The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 18, 1858, Image 3

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    ’ BOM GUw»
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liavmgc«aa o< j?*';
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;UUf to which Uu
or bad matter .
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11 cure; Dysp«ti»
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euro for Pwftja
o throw oiit of tk.
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■ -V.m.
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lip food iligealjU
h n ; mc DUrTh«*u
Bowel complain,,
caused by Wont
■yf-r, or.-»^*»dhr
•“C tbeabgortrtfc
'ine the medidu
; chill y»ytr, aw
tta with ewrttdu;
to iu woaderfti
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mil hccn perfect];
lid hejid. Tb
;i. e. when* (Hh«,
“ V' ur Kettotmtlr*i ationt raMTat
iK -nt crop afuir
lii.: our
■■■;> of h*ir MOgr
‘■n-l .y recomSMKi
' nit disease*Oftb*
<•1 fully,
June 22, I SM.-
is*- 1 1 two bottles e(
ran truly UT ith
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fear, us wyoss*
p'-'-t fully,
ln. mcrpiit.
,I'ray, XewYort,
■ament,) and.lU
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trJ to the nnd«r
indebted to
payment, O*
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GOOD, Adm’r.
fresh supply ct
F Cloths and C**-
Velvet and Sil*
t«, Prawcr* ap*
fa, Gloves, At-*"
t--where, as I a#
d in town.
y. of tho Bl*ff
Uy. U »» *i 1
i,y fire, i*w“ -
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l»le rates a» »»J
lie Temple.
UiEK, Aged-
,i.nnisag Mu*®*?
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; BCjyCH
'i Etoi ‘
rsr %;
On Mond»y evening laat,wp
sltw ied, by invitation, a meeting held in the
goperintendeht’s Office, in thia place, for the
purpose of presenting to Eobt. Esq.,
# handsome gold-watch and chain, *
The meeting was organised by appointing
Ceo. B. Cramer, Esq., Prerident, and S. 8,.
jlcCrum, Secretary. The President stated the
object ef the meeting, and made a few, appro
priate remarks, intended for the benefit of the
young employees end telegraph operators who
*«rs present t
Tie watch wa* t pres«ntod hy; Mr. H. X. Delo,
pith the following address;—
Mb. Pitoouas, allow me, bn behalf, and in
the namo of the Employees of the Penno. ;Eail
dpad, on the Middle present to you,
the wateh and chain lhald in wyb««i. •» »to
ken of their respect iod affection towards yon.
It ia extremely gratjtyingto me, laawuppyoa,
to be the means of conveying this gift toyou,
beoanae 1 heartily join with them in their eo»;
for yon as aman, and, in admiration of the
ftir. Just, and able manner you have ditcharjged
y our duties connected with ; the roadi \ -
poring your long connection ■ with the Bail)
Road, I have never heard one complaint; and)
tide day shows that thefeelings of those around
you, are as sincere as they are warm. Your ;
strict integrity and gentlemanly deportment to
all alike,-have made you it favorite with the
men you were associated with, that, is enviable,
indeed. % "i t '
Thereupon tboy desire by this small token to
show their appreciation of your worth, and may
' its time be ostrneas theur aenUments conveyed
through me to you. this evening.
They hope you will appreciate it, not on ac
count of the .value of the gift, bat in Ichtdly re
membrance of those who gave ,it( and that as
we journey on through life,; nothing may ever
occorto mar the Mad feelings and relations
| which always havo existod |»t}tween us.
j You have their best wishesforprosperity and
I' happiness to attend you, no matter what your
duties in life miy bo, or, where they may call
Jon. ■ ; ' ,V':' ! '■ .V',4. -
Most truly do I join my wish with theirs that
such may be the case, ah# though wo regret, yes 1
deeply regret, to part with you, we wish yoii all
[ the success imaginable in your hew'field of la
bor. 1 •V‘ L "r‘
Sir, allow mo to thisbeautlful watoh
and chain.
The watch contained the fo%wiug inscrip-
MEskstan to
By the Employee* of the Middle Divttion
At a Mark of their Beejpcet and Eeteem.
Mr. I’itcairns received the watch and return
ed thanks to his frieuds iu the following ad
(itsTLF.MK.v, ! return you'mj aiucerethaaka
for this beautiful mark pf yourregard pud cs
teem, tbe prcseutatiou pf which swells my Leart
niib gratitude and' unfits mo to apeak iu the
mty heart wouljldictatc.
1 ant rather deficient 'in language generally,
but when it comes to tiUdug lwjve ofuly friends
and companions ’whom I have |>ccn associated
with for yean, in the most.pleasant intercourse,
and see by the presentation of this valued gift,
that their hearts are still .warm for me, my
tongue, utterly foils me.
Whast you in the service of the
groatßenna. Central Bail Hoad Co., it has been
*V;«m to render full satisfactfon to myEm
hya praroptimd faithful discharge of
the aufies committed to .my care) and at the
sametime, I hare, as far as Ujy in my power. >
endeavored tognin ypur confidence and good!
