BITTNER, SURGEON DfiNNSt) Office immediately opposite the Ldthwfcil Church, on Virginia street. Teeth extracted wltWk pa>n, hy means of electricity—ho hambn£. A stddsht who can come well recommended for umralltr add pooseases a good English education, will be taken. [Sept. Boot and shoemaker—th* subscriber respectfully Informs the citfss&a of Atftfe naand vicinity that he stilt continues to 011theshdrtshtno “£*• at s “°P°h Main Street, next door tat&a Tnbmm ? k _5 or * Jf done »P Itt the beet ofstyle, andoaT not foil UrglVesaUs&ctlon. Ottiy give hlta kcaD Nov. 4,13M.-ly. L. RICKARDS. DR. WM. R. FINLEY RE- M offer* his professional services to the people of Altoona and the Joining country , !i' if 11,0 office heretofore Oc copied by Dr. O. D. Thom**. - Altoona, Sept SO, 1858.-U - COUNTV INSURASfOB gjjgg aw» JSssr.nssaSfc^gssj state ‘ ( * <Bce, * n th » MaiwSerfeiteW. / Jan. 3, ’56-tf] JOHN aHO^KM^fo^. Take notice, that. the. as- RESSMEXT No. 15, tn«d« Ay Iho tnonliiit Wntoal insurance Compuny, to Malr'co3Hy,.ia payalW u aSr eft SfP- TUo AwewMutXß3 per .cent on iSI njtae JnX«» M»y 13,1858. JOHN SHOBSCAKXM.- ' Altoona, July 15, 1838. JfoStar. gBTTEES FOR SALfe-AjHfi UR. S? dcwlgned hu on hand ha wffi BUrcfr SS-tC] MlSSfc^mpia. gOLUTIONOF CITRATE OF MAQ KJ NESIA-r* caollng Catiartle, mild ta its oMtatton ud.tgnwbto to jh« wth tnpmd nd For tih Jane 34,18M.-tf r A. KOUSB^ihrJgpfci. PEA NUTS.—§,OOO BUSHELS WlL 'ndflfeton Pan Nab la itora a&d forwjabr - M^rch.y,’SS-ly] WSOrth T UMBER FOR BALE. * T?OR BENT.—IBB STORE-ROOM fet«aL , 4‘ m '® •“‘•s B> P t.aB,iBW. •.-.* -•■ ■ - WM.M. uom eONviarANGiFa. —all iiKus f 45sa‘ssss3ssss^^ i wt WaiiMft.. ■■■■JSSSBtSSk^ - ■ - ■• .--■■■ U>. .. . OA BARRELS OF FLOim Qv W**lrt4»aS fcr vl* by Kot. ». ■J , r C. JAfif Mp
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers