The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 11, 1858, Image 2

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Hr Cutout
THURSDAY, NOV. 11. 1888.
t®*WU«re parti** are-Unknown to us, our rule for adver
tising I* to 'requite payment inadvancctpragnaranteofrom,
known person*. It is.the refers useless for.ail »ucU Ui send
4s advert i*einsnt*offerlng to pay at. the end of time or six
months. .Where advertisements are accompanied.with the
tioo*3f whether onc,five or. tcn.doUgr*, we will give .the
advertiser the ItaU' benefit of cash rates.
PKNmrLrANU, t&:
*ja NxJttxan.BTTM Aotwsiw or vbb Ooxhosmxxviu
or Puxmvsxu. ,\ ; .
governor or tubs aid commonweai/tu. ■
; Jr*tobw,Om*ass.-—The goodnessof'Ood pj axis a people
f«n« I^.our public sckn'.iwhjdgmcut.mnd our grateful
Md«« The' put Mil the present arc. crowded with Uis
blessings. KotWaghasoccarted to Imperil thoprincipk-e
of. civil sndreUglousUhertyapon'which oor Government
I* bated; or to-interfere ■ witn'its hemoniooe operations
in all 1U department*. Wo are ;at: peace with all foreign
netlonp, and thehobe-of vlolcpee is unheard within our
borders. Whiki; all enjoy perfect freedom of .opinion, the
genial Influence* of our free institutions, and the mild spirit
of Oor holy religion, aro more and more uniting us in one
brotherhood..;. Oat educational institutions ore diffusing
Miwng tliA mynai of our citizens, Inducing a
higber appreciatiou dr their privileges, and a deeper reuse
of their obligations. Though in some localities the pcsti-
Unce has pre'aUed.our country at large has enjoyed jmu
taslUaaltn„and we are, biers'-d witii an abundance of all
the .necessaries, .and the couiferts ef life. Our'lndustrial
pursuits are feet recovering from the torpor induced by the
raceat ffnaacUl embarrasaments; confidence IS being re
stored,arid business Is ramming its wonted,activity. ' Aler-
Cies crown all our relations in life, and the hopes of a glori
ous immortality .wait to ebcer-and bless every bfeurt. \
Prompted by .my. own convictions of duty, and, in copfor
mlty.iruh theexpressed wishes of many of my fellow citi
■sns, X.WLLIAiI Jf. PACKER, Governor of thd Common
wealth Do hereby appoint Thun<Liy, Ihe
ISih tZajt Xaoctitbtr next, to ho observed** u diqrof gene
ral Thssnuamtra spn Pbateb, and recommend to.all odr
people that, setting aside on that day all worldly, pursuits,
they asiomhio In otcir reapective places of wmjship, and
untte in offering Qod for Uis goodness, imploring
Uis gtSfdims fergiveneae, and the continuance of Uis mer
cies. A-nd wUiloOur; hearts throb with gratitude to God
tor,Hlsun numbered blessings, let a liberal charity bo ex
• tsodsd tosil upon whom have been loel the burdens of
mislbrtane and want. i
Oirgxnndermy band, and ilia Great Seal of the State, at
[yrr Harrisburg, this Twenty-Eighth day of Oc
m file A w %Vnimr, in the year of our Lord one thousand
I BfinL hundred and fifty-eight, and of the
> thoeighty-third.
" \ ' £7 tat Qcvixtioit.
' i ' r T . Lv ' W.M, M. 11l ESTER,
■ r- ' Stertbvry o/the Cbmmcuiuea!:\.
smy .lack of inter-
of attention .tothia week’s
papeiywill be found under the .obituary
head, in another.column.
Centennial Ann i veusary.— The
flitizeua of Western Pennsylvania are (ma
king enteneivo arrangements to celebrate
the centennial anniversary of the capture
of Ft. Duquesnc. This .Fort was the
principle one. of a line established by the
French, between Canada and Louisiana,
and designed to cherk the colonics and
confine their dominion to the Eastern
slope of the Allegheny Mountains. It
was captured by Col. (afterwards General)
Washington on the 25th day of Novem
berj 1758. 'This was an event of great
importance, to the people of this country
as it proved the ; overthrow of the French
and the caxaldlahWat ..of the Anglo-Saxon
dominion in the Valley of the Ohio. Mil
itary companies, civic, literary, and ben
evolent associations and the various de
partments of industry are invited to join
in the celebration, which is to (terminate
in the Duqaesne Depot of the Pennsylva
nia Bail Bead, erected on the site of the
old Fort. Appropriat e addresses will be
delivered in the afternoon, and Edward
Evbrett has been invited to deliver his ad
dress qn. “ Washington” in the evening.
Excursion tickets will be issued by the
Pa. B. 8., for the occasion.
