ALTOONA, PA. vr. THURSDAY, KOV. 18, 1858. . <SU'W»ere parties are unknown to ns, our mlefcr adrer- Wtng mi to require payme 11 1 iu aJ ranee, oraraatan tee from •: ■ ‘■■OWllpatsons. It Is therefore useless for all toch toaend •,B%*averti»emeut» offering to pay at the end ofthree or six MMIh. Where adTcrilsemvnts are accompanied with the ■ ■ whether one, five or ten dollars, we will giro the ,n4wtlser the fall benefit of cash rates. ' CouaTsmr and Maekiaob.— Wehave .rcceiyedfrom those enterprising publish-; i«rs of popular books, T. B. Peterson & ■-^Rollwn,.No. SOd Chesuatstreet,Phila ; d&phia, a ,<»py of.the above named work, , , the portfoUoofßobert Morris> Esq., . ! editor of the Philadelphia JEn g»ir*r. In-these, day sj it is graying to -finda volume like the present, wherein .taste isunvitiatedand sense ; nndestroyed; ,; simplicity j of . stylo and clearness - of expression are retained, ’ and which is .mitten,-not to excite 'the ;imagihatiou;eri to the eyil passions of our nature,' ' bnt tO; inculcate lessons of wisdom, as well rfntodraw totears hud move to laughter. gotual-hearted goldsmith. They contain the delicate fancy, .the good sense andTthe qidet humor which {Characterize .wrirings; and they are, mpre . vopr,; written .with like correctness of lan . guage. They treat, beside .that of court ’4|^’*oenes and experiences in so adabted for They arc, in- aa will biasir to be read aloud . please t .the ‘ old folks at ' JkOfpe/ but also the * little' folks/ the publishers will send the book, post-paid, anypetw^^i)tof?l.2s I §9r Among lias most interesting items f are n; which elective franchise, the > ' of representation and and pledged himself to support 1 a hill providing for such a system ic Eng . secret society as excluded) ,:^B^hiteh.formejd , ia -Ireland for the purpose rise ’against the British . men end expe^w for : . * i that a iuunber of vessels j* ,'• * '• ?/ t,* 1 .*•■*> c,'7* i. '.,•*, 5* f. I • _ had actually sailed from SpaiutoCaba, the contemplated expedi tion against’Mexico. . -SxASoi Among the names ( «j£those mentipnedin connection with the ' office of State Tfeaaurer, we notice .none of Jthp State, which, by .we sui*k emitted Jbo the manthis tiiae jfe ofHqlll- person |p fiilsp^c ■ w;<w» : iatheState, peeaing a, perfect knowledge ih& business pf Vs for and wluch. would cany pppldeppe to ike office. We hop* that the .claims of Western Pennsylvania may toconsideredand the namp df Mr Llo yd # to. hi “'■ fnuid javp; .the highest number of votes cast for State Treasurer. Oonnv's lAdeyV 300k.-rtli6 jte ce|Pjj|»number of this work far outstrip aUtPreceding numbers, and is altogether <#* of the -finest copies of a magazine that ever seen. We can not for the U&ftf us see how Godcy can furnish so *los for-S3. It appears to be his aim to his patrons, rather than make afor- a caterer for the ladies, and a Magazine publisher, he stands unapproach # -JO te jnumber mentioned is alone wortiralgoar’s subscription. The present jnunbeiuisontains fifty-six engravings and amount of reading matter. No .can possibly afford it should be upt/hia,model of fashion. Price $3. Philadelphia. ITh® -Waseblrxe' Bhotjiehs.—The tbQ&iWashburnes,.brothers, in the present §' «« oj. MixDOMsia.-A corrcs* SS! of Tiw iEl w. B n’ going on between™ “ . ~ . C. C., of tie Northern Protestant Methodist and the T.Tn t ° -‘ S r ,8m ? ff , r ?- “Wesleyan Melhotot Connexion” Z elected Jby neart - mnjontics., Another r- : u - P * - - . la Wa sJiw% in"the * ■ ' ~ ''M* I ■ ’ifiiinT-i'-i rtf:''/ II : ~" fy *IT •.-!•* - -v r -t".* : MF*The liutthat Bonus, the proprio tor iof the New York Ledger, hae contri buted ?10,000 to the MonntVernon As soeMltiop, hits published. Thiragroemont to much was made Syerett, In eon- , sideration o||pfhich to furnish! an article w&kly for for one* year. Bonner bos ghen||&check for thej amount toEverett handed it over to the Association. ; The New York Tribune notices the transaction in Aefbuownigpitliystyle; “ The Mount Vernon is very much like poverty—it diakes strange bedfellows.— Bonner :nnd Everett, for instance, under the same counterpane ! A sort of thing which we should not. haye fojr, but upon^wluoh m ;may lobk with reverence, now that ithas come. To save Mount Vernon is wortii rescue those jmmorhd hones from the very mortal man who has them in keeping is worth while ; but have we a right to demand such sac rifices of the ancient editor of The Greek Reader? What will Mr. Everett write about?' And, before he. begins to write, may we caution him ? He will be vis-a tife with ‘The Parson Turned Pirate.’ He will be cheekbyo oVI * with ‘The Bloody Cart-wheel* He will encounter ‘ The Fjotal Poignard.’ 'He will be smooched by ‘The Drop of Blood.’ He will have to bear the ringing articulations of ‘ The "Maiden’s Curse.’ Is Mr. Everett ready for all this ? If so, let him go ahead! Ilissonmething of a slide from The North American JievieiD to the other publica tion I Bat the spirit of Washington will undoubtedly .gaze upon it with rapture. TixeDbovers Kickiko. —A Drovers’ Convention was; recently held at Buffalo, N. Y., at whichresolutions were paped, den'ouncingthercgulations .adopted by the New York Central, ;New York and Brie, Baltimore and Ohio and Pennsylva nia Central Bail Boads, with respect to drovers, and recommending a withdrawal of all stock from the Suspension Bridge aqji Dunkirk, and the bestowal of all pa tronage on the Buffalo and Corning Bead, it not being a party to the obnoxious reg ulations. complain of the increase of freight and the abatement of return .passes; -they think themselves en titled to the latter,'inasmuch as they have 1 themsolyes or by proxy to attend the; transit of stock oyer the rpads—a duty which the roods should assume as carriers of freight. Election Frauds; —We leam from; the Johnstown Echo, that the alleged frauds in Washington township, Cam .bria.county, nro now a legal investigation before P. S. Noon, Esq., Commissioner appointed by the court for that purpose. Almost every citizen v,of the township has been .subpoenaed, and .it' is expected that ; . some two weeks will be consumed in the examination ofwitn esses, -arguments, &c.- The opinion prevails that the entire vote -of that township will .be thrown‘out, the charge of fraud being .Ukely tobe lf this be done, -the opposition will gain-an Assemblyman, and the Democrats will secure their.Coun T ty Commissioner. The latter (Mr. Abel Lloyd) is plaintiff in thc investigation. | Spzak-EB ,or TUB .Senate. —The De mocracy having the majority in the State Senate, vre presume they will hate things all their ojpn yray in reference to the or ganization of that body. , Among the riames of .candidates ibr speaker we ob serve that of Hon . John Cresawell, of this county. ‘ depot think a' better mim bbuld be foap'd for tlie .position in .the the dominant party and ; hbpeltb be abde.toehroniole his.triumphant elec tion. He would make a good looking i>f- ! ficer. ' (hwiier/eitße lector,.,ihe following Bonks are set down as “iDdubtful siness men'and all others should refuse to receive theur notes: ; J - HolUdayabtug, i McKean County BanVSinetßport Sharboldii. Bonk,’ S&wnokm, ' ‘ s> ‘ ■ • • ■ i •■:■ Tioga .County Saak, Tioga. - Wftrren County Witreii., . . v i ( What's wrong with the " Central Bank?” Is it really “shaky,” oj is it a trick of the Broker’s? - \' ■ Minisiee Green, Melodist preacher in charge pf the warren Circuit, Mississippi, was sliot at Mcntalbon, a few days since, by a man named Fisher. The wound is supposed to be mortal. 3-bo cause of the shootibg was ttat S’isher’s wife had joined the church Fisher meeting Mr. Greeny abused him terribly, and finally pulled out a pistol and shot him. The culprit has fled. ; : The stapem connected with the bogus bills on th< of Fairmount,. Mi last week,; l&>i£ _ |®|^^iwspedkible .nH to be thefraud, and ohe or two, it lhe jrewaJt of !fled from r JSeW;Ynrk. The plates for tike -bills -ftrere ..engraved ly •Messrs.., Bawdon,, Jlatch & .-Ed*, ‘son, the celebrated bank-note engravers, but -without any suspicion on their part of anything wrong in the transaction. The tease is still undergoing examination. ‘ JSvAirs Conviotkd.— The trial of David S. at Pittsburg, for the mur der of ’’was - brought to a conclu on Saturday morning last. At a few minutes past 1 ten o’clock, the jury gave notice to the: Court that they had agreed. The judge ordered the prisoner to be bro’t in, and. the I jury returned a verdict of “ guilty of murder in the first degree/’— The prisoner, it is said, looked somewhat paler than previously, but mantaiaed his self-possession. The result was generally anticipated and gives -satisfaction.; The condemdd man still protests his inno cense. trial of Christian Jacobi, for the murder of his wife, commenced in Pitts burgh, on Monday last. Our readers will remember that a woman' was found mur dered in a clump of bushes in a meadow, near Corks Blip-, in the vicinity of Pitts bprgh, during the past summer, by a cou ple of men who were mowing. She prov ed to be a German woman and was identi fied as the wife of Jacobi, who was imme diately suspected as her murderer, and, after a long search, was arrested at Blue Island, in Indiana. ; PEH AHD SCISSORS. tST’ Read the advertisement of C. Jaggard. S&“ A great “institution”—the “ grab bag.” AST" In demand— overcoats and blanket shawls. - ’ - Wanted—a good “habit” to clothe a "bare” possibility. Out in full-force—dhe boys with their sleds on Monday. Well patronized—the Ladies Fair by the young gents. *6?