QWAN LOTTEEIES Tfil ,r $ -1$ ~’s Ii" ■-■ 'V !,' r ,• >- “!i G JLf Tt£s TMZ E s*o,o 6* . TITf 60,000 Tickets! W» THavum ms btooiub ass ns nmt Otari* erne Prim lo every A»*e TUbtU! . iuQNmcassT schkhbi vast nuws kfcOß aiTOuur a ncaw. IMWaf *70400 4 Priae of , • 900 x '*■ * 20400 4 “ * wo 1 « “ 10,000 4 «« , 700 a “ * U\ 4 900 I “ “ 4400. 00 Mm at 400 1 • :*» • 840x1 60 * « <9OO 1 »' * 1400)100 “ “ 176 * * V ■ 100 ■ 4MUKJKAtiOIi HtBM. 1 4 « “ 200 ** “ IOjOOO • * 800 - 4 ■« ; w jjs » * 6400 * “ 600 4 M « « ](o • «« 4400 * m 400 ■ « .«;> u m goo « *“■ 7* ' 4 " ' SO • tfiOO « ■ »are FIiAN Of tHE MXSKMrJ tteMßbenfmal toiOfiQD, corrmponjllawwiththeoe Ku**M on tim Tickets prints* on oeporatoalfcaraaper, areewdrclcd with small Ua tab* and placed h> «ne tfefflltst 457 Mr*, dmllftHy prt*l*d«nd «®eUcl«d, an Tjanril In nn other yhfxtl Thewheels arethen molvedi aad smotherh drawn from |h« wheel of Numbers, and at the WW» tit» W» ie drawn from the other wheel. Ito K«abw*»dW» drawn ont are opened aad exhiUted to tha-esdieoce.aad registered by the Oomthiestogers; the Prise being placed spinet the Number dun. Thle operation b repeated autU ali the prizes aro drawn out Ammxntmov Pbuub.—The two preceding sind the two ■wriwiiUnir Numbers to those drawing th. first T Prises wOl be entitled to the 88 Approximation Prises. Forest ampler If Ticket No. U2BO draws the $60,000 Prize, thoae Ticket* mothered ItMS, U 3«, 11861,11342, will each he entitled to $lOO. If Ticket Vo. fitO draws the fSOfiOO Prise,, those Tickets nomhered SJB, 698, will each be ratltibd to $3OO, and so on according to the above The ifiOO Prize* of $2O will be deteemiged by the hat figure of the anmber that draw* the $60,000 Prise. Tor example'll the anmber drawing the $90,000 Prize ends With Vo. 1, then aU the Ticket* where the Num'erend* tel* WOlbe entitled to $3). IfthoKtunberendz witß No. 3, (bra all the Ticket! where the Number eoda in 2 will be entitled to $3O, and eo onto 0. Certificates of Package* will be sold at the following ntci which ia the risk: Certificate of package of ID ‘Whole Ticket* f*° « « • 10 Half • « * - » 10 Quarter * 30 , « I 0 Itlglit w 10 IN ORDKIUNG HCKKM OB CKBTIPICATEB. liriolnan the money to oar addrusfor the tiefceta ordered, or receipt of which they will he forwarded by first mail.— pamhaerxecan haJp Ucketa endiug hi any number they my d^finiwtr, * Xha list of Drawn Numbers and Priaea will boeentto perttUMrs-lm wed ielriy after the drawing. Pnoehaeen will please write their signataresplain,and fibre their Poet Omce,County and State. Seswmher that every Prize is drawn‘and payablein fall vltbinit deduction. v A All pVzes of tUJOO and tnider, paid Immediately afler the drawing—other ji* Ut» at the usual time of 30 days. AU‘coiamanlct>b-..M strictly confidential. Address onion for tickets or certificates to B. SWAN A 00, Augusta, Ga. Persons residing jrekt Montgomery, Ala, or XtaUnta,o«- eon- have their ordMaflUed, and save time, by addressing B. Swap A Co, at either of those cities. > A list of Uw nomtars that aro drawn from the wheel. With the amount of the. prise that cadi one is entitled to, wtU.be published alterevery drawing, in the following pa pers:—Sew Orleans Delta, il-Jjile Register, Charleston Stan dard. SaskHOe (AixeUe, Atlanta bdeSUgeneer, Sirs Turk BbH| Dag Book, Rrtannah Ibniuy .Vuu, Richmond Dis patek. Sew York XKspatch, and I‘auhling (JKu-V Clarion Augusta (Geo.) CbHsUtutionalist. - [Jau,?-ly. JUST OPENED! THE MODEL IN BLAST! THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD annonare that they ten tenmd to their MUDKti STORE, camus qf Annie and Virginia Strutt, and ■re now opening the topit and nicest Stock of (2^(3><3>GE>6B3 # Qoils & Shoes, Carpets, Notions, EtiaihgllUbited in tUstown. Haring turned onrattentioa eadWKy tatba above named Goods, we will be enabled to kt*g a.better stock of tbeOoods mentioned than those who keep to many varieties; and at we will not be compelled to sell Stxj Goods, At, at a,high profit to make up for lasses jo .dispose of them at FOR THE LADIES, "We have Prints, Delaines, Ginghams, I Cashmere, and all-wool Plaids; De l-*'hege$ t Coburgs, Alpacas, French 'M ■ Merinos, Wool Delaines, Silk "jP£: Foulards, Foil Dephevres, Satirt Striped Poplins, Black „; and Fancy Silks, Shawls in - great variety; also, Hosiery and Gloves of all kinds, White Goods, dee. ' OCR STOCK OF CARPETS is Urge an A very cheap— woo! filling »a low u 37U cent*. Our Slock of DOMES TICS wo think cannot do beat in quantity, quality or prtoij, Persons who wish to get tins moat far their mm j, waij%>«yn (o#re mo call tod examine ourstoek and prays, gad we hope to be able to cod Tinea them that the ■RtSSlilt the place tehuygood*. J. i 3. DOWTHKE. October 28th 2868—tf-da, - ■’ T X)OK OUT FOR THE NEW STORE. P j —The subscriber would respectfully announce to the wtSeMof Altoona mid vicinity, that he has Just returned from tito ctjty and ojfenedhto store on the ’ ' Cbavaa or Axsri* uxo Vnwnru grants. Where hs rifera for sale tbe toigeqt and cheapest stock of WOODEN and willow-ware. Ever brought to this place, which he will MU, WHOLE MWt.and RETAIL. Be will also ,kcep constantly on ■lP*"**® w®Ptf,oT pf,QUR, FEsp, BACON, FISH, Country*produce of all hinds, which he will dlspoeoof at the lowest cash prices. Ashe hrehooght his goods far caah, he w3l be enabled to seU them tow for cash. Be would respectfully Invite all to FARE REmjGEIX 1 STATES UNION HOTEL 606 and , 608 Uadcet Street, tamt mxtu, PBIB+DBPPBfX, T«rnu-6L26 ?«r Say. T IME! LlMEUJME!—Dwewrai* JLjLhue Kilos, near h. ' * Xf» whwribcr tflg sow in operaaoiL tekmliM SBaa, producing daily large quantities of tfce BEST QUALITY OP WHITE UMB, W * prepared to Ml all orders, from 1 bwfeltytqs fßOUkaa bnshels, at the lowest rates. M.Ltme deUrered at aaypotet on thePene»fl»»sie ing edmmy, igr or at tte Me, AAtaeee 3uust rvsnL, ■ June 17-Ctn] BmuamnWe, BUir ftufo, QW! O YES!—GENTLEMEN XJf draw rttfi and hear. JOSEFS P. TEOCT leeowa. oesto thepnbUe, that ho is ready to discharge life dmy os an Anctfeneer •whenever called upon. fjao.3'£9, A LMONDS, WALNUTS, CREAM 4TL Jtpta and Rlbcrta la store and for sale hy 191 North^'t^tfph^phia. .TOTBRINa AND NEW OELEANS Jj fiyrtip Molasses, at loir prices, at -Jjgpe 18, ’ST-ly] v PEKRY LEHR’S. * A BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus- JuL Brace* for gala at . KESSLER’S. *TrOU CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL Wd IvA bJ urn’s, %LO. iOo, t»«KhoJ. their «tAUOVBXA, iptrinfMMfliic oC Oan* b*r r 4,1858. :mberll, 1868. iber 18,1868. smber 27*1858. saw -- « •*:M« ** - *» 100/m SAMMONTON LANDS NEW ENG XASU »ETrtEMSST._SAE.S OPPOXITDMTV. teabthfif place, ttaeutyjber milm ■from Philadelphia, on the Camden.and, Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. An old estatehas recently been opened for •ole, and the first division at UfiO) acres divided gp into twooty nova and upwards. ThesaiUflo Ukebt* totttpodaelka oTfriitli, gnlia, It. The price iaXU tos3oper acre, payable is easy quarter yearly to-: vtshnanti/wUhln a term of fcnr yean, with interest. The tarsus are made tax y, in order to insure the rapid improve ment of the land,by enabling txtry imiaabriatu •ucutolatp •afarm* It is now being extensively improved by good roads,and some of the best dtmne fiieaNewßngtoiwlabd the Middle States arc erecting Urge improvements. Uh. a scene of Urn greatest improvement ontof HilUrMphiOj— Seventy-fire bonses have been bnilt in fimr months. Prso- then*. It U Mas placeman aoooant of ite being in the midst of a groat Bsrirrf every article raised upon this laad finds an isasae diatessle. The water U exceUuat, aad no sorb thing os isver is known. The soa is a sandy or cUy loam, att a day bottom and retentive <rf manatee. It isfeaeefmonei sal easily work ed. It aboands Uraeiy to the phoephtow, and snch is K> fertility that from ae crops prednrsd bato npsn this Ishd and the large seen adjoining muter rsKlvaH It wHi fee frond not to be earaltssl anywhere in the production of crops meet adapted to fee market. fire reader ssey he well aaare that fee essdtest tsl Ike beet fruits and esgatsMse' some' Kwrjnar, whieh •re oaaelly exported to the of arfUons <a dollars. The land, besidss being aernssible in every warfer fertflt mss, baton abundant supply of the beat quality o< mark bomber and bsOdiog materials can be had on the spat at ,* cheap price,’ Cram the nOa Other mBIS are now being oponed, aad hriefcyasfei being starred on |he ground. j A ptrosn can pat np a femme tenement few preaeat oottveai enoefer one handled dollars. On seeosnrteftoeaxtensive imigrarina, this is the beat eonree to paranoia trisr to get •place to live in at ftrat. Oorpentsce aad baliderq are <m band to pat w> boasts oa the best tormo. In aattiiag here the saOgyant has many odvsmtogea. He U orttoto* few boars' ride of toegreOdtieaof toe MiddU States and Hew England; he Is near hie old frieads and an- OOOiatiaas; he is in a oetttad euontry.whera every hnprove mentaad cosofaet addvflisuise is at band; hswlnaheai thy piace,andisnotauifeotto toe asrtaiaty Of Using toe greater port of hhfsmUy aad hla own health by tonne am-, Qgnaat fever* which moke the graves of so many mßUahs' of toa ynoi« and and bony in too fir off ractaiiaaany - feom feame nod friends. Bnsfdne, be has a mild qimote and os opsa winter* Theraare three tndns daily to Philadelphia, and to all those who Improve the railroad company giveaafree ticket Xbe render wiH at onee be struck with toe advantages benpceaented.aadask himself why toe property hen not bean takenapbefere, Tho rear an fa, it was never thrown in the amfket; sad balsas tocos statements were correct no one wonld hetovitedtoexamiae the land before pnrehastng. This all are expected to do. They will see the land nnder cultivation; they nfiD meet persons, jso doubt, from their awn neighborhood; ,toey will witness the improvements, •ml can judge of toe character of the population. Persons •hoaid come prepared to purcbaec, as many ore locating, and locations ate hot held oa refusal. Xbe. Bammonton Farmer, n monthly Literary and Agri cnltnral sheet, containingfrill information of llammontoD' will be sent to each enquirer, and con be obtained at i£6 cts per auanm. Title indisputable. Warrantee de- ds given, clear of all iaenmfataiice, when parctuae money is paid. Route to tbs land:—Leave Vine street wbarL Philadelphia, fur Haounoo too, by railroad, at7}£ A. M, and P. M.: when there inquire for Mr. Byrne*. Boarding conveniences odll be tound. Letters and applications can be addressed to H. B. COUG HLIK, 202 South BUTU Street, below Walnut, Phil adelphia. Maps and information cheerfully tarnished. September 2,1855-3 in. ' NEW GROCERY FEED AND pro vision STORE. Hie subscriber woolil respectfully Inform the cltUons of Altoona and vicinity that ho bos opened a store of the above kind, near the corner of Adaline and Julia, atrcoU, East Altoona, where be will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of everything In hU line. HU GROCERIES are all fresh and will be (old at pricoa as low as those of any other establishment in town. HU stock of provisions, consisting of Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Sides, dec. will be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought any where else. Ills Flour U obtained ttaa the best mills in the Western pact of the State, and U warranted to be,what it U represented. All kinds of Feed for hones, cows and bugs, always on hand. 1 Intend to keep such an assortment that J shall at ail time* be aide to supply my customers with whatever they may need, and I intend also to sell at prices which will moke it a saving to those who patronize my store, duly 22, IHMo. HENRY BELL. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF PERFUMERY, each as EXTRACTS FOR TEE HANDKERCHIEF, Pomatums, Hair Oils, Colognes, im ported and domestic; Oriental Dr opt, Cosmetics, Frangi penni Sachets, ' Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Dressing Combs, Pocket Corals, Purses, Bay Leaf Water, etc., etc., etc. JVBT RECEIVED AMD FOR OAU ROW AT T A - ROUSHU Jnno 18,1553.-tf POSITIVE INFORMATION!—THE undersigned having perfected their Spring Stock, nowoOer to the public the LARQKBT LOT OF GROCE RIES ever presented in the down of Altoona. Onr object ihpubliihing this card le to prceent tfae fal lowing facts;! , ' Ist. The recent hard times hare very much reduced the price at Orooerieslitethe city, especially to cash buyers. 2d. Webooght there Groceries in tone lota, many of them from first hands. ‘ 3d. We bought them entirely for cash. 4th. We self for ready pay. 6th. We keep oar stack fhll by weekly receipts. 6th. We are determined to keep npthe credit of onr honse. 7th. Wo soli more GROCERIES thhn any other atom in Blair county, at Icm per cent. iSth. Wa sell chews? than any other store in the connty. IA continuation or patronage to respectihUy solicited. I Altoona, Jane 10,1868. RICHARD HcLAIS, Mountain i restaurant and 1 EAGER REER BALOOS.—The proprietor of »hi« e Saloon, , Under the Masonic Temple, would respectfully announce that ho keeps constantly on hand an excellent artictoof LAOER BBCB, mannfcctured at the Altoonaßreweiy, which Is pronounced the best in the country. Also, Cakes, Cheese, Sardines, Pfetxela, Sc. He baa recently fitted up his Saloon In a style unequal led in the country, hating placod in it A BILLIAEi) TABLE AND TWO BAGA TELLE BOARDS, fri ths accommodation jtnd amusement at thoae who may games. He win spare no pains to render every attention to hto customers which they require, and ho bopoa thereby to merit and receive a lateral share of patronage. J Bcpt. %M5B-Sm.J F. SOTHWANO. BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— Did yonhear the news from Europe? If you have aid, we srIU tdl you what it to. It 1* that HXNRTTGCK has Jnatreturned from the Eastern cities with a large top plyof ■ r READT>MADE CLOTHING; ißi riJ*es and qualities of Overcoats, Dreiu Qoata, Vesta, Bants, Boots and Shoes, and everything kept toahretobltobmait of the kind, allot which kedfera at unprecedentedly tow prices for cash. Having purchased hto stock s* cash prims, be i# tiicreby enabled to MU very tow. He Invitee aU thoae In want of anything fat his Une to give him a caDj J feeling suro that ho wfll be aide to rive •U£ethm.„ BERET TUCK. Altoona, fiept, 30, 1868-tf Qpeea cwMßfir ; THREE BELIES, NEPTCNES, . FOETAUZAS, fAASSMS, 9»MkW. \ XmfyWMf fmwmrnm mumim, read ** **»*» who rsti^mi** t &m* mmv wi applted fm;iy H«. Qs)\itnir, Jtf&fyf rttiiliiaTn »>ew lu*w<U/, /Mi'J ip & pii»&m tfa rtitf-fnfy* mlmy. mt <Am*m)6 wJfwto frow prig thi» t» • posttiw fct t «d4tf; jt m irflUkg to mute $904 # »ny «m*. A«« of rdas was tm4m f»mir 0* mm* length of time. is » HABIT, Bejit. 2, J23&-J/.J OfttwiriiJ. T EVPS PREPARATION FOR EX JM terminating BATS, MICE, BO ACHES, AKTH, end Bedbugs jrithont danger in tta uao tnufer «oy clrconutaa' ** for tale at the Drug Store of j wuumua. Jan. M. *M-tf} 0. W. KBSBLEB. rj.ROCERIES.-~A LARGE AND V*. eompleU wortmtnt of Groceries havejnst been to- f ftJPMaiAJr, IVfARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES JL?J. FOB «H.T, 18M. r i . EL Fbascb A C0.,1 Manager** theMwjlaniStatoJLgttwies, prerant the iA lowfeii Sideadid Scljeow* ■ -■■■• pgr aooott, ism. - ■ - ■ They caution porehaesre ot Tickets to b*wx» * «**►■ Ik TckeUtnLutteries where extraordinary lore* pap*- tauareaSndte a smell coet of Tickets >ll such are Itoyfcmd liotteriel hat* beea la txMene* fer Ifcrty V Tm llMiyanJrawnby a State OMeer, «i*e»alten>- lied on. If yog Agnr a Prise, yon win get jrewn- moaayj— Ihewltolecwnitoyl* flooded wh bog® tottery concerns. Sera* oftbett t State LotteteA : lOfixmoßKmi. ' MABTLAMD STATK LOTTERT, <XAB» !», _ TobeMawntoßalrimateCßy, <m latentey, Axgort grt, Ifitetf M|W IMk af AMO 1 Price at UUKt I Price of W* iKterf M6T 1 Price of *,900 IPrfce* MOO SO Price of L*» IPtto* !-■, WM . JPPrixe«( W 1 Price of MOO »Price* MO 1 Price* p» I llOWiert MO 1 Price* 2,000 White of 100 1 Prtee* SfOW OS Price * » Ifrite* So» _«*«»* » SKES 18l »«<_ 1M» AOmtWneti rfPwrkags «* M WbaM,<*ri* sl* 00 Do. So. »H*«, *•» 80. do. 28 Quartern, / S H Be As. asnifatH »W a- amm, HAVANA PLAN. TUe ie the otd mode of Drawing- Priam to OB* Wheel aad Ticket* to aaottow. Every Price ie drawn mtt Beery Pri*t paid in full withentdednetimt MARYLAND STATE UOTEBtTbXTRACLAM «L To be Sara ic flattimon,M«L, Satceday, Acs, *Bth, VMS. 1 aoJo6»Prieeel AOjOW> Numbers!! Wo. woold cell particular attention to the IbHowtag tqhear did srlwwi,»pwckage * IS whole tickets coating only Eand avety otherticket teageamriod te dnv detorciicad by the number drawing the Capital , whether odd or even. SPLENDID SCHEME I 1 Prize of sai#» 4 Appr*z to $2OO 1 Prize of 10,000 4 “ 100 1 Prise of 6,000 4 “ Co 1 Price of 2,400 4 “ CO 1 Prize of 2,000 4 " 60 1 Prize of 1,0001 « .« 50 1 Prize of 1,000 ® W IPrize of 600 a « m 1 Prize of . COO- » w IPrize of 400 ( - m 1 Prize of ; 400 / 8 50 IPrize of / : 2001 a <• 10 Prize* of 200/ 8 100 Prizes of : 100 are 10^40 20,000 Prize* of 10 ore 200,000 Whole Tickets slo—Helves fs—Quarters $2,60. 1 A Managers’ Certified of 16 Wholes—where persons ■wish to par the risk only, will be sent for SHO Do. ; do, 16 Halvas, 40 Do. do. 16 Quarters, . 20 Do. do. 1C Eighths, 10 The Managers have been compelled from the numerous complaints made to them, of unfoithfolhess on the part of those who have been attending to the filling of orders, to resume the correspondence bus loess in their own name. Order tickets from the Mudogers only. Adrroes all letters to B. PKAKCE A CO. March 4-ly] Baltimore, Md.. JAMES M. WHEELER & CO., {Successort to John 11. Brant,) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Near the Peim’a Central Railroad Depot, ' HARRISBURG, P A. DEALERS IX HARD AXD SOFT COAL, Fig Metal, Railroad Iran, Bar and Merchantable Iron, Nails, Flowr,Gro ceriet, Provisions, Fish, Roll, <fe. COAL Bent In cm, in Urge or small quantities, along the different Railroads in Pennsylvania. {July 22-ly; BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A NEW STOCK "OF READY-MADE CLOTHING SUITABLE FOB THE gEABOX,JUST RECEIVED BY ETTINGEB & ULLMAN, AND HOW BEING DISPOSED OF AT PRICES WHICH \ DEFY COMPETITION. ]ITR. ULLMAN announces that He is XTJI la always on band andwQl take great pleasure in waiting upon all who may iavor him with a call. Hefoel* confident that he will bo able to redder satisfaction both in quality and price, [AprOlUin A YER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, AX. , _ SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Symp, Ijtoojiand't German Bitten, „ Batrhaftt lloUani Bitten, Sarny or S’* Liver Jnvifforator, Clarke 1 • Female Piiit, . Duponco's Golden Pills, Wrighfs, Ayer’s, Wilson's and MeLanJsPUU, ■ Merchants QaryUng 00. Perry David Pain Killer, . : Matehetfs Fourfold LmimenL Menton, Arabian , Mens and Sane ItenimenL In (tore mU for Mleat Sept. 2,1856rtt] A. ROUSH’S Drug 7 ;|gpfe. : IJtTTEST BRANCH INSURANcScO. . IT. nnderyigned. Agent for Blair coontjJaHn take abort and long riska on Building*, Ma~-K.yn.J_ jpg nitum and Property of etery dracripttos in townar coto try.ntasreasonable rate*a*any companyin the State.— Btun also taken cm the lira ofnorm.oflfcce in Tfatmnip ®®b W,18581 y . JOHN SUOBXAJLEK, Ag«nL \fEDICATKD FUR CHEST PRO climate, for sale ai the Drug Store of G. W, ReSsjl, EB. T YCOMING COUNTY MUTUAL JLd 3TOUB ffISDBASqy AGENCT.-The undersigned, tftMlof Owffiwpy if at alltlm«s ready to insure against km ordamsge^fl’re. description, In, town or country, at at reaionaUe rates ax “• aMU sb* /GRANGES AND LEMONS.—SOO VX boxes Oranges and lemons in store andferaaleby „ • ' WM. H. BHUGARH, ' March 25 ’fiß-ly] 181 North 84 street PliiladeliJwa. T OTB FOR SALE.—I 2 BUILDING JLJ Uu.sUtwte In different localities, IntUsßoroiuchlbr weMirmonsbleterms,by \K-tt] J.CTTfUgvrtygp p AMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, V, VI' I ?** Spirits of Turpentine, White Lend and Aferfwl, for sale cheat) at - - A. HOCgirS/ Blanks of all descriptions DesUy nad cxpedidously executed At this office. SPECTACLES ANDUrp PREBER- K3ww &*«•!«# Lxndtetft Blood Scorcher, Great discovery of the age IMPORTANT TO ‘ TOBACCO OHEWERS. BE. GUSTAV LDiNAKD’3 TASTE RESTORATIVE TRO CUES, Me great SvbtUiate far lobaeeo. ■ * It tea well known andlucoßtrorertabJe diet that the ate of Tobacco lathe promoting cause of many of the most ec- TtTe ; MSCTAhANDHIiyRICAh«ISaaW»B . to which the race of man 2* raUect.as careful analyse ami bag andpainful rajertaWtew cteitf|W»a4 that ft derange the fuac Hops and operation** the Heart, causing many to euppoee tbatoriten to bo aerionzly diseased. _ TORADOO afltete died rite tetris* harrow eyetem, mani festing Itself—a* *ll who need .thb nuxieu* weed win bear tnrimooy—4n Issaltude, Nrrvou* Irritability, Water Bvnk, Dyrpepeia, ceil ctaay otter disorder* of » THETABTEBIWIOIUTITE TROCHES Are designed to counteract there baneful Influences, cad hare tamed Completely ituiaftl In a mnlttttide * cseoa, aad wherever nwd. Being harmks* In theeeaelrte they exert a hcnelctel effect upon the entire system, restoring tbe Teste whkhbas beam vitiated or destroyed by gate leUgeKe, completely removing the Irritation aad sooom yanjing tickling aeoeatlon of the Throat—which are at way oooacipitßt epon ahetainh»g from the o«a of Tobacco, andby gtriteK a healthy tone to the Stomach, invigorate the whole eyatefa. ' Peracos who are Irretrievably uMcrmlnlng their conrtl iaUoaeaad ehortaeihg their line, ehonld uee these Trochee iueediatidT and throw off the injarioes ead and ncplsate aat habit of Tobsceo Chewing. ■ Tlwee Trochee of Loaeagrs are pet oplnaconrenientand portable form at the low price *So Ceots per Box. A lib eral discount to the Trad*. Prepared eoiely by the ondenigned to whom all ordera eboula be aMreaeea. JAMES E. BOWERS, Dmggtet. March 18, ly.] Cor. 3d and Race atreetTPhila. E P. MIDDLETON & BROTHER, • ImpnrUrt aad Jkakn in Mfner and liquor*, retcratbeb-thaaketo their .frintda ter the liberal share * patronage beretetere bcatowed, aad respectfully ao- Uett acatatinaanee * the aaiae, at the OLD ESTABLISH MENT, Ma i S. PBOKT ST, Phila3elj>liia, where they have ahuge aaaortmeot ofWINESaod LIQUORS ofthe cbak> eat brand* and quail tie* Haring made arrangement* with aonfe * the flrat hoaaea lu Cognac end Roeuelle, enahtoe them to fcmMi to their eastoinera upon the most reaaonej Uejenais, the tetlowing brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandis*: BRANDIES. Otari, Bmntry, MxreU, ■ Pinnett, OnMNcm, MarUU, T Flint*, iriictxwrin, |J. J. Drpuy <1 Ch. A, SoohOU, <tc-, dc. I WINES. Champagne, Old Oprrrio, IHurauady, Madeira, Ttnerifft, Claret, Sherry, IMbaa, \Uod, Mmcal d Malaga Went* of carimu brand* and ipuiHOe*. Holland fltin, Schcidam Svhnappe, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish M'Uiekeyn; Peach, Apple, Lavender, BlacfcbeWy, Raspberry, Cherry and Ginger Brandies; Cordial*; Wine Bitter*, Amsterdam Bitters, ic. Abo, constantly on hand, an extensive stock of OLD WHEAT, J/OxVttA'GAHAiA and BOV HBOS WHIS KEYS, of various grades, Rome of which wo guarantee to be superior to suy in the country. SB. From our long experience in the business, and thor- I ongh knowledge of the taste* of thefcomwunity, we flatter onrselrcs to be able to till all order* Uiut may be entrusted tons. Orders from the country* which are most respectful ly solicited) will be promptly Rjtiriwito. Great care taken in packing and shlpjiing. * All goods sent from our estabUsbmpnt arc guaranteed to give safiaCkctibn, with the privilege of being retorned. Feb. 20-ly] E. P. MIDDLETON k BRO. 011 N BRY-Ir & CO, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES & LiaUORS, AND RECTIFYINC DISTILLER, 155 Liberty Sfi, Pittsburgh, Pa., gSBS Beg leave respectfully to infiirm their old customers and thoxfnbllc generally, fhot they hare on band and arc constelKjr receiving direct from the Impor ters, supply JRhe very choicest brauds'of Liquors Among their huge amortment may bu tbuud Wines, BrandieSjT Gin, Cordials, Ja naica Spirits, St. Croix and Mhr England Rum, Champagne, Irish, Seagull, Bourbon, Old Monongahela mi Rectified Whisky, Peach, WHd ChrtW, Blackberry, Strawberry and Raspberry »' Brandies, Ac, Am, Ac. .. A shore of putiic patronage is respectfully solicited, and all orders entrdted to our care will ho promptly attended to. Country DWers will find it to their advantage to call upon us, as we*e determined to sell nothing but the very best. 1,1858-Iy. eAbpbise works, NO. IP WOOD street, pitts- BURQH, PA. BOWN & TETLEY, Manufacturers of Rifled, Guns, Surgica and Dental Instrdments, &c. RIFLE GUNS. We would cal! attention to our stock in the above line, knowing that wo cannot be beat cither in the quality or price. Being largely engaged in this branch of business, we defr aH cotnpetiOn. All ohr rifles are warranted or no sale. B»rdware,Eportlng Materials. Cutlery, Pistols, Guns, ReviilTCo, Flasks. Belts, Powder, Shot. Balls, Caps, fancy Hard wife and Sporting Equipage, in all Us variety, which We ofleMow for Cash. Pitfi<jHrgh, April 1,1858-Iy. W. ConnsGiuH. D. Ccsxisooax, K. Ccxsisoham. D. iHJHEt, o. DOSCAS. CUHHINQHAMS & CO., PEjJSBUBGH CITY GLASS WORKS, WAREHOUSE 109 WATER ST. ajid UO jrIRST ST., Bwm*. ‘ ,|TTSBURoi *'«’ rT MANUFACTURERS OP City Window Claws, f DRUGGISTS’ GLASS-WARE, AfD AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, . » Windows, Churches and Public Baildinea. jpxma. April 1, ms-ly.] NCjPt, -Wu FETTINGER’S ,• 2P EAT central literary emporium, “ALTOfNA HOUSE ” ALTOONA. PA.. may bo had all the popular Publications of the - ** D“Uy and Weekly Papers, Magazines, North WCgpmaoces, Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Copy BodEfeßlates, Pens, Pencils, Inks, Cap and Letter Paper, Eattalopcs, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and fa ~rrythfag fa the Stationary line. Toys, Notions and of erery variety. Picture* and Picture frames, lo rd Began of the best quality; Ac„ to SSJ!? 10 w l>ol«“de end Retail Agent In this r> far BOHN’S CELEBRATED SALVE. It does por all sore* to which It is applied. Try it. (T-tfi AIR COUNTY DAGUERREAN O. W. f|BII£B, tbe QoUidajibartt IeHYo toinfcnb our reader* that he is prepared ‘ Photograph of deceased persons , from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice and on the ocstjMaonable terms. He has jnst received a large stock of datable and neat cases, of all vises and styles, inclnding • °f Family Case for four persona, and is pre pared fo fill them with perfect likenesses. AMBKOTYPB, DAGUERREOTYPE OB PHOTOGRAPH. Oire him a call. Booms on the comer of Montgomery strecta, Uollidaysburg, Pa. fjune IT-tf. C« J. KlltBT| X. ®. « * Goon, v n DRS. HIRST & GOOD, TENDER their professional service* to the citizens of Altoona and Vicinity in the several branches of MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Country calls regularly attended to. OflKo, the same as heretofore occupied by Dr. Hint , Ifr earnest, l>. R. Good refers to J. M. Qemmai, M. D„ Alexandria, Pa. 3. B. linden, M. D. Huntingdon, “ f'tOAL! COAL! COAL! COAL!— The subscriber sropld ■' tout inform the consumers nf mAT.iflO a I.^ In Altoona, that he is constantly re-MAH" ceiTing an kinds of COAL, whlchho^^ “ rewly to deiirer at all flniaj and to any part of the town Office at residence,in North Ward. ‘ JnnelT-2m] j JOHN AT.T.TgQN ■pYBRYBODY JS INVITED TO “U and test the metitj of the articles kept by June 18, *57-lyJ HENRY T.VTTB Hardware of all descrip. Hons just received and Cor sale by ' : ’XR.HILEHAS. TT4F* ?* T ’ TOOTH, SHAVING, XX Pain tj Bosh and Vanish Broshes at " ’ ’ ‘ KESSLER'S. SIDEj§HOULpER, DRIED A A always on hand at fmwtßi’AMyK' ' • f HEHRTLEHR'S. Fine anh lard oils, cam v.: - KESSLER?!. jCX JpfSpW»* t4»IJ7, IWJ V 3t. rntpn r’ -tosowr LBUJ*, P». ■»***» at tenpins Jaqoßry, 'Now the thoJtrpßrt. thorough OmsuaereJal Sdwolri tkt PiimSwj'i** l ? rSCKl“'«SWESfi®#fe-tf AoßOßafts»’i ~ •r s "'- v .' .:-.’L A. T. Docthxr, Teacher of Arithmetic sal Commercial 1 ’ : ‘ }. A. n««aiCK»nd T.a BoofcAcypiWfr A- Cow let and XT. A-THtta, Vitofc. of Penmanship. 81SOU AJTDDOUBU KHTRY BOQK-KUPUtO. r Aa wed In Swy department __ Commercial Arithmetic—RapU Batmen Writing, • Detecting Counterfeit Money — ■-> Mercantile Correepondenet—Commercial Lam—.-> An taught, and all other other Bntjert»{ntcwß*tjr for the •necesaand thottmgh edncntfcmof • pweNeml tmtonomem. J. 9 PREMIUMS. Dim alt the pnmtema.ln Fita*«rKfer the part Area nuLilnia Eastern and Western Cities, fcr best W riling, ‘ NOT BS6RATKT» WORK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter it u? time—So Yaratioii—Time iiiillnM -Mew at pteaenre Owdmtu airtetid h> obtaining situations—Tidtknlbr fliU Commercial Ooonwt SSiOO Avenge line 8 to M week*—Board, per dowry. SOJOOr-Sntue coat, UOJPO toflO.OO. tSg* SUniaten’ Sana received at half p&e. For card—Cirealae—Specimens of J»iineaa and Orna mental Writing—lodge* t»<> «^wn,Mrtadton I, \f. JKMSXSB, Pittsburg, Pa. Sept. 30,1858.—1 y INTENSE EXCITEMENT!— UeOOKXICK’B HEW OOODB HAT* ARRITED AhD A&B MOW BEING OPENED IGKiIMSPECTION AMD SALK. : “Halloo, neighbor, I’m hero on. the crmmd again, P*r haps you recollect when I, last year, asked you to hold my hone a moment and teßmo where the CHEAP STOKE was. But It is different now. Itjremipd* me a little of the campaign of I*4o, when Qen. Harrison qas elected Pro* sides t. Yon have only to go with the Cntwd aad yoo will have no difficulty iu finding McCORMXCK’S STOKE. From the excitement down the Valley, ami die Quantity of goods I ate carried away, they niuat ho sellings off Very rapidly and very cheap.” -t -. ' “ Von arc right, my friend; T would say to you, sir, go ahead and your anticipations will bei fully realiant He has a very largo and well selected assortment of Goods. Hell sell yoq a dress for fifty anti and give the trimmings into the bargain, l’u told, and all otbgr goods in propor tion” “Good bye, neighbor, that’s whcrplatn going to buy my goods.” “ Tliafs right, and so should everybody else. Good bye.” DRY GOODS, - GROCEBIEH, V HARDWARE, -i QUEKSSWABB. STONEWARE, CEDARWARB, Hats and Capa, very cheap Bonnets, Hisses’Plato, Ac.; la dles’ Gaiters, Shoes and Slippery with Miasm, Boys and Hen's Boots and Shoes, and every othir article kept iu a first class eonbwy store, can be-had- cheap fir caik, at UcConuick’s. ~. ; ; , All articles of countryproduce taken in exchange Ibr goods. . B. M. MbOOKMICK. Altoona, Hay 13,1858,-ly Another reduction in price at McCormick’s Store. _r ’ Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (or at least credit will not be given, to anyoflitr than Ihoaewho are wtSittg and can give satisfactory reference andassuranee of prompt monthly payment,) and desiring.to make It the interest of all to patronize our otote, we have made a very great re duction in the prices of all descriptions of goods, and will. give our entire time and attention to keeping up an assort ment to snlt the wants of our customers, such as BUY GOODS, - GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEEXBWARE, CEDAR WARE. STONEWARE, : BOOTS A SHOES. Gaiters, Slippers, Hots and Capa, Dried Fruit, etc, all of which will lie sold as cheap as the cheapest. All articim of produce taken in exchange for goods at their highest market price. ; Thankful for past favors, wc hopo to share the patronage of those who are in want of goods. [March 35-tf. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAHPSI Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est portable light within their reach; should call-at the store of the undersigned and. examine; those Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wc plod go ourselves to demou stratq Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occurby explosion. 2(1. That they emit no otTcmdte odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimbed. 4Uf. That they are easily regulated to giro more or lea light. j sth. Tliat they burn entirely free from smoko. Cth‘. That the light is at least SO pinf cent cheaper than bu'; oilier light now in ufawii tie. These lamps ore admirably adapted lor the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories. Halls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, ami arc highly recommended for fondly use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp: can bo attached to old aide, hanging; and table fluid and ‘oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a newlahp. Vie guarantee perfect satisfaction id all case). Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] ;Q, tF. KESSLER. Logan hotel.-—the under- SIGJfED respectfully informs the citizens of Blair county and others, that ho has opened up the LOG AM ajSSaTo HOUSE, formerly kept by Sheriff at the west end of Uollidanibnrg. reception of strangers ami travelled— Everything connected with the ! house has been refitted in the new with tbo choicest furniture; Ac., 4c. The house is large and commodious, and well calculated fcr convenience and comfort.* r 'j'- Hi* TABLE will be furnished with the very best the mar ket dm afford, and no pains or trouble trill Be spared to repder those who may chooeo to favor hpnwlth Uicir pa tronage comfoitablc and happy during their stay w ith him. Ills STABLING is ample, and ah ' obliging and careful hostlor vrill always he in attendance! ffft, The Wnifcunsimrg stagc, which makes daily trips between this plafc and Williamsburg; stops at: the Logon Hotel. ' ' ■ ’ > Dec. 17,1S5T,—tf.] ’ JOHN KEIFFEK. THE GHEAf WHICH now agitates the mind of every is, where can ! get the best article for myIHHI money? In regard to other mattorsjtho »nb- al scriber would not attempt to direct, but if yon IHt wanLanjOilfS iotho line of - £■; . BOOTS OR SHOES , * , he invitee an examination of hlSstock and work. He kccpsconstnntly on hand on nssorjtmcnt ofßooU, Shoj*, Gaiter*, Slippers, 4c_, which he offers :at feir prices. He will give special attention to custom ■work, all of which will be warranted to give satisfaction. None hut the best workmen are employed Bemember my shop is on slain street, next door to B. Kerr’s old stand, now H.O'JieiT*. September 8, W-tf]' H. ROBERTS. Exchange hotek—the sub- SCRIBKR would respectfully |n- m form the public that he has recently re fitted the above Hotel, and is nowpro pared to accommodate .his friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making It an agreeable honwibCaTl sojourners. Uis Table will always bcluxurfonsly supplied from the markets of the counfiy nndl cities, and his liar filled with liquors of choice brands. - 'HU .charges are as reasonable as those Of any other Hotel in the place, and be (beta satisfied they can not be complained ofe by thoee who Javor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a chare Of public patronage, and folly intending-to deserve it, he throw* open his house to thepoblie andTuritcs a trial, v Altoona, May 27,1858.-ly) " JOHN BOWMAN. BOOTS AND SHOES.