Hakbisbueo Telegraph.— We take
pleasureiurecommending the .above ,pa
-per to those of our readers who wish a
first rate, .readable and reliable paper from
the oapitbl, during the coming winter. It
will contain full reports of the doings of
stotelcgislature and congress, and
matters of interest to the . .people of the
State. We consider the Telegraph one of
the ?ery best daily papers 1 in the Stale,
and the .prpprietora spare !0 pains or ex
pense in making it itbhonld be, and
is, a c.redit to o'ar State Capitol, and thein
solves. . r--' ■• ••; ; ■■ ,
Terms for the Session, sl,oo*
“ “ “ Year, ■“ ; 4,0$
shoae who do not wish a,daily can sub-’
scribe fpr the aemi-weefcly or weekly,-
either of which will .contain the reports of
during the Session, $l,OO
r ßj4®EB ?UwoN Hor^.— Daring ate-
the city of Droiberly Love,
we.madeotmhead-qaartore at'that excel*
knthdhseof entertainment, tlie u States
llnion/’pi* Market Street, between Sixth
and Seventh. In all our travels we have
not wet with better - accommodations at
house. The deservedly jjbpu*
Coi; appeara to
deretiind.the, wants of his guests, and un-
always supplies them.
the States Union' to ali
whpyjfch a good mcalVvictualiU tod- a
V Ifi
.y ■
w* J ■*
New Tkkaty with Japan,—By the
BuSetti* weleorn that an
rfjapan andiho
Hams, IJnitedSWtes Consol
sondf Oapt/Tatoal bad left
for ->Washingfcooi" by "way of
By this treaty a new port of
opened to Americans. This
ie bay of -Jeddo, five miles
from the city. Americans ate to be al
lowed to travel i thrpugh any of the ports,
which aye open to them. It is stated that
a Japanese Prince, with a suit of fourteen
attendants, was to depart from Japan forth*
- with for Washington, via California .and
Panama. . t
Sgfc, In the Court of Oyer and Termi
ner of Allegheny county, the case of Da
vid 8. Evans, charged with the murder of
his wife, in June last, of which we gave
an account at the time, was taken up on
Tuesday. Much interest-'is said to be
manifested in the case by the citizens of
the county, the.Eourt room being very
much crowded. The prisoner manifests
but little concern,, apparently, although
he watches the proceedings closely.
Some fifty thousand dollars of-notes
which purported to be on the “ New Eng
land Bank of Faii-mount,” Maine, (there
being no - such institution inexistence)
have been circulated throughout the coun
try by some Wall Street Brokers during
the past week. The original projectors of
the fraud are supposed, to have circulated
pearly half a million.
Sg&. Xhc receipts of the U. S. Treasury
for the quarter ending September, 1858,
amounted to $25,250,000, of which nearly
813,500,000 were, derived from the cus
toms and 10,000,000 from loans. The ex
penditures-were upwards of 852,000,000,
including over 88,000,000 for the army
and 84,000,000 for the navy.
BST Remember the Ladies’ Fair opens to
t&sT Parson Browniow is mentioned as a
candidate for Governor of Tennessee.
The Moravian congregation at Betble-j
hem, Pennsylvania, have over a million of dol-i
lars at interest.
SfSf* -First .class stores in Chicago, which one
year ago brought §l6OO per year, are now of
fered fqr §5OO. .
Coll Fremont has succeeded in one of
bis suits against the mining companies m Cali
fornia. .
Jgsg' The railroad between Hagerstown and
Chambcrsburg, Md.. it is said, baa been pur
chased by the Hon. Simon Cameron.
To get rid of .Spanish quarters at their
fall value, drop them into the collection box as
it passes around on Sunday.
A fight for a wager is shortly to come
off in Memphis, Team, between an Australian;
bear and aiSpanish bun.
fSf thc Hartford Times noticir.glho death of
an editor, says, “ He was a high winded gentler
man, and a pungent writer.” x
jggg— The New York Courier bangs out the
Seward flag for President, and the Sun runs up
the Douglas flag.
Wm. C. A. Lawrence, of Harrisburg, 53
recommended by a number of papers for Speak
er of the House.
The cdltqr of the Weekly Pheeniz ta ika
about copy-righting the original articles which
appear in that paper. It will. cost him but lit
tle. ■ ' ;
B@u A Berks county Dutchman says: “It
ish n great pit; dat Cluncoy Chones ieh beat;
be iab a goot man; he ishde Committee on do
Chair of Mean Ways.” ' i
An emigrant to Oregon, writing home
to one of his friends says: “Wo are getting on
finely here, and bare already laid the founda
tion of a larger jail!” \ 1 I
DSu A friend who recently returned front
Washington, in reply to a question as to where
lie had been, said, .‘‘l hare-been after an office
and got the refusal of i.t.
SOB. Morrissey’s wife, who is said to be the
daughter of a wealthy man in Troy, wen $2,000
on the result of the fight, and his father-in-law
won $BO,OOO. So reported.
WB- five hundred bushels of- potatoes were
aeht ; frein- Ilooky Hill, Gonn., toNew York .one
day lajtt week.- The crop is said to hare beep
so plenty in East Hartford, os to sell for the
low price of seventeen cents a bushel. ;
. .9SST This testinUmytaken in the contested,
Congressional election case, in St. Lotus, Blair
vs. Damtt, it is stated' is. developing an im- 4
mouse amount of scandalous fraud—enough to.
clearly'elect Mr. Blair ttf bis seat. '
Morrissey.-the bruiser, loBt n|xm tho
NewSYork election thpthoUs&nddollars ie,%oiii
inihdfight With tWCenicia Boy. He got rid’
ofit caiUy* .considering what hard knock#
ho got it by. “ |
ftgu The Managers of the Washington Mojip
tnenf, ,1a;, tyaslungton city, - say that ibeywlU
go ,|m with; .the monuxaeht now if they cangej
the 1 money.l|L haß beeo carried np 175 feet
already. . . i - - ■ .• :•
B£9u Ruminating . Louisville
(Ky.) i)fi7wcra/ ,Baj3 lhe amount of tobacco;:
cbewe&ip the Circuit. Court roomin aday,
ring the criminal term, is estimated 'a't~- gsji
poundsi- >lba- reader- way -believe tbia- j£ bel
iA A A: A- ~A iMl : • I!
- ■ • ■* . ;i
ilojs ago, in which two parties of six
actiy three bandied sqniTrelreiwJr. • That sort
of guao most he attendant WM
turkeys, too, tiiw
•, doxeakirge awfffl^eltocb«»«fAi^
ing bh much
.jshoftwt’’... 'A;-.!,...■-■■■*
&SS* The rounded mepbers of tte Oeuldy
family are improving in bb&ttb, exefept'Ulr. G'.,
who isgradually jinking, and.his deathis daily
expected-- ' .■ . -
jg@“ Mrs. Elizabeth Wakefield, mother of
Rev.-Israel C. and Cyrus L. and Emanuel J.
Pershing, Esqis., aged about 67 years, died at
Johnstown, oni Monday of last whek.
v V %k . " ' *
Wife," said a man, lookingfbrhis boot
jack, “ I have iplaces where I keep uy things
and you ought; to know, it.” “ Yes,” said she,
“I ought to know where ypd keep your late
hours—but I don't.
ggy The editor of the Tyrone S/ar offers a
gold watch' worth forty dollars as n premium for
the largest iiist of subscribers sent into that
office, previous to the first of April, next, lie
must money than most cojantry edi
tors. \
BgL. A Judge out West has recently decided
that it might be insanity to sign another man’s
name to a check, in place of your own ; but
when you drew the money on the check, and
spend it, there' is a great deal of sanity in the
J&Sp The track on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
and Chicago Railroad will be completed through
to Chicago and the cars running by the 28th
in sc. This will be an important era in the his
tory of the rortd, opening as it will a new line of
travel and facilities of shipping eastward.
i&r The Palmer .(Mass.) Journal says that
Doacon Daniel Mixtdr, of Three Rivers, who 'is
suffering from a cancer in his bowels, has been
forty-six days without taking any nourishment.
A little cold S water taken into his stomach is
: immediately thrown off.
The terms on which Douglas will make
pcpce the Administration are, that all of
his friends who have been removed from office
shall' be reinstated. Otherwise he will cany
on the war with redoubled _£ary. This is the
last news from Illinois.
gome hard-money rascal recently per
petrated the following upon the hack of a one
dollar biil,sßai>k of Tennessee:
“ Than art-Omt the Ghost- of cash.
The spirit of u specie dollar.
Thy paperifabric is hut trash,
And all thv promises are halier.” x
Chess .phenomena.—A correspondent of
Harper's Weekly speaks of two Utile chess phe
nomena, residing in Fayetie county, Ky They
arc a boy and girl, aged eleven and thirteen
years, respectively, and, blindfolded, can beat
any of v the most experienced players in that sec
■tSS* “ The’ Institution.”—The Concord (N.
II.) Statesman says that a rather literary young
gentleman, wearing a study gown, came to that
city, and told the hackman at the railway sta
tion, that he wanted to go to “ the institution,”
whereupon Jehu conveyed him to the State
prison. ,
S@u A gentleman, who witnessed the fight
between Morrissey nod Hetman, says that so
powerful was one of the blows; dealt by Hcenan,
that the face of a watch, held in the hand cff
-another person, who was .“timing'’ them, at a
distance of ten feet, was sprinkled with Morris
sey’s blood. Horrible!
ggp* Immense Corn Crop in Kentucky.—The
Louisville Journal says that the corn crop has
never been so'large iii Kentucky as the present
crop promises to bo. It states that there are
fields In the blue grass region estimated at 175
bushels .to theacre, while fields promising 72 ta
80 bushels are quite common.
The Hon. E,‘B. Washburneis re-elec
ted to Congress from the Ist (North-Western)
District of Illinois by tho comfortable majority
of 9,500. Wol heUeve this is the largest majori
ty given, or to‘ be given, for any Member of the
nest House of party in any District of the
entire Umon. The Hon. John F. Farasworth,
in the Chicago District, is Very likely to have
the largest majority .next to Mr. Washburne.
VST Senator- Hammond of South Carolina,
in a recent speech at Barnwell, said that the
idea that Kansas could bo a Slave State always
was a delusion, and after confessing that it was
almost certaiathat the Lecompton Constitution
was obnoxious to the people of that Territory
when it was firjjst presented to Congress, ho adds.
“ i confess my! opinion was that the Sou(h her.
td/ should iiek'oat Constitution out of Cqngresk .”
Singular Freak of d Dying Man Mr.
Bennet Alridge, one of the oldest citizens of Pe
tersburg, Va.,• being eighty-one years of age,
died at his residence, Halifax street, last Friday.
He had some timo slnce preparcd for the event
by-'having his grave-prepared and a heavy tomb
stone ready. The grave was dag and lined with
granite—the old man having tip singular fancy
that the' devil couldn’t scratch through such
aolid walls. ‘ '
The Buffalo Republic says another steam
canal boat has been completed at Geddes, on a
new principle.. The paddles are like wings, and
can be expanded or closed' upot pleasure;—-
While the - is passing through locks/ the
wbeelsarc .closed up like a £axx agakst'thc side
cf the boat, |nd when wide water is reached,
the wheel is Spread, and commences operations.
p . n : tl ! !wl^ol^ 3 expansions of the wheels
areaccpmpliahedby machinery. .1
* wonderful, things but West, and
there-aw wonderful people there.; In Michigan,
R . m l“iP«Hed a;Bnake three feet long, with teeth
meMuring an eighth . of ah inch,, out of himself]
haying previously killed the animal by starya
tion, after it had been in his stomach for seven
teen years ; ia'ljurdiu county, Ohio, a young
ladywaa retliejred of a tumor •'hrhieh ,
onodonrth-aiS much os she did >herself; ari s d : in
Cineinnati, r ista.girl whose 'digeati veor
■ Jtallw'pnd; eats.
I ,-:fc
Fatal hilmtaUkC—T»• o Babks Ro*4»
r O* Batardnr,v abowr noon, a heart-rending
gAeftrtOM happenedin tb« fSimily of Wm. M>
Gold, engineer Mills, «a»du*got»
Western xvaane, Allegheny. Tho wife of Mr.
, field is the mother of twins, not yet ttrt months
old. . For • fine pact they have been troub
ledWUh ffcolfo *m “the dtmtotiprescnbmr n r
very comhtenteraedjr'- ; -p*regorie. Ou Saturday,,
they virere -ohd Mrs. Gold,.preyj
i'pps Wikpivpwfi'ng dinner, toot the phial oontaln-
tbo psregOnc, :(as she thought) and gove
eachnf the.bibes tt L portion of thc cOtitehts. —
The previous evening' she had ,
them fivo drops ea*ffi,wh!chfaiicd to quiefthein,
and&he determined then to ! increase the dose,
pouring it into a teaspoon, without counting the
drops. She then plaoed the babies in the. crib,
and paid no particular attention to them for
some time. ’ Their, unusual quietness attracted
her attention, and shfe observed a langor and
extreme drowsiness, which greatly alarmed her.
She fled for a neighbor woman, who immediate
ly began i to inquire what she had' given the
children. The woman replied that it was par
egoric, and upon turning to the phial, she was
horrified, at finding the paregoric and ■ laudanum
phials side by sidei She then remembered that:
she had placed the laudanum; there after having
applied some of it to her'Augers which she had
burnt the same day. An examination convinc
ed her that she bad given her babes laudanum
instead of jjarcgoric, and she cried out in tho
agony of despair, that she had poisoned her dar
ling babes. Dr. Perchment was summoned, but
owing to the length of time which had elapsed,
and the large quantity of the drug administered,
(about twenty-five drops each) he at once pro
nounced their case as utterly hopeless.'
Every means were resorted to, in order to
keep the little sufferers awake—shaking, punch
ing them, and such like inflictions. They were
thus prevented from passing into the catamose
state, but violent spasms supervened, apd they
continue*! to suffer in this way until Sabbath
morning, they gradually fell into a lethar
gy, in which condition they remained until
evening. The bruin of one of them became af
fected very much, and it lay motionless, as if in
death, with its'eyes open. The other rested ap
parently, with the eyes closed, as in sleep.—
This may be accounted for from the fact that
one of them, soon after the accident, was sub
jected to a warm bath, whilst the other was put
into a. cooling bath. When the physician found
them, the poison had taken such a hold upon
the system, that the stomach pump was not ap
The distress of the family is painful in the ex
treme, and the mother is almost deranged,, hur
russed as she is between hope and despair, '
We cannot refrain from alluding, however
painful it may be, to the gross recklessness so
frequently displayed on the part of mothers, in
administering medicine to children. The un
fortunate mother is not to bo censured in this
case, ns it was purely accidental. But she was
totally ignorant of the properties of paregoric,
or she would not have attempted to guess at u
dose of fifteen drops, which was all that she in
tended to give. According to her measurement,
she actually gave twenty-five drops. Even that
quantity of paregoric would have Lad a most
mischievous effect upon those infants, to say
the least of it. The same deadly narcotic,
(opium) predominates in both these medicines,
the difference being only in degree : and they
should never be administered unless under the
sanction of a physician—and then in exact ac l
cqrdancc, with, his directions. Better far to put
up with crying and peevishness in children,
than to drug them incessantly, even under ad
vice of a doctor. In nine cases out of ten, the
relief is but temporary, and they are drugged
to their subsequent injury.— Pitts. Press.
P. S, At last accounts, the children were
slowly recovering.
Another “ Fast” Young jiaa a
The Cincinnati Gazette gives the particulars
of a murder committed in that city on Saturday
evening by a son.of a wealthy citizen of Cin
cinnati. x Three young men sons of wealthy and
prominent business men—named Charles Cook,
son of the elder member of the firm of Cook,
Adams & ilo., lumber dealers : William Seiter,
son of Geo. Seiter, .baker, and Win, Swift, son
of the firm of Pendleton, Swift & Co., dry goods
merchants, visited a homp of ill-repute. Sell
er got into an altercation Villi a woman named
Kate Benreau and knocked tho woman down a
number of times, beating and kicking her bru
tally, Cook took part in tbe affair and also
knocked the worn,an down, finally drawing a
knife and stabbing her horribly. The scene
then is described by the Gazelle thus:
The wounded woman, who was covered with
blood, lived perhaps twenty minutes. ■ After
the fiital blow was struck!, she raised herself
partially from the floor by one elbow upon a
lounge, and called for a glass of water, which,
with a spasmodic effort, she threw into her
mouth, and then, with an oath, exclaimed to
Cook. *• You have stabbed me.” A minute af
ter. onti of the girls bent over Kate, and told
her she could not livo, and she advised her to
pray. The gin stained courtezan, in. that hour
of blood could realize the necessity of prayer*—
of asking forglvness for the manifold transgres
sions of her erring sister, whose spirit was rap.
idly passing to its filial account! And the vic
tim of “the liberty of the knife” did pray—
while the gapping .wound in her side gave ut
terance to a breathing sound with every word
that was uttered 1 She prayed for herself, for
her husband and child, and sank into the arms
of death with the prayer still upon her lips.
What a scene for a brothel!
The young men were arrested, and the mur
der has created intense excitement.
Useful Receipts*
A Vert Fine Wmp.-fA lad, twenty years of
age, a horse and light wagon, long snapper,
plenty v of money, well mixed, and fancy pants
and an idea that Ins father is rich, and yon will
have a most delicious article. If a crisis comes
and sweeps away bis father’s wealth, he is ad
mirably qualified to drive a hack. .
As Ornament foe Small Parties.— Select
one of your daughters when she is tender, say
about fourteen.' Put her into a parlor with a
piano and shake them well up togethef for three
years, adding a quarters’ tuition ou the harp,-
and a fine mustachied Italian teacher. Throw
in a dancing master, and! you have tfn elegant
ornament for small parties.
To Dress Politici ass.— Take them when
they are troubled with a softening of the back
bone just before election day, and stuff their
ears with reports of their opponent's strength.
Then broil them on the' gridiron of prospective
defeat until they begm to simmer, then hand
them paper for a torchlight pro
cession, and have a skimmer ready to catch the
mint drops, which cab he : used as yon see fit—
Boston Gazette. .
Terbiblb Suffering from Thirst.—A lone
letter, appearslhi a’ Texas paner cohceVnihjj the
twin across the
staked plain to California. The Great Atnen
can Desert, through whichtlietrua passed. is a
J* rre " poorly supplied with wateri
Out of 1600 head of cattle. 960 dihd for lack of
water, and for & period of seventy-six honra
were without. a:drop to hliUie
“Cnalsb suffered terribly, and mony shot dow#
Jjyot* jp UMr'toi
■ - (• ---■ *-- I\7
r % i#w ’ -1' * , *.»• at
'A lie Pleasures of Holding Office.
Mr. CoJOtett, one of tbo oditOTijof the Eagle,
published at Lancaster,
his position ss bhief ejwk
the Treasury,
gives os his reasons '
“prove unprofitable ftipl fo^|e:S>titemj^tk^;
‘o f man 7
at Washington;as i-place are
; to be made, and eminent distinctions gained.
He says:— j
•»Wc"«tarn with feelings bf ptlasrire to the
chair editorial, after an absence of one'year. A
i year in the .public service at Washington bus
' had the effect of convincing us that the private
I station is the post of honor, pleasure and profit:
and we quit public office gladly,' voluntarily,
i and without a single regret at 'the'loss of its
! honors or lt seeias. straage that
! there should be such.a fascination in those po-?
sitions at Washington for the of ouf
country. When obtained, they; sire but tiring
graves, in which the occupant buries his hopes,
bis ambition, and his energies. vNn, matter how
brilliant, how intelligent, how industrious, .ho
becomes metamorphosed into tse tread mill
horse, pursuing tho same weary?, ;never chang
ing round, until death sets hint free. No mat
ter how energetic, the weary routine of official
life lies crushingly upon his energies and aspir
! atious. It is enough to say tha-t such a life
I did not suit us, and that we would not, while
! young and iflMienlth, sell out our future-for an
| annuity of $2,00 year,' at the will of chaug
l iug political dynasties.” : i
Robber’s Cave Year Clarion.
Our friends at Clarion have a J*mystery" in
their vicinity, which considerably hgitates them-
The Citizen says that about five miles from Clar
ion a singular discovery was made by Mr. Ma
son. While hunting bees, hejd o1 ** under
some rocks a Buffalo robe and other evidences
of tho former presence of some atiimals less la
borious and less honest than th<isV he was in
scorch of. Being somewhat frightened, be cal
led others, who, after some searon, discovered
jewelry of different kinds, worth" in all about
one hundred dollars. In addition to this, a
pair of boots and pantaloons, a vest, cravat and
fine coat, with the Skirt considerably torn, pieces
of which were found in different: places, were
picked up near the jewelry depot. The cir
cumstances induced ten of the adjacent citizens
to repair to the spot and lie in ,wait that night
for the return of the depositors but through the
imprudence of kindling a fire in the after night,
nothing - was effected. In dispersing the next
morning, a sack of flour, three fleshly dressed
chickens and a blanket, were found unconcealed,
ns though they Lad been hastily left. Several
other articles, snob as powder, caps, an old re
volver, augers, a bottle of chloroform, Ac., were
picked up,
Money In Dead letters.*
The dead letter branch of the iOeneral Post
Office has just closed another quarter's work.