“ We will give an account of the Ladies Fair in our next ' ■ tSt Prime, Cove Plant Oysters always on band at Taylor’s saloon. Step ini. ■ B&~fleorga Fabes,, keeper of the State Ar j|saud at flan isburg, bos been removed. In town lately-t-any number of organ graders and street beggars. Look 'outfq,r street beggars—some of them arevilloms in disgume. dimes—several of .those who “ went*ih’ r fori “two chances” or more at die Fait*:' ' 1 Bfti A Lover’s Conundrum.—Why is lave like,a canal boat? Becauae' it is aft internal transport. ' ■ft. Seldom to be fannd—-the kind of shirts asked for bynyoung geat at the Fair the other W'-. ■ ■ • f . Ihe dpbt of Rusaia ia said to amount to $352,000,000. That of France is $1,284,000,- 000|,and that of England to $8,295,000,000. Ift- Thanksgiving a* hand and. We have no turkey. OurcpnsolatJon, however, ia found in thW&ct that there are many others as good, perhaps, as we,inthe samosituation. .Sft> Akopna exeels all other "towns of its size- find agelu the numberand perfect regula tions beneficial societies and public Associations. The has issued a proclamation fixing the 80th day of November, for holding an extra electioneer Congressman in Berks county, to fill the place of Glanoy Jones, resigned. ■ft- We observe}! the carcass of a fat young bear lying oW .the porch of the Logan House, yesterday morning—the trophy of some inoon thig Oft- John Baer, the. editor and senior pub lisher of 1 * TheVoncafreand,” apd the’ oddest printer' ana publisher remaining ini the business in Lancaster, Ba.,diedbnthe6ih ipst. ! ‘ ■ A conrespdndeiit of the Lancaster Union, iwhio Ifdoly visited this place; 'toys;—we Saw plenty of beaU|tifol setmery, the fiureat of which was Altoona ItaelL cradled among the hills.” i BQ&- A Quaker’s admonition. jtp.%maa who WW pooling jforth avolley of iUlangoage to huh: care, s iny friend, thoa mayest rnhthyfaceagAiust iriy fist” : ' ' p-v N ■•'laf* appktatua” recoatlypat cnted, and folly described in the Meretiklj the skirts 9* P&led by the Mom Journal—" ladies Iwgli-drauKcß.” chance to hug :the;giifadating --fro doubt there are a numberwho "would, pay for ■thechwcfc\'‘n- ■ .•■•' t©» Prentice » pitches into” a temporary,aa.ifojfew»:~ , ‘l& of the Lomsviile Ouar&mitora that wears do had that editor upon the fined of a long pitch forkorerapaehf cOals.” •''?’■ Augusta, Me., paper tolls a story about a (tomee between.a Ohap named Snellings gal, oaUed drig Sis." They daheed IT hours and minutes, when Digfifat caved, and took a seat In the, chimney, corner! ■WSr The editor of the Blairaville Anuxiean boasts that the mechanics, of that town Taxed' those of all other towns in litterary attainments, and says that if any doubt it he will set their barber forward. . Let him toot out his; man, we have one'who can meet him on his own ground. ASS’* A nice bit of a V scrimage” is now going on between the editor of the Ebensburgjfoun iaituer and Gen. Dick White, all about Democ racy* The Geh. hoes his row very well but' the, Mountaineer presents a few ugly facts; -“ Pilch in,” gentlemen, you’ll feel better After its Ml over. ... , bi>- Good Authority.—William H. Barey the oldest of the borea-training brotherhood’ declares that his system is equally cfficadous in subduing women and children, as hbrses Bh ing a widower with ten olive, brirachcs,'h* has tUw?v“ Sl * 0p? ° r ' t 0 si ofdds - -* -H; 6 .'J?i ■ f- ; tSa/4 N-vr* h&£i''i4 1 great d i liquors to toiscdnntry. : fit I came to a sUigb called about ar.doaettdWeßtog-hanMW, Irtorts, sad onePostOfßoe. two liquorscuba's. . Nekt ; J^w^6^^‘-'itt * ve*if largoaitna ,ted on the Biver.and directly in the neighborhood of a large grave yard (whiohbythe way made it look natural and convenient.) I next came to Pekin, with her many stores and confectioneries, in almost any o£ which we. could find liquors of all kinds, in barrels, to casks, to flasks, to'bottles and in tumblers, standing ready, wiping Md v waiting,, to <be absorbeddjy ikitHOUt-full, by any and everybody. A great many drunk people are found in' this town ; on some occasions thO Mar shal takefe a drank man (against Ms will) throws Mm in Ms wagon and starts him out of town.— Some timC ago I was traveling a short distance from this town (PektoJ-whdovertook a team. It was standing on the road, and on enquiring, V found that the driver had been drank, fell out of Ms waigon and broke Ms arm. At this mo ment the hqlf drunk father-in-law came up, took Mm and put him in his own (the old mop's) wag on and took him back to town, and Uum started for his w[e who lived about seventeen miles from towns. The next-place is; Wesley City, with seven dwelling houses, r one storehouse, one Tavern and another large' Distillery.; Here some time ago, there lived a inan whoHmade a practice of steading cattle.;■ The owner of the cat tle proceeded to stop such carrying on, by sim ply shooting the man, after, which there was hotMng more either'said cr done. Next is Peoria. When