— THE ..un dersigned baa how on hand and will -—> sell cheap at his store in the Masonic pie, a Urge and cosnjWte assortment OCBOOTB AND SHOES, ready, made, or made tb order, Overshoes, Ladies* Sandals, Gam Shoes, Cett " Soles: and everything in Us Une of business, of the bcet qnality and on the, most reasonable terra*. AH custom work warranted. i :.*. IV T Jah.»*S<Mq ; . i» SnOEHAKE*.. rVFSTEBS 1 OYSTERS I OYSTERS J Vj continence ofthe Sard Hnje*, l£m>cooch«ted er w*y,«t price# to conaagood with the times. JOHN SHIFTER, logu Home, IMltdaysburg. D«©.l~, tt] rjAST IBON MIUtfC AED All ■*»WV ' - ■■ mSISVXTo., QTJMMgWiSE JUST RECEIVED. VJfc and ftaHtoibla anwtarnt at tkc stare of -I J- B HI USMAN. • P W«mi,'BD94B, ISA ASD Eggs, bdtiee akd all kinds P roda <* f»a behad*» iraaew’W-Jy 'fHBSBXI^Hg% 'C SgpkQi*- tke rice of OuaniiaLar. Aiita; ( f„ ,l y s iy in rkiw ont e J wf ,,'? 1 ofitn&an life. ofcwd liy Sexual Dlm-sir?, nwrtlasd epoa the vafortumte victims ofiu r h Qmrtll, several years *£o directed their Cwwui t ■I a : »'WWhW« aci worthy of tbsir name, to ow *W ; sen** the.treatment of thi* cl*» of di»*X h *‘Sj forms, and to give medical Udvice jmf.j, to frtetler. wiUi a description of their potion, habits of life, Ac.,) and in of i-stre C , ®"y •Bd efcjfortog, U> fumiih nudieinr fr-t of c ,v n !' , *W heedless tb add that the Association commsc.i, iv, 13 Medical *ldl< of the age, and will furnish ; «d modern treatment. ••w The Director*, on a review of the pa.-*, f.vjl their Uwn to thia sphere of benevolent a (Ton. of great ben< ar v to the afflicted, especially to t ?TN and they hmvc reeelvcd to devote themselves witt lr*l, to this very Important hut much deupm-d c J>S Just published by the Association, a Report 1 tokrbera, or Seminal Weakness, the vkoofOiuiJN tufbatioo or Self Abase, and other diiriuca of tUoN Organs, by the Consulting Sturgeon, which wfliv N mail (,1a a sealed envetopoX/r*e nf etarye, on the -JJi wo postage stamps for postage. >a! ?j Address for Report or TremaaenVOr. GEOSQR i J BOON, Consulthm Snnjoon, Howard Awochtha Slnth street, fttbddpnia.'lto. wdiroftheb^i ciovjasi stoves: STOVKa~Sj O undersigned ha# just received from Pha* J«l detahia, North, Cfaesd'A North's Celebrated Oeoh- AI tog Stormfor 1867. , ■ ■ . TUK ROYAtOOOK W for Wood or Goal, TUe beanUhiLOlokh* Store!H challesgee ail competaioa for theexanfeUe sty;« of ornament and perfect operattoa hs «a resow. J oven extend* ender the flea-hoot smiths loss an |JJ cd that the whole oven surface will take perfecthuS formly. Ike slightest exaatoetiMs of this Stem ej fstQr ovetjono that It will become a wdreml feTortTl fHV SKA BUtUi, I for wood or coal. The fire-box is. ef good caiarfej ash-box U deep—the oven Is tapeefofcs and hath] baker, thfo store foe* thetieeginefflly be i**3 for family nee, to every partkalar. . 1 All kinds of heating end parlor stoves emmnsi hand. • J©B*JPU U. BV3 April 16, ’57-tf] (>j»asifc fbs Afertwi Htmte, Jtj /COMPETITION IS THE LIFKfJ TRADE.—FuIIy cons{need of the troth o( 4,1 log, (he subscriber would imnMi% ummimbl citixaos of Allnomaaad vicinity,' that he bu the field, by opening a ~ MERCHANT?AILOKCNU BSTAUUSUMEn in the roam heretofore occupied Michael wttKlsr opposite the finpetfntaident’s Offlcr, will query outhn business as usual. U* bee Just rt, an dojcueht assortment dr - ' CLOTUS, CABBIUERES A TESTM wltiUc fai verting and dree* suite, which he wilijJ order, oh short notice and at prices which can n.:|3 satisfy. Ut'kuibo nwitri lh» UXEW SIYUijI . FALL AND WINTEK FASHIONS, and fools confident that kb can sattxfythe mml In thia partlrwtar, and Mecfatihng will bo nude mm] clothing can he made. In fine, ho is determined thud log shall bo wanting on his part to render those who may favor hint with their patronage, "1 Altoona, Just. 4-ttl - JOHN XAUffl WWW. T\gVAWS GALVANIC OIL Prepared by Prod H. DU VALthSi merly of too OuDega of Surgeons, ns Pari* weevd feted to the pul)lic,-A£i“ for the cure of sore ud mil fhl diseases _srfr , 1 For instance-—Pain or. mawiM-in, any,psh*th sytteto, Rheumatism, pain In the bact,6re»torS4 beatoi Hearts, wroralgia, burns, apqib* hcahm crainnja toe stomach, or any other iUrsk Usl SORE odd PAINFUL, imdftfr rtflfovt* thhflim diseases that *re claim a perfect Y3CXORV. |f t n positively to our patron* we can relieve the nßa W Chaus out of 100. We wo«M Just say to Hurt lie, prof, Du VaQ was 29 ydfi in to & medicine superiority over all others." " 1 - MCpJO cents per bottle—U percept.catcdbi trade. -AU orders most ho addressed'to ' J.D. SlUNSROAD,Praprietor, Sept. 2. hIS-ly.] , Lowiatmni, h Agents for On Tail's UalvanicOil—U-urj' Uh.lj Kessler, and A. Roush, Altoona, and all deafen he clue* everywhere. .. . ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PllEKi TURK DECLINE.—Just Published, Gratia fcl Thousand: , • •. - ■ , Jt FEW WORDS OS TOtf RATIONAL TMXTM without Medicine, of Spe nwatofi hr a or Lo*alUaii Nocturnal Emissions, Oefaltaland Nerrojjs Sfftiliij.h tehey, and Impcdhwnts to MfittMw Mwijilty, It' , E t NtLANET,II The Important fact that (he many alarming emsfit originating in the Imprudence and solitude ofytsii be easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in On tract, clearly demonstrated; and life entirely uevuii |y successful treatment, as adopted by the Aathd explained.’ by means of which every one is rnsU,4 »; HIMSELF perfectly and at the least pcasihle con, m avobilug all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in >Mth selops, by remitting (post paid) twopostageituiui a DB LAKEY, 88 East 31st street. New York (Sty. May«,lBsB; J IVf AP; OF BLAIR COUSTY.