During the three months which' (errniuated on
tho u:t., there were found ! itwo thousand
seven humlred and twenty riihie. jotters, which
contained money amounting in the aggregate to
$12,621.82. For the quarter which closed "Oth
June last, tlure were received f-iur~thousand
five hundred and forty-nine letters and $21,-
4t»B So in money. F<>r t! o quarter ending the
80th March, two thousand four )hundrcd and
seventy-two letters and 513,47$ i-i in money.
Quarter clod 81st dcccu.ber, iwo .thousand
three bundle 1 and fifty-two letters and $12,861
96 in cash. Total in tho year, twelve thousand
one.hundred and two letters and 4&1.133 72. in
money. It is gratifying to state that under
efficiency and promptitude which characterize
the finance bureau, oyer nine-tenths of the whole
amount of cash has been restored to the orig
inal otfsers.
A Petrified Woman.— A few dtiys since, says
’ tbe Cincinnati Inquirer, a gentleman residing in
Rising Sun, Indiana, who had married a second
time, wished to remove the body.; of his wife to
a new cemetery. Preparations Were made'to
| that effect, and laborers opened the grave in the
usual manner; but when they rebelled the cof
fin they could not lift it, sq great 'fas the weight.
After obtaining considerable assistance, how
( ever, tho men succeeded in raising the cofiin
j from the tomb. They then could'l not resist the
I temptation of peering into the cofiSu and learn
( iug the reason of its unusual weight, and found,
j instead of the remains of n corpse, a stone fig
l ure, the exact couniei part of the wpman who
1 had died. This strange story soon spread, and
! hundreds and thousands of persons were present
j to see the strange spectacle."; Thcs husbajul took
j the body of his departed spouse Home, and has
I it there now, where it is visited by hundreds if
j the curious and scientific. The body seems to
have been petrified, and to have 'become a perfect
stone woman. The probability ipbat' the body
has become adipocere,’ and will before long melt
or crumble. ’ ~
First Families of Va —The [-origination of
the term, the “First Family of Virginia,” is
thus explained by an exchange .j;| In the early
settlement of that Slate, it was found impossible
to colonize it unless women went Accord
ingly, a ship load was sent out; but no planter
was allowed to marry one of thenruu}eBB ho bad
first paid onehundred pounds of tobacco' for her
passage. When the second ship Wd eamo, no
one would pay more than seventy-five pounds
for the lhatrimouiaJ privilege, jexpept it wierC a
very superior article. Consequently the de
scendants of all those who wens sold for ope
hundred pounds of tobacco,' were Ijranked as the 1
first families, while those who ibiibught out sev
enty-five pounds are now ranked as the second
families ; and the reason whyinorone can ever
find any of tho second families; k because you
canTget a Virginian to admit tliat hk mother
only brought seventy-five pounds hf tobacco.
A Man Killed. —On Monday pvening of last
week, a man named John Palmer, who lived
near Blacklick station on the Thdiana Branch
Railroad, came, to his death in;tfao following
manner: He had been at Blairsvijle, and hi the
evening started for home. ' As hhi attempted to
cross the railroad bridge over B&cklick creek,
he lost his balance, and was prempitated upon
the rocks below, a distance of about 2& feet,
breaking his hack bone or spinajr column/ irad
both his arms. Two men whd wire withium,
irnlnediately Went to his assistance, but be was
dead when they got down. Tb&ldeceased was
Addicted to taking strong drink, and we are in*
formed he" was intoxicated at j the; time of his
death. He left a‘family. Another wnrning td
topers. —lndiana Ttiii Amrican, i.l ... - ■ • 1
Fastest Tint on Record.— The great trot
between the stallions, Ethan Allen and George
51. Paichon, which oqoarrcd at S 1& York a few
days sgo, leaves thefOrmer. frog jthe easy man«
ner in"which the victory Was accObipHshed.the.
undoubted, master, in the way . of speed, of all
th ? trotting atsllione of-the qrtuniWy. The time.
< 2 minutes Seconds. with a' one hundred
than over was necom-
W sjy trotting stallion in tho world
and may be ranked superior to Flora Temple's
W«g^n > '«ploiti'which was performed in the
tho "vehlcjSs Of the little
■ Moh lightor. todpod, there ar»
Election Sent,
Re tans from |S the bounties of ~ i
KepnbHqan majorities Ihr
footing, ufi
69,844. the vote bn the I
CofWntttm is small, bat, so far I
therhis • majority in favor of it Q«trit&sl
pol#| Rjtavcruge vote of 100 m each coom/s
abonfeCQOO only in the Spite.
TheVeturns from Illinois indicate * . |
majority on joint ballot in the Legist
—three majority in the Senate sad flve
House of Representatives. Four Rena*,/* j
and five Douglas members of Cengross I
ted,' leaving no membef ftsr the Administer
from Illinois. Eighty-three' counties in
State'have sent in their returns. and if
mainiqg counties vote as in 1856, the jw
cm tic State ticket will have a small Oajorih I
. i lujyiaooasiu threu Rcpg&Ucan I
are elected, and the Republicans have s si;'
ty of 89 o» joint ballefc hTthe Eeguiatnr* ina 1
three counties to hear from, . , ■ ”**l
. Foasias IsvasTsutsTS--- The New SorkflV I
aid says that the Qheen of Spain has a.** |
hero, who, haTe r commaUd"6Ftwo : millioi 1S
tars, tp be v invested in this country. jTI
mas. paper states, that most of tbeeieeMl
beads of Europe are doing an. active business i! I
the way of investments to the United Bt»Ut |
Louis Phillippe bud large possessions in J! I
Republic, and Lduia Napoleon has sent oulfiZS
three to five millions hero to be invested by]S I
agents. It is said that the greatest operttml
in this way are the petty : princes of Oermui I
whose investments in American securitiul
amount, it is'believed, to fully fifty millions.!l
dollars. ‘
' Shot with Watke.—A young Qemw Q f
cago, named Simon— say* the Prtu ot Uutciiil l
—committed suicide on Saturday last in the tj. l
loving strange manner: Ho went into a«wl
took a gun, and loaded it witli water, placed Utl
muisle in bis mouth and fired, complete!; «tm |
teriug liitf head. When fotind be was •toada.i
In the corner leaning on bis gim. The rpoji
presented a terrible appearance, being 'eea|
plctely drenched with blood, and "covered «its|
pieces of bead and brains. The cause of thl
suicide is traced to the refusabof Simon's fuUel
to permit him to marry the.girl of hischokt. |
|@T Wonderful Swimming.—The
(H. I.) Advertiser says that on ihe lOth of a*.]
gust a schooner plying between the
with eight natives and three fomgnen on bond
upset.. The natives picked up the foreigner
put them on the bottom, of the Teasels, and tha
started to sVim to the nearest island—
mile* dit'.ant. They swam during the mnabj*.
of that night, through the following day ud
night,(aud ou Thursday six out of tho eight
landed on Nifaan, an oldiran and a sthpikt
having proved unequal to thu task, , - ~
criber -rrvuH respectfully Inform the dtiuae of a
nonathat tbejr hare erected a market bouse on the tone
oj>pb*Ho tbo Cnlted BrctWhi Church, is lut
Alterma whorothey are prepared to eerve out to carta*
ere the beat quality' /Beef.; Pork, Veal, Hutton, Sump
Ac. Thcy iuvite arhareofpatrouiige, hopirigto be rilrU
give entire eatiaikptlqn la theic dealing*.
Ocf; 21 isw^at.
Noilct is hereby glventhat Letters of Adtalnittn
tiou on thoEaUte of jmlicU Stephens, Isle of Loan tun
ship. Blair county, deo’d, lute bsea granted to the undo
sign«<l All persons tnowjug themaclres indebted to all
£|tot« orb requested to make im mediate -payment, ul
those baring claims wilt present the Muds duly sathci
catod for settlement. “ '
October 21 1858-fit.
DERSIGNEDbas joitrecelred a fresh sniffy sf
FALL and WINTER GOODS, constating of Ctoths hoJ Os
simercs ofaU quaUtiee and colon; Flash TelTetand 83
VESTINGS. Also, a largo stock, of Sbirts, Drawen ul
Dndcrsliirts, Gent’s Pocket OloTes, Ic.-
I’lease give me' • call before purchasing s&swhare, u I u
prepared to sell as cheap as they can be bad in tuwa.
Nor. 4,1858, ' T. KLW.IT.
—The undersigned. Agent ibr Blair cornly, «iS
take short endlong risks on BnUdloga, Merchandise, Tv
nitnre and Property of every description, in town or coo
try, at a* roasoiiable rates «* any company in the SUp.-
Hifcka also taken ou the Uvea of horses; Office In Huaeic
Temple. ■ . JOHSSnOtHAKER, Agd
March 18, ISSS ly.
Blair . count? insu.ha.nce
AGENCY.—The undersigned, iteot of th» Bhi
County Mutual Tire hwituM v Obunasj, is tt il
times ready to insure against loasor damagepy fire. Awl
’"ff*' ilarthcmdUe, Fumitory and Property, of every *►
criptiou. in town or country, at aareastmable rates wu:
Company in the State. OSteola the Masonic Temple.
Jan. 3. Sf-tf] . -30lp< gg3g|tUK ER. AgaL
_JL SBSSJIEJiI >0.15., inadtj by the I Lycoming Haiti
lasurancs Comp tuy, in Uiak county, la payable at myct
fice Too Assessment la 3 per cent on -all notes in hr*
May'l3.lBsB. • JOICIittOEJIA Ki%
Altoona, July 15,-Is6B. .■- , Xeetbtr.
I. bow imufod by J. jrjjf. jaWTBEII, wUli'i* fa
Best by- thd 15th of October salt. -- *
aeyt. 23,1858.
One Confectionery rnaouActur*! and for tale bt
„ r».lfairroAßb,
JJarch 25. l9l North pardjrtnttt, PWWV
Raisins.— i,oda: BoixjßS bunch
CDd IUIsIm In rtoratand'fcr *ale by r
.wac~N, shcgard.
