The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 25, 1858, Image 3

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    ■*aw. In the
f’ fS}
atel J- •.
F se J» aknet^^
fter, on’theTfiV
hom thefaet^
I-***. obi^‘
, tins OTonuJi
*> ad ‘° J to »nM4i
i ho didn't L^Z**
ittbat theJotJ
Lhc * su Wqofc?
to and platoi*‘
ie tried to r*
«c S . and
ht inches
r V, ch * **>* £
Magnxder dUi
(id several
sc, replying T,.^
fifteen minu£
exhibition of ♦.
»g in
ed light in bto.
e floor at fir,t£
he gallery g( *J
s shouted, "fu
°or!' TodepU
the entire
d people, »onH
i the mam
, and the «i.] t|
umber attempt^
i accessible,
cd to possess
rpose any etayt,
less, but the air
ims and cries.
ii violent hyrtn.
subdued wlthon
v years since, ,
me is suppress
mcl murder,
mi, owing to tom
•iilcncc. Pabße
jo soon after left,
Attala couatj,
i him that, afttr
errible agony for
irrcLof whiskey,
society of am,
lunged into tbo
e of intoxication,
l;c “ fire water,"
>y and miserable
:iic inpso of tag
;ed, in the men
pnn the bystu*
iside the victia
emory, and ftg-
. B. Ball, ofCj
' father to lean
mg cow hided—
his threat, wh«
cJeit in hU be
ii; head sevenl
: son seeing, be
i' li, rather tbfi
iiinsclf impose!
, receded a few
if his slices, aid
isdf halfau bob
vlion of the half
i.y pulling tbt
iy man's on time
y hla somribg
/. Ludington,tk
he recent Unitri
iui several of ha
o the Greenbrier
Hanabarger, rf
nd ‘Lady Row,
„% nt $5OO. «d
o Mr. Liusej, of
it Kentucky eov
r I sold to Ur.
oxen nt $200.
gross, iimouDtoi
jO. ‘ Triumph,'
is Arbested.—
r in the railroad
ivers, was arris*
■d in the robbeij
lace, of a large
i heretofore an*
s thousand del*
d. He'also ip*
t, who being »*■
he stolen money.
.. that had been
f :i fence, in the
hid the money.
Ft. Wayne.
e U. S. troop*
nieh the Nang®
ere killed, sets*
s and aixtj-6 n
Two of the ft
p probably b*®
hit Carson, •with
passed throng
c Kavnjoes, v®
arty of Mobasl
ain while it f**
iied three in®*
, and woucile!
v took placet!
North' Chelsea,
here were fow
, two of when
irnpion gave up
d Grffin on the
ontest betwet®
tier part of tb*
when Bennett
n miles in ons
fty seconds-
la of the
■cmems to h**?
are, in Lauit‘
voluntary coD '
ost $16,000.-
tier in ch®
iishing the un-
tccrine THd*°|
lenmore, **®J
•cd to her P*
oas, flingio*"
abe cee^
a.,a thinggj
fled. *«*£3
ad in auppw**
pOM3 Crite,
fes FAia.-—Tbe-Ladies Fair.luldinLowther
& Flack'sßall, wbieh wn»,elo*ed on Thanksglv
lag m <»® of the largest «*U» >f the
kind cm held in this part ofthe cooatry, and
%aa vWl*d by almost every person in tills place
%nd msny from h distance. Almost everything
exhibited was disposed of by lottery, and the
rapid ssuMf Jo which tin ehsneas were bought.
• yp, cfteeed the desire of tin buyers to Obtain'
finoartioto* istasmall price, and If thqy did not
, they Irnd the oonsoUUonthat their loss was
Many persons condemn this oodeof ob
taining money, but the condemnation was met:
by the argument that.the 4 ‘end justified 'the
taseas.” .On this question we do not intend to
decide; it belongs to those eogagad in it Suf
fice it to my, it netted a much larger stunfor
the purpose intmided lhim .eonld have been se^
cared by other pneans. Many of the nrtides
van of the very best quality; among which-we
' pay tw »fine sliver tea four
gold watches, a number of silver watches,
eral beantifol quilt pattens, fancy bonnets and
dresses, mid .smaller articles “too tedions to
enunciate.” was condoclod in a
manner which insured impartiality in the dis
trihntido of the prises, as the person who lad'
chtige of this part of the arrangement enjoys'
the confidence of all The best of order .was
observed by visitors during the whole time the
Air was open. Wo have not leaned the
amount of money realised, but presame it came
folly up to the expectations of the managers.
Cuahos or Tuts.—On Monday next, the
Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and Chicago Railroad will
be completed, and the cent will commence ran*
ning through ftom Philadelphia to Chicago.—
The road being under the. same management ah
the Pennsylvania road, is now the longest nmte |
of uninterrupted railway in this country—being
eight hundred and twenty-foipr miles. The
freight between Philadelphia .and Chicago wlll
be about four dollars per ion less than from.
New fork, and six dollarg-leas, per ton than
freight from. Doston to that, jpoiut Baltimore,
ly the Northern Central Railroad, connecting ■
at Harrisburg with the Fennqrlrania Central,,
has ail the advantages of this completed Jibe of:
railroad to Chicago. In fret,. Baltimore is by
this route, twenty miles nearer to Chicago than
is Philadelphia. This extension of the road in
v oltcs a change in the schedule of the Penn
sylvania Central Bail Bond. date
above mentioned, the Express Train Eastward
will arrive at this Station: at G,&O A, M., and
leave at 7,10, passengers tailing breakfast, Kp
change has been made in tin tiime of Express
Eestword.’ The Fast Linc Eastward arrived at
6,50 P. M., and leaves at 10,10, passengers tak
ing upper. - The some train Westward
1,25 A. M., and leaves at poo 1,30. Ko change
has been made in the schedule of the Moil
Train. ■
' TiiASKsamso Oxt.—Thanksgiving day was
pretty generally observed by our citizens. AU
the shops and stores »crecloaed,andquite a
respectable congregation assembled in the Meth
odist Church at 11 AT. M.,to listen to the ad-.
drew of Rev. J. Steak, whirii Was credit
sbleto (he Rev. gentleman. The Lhgan Rifle
Ksngers turned out at tea o’clock,
ed to (he woods on the top of the hlh .above
Kwt Altoona, on a tagret excursion. The
wedal was won by Harry Noel. The minner
of spending such days differs widely in direct
people. While the .piously inclined seek the
| bouse of God and participate in the worship
end pruse of the Giver of all oar good said pers.
| feet gifts, others look upon it iw n gcneral hol-
Uday-a day specially set apart for visiting,.
I limiting, 4c. Many who do' not think of apprt
iog on any other occasion, may on fids day-be
found wending their way ■& ihe forest, with
;gmu on their shoulders; bat.they seldom get
I wore than they would hare got if they hod stay
| *d at home, unless it be a'Jrafigty maw and a
| P»ir of worn put legs. }lt |a the delight of the
j juveniles, and the cry, “nd school i”,np school
to day!” is proclaimed by every one, os he
; brings out his or her sled, hoop, rope, &e.
Pamr Tnixr About.— Wl thin the jpimt fe w
* £ * lu quite » number of oar citiaenshave been
relieved of the contents of them pantry’s, by
«ome quiet gentleman, who did the thing So
nicely, that they were not aware rf his visit*
‘“•‘I came to set them ,tablii. As waa the
case last year, nothing hut cooked meats, bread,
cikea, pics, preserved fruit,&c., arc carried sway,
[showing pretty conclusively that .the thiqf or
[thieves ore too lazy to cook their
that s tbey have no place to cook them. itlsa
hltle strange that none of these prowlers canhe
caught in (he act of appropriating other" peo-
P'e’a goods. We thigk their frequent 'visits
should induce our citizens to be more careful
about their doer and window fastenings andio
pay a little attention to noises about their prem
ies after nightfall.
1 ATeiieadoy aiftniagljjtfli# Add-
Wat this place, under tho direction of onr
pmaon School Board, was'burned down. The
L/it is ““PPosed, originated from *de fective
emli PiP l e ‘, Qxa cUiiena > with the fire engine
ZfZt’ uw h ” 4, » «• >h«
ntJZZJT *“ » «• •
«.mfortoMeu. Om e bnM fop ttc *
LW ’**'■'» Mr.
L l “ »“ r '‘“W rf the 8ot<»l. We don't
L L™* T **““ «• tabor..
lariieJ b ? Me ’” U finished him at the
practice period—}f%
« -Onr energetic Street Super-
PbcimnJ. ’ nea ’ pushing forward
° f " Wch h * h U charge * ' m a
manner. Within the last week,
crQflsin P have been made over Annie
[where it front of our ofi ice and at the point
k ed 5° BBes Virginia streets. These places
« ««* ’« probably
[At thuS^^' ■ otlier Pfrts of the town.
6 7* ofgood
UeShe? “£**'*■ ****** wm *-
- • - hesjfty jlhanke of aD pedestrians. * :
JT 'i.'fi 1 *!) '•"* "g it:.'
lawo»Jimoßhvon,iHE DxcrinxnAiuaimft
sx>Gotmr;-- •
1 AOkerJobn, (of Henry) Tomer, Wmrf/yp
... Alexander James, Fanner, AUeAeny.
Robert, Merchant, Woodbeny.
Berry Jacob, Butcher, Qayspdrt.
Black G. J. 8., Parmer, Greenfield.
Burley Caleb ft., Carpenter, Snyder.
Borchmell Iho,, Master Carpenter, tiffin
Barbour Jno. M., Machinist, flaysport
Clapper Henry, Farmer, Huston.
Cowen Geo. L, Esq,, Farmer, Taylor.
BUaworth Josiah F., Millwright Woodbeny.
Fluke Joseph, Clerk, Logan.
Funk Nicholas, Fanner. Allegheny.
Fluke Wm. A., Tinner, Woodbeny
•Fonlkncr John J., Farmer N. Woodbeny.
Good David, Iron Master, Woodbeny.
Gorsnch Harrison, Blacksmith, Woodbeny.
Hicks John, Carpenter, Woodbeny,
Honk Samuel, Chair-maker, Woodbeny.
Hewit Beiy. L., Farmer, Woodbeny.
Igou Q. W., Carpenter, Snyder.
Kelly Joshua, Machinist, Altoona.
Kennedy William, Founder. Woodbeny.
Irfswis Thomas 8., Confectioner, Gaysport.
Londen John, Merchant, Altoona,
McGlathery Samuel, Butcher, Logan.
McKcage John, Tobacconist, Hollldaysburw.
Myers Abraham, Gentleman, Allegheny.
Miller Peter, Farmer, Logan. 8 y
Dru eg ist Hollidayabnrg.
Port William, Tailor, Snyder. 6
Runyan Martin, Butcher, Logon.
Rea James D., Merchant, HoUidayebnfg.
Smith James, Blacksmith, Blair.
Sink Christian 8., Merchant, Altoona.
Tnssey Samuel C., Merchant, Tyrone.
Westley John, Fanner, Login.
Weyandt James, Laborer Greenfield.
PxnHSTiiV ahia Railroad Eassuos, The
earnings of this mod, for themontti of October,
ahow ft deoreaae, aa compared with the name
month last year, of $66,700 88. The expenses,
however, were ranch leavsothat the real fal
ling off is bnt $64,819 71. The net earnings
from Jan. Ist to Not. list, show an'increase .of
9235,024 88, as compared with the same period
last year. The nef earnings of the canal de
partment for the last month ahow on increase
of $4,45015 compared with Ootbber, 1557, and
a decrcase of $10,908 12 for 1868, as compared
with the corresponding of last year.