-I* i.rJL supseribcra propose to publish a Srr Map dll Omntjr, Penndylsania, (ram actual nm-rcyt, tonlili'J Public Roads, JUUBoada Canal*, the actual lociai| A illaftcwPort Office*,lleuses bf TTotshlp, School BsM U»nu6w:tor»es,Tkiftwri(Si MW*, Botels, Stores, I«al| os, name* of Property Owners, tc. ' ' ■ Enlarged Plans or the Principal Village*. a fiNfl Distances, anil a BiwldcsS Directory, giving iV saw! busincs* of rack anbscriber.wni- b« centred «o gio. The blotting will be to' a suitable scale nuti a and ortwinenUl Map, which trill be colri** moafttod tottahtotidyle, 'sad dtOvtred to (otacrMl $S per copy. * ~.r f = u Cni | April 16,1858. JSAACa.rafi| \Xa riapßctintly' to tlie citizens of Altoona ami ttio public gep-M8BB»a eralljvthnt IwiUUbNltbiiegtlwSiig onyirzlnia. struct, whore he kcci« coiuiintlv onhahlfclrsole, WholesaloandKefail.DßrGS, Bn|| MEDICI RES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARMSII EBsunIJDY&SrUYFS. - . &• Btrigt,attoiti<m to business, nod a desire tor &b't,! Irfictton (n All as regards price ami quality, merit and receive a snare of public "a . Pliyaicians and merchants supplied on and aUsrdcrsfroin a distance promptly ' | Pliyhiftoa prescriptions carefully compound! J. [’.-•vj FQLICB:GAZETIiI X 1 Thhf Great 'Journal of Crime and iU Twelfth Tear, and- it widely circulated a.oawntey_ U»> Great Trial*. Cr*i Owes, and appropriate Efitorlals on the some, toetK* 4 Information on Crimhfol Matters, not to be other newspaper. , 5 J •(31, Subscriptions $2 per annum j (1 far six tx&i M be remitted by snbsodlwnLf who ahoqM writs tlri*f | and the town, county and Shite' where they redd-| To Q. IT. MATBKLL 4 0). : I Editor * Prop’r. of Sew York Police C 15-tf] ■ • ■ ■Sew IWV;^ Bell, Johnson, Jack & & - OFFICES AT $ JBollidariibßri and AltooniJ TpVRAFtS - ON PRINCIPAL CUtfj jL» «di SOrer and GOI4 fcr sale. Collectfetu =»| Mqoej* raoeired 00 deposit, pojable on ifeniand, time, idth interest, at Cvir rales. J. X>. jLEET, i]M* Uoum-I .-' ■ w<M» Rtahi covvrr, pa., J 4rißjßi|HtiMjDUM» turner Courts of Blair, O«mhriacottntie*»and attend prom pi ly to *n entreated tuiUm. -OBc* (for the present) tfW] .***>* WTO*Allegheny and Prtm stieet^.lWli^ ■ J. CK ADLUM, J >; - ALTOOKA, BLAIR. COPNTT, pa* , ! tlmea be found at the store of J. B. AltoOha, October 1,185T.-ly /CONCENTRATED LYE, FOB^S \_y KIKQ Soft Soap, and Soap Powder for yyj pound equal fo six of conmion Soap; Outlie w a Soap, Chemical Soup, etc, on hand and for June 10, ISSSedf] . <s.. A. EO^J Flour.— the best quali^J PAMILX PLOUK for sale, BTn>lo*d«| Apply to • J. SIIOKUAJS*! Boc.U, 1856-t£ MasonJCi^ Rich tobacco and Hicflfi HaToredClgars, Id abundance, can Juno IS, 157-lyj , rHBSBV^> TTAIR OILS, COLOGNES, jj 8 Sharing Groan, ToUef ■VTONE BUT THE BEST Xtionarie*, Nuts aadfmUa “s > „ oV trß*!, Tain* 18 *BT-ly] ; UE**lJz<Z QMSS£xIO 10- 'ri: m a .JtA 1 -**" & DB VOL. 3. TUK ALTOO' fi *'• * dsrn* jrid fcr. tnuu o» . tool UaM or to* l * % ltuMtien. "SU or l *** : ’Tflfe* column, ■- .AanriuUtrators and KK« by Uu f , wtfc liberty to change, _ w Bustaow O ’ paper, per yoM r* ? ',! ‘xfpintauoication* of * P o^ l ] bo charged accord t gboTo term*. ■ notice* tiro cent* I vbilusiy notices oiceodm* tribune CHURCHES, K & Rot. A B. < I «. v tuiiiinth morning at IQK Sabbath School [ Room. Pwyer M«»Ua« morning r *3. BabbAth School in tho -i|!f General Vrnyar Mo*Uaf; Voting Moir» Luthkmn,'RoV. \ la£'eTcrT Sabbath morning a i ifnthe evening. Sabbath Be I clock. P. M. Prayer J i ••iWrtnwiJay evening. I **• Brethren, Kov. D. I •ci fiaUbftth.morulns at IOVi t Jalfclock. Sabbath Scho 1 WBftek. A. M. Prayor Meet flnamb room.. _ i PtvUilant Epiteopdt, Rev. Service.2d and 4th Sundays ! A. «., and 4J* P. M. Bun.li CbthoUe, Rev. Jons Twuu i o'clock lu the morning, and i Vibotitt, B. U. PISB, Pne * tnbrnWK at 10V4 o’clock, am I fKtwuabD o'clock, A. M. i Rev. bJ • every Sabbath morning at 1 : vld Voion School Hour.'. <■ ALTOONA M MAIL Baatcrn TT»jr at Weetorn “ S.*H6H(diiy»bnrg, ■•(tern Through Malt MAILS B«l«rn Through MaD, Writer* Way, gUtern . “ -.-BolUdayaburg , QOUe open for the traqiac ,1? IRM, durlog-tho week, «» Sunday. Jtmo ♦,’«-«] J U RAU.RQAI Hxetees Train East arrives Wort - “ tart East « « WMt “ - **; JliM> . m 3Sa»t • ' : “ w«t “ tJm noixißAYsnußO i Train East anil West, and s. She IU.AtUSVH.bK Hit A v?ay Train East and West,' East. November 20,1848. MEETINGS OF • * Mountain Ledge, A. Y. M. day of tor. h month. In the tl "pie. at7^o'clock, V. M. ■ A&untain /Oicjmjimcnt, " fourth Tuesday of each mon sonic Temple, at7U rfclock AUooiui Lodge, I. O. of 0. .evening, i n the second story O'clock, P. M. Veranda Lodge, I. 0. of 0. evening, In tbs third story o • tract, at TJsJ o’clock, V. i i. . Winnebago Tribe, So. &, «U« every Tuesday evening Masonic Temple. Council Breath. W. A. ADAMS, C. .. Junior Sons of America. C ■day night In the third story y. m. '_VVx*hingion €iimp, So. xncsdny evening, in the 2d Altoona Divirion, Mo-. 31 day evening, in the 2d storv W.P.; D. Galbraith, R.B.‘ Altoona Mechanic?’ Libra: Hon meets statedly on the 1 vy April, July anil October, .the Ist Tuesday evening In d to 10 o’clock every cvenln . COUNTY Jufyet of the Charts. —Pr< AssocUteivJ. Ponn Jones, I - Prothonotary— Joseph l!n Register and Reorder —l! Sheriff— James punk. , LHittyd Attorney —BenJ. I fbuiitp Commissioners —l .lane.Knos >{. Jones. Clerk to Commissioners — Mercantile Appraiser —Jo Omni if Surveyor —James . Treasurer —John I.lngafo . . Auditors —3. Morrow, A. _ -Pbor Mouse Directors —G *••8. Biddle. <*v«mer— William Pox, Aftrintendent eff Com ALTOONA BOr - •£«**{* of Lh'Ttacc—Jt W. Jone*. . ,™ on Ciuncil—James Lo -Allteon, Ptt« Rccd, Nelaoe ■^ttiOtntofOatmeO—R. < Clerk to (jowtcU- John M Borough Traivcrer-r- Jam ■ - Birtciorx —-Q corse •gaSSaS [r igaassasß ’ -'Jwowy*—Dan t. f u £p ec !f ZU/-M “ « TO*t ; ivpttloTt—yiaiX vr«a”' L , W«st •• ' . Nuith « " • TlqtiorsT—a ° f r solecicd I ISld?f .k o ?* s * H0W8B." MW at th« lowest cashpr am-yhonffanfa hc.n only U TTenry leh * Jolu» Lehr’s old i> gtf>rf, to North Wsr T^IGSvPxVTES/ « **• and Currants ia Btoi- HMd»as,’sMyj m ■pURE WHEPE WWtW^ST “ 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers