;* «». w t _ ?3|S not ob^r, Vice in -—.- tgtd&b 1 the £S though jJ round*. At lly -tijh” esoeuco Y iad a plr ch wu wit* lersons, gad l «- fought ISV liad evident* Qe .P9giUate, d bottom.— id the otfwp an an bow, tnovledginf •11ATOE •x>, )M OUMB, nliciueaoow.t*. ivr, mildor own. It iauqt ng flnt pn tka i<- Htomach pa* mplliijiiftg l* o I’tinfnl {nUsm < utharUa? ft ut it pnrgw Ml rill *tr«ifthWr pilatora of . the ‘ fuuctiooiaMi, >'velop«4. Tm n the bM>Ot)f i .midhte of {to ult, the boflSt Hern in tioftilt' ini;CcsmtdtMN ;mi, one oflhf practice ofUM* iv whercw{Xk|(| « to vhicb ! rotind, ■ttj’Mf. in ,«nj ofj|» :iTietioa-|a Mr. a>l mattarfrcia , ■ » hralthylZ ' iiuing fooirfc’ • •|«! ' MMT'jpa • lug :j UT u MWI, ■ theime^ r»lie»efl*»»^ ibduuqrt&f; u & < ptwwite. »s the the boai '■Ws&is iction rein at* i perfect am*. •In-lie, white' ro for Cuouto. row oat oftha ions elekMw. •uioree eu ael* .JSujar ■ H- Dienbcee ja »»! ruapUbtt# «*l l«jr WosM , or apeedier tiieeheorhnlK c the metUebl* hill PeTer.JMf with rertetatea > ill woutturn testimony l» ivtgoratar, sag POK If, am) to dotty ItcurssSstf ill >«Mum BMC* of Llvw Omi a to a «*n*w tuMlnto. N«r Toth. 1 nd ratalladlnf 27.1858,-ly rap. TIOfL iMeof MM : o/" Gobi* d«n migrwl/ B OO lM'fc illg tO ill*, Marth* JtDER, c caoMBR. All CA n-ction of. «W* ut. The^alt c common <*• 11 1 webstjo* CROMER, Altoona, Pa, 1 SHIONS- ..nnoandng •*" (fond m, and irnow him a call, * . united to tho italoons, Ac. lim in profflis- le to convlneo tho Nations! yONNKLW TIONE- w«U t/ry, Bas. !rintinjjt uiders. Phfl»* 17,1858 *n Anrora-1 nic Dlarrb®*? * Galvanic (H 1 McKKJS- cafe cli itl* r»w® *!y. I reeof* ngbaM fllin co, . Vaughn 0 Galvanic® a., for ft . TJsi other*, «w»“ mediciJrt* f* inatovro®" ISO. ' I-- v ' , issB. — s anp r sal* lUOAB% , ■t, IK'S Star® %,ssr pan Wtoit " to the finteolturm, « Pgagg^aSS P i br<* po feST—fib* *— clo “ LurtthitSttpo- 1 ; d u L « mail Ea«t closes at 6.30 A. «•, ““ K hv the Express Train which leaves this H Z 7.10, The same train brings a r°“. from Pittsburg to this place. bfnTwLt closes at 8.00 A. M.. andl « K tfa* B.p»» t»i» «>** l “™ [*? *g 55 The same train bring thllf~»Pbi>*d' 1 P bi ““' 1H “ r “' M *ll ' ,I><IM *' 1100 M ‘ b/the Mail Train which leaves t ll.dO- The same train brings a L mail from Pittsburg to this place. fw»y Mall from the East arrives by the mail L»t6-86P.M. . „ . fnMUdanburg Mail closes at 11 A. M., and at 11.80 A. M.. and 6.30 £ h £ u “ T“ La mail from Pittsburg sad west by the Leu Train in the moaning and ft way mail [the Mail Train M n0 °“ ; * tbWUgh mi,U L pßUdelphia andHarriaburg by the Ex- L »t S 80 in the morning and a way mail by Uail Train at 7.00 In the evening. Those Lo wish their communications to go through [fpeedily as possible ehoold pay attention to b sxraDgement. k'ur Tsuh Rsrcssn.—ln the case of the Immonwesltli vs. John Krigor, who was con [ted of larceny, (in breaking into Squire Cher f, .hop and taking a number of watches in Lj,) at the October term of the Quarter Ses- L, 0 f this county, the motion for a new trial L]e by his counsel, Calvin and Banks, was at the Argument Court, last week, te eridence on which the deft, was convicted L entirely circumstantial,—the finding of a Uw, that was evidently taken from a door [ding into the shop, on his person—being the longest fact against him, Bis counsel argued lat the testimony was not sufficient to convict grave a charge. The Court, after an ar dent by Calvin for the motion and Hall nunat it,’ refused to grant the new trial, and ntenced the deft to eighteen months confinc •nt in tb»i Western Penitentiary. When will wpleleam that vhonesty is the best policy." tariff Funk accompanied Krigor over the LonUin, on Tuesday last This is the Sher ri first official visit to the smoky city, but he bold have many more, if all the men who de- Lm a term in the “ institution" out there, bad Leir just deserts. A Fi» Dbsceiptios or Mouktaih Scaxxar. pCol. Wallace, of the Philadelphia Bulletin, tued through here last week to attend the lltabixrg celebration. In a description of bis jsTtls'he gives the following fine description the scenery between here and Pittsburg: "As the train twisted around the enrres, bn (a ascent of the Alleghenies the cold increased, m the track soon lay over a spectral waste of ton. The,trees were laden with a white qhroud, Id deep down the yawning valleys bprebd the line gleaming covering. As the scenes on tther hand grew wilder and gloomier, tabs range end ghastly appearance of Nature would Its frighted the ghost of Mrs. Eadcliffe, the’ ke had seen the grandeur and gloom of the Ap loinea unmoved. Snelly has a poem called blaster; or, The Spirit of Solitude,* but the (fenced desolation of these snowy mountain - net would have sent the lonslj hero of tfie kem shuddering back to the abodes of men, (id he would thank the angost stars for hupian luntenances and human voices. It was awful ftcr the dark, spirit-like rush of the locomotive iroagh the mountain fastnesses, no sound would **k the silence "save the icy huh of some eexing mountain.torrent To be lost in such solitude would be drearier thou death.” r A Mixitsd CoxruMssr.—ln the Philadel- ua Evening Bulletin, of Monday last, we fitad e following complimentary notice taken of one the best Conductors that ever sung out "All card." It was, however pleasure to sec that the oon iictor—Mr. O. tl. Irvine—who had made the ip out .remarkably pleasant, for, us, was to ring us back to Eleventh and Market streets gain. Railroad men Are generally .pleasant topis, for their intercourse with thousands of fellers brings oat the virtues of urbanity, W manners and derision, and we, in oompa- J vith ether. Eastern reporters, owed mneh pf pt pleasure of our trip tajthe instinctive cour- Njof Mr. Irvine, under whpse pharge the Pfast line” is a decidedly agreeable institution. Gexat RaiLWAy Roct*. The journey (rom 'iuladejphi* to Chicago by Jhe Pennsylvania rentral and Pittsburg and Fort Wayne Bail- r &d > no * occupies but thirty-six hours; and ft change of can. at Pittsburg, is Jteces- My. VTe understand jn ft faf dajrp such ai jangements will be,e«ected as render even change unnecessary, and this»ute erill pen form the longest snd moat conjolete unin [mupted railway route ia th* wM^S*rrit [*7 Tdegraph. Easoa -fa noticing the eatings of the Pa. oad, for the month oT.October,' Id dor J wtaber. we aathorltycf b i 8? C,io0 ’ 89 thtn for the tame month e ' t,ffie P^odjrflBs7 4 of y 5 j Tqjnw AuTHdimna. —We bare bean request 'd by » numbdrof persona, to wall the attention oflbo BorosgbCouncU to the matter ofpassing an Ordinance requiring every property-holder ar the occupant thoteof,- to removo the snow ft*on the aide-Walks to front of hi* Other reai- Whilst ewrythoughtfhl eitizenoanaid mit hie duty to remove the snow and ice from "tie aide-walk, without being (breed to do so by an Ordinance, there are many who either thro* negligence, or wilfally, permit it to remain, much to the aonoyaiioe and danger of pedestri sns, who can only bo induced to remove it by the passage of an Ordinance peremptorily re quiring it Where snow is permitted to remain upon the aidling pavements of the town, , the boys are Immediately upon it with their sleds, ««ii {n toss than half a day vit is converted into aperfeet sheet of toe, rendering ascent or de scent to ladies especially, exceedingly danger ous. A decision bearing upon this point was made in the Superior Court in Boston, last week, by Chief Justice Alien, in the eaae of Samuel Slronsa vs. City of Boston, an action to recover damages for personal injuries received from foiling upon an ioy sidewalk in Pinckney street. The jury came in for instructions upon the point whether an ioy sidewalk should be considered a defect and the Court ruled that the City was bound to keep the sidewalks in as good acon dition in the winter as In the summer. Verdict for the plaintiff, $lOOO damage. We hope some action may speedily be taken on this sug gestion. No one could find fault with the Coun cil for passing such an Ordinance, while many good citizens woold bestow hearty thanks, and the Borough might be saved a billifor damages. New Officer.—On the let inst, the office of Superintendent of the Middle Division of the Penn’a Bail Road passed into the bands of dno. B. Anderson, Esq.,formerly of the New Albany and Salem Roil Road. Mr. A. eqjoys the rep utation of being one of the best railroad men in the country, and his experience in the business warrantsthe conclusion that under his care the Middle Division will be skillfully managed; and the high character of the Penn’a Central R. R., 'the greatest road in the country, will be fully sustained. We welcome him to our midst, and hope .that his duties and location may prove agreeable. I - We an pleased to know that the retiring of ficer, Tbos. P. Sargent, Esq., will still remain in the office in this plaoo. We should be sorry to loose so valuable a citizen. While occupying the position of Superintendent he discharged his duties faithfully, and won the respect and esteem of all with whom he was brought in con nection. At a meeting of the members of the Altoona Brass Band, held this evening, the following preamble -and resolution were unanimously adopted: — Whereas, The Altoona Brass Band was en gaged by the employees of the Penna. Bail Road Company, at Pittsburgh, to participate in celebrating Centennial Anniversary of the capture of Fort Duqueane, at that City, on the 2uth of November, 1858, therefore Retained, That a vote of thanks be hereby tendered by the members of the Band to the Committee of Arrangements of the Employees of the Pa. R. R. Co., for the comfortable quar ters provided for of, the good treatment we re ceived at their hands, and the untiling interest they manifested in contributing to our pleasure and comfort during the day. AND. CLABAUGII, Leader. Now Stkam Floub. Mill.—A few days since we were.made the recipient of a sock of flour, manufactured at the steam mill in this place, which came very opportune, as our better-half had found the bottom of the last barrel in the house. The bread made therefrom was pf a good quality, although the flour,was not as good as Is generally turned out attbe mill. In mak ing flour from mixed wheat, purchased by the car load, it is impossible to turn out the best article in all cases. With good wheat and a littib book regulation of machinery, we believe the steam, milt ban produce floor equal to any ever biroaght,to the town. We have heard those who purchase flour at the null recommend it very highly. Thb Pssu’a Rail Road Arkad —From the following statement of. tho receipts of the four great central Railroads of this country, for the month of October 1858, as compared .witii .the same pjonth in 1857, togetherthe length of each Road, it will he seen that the Penn’a Central Road is far ahead In the amjonnt ofre ceipts per mile:— Escnrre iw Donuts asd Cxsts, 1858 ; 1857 Increase Decrease Penn'a Railroad, 463,004 66 896,90417 66.700 39 N. Y. Central, 667.7? T 50 647,23623 10,44138 N. Y. A Erie, B9 449,685 01 . BB Balt. A LKsam or KoAM m Mom. Pcnn’a RniLßoad,3S4 mile*. N. Y. Central. Uain stem, 298—Syracuse to Niagara 171'— total 499 mile*. 