NswFashiojvs rpa Ladiis.—The corxespond-
of The Treat has heard, “on' excellent au
thority," that the Empress and some of bar la
dies have lately been engaged inmaking ell
experiments pit dresa aaregards forni,
and develppement, and color; and that the
is “that they hate determined before
to ioangcrate- a violent reaction to the pres
ent style ; that is to say, to have dresses short
enodgh ,to display the foot and ankle, instead
of-trailing on the ground ; to diminish -im
mensely their prodigons development; and in
the place of colors more or leas staid, to have
the brightest and gayest hoes imaginable.”
Sosa of Tiskpekasce. —Last week we noticed
the opening ofa Division ot the above Associa
tion in ibis place. The following persons were
elected and installed as officers at their first
meeting.— '
P. W. P.—Chas. R. McCreo, lw. P.—B. F.
Rose.- W. A.—Win. 0. McCormick. E. B—D.
Galbraith. A. B. S.—H. L. Dele. F. S._D,
T. Caldwell. Treas.—Michael jClaubaugh, C.
—B. P. Custer. C.—A. D. Cherry. I. S.
—WnaMoCormick. O.S.—J.S.DeIe. Chap
lain—G. W. Patton.
Thk Tteoxe akd Lock Have* Railroad.—
d- M. M’Minn, the Chief Engineer of this Road,
paid our sanctum a . flying Visit on Saturday
last, tm the inteiljgence that
be; had juat returned from Johnstown, where he
had closed a contract for all Abe font necessary
for the completion of the road. They will com
mence layingtthe traok aa soon .as practicable
in .^he. spring, and it is .confidently expected
that the entire road will be finished in .less than
a year.—Jerque Star. *
%!riARDEn.---We are pleased tolearn
*h? 4 the County Comipisaionerßj at s late meet
ing. appointed oar fellow townsman, J. G. Ad
lttm,Esq., Mercantile Appriuser for the ensuing
yep. £he Squire is ceitainly deserving of the
appointment, if devotion to bis party and bis
labors for its success .are considered, and he is
well qualified to discharge the duties' appertain
ing to\he office.
■IQU Trial last for Special Adjourned Court
onthe Third Monday (and 20th day) of Peeem-
D. |B6B.*
Robert irfqore’s Exrs. vs. H. 1. Patterson.
JP*rid Gchd’s use vs.P. Watson et aL \ .
Joseph Baldridge rs. Margaret Moore.
Xyman Hubbeli & Wilson.
Xloyd & f Wilson vs. ‘Johnston Moore.
J.G. Pomeroy fetal vs, Allegh’y B. E. & C. Co.
\.i • *
Reuoous.— Rev. J. P. Brown, of Huntingdon
will preach fax the Methodist Church, in
this place, on Sabbath next
Pajmc—Mob* Paiujees.— Xke papic in
Bfew York seems to be op the increase, lit this
goes on smoothly, and the only
failures we have heard of were the failures to
furnish good fits made by Some inferior clothing
establishments. There is no such difficulty to
he encountered by those who patronize the
Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of Eockhill & Wil
son, Nos. 608 and 605 Cbcsaut street, above
sixth. Gentlemen and Youths never foil to pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishment.
Tent Best Cough Medicine.— One of the
very best Cough Medicines to bo found any
where, is Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup, sold by
G. W. Kessler, at 50 cents per bottle.
See advertisement of Dr. Sandford’s
LIVER INVIGORATOR in another column.
New llotei in Washington. —A project has
been'Started by Captain James P. Levy, for the
erection of a magnificent hotel in Washington
City. It is proposed to organize a joint stock
company, with a capital of $500,000, shares a
hundred, and to erect a building at a cost of
about $400,000. Such a building would be an
ornament to the national metropolis.
Bffi» A New Way to Kill Game.—As a train of
cars on the Bellefontainc road was coming in on
Saturday of week before lost, a largo flock of wild
turkeys started up from the track, and the en
gine struck two of them, which wore killed by
the concussion.
#®s- By the failure of a banking house at
Washington, it appears that Brigham Young is
a loser to the extent of $lO,OOO. With all his
devotion to Mormonism, Brigham thought it as
weirto'provide for a wet day elsewhere.
Mey*B Magical Pain Extiaetor.
Jb all rlliansta inflammation more or
atm to allay inflammation strikes at the wot of dlaaase-
immediate core.
pallets juagicaz pain extractor,
will allay g» -.k.
lOßtiiu core, ■
wfflcuwtta following among agreat catalogue of diseasas?
Bnrne. Scalda, Cota. Ohafi*, Bore Nipples, Conw, Bunion*
”"*!> %«*»» Poison, Bllee,Bcroftila.
Otaara, Poser Sens, Mona,Sat Ache, PQea, Sore Eym,
Owtt, BwrtUags, BheomaHsm, Scald Head, Salt Shewn,
So some tt may appear limredofawathatae
<f«imie»sdwdly one arOdpr s«J» «n idea will saniah
totb * *“*»**"**** *atvo Isa emn>
feet amldote to its appoatte ****
XnitaeOscts is magical, bocansethe time la so abort be
tween diaeaw and a permanent core; and it is an extra
to*v as tt jdtawsall disease ont of !the affected part, leasing
the ttjnty. It ia scarcely ne
ceeamy to say that no home, workshop, or nunnihetary,
BomentwittMtat it
KpßJttwotor is aenhinelnnlesa the box has upon if
WdJrtlHwi:; and by all the Druggy «d
dsalecs thwogliont the United States aod Canadas.
Hot* U, IflM-ly , . C. t. CHACK.
VU. i batcheioe's hair dye i
... "f** <WrM&\jßat i* the Worldt
AU other* are mere Imltettoni, and should be maided, if
, ORAY » I*®*. or AOfenr HAiR. Dyed latently tow
had natural Btown or Black, without the lout
lUlniy to tbeHnlror Hfcln
» Jt>lplonu “ awarded!® Wm.
