Cjri JMtoima Criknt. ALTOONA, PA. THOkSMT, DEC. 2, 1868. tQto'Where pcrtiii are unknown to U4,oUrrulefor adver tising is to require payment ihi advance, oragnarsn toofrom known penanc It UthßCVlore oWI mb tor aU tueh to send «* advsnlMments offering to pay at the end of three or six months. Where advertisements are accompanied with the money, whether one, five or ten dollars, we will give the advertiser the fall benefit of cash cates. 8. M. JPJETTJBWBIXJL *. CO., Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street. New York, and ID State street,' Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona Tribmtt, and the most influential and largest circulating Hewsgaperp in tho United States and the Canadas, they are authorised to contract for ns at oar knout rater. SCARLETINA AND MEASLES.; —As this is the season -of the year at which the above diseaaesarc the most prevalent in tljis part of r the country, and in so many cases baffle the skill of our best physcians, we give the following remedy which'we find in a late number of the Scientific American , hoping that we may thereby aid in relieving the suffering. The paper referred to, which, by the way, is in all cases reliable, states that Mr. \Vitt, a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, I has published a pamphlet in which he states that bicarbonate of ammonia is a specific for the cure of scarlet fever and i measles. He cites Dr. Peart, of Liver- 1 pool, and other practitioners, who have never lost a case out of hundreds, since adopting this' remedy. Two drachms of the bicarbonate of ammonia are dissolved ~in five ounces of water, and two tablespoon fuls of the solution given every two, three, or four hours, according to the urgency of the symptoms. No acid drink must be taken, but only water, or toast and water. The system is to be moved by a dose of calomel if necessary; The room must be Well ventilated, but the patient protected from the slightest cold or droit. Gargles should also be employed for clearing the throat* The ammonia seems to counteract the poison which causes scarlatina, and also aote on the system by diminishing the frequency and at the same time increasing the strength of the pulse. We do not pretend to understand medicine, and there fore givethe above remedy as -we .find it, leaving it with our physicians to form an estimate of its value, aud give it a trial if they "think it worthy. Again.—A few days since we were the recipient of another favor from those lib eral publishers, Messrs. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, of Philadelphia, in the shape of a copyof Miss Fredrica Bremer’s last work, entitled “TheFobb Sisters.” We have not had time to peruse it, but we are wil ling toj take the word of Robert Morris, as to its merits. He says “it is in the best style of its charming authoress. We arc sure that every lover of a pure and healthy literature will welcome,this trans lation by Mary Howitt, of this last story of the gentle and ainiable Swcediah&uthor ess. The,purity of the writings of Miss Bremer, their sympathetic power, and the excellent morals which she ever inculcates, renders her novels welcome to the family circle. They teach patience, affection and endurance in such a manner as to Improve and gratify every mind. The style is glowing, the sentiments are pore, and the Four Bisters may be read with pleasure as well as profit by all classess of society.— We specially recommend it as a story which it will do any one good to read. The price of it is but 51. 25, and copies of it will be sent, free of postage ,to any one, by the .publishers, T. B. Peterson & Broth ers, on sending that amount to them in a letter.” ' :MAflAzmz—popu lar Lady’s Magaaine will be greatly im proved 4br 1859. It will contain nearly 1000;pages; from 25 to SO steel plates; and about 800 wdbd engravings. : Idas. AiorS. Btkph£NS, author of “Fashion andFunine,” and Charles J.Pjetjbesok, author Kate Ayleaford,” ate its Edi tora/and for it. Each will give a new JSToyelet next ; and they wiU beasaißted’by all the bestfemale writers* “ Peterson’s MagasineV is indis peusjbJh to every lady. Its Fashions are magnificent; its Patterns for f the ite Bppsehold Beceipts, &cl, almost countless, The . price is but Twq PoLLABkB a year, or a dollar leas than yffygariwfta ofitg jplass. It it the Magazine forthe timet* fp Club r s'it is cheaper still; via; %ee com# fox 85, or eight for 810; witb a eplendid premium. to the person getting up the Club. Specimens sent gratis. Address Chas. J. PetorSon. 3,06‘ Chestnut street, Philadelphia. The Gouldy Family. —Prom a tele graphic dispatch in the Harrisburg Tele-- graph fin learn that Min; Gouldy has so far her wounds aa to he Considered ohtlbf danger. Mr* Gouldy *8 also in a fair wey for recovery. One of the wounds upon his head has entirely healed, imt the others, arestill Very sore. The brain protrudes to the size of a wal nut, but the attending physicians confi dently assert thathe will finally be restored to health. Mr. Gouldy has not yet been informed of the suicide of his son. Young Nathaniel is convalescent, being able to sit up in bed and converse. Charles is al so better,'hot makes slow progress. The servent girl Murphy is still in the New York Hospital, where every attention is paid to her. The doctors believe she will recover. Our readers will remember that this is the family so brntally attacked by the el dest son, who afterwards committed sui cide, of which we gave an account some time since, as happening in New York City. Pacific Railroad. —An exchange says that a petition has been prepared, and is in circvilation for signatures, praying Congress to provide for the construction of a double track Railroad from the At lantic to the a collateral tele graph,—“ the work to be done by ten dis tinct companies, in as many sections, each being paid in shares of one hundred mil lions of dollars as its work may be done. No lands are to be given; none bat Ameri can iron and other materials of American manufacture most be used ;—the fare for through passengers must never exceed three-fourths of a cent per mile; and the whole work must be completed within five years. For the construction of a road upon these conditions, the petitioners say they will ever pray.’ 7 We think it will require a great many long prayers to ef fect the passage of such a bill, and double as many more, and twice as long, to build tbc road after the bjll has passed. WS ** On the 13th ult., the publishers of the Atlantic Monthly issued in book form, the “ Autocrat of the Breakfast Table,” written by Oliver Wendell Holmes. The Inimitable articles composing this work were furnished by the author and pub lished in the magazine above named, and from the general reading they have had, it would be surperfluoua for us “to say any thing in praise of the “ Autocrat.” No contributions to Magazines, cither in Eng land or America, have ever attained such instant and universal popularity. They have hit the public at a point where all men agree; and it is because they arc full of the nature that makes all men kin.— The work is bound in one volume of 350 pages, in handsome style, with character istic illustrations. Price 81. Phillips, Sampson & Co., Boston. American Enterprise. —No race of people under £un possess the spirit .of enterprise to be found among the people of the United States, and especially those of the New-England States.- Lieut. Strain says that in crossing die plains from'Men* doza to San Luis, in South'America, he met an intelligent American, who had crossed the Andes and pushed his way thus far into the unfrequented regions of ithe South. The reader, with Lieut. Strain, will readily suppose that science bad led an enthusiastic votary to undertake this distant tour info the semi-civilized regions, and his astonishment will not be greater than the Lieutenant’s, when he found that the traveller was an agent for an Ameri can patent medicine. Heavy Verdict.—We learn from the Pittsburgh True Press , that in a case just fiuished'in the Court of Common Pleas of Westmoreland county, there has been a heavy verdiot giyen against the Pennsyl vania Rail Road Company. The case was brought by an employee of the road, for injuries received from some carelessness of some, of the'other hands on the train— his leg being smashed. The caae was tried by (ien. William A. Stokes, in his usual able manner, for the Company ; mid by Hon. H, B. Foster, for the Plaintiff. Af ter a protracted, wearisome sitting of some days, the case was ended by a verdiet for tiho I Plaintiff against the .Company, for PeBT Peterton’t Counterfeit Dctectqr fox Deoemberiabefore us, containing fhll m formation in relation to all worthless, bro> ken and doubtful banks, together with a description of some 66 new counterfeits which have lately been put in circulation. This is one of the neatest and best Detec tors and Bank Note Lists now published. No business man should be ‘without it. >. . tfST Hie House of Bishops of the Epis copal Church in the United States, have ♦ * . ... • •* . , » *. ■ < ♦ \n - - issued a Pastoral in favor of al a new Episoopal hymn book, for the purpose, jb soon tobepro pared. PJSH AUD SCIBSOEB. WoF See the new advertisemeatsoftheModeL IfST Comfortable—Warm stow during the last fowidays- A cool opcratien—‘-making fires iheee mornings. - ■ .*■- •/> 10"* The New Gmrant and the Coal City &srabave been united. tfSr Theman who bad aplond npon ia blow has since been mist i SamMedaiy, qf Ohio, has accepted the. appointment of Governor of Kansas. gg£» The religion that costs ns nothing is worth exactly What it costs. jgr Men cannot expect to take pleasure unless the; are willing to take pains. Soldiers—remember the election for .Brigade Inspector, on Satnrday week. py- Attorney Oen. Black has decided that the capital of Kansas most remain in Lecomp ton. W%— Port of the personal property of Dr. Thomas, dec’d, will be sold at public sale on the 18th inst See advertisement. jyy The Gettysburg papers state that the Railroad to that place will he opened in the course of a week. If the mind is not laid out anti cultiva ted like a garden, it will be overgrown with weeds. ggy Why are ladies like bells I Because you never find out their metal until you give them a nng. ggk, A coquette is said to be an imperfect incarnation of Cupid, as she keeps her beau, and not her arrows, in a quiver. The heavy bonking firm of Robt. J. Bose & Co., of Philadelphia, has been dissolved, in consequence of the late illness of Mr. Boss. A down East editor has got such a cold in his head, that the -water freezes Oil his face when he undertakes to wash it. jgvgy* The majority in the State of New York, at the late election, against calling a Constitu tional Convention, was nearly 40,000. fig£»The oldest piece of furniture, is the multiplication table. It was constructed more than two thousand years ago, and is yet as good as new. SSP* Hugh Darkness, of Maltern, 111., on the 80th nit, whilst in a fit of delirium tremens, set his house on fire, and himself, wife and child were burned to death. Horrible.—The Harrisburg Patriot and Union states that a peculiar disease, which causes the unfortunate victims to “ scratch for a living,” has. broken,out in that town. The Select and Common- Councils of Philadelphia have passed an ordinance for the removal of the market houses from Market St. All that is*now .required is the s : gnatare of the Mayor. ffgy Cheating the Tailor.—Humboldt says that he met one day, In his travels, with a na ked Indian, wbo bad, painted his body so as to represent a blue jacket and browsers with black buttons. ' At the Convention of Bail Rood En gineers, held at Louisville, Ky.„ on the 10th alt, it was resolved to petition Congress for an Act of incorporation. The next Convention will be held in Pittsburg. : ' jgp- A Heavy Yield.—At the late Agricultu ral fair at Brookville, Indiana, there was exhib ited a tomato vine thirteen feet in height, from the first three feet a bushel of tomatoes hod been gathered. The ugliest of trades, stud Jerrold, have their momenta of pleasure. Now, if I were a grave digger, or even a hangman, there ore some people I could work for with a great deal of enjoyment tSf* *• I know lata a perfect bear in my man ners,” said a young farmer to his sweetheart “ No, indeed, yon are,not John; yon have .nev er hugged me yet * Yof are more sheep than bear.” ’ > ggjg- The Johnstown Echo notices the appear ance of a crazy woman in thpt place, a few days since, whose actions denoted her the same we noticed spine tune Since, She shonld be looked after by her friends, if she has any. The chess tournament played by tele* graph, between the Philadelphia and New York playenv has resulted in a draw game, which is considered> victory for the Philadelphians,.as the New Yorkers hod the first move. tgk» Information has reached Washington in such form as to piece the fact beyond question that a large number of Mexicans have entered into a league to revolutionise that State, with a view to its annexation to the United States. A derrick gave way on Thursday morn ing last at the new hotel in course of erection opposite the Girard House, Philadelphia, and fell on one of the Workmen, killing him instant ly, and seriously wounding another. ; a fireoccurred a t Johnstown, on Mon day night of last week, which destroyed a large boose belonging to the Cambria Iron Company, and occupied by four families. It is not known how the fire, originated. Loss about $2,600. — No iiutnranee. , ; gQu Hon. Thomas L.' Harris, member, of Congress from Illinois, died on the 26th nit, of consumption. Mri H.-'was a man of fair abili ties, of steadfast integrity, and popular among the mosses for the noble stand token '- by him against the Leconipton swindle, last winter. . tST A in his poverty as foUo^rs.;-—“l?ben 1 first came to Detroit, I was in perfect rags; the smallest bode in my shirt was the one I stuck my head thro*, and Ihad.to havatiiat, my only shirt washed bythedoMn^forltwaeto - gSL Hung ry * Hob.—A mannamed Myere was wamtonly ; and kihed 'sd^H^lidbah jjs ■•••. ■‘--w 5 -,v»vu>w«»Sß ?“•* h 7 * ams. The citixbm immedlately assetobleA ■ i* -i.'i‘ i -f- ' , , * • ■ 1 -ji Si-' seised Adsint Csl struiyj’ Min vp fa. se‘ : firjli r»j|uiAi lndian*, Df. BMleyAi* covered »n owUurking in the viaioityof bis baa, aodraaigto tbsJ&m after his gua to shoot H. As he wont towards the door, on his way ont with the gun, hod U cooked, mnule be hiind hh£, it went oflj footing the wifh and child of Dr. Bailey, and his raster and her child —in all font, not one of whom will probably re cover, The gan was loaded with buok-ehot. j; JBP*A Literary Curiosity.—We ted m « exchange the following couplet. In whidh a part of the letters do double service: • / car t h d die ahd p ' A sed iendrought eath ease hies fir b, hr 'and ffgtf"' “ Where was the man stabbed 7” stud the excited Irishman to a physcian. “He was stabbed an inch and a half to the left of the medium line, and about an inch above the um bilicus,” was the reply. • “ 0 yes; I understand now. But I thought it was near the Court House.” - The Buffalo Lodge of the Sons of Malta recently appropriated one thousand dollars, to be devoted to charitable purposes in that city, daring the present Winter. If deeds of charity like this constitute the great mission of the Sons of Malta, the blessings of thousands will de scend upon them. A man in Buffalo, New York, wears n most rare and ancient cariosity in the shape of a wooden watch, only onp hundred and fifty-six years old! It was made by Casper Gloz Stat ion, in Bwitserland, in 1702. The pinions and verge ore of steel; the barrel, main and stope wheels are composed of brass, and so is the bal ance. The rest of the watch is entirely of wood, including the cose. x JgyThe seat of Life.—M.Brown Sepuard, in a recent lecture before the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons) London, stated that he had found a spot in thp brain, not larger than the head of a pin, which if merely touched by a foreign body, produces death as insaantane oualy os if the individual had been struck by lightning. wide-a-wake lady.—A lady was detec ted, a few days since, pocketing a package of gloves in a store in Cincinnati. When charged with the theft, she burst into tears and tendered n $2O bill in payment. The merchant took bat $5, and gave her $l5 in change. On counting the cosh at night, that $2O bill was found to be a counterfeit “ Phoney the pheelinke” of that store-keeper. _ Well, friend McPike, pre-haps the fiery covering of your cranium had something to do with the illumination spoken of, nevertheless, the profile beneath it - wore such an agreeable expression that we mistook the cause. It will afford us pleasure to sample the “ sabstantials” .you promise, at an early day. We are glad to know that you don’t “ eat yourself,” os we could not find in our heart to detract from your di mensions, cannibalistically. “ Hasheesh” Eating at Peinceton College —Attempted Suicide or a Student. —A cor respondent of the Newark Advertuer, writing from Princeton, N J , under date of the 24 th lust., says: “A tremendous excitement was created hi ts last night by the announcement that a member of the Senior Club, Mr. C. fl., had made an at tempt to hang himself. He bad a few days before perused the famous work of Ludlow, en titled ‘ The Aasheesh Eater,’ and yesterday af ternoon, notwithstanding the persuasions of his friends to the contrary, determined to experi ment with this' dangerous drug. Of a delicate constitution, the quantity he swallowed, al though within that prescribed by the antbor of the work, was productive of the most injurious results. Escaping from two of his class mates while under its influence, and imagining, as be himself states since his recovery, that he had been sentenced to be hung and appointed his own executioner, he endeavored with his neck erchief to carry out this insane project, and would probably have accomplished tills purpose, had not the aforementioned persons, who were searching for him, discovered the body before respiration hod entirely ceased. He was conveyed tp his room, and through the exertions of Hr. J. S. Schenck, who was promptly on the spot, soon restored. Honor to the Beats; —Lieut. General Scott is about to bo the recipient of a beautiful pres ent from the Scott Legion of Philadelphia, It consists of a guilt frame, oyer three feet high by nearly thrae feet wide, richly embellished with carving and filagree work,' and contains the certificate Of membership of Lieut. Gen. Scott in the Legion. The plate is’ lithographed and printed in colors. On the, top is a likeness of Gen. Scott in a medallion, draped wish two American flags and two regimental flags bearing the arms of Pennsylvania. On each ride, on « pedestal, is a member of the Legion, in the blue uniform worn in Mexico, one standing at a “rest” and the other at “support arms.” The pedestal contain the nagnes of the principle bat tles fought in Mexico* Tapering up along each side of the plate ore two palmetto trees, colored true to nature, and at the bottom are bunches of the prickly pear of Mexico. The bottom of the plate contains a representation of the Scott Region monument in Glenwobd Cemetery; and in the back-ground appears a battle scene, the storming of the Castle of Cbapnltepec. The certificate is filled up with the name of the General in a very neat style of penmanship, and : is signed by the officers of the Legion. A Destsocxivb Tobsado.— The Paulding (Mississippi) Clarion says that a very violent and-destructive hurricane passed over a portion of that county, on Wednesday of lost ' It struck in its coarse, the residence of Josisfa Moody, where its effects exceeded in horror any thing that the imagination eon conceive or the pen portray. The place was swept as with a bosom of destruction, every house pn the~prem ises was taken up and scattered in pieces to the four winds, and, what is for more distressing to relate Ms-M6ody himself and eight other mem-; here of hip family were killed and several ipore severely wounded. Cat of fourteen persons lit the place Trat Jackson, the son-in-law ofiMr. entirely uninjured.— Mr. Moody was « minister of the Methodist' Episcopal Cfiurob, and a school teacher. The dwelling destroyed was newly built of heavy grpen logs. <' x S&“ A Test of Spiritualism was recently ipade at New Bedford Mass., which we oCm qtend to the believers in the “new revelation.’* The ecu Wade '.ynd ; supposed fobe lost ttith si wrecked dilp some yean ago. * Tbeftth er, a full bCHeverin the truth The undersigned Wiiv IU WiMdir. of 498 Peart street, In tin Mly of being sworn, deposes and says : That he was the hojder of the whole ticket—numbers IQ, 44 61 lecheme of SefAdlth, of the draw ■%. to the prtie of 22,8000, has-bnn fillly ati promptly paid by ihdmaMgen. I, ; , W. B. W«*o». ; Swara4*fi*e»e, thUSthOotobar,4B6S. - AWffWssllll* | The very beet icqrk in tie line of CaU • I met Making, : •• a and all those who entrust him with their orderfmay rtlj fij upon receiving finished work; :'; . ' - ' • $ He keep* a constant ebppiyof furuitjwe oa hand, be. s| which he Invites to attention of Uraw In tending to 3 “GO TO HoilSfrkTOl«o> I Call on hlm at at his* room in Loadooerille. near tie Plinkfiuade ■ | COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. I November 11,1858. , . . ISAAC CBOJUO- EISK’S METAEIC BURIAL CA- | SES.—This ie a new' article lathie Section of the- 'm country, although extensively used fin AheSSst. They rt asuroproCectlou agalnet ■■ ■ $S „ ± % and pomess may other advaotacea - His stock consists ofotl Qualities of goods, suited to tbs season, bar dress-coats, oVcr-coata, rests, Pantaloons, be. 1 .H Hts experience In the business warrants hjtn In premie || ha adfcr b a trial, that ho\oay be able to conriae* M tbs public of the troth of fals assertions. ' | Room on Main street, two doorii above the Natioa* l Bote). .**->.*«. '>• : JOIIR ODOUR®*-’ i October 38 th 1868-tt I ■RLANK BOOKS AND STATIONS- I X> «t. f WM.HATEff, MSJmM m JMiYrntti, 9tiTron« i>n>Bt*incßoor a cw r.sea I vespectfnUy Inrimatttptloiifahtelargo imd w»ll *!«•" -g • <; ; stock of • . - .-5 J&lqnltßopl:,Paper and Statiowry, #*”. gj and Book Printing* r| ofeveTy description, promptly executed. d®* Agent Sir L.dohnion 4 Co- Typo rounders, P"* - ja delphla. Pnly X7.IS»-tL | P&TIMONY. v I I I ■- i {From the Lewistown rfll I have hero afflicted for ten years with Chronic Dtw™*J[ ia aodhove received more benefit from Dn Vall’e Oajj 3 "* pa than aoy'Ofberincdiclne I ever used. ALKX. McKKB ■J-":--’; Olirrr township, Mifflin conntr, f*-. m eJS&kto certify that! used Dn VaU’a QalTwfcjQ“J S Myfcihlly hi some of the disease* fbf whteh. lt U; mended and found to act almost spontaneously. * Jr 0 * ■ : Bend If to all who suffer from pain. A. M. IhORAJi. ■ Sepf. 3,’68—1y. • Decatur township, Mifflin Ws", A CARD.—Hear what Mrs. Vanglj" of Duncahsvillo rays:—l have used tlio GslTiefc. prepared by J. D. Stoneroad, Lewistown, P 3-, « or *,j(a painful disease myself and recommend it to othct»» every ease found it to bo one of the very best mcdicm sore and painful diseases. Relieves all pain In a *•" Otoe. Every fiunlly should have it in the house. •_ Sort. Ift. 18S3--JC- CONFECTIONERY— PLAIN ?| flne ConfeeUoncry manufoctuigl rod | M«d. 25* *5B-ly[ 191 Norih Third street, * /TWTHAND AT MoCORMICK’S a *ufflci*nt to rail*** th#it» '*■ from ri«|ng and (owing. ?• toe •. ntuiiig, 1 pr*t«k 3 night, loom* Um the how nyxnss. | $ meal will core Ihrapepai* 1 Kpoonshtl win alvija ni ; S male obttrnctton ronon a| and makes a perfect eon. aj lj relieve* Cholic, whU* v| 1* a auro ear* 'to Cnoua of Cudluu. 1 needed to throw oat of tt* K : | cine alter a long ilckMta Vfi Jau.vdic* rnnoTe* all ■!> Ihnh On «kin. time before eating gin* I make* th* food digeat wall 'k core* Chronic Dianhoa |* i mer and Bowel cumpUUt* * dose. attack* canned I 7 Worn (aranr, ’ MtOr,' of i|>M