yet a considerable dis tance from the town; I saw several towering chimnies, which 1 thought at first sight were built up from as many Iron manufactories, but on a nearer approximation 1 found they were unanimously from JDutilieria and oil in opera tion, which caused.the town to present a cloudy and-smoky appearance. On entering the town, we saw pictured in glowing colors; the effects of those towering works. There on Main street we saw tenbarrels of wMakey; yonder on Wash ington street we say nine barrels of alcohol, (for mechanical purposes of course),and like Pekin, her store possessed it in every shape, form and quality. On Water and Duke streets we say seventy -four barrels of good purified, clarified, rectified, superfine rye Whiskey. Is this all for mechanical purposes?’ if-it is we most admit that there are a great many mechanics in this country, although in taking a survey of the country we find that the majority, of people are farmers. But be it os it may, we tMnk that those Distilleries and their effects upon the peo ple Where they ana located,, speaks yolumes in favor of their being a drinking community. And what is this community drinking? It is a well-known fact among: farmers, that there wns a great quantity of rotten corn this spring, and it is as Well known, that when they received sixty cents for good- corn they received (at the , Distilleries) fifty cents for rotten com, of which a great quantity of this liquor is made, and .con sequently this people drink the essence 6t roUen com. IKEMAgON. N. B. We have still a great deal of sickness in this country. We have now had three weeks of very wet weather. We some few flakes of show this morning. : ’I For the Altoona Tribune. Messrs.' Editors:— An article appeared at the Head of your local column of last week’s issue, with the caption, “ curious case of deaf ness cured;” which has- been the subject ofj considerable remark about: town. The case and . its treatment have been detailed with snch care ful minuteness and precision, as to point out the scarce, of the information, and the astonishing result of of remedy duly em blazoned. Certainly it is expected that great ingenuity and skill are to be attributed to the discoverer of this novel remedy. Dr. Christy, we are told, was called to the cose, and “ made use of every means known to medical men" to restore ,the hearing, bat without .-avail. 'As a last re sort, after having set the battery of his brain to work, os all original thinkers and discoverers, who have exhausted all recorded knowledge, ore wont to-do—as a last resort, the brilliant scin tillation of the highly charged machine, he con cluded to try electricity; and the result is her alded forth as-,it wonderful triumph of mind over diseased dfotter; “the benefits of which," it is said, “are beyondvalue o/whickJ’ wo are todl, be , The “benefits” to flow from fiahklin'B demonstration, of the identity of ligh'tmng and electricity, might he “ calculated,*?the practical application of his discovery, in the lightning rod, might be Calcu lated, the practical application of the same elec tricity by Morse, to the telegraphic wires, might be estimated —hut the “benefits” and “?alue” of this vaunted application of electricity, by a fc&r by six battery, to the ears of a man who bad been deaf for two whole weeks, and upon whom, in those two weeks,: V MI- the' 'means known to medical men,”, and. .the accumulated experience of three thousand yean bad _ been expended in vain, cannot be “ estimated! 1 or “calculated.” Now, Messrs. Editors, it would not, knowing ly, pluck a single leaf from the'well earned lau rels of a trne victor! Put the history of medi cine records and reveals' so many “ false facts,” so much pretentious ignorance, so many arro gant claims to extraordinary discoveries, so much inflated egotism," that the' duty is deyol* ved upon euery true utomber of the profession to contribute hhr' mite'of effort; to prevent the farther accamjtiatiftn pf such excrescences up on the body medlar., With this end in view, and that the public Way khohrlhat this boasted ap plication ls ns old, almost, as the discovery itself, I.nddoco the fol lowing quotation from ah' every day book of medical practice, via. “ the Cyclopedia of Prac tical Medicine,” vol. Ist, page 768, first column: “Electricity was early employed as a curative agent, ahd Instill • iesfetod *lo -l&ibMiiaas-- lerent forms pi paralysis, amaurosifl—deafitMi 1 ’ -and, toimesmyit: he might again to have himself published as an electriedldiseocerer, I will add the remainder lepsy, hysteria, chorea—chronir rheamafism firidfuU directions &'JtiiO Eame'and khcoeedlnc 'SPwW a* might from other standard books; bn tbeprnoticfeof a voldme, and titey will he furbished if called for. But “yeiarsatiri” When we noticed the oosp, j^u&ld^to;ah(»e£ that had eye? of spoh cases, and we were led to the conclusion ttat ft *as an themanner in which thp case :■ po j idea ofraising a “breCze” and wehave oniy^^tSt^ab^e *d a* tM* >, ,%»*” " 5 *<#'*• sat aajdsssS «H Vtesi u ** 3.-1 m the West. ,li», Notcinbor 0, 1868. hare taken a pleasant the pleasant tywn of Peo rhiek timeifoond myself UkitbdStatu Amt.— The present taqitaij fp HB LI VBE INViGOHATnt 9 force of the United Statu eonststofof nineteen I PRRRABED BT DR. asnvord, u ® ■ regiments of the line composed of tl it following I COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM Qpw, 9 corps;—Five regiments of catalri four wgi- 1 meats of nrtillerw *«a of infantry, making a mon 9 jrrai land taps and file , cirairahitarea ;£«»•*t» eject itsmorbid matter, then oh thlfthnu?? 'h 9 ‘ * ,ILsSi!«WI-rt T*oWeta,»o carry off that matter, tfans JM U of Oi two effectually, without any of the patefal (??, *> 9 thirds itfro sro eleren esptirlelicixi inr the operations of mont 'll hnndr including one «tre«»g*hein. the system at the same time that it 1 m r J sj . - f . and when tn<cn daily In moderate doses, will etr *JJ«; hone sored and ally and bolni it up with unusual rarity. . “ Ta PVtr , .j^ of T atjf Academy, The I.ivr£ la one of t he] ; principle ~M and spointments. — j hnm;iu body; and when ill j performs ltsfhocti w Jl , h s=* The lik follows: the powers of the sjstem; # arc fully developed. *-5 vS ■a mi inenTi i ltd itoauxcti is almost entirely: : dependent on U;r is Born pt tne united States, 1060;I Ireland, 14 BCtion t ,f the z»cer for the proper 3 France, 8: 6;J3cmaiiy»-$; Scotland; Arnetton*: when tae «tom-i lachtaat flmit, the (JJi? I Cuba, 1; Turkey, 1; at sea. 8. y The milhtia dnty . For «,f that or^^f^Hf force of the United Steles is computed nt 8,000,- proprietors has made (this 1 - (study,in a practice,* J? 1 000 effectire men. 1 than twenty years, to ttad| piscine where*** uwamHicißw counteract the many de- raagwnents to which if * liable. . rv»l ■ To prove that this rrme eon troubled with Lraa Bgk, A new-born babe was le&i step of a house in Boston, with) o note:—“Tathe tendermewlesbfll wicked world this Uttlp liifimt iji Whoever receives tt, cares for ii f may jet lire to biesa tie daythi ■ iindnesshas been bestowed. ofmisplaced confidence, yetthehei tion of tie mother never die.” . • * A dayor two ago, Ajjaasem the tndns tp New York Lad a pet which be am need the ; passeng«tBU Chester, the train suddenly stoppqj doctor, brakesmen,, and everybody know the cause, hut nobody could was discovered that Mister Jockol) to the top,of a car, and pnlled the communicates with the locomotive] WEST ALTOONA CABINET WARS BOOM.—The idgned lim lately nude arrangements do business on a more extensive than heretofore, and la now prepared to ; execute all ' ORDER® FOR lURKTURE, OF ANT KUfD, J t AT SHORTEST NOTICE. HU workmen are (acknowledged to be ca aalilc of doing , The very best work in the line of Cabi net Making, ; and all those, who entrust him with their upon receiving finished work. 1 He keeps a constant supply of Fqrnll which be invites to attentian of those Inf' “ HOUSE-K££P| Call on bim*at -at bit room 1& Itsndoe Plank Hood. v COFFINS MADE TO j ■ Korember 11,1858. [ISx FISK'S METALIC BU. S£S.—This is a new article in thl country, although extensively npcd in th<i a sure protection against . , S WATER Am> Ymshx, and possess many ether advantages ovcrjth? common cof fins. The remains of the lamented CLAI WKBSTEII were encased in these cases. ~ .!■ , Tor sale by ISAAC Cf> r "' November 11,1858. WILL WONDERS NEVEROtiASB —Ncmir-ee—not so Tong u McCORMICK keeps .'store in Altoona, and brings such habtllQme guodsaa no did this lull. It ia the wonder of cVßjypcrson how he can sell such beautiful goods at such lent prices, but-the mystery ia easily sol red—ho knows wlwSitlie people of. Al toona want and be brings it, and he knows where to buy In the city to enable Idm to sell cheap atjhome. THTi] T, ATITRS rtspecquHv IbrUed to call X XXX4 XUXUXJbS Bnd cxwnineae rich . stock of plain and fimey DRESS GOODS whlch he hat aelabtedex pressly to suit tlieir wonts, embracing everything they re quire from a fifteen dollar shawl down til a stick orwbale boneor row of pins. ' 1 ‘ THE GENTI^MEN.ffiS^t ccllcnt assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, CtOTIIS, CAB -81 MKKGS, and everything in' that line-i-also, axes, saws, augers and various mechanical impkmeata, tbpsther'with u superb IOFOT segars and tobacco. 1 THE HOUSE-KEEPER stock bt GROCERIES ever brought to the town, of Altoo na, which will be sold at as reasonable price* as they con ~be had elsewhere. Come and exaiuine and. price, and yon my save money thereby. • , KVERYROnV *• Incited to iall and examina . 