A. Batchejor since 183% and over 80,000 applications have
*m «*»«£o the hair otlile fcfrpWhtofcmoneDyA
WIL A. BATOHEIXJR’a HAIR DTK produces .color
-9°*- to *•* ®»*lngnl*h«d from nature,and* vonuirasn not
to iqfore I? the toast, however long ft ’■ maybe continued,
fid the 01 effect of Rad Dyea remiedled; the Halt invlgo
sated for Life by this Splendid Dje.
■ Made, add or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the "Kite
Factory, 233 Broadway, New-Yodt.
Bold by Druggists in Altoona,«ind by Druggists in all
cities and towns of the United Stales.
99" Pennine, has the name and addw upon a tfeel
plate engraving on fonrsldos of each Box, of i
Not. X8,1868-ly 288 Broadway, New Task.
Important to Females--Dr Cheese
***** Pau—The combination Of ingredients In these
Mis are the resolt of a long and extensive practice. They
are mild in their operation, and certain jin correcting all
ipanstrnatlons. Amoving all ob
struction*, whether from cold or hemlm-t— irp ; n
in thestde,palpltation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which
always vise frqsi interruption of nature. Warranted
purely TegetaUe, fnd free from anything injurioiy to We
or health, i Explicit directions, which should be &d, ac
company <jach box. Price $l, Sent by nfeit by e&loslng
$1 to any authorized. Agent. f
R. B* HDTCIUSUSj Oenend Agent Ibr th'e United States,
166 Chambers street. New York. ’
To Khan afl Wholesale orders should be addressed. '
Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona j Geo. A, Jacobs, UoHl
daysbnrg; and by,aU BrnggistsMthe United States.
Not. 18,1858-ly. [■ .
Tbey are elegant. light, easy ond durable.
-fating to acharm—no turningspbehind— noahrinking
off the head; indeed, this is the only Establishment whew
these things are properly understood and made.
Noy. 18, JlBsB-ly 233 frroadway, New Pork.
""" " ' .. -i •
the qreat EEgEJSH remedy.
Patton sir J. Clarke, M. D, Phy
atom Extraordinary to the Queen. \
Thls inTaluable medicine is nn&lUng in the core of all
‘•“f® snd delicate disease**) 'wSilcb thefemaiecon
stltntioa is subject. Itmoderate* all excess and remorse
all obstructions, and a speedy core may be relied on.
«otusnna> uhns
itispecnlicriy suited. It will, is a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
, Each bottle, price one dollar, bears theGorermaentStamp
of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
~£**“U P'JtZPL?* U daringthejlrtt
wee monUit of Itegagney, at tiu&are rare to.bring
carriage, folio* my other time Oiejf are toft. -
In all cases of Kervon* and Spinal Affections, Pain in
.theßack and Limbs, Patigue on alight Palpitation
of ,tlw Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pffls Will effect
acme when all other nutans have foiled, and atn»«n E t» *
powetftd remedy,do not contain calomel, antimony,
or anything bnrtftil to the const!'
, dhecttons in the pam phial around each package,
which ehonljl bo carefhlly preserved.
Polo Agent tar the United States and n».«uf, .
j JOB MOSRS, (late LC. Bddwhi A C 0..)
„ _ ~ • ...'■ r ' ■ Rochester,H, T.
.. y ‘: J 'rfM w .* n 4.? !***«» etafflpe enclosed Jto any an
thorhMd AgSnhviU insore a tattle, containing anpiit.,
by return man. , r ?’ ! f
B, L.JWmestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for
adebyaUTrnggbts. | ; IJw» a, IMK-ly.
.On the 23d Inst, by Iricnds CcreJnony, at the residence
of the .bride's ftther, near Bristol, 2pcks comity, Pa_
o.' BRABTOW, of Altoona, Blair Co., Pa, to Hiss
MAJUf ff. LONGSIBETH, daughter of John Longstreth.
—A splendid assortment of Ready-Made clothing.
Call and see.; N0r.25,-tt
For sale or rent—a large
Swelling House and Lot of Ground, with- well of
good water at the door, and a good* Stable,' adjoining
McCormicks Store, East Altoona. .Well calcnlatodfor a
Boarding House. Enquire of
Nov. 25,1858-31.
Attention altoona guards
—You are hereby ordered to meet at your ar
mory in the borough of Altoona, ,on SATURDAY, DE
CEMBER 4th, 1858, at 1 o’clock P. U, In foil uniform,
properly eqniped for drill. A court of appeal will be
held on the same day. Q. W. SNYDER, Capt.
Nov. 25-2 t. 1
' Devoted especially to the interest* of Pennsylvania.
Containing important Telegraphic News sixteen hours in
'■ advance of the rooming papers, Original, Foreign said
Domestic 1 Correspondence, Editorials on all subt
jects, and Full Reports of all news of the day.
The Commercial and Financial Departments aro full, and
are carefully attended to.
As an Advertising Medium there is no bettor paper
in the State, tbo circulation being next to the largest in
the city, and among the most intelligent and influential of
the population.
No. 112 South Third St., Philadelphia.
a iundbomb wux-nixm, - i
Is published by the Prop: ietors at the following
dently tow rates: 1
1 copy, one year, - - - - - - - - .... $lOO
Ccopies, do ............. gOO
13 do do iooO
20 do do ........... i iooO
80 do do ’\ ' ***■*. - - •> • SO 00
100 do do - • 6000
The largest tflubtowr 100) tJUlbawat for three pears.
iMt> w> lupma wan., ralgffiu.
signed has latsly made arrangements
dohusineas ona more otadn «deHBBIB
than heretofore, and is now prepared to *
v ' o» art ram, '.'H '
Bis wtnkmoiar6acknowledged to be capable of doing
The vcry hest work in the Kfiet of Cabi
net Maying,
with theircrders may rely
nmreoehiing finished work.