1 Ned* A Erie, 459 miles. Baltimore A Ohio, Main stem 379—Washington Branch 39 totid 118 miles. New Stopping Place. —Blair Furnace, some three miles-below this station, has been made a stopping place for the Mail train, when the proper signal is given by those wishing to get on at that point, or notice given to the conductor by those wishing*) get off. This will be a great convenience to persons redding In that community, also to those wishing to visit in In our notice of the .charge of published last week, an inverted flgnromadeua saj that.the Fast jhine" at to turn at 6.6()—it. iiave re«i 9.50. lay over from hardly prove agreeable to/jpnawsntgpwns; eon aider ihottraih the fastest bn i&eroad. Mow to Oaie SmjATioas.—There is onede- sirahloXeature Iron ;CoUege, and notposs . : .express, and nv*«y pffiefotWWt in procuringdtaatUma .V-wS r . £=• ■• -nst 11 r'SSSm^^ urday, &ss£hf Binenlir a Pd Tn««». 'tor ftf ftu 'Vae&ttcy occasfonod' ST.? 6 Altoona, Nov. 29'1858. a 9» «*A. Friend to Improvement” writes tints:— Wilton, N. H.,Bept. 10,1857. Haring bad an opportunity .to test the value of Prof. O. J. Wood’s Hair Restorative, lam prepared to sey, that it fully make* good its recommendations, by restoring to mote than its original Instre, hair that has 'heoonie gray, or age or lt will the hair a soft and pliable texture, and whatis of still greater importance than that, it is restored to health; it imparts to the whsle system its renovating, healing properties, and has a'ten dency to restore health and prolong life, and give to the aged the appearance of youth. Its unequalled properties ought to recommend it to every family. Try it ye who labor under any disease of the head, and you will hover have to regret its application. Caution. —Beware of worthless imitations, as several are already in the market, called by dif ferent names. Use none unless the words (Pro fessor Wood’s Hair Restorative, Depot St. Louis Mo., and New Y,oric,} are blown in the bottle.- Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine dealers, also by Ml Fancy and Toilet Goods dealers in-the United States and Canada. Singular Pbovidencb.— Some two or three weeks ago, Mr. B. G. Eaton, a very worthy cit izen of this place, accidently ran a splinter into one of bis hands, but at the time paid no atten tion to it. It soon grew painfnl, however, and became worse and worse until mortification su pervened, when dropsy also manifested itself, and in some fourteen days after the occurrence first mentioned be died. He was aged about 65 years; his death occurring on the night of the 25th instant. His illness elicited a lively sym pathy on the part of his neighbors and acquain tances, and many mourn his departure -Regular. Tns Panic—Moke Failures.— The panic in New York seems to be on the increase. In this city everything goes on smoothly, and the only failures we have beard of were the failures to furnish good fits mode by some inferior clothing establishments. There is no such difficulty, to be encountered by those who patronize the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & Wil son, Noa, 608 and 606 Gbeshut street, above sixth. Gentlemen and Youths never fail to pro cure capital fits at this popular establishment. The Best Gough Medicine. —One of the very best Gough Medicines to be found any where, is Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup, sold by G. W. Kessler, at 60 cents per bottle. See advertisement of Dr. Sondford’s LIVER INYIGORATOR in another column. SPECIAL NOTICES. Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor. Id all diseases Inflammation moreor less predominates— now to allay inflammation strikes at the root oT disease— hence an Immediate core. VALLEY'S MAGICAL VAIN EXTRACTOR, and nothing (Vt, will allay inflammation at once, and makt a certain cure. VALLEY'S MAGICAL FAJX EXTRACTOR will cure the following among a great catalogue of diseases: Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, Sore Nippies, Corns, unions, Bruises, Sprains, Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Felons, Ear Ache, piles. Born Eyes, Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Itch, Small Pox, Measles, Rash, Ac., Ac. To some it may appear incredulous that so many diseases should be reached by one article; such an idea will vanish when reflection points to the Cut,- that the salvo is a com bination of ingredients, each and every one applying a per fect amidote to its appositc disorder. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR In its effects to magical, because the tirao is go short bo tween disease and a permanent com; and it U an extrac tor, as it draws all disease nut of the affected part, leaving nature as perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely ne cessary to say that no house, work-shop, or manufactory should be one moment without it. No Pain Extractor !