*3l; W iever alloircd myaelf even to
hope that the result would be' so highly sue*
cesrfbl as this ceremony to-night would seem to 1
«gue. Therefore it is with feelings of regret
. that lam called upon to part with yon at the
present time. But each is the
They know not when they wrUl he
to part with their fiends, 3sey know Wot at
l what moment whilst in the discharge of their
! duly an accident may happen mid rush them
I ' eternity. They-hayis to braye alike the.
I w inters storm and tha - Sommera heat .When
I calls, ’tu th«irB to obey. But these hard,
ships and dangeta only each other
| the more. ' .
timemy bring new friends amlnewaaaooia
tions-it my bring furrows un.|njhrow,.lmiit
wm neVereraiie front, tpyheattkhe recollections
of many whom lam JjSwiCfe; chUmy friends,
*ho arc engaged intlfe Penn, uo’s. ser
-wi prosperity. I will
tin.. ““ioMo "‘the luigli repute-
I bchew :
Pa^Tr^S A o ?** niy connection with the
JSJST’i "f »*»▼« all lo its impartiality
ier « certain of Tfe reward. And
to the adoption «f lie
mouon fro* the ranks, em than peri^rL
Si p? 5 stands the
; "gu character she now maintain* .
Jrnh tt *°> our President was a
ocmber of anJJnglncer Corps, opr General Sn.
> Wiy Statiott
tcr of a working mechanic in the
chops and one of your Division Siiphrinleh^ents
These, facts, my friends, mtonot butfaji Win
cue you to further efforts to perform jonr whhle
duty and acquit you Uhoaen. T,
Mi .“. tgftttitn( ! e iB6ald tob « the most heart
felt and expressive. I feel the truh to-night.
... , can as sure you though my tongue .cannot
'Peak my gratitude, my heart feels it ' A
Mr. Ktcairns left this place on Tuosdaymom
■“fc, fe assume the duties of Assistant fiuperln
ea eat of the Western Division of the Pitta
ar& Ft. W*yne & Chicago Kail Bead. His
office wm be ttt ft Wftyne> A
utlon vT b ? adin S ,in «pndßptin« tmhspoiv
edro ’ ' t PltcaiTnB possesses a perfeot knowj
hu ? to * hlt !‘ •>»
AQr -
Vmon and
V* Myd that “the mail
tder +i,_ •. - «w*aid. the other day, un
l*at Wdtze ?‘ “ cd *
: of gome dni Altoona, in consequence
* iviBion ’
Ll e timo ■ »:T a quarter bcbin <i the eched
fptil beaL? U t ? adfi U P »«* the trip, and stop,
ike engine was
Wu, oath«^ S AV. , ' ° n6 of - tbc b «t. if pot the
oaiettf w ithoat end&ngerioj;
- : —■ --j
addiNfcMeftrered by Eev; A.B.Clmcic, on -the
lilMreHherend the business engagements of a
nun&tr <if the members,- the tom ontsras not so
‘■ijKgftas it would otherwise have been, bcver
theless it was quite respectable and bad tbe re
deemlng ofheingselectand appreciative.
The address w* nTt\?Tl»ttif and tbe
MbjeoJ apptoptiate. We shall saynothing more
about Hat present, as it is likely that ire shall
have the pleasure of laying it before -our read*
en in a short time. When they can judge of its
merits-fur -themselves. ' *-1
■- The .room of the Association ;is neatly fitted
ap. On either side of the-n»om are long tables
for the use of the members urwrtiingand read
ing. Thc sUna .&r nsevof the President is
a very neat piece of workmanship, and is slight-'
ly elevated. AtableeachfortheSecretaryand
.librarian occupy^differentportsofthe room.—
There are about four dojen handsome and com
fortable arm chairs, a neat stove, which worms
the room effectually, anid a
four burners, whichthrowsout light enough to
it one of the mopt inviting places in -the town in
which (o.spend ihe winter, evanings. The vails
of theroom are beaatifnlly with bak
grained papering nicely poheled above and .un
derneath the windows, spring it the appearance
of a. neat parlor. A iargebook-cose occupies
one corner of; the room, 'which Is already well
filled with choice booke froin -which the most
indifferent reader may select one that .will in
terest him.
Now that everything pertaining to a complete
organization of tfae Association has bceit per
fected, the room fitted up and the books num
bered and feady. for dlstribution among the
members, we hope to see the young men of Air
toona coming focward &ad enrolling their names
onHhe books of the Association, and making it
what it is intended te be—a benefit to them
selves and their successors.
Thesttlrjecit of having lectures delivered at in
tervals, before the Association, to which the pub
lic will he invited, wasbrbught up at the meet
ing on Saturday evening, bat was postponed for
toe present. We are ia favpi of thia moveqient
and hopo that the question will not be permitted
to drop. Kb thing would add so much inte
rest to, the Association, or result in the same
amount of good to those who attend upon them,
as a series of lectures delivercdUby men who
arc capable of importing instruction on subjects
imperfectly understood. Wc a*e also in favor
of a literary Association which shall meet one
night In each vrcck. losuch AESobiations mauy
of the ablest orators and debaters of qur country
are indebted for. their, schooling. There are
many already .connected with too Association
whom We believe would enter into snob a socie
ty. ; lVwenld certainly help to btingout and de
velops powers which, might] otherwise be per
mitted to slumber forever without top person ■
knowing that he possessed them. When ques
tions arejbrought jhp for argument And persons
-take positions on either side, as A matter of
course they will endeavor to sustain that posi
tion by argument, which, will .require Research,
or observation, and information acquired in this
wap. .will be lasting. But .we. need not enlarge
on itoif) point, toe taneflts Whfch flow from snob
an Association most beobyions to every one.
We can only indulge the hope that itwill be
Cobbksposijksce.—We cheerfully give pljce
to the/QUovuag correspondence, although, we
Aot prove satisfactory to'all;—
■ - Altoosa, Not 16,1858.
Rby. A. B. Clark— Deco* Sir:~Vfe, asa com
mittee, have been delegated by the A. li. L. &
B; B. Association to solicit of ybia, for publica
tion'ill .the columns of the Altoona Tribune the
address delivered by yon ;at the opening of the
Association, on ev«iing, Nor. 18th.,
By grunting this request, you will much
, T ”S. , SSSS&>
Chairman of Com.: '■
■ Aj.roqjsa, 19th, 18b8.
< ToJ. H. Dtbabt, :> t .r;; - ! y-:
Chajrmon Copt. jo/A.M.L. J* fi. K.Anocutton.
XBmhßut :r—Tours of .this date, requesting for
. the ramnittee, and in ,behalf of ihfe Association
yoniffireseut, forpublichUbh Jn ;the;- iltbpna
fffSmW, a copy ofthe addreas delivered at the
°P*Stof M the £obms & Library on Saturday
font hand.
•... Youf, request has been .dtdy considered, and
alfcr nature deliberation, is jfor the
the A :
■ Istßecauscbfthe tmhsienUmpwsaiibnnuide
by newspaper publications.' Weeklyand daily
papers ore intended mope for brief,articles, and
news Beds,' than for'Addrtsses or Lectures/. t
2d. Because a Lecture, so long as mit given
to tb'e pab|lo|hr6ngh Uie press, is private pr op-
a S & in used on similar pcoa-
or requested.
, 'v* ®Manse the publication of Lectures in
aailjNr wpokly papers, is calculated toi detract
from Bis interest which ought to be taken in
their encouragement and delivery. They are
expected fa appear in the “ Weekly Issue/' and
therefore no one need be particularly solicitous.
about being present at their delivery.
9j>r citizens have been reproached with not
haying intelligence sufficient to appreciate
“Public LeOtares ” While I hesitate not tp
pronounce the insinuation unjust. L ain ,bound
in candor to ssy, that there has been manifested
hcretpjftijjc, an indifference in such things, to me
httfj^y unaccountable. And I am unwilling in
any Way, knowingly, to enconragein bur citizens
thls culpable indifference and want of public
spirit. I remain yours most respectfully, '
Cbazt Wojlvn.~-Ou Thursday last, in insane
woman, hailing, we believe, from some part of
Bedford county, arrived in this place by the
noon train from Hqllidaysburg. She paraded
through the principal thoroughfares of our
town, for an hour or two, singing snatches of
of hymns on a wonderful high key, and crea
ting sport for the juveniles-who collected around
her. What became of her we know not, but
presume she was taken • care of by proper au
thority. 1
P. S, Since writing the above W£S notice an
article in the Harrisburg Telegraph staling that
an insane woman appeared in. that, place oh
Friday: morning, singing and snouting at the
top of her voice. She is ho doubt the same to
übothwe allude above, and that she took the
JChhrsday.- ‘ : v r ;■ -v - o
to an
Bueolary. — One of tlie most daring
Burglaries that ever took place in this borough,
occurred a{ [the house of Edward Ebermaa, con
fectioner, op the evening of Monday of last week,
a little after eight o’clock I .'' The store of Mr.
Eberraan is on the first floor of' the establish
ment, adjoining which there is a kitchen where
the family (generally spend [the evening. At the
time above mentioned, Mrs; Ebermon went up
stairs with a light in her hand, and just as she
entered the 4oor of the back room the candle
was knocked but of her hahd by some .unseen
person, who immediately escaped out of a win
dow, and oyer the shed of a coal house. Mrs.
Ebermon shrieked, but bofpTe: any person came
the burglar made good his escape. On examin
ing the room, it was discovered that the bur
glar had opened numerous drawers, and also a
trunk in which there was §5BB in a box, with
which he decamped. Five | twenty dollar gold
j pieces were dropped by the burglar in his flight,
I and winch (Were xcccyprcd ikxt day., The- en-
I trance Was effected by removing the lower sash
Of the window, which was easily reached from
the shed. Mr. Ebermon generally keeps his
money in bank, and had only drawn out tins
ampnnt a few days ago, in order do lay in a
stock for ;the approaching ; Holidays, which
mokes it very evident that the bnglar knew all
about Mr. Ebermnn’s business transactions; let
him be who he may. The loss on Mr, Ebermon,
who is an iadostrions, hard-working nun
yeryscypyy.— , j
Obstucctino 'Crossings. —The Jolmstown
Echo expresses our ideas about those who ob
struct the street crossings with teams or wagons,
and pictures what is. often .the case-in Altoona
when he says, “wo have ijgjqnently been made
the victims of an imposition [culpable in the ex
treme—that of being compelled to wade through
mud and water simply because a teamster has
the impudence to obstruct a street crossing by
stopping h»o tea™ directly In the way of pedes
trians. We have charity enough to believe that
some who commit this nuisahee, do it thought
lessly;, but: there are many to whom it offords
a fiendish satisfaction to se persons, and espe
cially ladies, forced to wadel through the mad,
and this is jtbe reason that ,they indulge in this
reprehenrihle practice. Tbclowand level loca
tion of our [ town renders it impossible to keep
our .streets [clean during the -prevalence of rain
—they not being properly paved and graced—
aad »|li jen lp deprive pedes
trians of the use df thcpublic crossings? ‘We
cj|n hope that -persone driving alopg our
jwlll hercaftcr desist from the commission
Cf tma"nuisance, os it is an' outrage upon the
public, and: an offencei for [Whioh a fine should
be umtitutpfl by a Boirpugh and that
Ordinance Carried out. i , I
1.--:;: •; -, ; !■■■ . I ■
Sbss, fir ,| Tempmjlmcjb.— e are pleased to
Icam that a- CxTislpp Sons of Temperance is
about to be organized In this blase. ' Therequi
sUe pumbefc of obajter members have been ob
tained And the received.' life believe
theyhavenot yctsuooeedOdin securing a Hsll ? ,
bit presume they will Obtain one erelong.—
We hare eter looked upon this Association with
favor, t^U^^4 ^s^“ mentality
many ponngn&iii have beeh : saved from filling 7 a
to witness eataeammint of drankennejss, in
this place, sat is -in many others of
smaller size,' yet we
Would be the better of A ■lltfle restraint in that
wpy. . Wo|iivTe hodoub.t pit tite: Division in
thecbaraeter ofthemen who are at the head of
it. :We ahdlliiaTe mbre'tosay aboUt it at an
other time. ' ; -v
A* Item jeon. ec^a#«x^^— Tlie Hamaborg
T&grinik'lk speaking about to
do more wise than for a farmer to complainof
the meagemessof hto crops whale hmmanure
heap is allowed to sweat and steam and exhale
all,its enriching properties', ip the h«?m ymd*«-4
What should we think of the fanner who “ can’t
afford” to haul his manure r ou his fields
That’s what wo would like to know'. He would,
certainly be considered a very inconsiderate far
mer, to say nothing more; and we think that
advertising to the merchant is the same that
manure is to the farmer or grease to a wagon.
Cauixet Waue-Room.—Wo would direct the
attention of our readers to the advertisoment'of
Isaac Cromer, in another column, Mr. C. is a
good workman and employs good mechanics.—
Any work entrusted to his care will, we doubt
not, bo fitted :up in proper style. As an under
taker he will be found prompt. Mr. Cromer is
also agent for the Fisk’s Patent Metalie
Burial Gases, a number of which he has always
on hand, embracing oil aizei ahd priecß, J &y|
him a coll. /-■ ■; T'-'f f-‘ - ~ 1 ;: Jr.
laB«K*OOT' X$R BEO(ra.lA.--I)rirW
week, a beggar h»*J»en
asking at almost every
*mm w^<a;M^e>riaei|i
to look
ly sane, it is &£
- Inrniny
inatanses he
and oa eotieit opening ‘thefaf doon to him when
atihk which h* carried. fie was
finally arrested by Constable Ely and placed in
day lor two, after which
we presume he left town,' as we have not heard
of him since. . Wo would .advise onr citizen?
Md e»p«aaUy ths wonito)
are nemenaboutthe honed,) not to open their
doorstoheggars,as in pinecases outof ten
theyare thieves and will appropriate something
nnless earefolly watched, ahd often women have
bcengrosalymsaltcd by men, when they found
out they weraswithOnt protection. We have an
Alms House in this county to which all such
characters should be sent, where they would
fare .much better than they ido by begging around -
the streets. I ' The; Alms 'House was intended for
them, and it is noebarity to give to them while
prowling,around the streets. In fact it is only
harboring persons who perhaps are professional
burglars, and who would not scruple to set fire
tP some of pur buildings for'the purpose of ob
taining plunder. All such characters should be
banded over to Constable Ely to be conveyed to
the ‘‘institution’’ “over the.hill.”
, CpUNX^EißiW.—*Tke iilaiHsteag*“
famishes the. following items:— i " v '
- "Xjook Oct.— out fimhjvpti. gotten .tip
gold dollar, of the .‘‘bogus kind, , 7tho ;> fcwnlt of.
counterfeiters. 'Nothing
oh* strong show- tie VleCdi , ‘J’herp
.Pop^WiS ; -' iu.
m ihtmlitiou; Th&ekrpsp w£Hjni4q
as to deceive thebest judges.. These pmnk aref.
newand bright and there Is some ground of
sus{uoisn tbatjdte mint is not'flip off.
; ' Another; Cqcetreprii.—Counterfeit twenty,
dollar hills pn ! the Marine Bank of New York
city, have made their appearance. They me
thus described:-—“Vigpette,'a female seatedon
a.rpck.over the city, with smppingj car& etc.;
thwflgifre 20 pn the right end; 20 and the State
arms on tbei left.
We ain’t afraid of them. We seldom see any
of the never have any of the latter
poked at us.; knows that a county
printer can’t change a V let alone a doable XX,
consequently we don’t feel alarmed.
A Speck or Winter.— On Saturday night
last, “ Old Boreas” brought down the snow
flakes thick and. fast, and as a natural conse
quence the temperature o{ the atmosphere was
slightly changed. On . Monday morning the
ground waareovered with a white mantle and the
air as sharp as some of our juveniles. From
present indications we are forced to the conclu
sion that the fine weather of the season is over
and we may expect squalls of snow, and squalls
from nervous feminines who loose their equan
imity in tripping o’er the slippery sidewalks. —
After such a long season of warm weather and
hot sons, we could bail with pleasure the stiff
northerners which accompany “ Old Boreas”
and the merry jingle of the sleigbhells.
Horse Thief Captured, —On lost night Mr.
Cunningham, near Perryville, in this county,
bad a valuable horse stolen. He came to this
city this morning, left word at the Mayor’s of
fice, and in less than one hoar afterwards the
thief was captured, with timhorse, at the Hone
Market On examination before the Mayor,
the thief gave his name as Thomas Cabbit, and
says he lives at a place called Tipton, near II ol
lidaysburg. He was committed to stand bis
trial at the December term.— Pitts. Chronicle,
Nov. 13.
Editorial Visitor.— Our sanctum was illu
minated on Monday last by the pleasant counte
nance of onr worthy contemporary, H. B. Mo-
Pike, Esq;, junior editor of the Johnstown Echo.
From his appearance, we take it that he lives
better than most country editors, else he must
be a good-natured individual, to ac
cumulate so much flesh. The Echo Las been
considerably improved since the connection of
Mr. McPike, with there and we hope he is well
rewarded! pechfiarilr, fur his labors.
Junior’s Hall.—Wp understand that the two
Camps of Junior Sons of America of this place,
have leased the large Hall above Lowtber and
Plack’s stores, which they intend fitting up for
their use and also for leasing for public meet
ings, lectures, concerts, &c. We are pleased
that they have, consented to lease it for such
purposes, as without it, there is no appropriate
Hall in the town in which entertainments can
be given. It will moke an excellent Hall for
the Junior’s, should it not prove too large for
them to fit up in style.
Removal.— A, Roush would infonn the public
that he has removed his drug store from the
old stand to the room fitted up for him in Low
thcr & Plaok’s new building, where he hopes to
receive, the call of all his old patrons and many
new ones. Bis new room is large and conve
nient ond.hh has it well filled with everything
•in’ the line of drugs, confectionaries, notions,
Segars, Tobacco, &o. Roush is a clever fellow
and deserves the enepuragement of the public.
Thanksgiving. —We .presume that most, if
not all, the places of business in town will be
closed to-day, as has usually been the case heic
tofore, on (Thanksgiving Day. By arrangement
between the ministers of this place, Bov. J.
Stock, pastor of the Lutheran congregation, will
deliver a sermon appropriate to. the occasion; in
the Methodist church, at 11 o’clock, A. M. The
public is invited to attend.
BQ!k.The rrotracted held in the
Me tfipdlst Choith for past, closed
on S^dfiy-etoniig lash pmTng the progrcss
of thte meeUng.qnite a number presented them
solvefc .at tho .iltar for the 'prayers of thp oon-
** believe-Jkhat apjae tifirty or
connected themselves with the chnreh.
Faiipkks.—The panic in
New York seems to be on the Increase. In this
cily eytaything goes on smoothly, and the only
we have heard of were the failures' to
furnish good fits made by some, inferior clothing
establishments.' There is no difficulty to
bo encountered by those prho patronize the
Browp Stone Clothing Hall Of Eockhill & Wil
son, Nos. 608 and 605 Chesnut street, above
sixth. :V Gentlemen and Yoirtht hevef foil to pro*
eure oapUtd fito at this popular establishment.
’ Tint Bbßt Couoh of the
very beat Cough Medicines to ho found any
where, toJ)r. Keyserto Pectoral Syrup, sold by
O. Yf.., JtossJejr, at 50 cents per bottle?
BS> Beb advertisement of ’ Dr. Sandfgrd’s
in another column.
haib dye!