He keepsa constant supply of Furniture on band, to
which he Invites to attention of those intending to
PlMk Itori”* 1 ** r ° om 1,1 sear the
November 11,1868,' ISAAC CBOMJCK.
-BB&—Thislia new article in this section of the
country, although extensively need in the £asA They are
a sore protection against . -
!** other .advantages over the common cof
on*. The remain* of the lamented CLAY and WEBSTER
wereoacaeod in theee cmm.
Horember XI, 1868. v Altoona, Pa.
•TT —Kowhsee—notso long as McOOHMXCK keeps
s*“* “ ril •»* brings such handsome good* as In
did this folL It is the wonder of every person how he
can sell such beantifol goods at such low prices, but the !
myetary strived—he knows what thepeople of Al-
fcney DEBBB 00008 hss S*?Sdw£
ineeelyto suit their wants, embracing everything they re
- that
angers and various mechanical implements, together with
asuperblot of swan and tobacco.
6 7“ brought to the town ofAltoo-
Sf’k W *** "°i? •* *a reasonable prices as they can
be had elsewhere. Come and examine and price, and yon
my save money thereby. *
EVERYBODY brvlted to call and examine
Head quarters for low
PRlCES.—Thankful Cor past Avon, the subscriber
respectfaUy beg leave to Sm the ciri«S thte
gaceand vicinity that he has just received and opened his
fall & Winter goods,
top«t l> af WlllaoU ** Teiy low P l ***** CMh - u consists
ZWwiff, Robes, Psj di Cheats, plain Merinos,
figuredfindsiripedMerinos, Wool Plaids, Union
- HngU*h Merinos, blade and fanpy
Silts, Shawls of every description; Sheet
- utgs, Madms, Flannels, Cassimeres, Sat
tinelts, Oihgham. Chintz, Hosiery,
Gloves, Embroideries embracing
Collars, Setts, Bunds, Insert
mgs. Edgings, in fins,
every article of La
dies Wear.
Also—An excellent assortment of fashionable Ouccns
ware,Glass-ware, Earthenware, Ac.
BOOTS andS&OEE of dl sizes, qualities and styles.—
Indies’; and Misses’ Shoes and Gaiters. J
assortment of GROCERIES may be found
at this establishment. J
Come one! cone all 11 and examine the above stock.
Altoona, Oct. 14,1868. J. B. 111 LEMAN.
ESTand most complete ASSORTMENT OR GOODS
t&at baa ever been offered lu A^^y?nn.
His Stock consists ot, in part, a large assortment of
Such as French Merinos, assorted colors ;
all-wool Plaids, Delaines in every
style j Cloaks, Shawls,
And a general assortment of Dry Goods for winter. «:■»,
Boots, Shoes, Hats,, Paps, fto.
HlO Stock of GROCERIES is very Iturse, and
he W prepared to seU Wholesale at Philadelphia prices,
freight only added. ,
Wb.iCwJ» buyers will dud they can save money by ex
amining his stock before purchasing elsewhere. "
Altoona, Nov. J8,1888,-6m
ben will sell at private sole, all Out * B
valnaUe business stand adth
and Lot of Ground, fronting SO foot on MB 11IV
Virginia street and extending bock.llo
to a 20 feet alley, in the flourishing
Altoona. Theimprovemonta areaUnearly new and the
8t ?? * “ ®?y to tha Place. It will bo
■old In two lot*, of 28 feet each, or the whole together to
TOitporcnaam. The property ta now occupied by Dr. J.
i'-SS'ftSk wI “ V S*!?? 011 the let day of
APnl» *869, when a good and clear iitle will bo given.
Should tlio property not be eold by the let of January
nextjlt will then be offered forrent for one year. *
♦w . nM J 0 " Ulde £2*J to suit the times. For tnr
thor Information apply to Tim. F. Sellers, Sabbath Rest,
BlairOs, Pa-or to the subscribers at Pottstown, Jfont
Rovember 11,1858-4fc TOBIAS aETi wpa ’
JL OF toww iois In the town of PATTERSON, Juniata
Op, will commence on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6,1858.
s*“° Ifts ax* eligibly situated and worthy the attention
of all who desire a cheap home.
(opposite Mimn) is one ofthe moetthri
vtng to was inonr State, and being the site ofoniof the
Urge Machine Shops Ot the Pennsylvania Ruilroa/t ftuy
manes an abundant demand for labor of all kinds. Now is
the tune for Artisans of all descriptions to atenro a home
ta tfafo rapidly growing town.
N. B.—Terms will be nude known on day of sale. • Pay
ments wfll be nude easy. For fturther information apply
Kov. 18,1858-ta. Patterson, Jttnlata co,'Pa.
T f MKHTAEY to the estate of Dr.O. D.THOMAS,
lato of AJtoons Borough, deceased, hove been granted to
the subscribers, all persons indebted tothe. said Estate are
requested tomike immediate payment, and thoee:hav]ng
chums or debuses sgslnst the estate of the said decedent
will make known the same without delay to one of the un
dersigned. The Books and Accounts are In the ' hands of
John Shoemaker, of Altoona, one of the Ex’ra, for imme
diate settlement JOHN* SHOEMAKER,
Altoona, pa-
Altoona, Nov. 11, ISM^Ot wnal,lft EgHrmfcms.
J 4 —The subscriber would inform the in* -■■■s
habitants'of this place and vicinity that he
has just rucrived the latest styles of
among which may be found the best Block Mole Skin and
Silk Hats, Black and different colored Wool Hats, Caps of
all styles and prices, for men and boys. Persons in want of
anything in rite above lino will find it to their advantage
to call on the subscriber before purchasing elsewhere. '
lie has also on hand an excellent assortment of-Ladles’
FURS, of different colors and prices. Those in wans of
the article should call at once.
Store on Virginia street, opposite tbo Lutheran church.
Altoona, Oct. 14, 1858.-ly JESSE SMITH.