7 , . X our. magnificent assortment of good goods and cheap goods, nod we will exhibit them with pleasure, making no charge if you da not bay. . Altoona, Nov. 11,18&8. i Head quvetees hoe > lOw PBlCES.—Thankfol for post farojfo the subscriber would respectfully beg leave to inform tbe fcJtfjtenerif tblS place and vicinity that he has Just recelv4d iuiaobened 'hl» Stock of ' t • - ■' FALL &. WINTER GOODS, which Ira will sell at very low prices for cash. It consist* te part of ‘ " Delaines, Robes, Pai de Chime*, Main Merino*, figured and striked Merino*, Woolpfaids', Union P laid*, English Merinos, black and fancy Silks, Shawls of every description ,* Sheet logs, Muslins, Flannels; Cassiitqre*, Sal i tinea*, Ginghams, Ekihti, yabiienf, Cloves, Embroideries eiai racinj Collars, Setts, Bands, Insert ihgs. Edgings, infits, every article of La ‘ dies Wear. ; Also—An excellent assortmcht of la tiionable Quccns ware. Glass-ware. Earthenware 4c. ; ' r Sf 411 »*«'«,' avo-li toea and styles.— Ladles’ and Jllkbcs 5 Slioee anj-aaitor*. '■ The vety best assortment of QB0CEB1&8 may bo found at this establishment. ■ : • i : ■ Come (met come all!’ and examine tty'above stock. Altoona, Oct. 14,1868. , J. jß.,jnjJOlAil.- T GOK OUT FOR YOU3| HEADS ! subscriber would- inform the in habitants bfthlA place’'and ftctnlty that ha ’ Ims just received the latest styles of _Tt - HATS AISTD ' CA3Pfe,s4B^ uteng jrhich may befonnd jthe bett Bla i: MolcSkin ami SQk Hats, Bloch,andtlUTerentcolored -W< «1 H»U, Cap« of jtllstyle* <md price«,tor men and boy#: l ] Arsons tn wmtof Anything in the above line will find it to their advantage to call-on thoanbscriher before pucchaAil g elsevrbere.: f He has also'di) hwiaanexceUent-naaoi Sfcent'ofLodiua’ FOBS, of different dolors and prices.: ffboae in want of the article enonld call at once. ; Store on Virginia street, opposite the- Altoona, Oct. 14,' 18S8.-ly •- . 4 Blank books km g Job Pbotsb, SiAnpsw ajiu Bus* Bd SturcrAcrcsn, ■" ■ Corner Market PiUtbura,l x -spectfully invites attention to his lara! ttpckof ■ j Blank Book, Paper and Stai -■RQadfMctcaHtiteandßdbi of every description, promptly executed.-] Agent sir L. JohataO't 'Co* Type! delphia. . 4 ' ■ - ; W&L S. BITTKEH. STOGBON DENTIST, imm'fediately. opposite jthe Lutheran Teeth io*tract€d,withont pun, DjrWewi of electricity—no Astudent who e«n coma . recommended for morality and pomesaea a good EixgUah education, will be taken. |p3ept. V5B-Ty7 riONVEYAJ?jCING. AliL KINDS \_>/ of Trrlttag dun6»t the shortest notlrfii.—Deed*. Mort- - ■ » JOH&^OKMKEB, I £>hAl9£4|| «-* vm**' Aitooi*. GKETBBS BOB* • UN- which ho win fcU ' JOHNgfIOEMAKEE. ■.aSfjuwnfc Temple, QOtpjON OF CITRATE OF MAG KRgr Cooling Cathartic,/mild! in its operation prepared auditor Kale by 1 R OPen, OruQgiii. "ITOtJ.CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL ,JL kinds of Flour and Feed by callini at Juba 18, ’ey-ly} u|nRY LEHR-S. •EVERYBODY IS INCITED TO (m the door* Lis touching aarharsnd 5 Ipmmltted.— bd adoptait, It than their U of a victim Lrt and affec- -the#* taH' «#m «U; the •vstom, •opplyto* ln i offrOv the] digMt mmoo m health to Um whole marhf of the <Bw» effactteif a ' Bruoca Amclu are cur -1 parvurtllJ. by tba oooa 'TtOOU^ML *. Oop dooo; after aa rtn* la 1 mach bad prorenb the nod Only 4m doss taken be- Nicbtmare. ■■ : 'V OdycMdiM takaoat <b geiuly, and cum Cos [■. OnedM»tafcenafter«a«b . fipOnt dose otMte liereSlCX QuiMlK One bottle tak«D v *)r fo the cane* of tha -dbeaao. Only one doee immediote " One dos* often repeated Moanc*. and a pre Ten tiro 49~0u1y ona bottle * ■yr* ir hi doe «f nkejr, with NewPoyt L The coo* r , wanted to . teDimtil it mounted icoid which 'stem the efcctaof inedl* . 49* One bottle taken tv totor ; One duee taken a abort riaor to the WppeHte, and Osedoae oAentcpeated its wont forma, while gum yield atpait to the font 1 . One or taro doses cures in-children? there la no . remedy totheworW, aa it *> a pcevanliTv for-levari typ*. and thoufonds arc willing virtue*. All who 1 use tt aregivlng their unaclmom taatinwev ( | itafovMC ' '• ' I M; SMs Water in the mouth withtha InvtoMrater. u: swallowboth together. ,‘" \ k THB U¥EB ISVIGOKA.TOB IS A WHENTIFIO SUEBICAL BISOOVERY, and U do, working pure*, atmoet too great to believe. It curtsiij Slegfcccen (Atjirtl dove gitlng beruJU, andselUoaam pnq bottle Is required to cure any kind of Liver (to plaint, from .the worat Jaundice or J)ytvfpsia,y> a !■««■» BeacbuXe, iirof which arc the result of a Diseased Lira, raids oxe 0014411 rxa dottle. DR.SAXFOBD, Proprietor, SIS. Broadway, Xew T«k Oi- Sold bj (1. W. &Esi>LE>) Altoona; and retail'd h allßrugghrts, (May 21, UU.-^ union may rely re on bend, to IG.” nett die ORDER. ACCROMEK. IIIAL CA- 8 nctfcm of tbo 'Baat. They an The great bemjtifieri so ■ nnraccelri'nlly sought, FOTTNI> AT . LAST! 1 FOR IT KKSTOKKS WltM-VSEJJTI.V QRAt EAUTO* ItuorigiiiiU t<jhnr> ciWraluinrtantly th« bald bctdjrf I moves nil dandruff, itching met atl' *cnM bead tat I ■U eruption*; nmkni the hair soft, IdsiUJij and glow; u| wfll nroserre it to anytnuigltiAlilr -jigd; reiuov.