* genuine unless the box has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufacturer. Sold by O. W. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Hol lldaysburg; and hy all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Canadas. Principal Depot, 165 Chambers street, Sew York. Nov. 11, 1858-ly C. P. CHACE. THE GREA T ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE’S Celebrated Female 1 Tills. Prepared from a prescription rtf Sir J. Clarke, M. D- Phy sician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con stitution is subject It moderates : and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. • i so Maori id Lthtu .it is peculiarly suited. It will, In a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price one doUar.bears theGovernmcnt Stamp of Great BritaU, topreyent counterfeits. caution. These PSOs should no i be taken by females during the first three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Mis carriage, butaiany other Kwe theyan safe. ■ In all caws of Nervous ai|d Spinal Affections, Pain in the Bock amj Limbs, Fatlgueon slight exertion. Palpitation - of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when aU other means have foiled, and althpngh a. powerful retpedy K do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything imrtfnl to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should bo carefully preserved. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, 1 JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldwin A C 0.,) Rochester, N. T. If. 8.—51.00 and S postage stomps enclosed to any an thorlsed Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 pills, by return mail. B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents jalso, for sale by aU Druggists. .[June 3,1868.-ly. ffATR DYE—HAIR DYE—HAIR DYE. WK. A BATCHELOE’S HAIB. DTE! The Original andßedinthe World t AU others ora mere imitations, rad should be avoided. If you wish to escape ridicule. .GRAY, BED, or RUSTY HA®- ®Y?d Instantly to a fud naijiral Brown or Black. without the least hgjuiy ,to tW Hete'oc Skin. Fifteen liledalsand Diplomas hAve.been awarded to Wm. Afßahibeiqr since 1839,saripyer80#)0 applications have been' madeto thehairof his patrons of his fornons Dye. •WM.A.AATOHfcLOR’S HAIR DYB produce* a color not to tw disttiafpaUM frbm.mitmre, apd to wraiuitira not to injure fatheleait, howevdr long it may be continued, the nl'etfoet~rf Bad bvar remedied; the Hair Invigo ijfobvthto flulendld Pro. Waaa, asM at applied fin > private rooms) at the VOg Factory, Nqw Yoii. . Solfrby Dfuggtota In Altoona, rad by in all 1 Am name ■ndrtdreM«i|Mma Bteel plate , TK r^T l °gn n tonrridaiofeach’Box.of •’ \ WM. A. BATCHELOB, , BAICHKLOR’B WIG 6 AND TODPBEB nn|Mf alLe- Pitting tpachanh ■no «df|Se*Bw&; indeed, this is the only •■ ffiW&swSfe —i, V • ' • * Important to Fbmax.es — Dr Chbese uiV Pm*.—The combination of Ingredient* In these pnU'Wtiw result of aleeg and extensive practice. They memOd to their operation, and certain to correcting all irregatoritiee, paiiifkd menstruation*, removing ell oh ■ll linium, whnthrr finriw edd or otherwise, headache, pain ' |a the aide, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which always arise ton interruption of nature, inducing with certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely vegeta ble, and See from anything Injurious to Ufeor health. Ex plicit direction*, which should be read, accompany each box. Price $l. Seat by mail by enclosing $1 to any authorized Agent. B. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United State*, 166 Chambers street. Hew York. Xb tritom OB Wholesale order* Ootid he addressed. gold by Q. W. Reader, Altoona; Goo. A, Jacobs, HolU daysbnrg; and by all Druggists to the United State*. Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet toe. Nov. 18,1858-ly! HARRIED. In Harrisburg, on the 29th nit, by Bev. D. W. Bartine, Mr. JEREMIAH K. BELLMAN, of this place to Miss MARGARET J. WHITS, of Harrisburg. On the 80th ult n by the Bov. J. Steck, Mr. DANIEL H. GROTS, of James Creek, Huntingdon On, Pai, to Mi* MART C. daughter ofJacob Domer, Esq., of Antis Tp, Biatr Pa. On the 12th ult, at the residence of Wm. Biliman, near Water Street Huntingdon county, PETER GOOD, sen., aged 77 years and 6 months. Dry goods,' boots &■ shoes, NOTIONS, CARPETS, Ac, Ac., Wholesale or Retail, at the Model. [Dec. 2-3 t French revisible shawls are all the rage now, and they may bo found at the Model Store, very cheap. [Doc. 2-lt rpHB EXPRESS BRINGS US I NEW GOODS daily. J. AJ. LOWTHER. Doc. 2,1868.-U Labor saved by buying Ready-Made Marseille* and Linen SHIRT BOSOMS, at the Model Store. [Dec. 2-lt The emporium of fashion for the Ladies of Altoona is the MODEL STORE, Where can always be had the latest and most desirable styles in Dross Goods, Cloaks, Glove*, Hosiery, Opera Hoods, Ac, Ac. ilfec. 2,1858-3 t Received to-day at the MOVEL, another large lot of splendid DRESS GOODS, Ac, to which wo Invite the attention of tho La dies, and which we now offer at greatly reduced prices, os we ore determined to convince the people that wo can sell DRY GOODS cheaper than oar neighbors. Dec. 2,1858-31 J. A J. LOWTHER. KISSOLUTION.