March 25. ’sBrly| W North Tfalrdctmt. PbtW>
V J NATK of Soda, Sidaratua. ttwilpV ft~t.. r>nrV«d
Unking Powder, in store and for'
Srpt. 2,’58-tf.] 1 ‘ Drug SW
of writing dune at the ahArteeUtottca,—Dead*. Men
gager, !
• * ■■>; ■■■• - TOHN iHOBMKEB,
Jan.3.lBSt-tt] MmoukTWtl*-. JUM>
draw idgh aiid heari ' JOiRPO Pr TROUT, maos*
ceatothe public, that hn ia du *rtf
Man Auctioneer whenerer cailW upon. '■* [Jan. 2,’M
kj del-aimed baa on hand* lot of SettMc which bo
aoU chcapfor eaah, - : JOHN MQEStAKEH,
March 2$ tf.] /Uaaonle Tample.
Vjt boiaa Orange* and Lemon? in atore and fcr«Uo*J
/W«. »■. SlfUOAfeD.
March 2V68-ly] 191 With Sdatmt, HiUad*M»»-
I 1 ' ! ■ L_i /■ > ■ -J ' • Li
0 cooling
«ada,fr«e»bkto tb»
- Juno Zt, 1868--tf
JL • fends of Flour .and Feed by calUigc it'
Jjnn&lB, ’ST-lyj ; : ipfctßV tEHB*
JL~i ctdLand t«6t the merits of the ankles kept bjr ■
lB, i«»ly] HKNBY teH*
T QT§ FOB SAtE.— l2 BUILPl>'£
Jl-J hot*, altoi tain different localities, in this Bcroefb**
sal >ou raanonabla term*, by [27-tt] X SIIOIMAK* 6 *
Unwed Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, White h •' j
Alcohol, fir *ale chaap at A. ROtsiTe
neatly and expediclons’jr executed at this c3-'e>
kj **ra for wile lit [l-tfJ A SESShSa |||
M. M. UOtD-
- It* afta&*
, prepared »n 4 tbt »ale by ,
A. aoUSH ,Dru^i
o*sMo m Cass °*
WMks siaoo, * &
vros instanrij
not hear tho r
gpid close to his our.
whatever it may have
/set. The deafness oo
ty was called in, who
known to medical m«
bat without avail. A:
niacd to teat the m«
case, and accordingly
and placing tho point
on tho current lightly
increased it. After
for some time, tho be
mush restored that ho
upon tho table. Agai
In his ears and tho flu
them the second time
loud talking iu tho ro
place.ln the afternoon,
•llcwsd to rest until
tho wires wero again
ing tho fluid for a fevi
tho man was perfectly
member of ever bavin j
of deafness being cure
ecrtainly demonstrate
tied offhctually in ec
harm, wo think, wo.;
this cure in all cases o
efits. might be beyond
Is a powerful agent in
nnimation to paralixe
•hould it bo found a cu
caa sot bo estimated.
I Lxoal TSSUSB.—bt
Ito know What is a legal
[persons are greatly in
■cent* a« » legal tend
[sometimss captious pea
[in copper coin, which
obliged to receive
[coined at the mint and
[United States upon 4 it
[wbieh U * synopsis of t
Uhe subject, it will be i
not * legai tender. Th
[meat of debts with coin
IlDgcobabe legal tender
I Ju All gold coin at tl
[dshtsofaoy amount.
2TtI» half dollar, q
land quarter dime, at.
[for debts of any amount
[ & Three cent pieces
I under thirty cents ; an
[; 4. Bytho law pa-tse
[Congress, wo mby add.
[amoupt under ten cent:
fly the;laws of Congr
five years ago, gold win
[for large amounts, 1
largo quantities of.cent
times pay their bills wi
of the creditor, will j
stoppage to that antic b,
,■ ligßd Evnxtnds.—•th«
ithe harvest baa been g
of toil are to bo succeed
[a benefioieot Creator a
[for (the reinvigoratiop o
the mental improvment
[the autumnal to the t
[evenings suggest and n£
pity for" rest recreation
Itbe family newspaper, t
Itbe popular lecturer, ur
i»rtant in aubsorvtug t
rhe newspaper will kee:
relations with tbo prog
ife*. doings of his fellow
lobool-teoober will mak
•i with tbo books 0
] fftt of tbo past; while
lofio him to the more in
lodscienee, and the mar
idTfndng philosophies,
>ppUcationa to the tot
Awocawan Court.-
the tJd of Nc
•olding o{ an adjourned
Th? Court appointed
•otnber for the holding
common Pleas, and ord
0 be put on tbo list for
r ijoa Baldridge vs.
mauHubbell vs
Mojrd, A Wilson YS.
Moore’s Ex’r ys.
jDawd-Qoodwia yb.
"•Xt Pomroy vs.
Jury to be selected by
ds occasion. Judge Ri
In place of Judge
AtllOat A Murder—
•Urt week, containing
Murderer in Every 11 o
*®*» ere a lady of this p
ÜB6 T *ty nearly being
of one of the
Wo had so I
* that the truti
■eon be made apparcu
•hnost every iastance
■•a. the event may tak
had bn a woolen dr
Juld not ignite quickly
•mother the fire bcfor
Tntat Postponed \\
*hat the trial oi
w» from this county nc
****** with murder, ha
0 February session. T
• Court did wrong la d,
that the cans
at*t attLedol * y hn3bc
prisoner may bo
fanjioo. : '
Room Associate