*. *s 111,| Ulngic. nil hiotcbr*, Ac.. Iroln the focc aud cures ill (worn gUktfud ncrvurahcadicbe.' Sori clrcular aiid iliv ■ - r ~- u,6W. X. n„ r»b. w, its;. | Poor. O. J. Wooit A Co.—Gtnt»,: Within » fcw have received i*(imntiy ar\l«m n,“'l for i’niCO. J.Vodii n*lr Restorative, tlmt tn-ilxy are-were to Ind h' Boston for a (jmiutlty, (the B doern you sold.) while we might order W <ju»ntlty from yon. £mj hotltt m *<tee joltft&ms tti taut yvodhcai «4>W nrfuur wv ! eutUmtr* and the anpt*patlatu,wu<l patrcungo It nrwiw fcom tbv most £uh«Un|laJ apd. trortW; CiUsens of osrrt. cutty,ThUy convince wf that It is A MOST VALU.UU I PREPARATION. - l! CBOMEB. Altoona, Ps. as soon as may be ono gross o( $1 six*; and at doaeh $2 size; and belloveusypurrvwry rtupecUuUv. , Hickory Grove. Bt. Charles C»m Afch, Kor. 19,15& 1 P*or. O. J. Wood—Dear Sir* Borne time last summer wers induced to nso some of yaw. Halt JUstondM.sslg it# eflMts were ad' wonderful, we fed At oor chtty and file atßicted,'to report It. ‘ p p Our little son's hefd tbr some time' bad. bsen ptrWj p covoredwlth sores,' and some called‘it scald heidi foa hair almost entirely came offjK.conscawaee, when a trM, | soclngs his snlWHngs; MrfscA’hr fsrtrtb'yoor Restotstia i wedld so with little hops of sncosas.'lmt. to our nmiai and that ofaii onr friends, a vory fowapplication* rtpoui § tho disease entirely,; and a-Bewand itixurlonf crop of bt $ soon staled out. and we can' notr aay that our boj Ms | healthya scalp, and as luturicnt a crop of hairtiuil otoet child, we caff therefore, and do hereby itcodumU | yonr RcstontiTd, as apeffoct remedy for all diseases effo § scalp and hair. weaic.yonrsrcspeitftilly, | • OEORQB W. niQOINBOTIUS, § ■ SAEAUA. HIGGINBOTHAM, | Gardiner,Maine, June V 2, ISi |l Bmv.o. Sir: I have used twoboated P! PrOteasbr Wood’s Unir Restorative, and can truly nj Itk § spg«sß^ , »srss9ssfsi| Heir ho* now attained It* original color. ■ You can ncm a ntejid Ittothe woridwithcmt the least fear, as mroa'l was one of the worst kind. ■ ■ -a Your, He*pectfiilly, > „• ■■■ WNBSLN. MtJRPHT. % O.J. Wood t Co., rroprietors BX2Broodwnj, Xewlort, m (In the great V. Y. Wirt ’Noll ibfc Ertnblbhment,) sail 111 i MarketB*.,St.LotU»,Mo. . v® For solehy 0. W. KEgStEB, Altoona, and by all Hi: ttraggtott- ; rtJimeMMWy. S IT ■' L O.OQD IITSI Bg&JBlXSft first?: X-AW®B}!l—ioirva good fittingand weOmiE COAX, call on j; SNIDfR- ?a ?0t ao excellent fitting TESY, by a)> means cell on ! g ■V r J. SNYOTS. For FANIALOONB that can’t be beat for nt sol *n ■? «•]}«» J. SSTDBt 4 -Jx* n *.£ tod reader, 1C ytw went to dnae in a fiobloniii 8 sfniy Bba]i, Oppoatto. nowhere, hot close to hi toona Banking llooSe. Look out for the Picture with ol tt name belinr. ■ JACQB BNYDKR, Tmoi S Oct. 1^,|41868.-iy| Boot and shqkjiaker.—^ mm subecriher lolbnns the eitlieus of Ah" M mwd -thi|r ha'mil eonthmes to manufsrtct £?*»?? 01 ® T ?7 on the aborted to; at Wain Street, -nmct door to the TrU** jd mT» C fcitsrlZ2 rk D P lo the beet Of style, an Jet? a V afi * ctk, “- Wrifw him a tall. Kov. », Igff.-Iy. L. KICK ARDS. , idtherahchnrch. risgfcgjnm A DM I|NISTRATOR'S NOTICE- ; ■MJL Notice U hereby given that Letters of Admlni-i 1 '! tjoo on tte Sptate of brands Stephens, Ute of Logan t* S ship, Kafr county, dec’d, hare been granted to the unir ?S S 8?. AB ne»e>.kMiwtpg themselves Indebted to -k Estate ana hwpbeetM td WAko Immediate payment, d i those harfaigolAitat WIJI present tbe soms duly anth«6 1 coted for settlement, >! si- ? - J-'X ■}* - JACOB GOOD, Adm’r, : J October' 2118iS-6t- I if^ipNE k/fflStL mm wdl selected tiPrintin'giy ATORE NEW GOODS!—THE UK-fj ill. BEBSXOXED has just received a fresh supply > ALL and nINTKi GOODS* consisting of Cloth* aod C» M onaHMea and colon; Flush Vclret and 83 a XKXIOTS. Also, a large Stock Of Shirts, Drawers id J underahlrts, Cent’s Pocket Bandkerehiefo, Gloves, A'-' - Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, ss I s* J prraared to sell as cheap as they can be had in town- , | Nov. 4,18 M. ■ T. EitVAl- pg Founder*, Phil*- Idly 17; 1858-ly Blair county insurancbl wuler&igQod, Affent of tbo uounty Motnal lmnmoce Company, *7 times to insuJre against low or damage for fire, &** m tW*, &rchaHdist f Furniture and Property, oi crery |3 cnptwnj, wtown or af 1u Taaaamtnle rates **** M Company In - tbe State, Ofacc ia the Masonic Temple Jan.Sj Wlf] JOHN EItOEHAKEB, Take notice, that the A>r| SESSAIENT Xb. 15, made by the Lycoming M»hJ lusurajico Comp my, in Blair county, h parable at e/'J nco. The Assessment is 3 per cent, on nil note*lira* / Mayl3,lBsS. JOH>’ SHOEMAKER., V Altoona,-7uly Is, 1858. Seceirf- '■ RENT.