— NOTICE IS hereby given that the partnership heretofore exiiV stwean the undersigned, in the Blaclumitbing busi ness, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 18th day of November. All persona knowing thenisdvea indebted to the firm are requested to make immediate payment. JOHN W. HOOPKR. THOMAS J.JAMjES. Doc. 2d. 1868-31, EXECUTORS’ SALE.—WILL BE ■old by public outcry, at the residence of Dr. O. D. 1 homos, deceased, in Altoona, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 1868, the following property, to vrit:— ONE HOUSE, a lot of HAY, a lot of CORN in the Ear, MEDICINES, a Cmo of SURGICAL iWU INSTRUMENTS,Ac. _\J /] ALSO —At the farm of the deceased, on the ■ante day, a lot of WHEAT, RYE, CORN and OATS by the ooshei, HAY by the ton. and CUT WOOD by the cord. TERMS:—AIT grain and hay cash—the balance on six months’ credit, with good security. m. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock A. M. JOHN SHOEMAKER, /AS. HUTCHINSON, Dec. 2,1868-21 £?.*??*???. List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Altoona, oh the Ist of December, 1868; Askwith, Wm Kennedy John Armstrong, W C Koonse Barbara BellßJ \ Latherow Wra Bmnen Edward Morrisey Tboe Burkholder Henry Myers Francis Beats Jane Mayer Chat Sutler F 3 Merry man Qeo Bradley Pat’k Mnellcn Mary Bittle George ~ Marx Nicholas Balt Ann Myers Henry Brown Lncinda ♦ McDowell Eliza Bell Savinia M McLaughlin Mary Corbett John McCartney John Campbell Henry McKee Frank Cox John McLaughlin Patrick Corbitt Ann McCacbren A Clemson Esq McCormick Eliza Chamberlain David Nelson Carotins Cowen A Durry Norris Henry Duncan B H O'Brien Mary Dick C Bulsugh Richard Donty M Kerne Angaline Dubany J V Reese Elizabeth Daugherty Adam Ritchie Jas Dean Joshna Robison Harry Gninevan Thus Smith Mieh’l Oerraty Jos Stimer Mary 0 Oarrahsn Thoe Shingle Andrew GUaher Anthony Selby C W Huber Daniel Thompson John Hall £ D Tilard M V Hoover 0 8 Topper Mary Ann Hpck J O Walker Andrew 2 Jackson Anna Wltworth Susan Kennedy R J Watkins Jesse Kneass S Wesley John Kauffman L Zimmerman Reuben Persons calling fer letters on this list will please say «advertised/* JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. M. The globe—the official pa per OF CONGRESS. —I taall publish the Doily Globe, and the Congressional Globe and ' Appendix daring the next session ofOongress. The Daily Globe will con tain a report of the debates in- both branches of Congress as down by reporters equal, at least, to any corns of short hand writers in this or. any other country, when the debates of a day do not make more than 45 columns, they shall appear in the Daily Globe qf'the next morning," which will contain also, the news of the day, together, with such editorial articles os may be suggested by passing events. The Congressional Globe and Appendix will contain a report of all the debates in Congress, revised by the' speak ers, the Messages of the President of the United States, the Annual Reports of the Heads of the Executive Depart ments, the Reports of Committees of Congress on important subjects of general interest, the Laws passed during the session, and copious indexes to all. They will bo printed on a double royal sheet, in book form royal quarto size, each number containing 16 pages averaging 2307 words per page. The whole will make between 1700 and 2000 pages, ftl, believed that no book has ever been published st so low a rate. Last year I advertised In the Daily Globe, for six'months, and in about one hundred other newspapers in the U. 8-a reward of $226 to be paid to any person who wonld produce a book published fit so low » rate, and none was produced. Die large number of copies subscribed for by Congress enables me to afford the debates to subscri bers •> cheap. ... , The Congressional Globe and Appendix pass free through the malls of the United States.' as will be seen by reading the following Joint Resolution passed by Congress the 6th offAngust,lBs2: ' J Joint Resolution providing for the distribution of the laws of Congress and debhtes therein. With a view to the cheap circulation of the laws of Con gress and the debates contributing to the'trim interpreta tion thereof and to make free the communication between the representative and constituent bodies. Be it resolved by the Senate 1 and House of Rcprcscnta tives of the United States of America in Congren, assem bled. ThMftom and after the present session of Congress, the Congressional Globe and Appendix, which contain the laws and debates thereon,"shall pass free through the malls soionxas the fome shall Be publish*! by order ofOofc cress: Provided. That nothing herein shall be construed Daily Globe free olpost- Approved; August 6th,lBS2^ a For a copy of the Daily Globe fonr months, tJOO For a copy for a less time (per month) ■ * For a copy iff the Congressional Glow and Appendix to ring the session, Dank notes, current in the section of country where a subscriber resides, will bo received at any nut of a euhscription may be remitted in portage stamps which areprefcrable to ray currency exorat gpld Jnmr. Where bank notes under $5 cannot bo pro cured, I will send two coplosfor $6. r ", ;.. ;■ wni not be aeut nnlem the money accompanies Globe and Appendix.willbestereo- shell he AMe to randthebaektram-, twrsforthtossesfontoaHwho skmooßuhences; but If the first edition raaß “re brans*- boosted before the subscription wonpy foreylyed.fshldl charge ffl additional per copy, to pay the 'expense of ptrt ■ Mt'tS T?.OE SALS OR BENT—A LARGE DwelUngHooee sad Lotpf Ottrand, With welfof. ■ ) DIED. More than 500,000 bottles SOLD IN THE NEW ENGLAND STATES IN ONB.YEAB. The Restorative of Prot O. J. Wood Ibrßeetorlng hair perfectly and permanently, has ncveryet toularhrd,vol 081 jtftcr roloxne isigtit bo cim uufttU pivti of tbo world and from the most intelligent to psora that <( ft« perfect Restorative; bat read the circular and Jroa cannot doubt; read also the following. 1 09- The Bair .—People hard for eonturie* been afflieted with bald head* and the only remedy, heretofore known, iiM u« Uif »tiMiiiMiii« wp. By a recent discovery of frotomWMd theoeartiolmMotemg tort With, but a gnat many persona still patronise mem, because they have been so often imposed upon by Hair lonleeor different kinds. To all such persons we eanwstlymafce the request, that they will try once again, for in Wood’s Restorativethere fa no snch thingas foil. We know of a lady who wae bald, who used the article a short time, and her head is now covered completely with the'tiniest and most beantifhl emls imaginable, We know of numerous cases where Sftr-Vp rapidly falling out; which it restored in greater perfection than it ever had been before. It is also without doubt one of . the best articles for kee|> ing the hair in good condition, making it soft and glossy, removing dandruff;and bps proved itself the greatest ene my to all the ills that hair is heir to. It 1* the duty of every one to improve their personal ap pearance though some may differ in regard to the ways of doing it; but every ope Will admit that <* beautiful head of hair, either to manor woman, is am object much tobede sired. and there are pd means that should he left untried to obtain such a consideration.—HLswm’s Advocate. Phila. Coshocton, Obits Nov. 17, 1860. 0. J. WOOD A CO.—Gents: As I have been engaged to selling your Hair Restorative the last season for one of. your focal agents (K. M. Hscklnson.) mi id haring expert enced the beneficial effectsof It. myself, | would Hketo ob tain an agency for the State of Ohio or some State in th# West, should you wish to make eueh an arrangement,** I ani convinced then it nothing equal to it in the United States, for restoring Vie hair. I have been engaged in the Drug business for several years, and have rad various prepara tions for the hair; bit have found nothing tha^restores the secretive organa or Invigorates the scalp as S'eli r |(ww> being fully convinced that your restorative is wtaiyon represent it to be, I would like to engage in the sale of it, for lam satisfied it must sell. Yours Waylqnd, Mass, Feb. 6,1867. PROF. 0. J. WOOD * CO, —Gents; Haying realised the good effects of your Hair Restorative, I wish to state, that finding my hair growing thin, u well aa * waa m* duced from what I read and hoard, to try the article pre pared by you, to promote Its growth and change IU color as it was in youth, both of which it lias effected complete* ly. In the operation I hare used nearly three Tours Ac., JAMES fKAKUo* O. J. Wood * Co., Proprietors 312 Broadway, New York, (In the great N. Y., Wire RaiiiUg Establishment,) and XU Market St., St. Louis, Mo. ' . . „ . For sale by O. W. KESSLER, Altoona, and by all good Druggists. [June 3, 1868-ly. Head quarters for low for past favors, the subscriber respectfully beg leave to inform the-cltizcns of this place and vicinity that be baajust received and opened bis Stock of FALL&WINTEH GOODS, which So will sell at very low prices lor cash. It consists in part of Delaines, Robes, Pcr» de Chenes, plain Mertnos, figured and striped Merinos, H 00l Plaids, Union Plaids, English Merinos, black and fancy Silks, Shawls of every description ; Sheet- ' ings. Muslins, Flannels, Cassimeres, Sat~ tine/ts, Oinghams, Chintz, Hosiery , Qloves, Embroideries embracing Collars, Setts, Bands, Insert ings. Edgings, in fine, every article of La dies Wear. Also—An excellent aeeortment of fauhtonable Queen* ware, G law-ware, Earthenware, Ac. BOOTS ami SHOES of all sizes, qualities and etylra.— Ladies* and Misses* Shoes and Gaiters. The v«ry host assortment of GROCERIES may be found at this establishment. Come on«>! como all I! and examine the abore stock. Altoona, Oct. 14, 1858. J. B. 11l LEMAN. WILL WONDERS NEVER CEASE —Noshr-ec —not so long as McCOKMICK keeps store in Altoona, and brings such handsome goods as be did this fall. It is the wonder of every person how he can tell such beautiful goods at such low prices, but the -stc~ is casilv solved—he knows what the people of Al toona want and ho wh '' re to buv in the city to enable him to sell cheap At homo, rr FTT? T A TITT?Q arc respcctluliy invited to call A Ui-J DAL/lJaiJ an( j examine the rich stock of plain and fancy DRESS GOODS which he has selected ex pressly to suit their wants, embracing everything they re quire from a fifteen dollar shawl down to a stick of whale bone or r>»w of pins. THE GENTLEMEN tnblishment an ex cellent assortment of BOOTS and SHOES. CLOTHS, CAS SIMKBES. and everything in that line—also, axes, saws, augers and various mechanical implements, together with a superb lot of segars and tobacco. THE HOUSE-KEEPER stock ot GROCERIES