Notice is hereby given that Lettcrs of Administra
tion on the Estate of Francis Stephens, late of Logan town*
ship, Blair county, dec’d, have been granted to the under
signed. All persona knowing themselves indebted to said
Estate aro requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present the same duly authentic
catod for settlement. „
October 211858-Ct.
More new goods i—the un-
DEBSIONED'has just received a fresh supply of
and WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths and Cas
slmeros of all qualities and colors; Plush Velvet and Silk
VESTINGS. Also, a large stock of Shirts, Drawers and
Undershirts, Gent’s Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ac.
Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am
prepared to soil os cheap as they can be hod in town.
Nov. 4,1888. T. ELWAY.
Conveyancing.— all kinds
of writing the shortest notice.—Deeds, Mort
gagee, Ac., executed in the neatest manner by
JOHN wwftßMifmi,
3,1657-tf.],1657-tf.] Mwoglc Temple, Altoop*.
• /«••-. x. <-.:yg*» ~=vf
v- ■-5- ■*
S^Lju s0 ’ 8 LOTtEBIBS m
Singia Nmnbtr Lotteriesfor NovenlberTiim, at ACODST?
QBOEOIA, in putflfc, nnder the super intsndento of 06m
Clam 44 draws on Saturday, December 4,1858.
Cl Am 45 draws oa Saturday, December 11, 1858.
Clam 48 draws bn Saturday, December 18,1868.
Class 47 draws oo Saturday, December 27, 1868.
60,000 Tickets!
mz ,m» bvxhub *m tn nmsl
magnificent schemri
«o BMiw «im mmiHiuMMim.
1 PrlM of , «nWMO| 4 Prise of toO
1 “ “ 30,0001 4 “ “ . son
1 “ ? 10,0001 4 « « tOO
1 ““l 6,00 1 4. «« Bon
1 «■ «i 6O Prises of 600
1 “ “ B,ooxl 60 “ * 300
1 “■* 1,500 100 _ “ « 175
4 “ “ 1, 001230 « « *-
./WO 1230
4 Priam of $4OO Approx’Uaß. to $7O/K» PriMaro $l,OOO
4 - “ SOO u . *.. « «
4 “ “ 900 .«* “ 10/100 “ « 800
4 “ “ 126 “ « 5,000 « « »0
4 “ “ 100 “ » 4,000 “ « So
4. “ « 3,000 « « So
4 « “ 50 “ « 1,600 « “ 900
6jooo u u ao*ro s 100/100
6,4B6Prim anumnUag to . SMOuDdO
Wlnb IldutijjOi' Ibhet $5; Quarter* $3,60.
The number# from 1 to 60,000, nwmimHiin with thehe
Numbers,on the Ticket* printed on eeparate illpe of paper,
an encircled with small tin tube* and 'placed In one
The lint 467 Mm, similarly printed tad encircled, ate
placed in another wheel.
The wheel* are then revolved, and a number ii drawn
fromthe wheel of Ntunbera, and at the wse time a Prise
la drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize
drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and
registered by (ha Commimianera; the Prize being placed
against the Number dlawn. Ihla operation ia repeated
until all the priao* aredrawn out.
Appaoxnunoif Paurs.—The t«o preceding and tho two
•nccecding Number* to those drawing 'jfa first 7 Pritn
will be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prizes. Por ex
ample : if Ticket No. 11260 draw* the $60,000 Priao, those
Ticket*numbered 11248, 11249,11261,11282, willeaohbe
entitled to $4OO. If Ticket No. 660 draw* the SSOLOOO
Prize, those Ticket* numbered 648,649,651, 652, wtUeach
be eutitlbd to $3OO, and so oh according to'the above
The 6,000 Prizeaof tSO. will be determined bj> the lasi
figure of the number Oat draws the $50,000 Prize. Ro»
example if the number drawing the $60,000 Prise ends
with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the Number endir
in 1, will be entitled to $2O. If the Number ends with No.
2, then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 win be
entitled to $2O, and so on to 0. > ■ T
Osrtifieates of Packages viU he add at the following rates
which la the risk: , ■
Certificate of package of IQ Whole Ticket*, ago
“ “ 10 Half “ ’ *4O
“ “ lOQnarter " 35
Enclose the money to out address for the rickets ordered,
orrecelptof which they will bo forwarded by first mail!-?
Puwmaserscan have tickets ending in any number they
Ae list of Drawn Number* and Prizes will be sent to
purchasers immediately after the drawing.
Purchasers will pleaee write their signature* plain, and
give their Poet Office, County and State. ' i
Remember that every Prise is drawn and payable in frit)
without deduction. ;
AU prises of 41,000 and nndnr, paid immediately after
the drawing—other prises at the usual time of Sfrdays. ;
AU communications strictly confidential,
i Address ordeie for tickets or certificates to .
n .?• SWAJf 4 CO, Aumtila, Go. '.
Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala, or Atohintn, Qa.
can have their orders flUed, and save timeu by addressing
8. Swan A Co, at either of those cities. v
A U*t SPthe nflmbers that are drawn from the wheel;
with the amount of the prize that, each one is entitled tot
wtU be published after every drawing, in the following na.>-
per*:—Note Orleans Delta, Mobile liqjuttr, Charledon Sun.
dard, AashvOle Gazette, Atlanta fnte&geneer, Kew Tortf
Weekly Day Hook, Savannah MormngJCnos, Riehtnond Dis
patch, Xeio York Dispatch, anSlPaulding (Miss.) Clarion
Augusta (Geo.) Constitutionalist. [JnoJ-ly.
JOB pßixTsa, Statiouxb akd Roox
Corner Market Ot SecondSts?Pittsburg. Bi.Wmdtmmr
respcctfnUy Invites attention to bis large and woU selected
stock of,
Blank Book , Paper and Stationery, Rail
Road , Mercantile and Book Fainting, i
of every description, pr imptly- osocnted.
, Agent for L. Johnson A Co, Typo Rounder, Phila
d|,lPhta - fJnly 17.1868-ly 1
JJ RATE FITS til—For a good fitting and well-nude
COAT, call on j. SNYDER. ■ '
For an excellent fitting VEST, by all means call on
For PANTALOONS? that can't bo beat for fit and »»»**.
“i 1 " 1 * .... J. SNYDER.:
Como, kind reader, if you want to dress in a fiwhionahle
style, call at myShop, opposite nowhere, but clow to Al
toonaßanking House, Look outfor the picture with my
name below. , JACOB SNYDER, TioasL:
Altoona, Oct. 14.14, 1558.-ly ;
Office immediately opposite tie Lutheran
Church, on Virginia street. Teeth extracted without
pam, by means of electricity—nohnmbng. A student whb
can come well recommended fiir morality and possesses k
good English education, will be taken. [Sejrt. \
Boot and shoemaker.—the
subscriber respectfully informs Uni citizens of Altoo
na mid vicinity that he still continues to manufacture
Boote and Shoes of every description, ontheShortost nb-
Um, at his shopon Main Street,, next door tothe PrOemc
office. Ills work is done np in the best of style, arid can
not taU W rive mtisttetfon. Only rive him acall. -
Kov. 4,1858.-ly. t- L. RICKARDS, i
SPECTFDTXY offers lib
services to the people of Altoona «Ad the
Joining -
'.He may be found at the office heretofore oo»
copied by. Dr. G* D, Thomas, ,
Altoona, Sept 80,186&-4t ,
Mdersighed, Agent of th« Blafr
ooonty. flutuai - Fite Ixunuikiice Ouddcqt. is at alt
firu. Bute
Jan.B,«W-tf] JOHN i
J. SKSSMENT No. J 6, made by the Lycoming Mutual
Insurant* Compiny, to Blair county, Is payable at my of
??■ h 3 per cent, on- all notes in force
V *z£’ W®s*, ■„ ' JOHN SHOEMAKER, :
AUoona, Jnly 15,1858. Recover, j
KJ dewfgnedhos on hand a lot of Settees which he will
March JJ-tf] Masonic Temple.
Solution of citrate of mag.
NKSI A~* t y u ?g Cathartic. mild In its operation
ana agreeaWe fo to itebyprepared and for sale by
June A. ROUSH, iMiggist.
mingtoupea Nuts instore and for sale by
u.M.t.aa-iKm.v -i „ WM. N. SHUGARD, •
i 35, 68 ~ I y] 181 North Third street, PhUad’a.
JLi «0,000 SHINGLES, 60,000 LATHES,
and all kinds of BUIILDINO MATERIAL, lower than the
lowest, for Cash. Apply la JOHN SHOEMAKER, i
1 now occupied by J. &J. LOWTUEB, will bo for
Rent by the 18tn of October next.
Bopt. 23,1858. WM. M. LLOYD. ;
\JI fine Confectionery manufactured and for sale by -
■March 25, ’SS-ly[ 101 North Third street, Pidlad’a.
Raisins.— 1,000 boxes bunch
and Layer Raisins in store and for sale by -
March 25, ’5B-1 y] 191 North Third street, Philad’a. -
NATE of Soda, Salaratns, Washing Soda, Darkee’s
Baking Powder, in store and for cole at
Sept. 2, ’BB-tf.] A. EODfiH’S Drug Stcis. ;
o*7 ret shed and for isle by
Jbom of tbo best PttrgaUre ancf U«5 -- _ »-
£*• «SP«Mc» that sets pa a (Wuutie,
*“• *s»s“* *»»»anyoticf medicinehnowmltiinct
Mty a Otttorte, but» Ztvcr remedy, acting fir* « tho
Zivcr its morbid matter, tluu on the Itotmach and
*K>wen to carry off that mutter, thus accomplishing two
purpuoe* effectually, without any of the painful thsin—
experienced in the operations of most CtUhatHetTli
strengthens the system at the same time that it purest It
«nd when taken daily in stud-rate doses, trail etrfcnethee
end btriid it op with unusual tepidity. • *
. ktriß one of the . principal reghbtbrs of ths
thT^^^ he ? u vtttorm ita ftiaCtiooa weJl*
•feLS??? the B>stcm |aro fully develop**! Tk
Sa»«w < =*a®ss
To prove that this reme
aon troubled with Ltmi
form*, haa hot to try a hot*
Thews GuUw remove all
the system, supplying in
of bile, invigorating the!
digest well, rcurvuco thi
health to the whole machl
of the disease—effecting a{
Bmocs Attacks are cur
nxvumn, by' the occa
One dose after eating is
tach and prevent the food
Only one dose taken be
Only one dose taken at
Is gently, and cures Oos-
One dose taken after each
49* One doae of two tea
eve Sick Hkadacbk.
One bottle taken fcr fe
too cfttteo of tho disease,
Only one dose immediate-
One doeo often repeated
Morbus, and a preventive
. 43* Only one buttle is
System thu effect* of medt
4S* One bottle taken for
lowness or unnatural color
One dose taken a short'
▼lgor to the appetite, nndi
One doae often repeated
It* worst form*, while Bnm
yiehl almost to the first
One or two dose* cures
in children: there is no
remedy in the world, as it
A few bottles cures Dropsy
,Wo take pleasure In re
aa a preventive far Fever
all Fevers of a Billons typo,
aud thousands are willing
Its^vw o*** 0 ***^*•■*'**^ Clr nnan^n °i w> testifaeay fat
vo . m *gl|g:i4Tßß INVIQOKATOR
DTSCOVKfty, and Is dally
***** to believe. ItCMaUr&
all Druggists. . by
The great beautifieri so
I«n* ndaUceeMftiUy sought,
its original color; covers luxuriantly the i—n.
muvos all dandruff, itching and all strufttla, scald bead and
alleruptk>M; nrnke» the hair soft, and
will praMrre it to any imaginable age; rcmorS, as If bv
uagic, all blotches, Ac*, from the bee and curesall mm if
gla and ntrVoae headache. See circular and the following!
n T .® t*r Protaj. Wood’*
automers and the approbation, and patronage It receives
■ahstantlal and worthy clUaops of our vl-
Scud ns as soon as Way bo one gross of *1 size; and one
dozen $2 size; and believe ns yonrs very rcetoeetlUlly.
(Signed) DAXIEL LAnIOKP < Co.
_ HlckoryQroTe. St. Charles Co- Mo*. Nov. 183 1860
Peot. O, J. wood—Dear Sir: Some time last mmtnor w«
?r^rS? nc<Hlton ** ,o ??-^r y ' rar nair BettonUre;aihl
M »««<■**•*»•
Our little son's head for some time had Imii nvhiiu
Wor^iwlU.sorevand some reSed irSffleSdTxhi
<^ B.°* 8 .°*y n con **in«>ce,*liena friend*
“* “S') yonr Restorative)
Httle hope of success, but. to oUr surprise,
a *7, “PP«c#Uona
««P of hair
aoon started otlt. and wo can now say that our l«or haa as
“ d •? Inxurhmt a crop ofhokss*!
yy •oddo hereby recommerd
tjrocdylqr all Jiseases ofiha
acaip and hair; We a, e,yonr» respectfully.
gJ»RGK W. ntGaiSfiOTlUM.
Professor Hdir Rwtonitlve, And truly sAx it h
! a*j£3S , < SS;
im one of the worst klmh ' * -t*
Yohm RestkmtfaUy,
Wood A 00, Proprietors 312 Broadway Ifcir York
Jfc«rie by tl. W. KBSSLEB, Altoona,andby all «od
g^>l y ; . [Jose 8, QW-q;
w th«
«£*?“*,. that he haa jtiat returned
nom the City and opened his store on the
Coasra or Asms am Vraowu Srtsats,
Where he oners for sale the largest and cheapest stock of
Eyer brought to this place, which bo will sell, M’llOfc#-
SALS and RETAIL. He will also keep cottalailUv uni
hand a large supply of *
and Country Produce v/ufi ktncL,
which hoiwDl dispose of at the lowcst ca>.h prfoes. Asha
has bought his goods f or cash, ho Will be enabled to soil
them low for cosh* He would respectfully invite alt to
giro him a call and judge for tfacmsoltee.
Oct. 28thy 1868-tf.] v LEWIS FLAjpK*
Fall and winter fashions.
—The subscriber takes pleasure In aunoanclns to
the public that he baa just received bis stock of "“ 1 • ■
together with the very latest stylos of Fashion, and is how
prepared to accommodate all who may give him a COIL te
the meet satisfactory manner. ' 1
His stock consists of nil qualities of goods. shitted, to the
season, for dress-coats, ovcr-coata, vesta, Pantalooha. Ac.
His experience in the business warrants bin th ndmb.
ing to his customers the very best fits.
All be asks is a trio], that he-may be able to convince
tho public of the truth of IHs assertions.
Room on Main street, two doors above the Jfatioaal
October 28th 185S—tf.
WALL PAPERS I Wall Papers 11~--
Come and see tho largest and cheapest usorQUeht
West of tho Alleghenies- -
YOUNG FOLKS—Paper your rooms and bo sociable.
OLD FOLKS—Paper yohr rooms and bo cOthfortidJlr.
Boantiful Wall Papers can bo bodght ataUtorfcesfhan.
10 and 12 cents up to $5 per roil. ” ‘
Window Curtains. Fire Board Screens, Tester Cifttts,
with a groat variety of decorations alwars for sale by
W. P. MARSHALL * co.
Sept. 23,1858 —2m.] 67 Wood Street Pittsburg, Pi.
Home testimony, :
. «.• ~ [Prctn tho LeWistoWh Abrort.l
I bare boon afflicted for ten j ean with Chronic Dt&rrhma.
and have received more benefit from Du VaU'sQalTtnicoil
than any other medicine I ever used. ALEX. McKKE. ■ -
Oliver township, Mifflin conntv Pa
This is to certify that I used Dd Vail’s GatoS*’Oß in
my family in some of tho diseases for which it is ntom
mended and found to act almost spontaneously. I r
mend it to all who suffer from pain. A. M. INGRAM -
Sept. 2, ’6B—ly. Bedttaclownshlp, Mifflin p*
A CARO.—Hear what Mrs. Vauehn
orpunc&nsvilUj says;—l have used the Galvanic on
prepared by J.D. Stonercad, Lewistown, Pa,fcrTw,
painful disease myself and recommend it to others, andin
every case found it to be one. of tho vonrbftt medicine.^
utae. ivtxygu^ijiEtQuMtuvaUiatbelmn*.
/ : :
. callinsiut
- -T - , -- -.i. 1
dy Is at Inst fbnni any mn
CoMi-tAiNt, in any 'of Its
tie, and conviction fa aa-
| morbid or trad mattfafrott
their place a healthy flow
stomach, earning fcod to
“toon, ton* l and
uory, removing the sawn
radical core.
ed, asp, watt is anna,
khiaal use of the Lltsn in-
sufficient to relieve theacas
from rising and aowfag.
fore retiring, ||| ilih>i
bight, loosens the ihthowi
meal will cure Oyniapafe.
spoonsful win dwnyaiw:
male obstruction nteovu
and makes a.perbcl own,
O’ relieves Cholic, vrhila
is a sure care fbr CkgUU
needed to throw OQt of the
cine after a long sfckaeaa.
JArswc* removes all sab
from tho sklh.
time before eating give*
makes the food digest wall,
cures Chronic Diantata in
mer aud Bowel eamrJffan
attacks canted by Vend
anrer, safer, or spesdle#
by cxclUUg (he absorbents
commending the mmltrine
and Agile, Chill fsw, and
U operates with certainty,
to testily to Us WOhStlU