The Oriffinal taut Sett
All oUwA mw m&i Imitation*, and ihould be avoided, if
yon wtth'toescape iddicnla. ' ~ T':
,6BAT» BSls‘or ECffli HAIR. Dyed instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown dr Blade, without the lent
injury to the Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Wmv
A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have
been made to the hair of his patrons of his famouaDyS,
WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DTE produces a color
not to ho distinguished from nature, and is WAUBasted not
to injure In the least, however Jong it may Be continued,
and the ID effect of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigo*
rated forLlfu by this Splendid Dye... , ■
Mode, sold or applied (in 0 private rooms) at the Wig
Factory, 233 Broadway, Now York.
Sold by Druggists In Altoona, opd by Druggists in «U
cities'and Wwß® of the United States.
«jr ttejSenjano has tbS a sled
lbur sklw.ofoMlrfica^ofr
•33 Broadway, Ksw York.
,'ryv'- -J ‘A r.‘* k-h : -~T
now to alUj inflimwiat
o*ai con the t^i^«.«^~uLy,] t | !ll| j. |
BtiiJm% Sprains, BffevPwaon, ChilWahw, Bfl.e.Berofti]
Cleera,Forer Sana,Fetes, Bar Ache, Mes,,B«e*y.
w“*» Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald. Head, Bait Mina
lUdiMop, ErysipcUa,Rlngwona, Barbers’ltch, Small Ft
Measles, JUsh,*c,*B.
J Toaamoit may appear incredulous that so mahydiswi
should be readied by one artlde; anefa an
-.when reflection points to the bet, >*■»* the «dn tetfp
blnatton ofingredienls, eneb and erery one applying ap<
feet antidote to its appiaitodtooeder.
In its effects to magical, because the. time .la so short I
tween disease and a permanent cure; and-It'to air extn
tor, as it draws all disease out of the affected put, least
nature os perfect as before the injury. It Is scarcely t
cessory to say that no house, work-shop, or msnnfkcto
should be one moment without It. ' ■
Xo Pain Extractor Is genuine unleas the bo* hae upon
■o steel plate engravingpwith tbs name of UenryDallt;
Manufacturer.. (
Sold by Q. W. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, lli
ltdaysburg; and by all the Druggists and potent medic! i
dealers throughout the United States and Canadas.
Principal Depot, 165 Chambers street, New York.
Xov. 11,1858-ly C. P. CUACE.
Important to Females—Da Chkesi
•cast s Pills.—The combination of ingredients in the
Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. Th
are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting i
irregularities, painful menstruations, removing' all c
stCnctlons, whether cold or otherwise, headache, ps
in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed aleep,whl
always arise from interruption of nature. Warrant
purely vegetable, and tfoe from anything iujnrioua to li
or health. Explicit directions, which should be read, i
company, each box. Price $l. Sent by maiLby encloau
$1 to any authorized Agent.
R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United StaU
165 Chambers street. New York.
To whom all Wlwlttale order* t/untld be addrtxted.
Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona; Geo. A; Jacobs, Hoi
dayaburg; and by all Druggists in the United States, -
Nov. 18, 1868-ly
They are elegant, light, easy end durable. 1
Fitting to a charm—no turning up behind—no ahtinkii
off the head; Indeed, Otis U the only Establishment wlin
these things are properly understood and made.
*' ov - J?> 18S8-ly 253 Broadway, New '.Tori.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepare.!/rum a pretension of Sir J. Clarice, U. pj Pliy i
■ tician Extraordinary to the Queen. -
Tills Invaluable medicine is unfoillng in tho cure of ill
• tboto painful and delicate diseases to which the female emt
etltutlon is subject. It incati'Ste# all excess and removes
all obstructions, and a speedy ctirc may bo relied bn.
it is peculiarly:sultcd. It will, in a short time, bring <iri
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price one dollar, bears the Government Stamp
of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. 1
These POU should not be talxn hy females during Oil first
three months of Pregnancy, as they art ture to bring an Mi*
carnage, but at any other time they art toft. | :
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain Is
the Bach aijd Limbs, Fntlgneon slight exertion, Palpitation
of the Heart, Hysterica and Whites, thess Pills will o®>U
a cure when all other means have felled, and although*
powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony,;
or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each
which should bo barefally preserved.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,
JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldwin k Co„) .
■ ‘ Rochester, N. T. :
"• .*». — and 8 postage stamps enclosed to any'au ;
tborized Agent, wLI Insure a bottle, containing 68 Pill h
by return mail. ° ■
n P' Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for;
sale by all Druggist#. [June S, 1868;-$? i
0" RJSSrtr «?»•«?& ">* inBt - by Rev. Dr. JunkliL
both of DuncansvlUo. T
„ On tUelllh inst., of coneumntion, at the residence qfbrj
E. W. Christy, bhncaiurnic, Mba PKANCES BIIADtEY. *
OV / received and fcr sale by I i
Jfor.m- *
of *owK lots In the town of PATTERSON, Jnnial
uo, wBl commence on MONDAY; DECEMBER 0,1858-
Than Lots are eligibly situated and worthy the attchtfo
of all too desire a cheap’home. T
P ATTCTsoJr (opposite JiiTFLijr) is one of the most tht
vipg tdwns In oUr State, and being the site of one of th
largo- M achihe Shops of the PenMylthnia Raflrood, -ftS
nishes an abundant demand for labor Of all kinds. Nbwfl
the time for ArtlzAns of all descriptions to secure a hoiti
in this rapidly growing town. ~
N. B.—dtenns will be made known on dayof sale; Paj
ments wUI bo made easy. lorfarther tafonnaHon anpl
Nor; 18,1858-ts. ■ Pattersob, Juniata co. Pa,,
RSI and most complete ASSORTMENT OX" GOOD 5
that has cre-r been oflerwl in Altoona.
' Bis Stock consists b£ hi part; a large assortment of i
Such as French assorted |i
all-wool Plaids, Delaines in'overy .• I
’ styleV Cloaks, Shawls, !
And a general assortment of Dry Goods for -winter. Al* Li
Boots, Shoos, Rats, Caps,&o. i
His Stock pf GROCERIES ris' veiy large, im li
ho is prepared to seU Wholesale at Phlhdeh.hla pricey
height only added. "J
-♦Si-Oath buyers brill dnd they cah saro money by o:;J
hia gtock Lpfnwft nnrrliwfpp »|t*whflTi ■'
- Altoona, Not. IS, 185&Hhn. v.. -•■.■■■■■• : - i
. » T MBSTABX to the estate ofDT. 0, D, THOmJL
late ofAttontta Ifor<mgh,docea*Sd, hate been granted lo
the subscribers,-®!! persona fodebtecTto the said Estate !u e
r JmmedWe payment, and those having
claims or fertnuds tho estate of the said decedent
kmvtn the aamewltltotit delay to one of the un-i
rT**^ Account* are In the hands of
John Sboemakeiyof one of the Ex’rs, for immo-i
dtatte setUement ; . ;10U» SHOEMAKER,
■ l " 1 " v v ’ Altoona. Pa- •
JL.. 1 bars will sen at private sale, aluhat * .
valuable basinets stand vrith •
Ground, fronting £0 feet on wHBI f iff i
Vlrglnla ttrcet and extending back 110 ft.
ton 30 tob* alley, In the flemishing town^BaSSSSBI;
of Altoona. The Improromonts are oil nearly now and the
stand for business os good ns in the place. It will be
sold in two lots, of 25 feet each, or the whole together to
suit purchasers. The property is now occupied by Dr. J.
T. Christy. Possession will bo given on the-Ist dsy of
April, 1859, when a good and clear title will be given.
Should the property not ho sold by the Ist of January:
next, it will then be offered for rent for one year. ‘ i
The terms will bo mnde easy to suit the times. For fur-1
tber Information apply to Viu, V. hellers. Sabbath licet,.
Blair Co , Pa., or to the subscribers at Pottstuwn, Mon
gomery Co., Pn. DANIEL GILBERT^
November 11,1868-4 t. TOBJAfS- SELLERS.
TUMpS EOR sAL&fe.*' '■ %~\
JLi epflpi SBtNCLES, :i
Slsn ltfudsOf BUILDING tl r
loarwt, for pash. Apply to JOltSpg|»MFygc ; t
And the various‘affections consequent open a disordered
Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all NerroB& Kfaoamatldsod
Neuralglo Affections, it has in numerous Instances proved
highly beneficial, mid in others effected a decided core*.
Thft la apqnto vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
scientific principles, after the manner of tho celebrated
Holland Professor, Bosthave: Because of Its great snecess
in the most of the European States, its introduction Into
the United States was intended more especially tat those
ofonr fctherland scattered here and there ovTrtho free of
thU mighty country. Meeting with great inocesa antonc
.s*? r now °®® e the American public, knowing that
its truly wonderM medical virtues, must be acknowledged.
Itis particularly recommended to those, perwins
constitutions may harp been impaired hy 5w edntinndee
uso ofardont spirits, or other fcrnut of diwfaatton. Qene-
seat Of life, thrPHng and ontskenlng mw» imt«, iAi«»
np the drooping, spiri*i*nd, in feet, infcstng new health
and vigor in the system. .
groat popularity of this dolkbttbl Aro.
ma has Induced many hnftatlont, which the ntbiic should
gnard against purchasing. BO not persuaded to bnyior
thing else until you have given Boer hare's Holland Dittos
a fair triaL One bottle will convince you howlnflnkehr
superior it Is to MI those Imitations. ™ " »
Sold at |LW p«T hoMla, orrix bottle* tst s>uby tbs
lou .. >
Manufacturing PharmactulitU and CAemub.
Pittsburgh, pa. ; .
T. W. Dyott A Sons, Philadelphia; Barns* & Park. h'<»
York; John D. Park, Cincinnati; Barnard Adana A
St. Louis; A. KOUSH, Altoona, Pa, ‘Add'hr IhiikxUU
and Merchants generally tUrodjhout the United States
and Canada*. [October 14, ISaS^y
baw removed to- thelrnow
MODEL STORE, comer fj Annie and Virginia Streets. and
Boots ;& Shoes, Carpets, Notions* &0,,
Ever exhibited In tUt town. Having tamed out attention
entirely to thepborn named Good*, we wfll bornabledS
keep a bettor stock oftbe Goode mcntlonod than theta who
keep » many vartetlea; and an we win not becbmpelbd
to sell Dry Goods, Ac, at a high profit to make op iwloases
on other goods, we hopeto t>d i aide to dbucaia of ttemat
prices thatwill astonish the rutivca. -
We have Prints, G*»gham» t
Cashmere, and all-wool Plaids; D*
beges , Coburgs, Alpacas, French
Merinos. Wool Dela ines, Silk '.
Foulards, Foil ’ , ~v ,
Dechevres, .Satin ....
Striped Poplins, Black. , • * !
and Fancy Silhs, Shatch in [
gredl iaricty ; Mostefy dhd ~
Gloves of all -hinds, White dsC.
°P«.SIPCK OF CARPETS is larfce end Jeryichtap
wool filling *a low u 3TU cent! Our Start of DOMES
TICS we think Catlnot do iieat In quantity, onatitV Dr
Price. Persona Who wish to j£t theinost thefr nioftsV,
will do well to gire ns a call npd eMihlnsontstart and
SrfoiM. and we hope to bo able tp convince thsm tMt the
10DBL is the place to bny gOodr. J. AJ. LOwtHM
• October2Blh ■
JLi—’tto subscriber would respectfully annodncs tb the
citizens of Altoona and riclnitj.-Uuit be ha* Just rrtnmSil-
Erom the city and opened bis rtore oh the
Cowna or As.tnt iyt) ViMraUgrmmi
Where he ofler* for ride the largest andcbesjisst stock of
wooDEX And willow-waSr
Etw brought to tfaU place,- which h« will ielL WIIOLB
-BALB and RETAIL. ll* win aUu keep constantly m
hand a large supply of -TT ■»
and Country Produce of all kind*,
which he witi dispose of at the lowest cash price*.l A* he
has bonghthU good* fur ctoh. be willbe enabtedtdeab
Oct. 28th, 185S-t£] LKWIS HACK.
: rri
Fall an© winter fashions.
pleasure In MMoahcingto
me pelilic that be ba* Ju*t received hh stock ef -V. T?.\
fall and winter goods.
togcthcrWlth the very latest striae of fashion. and is uw\
ptepwed to actnrtmodste allwhoittay gfesAdtn g ykn. (*
the must satisfactory manner. .s"a*, ; \t
®f*ll q«Ui«c* of good* suitedto the
■eason,fcr drese<oßtS, ovcr-coota, rest*, PaotSdoons, Ac. '
His,experience in the business Warrants'him Loiirbols
tng to hiseustomohi therOrybert fit*. * - *
'SSf: ” 1
October 28th 18&8-HL , ....
C. J. BIBST, J»i »r 1* ■ CM'S
t\rs. hirst & good;,
ANR SUftClE|lt.
Vcgnkrly Atinaod W . j ‘ *. ;
: *$C
H. IX. Alexandria, Pa, ■ 5 ; iv?
, J; B. LtufcO, M. 8.. Jfvujtihgdon, “
' Aprifigl^^f i *?■
W ALL BAt*KRS! Wall .Papers T!—-
o^nimT l^^prl ’ i ' per yonr 100,111 a “ l ■
g™ JOLKB— Paper ypnr rooms and be'combrtahW
Won Papers can bo bon s Ut ‘ aVaHV)tix£*fro«
. j®Sodlscentnup to ssp#M-tolli
Sept 23.1868—2m.] 57 .
Home testimony.
. , , ' [From the tewfirtoirt AhrorM f
-1 have boon nfllictcd for ten veantrlth Chronic Diarrhoea,
am! have received inore benefit front Dii VaH’sCiUTanle Oft
than any other medfcihol cvernsrd. AtEX. MeKRB. ••
Oilvtrlownship, MWHfn connty.Ps.
This hi lo certify that I used Du Valle Galvanic Oil to-'
my fttftily in some of the diseases for which U la reoon
mended and found to ftet almost Bpontaneofiudy. Treftsh
mend it to all who suffer frpm pain. A. If. INGRAM V
Sept. 2, ’sB—Jy. Decatur township, Mifflin eo^Po.
A CARD.—Hear what Mrs. Vaughii
of Duneansvillesays:—l hare used the 'Qilranfc QU.
prepared by J. D. Sloherdad, Lewfetottii, tor atstw
paiufnl disease myself And recommend it td others, andm f
every caw fotmd It to be Dhe of the Very best medicines for ,
sore mid painful diseases. Relieves ail pain in a first mla>
nice. Every tuutly should have it In the htmse. ‘ -“i
. . Sept* 16. .
SI’ECTFUf.LY offers fajs ; — 'MF.
SSSfeKf"* 1 *»
Altooua, Sept. 30.
TS *~ 5 »000 BUSHELS Wit*
qUagton Fea Xots in store sad for tele hr "' 1
MhrchB.l,»SS-|yj ioi }.’eclliXWjdstwtfpbSSs,
?m««» for sate at
' «*3IX£S-
;;-rr r r j- ■.% ■> -tt
, »fS»EgSIA,