—THE STORE-ROOM now occupied hy J. & J. EOWTHEB. vrtll t* ** Bent by tlm Iptn of October nest. S«-pt. 23,1555. CONFECTIONERY.—PLAIN | fino Confectionery manufactured and for sale bj vj „ , WM. N. SIIUOARP. 4 March 25. ’SS-Iy[ 101 North Third street, PhjUj^ Raisins.— i.dbo boxes. buncH| and Layer IlaiMm. ia store and for'sale by _ •>; VITSL ST. BHCGAW. h March 25, *5B-1 y] 101 North Third street, rbilsjt, k SEAM TARTER, SUtfER-OABB 0 , AIS cf Solder, ip rtere tad fsr s#J» « , .. wm m IGE and t»»n re f HmpjiKt » tsif », J - crj -?f j |dy b at last tonna. «j>w. ■ nwfWdw bad «l ■ their place a C rtomsch, «»«**%*> nooß, string. uavT * > % rafisMt to refer* tbs*. ftrw H*in* aodrotrS 1 * *** wtfriafc' jttn* meat will cun *pooo*u wuttKSj*; «Mk obstruction nag. and makes a pcrfecta,. Vr rcUeraa Cholic, eS* taaiurdcnrt far fs-_ ojQßOuau. feed* to throw cot^ cine after » kwg lickaaT JICKDtCi rrmoret iiUi'J from the akin. ■ |: tan* M«» rating »h, : - makes tlw find atgrstild Cj earn Chronic Biwthffiri, 5 aier and BoVel couplth, I done.' . | attacks cawed by W*» sorer, safer, or ntvtrfitiU. b» Witibfithashrnrt»r t | commenditu; the m*W tttfmm with c»rtii»tv to testify to Its wonder!* JftSSSiJf Attended, by invitation, lljuperintendcnt’a Office, •purpose of presenting to k handsome gold watch fl 'The meeting was or ffiso. B. Cramer, Esq., fMcCrum, Secretary. T 1 briato remarks, intended young employees and tel : W«m present, I Tie watch was prcsenl krith the following addre I Mb. Pitcaibjjs, allow L| namo of the Employ □goad, on the Middle Uivj khe watch and chain I ha Ken of their respect and [ It U extremely gratify fte be the means of conv taemuise I heartily join Ceem for you os a man, a Whir, just, and able mond [your duties connected wl r Poring your long cod |»oad, 1 have never head glhia day shows that the l [you, are as sincere us 1 ■triotdntogrity and gend •11 alike, have made y< men you were associate); indeed. . ' [ Thereupon they desire Lbow their appreciation [its time bo as true as the [through mo to you this c I They hope you will a; Mount of the value of the hnembrance of those wl ye journey on through eonr to mar the kind rkioh always hare oxisb You have their best wi isppinosa to attend yoi inties in life may be, ui poo. kuoh may be tho case, an deeply regret, to part wi the success imaginable it Sir, allow mo to hand tod chain. The watch contained lioa I By the Employee* of I At a Mark of their Mr. l*Ueairns received led thanks to his friends drees:— ’ [ =, I return ; for this bountiful murk t [teem, the presentation ol [with gratitude and utili: hray heart would dictate. I lam rather deQciuiit i put when it comes to tak mnd companions whom twith for years, in the mod land see by tho presentat ■that their hearts are st [tongue utterly fails me. f ’ Whilst engaged with y< great Pcnna. Central Rai fcy aim to render full si bloyers, by a prompt - nm IhVduties committed to laihe time, 1 have, as fa: endeavored to gain your ■rill; yet I have never al ■op* that the result wot leeisfhl as this ceremony brguh. Thcrcfote it is v ■hat lam called upon to present time. But such ■They know not when tlx ■0 part with their friend Bvhat moment whilst in Buty an accident may h Into eternity. They ia Pointers storm and tho ; ■uty calls, ’tis theirs to i Ships and dangers only c Bho more. t n<JW dose will four future happiness a lot-advise you to mail r®P which through your ruion of the Line has ac I “Ciieve to be altogether I . . ®tr that in your ha) r** * 3 » will be fully gust L partially closing m Pcnno. Central Rond, I c Wtg lay humbk- testim panagemeot and above lowatds its Employees of f Merit with her is ccrta p the adoption cf the Jtf* potion from the ranks, t PJ other cause, she st pgh character she uow n | A few short years ago, peniber of an Engincer’C Iprintendcnt a Way'Sta fcr of Machinery a wor pope and one of your Di [Freight Agent. Your 1 rere the Breaksmcu of th t These facts, my friends ft® you to further efforts luty and acquit you like [Silent gratitude-is said £Uand expressive. I f pd I can assure you thoi ■peak my gratitude, my I I Mr. Hteairna ieft this ] PB* to esenmo the dutie: Phdent of the ■ Western P r S> ft. Wayne &Ch Pee will be at Ft Wai prtaina to Railroodin|g, I Pen, Mr. Pitcaims poa Bg®i and is competent ipwclf and the Road tin P® te cn called. Wo ho Pi duties may prove agn \VM. M. LWj[£^ Itonr local pjtBSCST&TIOK. —On it of the meeting, Most truly do I join m PRBSP.M ROBERT 1‘ Time may bring new f: lons—it may bring fum rill never erase from my f many whom I am proi fbo arc engaged in the A Quick Tan* Tlio 1 "ion of Saturday’ last from Altoona East* • r *** «we of conductor ? l Ume - On luring A l some dolay 0 : n tho W ionir a njj a qua * but inade It up besides at ull the stat Star,” onb ai > oatia o^l aag&BS^r
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