ever brought to the town of Altoo na, which will be sold at os reasonable prices ns they can be had elsewhere. Como and examine and price, and yon my save money thereby. , YTVTTRVRnnV 13 Invited to call and examine JD V Xj.LV A Xj\JU X onr magnificent assortment of good, goods and cheap goods, and we will exhibit them with pleasure, making no charge if you do not bny. Altoona, Nov. 11,1858. IS NOW RECEIVING THE LARG EST and most complete ASSORTMENT OF GOODS that has ever been offered in Altoona. His Stuck consists of in part, a large assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such as French Merinos, assorted colors; ' all-wool Plaids, Delaines in every style; Cloaks, Shawls, And a genera] assortment of Dry Goods for winter. Also| CARPETS, HARDWARE, qEEENSWARE, Boots, Shoes, Hats, v Caps, Ac. His Stock of GROCERIES is very large, and he is prepared to sell Wholesale at Philadelphia pricey freight only added. Cash buyers will And they can save money by ex amining his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Altoona, Nov. 18,1868.-6 m f PRIVATE SALE—THE SUBSCRI bers will sell at private sale, all that valuable business stand with J LARGE BRICK P WELLING MI I l(Jf and Lot ofOronid, fronting 60 fret on RHIiW Virginia street and extending back 110 ItHHAIB to a 20 fret alley, hv the flourishing of Altoopa. The Improvements aronl! nearly new and the stand fin-business as good as any in the place. Tt'wlUbb sold in two lots, of 25 foot each, or the whole together to salt purchasers. The property Is now occupied hy Dr. J. T Christy. Possession will bo given on the Ist day Of April, 1859, when a good and clear iltlo will ho given; Should the property not be sold by the Ist of January next, it will then be offered for rent for. one year. ! The terms will be made easy to suit the times. For fate thcr information apply to Wm. F. Sellers, Sabbath Reel, Blair Co, Pa- or to the subscribers at Pottstown, Mont gomery Co- Pa. T DANIEL GILBERT, ! Novemberll,lBsB-4t. TOBIAS SELLERS, j i ÜBLIC SALEj—PUBLIC SALJS or tows um In the town of PATTERSON, Juniata Co- will commence on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6,1858 i-f Three Lots are eligibly situated and worthy the attention of ail who desire a cheap home. . • Patompit (opposite Mirrun) to one of the most thri ving towns in onr State, and being the site of one of the largo Machine Shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad, far ntohes an abundant demand for labor of aU kinds. Now'to the time for Artizans of ail descriptions to secure a bouts in this rapidly gro^jWTO. N. B.—Terms will he made known on day of sale, Pate meats will be made eesy. For farther information apply to * J. MIDDAOH, ' Nov. 18,1858-ts, Patterson, Juniata co- Pa, WHEREA S, LETTERS TESTA MKNTABY to the estate of’Dr. G. D. THOMAS, latoof Altoona Borough, deceased, base beev granted to the subscribers, All persons indebted to Hie Said Estate Are repnested to make immediate payment, OTid those having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent will make known the same .without d'-lay tooneoftbo nn denigned. The Books and Aocnap-'cs are to the handsof Johnßhoemaker, of Altooha, on»:or the Bx’rs. lbr tmnto dlate settlement. JOItN BHOKMAKKB; _ ; Altoona, Pto, jambs ; Altoona, Kor. A TORE NEW GOODS!—THE UN -I¥l dSSiONED has Jnsl reoeioed ja fresh supply of jss. a szrg. please airs the a call be tore pnrcbaalngetoewhere, as I am SSSS to seu as Cheap as &ey can be had in town. -Ewr.4, >M»-y T. ELWAY* A TTENTION AI/POONA GU ARDS J\ —tan •» hereby otttoredto' jw *r mania(krtoroid>' of AltonMi' W SilUUiTi IB SSS»«etrfetoAf. BL, in foil uniform, * i' ~ EOBBBAV* B ? -a He T6i CilKbratko Holland bxmkdt wotf StiSSSil A. DISEASE OF THE 1 KIDNEY*? Liver oomplai nt, 1 * •' i , WEAKNESS Otf ANY Km# [ FEVER AND AGUE, And the various aSSctioM upon a ton Awl STOMACH OR UTKS* Such ms Indiasstion, Acidity of th« Stomach, Colicky PafcM,' lieartbnrm, Los* of Appetite, Despondency, CWwftftft! Blindan*.StartingPOes*. InatlJitnoghßlwiftiUtnii Neuralgic ASecUooa.it km In numeroui tostaacae proysd benelcU, ud in other* (ActM f • This is • purely vegetable compound, prepared on attrgUfi scisntific principle*, after the manner of the otkbMM, Holland Professor, Boerhavo: Becnftdf it* great eaeoeaft In,the meet of the European Btatee,it* Introduction into the United State* erne intended more especially ibr those of our fetherland scattered hero and there on r the tea at. thU mighty country. Meetiugwilh. mat aneoet* ageqngi them,.! now offer it to the Americau.Dnhlio, knowing its truly wonderful medical virtues oust be acknowledged.- ~It ia particularly recommended to those pomme whose constitution* may have been impaired by the cootinWon* u*e of ardent spirit*, or other twins of dissipation., Q»«r. rally iuetsfltaiwougin egect.it find* its way dirscUyAfcth*. ; seat of life, thaiUpgand quickening every ncrve. raialiig, / up. the drooping spirit* and, in fact, infusing new beam aud vigor in the system. . CACTION.—The great popularity of this delightful Am -ina has induced tparyf JffijtatiQps,,. which, the public should guard against purohaaiag.' Be .not persuaded to bMuaay thing else until yon have given Boerhave’s Holland Btttsn. a fidr trial. One bottle will,convince yon how Inflnhalp superior it Is to ail these Uni tat ions. . ■ Kg' Bold at gl.oo per bo-‘thy of six bottles for th, by the soil pwairtbji*, > , BENJ. PAGEV JR., # COv Manufacturing PharmacmtUU and Chtm/uU, PITTSBOBQH, PA. • . T. W. Dyott A Bona, Philadelphia; Beraos A Park, .Raw. York; John D. Park, Cincinnati; BariiaFd.Adanw.AOm,,- St. Louis; A. EODSH, Altoona, Pa. And M Jnmgfefih . aud Merchants generally throughout the United--Stal** and Canadas. . [October 14,ISMc-ly THE PHILADELPHIA EVENING WftXtUil AN independent daily newspaper, - Dnofcil especially to interaU qf lynntylrania. f Containing important Telegraphic Now* € rirtfai Auers M advance of (At morning (MeinA), yprelgnand Domestic WallsnlK Jects, and Full Report! trfjll pgm oCthst <4*7, The Cummeicial and Financial Departments are foil, and ore carefally attended to. As an Adrertislng Medium thsreis no better paper in the State, the circulation being next to the largest In the city, and among the most intelligent and inOocnUal of the population. TBRMB; SIX DOLLARS PER TEAR.; 0 ADTAMCB. CUMMINGS 4 PKACOCK, Proprietor* No. 112 South Third 8t n Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BtJLLETIS,' A HAiaWOMAWItt-MUKI, ....... FAMILY WMEKLY XLWSPAPMR, . I* pnttWwd by the Propttbtot* U the tblWlnf enpreo*. deutty foWrAedf 1 copy, on* year, • •' - • ........ aa: Scupie*, do |qo,. 13 do do 1000, 20 ,do do 1600: CO wl Cj' .j.., •• 90 00, 100 do do ••• 60 00 rUBTIUEB ISDfeceMBNTSI The forfeit club (over 100) will be ifent for Dire* j/tan.-... The next-Urgeet dab (aver 100) will be cent for jIyMUtK AddrcM, CVHMIKaS A PEACOCK, Proprietor*. .. nov 20 No. 113 South Third *t, Philadelphia . Look out fob your heads j —The subscriber would Inform tb« in- flMfe habitants of this place and vicinity that be . bas jan received the latest styles of HATS AlsE> CAPS.JJp? among which may bo found, thp best piacltMoto Bbln and Silk Hats, Black and different colored wool liftt*, Caps of alt styles and.nrlces, for racnand bow. Persons in wont of anything in the above line wiilfi milt to, Mi)WtS|l to call on the subscriber before purchasing' elsewhere.' .•' ■ He has also on hand an excellent assortment of Radies’ FURS, of different colors and prices. Those in trant of the article shonld call at once. ' ... \ Store on Virginia street, apposite the Lutheran church. . Altoona, Oct 14, 1858,-ly r JESSE SlftnC oqd.l’Mi best fits ri first \T R.WpJ' FITS 11I—Yor n good' Siting and well-mad# COAT, calf on Jr.SXVDWL For on excellent filling VEST, by all meant call on J. SSYDKR. For PANTALOON'S that can’t be beat for fit and call on u , J. SNIDER. , Come, kind readej, if ypn want to dress in a (fashionable style, call at myjlhpi* ogfpalfo.npllrliwfe, bat close to Al toona Banking House. Look not foe the picture with my name Maw. JACOB BKTDKB, Tanas. Altoona, Oct. 14,14,1868.-Iy . WM. S. BITTNER. . STTHG-EON DBimST, Office inunediaiely opposite the iufjtfnm Church, on Virginia street'. Teeth extractadwithoM pain, by means of electricitv—no humbug. A stndsnt who can corae well recommended for morality and possesess'a good EngUah education, will be token." [Sept. Sj'W-ly. Boot and shoemaker.—the subscriber reepectfiiliy Informs, the ditlsbnk of na and vicinity that he stttl cbntlnoosto nisirtiMWW' Boots and Shoes of every doscriptiofi, on the shortest vp tice,at his sbop on Main Street next door toftib TW|mM office.' His work is done np In thebest of style, andean pot foil to give setlsifactJon. Only Live him a colt' Nov. 4, IWSv-ly., L. IUCK ARDS. nR WM. B. FINLEY RE- S I / SPECTFULLt- offers his profosalonaljgMK services to .the people of Altoona and the Joining country.- . He may be found at the office haretofora oc-' : copied by Dr. G. I>. Thomas. , Altoona, Sept 80,1858.-41 Blair county issubancs AGESCTj—The undersigned, A rant of the Blair County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, it at dl : times ready to insure against lotfor donugeby fire, AsW xng*, cHptipivin town or country, »t os reason*!* *** os an* Oompov SfoMi Office fa, the -p. Jan. VSB-tfl* v - JOHN SHOKMAICER/JpvnC Take notice, that the a& SESSION? No. IV m4* by tha LrMmitift Mitiiti Insurance Compute, hrßlaif county ,i* pmut umi of May IS, 185$. JOHN BUQSMAf^rr Altoona, July 15,1890. . . J&pdfar; . QETTEBS FOR .UN- K_J dcnricned ha* on hahd * lotrf Settcca which ha ip) ■Dll cheap for Cash* ’■ JOHN March 2«f.J ' Maaodfc Tnaiplal _ SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG JTBSIA-t* cooling Cathartic, mild Id it( pparatlop and agreeable to thetas te, prepared and for sale by. . Jnne!M,lBsB.-tf A, ROUSH, Druggbt. ; PEA* NUTS — 5,000 BUSHELS Wil mington Pm Nats In More and female fiy ■ ■ WM; N; SHHQAWJt:' March 25, ’6B-lyJ 191 North Third strait, PfUqffen - Lumber for sale. 80,000 SHINGLES, 50,000 LAT&& ‘ and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, lower than tha lowest, for Cash. Apply to JOHN I? OR RENT.—THE STORE-ROOSI now oectapiod by J. A j. LOWtllEll, Wifi ha'fof Kent hy tlm 16th of October next. - - Sopt. 23,1858. WM. M. W>TP, riONVEYANCING. ALL RINDS of writing done at the shortest notice*—OsadS, IbA gagas, Ac, executed in the noatest mariner by .K., :, /f JOHN Jan. MBST-tfcl Masoaie lampla, IHo**. * DA BARRELS, OF FLOUR *HJ» O* / etea)i« add for' 00a by ; ■■ |f iSI*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers